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It all started the weekend before Easter. We had moved into our first home about three months ago and life in a rural community has been a difficult adjustment for my family. I took a job in rural eastern Colorado and if you have ever been there then you know there really isn’t anything but flat nothingness for hundreds of miles. I took this job because it paid well and the cost of living was small. We bought a moderate size home about eight miles from what we call our town (population of less than 5000)… Our closest neighbor is over two miles away and we reside on a dead end county road. The scenery is really nice here and there are plenty of streams to fish and swim out of on our property.
Overall this is what I would consider the perfect location for my small family. I live her with my wife Stacey and her daughter Renee. Stacey works at a home improvement store in another town about 30 miles away. She has crappy hours and her income doesn’t pay much more than the gas she uses to drive there and back. Most evenings it’s just Renee and I at the house until Stacey get home really late.
Renee is a smart kid that has yet to obtain really close friends in this new town. Her age is truly irrelevant but I will say that she has begun to notice boys. I often hear her giggle with Stacey about the boys that are in the area. I met Stacey when Renee was four and Stacey was 22. Basically Renee’s real father was a deadbeat POS that we last heard lives in Mississippi working on tug boats. Either way, I have never met him and Renee hasn’t seen him since she was 18 months old. Renee is going through an awkward phase developmentally. I know she is turning into a young woman based on the trash in her bathroom that I burn every other day or so. I am rather uneasy speaking about women’s monthly habits but I’m sure you catch my drift. Renee has long brunette hair that has multiple highlights much like her mothers. She hasn’t begun to develop much in her chest, but her hips and her backside mimic that of a woman in her 20’s. She’s only about 4’10” tall but I know someday she will be a real looker. She is long and thin just like her mother.
I don’t know how I snagged a fox like Stacey but it happened so many years ago. She is taller than most girls (5’10’’) but she is super thin with a mind blowing ass. It’s astounding how someone like me has a hot chick like her but we get along great and we work well together. She always talks about how she likes the fact that I’m tall but that’s truly the only positive feature of me. I wish I could sit here and tell you that I’m a stunning looking man but the truth is, I’m 6’4’’ tall and I weigh about 240 pounds. I’m chubby and at best my dick is 5.5 inches long. For someone my size, it appears smaller than it is but I’m always reassured that it is normal/average size.
With all the basics out of the way I should probably tell you why I’m even bringing this stuff to your attention.
It all started when I purchased Renee a laptop for her birthday back in March. It wasn’t anything fancy but I’d much rather her use her own from now on versus my laptop. I have a cache on my computer of crazy naked pictures of her mother and the more she learned how to use a computer the higher likelihood she would discover my hidden folders. I set her computer up in her room which was the only room upstairs besides a bathroom. She more or less spent the majority of her time home in her room. She wasn’t a shut in, but she wasn’t the outdoorsy type so we really didn’t spend a ton of time together after she is dropped off by the bus.
One day in early April she asked me to take her to the town Stacey works in to do some shopping. They have a mall and all your typical clothing stores. I thought this was odd because she usually does all her shopping with her mother but I really wanted to buy some things for my mower anyways so I agreed. We loaded into my jeep and headed to town. We got to the mall and Renee asked me for some money to go buy some new clothes. I offered to go with her, but she insisted that I wouldn’t want to be there with her and I caught her drift so to speak. I really wanted to do some serious shopping myself so I gave her a hundred dollar bill and told her to call my cell if she needed more. I told her what stores I planned on going to and we split. After about an hour and a half Renee called and wanted to know when I was going to be ready to go. I told her that I was already finished with what I needed and I was waiting at the food court eating a pretzel. Renee said she was at the other end of the mall so she would just meet me at our vehicle and leave from there. When I met her at the Jeep I noticed a small skip in her step. She was upbeat and definitely in a good mood. She thanked me for giving her money and we were off to the house.
When we got home she ran upstairs and I didn’t see her for the rest of the evening. I spent some quality time in my room as well. I was bored and it was rainy so I watched some much needed porn and squeezed out a decent load. I hadn’t had sex with Stacey for about three weeks because of our differencing work schedules. I cleaned up my mess and passed out. Stacey woke me at around 11:15 when she crawled in bed after a night at work. I tried to spoon with her and initiate some sex but she declined my offer citing she was tired and she just wanted to sleep. I was restless so I took my laptop to the living room and decided to browse some more porn from the couch.
It took hearing the sound about four times before I realized what it was. I kept hearing a shutter sound which I identified the sound as the same that my phone makes when it takes a photo. I got up from the couch and wondered around trying to find the source of the sound. It didn’t take long before It was obvious that it was coming from Renee’s room. I walked up the steps to her room and put my ear to the door. I heard the sound again and again and I wondered what the hell she could have been photographing so late at night.
