Catherine and Alexander
- 2 years ago
- 78
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(Authors note: As this is my first effort I would like express my thanks and admiration for this site, and the many terrific writers I have enjoyed, particularly, Cerberus, The Chairman, Dale10, Steve Dema and V.P.Viddler? ? I hope what I have written has some originality but it is? influenced by the writers I admire: thank you to them.)
The Guys and Me
By Eric Boss
Big tits. Not a subtle beginning but who gives a shit.? Doesn?t mean this fucking stuff isn?t deep or sophisticated, fucking well is!? It takes thought, imagination, fucking deviousness, and planning.? Anyway, big tits, on a fucking cunt.? On a fucking shitty whore cunt.? She had no other name, identity or purpose, she was the possessor of fucking big, firm, meaty tits that didn?t disappear when she was horizontal.? I don?t give a fuck if they are natural or not, so long as they are fucking huge, and extremely sensitive to pain. So, these big tits, massive tits, tit?s that looked totally obscene on fuckable whore - I don?t care what her face is like, since I don?t fancy her, disgusting slag, but if I do happen to glance at the face ? only to enjoy her fucking desire, you understand, her panting, drooling, tongue-lolling, desperate sexual need? ? ?Cock! Fucking filthy big cock!? Please!? Cock, I love cock. Shove it up me! I need cock? etc. - I suppose she?d look like a fucking Barbie doll ? blond, long hair ? I need something for me and the guys to pull her by ? thick lips that look good with the drooling and begging to be fucked.? But she?s never allowed to fucking cum!? No exceptions, ever.? The only point to her disgusting existence is to make sure her cunt is oozing cock-pleasing fuck-slime. And she?s fucking desperate for it.? So fucking funny, eh guys?? She?s gagging for it, sopping wet and never fucking get its!
Listen to the panting whore, ?Anything sir, anything filthy,? revolting or disgusting you want, sirs, I?m the slutty-cunt to do it.? I am, honestly, sirs, I?m a fucking piss-drinking big-titted whore and I?ll eat your shit if you like. Let the dogs piss and shit on my cunt face.? Take me to the farm again, watch me wallow in pig-shit - anything - but please fuck me!? Let me cum, sirs. Please!?? Great, eh?? I find it so fucking funny.?? And me and the guys love teasing her, leading her on, getting her to do ever more disgusting and degrading stuff - sucking the dogs off and eating the dog cum was a highlight ? and we never keep our promises.? She never cums.? Fucking great!? Her only fucking role in life is to be frustrated. And scream.? If by any accident she did cum, me and the guys would probably rip her to fucking pieces - mmmm, I like the thought of that, have fun watching the dogs eat her.? She knows this, but she also knows she has to stay on the edge of orgasm, as long as I?m in the mood.? Her life is pure hell.? I love it.? It really puts me and the guys in a the right frame of mind at the start of an evening when she?s screaming not in pain but in fucking frustration, her temper is so funny, it?s really gets things off to a good start to see her pathetic cursing and stupid threats, then her whimpering and begging, she?s good at this, they all are. Then, of course, we want her in pain, it?s her main purpose.
Anyway back to her tits, her massive knockers, her fucking jugs, her man-pleasing giant melons ? never fucking ?breasts?, it?s a forbidden word, and while I on about it, so is ?pussy?, it?s a ?fucking cunt? right, a ?disgusting fuck-hole?, a ?slit?, her ?nasty fucking twat,? not a fucking ?pussy? ? if she or any of the guys call them that ? I get very angry, and you don?t want to see me angry ? anyway these fucking big tits and this revolting fuck-hole exist only to be hurt ? mildly if I?m not particularly turned on or causing her fucking agony if I?m horny.? Because I like it.? A lot.?
Actually I very much like whipping her cunt, really viciously, or I don?t mind if one of the guys does it, but he has to fucking love it.? Or caning the slit, sometimes.? Also I like to bend back a plastic ruler and snap it right on the cunt.? But that?s mild, only stings.? Preparation for whipping it raw.? Yeah, that?s what I really like, that?s what fucking turns me on, it?s power, naturally, but I love to see one of my guys - who believe me are fucking nasty studs - having fun, I like him to be laughing, sharing a joke with one of the other studs, smoking, having a drink, and whipping her almost casually, causing her fucking agony.? That?s sweet.? Well, it?s what she?s fucking for, isn?t it???? What?s the use of a cunt having a cunt if it?s not to be fucking whipped raw?? Eh mate?? I know you agree.? I love what she?s going through, the unbearable pain and frustration.? Legs held wide and fixed, hands tied, she can?t touch it.? An added sweetness for me it that she craves these hot guys, even more than I do, if that?s possible, she worships their hot young faces, and muscles and big cocks. Fucking cunt!? I want more pain for her.
