I Got Caught Skinny Dipping
- 3 years ago
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As Eustace scrubbed his chest, his dick bounced between his
and he was overcome with the desire to touch it. I have to clean it,
don't I? Eustace thought. But he'd already washed it a bit...too
My wife will cause me grief, he mentally reminded himself.
Opal had her rules. Just the other day she'd cought
Eustace rubbing
his Supertube, though that wouldn't have much effect
on Eustace's
crotch, since his cock was so well crushed in there...
But his wife been furious! Opal had unlocked Eustace's
penis. "So
you want a little attention, so much that you rub your dick through
your tube, eh?"
Opal had rubbed Eustace's dick, ordering him to hold his hands
behind his head...
And, after Eustace had become erect, Opal had gotten a metal ruler.
Eustace's dick had gone down and it had been a horrible effort to
keep his hands behind his head.
Then Opal had stroked him back to a hard-on with her Lubriderm...
Eustace had begged, "Please, Miss Opal...don't do this to me." But
she'd just smiled, stroking with her long French nails until he was
fully erect again....
And Opal knew every inch of Eustace's dick...she knew where to rub
and where to tickle, and she was completely in control of her
husband's sensitive frenulum, which just drove him
Then she'd gone and gotten her rattan cane. Opal had raised it,
watching Eustace weeping in anticipation as his dick had stuck out,
thick with the rage of 83 days of no orgasms...
SNAP ! The first time the rattan had landed on Eustace's dick,
arms had immediately left the back of his neck, and he'd grabbed his
penis, rolling around on the floor, and crying.
Opal had immediately used the cane to whack Eustace all over his
bare butt and body until he'd climbed back up and put his hands
behind his head again...and she'd whacked his dick into
limpness...and he'd not touched it, even through the SuperTube
Now, he knew he had to resist the temptation to soap his penis...he
knew he had to...this was such a soothing shower!
And, Eustace's dick still felt squished from last night, when he was
fucking Opal with that horrible eight inch dick, that she'd
over his chastity belt.
How Opal had screamed while Eustace had fucked her with that damn
thing, and how Eustace's dick had felt so horrible squished in the
SuperTube. She'd cum and cum again, and Eustace had
slammed the
plastic eight inch dildo home...but there had been tears in his eyes
when Opal had rolled over and gone to sleep.
Eustace finished showering, and stepped out of the tub. Oh, look at
his cock. Eustace's cock was quite stiff and overwhelmingly red,
though he'd just brushed it by while washing. Opal's rules about
Eustace touching his cock, even while bathing, were quite clear.
"You are not to touch your penis, Eustace." Opal would say again and
again. Most of the time, Eustace's dick was Eustacefined
in the
Supertube, which prevented erections and certainly
access by
Eustace, who was a horny bastard at the best or worst of times.
The bathroomd oor opeend and Opal looked in, as Eustace was rubbing
a towel over his head. He smiled at Opal, who was resplendent in an
enchanting, snug purple velour turtleneck.
Opal came forward. "Hello, darling." She
took Eustace's dick in her
hand and began playing with it. It was amazing how Opal's tiny hand
could so stimulate Eustace's huge pecker.
What a slender girl she was, with such big breasts!
Opal tickled and tickled, and Eustace began to gasp...
"You had an accident! It's all over my beautiful top!" Opal
screamed. "I'm getting the bullwhip! Accidents are outlawed in this
Accidents shouldn't happen, Eustace thought, weeping bitterly. But, as Opal
approached with the bullwhip, the phone rang and she picked it up. "Hello?
Yes, this is Landon President Eustace Smallwood's residence..."
Opal handed the phone to Eustace. "We'll deal with your error later." she said meaningfully, and walked into the kitchen.
Eustace took the phone. "This is President Smallwood."
"This is a reporter for the Providence Journal-Bulletin, President Smallwood. There are strange goings on at the Kappa Gamma Sade sorority house--"
Eustace laughed. "Yes, I know every day there's been something new and strange since the KGS house first got their charter in 1921. Good day" Eustace hung up, shaking his head.
It was so funny--Eustace's entire life seemed to have been encapsuled within the Kappa Gamma Sades...
Eustace's grandfather, H. Pettibone Smallwood had been Registrar at Landon, and had cautiously dated the attractive Suellen Pearson, a KGS sophomore...
It would have been a scandal, had Grandma not been so commanding a nineteen year old, and heads still buzzed about how she'd caned Gramps's bare bottom the year after she married him, at a family reunion.
Grandma was a strict Mommy, but quite attractive, and Eustace had heard that his own father, Eustace Smallwood, Sr. had had a wild streak, but that Grandma had changed him from "Eustace" to "Stacey" and raised him as a girl.
Grandma had sent Stacy to Landon, free as a son of the Registrar.
Eustace,Sr./Stacey had met
Myrtle, his roommate at Kappa Gamma Sade, in 1941.
Myrtle had been delighted that she had a tranny
roommate, and immediately after unpacking her box, she'd kicked poor Stacy in
the nuts, and made him scrub the floor with a sponge in his teeth!
Myrtle and Stacey were married in 1943, right before Stacey
had to resume men's clothes to go off and fight in the Pacific. Two years
later, Eustace, Jr. was born.
When Stacey came home, he finished up at Landon, getting a Master's in Library
Science, and he became the Landon Librarian.
Eustace wanted no part of the femdom lifestyle, and watching his father routinely humiliated and cuckolded by Mom was just repulsive to him. "I am not going to Landon, Mom, and I'm not going anywhere near those freaks at Kappa Gamma Sade."
Eustace's parents were not as commanding as Grandma, and let Eustace go his own way...but unfortunately, "Juicin' Eustace" as their son was known for his immoderate use of alcohol, was kicked out of two prep schools and five colleges.
"It's your choice, Eustace" Dad said to him sadly. "We've wiped out our savings paying for all these schools, and now your only choice is Landon, tuition-free because I'm a Librarian, and Mom is the Bursar. If you don't go to Landon, you'll be drafted and have to go to Vietnam ."
"No no..." Eustace said, moodily. "I don't want to go into the Army...I hear they make you get up early in the morning."
But Eustace knew he didn't want to go anywhere near the Kappa Gamma Sade House. Dad and Gramps had been subjugated, no drinking, no poker, no fun, housework, being cuckolded...ugh.
And so Eustace started at Landon---and it wasn't so bad! No
one was involved in the fraternity movement anymore--most of the frats and
sorority houses were closing down, and the kids were into free love and protest
marches...Eustace was getting lots of sex, and doing drugs now in addition to
his "juicing".
And yes,the girls at Landon
were beautiful! But he noticed that the KGS girls were the absolute prettiest.
Kappa Gamma Sade was the lone sorority house where
girls still wore makeup, tight pink sweaters and
short wool skirts and high heels...in a sea of hippie chicks with ironed hair
and flowered miniskirts.
