Tale of the Wizard s Apples
- 3 years ago
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A tale to tell
My little slave boy has in fact just turned 19. He looks more like sweet 16 and unfortunately sometimes acts like he is going on 12.
I sometimes wonder if he will ever just "grow up". Then again something about his very youthfulness (I am 44) really must appeal to me very much.
Awkward and even clumsy at times in a charming very boyish way, he blushes quite easily and indeed he often has an extremely vulnerable, almost poignant young quality about him that I just love to see and exploit.
In my more mellow or gentle moments I have sometimes referred? to him just as a cute little doll boy
Although I am a redhead and he is very blonde I am sometimes mistaken for his mother.
It is a mistake he at least never makes any more, although for most of his life I have in fact been like a mother to him.
Although he has only been my full-time slave and slut for about a year since he was 18,? he has lived under my charge? since he was just 11 years old.
These are the true life accounts of the training and some delicious little torments of my boytoy "J"
In these tales I refer to him as "J" to protect his identity for now, but one day, who knows? I may decide to humiliate him quite thoroughly by publishing his real name and even photos of him crying like a little girl in his agonies, besides the people who know me probably know who he is anyway.
But to me now, he is merely and quite literally just a boy toy with emphasis on 'toy' and he has no identity other than the one I allow him.
First, a little background and some words of explanation.
I was a very close friend of his father for most of my 44? years and was once even romantically involved with him after I left high school.
Our paths had separated a few years later when I had left to take my masters degree in the East and he had been sent courtesy of Uncle Sam to Norway.
But the story of how the kid came to be with me is long and convoluted and not the real interest of these tales.
Suffice to say, 'J' is mine now, bought and paid for.
I own him as surely as I own my several dogs and 2 cats.
He is now my complete slave, to totally to do with, whatever I like, and there is much I do like to do as you will soon learn.
Over those years I have gone from being his legal guardian, his friend, mentor, employer, coach and disciplinarian and now I am the owner of his body and his mistress.
He wants for nothing in a material sense since I provide everything. All of his clothes, those delightful little uniforms, all his food, and one room in my house where he must study when we say, relax when we let him, and sleep when he can.
It all comes from me and my benevolence.
He has no money, and needs none.? Every year a Big fat check from his fathers company still goes into his personal trust fund to which he has no access to until he turns 25.
By then he will likely be a very rich young man.
He works for me now mainly in my gardens and greenhouses tending to my flowers, shrubs and trees and maintaining and mowing the very large and extensive lawns that surround them.
The boy has a definite aptitude for yard and garden work? and since he was 10 or 11 he has mowed lawns, and raked leaves for me, my neighbors and friends.
I have watched as hard work and sweet obedience have not only developed his character, but also nicely developed his growing young body.
It used to earn him a small allowance that he was once able? to waste on his juvenile pursuits.
Now, any money he makes, if or when I rent him out goes to me for his upkeep. He gets nothing, except perhaps my praise, which for him is worth more than gold anyway. Of course he will get a thrashing if someone reports they are dissatisfied with his labor.
I also have him look after our pool, and whenever needed, he serves us as a houseboy and maid.
He is not allowed to leave the grounds of this large estate except with one of us or with our express permission, so he stays.
In return for his absolute obedience, labors and service, I give him good food and lodging but no wage. I also like to give him a lot of pain in special ways.
He has a sexy young body that's athletic but not too muscular and perhaps still developing but already very pleasing to me.
As this body now belongs to me, I do not allow him to smoke or to drink and since he is my 'trophy boy', I demand and ensure that he takes really good care of it.
He is allowed supervised computer access and some radio and TV if and when we permit it. These allowances are really 'privileges' and can be given or witheld at our complete discretion depending mostly on his behavior but also on our own moods and whims.
All his childish toys are now gone, given away or thrown out, his skateboard, his ipod, his X-box, everything. I want nothing to distract him from what is to become the most important thing in his life, pleasing and serving me.
He was on the swim and track team in high school and must still take long runs around the grounds.? He is required to also workout regularly in our basement gym under our strict supervision and must swim at least 60 laps a week.
Of course while he is working out we may often be working ON, Him.
He has always been a tall kid but is extremely long legged and lanky so when he sits etc. he always seems much shorter than his real height.
Large sultry blue-green eyes look out from behind his long dirty blonde bangs giving him often a girlish yet haunted look and at the same time a sweetly innocent and young, even vulnerable look that I just adore in him.
His lightly tanned skin is very smooth and is practically hairless everywhere below his eyes.
Always labeled a "cutie" rather than a ?hottie? by his peers at school, adorably cute is still a description that perfectly fits him, to a T.
Because he has no access to ready money and nothing of his own anymore and must rely entirely upon us for everything, we do not expect him to give us anything except of course his labor, his absolute submission and total obedience.
We now share my very large house and grounds with 2 other Dominant Ladies. Sarah and Susan or the two 'S's as I jokingly call them.
Ms Sarah is 26 so only a few years older than my little puppet-boy but still very strict in her own way with him and with a deliciously cruel and sadistic streak. She is a very inventive young lady with a style all her own and she likes to put the poor 'J' thru absolute hell at times, really making him suffer quite beautifully much to my own great satisfaction and sadistic delight.
Ms Susan, is in her 40's like me and enjoys a more domestic discipline OTK style of the femdom lifestyle for keeping her own slaves in line and certainly for dealing with my horny young boy-slut.
She has many admirers and devotees, both male and female slaves who visit us periodically and she seems to particularly love giving very severe doses of her hairbrush, spanking these naughty boys and girls to perfection.
Much to my poor 'J's dread and chagrin she also likes giving sore and tender young buns very extended and I imagine awfully painful doses of the a belt or cane.
Both ladies now share him with me 24/7 and under my rules and allowances, they also have almost absolute power over him.
I am pleased to generally allow them free reign to indulge themselves with 'J' in any way they like but always within the rules and framework we have set for him.
I can now leave him to their tender mercies anytime and, I know certain things will likely happen. Namely they will really work him over good, put him to work for them, break him and Hurt him badly anytime they desire but just keep within my rules for him and not ruin or permanently damage him.
For me, just the thought or sight of him suffering exquisite agonies under one or more of us, always makes me damp between my legs.
The other ladies in turn seem quite content to have a submissive young cutie serving them in his little uniforms whenever they wish.
Under the rules he knows he has to obey them and must accept anything they demand or do to him just as if it were me in their place.? He has little or no choice in the matter any more and only one place, me, to appeal to, but these days I generally side with the other ladies over him.
Of course he knows this now and his formal appeals to me are never really ?free?.
No. like all his rare privileges They will always cost him, sometimes quite dearly, especially if I feel he is just abusing the privilege by being a disrespectful brat or a childish whiney cry-baby.
So now his tearful appeals to me are very rare.
They know the rules and so does he.
My word is final as regards anything that happens to him, but within an agreed framework I trust them both and give them carte blanche in dealing with him.
Our dominion over 'J' is almost complete now, down to the smallest detail.
Absolute unquestioning obedience and total submission is required from him by all of us, all day, every day.
We allow no disobedience, or cheeky back-chat and as you will see, both are punished quite severely .
Besides, his insolent tongue, as you will soon read, has other, far better and,? much more appealing uses for us.
We have many rules for him to memorize and obey but only a few basic concepts that must be followed by the ladies with him.
I will explain each in some detail so that readers may see how they all fit together and I will provide little anecdotal examples to illustrate each.
Over the years particularly the last 3 years I have grown to really know my sweet little boy-toy inside out.
As part of his very earliest formal training and even before he officially became my slave he was required to submit very long and detailed written essays to me about our relationship.
In these, he was always allowed to completely bare his innermost soul without fear of retaliation over anything he wrote.
He was still quite young and I wanted to be absolutely sure that the boy really knew himself well enough.
I also needed to look deep inside him and find out what really made him tick. To get inside his head.
He was thus able to express, all his ideas, longings, fears and thoughts to me.
Of course since this relationship is really all about me and what I like and think, I could choose to use what I learned or not, just as I pleased, but it always made for some very interesting reading.
For a teenager he actually wrote very well, passionately and honestly and even today I often find myself still re-reading these essays to see if there are things or clues I might have missed.
Some of what he wrote has surprised me with its intensity but it has also encouraged and helped me to see inside the lads deepest soul.
One thing that was very obvious to me even before he confirmed it was that he needed lots of structure in his life. He actually wanted rules. My rules and routines. He desperately needed to surrender control. To give authority and responsibility for his life to me in order to reach his true potential both as my slave and as a man , Fortunately or otherwise for him I have really enjoyed taking control. Taking everything away from him so that I am to become his entire life.
Today he has no control over anything anymore and I sometimes wonder if he secretly now has regrets that he gave up so much.
It would be too bad if he did, for there will be no going back to any life he thought he owned.
He is truly mine now. Body and soul.
These tales are about the training and discipline of 'J', turning him into the perfect slave for us.
They are also about how we indulge ourselves now at the young pain-slut's expense.
I have very high expectations for the boy and some quite high demands.
Unfortunately for my cute little boy-toy, sometimes a deep insatiable hunger within me to really? make him suffer miserably, and see him squirming and weeping just for my amusement and sexual pleasure means, too bad for him.
That is exactly what he must do.? Suffer for me. Miserably.
I have had men sometimes in other ways and was once married and in a vanilla relationship for over 6 years.
I still date sometimes but for my incredible little boy-toy and me its different. Although I am sometimes gentle, even nurturing with certain men, I am a sexual sadist and far more often, especially with very cute ones? or when my juices flow, I become mercilessly strict and cruel, a callous tormentress.
He is a such a sweetly innocent little piece of slave flesh that In some ways? he is really much more like a long legged doll I used to have when I was a little girl.
With him now, I am a quite heartless and absolute total bitch.
Yes, he?s just a toy for me, a favorite toy perhaps, but still just a cute little doll. A fresh young piece of meat to slowly roast in my fires. A cute little puppet on a string for me to play with, to ruthlessly torment and torture for many satisfying and wonderful hours.
I would not want to really damage him of course, he is far too useful to me and precious for that, but we certainly do enjoy hurting him, and I for one like him best when he is hurting quite badly, suffering and weeping through his special little agonies for me like the writhing little pain-slut that he truly is.
There are a few absolutes now for him and he exists with some very fixed, unchanging rules and protocols. You will soon see how each of these rules apply and how it affects his life with us. The main rules and aspects that dictate his many routines are really all encompassed in just One main concept.
His complete and absolute obedience, and an unquestioning and total acceptance of my rights and authority over him in all things
Under this general concept there are also a few 24/7 rigidly enforced rules.
I will explain each in some detail within my tales
Needless to say, for now though, the cute little slaveboy is kept very busy and very sore sharing a house with, and submitting to, not just ONE, but three strict and sadistic Dommes.
Our arrangements mean a lot of very juicy fun at his expense and seem to work very well for us within the framework we ladies have agreed upon.
For example teasing and denial for him is more than merely a concept.
It is a very real and an almost all pervasive fact.
I will just not allow a selfish dirty little slave-boy to waste my cum by spurting and spilling it wherever he likes.
His young balls may desperately need emptying but as his owner and mistress I will decide when and where it happens. Besides its really MY cum and MY balls he begs us to empty.
?When he was going thru puberty of course things were very different. Our relationship was very different back then. The issue of masturbation never really arose.
I knew it was probably happening but he was merely an adolescent boy, a child of 12 and 13 in my house and I was almost more like a mom to him.
As he got older 15 or 16 however I insisted that if he just HAD to do those sticky and messy things, he better do them elsewhere and not in my house.
Last year everything changed.
He became 18 years old, legally a Man. More importantly he became my full time slave and boy-slut.
One of the very first things I did was to take control of many things in his life.
I like my slaves genitals kept hairless and smooth as well as controlled, so first his teenaged cock and balls were shaved, depilated then locked in a viciously efficient little restrainer
called a 'Kalis teeth bracelet' or KTB for short. They are now totally mine to do with as I like.
Putting him into a device that would very effectively prevent any unauthorized erections and orgasms was a very important event in our D/s lives.
Like collaring, he gave up to me and I took from him, absolute and very real total control, of a nice new young cock and his two teenage balls.
From that very moment any Cumming for him without my express permission, became a crime that carried severe punishment.
Now he is kept almost constantly in the restrainer under those cute little uniforms unless we want him released from it either for hygiene purposes or to quite severely tease him to distraction just for some amusement.
