Sexually Seduced By A Man Servant free porn video

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He was very tall and rough looking. Quite muscular, dark and was unshaved. Looked fearsome to be honest. He was going to be my house help. It was organised by my uncle when my parents rented me a flat to study at a city high school. I was in grade 12. He was supposed to cook, wash and keep the house clean. I was not happy about the man, but could not say any thing to my uncle as he has gone out of the way to get this person. He was from a distant village. His name was Arumugam. He said his age was 30, almost 13 years older than me.

He was a good worker. The food he cooked was quite good and he kept the house very neat. I noticed that he did his exercises every morning – callisthenic, yoga and other kinds which were new to me. It was 2 bed room flat. I used one and he slept in the other which was also the store room for every thing. He did it in the small space between the hall and the kitchen, usually when I am getting ready to go to work. He was always bare bodied except for the shorts he wears when he did the exercises and I couldn’t help noticing his bulging muscles.

I was not a very physical person myself. As I was quite fat when I was younger before I lost a bit of weight in my early teenage; but my body has been quite flabby since then, especially around the chest area, where the fat has cumulated and look like boobs. I was always shy about my appearance and avoid taking my top off in front of others. A year two ago to my dismay, I noticed that the chest area was slowly growing; it was more than just fat as it was getting quite firm too, really like breasts. I was shocked but was too ashamed to tell any one about it. At the same time, my penis started to get smaller; instead of getting bigger as once gets older. This was more worrying. I used to wank myself from the time I stated having erection and even that seems to have become harder and even I try to jerk for a long time, I found it hard to get an erection or ejaculation. I had to do some thing about it, soon after my school finishing exams.

This particular morning, I was not feeling well and decided to stay home. I was sitting in the hall and was reading the morning papers. Arumugam was doing his exercised as usual. I was watching him now and then. He was aware of it and I felt that he was showing off his body to me. He was sweating and his muscles were shinning. I was surprised that it was quite appealing to me. When he was doing a yoga exercise standing on his head, his shorts slipped a bit and I saw his penis. It was very big; almost three times the size of mine in length and thickness. I was shocked to see any thing as big as that and to my shock I started to get an erection. I couldn’t believe the effect it had on me. I had to get up and leave the place quickly to prevent him noticing my reaction as I also had shorts on at that time.

From that time onwards, my attitude towards him changed completely. I started to be extra ordinarily nice to him with out being too obvious. I prompted him to shave regularly and bought him shaving set, after shaves, face powders, perfumes and antiperspirants. The transformation on him was remarkable. He looked very presentable. I even bought him new shirts, boxer shorts and trousers. I noticed him proudly wearing his new boxer shorts when he was doing exercises next day.

I became a bit more open in admiring his body and told him in so many words that he had a very nice body and wished that I had one like his. He was very polite in replying that there was nothing wrong with mine. One day after he did exercise, he was panting and sweating and I happen to pass by. I couldn’t help stopping by his side and touched his chest muscles and poked my finger into it.

“Wow that is hard” I remarked. He just smiled and said, “Many years of hard work” Since then I notice that there were occasions when our bodies touched each other with no one making an issue of it. Few days later on when I mentioned that I had a neck ache, he offered to massage my shoulders. He asked me to take my shirt off. I was very embarrassed to do so, because of my flabby chest. I openly told him about it. He just laughed it off and said that he has noticed it before and I should not worry about it. I hesitantly took my shirt off and he asked me to lie on my bed. He had just finished his exercise and was wearing just his boxers I have given him. I too had my boxer shorts on and I took off the T shirt I was wearing and lied facing down.

He came and sat net to me. I could sense a mixed smell of the perfumes I have bought for him and his sweat; it was not that unpleasant. He started to gently massage my neck and shoulders. It was really nice. I felt like going off to sleep. Suddenly I heard him saying, “I have noticed that you have boobs like a woman” I was shocked at his statement. I didn’t know what to say.

He continued “Do you mind if I touch them?” I was too stunned to reply him. I felt his hands slipping under me and next minute he grabbed my boobs. I have to confess that when I am lying face down, they do look like almost a B to C size boobs. I was so shy that I kept my eyes closed. He squeezed them like a man squeezing a woman’s boobs.

