Taking Katie To Make Dawn (Chapter 1 Taking Katie) free porn video

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Katie let out a soft sigh as she lifted her mug of hot chocolate to her lips, her breath sending small ripples across the dark surface. She placed the mug back on the glass table, leant back on the red leather bench seat of the café and looked aimlessly out of the window, watching as the late afternoon turned dark, the world seeming to run along without her.

Around her feet were several bags containing cheap gifts for family and friends, presents she didn't really like giving but on an interns salary it was all she could afford.

With a smile she let her hand touch the one extravagance she had allowed herself. The yellow hard paper bag with its cord handles and embossed red lettering spoke of its cost and it sat beside her on the seat in pride of place. She withdrew her hand and with another sigh brushed a lock of her blonde hair from in front of her sad blue eyes and returned her gaze to the window.

Suddenly her eye was caught by a woman walking down the other side of the street. She was tall with long way red hair and her white silk blouse, tight fitting black knee length skirt and black stilettos seemed out of place amongst the puffer jackets and overcoats of the other people around her. Katie squeezed her denim clad thighs together as she felt the familiar warm buzz in her loins, instantly aware of how tight her t-shirt was beneath her old grey fleece as her nipples sprung to attention. The air suddenly seemed thicker, warmer and Katie found herself shrugging out of the winter weight fleece.

It wasn't just the woman's undeniable beauty that held Katie's attention, it was her poise, the way she seemed walk with a purpose, her head held proudly as she breezed through the crowd, a path seeming to open in front of her as she passed. She reached the lights on the corner and seemed unaware of the many pairs of eyes, Katie's included, that appraised her, admired her, lusted after her.

Even the stop sign appeared to watch this angelic vision, turning green instantly to allow her to continue on her way unimpeded by the rush hour traffic before she finally disappeared from Katie's view around the corner.

Isolated once more, the light seeming to go with the woman, Katie lifted her drink, sipping the warm minty chocolate, her one true friend in all situations. She glanced at the clock and knew she still had half an hour to kill before her train to the anonymous suburb that housed her small lonely apartment.

Right now the only light in Katie's darkness was that it was only another 2 weeks to Christmas, when she could go back home and see her mom again. With that thought in her mind she looked again at the bag beside her.

"Is this seat taken?"

Katie jumped at the sound of a woman's voice, the words spoken with warmth and the hint of an English accent that for some reason reminded Katie of the warm thick drink she cradled in her hands. She looked up into the deep green eye's of the woman she had so recently seen through the window.

"Yes, er, I mean no. Please, sit down, Miss." Katie stammered even as a red tint lit her cheeks as the throb in her pussy returned with a vengeance. The woman appeared to be only a few years older than Katie's 22 but she seemed to have the grace of someone much older, the sort of bearing that almost required deference.

The woman smiled, her berry red glossy lips parting slightly as she smoothed her skirt and all but flowed on to the seat across from Katie.

Katie looked down and through the glass table as the woman crossed her right leg over her left, her skirt riding up a little to reveal just the hint of her stocking clad thighs, and as the woman's foot brushed one of Katie's bags Katie noticed a flash as the light caught a small emerald jewel at the end of the woman's gold ankle chain.

"What can I get you today?" For the second time in as many minutes Katie jumped.

The woman smiled at the waitress, a girl about the same age as Katie, her dark bobbed hair and grey eyes quite alluring, and on any other day the woman would have paid her more attention, still she new she could always return. Noting the name badge on the waitress's left breast the woman replied. "Oh, I don't know, Carla." She turned her sunlight filled visage on Katie and said. "That smells really nice what is it?"

"This?" Katie asked lifting the almost empty cup. "Er it's mint chocolate."

"Mmm. Sounds, dreamy." The woman all but moaned, fanning the already glowing embers that burned between Katie's thighs. "But I always find hot chocolate makes you so sleepy."

"I'll have a frappe please, Carla and another mug of that dreamy chocolate for my friend." The woman said before turning to Katie and asking. "Unless you have to go of course?"

Katie quickly weighed up the alternatives; she could accept a drink and remain in the presence of this absolute vision of Sapphic desire or slope off into the growing darkness to the station. The decision was not protracted. "I'd love another, I've plenty of time."