My sweet young boy-slut complete with his nasty little still raging hormones is sometimes so wickedly frustrated and teased by us that wonderful big and beautiful tears will flow down his cheeks as he sobs and pleads, begging then often screaming quite delightfully for some release or mercy.
It really is a lot of fun to watch him writhe and squirm and he certainly looks extremely cute whenever he is really crying his eyes out like that. He is such a little bitch at times..
Of course he is just being a silly little nasty toy and we never grant him the nasty little orgasms he seeks. Instead after some more prolonged and wickedly naughty teasing we will just ignore him and? lock his restrainer back on him.
Oh my God how I love that look of complete helplessness and defeat when he realizes that we are not going to let up on him.
The poor darling has had no relief from his dreadful frustrations so obviously the nicest thing to do is to help take his mind off it.
Just to show that we are not totally heartless bitches we try and help him forget his little disappointments? by giving him something else to think about.
I really want to help our cute little cry baby forget his aching balls and we normally do this by taking up our riding crops and whipping his thighs till they are both awfully stingy and sore.
Did I mention that sometimes the ungrateful little boytoy screams even louder when we do this. Then we just have to gag him and leave him all tied up for 2 or 3 hours till he has cried himself out.
He is sometimes so unappreciative of all we do for him.
Denied his dirty little boy orgasms and even full erections while in the KTB he can safely then soon be put right back to work for us.
Life for my boytoy slave can be so rough sometimes, as you?ll hear in these tales, but I say, Oh well.
Too bad. So sad. kiddo.
Once every 6 weeks or so if he has been a really good little slave and is really lucky he gets a special treat. To be firmly milked by me either directly, ( if I am feeling generous) or as is more likely, by having his prostate massaged and tormented till the creamy slime just bubbles within his balls then just flows in an amusing little stream right out of his cock.
I don't think it gives him much pleasure though since he wont get to orgasm, but it does empty his balls quite efficiently for us and leaves them ready for another few weeks of delightful torment.
There have even been accidents in the past and the young man has several times in fact dared to spurt, bubble and gush,? spilling sometimes most naughtily without my permission and against my orders.
It has happened more during intense teasing and we treat these accidents as gross forms of insolent disobedience on his part, and we treat them accordingly.
Needless to say his punishments for this disobedience are very dire indeed.
Usually he cannot even touch himself down there without express permission and our supervision. Oh yes, he may twist and writhe quite sexily with his hands on his head, by his side or behind his back usually sobbing in utter frustration as much as he likes but the silly boy will just have to suck it up and live with it won't he?
Yes he must just learn to accept his total loss of free will or control over his cock and balls which I now own.
A general rule we like to maintain for him is blue aching balls nearly all the time. We don?t really care if he leaks gallons of that clear pre-cum honey whenever we tease him, soaking his little panties, just no actual spurting allowed no matter how much he begs for it.
Whenever we take our teasing hands away we all love watching him grind his sexy little hips quite naughtily in those very provocative but futile little thrusts towards us pleading for some relief.
Indeed we love making him do just that to our great amusement and laughter as you will hear but that?s all he is ever allowed and he better just get used to it.
?Often we will tease his completely hairless and swollen balls while he is still yet locked in his device and he still wont be able to even erect without considerable pain.
It does bring such lovely big tears to his eyes which l absolutely adore seeing.
He certainly wont be able to gush or spurt in his KTB? and instead must just be satisfied to slowly leak pints and gallons of pre-slop, that is if I allow him the privilege to leak.
Usually I do allow him to leak since its a lot of fun to watch and know thats what he is doing. It also? beautifully confirms his very intense frustration for us.
We have started collecting this frustration juice in jars and Sarah and I have some delightfully naughty plans for it.
More on this later but for now I will just say it?s an awful lot of fun for us.
Teasing young 'J' mercilessly and repeartedly till he is moaning like a wretched whore, then denying him again and again, the final spurting relief he so desperately begs for is always a truly wonderful game for us and is made even better often by his delightful crying and bawling.
Yes, a most enjoyable pastime indeed and often enough it comes with a very nice little bonus for us ladies as you will hear.
First though there is another important aspect to his existence that has so far only been touched upon in passing but, along with the chastity restrainer, and the teasing that goes with it, is a very important part of the general picture. It pervades all my tales about him because it plays such an integral and omnipresent part of his life as our slave-boy and victim-toy.
It relates to his required attire. The clothing, uniforms and the unusual thigh baring dress code we demand. as well as the reasons behind it.
Some Dommes I know prefer their slaves completely naked and there may be some subjective, even psychological benefits to that arrangement. If it works for you then good.? Go ahead and enjoy it. For me, however, the practicalities of having this particular 24/7 relationship, with 'J' and the things that I have learned about him, combined with my own personal tastes have lead us to a different route.
It's an approach that works for me very well. In fact, better now, than I ever once dreamed it could.
To begin with, last year on the day after he was collared and officially became my slave and while 'J' was in the shower We took all the clothes he may have thought he previously owned.? I sorted and either gave to a goodwill store, or burned that same afternoon in a big bonfire.
Every single scrap from his previous life. Gone for ever.
It was to be a new beginning for him and a first little step towards his total surrender to me and my total control. I have never looked back.
We had a complete wardrobe of new clothes ready for him which, along with his restrainer, discipline and routines, were to become his 'uniforms' and his life.
From that day to now he has been dressed by me, and for me only in the humiliating little outfits and costumes that I really like to keep him in.
He has no say whatsoever anymore in what he wears.
Whoever heard of a toy dressing itself anyway?
From that day on he has never had to make a decision about what to wear. He was truly to become my doll, our 24/7 slave to do with as we wish. We had planned and prepared for this over many days and weeks.
Deciding? everything for him now, to please me, I have made his entire existence about me and about what I like or don't like.
There may be many things that I am sure he once wished he could change, especially those ultra short and humiliating little outfits we now make him wear 24 hours a day.
It took the boy a little while to fully comprehend and even to accept that only my preferences mattered and all decisions were no longer his to make but mine.
He almost rebelled then, trying to back out of the whole thing, but after we had quite thoroughly and completely cured him of his impertinence over the next 72 hours he eventually came to see things more clearly. He now accepts that in his wardrobe as most things, he really does have no choices, and will wear what he is told, when he is told. He has also learned to like it or else.
?We may offer him a choice if we are feeling particularly generous but his choices are ultimately all about pleasing us.? for example: holding up 2 of his most hated mini-skirts I might be asking "OK boy, would you? prefer to wear those short black gym-shorts for your caning, in front of the others or one of these this little plaid skirts" ?
Of course there will be no other option given.? He will positively cringe but in any event he will be wearing one or other.?????
So now, instead of his regular underwear he now has only humiliating but cute little girls very frilly tennis panties, in assorted colors but mostly virgin white. Since that day we have expanded his wardrobe by adding the clothes we like him dressed in.
I have obtained them in suitable sizes online and by having others with some 'cute potential', custom made or altered for him.
Sue, Sarah and I are all, when it comes to men, very much ?leg women? and we are all in complete agreement that 'J's young and very long legs are just about his best feature.
I had also decided very early on for reasons that will soon become clear that no matter what outfits he wears and calls uniforms, the one constant, and? omnipresent quality in all of them from now on, was going to be that his long gorgeous thighs were going to be kept completely naked for us 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Vulnerable and available for whatever we wanted to do to them.
He is certainly blessed with 2 exceptionally nice legs that most girls would kill for. Not too muscular but very long and athletic. Kept hairless, and well tanned, (in every sense.)
Indeed there are quite a few other deliciously wicked things we love to do to them especially to his thighs apart from ogle them and slap them as you will soon hear.
Ok I admit it. We love looking at my boys delectable legs and thighs. Yes, particularly his mouth watering thighs.
We have found that the short-shorts, and mini-skirts etc, while they may often delightfully humiliate him, they also display his legs for us to best advantage.
Kept I often sense that young Susan in particular is actually even a little jealous of them especially his long and lean thighs.
"They're just too damn fucking perfect" she once muttered to Sue and me, as she slapped and spanked them really hard, one day in front of us and left him squirming delightfully in his little tennis dress with his eyes steadily watering.
He is now subject to our inspections, our whims, and our moods.
Sometimes it?s easy for him Often its not.
His always bared thighs ensure that we all have very easy and instant direct access to flesh at all times in both public and private settings as he works and labors for us inside and out.
It seems to add to his humiliation especially when we have friends over and he positively cringes as Susan, Sarah or I show people we trust, the marks and welts or just his reddened legs and explain how they got to be that way.
Indeed many times we have reduced him to wonderful and sweetly delicious tears of humiliation just by forcing him to display his fresh welts like this in front of others
For me personally I just adore watching his long legs made sorer and sorer then contemplating ways to hurt them even more. I get a thrill out of watching him over many hours, whimper and sob then burst into tears and ultimately scream in agony as I follow thru in some deliciously wicked plans, just to amuse ourselves.
What better reason can there be to hurt him and make him squirm and cry than to amuse me and my friends ?
On this basis and for these and other purposes he is required to be in one or other of his ?uniforms? all day every day without fail
One big advantage for us in making him wear his uniforms 24/7 is he can now be sent or dragged anywhere in public with these outfits. Shorts are the norm for his public trips to town or the mall but because they are all really so very short he will be utterly and wonderfully dejected and humiliated much to our own great delight.
Of course he gets stared at especially in the dead of winter or when he may also be displaying? fresh marks, our weals and welts of discipline on his long hairless thighs.
The poor sweet boy probably feels even more desperately embarrassed and humiliated whenever one of us treats him like a little child in front of people as for example when we might grab and twist his ear or a handful of hair and twist it making him dance like he?s a 10 year old then proceed to smack those long naked legs, just because we want to make a point or feel the sudden desire to really humiliate him.
Mmmmmmm yes very humiliating I should think which is really very good for him or for any naughty little boys who think they are such big men.
?Anyway back to my narrative.
I owned him now and from now on, I was going to do things with him and to him, to please me. To satisfy me. To make me happy. He is young and he is a horny little slut but he is also my slave and my toy. His opinions and feelings are of no real consequence.
Now he adjusts to me and my whims, If he is able to. If not able to, then life itself might become very, very unpleasant for him.
Anyway, for socks he is now only to wear white ones, either knee length, or ankle ones. Sports socks actually work nicely.
Whenever we force-feminize him for some fun or to punish him, We will never use nylons or panty-hose on him.
I consider that far too adult for his status as a young girly-boy
So bare tanned skin or just white socks only ever allowed on those long legs.
I have replaced all his longer style, baggy swim shorts with nice tight speedo briefs style swimming trunks now that we all much prefer seeing him in at the pool.
They too might humiliate him in public especially when combined with just a T-shirt and long white knee socks if I drag him to the beach but they also display him quite nicely for my pleasure.
The girls and I all agree that he looks so much better in the cute little short-shorts and tiny mini skirt uniforms anyway that that is how he stays all year.
They help admirably to reinforce within him his very juvenile status.
There is never an allowance for cold weather either, other than perhaps allowing him long knee socks instead of ankle length ones.
Besides if and when his thighs get freezing cold we are always ready, willing and able to really heat them up really nicely for him.
He learned the hard way early on to never complain to us of 'cold thighs'.
Of course all of his long pants and ugly jeans are gone now forever. Every one of them has been replaced with little boys shorts, and little girls skirts and dresses.
As well as some saucy little mini-skirts. We have Plaid mini's for his schoolgirl uniform that Sarah and I both so love making him wear and several quite cute and fetching little tennis skirts and dresses.
I instituted the following strict rule for him to always remember about lengths.
None, repeat none of his hemlines on either his shorts or skirts can be ever be longer than just 2 inches below that crease line right where the bottom of his saucy buns meets the tops of his legs.
His thighs must be entirely displayed and bared for our amusement 24/7 without exception. period.
This is one rule that is enforced very strictly every minute of every day.
Since he sometimes is often without a mirror or ruler, the poor boy sometimes cannot see that little crease line but can only feel it and guess at the 2 inches so he needed a way to be constantly sure he is in compliance. After all we dont want to be unfair to the slutty boy do we?
The solution is quite simple yet ingenious
There is now literally a 'rule of thumb' now that is very rigidly enforced for him and it is this.
When he stands straight and at attention shoulders back, arms down by his sides and palms flat against the side of this thighs, then the hemline is NEVER ever to be even a millimeter below the tip of his thumb. it can be higher even but never lower. That is the maximum length allowed for every hemline he wears both skirts and shorts so he better keep them well pulled up and straight.no bashful tugging them lower to cover any marks or embarrassment.
