Unfortunate Sex With My Friend 8217 s Wife Widow 8211 Part 1
- 2 years ago
- 36
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On my way home I couldn?t stop thinking about the date I just had. What a strange man, I thought to myself. Surprisingly, I had hardly ever spoken to Chris before that night- only having bumped into him several times before at the laundry mat. I always thought that he was incredibly attractive, seeming to have a darkly dangerous quality to him that peaked my interest every time our eyes met. Two days ago, he asked me out- not in the nervous way that most men do; as if they had to work up the nerve to do it, but in the way that someone decides after much consideration to purchase something that may be a good investment. Normally, I would have been repelled by such a tone- but this man intrigued me to a degree I?ve never felt before.
??????????? The date was as strange as the way it was initiated. It was almost like an appraisal. He asked me odd questions like, how high was my pain threshold, and if I had any piercings or tattoos. He seemed interested in the strangest things about me. Every time I tried to ask him a question, any question at all, he cut me off with one of his own. Eventually I grew tired of this kind of one sided conversation and feigned exhaustion. As I got up to leave, murmuring the customary end-of-the-date comments like ?Call me anytime? and ?I hope we can do this again?, his hand flashed out quickly, grabbing mine. He looked up into my eyes and for the first time and I saw something in those deep blue eyes of his. Something disturbing- almost like lust, but more. It looked like...hunger; the hunger of a predator about to catch its prey. ?I will see you again soon?. He smiled softly. It wasn?t a question; it was a statement, sounding as true as the sky was blue. I nodded slightly and snatched my hand away. ?Um, yes. I suppose?. I turned around and walked out the door, not daring to turn around for a second look into his magnetic eyes.
I snapped back into reality, and I realized that I was already home. It felt like the thirty minutes from the restaurant to my home on the outskirts of town seemed to have been over in an instant. I got out of the car, realizing that it was much later than I thought it was. As I reached back into my car to grab my purse, I felt a leather glove come around my mouth and a knife scrape across my throat. ?I will slit your throat the moment you try to struggle bitch.? The voice that belonged to the man who was threatening me sounded cold and extremely matter of fact. And, it sounded forced, as if he was trying to disguise his voice for some reason. A solitary tear dripped down my face as my captor drug me to the back of the car. He opened the trunk. ?Get inside.? I hesitated as I began to feel the knife cutting into my skin. ?I will slit your pretty little throat from ear to ear if you don?t do what I say. Hell, I might do it anyway.? I closed my eyes forcing more tears down my face and climbed in. As I laid down, the hand which was holding my arms together snaked into his pocket and back out, tightening some hand-cuffs around my already stiff arms. I glanced up to get a good look at his face, but he was wearing a balaclava, which only showed his mouth and steel blue eyes. He watched me squirm trying to get comfortable inside of the already full trunk when suddenly, a grin twisted his covered face. ?Did you do that just to tease me bitch?? I looked down and realized that my relatively conservative skirt had hiked all the way up my legs to show the very skanky black lace thong I wore on all my dates. Before I could wiggle it back down he forced two of his fingers inside me, making me squeal in pain. ?Now that is a tight little pussy. But wow you little whore; you sure did get nice and wet for me!? I realized with a surge of horror, that I was wet. In fact, I was sopping. What is wrong with me?? He took his fingers out of my dripping cunt and licked them delicately. ?Yum?, he said with a sinister glint in his eyes. After wiping the rest of the wetness off on my face, he closed the trunk door and I was bathed in darkness.
??????????? I must have passed out a couple times from pure shock, but it sure didn?t feel like it. We seemed to be driving for hours, my arms had gone completely numb, which was thankful as all of my other body parts seemed to be screaming in pain.
??????????? I kept going back to my captor?s voice in my mind, it sounded so familiar- yet like no other voice I?ve ever heard. Suddenly, it came to me. It was Chris. It had to be! I recognized the eyes, the body type, the smile that I thought then was merely strange, but now; terrifying. The bastard! What the hell does he want with me? Where the fuck is he taking me?! ?I began to have a violent panic attack. I couldn?t breath and I couldn?t feel my body. Pure darkness overtook my mind and I allowed myself to give in.
??????????? I awoke to water being thrown on my face. As I opened my eyes and blinked away the water, his face came into view over mine. I looked around me, breathing heavily despite my black thong taped into my mouth. He laughed as I realized where I was. My arms were chained to a wall, and my legs were spread apart with a heavy spreader bar on the floor. I was completely naked. He looked at me with a strangely sweet smile and put a finger to his lips. I began to cry softly as he began to stick two, then three, then four, then his whole hand into my pussy, undulating his fingers slowly inside me. He put his lips next my ear and whispered softly. ?There is no one around for miles darling.? I winced at the pain in my cunt, feeling my skin slowly stretch. ?I?m going to remove your gag; because I want to hear you cry and scream. So don?t do anything stupid with your mouth that I didn?t tell you to do. Understand?? I was not going to give him the satisfaction of answering his question. Suddenly I felt him force his hand into a fist inside me. The pain made me want to scream, but all I could do was let out a muffled groan as the tears streamed down my face. ?ANSWER ME YOU FUCKING BITCH!? He began to bring his fist in and out of my stretched out hole, punching me over and over again. Suddenly he stopped. ?So, I?m going to ask you again my dear. Are you going to do anything with your mouth that I don?t want you to do?? I shook my head, wishing to wake up from this horrible nightmare. ?Good girl?. He caressed my cheek like one pets a dog. I began to weep as he removed the gag from my mouth. As he began to remove the spreader bar from my ankles I built up the strength to ask questions, although I new I would probably pay for them. ?Why are you doing this?? He just smiled as he began to lower the chains holding my wrist cuffs. I kicked him in the shin with my newly freed foot. ?WHY? YOU FUCKING BASTARD!? At once I knew I had made a horrible mistake. His smile disappeared from his face and his cool eyes looked at me with the most sinister and evil stare I have ever seen. He grabbed my throat and began to grip slowly until I could feel my ability to breath become nonexistent. Simultaneously, he stood on both my feet until I felt his steel toed boot begin to break the bones in my toes. My head began to swim. The pain in my feet began to dull as I felt my mind separate from reality. What surprised me the most is that he didn?t scream at me, or shake me as you would expect him too, he simply stared into my eyes with a deep and terrifying intensity. Finally, darkness flooded my vision and mind and again. I succumbed.