The woman's smile sent tingles through Katie's body, her nipples sending confirmatory signals to her pussy.

"One mint chocolate and one frappe, coming right up." Carla said breezily as she turned and left, her hips swaying, inviting further attention.

"I'm Amanda by the way." The redhead said, holding her hand out across the table, her palm down, fingers bent slightly."

"Oh, right I'm Katherine." Katie replied as she looked at the proffered hand, a large emerald and diamond ring glinting on Amanda's ring finger. Katie wasn't sure whether to shake or kiss it. She went for the safer option and smiled as she added. "Katie to my friends."

Amanda's smile was full of warmth that seemed to envelope Katie as she said. "Pleased to meet you, Katie." Katie looked into the deep emerald eyes that seemed to almost glow in Amanda's beautifully made up face and the whole world seemed to fade.

"Here you go, ladies." Carla said and Katie realized with a blush she was still holding Amanda's hand lightly in her own. She shook her head to try and clear the daze she seemed to have fallen in to, wondering how long she had been sat like that.

Carla placed a large white mug in front of Katie and a tall glass of light brown frothy frappe complete with 2 straws in front of Amanda.

"Looks like you were right about that chocolate." Carla said with mirth as she glanced at a yawning Katie before turning and leaving once more.

"Sorry." Katie said, embarrassed at her lack of manners.

"That's alright, honey. It was me who suggested it would make you sleepy, you would probably have never thought of it before.

"Looks like you've had a busy day, honey." Amanda said glancing down through the glass of the table to the bags.

Katie followed the glance, aware that she really liked the way Amanda called her honey, it reminded her of her mom who used to call her that when she was little. "Just some Christmas presents." Katie explained as she noticed Amanda's shoe release itself from her heel and start to sway softly from her toes, the emerald glinting as Amanda moved her foot gently.

"And a little treat for yourself." Amanda said looking now at the bag at Katie's side.

Katie didn't understand at first and then she saw where Amanda was looking and said. "Oh, this? No, this is a present too, for my mom."

"I love their lingerie, your mom is a very lucky lady." Amanda said, her voice softening as she said. "Lingerie from Gardenia's and such a pretty daughter. Can I see?"

Katie blushed at the compliment and thought of the box inside the bag and how the shop assistant had folded the silky lingerie so reverently, wrapping it in white tissue and sprinkling a few lavender scented beads on top. Katie didn't want to spoil it but she couldn't refuse.

With almost trembling fingers she lifted the box on to the table, opened it and peeled back the protecting tissue. She took the shoestring straps in each hand and lifted out the yellow teddy with its embroidered red rose motif and held it up, the scent of lavender now permeating the air.

"That is absolutely beautiful, Honey." Amanda purred. "I'm sure your mom will look absolutely ravishing in it."

At first Katie smiled as she pictured her mom encased in the silky soft fabric, her firm breasts straining, nipples erect as she... But then a cloud passed across her face as she replaced the garment gently in the box. "She'll probably never wear it." Katie sighed.

In that instant Amanda guessed the situation, her nipples growing hard as she said. "And if she did, you wouldn't see her in it."

Without realising it Katie nodded and a tear formed in the corner of her eye.

When she had left home for college Katie finally admitted, at least to herself, that the string of boyfriends she had had during high school were not what she wanted, they left her cold, unfulfilled. She thought at first she was just not a passionate person and then along came Helen, her first year housemate.

Helen was the sporty type with the sort of tan you only get from playing tennis all summer and a musculature gained from hours in the pool, giving her a strong fluid frame. Add to all that her long blonde hair and you have every nerds dreamboat.

At first they had gotten off on the wrong foot and hardly spoke, but then one night, fuelled by several marguerites they had opened up, verbally and eventually carnally to each other, and Katie had found her true place in life.

They stayed together throughout college, though after the first blush of passion they had settled into an open relationship, sharing each others beds and bodies, or sleeping alone or with someone else as the mood took them.

Katie had believed she loved Helen, but the other girl's lack of commitment had grated and they had become like a comfy pair of shoes you keep at the back of the wardrobe, you know they are old and should be thrown away but you just can't help feeling that you might need them again one day.

