Jakob\'s Ladder free porn video

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November 5, 2003


November5, 2003


Jake got off the bus in Times Square with Aideen Higgs, known otherwise as Kandikorn, a stripper in Tunstall, the village that housed St. Pembroke?s, Jake?s prep school.


?Now I?m going to give you the experience that you?ve been waiting for, Jake.? Aideen said this, smiling. ?You?re going to pay for dating and ditching all those townie girls?one of whom is my younger sister Janet.?


Jake snorted. ?Shut your face, you slut.? He was here for a good time, though he wasn?t sure what yet. At eighteen, it was time he started living, that was all he knew.


Aideen and Jake walked into Coaster?s Girlhaven, an adult bookstore, and she took Jake to the back, nodding in a friendly way to the Arab manager behind the counter. Jake had never seen so many pictures of naked girls?all over the magazines, on the? VCR boxes, Lordy.


?SLAVEBOIS & DOMGIRLS? screamed one of the titles of the magazines. Jake grinned at it. That was one of his secret stash?he got the subscription sent to a P.O. box in Tunstall, along with ?MISTRESS MOIRA?s MONTHLY? and ?YES MA?AM? magazines.


In seventh grade, Jake had ripped the sections on bondage and discipline out of the Penthouse Forum magazines in the back of Tunstall Drugfair,? and then later he?d moved on to more sophisticated publications. He didn?t know what it all was about, this weird, sick interest he had in girls ordering him around?


Certainly, in real life, it was the other way around. Jake grinned as he remembered? poor Janet, sneaking into his dorm room night after night to fuck him?and how he?d convinced her to fuck the other guys on the floor, and then how they?d rolled her in cow shit. What a riot!


Aideen was hot stuff, man. Watching her butt twitch in front of him in that little skirt was driving Jake wild. Why the hell can't she let me play with her boobs? She's seen me naked and done HORRIBLE shit to me...you think that would be enough, right?


Finally Aideen got Jake into the back of the store, where? the video peepshow films were, and she ordered Jake to strip naked and get into one of the booths.


?What the fuck?? Jake asked, horrified. ?You heard me? the stripper said calmly. True, Jake had, during a few paid sessions, stripped naked for Aideen and let her whip his bare ass in her seedy little apartment in the Central West End of Tunstall, otherwise known as Dumpville, but this was a little different.


?C?mon Jakie, you wuss.? Aideen said, staring straight at him. ?You want something new, right? Something new ain?t just watching the peepshows, you done that before. Take off your clothes before I rip ?em off.?


Suddenly the Arab manager walked into the back. ?Do not do dis in the boot? Aideen. Use my back room. The men are there, anyway, so??


?No, no, Bashi. The booth works fine for our little suckpig here. Take off yer fuckin? clothes!? Aideen shrieked, and Jake, aroused at the little blonde in her tiny miniskirt and halter top, obeyed.


When Jake was naked, Aideen pushed him into the booth at the far end, and Jake jumped as Aideen pulled out the chair that you were supposed to sit on to watch the flicks.


Suddenly Aideen grabbed Jake?s wrist. ?Put your hands together behind your back, I brought our handcuffs, honey.? Aideen purred this as Jake was staggered.

But obedient as always, Jake put his hands behind his back, the cuffs clicked, and then? Aideen pushed Jake to his knees in the tiny little booth.


Aideen then pulled a spraycan out of her purse and began spraying Jake all over his body, and to his horror, his chest hair and testicle patch began falling out. ?What the fuck is that?? Jake screamed.


Aideen grinned and read aloud from the spray bottle. ?Permanently remove body hair from anywhere with no discomfort, naturally, without harsh chemicals or side effects.


Perma Hair Away is a truly revolutionary product! It first slows down, and then permanently stops hair growth.


The one-of-a-kind formulation utilizes enzymatic action to inhibit hair growth by changing the structure of the hair follicle.


It is non-toxic and completely natural, so you?ll experience no discomfort or side effects from using it. Even course abundant hair can first be made finer, and then eliminated altogether?


?They say it?s better than Nair.? Aideen said as she finished the spraying job. ?Now be fortunate I don?t make you eat the hairs up off the floor of this repulsive little closet, honey.?


Suddenly Aideen stepped out of the booth and she shut the door, and Jake waited, wondering what the crazy bitch was up to.


Jake shivered, thinking of what his teammates on the St. Pembroke?s Pelicans would think?he wouldn?t be quarterback for long if they saw him like this!


The door opened, and a tall black guy wearing a green coverall with? RASPUTIN stitched in white letters on his right chest looked in. ?You the cock-sucka?? he asked.


The fuck? ?No, man, I?m just waiting for my girlfriend? Jake responded, not impolitely.


?Yo? girlfriend?? Rasputin responded, laughing. ?You dumb-ass enough to be naked on yo?knees wit yo? hands cuffed, and you think that bitch out there is you? girlfriend. Man, I just paid her five dollars so you?d suck my dick, and you gonna do it.?


Suddenly, Jake?s cock became hard, and as he looked up at Rasputin?s grinning black face, he wondered if he was turning out like Uncle Livingston.


Jake recalled the summer before when he and his sister had trailed Uncle Livingston to a public park in their town, and as they?d watched from behind a tree, Uncle Livingston had taken off his clothes and knelt on his knees in a clearing. Uncle then would slap his balls and twist his nipples and shake until men wandered into the clearing and began kicking and slapping him, and eventually pushing their dicks in his mouth.


And of course Jake?s first exposure to ?Mistress Moira?s Monthly? had been when he?d gone through Uncle Livingston?s things after reporting Uncle?s activities to Dad and having Uncle committed. Go figure, right?


But before Jake could think much further, Rasputin grabbed him by the ears and pushed a huge cock into his mouth. Jake?s throat began choking as the dick went in and out. Just outside the little vid closet he heard Aideen say, ?You were such a big skull fucker to my sister and her friends, now enjoy yourself, dickwad.?


And as Jake looked out, weeping after Rasputin shot his wad down Jake?s throat, he saw a line of stumblebums obviously culled from the? mission next door, waiting their turn for his obedient mouth. Oh Great Scott!


FEBRUARY18, 2005


Oh, it hurt! slave jakob cowered in the corner, where he had been sobbing with his pants down for the past forty minutes. He and Miss Priscilla and Lisa and Beaumont and Shirl and Jeff had been having such a nice evening.