Regularly now one of us may do an inspection. he must stand very still and straight, feet together with his hands on his head or held behind his back as we will walk around him and check things like,
Is he wearing exactly the right uniform.?
Is his hemline the correct length and straight.?
Are his socks at correct position either pulled up or folded neatly down?
Is he clean?
Hair combed and neat?
Teeth clean?
Clean behind ears? under finger nails?
Is he quick enough to react to all commands.?
Sometimes we may add things to check like..'
Shoes perfectly tied and polished?
Is his uniform ironed ?
There are no excuses or blubbering ever allowed for anything less than absolute perfection and discipline is usually swift on the spot and fierce..
The whole purpose of these inspections is in fact much less to keep him neat, which it does admirably, but to serve as merely an excuse for us to carry out some discipline or have some fun with him.
He never knows exactly what we may wish to Find wrong or fault with, if that's our intention, and usually it is.
Rules for him are iron rigid and punishments are often very stinging.
Woe betide him if he fails any inspection, and its just too bad for him if we happen to just catch him at a 'bad time'.
Once he was sent out in clean whites for a 10 mile run over very wet and muddy fields.
Imagine his shock when Sarah decided to do an inspection only 2 minutes after he came thru the gate soaking wet, panting and covered in mud.
Each fail mark is treated as a separate offence and each offence carries its own little discipline.
The poor boy whimpered wonderfully almost sobbing thru her severe scolding then was sent away to shower and ?clean up, told to change into some punishment kit and then had to report to her with the heavy tawse anxiously prepared for strict discipline.
?He has shorts now for just about every task, purpose and ritual. Delightful blue denim ones like daisy dukes for his yard work during the day, and tight adorable little gym shorts in various solid colors with contrasting side stripes for his indoor duties as our houseboy each evening. They all display his delicious long legs and? sweet little bubble butt to perfection for us as he works nervously around us. I sometimes require that he do 'maid service' for us too dressed in very abbreviated little maids dresses, that is Sarah's personal favorite for him.
All day now while the poor youth struggles to complete his tasks on time in one of these little uniforms, as we relax and chat, I am afraid that sometimes one or other of us just cant seem to help ourselves from reaching out and slapping? his already sore thighs or buns, with hand or crop, often it seems, for no real reason other than just because its a lot of fun and we enjoy it. Then again like I said, what better reason is there?
You will hear in these tales about how we all like making him squeal and jump or wince in sweet distress thoughout the day, as we scold him and taunt him almost constantly every day.
I got a few regular plain T shirts for him with suitably provocative and? humiliating slogans printed in big bold letters for him like ?SPANK ME, I AM A WORTHLESS BITCH? and ?I HAVE BEEN A NAUGHTY BOY? , together with an assortment of other shirts, blouses, tank tops, and singlets,
Often enough too he gets put into very short skirts or dresses for special punishments or to humiliate him and amuse us.
He hates some of these things, or says he does, but of course he has absolutely no choice in the matter anymore. I own him and his sweet little Ass is Mine.
There is no mercy in this house for him day or night.
His problems don't even stop in the evenings even when all his daylight chores are done. Often late in the day either We will have quite a few more complete little uniforms including his schoolgirl and cheerleader outfits etc for him to entertain us on long evenings.
Early on Sue was able to find for him to wear, a pair of genuine 'hot-pants', and some white go-go boots that look quite retro and sexy.
They are a bit small and apparently quite uncomfortable on him but that only helps keep him moving.
Nowadays quite often and usually with some suitable encouragement from her using a belt or tawse, and a lot of tears from him, my cute little go-go puppet boy really dances then for us almost to exhaustion well into the night.
I know he still particularly hates being made to wear his juvenile or girlie clothes But since we all enjoy seeing him remorselessly humiliated thats just too bad for him and as you will hear Sarah especially will torment him ruthlessly? while he is dressed in one of the very abbreviated schoolgirl plaid minis or his ultra short maid uniforms in the evenings. We are now it seems always formulating quite wickedly delicious new ways to display him, to work him from dawn till dusk till he aches unbearably and then, most importantly perhaps, to torment and punish him.
Another exceptionally good reason for keeping his thighs bare at all times, is also a strange one. To do with to his reaction to pain stimuli and getting his thighs spanked, tawsed and caned till they hurt very severely.? Specifically the target area for this strange result to work is the top 2/3rd's on the fronts of both his thighs. It is actually the main reason I sometimes refer to the dear boy as my "pain-slut" and it relies on the fact that his restrainer nicely not only prevents orgasm but cruelly and beautifully punishes any erection attempts. Strangely, pain when applied to this area on his thighs seems to always generate and produce something quite delightful for us as well. We discovered that it seems these pains to that area of his thighs always seems to lead to firm and strong attempts by his/my cock at erection Of course his restrainer prevents and punishes these erection attempts severely? and it is now truly an absolutely wonderful vicious circle he is in. A nasty littlecatch 22 for him.
Namely No erection attempt No Bite from the big bad restrainer locked on his/my cock? but when his thighs...especially the tender top front two thirds are really stung and chastised then our little horny sluts penis just cannot seem to help itself from trying to swell and grow.
The naughty little boy gets such nasty erections fighting his restrainer even though he knows they are not allowed but while we are stinging his thighs he seems completely unable to restrain.
At least until the KTB chastity device starts to teach the naughty little boys cock its sharp painful lessons making it shrink and retreat.
Smiling we will pick up the tawse and crops again .
The top half of his thighs are always so sore from all the whipping but we just have to start whipping again dont we? Because this is such a lot of fun for us.
Slapping the crop then down across this burning thigh flesh we will proceed, and as the boy moans whimpers and begs, his burgeoning teenaged penis for whatever reason always starts to engorge once more into the KTB's harsh embrace.
Seeing the lovely tears fill his eyes we know the battle between cock and retrainer is on again and we may pause to see who wins...
Oh how he whimpers now again as the cock is once again punished by the unrelenting restrainer until it shrinks once more. The poor dear pants like a such a slut and sobs his pain out for us then to our great delight.
Then as he stops and the restrainers bite lessens again long beads of pre-cum goo will slip out of his cock.
Mmmm such a cute little boy toy with a cute sticky little cock but we must continue again and we pick up the crop and tawse yet again...
Nasty thighs...take that...and that.. and soon round 3 is begun.
So it alternates sometimes for a very long time.
We whip his thighs...he erects...restrainer bites.... he shrinks...We whip his thighs...he erects...restrainer bites....he shrinks... we whip... he erects...and so on and so on.
I do not know why he reacts this way exactly other than its a pain-sluts response to pain stimuli but it is quite amazing to produce and watch again and again and again.
As long as he is in his restrainer he will feel a hard bite from the KTB and? wont be able to fully erect or orgasm. but it seems as long as we hurt his upper thigh fronts with our hands, belts, tawses, crops and canes he is completely incapable of preventing the hot cock from trying to erect very strongly right into a fire.
I do not know which reaction is the strongest. the pain from restrainer or the pain from his thigh whippings.
I've not yet found the limit to or how long this can go on before one or the other reactions is defeated by the other pain.
I do know that Sue and I have kept him squirming, and wailing, begging and pleading as he was kept alternately feeling the bite on his cock then our crops and my tawse.
We had him sobbing and pleading delightfully after about 10 rounds. And he was still and crying like a little bitch, and really begging for mercy very amusingly by round 22.
Time flies when you're having fun, and about 3 hours after we had begun the naughty boy started bellowing and screaming so loudly that I decided to gag him at that point.
We finally both grew tired of this game after round 27 so to finish we took each picked a cane, and both delivered 6 slow and very hard cuts across both already devastated thighs.
Seeing the absolutely exquisite agony written into his young tear stained face as we gave him this final 24 and hearing him bawling into his gag like a baby almost made me gush into my own panties. It was a wonderful experience for me, and one I intend to repeat many times.
Strangely even in his abject misery he still seemed unable to control the balls and cock between his legs, When we walked away they were still spewing little streams of pre-cum onto the bench he had been tied face up to for those 4 hours.
It was therefore a 3-4 solid hours and wonderful tease in effect with no relief for him except when he almost passed out in a faint somewhere during the 24th round and I had to revive him with salts before continuing.
I really dont know how or why it works and I have never found anyone who can really explain it or who even shares that strange gift or endowment.
I know why the bite from the restrainer will shrink him. I just dont know why or how Our applied pain can just keep trying to 'expand' him again and again.
We are still experimenting with it.
I do know 2 things however about it as a result of those experiences.
First we can if we wish actually tease him now in a very thorough way for hour after agonizing hour even if he is still in the restrainer, just by hurting his thigh fronts like that.
Secondly, horny little 18 year old pain-sluts can produce literally pints and gallons of pre-cum and I should literally have buckets and not just jars ready if I am to save it.
For his part, no matter how severe or prolonged our frequent little sessions teasing and chastising in this way, making his young thighs really sting, the poor boy still to this day seems completely incapable of controlling his either his immodest erections or the drooling his sticky frustration juice.
A very important consideration is the fact that our discipline HURTS MORE on his thighs than on his buns etc. This is a vital consideration for me.
Most importantly for us though, is that now we all just love being able to, anytime take him aside in private or public for any or no reason or just on a whim, with or without warning to suddenly smack his constantly bared thighs using our hands or a belt or even my crops and canes all over both backs and fronts of his thighs as he dances on the spot for us.
If we have guests at the house who are into the lifestyle its a lot of fun to just silently drag the wretchedly nervous boy out into the middle of the room and show them. The humiliation factor then for him is even more intense I am sure. I do like him to be put thru hell sometimes because quite frankly, for us ladies and for me in particular, it is absolute heaven.
There usually will? be many changes of uniform for him throughout his long days and evenings...Importantly perhaps so he cannot hide his ?earned? marks and welts from us or from others including himself. He may want to but they are on view constantly to remind us and himself of his faults and failings.
No. When we lay juicy little welts that smart and burn so bad on his bare flesh I expect him to not only feel them really stinging for many hours but to fully accept that we like making them hurt and we actually enjoy letting his welts humiliate him as they often do when we have visitors or if we take him out in public.
They are our marks until they fade and better not ever be covered up.
We allow absolutely no disobedience from the youth and if he has to writhe in public or suffer other? humiliations , well then, that's just too bad for him and so much the better for us.
Evenings in my house can really be especially hard for my boy toy.
If he has been absolutely perfect all day and we dont have any little plans for him he may be lucky and just get hosed down before we dress him and put him into bondage for the night, either in his own cot or if he is exceptionally lucky on my bedroom floor perhaps for later use when I come to bed.
Nights like that are rare for my slave-boy.
They are rare because one or other of us usually have nighttime plans for him.
And our plans are often naughty and extremely wicked.
If one of us is bored or have had a bad day and are feeling in a really bitchy mood, then Oh BOY will 'J' be in for it.!
It is simply too fantastic for me to see him put in more and more distress, and over many evening hours, slowly and viciously tormented and reduced again and again to a blubbering and bawling little baby.
We like to really draw things out and extend these evening rituals in some deliciously harsh ways.
Watching him squirming and sobbing I usually become very aroused yet again.
I might approach him and smiling, lick salty tears off his face then we'll really make him sob and cry some more before he ultimately starts to bawl and wail while we just laugh and taunt him, till at last he will scream in agony as we follow thru with some wickedly juicy threats.
These evening times and the games we play are so much fun for me now that they have almost become my very favorite part of the day.
Its extremely rare for him anyway to be ever free from very stinging and exceedingly sore buns and thighs.
I do particularly love the sights and wet stinging sounds of? trembling and well punished slave flesh receiving very thorough doses from our hands,? belts, crops and canes.
I myself will usually if not always gush and orgasm during these little discipline episodes just from the sight and sounds especially when they are quite severe.
For example like when I take my most stinging and whippy cane and apply 30 or so deep juicy weals to the fronts of his sore thighs just below the hem of his shorts or mini-skirt.
Always causing his own still restrained yet madly throbbing and drooling penis to twitch and swell in its prison in tribute to my aim.
I may spurt my own release at such times again and again.
I also absolutely adore the way we now can keep the boy so tearfully all evening at the very sore but trembling edge of spurting and spilling his filth for hours and hours often end like this.
It is, oh just so unfortunate for the poor 'J' that he looks so Goddamn cute whenever he is squirming and writhing like that.
Under my house rules and the strict routines his little life now depends on, it may seem at times, very unfair to him , but then again, I really don't care how the young bitch 'J' feels about his frustration, do I?