Although it was Helen who had opened the door, she wasn't the one that starred in Katie's masturbatory fantasies, no that honour belonged to Lucia, Katie's mom. The first time it had happened Katie had been disgusted with herself, but the strength of the orgasm had burned her mom deep into her sexual psyche, and, over time, Lucia had eclipsed all others in her desires. Oh she had flings, but never serious ones and her mom came between her and her lovers in a way that would probably have shocked Lucia to her catholic core.

Now every time she returned home to visit Katie would dream of realizing her fantasy, of seducing, or even better, allowing herself to be seduced by her mom. She had tried to let her mom know how she felt, letting the hello kiss linger just that bit too long, walking around the house in her long satin silk dressing gown and letting it fall open to reveal her aching breasts, but so far her love, her erotic love at least, was unrequited.

Katie's heart went cold as she realised the admission she had made with that simple nod. "I. I must be going. I'm going to be late." Katie said, the tears refusing to leave her eyes as she put her moms special Christmas present back in its bag. She was about to bend down and grab her other bags when she felt Amanda's cool fingers grip her wrist gently but firmly.

"There's no need to run away, honey." Amanda said.

"I'm not!" Katie said, rather more harshly than she intended. "Thank you for the drink, I really must be going."

Amanda kept hold of Katie's wrist "It's alright, Honey. I'm not going to tell anyone. We all have secrets, things we keep in our heart, yours is no darker than anyone else's, believe me."

Katie wanted to stay, to spend more time with this vision that had wafted into her dreary day. "You don't think I'm sick then?"

The smile that Amanda turned on Katie almost melted the young girls heart. "No, sweetie. I don't judge others, lest they judge me."

Katie tried a half smile but it didn't seem to work, she was torn between her embarrassment and her desire. Amanda however was in no doubt as to what she was going to do. She knew it was risky, but serendipity had smiled on her this late December evening, and delivered an early Christmas present she wasn't going to let go.

"Look into my eyes, honey, and you will know I am telling you the truth." Amanda said, her voice soft and oozing sincerity.

Katie bit her bottom lip and looked up into the beautiful deep green eyes, the pupils like deep pools in the middle of a meadow. She had expected to see disgust but all she saw was truth and acceptance and her fear washed away.

"See, honey you will always know I am telling you the truth when you look into my eyes. You've had such a long day, honey, trailing round those warm stores, carrying all those heavy bags. And now that lovely warm minty chocolate is making you feel warm and sleepy." Amanda spoke softly her voice barely above a whisper.

Leaning forward so that she could hear better Katie felt like the dark centres of Amanda's beautiful green eyes were pulling her in.

"It's alright, honey. Just keep looking into my eyes and know that I am telling you the truth. You want to let your eyes close, honey, to drift into a deep peaceful sleep. And soon you will, soon you will drift away to a deep, deep sleep where you can still hear my voice, it will be like floating in the pools in my eyes and you will know I am telling you the truth, honey." Amanda continued, as her pussy throbbed with anticipation and her nipples rubbed against her silky blouse with each measured breath.

Katie realised how tired she was, it had been such a long day and that lovely warm chocolate, so thick and creamy seemed to flow through her veins, making her feel sluggish and so very drowsy.

"Soon, honey, so very soon you can close those tired, sleepy eyes and just listen to my voice as I tell you the truth. You feel so warm and so safe, honey, so trusting because you know I'm telling you the truth. You know I'm telling you the truth now even when you are not looking into my eyes, don't you, honey?" Amanda swallowed hard, this was the crucial step.

Through pursed lips Amanda let out the breath she hadn't even realised she was holding as Katie replied dreamily. "Yes."

"Good girl, honey." Amanda encouraged. "So now you can close your eyes and let yourself sink into a deep sleep, a sleep where you are all warm and safe where all you can hear is my voice speaking the truth."

Even as Katie's eyelids fluttered Amanda was sliding around to sit beside her, an arm protectively around the young girls shoulder and with her other she gently brushed the girls blonde hair behind her ear.