“Oh Thambi, it feels so nice” His hands were quite large and the squeezing was getting rougher by the second, it was hurting me but at the same time there was a sense of pleasure which was unexplainable. His finger pinched my nipples and stroked them on and off as he continues to squeeze them.

“Let me suck them” he said, it was not a request, more of a command. He made me get up from the bed and he lied down first and asked me to climb over him with my chest just above the level of his face. The boobs were hanging down and he pulled me down until one of them touched his mouth and he started to suck on it. Oh dear. What a situation have I got my self into, I knew that I should get out of it but at the same time my body was enjoying it. How weird.

He was sucking one while squeezing the other and he changed from one to the other. I started to feel a nice eerie feeling in my nipples as if there was some thing oozing out of it. I knew that it was my imagination but it felt real at that time. I didn’t want him to stop what he was doing as it gave me great pleasure.

I desperately wanted to feel his muscles and also to have good look at his cock which I only had a fleeting glimpse once. But, he never gave me the opportunity to do any of the above as he abruptly stopped the sucking and got up from the bed and said, “You better go to sleep as you have to go to school in the morning” and walked out. He did turn the lights off as he went out. I couldn’t go to sleep as I kept thinking about his body and of the strange but pleasant sensation his sucking gave me.

Next morning he behaved as if nothing happened the previous night. As usual I gave him money for the shopping. I was surprised when he asked for a bit more than what he usually asks for, but I didn’t say any thing. At school I couldn’t help thinking about the previous night now and then.

For some reason or other, I was looking forward to going back home. I was surprised to see him waiting for me at the front of the flat and as I went in, he closed the door behind us and hugged me. I was surprised by his action but was very pleased. I hugged him back and next thing we were kissing each other. I have never kissed any one in my life and here I was standing in the hall room, kissing another adult male passionately. He seemed to be quite experienced as he had his tongue inside my mouth in no time and I took his lead and followed what ever he did. We would have stood there kissing for more than 10 minutes before he withdrew his lips from my mouth.

While kissing, I did manage to feel his muscles on his back as he was bare bodied; they were rock hard and felt nice to feel. He asked me to sit down and he sat next to me. I turned towards him and ran my hand over his chest; it was something I have been waiting to do for a very long time. He watched me with a smile as I felt his muscles. They were hard as a stone. I felt his nipples which were quite pert and standing n up. I felt them being stirred by my touch. I looked at his face and nodded before I bent down and took one of them in mu mouth. He liked it very much as I sucked on it, he held my head with is hand and stroked my hair with the other as I went from one nipple to the other. When I stopped sucking, he gently kissed me on my lips and then went and fetched me a cup of tea. He told me that he had a surprise for me and will give it to me after I had my tea. I was wondering what it was going to be.

He brought me a parcel and sat down next to me and placed in on my lap. “Open it” he said; he was not used to being polite I guess. I was surprised what I found inside. There was a bra and matching panties! There were more. There was a jock strap various creams and powders for my face and body and a dress! I couldn’t believe my eyes and was very embarrassed.

“I can’t wear these” I protested. “Of course you are going to wear them because I want you to. You don’t want to disappoint me do you?” The way he said it was quite forceful and I wasn’t sure how to refuse. I have been always a very timid and feminine kind of person. I had to confess that he scared me as well as fascinated me to the extent of being attracted to him at the same time.

“Be a good girl and go inside and get your self into it.” He called me a girl! Oh shit. This has gone beyond my worst imagination. I couldn’t believe it, but, I felt that he had some sort of a hold over me and I really wanted to please him. I looked at him. He was not handsome at all; to the contrary he had crude features and was quite dark in comparison to me. I was quite fare by south Indian standards. But he had a beautiful body. That was probably my attraction towards him. I was confused.

I went into my bed room and stood in front of the mirror for a few minuted not knowing what I should do. He was standing out side the room asking me to hurry up. I hesitantly took off my clothes. As I watched my self on the mirror, I could understand why he was thinking of me as a woman. The boobs were quite obvious and the cock was shrunk to an extent it was almost non existent. First I put on the jock strap which held back my cock and the balls flush against my body to such an extent no one would know I had them. In the back there were two straps on either side of the back passage, I didn’t understand why it was like that until later on. I put on the panties next. It was black and laced and really looked nice and when I slipped into the matching bra, I was surprised how well it fitted me. It was made of such material that it in fact pushed it up and made my boobs look bigger than what they were! I couldn’t believe what I saw of myself on then mirror and as I started applying the make up, in front of my eyes, I was being transformed into a beautiful woman!

