A New Birth Of Freedom Ch. 03 free porn video

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The adventure continues toward the births of two sisters (who don’t know they are sisters).

Again, deepest thanks and grateful acknowledgment to Grandmaster dweaver999 for his encouragement and for permitting me to publish this story. He created a world and filled it with real people, I merely scribble in the corners.

Thanks to a great composer and lyricist, Jim Steinman. When I was stuck trying to write this story, and about to let it all go overboard, there was Bonnie Tyler belting out Mr. Steinman’s masterpiece–and everything was all right.

One more time I gratefully acknowledge earlier technical assistance from SA Penn Lady and Yes_Please. As they didn’t read this story, they aren’t technical editors/advisors strictly speaking, but their past help has been invaluable.

Finally, of course, I am solely responsible for any errors, inaccuracies or misstatements.


Valerie and Sally didn’t speak as Valerie drove home. The roads were clear in the early afternoon, and the day, though cold, was bright. A cloudy day would have made the drive home even more depressing. I should be elated, Valerie thought, and yet Sally is hurting, she isn’t just playing, but I can’t give up this baby. I won’t, Sally or no Sally! And I have that damned meeting back at the office–oh, fuck it all!

She nearly missed the exit from the Interstate. Sally flinched as Valerie took the exit ramp hard, squealing the tires on her Lexus and making her even angrier. She braked hard at the top of the ramp, and squealed the tires again as she turned onto Spring Street.

Parking roughly and taking Sally inside, Valerie kissed her, removed her coat, and took her to their bedroom. ‘Just lie down and rest, darling. I’ll come home and cook us a great dinner.’

‘Yes, Mistress,’ said Sally, looking at the floor. She sounded like a lonely, unhappy child. Valerie hugged her hard. ‘You know I love you. I love you,’ Valerie said desperately, hoping to break through Sally’s pain–and her own. Valerie was afraid she hadn’t succeeded, as Sally turned away and lay down.

Valerie had to leave. She could not miss the meeting.


‘Well,’ said the Colonel, ‘Rupie Murdoch has come out. He’s making a tender for as much Delgrasi stock as he can get. Will and Rocky told him to fuck off, but the cousins, those motherfuckers would sell anybody and anything. And Rupie is throwing cash around like it’s going out of style.

‘I want us to try to figure out a way to keep Delgrasi Publications Delgrasi–and to give us inspiration, guys, if Rupie takes over, we-uns is all walkin’ the plank. With no severance.’

Jamie Whynch asked, ‘Can’t Delgrasi borrow the money to buy out the cousins? I mean the corporation of course…from a bank or a hedge fund or somewhere? Are leveraged buyouts out of fashion?’

George Falstaf answered abruptly, ‘Good thought, Jamie, but it won’t cut it. I understand Will Delgrasi approached the banks we deal with. Delgrasi is debt-free, and Rocky and Will haven’t pledged their stock to anyone for a loan, so the banks’ll lend for sure, even in this economy, but they won’t lend nearly enough. Murdoch’s paying well over the odds. And even if the banks would lend enough, Delgrasi would have to pay the banks every cent of the bottom line and more, for years, to pay off the loans. No bonuses, no benefits, salary cuts, take garbage ads just to raise cash–we’d lose our staff and go broke.’

‘Sounds like Rupie’s gone crazy,’ someone said from the other end of the table (Valerie was thinking so hard that whoever was speaking didn’t register).

‘Like a fox,’ said the Colonel. ‘He’s paying far more than our free cash flow would justify. But we have a niche and a moat and a franchise, all the fuckin’ Buffet buzzwords. There’s no meaningful competition for what we do.’

Valerie spoke up at last, something had clicked. ‘Colonel,’ she began, then paused, and went on.

‘I haven’t seen our latest numbers, but we’re nothing compared to News Corporation. Our free cash flow isn’t even a rounding error on their balance sheet. Mr. Murdoch isn’t buying our cash flow. And he sure isn’t putting his name, and News Corp’s name, on Mastering Magazine and Pony’s Paddock and Poly Living. When News of the World got caught hacking cellphones and stealing stories, he shut them down and ran like a thief. Can you see the Tea Party crowd and the National Organization for Outlawing Marriage, and the crew that believes Fox News, cheering that their guru bought Jamie’s latest story about better beatings before cock-and-ball torture? Or Dorothy’s stories about multisexual sixsomes raising children?