Besides, judging by the way his restrained penis drools, twitches and throbs delightfully in his panties whenever we even talk about hurting him, let alone actually doing it, there must be something he enjoys about his sweet little existence.
To see him twisting in one of his adorable but very short little maid uniforms? while some juicy and well deserved discipline is applied to his long slender thighs is really deliciously exciting for me and heavenly to watch.
Few things can equal and almost nothing bests it for me.
He is absolutely gorgeous in these exquisite little agonies.
As he starts to cry out in such sweet distress, like the little bitch he really is, or when big lovely tears fill his eyes and flow in torrents down his cheeks ... I will often gush and spurt my own passion juice straight into my panties.
The tears and begging for mercy of course while adorable, are always in vain and just provoke us instead to do all we can to prolong and even increase his soreness as we cruelly taunt him.
Just when he thinks he cant cry or scream any more we like to find new ways to prove him wrong.
Personally I love to see him disciplined like that for as long as possible, then either put right back to work or left in some strict bondage position where he can be safely left to cry his heart out and be ignored for a while, until one of us wants to use him again.
Yes, I really do enjoy him more than anything on those terms.
At the end of his long days when we are at last finished for him often it happens that instead of sleeping in his cot or serving us further for the night in our bedrooms our naughty little slut will be merely going into some very strict painful bondage somewhere.
Perhaps , if he is 'lucky', one of the warm inside rooms or the closet maybe, under the stairs.
If we're not happy with something though or maybe perhaps are just feeling especially bitchy, then it may be outside in the cold garage for him.
To whimper and moan uncomfortably in harsh bondage maybe all night, perhaps sobbing and crying such pretty little boy-slut tears till we come for him in the morning.
?Awww too bad... so sad for my cute little doll,?
?Writhe away then until dawn sweetie? I may tell him before I walk away
Tomorrow another day of work, strict discipline for him and service to us begins and we will start again.
A tale to
My little
slave boy has in fact just turned 19. He looks more like sweet 16 and
unfortunately sometimes acts like he is going on 12.
sometimes wonder if he will ever just "grow up". Then again something
about his very youthfulness (I am 44) really must appeal to me very much.
and even clumsy at times in a charming very boyish way, he blushes quite easily
and indeed he often has an extremely vulnerable, almost poignant young quality
about him that I just love to see and exploit.
In my
more mellow or gentle moments I have sometimes referred? to him just as a cute little doll boy
I am a redhead and he is very blonde I am sometimes mistaken for his mother.
It is a
mistake he at least never makes any more, although for most of his life I have
in fact been like a mother to him.
he has only been my full-time slave and slut for about a year since he was
18,? he has lived under my charge? since he was just 11 years old.
These are
the true life accounts of the training and some delicious little torments of my
boytoy "J"
In these
tales I refer to him as "J" to protect his identity for now, but one
day, who knows? I may decide to humiliate him quite thoroughly by publishing
his real name and even photos of him crying like a little girl in his agonies,
besides the people who know me probably know who he is anyway.
But to me
now, he is merely and quite literally just a boy toy with emphasis on 'toy' and
he has no identity other than the one I allow him.
First, a
little background and some words of explanation.
I was a
very close friend of his father for most of my 44? years and was once even romantically involved
with him after I left high school.
Our paths
had separated a few years later when I had left to take my masters degree in
the East and he had been sent courtesy of Uncle Sam to Norway.
But the
story of how the kid came to be with me is long and convoluted and not the real
interest of these tales.
to say, 'J' is mine now, bought and paid for.
I own him
as surely as I own my several dogs and 2 cats.
He is now
my complete slave, to totally to do with, whatever I like, and there is much I
do like to do as you will soon learn.
those years I have gone from being his legal guardian, his friend, mentor,
employer, coach and disciplinarian and now I am the owner of his body and his
He wants
for nothing in a material sense since I provide everything. All of his clothes,
those delightful little uniforms, all his food, and one room in my house where
he must study when we say, relax when we let him, and sleep when he can.
It all
comes from me and my benevolence.
He has no
money, and needs none.? Every year a Big
fat check from his fathers company still goes into his personal trust fund to
which he has no access to until he turns 25.
By then
he will likely be a very rich young man.
He works
for me now mainly in my gardens and greenhouses tending to my flowers, shrubs
and trees and maintaining and mowing the very large and extensive lawns that
surround them.
The boy
has a definite aptitude for yard and garden work? and since he was 10 or 11 he has mowed lawns,
and raked leaves for me, my neighbors and friends.
I have
watched as hard work and sweet obedience have not only developed his character,
but also nicely developed his growing young body.
It used
to earn him a small allowance that he was once able? to waste on his juvenile pursuits.
Now, any
money he makes, if or when I rent him out goes to me for his upkeep. He gets
nothing, except perhaps my praise, which for him is worth more than gold
anyway. Of course he will get a thrashing if someone reports they are dissatisfied
with his labor.
I also
have him look after our pool, and whenever needed, he serves us as a houseboy
and maid.
He is not
allowed to leave the grounds of this large estate except with one of us or with
our express permission, so he stays.
In return
for his absolute obedience, labors and service, I give him good food and
lodging but no wage. I also like to give him a lot of pain in special ways.
He has a
sexy young body that's athletic but not too muscular and perhaps still
developing but already very pleasing to me.
As this
body now belongs to me, I do not allow him to smoke or to drink and since he is
my 'trophy boy', I demand and ensure that he takes really good care of it.
He is
allowed supervised computer access and some radio and TV if and when we permit
it. These allowances are really 'privileges' and can be given or witheld at our
complete discretion depending mostly on his behavior but also on our own moods
and whims.
All his
childish toys are now gone, given away or thrown out, his skateboard, his ipod,
his X-box, everything. I want nothing to distract him from what is to become
the most important thing in his life, pleasing and serving me.
He was on
the swim and track team in high school and must still take long runs around the
grounds.? He is required to also workout
regularly in our basement gym under our strict supervision and must swim at
least 60 laps a week.
Of course
while he is working out we may often be working ON, Him.
He has
always been a tall kid but is extremely long legged and lanky so when he sits
etc. he always seems much shorter than his real height.
sultry blue-green eyes look out from behind his long dirty blonde bangs giving
him often a girlish yet haunted look and at the same time a sweetly innocent
and young, even vulnerable look that I just adore in him.
lightly tanned skin is very smooth and is practically hairless everywhere below
his eyes.
labeled a "cutie" rather than a ?hottie? by his peers at school,
adorably cute is still a description that perfectly fits him, to a T.
he has no access to ready money and nothing of his own anymore and must rely
entirely upon us for everything, we do not expect him to give us anything
except of course his labor, his absolute submission and total obedience.
We now
share my very large house and grounds with 2 other Dominant Ladies. Sarah and
Susan or the two 'S's as I jokingly call them.
Ms Sarah
is 26 so only a few years older than my little puppet-boy but still very strict
in her own way with him and with a deliciously cruel and sadistic streak. She
is a very inventive young lady with a style all her own and she likes to put
the poor 'J' thru absolute hell at times, really making him suffer quite
beautifully much to my own great satisfaction and sadistic delight.
Ms Susan,
is in her 40's like me and enjoys a more domestic discipline OTK style of the
femdom lifestyle for keeping her own slaves in line and certainly for dealing
with my horny young boy-slut.
She has
many admirers and devotees, both male and female slaves who visit us
periodically and she seems to particularly love giving very severe doses of her
hairbrush, spanking these naughty boys and girls to perfection.
Much to
my poor 'J's dread and chagrin she also likes giving sore and tender young buns
very extended and I imagine awfully painful doses of the a belt or cane.
ladies now share him with me 24/7 and under my rules and allowances, they also
have almost absolute power over him.
I am
pleased to generally allow them free reign to indulge themselves with 'J' in
any way they like but always within the rules and framework we have set for
I can now
leave him to their tender mercies anytime and, I know certain things will
likely happen. Namely they will really work him over good, put him to work for
them, break him and Hurt him badly anytime they desire but just keep within my
rules for him and not ruin or permanently damage him.
For me, just
the thought or sight of him suffering exquisite agonies under one or more of
us, always makes me damp between my legs.
The other
ladies in turn seem quite content to have a submissive young cutie serving them
in his little uniforms whenever they wish.
Under the
rules he knows he has to obey them and must accept anything they demand or do
to him just as if it were me in their place.?
He has little or no choice in the matter any more and only one place,
me, to appeal to, but these days I generally side with the other ladies over
Of course
he knows this now and his formal appeals to me are never really ?free?.
No. like
all his rare privileges They will always cost him, sometimes quite dearly,
especially if I feel he is just abusing the privilege by being a disrespectful
brat or a childish whiney cry-baby.
So now
his tearful appeals to me are very rare.
They know
the rules and so does he.
My word
is final as regards anything that happens to him, but within an agreed
framework I trust them both and give them carte blanche in dealing with him.
dominion over 'J' is almost complete now, down to the smallest detail.
unquestioning obedience and total submission is required from him by all of us,
all day, every day.
We allow
no disobedience, or cheeky back-chat and as you will see, both are punished
quite severely .
his insolent tongue, as you will soon read, has other, far better and,? much more appealing uses for us.
We have
many rules for him to memorize and obey but only a few basic concepts that must
be followed by the ladies with him.
I will
explain each in some detail so that readers may see how they all fit together
and I will provide little anecdotal examples to illustrate each.
Over the
years particularly the last 3 years I have grown to really know my sweet little
boy-toy inside out.
As part
of his very earliest formal training and even before he officially became my
slave he was required to submit very long and detailed written essays to me
about our relationship.
In these,
he was always allowed to completely bare his innermost soul without fear of
retaliation over anything he wrote.
He was
still quite young and I wanted to be absolutely sure that the boy really knew
himself well enough.
I also
needed to look deep inside him and find out what really made him tick. To get
inside his head.
He was
thus able to express, all his ideas, longings, fears and thoughts to me.
Of course
since this relationship is really all about me and what I like and think, I
could choose to use what I learned or not, just as I pleased, but it always
made for some very interesting reading.
For a
teenager he actually wrote very well, passionately and honestly and even today
I often find myself still re-reading these essays to see if there are things or
clues I might have missed.
Some of
what he wrote has surprised me with its intensity but it has also encouraged
and helped me to see inside the lads deepest soul.
One thing
that was very obvious to me even before he confirmed it was that he needed lots
of structure in his life. He actually wanted rules. My rules and routines. He
desperately needed to surrender control. To give authority and responsibility
for his life to me in order to reach his true potential both as my slave and as
a man , Fortunately or otherwise for him I have really enjoyed taking control.
Taking everything away from him so that I am to become his entire life.
Today he
has no control over anything anymore and I sometimes wonder if he secretly now has
regrets that he gave up so much.
It would
be too bad if he did, for there will be no going back to any life he thought he
He is
truly mine now. Body and soul.
tales are about the training and discipline of 'J', turning him into the perfect
slave for us.
They are
also about how we indulge ourselves now at the young pain-slut's expense.
I have
very high expectations for the boy and some quite high demands.
for my cute little boy-toy, sometimes a deep insatiable hunger within me to
really? make him suffer miserably, and
see him squirming and weeping just for my amusement and sexual pleasure means,
too bad for him.
That is
exactly what he must do.? Suffer for me.
I have
had men sometimes in other ways and was once married and in a vanilla
relationship for over 6 years.
I still
date sometimes but for my incredible little boy-toy and me its different.
Although I am sometimes gentle, even nurturing with certain men, I am a sexual
sadist and far more often, especially with very cute ones? or when my juices flow, I become mercilessly
strict and cruel, a callous tormentress.
He is a
such a sweetly innocent little piece of slave flesh that In some ways? he is really much more like a long legged
doll I used to have when I was a little girl.
With him
now, I am a quite heartless and absolute total bitch.
Yes, he?s
just a toy for me, a favorite toy perhaps, but still just a cute little doll. A
fresh young piece of meat to slowly roast in my fires. A cute little puppet on
a string for me to play with, to ruthlessly torment and torture for many
satisfying and wonderful hours.
I would
not want to really damage him of course, he is far too useful to me and
precious for that, but we certainly do enjoy hurting him, and I for one like him
best when he is hurting quite badly, suffering and weeping through his special
little agonies for me like the writhing little pain-slut that he truly is.