It was not me! With the black eye lashes and the pink lipstick and the mascara on the cheeks – who was that woman staring at me? I had long hair to start with and I usually combed it back wards. I brushed it down to let it fall on either side of my ears and applied the hair cream which made it look curly and conform with the contour of the face. I put a red dot on my forehead to complete the make up and then slipped into the dress. It looked so small and I had to struggle to get into it but when I finally did get in, it fitted me perfectly, clinging on to my body and showing off all the curves.

It was weird. Here I was standing I front of the mirror and what I saw was not me! Let me get out of this room and play the role I have acquired, I guess. I shook my head to let the hair fall into place and looked for the last time on the mirror to make sure every thing was perfect I walked out of the room.

If I was socked by my appearance, the look on the face of Arumugam appeared as if he has seen a ghost. He looked at me with his mouth open struggling for words to say. I was very pleased. I was surprised how much I was enjoying this role playing. Soon I would realise that it was more than that and I would really become a woman in the eyes of the world.

The first thing he said was, “I can’t call you thambi any more. We have to change your name” – a play with the end of my name and made it into Devini. I liked the name.

“Oh Devini, you look so beautiful. I have never seen any one as beautiful like you in my life!” He took me by my hands and let me to the sofa. We both sat down and I didn’t know what to say. He looked into my eyes and took my chin on his hand and kissed me gently on my lips. Strangely enough I felt like a woman kissed by a man and kissed him back and soon we were embraced in a passionate kissing. Our tongues seeking each other. He kissed my neck and my throat and it was a strange but sensual feeling. His hands were on my boobs squeezing them. It felt different when squeezed on top of the dress and bra. The effect of the bra definitely made it feel bigger. Even Arumugam made a remark to that effect.

“Your boobs feel bigger than before!” Soon he undid the button of my dress and pulled it down. He looked at my bra clad boobs. “Wow, they look big!” He took both of them at the same time and started to squeeze them, he was bit rough but I didn’t mind it. I was cherishing my role as a woman and every thing he did to me was enjoyable. He put his mouth on top of the bra and teasingly bit my nipples. I pretended that it hurt me and we both laughed. He unhooked my bra off and started to suck my nipples going from one to the other. This time I definitely felt a pleasurable sensation as he kept sucking, as if milk was seeping out!

He even stopped for a minute to raise his head and ask me whether I could feel any thing coming out as he could taste some thing slightly bitter in his mouth. I nodded and said I felt it too. The more he sucked more did I feel it and I didn’t want him to stop it. After what appeared to me hours, he said that we should go into my bed room.

I was not sure what was going to happen next. He led me while holding my waist init the room. He made me sit on my bed and sat next to me. Then he turned around and said; “I want to fuck you now” I was confused, how could he fuck me as I don’t have a pussy? Then it dawned on me the purpose of the jock strap and the two straps on either side of the back passage. Oh dear!

This was something I never imagined was on the cards. I didn’t want to offend him in any way, but at the same time I was worried about what it would be like, especially whether there was going to be any pain. He put his hand on top of my panties and rubbed the front of my crotch. Even though my cock was strapped down, I still had a nice feeling when he did that. He bent down and kissed me on top of the panties and pulled it down with his teeth. It would have been romantic, if only I was a woman! But I was, in his eyes, I guess.

He made me climb on top of the bed and stand on my knees and elbows facing away from him. I was quite concerned as I couldn’t see what was going to happen. I closed my eyes and decided to let nature take its own course. First thing I felt was a wet feeling on my arse hole. I didn’t know what it was, but then realised that it was his tongue. He was licking my arse hole! It was ticklish but was quite pleasant and he did it for a minute or two. Then I felt his finger gently probing the entry. He didn’t force it but just left it there and I felt the muscles contracting around it. As it contracted, his finger slowly advanced inside. I felt a heavy feeling as if my bowels were full. He left it there for a minute before pulling it out.