?What can we do to her, guys?? Come on, be inventive, I want her in more agony than this.?? The guys know that they have to please me, it is not in their interest to displease me.? This evening I only have to think it, and these boys, such good man-whores, are there before me.? One of them is burning her massive tits, repeatedly with his cigarette ? such a beautiful smile, his not hers, and gobbing in her face, she has to say thank you to him, and she means it, she?s so fucked up.
?Oh, I love your spit, I really love it, I love your face, you are so fucking hot, I want you so much, I?d die for you, really, thank you, thank you for spitting on me.? Do it again, please. Treat me like a disgusting whore.? Please!? Burn my fucking big tits.? If? I suffer well for you will you fuck me?? Please fuck me, I want cock!?? She starts yelling the place down.? ?Shove it up me!? Fuck me to death.?? Whimpering again, ?Please, pretty please. Just rub my clit, just a little ??? And variations on this.? Her incessant demands are making me angry, I?m pleased to say.
?Fucking cunt whore!? Hurt the bitch! Whip that fucking cunt!? That?s it, oh yeah, that?s nice.? More, yeah, right on that fucking slit!?? To be truthful she probably cums from the pain ? with all the screaming and jumping it?s hard to tell, but so what, the loathsome fuck-doll is never satisfied, that?s the main thing.
It goes without saying that she?s replaceable, so many fucking young hot whores like her, with big tits ? specially created to please us men ? and now and then I like the guys to go crazy ? kicking her cunt till she?s bleeding mess, it?s really good to watch, they do that tonight ? in instinctive response to me getting angry.? The whip is dropped and they go at it as if they are practising scoring for England.
?Watch this one, mate.? Right up her fucking twat!? Goal!?
I love it when one of them gives it such a fucking swing that his foot gets stuck up what remains of her hole.? Ha!
?Hey, guys, look at the mess this whore has made of my new shoes!??
?Use her hair to clean them, mate, she?s too out of it to concentrate on licking.?? It?s a good laugh. Fuck yeah!?
?Untie her.?? The guys always obey me without question.? She?s left huddled on the floor.? ?Ok, it?s a football match, only the ball don?t move far.?? They get the picture and start kicking the shit out of the big-titted whore.? It gives me really satisfying surge of lust, starting in my stomach and going right to the places that matter. A really big surge of lust is so fucking great, so all embracing, much better than any narcotic, a truly noble human experience in fact, it?s really unfair we can?t be turned on like this every moment of our lives.? Imagine that.? However my guys catch the look on my face and start giving it that extra bit of style, not just brutality but gorgeous, fucking, callous young man cruelty.? It?s fucking lovely.
When she?s unconscious and it?s no fun anymore, they light fresh cigarettes - ?Let?s get a fresh cunt!? one of my young man-whores suggests helpfully and enthusiastically.? ?How about a really young one.? Still with massive tits.? Oh fuck yeah, that?s a great idea. ??It so happens I have one here I fucked up earlier.? He brings her in, screaming nicely already and begging for mercy.? She fits the bill exactly, so young, and fucking huge jugs.? He is adept at dragging her - screaming, by the hair, while carefully holding his cigarette between the fingers of his left hand.? He stands her up, she doesn?t collapse, then he can?t help himself- puts the cigarette back in his mouth and grabs her by the cunt and squeezes so fucking hard ? I love it ? almost lifting her up one handed, he has very strong hands and forearms, fuck does she yell and she lashes out.? ?Oops, big mistake, cunt face.?? He holds her by her front and gives her two or three slaps as hard as he can. Fucking hard full arm slaps.?? It?s gorgeous to watch.
?Fuck yeah!? Slap her around.? That?s it pick her up again, one of you hold her, slap her stupid fucking cunt face.? Use her as a punch bag, guys, you need the practice.??? So sweet watching my hot guys slapping and punching this innocent young cunt.
?Why?? Why are you hitting me??
It?s glorious.? ?Why are we hitting you darling?? Because we fucking love it, we are just fucking cruel handsome bastards who want to slap you around and punch your little-girl guts for no reason.? That ok with you, baby??
?OK, leave some of it for later.? Get her fucking tits out. guys.?? Her top is yanked up. ?Fucking cunt, should learn to make it more convenient for a guy. I?m mean here I am, a fucking horny young man, a virile young stud, and you are making me wait for your fucking big tits?? Look at this shit!? I have to pull up this fucking top and rip this fucking bra.? Not good enough, cunt.? Now that fucked out whore on the floor over there has learnt to be more considerate.? She can?t wait to get her tits out for the boys, and she?s only about five years older than you.? Anyway she?s resting right now, but she?ll give you a lesson in slutty enthusiasm later.? (As things turned out after tonight neither whore would give or receive any lessons every again.)? ?OK, right then, young bitch slut whore.? He stood behind the young cunt. ?Eh mate, allow me to present these fucking big tits.?? He held them out and jiggled them for me and his colleague.