And Eustace somehow got into a conversation with Opal Corbett, a curvy little blonde thing in a snug white turtleneck standing in front of the KGS house in the spring of 1969.
At twenty-four but still a junior because of his academic malfeasance, Eustace was used to being able to out-class the callow youths who were his peers. The girls liked him! But Opal didn't seem all that impressed.
Eustace looked at Opal suspiciously. "Everyone is growin' our hair like this. We're part of a
rebellion!" He smirked. "You're the weirdos
on campus now, the Greek system is dead...we have protest marches, draft cards
to burn, acid to drop and grass to smoke!"
"You see, Opal, it's all about individualism" Eustace said pompously.
The little blonde looked up at Eustace and ran a long pink tongue over her full
underlip. "But if everyone is dressed in gunny
sacks like you are, avoiding those four letter words like s-o-a-p, w-o-r-k, and w-a-s-h, where's the nonconformity?"
She'd turned on her heel, and Eustace, resplendent in his
tie-dyed shirt and dirty overalls had watched Opal's
little butt twitch into the KGS house.
When Eustace had called the KGS house to demand that Opal meet him for coffee
to debate the matter further, she'd said, "I don't go out with hoboes. If
you want to take me out to dinner, show up Friday night at seven sharp in a
suit and tie, with your hair cut."
Eustace had spluttered in rage. That arrogant little bitch.
He wasn't asking her on a date, he wanted to explain...but somehow it happened.
Eustace canceled an engagement to drop acid and eat mushrooms
with his steady, Moon-Pie Mullins, and got his hair cut...just in case Opal
didn't like the length, he asked for a crewcut.
Eustace had barely spoken to Stacey, his tranny
dad, ever since he'd learned that Mom and Grandma had recently iced down
Stacey's testicles and cut them off, but still, Eustace dropped by the library
to ask Dad for a little green to take Opal out.
"She's a nice girl" Stacey responded in his new, somewhat high
pitched voice. The new estrogen treatments seemed to be changing Dad in so many
ways, Eustace thought...
"Well, she's a KGS, but I'm not going to date her for long, I just want to
show her--"
Stacey handed Eustace the needed cash, and shook his head, smiling. "The
girls at KGS are wonderful, son.
With all the objections you have to our lifestyle, you can't
say that your mother and I didn't treat you and your brothers and sisters
well...we gave you all you wanted, and we were happy, right, Eustace?"
Eustace had to admit that, but still, he didn't want to get involved with a
woman who was going to control him. "Say, Dad, I don't want to take my VW
Bug to meet Opal, can I borrow your Caddy?"
Dinner went well, Opal was a witty conversationalist,and Eustace began to wonder if he should get a
little closer to her. He asked her out again.
On their third date, Eustace leaned over in the big, roomy Caddy and put his
arm around her, as they watched a drive-in movie.
Opal met Eustace?s lips in a strong kiss, and they began necking, but as Eustace?s hands pawed Opal?s breasts, he felt a whack across his face.
?What? what?s wrong?? Eustace asked. No girl had ever slapped him before, they?d been responding to his advances cheerfully since he?d first gotten laid in a closet at PomeroyDancing School in seventh grade.
?You were reaching for my honeys, and I don?t just let anyone touch them.? Opal was a little informal that night, and she was in a pink T-shirt, and her ?honeys? were quite beautiful.
All of Eustace?s friends, horrified that their hippie leader had changed his entire appearance had at least understood his desire to touch the orbs of the Ice Princess. ?I might wear a bow tie for those tits too? said the president of the local Weatherman?s Underground.
So Eustace went back to kissing Opal, and she became quite passionate, but when he forgot again, and grabbed her boobs, she raked her red nails across his face. Then Eustace felt her high heel kick him in the stomach, and all of a sudden he'd fallen out of the car!
As Eustace got up, he saw Opal slam the door and start Dad's Caddy, and drive off, and he'd had to walk back from Inspiration Point. Later when Eustace had shown up at his parents house (already having been kicked out of the Landon dorm for too much partying) he saw the Caddilac in the driveway, with the keys on the dashboard.
Later on, Eustace saw Opal talking to a couple of interested guys outside an ?Introduction to the Francophone World ? class. Opal looked just beautiful! Her hair was up in a bun and she was wearing a tight burgundy off shoulder sweater dress, the hemline stopping just at the beginning of her thighs.
Eustace approached her, overhearing her say ?I?m so interested in the French presence in the Antilles .?
Eustace, in his usual pushy way, shoved in front of the geek Opal was talking to. ?Look here, that was some stunt you pulled??
But before he could say anything else, Opal lashed out a knee, kicking Eustace severely in the nuts, and he fell down, moaning, and she turned to the other guys and continued her conversation.
But Eustace was not to be put off, and he showed up at the KGS house later on, enraged. ?I don?t care how long it takes to get her down here? he said to the transvestite at the switchboard. ?I want to see her!?
Finally, Opal came downstairs, now in a scoop necked navy dress. As her manicured hands curled over the banister, she smiled at Eustace. ?So, big boy?you can?t stay away, eh??
?You make me sick. I don?t know that I want to see you again after the way you assaulted me.? Eustace turned as if to go, and he heard a peal of feminine laughter.
Turning around, he watched in alarm as Opal walked back upstairs. ?Wait! Where are you going? I didn?t mean it!?
Opal shook her head and Eustace couldn?t get her to come downstairs until suddenly, he began to cry, something he?d not done since childhood.
Opal came downstairs, and took Eustace by the sleeve and brought him back up the stairs to her room.
Finally Opal got into the room, where her roommate was slapping the face of a sobbing freshman girl. ?Rosalind, could you take it outside, hon??
Rosalind took a look at Eustace?s tear stained face. ?Good,someone is finally giving it the Juicer!? Even the freshman girl smiled briefly, before Rosalind grabbed her by the ponytail and dragged her out of the room.
As Eustace stood there, Opal sat down and crossed her long, shapely legs. She folded her hands in her lap and smiled at him. ?Now then, who was it who was behaving badly last night??
Opal slowly ran her right hand, dainty, white and crimson tipped, across her generous bosom.
?Who was it that couldn?t control himself?? Opal smiled at Eustace?s reddening face. ?Why on earth should I go out with a drooling, pawing boor??
Eustace shook his head. Girls didn?t usually behave like this.
Once he?d thrown a girl out of his off-campus apartment at Dartmouth because she?d asked why he had another girl?s cosmetics in his bathroom. And this had been AFTER she?d given him a blowjob.
?I think maybe we aren?t meant to see each other, Eustace.? Opal said gently. ?I like a man who is more, shall we say gentle, and less willful. You don?t appear to be able to control yourself.?
She paused. ?People laugh at you, your drinking escapades, being on academic probation, the pot busts, your numerous car wrecks..even those idiots you call your friends are constantly borrowing your money and trying to make time with the sluts that you date?
And even they laugh about what a partying loser you are. If you wanted to be the person I know you are inside, I might relent, but I don?t think you are ready for that maturity yet.?