Until Miss Priscilla had gotten annoyed because slave jakob had told an off color joke. What the hell was wrong with that? ?What?s the new African American credit card? Massa Charge? wasn?t that bad, and Jeff was maybe one fifth black, he shouldn?t have been so offended.


And they didn?t understand the nature of slave jakob?s relationship with Miss Priscilla, until of course the bitch had taken his pants down in front of the other four and whaled on his butt with her bedroom slipper.


And it was a cocktail party! Here they were, sophisticated college sophomores, and engaged, and it was great to get to know other couples from other schools.


Sure, everyone knew the story of slave jakob and Miss Priscilla here at Landon, but? how slave had hoped that they could befriend normal people elsewhere.?


Miss Priscilla had told him while she was putting on her makeup, preparing to go to this party. ?If you behave like a normal man, you?ll be treated like one.? And slave jakob at the time had snorted. ?I?m normal, of course I am. I?m a regular guy.?


Miss Priscilla had gotten up from her makeup organizer and stalked over to him, still in her ruffled beige bra and panties, as she didn?t want to get blusher on her little black dress before she went out the door. KICK!


Miss Priscilla had given it to slave jakob right in the balls, and he?d fallen over. ?You behave like a total asshole. Do it at this party, and you?ll regret it. I?m carrying my bedroom slipper in my purse.?


And of course slave jakob had fucked up, big time. As he wept in the corner, he heard his friends talking about him.


"That's fucking incredible, Pris" Lisa laughed. "I can't believe he lets you do that."


Priscilla chortled. "So what else does he let you do" came Beaumont's voice, and then Priscilla said. "No, take your hand off my leg, Beau. I have full friends with privileges rights, but you can't have any. But maybe I'll suck Jeff's dick, and make poor Jake lick his balls, what do you think of that?"


As there was a stunned silence, slave jakob buried his face in the corner, waiting to die.




Priscilla smiled as slave jakob stayed kneeling in the middle of the floor of the Griselda Hildersham Tibshelf Memorial Smoking Lounge in the Kappa Gamma Sade House, his lips covered in Thebalm Lip Plumper Tinted Lip Gloss  while slave jakob knelt humbly.


"Come all ye freshman boys...the Little Brothers of the Kappa Gamma Sade Girls. Everywhere else, there are Little Sisters to frats, but you fellas are the Little Brothers. Come get your dicks sucked as part of this weeks Pledge Party!"


As the grinning 18 year olds crowded up to stick their dicks in the Plumped Lips of the Heisman trophy winner, his heart sank...

DECEMBER 20, 2006

slave jakob tried to move in the Hole.  The Hole was about the size of a real short elevator...and who on earth would build a metal box, and put it in a pit under the Kappa Gamma Sade House?


slave jakob had been in the Hole for seventy-two hours, ever since he'd pissed off Miss Priscilla...had it been his fault? It had been his time to cum, for God's sake, he'd been jerking his willy, like he was allowed to do every Sunday, after a painful week of serving Priscilla in every way...and when he knelt before her, watching her smirk, tossing her bleached blond hair in her snug cashmere top...he'd unzipped and pulled out his willy..and began jerking.


But then, when slave jakob  had been about to cum, Priscilla had stopped him. "I want proof of your devotion, slave jakob." she'd said. "I want you to prove you are dedicated to me by putting your orgasm off for a week. I know you didn't get to cum last week because of neglecting my ironing, but I want you to put it off one more week to show me how much you think of me."


slave jakob's eyes had brimmed with frustrated tears. It wasn't fair...he'd been celibate for fifteen days now...and he'd sucked Prissy's pussy daily, serviced her lovers (painful since he and Priscilla were engaged to be married the day after graduation) cleaned the rooms of every girl on Floor Eleven of KGS.


Because slave jakob was on Yellow Ribbon status--meaning he could be physically punished by any woman in the house, but not allowed sexual pleasure from any but Priscilla--it had been miserable.


Sure, it had been nice when he'd been on Green Ribbon--then he could be sexually pleasured by any woman on Floor Eleven, but not any other floor, but with Green Ribbon prohibited him being punished by anyone but Priscilla!


'Course at the time, slave jakob had been mad because he wasn't on Pink Ribbon, which would have allowed him to fool around with any girl on any floor in KGS. That Thomasine on Floor Two!


But Yellow Ribbon was the worst--Blue Ribbon was bad, where you had to suck men off, the boyfriends of any woman who ordered you...but at least there were sex privileges with the girls. But with Yellow Ribbon, he'd been beaten by a fat girl, a nutrition major appropriately, because he hadn't dusted the pictures of her cats back home! Ugh.


But poor slave jakob had been so good, hoping that he could cum. They couldn't afford a chastity device for him, so every night  Priscilla had insisted on going over to slave jakob's frat house and pulling his pants down in front of all the guys doing shots and Playstation, and feeling his cock up to make sure he'd not jerked off, or been unfaithful.


And if slave jakob looked a little embarrassed or resentful, Prissy would pull him over her knee and beat his ass in front of all his smirking frat brothers! slave jakob had no friends left.


"Which is fine" Priscilla told him. "You're not going to be playing golf, or watching sports or hanging out with guys when we're married, toilet-boy. Just staying at home, filing my nails for me..."


But three days ago slave jakob had gotten mad and began arguing with Zoe about his orgasm, and his right to jerk off...and she'd hogtied him and she and her friends had dropped him in the Hole, which was pitch black.


You couldn't go to the bathroom, except by peeing or shitting on yourself, and you had to eat peanut butter on rice cakes that was dropped down...licking it up with your mouth since hands were cuffed.


slave jakob was miserable, and he could barely move around in the Hole. Dark, shit filled and cramped. How could it be worse?


Suddenly, the top to the Hole opened. slave jakob knew that the Hole was covered by a trapdoor in the KGS potato cellar. The light, though dim, came in and nearly blinded him, as slave jakob's eyes had been in total darkness.


"Miss Priscilla" slave jakob called. "Are you letting me out? I'm sorry I was whining! I'll hold off from orgasming til after we're married, if you want!"


"Shut up, dork." It was the voice of Beth on Floor Two. "Who is that, Jake Hilliard?" came Thomasine's voice. Oh God. slave jakob had such a crush on her.


"No you aren't getting out, idiot." came Beth's voice again. "But you ARE getting company!"