I knocked on the door and I heard Renee say “shit” in more of a whisper than anything. I asked Renee what she was doing and she of course said “nothing”… I could tell she was fumbling with stuff and I could hear the click of the mouse on her computer. I tried the door which was locked and I told Renee to let me in. She said “just a minute” and about twenty seconds later the door opened. Renee was standing there in her fluffy robe that she had gotten for Christmas. Her hair was in pig tails and she had makeup (poorly done) on her face. I asked her what she had been doing and she said “just trying on the new clothes I got today.” Obviously there was more to this story but I really didn’t want to pry too hard into her room. I wanted to respect her space and not cause any animosity between us. I glanced over to her computer and her hello kitty wallpaper was up. I wanted to know what she was hiding but I also didn’t want to charge in there and accuse her of something that I couldn’t prove. I told her that I thought it was time to go to bed and without hesitation she said “alright daddy…” and gave me a firm hug. I don’t know why, but it seemed as if this hug was more than just a hug. Her arms went around my waste and she buried her face into my stomach and pressed her whole body as close to me as possible. As she began to loosen, she turned her body in a way that brushed my crotch with her chest, shoulder, and then her back before she slowly stepped away. She looked over her shoulder at me with a smile and said softly “goodnight daddy…” I closed her door and slowly started walking down the steps dumbfounded. A million thoughts were running through my mind and I couldn’t understand why she just brushed against me that way. I looked down as I stepped and the obvious hit me like a ton of bricks. Blatantly trough my white mesh gym shorts stood my dick at full attention. Did she see it…? Did she feel it…? Was it like that before I walked in…? What am I going to do…?
I went downstairs and sat in the silent dark for about an hour before turning in for bed.
I was awakened by Stacey at about 9:30 in the morning and she told me her and Renee were heading to the grocery store and wanted to know if I needed anything. I suggested some charcoal and buns to make burgers tomorrow night and moments later I heard the door shut. I gathered my thoughts and went up to Renee’s room and sat at her computer. I pulled up the browser and noticed that all the internet history was gone. She had it setup so the browser history is deleted every time the browser is closed. This is no doubt something she learned from me. I told her once that I set it up my computer that way because it helped prevent viruses. The truth is, I just didn’t want her stumbling onto the porn sites I visit most often.
I continued digging into her laptop when I about hit the floor when I found a hidden file named “what daddy likes”… I opened the folder and I about shit a brick right there on the spot. Inside the folder were all the photos I had of Stacey unclothed and doing naughty things. They were categorized into three separate folders that were unnamed. They are not sectioned on my laptop. I opened the first folder and they were all selfshot pictures of my wife that she has sent me over the past few years. The second folder was photos I had taken of her while modeling sexy clothing or just totally naked. I knew what would be the in the last folder before I opened it. It was all the photos I had taken while we were having sex. These photos were different than the others though because several of them had labels and captions. I started a slideshow of the photos to read the captions that were on them.
The first photo was of Stacey looking up at my while sucking on my dick. The caption read “do you like?”
The second photo was of Stacey sucking on my right shaved testicle while looking up at the camera. The caption read “mmmmm.”
The next was of Stacey’s back side with my dick half way in her pussy. The caption read “lucky bitch.”
The next photo was of similar to the last but I had just inched the head of my dick into Stacey’s asshole. The caption read “I wanna try.”
The next several photo’s were of Stacey sucking my dick again. The captains were different but all suggested that it tasted good.
It was the last two photos that overwhelmed me. One was of my wife on her back with my dick buried in her pussy. The caption read “shave you pussy like mine.”
The next was of my wife smiling at the camera with cum dripping out of her mouth. The caption read “swallow it, don’t waste any!”
What came over me was the insane urge to jack off. I was raging hard and I needed to release my cum and nothing else mattered at that moment. I pulled my dick out and started to jerk it right at her computer. I knew I would be cumming in just a moment so I scanned the area looking for something to shoot my load in. I scooted the chair back and noticed a piece of cloth on the floor under the desk. I reached down and retrieved it with my free hand and pulled it to my lap. It was then I realized what it was.
I had picked up a tiny thong from the floor under the desk. They were white with pink waist straps. They were too small to be Stacey’s so I knew they had to belong to Renee. I could tell they were brand new and I couldn’t tell if they had even been worn yet. Before I could debate any further my balls curled up and I began blasting my load into them. The first rope completely missed the underwear and splattered onto the front of the desk. The rest was dumped into my hand that the thong barely held. My hand was cupped and full of cum with the thong acting more like noodles in a soup. I could not believe how big of a load I just dumped into my hand. I was sure it was the largest I had ever done. As soon as I lay back in the chair to collect my thoughts, I heard the car pull into the drive… They are back!
In a panic I used whatever dry skin left to wipe up what was on the top of the desk. I frantically clicked the mouse and closed the folders. I don’t know why I did what I did next but it was in a panic I threw the cum soaked thong back onto the floor under the desk and I ran out of there as fast as I could. I made it downstairs and into the kitchen the moment the front door opened. I immediately turned on the sink and began washing my hands.