?Wow! How about these then, mate?? Have a good maul. Feel the weight of these babies.? Enjoy yourself mate.? Fucking good tits on this young cunt.?
?Yeah, fucking good, mate.?? I have a handful of them for a moment, needing and pulling those fucking jugs, and then punching them.? Love it.? I finish it off by spitting in her young whore face.
One of my guys says, ?Hold the cunt, mate, I want to burn her nipple!?? Fuck yeah, great move.? ?Here sweetie pie, here little cunt, just going to put this lit cigarette right on your fucking nipple.? Ok, Baby cunt? Right on the end of that fucking big tit.? Oh that?s lovely, oh fuck yeah, push it in, stub it out.? Fucking sweet. I hope she?s in fucking agony.? My guys and this fucking useless, stupid teenage cunt.? Fourteen?? Younger, I hope, but with unnaturally big tits, you?ve got the picture.?
?Oh she?s in pain, poor little thing, I know, get her down on her knees, now hold up those lovely fucking big tits, right up, cunt-face, now let?s piss on her.? Careful guys, don?t get piss on those sharp suits.?? Oh fuck yeah! My guys are so fucking sharp.? Black suits both of them, (cheap ? we get through a lot of clothes) white shirts and ties, knotted big and neat just to please me, one shiny red, one shiny blue and dark glasses. Black hair, muscles forever, not tall, five seven or eight, and smoking.? And thick, dangling cocks out, of course. Long black side-burns, neat, shaved sharp, one guy Mediterranean ? Latin looking,, the other pale as hell but both with luscious cock-sucking lips.? Cigarettes look really good hanging from their lips. And most importantly, they are as depraved as it is possible for a human being to be.? Disgusting, mean, vicious, young man-whores who will do anything I pay them for. They are fucking good at what they do, expert and considerate to my every wish.? They know I like to see them enjoying themselves, and boy do they enjoy themselves.
?Piss in her eyes, guys.? Pin her eyes back.?? ?OK, this is going to be awkward.? Hold her tight.?? ?Listen baby, if you don?t co-operate, it?s going to be a lot worse than a couple of pins through your fucking eyelids.?? It is going to be a lot, lot worse, baby, whether you co-operate or not, but it won?t help the fun to tell her that.? There?s quite a bit of blood and inaccurate jabbing goes on, but I don?t mind that, they are not surgeons after all, just two hot boys having fun.
The suits, nightclub-bouncer, blues brothers-look, I fucking love, of course, not forgetting the silver jewellery and watches on the wrists, diamonds on the ear-lobe, it?s what they have chosen for me tonight, I like them to surprise me.? If they wore something I didn?t like, I would be angry, so they take care to watch me, and take note.? I really like the black leather jacket, t-shirt and jeans look as well, and skinhead, and chav. Oh yes, and a grey trilby at an angle, black wife-beater vest, black jeans and belt and a dangling cigarette.? Fucking sweet!
But the young girl cunt is in agony and despair. How could we forget her?? Let?s give her something to really yell about.? My guys finish pissing in her eyes first, lids fixed open.
?OK boys, entertain me.?
?Our pleasure, boss.?? They can call me, ?Boss,? ?Sir? or ?Master? depending on the mood.? They?ve chosen self-fucking for her.? I?m not a passive observer, by the way.? I stand by them, walk around the action, and grope the guys when I feel like it, or suck their faces or spit in their mouths, or pull on their balls really hard, but I don?t want to spoil their concentration.? They are going to get this young cunt to fuck herself with increasingly large objects.? I don?t like dildos for the cunts, the boys- ?young men? I should say, they are over eighteen ? yes, a smooth black dildo sliding energetically up a hot, young boy arse is quite captivating.? But for cunts ? I don?t think this one?s quite up to a pineapple, not seen enough of my displeasure to know that she really ought to try, but bottles, vegetables, large unwashed turnips, her own shoe?? What a nice idea, one of my guys thought of it.? He considerately gives her the grease, and tells her to get fucking her nasty cunt with her own shoe. (Often my guys start out with one plan in mind and then, as things develop they adapt or abandon it.)
?Get on with it, slut, shove it up there, fucking cunt.?? It?s lovely, her unbelievable horror. She is naturally unwilling but the sight of the bruised and bloodied whore lying nearby, kindly pointed out to her by one of my fantastic young boy-whores, is very motivating.? Incidentally, my guys have decided to remove the pins from the eyelids to help her focus on pushing the shoe up her cunt.