"No, there's no room in here!" called slave jakob. But it was too late, A naked, blindfolded form fell down next to him. Before the trapdoor shut, slave jakob saw a pretty girl with curly natural blonde ringlets, and beautiful full breasts with clothespins on the nipples.


"(Sigh) Hi, I'm Zoe." the girl said. "I'm going to be here a while, I guess.

Was his luck changing?


FEBRUARY 19, 2007


slave jakob, former winner of the  North American Interfraternity Conference Undergraduate Achievement Award scrubbed the baseboard outside the  Kappa Gamma Sade Party Room assidously.


He was still so upset by what Priscilla had done to him after five days in the Hole. slave jakob was a brilliant student, so missing classes had not been a problem but...


Oooh Five days in his own shit, two of them spent wedged next to that BITCHING little blonde...the Hole was too small for more than one person.


Then Priscilla had taken slave jakob out and instead of letting him masturbate with just his dick out of his pants in front of her like always...she'd made him jerk his willy stark naked and kneeling in front of all his frat brothers at Alpha Delta Tau.


For an hour, Priscilla had only allowed slave jakob to masturbate himself with his fingertips, which made it impossible for him to get any friction...and then only with the bottom of his palms.


You would have thought the frat boys would've gotten bored, but they'd stared, fascinated at their former Sergeant-At-Arms.


slave jakob had cried like a baby with frustration over not being able to make his purple, bloated, precum drooling cock explode...


Amid repeated cries of "Lo-Ser! Lo-Ser!" slave jakob had finally jerked off onto a piece of sandpaper, and then taken the cum-covered paper, crushed it in his fist and eaten it, as Priscilla and her friend Tommie had laughed uproariously at him.


Digesting sandpaper is not a cool experience, slave jakob, former Landon University Lacrosse captain reflected.


Last year he was voted Greek Member of the Year, last semester the National Society of Collegiate Scholars!


And they were throwing him out of the frat! Trent Eckington, slave jakob's best friend since the Second Form at St. Pembroke's had told slave jakob that he was an embarrassment to men, everywhere..


Elkridge Mott, who had been taught by slave jakob how to sail when they were fifteen down at Martha's Vineyard, avoided his former frat brother's eyes now!


 And to think a year ago, slave jakob was the frat's representative at the Undergraduate Inter-Fraternity Leadership Institute!


Alston Bicknell, slave jakob's ex beer buddy and  raquetball partner had called slave jakob "a faggot-to-be". They'd been Pledgemasters together!


And Simeon Ryerson, who edited the Landon Loudmouth with slave jakob had voted with the other editors to throw slave jakob off the staff. Sim had said "It's too creepy for words what she's done to you, Jake, man."


Sim and Trent had begged slave jakob to break up with Priscilla, but when he'd said he couldn't, they'd turned their backs on him. It mystified them, especially Trent, who had been slave jakob's wing man in the days before Priscilla...


Trent had always been jealous of slave jakob's hooking-up abilities, and now slave jakob was involved with this average looking chick who treated slave jakob like SHIT....


It gave everyone the creeps that the former player was now jerking off in front of them in the frat house.


But Priscilla had found slave jakob a cot and put it in the boiler closet where he had to share with Marjeta, the transvestite on Floor Three (how creepy).


Now, instead of playing rugby on a Sunday, slave jakob's nails were painted, a dirty cleaning rag was tied in his mouth, and he was naked except for one of Priscilla's thongs, scrubbing the baseboard of the KGS house.


Suddenly he was kicked from behind as he was scrubbing, and slave jakob looked up wrathfully.


It was Art History major Lithwick Courtenay, one of the wimpy boys that Alpha Delta Tau had admitted to the frat to help boost the grade point average.


Back in the old days, slave jakob, Sim, Alston and Trent had treated poor Lithwick with disdain, snapping their towels at him in the locker room, and laughing at his pitiful attempts to do beer bongs, or push-ups.


Lithwick had always hated but feared slave jakob who was the frat's fundraising chair, master of ceremonies, and head of the Junior Greek Council.


But now of course slave jakob was nothing but the ultimate weenie, and even Lithwick Courtenay wasn't going to treat him with respect.


"I remember when you were Rush Chair, Jake...you didn't want to let me in because I was a lightweight." Lithwick chuckled. "And now you're a sorority floor scrubbing queerio!"


slave jakob tried to look threatening, but he wasn't allowed to get up off his knees, or take the Lysol soaked rag out of his mouth...Priscilla's rules.


She'd caught him spitting it out for a moment when she'd come down an hour before, and she'd immediately caned slave jakob's cock until he'd wept.


"I got good news for you, Jake." Lithwick said. "You get to take your cloth out of your mouth, Priscilla says...for five minutes."


slave jakob spat the cloth out. "Man, oh man." he said.


"But you have to suck my dick!" Lithwick said, laughing. "I got a great blowjob and a fuck from your girlfriend, and then she said you did an even better job than she could...so here it is!"


Lithwick unzipped his fly, and grabbed slave jakob by the ear and shoved his dick in


MARCH 11, 2007

Taft shut the car door and walked across the grass, and noticed a guy--he thought it was a guy--lying on a parking space in the Kappa Gamma Sade parking lot. 


 Jesus, good thing I didn't park in there, I might have hit him, Taft thought. It was March, and a little chilly--Taft had his leather jacket on, but this guy---what the fuck was he wearing, no shirt and--was that a Depends adult diaper?


Taft walked a little closer and looked at the guy. The guy was lying there, not on anything but the parking lot, and his chest blue from the cold. Taft took off his Ray-Bans and rubbed his eyes and looked closer.


A kid about his age, twenty-two or so, had shaved his head, had a pacifier in his mouth, and was wearing a diaper and lying in a parking space! He looked as if he was freezing, too. But he was wide awake.


"Dude," Taft asked politely. "Are-is this a fraternity stunt? You're going to die out here on that blacktop in this weather, man." Taft was not much given to caring much for anyone but his own pampered self, but this was odd.


The bald, diapered guy looked up at him. "Oh, hey Taft...it's me, Jake, remember, Jake Hilliard? From St. Pembrokes?


I was your floor's prefect remember?, and then I just saw you last year when I got the Heisman? You wanted a football signed for your brother?"


Taft wondered whether there was something foreign in the joint he'd smoked on I-95.