The girls walked in and immediately set the groceries on the table and counter before unpacking them. A million thoughts were running through my mind. How in the hell did she get these photos? Why would she want them and why did she name the folder that way…? What was with the captions?...
While I was preoccupied with my thoughts Renee spoke up first and said “I think your hands are clean now dad.” I realized I had been washing my hands for a long time. I turned off the water and dried them off. I looked at Renee who was leaned against the counter with a smile. I don’t think I could ever look at her the same again. I looked at her with a sense of suspicion and I could tell by the look on her face that she noticed. She asked “what’s wrong daddy?” I couldn’t bare to say right now what I had just done. I thought for a moment and answered “my computer is acting up and I have some important work to do today… I might use yours later if you don’t mind.” After a short pause Renee said “sure, but I want to check my e-mail first.” Nothing else was said about it during brunch.
After the table was cleaned up, Stacey said she had to head to work early this evening. She is a manager and needed to have a meeting before her shift started so she left shortly after breakfast. Renee went up to her room at the same time Stacey walked out the door. I heard the radio in her room turn on. All I could think about was her not finding her soiled panties under her desk. I sat on the couch watching the upstairs door with a panic in my stomach. Oh god what would I do if she found them? How could I explain what happened? I sat there in pure terror for about 20 minutes until the door to her room opened.
Renee had a puzzled look on her face as she stepped in her doorway and looked at me on the couch. We looked at each other for several seconds without sound. I looked in her right hand and although I wasn’t completely sure what she had, I believed it was the soiled panties I threw under her desk. My whole body began to quiver in fear. What the hell was she going to say or do about it… She could see the sheer terror in my face and she slowly but surely developed a smile on her face. Without saying a word she stepped back into her room and closed the door.
Oh god I’m busted. All I could think about was how in the hell I was going to explain this to Stacey. I threw my face into my hands and just sat on the couch almost ready to scream. I sat there listening to the radio in her room for almost an hour. Slowly and quietly Renee opened the door to her room again and stood in the doorway. I noticed she was wearing jean shorts now. Earlier I had noted that she was wearing tan shorts. Why did she change just now? What is going on?
Her facial expression was confusing. Her expression was a mixture of a smile and fear. The closest thing I could relate it to was balance. The face a person makes while walking across ice. She said in an uneasy voice “My computer is ready for you to use…” She then slowly stepped down the steps towards the living room. The way she stepped was odd… The way she looked and walked made me think she was walking on ice. I couldn’t figure her out and I was getting very uneasy. She made it to the bottom of the steps and walked towards the TV without breaking her look from me. She slowly squatted onto the floor and relaxed a moment. She looked at me with the biggest smile I have seen on her since we moved here. She picked up the video game controller and turned it on as well as the TV. She slowly licked her bottom lip and said “I’m going to sit here and… play by myself while you’re working in my room.”
She had a grin on her face that I could only interpret as a person about to pull a prank on someone. “Hurry up daddy…” she said with a sweet smile. I got up from the couch and slowly started walking towards the stairs. At that very moment, Renee turned towards the TV and slowly arched her back and slid her upper body towards the floor and laid down flat. She was looking at the TV while doing so, but she had a huge smile on her face as she did.
As she made her movement, I saw her tank top pull up her lower back. This exposed pink straps that went about three inches above her pant line. The small triangle on the lower back was white with the baby pink outline. They were just like the panties I soiled earlier and tossed under her desk. Is it possible she found them? Is it possible she put them on without knowing they were soaked in cum?... I could barely breathe as I walked up the stairs to her room.
As soon as I was out of sight I pushed the door closed and ran over to her computer. I moved the chair and searched for the panties which were nowhere to be found. The harsh reality hit me hard. I think Renee is downstairs wearing panties that I soaked in cum only a few hours earlier. That would explain why she put on jean shorts that would not show the wet mess as much. I was so ashamed of myself at that moment. I clouded my thoughts with the reality of what I had done. It was then I realized my cock was at full attention again. Regardless of what the reality was, I was incredibly turned on by what I thought Renee was doing.
I looked at the computer and noticed a new folder on the desktop as well as an internet browser that had minimized onto the task bar. The folder was named “naughty daddy.” I cringed and I opened the browser first. It was on a popular porn site. The video that said “play again” was given away by the title. It was titled “sexy girl swallows a big load.” Is this a joke? Was Renee up here watching this video before I came up here to get on her computer? She knew I was going to get on here so why didn’t she close it?... I clicked the “play again” button and watched as a guy with a huge cock face fucked a young lady before blowing his load in her mouth. He made her show it to him before she swallowed hard and licked his head clean again.