What he sees
????????? I dragged her limp body to the kennel I had set up a couple weeks ago. Except for a couple sighs and a few low groans she seemed to be out cold. I tossed her body like a rag doll into the smallish cage-like kennel and locked the door. I crouched down to admire her body, and my choice. Her skin was light and incredibly soft to the touch. She was not petite or frail, but had an incredibly shapely body with large breasts and a perfectly stunning ass that curved to fit a man?s hand like a glove. Her body was perfectly proportioned, and her face was that of an amazon?s. All of that was good and fine for him, but it was her eyes that made his decision for him. The look she gave was of pure potential submission. Even when she thought she was in control, her eyes betrayed the need to BE controlled. What a walking contradiction, he thought. Perfect.
Back to what she sees
????????? I groaned with pain as I regained consciousness.? My feet felt as though they had been hit over and over again with a hammer. As did my head. I groaned even more loudly as I realized where I was. I tried to sit up but realized that the ceiling of the cage (cage?) I was in was not high enough for me to raise my head. I looked down and inspected my feet. They were very bruised and swollen, and incredible painful to the touch. They were obviously broken. I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping that someone, anyone besides that mad man could here me.
??????????? Unfortunately that was not the case. I cringed and shrunk to the back of the cage when Chris, if that was even his name, came in to see what I was screaming about. ?I see you are awake little one. It?s time to start.? Start what? I wanted to know, but I knew better than to ask. Instead I stayed where I was, not daring to move. He opened the door. ?Come?. I looked at him with fear knowing it was more than likely in my best interest to do what he said, but I could not convince my body to move. He smiled a strangely sweet smile and reached in with his arm. I tried to back away from him, but there was nowhere I could go. He grabbed me by my foot and I hissed in agony as he pulled me out by my poor broken toes. ?First lesson, you will do exactly as I tell you with no hesitation or fore-thought. I am a fair Master, and I will not punish you for something you did not know to do. But from here on, you will be punished severely?. I wish I knew what he was talking about. What does he mean I am to follow his commands? Like a slave? What in hell is this training he is talking about? I watched as he crouched down on his haunches about eye level with me. ?I know you?re confused, but you will understand.? He smiled softly and ruffled my hair. I was surprised at this show of affection; it confused me to no end. He swiftly returned to standing and began to unzip his pants. My eyes widened at what his zipper revealed. I had never seen a man?s penis that was as big as his. It wasn?t stupidly large, like in the porno my sister got me to watch, those seemed unreal. His was large, maybe nine or ten inches.
??????????? ?I want you to open your mouth, and I am going to fuck your face like a cunt. Do you understand?? I didn?t move. I didn?t speak. I had never put a cock in my mouth; I never found the need to. And the small amount of boyfriends I?ve ever had never really asked me to. I have no idea what to do. ?I see your little mind working slut. It?s not that hard. Just OPEN YOUR FUCKING MOUTH.? ?No.? I whispered. His eyebrows raised and he turned his head slightly as if he had trouble hearing me. This action alone sent trembles through my body. ?What did you say? What in the hell did you say you fucking bitch? You fucking little bitch.? He didn?t sound angry, almost matter of fact. Suddenly his hand whipped out and he wrapped his fingers around my hair at the base of my head. I squealed in pain. He began walking out the door and consequently I was dragged by my hair screaming in pain with each step of my bruised and broken feet and the livid pain in my scalp. ?You never, ever say no to me. You do EVERYTHING I tell you to do. I have no problem with getting rid of you if my choice was a wrong one. You have no idea how easy it would be to dispose of someone like you.? He stopped walking and pulling me by my hair and looked down on me. ?It?s your choice. You do what I say, and the rest of your life with me will be much easier. You don?t, and I will dispose of you. Not without having my fun first.? I looked up, slowly realizing what I was dealing with. This man was mad! You can?t keep a person, any person, as a slave in your own home! How does he plan to keep me here? ?What is your choice dear?? I had to buy time. ?I will do as you say.? He glared at me, then slapped me incredibly hard against the face. ?I will do as you say what?? I had no idea what he wanted, but I guessed. ?I will do as you say, sir.? That seemed to appease him. He pulled me up by my hair and picked up like a rag doll. It actually felt nice to be in his arms. What? What in the hell was I thinking? Suddenly he dropped me. I screamed in pain as my feet hit the floor. I felt my arms go behind my back and tied with wire. I felt him push me over so my head hit the floor and my ass was in the air. ?I told you I would punish you if you hesitated. Not only did you hesitate slut, but you flat out refused. What kind of punishment do you think that deserves?? I just moaned in reply. I knew it didn?t matter what I said, he would do what he wanted to me. I heard him open something. Suddenly I felt his finger in my anal opening. I moaned, it felt strangely good. I couldn?t stop my body from being aroused. I felt my fluids pouring down my leg and I began to weep from shame. ?Why are you crying little one? Don?t you like that?? He laughed quietly. ?How about this?? Suddenly I felt a horrible burning and stinging inside of me. I began to cry loudly as the Tabasco sauce inside of me did its damage. He just laughed as I tried to wiggle away from him. He just simply pulled me back into position. I was sobbing by now. ?Please I?m sorry, I?m sorry sir.? I began to scream it over again as he stuck three more fingers into me. ?I have a hose to wash you off with my pet. Is that what you want?? He sounded so sweet, so concerned. ?Y-yes sir? I winced as the hot sauce began to drip down into my cunt and burn the tender flesh down there. ?That?s a good girl.? He pulled me up by my hair and turned me around. I was confused. Wasn?t he going to hose me off? Don?t I need to be in the same position for that?? ?Open your mouth.? What? Then I remembered that hesitating was what got me in this position the first time. I opened my mouth. Suddenly I gagged as he stuffed his impressive cock down my virgin throat. Tears came to my eyes as he forced himself inch by inch down my esophagus.
