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At five to two, Dave left his room and went upstairs to knock on Hannah'sdoor. She got up and undid the catch on the door.

"Hi Hannah, ready for that homework session?" Dave asked.

"Yep sure," Hannah replied, and let him in. Like most universityprovidedaccommodation the room was fairly bare and Hannah had put up no posters. Thedoor was in an alcove into the room; a corner block taken out of what was otherwisea square room. Next to the door, so that it was not visible from the doorway,was Hannah's bed. Opposite the door was a large desk, and a television on astand. The other two walls were taken up by wardrobes and a large window respectively.

Dave and Hannah began work at the desk but soon switched to the more comfortableoption of the bed. Slowly the conversation drifted from the maths homeworkon to other things.

"So you like the idea of being tied up then, huh?" Hannah asked at one point.One night the previous week they had both gotten quite drunk together, andDave had let slip that he liked the idea of bondage.

"Yeah," Dave said, a little embarassed.

"So if you tied you up now, you'd like that?" Hannah pressed. Dave's heartskipped a beat.

"Could be alright," Dave said, trying to be noncommittal but he stammeredslightly with excitement as he said it.

"Take your jumper off then, and I'll tie you up with it." Dave did not needasking twice, and he slipped off his jumper. He handed it to Hannah, and heldout his hands in front of him.

"Not like that – behind your back," she said with a laugh. Dave turnedround and put his hands together while Hannah tied his wrists together withthe arms of his jumper. Dave sat back against the wall, his bare chest exposed,and shivered slightly as his shoulder blades touched the cold painted wall.Hannah picked up her pen and ran it in a wiggly line down Dave's chest. Hefelt his cock grow inside his trousers as the tip of the pen travelled slowlyfrom his sternum down to his navel, guided by the attractive girl next to him.

Dave had fancied Hannah since the day he had moved in to their shared house.Like most firstyears, he had moved into universityowned accommodation witha group of strangers. The house had one bedroom downstairs (along with a livingroom, kitchen and toilet), and three upstairs (as well as a bathroom). It wasuniversity policy to put males in groundfloor bedrooms and females in firstfloorbedrooms, so Dave ended up living in the house with three girls; Hannah, Jadeand Selena. Selena was rarely in, and while Jade and Hannah had become goodfriends, Dave mainly got along with Hannah, and found her very attractive.She had a freckled face with a slightly pointed nose, and long straight brownhair. She was quite thin, and fairly flatchested, but possessed an undefineableallure.

As Hannah moved the pen over a sensitive part of Dave's chest, he flinchedand involuntarily pulled his wrists apart, freeing them from the makeshiftbonds of the jumper. Hannah tutted.

"I think we need something more solid," she noted. "In fact, I know justthe thing." She got up and crossed to her shelves above the desk, and returnedto Dave with a small box that had a picture of handcuffs on the side. "Someonegave me these as a joke present for my birthday earlier this term. I thinkthey'll do." Hannah tipped the box on its side, and some silver handcuffs slippedout of the end. Dave held out his wrists together again behind his back, andHannah gleefully cuffed them together. Dave lay back against the cold wallagain, wondering what she would do next.

"You seem to have a bit of a bulge there," Hannah said, looking down at histrousers. Embarassed, Dave said nothing and looked away. "I think we shouldhave a look," Hannah continued, and undid Dave's trousers. Hannah was wellaware of Dave's attraction to her. He had made it obvious over the past fewmonths. For her part, Hannah was not sure about Dave; he could have potentialfor being boyfriend material, or he could not. Either way she figured, it washis job to woo her – she wasn't about to just give in to his advancesimmediately, like a slut. This afternoon might provide some opportunity forhaving some fun at his expense though.

Dave was halfmortified and halfaroused when Hannah pulled down his trousersand underwear to let his hard cock spring free. He tried to gauge Hannah'sreaction as she saw it, but her expression showed no obvious disgust or attraction.She merely put her hand between his legs, and began to run her nails up theinside of his thigh, which he found to be delightfully sensitive.

"I bet you'd like me to touch that," she said in a low voice as her fingersslowly inched up his right thigh towards his dick.