"Jake? Jake the Snake? Wh-what the fuck are-are you doing, wearing that-that THING, and lying in the frickin' parking lot?" Now he noticed that Hilliard was holding a teddy bear and that his NAILS WERE PAINTED PURPLE.


"I'm holding this parking space for my wife, Priscilla." Jake the Snake, called this for his proficiency in using his snake for "bitch-bagging" back at St. Pembroke's Academy.


Though the girls of Miss Porters, Deerfield, Foxcroft and Hockaday Schools often referred to the Snake as an "Anaconda".


Taft's family had also vacationed in Cape Cod, near the Hilliards, and Jake had been a cunt-busting hell-raiser down there as well...and could drunkenly kick two guys asses at once...he was a tough stud.


Taft stared at Jake the Snake, and as he was watching, a couple of girls crossed the parking lot and stopped before the prone Snake, and one wiped her shoe off on his chest, and the other kicked him kind of hard on the leg.


"Thank you Mistresses Jessica and Hillary." The girls ignored this and walked on, and Jake went back to talking with Taft as if there had been no interruption.


The Snake said, "We just got married, Priscilla and I, but she's out with her lover, driving around in my Austin-Healey. She'll be back, and I'm just holding her parking space."


Taft peed his pants.



November5, 2003


Jake got off the bus in Times Square with Aideen Higgs, known otherwise as Kandikorn, a stripper in Tunstall, the village that housed St. Pembroke?s, Jake?s prep school.


?Now I?m going to give you the experience that you?ve been waiting for, Jake.? Aideen said this, smiling. ?You?re going to pay for dating and ditching all those townie girls?one of whom is my younger sister Janet.?


Jake snorted. ?Shut your face, you slut.? He was here for a good time, though he wasn?t sure what yet. At eighteen, it was time he started living, that was all he knew.


Aideen and Jake walked into Coaster?s Girlhaven, an adult bookstore, and she took Jake to the back, nodding in a friendly way to the Arab manager behind the counter. Jake had never seen so many pictures of naked girls?all over the magazines, on the? VCR boxes, Lordy.


?SLAVEBOIS & DOMGIRLS? screamed one of the titles of the magazines. Jake grinned at it. That was one of his secret stash?he got the subscription sent to a P.O. box in Tunstall, along with ?MISTRESS MOIRA?s MONTHLY? and ?YES MA?AM? magazines.


In seventh grade, Jake had ripped the sections on bondage and discipline out of the Penthouse Forum magazines in the back of Tunstall Drugfair,? and then later he?d moved on to more sophisticated publications. He didn?t know what it all was about, this weird, sick interest he had in girls ordering him around?


Certainly, in real life, it was the other way around. Jake grinned as he remembered? poor Janet, sneaking into his dorm room night after night to fuck him?and how he?d convinced her to fuck the other guys on the floor, and then how they?d rolled her in cow shit. What a riot!


Aideen was hot stuff, man. Watching her butt twitch in front of him in that little skirt was driving Jake wild. Why the hell can't she let me play with her boobs? She's seen me naked and done HORRIBLE shit to me...you think that would be enough, right?


Finally Aideen got Jake into the back of the store, where? the video peepshow films were, and she ordered Jake to strip naked and get into one of the booths.


?What the fuck?? Jake asked, horrified. ?You heard me? the stripper said calmly. True, Jake had, during a few paid sessions, stripped naked for Aideen and let her whip his bare ass in her seedy little apartment in the Central West End of Tunstall, otherwise known as Dumpville, but this was a little different.


?C?mon Jakie, you wuss.? Aideen said, staring straight at him. ?You want something new, right? Something new ain?t just watching the peepshows, you done that before. Take off your clothes before I rip ?em off.?


Suddenly the Arab manager walked into the back. ?Do not do dis in the boot? Aideen. Use my back room. The men are there, anyway, so??


?No, no, Bashi. The booth works fine for our little suckpig here. Take off yer fuckin? clothes!? Aideen shrieked, and Jake, aroused at the little blonde in her tiny miniskirt and halter top, obeyed.


When Jake was naked, Aideen pushed him into the booth at the far end, and Jake jumped as Aideen pulled out the chair that you were supposed to sit on to watch the flicks.


Suddenly Aideen grabbed Jake?s wrist. ?Put your hands together behind your back, I brought our handcuffs, honey.? Aideen purred this as Jake was staggered.

But obedient as always, Jake put his hands behind his back, the cuffs clicked, and then? Aideen pushed Jake to his knees in the tiny little booth.


Aideen then pulled a spraycan out of her purse and began spraying Jake all over his body, and to his horror, his chest hair and testicle patch began falling out. ?What the fuck is that?? Jake screamed.


Aideen grinned and read aloud from the spray bottle. ?Permanently remove body hair from anywhere with no discomfort, naturally, without harsh chemicals or side effects.


Perma Hair Away is a truly revolutionary product! It first slows down, and then permanently stops hair growth.


The one-of-a-kind formulation utilizes enzymatic action to inhibit hair growth by changing the structure of the hair follicle.


It is non-toxic and completely natural, so you?ll experience no discomfort or side effects from using it. Even course abundant hair can first be made finer, and then eliminated altogether?


?They say it?s better than Nair.? Aideen said as she finished the spraying job. ?Now be fortunate I don?t make you eat the hairs up off the floor of this repulsive little closet, honey.?


Suddenly Aideen stepped out of the booth and she shut the door, and Jake waited, wondering what the crazy bitch was up to.


Jake shivered, thinking of what his teammates on the St. Pembroke?s Pelicans would think?he wouldn?t be quarterback for long if they saw him like this!


The door opened, and a tall black guy wearing a green coverall with? RASPUTIN stitched in white letters on his right chest looked in. ?You the cock-sucka?? he asked.


The fuck? ?No, man, I?m just waiting for my girlfriend? Jake responded, not impolitely.


?Yo? girlfriend?? Rasputin responded, laughing. ?You dumb-ass enough to be naked on yo?knees wit yo? hands cuffed, and you think that bitch out there is you? girlfriend. Man, I just paid her five dollars so you?d suck my dick, and you gonna do it.?


Suddenly, Jake?s cock became hard, and as he looked up at Rasputin?s grinning black face, he wondered if he was turning out like Uncle Livingston.


Jake recalled the summer before when he and his sister had trailed Uncle Livingston to a public park in their town, and as they?d watched from behind a tree, Uncle Livingston had taken off his clothes and knelt on his knees in a clearing. Uncle then would slap his balls and twist his nipples and shake until men wandered into the clearing and began kicking and slapping him, and eventually pushing their dicks in his mouth.