My cock was on the verge of exploding. I returned to the desktop and I swallowed hard while I opened the folder. I started a slideshow like the last time and I couldn’t believe my eyes.
The first photo was of the soiled panties spread out on the desk. The caption read “daddy made a mess in my panties.” The globs of cum were obvious.
The next threw me back in my chair. It was a photo of Renee holding her cum filled panties up to her face with her tongue touching them. It was titled “it looks yummy.”
The next was of her open mouth with an obvious glob of cum puddled on her tongue. This was titled “delicious.”
The next series of photos did not have captions but they were of her naked body. I could see the make up on her face and believed these were taken last night. My dick was jumping out of my shorts as each photo came into view. After about six photos, one of her hairless pussy was on display. It was shaved with a small erect clit. Her fingers were spreading it wide. If I hadn’t already beaten off earlier today, I would have certainly come in my shorts at that very moment.
The next several photos were her using a sharpie marker at the opening of her small pussy. The next she has the marker buried half way in her sweet tight pussy lips. I could barely control myself as I stared intently as each photo cycled across the screen. I watched one by one as the photos popped up. Renee put the marker in her mouth, her pussy again, and even in her ass.
The next photos were of Renee wearing the soiled thong. One of the photos of her bent over wearing them read “daddys cum touching my pussy.”
Another of photo was of Renee pressing the outside of the panties into her pussy with her fingers. The caption read “I want daddy cum inside me.”
The final photo was of Renee facing the camera holding a piece of paper that had writing on it. The writing read “Daddy I want your cum right now” followed by “P.S. Our little secret.”
I hadn’t realized that I had removed my cock from my pants and I was slowly stroking it. I was speechless and in a trance when all of a sudden a familiar sound made me jump. My phone was ringing that was in my pocket. I pulled it from my shorts and answered it. It was Stacey.
“Hey hunny what are you doing?” she said.
“Nothing… Just working. What’s up?” I said surprisingly calm.
“Well we are slow tonight and I’m going to head home early. Do you want me to pick up anything for dinner?” she asked.
As I swiveled my chair around I said “Oh I don’t kn…” I stopped making any sound. When I turned the chair around I saw Renee kneeling on the floor about two feet from the chair. Her eyes fixated on my erect dick that was out on display. I was so preoccupied that I didn’t hear her enter the room.
“Hunny are you there? What’s wrong?” Stacey said into the phone.
“Uh…Uh… Ummm…. Nothing baby… just get whatever you want.” I mumbled while I could barely breathe.
“I don’t know what sounds good… What does Renee want to eat?” she asked.
I slowly rested the phone on my shoulder and looked at Renee. I stammered and barely formed words as I tried to speak. “Your um… mother wants… to know… what eat… I mean, what… what do you want to eat for dinner” I finally said.
Renee on her knees moved up to my body and looked me in the eyes. With a soft whisper she said “I want to eat you cum.” She immediately placed her mouth on the head of my dick taking at least two inches in her warm moist mouth.
I about dropped the phone as I slouched into a sigh of pure pleasure. Renee slowly bobbed her head around my dick for a few seconds before I could hear Stacey shouting my name on the phone.
I put the phone back to my ear and said the only thing that made sense at the time. I said “She’s eating right now. I bet she will be full before you get home.” As the words exited my mouth, Renee smiled as big as she could with my cock in her mouth and she nodded in approval very slow.
I don’t know what else Stacey said on the phone but before I know it she said “Alright then, I’ll see you guys in a few.” And I finished the conversation with a “goodbye.”
I let my phone drop to the floor and I stared into Renee’s eyes as she was blowing me. She closed her eyes and tried to force as much of my dick in her mouth as she could. She gagged only after about three inches and pulled off. She then grabbed my dick with her right hand and lifted it up as she placed her mouth onto my balls. We both moaned in pleasure as she slowly sucked one of my testicles in her mouth and hummed on it. She has clearly been watching her fair share of porn to develop skills like this. She started jerking me with her hand while she sucking on my other nut.
Watching this happen pushed me over the edge. I felt my nuts start to climb as I was seconds away from blowing a big load. Instinctively I shouted “I’m gonna cummmmm…” Like a pro, Renee sat back on her legs and opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out while she continued to jerk me off.
I looked at her face and started to sling rope after of rope of cum towards her mouth. The first shot skipped off her tip teeth and hung from her nose. The remaining cum dumped into her awaiting mouth. After she pulled every drop from my dick, she pooled the cum onto her tongue and lower gums to show me the load in her mouth. A second later she closed her mouth, swallowed, and opened an empty mouth for my inspection.
Without a word, she placed her mouth back on my dick and sucked any remaining cum from my shaft before she backed away and stood up. She smiled at me with a big grin and said happily “it’s much better directly from the source.”
I was in shock and unable to say a word. Renee giggled and handed me a piece of paper and left her bedroom and proceeded down the stairs.
I nervously opened the paper which read “Thank you for the cum daddy. I’ve wanted some for a long time. If you want to give me more, I want you to get me a few things from the adult store on Franklin Street. The list of items is enclosed…”
I folded up the paper and placed it in my pocket. I think letting her have internet access for this long has created a monster. I sat in silent disbelief for about 20 minutes until I heard Stacey pull into the drive. Now what am I going to do?