Eustace looked at Opal dumbly. He knew she was right. She was funny and smart and beautiful, and he knew she cared about him.
And he knew she was the ONE . And now he would lose her. ?Wh-what can I do to get you back, Opal??
?Well, I think you want to reform, but you need to sacrifice a little bit to make it important to you.? Opal paused.
?Eustace, you need to be punished. I read the Op-Ed you wrote in the Lanham Loudmouth about how you didn?t think much of we Kappa Gamma Sade girls?you said you would never let a girl dominate you. But I think you need it. Are you willing to be punished??
Eustace struggled within. No, no?I can?t? But he knew he would. ?Whatever you want, Opal?Miss Opal.?
That had been the last time he?d ever called her just Opal again, when not in front of others.
Opal had merely snapped her fingers, and Eustace had stripped off his clothes, folding them neatly in a corner of the room, and then he?d lay down on the bed and she?d bound his ankles together and his hands behind his back?and then she?d brought out the cane.
After she?d reduced Eustace to a blubbering whale, Opal had turned him over on his back and begun stroking his cock slowly with her long red nails.
She still hadn?t taken off her dress, though she?d bent over quite a bit so Eustace could stare into her cleavage.
After she?d stroked Eustace for nearly an hour and a half, talking softly to him as if to a baby, Opal had demanded that he go limp, and he?d been indignant, as of course he?d thought she was going to untie him and fuck him, or at least give him a hand job.
When Eustace?s dick had stayed stiff, Opal had brought out the cane and given him ten sharp thwacks on the glans, and finally his wee-wee had become quite small.
She?d sent Eustace home, and he?d wondered when he would get into her drawers, and his hands on those beautiful breasts.
He never did, really. Eustace never got to fuck Opal, though she took his ass with her strap-on many times after that.
The first time he saw Opal fully naked was two years after their marriage, in 1971, when he?d walked in on her fucking one of the janitors from the Humanities Building.
By then, Eustace was a physics instructor at Landon, pursuing his Ph.D. in the Science Department, and as Opal gave him vicious canings for grades less than 90% (and she checked all his tests,essays and quizzes)
Eustace got his Ph.D in record time, and was chairman of the Landon Physics Department by 1982.
?82 was also the year that Opal got Eustace his first chastity device, not quite the Supertube, but it had worked.
Eustace was allowed to jerk off twice a week in 1982, once a week in '84, and once a month in '90. Now, of course, it was just at darling Opal's rare whim.
But Opal, was wonderful! He'd still never touched her breasts, even when he bathed her...but she was wonderful and beautiful!
Opal was now the mother of three children, two of which looked like the janitor, and one like the bartender at Bristol ?s jumping singles club.
The oldest, Eustace the Third, called Trey, had taken his father's contemptous viewpoint on female domination. Eustace had cringed under his son's cocked head as he scrubbed the kitchen floor in a pink swimsuit while Mom was out with her male "friend."
But, when Trey began getting into drugs and skipping school at thirteen, Opal had touched her husband's arm. "Let him live it up...the only college which will admit him will be Landon."
Suddenly Eustace had understood his own mother's permissiveness!
By then, in the late eighties, Eustace was college president, and he understood the wisdom of his wife's words, and indeed by the time Trey graduated from Landon in 1992, he was under the thumb of Brandi, his KGS fiancee...Eustace noticed Trey's nails were painted at graduation!
Trey's sister, Lark had transformed Trey's best friend Todd from a snarling Engineering student to a placid Ballet major...
And their youngest daughter, darling Beth, was a junior majoring in domming girls and boys at the Kappa Gamma Sade House!
So as Eustace Smallwood, Landon college President, put the phone down and went in to face his wife's bullwhip, he thought "Yes, it's a strange sorority, but a necessary one, at least for us Smallwoods!"
As Eustace scrubbed his chest, his dick bounced between his
and he was overcome with the desire to touch it. I have to clean it,
don't I? Eustace thought. But he'd already washed it a bit...too
My wife will cause me grief, he mentally reminded himself.
Opal had her rules. Just the other day she'd cought
Eustace rubbing
his Supertube, though that wouldn't have much effect
on Eustace's
crotch, since his cock was so well crushed in there...
But his wife been furious! Opal had unlocked Eustace's
penis. "So
you want a little attention, so much that you rub your dick through
your tube, eh?"
Opal had rubbed Eustace's dick, ordering him to hold his hands
behind his head...
And, after Eustace had become erect, Opal had gotten a metal ruler.
Eustace's dick had gone down and it had been a horrible effort to
keep his hands behind his head.
Then Opal had stroked him back to a hard-on with her Lubriderm...
Eustace had begged, "Please, Miss Opal...don't do this to me." But
she'd just smiled, stroking with her long French nails until he was
fully erect again....
And Opal knew every inch of Eustace's dick...she knew where to rub
and where to tickle, and she was completely in control of her
husband's sensitive frenulum, which just drove him
Then she'd gone and gotten her rattan cane. Opal had raised it,
watching Eustace weeping in anticipation as his dick had stuck out,
thick with the rage of 83 days of no orgasms...
arms had immediately left the back of his neck, and he'd grabbed his
penis, rolling around on the floor, and crying.
Opal had immediately used the cane to whack Eustace all over his
bare butt and body until he'd climbed back up and put his hands
behind his head again...and she'd whacked his dick into
limpness...and he'd not touched it, even through the SuperTube
Now, he knew he had to resist the temptation to soap his penis...he
knew he had to...this was such a soothing shower!
And, Eustace's dick still felt squished from last night, when he was
fucking Opal with that horrible eight inch dick, that she'd
over his chastity belt.
How Opal had screamed while Eustace had fucked her with that damn
thing, and how Eustace's dick had felt so horrible squished in the
SuperTube. She'd cum and cum again, and Eustace had
slammed the
plastic eight inch dildo home...but there had been tears in his eyes
when Opal had rolled over and gone to sleep.
Eustace finished showering, and stepped out of the tub. Oh, look at
his cock. Eustace's cock was quite stiff and overwhelmingly red,
though he'd just brushed it by while washing. Opal's rules about
Eustace touching his cock, even while bathing, were quite clear.
"You are not to touch your penis, Eustace." Opal would say again and
again. Most of the time, Eustace's dick was Eustacefined
in the
Supertube, which prevented erections and certainly
access by
Eustace, who was a horny bastard at the best or worst of times.
The bathroomd oor opeend and Opal looked in, as Eustace was rubbing
a towel over his head. He smiled at Opal, who was resplendent in an
enchanting, snug purple velour turtleneck.
Opal came forward. "Hello, darling." She
took Eustace's dick in her
hand and began playing with it. It was amazing how Opal's tiny hand
could so stimulate Eustace's huge pecker.
What a slender girl she was, with such big breasts!
Opal tickled and tickled, and Eustace began to gasp...