There are
a few absolutes now for him and he exists with some very fixed, unchanging
rules and protocols. You will soon see how each of these rules apply and how it
affects his life with us. The main rules and aspects that dictate his many
routines are really all encompassed in just One main concept.
complete and absolute obedience, and an unquestioning and total acceptance of
my rights and authority over him in all things
this general concept there are also a few 24/7 rigidly enforced rules.
I will
explain each in some detail within my tales
to say, for now though, the cute little slaveboy is kept very busy and very
sore sharing a house with, and submitting to, not just ONE, but three strict
and sadistic Dommes.
arrangements mean a lot of very juicy fun at his expense and seem to work very
well for us within the framework we ladies have agreed upon.
example teasing and denial for him is more than merely a concept.
It is a
very real and an almost all pervasive fact.
I will
just not allow a selfish dirty little slave-boy to waste my cum by spurting and
spilling it wherever he likes.
His young
balls may desperately need emptying but as his owner and mistress I will decide
when and where it happens. Besides its really MY cum and MY balls he begs us to
?When he was going thru puberty of course
things were very different. Our relationship was very different back then. The
issue of masturbation never really arose.
I knew it
was probably happening but he was merely an adolescent boy, a child of 12 and
13 in my house and I was almost more like a mom to him.
As he got
older 15 or 16 however I insisted that if he just HAD to do those sticky and
messy things, he better do them elsewhere and not in my house.
Last year
everything changed.
He became
18 years old, legally a Man. More importantly he became my full time slave and
One of
the very first things I did was to take control of many things in his life.
I like my
slaves genitals kept hairless and smooth as well as controlled, so first his
teenaged cock and balls were shaved, depilated then locked in a viciously
efficient little restrainer
called a
'Kalis teeth bracelet' or KTB for short. They are now totally mine to do with
as I like.
him into a device that would very effectively prevent any unauthorized
erections and orgasms was a very important event in our D/s lives.
collaring, he gave up to me and I took from him, absolute and very real total
control, of a nice new young cock and his two teenage balls.
From that
very moment any Cumming for him without my express permission, became a crime
that carried severe punishment.
Now he is
kept almost constantly in the restrainer under those cute little uniforms
unless we want him released from it either for hygiene purposes or to quite
severely tease him to distraction just for some amusement.
My sweet
young boy-slut complete with his nasty little still raging hormones is
sometimes so wickedly frustrated and teased by us that wonderful big and
beautiful tears will flow down his cheeks as he sobs and pleads, begging then
often screaming quite delightfully for some release or mercy.
It really
is a lot of fun to watch him writhe and squirm and he certainly looks extremely
cute whenever he is really crying his eyes out like that. He is such a little
bitch at times..
Of course
he is just being a silly little nasty toy and we never grant him the nasty
little orgasms he seeks. Instead after some more prolonged and wickedly naughty
teasing we will just ignore him and? lock
his restrainer back on him.
Oh my God
how I love that look of complete helplessness and defeat when he realizes that
we are not going to let up on him.
The poor
darling has had no relief from his dreadful frustrations so obviously the
nicest thing to do is to help take his mind off it.
Just to
show that we are not totally heartless bitches we try and help him forget his
little disappointments? by giving him
something else to think about.
I really
want to help our cute little cry baby forget his aching balls and we normally
do this by taking up our riding crops and whipping his thighs till they are
both awfully stingy and sore.
Did I
mention that sometimes the ungrateful little boytoy screams even louder when we
do this. Then we just have to gag him and leave him all tied up for 2 or 3
hours till he has cried himself out.
He is
sometimes so unappreciative of all we do for him.
his dirty little boy orgasms and even full erections while in the KTB he can
safely then soon be put right back to work for us.
Life for
my boytoy slave can be so rough sometimes, as you?ll hear in these tales, but I
say, Oh well.
Too bad.
So sad. kiddo.
every 6 weeks or so if he has been a really good little slave and is really
lucky he gets a special treat. To be firmly milked by me either directly, ( if
I am feeling generous) or as is more likely, by having his prostate massaged
and tormented till the creamy slime just bubbles within his balls then just
flows in an amusing little stream right out of his cock.
I don't
think it gives him much pleasure though since he wont get to orgasm, but it
does empty his balls quite efficiently for us and leaves them ready for another
few weeks of delightful torment.
have even been accidents in the past and the young man has several times in
fact dared to spurt, bubble and gush,?
spilling sometimes most naughtily without my permission and against my
It has
happened more during intense teasing and we treat these accidents as gross
forms of insolent disobedience on his part, and we treat them accordingly.
to say his punishments for this disobedience are very dire indeed.
he cannot even touch himself down there without express permission and our
supervision. Oh yes, he may twist and writhe quite sexily with his hands on his
head, by his side or behind his back usually sobbing in utter frustration as
much as he likes but the silly boy will just have to suck it up and live with
it won't he?
Yes he
must just learn to accept his total loss of free will or control over his cock
and balls which I now own.
A general
rule we like to maintain for him is blue aching balls nearly all the time. We
don?t really care if he leaks gallons of that clear pre-cum honey whenever we
tease him, soaking his little panties, just no actual spurting allowed no
matter how much he begs for it.
we take our teasing hands away we all love watching him grind his sexy little
hips quite naughtily in those very provocative but futile little thrusts
towards us pleading for some relief.
Indeed we
love making him do just that to our great amusement and laughter as you will
hear but that?s all he is ever allowed and he better just get used to it.
?Often we will tease his completely hairless
and swollen balls while he is still yet locked in his device and he still wont
be able to even erect without considerable pain.
It does
bring such lovely big tears to his eyes which l absolutely adore seeing.
certainly wont be able to gush or spurt in his KTB? and instead must just be satisfied to slowly
leak pints and gallons of pre-slop, that is if I allow him the privilege to
Usually I
do allow him to leak since its a lot of fun to watch and know thats what he is
doing. It also? beautifully confirms his
very intense frustration for us.
We have
started collecting this frustration juice in jars and Sarah and I have some
delightfully naughty plans for it.
More on
this later but for now I will just say it?s an awful lot of fun for us.
young 'J' mercilessly and repeartedly till he is moaning like a wretched whore,
then denying him again and again, the final spurting relief he so desperately
begs for is always a truly wonderful game for us and is made even better often
by his delightful crying and bawling.
Yes, a
most enjoyable pastime indeed and often enough it comes with a very nice little
bonus for us ladies as you will hear.
though there is another important aspect to his existence that has so far only
been touched upon in passing but, along with the chastity restrainer, and the
teasing that goes with it, is a very important part of the general picture. It
pervades all my tales about him because it plays such an integral and
omnipresent part of his life as our slave-boy and victim-toy.
relates to his required attire. The clothing, uniforms and the unusual thigh
baring dress code we demand. as well as the reasons behind it.
Dommes I know prefer their slaves completely naked and there may be some
subjective, even psychological benefits to that arrangement. If it works for
you then good.? Go ahead and enjoy it.
For me, however, the practicalities of having this particular 24/7
relationship, with 'J' and the things that I have learned about him, combined
with my own personal tastes have lead us to a different route.
It's an
approach that works for me very well. In fact, better now, than I ever once
dreamed it could.
To begin
with, last year on the day after he was collared and officially became my slave
and while 'J' was in the shower We took all the clothes he may have thought he
previously owned.? I sorted and either
gave to a goodwill store, or burned that same afternoon in a big bonfire.
single scrap from his previous life. Gone for ever.
It was to
be a new beginning for him and a first little step towards his total surrender
to me and my total control. I have never looked back.
We had a
complete wardrobe of new clothes ready for him which, along with his
restrainer, discipline and routines, were to become his 'uniforms' and his
From that
day to now he has been dressed by me, and for me only in the humiliating little
outfits and costumes that I really like to keep him in.
He has no
say whatsoever anymore in what he wears.
heard of a toy dressing itself anyway?
From that
day on he has never had to make a decision about what to wear. He was truly to
become my doll, our 24/7 slave to do with as we wish. We had planned and
prepared for this over many days and weeks.
Deciding? everything for him now, to please me, I have
made his entire existence about me and about what I like or don't like.
There may
be many things that I am sure he once wished he could change, especially those
ultra short and humiliating little outfits we now make him wear 24 hours a day.
It took
the boy a little while to fully comprehend and even to accept that only my
preferences mattered and all decisions were no longer his to make but mine.
He almost
rebelled then, trying to back out of the whole thing, but after we had quite
thoroughly and completely cured him of his impertinence over the next 72 hours
he eventually came to see things more clearly. He now accepts that in his
wardrobe as most things, he really does have no choices, and will wear what he
is told, when he is told. He has also learned to like it or else.
?We may offer him a choice if we are feeling particularly
generous but his choices are ultimately all about pleasing us.? for example: holding up 2 of his most hated
mini-skirts I might be asking "OK boy, would you? prefer to wear those short black gym-shorts
for your caning, in front of the others or one of these this little plaid
skirts" ?
Of course
there will be no other option given.? He
will positively cringe but in any event he will be wearing one or other.?????
So now,
instead of his regular underwear he now has only humiliating but cute little
girls very frilly tennis panties, in assorted colors but mostly virgin white.
Since that day we have expanded his wardrobe by adding the clothes we like him
dressed in.
I have
obtained them in suitable sizes online and by having others with some 'cute potential',
custom made or altered for him.
Sarah and I are all, when it comes to men, very much ?leg women? and we are all
in complete agreement that 'J's young and very long legs are just about his
best feature.
I had
also decided very early on for reasons that will soon become clear that no
matter what outfits he wears and calls uniforms, the one constant, and? omnipresent quality in all of them from now
on, was going to be that his long gorgeous thighs were going to be kept
completely naked for us 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.
Vulnerable and available for whatever we wanted to do to them.
He is
certainly blessed with 2 exceptionally nice legs that most girls would kill
for. Not too muscular but very long and athletic. Kept hairless, and well
tanned, (in every sense.)
there are quite a few other deliciously wicked things we love to do to them
especially to his thighs apart from ogle them and slap them as you will soon
Ok I
admit it. We love looking at my boys delectable legs and thighs. Yes,
particularly his mouth watering thighs.
We have
found that the short-shorts, and mini-skirts etc, while they may often
delightfully humiliate him, they also display his legs for us to best
Kept I
often sense that young Susan in particular is actually even a little jealous of
them especially his long and lean thighs.
just too damn fucking perfect" she once muttered to Sue and me, as she
slapped and spanked them really hard, one day in front of us and left him squirming
delightfully in his little tennis dress with his eyes steadily watering.
He is now
subject to our inspections, our whims, and our moods.
it?s easy for him Often its not.
always bared thighs ensure that we all have very easy and instant direct access
to flesh at all times in both public and private settings as he works and
labors for us inside and out.
It seems
to add to his humiliation especially when we have friends over and he
positively cringes as Susan, Sarah or I show people we trust, the marks and
welts or just his reddened legs and explain how they got to be that way.
many times we have reduced him to wonderful and sweetly delicious tears of
humiliation just by forcing him to display his fresh welts like this in front
of others
For me
personally I just adore watching his long legs made sorer and sorer then
contemplating ways to hurt them even more. I get a thrill out of watching him
over many hours, whimper and sob then burst into tears and ultimately scream in
agony as I follow thru in some deliciously wicked plans, just to amuse
better reason can there be to hurt him and make him squirm and cry than to
amuse me and my friends ?
On this
basis and for these and other purposes he is required to be in one or other of
his ?uniforms? all day every day without fail
One big
advantage for us in making him wear his uniforms 24/7 is he can now be sent or
dragged anywhere in public with these outfits. Shorts are the norm for his
public trips to town or the mall but because they are all really so very short
he will be utterly and wonderfully dejected and humiliated much to our own
great delight.
Of course
he gets stared at especially in the dead of winter or when he may also be
displaying? fresh marks, our weals and
welts of discipline on his long hairless thighs.
The poor
sweet boy probably feels even more desperately embarrassed and humiliated
whenever one of us treats him like a little child in front of people as for
example when we might grab and twist his ear or a handful of hair and twist it
making him dance like he?s a 10 year old then proceed to smack those long naked
legs, just because we want to make a point or feel the sudden desire to really
humiliate him.
yes very humiliating I should think which is really very good for him or for
any naughty little boys who think they are such big men.
?Anyway back to my narrative.
I owned
him now and from now on, I was going to do things with him and to him, to
please me. To satisfy me. To make me happy. He is young and he is a horny
little slut but he is also my slave and my toy. His opinions and feelings are
of no real consequence.
Now he
adjusts to me and my whims, If he is able to. If not able to, then life itself
might become very, very unpleasant for him.
for socks he is now only to wear white ones, either knee length, or ankle ones.