"Yyes," Dave replied, the word sticking in his throat. He could do nothingbut watch as her hand approached his cock, her thin delicate fingers tracinga pattern through the hairs on his leg, her short nails long enough to makehis leg tingle. Just as her fingers were about to brush against his pubic hair,Hannah put her hand back down by the knee of Dave's left leg, and began runningher fingers up that leg instead, her glossy nails running through his darkbrown leg hairs as they slowly ran up his thigh. When her hand almost reachedthe top of his leg, she reverted back to his right leg, running up from theknee.

"Pl" Dave started, but was interrupted by Hannah.

"Shhh," she said simply, and Dave did as she told him. After five more slowruns up each leg, Hannah showed no signs of stopping but did so suddnely asshe heard the front door open and close. Footsteps sounded on the stairs, andthen there was a knock on Hannah's door.

"Don't open it!" Dave hissed, but Hannah ignored him, got up and opened thedoor. Dave remained motionless as he heard Jade's voice. From outside the door,the bed could not be seen, but if Jade came into the room there would be noway he could hide. Hannah did not welcome Jade into the room, but nor did shemake any effort to get rid of the other girl. Dave was so busy wishing fora hole in the bed to open up and swallow him that he did not pay attentionto their conversation. After a minute or two, Jade left and went into the bathroom.Hannah came back to the bed.

"Jade's coming in here after she comes out of the bathroom, so you may notwant to be here," she informed Dave with a straight face.

"Quick – get these off me," Dave said urgently, jangling his cuffs, "andhelp me get dressed!"

"No time," Hannah informed him. "You'll just have to go like that." Daveopened his mouth to curse her, and then realised that he had better expendthe energy getting out of there. He got up, with a little difficulty due tohis tied hands, and hurried naked down the stairs, trying to be quick yet quietso that Jade neither saw him, nor knew he had been up there. When he got backinto his room he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he heard a key in the frontdoor.

Dave looked around him, and tried to decide between trying to shut the doorand close his curtains – that he suddenly realised were open so thatanyone in the side street by their house could see him – or to hide.The front door opened, and he chose the latter option. Selena knocked on hisopen door, and walked in to find Dave in bed, under his quilt.

"Still in the bed at this hour?" she asked.

"Yep," Dave said, smiling weakly.

"Anyone would think you were doing something else under those covers," Selenasaid with a wink. Dave laughed nervously, and Selena left to go upstairs. Daveclosed the door and curtains, and tried to work out how he was going to freehimself from the handcuffs without the keys. They appeared, from what he couldfeel, to have no quick release catches. He sat

there for a few minutes puzzling over it until there was a knock on his door.

"Yes?" Dave called out, exasperated.

"Dave, it's me. I've got that key you left in my room," came Hannah's voicethrough the door. Dave got up and went to the door, turning round in orderto release the catch on the door. He turned back round to see Hannah come throughthe door and shut it behind her.

"I've got the key," she told him, dangling it for him to see as she switchedthe light on to bright the darkened room. "Turn round." Dave did so, and everythingwent dark again as Hannah put a scarf over his eyes, and tied it round theback of his head.

"What are you doing?"

"Quiet," Hannah replied, spinning Dave round and sitting him on the bed. "You'llenjoy this." Dave sat there quietly, naked and handcuffed, contemplating hisfate. Then he felt something land on him. He shifted slightly, and felt cloth.Then he heard the sound of a zip, and felt what must be jeans land on him.He realised that Hannah was undressing, and beneath the clothes his cock twitched.Then he felt one lacy item land on him, followed by another. She's naked, hethought to himself. He didn't remember a time that he had ever been this turnedonbefore. He longed for her to touch his cock, or to at least release him sothat he could do it.

The clothes were lifted off him, and Dave hoped to feel Hannah climbing ontop of him. Instead he felt lace and denim touch his foot. Hannah slipped herpanties and her trousers on him at the same time. Luckily, he was almost asthin as her, and while they were a tight fit, at least they did fit, Hannahthought to herself. Except for Dave's cock that was, which was half coveredby her knickers – the other half sticking out obscenely from the elasticwaistband. Hannah laughed and climbed on top of Dave's clothed legs, completelynaked. She thought she heard him moan softly.