What he sees
I let out a groan as her lips wrapped around my dick. She wasn?t exactly the best dick sucker in the world, but she?ll learn. I watched her wonderfully shaped breasts bounce softly as she choked with each thrust. I reached down to grab one of the milky and groaned again when the tip of my head reached the back of her throat. I looked down and smiled as tears were streaming down her bright red cheeks. Finally I felt the release inside of me and sighed as my cum shot down her throat and into her stomach. As my cock softened and she could breath again I felt her cough as she swallowed the remains of the spunk left in her mouth. I pulled myself away from her lips and grabbed her chin. ?You see? If you had just done what I had asked the first time, you never would have gone through that.?
As his penis forced itself in and out of my throat I felt the Tabasco sauce burn. It felt like it was eating away a hole inside my bowels. I was full on crying now, it hurt so much. But deep down, I felt a stirring. The pain was making my pussy juice flow creating a small puddle on the floor. I soon forgot the pain in my insides as I realized that pleasing this man was making feel better than Ive ever felt.
On my way home I couldn?t stop thinking about the date I just had. What a strange man, I thought to myself. Surprisingly, I had hardly ever spoken to Chris before that night- only having bumped into him several times before at the laundry mat. I always thought that he was incredibly attractive, seeming to have a darkly dangerous quality to him that peaked my interest every time our eyes met. Two days ago, he asked me out- not in the nervous way that most men do; as if they had to work up the nerve to do it, but in the way that someone decides after much consideration to purchase something that may be a good investment. Normally, I would have been repelled by such a tone- but this man intrigued me to a degree I?ve never felt before.
??????????? The date was as strange as the way it was initiated. It was almost like an appraisal. He asked me odd questions like, how high was my pain threshold, and if I had any piercings or tattoos. He seemed interested in the strangest things about me. Every time I tried to ask him a question, any question at all, he cut me off with one of his own. Eventually I grew tired of this kind of one sided conversation and feigned exhaustion. As I got up to leave, murmuring the customary end-of-the-date comments like ?Call me anytime? and ?I hope we can do this again?, his hand flashed out quickly, grabbing mine. He looked up into my eyes and for the first time and I saw something in those deep blue eyes of his. Something disturbing- almost like lust, but more. It looked like...hunger; the hunger of a predator about to catch its prey. ?I will see you again soon?. He smiled softly. It wasn?t a question; it was a statement, sounding as true as the sky was blue. I nodded slightly and snatched my hand away. ?Um, yes. I suppose?. I turned around and walked out the door, not daring to turn around for a second look into his magnetic eyes.
I snapped back into reality, and I realized that I was already home. It felt like the thirty minutes from the restaurant to my home on the outskirts of town seemed to have been over in an instant. I got out of the car, realizing that it was much later than I thought it was. As I reached back into my car to grab my purse, I felt a leather glove come around my mouth and a knife scrape across my throat. ?I will slit your throat the moment you try to struggle bitch.? The voice that belonged to the man who was threatening me sounded cold and extremely matter of fact. And, it sounded forced, as if he was trying to disguise his voice for some reason. A solitary tear dripped down my face as my captor drug me to the back of the car. He opened the trunk. ?Get inside.? I hesitated as I began to feel the knife cutting into my skin. ?I will slit your pretty little throat from ear to ear if you don?t do what I say. Hell, I might do it anyway.? I closed my eyes forcing more tears down my face and climbed in. As I laid down, the hand which was holding my arms together snaked into his pocket and back out, tightening some hand-cuffs around my already stiff arms. I glanced up to get a good look at his face, but he was wearing a balaclava, which only showed his mouth and steel blue eyes. He watched me squirm trying to get comfortable inside of the already full trunk when suddenly, a grin twisted his covered face. ?Did you do that just to tease me bitch?? I looked down and realized that my relatively conservative skirt had hiked all the way up my legs to show the very skanky black lace thong I wore on all my dates. Before I could wiggle it back down he forced two of his fingers inside me, making me squeal in pain. ?Now that is a tight little pussy. But wow you little whore; you sure did get nice and wet for me!? I realized with a surge of horror, that I was wet. In fact, I was sopping. What is wrong with me?? He took his fingers out of my dripping cunt and licked them delicately. ?Yum?, he said with a sinister glint in his eyes. After wiping the rest of the wetness off on my face, he closed the trunk door and I was bathed in darkness.
??????????? I must have passed out a couple times from pure shock, but it sure didn?t feel like it. We seemed to be driving for hours, my arms had gone completely numb, which was thankful as all of my other body parts seemed to be screaming in pain.
??????????? I kept going back to my captor?s voice in my mind, it sounded so familiar- yet like no other voice I?ve ever heard. Suddenly, it came to me. It was Chris. It had to be! I recognized the eyes, the body type, the smile that I thought then was merely strange, but now; terrifying. The bastard! What the hell does he want with me? Where the fuck is he taking me?! ?I began to have a violent panic attack. I couldn?t breath and I couldn?t feel my body. Pure darkness overtook my mind and I allowed myself to give in.