"You had an accident! It's all over my beautiful top!" Opal
screamed. "I'm getting the bullwhip! Accidents are outlawed in this
Accidents shouldn't happen, Eustace thought, weeping bitterly. But, as Opal
approached with the bullwhip, the phone rang and she picked it up. "Hello?
Yes, this is Landon President Eustace Smallwood's residence..."
Opal handed the phone to Eustace. "We'll deal with your
error later." she said meaningfully, and walked into the kitchen.
Eustace took the phone. "This is President
"This is a reporter for the Providence Journal-Bulletin,
President Smallwood. There are strange goings on at
the Kappa Gamma Sade sorority house--"
Eustace laughed. "Yes, I know every day there's been
something new and strange since the KGS house first got their charter in
1921. Good day" Eustace hung up, shaking his head.
It was so funny--Eustace's entire life seemed to
have been encapsuled within the Kappa Gamma Sades...
Eustace's grandfather, H. Pettibone
Smallwood had been Registrar at Landon, and had cautiously dated the attractive
Suellen Pearson, a KGS sophomore...
It would have been a scandal, had Grandma not been
so commanding a nineteen year old, and heads still buzzed about how she'd caned
Gramps's bare bottom the year after she married him,
at a family reunion.
Grandma was a strict Mommy, but quite attractive, and
Eustace had heard that his own father, Eustace Smallwood, Sr. had had a wild
streak, but that Grandma had changed him from "Eustace" to
"Stacey" and raised him as a girl.
Grandma had sent Stacy to Landon, free as a son of the Registrar.
Eustace,Sr./Stacey had met
Myrtle, his roommate at Kappa Gamma Sade, in 1941.
Myrtle had been delighted that she had a tranny
roommate, and immediately after unpacking her box, she'd kicked poor Stacy in
the nuts, and made him scrub the floor with a sponge in his teeth!
Myrtle and Stacey were married in 1943, right before Stacey
had to resume men's clothes to go off and fight in the Pacific. Two years
later, Eustace, Jr. was born.
When Stacey came home, he finished up at Landon, getting a Master's in Library
Science, and he became the Landon Librarian.
Eustace wanted no part of the femdom
lifestyle, and watching his father routinely humiliated and cuckolded by Mom
was just repulsive to him. "I am not going to Landon, Mom, and I'm not
going anywhere near those freaks at Kappa Gamma Sade."
Eustace's parents were not as commanding as Grandma, and let
Eustace go his own way...but unfortunately, "Juicin'
Eustace" as their son was known for his immoderate use of alcohol, was
kicked out of two prep schools and five colleges.
"It's your choice, Eustace" Dad said to him sadly.
"We've wiped out our savings paying for all these schools, and now your
only choice is Landon, tuition-free because I'm a Librarian, and Mom is the
Bursar. If you don't go to Landon, you'll be drafted and have to go to
"No no..." Eustace said,
moodily. "I don't want to go into the Army...I hear they make
you get up early in the morning."
But Eustace knew he didn't want to go anywhere near the
Kappa Gamma Sade House. Dad and Gramps had been
subjugated, no drinking, no poker, no fun, housework, being cuckolded...ugh.
And so Eustace started at Landon---and it wasn't so bad! No
one was involved in the fraternity movement anymore--most of the frats and
sorority houses were closing down, and the kids were into free love and protest
marches...Eustace was getting lots of sex, and doing drugs now in addition to
his "juicing".
And yes,the girls at Landon
were beautiful! But he noticed that the KGS girls were the absolute prettiest.
Kappa Gamma Sade was the lone sorority house where
girls still wore makeup, tight pink sweaters and
short wool skirts and high heels...in a sea of hippie chicks with ironed hair
and flowered miniskirts.
And Eustace somehow got into a conversation with Opal
Corbett, a curvy little blonde thing in a snug white turtleneck standing in
front of the KGS house in the spring of 1969.
At twenty-four but still a junior because of his academic
malfeasance, Eustace was used to being able to out-class the callow youths who
were his peers. The girls liked him! But Opal didn't seem all that impressed.
Eustace looked at Opal suspiciously. "Everyone is growin' our hair like this. We're part of a
rebellion!" He smirked. "You're the weirdos
on campus now, the Greek system is dead...we have protest marches, draft cards
to burn, acid to drop and grass to smoke!"
"You see, Opal, it's all about individualism" Eustace said pompously.
The little blonde looked up at Eustace and ran a long pink tongue over her full
underlip. "But if everyone is dressed in gunny
sacks like you are, avoiding those four letter words like s-o-a-p, w-o-r-k, and w-a-s-h, where's the nonconformity?"
She'd turned on her heel, and Eustace, resplendent in his
tie-dyed shirt and dirty overalls had watched Opal's
little butt twitch into the KGS house.
When Eustace had called the KGS house to demand that Opal meet him for coffee
to debate the matter further, she'd said, "I don't go out with hoboes. If
you want to take me out to dinner, show up Friday night at seven sharp in a
suit and tie, with your hair cut."
Eustace had spluttered in rage. That arrogant little bitch.
He wasn't asking her on a date, he wanted to explain...but somehow it happened.
Eustace canceled an engagement to drop acid and eat mushrooms
with his steady, Moon-Pie Mullins, and got his hair cut...just in case Opal
didn't like the length, he asked for a crewcut.
Eustace had barely spoken to Stacey, his tranny
dad, ever since he'd learned that Mom and Grandma had recently iced down
Stacey's testicles and cut them off, but still, Eustace dropped by the library
to ask Dad for a little green to take Opal out.
"She's a nice girl" Stacey responded in his new, somewhat high
pitched voice. The new estrogen treatments seemed to be changing Dad in so many
ways, Eustace thought...
"Well, she's a KGS, but I'm not going to date her for long, I just want to
show her--"
Stacey handed Eustace the needed cash, and shook his head, smiling. "The
girls at KGS are wonderful, son.
With all the objections you have to our lifestyle, you can't
say that your mother and I didn't treat you and your brothers and sisters
well...we gave you all you wanted, and we were happy, right, Eustace?"
Eustace had to admit that, but still, he didn't want to get involved with a
woman who was going to control him. "Say, Dad, I don't want to take my VW
Bug to meet Opal, can I borrow your Caddy?"
Dinner went well, Opal was a witty conversationalist,and Eustace began to wonder if he should get a
little closer to her. He asked her out again.
On their third date, Eustace leaned over in the big, roomy Caddy and put his
arm around her, as they watched a drive-in movie.
Opal met Eustace?s lips in a strong kiss, and they began
necking, but as Eustace?s hands pawed Opal?s breasts, he felt a whack across
his face.
?What? what?s wrong?? Eustace asked. No girl had ever
slapped him before, they?d been responding to his advances cheerfully since
he?d first gotten laid in a closet at
?You were reaching for my honeys, and I don?t just let
anyone touch them.? Opal was a little informal that night, and she was in a
pink T-shirt, and her ?honeys? were quite beautiful.