"I bet you've dreamt about this moment, when I would climb on top of younaked, haven't you?" Hannah asked him. Dave simply nodded. "But I guess youwere probably naked too, huh?" Dave nodded again. "Maybe another time," Hannahsaid, and Dave's heart fluttered at the prospect. "I'd better get dressed," Hannahtold him as she got up and went over to his wardrobe. Dave remained silent,trying to enjoy every moment of this fantasylike moment.

"I guess I'll go without underwear," Hannah said, loud enough for Dave tohear. She picked out a jumper and jeans, and slipped them on. She returnedto Dave and removed his blindfold. His disappointment at her being clothedwas palpable. "Here's how it's going to work," Hannah told him. "I'm goingto uncuff you, you're going to put on my bra and jumper – then I'm goingto handcuff you again. If you do anything other than that, you can kiss goodbyeto any chance of getting these clothes off me later. Understand?"

"Yep," Dave said, knowing that he probably had no such chance, but not wantingto risk it. She released him, and he put on the bra and jumper. The jumperwas a thick one, with a hood and a pouchlike pocket at the front. Hannah cuffedone of Dave's hands, and pushed it into the pouch. She pulled the other handcuffout the other side, and cuffed his other hand with it. Dave put both handsin the pouch, and it was not obvious any more that he was handcuffed. Hannahsmiled.

"We're going to take a trip to the library now Dave."

"Like this?" he asked incredulously.

"Yep. Keep your hands in that pocket, and noone will know. Just rememberwho has the keys to those cuffs," Hannah said sternly, then smiled. "I tellyou what, I'll even take my jumper off and give you a peek once we get there."


"Promise." Hannah walked to the door, and Dave grudgingly followed her. Carrotand stick, she thought to herself, breasts and bondage. They left the houseand began the short walk to the library. Dave felt like everyone they passedwas staring straight at his hands. They couldn't see that his hands were cuffedhe kept reminding himself, but his paranoia remained. To take his mind offthe matter, Dave tried to concentrate on the fact that Hannah was not onlywearing his clothes, but she was also not wearing any underwear underneath.His cock strained against the panties and tight jeans that he was wearing.

When the couple completed their silent journey to the library, Hannah ledDave inside and up to a deserted corner of the top floor.

"Stand there," she told him, and walked five paces away from him. She tookoff her jumper, and stood still as Dave stared at her naked back. He foundhimself wishing she would turn round, while also admiring what he could seeof her, her brown hair falling down on to her shoulders at the top of her smoothunblemished back. "Want me to turn round?" Hannah called to him.

"Yes," Dave replied eagerly. Hannah put her jumper back on and turned round.

"In life Dave, you'll learn that there are two types of women; teases andsluts. And I'm no slut." With that she walked past him, and he turned to followher down the stairs. They went to the maths section where Hannah picked outa book for her homework under Dave's direction. Then she led him to the psychologysection, where she picked out a book entitled 'Whips, Chains and Dominatrixes:Explaining the Psychology of Fetishes.'. "Might come in handy for dealing withyou," Hannah explained with a laugh. She led Dave down to the exit. Dave lookedaway embarassed as the middleaged female library assistant checked out thebooks, but Hannah seemed unperturbed.

"You do realise," Hannah said plainly as they walked home, "that if you tellanyone about all this, you'll lose any chance you'll ever have with me?"

"Yes," Dave said simply.

"Good, because I'm beginning to think that there may just be hope for youand me," Hannah said seriously. Dave smiled. They walked back to the house,and into Dave's room where Hannah uncuffed him.

"Dave, will you do something for me?" Hannah asked.

"What's that?"

"Promise me you won't spoil my teasing by just masturbating as soon as Ileave. At least wait until you go to bed tonight or something."

"Ok," Dave said, incredibly horny, but wanting to remain on Hannah's goodside.

"Good," Hannah said, grinning, and left him to get changed. She ran upstairs,and knocked quietly on Jade's door. The door opened, and Hannah slipped inside,shutting the door behind her.

"You'll never guess what just happened," Hannah burst out, and related theday's events.

"So he was naked on the bed when I came to the door?" Jade asked in disbeliefwhen Hannah finished. Hannah nodded, and they both started laughing.