??????????? I awoke to water being thrown on my face. As I opened my eyes and blinked away the water, his face came into view over mine. I looked around me, breathing heavily despite my black thong taped into my mouth. He laughed as I realized where I was. My arms were chained to a wall, and my legs were spread apart with a heavy spreader bar on the floor. I was completely naked. He looked at me with a strangely sweet smile and put a finger to his lips. I began to cry softly as he began to stick two, then three, then four, then his whole hand into my pussy, undulating his fingers slowly inside me. He put his lips next my ear and whispered softly. ?There is no one around for miles darling.? I winced at the pain in my cunt, feeling my skin slowly stretch. ?I?m going to remove your gag; because I want to hear you cry and scream. So don?t do anything stupid with your mouth that I didn?t tell you to do. Understand?? I was not going to give him the satisfaction of answering his question. Suddenly I felt him force his hand into a fist inside me. The pain made me want to scream, but all I could do was let out a muffled groan as the tears streamed down my face. ?ANSWER ME YOU FUCKING BITCH!? He began to bring his fist in and out of my stretched out hole, punching me over and over again. Suddenly he stopped. ?So, I?m going to ask you again my dear. Are you going to do anything with your mouth that I don?t want you to do?? I shook my head, wishing to wake up from this horrible nightmare. ?Good girl?. He caressed my cheek like one pets a dog. I began to weep as he removed the gag from my mouth. As he began to remove the spreader bar from my ankles I built up the strength to ask questions, although I new I would probably pay for them. ?Why are you doing this?? He just smiled as he began to lower the chains holding my wrist cuffs. I kicked him in the shin with my newly freed foot. ?WHY? YOU FUCKING BASTARD!? At once I knew I had made a horrible mistake. His smile disappeared from his face and his cool eyes looked at me with the most sinister and evil stare I have ever seen. He grabbed my throat and began to grip slowly until I could feel my ability to breath become nonexistent. Simultaneously, he stood on both my feet until I felt his steel toed boot begin to break the bones in my toes. My head began to swim. The pain in my feet began to dull as I felt my mind separate from reality. What surprised me the most is that he didn?t scream at me, or shake me as you would expect him too, he simply stared into my eyes with a deep and terrifying intensity. Finally, darkness flooded my vision and mind and again. I succumbed.
What he sees
????????? I dragged her limp body to the kennel I had set up a couple weeks ago. Except for a couple sighs and a few low groans she seemed to be out cold. I tossed her body like a rag doll into the smallish cage-like kennel and locked the door. I crouched down to admire her body, and my choice. Her skin was light and incredibly soft to the touch. She was not petite or frail, but had an incredibly shapely body with large breasts and a perfectly stunning ass that curved to fit a man?s hand like a glove. Her body was perfectly proportioned, and her face was that of an amazon?s. All of that was good and fine for him, but it was her eyes that made his decision for him. The look she gave was of pure potential submission. Even when she thought she was in control, her eyes betrayed the need to BE controlled. What a walking contradiction, he thought. Perfect.
Back to what she sees
????????? I groaned with pain as I regained consciousness.? My feet felt as though they had been hit over and over again with a hammer. As did my head. I groaned even more loudly as I realized where I was. I tried to sit up but realized that the ceiling of the cage (cage?) I was in was not high enough for me to raise my head. I looked down and inspected my feet. They were very bruised and swollen, and incredible painful to the touch. They were obviously broken. I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping that someone, anyone besides that mad man could here me.
??????????? Unfortunately that was not the case. I cringed and shrunk to the back of the cage when Chris, if that was even his name, came in to see what I was screaming about. ?I see you are awake little one. It?s time to start.? Start what? I wanted to know, but I knew better than to ask. Instead I stayed where I was, not daring to move. He opened the door. ?Come?. I looked at him with fear knowing it was more than likely in my best interest to do what he said, but I could not convince my body to move. He smiled a strangely sweet smile and reached in with his arm. I tried to back away from him, but there was nowhere I could go. He grabbed me by my foot and I hissed in agony as he pulled me out by my poor broken toes. ?First lesson, you will do exactly as I tell you with no hesitation or fore-thought. I am a fair Master, and I will not punish you for something you did not know to do. But from here on, you will be punished severely?. I wish I knew what he was talking about. What does he mean I am to follow his commands? Like a slave? What in hell is this training he is talking about? I watched as he crouched down on his haunches about eye level with me. ?I know you?re confused, but you will understand.? He smiled softly and ruffled my hair. I was surprised at this show of affection; it confused me to no end. He swiftly returned to standing and began to unzip his pants. My eyes widened at what his zipper revealed. I had never seen a man?s penis that was as big as his. It wasn?t stupidly large, like in the porno my sister got me to watch, those seemed unreal. His was large, maybe nine or ten inches.
??????????? ?I want you
to open your mouth, and I am going to fuck your face like a cunt. Do you
understand?? I didn?t move. I didn?t speak. I had never put a cock in my mouth;
I never found the need to. And the small amount of boyfriends I?ve ever had
never really asked me to. I have no idea what to do. ?I see your little mind
working slut. It?s not that hard. Just OPEN YOUR
FUCKING MOUTH.? ?No.? I whispered. His eyebrows raised and he turned his head
slightly as if he had trouble hearing me. This action alone sent trembles
through my body. ?What did you say? What in the hell did you say you fucking
bitch? You fucking little bitch.? He didn?t sound
angry, almost matter of fact. Suddenly his hand whipped out and he wrapped his
fingers around my hair at the base of my head. I squealed in pain. He began
walking out the door and consequently I was dragged by my hair screaming in
pain with each step of my bruised and broken feet and the livid pain in my scalp.
?You never, ever say no to me. You do EVERYTHING I tell you to do. I have no
problem with getting rid of you if my choice was a wrong one. You have no idea
how easy it would be to dispose of someone like you.? He stopped walking and
pulling me by my hair and looked down on me. ?It?s your choice. You do what I
say, and the rest of your life with me will be much easier. You don?t, and I
will dispose of you. Not without having my fun first.? I looked up, slowly
realizing what I was dealing with. This man was mad! You can?t keep a person,
any person, as a slave in your own home! How does he plan to keep me here?