With her glossy red lips mere inches from Katie's ear, her perfume filling the young woman's nostrils, Amanda took her new captive deeper into her trance. Not that Amanda used the words trance or hypnosis, she knew not to use words that might heighten her subjects defences, so holding Katie protectively her words were of safety and trust and truth. She didn't tell the girl to go deeper, or to drift, she led her, telling Katie to trust her and go with her to where it was warm and safe and Amanda was with her all the way.

"Good, girl Katie. Just listen to me and sleep, sleep and listen to me." Amanda said as she felt Katie's body sag as she gave up her volition to Amanda's silky words.

"You can stay asleep, honey, but open your eyes and sit up." Amanda whispered and watched as Katie's eyes fluttered open to stare glassily forward.

"Let me get the check then we can go and do a little shopping, honey." Amanda said as she caught Carla's attention and was rewarded with a lovely smile from the sexy waitress as she approached their table.

"Could we have the check please, Carla?" Amanda asked.

Carla took her pad out of her pocket, found their tab and placed it in front of Amanda. "Is your friend okay, miss?" she enquired looking with concern at the immobile figure of Katie who continued to stare straight ahead oblivious of Carla's presence.

"Yes she's just a little tired." Amanda assured her as she passed a 10 note to Carla with a cheery, "Keep the change, honey."

The waitress smiled her thanks and was about to leave when Amanda placed her hand lightly on Carla's forearm. "Carla, I wonder if you could help us?"

Quite happy to be detained and very aware of Amanda's light touch she replied. "If I can, miss."

"We need to go downtown to finish our shopping trip but I was wondering if we could leave these bags here, as my friend is a little tired. We will be a bit tied up for a couple of days but we could pick them up by Friday." Amanda explained, glancing towards the docile girl at her side.

"We close in 25 minutes." Carla said as she glanced at the clock over the counter. "And we can't leave stuff here overnight I'm afraid."

"Oh, well." Amanda said, removing her hand from Carla's arm.

"I suppose I could take them, I only live a couple of blocks away, you could give me a ring and pick them up whenever you want." Carla said sweetly as she scribbled on her order pad, ripped off the page and passed it to Amanda.

Amanda took the sheet of plain paper and saw that Carla had scribbled her phone number. "You can call me anytime, just leave a message. I get off work same time most nights."

Amanda, who was well used to the dance heard the invitation and smiled her response. "That really is very sweet of you, Carla."

Carla blushed softly, she wasn't used to giving complete strangers her phone number but she really did want to see this woman again. "Just leave them there and I'll pick them up on my way out." Carla said, quite aware of the flush on her cheek and the warm tingle in her pussy.

Amanda folded Carla's note and placed it in her purse as she stood and took hold of Katie's hand saying. "Come along, honey. We have a lot to do before we are done today."

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Katie’s Revenge It had been four weeks since our encounter with Joel. Katie and I had talked about what had happened and how I ruined her trust, didn't respect her and embarrassed her. I had sent her flowers, cards and took her out for romantic dinners. She said she wasn't going to divorce me but I had to regain her trust. Katie and I hadn't had sex and I hadn't cum since the dressing room at the Gap. I was horny as hell. I tried everything to get my wife to have sex but she refused telling me...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 5 Katies Blackmai

Katie's Blackmailed It was the day after shopping with Katie and I still couldn't believe that she had given me a blowjob in the changing room. I felt like the luckiest bastard in the world. We hurried home and ended up screwing in our car after parking in the garage. Our sex life couldn't have been better. It was only a few months ago that Katie hadn't even tasted my cock and now she couldn't get enough. Today, I was just lying on the couch watching football while Katie was reading the...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 7 Katies torture

Katie's Torture Continues I awake the next morning rejuvenated. I decided I can play her little game. I give her a little kiss on the back of the neck as I caress her hips. My dick is already starting to grow. It seems the longer she teases me and denies me a release the larger it gets. I get out of bed to go make coffee and my hard on is protruding from boxers. Katie starts laughing as she sees me. "I can play your little game. Are you ready to cum? Do you want my tongue or my fingers,...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 9 Katie likes it when m