All of Eustace?s friends, horrified that their hippie leader
had changed his entire appearance had at least understood his desire to touch
the orbs of the Ice Princess. ?I might wear a bow tie for those tits too? said
the president of the local Weatherman?s Underground.
So Eustace went back to kissing Opal, and she became quite
passionate, but when he forgot again, and grabbed her boobs, she raked her red
nails across his face. Then Eustace felt her high heel kick him in the stomach,
and all of a sudden he'd fallen out of the car!
As Eustace got up, he saw Opal slam the door and start Dad's
Caddy, and drive off, and he'd had to walk back from Inspiration Point. Later
when Eustace had shown up at his parents house
(already having been kicked out of the Landon dorm for too much partying) he
saw the Caddilac in the driveway, with the keys on
the dashboard.
Later on, Eustace saw Opal talking to a couple of interested guys outside an ?Introduction to the Francophone World ? class. Opal
looked just beautiful! Her hair was up in a bun and she was wearing a tight burgundy
off shoulder sweater dress, the hemline stopping just at the beginning
of her thighs.
approached her, overhearing her say ?I?m so
interested in the French presence in the
in his usual pushy way, shoved in front of the geek Opal was talking to. ?Look
here, that was some stunt you pulled??
before he could say anything else, Opal lashed out a knee, kicking Eustace
severely in the nuts, and he fell down, moaning, and she turned to the other
guys and continued her conversation.
Eustace was not to be put off, and he showed up at the KGS house later on,
enraged. ?I don?t care how long it takes to get her down here? he said to the
transvestite at the switchboard. ?I want to see her!?
Opal came downstairs, now in a scoop necked navy dress. As her manicured hands
curled over the banister, she smiled at Eustace. ?So, big boy?you can?t stay
away, eh??
make me sick. I don?t know that I want to see you again after the way you
assaulted me.? Eustace turned as if to go, and he heard a peal of feminine
around, he watched in alarm as Opal walked back upstairs. ?Wait! Where are you
going? I didn?t mean it!?
shook her head and Eustace couldn?t get her to come downstairs until suddenly,
he began to cry, something he?d not done since childhood.
came downstairs, and took Eustace by the sleeve and brought
him back up the stairs to her room.
Finally Opal got into the room, where her roommate was
slapping the face of a sobbing freshman girl. ?Rosalind, could you take
it outside, hon??
Rosalind took a look at Eustace?s tear stained face. ?Good,someone is finally giving it
the Juicer!? Even the freshman girl smiled briefly, before Rosalind grabbed her
by the ponytail and dragged her out of the room.
As Eustace stood there, Opal sat down and crossed her long,
shapely legs. She folded her hands in her lap and smiled at him. ?Now then, who
was it who was behaving badly last night??
Opal slowly ran her right hand, dainty, white and crimson
tipped, across her generous bosom.
?Who was it that couldn?t control himself?? Opal smiled at
Eustace?s reddening face. ?Why on earth should I go out with a drooling, pawing
Eustace shook his head. Girls didn?t usually behave like
Once he?d thrown a girl out of his off-campus apartment at
?I think maybe we aren?t meant to see each other, Eustace.?
Opal said gently. ?I like a man who is more, shall we say gentle, and less
willful. You don?t appear to be able to control yourself.?
She paused. ?People laugh at you, your drinking escapades,
being on academic probation, the pot busts, your numerous car wrecks..even those idiots you call
your friends are constantly borrowing your money and trying to make time with
the sluts that you date?
And even they laugh about what a partying loser you are. If
you wanted to be the person I know you are inside, I might relent, but I don?t
think you are ready for that maturity yet.?
Eustace looked at Opal dumbly. He knew she was right. She
was funny and smart and beautiful, and he knew she cared about him.
And he knew she was the
?Well, I think you want to reform, but you need to sacrifice
a little bit to make it important to you.? Opal paused.
?Eustace, you need to be punished. I read the Op-Ed
you wrote in the Lanham Loudmouth about how you didn?t think much of we Kappa Gamma Sade girls?you said
you would never let a girl dominate you. But I think you need it. Are you
willing to be punished??
Eustace struggled within. No, no?I can?t? But he knew he
would. ?Whatever you want, Opal?Miss Opal.?
That had been the last time he?d ever called her just Opal
again, when not in front of others.
Opal had merely snapped her fingers, and Eustace had
stripped off his clothes, folding them neatly in a corner of the room, and then
he?d lay down on the bed and she?d bound his ankles
together and his hands behind his back?and then she?d brought out the cane.
After she?d reduced Eustace to a blubbering whale, Opal had
turned him over on his back and begun stroking his cock slowly with her long
red nails.
She still hadn?t taken off her dress, though she?d bent over
quite a bit so Eustace could stare into her cleavage.
After she?d stroked Eustace for nearly an hour and a half,
talking softly to him as if to a baby, Opal had demanded that he go limp, and
he?d been indignant, as of course he?d thought she was going to untie him and
fuck him, or at least give him a hand job.
When Eustace?s dick had stayed stiff, Opal had brought out
the cane and given him ten sharp thwacks on the glans,
and finally his wee-wee had become quite small.
She?d sent Eustace home, and he?d wondered when he would get
into her drawers, and his hands on those beautiful
He never did, really. Eustace never got to fuck Opal, though
she took his ass with her strap-on many times after that.
The first time he saw Opal fully naked was two years after
their marriage, in 1971, when he?d walked in on her fucking one of the janitors
from the
By then, Eustace was a physics instructor at Landon,
pursuing his Ph.D. in the Science Department, and as Opal gave him vicious
canings for grades less than 90% (and she checked all his tests,essays and quizzes)
Eustace got his Ph.D in record
time, and was chairman of the Landon Physics Department by 1982.
?82 was also the year that Opal got Eustace his first
chastity device, not quite the Supertube, but it had
Eustace was allowed to jerk off twice a week in 1982, once a
week in '84, and once a month in '90. Now, of course, it was just at darling
Opal's rare whim.
But Opal, was wonderful! He'd still
never touched her breasts, even when he bathed her...but she was wonderful and
Opal was now the mother of three children, two of which
looked like the janitor, and one like the bartender at
The oldest, Eustace the Third, called Trey, had taken his
father's contemptous viewpoint on female domination.
Eustace had cringed under his son's cocked head as he scrubbed the kitchen
floor in a pink swimsuit while Mom was out with her male "friend."
But, when Trey began getting into drugs and skipping school
at thirteen, Opal had touched her husband's arm. "Let him live it up...the
only college which will admit him will be Landon."
Suddenly Eustace had understood his own mother's
By then, in the late eighties, Eustace was college
president, and he understood the wisdom of his wife's words, and indeed by the
time Trey graduated from Landon in 1992, he was under the thumb of Brandi, his
KGS fiancee...Eustace noticed Trey's nails were
painted at graduation!
Trey's sister, Lark had transformed Trey's best friend Todd
from a snarling Engineering student to a placid Ballet major...