?Shove it up that disgusting hole, slut!?? They know just the right things to say, it?s so sweet.? He grabs her long dark hair for emphasis.? ?And grunt like a pig!? Because that?s what you are, whore!? What are you??
?I?m a pig,?? Good girl.
?Not quite right. Say it with feeling.? Say, ?I?m a fucking pig-cunt whore.?
?I?m a fucking pig-cunt whore, sir.?
?Oh I like the, ?sir??? They both laugh and spit on her face.? They light fresh cigarettes ? I know it?s bad for their health but I do like the street-boy image it gives them, and since it?s only about giving me a fucking hard cock - and I have a fucking wonderful, big, thick hard cock, quite a fucking monster really, but back to the young cunt?s agony and humiliation.? Well ?humiliation? is hardly an adequate adjective is it? But you know what I mean.? Power, fucking power, guys!? Oh my cock is fucking aching, it?s so hard.
She?s got it up her fresh young slit and she?s remembered to grunt but it?s not much of a show.? One of the guys is whispering to her, and smiling at his mate.? I don?t know what he said but suddenly I?m looking at a very young cunt, legs spread, massive tits out, shoving a shoe in and out of her cunt so enthusiastically it?s quite touching, and she?s grunting most satisfactorily.? It?s as if she?s been told her life depends on it.?? The guys start to laugh.? But they catch a look from me.? They know I want more.? Idea - wake up the other whore. They give her the stuff that keeps her from passing out, no matter the pain. I?m not sure what it is, but my man-whores get it, I pay for it and it?s very expensive.? But it?s needed now.? They fix her in the spread position again as I?m going to whip her cunt myself while they shove something bigger up the young cunt?s fuck hole.? ?Much bigger, I don?t care if this is her first time, ruin it if that?s what it takes, get something fucking big shoved up there!?
Sensing my urgency, the guys look round quickly at the objects they?ve assembled for just such a moment.? What can it be?? Now, what would be absolutely the nastiest big thing to shove up a young girl?s cunt?? It?s not easy to decide.? A broken off chair leg?? Too obvious.
While they are looking for the right object I get going on whore tit?s cunt ? what the fuck shall I call the twenty something? pig-cunt?? Who cares?? Just get my aim right, let?s ruin this fucking whore as well! You with me, guys?? Let?s really fucking ruin this cunt, this fucking disgusting slit, her fucking snatch, her whore-hole!? Fuck yeah, whip it, whip it!? I?m putting all my strength into it, still can?t get the level of screaming I want.? Ah, that?s it, just needed to get my eye in, doing it nicely now, landing exactly on the same point each time.? A nice piece of bloody steak.? Fuck yeah, a bright red, bruised and swollen twat!? And screaming beautifully.? Wasteful, you say, to spoil perfectly good cunt?? Come on guys, who cares?? I mean, who fucking cares?? We?re here to enjoy ourselves, hey?? And there?s plenty more, as I said. Fuck yeah!
My boys never let me down - a large, round smooth knob from a banister rail, greased up and ready, she is looking at it disbelievingly.?
?But it?s too big.?? Sweet.
?You?ll be surprised, baby cunt.?
For motivation, the boys are nodding and pointing at
what I?m doing ? whipping an already bloody cunt ? to be precise.? ?It?s going up your fucking cunt, you fucking
whore.?? Not original but exactly to the
point.?? One holds her legs out of the
way the other starts fucking pushing.?
They turn her on her back, cunt up, he
positions it, and starts pushing.? It
won?t fucking go in, but they know better than to fail me.? They try forcing it by virtually standing on
it.? Fucking hard work.
But eventually her fresh young cunt starts stretching and they get it up her
simply by brute force. The large round wooden knob right into
and up her young cunt.? It took a
lot of strength and persistence.? Of
course he tears her doing it, quite a lot, and seems to do something painful to
her pelvis, but who gives a flying fuck, as I said, we are here to enjoy
ourselves, right guys?
There?s much more to come ? it?s like a menu for a banquet, it has to be in the right order and with the right wines and so on.? What comes next may not suit everyone?s palate.? But it?s my menu, right?? Now my boys, my man-whores are not gay, they are fucking studs, but as I said, they are more depraved than you can imagine and will do anything I want, they really get off on obeying orders.? Particularly my orders since they know I know how to get them to enjoy themselves.? The orders thing?? I suppose it?s because it relieves them of the responsibility ? the plea of torturers down the ages.