‘No sir! Mr. Murdoch wants something more than Delgrasi’s magazines or their free cash flow. And I’m betting what he’s buying is power. That’s the only thing he’ll spend that kind of money on, the kind you’re talking about.’

‘Valerie,’ said George Falstaf, just slightly patronizing, ‘very interesting, but what’s that got to do with Delgrasi Publications, Incorporated? What power do we have?’

‘Not us, Mr. Falstaf,’ Valerie said, and paused again. ‘Our subscribers.’

‘Motherfucker!’ The Colonel’s big black fist hit the table with a crash. ‘Of course, dammit! He buys Delgrasi, he gets the subscriber lists. The names on there are fuckin’ dyna-mite. Say you’re a Senator, a Congressman, a Judge, the CEO of a major bank, or even Someone Bigger–you want it known you’re in the lifestyle, while you’re defending the Defense From Marriage Act? Bankrolling the homophobe politicians? While you’re yipping it up about ‘Family Values’? Holy shit, girl, you got it!’

Valerie didn’t mind the ‘girl’, not from the Colonel. ‘I’ve never seen the real names on the subscriber lists…’ she began.

‘Of course not,’ Pedro Valdez from Circulation broke in, loudly. ‘I never have, and my business card says I’m the department head. They’re guarded better than Fort fuckin’ Knox. I only see box numbers and phony addresses.’

Valerie went on, ‘but there must be names there that would tremble if Murdoch threatened to out them. Maybe even politicians and journalists and big campaign contributors from the liberal side, who he could smear real good….’

‘So,’ concluded the Colonel, ‘we engage in some polite blackmail?’

‘I’d suggest we call it Defense of Reputation,’ said Valerie. ‘And one more suggestion if I may, sir? Maybe we need a new financial advisor, to bring in some fresh thinking, perhaps even facilitate the arrangements. Someone who can talk to our subscribers, tell them our story in their own language. Gently suggest what having their names in Mr. Murdoch’s hands would mean….’

‘Like Champagne Charlie Vanquil?’ asked George Falstaf.

Valerie’s mouth dropped open. How the Hell does he know about Master Charles? And how dare he call Master ‘Champagne Charlie’! Valerie snapped her mouth shut and said quietly, ‘Mr. Vanquil would be perfect.’

George Falstaf smiled at her. ‘Just the man, isn’t he, to get the message across to the right subscribers the right way, scoop up their money, syndicate the deal (without any money sticking to his fingers or Word One getting out), create some innocuous entity to hold the stock, and assure our subscribers of the utmost discretion and anonymity. And maybe even a modest return on their investment.’

‘Colonel sir,’ Valerie asked, ‘May I call Mr. Vanquil?’

‘George,’ said the Colonel, ‘do you concur? Remember, George and Valerie, if this blows up, your collective asses are grass and I am the lawnmower! My wrath will descend upon you heavily!’

‘And if Rupie buys Delgrasi we’re all dead anyway,’ Falstaf replied in a monotone, staring at the table. ‘What else are we going to do?’ Turning to the Colonel, ‘if you wish, Marcus (Falstaf had permission to use the Colonel’s first name), I’ll get with Will and Rocky tonight. I don’t dare telephone, even on a landline, and e-mail’s out of the question.’

body else feeling brilliant? No? Valerie, hold off on calling Champagne Charlie till I tell you. OK, let’s go home,’ said the Colonel.


‘Darling, I know I promised to cook for you tonight, but we have to go out. We’re having dinner with Master and Lady Nadine tonight.’ Sally was still in bed when Valerie came home.

‘Yes, Mistress.’ Valerie looked at her, she had been crying. ‘Oh baby, when you cry it hurts me too. I never want to really hurt you, only when we play.’

‘Mistress, please let me be Sally. I want this baby, but I want to be her Mommy, me, Sally, not a breeding animal. I belong to you, but let me belong to you, not your pet animal, but me, Sally. And let my baby be herself, not some trophy.’

‘Oh honey,’ Valerie dropped to her knees next to Sally, ‘I’ll try. I want this baby so much. It’s so hard to share what I need so desperately. But for you, anything.’

‘Show me.’

‘If Master Charles doesn’t put us on restriction, tonight I totally belong to you.’


Charles Arthur Jameson Vanquil II (‘Chip’) was in the middle of his dinner when Valerie and Sally walked into the livingroom. He looked momentarily at the new arrivals, decided not to howl or hide as he recognized them as non-hostile, and returned to Lady Nadine’s left breast.