I knew what was going to happen next. He came prepared for it as I felt some cold gooey stuff being applied. It was Vaseline. I dreaded the pain which was going to follow. I closed my eyes and waited. I felt the tip of his cock at the entry. My arse muscles started to contract around the tip which was four times as thick as his finger. Then I started to feel it going inside. The heaviness was worse than before and was accompanied by excruciating pain. I grit my teeth trying to block away the pain. But it was not going any where. I started to moan, more with pain than anything else. As the cock gradually went further in, the pain started to subside and was replace with a strange sensation of pleasure. I started to relax and Arumugam must have sensed that as he slowly withdrew his cock and inserted it back again; it was not that painful this time around. The feeling of fullness was there but there was a new sensation of pleasure which was unexplainable. I liked the feeling and wanted him to keep pulling it out and reinsert.

“You are a great fuck Devini; your arse hole is so tight” he remarked as he started to pound his cock in and out of my arse hole. All my fears of being fucked in the arse were gone now and I was enjoying it. I stared to moan with pleasure. “Oh yes. It is good…” I cried. He bent down and grabbed my boobs which were hanging down and squeezed them as he continued to fuck me. He was getting rough both with his fucking and squeezing. But I loved it! I felt that he was going to come soon as he also started to moan.

“It is coming…. Yes…” he cried out and I felt his cum filling my arse. He kept his cock inside me even after he came for a minute or two. My arse muscles kept contracting around his cock during that time. I was in a state of ecstasy. I collapsed on the bed with exhaustion. He also lied down next to me and we both had a short nap. I was the first one to wake up. I looked down and saw his cock which was still quite semi limp. I gently took it in my hand and slowly stroked it. He woke up and noticed that I was holding on to his cock. He smiled at me and asked me, “Do you like to play with it?” I nodded my heady shyly. I held it and stroked it and felt it stirring up at my stimulation.

“I want you to suck it” he said out of blues. It was not a request but an order. I was sort of taken aback. It was so big and I have never sucked a cock before. How on earth am I going to take it in my mouth? He realised my predicament. “Just one step at a time” he was quite encouraging and supportive as I slowly wriggled my self into position with my head close to his cock. “It will be easier for you if I sit on the bed and you kneel between my legs” I got up and did as he told me. He sat at the edge of the bed and I was facing him, he smiled at me as I tentatively took the tip in my mouth. I looked up at him while I slowly licked the tip. I could taste the cum and it was quite bitter. I kept licking for a short time before I took the knob of the head in my mouth. I have almost had to open my mouth fully to accommodate it.

He tried to push it further in, but I shook my head indicating that I was not ready yet. Fortunately he didn’t press me. I took my time and slowly took more and more into my mouth. I felt the tip touching the back of my throat and I knew that was the limit and if I took any more, I would start to gag. I withdrew my mouth and retraced the length again, moving my mouth over the shaft. I could feel his cock growing inside my mouth and as such I was able to take less and less each time than I took in before. He did try to push further in but I had to stop him from making me gag. After a couple of attempts, he left me to set the tempo and length I was able to suck. I increased the pace and he held on to my head as he moaned with pleasure. I felt his cock throbbing and before I realised, he shot his load into my mouth.

I was not prepared for it. What should I do now? Should I swallow it or spit it out. I looked up to him from my knelt position. He decided it for me. “Swallow it” he said. I had no option but to do so. It was gooey and bitter, but I blocked my mind and swallowed it. It kept coming in spurts and felt like there were gallons of it. I managed to swallow most of it. I noticed a bit dripping on to the ground.

He lifted me from the floor. Made me sit on his lap and held me tightly. “From today onwards, you are going to be my woman. Okay?” I shyly nodded. He continued. “I will look after you and let no one touch you. But, if you cheat on me, I will kill you. Understand?” It was all new to me. I just nodded in agreement. He was a man of contradiction. He could be loving and caring one minute but rude and fearsome next minute. I had to learn to live with it. At that instance, I was not thinking beyond the moment. I was in a state of daze – realising for the first time the femineity in my self and being deflowered by a man who wants me to be his woman. Too much to comprehend for a day.