"And he went to the library, with his hands cuffed?" Jade said. Hannah showedher the handcuffs that she had put in her pocket. "While he was wearing yourbra?" Jade continued. Hannah nodded and they laughed even harder.

"So what do you think?" Hannah asked when they finally stopped laughing.

"It's a good story," Jade answered, "but it doesn't have to end there." Shejangled the handcuffs in her hand thoughtfully.

If you like this story (or any of my stories) and want me to write more,send me an email: somewriter2000 at yahoo.co.uk

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University ma admission k lya se

Hello. I am mani from Rawalpindi mare hight 5.4 ha r body slim ha mare lun 7 inch ka ha r motaie ma 2.5 inch .ya story kuch ursa pehlay ke ha ma isamabad ke 1 university ma parta hun aur summer ma internship kr raha tha university k admission office ma. Har roz bohat sare larkianate the form submit kwanay.1 din kuch youn hua k 1 larke jis ka name maiam color white boobs ka size shai 36 tha wo admission ka lya aye… us na apna form mjy submit krwaya wo bohat he sexy the r us na kameez kafi patle...

3 years ago
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Pocket Monsters A New Journey and New Horizons Chapter 2 Delia starts Ashs Education

About two weeks after Ash had arrived home and after the visits had slowed down, Delia found herself back to a somewhat normal housekeeping routine. Ash and Misty had been going on day trips visiting people and training their Pokémon leaving her there with Mr. Mime. Misty had to return back to her gym duties so now it was just Ash and his mom at their house. Ash returned home while Delia prepared and served the dinner. Ash came into the family room and placed his bag on the floor enjoying...

4 years ago
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Babs Education

I For her thirty-fifth birthday Barbara was offered a job. It the best birthday present she could have had. In fact, it was the only one she got. Both her boys had forgotten all about her birthday. ‘Oh, well,’ she thought, ‘that’s kids for you.’ Her husband hadn’t remembered it either until he phoned from his office to wish her a happy day. ‘But I don’t care now. I’ve got some work.’ The way was open for her, at last, to pursue her own independent career. She was known as Babs at home....

2 years ago
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The Ultimate College Education

---Disclaimer--- I wrote this story, partially as a semi-autobiography, partially as a fictional tale. No one name in this story are in any way intended to be real and any resemblance to anyone's real life is thoroughly coincidental. This story does not contain any sexuality. It is a story about a young man's voyage into the world of girl. If you don't like it, feel free to let me know why, but please, no flames. It's immature. So feel free to criticize...it's respectable. I will...

2 years ago
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How Did I Get HereChapter 5 My College Education

College was a whole different way of life for me. I was living in a dorm room with another guy I had never met before. The professors didn't seem to care whether I attended their classes or not. No one was asking about my home work getting done or how everything was going. I truly felt alone and on my own. After a couple weeks of classes, however, it all seemed to make sense to me. Because I'm a morning person, I had chosen mostly morning classes, which gave me plenty of time in the...

4 years ago
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University Life First Ch 10

‘Okay, is studying for exams boring or what?’ Kainene heard Mykelos complaining as she closed the door to her flat. She sighed and shook her head, waving to the two guys in the dining area and going into her room. She had started her exams that day and had gone straight from the library to the Union shop to work then back to the library again. It was just past midnight and she had finally arrived back to her flat tired as hell. She knew it was not an assessed exam, it was just a way for the...

3 years ago
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University Life Part 1 The Kitty Litter

It was my first day at the university and the butterflies were dancing in my stomach as the coach pulled up outside the tall imposing building of the main university campus building. I followed the other girls out of the bus to be greeted by an elderly lady, smartly dressed. She introduced herself as Mrs Dowding and proceeded to shepherd us inside where a group of smiling girls were waiting for us.Mrs Dowding then went out to read out a register, calling out our names, at which stage a girl...

3 years ago
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University Challenge Part 3 A Cracking Christmas

I slammed my hand down on the loudly buzzing alarm clock beside my bed, choking off its insistent drone. Glowing angry-red numbers showed the unearthly hour – six o’clock – but I didn’t care. At long last it was Friday. The Friday! He was coming home today. I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling in the darkness. My brother Mike was coming home for Christmas. My Mike! My big, beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous brother and, after that truly life-changing night in his university bedroom, the second...