Charles extended his right hand for Valerie and Sally to kiss, as they knelt. ‘Good evening, Valerie and Sally. It’s nice to have your company. Please take seats.’

Two responses of ‘yes, Master,’ and Charles clicked his iPad. Yolande, the latest apprentice, appeared, naked but for a collar of used tampons around her neck. ‘Yes, Master?’ she said as she slid to her knees.

‘Drink orders, slave.’

‘Yes, Master. Master? Mistresses?’

‘This is truly tedious, slave. Lady Nadine is your mistress. You are to address these others as ‘Ladies’.’ Charles gave her a quick slap with Ruffnex Mizzou ’56, a wooden paddle he’d acquired (‘Would you believe it, on eBay?’). Signed by select students of the Agricultural College at the University of Missouri in 1956, it was an unusual toy. More than once, Charles had thought I wonder what any of them would think today if he saw what had happened to this memento of his misspent youth?

‘Thank you, Master, may I please have another?’

‘Of course. The Lord loveth a cheerful giver.’ Smack! ‘Now, as the vulgar would have it, girl, ya gotta work!’

‘Master? Mistress? Ladies?’

Charles asked for a Lustau almacenista fino, Nadine for her usual Pellegrino and lemon, Sally for the same, and Valerie for an extra dry Gibson. (‘If you have Plymouth rather than London, I’d like that.’ ‘Valerie, of course we do. Yolande, see to it.’ ‘Yes, Master.’)

‘Now, then,’ said Charles, taking his first sip of the Sherry, ‘I take it we can talk after dinner. I would, however, before we sit down to dinner, like to tell you that I spoke to George Falstaf on a secure landline, and we have agreed on the terms of the transaction Valerie proposed. Logistics will be a problem, and the damned money-laundering laws make it a real pain, but after all I am used to managing pain, it’s rather a speciality of mine. My commissions, as you know, are never onerous, only very mildly extortionate. And the alternative is most distasteful to the Delgrasis’ many fans.

‘Valerie, your analysis has been very helpful, and I am sure, if we succeed in implementing your plan, the Delgrasis will not be ungenerous in showing their appreciation.’

‘Thank you, Master,’ said Valerie, her eyes tearing up.

‘No, thank you, my dear. My name might be on certain lists, which I should not like to see in the filthy paws of a certain Press Baron whose initials are Rupert Murdoch. But moving from this distasteful topic,’ he pressed the iPad again, glanced at it, ‘I see dinner is ready. Nadine, my love, shall we have our dinner? May I take it Chip has had his dinner?’

‘Your son has dried me up,’ she said, holding Chip against her shoulder as he let out a hearty burp, followed by a loud howl. ‘Now he is getting ready for bed.’

‘Such a good boy,’ said his father, going to kiss his son. ‘But what an appalling noise! I do hope he’s not practicing to be a politician or a lawyer.’

‘Only if he goes to Harvard, darling,’ said Lady Nadine, with a gentle lilt to her voice.

‘Well, I doubt he’ll be going to Wellesley, darling. Except occasionally for amusement. Good night, boy.’

Lady Nadine settled Chip in the wheeled cradle, and they went in to dinner.

When they returned to the livingroom, Yolande had built up the fire and poured Charles his Louis Treize. Hot water and a selection of herbal teas were arranged on the sideboard.

‘Now, need we say any more about Delgrasi?’

Valerie said, ‘No, Master, the fewer people who know, the better.’

Chuckling, Charles replied, ‘Obiwan has taught you well, Luke.’

‘But Master, George Falstaf was really rude this afternoon. He called you ‘Champagne Charlie’. I didn’t want to make a scene, with all the stress we were going through, but I was furious.’

‘Save your indignation, my dear. Falstaf’s tongue gets more exercise than his brain, when he should have it the other way around. Two years ago now, I invited him to a dinner party I was giving Will and Rocky Delgrasi at the Gotham, to celebrate paying off the corporation’s debt financing I had arranged. I ordered champagne, and of course no good deed goes unpunished. George got a little too happy, and he endowed me with an epithet I would sooner not hear. He should drink less and think more.

‘Now, there’s something more important. I’ll be direct, because this is no time for diplomacy. Sally, are you pregnant?’

‘Master, it’s too soon for any test to show it, but I feel it. Yes, I am. It’s like I have the flu, I’m kind of hazy about everything. We just…today… it’s way too early for me to be nauseous and my breasts don’t hurt, but I’m different, and I feel different….’