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Ass Fucked By Servant

I am 5’9” in height and around 65 kgs in weight and very fair complexion and by god’s grace I have no hair on my body except my head of course and yes I am proud to say that I am a guy even after this experience and have had a very dynamic experience with a very strong and masculine guy, who really changed the dimensions of my thinking. It was somewhere around 1 week ago, during the winter time of January, I was going home from college and as I entered my society, and went towards the...

3 years ago
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Ass Fucked By Servant

Hi guys, I am Deepal,20, and after a lot of holding it inside I have finally found a place in here where I can lighten up my heart by sharing this real life experience of mine. I always kept it inside my mind and couldn’t share it with anybody, but with platform as this site, i find it the best to share my experience. I am 5’9” in height and around 65 kgs in weight and very fair complexion and by god’s grace I have no hair on my body except my head of course and yes I am proud to say that I am...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My Friend Mother And My Servant

Hello, everyone, hope you like past two telugu sex stories about my servant and my friend’s mother in my home.I like to continue in my language as usual. Adhulayum paaruga yaavulo oothumai rendu per pearum sangeetha tha enn anna ku marriage fix panni irundhaga marriage ku naa yellaraiyum kupten yeppidiyo enn servant vandhuduvanu thariyum so enn friend amma ku invitation kuda poona appo ava saptutu irundha, hi yeppidi iruka keata avalum nalla iruken sonna enna sapida sonna naa veanam uncle...

3 years ago
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Fucked by my servant

Hi my name is Sunita I am 21 years beautiful girl with size of 38-28-38. Here is my story with Ramu our servent. Ramu is 42 years old; he is 6 ft strong muscular man. Often he used to work just in vest and many times in the garden I have seen him working wearing shorts only. He used to call me Beti and treated me nicely always. Lately, however, I have noticed him staring at me often. Sometimes he had given me mischievous smiles also. When I asked him he used to say he was thinking of some movie...

3 years ago
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My Holiday Experience With My Servant

Hi everyone. I am studying my graduation. I stay in university hostel and rarely go to hometown. Actually my hometown is 2000 km from where I study. So I generally goes to hometown twice or thrice a year. Last year after my exams when I planned to go home, I came to know that my family has gone to attend a marriage ceremony in village . And they will be back after 1 days of my reach to home. As almost all the students had left and I had already booked tickets I decided to go hometown. My...

4 years ago
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Semi Naked Maid Servant

Our house had four keys for the main door lock. My parents carried one each and I and our servant maid, Pari, carried each. Since my parents worked and had to leave early for their respective jobs they gave an extra key to our servant maid so that she could come in the middle of the day and do her work. I was doing my engineering and was 20 years old. I was about 6’1” tall and well built. Our servant maid, Pari, was about 5’5” tall and had a great figure. she was about 27 years old and looked...

1 year ago
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Losing My Vrginity With My Servant

I’m a 21 year old gay guy, staying in Delhi. What I’m going to tell you, however, happened when 5 years ago, when I was 16 years old and all of it is true. I have not added anything extra since the story itself is erotic enough. I lost my virginity to a servant who worked for us then and still works for us now. I lived with my mother and father, and we had a full-time servant who stayed with us. His name was Ramesh Thakur. He cooked, cleaned, and he also served as a masseur for the family. I...

4 years ago
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Awesome Fuck Joy With Servant

I am a girl beaten by fate. After two months of my marriage my husband was expired in a road accident. My heart was not happy in husband house. So I return back to my house. We are one of the rich families of the town. We are only two brother and sister. Father was expired 5 years before. For that time my parental business was run by my brother. He is very good and honest person. I was very happy in after coming to my home. My mom was alive. Brother and mother keep my confidence high. After...

2 years ago
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Sissy slave to my house hold servant

Sissy slave to my house hold servant.       It’s all gone with in a year, coming back to start point? I am weight 51kg comparing to my height 5.11 inch you can assume my week personality. I am working with software programmer I am earning 5 digit salaries per month; with my experience in work area I am expert in web programming and hacking websites database. I have my own flat, car every thing more for a bachelor. Sorry I forget to say my where I am from- I am from India, I am single in my flat...

2 years ago
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Horny servant

I am Meena from a rich family. I had sex with my male servant Babu and wanted you readers to know how it happened. I am going to narrate my affair with my male servant Babu. I am 21 yr old girl, completed my bachelor’s degree recently and was home after completing it waiting for my marriage to be arranged. I am very much interested in sex from the beginning but was very shy to express myself to other boys or males. I have nice features with dark tan on my body that attracts all the male...