And of course Jake?s first exposure to ?Mistress Moira?s Monthly? had been when he?d gone through Uncle Livingston?s things after reporting Uncle?s activities to Dad and having Uncle committed. Go figure, right?


But before Jake could think much further, Rasputin grabbed him by the ears and pushed a huge cock into his mouth. Jake?s throat began choking as the dick went in and out. Just outside the little vid closet he heard Aideen say, ?You were such a big skull fucker to my sister and her friends, now enjoy yourself, dickwad.?


And as Jake looked out, weeping after Rasputin shot his wad down Jake?s throat, he saw a line of stumblebums obviously culled from the? mission next door, waiting their turn for his obedient mouth. Oh Great Scott!


FEBRUARY18, 2005


Oh, it hurt! slave jakob cowered in the corner, where he had been sobbing with his pants down for the past forty minutes. He and Miss Priscilla and Lisa and Beaumont and Shirl and Jeff had been having such a nice evening.


Until Miss Priscilla had gotten annoyed because slave jakob had told an off color joke. What the hell was wrong with that? ?What?s the new African American credit card? Massa Charge? wasn?t that bad, and Jeff was maybe one fifth black, he shouldn?t have been so offended.


And they didn?t understand the nature of slave jakob?s relationship with Miss Priscilla, until of course the bitch had taken his pants down in front of the other four and whaled on his butt with her bedroom slipper.


And it was a cocktail party! Here they were, sophisticated college sophomores, and engaged, and it was great to get to know other couples from other schools.


Sure, everyone knew the story of slave jakob and Miss Priscilla here at Landon, but? how slave had hoped that they could befriend normal people elsewhere.?


Miss Priscilla had told him while she was putting on her makeup, preparing to go to this party. ?If you behave like a normal man, you?ll be treated like one.? And slave jakob at the time had snorted. ?I?m normal, of course I am. I?m a regular guy.?


Miss Priscilla had gotten up from her makeup organizer and stalked over to him, still in her ruffled beige bra and panties, as she didn?t want to get blusher on her little black dress before she went out the door. KICK!


Miss Priscilla had given it to slave jakob right in the balls, and he?d fallen over. ?You behave like a total asshole. Do it at this party, and you?ll regret it. I?m carrying my bedroom slipper in my purse.?


And of course slave jakob had fucked up, big time. As he wept in the corner, he heard his friends talking about him.


"That's fucking incredible, Pris" Lisa laughed. "I can't believe he lets you do that."


Priscilla chortled. "So what else does he let you do" came Beaumont's voice, and then Priscilla said. "No, take your hand off my leg, Beau. I have full friends with privileges rights, but you can't have any. But maybe I'll suck Jeff's dick, and make poor Jake lick his balls, what do you think of that?"


As there was a stunned silence, slave jakob buried his face in the corner, waiting to die.




Priscilla smiled as slave jakob stayed kneeling in the middle of the floor of the Griselda Hildersham Tibshelf Memorial Smoking Lounge in the Kappa Gamma Sade House, his lips covered in Thebalm Lip Plumper Tinted Lip Gloss  while slave jakob knelt humbly.


"Come all ye freshman boys...the Little Brothers of the Kappa Gamma Sade Girls. Everywhere else, there are Little Sisters to frats, but you fellas are the Little Brothers. Come get your dicks sucked as part of this weeks Pledge Party!"


As the grinning 18 year olds crowded up to stick their dicks in the Plumped Lips of the Heisman trophy winner, his heart sank...

DECEMBER 20, 2006

slave jakob tried to move in the Hole.  The Hole was about the size of a real short elevator...and who on earth would build a metal box, and put it in a pit under the Kappa Gamma Sade House?


slave jakob had been in the Hole for seventy-two hours, ever since he'd pissed off Miss Priscilla...had it been his fault? It had been his time to cum, for God's sake, he'd been jerking his willy, like he was allowed to do every Sunday, after a painful week of serving Priscilla in every way...and when he knelt before her, watching her smirk, tossing her bleached blond hair in her snug cashmere top...he'd unzipped and pulled out his willy..and began jerking.


But then, when slave jakob  had been about to cum, Priscilla had stopped him. "I want proof of your devotion, slave jakob." she'd said. "I want you to prove you are dedicated to me by putting your orgasm off for a week. I know you didn't get to cum last week because of neglecting my ironing, but I want you to put it off one more week to show me how much you think of me."


slave jakob's eyes had brimmed with frustrated tears. It wasn't fair...he'd been celibate for fifteen days now...and he'd sucked Prissy's pussy daily, serviced her lovers (painful since he and Priscilla were engaged to be married the day after graduation) cleaned the rooms of every girl on Floor Eleven of KGS.


Because slave jakob was on Yellow Ribbon status--meaning he could be physically punished by any woman in the house, but not allowed sexual pleasure from any but Priscilla--it had been miserable.


Sure, it had been nice when he'd been on Green Ribbon--then he could be sexually pleasured by any woman on Floor Eleven, but not any other floor, but with Green Ribbon prohibited him being punished by anyone but Priscilla!


'Course at the time, slave jakob had been mad because he wasn't on Pink Ribbon, which would have allowed him to fool around with any girl on any floor in KGS. That Thomasine on Floor Two!


But Yellow Ribbon was the worst--Blue Ribbon was bad, where you had to suck men off, the boyfriends of any woman who ordered you...but at least there were sex privileges with the girls. But with Yellow Ribbon, he'd been beaten by a fat girl, a nutrition major appropriately, because he hadn't dusted the pictures of her cats back home! Ugh.


But poor slave jakob had been so good, hoping that he could cum. They couldn't afford a chastity device for him, so every night  Priscilla had insisted on going over to slave jakob's frat house and pulling his pants down in front of all the guys doing shots and Playstation, and feeling his cock up to make sure he'd not jerked off, or been unfaithful.


And if slave jakob looked a little embarrassed or resentful, Prissy would pull him over her knee and beat his ass in front of all his smirking frat brothers! slave jakob had no friends left.


"Which is fine" Priscilla told him. "You're not going to be playing golf, or watching sports or hanging out with guys when we're married, toilet-boy. Just staying at home, filing my nails for me..."