Valerie hugged her and kissed her cheek.

‘I will talk to Sally, alone. My dear Lady, could you and Valerie make sure that Chip is settled in for the night and all alarms armed? And show Valerie the new frame we’ve installed in the dungeon? Just a brief demonstration, of course, we don’t want to spoil her digestion.’

‘Of course, dear. Valerie.’

‘Yes, Mistress.’

After they had gone, Charles asked Sally, ‘What is going on between you two? Valerie gets possessive, very possessive. I know. She called me once on my treatment of a servant. Although she was right, she challenged my role as Master, and it was only with difficulty I accepted that then. I won’t accept it now. I am your Master.’

‘Master,’ Sally said, standing in front of Charles, ‘she wants to own me. This is her baby I’m carrying. There’s no room for Sally, except for providing an egg and a uterus to grow it in. She’s more than a Mistress, she– like she wants to crush me, not dominate me.’

‘You know, dear Sally, subs want to try to ‘top from the bottom’, dictate how their Masters must treat them, make rules beyond their contracts. I have your contract and Valerie’s. They should be reviewed. It may be that you are playing the sub game, and I like that, it keeps Master on his toes. But it may also be that Valerie is setting herself up as something beyond her proper role.

‘After all, we review our insurance coverages, our tax strategies and our long-term investment plans every year. We haven’t reviewed our D/s contracts for much longer, and that’s just poor planning.

‘No excuse for poor planning. So–no restrictions, enjoy yourselves thoroughly between now and next Saturday. Both of you come back here at, say noon, and bring your contracts with you. Now let’s see how my dear wife and yours have contrived to amuse themselves.’

They walked down the stairs Sally knew well. As they entered the dungeon, they heard Lady Nadine’s voice. ‘Now we can push part of your
body forward, or pull it back, since the arms of the rack are flexible. Let me show you.’

Valerie was naked, of course, and strapped to a large wheel with many spokes, attached at top, bottom and sides to heavy struts that permitted both vertical and horizontal rotation through 360 degrees. Lady Nadine was holding what seemed to be a television remote, but at a touch Valerie’s upper body was pushed forward, causing her breasts to protrude.

‘Now I can attach nipple clips and weights, and have you lean forward, and the effect will be enhanced. Sally, would you like to help?’

‘Master, may I?’ ‘Certainly, Sally.’

Sally attached and tightened the clips Lady Nadine held out to her. Valerie gasped very slightly, and gasped louder as Sally attached the chains and the weights. Lady Nadine touched the controller, and Valerie was moved forward, her breasts taking the full effect of the weights.

‘See what a nice toy this is?’ asked Lady Nadine. ‘Sally, would you like to play?’

‘Yes, Mistress.’ She turned to Valerie. ‘Mistress, may I?’

‘Tonight I totally belong to you,’ said Valerie.

Sally kissed Valerie, tested the weights with a gentle pull that made Valerie gasp even louder. She walked to Valerie’s side, to the ends of the scars from Francine’s beating . She kissed each scar. She ran her finger gently over each, and kissed it again.

Valerie started to cry. ‘Don’t cry, Mistress, I love you.’ Sally remembered the words of a hymn they’d sung in church a few weeks before: ‘With what rapture, gaze we on those glorious scars.’ She smiled at the thought of what some of the people who had sung that hymn would think if they saw her now.

Still smiling, Sally slapped Valerie’s face, twice, three times. She kissed her mouth, then bit each ear. She reached down to Valerie’s vagina and thrust three fingers into her. Valerie gasped again and her crying became sobs. Sally brought her lover slowly, gently, to orgasm, and removed her fingers. She held Valerie’s head as Valerie hung suspended, kissing her again, comforting her. ‘When we get home tonight, Mistress, you will pleasure me with your mouth and your fingers.’


Saturday was overcast, and snow threatened again, as if winter was a drunken guest who wanted to make yet another incoherent point before being propelled out the door.

Sally wanted to sleep. The morning after their dinner with Charles, her business phone rang at 5 a.m. The week that followed had seen her in Cleveland, recovering an auto repair shop that had burned to the ground, but was insured by one of Sally’s biggest clients. Temporary space was easy, with the current economy, but advertising the temporary location, securing replacements for the tools and equipment that had been destroyed, trying to placate maniacal customers whose irreplaceable cars were gone, scrounging replacement cars for them or endlessly haggling over cash payouts when replacements didn’t suit them (and as usual some customers whose heaps had been righteously consumed thought they’d won the lottery), working around the fire marshals and police investigators, and above all, doing it all by herself in six days, while not rattling the cages of her client’s bean-counters, or spending too much money–that was 144 hours of pure Hell.