?Ok boys, time to shit on the young cunt.?? They tie her down which slows things up a bit.? Why, you may ask, introduce scat?? It?s simple, I fucking hate women.? Some of you worship them, I know, and causing them pain is an expression of that love and desire, so you say ? I just fucking despise them.? I might as well be honest about it.?? I mean I love big tits and I love cunts and ass-holes and I love the endless fun we can have with them, and I really love watching cunts squirming, desperate for cock, I just hate the fuck out of the actual women.?? So let?s shit on them!? Are you with me, guys?? Quit at this point it you want, but for those who don?t - let?s get them to fucking eat our stinking shit.? So that?s what my two gorgeous men are doing to this fourteen-year-old fresh big-titted whore at the moment.? Lowering their sharp suit trousers and pants, and squatting, over her face, It?s beautiful to watch. I love the fact that they know they have to shit for me, when I order them to. They know they are degrading themselves as well, but they fucking do it!? They force themselves to love it, they tell themselves they are fucking up the young cunt, but they are just as fucked up themselves, fuck yeah!? Power, like I said.? Beside, I have very wide tastes, and I fucking love watching the turds slide out of their hot young holes. They turn back towards me so I can see their faces at the same time.? I have been known to eat their hot man-shit myself, yes, I have, well just a sniff, a lick and a small bite rather, from a plate, with a white napkin and a glass of wine. I make these two guys watch me, lying on their backs fucking themselves with the biggest dildoes they can take. I sample their shit solely to set the standards for them to emulate, and my standards of depravity, filth and degradation are very, very high, as you will see.? As they watched me taste their boy shit and wash it down with wine I made them recite a mantra ? ?We are fucking low-life boy-whores.? We are are fucking disgusting boy-sluts. We want filth, more filth and ever more revolting filth.?? They were a touch embarrassed at reciting this over and over to begin with, but they got a hint of my anger and they soon put their hearts into it.? It?s quite a charming scenario, don?t you think?? But for the moment what is more beautiful than watching my two fucking hot guys shit on this young big-titted whore?s cunt-face? Now it?s the second one?s turn. They save it up for me, such thorough planning, big turds landing on her poor pretty young face.?
?That?s it, boys, get it in her disgusting mouth-hole. Oh and bang that wooden ball up more into her cunt, don?t forget that.? Fuck yeah, shove that further up the cunt!? Oh yeah, really nice.? Well done boys.?
Toilet paper? ? her hair of course, but they have to use tissues to finish off.? Oh, what a nice touch, shoving the shitty tissues in her mouth.? I?m particularly fond of them doing this to the really young ones ? their horror and disbelief makes it really entertaining.? Much more than the cunt I?m whipping bloody now, because of course this bitch?d eat any man?s shit if she thought he?d put his cock up her revolting fuck-hole.
Time to move on.? You will have gathered by now, guys, that I?m really into my own two guys.? The violence, the tortures, the horrors we are putting the cunts through just wouldn?t be half as much fun without these two fantastic young men helping me.
?Take the trousers and shoes off completely now, boys.?
They do so, looking at each other with curiosity.? I want them to fuck this shit covered young cunt.? When I tell them, their isn?t the slightest hesitation, just a moment where they get themselves in the right frame of mind ? so fucking nasty, so fucking filthy, one at each end of this shit smeared fourteen year old beauty. They have to yank the round knob thing out of her cunt first.? This involves getting a hand up the cunt with a screw eye to be screwed into the end of the wooden knob, then threading? a rope through the screw eye. Et voil?!? Pull hard..? But she just slides on the shitty floor, however my resourceful boys solve it ? the other one stays back and holds her hair.? So for a few moments I am treated to the exquisite sight of a fourteen year-old cunt lying in her own shit and screaming while her hair is held pulled by one of my gorgeous young guys at one end - using all his strength ? arm muscles bulging, and at the other end my second gorgeous young guy pulling with all his strength - his muscled legs pressed against each of her wide spread thighs - to get this wooden knob out of her previously fresh young cunt? mmm, nice, and suddenly the thing comes out with a satisfying and bloody plonk plus an ear-splitting scream from the young cunt.? And then they fuck her, mouth and ass.? They fuck ?it? rather.? ?Her? might be misinterpreted as showing even a glimmering of respect for the cunt, right guys?? And boy do they fuck the young slut. It?s like a disgusting big-titted doll between them, it?s fucking wonderful.? I don?t mind the shit smell, or the blood, it?s part of it, it?s the depravity and my boy?s total willingness.? There should be international prizes in disgusting, filthy activity.? They deserve it.? The Nobel Prize for amazing inventiveness in filth!?