3 years ago
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My Servant

Hi, there all you horny guys & erotic stories lovers. Just like you I am also very fond of erotic stories & erotic experiences of real life. I have searched down so many sites but Human Digest has No.1 place in its style, content & presentation.Since long I was thinking to let others know the real incidents of my rich sex life. First of all I want to clear that I found 90% of erotic stories as cooked up & not real ones. One may take the liberty of language but not of ideas & situations.As you...

3 years ago
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The First CommandChapter 18 Truman

What can I say about Truman? The first time I saw it, it was much like the first time I saw Jupiter Station: a jumble of ships, equipment, half-built habitats and stations. The biggest difference was that half the construction was down on the planet, trying to put together a place for humans to live. Truman was marginally habitable, meaning that it could be lived on with technical assistance. That doesn't mean that it was a terrestrial planet. It was the moon of a gas giant somewhat close...

3 years ago
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Sex Slave To A Servant

Hi all. This is Sunitha, hope you remember me. I have submitted about my sexual affairs with my father-in-law under the story series ““. While I was checking my mails, I got a mail from a reader requesting me to write her story. We got in touch and I was impressed by her experience. Here is her experience. Hi, this is Riya and in this story, I am going to narrate how I became a slave to my servant. Before going to what happened and how it happened, let me tell you about myself and my family. I...

2 years ago
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My Mother With Our Young Servant

Hi readers…This is the story of my mother who cheated my dad a few years back and that too with one of our house servant. My email is is We are a nuclear family comprising of my dad, my mom and me. My dad is an alcoholic so he stays away from home for his guilty pleasures most of the time. My mom, then was 45 years old. She is a typical Indian housewife who is usually dressed in plain sarees with sindoor, bindiya and a mangalsutra claded around her neck. She is a very sober lady who is well...

1 year ago
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She Seduced Me

“She Seduced Me” certainly sounds like a reasonable excuse because really, who could say no to a hot girl with a nice rack, a well-shaped ass, and a pussy that’s open for business? It’s a simple phrase that could be the catch-all gimmick for a premium site that has all kinds of babe-based depravity going on. What do you know? That’s precisely what they’ve done at, which bills itself as “Lesbian Tales of Seduction and Reluctance in 4k crystal clear ultra-high definition”.That’s...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Workman gets seduced by seymour clevage

Sarah hated the Monday morning rush. she'd woke up late again dropped the k**s of at school done the shopping and just wanted 5 minutes to chill. it was now 10.45am and the gasman was due at 11. what to wear? she thought. Sarah was in her late 20's size ten figure. pert tits legs to die for and a nice tight arse. She went for the short skirt blouse knee high socks look with her hair in pig tails not out to impress or anything. The door rang dead on 11. " 1 minute!" as she called out the bedroom...

2 years ago
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Sex Slave To Servant 8211 Part 3 Slave To My Servant

Hi Guys, this is Sunitha back with other encounters of Riya. Thanks a lot for the feedback. I have sent all most of the emails you sent, she was overwhelmed. I encouraged her to write her story on her own. But she requested me to write her story. Hi, this is Riya, I am a North Indian settled up in Hyderabad. My husband works as a pilot. He is away most of the time for work. I worked as air hostesses earlier. I am completely enjoying my affair with our old servant, Kishan kaka. Now it’s been...

4 years ago
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Kinu the servant

Hello all ISS readers! I’m Susant again. Thanks for your continuous response to my previous stories. I feel proud that I have made most of u horny. This story, I’m sure, will definitely be appreciated by u. Aahhhh…uuuhh..nehinn… chhod dijiye….. Chhoti di aajaayegi to hum barbad ho jaayenge………” It was mid-day of summer. Madhulika (Madhu), the one and only daughter-in-law of renowned Cloth Merchant Sarwan Choudhury was sucking the 10”+ long, 3” dia dick of Kinu, the servant boy of the family,...