But three days ago slave jakob had gotten mad and began arguing with Zoe about his orgasm, and his right to jerk off...and she'd hogtied him and she and her friends had dropped him in the Hole, which was pitch black.


You couldn't go to the bathroom, except by peeing or shitting on yourself, and you had to eat peanut butter on rice cakes that was dropped down...licking it up with your mouth since hands were cuffed.


slave jakob was miserable, and he could barely move around in the Hole. Dark, shit filled and cramped. How could it be worse?


Suddenly, the top to the Hole opened. slave jakob knew that the Hole was covered by a trapdoor in the KGS potato cellar. The light, though dim, came in and nearly blinded him, as slave jakob's eyes had been in total darkness.


"Miss Priscilla" slave jakob called. "Are you letting me out? I'm sorry I was whining! I'll hold off from orgasming til after we're married, if you want!"


"Shut up, dork." It was the voice of Beth on Floor Two. "Who is that, Jake Hilliard?" came Thomasine's voice. Oh God. slave jakob had such a crush on her.


"No you aren't getting out, idiot." came Beth's voice again. "But you ARE getting company!"


"No, there's no room in here!" called slave jakob. But it was too late, A naked, blindfolded form fell down next to him. Before the trapdoor shut, slave jakob saw a pretty girl with curly natural blonde ringlets, and beautiful full breasts with clothespins on the nipples.


"(Sigh) Hi, I'm Zoe." the girl said. "I'm going to be here a while, I guess.

Was his luck changing?


FEBRUARY 19, 2007


slave jakob, former winner of the  North American Interfraternity Conference Undergraduate Achievement Award scrubbed the baseboard outside the  Kappa Gamma Sade Party Room assidously.


He was still so upset by what Priscilla had done to him after five days in the Hole. slave jakob was a brilliant student, so missing classes had not been a problem but...


Oooh Five days in his own shit, two of them spent wedged next to that BITCHING little blonde...the Hole was too small for more than one person.


Then Priscilla had taken slave jakob out and instead of letting him masturbate with just his dick out of his pants in front of her like always...she'd made him jerk his willy stark naked and kneeling in front of all his frat brothers at Alpha Delta Tau.


For an hour, Priscilla had only allowed slave jakob to masturbate himself with his fingertips, which made it impossible for him to get any friction...and then only with the bottom of his palms.


You would have thought the frat boys would've gotten bored, but they'd stared, fascinated at their former Sergeant-At-Arms.


slave jakob had cried like a baby with frustration over not being able to make his purple, bloated, precum drooling cock explode...


Amid repeated cries of "Lo-Ser! Lo-Ser!" slave jakob had finally jerked off onto a piece of sandpaper, and then taken the cum-covered paper, crushed it in his fist and eaten it, as Priscilla and her friend Tommie had laughed uproariously at him.


Digesting sandpaper is not a cool experience, slave jakob, former Landon University Lacrosse captain reflected.


Last year he was voted Greek Member of the Year, last semester the National Society of Collegiate Scholars!


And they were throwing him out of the frat! Trent Eckington, slave jakob's best friend since the Second Form at St. Pembroke's had told slave jakob that he was an embarrassment to men, everywhere..


Elkridge Mott, who had been taught by slave jakob how to sail when they were fifteen down at Martha's Vineyard, avoided his former frat brother's eyes now!


 And to think a year ago, slave jakob was the frat's representative at the Undergraduate Inter-Fraternity Leadership Institute!


Alston Bicknell, slave jakob's ex beer buddy and  raquetball partner had called slave jakob "a faggot-to-be". They'd been Pledgemasters together!


And Simeon Ryerson, who edited the Landon Loudmouth with slave jakob had voted with the other editors to throw slave jakob off the staff. Sim had said "It's too creepy for words what she's done to you, Jake, man."


Sim and Trent had begged slave jakob to break up with Priscilla, but when he'd said he couldn't, they'd turned their backs on him. It mystified them, especially Trent, who had been slave jakob's wing man in the days before Priscilla...


Trent had always been jealous of slave jakob's hooking-up abilities, and now slave jakob was involved with this average looking chick who treated slave jakob like SHIT....


It gave everyone the creeps that the former player was now jerking off in front of them in the frat house.


But Priscilla had found slave jakob a cot and put it in the boiler closet where he had to share with Marjeta, the transvestite on Floor Three (how creepy).


Now, instead of playing rugby on a Sunday, slave jakob's nails were painted, a dirty cleaning rag was tied in his mouth, and he was naked except for one of Priscilla's thongs, scrubbing the baseboard of the KGS house.


Suddenly he was kicked from behind as he was scrubbing, and slave jakob looked up wrathfully.


It was Art History major Lithwick Courtenay, one of the wimpy boys that Alpha Delta Tau had admitted to the frat to help boost the grade point average.


Back in the old days, slave jakob, Sim, Alston and Trent had treated poor Lithwick with disdain, snapping their towels at him in the locker room, and laughing at his pitiful attempts to do beer bongs, or push-ups.


Lithwick had always hated but feared slave jakob who was the frat's fundraising chair, master of ceremonies, and head of the Junior Greek Council.


But now of course slave jakob was nothing but the ultimate weenie, and even Lithwick Courtenay wasn't going to treat him with respect.


"I remember when you were Rush Chair, Jake...you didn't want to let me in because I was a lightweight." Lithwick chuckled. "And now you're a sorority floor scrubbing queerio!"


slave jakob tried to look threatening, but he wasn't allowed to get up off his knees, or take the Lysol soaked rag out of his mouth...Priscilla's rules.


She'd caught him spitting it out for a moment when she'd come down an hour before, and she'd immediately caned slave jakob's cock until he'd wept.


"I got good news for you, Jake." Lithwick said. "You get to take your cloth out of your mouth, Priscilla says...for five minutes."


slave jakob spat the cloth out. "Man, oh man." he said.


"But you have to suck my dick!" Lithwick said, laughing. "I got a great blowjob and a fuck from your girlfriend, and then she said you did an even better job than she could...so here it is!"


Lithwick unzipped his fly, and grabbed slave jakob by the ear and shoved his dick in


MARCH 11, 2007

Taft shut the car door and walked across the grass, and noticed a guy--he thought it was a guy--lying on a parking space in the Kappa Gamma Sade parking lot. 


 Jesus, good thing I didn't park in there, I might have hit him, Taft thought. It was March, and a little chilly--Taft had his leather jacket on, but this guy---what the fuck was he wearing, no shirt and--was that a Depends adult diaper?