2 years ago
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University StepDaughter Exchange

It was a cold snow filled Monday morning and I had just arrived at my Step-Daughter Mandy`s University campus, it was the first time I had been there and was convinced I had picked up several fines for driving down streets that were meant for push bikes only; there were thousands of them seemingly abandoned in the snow white town. As I pulled up at the University gates, Mandy jumped out and grabbed her rucksack, she instructed me to bring her other belongings.“What did your last servant die...

3 years ago
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University Challenge

"Hi! I'm Alan Whitman! This isn't a pick up line ... we're supposed to mix and meet people, aren't we!" "Hello, Alan! Stella Morgan! Thanks for talking to me: I'm not very good at this sort of thing!" "Me neither! So what course are you on, Stella!" "Well I originally applied for English Literature; but I think if you find out you don't like it, you can change. How about you, Alan?" "Telecommunication Engineering. Yes, it is flexible, but I hope that I don't have to change!...

2 years ago
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UniversityChapter 68

The following Tuesday, Sarah came to see me in the afternoon. "Two courses," she said, "reading from the blurbs: The Certificate II in Animal Studies is the introductory level course for those who are interested in the animal care industry and/or pursuing a career as a keeper. Students will develop the knowledge and skills to enable them to perform the essential duties of a keeper in the animal care industry, through a combination of weekly theory lessons and hands-on experience...

3 years ago
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An Exchange Student Gets Some Real Sex Education

As an old guy, who has resisted a bank card, a cell phone and the internet, finally has all three! The internet wow, what can I say, it has everything from the best to the worst instantly, and of most interest to me has been all of the porn sites! After being married to a wonderful woman for over 40 yrs and enjoying some incredible kinky sex with her I had recently started writing about her fantasy's and our sexual adventures. This had led to corresponding interacting with many women young...

1 year ago
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Duff studentrsquos sex education

I didn’t ever get a proper education, and as far as sex goes I knew what I wanted to know and that was all. Though it wasn’t very much – in fact, it was just about zero. From realising I was only interested in solo-sex in the early 60s (not that I had other options even if I wanted them) up to the late 80s, I was shielded from more or less anything apart from what I saw in my magazines, and lucky views I got. I was more than satisfied with that – from the early 60s I got a lot of satisfaction...

2 years ago
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University Life First Ch 07

CHAPTER SEVEN It’s getting close to the end of term. Whoop-di-doop!’ Mykelos sang as he danced round the kitchen table with his slice of toast dripping butter everywhere. ‘Will you stop waving that everywhere?’ Lorna snapped at him. She had spent the best part of the morning tidying up the flat as Kainene’s parents were coming over for the day and she, Kainene had been shaking with part-nerves, part-excitement. ‘Nen’s parents are gonna be here any minute now and I just cleaned this kitchen...

4 years ago
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University Life Part 4 The Initiation pt1

My heart was hammering in my chest as I was led away from the Kitty Litter to a place unknown. I did my utmost to keep track of my progress as we left behind the warmth of the morning sun and into the coolness of the University interior. I could hear the sound of other people nearby as I was led along, the fact that nobody commented on my condition (with a bag over my head) implied the belief that my ‘initiation’ was something that came to everyone.Certainly, Wendy (aka Mrs Murdoch) had made no...

4 years ago
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University Life Part 3 The Next Day

The morning arrived, shafts of sunlight pressing in through gaps in the thick curtains. I awoke, half in and out of sleep. I had been dreaming of the ‘Kitty Litter’ and of a pressing need to return for another outdoor pee with other girls from the University. In my dream I had been denied my intent, always turned around before I could reach the spot by the tall spreading oak that had been designated an outdoor loo.I slipped a questing finger between my legs, seeking out the warm wetness of my...

1 year ago
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University vacation

Every summer I would try to visit my cousin and his girlfriend, who live by the university. They are into bike riding and me not so much. I’m not used to riding with a lot of traffic, I’m just not. My disliking for riding paid off this day. They lived in a 3 or 4 story building and the next door neighbor was a beauty. Her name shall be whatever you’d like it to be. She was a Mexican American girl, 20 years old from a town in Texas. Beautiful hair, great smile, short, tight body, and had style....