1 year ago
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Sex with servant

This happened when I shifted to Trichur town on a vacation for a few months away from the pollution of the city. I rented a house, away from the main town. It was two hours from the market and the nearest house was 8 miles away. Fortunately the house had no electricity or water problems. The property dealer, Mr. Menon assured me that he would arrange for a servant for cleaning and cooking. I had a room vacant on the terrace, which the servant could use. However there was only one bathroom. So...

3 years ago
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my servant

When i was like 14 my mom had an accident and broke her leg . Because it was hard for her to move around we had to hire a servant to look after her, the servant was an extreamly attractive young lady in her 30s who had the sweetest smile i ever saw. She not only looked after my mom but also me. Every day when i came home after school she would open the door and greet me with the warmest smile. She would always wear a blouse and a skirt and sometimes i would glimse at her tight body and wonder...

2 years ago
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Samanthas Sex LessonChapter 4 Samantha Learns More

Samantha backed into her bedroom watching Aaron follow her. His eyes were glued to her boobs and hard cock pointed straight at her. When she reached her bed, the teen flopped into it calling out, "Get in here with me, and teach me more about what boys want to do to sexy girls like me!" "Ugh! I don't think that's a good idea, but let me show you something any guy who sees those gorgeous tits of yours is going to want to do." Aaron leaned over Samantha on her bed and took her swelling...

1 year ago
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Seducing a telephone repairman

I’ve had fantasies about the cable guy that I had once seduced. Jimmy and I unfortunately didn’t have video of it but he was able to take pictures of me taking his big black cock. I’ve recently had to go back to that picture set and loudly reminisce about it as Jimmy fucked me in bed one night. Ironically, a day came when we had trouble with our phone line and finally Jimmy placed a repair request order to fix the problem. When we were finally told what day the telephone repairman was coming to...

4 years ago
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Me Usman And Surprises

Hai dear friends, this is Asha again with my new story. And thanks for a huge response above my last story. “My brother’s servant made me slave”. This is a secand part of the same story. Please reed and send me your feed back at A heavy sound of metal gate Brock my nap. I open my eyes and watch the time at wall clock. It’s 8.30 OFFFFFFFFF my god it is almost 45 minute before usman and ordered me to “Khana pakana”. I hurriedly go in bath room and wash my face and after pee. i wash my cunt and...

4 years ago
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Samanthas Sex LessonChapter 7 What Samantha Really Learned

"That's not fair. That wasn't the lesson you were teaching me!" "What do you mean that wasn't the lesson I was teaching you? How many times did I tell you that you needed to make me cum in your mouth and that you shouldn't trust me? I shouldn't have put my dick inside you and cum like that, but I was trying to warn you that the lure of your pussy would eventually overwhelm me. I fought it for as long as I could. But after eating you, I just couldn't fight it any longer. "Well,...

2 years ago
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Great Sex With Light Thin Servant

Hi to all and I have been a regular reader of indiansexstories especially the maid servant accounts. Why? Because maids make me hornier and I was always attracted to older females and after being seduced by a maid in my young age love to seduce and have sex with them. I am a matured man and still love fucking maids as its simple and they mostly have drunk husbands or have some other problem and so are servants and sometimes you can have great sex with them. Important thing is don’t treat them...

4 years ago
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My servant

My Servant My servant is my master. He is some thing special for me as well as to my family. He is only a 18 boys with a tall figure and a moderate built. His name is Shiva. He is nice in his nature and very hard working, he works for me for more than an eighteen hours a day. He is almost for every work he will be there at home in my private work or for the family work. One evening when I was taking a bear as I said that his assistance will be there, he is helping me in arranging the things....

3 years ago
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Mom fucked by servant

We are family of four Me, my brother, my mother and my father. My brother works a American company, my father is a govt. Officer and I a call centre executive. My mother is a house wife. As the family income increased we thought of hiring a servant. So We hired “Sonu”, a 18 year old boy, he used to take care of most of household work except cooking, my mother was very relived from the household work. Let me tell u about my mom, She was a lady of 45 year with a fat stomach and a sexy and deep...

2 years ago
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My Friend And I Seduced My Wife 8211 Part 3

In the earlier parts, I described how my friend Anil and I manipulated and seduced my simple and conservative wife Nina with my help. In the second part my friend Anil described how he planned cunningly, the seduction of my wife with my help. Nina and I were invited to a social gathering in which, Anil was present with his wife Anita. When Anil saw my wife Nina for the first time, I knew from his face expressions that he fell heads over heels for her. I kept watching him. He was unable to take...