?What is your choice dear?? I had to buy time. ?I will do as you say.? He
glared at me, then slapped me incredibly hard against
the face. ?I will do as you say what?? I had no idea what he wanted, but I
guessed. ?I will do as you say, sir.? That seemed to appease him. He pulled me
up by my hair and picked up like a rag doll. It actually felt nice to be in his
arms. What? What in the hell was I thinking? Suddenly he dropped me. I screamed
in pain as my feet hit the floor. I felt my arms go behind my back and tied
with wire. I felt him push me over so my head hit the floor and my ass was in
the air. ?I told you I would punish you if you hesitated. Not only did you hesitate slut, but you flat out refused. What kind of
punishment do you think that deserves?? I just moaned in reply. I knew it
didn?t matter what I said, he would do what he wanted to me. I heard him open
something. Suddenly I felt his finger in my anal opening. I
moaned, it felt strangely good. I couldn?t stop my body from being
aroused. I felt my fluids pouring down my leg and I began to weep from shame.
?Why are you crying little one? Don?t you like that?? He laughed quietly. ?How about this?? Suddenly I felt a horrible burning and
stinging inside of me. I began to cry loudly as the
What he sees
I let out a groan as her lips wrapped around my dick. She wasn?t exactly the best dick sucker in the world, but she?ll learn. I watched her wonderfully shaped breasts bounce softly as she choked with each thrust. I reached down to grab one of the milky and groaned again when the tip of my head reached the back of her throat. I looked down and smiled as tears were streaming down her bright red cheeks. Finally I felt the release inside of me and sighed as my cum shot down her throat and into her stomach. As my cock softened and she could breath again I felt her cough as she swallowed the remains of the spunk left in her mouth. I pulled myself away from her lips and grabbed her chin. ?You see? If you had just done what I had asked the first time, you never would have gone through that.?
As his penis forced itself in and out of my throat I felt
Hi guys This is prakash again this is my first encounter with my mami who came to celebrate new year and gave me a gift which I can not forget Any unsatisfied girls or aunties from bangalore want to have sex or sex chat mail me the relationship will be kept full secret Coming to story my mami her name is neha and her age is 35 and her figure is 36-28-34 she maintained her body very well at this age also she came to bangalore for new year celebration as she was close to me she came to my room...
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LesbianThursday, March 31, 2005 (Continued) Dinner and the dishes were finished later than normal, and I was about to talk with Dad about the problems caused by predatory girls, when I was buttonholed by all the females to talk about my date tomorrow. #3: If I wrote that, "I was looking forward to it", that'd be the same as saying, "the Pacific Ocean is damp." I had spent years desperately longing for tomorrow night. I would've been wildly...
Do you want to impress a girl on the very first date? If you really know what girls always notice on a date, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to impress that pretty lass within the first few minutes. And you know what they say, first impressions are everything when you’re trying to have a great date! Unlike men, who don’t notice a great deal too much, women are a lot sharper on a date.They put in a lot of effort, and they expect their date to look spruced up and primped for them. So what...
Burying my wife's been such a life-changing event! I'd known Jackie, short for Jacquelyn, for two years, before we started dating ... then four years of dating, finally getting married on Catalina Island on the Fourth of July! Married fifteen glorious years together - until she was diagnosed with lymphoma! Refusing treatment - because she didn't want to live messed up by it - it didn't take long for her to weaken into a person I didn't recognize anymore. I loved her to the very end,...
Promises and Secrets 3: Tina's Prom Date By Maria Ski Authors note: This story takes place before the events in 'Promises and Secrets'. Tina Grant, to know her is a pleasure; to look at her is to admire her, to fall in love with her... Because Tina Grant has a secret, a secret that she has kept from a very early age. Few people know, but those who do are sworn to not share the secret. Lest it harm Tina in any way. Who am I? I hear you ask, my name is Michael and I had the...
Charley Wilson hadn’t had a decent date in months. Twenty-two years old and full of raging hormones, he just had to find a suitable woman for his needs. He didn’t understand that he was a jerk; just that he had a pretty face and an athletic body. Charley finally signed up with an internet dating service, as all the women he approached in singles’ bars, restaurants and at work, walked off after a few words with him. He entered his profile into the database; including his age, great bod,...
SpankingDad sat across from me at the table and shoveled oatmeal into his mouth more out of habit than for nourishment. Dark circles under his blue eyes confessed a lack of sleep. His constant sad expression made him look older than his forty-seven years. It didn't help that his hair had rescinded back to his ears. Worry had thinned his once bulky frame. He had been in a declining emotional state since my mother had left us last spring.The day after I graduated high school my mother packed her...
Ra“Ok, sure!” … wait, did she just say ‘yes?!’I was joking not-joking when I asked and wasn’t expecting her to agree to a ‘test’ date. What even is a test date - I just made it up!I feel a bit sweaty, maybe she was joking too...Maya was a sharp brunette, shaped like a coke bottle, had a sexy waddle like a supermodel (I borrowed that line from her …). She was a bit younger than me and when she smiled, the corner curl of her lips would make me melt, and I think she knew it.Mmmmm her lips … and...
Office SexThank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. DG Hear I heard that to get people interested in your story you have to do it in the first paragraph. I don't know much about writing so I guess I should do it. So, I will start out by saying I had sex with my brother's fiancée. More on this later. My name is Dan Welling. I'm twenty-nine and still single. I was born into a wealthy family. My dad owns Welling Manufacturing. He has three plants at which we make...
SRU - The Prom Date "I don't believe this!" said Paul as he arrived at his usual table to eat his dinner. "Don't believe what?" asked his best mate, Mark. "I've just asked Yvonne to go to the prom with me and she told me to get lost!" replied Paul. Paul had had his eyes on Yvonne for ages. Yvonne was one of the hottest looking girls in their year, her light auburn hair fell below her shoulders and her lips were begging to be kissed. "Oh, I'm sorry," said Mark, feeling sorry...