And their youngest daughter, darling Beth, was a junior
majoring in domming girls and boys at the Kappa Gamma
Sade House!
So as Eustace Smallwood, Landon college
President, put the phone down and went in to face his wife's bullwhip, he
thought "Yes, it's a strange sorority, but a necessary one, at least for
us Smallwoods!"
Cold Revenge By Radioactive Loner Copyright 1996, 1998, 1999 Rachel curled a finger around and entwined a paralyzation spell around the class. She smiled evilly as each person stood ramrod straight in front of her. She walked up to the first girl. "Beth," she said. She considered the girl's body in front of her: definitely not the most attractive of specimens, the girl had been the shy poet who stayed to herself. Unfortunately, the girl wasn't in the best shape and tended to...
I can’t even remember how long I’ve been sitting on the edge of her bed - funny how time slips by when your fingers are laced with those of a beautiful girl. Her beauty is so intense that my eyes are repeatedly drawn away from the view of a sparkling city under the night sky. It was, admittedly, a bit awkward at first to be sitting with her on her bed, but awkward silence quickly turned into lustful energy at the sound of her voice, so disarming and tender. What started as a semi-casual...
BDSMSeeing that her husband was preoccupied with the camera, the blonde turned her head to the window. A quick smile and a wink, that was all, then she turned her head back, pulling her knees up at the same time. The armchair was big enough to swallow her whole, and make her comfortable. Now her husband looked at her. “Are you ready?” he asked. “Of course,” she said. “I can't wait.” It was true. Her husband had been delighted when she'd finally agreed to let him video her. But that wasn't why she...
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The next morning, after surrounding my eager cunt to Landon, I woke up in the Jamaican resort very, very sore.I could barely walk straight; but the recall of the night before really aroused me again and I felt my pussy tingling and getting wet…Victor was there on the bed close by my side. He was snoring with a smile painted in his lips.Today was his birthday; so I decided to give my beloved hubby a nice present…After having breakfast, I told Victor I would go to make some workout at the...
"Elisabeth"By: EericBlog: abmwmw.blogspot.com***********************************************************************My name is John and I go to the West college, it's a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college.We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since.I'm 22 years old.I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body.I'm really into computers so I help the teachers at the college withthe computer classes. I also...
My wife, who I will call Amy for want of a better name, as I stated in my previous post, was basically conservative. When she gets a little bit of wine in her, she gets flirty with other men, but nothing overboard.I always wanted to see her with another man, but the closest I could get would be when I was fucking her, and she had some wine in her to loosen her up, of course with black stockings, garter belt and demi-bra on, with her tits hanging out, and I would ask her what she wanted.She...
Characters: M50, M26, F46, F22, F20 I’m into photography and I am a whiz on the computer i can do almost everything on a computer, this day i was out taking photos of the people in our town for a display in the town hall of the citizens of my town. i had won a competition last year with a photo of a beautiful autumn day, and the prize was a brand new digital camera so that morning i got dressed and grabbed my small digital camera the same one i had won from the competition, i grabbed a quick...
Their hands were all over each other, humming away as they were locked in an embrace, admittedly I was frozen for a moment when Kelly reached out with her hand clasping the back of my neck bringing me in closer then turning to kiss me, our tongues danced together and it was passionate, powerful, sexual and deep. I woke up and completed my usual morning ritual for work, the cold dark morning sky and November air jump-started my body as I walked carefully but purposefully towards the tube...
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Mercedes is ready for a fun night showing off her killer body in her silk robe and strappy black lingerie. Her tan lines really show off those tits well and she can not wait to fuck! Jay Smooth pulls out his moves using his tongue to make her moan out as he sucks on those pussy lips and tongue fucks that pussy! She wants that cock now so Jay gives her it all watching as she sucks it all down. The fun really begins watching her ride him in reverse cowgirl really taking control until Jay gives...
xmoviesforyouAuthor's note: It's frequently difficult to separate fact from fantasy, this story is based in the late 60's era with elements of truth's and a few of fantasy thrown in for good measure - I will let you decide what's real or not - enjoy.This chapter describes how other 'friendships' develop even furtherAlan and I were pumping our cocks over a mag with guys cumming on girls faces he announces that he had started some weeks ago to encourage his younger sister (by 11 months) to experiment with...
I had gotten out of bed early to shower. Vicky had gotten out of bed early to get herself fucked in the shower. She had moved into the shower and pulled my cock erect before I could protest. When she was satisfied with her work, she turned and placed her hands high on the shower wall. Swaying her beautiful ass, she looked at me over her shoulder. “Fuck me.” All I needed to hear. I stepped in and shoved her legs further apart with mine. Bending my knees, I slid my hard shaft between her thighs,...
BDSMThe man was saddened that his recently deceased wife had never had the opportunity to meet his daughters or that she had not lived long enough to see Brigitte or Ingrid again. Rebecca, Brigitte’s daughter had not come with them because she and her partner wanted to remain in Europe to run the 'Lotus Blossom’ and as the pictures he’d seen showed that her partner is very definitely female He believed that the club would continue to be a popular venue for the jaded rich. Until their own...
visit on http://papasex.org to see full series of these stories"How are my folks treating you, Tammy?" Priscilla asked over the phone.The young girl was sprawled out on the bed, the phone propped againsther ear."Your parents are real nice," Tammy replied. A hint of unhappinessrevealed itself in the girl's voice. She was sitting at the bedroomwindow, looking at the street below. The city traffic and peoplebothered her. She wished she were back home on the farm in her ownroom."Your parents are...
Jealousy can sometimes be a very bad thing. Not trusting your significant other can lead you into some very awkward situations, situations that you may not be able to explain. I don't remember when, exactly, I first became suspicious of Jim, but I do remember why. He had come home from work one night after supposedly working late and I could smell another woman's perfume on him. When I mentioned it he passed it off as being in a crowded elevator with a bunch of women. From that point on I...
This is a real incident …. Earlier, i posted my story about how my SIL seduced me to have an affair with her. Now this narration takes off from what followed later …. Here we go ….My SIL is a very hot lady and always has sex on top in her mind … At times I got bored about so much of sex … But even then she wouldn’t leave me … It is sex, sex, and sex for her all the time … As you people can understand she soon got bored with just me alone… She wanted to try something new. By nature she is a very...
IncestBilly BEEP BEEP BEEP Billy woke up to the sound of beeping. The environment for him was very familiar. He was in a hospital room. Trying to sit up, he felt a tag on his left hand. Seeing there was a butterfly needle connected to the back of his hand, he laid back down. Also on his chest, some electrodes attached to a heart monitor. The door to his room was wide open. People were walking up and down the corridor, mostly nurses and doctors in white uniforms. He could hear talking just outside...
Continuation of my earlier story ” My Favorite Cousin”.. After the events of the last story, she came and stayed with me till she got healed completely. We did not cross the line after that because deep down we knew that what we did was wrong. We never discussed it even once and lived like two loving cousins would. Once she was alright, her college started and she went back to her hostel. The next year though, her brother also came to work in the same city with us and we decided to move in...