And Valerie was on the phone, almost hourly, worrying about the baby and Sally’s health, while Sally had plenty to do.

Finally, on Thursday afternoon, it was all too much: ‘Mistress, I’m going to lose the client and my business. Now leave me the fuck alone!’ And she hung up, as the song echoed in her head: ‘Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I’m only falling apart. Nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart’.

By dawn on Saturday morning, Sally had flown back home exhausted, barely having strength to drag her carry-on up the walkway. She had slept perhaps an hour or two, when Valerie wakened her and reminded her that it was time to see Master Charles.

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A Different Kind of Freedom By Julie O Chapter One Group Captain Reginald ?Reggie? Carpenter slowly walked the perimeter of the camp, lost in thought. As the senior officer of the camp he was often called on to make difficult decisions, but today he was faced with an extremely complicated one. Reggie stopped and looked across the fence line, freedom was so close and yet so far. He glanced up at the closest goon tower and saw that the guard was watching his every move. Goon was...

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Celebrating Freedom

My celebration of freedom The apartment was finally mine. I just saw her off at the airport and came home to look at my roommate- less haven for the next three weeks. Three weeks by myself, my time of absolute freedom. And tonight I was going to go in search of someone with to share the exhilaration of an empty apartment that I was feeling. Since I had not even had a date in the past two months, and the only girl who had approached me had just come off of a relationship with one of my friends,...

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Three Cheers for Freedom

Three Cheers for Freedom I looked up at the clock on the wall as the second hand crept around the face of the clock. The bell would be sounding any minute and I couldn't wait to get out of class. There is one more after this but that is ok because I get to spend it with my girlfriend. The bell finally sounded and I joined the crowd of students and teachers that flowed through the hall. The din of a hundred conversations joined the clang of locker doors being opened and closed. I...

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The Road to Freedom

The Road to Freedom The first thing you notice about the Okaloosa Correctional Institute is that, no matter where you are, it's a long way away. The desolation of interstate I-10 was overwhelming. Scrub trees and billboards. Every now and then, there was a gas station. But except for that, there was just highway. Lilly Newman had been driving for two days now. She had traveled from her home in Fort Lauderdale to Tallahassee yesterday, and she was up early to travel the rest of the...

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Endless Bondage Endless Freedom

Endless Bondage, Endless Freedom Endless Bondage, Endless FreedomA Story By Algolagnia PART ONE - UNUSUAL AWAKENING ??????????? I woke up held under an overload of heavy duty locking leather restraints, naturally I tried to struggle on the bondage table I helplessly laid on. It didnt matter how I ended up in such a situation, I was completely immobilizedand and had to face that. I tried to move, but could'nt gain an inch. I could'nt even wiggle my fingers because I had tight bondage mitts...

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Last Night of Freedom

I had been living with Tom for about a year when we decided to get married. Before I met Tom I was a bit on the wild side, sleeping with all sorts of men, and doing a lot of crazy things. When we moved in together, everything changed. We both began to settle down and live at a more relaxed pace. Not once did I think about being unfaithful, despite the way I had lived my life before. The marriage itself was pretty much a spur of the moment thing and we scheduled it for four weeks later. Tom's...

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Emperors BodyguardChapter 8 The Birth of Constance

I walked into Albert’s private suite and nodded to Sergeant Harrison before crossing to snatch my cousin off the floor and toss him into the air screaming and laughing. I caught him and handed him back to Molly who grinned at her son squirming in my hands. Albert looked up from some reports he had been reading and grinned, “How did it go?” I smiled, “Like clockwork. You should not have any more trouble from that quadrant.” He nodded and tapped his reader screen, “This is my new headache,...

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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 20 The Birthing Clinic

"How did the rest of your stay there go?" Riku asked, "I read the part you wrote today and that seemed pretty traumatic." We'd arrived back late the previous day. Shelumba told us the Major was rather annoyed as he'd sent a proper car for us but that had perforce to go via the cablecar station and the dirt road to the camp. We'd made an early start and had turned off that road on to the contour track before the car reached us. "The Major wanted to see you before he went away for a...