Taft walked a little closer and looked at the guy. The guy was lying there, not on anything but the parking lot, and his chest blue from the cold. Taft took off his Ray-Bans and rubbed his eyes and looked closer.


A kid about his age, twenty-two or so, had shaved his head, had a pacifier in his mouth, and was wearing a diaper and lying in a parking space! He looked as if he was freezing, too. But he was wide awake.


"Dude," Taft asked politely. "Are-is this a fraternity stunt? You're going to die out here on that blacktop in this weather, man." Taft was not much given to caring much for anyone but his own pampered self, but this was odd.


The bald, diapered guy looked up at him. "Oh, hey Taft...it's me, Jake, remember, Jake Hilliard? From St. Pembrokes?


I was your floor's prefect remember?, and then I just saw you last year when I got the Heisman? You wanted a football signed for your brother?"


Taft wondered whether there was something foreign in the joint he'd smoked on I-95.


"Jake? Jake the Snake? Wh-what the fuck are-are you doing, wearing that-that THING, and lying in the frickin' parking lot?" Now he noticed that Hilliard was holding a teddy bear and that his NAILS WERE PAINTED PURPLE.


"I'm holding this parking space for my wife, Priscilla." Jake the Snake, called this for his proficiency in using his snake for "bitch-bagging" back at St. Pembroke's Academy.


Though the girls of Miss Porters, Deerfield, Foxcroft and Hockaday Schools often referred to the Snake as an "Anaconda".


Taft's family had also vacationed in Cape Cod, near the Hilliards, and Jake had been a cunt-busting hell-raiser down there as well...and could drunkenly kick two guys asses at once...he was a tough stud.


Taft stared at Jake the Snake, and as he was watching, a couple of girls crossed the parking lot and stopped before the prone Snake, and one wiped her shoe off on his chest, and the other kicked him kind of hard on the leg.


"Thank you Mistresses Jessica and Hillary." The girls ignored this and walked on, and Jake went back to talking with Taft as if there had been no interruption.


The Snake said, "We just got married, Priscilla and I, but she's out with her lover, driving around in my Austin-Healey. She'll be back, and I'm just holding her parking space."


Taft peed his pants.



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Not quite related THANKFULLY

Introduction: It is based off a true story of the life(the great life) i had with my bother This starts off as a true story. As with most based on true story books, this one has its own twist, mostly later on. It is not really incest, but if you have any problem with that at all I suggest you dont read this. If you dont want to read anything vulgar or anything about child molestation, dont read this. If you are comfortable with those two things you should enjoy it. Im going to make it sexy....

4 years ago
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A young woman is introduced to lesbian sex

Amy was eighteen when I seduced her. Almost fully developed, she had a wonderful figure and a pretty face. I’m forty-two and divorced. I love seducing young girls and straight women, showing them the many pleasures of lesbian sex. I’m 5’6″, 135 lbs., with nice firm 38C breasts that both men and women stare at with admiration. Anyway… back to Amy. I met her in the local park flying her kite. We struck up a friendship and after two weeks I invited her to my place for...

3 years ago
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The Next Step

After Kathy's 25th birthday things changed or should I say she changed. No longer was she the quiet, shy type when it came to sex, she opened up and enjoyed it for the first time. After 8 years of marriage we were having sex more now than we ever had, even when we were first married. About five or six weeks after her twenty-fifth birthday Kathy started to become depressed, it kept getting deeper every day, but the sex never slowed down. It didn't matter if it was morning, noon or night, no...

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Just Golden

I remember when I first became curious about golden showers. I felt so dirty even thinking that this was hot. But the a****listic side of me just could not look away and I kept thinking how amazing it would be to have someone do this to me. I was surfing around the internet looking for lesbian domination porn. Two beautiful women were fisting and choking each other. Then one of the girls squatted over the other and pissed all over the other girl. Pissing everywhere, even in her face. I was...

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Robin and Pat Naked in SchoolChapter 4 Tuesday After Lunch

Robin - Study Hall Pat and I got to the room used as a study hall without being asked for reasonable requests more than a couple of times. When we entered, I saw Ms. Gold look up at us and write something down. She then returned to a book she had been reading. Because of how she was holding it I could not tell much, but it looked like there was a couple skating on the cover. The classroom is set up with groups of one table and four chairs instead of the usual desks. Pat and I sat down...

1 year ago
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This Is the Modern WorldChapter 4

"My turn?" grumbled Snake, but with a wry smile. Miwa nodded. "I met Rosa at the dock upon my arrival in San Francisco and barely got my sea legs adjusted to land, just a couple hours to visit a haberdasher and transform my humble monkish vestments to those of a gentleman before being paddled out to a sailboat owned by her genius. We sailed up the bay and made landing on the southeastern edge of Marin County and rode in an elegant carriage to an old mission transformed into a rich man's...

2 years ago
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Prom Ch 10 Touch and Go Pt 02

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

4 years ago
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Family Sorority

Copyright© 2004 A milkmaid there was, with a stutter, Who was lonely and wanted a futter. She had nowhere to turn, So she diddled a churn, And managed to come with the butter. My sister is seven years older than I. Early in our lives we barely saw each other - our age difference was enough to convince the both of us not to search each other's company out. So when my older sister showed up a week before I was scheduled to leave for my first year of college, it was a none-event....

3 years ago
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USAChapter 3

If you're old enough for this; I remember little model planes at the Five and Dime that were marked USA ... not U.S.A ... just USA. USA Japan: America wasn't buying ANYTHING made in Japan after the war. A massive industrial complex was centered around a town that changed its name to USA. It worked. Malmö had great Swedish food. It was a lot like eating at home with interesting spices in the mix. The smörgåsbord, a Swedish word for buffet ... but not really. Smörgåsbord is buffet writ...

1 year ago
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A husband becomes disenchanted with his pretty wife

“DON”T leave the kitchen sink in such a mess like that!” “What mess? Its just a few leftover soap suds.” “It drives me nuts.” Well, she drives me nuts, too. Once again, I couldn’t get anything right. Why can’t she just chill out, lighten up, stay cool, or whatever slang the youth of today would use to describe it? It was obvious to anyone who cared to listen to us that my wife and I did not get on very well anymore. In...