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University days

After getting the marks I needed for university, the next job was to find a place that was close, spending a few days at the Uni I looked in the local paper it had to be quiet but also easy to get to all the areas students hung out usually the local chippy and the pub, finding a advert for a student I phoned the number in the paper, a lady called Mrs Jones (Ella) was renting a room she was married to Barry a bit of a dick but for what I would be getting I would put up with him, she also had 2...

3 years ago
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It was pissing down raining and was just driving into my driveway when I saw the young girl who delivers brochures from supermarket to everyone in the neighbourhood's mail box. She looked like a drowned rat so as I hit the button to open the garage door I wound my window down and yelled out to her to come and get out of the rain.She hurriedly rushed over and came in as I was getting out of the car. She was drenched, her normally gorgeous long blonde hair was soaked and stringy. Her clothes were...

4 years ago
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University Part 1 (April 6-8, 1999) Written by Erica Wright *** This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you're not an adult please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible. *** Two months into my freshman year and I was caught. Caught doing what? Let me explain, soon after checking in to my residence hall, I discovered that the young women on the south side of the...

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University ENFENM

You are a 20 year old university just starting your junior year. Between classes, homework, and football games you're really hoping to occupy your time by getting intimate with someone else. This being university, your surrounding area is filled with hot sorority girls, frat dudes, band geeks, jocks, average Joes and Janes, and everything in between. It's Saturday after your first week in classes and you're trying to decide what to do. But first, who are you?

2 years ago
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UniversityChapter 23

Perth III We found Gino's and got a table for three. Sue arrived a few minutes later. "Hello, Gordy; no, you're certainly not 'Little Patrick' any more. How do you do? I'm Sue Carr." "Hi. You look just like you do on the telly ... just a bit prettier." "Ooh! A charmer." We ordered and Sue looked at me. "So, why did you want to talk to me? I don't need to be very clever to tell you've a reason." "Okay. But it's not a short story." "What's the headline?" "I want to...

1 year ago
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University challenge

It was the first day of Josh’s new life, moving away to University had always been assumed but it was finally sinking in that he was doing it. Josh has always been an independent person who liked change and welcomed chances to meet new people. He was average size for his age, nicely built with a smooth flat stomach. His hair was a colour which swept across his cute, boyish face. The car journey there was full of mixed emotions, he didn’t want to end up living with people who were too difficult...

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Predatrix One An Education

Throughout the cab ride to school, and all the while he was setting his classroom in order to meet the parents; he tried his best to push last night’s dream out of his focus. Meticulously, he arranged the vase of flowers in the corner and dusted it clean. He straightened out all the desks and arranged the paraphernalia on his own desk with painstaking effort. He was in the middle of re-arranging the charts on the wall when someone interrupted. “Whoa”, came a familiar voice. It was...

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Daughters Slut Training 2 Daughters Wicked Education

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Wicked Education By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah I...wanted to be a slut. To please Mom. She was so right about me. I had all these whorish desires bursting through me, inspired by Clint's antics with his girlfriends, his cousins. The way he strutted around college. The way he enjoyed his cousins and other girls. I wanted to be one of those girls. I masturbated my...

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Russs Sex Education

My initiation into sexual knowledge was thrust on me, literally. My parents were excited, especially Dad. Uncle Walt was coming from Los Angeles for a month long visit. Dad hadn't seen his older brother for five years, and since they had been close all through their school years, he was looking forward to seeing Walt again. I had mixed emotions. Uncle Walt had twin girls, Laura and Lisa. The last time I saw them, they were eight and I was five. They had made my life miserable the...

3 years ago
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Evas Further Education

This story will only make sense if you’ve read ‘The Education of Eva.’ Everybody in this story is over eighteen. After the weekend at the mansion, we three girls returned to our routine, ‘working’ – if work is an adequate description for what we did – from our luxury Costa del Sol pad. I, for one, knew that my attitude was changed for ever, that, for me, there was more to life than parties, and being groped and screwed. My experience during that weekend, with Monique and her husband Jean-Paul,...

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