(TG/F, transform, bondage) Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. Make that Date By Couture (c) 2002 Couture e-mail: [email protected] Below is a transcript of a recent episode of a new made for TV series called 'Make that Date'. Chuck: "Hi, everyone, this is Chuck Woolery, and welcome to another episode of..." "Make that Date," the audience screams in unison. Chuck: "I would like everyone to put...
Joseph Fisher was an up and coming attorney in a prominent downtown law firm.His sharp mind and close attention to detail were assets that the partnersadmired. One day he would undoubtedly manage his own private practice, whichwas indeed his goal. The late twenties single man also made the rounds in town, frequenting themost popular night spots. His smooth style and good looks made him very invitingto the opposite gender. One particular evening he met a long legged foxy lady named Deidre,...
Bikini Beach: Swim Date By Ellie Dauber (c) 2000 "Hey, look," Mack Reilly said, "here comes that stuck-up Amy Bowlan." He pointed at a pretty blonde, about 17, who had just come into the school cafeteria. Paul Kauffman put down his Coke, and looked in the direction his friend was pointing. "Aw, I don't think she's stuck-up, man." "Then why won't she go out with anybody? She's either stuck-up or - hell, maybe she's a lesbie. You think?" "Nah. She's new here, just moved in the...
Paul couldn't help grinning as he looked down at the woman nestled into his shoulder. A lock of her hair was tickling her nose, making it twitch as she slept. "Erica..." Nothing. "Ericaaaa..." "Hmmmph." Her eyes batted as the cobwebs started to clear. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, she realized how she'd fallen asleep. She lifted her head with a start, and turned to look at the man sitting next to her on her couch. "Oh. Paul, I'm so sorry. That was rude." She glanced over...
A story in the sex date universe of stories. Updated and edited for clarity March 2022. This story takes place in a universe created by EazinAlong where parents set up sex dates for their teens. Pretty simple concept. The first story was published in 2016 and recommend reading it first. I consulted with EazinAlong about the story and he reviewed it, though all punctuation errors etc. are mine alone. He also has a new Hannah story in the works. In this story, a neighbor boy Zack has a sex date...
My husband asked me several times to put some of my dating experiences in writing since he found them very exciting and felt that others may also find them exciting. This was one of my early experiences that I told him about, and he typed it all up and will post it for all to enjoy. I know I will never forget it, and he seemed to really enjoy hearing it. I hope you do as well.We have been married for many years, and everything has been great. Sometimes you just need to add a little spice to...
Prom Date Ben Carter waited for all his peers to exit the classroom. His teacher Miss Jamieson had requested he stay behind for a few minutes. It was the end of the day on a Friday and a long weekend loomed. Ben was anxious to get back home. He suspected he knew what the teacher wanted to discuss, "So Ben, what am I going to do with you?" Miss Jamieson asked. She was an older lady with a kind smile and seemed genuinely concerned for Ben. Ben looked at her with a downcast look. "I...
Thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. DG Hear * I heard that to get people interested in your story you have to do it in the first paragraph. I don’t know much about writing so I guess I should do it. So, I will start out by saying I had sex with my brother’s fiancée. More on this later. My name is Dan Welling. I’m twenty-nine and still single. I was born into a wealthy family. My dad owns Welling Manufacturing. He has three plants at which we make...
You'll Always Remember Your First Date By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 1 "You fucking asshole," yelled Laura slamming down her phone. "I'm going to fucking kill you." Greg was hysterical laughing hearing his sister screaming as she raced on the hall towards his room. "Open the door Greg. This is bullshit," screamed Laura. "Oh, I'm busy doing my homework sis," said Greg chuckling. "Why don't we catch up later?" "I fucking hate you. I can't believe you would do...
Two days later, when the children came to live with their grandparents, Logan was nine, almost ten, and Beth was five. The children knew their grandparents but had not been around them enough to feel comfortable. Once the children were informed of their parents’ death, young Beth clung to her big brother and refused to be separated even for a short time. Logan was equally protective of his little sister. It took almost six months for them to sleep in separate bedrooms. Even then during...
First Date As the clock ticked its steady relentless way to 3 in the morning I tossed and turned another few times in our large bed. I glanced again at the clock and saw that just two minutes had passed since my last look. No point in asking myself where she was – I knew exactly where she was and who she was with. I had arranged it after all. And now I had some serious doubts and angst as I lay there, alone. Earlier I had been full of bravado, lust and vigour as I had watched her prepare her...
Interracial"You have a date on Friday night," Jeff told me. He did this quite often. He would set up a date for me, and he would have the person tell me what they paid for the date. It was usually something quite insignificant, like helping Jeff out with a job or something like that. It always humiliated me to know that there were people out there ready to do anything that Jeff asked for, because they knew they would get a sure shot at me. Some of the guys that took me out made sure to tell me what...
As I looked in the mirror, it occurred to me that this was the first blind date I’d ever been on. I’ve heard the term a million times, but does anyone really go on blind dates anymore? This certainly wouldn’t be the first date I’ve been on, or the second. I’ve never counted them, that’s a pretty interesting thought in itself. Let’s see what the numbers say. Ok, I’ve been dating for half my life, give or take, about sixteen years roughly. Take away the two serious relationships of about six...
Sweet 16 Oh Me My First Big Date That fall I went into high school (10th grade) I was 16. It didn't take long for the word to get around that I was a player. I was asked to a formal Christmas dance at the country club that year by a guy who lived not far from us. His mother and father were big wheels at the country club and I was growing up faster than my mother or father wanted me to. I begged for weeks for them to let me go on dates, so when I got asked to this big formal thing,...
First TimeJulie was in her apartment getting dressed for her first date. She wore rather conservative clothing, buttoned up shirt, nice shoes, dark tight fitting jeans, and of course underwear (bra included). Just as she was about to leave, her roommate Melanie walked in. "Ah, I caught you. Just in time." Melanie sounded relieved. "Not really, I have to leave now or I'll be late for my very important date." Julie replied. "Besides, I thought you were meeting with Jake tonight?" "I am. But the bf won't be...