IncestThis is my first story, but not my first encounter with maids. I am an NRI and have returned to India recently. I stay with my parents and two sisters and we have two maids in the house one for cooking and one for cleaning. This is an encounter which occurred with the maid that cleans the house. She is not that tall – she must be five feet and 2 inches at the most and that’s pushing it. She has a very petit figure because at the age of just 22 she has an eight year old daughter and a five year...
You stare at the letter in your hand and reread it again to assure yourself you're not going mad. "Dear High School Senior, We here at Mesmer Tranca U are pleased to inform you that your application by Alumni Robert Travers has been accepted! Here at MTU you'll learn time honored techniques of Mental Domination in one of four categories: Traditional, Paranormal, Chemical, and Mechanical. Talk to your referring Alumni to learn more. If you are willing to accept this invitation please discuss it...
Mind ControlWelcome to Hellfire. Before we begin, I just need some information. I already have your name, John, I just need your gender. So which is it?
When the baby's head emerged he cried loud and long. Palus froze having never having seen a white baby before. His red hair tousled in a way that prompted squeals from Celine. "His hair is red as fire!" Celine stuttered in her soft voice. "A holy, white child. You are a blessed mother Hazel," Palus said, cutting the cord bonding mother to son. "Mother he is so large. So beautiful," Celine stated, holding the crying baby for a moment before putting her brother to their mother's...
My First Attempt at Masturbation I went to many websites to look at what I was about to do. You know, the usual stuff how to do it and what to expect. After many websites I finally found one that explained everything clearly. It told you various way and means of doing it. With that information in mind, I looked at some images to remember while pleasuring myself. Basically, I looked at porn pictures. With all this in mind, I turned off my computer and headed to bed. I gathered...
Hi, my name is Stephanie; I’m quite petite – slim, high breasts, short-cropped blonde hair and deeply tanned all over. I’m nearly 16 now, but with the right make-up and choice of underwear, I can be any age you want. I keep my cunt shaved to within an inch of her life – I hate pubic hair – it always gets stuck in your teeth. I was born Stephanie in this tiny village on the south Cornish coast, but most of my friends call me Steph, except for the boys at school who just grunt ‘Bitch’ when I pull...
The next morning I was awoken by Martin and Nora, walking into the bedroom hand-in-hand. My two women were still sleeping, as I carefully climbed off the bed. "Martin, could I talk to Nora for a moment?" "OK, I have to take a shower, but you better not say anything that would make her want to leave!" he warned. "Nothing he could say would make me do that, Master" smiled Nora, as she blew him a kiss and he left. "Nora, I have to ask ... what happened?" "I met Beth. She was so...
This story is set in the future when a more localised discipline regime was in place for minor crimes.Jennifer and Alison had been friends about six years and had met at a party of mutual friends and hit it off immediately. The two women were both sixty-four-year-old grandparents. They had several similar interests and often met up and went for a coffee or shopping together.Both ladies liked a bit of excitement and although they were not short of money did enjoy the thrill of stealing from...
SpankingMilo knew a movie night with his mom only could end in one way and was feeling uneasy as he felt his mothers excited breaths behind his ears. Janet sifted through the online list for the movies but suddenly the screen turned all dizzy and blue. “Dammit, what the hell is wrong?” Janet cursed and tried to click the controller a few more times but nothing happened. She unfolded her embrace around Milo and rose to examine the TV. She walked over to the TV and bent over to examine it, exposing her...
The Tonight Show audience was led into the studio, only to be searched and extensively questioned. The guest star arrived with an entourage, not unexpected, but came in disguise and with little warning. The participants were a bit paranoid, but felt they had reason to be. By the time of filming, word had spread across the Internet. After the monologue, the host began the warm up. “We’ve got a fascinating program tonight. Like Salman Rushdie, he’s been in hiding for years—confronted with...
Just before breaking camp I spent a few minutes studying the lay of the forest to the south. The full moon was a Holy-send, a tremendous asset. I had been worrying about the bears as I slept, and had wakened regretting the necessity of leaving the rifle behind. The bears' attack had demonstrated not only coordination, but also a knowledge of how to fool a proximity detector. That was absolutely unheard of. I realized I'd have to file a detailed report on this as soon as we got to...
My name is Kristen, I’m 26 years old. I just got married to my high school sweetheart Rich. He’s an amazing guy that why I feel so bad about fucking his dad..but a part of me loves it..About a year ago me and rich got married and when we did we started getting closer to his parents. It get like every other day we were stopping by to hangout or have dinner. Rich’s father Ken stands about 6ft, bald head decent build growing up around him always thought he was a looker but never thought I’d have...
Dear friends After reading so many stories I am trying to share my true story. Usually you will read couples fucked each other in a short time. They will share their desire in 2-3 meeting than they easily find a place to enjoy.As per my experience it take 10 years to get that lady in my bed…no no..her bed as we ve enjoyed first time in her bed only. I dont know why it took so long time neither i am shy in nature nore she but i think due to living in a close society it is always a chance that...
(MF, exh, mast, public)***I'm an average kind of guy who maybe has let a few opportunities slip through his fingers but for the most part I'm not overly disappointed in my life. But at 54 and never experiencing the wild side of life I felt like life was passing me by. I wish that I had at least one exciting incident in my life to give me something to remember in my old age. My wife lost interest in having sex with me when I was 49 and after a while I stopped trying to seduce her. So for almost...
There's an old joke about D.C. weather; If you don't like it, just wait a week. The weather flips around so quickly it almost produces whiplash. (This is opposed to Florida weather, which practically vibrates.) The common side-joke, which isn't terribly clever and is used too often by comedians who aren't really trying, is that it is caused by all the hot air blowing out of the Capitol building when Congress is in session. Locals know however that this is not the case. No, the local...
It was a Sunday afternoon and my girlfriend Emily was hanging out at my place, watching TV with me. We hadn’t been going out for very long, but it was long enough for the spark to have faded from our sex life. At the moment, I should’ve been fucking her on my couch. But instead, we were just catching up on our shows together. I felt a little guilty about that, because Emily was easily the hottest girl I’d ever been with! Way, way out of my league. She was tall and slim, with perky little...
Pt. XVIII: Safari Snatch Caitlin, Kim and Sal rode their Harleys from Dyer, Nevada, across the border and into California, heading north. They crossed back into Nevada at Topaz Lake and headed up I-395 to Reno. Right up to the casino-hotel where Thomas Peterson had been murdered they rode. Jack had reserved the other super suite for them. Peterson lost his penis and his life in the Roman Super Suite. The three ladies were staying in the Safari Super Suite. ‘This is incredible!’ Sal gasped as...
I was a graduate student at the state university and had finished my classes for the week even though it was just Thursday. Mom was a professor of literature at the university and was at the library helping with a ‘get kids to read’ program. I had been volunteered to read for them. There were eighty little third graders in the library. I somehow ended up surrounded by a bunch of boys reading from a book from Gerald Durrell. It had been my favorite book growing up so I was glad to revisit...