Katie likes when men watch My wife was leaving for a business trip in a week and we decided to get a babysitter and go out for a night on the town. We were both up in the bathroom getting ready to go out and I couldn't help but notice how sexy she was. She was wearing a tight little miniskirt exposing her tan fit legs. A sexy low cut white blouse that revealed her small cleavage with her brown wavy hair flowing past her shoulders. Her hazel eyes looked into mine as I was staring at her in the...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 8 Katies tied up

Katie Gets Tied Up While on vacation in Mexico Katie told me I could demand her to do whatever I wanted her to do. She wanted me to treat her like a slut; she wanted me to demand her to suck my cock; to have my way with her. I glanced over at the clock and then back outside. She should be home any minute. I removed all of my clothing and threw them in the corner. I was standing naked in the hallway as I glanced down at my semi erect dick. I couldn't wait for what I was about to do to my wife....

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 39 Katiersquos Unyielding Desires

Katie Jackson sat at home on her couch with her sexy toned legs curled underneath her as she stared at the television. The commercial came on as scheduled in the middle of the evening news as she lifted her phone to record it for her husband. It was for a fundraiser for the City Union Mission. Since her announcement of winning the beauty pageant the local chapter of City Union Mission had used her talents to promote their charity. The commercial had been playing all week on the local channels...

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Laura aka The Little Nympho Chapter 11 Part 2Babysitting Katie

Introduction: Part 2 of 3.. Laura, a.k.a. The Little Nympho Chapter 11 ( Babysitting Katie) Part 2 At about 10, I woke up with Katie jumping on the bed saying something about sleeping till noon just like all teen-agers. I hit her with a pillow and nearly knocked her off the bed. She was still in her sleep shirt and I was still in my nighty with nothing on under it. She rebounded and smacked the shit out of me with one of the pillows and I growled you little brat, and the pillow fight was...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 4 Katies shopping

Katie's shopping at The Gap I took off the afternoon from work to go shopping with my wife. I hated shopping but I had to get some new clothes plus I also wanted to spend time with Katie. Our relationship had become much more sexual since we became more open with each other. The sex between us had been explosive. Katie enjoyed taking my cock and I enjoyed giving it to her. She looked incredible today. My wife wasn't one to wear makeup but today she had applied some dark red lipstick. I had...

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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 3 Katies New Vide

Katie's New Videocamera It had been about a month since our sexual awakening and we’ve had more sex than ever. Katie was developing more spontaneity in our life. We would have fast 15 minute encounters when she would get home and before we would have to go pick up the k**s. Our sex life was improving to say the least however it had been 4 days since my last orgasm and Katie started her period. It was going to be a long 7 days unless Katie decided to give me a release. I didn't feel the need to...

3 years ago
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Journal of an Agent Chapter 2 Katie Holmes

Journal of an Agent: Chapter 2 – Katie Holmes "Dean, call on line 3," buzzed in Julie. Her call had awoken me from my day dreaming. "Take a message. I’m…busy," I replied. "That’s bullshit and you know it. It’s pretty important, you should take it. It’s Katie Holmes," she replied, hanging up the phone. Sometimes I swear the only reasons I keep Julie around is because she looks so good and that she knows what the hell she is doing when I don’t. Today I had to restrain myself again...

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Introduction: In the several days following her own abduction and rape (which she coincidentally ended up enjoying) at the hands of her mother and her mothers boyfriend, Max, Katie had been coming up with a plan to allow the 3 of them to kidnap her bitch of a friend named Stephanie. She thought the best way to get Stephanie would be to invite her over to walk their dogs together and catch up, then they would drug her when she arrived so that they could take her to Maxs sex dungeon without any...

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"Steph, It's Katie. Wanna bring Shadow over tonight and we can take him and Toby for a walk, maybe get a coffee?" she said when her friend answered. "Sounds good, haven't seen you for ages. I'll see you around 6?" Steph replied "Ok cool, see you then" Katie said, hanging up the phone. She found herself grinning as she thought about the payback she would give to Steph. A few years ago, her friend had fucked Katie's crush - whom she was going to ask out that week. Even though...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 26 Katie the Good Neighbor

Mrs. Jackson stood in her kitchen and stared out the window towards Phil Dorman’s house. It had been a few weeks since his release from the hospital and while the neighborhood rejoiced at his return; the hot married wife felt nauseated. Every day after her family had left for work and school Phil had called or rolled up to her door. She never answered as she knew what he would say or try to do to her. She regretted that moment in his hospital room as well as every moment of what happened...