?Well done, fuck-boys!? Fuck her brains out.? Fuck it to death!? Shove it up her!? They change ends, and pause to suck each other?s tongues out of their mouths. Oh fucking hot boys, is there no end to the delight these two hot men give me?? I suppose I should give some credit to the young cunt since without her I wouldn?t be enjoying my two boys' manliness, but what the hell, she?s a cunt, and that?s all.? My cock is hard and leaking, which is all that matters, and there?s still so much to come.? I see her fucking big jugs dangling and it irritates me that they are not hurting.? They fucking should be, it?s what they are for.? I give them a few kicks from the side to get rid of the feeling.
I know my guys would appreciate a cigarette now, so not wanting to interrupt the fucking I pass them their packets and lighters.? They light up, still with their cocks up the shit-hole and in her shitty mouth hole.
?Thanks, boss.?? They look superb.? So fucking fit, muscles everywhere and fucking a fourteen-year-old shit covered cunt.? Brilliant.? I pause to piss on the other cunt, right on her slit, it reminds her of the pain.? The two guys laugh, I like to entertain them as well.
?Turn that cunt over, so you can be burning her fucking tits, you?ll have more fun.?
?Thanks, boss, we should have thought of that.?? They pause to turn her on back.? ?Open your mouth, whore, I need an ash tray.?? She does as she?s told of course.? He burns her fucking tongue.? Such style.? I?m beginning to get some satisfaction from this young cunt?s agony now.? ?Now which tit shall I decorate first??? Which of these two fucking huge tits am I going to start work on??
?Start on the one I didn?t use earlier, mate.?
Ok, mate, here goes.?? And he does it - short jabs with the glowing end, just enough to keep her jumping.?
?Great feeling in her bloody cunt from that mate, keep it up.?? He does.? I open a couple of cans of beer for them and hand them to them. No, bottles ? I hand them bottles, they look cooler.
?Thanks boss.??
?Just keep hurting the cunt, and fucking her brains out.?? I switch the TV on, a football match, I know the boys like that. They?ve kept their white shirts on, a bit shit and blood spattered now, but the collars are still immaculate and look good turned up, with their silky ties hanging loosely round their gorgeous necks.? Drinking beer from the bottles, smoking, watching football, shouting at the TV and two-end fucking a fourteen-year-old shit covered cunt.? Heaven.
?Don?t forget her tits, boys.?
?We won?t, boss.? Eh mate, burn the fucking cunt?s tits.? You heard the boss, let?s ruin these fucking tits.?? My guys are so hot talking like this.? It didn?t come naturally to them, this concise coarseness, but they practised, and now, provided they think before they speak they usually get it just how I like it.
?Fuck yeah!? Bit sore, are they sweetheart?? one of my fantastic man-whores said to the shitty young cunt. It was a bit hard to understand the fucking whore?s reply as he had his rock solid cock jammed right down her fucking throat.
?Fucking suffocate the cunt!?? I yelled this as I cracked the whip down with all my strength on the other cunt?s bloody cunt.? Fuck yeah!? Meanwhile, one of my admirable man-whores told the young cunt to wait a minute, he?d need to light up again.?
?Oh baby cunt, let?s slap those fucking sore big tits in the meantime, shall we?? And he did, but then he had another cigarette on the go.? Her huge fucking knockers were looking really nasty by now.? I love it.
It?s all about cock, don?t you agree, readers?? It?s just the fucking hard cocks that matter, My fucking magnificent, big thick cock, and yours, big or not, it?s still the most important fucking thing in the universe.? Fucking cocks!? Fuck yeah!? I?d already decided that we were probably going to end this session with the two cunts dead anyway.? Might be more, depending on what surprise Joe had for us.? I usually arranged for him to come later, sort of like dessert.? He himself was fucking beautiful, such a fucking hot man, so fucking male, so fucking gorgeous that he left me weak at the knees so he didn?t need to bring anything but himself, but he was very resourceful and he often brought something extra to add to the fun.?
Incidentally, I never bothered myself with the ?remains, apart from the activity beforehand,? I enjoy? the gory bits, you know, pulling them limb from limb, sawing off bits in front of their eyes, burning the tits off with blow lamps, that sort of stuff, the actual cleaning up was taken care of for me.? Don?t know how, but you know my guys.? And while I?ve paused, just to make myself perfectly clear, I suppose you?d say I was bi-sexual.? I wouldn?t. I would say I?m just sexual, and as I said my guys are just sexual:? I happen to hate cunts, that?s all, and glory in the male of the species.? Cunts are there to arouse us and satisfy us, nothing else.? But men are fucking wonderful, all men, even the ugliest man bastard isn?t a fucking female. He has that going for him at least.? So let?s hear it for men.? Cocks forever!?? A bit over the top, but then I do have a fucking raging hardon.