Sports socks actually work nicely.
we force-feminize him for some fun or to punish him, We will never use nylons
or panty-hose on him.
consider that far too adult for his status as a young girly-boy
So bare
tanned skin or just white socks only ever allowed on those long legs.
I have
replaced all his longer style, baggy swim shorts with nice tight speedo briefs
style swimming trunks now that we all much prefer seeing him in at the pool.
They too
might humiliate him in public especially when combined with just a T-shirt and
long white knee socks if I drag him to the beach but they also display him
quite nicely for my pleasure.
The girls
and I all agree that he looks so much better in the cute little short-shorts
and tiny mini skirt uniforms anyway that that is how he stays all year.
They help
admirably to reinforce within him his very juvenile status.
There is
never an allowance for cold weather either, other than perhaps allowing him
long knee socks instead of ankle length ones.
if and when his thighs get freezing cold we are always ready, willing and able
to really heat them up really nicely for him.
learned the hard way early on to never complain to us of 'cold thighs'.
Of course
all of his long pants and ugly jeans are gone now forever. Every one of them
has been replaced with little boys shorts, and little girls skirts and dresses.
As well
as some saucy little mini-skirts. We have Plaid mini's for his schoolgirl
uniform that Sarah and I both so love making him wear and several quite cute
and fetching little tennis skirts and dresses.
instituted the following strict rule for him to always remember about lengths.
repeat none of his hemlines on either his shorts or skirts can be ever be
longer than just 2 inches below that crease line right where the bottom of his
saucy buns meets the tops of his legs.
thighs must be entirely displayed and bared for our amusement 24/7 without
exception. period.
This is
one rule that is enforced very strictly every minute of every day.
Since he
sometimes is often without a mirror or ruler, the poor boy sometimes cannot see
that little crease line but can only feel it and guess at the 2 inches so he
needed a way to be constantly sure he is in compliance. After all we dont want
to be unfair to the slutty boy do we?
solution is quite simple yet ingenious
There is
now literally a 'rule of thumb' now that is very rigidly enforced for him and
it is this.
When he
stands straight and at attention shoulders back, arms down by his sides and
palms flat against the side of this thighs, then the hemline is NEVER ever to
be even a millimeter below the tip of his thumb. it can be higher even but
never lower. That is the maximum length allowed for every hemline he wears both
skirts and shorts so he better keep them well pulled up and straight.no bashful
tugging them lower to cover any marks or embarrassment.
now one of us may do an inspection. he must stand very still and straight, feet
together with his hands on his head or held behind his back as we will walk
around him and check things like,
Is he
wearing exactly the right uniform.?
Is his
hemline the correct length and straight.?
Are his
socks at correct position either pulled up or folded neatly down?
Is he
combed and neat?
behind ears? under finger nails?
Is he
quick enough to react to all commands.?
we may add things to check like..'
perfectly tied and polished?
Is his
uniform ironed ?
There are
no excuses or blubbering ever allowed for anything less than absolute
perfection and discipline is usually swift on the spot and fierce..
The whole
purpose of these inspections is in fact much less to keep him neat, which it
does admirably, but to serve as merely an excuse for us to carry out some
discipline or have some fun with him.
He never
knows exactly what we may wish to Find wrong or fault with, if that's our
intention, and usually it is.
Rules for
him are iron rigid and punishments are often very stinging.
betide him if he fails any inspection, and its just too bad for him if we
happen to just catch him at a 'bad time'.
Once he
was sent out in clean whites for a 10 mile run over very wet and muddy fields.
his shock when Sarah decided to do an inspection only 2 minutes after he came
thru the gate soaking wet, panting and covered in mud.
Each fail
mark is treated as a separate offence and each offence carries its own little
The poor
boy whimpered wonderfully almost sobbing thru her severe scolding then was sent
away to shower and ?clean up, told to
change into some punishment kit and then had to report to her with the heavy
tawse anxiously prepared for strict discipline.
?He has shorts now for just about every task,
purpose and ritual. Delightful blue denim ones like daisy dukes for his yard
work during the day, and tight adorable little gym shorts in various solid
colors with contrasting side stripes for his indoor duties as our houseboy each
evening. They all display his delicious long legs and? sweet little bubble butt to perfection for us
as he works nervously around us. I sometimes require that he do 'maid service'
for us too dressed in very abbreviated little maids dresses, that is Sarah's
personal favorite for him.
All day
now while the poor youth struggles to complete his tasks on time in one of
these little uniforms, as we relax and chat, I am afraid that sometimes one or
other of us just cant seem to help ourselves from reaching out and
slapping? his already sore thighs or
buns, with hand or crop, often it seems, for no real reason other than just
because its a lot of fun and we enjoy it. Then again like I said, what better
reason is there?
You will
hear in these tales about how we all like making him squeal and jump or wince
in sweet distress thoughout the day, as we scold him and taunt him almost
constantly every day.
I got a
few regular plain T shirts for him with suitably provocative and? humiliating slogans printed in big bold
letters for him like ?SPANK ME, I AM A WORTHLESS BITCH? and ?I HAVE BEEN A
NAUGHTY BOY? , together with an assortment of other shirts, blouses, tank tops,
and singlets,
enough too he gets put into very short skirts or dresses for special
punishments or to humiliate him and amuse us.
He hates
some of these things, or says he does, but of course he has absolutely no
choice in the matter anymore. I own him and his sweet little Ass is Mine.
There is
no mercy in this house for him day or night.
problems don't even stop in the evenings even when all his daylight chores are
done. Often late in the day either We will have quite a few more complete
little uniforms including his schoolgirl and cheerleader outfits etc for him to
entertain us on long evenings.
Early on
Sue was able to find for him to wear, a pair of genuine 'hot-pants', and some
white go-go boots that look quite retro and sexy.
They are
a bit small and apparently quite uncomfortable on him but that only helps keep
him moving.
quite often and usually with some suitable encouragement from her using a belt
or tawse, and a lot of tears from him, my cute little go-go puppet boy really
dances then for us almost to exhaustion well into the night.
I know he
still particularly hates being made to wear his juvenile or girlie clothes But
since we all enjoy seeing him remorselessly humiliated thats just too bad for
him and as you will hear Sarah especially will torment him ruthlessly? while he is dressed in one of the very
abbreviated schoolgirl plaid minis or his ultra short maid uniforms in the
evenings. We are now it seems always formulating quite wickedly delicious new
ways to display him, to work him from dawn till dusk till he aches unbearably
and then, most importantly perhaps, to torment and punish him.
exceptionally good reason for keeping his thighs bare at all times, is also a
strange one. To do with to his reaction to pain stimuli and getting his thighs
spanked, tawsed and caned till they hurt very severely.? Specifically the target area for this strange
result to work is the top 2/3rd's on the fronts of both his thighs. It is
actually the main reason I sometimes refer to the dear boy as my
"pain-slut" and it relies on the fact that his restrainer nicely not
only prevents orgasm but cruelly and beautifully punishes any erection
attempts. Strangely, pain when applied to this area on his thighs seems to
always generate and produce something quite delightful for us as well. We
discovered that it seems these pains to that area of his thighs always seems to
lead to firm and strong attempts by his/my cock at erection Of course his
restrainer prevents and punishes these erection attempts severely? and it is now truly an absolutely wonderful
vicious circle he is in. A nasty littlecatch 22 for him.
Namely No
erection attempt No Bite from the big bad restrainer locked on his/my cock? but when his thighs...especially the tender
top front two thirds are really stung and chastised then our little horny sluts
penis just cannot seem to help itself from trying to swell and grow.
naughty little boy gets such nasty erections fighting his restrainer even
though he knows they are not allowed but while we are stinging his thighs he
seems completely unable to restrain.
At least
until the KTB chastity device starts to teach the naughty little boys cock its
sharp painful lessons making it shrink and retreat.
we will pick up the tawse and crops again .
The top
half of his thighs are always so sore from all the whipping but we just have to
start whipping again dont we? Because this is such a lot of fun for us.
the crop then down across this burning thigh flesh we will proceed, and as the
boy moans whimpers and begs, his burgeoning teenaged penis for whatever reason
always starts to engorge once more into the KTB's harsh embrace.
the lovely tears fill his eyes we know the battle between cock and retrainer is
on again and we may pause to see who wins...
Oh how he
whimpers now again as the cock is once again punished by the unrelenting
restrainer until it shrinks once more. The poor dear pants like a such a slut
and sobs his pain out for us then to our great delight.
Then as
he stops and the restrainers bite lessens again long beads of pre-cum goo will
slip out of his cock.
Mmmm such
a cute little boy toy with a cute sticky little cock but we must continue again
and we pick up the crop and tawse yet again...
thighs...take that...and that.. and soon round 3 is begun.
So it
alternates sometimes for a very long time.
We whip
his thighs...he erects...restrainer bites.... he shrinks...We whip his
thighs...he erects...restrainer bites....he shrinks... we whip... he
erects...and so on and so on.
I do not
know why he reacts this way exactly other than its a pain-sluts response to
pain stimuli but it is quite amazing to produce and watch again and again and
As long
as he is in his restrainer he will feel a hard bite from the KTB and? wont be able to fully erect or orgasm. but it
seems as long as we hurt his upper thigh fronts with our hands, belts, tawses,
crops and canes he is completely incapable of preventing the hot cock from
trying to erect very strongly right into a fire.
I do not
know which reaction is the strongest. the pain from restrainer or the pain from
his thigh whippings.
I've not
yet found the limit to or how long this can go on before one or the other
reactions is defeated by the other pain.
I do know
that Sue and I have kept him squirming, and wailing, begging and pleading as he
was kept alternately feeling the bite on his cock then our crops and my tawse.
We had
him sobbing and pleading delightfully after about 10 rounds. And he was still
and crying like a little bitch, and really begging for mercy very amusingly by
round 22.
flies when you're having fun, and about 3 hours after we had begun the naughty
boy started bellowing and screaming so loudly that I decided to gag him at that
finally both grew tired of this game after round 27 so to finish we took each
picked a cane, and both delivered 6 slow and very hard cuts across both already
devastated thighs.
the absolutely exquisite agony written into his young tear stained face as we
gave him this final 24 and hearing him bawling into his gag like a baby almost
made me gush into my own panties. It was a wonderful experience for me, and one
I intend to repeat many times.
even in his abject misery he still seemed unable to control the balls and cock
between his legs, When we walked away they were still spewing little streams of
pre-cum onto the bench he had been tied face up to for those 4 hours.
It was
therefore a 3-4 solid hours and wonderful tease in effect with no relief for
him except when he almost passed out in a faint somewhere during the 24th round
and I had to revive him with salts before continuing.
I really
dont know how or why it works and I have never found anyone who can really
explain it or who even shares that strange gift or endowment.
I know
why the bite from the restrainer will shrink him. I just dont know why or how
Our applied pain can just keep trying to 'expand' him again and again.
We are
still experimenting with it.
I do know
2 things however about it as a result of those experiences.
First we
can if we wish actually tease him now in a very thorough way for hour after
agonizing hour even if he is still in the restrainer, just by hurting his thigh
fronts like that.
horny little 18 year old pain-sluts can produce literally pints and gallons of
pre-cum and I should literally have buckets and not just jars ready if I am to
save it.
For his
part, no matter how severe or prolonged our frequent little sessions teasing
and chastising in this way, making his young thighs really sting, the poor boy
still to this day seems completely incapable of controlling his either his
immodest erections or the drooling his sticky frustration juice.
A very
important consideration is the fact that our discipline HURTS MORE on his
thighs than on his buns etc. This is a vital consideration for me.
importantly for us though, is that now we all just love being able to, anytime
take him aside in private or public for any or no reason or just on a whim,
with or without warning to suddenly smack his constantly bared thighs using our
hands or a belt or even my crops and canes all over both backs and fronts of
his thighs as he dances on the spot for us.
If we
have guests at the house who are into the lifestyle its a lot of fun to just
silently drag the wretchedly nervous boy out into the middle of the room and
show them. The humiliation factor then for him is even more intense I am sure.
I do like him to be put thru hell sometimes because quite frankly, for us
ladies and for me in particular, it is absolute heaven.
usually will? be many changes of uniform
for him throughout his long days and evenings...Importantly perhaps so he
cannot hide his ?earned? marks and welts from us or from others including
himself. He may want to but they are on view constantly to remind us and
himself of his faults and failings.