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Memories of A Mortician Part 6 Birth in DeathWashed Ashore

CASE 11: BIRTH IN DEATH Year: 2007 Name: J.G. Age: 27 Cause of Death: Asphyxiation by drowning Other injuries: Post Mortem fetal extrusion. Time between death and delivery to mortician: 32 hrs Case Notes: A heavily pregnant woman was exercising near a lake in a park when she felt giddy and fainted, toppling into the muddy lake. A man who was passing by managed to drag her out after some time. Attempts at CPR failed to revive her and the would be rescuer turned into her rapist as...

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Birth of Brandynettes Dystopian World Nice to me

Hello this is a half truth 1984 + sexual conspiracy fantasy of global conquest##############################################################################################ORIGINAL BLOG TITLE: 23rd of September 2017 New World Order Revealed - JUDGMENT DAY END OF THE WORLD Paraphilia ##############################################################################################Enjoy! I have my writers day today. I just started to write what come to mind. Im a Transhuman BimbotHuman Male....

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The birth of a whore ndash pt2 ndash end of close season

The birth of a young whore – pt2 – end of close seasonsequel of : https://xhamster.com/stories/the-birth-of-a-young-whore-689847We are still in the near of Heidelberg, Germany, back in 1965, this wonderful era, when women knew about their position, when men controlled women's life, with strong mind and hands, when chastisement wasn't reprehensible, when emancipation was unknown, when youngster didn't automatically get mentally disordered when they were taught "ethical" values, and when they...

2 years ago
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Birth of a New Dawn Part Two

Birth of a New Dawn Part Two By Heather St. Claire (A couple of you asked for a sequel. I am to please!--Heather) Two years ago tomorrow, I was transformed from a man into a woman. I went from Don to Dawn in an instant. If you read the first part of my story ("Birth of a New Dawn") you'll understand the how and the why. I was your typical clueless, self-centered guy, and unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I'm still trying to decide which one, I ran afoul of an angry girlfriend and...

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A New Birth of Freedom Ch 01

Lady Nadine has her baby. I give my very best thanks to my technical advisers Penn Lady and Yes_Please for their encouragement and invaluable assistance. (And congratulations to Yes_Please on the birth of her daughter!). I once again gratefully and humbly acknowledge the help and support I received from Grand Master dweaver999 and for his permission to publish (see copyright notice at the end of this story). Of course, I am solely responsible for any and all inaccuracies, errors and...

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To big to handle The birth

I finally worked up enough nerve to go visit Brian a month later, I figured I was running out of time. Pulling in the driveway, I noticed another car parked along the street, since it wasnt out of the ordinary, I didnt think to much about it. I sat in the car, cleaning off the smeared mascara off my face, my emotions were way out of control. Finally when I thought I looked presentable enough, I started walking toward the house. When I opened the screendoor, I noticed the other door was...

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To big to handle The birth

Introduction: Finding out my boyfriend might not be the father Over the next several hours, I just drove around, trying to put all my thoughts together. I knew I needed to talk to Brian, I wanted to know why he done this to me, or if Paul was being honest with me. Though I couldnt think of a reason for him to make all this stuff up. I finally went home, cried myself to sleep. I finally worked up enough nerve to go visit Brian a month later, I figured I was running out of time. Pulling in the...

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Celebrating American Freedom

Disaster Averted The change to the new order of things had begun with Monica Bushnell. With the support of the ACLU and NOW, she sued, citing the double standard of men being able to be bare chested in public and women not having that right. The case, Bushnell vs Cuomo, had gone to the Supreme Court after reversals and appeals at lower court levels. In a seven to two decision, for which the Chief Justice wrote the majority opinion, the law of the land was interpreted to mean that women had the...

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Cala de Sirena Joys Birth

Author's Note: This is part of my Cala de Sirena series. This story occurs between Cala de Sirena and Return to Cala de Sirena, for those who might question the time line, though I wrote it after the two mentioned. Thank you all for reading & returning to the cove. It was Don Taylor’s last day before he began his family leave, and it couldn’t end soon enough. It seemed that every time he turned around, his boss and good friend, Jason Blackwell, was giving him, ‘Just one more thing.’ He had the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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WTF Birth Control Pills I had a Vasectomy

My wife and I have been married for 18 years and have two c***dren, ages 15 and 13. I am 42 years old and am an engineer. Becky, my wife, is 40 years old and a nursing student at a local university. She waited until our c***dren were in school before she started school, so she could be home to take care of the c***dren. After each c***d was born she exercised and got herself back into shape. Even now at 40 she could pass for late 20s. She has perky, firm 36B breasts with nipples that are dark...