FetishPart 1: The MeetingThey always say a blind date should be blind. My first ever attempt at it was blind. It was my older sisters suggestion. She had always badgered me into getting a date. I just was not interested to be fair. I had my studies at University and that was my ultimate focus. Girls simply did not feature. However I did as I was told and decided to surf the internet. I joined one particular website that stated it was the best around and could simply find a date in "three easy...
I'll Make it a Date By Roustam (Preface: This is purely a fantasy, but one that I would gladly have had come true. It's also my first attempt at writing for an audience larger than one, so I hope the readers will respond with any sort of criticism. I will happily -- and quickly -- add more to the story if you like it. The opening chapters may be a little slow, but I want to build up the romance between the main characters before the tg and erotic...
Chrissy was mad. She was fifteen years old and she hadn't been on a single date. It wasn't because she was unpopular. Lots of k**s at her school liked her and wanted to be around her. It wasn't because she was ugly. Her 5" 6" frame supported breasts that were a handful each, tipped with sharp little pencil eraser sized nipples just made to suck on. Below that were her thin waist and hips that any baby-bearing woman would love to have. Her cute little pussy lips were pink and plump and nestled...
Double Date by Vickie Tern (So this year doesn't end without my posting even one new story on FM, here's one of many not yet finished, finished in time to post it this year! I hope.) You know how it goes, that long-dreaded moment. Your wife walks in unexpectedly and sees she isn't married to a man but instead to a wannabe woman. Or something like that, a sex freak. She studies you and determines it really is you though you seem to be someone else. Someone not her husband...
TVDATE.TXT A Dream Date by Monique As you stand there looking at me, I know it is hard for you to believe your eyes. Standing in front of you is one of the most beautiful and seductive females you have ever seen. Let me tell you how she got that way. As soon as I left the bar last night, I knew that I was in trouble. Big trouble. As many times as I have worn a bra under my shirt, that was the first time that anyone had detected it, and I mean,...
The Blind Date When Devon’s best friend’s wife approached him about going out on a blind date with a girl from her office, he wasn’t enthused. Devon enjoyed being single and what his life was like and had no real interest in finding a girlfriend or wife. He had some bad experiences with relationships and almost went to jail because of his last girlfriend. She called him a sick bastard, who only saw women as sex objects to be used. Actually, his ex wasn’t far off the mark. ...
The Blind Date When Devon’s best friend’s wife approached him about going out on a blind date with a girl from her office, he wasn’t enthused. Devon enjoyed being single and what his life was like and had no real interest in finding a girlfriend or wife. Devon had some bad experiences with relationships and almost went to jail because of his last girlfriend. Devon’s ex-girlfriend had called him a sick bastard, who only saw women as sex objects to be used. Actually, his ex...
"You need to get laid. He's handsome, he's got muscles, he's sweet and funny. Best of all, he's got this monster between his legs. I had cramps for two days after the first time. But god, it was worth it." "What about Henry?" Betsy grinned knowingly. "Henry, well-" She gave Sandra an odd smile. "Listen, Mark is a whole 'nother experience. He's discreet, too." "Betsy, you're so bad." Sandra smiled patiently and turned back to the financial reports. They were casual friends;...
© 2002 Couture Below is a transcript of a recent episode of a new made for TV series called 'Make that Date'. Chuck: "Hi, everyone, this is Chuck Woolery, and welcome to another episode of..." "Make that Date," the audience screams in unison. Chuck: "I would like everyone to put their hands together for our first contestant, Paul Robinson." Chuck motions to the unoccupied loveseat in the shape of a heart. "Have a seat Paul, and tell us... what brought you to Make that...
A Saturday night was reserved for fun and excitement. Some people get invited to parties or a night at a bar. Some plan out overnight trips to an amusement park or go out of town. Hell, some even get wasted at clubs or big sports events, only to pay for decision the following day. And like all of the above, Wes planned for such a night. Only this was a different kind of fun.The bedroom started to make him uneasy. Dim lights shined down upon the red satin sheets and dark polished wood of the bed...
BDSMA Saturday night was reserved for fun and excitement. Some people get invited to parties or a night at a bar. Some plan out overnight trips to an amusement park or go out of town. Hell, some even get wasted at clubs or big sports events, only to pay for decision the following day. And like all of the above, Wes planned for such a night. Only this was a different kind of fun.The bedroom started to make him uneasy. Dim lights shined down upon the red satin sheets and dark polished wood of the bed...
BDSMLeaving Trish in her pool, the walk across the street to my house seems as though I am floating on air.My two brothers and Marty are not going to be back from their round of golf at the Tilted Rock Country Club for another hour at least.Entering the house, the phone is ringing… ring, ring, ring.“Hello, Luke?”“Hi Mom, what’s up?”“I have been trying to get a hold of you, where have you been?”“Over at Marty’s, Trish invited me over for a swim.”“That’s nice dear, did you have a good time.”“Yes,...
First TimeIf anyone wishes to archive this story they may do so on the conditions that it is provided free and that the story contents are not altered. Altered Fates: Prom Date By Morpheus Furious, Josh wanted to lash out, to kick the chair next to him or do something that would let out his anger. Instead he forced himself to stand still, glaring at his Mom. Here he was 15 years old, and still treated like a little kid. It just made him furious. He had been planning on going to a party...
Dan always enjoyed sleeping late on Saturday mornings. As he relaxed in bed, the sun beaming through his window he recalled Friday night at the mall with his best friend Alex. The two had stumbled across a shop of oddities. A shop neither had seen in the mall before, though from the look the shop had been there forever. With little else to do Dan and Alex chatted with the scruffy old shop owner. About nothing much, daily life, though both were shocked when he scoffed, that neither...