No. When
we lay juicy little welts that smart and burn so bad on his bare flesh I expect
him to not only feel them really stinging for many hours but to fully accept
that we like making them hurt and we actually enjoy letting his welts humiliate
him as they often do when we have visitors or if we take him out in public.
They are
our marks until they fade and better not ever be covered up.
We allow
absolutely no disobedience from the youth and if he has to writhe in public or
suffer other? humiliations , well then,
that's just too bad for him and so much the better for us.
in my house can really be especially hard for my boy toy.
If he has
been absolutely perfect all day and we dont have any little plans for him he
may be lucky and just get hosed down before we dress him and put him into
bondage for the night, either in his own cot or if he is exceptionally lucky on
my bedroom floor perhaps for later use when I come to bed.
Nights like
that are rare for my slave-boy.
They are
rare because one or other of us usually have nighttime plans for him.
And our
plans are often naughty and extremely wicked.
If one of
us is bored or have had a bad day and are feeling in a really bitchy mood, then
Oh BOY will 'J' be in for it.!
It is
simply too fantastic for me to see him put in more and more distress, and over
many evening hours, slowly and viciously tormented and reduced again and again
to a blubbering and bawling little baby.
We like
to really draw things out and extend these evening rituals in some deliciously
harsh ways.
him squirming and sobbing I usually become very aroused yet again.
I might
approach him and smiling, lick salty tears off his face then we'll really make
him sob and cry some more before he ultimately starts to bawl and wail while we
just laugh and taunt him, till at last he will scream in agony as we follow
thru with some wickedly juicy threats.
evening times and the games we play are so much fun for me now that they have
almost become my very favorite part of the day.
extremely rare for him anyway to be ever free from very stinging and
exceedingly sore buns and thighs.
I do
particularly love the sights and wet stinging sounds of? trembling and well punished slave flesh
receiving very thorough doses from our hands,?
belts, crops and canes.
I myself
will usually if not always gush and orgasm during these little discipline
episodes just from the sight and sounds especially when they are quite severe.
For example
like when I take my most stinging and whippy cane and apply 30 or so deep juicy
weals to the fronts of his sore thighs just below the hem of his shorts or
causing his own still restrained yet madly throbbing and drooling penis to twitch
and swell in its prison in tribute to my aim.
I may
spurt my own release at such times again and again.
I also
absolutely adore the way we now can keep the boy so tearfully all evening at
the very sore but trembling edge of spurting and spilling his filth for hours
and hours often end like this.
It is, oh
just so unfortunate for the poor 'J' that he looks so Goddamn cute whenever he
is squirming and writhing like that.
Under my
house rules and the strict routines his little life now depends on, it may seem
at times, very unfair to him , but then again, I really don't care how the
young bitch 'J' feels about his frustration, do I?
judging by the way his restrained penis drools, twitches and throbs
delightfully in his panties whenever we even talk about hurting him, let alone
actually doing it, there must be something he enjoys about his sweet little
To see
him twisting in one of his adorable but very short little maid uniforms? while some juicy and well deserved discipline
is applied to his long slender thighs is really deliciously exciting for me and
heavenly to watch.
things can equal and almost nothing bests it for me.
He is
absolutely gorgeous in these exquisite little agonies.
As he
starts to cry out in such sweet distress, like the little bitch he really is,
or when big lovely tears fill his eyes and flow in torrents down his cheeks ...
I will often gush and spurt my own passion juice straight into my panties.
The tears
and begging for mercy of course while adorable, are always in vain and just
provoke us instead to do all we can to prolong and even increase his soreness
as we cruelly taunt him.
Just when
he thinks he cant cry or scream any more we like to find new ways to prove him
I love to see him disciplined like that for as long as possible, then either
put right back to work or left in some strict bondage position where he can be
safely left to cry his heart out and be ignored for a while, until one of us
wants to use him again.
Yes, I
really do enjoy him more than anything on those terms.
At the
end of his long days when we are at last finished for him often it happens that
instead of sleeping in his cot or serving us further for the night in our
bedrooms our naughty little slut will be merely going into some very strict
painful bondage somewhere.
Perhaps ,
if he is 'lucky', one of the warm inside rooms or the closet maybe, under the
If we're
not happy with something though or maybe perhaps are just feeling especially
bitchy, then it may be outside in the cold garage for him.
whimper and moan uncomfortably in harsh bondage maybe all night, perhaps
sobbing and crying such pretty little boy-slut tears till we come for him in
the morning.
?Awww too
bad... so sad for my cute little doll,?
away then until dawn sweetie? I may tell him before I walk away
another day of work, strict discipline for him and service to us begins and we
will start again.
Introduction: A Christmas skiing holiday that changed everything Chantelle I suppose it started with how she was interacting with the guy who was with her. She was French, I could hear since I was standing right behind her in the ski-lift queue. She looked somewhere around my own age of twenty-two, and a similar average height too, while the guy looked in his late thirties and was only a little taller. She held a LOT of eye contact with him, really listening and responding to him, and he was...
This story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...
A Tale from The Painted Lady - by Beryl33 Hello, and welcome to The Painted Lady Bed and Breakfast, owned and operated by Mistress Anne. I'm Nikki, the chambermaid. Can I get your bags, Miss? Your room is right up these stairs- Oh! If you keep that up I'm going to drop your bags, Miss... Here's your room. Miss: Mistress Anne owns everything you see in The Painted Lady - yes, Miss, including me. I was a boy once, you see, now I'm her girl. Well, I tried to steal from Mistress...
Synopsis: Using her lethal skills, a young, beautiful slave rises to power in ancient Rome. Tales 2 is a character study of a complex and murderous femdom. 109 pgs. Tales of Ancient Rome 2: Salidia and Lydia by TG Chapter 1 Laying in Supplies "Oh, this feels so good," Salidia...
If you have ever played a turn-based RPG and thought to yourself, “this, but with chicks with dicks,” first of all, splash some cold fucking water on your face. After that, consider yourself a porn prophet of debauchery, because that’s exactly the kind of game you are going to find in Tales of Androgyny. You won’t find any teenage male heroes here like in your favorite animes. This is all about exploring a world full of androgynies people that are as horny as they are hung.Before you jump into...
Free Sex GamesDamn, I had just flooded my panties with a hot load of cum - well not MY panties, my daughter's panties. What was I going to do, they were such petty panties, soft, lacy nearly see through and my hard cock looked so good in them now, they were a sticky soggy mess - how could I put them back in her panty drawer. Then just as things could not get any worse my stepdaughter, walked in on me.... Shit happens So, she caught me, 45 years old, slim, and fit, wearing the...
I’m at the Celestial Energy Bar awaiting my trainee. I need a tall Liquid Sunshine before I tell the newbie the introductory tale. We Soul Saver (SS) Training Troopers (TT) own up to some professional failure at the first meeting with a new recruit. At induction, they hear all the good news—the personal satisfaction, the benefits, the camaraderie, the flexibility, the immortality. Before boot camp, the newbie hears a story of a failure. This is how we explain the numbers. Because humans have...
//(Announcer 1) Greetings from the Lightening Dome, in glorious Houston. This is the first time here at Fight Club – Houston where two contestants are battling for control of the same guild. (Announcer 2) No one is betting anything? Why are we even covering this? (Announcer 1) That’s a good question, let’s see, hmm, according to this note, it says ‘F minor Key’. (Announcer 2) Oh, so what you are saying is because the Gun Bunny Guild is the top ranked guild in Houston, and the number 2 over all,...
PART 2 ( reading Part 1 is a Must!) A TALE OF TWO ISLANDS Bobby built a very large bon fire for that evenings gathering not knowing if anyone would be in the mood for talking. His sisters Kay and Ariel, along with their friend Angelina (angel for short) were in the 36 foot Sea Ray cruiser tied up at the deep water dock of West Dollar Island. It was getting on toward evening and the sun was starting to set but the wind and water were very warm. Sweaters and coats were not necessary to...
THE TALE OF MONSTER JIMWhen we left my former Master we went down to Monster Jim’s extended limo. He got in first and laid On the bed. He talked into the mike and the car started. I took off his pants and started to take him in my mouth. He got raging hot and grew to his 14 inches. I then climbed on then he went into me up to his balls. I love it. I kept going up and down and he kept with me. We went that way for about 20 minutes when he said suck me. I got off and he came in my mouth....
First of all, a big hi to all of you, I am a long time reader of indian sex stories dot net readers. This writing is about me and my Teacher. This is my first story so please understand if any mistakes. Therefore, the Story rewinds it when I was pursuing my engineering in Mumbai. The heroine of this story is Shital (Name Changed) of how we got into some nasty things and then were in beautiful pleasure give and take agreement. I am a guy from Mumbai, 21 yrs old now, Nice Physique, not so tall...
THE TALE OF JET & QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter one: Changing Faces Daniel crouched low, and squared his shoulders. Across the line, he saw Samuel setting himself on the other side of the line. Always the same, but mirrored. That was him and Sam. He listened to the count. "Blue. "Eighteen. "Forty-one. "Hut. "Hut. "Hut." And the ball was snapped and the play was on. Daniel ran forward, juked left, dropped back, then blew past the man guarding him and snagged...
THE TALE OF JET & QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter two: Live Strong Dan and Sam walked down into their living room, and into a storm. A storm of confetti. There was a big sign up in the rafters, saying 'WELCOME BACK!' and Brian and Diane were standing on either side of the door with noisemakers, blowing them into the twins' ears. If they could have, they would have blushed. "Um, thanks?" Sam muttered, feeling suddenly and unaccountably self- conscious. If she could have...
THE TALE OF JET & QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter three: Going Postal Quartz was sleeping peacefully. Then there was a loud pop from directly in front of her and a splitting pain between her eyes brought her raging out of her dreams and into wakefulness. Her head was pressed down into her pillow, and there was a splitting pain between her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she saw the smoking barrel of a gun not 4 inches from her face. Without really thinking she reached out and...
THE TALE OF JET AND QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter Four: Blowing Town Sergeant Malcolm Stark was in a rather lot of pain. It has been several hours since the Carmichael twins had left. He was convinced now. The two of them had to have been the twins, not some kidnapping terrorists. What a load of bull. With something like two hours of observation, he knew that, and he was just a grunt. Well, maybe not just a grunt. You didn't get the kind of position he held if you were just...
TALE OF A BORED HOUSEWIFE It was a cool gray, November afternoon. I was walking down the quietupper middle class, suburban street I lived on, on the way to Gloria'shouse. It was fairly windy, a gust whipped up and I had to reach down tohold my skirt. I suppose my modesty wasn't really in jeopardy but theskirt was considerably shorter than what I was accustomed to wearing. Gloria had asked me to assist her with a party she was throwing forDave's boss. He had just started a new...
My stomach was rumbling with hunger now, and I realized that I’d told Kalpana aunty not to bring lunch today. Dialing the number of the local pizza joint, I ordered a pizza for lunch. As I settled down to wait for the pizza, I switched on the TV and started surfing through the channels. They were showing a re-run of the old Aamir Khan movie ‘Jo Jeeta Wahi Sikandar’ on the local cable channel, also featuring the pretty Ayesha Jhulka and the sultry Pooja Bedi. A song sequence was playing...
Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth4072: The YardsByEmily DanielsTales of the RAC: 4072: The Yards Chapter 1: The Verdict Chapter 2: The Yards The Yards is the second chapter in the 4072 saga of the Tales of the Restored American Commonwealth. The story begins with 4072: The Verdict. If you would like to know more about the setting of the Restored American Commonwealth you can learn about it, purchase previous chapters and interact with characters by going to...
Synopsis: Salidia's Little Lion, Lydia, sparks a fight with neighbors, and she picks up a bow to become Hell on Horseback to protect those she loves. Out of the fires of this conflict, they forge the place that became known as the Valley of the Amazons. Action story with Femdom leads. `165 pgs. Tales of Ancient Rome 3: Lions in the Valley By TG Chapter 1 ...
INTRODUCTIONIn the world around us there are those that will prey on the weaker, the unprepared, the vulnerable. In pursuit of their own desires or seeking to profit from the desires of others there are always those whose acts are hard for us to understand. Once more, it is October 2009. Angela is trying to balance her teaching responsibilities and research projects, spurred on by the Dean’s ambitions for the academic standing of the University; Joe McEwan is planning his trip to Cambodia in a...
?Stella, the car is here already.? Leila calls from the hallway.Stella grunts. She is being laced into her black silk Medeq corset by her slave daughter melanie and she is standing, hands on hips, checking her makeup as well as the constriction of her already tiny waist in the floor length mirror in her bedroom.?The worm can wait Leila, tell him to get the cases into the car..!? She shouts in return. She stands patiently as the girl passes the laces around her waist and ties them in a neat bow...