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A tight circumcision from my Muslim neighbour

A tight circumcision from my Muslim neighbourTime to tell a story. One that’s just happened, recently. My name is Paul. For my 18th birthday, last year, Dad bought me a used Ford, as my first car. Nothing too flash. I shouldn’t have had a beer with my friends because when I returned home alone with my new prize, I made a mistake. We live in a cul de sac dead end street and as I was parking, I scraped the neighbour’s car. Not just any car but my neighbours European Merc. Just a small scratch on...

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Daughter Cum BoobChapter 3

I pounded on the door. "Mark, what are you doing in the shower? Trying to drown the dirt? Hurry up, I need to shave!" When I didn't get an immediate response, I added, "Mark! Do you even hear me?" "Um, five minutes Dad!" Mark's voice sounded strange. "Not a second more!" I demanded. I went downstairs to put breakfast dishes in the dishwasher while I waited. It didn't take me the full five minutes, but I headed back upstairs anyway. I was in for a shock when I got there. Through...

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Forced Circumcision Of A Male Stripper

??    Forced Circumcision Of A Male Stripper?By: Wayne T.????A backpacker travelling the world runs out of money and is forced to look for work to support himself. Not having a visa, he branches out into the sex industry before attending a private party, where he is used for the evenings entertainment. He then receives by force from some of the guests, the fullest male circumcision possible, there and then, of the most tightest and extreme kind. This is in full view and humiliation, in...

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Daughter Cum BoobChapter 5

The first night Mark had been home from college, he had talked me into fucking Lynn while my wife was in the basement doing laundry. I don't know why I ever agreed to do anything so foolish, but it certainly was fun to fuck my daughter bare back again. We had used condoms the few times we had hooked up after Mark had returned to finish up the semester. Even when my wife wasn't in the house, I felt like we were taking too big a chance fucking while Chloe was out running errands and could...

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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 16 The Cummings Sisters

The last three days in the Parnell house had been nothing but nonstop sex. The joke had been that everyone was concentrating on teaching Billy; if so, the last three days had been at a postgraduate level. Toby silently marveled at what had happened over the last few days. First, nobody had worn much clothing since that first full morning. The boys usually wandered around in boxers or shorts; their mothers hadn’t even bothered with that much. Second, the positions and people had been an...

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Granddaughters Questions

"Paw-paw, from a guys perspective, how important is it for a woman to swallow?" my granddaughter asked, shocking me more than I thought possible. Ellie is the oldest child of my daughter and her Baptist minister husband. He's a good man, provides well for his family but we've never seen eye to eye on child rearing. He's a stereotypical domineering father who made her wash off make up, wouldn't let her go on car dates and thinks every guy is going to knock her up. If you saw Ellie, you...

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I'm not pretty, but I'm not ugly either, I prefer short skirts and dark bars as I find men tend to look at my long legs not my face. When I walked into the cozy neighborhood (not my neighborhood) bar I was wearing a very short black satin skirt with a pink nylon shell, underneath a pink bra w/ silicone inserts gave me "a" cup titties, pink panties, slip and garters with cinnamon nylons and 4" black patent ankle strap heels, my auburn wig, pink nail polish and lip gloss completed my outfit....

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The smoothness of the panties felt rather pleasurable around my privates as I drove toward her place. She is a switch who complimented me on one of my stories. We conversed on the Internet, and I admitted that I was also a switch. I told her of my experiences both Dominant and as a submissive. The more the conversation progressed the more my old submissive feelings arose. She evidently sensed that as well. I told her that I’d be willing to be her slave. She consented, but she giggled and said...

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Stepdaughters Have Fun With Their Stepfathers

 On a scorching hot day in July, the courtroom resounded with the final blow of the gavel. I sat there, relief overtook me as the realization of what just happened began sinking in. My now ex-wife stormed out with her lawyer, the judge had ruled in my favor and she walked out with nothing.Elsa, my now ex-wife cheated on me with another woman, and tried to ruin my reputation along with my business by concocting an elaborate scheme. Here claims were unfounded, she accused me of being an adulterer...

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Daughter Cum BoobChapter 4

Mark was glad to be home for Christmas break. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about his sexy little sister Lynn after everything that happened between them and their father over Thanksgiving. He was surprised, but glad that his father's crazy sperm warfare idea actually seemed to have worked. Of course, it could have just been luck. Either way, he had hardly believed it when he got the email from Lynn saying that all was well on the pregnancy front. The message had also made him so...