The next day, when Steven called me, I was nervous. I kept telling myself that I couldn't keep dragging this relationship on, no matter how attracted to him I was. We'd both end up frustrated. Steven invited me over to his place that evening; he was going to cook for me. I almost chickened out and said no - I could just refuse to answer the phone ever again, couldn't I? - but remembering my promise to J, I accepted. I was incredibly edgy that day at work, dropping things and confusing one...
Gada house Jethalal soya hua tha or daya nashta bana rahi thi tapu school ke liye teyyar ho rha tha babuji paper padh rahe the Babuji→bahu jetha nahi utha hai kya abhi tak Daya→nahi babuji abhi tapu ke papa nahi uthe hai Babuji→utha us kumbhkarn ko Daya→thik hai babuji Daya jethalal ko uthane jati hai Daya→utho tappu ke papa 9 baj gaye hai Jethalal→sone dena daya Daya→utho babuji chilla rahe hai Jethalal uth jata hai or nahane chala jata hai Daya tapu ko lunch deti hai or tapu school chala...
We finished our ice cream and I unlocked the bikes. Nothing had been said since Jill had made her offer but I could feel the change between us. A closeness that hadn't been there before. A commitment. She looked different to me as we rode toward the lake. A little more mature. More attractive, more desirable. My first impulse was to grab Jill and take her back behind the bushes on the side of the road. But, looking at her, I realized she was too special for that. As was I. I must have...
I've had these dreams all my life, though I've never done anything with a man. I dreamt you answered my add, and sent me pics and warm reassuring words. You are kinda Twinkish but masculine and seem to be a take charge gently kind of guy. We email back and forth and send each other pics. One day you send me a pic of your big beautiful cock and I start salivating immediately, I marvel at how much smoother your body is than mine full of hair. You tell me your wife is out of town for the week and...
Part One — The Agony & The Ecstasy Bradley Tucker ‘Tuck’ Grayson was scurrying about his apartment getting ready for his wedding. His long time best friend and Best Man, ‘Bimbo’ Billy Bryson, had just arrived from picking up the bride-to-be’s suitcases for the honeymoon and was squeezing Tuck’s one measly banged up bag into the trunk of Tuck’s car with all of Prissy’s bags. After closing the trunk Bimbo looked at the freshly washed and waxed black car and thought how much fun it would be when...
Carrying a tray laden with Coffee and breakfast things up to her bedroom, wearing nothing other than a leather collar and leash, wasn’t an experience Annie Day had previously participated in at 9 in the morning and certainly not at the same time on the dot every morning, in fact until a few months ago such an exercise was something Annie would never have dreamed of. Certainly not before having her home and her very existence taken over by Olga, the burly East European dominant Lesbian. In...
"I was hired by a guy from the CIA (Consolidated Information Association) to destroy three planets in a neighboring galaxy. She said that our galaxy was due to collide with the other galaxy in five or ten billion years, I forgot the exact number. Anyway, the CIA wanted to destroy the other galaxy before the collision so that our galaxy would survive, unchanged. "I did ask what was the hurry, since that was a hell of a long time in the future. She said that there were so many planets and...
By: Jonah Hi guys, it’s me Jonah back again with another story hope u all enjoy it…. I had a best friend in my class, Revathi. She was good looking and had a great body, big boobs, well shaped ass. But her mom Prathiba aunty, 38, was looking much better than her. She was my fantasy woman. She had big milky boobs and ample ass that seems almost came too much out of her body from profile. I bet that was un-ignorable for any men. I had a wish that I wanted to touch those once. Revathi had one...
IncestMike wasn’t sure what he expected to see once inside the tower, but it certainly wasn’t this. What he had thought was the entrance to the tower was in fact an outer wall. A large courtyard full of flowers and creeper vines would have been impressive enough, but the sheer number of butterflies, bees, and even birds had him staring in awe. An entire ecosystem had been formed inside these walls, complete with a small waterfall that flowed out of the cliff itself and fed into an irrigation...
I woke up around 11 a.m. to the sound of a shower running and that triggered a overwhelming desire to pee, so I got up and took care of that pressing problem, looked in to see Marcia in the shower, I said "Hi" and went back out to see if anyone else was up. I crossed to the other side of the room The 'hide a beds' were once again couches. I wondered where the other girls were at. I looked into Mom's room, and Patty was sitting on her bed, watching a guy who was fucking my Mom. He had a good...
The Sudanese Seductress Part 4 After I had recovered somewhat from my prolonged bondage ordeal, it was time to punish Whitney. I had Whitney change from her shop assistant clothes into something much more feminine and sexier. She had a very pretty sky-blue bra and panties set with matching negligee and suspender belt, grey-white stockings and blue high-heels. A blue ribbon was bound around the base of her shecock. Once Whitney was suitably attired, I bound and gagged her on the...
We had a large play house at my house. By the time I was 15 I pretty much never went near it unless I was watching my younger siblings.One night as I tried to sneak back into my house after a night of partying my s*s Paula, who is four years older, caught me.She dragged me to the playhouse which was a good distance from the house.I was pretty wasted so I was laughing and being an idiot as she pulled me along.When we got there, Jean, a year older than me, was already there. She said " shut up...
My name is Dani, formerly known as Danny. My life has changed in significant ways since I was known as Danny. I guess I should provide some background to allow some understanding of how I arrived at my current situation. Things began normally enough. I met my wife Victoria (nicknamed “V”) halfway through college, and we seemed to hit it off great. We were inseparable the final two years of school. While we occasionally indulged in sex, it wasn’t something our lives together really revolved...
Actually, it didn’t take that long before I had my own in-the-flesh participatory sexual experience while hitchhiking. The recollection of the afternoon the prior summer in the back of that pickup was still fresh in my mind. And the look that young girl had as she jerked off the farmhand was forever emblazoned on my mind. On this particular June day I was hitching a ride back from a neighbor kid’s graduation at Bowdoin College in Maine. I had ridden up with his parents and the plan was for me...
I awoke one morning one morning shortly after the start of my senior year in high school not long after I turned 18. Taking a quick shower, I headed downstairs where my mother Marie… I awoke one morning one morning shortly after the start of my senior year in high school not long after I turned 18. Taking a quick shower, I headed downstairs where my mother Marie was cooking breakfast. “Good morning baby.” She said happily setting two plates on the table, “Just in...
IncestMystWyrld OR The Beloved Planet of Our Lady of Mysteries. PART ONE- A Navigator's Tale 1713 9904.27 by Yellow Dancer CHAPTER ONE- Introduction by the Navigator. Officially, that is to say, on charts cartographed by the Interstellar Cartography Guild, the planet was nothing more than a jerkwater stop on the way to Alpha Orienns IV, the last of the frontier planets. The Emperor of the Known Multiverse, Kerrigan III, the Just, had determined that it was to be nothing but a...