Love is something that I have a hard time understanding. Love is only an emotion right? So how can an emotion make you stupid? How can love cause you to do things that no man in his right mind would even consider? It was a little late for me to be asking the question. The damage has already been done. I met Stella in middle school. I started dating her in the ninth grade and we were going steady by the time we started tenth. We had an argument and broke up for a while, but were back together...
Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time basis. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
We stand outside the house, altogether there’s six of us, me and five of my nest. I look around at my people, “you all remember the plan?” I ask not bothering to keep my voice too quiet as I can hear the rapid thump of drum n bass from within the house. All of my followers either nod their head or make a noise in confirmation. I try the handle on the door and finding it unlocked I slowly pull the door open. The house must have some form of sound proofing because as I step inside the house I’m...
She allowed her head briefly to rest on the shower wall, feeling the cascade of water over her body drown out the pounding of her head. She turned around and let the water beat around her shoulders as she imagined the previous nights beer and rum and whatever else spilled on her to be flowing off. As she massaged shampoo into her long auburn hair she tried to remember last night. And realized she had hit a complete blank, but there was enough evidence to assume the worst. She had woken...
Introduction: Young woman is kidnapped and tortured Please go gentle, this is my very first sex story. The beginning of this is all about the torture and dominance so there isnt very much actual sex but there will be a lot more coming. She allowed her head briefly to rest on the shower wall, feeling the cascade of water over her body drown out the pounding of her head. She turned around and let the water beat around her shoulders as she imagined the previous nights beer and rum and whatever...
A switch in emphasis, but carries straight on from ‘EVE’. I wanted to expand the character of ‘Stella’, this is the result. **** From The Stars Stella found Mikey where Eve had said he would be, at his favourite night fishing spot. He was laying back, hands behind his head with his shirt open and his fishing rod in the crook of his knee. ‘He is kind of cute now’ Stella thought as she crept up on him ‘when did that happen?’ ‘Hiya Mikey! Caught anything or are you just drowning worms as...
Stella By Cal Y. Pygia Donald Pleasant had never had any doubts about Stella. To him, she was the most beautiful, sexiest woman alive. They'd been dating for three years when they'd gone to Glitz Gurlz Bar and Grille, a lesbian lounge that Stella, more out of curiosity than for any other motive, had long wanted to visit. Donald and Stella had been intimate so many times in those three years that each knew every inch of the other's body--all the hot spots, all the erogenous...
Once again I must thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. Without those two wonderful people I don't think I would still be posting. As always I must also add that I can't leave a story alone. I could well have added some cock-ups after they have seen it and before it gets posted. That should keep the GPs happy at least. How do you know your loving wife is cheating on you and shagging her private stud on the side? Well,...
As she walked down the hallway once again and into her bedroom, she could hear her boyfriend Jake walking up the stairs, talking with someone. The door opened, “He’s just a moron. I wouldn’t let it get to you.” “Yeah, I know you’re right. It’s just that he’s been on my ass all week, and now he wants me to come in tomorrow to clean this whole mess up,” the stranger said. “I have it right over here.” Jake walked over to his entertainment console and picked up a DVD case. “Here ya go....
Introduction: It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She...
It was a warm spring afternoon and Danielle McGregor had just gotten home from an afternoon with her best friend, Carlie. She placed her shopping bags next to the door and walked back to her closet to dress down for the night. Dressing down usually meant changing out of her Calvin Klein pants and Guess button-downs and into a tank-top and jammie pants. She walked over to the porch door and opened it all the way to let the warm spring breeze in. Her hair waved back with each gust of wind as she...
Group SexIn every story, in every setting, in every realm there is good. Heroes, mighty warriors of justice, arbiters of justice, or just those that make sure the papers are filed on time. And standing against them are the forces of evil, darkness, shadow, or just a difference in opinion. Rarely do these two forces cross the line from one to the other. And yet, there are always forces beyond just them, forces of a more... alluring nature. Some of these turn heroes into ditzy bimbos, others warp...
The wind howled around me and tore at the hoodie I had tied tight around my head. It was freezing and late in March with rain hanging in the air. I crossed the street aiming for the light of the restaurant I was heading to. The bright light inside offered warmth, a cold beer, good food and time with my co-workers. It was a farewell get together we had organized for a guy who was moving on in life. We had agreed that we could bring a friend if we wanted. My wife had said no since she had an...
CheatingChapter 1: Halloween always feels like such a freeing time of year. I had always indulged that time of year. It was the one day, or multiple if it didn't fall on a weekend, where I could dress up in public as the girl I often felt I was supposed to be. I always went to the city Halloween parade. No matter when Halloween fell, they always held it on the closest Saturday. I fit right in. My wife went with me every year. She was accepting of it, if begrudgingly so. She knew my eyes...
So I was there, on all fours onto a bed in a dark filthy room…Some salty tears of pain ran down my cheeks, as this sweet babe Stella drove her huge black cock into my ass. In my wildest dreams I had never expected myself to be in this situation, beaten, bound and having my tiny asshole fucked by a sexy well hung transsexual black girl…I had started to go alone to bars and pick up lonely ladies to just fuck them. My sex life with my sensual wife was going down, since she began to fuck black...
Her nylons were a mess, runs and ladders all over, but she still had her high heels on. Her bra and panties were nowhere to be seen and it was obvious from the dried (and wet) cum stains all over her face and pubic area that more than one guy had taken advantage of her. I knew from experience that when she woke up she wouldn't be able to tell who or how many. I also knew that she would be contrite, beg forgiveness and promise that it would never happen again and that she would mean it at the...
The world is full of history and great stories. From a very young age I sat and listened to them and let my mind show me. As I grew older and my magic made itself known I wrote the stories down. It did not matter what else I had to learn or do, the stories still took me away. I was eighteen when I had enough of other people telling me what to do and when. I thought long and then created a wagon like the travelers. I made a second wagon that carried a tent and lots of cushions and a huge rug....
I licked my lips and nodded yes, unable to say another word. I was about to do the nastiest, dirtiest thing I had ever done and it was going to be with my wife’s best friend. I had introduced them in college and had been fucking Stella for years, both before and after I got married. In fact, Stella spent the night with me the night before I got married. At four in the morning of the day of my wedding, she was flat on her stomach with me directly behind her. I smothered her big, fleshy,...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Five: Sister Stella Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Tuesday, May 24th, 2072 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The nun ran right towards me, screaming in terror. She held up the gray skirts of her habit as she ran, exposing legs clad by blue jeans. Her pale-blonde hair streamed behind her tangled with her white veil. I didn't blame her for running. Three black, disgusting demons chased her, roaring like big...
Hi again! For those reading my story for the first time, I am Amit from Mumbai, 5’10”, athletic build, quite adventurous and fun loving. This was a unique experience for me as it was completely unexpected or planned. Stella and I were schoolmates, since childhood. As we grew up, we were not exactly friends, but just a bit of regular talk here and there. Then I lost touch with her once we went to the college and got busy in our career and making our lives. Many years passed by and then one day,...
By : Kiran_hot Hi to iss readers, this is Kiran [name change] I was reading many stories in ISS form 1year. So I decided to share my story. I am 5.7ft, fair & normal 21 yr guy. When I was doing my 5th Sem B.COM I had friend, her name is Stella. I use to move very closely with her among the girls, we had good understanding between us, her birthday was in Nov & it was winter season, I though of giving her surprise I call at exactly 12.00am & wished her, she was excited & thanked me. Next morning...
100% fiction! One of Marlene's many uncles who lives far away called up and asked if we could drop by to check on his ex-wife's mother, Stella, who was in an assisted living center near us but whom they had been undable to contact. We did drop by and were told by the staff that she was in fact in good health but had a major disagreement with her daughter and had cut off all direct communications - including changing her phone number. After a little while Stella who we had only met slightly a...
Group SexTales From A Hard Drive By Angela "So 'ow did yer get 'ere then?" "It might help if I knew where 'here' was!" "Alrigh' keep yer 'air on! "Look sorry... what did you say your name was? - I know you're trying to be helpful but I'm damned if I can work it out." "Look mate, what if yer tells me where yer was doin' ... y'know, kinda before, like. Most of thems that comes 'ere, y'know sudden like, finds its best" "What do you mean 'those that come here suddenly'? Does it...
Tales From the 'Faux Fillies' Dressing Room. Cross-Dressing and Transgendered Tales by Maria Ski The dressing room was a hive of activity as the girls of 'Faux Fillies' got ready to go home after a busy night. Alexia smiled sweetly as she opened a bottle of 'Chateau Picard' white wine and poured a glass for each of the assembled girls. "So," Alexia said, "who has a tale to tell?" "I do," answered Jessica an auburn haired beauty said, "I call my little tale..." Caught by...
Several years ago I wrote the story "Heels" which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
Several years ago I wrote the story HEELS which told the tale of a man and a magical pair of stiletto heel pumps which allowed the gentleman the ability to change into a fully functional female on a purely elective, part-time bases. Well, as fate would have it, another pair of those rather unique high heels has come into the possession of yet another young man. In a serialized, five part Tales of an Amateur Gynecologist (TAG), I have tried to explore how an avowed heterosexual...
FORTUNE TELLER.It was a few minutes after 11:00 at night, but the sign lite this late at night meant she was still open. People probably need their fortunes told late at night with a few beers in them. That's when people get into fights. Break up. Late at night is when love is lost and love is found. It is the time when tragedies occur and dreams come true. Both are impossible to believe and change a person forever.I turned into the driveway.The old crone slowly hobbled through the dark curtain...
Patrick woke Jake before the sun had risen. A runner had come with orders from the admiral. Patrick told him his breakfast was waiting in the sitting room with the orders. Jake through on his uniform from the day before and walked barefoot to the table to retrieve the orders. He broke the seal and read them thru. Jake was to turn over the Bulldog to LCMDR Perry at his earliest convenience and report to the admiral’s office. No later than nine o’clock this morning. He mused at that. He had...
It was the first time I ever saw her true self. the first time I ever felt my sexuality really coming to the forefront in her presence. Yes, I had often looked at her thinking I would love to kiss that woman, but I had never knowingly shown her my desire, after all she was married and no doubt straight.Concealing my thoughts I quickly lay the mats out in front of the fire and proceeded to start my warm up routine, Stella alongside me but her head at my feet. Warmed and stretched out we...
III and IV are next, both together. Then, the conclusion to this memorable day. I don't know what was up with that first link... Here's a version I'm now happy with so I guess it actually worked out. Thank you so much for the positive reaction to Affairs of a Family in Sin! That meant a lot to me and there will be more to come! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume...
The Netherworlds. There are a countless number of them in the universe, all with their own societies and customs. Why, nearly anything you could think of could be represented in the form of one of these demonic worlds. A world that has been converted into a gigantic spa resort run by slimes that poison their customers instead of detoxifying them? Why not? A planet-sized brothel that contains only prinny sex workers? Go for it. How about a world that is made entirely of pastries, populated by...
There are those who say Kaenor is the finest city in the world. Certainly, there is nowhere where more cultures mix, where more peoples and races and secrets can be found. Much of this is due to its location, on a peninsula that makes the northern half of the Straight of Swords, which separates two great seas. To the west is the Endless Ocean, stretching out to strange lands beyond the horizon. When the wind blows from this cold, deep sea, the city is beset by storms or shrouded in thick fogs...
FantasyTales of a Hustler---Me and lil Bro---The Best Summer EverSummer had arrived non too soon, as usual. I never cared for the colder months. Fuck some snow---I can see it on TV.Out on summer break, my lil Bro Dustin had called and said he really wanted to come and spend some time with me. Only seeing him every few weeks at a time, the last couple of years had left him wanting. I told him one night in one of our intimate bro on bro talks, that he really needed to find someone closer to his age. He...
Tales of the Season: Kendra's Story by Tigger Copyright 1999, All Rights Reserved Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that no fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") *and* provided that this disclaimer and attribution to the original author are maintained. Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its...
Tales of the desperate amateurs. Tales of the Desperate Amateurs By YarianaSo there I was, nervous as hell. I was picking up my first couple to film. I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew that I had had it with asshole bosses. I also had no illusions about being an expert in something as taboo as filming porn.She was not as pretty as the picture that she had sent me. It would not be the last time that this would happen. I picked them up in front of their trailer. She had been pretty...