An angry Chrissy reflected on how she was fifteen years old and she hadn't been on a single date. It wasn't because she was unpopular. Lots of kids at her school liked her and wanted to be around her. It wasn't because she was ugly. Her 5" 6" frame supported breasts that were a handful each, tipped with sharp little pencil eraser sized nipples just made to suck on. Below that were her thin waist and hips that any baby-bearing woman would love to have. Her cute little pussy lips were pink...
Friday the 2nd There were long brown marks where the paint had been chipped by Amanda’s headboard. The wooden headboard scraped along the painted white walls as her bed rocked back and forth as Brandon fucked her for the second time that week. She lay on her back, leaning up while he knelt between her legs ramming her. She loved the way he fucked her. He was athletic and had a strong body, and she loved watching his big black dick pound her. Amanda tossed her red hair back and moaned as Brandon...
InterracialShelli's Second Date As I closed the door, I felt slightly lightheaded and needed to sit down. This was not at all what I had expected. I had agreed to my first date with Tom at the urging of my boss, Gwen Taylor. Since I was several months into my transition, Gwen felt I needed to get out and begin living my life as a young woman outside of my time at work. This included starting to date guys. Gwen made this sound so easy and innocent that I couldn't help but agree to it. I will...
Let me start by saying this is a true story. It's kinda longSo my best friend and I had plans to go out one night. She called me earlier in the day to tell me she was going to hang out with this guy she was interested in and that he had a friend that could also come over.I really wasn't interested in a blind date, especially if its only purpose is to justify my friend from ditching me for the night. I told her that i really didn't want to have some guy i wasn't into trying to grope me and fuck...
ALVIN'S BIG DATE by Throne Alvin couldn't believe it. He actually had a date. It was a blind date because, well, what girl would want to go out with him after she got a look at him? He was short and scrawny, with a big head perched on a skinny neck. His face wasn't much to look at either. But one of the girls in the office where he worked doing menial jobs had set him up with a friend of hers. That surprised him because his co-worker usually just made fun of him. In fact, all...
Tom and his wife Sharon were shopping and Tom was wishing he could die. He was the only man in the lingerie department of the department store. Sharon was buying panties to replenish her dwindling supply. She mumbled to herself as she browsed rack after rack, dropping the names of various men at the warehouse where she was a shipping clerk. Such-and-such a guy liked yellow, such-and-such liked lacy panties. Tom noticed other women looking at Sharon and at him. He sidled over and murmured,...
You sit in the expansive study of your late uncle Jonathan, awaiting the reading of his will. While you had barely ever met him, and this is only the second time you had been inside his large mansion, you have a slight hope of getting some portion of your elderly uncle's fortune. He was an odd man who kept to himself and without any direct descendants you had as much of a chance as anyone else. To your right sits your uncle's "Spiritual adviser," Madame Laurent. Coy, busty, and with long dark...
BDSMFirst of all, you must pick your character. The following is a list of characters to choose from. Maggie; A young, thin girl of 19, maggie is a woman set in the modern day. Known to be a girl to keep to herself and not have many friends, she has no-one to rely on to keep her from making silly mistakes. As a result, she finds herself in situations that are very perilous to her health and virtue. Ciara; A curvacious girl of 18, Ciara is living in the age of the western world. She lives on a farm...
Hi all sexy ISS readers. I am reading sex stories in ISS from my college days. This ISS had given me ideas that made me fuck lots of woman. Sorry as this is my first story if any mistakes there please excuse me. About me Rocky, age 26, Andhra Pradesh. I am normal guy with 5’7 height, brown in color, with 6 inch long dick with huge thickness. I am working as a consultant, Bangalore. I had lots of fun with many matured ladies and less with girls. I am greatly attracted with matured ladies; they...
IncestBy : Nas0789 Hi All this is khan from chennai near sowcarpet, am 30yrs old married this is my first story so please excuse.I am slim 5.9 height fair and with 6.5 inch prick with 3” diameter i love the beauty of girls by seeing their boobs i go wild. I have been reading lot of stories and finally could get courage to write my own exp. I never had any discreet relationship with others it happened 2 weeks back when I was travelling from Chennai to Bangalore I met a girl who boarded the train with...
Vanessa is a normal girl. She is average height, long black hair tied back into a ponytail, not ugly but not attractive. She also just isn’t into sex, not even touching herself. The only problem is that she has quite the curvy figure, with large breasts. This is not ideal for her because it draws a lot of unwanted attention. She tries to show as little skin as possible but no matter what she wears her breasts are always on display, their form distinct underneath the fabric of her tops. She...
FetishAuthor’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please. They were the fourth generation in the three room log cabin deep in the holler. Willa Mae was lookin fer love in all the usual places, usually in a man’s pants, or more likely overalls. She’d been directly introduced...
The morning is a whirlwind of getting my things thrown together and back home, so I can shower and change for work. I had no intentions of sleeping at Jack's last night, but after the mind-blowing sex we had, how could I not? It was after all, a beautiful mess. As much as I thought I would fight my feelings with Jack, everything seems so right, the way he makes me feel safe, like I can trust him, how we interact with one another. We're able to communicate easily. There is no holding back. Our...
ExhibitionismThey had been married for six years and went together for a year before that. After all that time she knew her husband inside and out. He wasn't going to like it. Still ... she had to try. It was such a worthwhile cause. Even if he didn't like it, it was for charity; really ... how could he say no? She'd been rehearsing ever since her friend told her about the event earlier that day. She had it all planned out. She waited until after dinner and everything was quiet. His stomach was full and...
"So tell me, dear, how was your date? Tell me every delicious, naughty moment. Knowing you so well, I'm sure you were very, ummm, juicy!" I dropped my purse and four small boxes on the table, slowly model-walked over to him with the tiniest hint of a smile, and dropped onto the armless sofa next to him. The hip-high slit on my wrinkled, knee-high, blue skirt split open and draped around my left thigh to his obvious delight. "Well, as you saw from the window, he pulled up in his flashy Jag...