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Daughter Seduced and Degraded

Daughter Seduced and Degraded  Daughter Seduced and Degraded  By The Jellyman [This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities.? Also, we do NOT advocate that any actions in this story be acted on, and in fact strongly disapprove of anyone who would even contemplate these actions.? This story is complete fantasy, and intended to remain complete and total fantasy.] This story started in late September of Katie?s sophomore year of high school.?...

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Daughters 19 YO Friend Picked Up Hitchhiki

So my oldest daughter has this 19-year-old friend named Caitlin. Caitlin and I have fucked a few times. And my oldest is well aware of it. She really doesn't care. Caitlin is not some innocent little 19-year-old period no. This girl is a cock hound. Maybe she's 20. I think she's actually 20. Either way... Don't be mistaken. She's not some innocent young girl. She is fucking God knows how many people. How do I know this? Given how easy it was for me to get in her pants and based on her skill as...

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Daughter's can be FunMy Daughter came home.We were both ready to go to the toilet by the time I pulled into our drive way, the last stop was for gas and a drink but should have been a full pit stop and it was an hour ago.It would be a race to the down stairs bathroom and Jane was on the right and closer to the door but I had the house keys. Once I unlocked the back door it would be 'all's fair in love and war', there were two ways to get to the toilet.I put the car in park and Jane opened her...

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Daughter Likes To Suck Daddys Love Muscle

Kelly gasped as she saw her daddy's large balls swinging up and smacking against her mother's asscheeks. The man was snorting and panting as he humped on top of his wife like a wild beast. Alice, Kelly's mother, was raking her fingernails across her husband's tautened asscheeks. From the sounds they were both making, Kelly could tell that they were both getting off on this fuck in a very big way. In a matter of seconds, Kelly's little pussy began to drool and her cunt juices flooded her...

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A Cumslut is Born Chapter 2 Tied Cockslave

Julian shivered with the thought. He had never been tied up, but all he could think about was getting that beautiful cock and balls in his mouth. He had no choice but to trust Tonya, if he wanted to taste that sweet man-stick again. "Yes, yes please!" "Hmm hmmm," Tonya chuckled, "I am going to call you cumslut from now on." The name didn't surprise Julian. He suspected that he would become one, if given the chance. He loved cock in his mouth, more than he imagined he would. His first time was...

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Daughter Swap Pool Party

“Grab a beer?” He asked. “I should get home, it’s a little late.” I replied. “Wife hmm? You getting some?” “No, we’ve been separated for a while.” I said. “Sorry man, I didn't know. That sucks. I know all about it. Man, I haven't been laid in six months. My daughter's friends are starting to look really good.” I knew his step-daughter Alyssa well, my daughter Carol had been a friend of hers for years. She was tall, slim and had a cute little rack with long brown hair, blue eyes...

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I found a picture of my 18-year-old daughter posing in a white lace teddy. Her blond hair was curled with dark makeup highlighting her blue eyes. She had on matching white seamed stockings with long heels propping her small legs up. It appeared to be taken in some cheap motel room with her small body standing out against the wild floral patterned background. I couldn't believe my daughter would pose with her legs spread and chest thrust out. I could see her pink nipples and pouty mound showing...

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n the morning, I woke up on my side, Jamie spooned up tight against me. Her fragrant blond hair caressed my face. She held my hand in hers, cupping a firm young breast, the nipple under my thumb. My morning erection was nestled between her buttocks, the upper side of my shaft pressing against her anus. There was no way I could get out of bed without waking her, so I lay there, remembering the passion and guilt of the day and night before.She stirred. “Morning, Dad,” she yawned, pressing my hand...

4 years ago
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Dad?” my daughter asked, as she handed my car keys back to me.“What, sweetie?”“Can I ask you a question?”“Sure.”“It's kind of embarrassing,” she said.“Jamie, you know you can ask me anything. What do you want to know?”“I asked my friends Melody and Kiersten, and they just laughed at me. I don't know who else to ask,” she replied.“Then ask me. If I know the answer, I'll tell you. If I don't, we'll do some research to find out,” I said.“Promise you won't laugh at me?”“Why would I laugh? If you...

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Exposing Louise Frechette as a Filthy Cumslut

Below is the transcript between my self and an Xhamster user named Loufresh. She enjoyed exposure porn, but also never wished to be exposed herself. fisterguy: hi. I love the exposed pics too. can I have some of your gallery passwords?loufresh: for big one it's huren for other it's huren2fisterguy: thanks!loufresh: feel free to comment lolfisterguy: can I post those on tumblr?loufresh: anything you get from mefisterguy: hey! I saw...

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Daughter Takes Side

Julia had not seen her cousins in two years and she wanted to visit them. John took off from work, using Friday and Monday as his vacations days. The plan was for her father to drive her there, stay there Saturday through the night, and drive back home. They started their long journey at noon on Friday. Day One: 3 PM At 3 PM that same day, Ben Newsome went into his office. It was only the second time all day that he actually had some free time. There had been an all-day meeting that just...