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Changed Aspirations

Changed Aspirations Jimmy Lindberg Chapter I I was born as Bartholomew Nicholas Whitmore on 6 July 1828. My place of birth is irrelevant, it's my life story that I am here to tell. My stepfather was the son of a distant emigrant nobleman with wealth and possessions and I grew up with my younger siblings, two brothers and one sister, in a stable home. We lived a few minutes outside of town, a rather large one at that, and I received all my schooling up until the age of 18 in the...

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In From College my first part 2

After a night of ultimate pleasure with Ray, or Lynn as I called him/her after that night, I went home a bit nervous about my experience, and any consequences that may come from it, would he tell? Did he video us? Did he give me an Std? I reasoned out all of those things as I was just being paranoid. Two days had past it today was my last full day before returning to school, I had much to do but all I could think of was what had happened, not wanting to regret not calling, I called Ray, he was...

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Cousin Sister Ki Chut Ne Bhahano Ki Chut Dilayi 8211 Part I

Hello Dosto, mera naam Hitesh hain, Main Nashik ka rahenawala hu. Abhi main Pune main private company main job karata hu, Meri age 30 years ki hain, Main jo story batane ja raha hu ye real sex story hain. Please story ke upper jarur comment kare. Ye story mere do real sister( Elder – Swati, younger -Babita ), ek cousin siter ( Poonam ), meri meri age ki meri dur ki bua ( Bharati ) or mere bich main hue sex fun ke bare main hain. Main jab collage ke second year main tha tabhi main ek ladaki (...

1 year ago
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Big surprise from petite brunette with nice size breasts

I was at a conference and it was boring as usual. The second night I went to the bar ordered a drink and sat there sipping on it. The bar was crowded and when a very petite brunette asked if anyone was sitting next to me I was so glad. She introduced herself as Marci and I said hello, I'm Ben. She had 2 drinks to my one and with each drink it seemed as though she was getting friendlier. Now I'm an average looking guy nothing to brag about but obviously she saw something she liked in me. We had...

She Males
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Beautiful mother

In every one’s life some thing strange happens and I want to share that strange incidence with you. I am Rahul from London. I was born and bought up in London as my parents are settled in London. My parents are working in one of the software companies. I was the only one for my parents. My father’s name is Ram, age 40years. But looks like 35years. My mom’s name is Haritha, age 38 years. Her figure is 38-32-36. What a figure you imagine. My parents came to London and are working in the same...

4 years ago
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Whos Afraid of Charlies Angels

Measurements: 36-25-35.Sign: Capricorn.Hometown: Firmdotter, NBTurn-ons: Long walks on the beach at sunset. Poetry. Expensive gifts.Turn-offs: Cooking. Housework. Men that don't put the seat d—"Dave!" Karen shouted indignantly.When a girl catches you in her father's office with your feet propped up on her father's desk and reading her father's magazine with its center foldout deployed, recovery with decorum is difficult."Oh! Hey Karen, I thought you went with your parents for the...

2 years ago
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Sissy Sister Surprises

SISSY SISTER SURPRISES by Throne Penny and Mina were in the pink bedroom, sitting on the bed, waiting for their wives to return. The sissy husbands had been left there to occupy themselves while their brides were out on a double date with a couple of hunky guys. Penny was wearing a lavender baby doll nightie and Mina's was pale peach. They had their full heads of hair styled into pixie cuts and were fussing with each other's make-up. "I don't know what Janice and Tracy are doing...

3 years ago
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E126 A goodbye to the past Part One

A year earlier, who could have imagined where Emma finds herself today.  Yes, a year ago, Emma would have just attended the lecture by Professor Donald Ryan at the university.  And then her emailing him complimenting him and asking questions.  From that little start of email correspondences to now, colleagues at the Institute for Sexual Exploration, and much more in personal life.  And soon to be married. No, twelve months prior, what has happened would have been unfathomable to imagine.  Life...

Love Stories
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Jennifer and the Headmaster

Sitting in my car daydreaming, listening to the music and waiting for my Daughter to come out of school, there is a tap at the window. It startles me and I jump, looking out I see the Headmaster, Mike Johnson so I put down the window and he apologizes for surprising me. He informs me that Sarah will be a little late because she has some project she wants to finish up and then asks if I would like to join him in his office for tea while we wait. I accept his invitation and he opens the door to...

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Aunt8217s Erotic Bukkake Party Busted

Hi readers. This is Anto again back with another story in an incestuous episode of how I fucked my aunt and her daughter. Thanks for all the comments and replies. I felt happy reading all your replies considering it was my first time writing stories. This story is about me having sex with my mom’s elder sister Josephine and her daughter (my cousin) Ashwini. I was moving to Coorg for my graduation and I had to stay at my aunt’s house. Cutting all the bullshit, let me get straight to the...

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It was during the summer of 2006 and I was staying at a friends house in Boston,well actually I was working for him and house sitting. I was 24 and always horny Well one day I was really stressed and upset and my friend asked me to smoke some of his Weed. I had never tried it at this point and he smoked infront of me for years and never offered me any. That was the day that I decided that I was gonna rebel and try it. I was that green. Well at first I felt nothinf then about an hour later it...

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Unexpected Fun With Girlfriend

Hi, Indian sex story readers and followers. I would first wish to introduce myself, I am Arun (name changed) basically from Kerala, but settled up in Chennai due to my father’s occupation. I am a great fan of this site, I got introduced to this site a year ago from then this site is been very useful to satisfy my feeling. I have been planning to write my first sex experience from last few days, finally ended up in making it. This is my first sex story, so sex experts and lovers please do...

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The Anticipated Ball

This is a work of fiction... I turned the envelope over and over in my hand. Should I open it? I re-read the writing in the front of the envelope. "To Susie Mason. I'm Waiting." The letter I had been waiting for. I put my nerves aside and slowly peeled the envelop open. The smell of lavender wafted out of it, almost making my eyes water. Cautiously I opened out the letter. The writing was scrolled and difficult to read but my eyes soon adjusted to the change of fonts: "My dearest Susie, I know...

Straight Sex
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Pool Party Starring Anna Kendrick

Pool Party (starring Anna Kendrick) By LazyNinjas For more celeb content visit awriterswonderland.forumatic.com Image Following a long day on set of her latest film, Anna Kendrick was relieved to finally get to go home and watch some Netflix. She had been gone for a couple of months, filming different movies all over the world. The next month or so would be the only time she really got to relax this year. The thirty year old actress placed her keys into the lock and opened the door. She...

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