Right on cue, Joe came in.? I say ?Joe? came in, I don?t know his name, I never call him anything except, ?Mate,? fucking love that word, or ?Boy? or ?Stud? depending on the context.? Now, I am going to describe Joe, because looking at him turns me on, his whole personality is a fucking turn on. Just seeing him across a room is fucking thrill. Some of you will find this a bit gay ? tough tits, I couldn?t give a shit, if you don?t appreciated masculinity that?s your loss.? Same age as my two fantastic man-whore-boys, but couldn?t be more different.? Those two cultivated a mean look, they worked on their sadism, and depravity, practised it and honed their talents.? But in their faces was a youthfulness, a vulnerability, a little-boy lost look even, along with a hint of total debauchery, and it was the contradictions that were precisely such a turn on.? But Joe was just fucking mean, unbelievably fucking cruel, inhumanely contemptuous of cunts, and also totally fucking disgusting when he wanted to be..? Blond, almost a champion body builder, not tall, crew cut, dresses in a vaguely military style, likes to show off his biceps and pecs, and he smoked cigars.? Fucking wonderful. He looked American but he wasn?t, he had a very appealing South London accent.? He wasn?t full lipped, his mouth was fucking thin and mean. He had a holdall with him, something else as well, or somebody rather, but I?ll leave that till later.
The two other guys greeted him.? He waved and said, ?Boss,? to me with a nod.? He took in the fun the guys were having with the young cunt, and went to stand by the TV, not blocking their view.? The young cunt?s tits were so fucking burned, the guys were obviously turned on by her agony and were really fucking the teenage bitch hard, they had just changed ends. .? My guys? Don?t you just love ?em??? The evening was going really well.? Joe handed me something.? I rarely gave Joe orders, he knew who was the boss, but he appreciated me letting him take the initiative.? I had stopped whipping the cunt?s cunt when Joe came in.? What he gave me was a packet of salt.?
?Thanks, Joe.?? I opened it, turned and sprinkled the lot over whore-cunt?s bloody cunt. That got her screaming nicely.? Joe fished his enormous thick cock out of his camouflage pants and went over to whore-cunt?s face end.
?We?re going to fucking snuff you tonight, whore-cunt, so you might as well be fucking useful in your last hour or two.? Keep that fucking mouth open, bitch!?? She had a problem not only in obeying the instruction but in understanding words, after all she was in a state of sublime whore-agony - ruined cunt, burned tits,? a few ribs and bones broken ? but who gives a shit?? She was however being kept conscious by the stuff my two fantastic man-whores had shoved into her earlier.? So he just pissed on her face, mouth, eyes, ears, hair. To give her her due, she did stick her tongue out to lap up some of the man-piss cascading on her fucking disgusting whore face.? It was reassuring that she still remembered to degrade herself.? He held his fucking great, thick cock with one hand while pissing on the cunt and smoked his cigar with the other.? You will have noticed that Joe knew I was going to use this bitch up tonight, without me saying, he could tell from the subtlety of the mood in the room. Ha!? Then finished pissing on the cunt, he gave it a couple of shakes and left it hanging,? he stubbed out his cigar on her tit and walked over to his holdall.? ?Got something you might like, Boss.?
?You mean apart from the terrified teenager you left tied up over there??? I told you he?d brought somebody else.
?Yeah boss, I mean this.?? He drew out of his holdall a large, flesh coloured dildo.? Now I told you I don?t like using dildoes on cunts, too tasteful, I prefer to improvise with an old vacuum cleaner tube or anything nasty I can stuff up their fuck-holes.? But I?d make an exception with the one Joe was holding ? carefully.? He was holding it by the base as he had somehow managed to embed a dozen or so razor blades in it, up and down it?s length and round it?s considerable width.
?Fucking hell, boss!? said one my guys fucking the young cunt.? He came at that moment, up the young cunt?s shit-hole.? ?I?ve fucking cum, you?ve made me fucking cum, you bastard Joe.?? We laughed.
?Too much imagination, mate,? I said.? My fantastic man-whore who?d just shot his bolt stood up, and went over to the face end of the other cunt. ?Lick my cum and shit-covered cock, whore,? this amazing boy-whore said to the other cunt. He spat in her eye for emphasis, great gob of it.? She did her best to clean his wonderful fuck pole. My other fantastic man-whore quickly moved to the vacant cunt end of the young cunt and shoved his great cock up her shit-hole.? Joe was still holding the lethal dildo.
?Which cunt?s hole, boss?? Joe asked respectfully.
?Oh let?s stick it up the teenage slut.? But don?t do it slow, get the tip in and then bang it up the cunt.?
?Boss,? said my fantastic boy-whore who was enthusiastically fucking the young cunt up the shitter, ?you?ve made me cum as well.?
?The hint of a bit of excitement and you lose it as well.? Need more control, boys.?
?Sorry, boss.?? They both suddenly looked worried.?