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Genesis 8211 Part 1 8211 The Birth Of My Fetish

Vulcan here; what I am about to do is take a massive step in my long journey toward carnal ecstasy. Me being an adventurous creature, all the experiences in the Genesis series were true happenings in my life and in the interest of keeping identities a secret, all names and other demographics will be aptly substituted or omitted entirely. The content is explicit, and primarily about THICK middle aged WOMEN. It’s a long chronicle (writing is on-going) with interspersed very detailed sexual...

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The Fury Saga Book 2 Birth Of Nemesis

NEW TG: Hell Hath No Fury (Femdom, genetic mutation) Part 2 ========================================= (c) [email protected] 1997. Introduction from Darkside. =========================== This is the cumulation of about a years worth of effort on my part. Nine months planning the whole thing out and three months actual writing. Infinite thanks must go to Vickie Tern without who's patient re-reading and suggesting made this, my first story what it is. You are welcome to do...

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Birth Error

Birth Error is a story by JC.ARBY. The story is about twin brother and sister who develop secondary sexual characteristics of the opposite sex. The rest you should read yourself. Comments can be posted to [email protected] Birth error This is a brief story of what happened to me and my sister, years ago. In 1977 me and my twin sister Melissa were born. We both were just ordinary children, nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary. I grew up with the guys in the street, playing...

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Chameleon Birth

Chameleon?s Birth ? by: Triss Morgan Author?s Note: This story is my second I have written to be posted in this genre. I believe I have improved since my first story, William?s Construct. Chameleon was a fun story to write although it is riddled with clich?s, many of which were purposefully done. Someone once said that life was one big clich?. There are times I believe that. This story was mostly meant for the reader?s enjoyment but I must warn the reader that there is a rape s...

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Train K Birth Se Bister Tak 8211 Part I

Hello doston ye meri pahli kahani hai par akhiri nahi ye meri life ki aisi kahani hai jisme pyar hai sex hai or wo sab hai jo ek iss reader ko chahiye ab ata hun apni kahani pe bat hai 2010 ko tab main 3 year me tha New Delhi me main apni ek freind k sath delhi a raha tha jabalpur se uska nam tha rita panday main aksar usi k sath jaya karta tha hum kabhi kabhi ek hi seat pe soya karte the par mere man me uske liye kuch galat nahi tha Ek bar hum aise hio ek sath ja rahe the delhi mera waiting...

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Sissy Julian Chapter VII The Birth of Julia

Sissy Julian - Chapter VII, The Birth of Julia by: sissystevie Well, another, albeit short, but transitional chapter. My author grove is coming back. High time to get our little sissy into major petticoats. I think maybe we shall complete this saga. It's become fun again. Again, I do recommend a review of the prior six chapters to refresh your sissy senses, not to mention a few other urges. As always this is a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended...

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The Birth of an Angel The river 2

The Birth of an Angel The River, Part 2 By kyorii pilau Please read my first story The River before reading this. This story starts only minutes after the last one ended. As Susan (Joy and Alice's eldest daughter) and the Stevenson family's driver are packing up following a farewell picnic to the place that Joy and her then girlfriend to be, had first encountered each other. Whilst sitting at almost the exact spot by the river...

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THE BIRTH OF A CD SISSY SLUTIn coining that old phrase "Time flys when your having fun," its hard to believe nearly five full years have passed since the birth of CD DIXIE which is now forever my feminine side created name.This all started back in late 2015 when I inherited and shortly afterwards moved into my Aunt Helen's small country ranch home located on Pine Bluff Court.When alive, Helen my dads older sister was a very popular lady quite active in this rural towns everyday affairs. Never...

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THE BIRTH OF A CD SISSY SLUT In coining that old phrase "Time flys when your having fun," its hard to believe nearly five full years have passed since the birth of CD DIXIE which is now forever my feminine side created name.This all started back in late 2015 when I inherited and shortly afterwards moved into my Aunt Helen's small country ranch home located on Pine Bluff Court.When alive, Helen my dads older sister was a very popular lady quite active in this rural towns everyday affairs. Never...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Prelude Part 5 Birth

October 4999, OTT Erik Gustav had arrived once more on the planet of his birth. This time he had not taken the Space Bus but arrived with his own brand new Clarion 7 luxury yacht, the Silver Falcon. A terrible snowstorm obscured everything behind a whirling flurry of white. The two massive snow removers fought a losing battle. His seventy-meter craft had just landed and already wore a thick cover of snow and so did the Volvo Flier that waited not far from the landing ramp. He girded...