4 years ago
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Katie Becomes A Whore For Her Brothers Chapter 2

"What's wrong, Katie", her father asked, noticing how quiet his normally talkative daughter was. "Nothing, I'm fine", she answered shortly, glaring at Tyler, although he refused to meet her gaze. On the other hand, her other brother, Jason, couldn't seem to stop staring at her. Jason was four years older than her and was going to graduate high school this year. Katie knew that several of her friends, including Linda, found him attractive. And, she had to admit, he did have certain...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 27 Katiersquos Torment

“Oooohhhh, Fuuuuccckkkkk!” the hot wife panted, “Fuck me!” Katie moaned, “Harder!” Her husband increased his pace as he rammed his hard cock into her wet aching pussy. The hot wife grabbed the headboard of their bed while on her knees. Her wedding ring glistened from the midday sun that peeked through the window. Her eyes focused on her large diamond on her finger which represented her commitment to Fred as his cock maintained a steady pace inside her moist slit. The hot wife regretted what...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 22 Katie Pays for the Damage

Katie Jackson slowly opened her eyes as her clock radio played some rock-n-roll. As she reached out to shut it off, she winced in pain as her arms ached. She lay in bed as she took a hold of each forearm and began to massage them. The muscles burned from stroking Phil Dorman’s cock with reckless abandon until he squirted his cum squarely in her face. Mrs. Jackson sat up in the bed and tried to clear her head. She regretted everything the past few months such as not paying her insurance and...

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Katie Becomes A Whore For Her Brothers Chapter 1

"I'm not sure", Linda admitted. "But my big sister told me that they do." Linda's sister, Natalie, was three years older than the two girls. She was always giving Linda advice on what high school boys liked, which Linda passed on to Katie. Katie was grateful for the knowledge, since she and Linda were just starting their high school career. But this time she didn't think the advice was sound. "I can't imagine why anyone would like that. It just sounds disgusting", she said, shaking...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 28 Katiersquos Proposition

Heavy snow was falling over the Kansas City metro with four inches already on the ground with more on the way. Warnings had been issued that the city should expect power outages and road closures. With the impeding blizzard Mrs. Jackson wanted to grab some groceries and other necessities for the weekend. The sexy mother felt the stare from many men, even those shopping with their wives, at the stores she visited. She was dressed in a black sweater, a tight pair of blue jean jeggings with...

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Katie Cooper and the Goblet of Fire Chapter 4

Katie left the Professor's office in a stupor. She would never be a boy again, was what the headmaster had told her. Her entire life would be different, and she was all alone. Her mind was racing with all the horrible things that she would have to deal with now, if anyone found out, she didn't think she could handle the humiliation she would endure. How were her parents going to react? "KATIE!" she heard Hermione saying loudly as she was shaken. "Are you okay?" Katie's mind cleared...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 43 Katiersquos Neverending Desires

Mrs. Jackson’s pussy was a smoldering mess since her husband returned to England a few weeks ago. She paced around her bedroom and kept glancing at her phone. Last Saturday night Katie volunteered a shift at the soup kitchen. She was dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a blouse as the sexy mother fought the feelings erupting inside of her as multiple men stared at her. Some of the vagrants complimented her as they walked past her about how nice she looked that evening. Their admiration...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 46 Katiersquos Hollywood Misadventure

Katherine Jackson had been excited but extremely nervous since she received an offer to star on Dancing with the Stars. She knew it was an unbelievable opportunity and her husband was equally excited to watch her dance on television. Katie knew he was more excited knowing she would be watched by so many people and the fact that many times the contestants wore very revealing clothing. Fred would be returning from England soon after finishing his partnership with Allan and would be busy...