4 years ago
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The Servant

My name is Celine and my husband Sylvester. We are both of Indian origin. Our marriage was by arrangement as it is the custom back home in India. I came from a very poor family background, one of the six daughters to my dad who was in a clerical job. As it was the tradition, to get a daughter married, it cost an arm and a leg, especially for the dowry demanded by the groom’s parents. He had hell of a job to scrounge enough dowry to get my two elder sisters married and he was dreading how on...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Servant

I am Priyesh from Patna. I am 19 years and I am doing 10+2. I think this brief introduction about me is more than enough. Actually I have a very strong sexual desire to fuck my aunt, She is really a hell of a women but I never got a chance to screw her. She never understood my intensions.Anyways I am going to tell you about my first ever sexual experience with my servant. We have a servant who works in our house she is around 17 years but you wont believe she is just 21 because she has a very...

2 years ago
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Becoming my ExWifes Maid and Servant

Becoming my ex-wife's housekeeper/maid was not something I was expecting when we got divorced two years ago. Our divorce was mostly due to the fact that her career had taken off, while my career fizzled in this bad economy. It made our marriage difficult as our roles got reversed. I stayed home and took care of the house, while she became the breadwinner. But our divorce was amicable as divorces go... Running into her at the grocery store was uncomfortable to say the least. She...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Servant

Hello, this is Raj,from Maharshtra. this time I m going to narrate a story which happened to me when I was in 11 std. I took science in 11 and was preparing for my 12 exams as in my house I don’t have my personal room, so for studies I use to go to my auntie’s house which was nearby my house, it was a daily routine after finishing my college in the morning I spent the whole day in my auntie’s house just studying. In my auntie’s house there where4 member and 1 servant (lady maid).she was there...

1 year ago
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I am 25 years old and I do take care of my business without anybody’s help. Whenever I travel, I never stay in posh hotels and I always stay in medium hotels with decent amenities. Normally, I used to stay in a hotel near the bazaar . But as the place became crowded and noisy, I changed to a hotel near the railway station which also helped me to access it at any point of time. This incident of mine happened during my visit during the month of January last, where I stayed for nearly 7 days. I...

3 years ago
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Losing Virginity To My Servant

Hi! This is Sima again. This story is about how I lost my virginity to our servant Mahesh. I was 18 at that time. I had a boyfriend and I had kissed him a few times but never went beyond that. We had a servant named Mahesh. He was around 21. He had a good body but I was never attracted to him. But I liked to dress provocatively at home just to make him look at me. It made me feel good. But I never thought I’ll ever let him touch me. I used to wear tight shirts, short skirts, and transparent...

4 years ago
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Batman and Catwoman the day after

Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...

3 years ago
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Batman and Catwoman the day after

Hey all this is Joe and this is the continuation of my hookup with Alexis, one of my coworkers and the fuel for more mastubation sessions than I can count in the last few months. I was having the most wonderful dream, last night I had gone to a costume party dressed as Batman while the woman of all may fantasies was dressed as Catwoman. Somehow in the dream we ended up leaving together and in the car she had sucked my cock till I filled her mouth with my hot cum. Once back at my place I had...

Straight Sex
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Manya Forbidden Lust 4

For the next two hours Deen simply jerked the life out his dick till he thought it would get disengaged from his crotch. He had seen his sexy Mom getting her breasts sucked and crushed by his younger brother while carrying on a conversation with his Dad. Her naked, well curved body was thoroughly felt and she had squeezed and mashed her dripping cunt to an orgasm in obscene horniness. The last lingering image of his juicy mother for his jerk off was of her heaving, voluptuous, fully exposed...

2 years ago
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Manya Forbidden Lust 3

Her husband’s disgusting behavior last night had left Manya more than just annoyed despite the fact that it facilitated some licentious sex for her neglected body. Now after being subjected to some cursory kisses and gropes he had sped off, leaving her naked and anguished all over again. He never seemed to display the remotest tinge of remorse for having left her high and dry at his boss’ party and now showed absolute callousness in announcing that he was leaving that evening for a week. The...


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