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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 17 Birth of a Nation

Decurion Samantha Redburn arrived at the Medical Inspection Room at 03:42 hours as a result of an emergency summons. Navy corpsman Corporal Sheena James was on duty, and as it was a busy one, she'd requested assistance from all possible fronts. "What the hell?" Samantha exclaimed. The room was filled with women giving grunts of discomfort, lying on all nine medical tubes. "No, don't take her here," pleaded Sheena to the ceiling. "AI, do we have a tube available at Scott's...

1 year ago
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Adoption and my birth mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! Well I was adopted at birth and was always curious about finding my birth mother so when I finally did I was quite excited. She was 47 at this time and I was 19. We spoke on the phone and met up. She had one daughter who still lived with her and and one dog and they lived in a small flat just outside town. We met up for the first time and went for a coffee and talked for hours. When I said it was time for me to leave she said I could stay over on a...

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Altered Fates The Birthing

Altered Fates: The Birthing By Ellie Dauber (c) 2007 Here's a very short gargoyle while I take a break from "Eerie Saloon." * * * * * "Tansie," Alyson Palmer yelled. "Get Her Majesty some more spiced wine." "Yes'm." Tansie Nutter ran over to pour the wine. She was outwardly obedient to the midwife, but her thoughts were far different. 'Her Majesty... the king's slut'd be more like it. It ain't fair that she's having such an easy time of it, when the queen wore herself out...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor Wife Kyles surprise and Many Many Births

Introduction: The Continuing story of Ben and his extrodinary family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor & Wife, Kyles surprise and Many Many Births. Characters Introduced: Dr. Steven Taylor, 48, OBGYN, white, married to Jessica, 8 cock Jessica Taylor, 28, wife of the doctor, 54, white, Brown hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Bob, 45, drunken neighbor of Crystals, white, 7 cock Gracie, 32, wife of Bob,54, white, Blond Hair Blue Eyes, 36DD Breasts Kelsi, 18, Gracies daughter,...

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Taming the Cougar Part 4 Submission And Freedom

After our session with Adriana, Pam seemed to be riding a high. Her whole demeanour changed; the stress and worry she had exhibited seemed to fade away. I think that her realization that she was bisexual and the fact that I did not take umbrage was part of it.We were scheduled to meet with Adriana and her friend Reinaldo the coming Saturday night. Pam seemed excited about experiencing her first experience with another couple.As Saturday approached, she started to become moody and distant. Our...

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Bartering for Freedom

Her eyes swung around the cell as she wrinkled her nose. It smelled damp, though it was made of stone, and urine. She was glad to see there were no other prisoners there beside her. Only a tall, long table. What the hell was that for? It was nearly as tall as she was. She picked out a dry area on the hard floor and sank down. She pulled her knees up under her chin. She was going to the gallows. Her uncle had warned it would happen if she were ever caught stealing vegetables from the King’s...

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This is a true story describing my awakening to an unhappy marriage, finding love and sexual freedom in the arms of a man who was able to love me as I am. Seventeen was TRULY too young to get married, but let’s face it – at seventeen, no one was going to tell me how to run my life. I’d met William at the grocery store where I worked. He was 22, lived on his own and had a really fast car. I had a hot-head mother who loved to degrade me, a school where I was considered a nobody because my...

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Space Colony Freedom

It has been ten years since the S.S. Freedom landed on the new planet that humanity would call home, this planet is called Sigma 60, a planet perfect for humans to live on. The only known "issue" about the planet is that there are trases of relaxative in the air, which is probably why the people of this colony enjoy having sex out in the open. Sex with each other, within the family, with the native people of the planet, almost anything goes. Ten years ago when the space ship arrived on the...

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Last night of freedom

I don’t know who first came up with the notion that a groom shouldn’t see his bride-to-be the night before the wedding, but it was a bloody stupid idea. It’s a nerve-racking experience knowing that in just a few short hours you’ll be dedicating your entire future to someone else.   What if you’re not worthy - or worse, what if they’re not?  It’s enough to keep a man awake the night before the biggest day of his life, worrying.  But still, my fiancée insisted on following tradition. “It won’t...


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