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Katie Cooper and the Goblet of Fire Chapter 6

Breakfast was pleasant enough, everyone chatted on as if today was any other day, and no one even mentioned the fact that Kyle was no longer there, as if he had never existed, and that made Katie sad. Had he made so little an impression on his fellow students that he could vanish mysteriously overnight and no one seemed to care? On the other hand, however, everyone seemed to be very interested in Katie. Ernie McMillian wanted to know if Katie collected Chocolate frog cards,...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 54 Katiersquos Gag Reflex

Mrs. Jackson lay awake in her bed. She glanced over at the clock which showed 1:30 in bright red numbers. The sexy wife turned and looked over at her husband as he slept soundly next to her. Her heart dropped as she stared at her loving spouse. Katie couldn’t understand why she had repeatedly betrayed him while he was away. She was sure that he didn’t have sex with random strangers while working overseas with Alan. She loved him more than anything and he worked hard so she didn’t have to...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 35 Katiersquos Sexual Compulsions

“Cum on my face Dave!” Katie hissed as she stared into the camera, “Please cum on my face!” The sexy wife’s mouth gaped open as she watched the online exhibitionist stroke his cock for her. She couldn’t believe what she was doing. Katie had just finished watching her husband jerk off in London while she used a dildo on herself as they both came together. As he said ‘goodnight’ she was messaged by Dave who had watched them together a few weeks ago. He begged for her to watch him and before...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 42 Katiersquos Role Play Confession

Katie Jackson looked at her husband in the mirror as she finished applying her make up and smirked, “You know we could stay at home and just...” as she scrunched her nose, “you know!” Fred looked over at his wife in her tight black the dress that clung to the curves of her body. Her small ass looked incredible as she stood with her black high heels. Her dress exposed her sexy cleavage of her tight breasts. “Tempting but I need to show you off tonight!” “Suit yourself,” Katie turned as...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 29 Katiersquos Paid Evening Continues

Katie Jackson watched as her neighbor got dressed and eased his beautiful swollen cock back into his pants. Her face flushed from embarrassment as she glanced into the bathroom mirror and saw her reflection. The hot wife swallowed hard as she grabbed her towel and covered herself as she tried to maintain some sort of modesty. There was a bit of light from the setting sun lit the bathroom through the window as it was enhanced by the white blowing snow. Her perfect small breasts rose and fell...

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KatieChapter 2 Cristina

After a couple of days without Katie's cute little body, I was intensely craving her. I was very pleased when Katie couldn't wait until next weekend either. She snuck over on Wednesday evening for an hour. I was once more on top of her slowly thrusting my cock in her sweet, tight pussy. Katie's long straight blonde hair was spread out on the bed, her bright blue eyes were glazed in ecstasy, and her beautiful small tits were enjoyable mouthfuls. Before Katie left that evening I provided a...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 23 Katie Finalizes the Deal

Sweat poured off of Katie’s forehead as she felt the burning sensation in her stomach. She increased her breathing and fought through the pain as she kept her fingers firmly wrapped around the back of her head with her elbows facing forward. The beautiful wife continued counting; bringing her knees up to her chest as her upper body moved forward to meet them. After she reached 100 she stopped and stared at the ceiling of her bedroom and let her stomach muscles relax. Crunches were one of her...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 10 Katiersquos Blackmailed

Mrs. Jackson tried to get everything in order. A full day of interviews and meetings awaited her at the office. She hoped to be appointed to the Board of Directors. She knew she had done all she could to prepare herself even without her important files from her laptop. She looked into the bedroom mirror. Her hair flowed past her shoulders as she slowly applied red lipstick across her perfect lips. Katherine Jackson exhumed confidence. She had always been successful at her job and was very...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 47 Katiersquos Legal Troubles

Mrs. Jackson pulled into the driveway after a mid-morning brunch with the volunteers of the Mother Against Drunk Driving. It was difficult to not tell her friends about her upcoming appearance on Dancing with the Stars. She was so excited but nervous about being on the popular television show. It shouldn’t be much longer before the cast was revealed to everyone through People magazine. She knew she had no chance of being on the cover after what had happened. The house was quiet with her...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 17 Katiersquos Cum Addiction

Katherine Jackson had tried in vain to find a new job. She had been unemployed for months but her free time was spent, at least in her mind, wisely. The hot wife enjoyed her new found freedom with little responsibilities. She developed new friendships with the other stay at home wives in the neighborhood; to which she would go out and have coffee or have brunch at the Kansas City Country Club. But unlike the other women in her group; the Jackson’s financial situation was in distress but you...

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