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Daughter Swap Part 2 Dads Desire

Yes, as I watched them fucking across the room that night, my daughter’s nineteen year old friend was on the end of my own cock, and that should have been enough. But after that foursome I started to fantasize about putting myself in John’s place, stroking my daughter from behind, filling my hands with her big soft tits, emptying my balls into her pussy. More and more she reminded me of my wife when she was young. She was short, like her mother, with a mane of curly red hair and...

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Daughter Dearest

Recently, my sexuality has been awakened by a most unlikely circumstance. It took me a long time to come to grips with it, but now I'm completely grateful, and I couldn't be happier that it happened the way it did. I haven't had a sex life since my daughter's father walked out on us about 16 years ago. My daughter was almost 3 at the time and I really didn't have anyone to turn to, so I just did what I had to do. Unfortunately, that left little, or no time for me. I don't even think I thought...

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Daughter of the Wood

Daniel peeked out the window and watched his daughter standing next to a car, chatting with the young man who owned it. Though the day’s outing was a civil protest against a factory releasing contaminated wastewater, he could see in the manner of the couple that there was far more than a sense of civic duty motivating their time together.Though she was dressed in a conservative manner, it could do little to hide her natural allure. She had her mother’s willowy, shapely figure, and the same...

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Daughter Shopping mall slut

Introduction: Mom finds out her daughter had sex at the mall...the perfect opportunity to teach her womenly love.Something was going on with her daughter Tatum. Mellissa knew it. Ever since she and had picked her up from the mall she seemed distant, and agitated. She had asked her in the car if everything was okay but Tatum just shrugged. She would sort it out when they got home. For now she would just enjoy the quiet. She looked over at her young daughter and felt it again that twinge deep in...

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I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS STORY I FOUND I didn't become attracted to my daughter until shortly after her eighteenth birthday. It wasn't an attraction that I fought for years, either, telling myself that I had to wait until she was old enough before I began to lust for her. Becky was simply my daughter and, in spite of her stunning beauty, I had absolutely no desire for her as a lover. I don't believe the idea of making love to her ever came to mind. In fact, the only thoughts I had were the normal...

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Daughter goes dogging with mom and dad

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was sitting watching TV when my 18 years old daughter Liana came in carrying the newspaper. 'Hi Dad' she said 'You got a moment'' I turned down the sound on the TV and said 'Yeah, sure. What can I do for you love'' She brandished the paper at me and said 'Look I know you and mom still have some hot times together so I wondered have you ever done this dogging thing there's an article about here'' I smiled and laughed 'Hell yes, Loads of times' Liana...

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Daughter of Eve

by J (Inspired by Fredrick) I suppose I was a bit naïve to think that when my 23 year old daughter, Sara, moved out and into her own small house, that it would mean a reduction in the support that she got from her Mom and me. Not so much financially, as she has a good job and earns more than I, but almost every week since she moved in I've had to go around and do some work on the place. About a month ago, I came to the end of a three week stint, during which time I had wallpapered her two...

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Daughters Hidden Desires

by samslam "Please, Dad. It'll be good for both of you." My daughter's voice is pleading through the phone line. "Besides you always liked Connie." She's right. Connie was my daughter's roommate in college and I always enjoyed seeing her, when she accompanied Karla on her frequent visits home. Now Connie has accepted a position with a local firm and Karla wants me to rent her a room until she can get settled on her own. Karla worries about me since her mother died five years ago. She probably...

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My daughter said, “I've heard about the 'morning-after pill'. Can you get me one? I have another question.”“Jamie, no! I can't do that!” I said.“Do you want to take a chance of getting me pregnant?” Jamie asked.“Of course not,” I answered, “but honey, that's not the point....”“Dad, look. I know this is all strange for you. It's strange for me. I've never done anything with a guy before. I've never let a guy put his fingers in my pussy, or suck on my breasts or my clit. I've never had a real...

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Daughter Loves Black Cock

100% fiction! I was at my wits end, 6 months ago my wife left me and my 18 year old daughter Lea for a black man, my daughter started dating a black man herself a month ago and I was horny as hell with nobody to fuck. Lea's a pretty girl with short brown hair and brown eyes and she wears glasses that make her look oh so innocent. She's 5' 6" tall and a little plump with a nice ass and big tits. She loves to flirt and tease men. Her new boyfriend is named Terrence and he's a 25 year old, big,...

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Cumdump Sheila 8211 The Beginning

Jake didn’t sleep much last night. He kicked the sheets and climbed out of bed with a curse. “That fucking bitch shattered my life, and now she won’t even let me sleep in peace,” he muttered to himself. It’s been more than a month, but he still couldn’t get her out of his head. He wandered around his one BHK apartment, lifelessly brushing his teeth. Then he heard the doorbell ring. He opened the door to find his uncle and his cousin smiling pleasantly at him. Shit! Jake had totally forgotten...

Gay Male
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The TeacherChapter 10 how was it when Ms Cummings left with the police

Lisa said... "Meredith, I'm upsetting your routines enough as it is, go ahead and wear whatever you like ... or not wear anything at all. Please don't change anything on my account. In the wading pool, near the end, I didn't even notice anymore that you were naked. As for Mark, I find it completely normal. I'm still not used to being naked, myself, however and, even though I joined you in the pool this afternoon, at the moment, I'm not sure I'll ever get used to it. I hope you won't...

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Daughter Paid For Daddy8217s Mistake

As Suhana opened the door she found herself looking up into the kindly face of a man in his mid fifty’s. The man was over six foot tall and towered over the seventeen year-old girl. “Hello,” he said. “You must be Suhana. I’ve heard so much about you from your Dad,” he continued. “My name is Mr. Allan and your Dad works for me. Is he home?” “No,” Suhana replied. “He doesn’t get in for another thirty minutes or so.” “Oh,” Mr Allan said. “It’s very urgent that I talk to him. Do you think I can...

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Daughter Makes Dad her Sissy

It had been a difficult past three years for Steve since his wife Amy had left him. She had left without warning. She just picked up one day and took off without even a final goodbye. And she left their daughter Jen with him to raise. Well, that wasn't exactly the story. There had been hints of Amy's frustration for years. At some point, she must have cared for him, but for so long she had lost all feeling for him. After their marriage, Steve had become boring. He gradually didn't want to do...

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Daughter and Dad

______________________________________________________________________________________________ Daughter and Dad His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother were fading from Anita’s memories. Jim had been devastated. His life had become eat, sleep, and work. Although he managed to take care of his daughter’s basic needs, he wasn’t much...

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ngela stood at the head of the casket holding on tightly to her dad’s trembling hand. She was so proud of her father’s indomitable courage. The long line of well-wishers saw only the pretense facade of determined acceptance enlightening the man’s face.This daughter of a tender, sensitive, and passionate man knew her father was holding on to his nerves by only the thinnest of threads. Angela knew how precariously close her dad was to breaking down in tears again.Seeing tears welling in her...

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Daughter Replaces Wifebyspider007©Characters: Hank and daughter Sissy, et alHank's wife dies in a car crash; daughter replaces her as Hank's slut.I just started my senior year in high school exactly one month after my 18th birthday and one year after mom died in a car crash. She and my dad, Hank, were returning from one of their "adult parties" (that's what they called them but I wasn't sure what they were) when they got hit by a drunk driver.Dad's trying to be a good parent but is not...

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Daughter Learns Art Of Massage

This story is purely fiction and my fantasy please do comment and advice me for my next story. I am a professional body builder and to keep myself in shape and my body toned I need regular body massage and I used to visit this place regularly because not only could I get a decent massage but also to get a little something extra if you know what I mean. I had another appointment for massage on that special day as usual I reached and did what I used to do undress lay face down on the table and...

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Daughter Swap Part Three Swap Club

“Things get fun?” I asked “It’s like I mentioned. Some dads like to trade if their girl is into it.” John continued. “I don’t know, Carol and I are pretty new to this.” “All the more reason to get involved. Check out the scene. It’s a brave new world out there.” John said laughing. “The girls have already been talking about it. Carol’s excited to go.” “OK,” I said grudgingly. “I’m in.” The meeting started with the dads and daughters sitting in the living room of a large house in a...

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Jennifers CumPulsion Part 6 First Cum

Jennifer's CumPulsion VI: First Cum ? by: Jennifer James [email protected] Part 1 - Beginnings Every story has to have a beginning, of sorts, and this is mine. I guess it all started many years ago. Before I really even understood what it meant, I had heard about blowjobs and sucking cock from the kids in my neighborhood. One of the neighbor kids had found a deck of those old playing cards in his fathers drawer and had passed them around, and on the back of the cards...

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My name is Ron and like all men I have an almost uncontrollable urge for sex. It’s just the way we are built and just the way the chemicals in our minds work. At an experienced age of 41 my sex life has always been good. I tried marriage once for a few years, and battled with the whole settling down thing. However, my wife at the time didn’t understand my need for sexual adventures and things fizzled out. The only thing that came out of the marriage that I care about and love is my daughter...

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Daughter and Dad part 1

Introduction: Anita seduces her Dad, the only real man in her life This started out as the first of a four-part storyline that I wrote some time ago. I’ve complied it here as a stand-alone story. Consider it as a tease, or a trailer, until the original is fully edited and ready for publishing.His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother...

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Daughter Anita and her Dad

His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother were fading from Anita’s memories. Jim had been devastated. His life had become eat, sleep, and work. Although he managed to take care of his daughter’s basic needs, he wasn’t much of a father for the first 4 years, resulting in Anita almost bringing herself up. Now that she was 18 (almost 19),...

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