?Well now you?ve both cum you won?t be able to fully enjoy Joe?s work now.? Watch the fucking football match while we get on with it.?
?Really sorry, boss.? It won?t happen again.?
I gave them a look.? Joe dragged the young cunt slut by the hair to where her could tie her up properly.? He had to slap her around a bit because the fucking young whore tried to fight him.?
?Ok Joe??
?All under control, boss.?
?Oh boys, on second thoughts because you both shot your loads without my instructions you can be part of the? entertainment yourselves. I want a gay show from you.? Just kissing and cock-sucking.? But make it fucking passionate, you don?t want to see me angry.?? The two fantastic boys in white shirts with their collars turned up and the ties still draped around their necks paused momentarily.? It wasn?t hesitation, it was the same as when I ordered them to fuck the shit covered young cunt, they just took a moment to get into the right frame of mind.? It didn?t come naturally to them, they were straight, but they both loved filth, obviously, and this to them was just another level of depravity. They took a decision to sink into the cesspit of fucking gay sex, and boy did they sink. They forgot the football match and lunged at each other.? Sucking face and pawing their hot, young muscular torsos.
?Got the young cunt ready, Joe??
?Almost, boss.?
?I?m just going to shove this bannister knob up the other cunt, we had it up the young one earlier.?
?Ok, boss, sounds good.? I?ve got some of that irritant in the bag, if you want to try coating it with that.?? Joe was always inventive.? I used the gloves.
Poor pathetic slut, she looked almost grateful at first.? What with the blood it went up this one with just a bit of shoving.? I suppose the salt and the wounds from the whipping must have made it really very uncomfortable.? It wasn?t long before she was squirming around and screaming as if her cunt were in flames.? I suppose it was, burning from the inside and the outside.
So there?s the scene, two fucking hot straight boy-whores pawing and groping each other, falling over themselves in nasty gay sex, and a big titted twenty something whore writhing in agony from a huge wooden knob covered in a hot, itchy substance, shoved up her salted and ruined cunt, and a cute, fresh fourteen-year old cunt, still a bit shitty, spread out waiting to have a razor blade covered dildo banged up her.? We were sizzling!? I high fived Joe.
?Let?s do it.??? We were ruining the fucking slut whores.? We were doing want we wanted with the cunts.? Doing it for the sake of our cocks. Our glorious fucking cocks.? Our fucking wonderful masculinity.? The two boy-whores weren?t aware of the two fucking sluts, barely aware of me, except they knew in their hearts they were pleasing me, and that gave them satisfaction.? These two fucking big-titted whores were sacrifices to the god of cock. But enough of rhetorical shit.? Shove it up her!? And Joe did.? Fuck yeah! Up her fourteen year old cunt!? He was wearing strong gloves.?
?Now pull it out and do it again.?? So he did.? And again and again.? Her screams were terrific. I called my two guys over. They came still groping each other.
?Suck Joe?s cock while he fucks the cunt with the razor-dildo.?? The other one had to lick my cock but not suck it. Worship it, slobber on it, and deny himself the pleasure of sucking on my big, thick slab of meat.? They were on their knees instantly and went at it with enthusiasm, slobbering and moaning ? they know I like that, clever boy-whores.? Of course the fantastic man-whore (I like changing between ?man? and ?boy?, subtleties of the power relationship, sometimes it feels better to call them ?boys? because it emphasises their youth and therefore makes it even more disgusting for me, and when I call them ?man-whores? I enjoy my power over them.? Just thought I?d explain in case you were confused) well, the fantastic man-whore who was going at Joe like a fucking hoover was in the way of the blood, but he didn?t object one little bit.? Fucking depraved my guys, or what?? I told you they deserve an award.? There wasn?t actually as much blood as you might think.? The razor dildo was crimson and dripping but from her cunt itself, torn admittedly but we hadn?t whipped this one remember - it just sort of kept oozing.? I fucking love it.? Keep it up, guys.?
What about the teenager tied up in the corner?? Had you forgotten?? Or did you think I?d forgotten the extra surprise Joe brought with him.? Well, I think he was in a state of shock.? Oh dear, yes, Joe brought a black teenage boy.? And I or we rather, are going to fuck him up.? ?I thought you hated women, not teenage boys?? I hear you say. ?Oh, he?s a fucking pedo!?? Well either read on or fuck off. Can I just say you probably wouldn?t call me names to my face, ok?.
For those of you men still with me, let me explain.? I am not a nice man, I am a very nasty man. Nastier than you thought, but I have given one or two clues. I fucking hate women and use them for my entertainment ? I?m lucky to have my guys and other resources to do that, but occasionally I also like to corrupt a teenage boy.? Joe knows this and is particularly good at assisting me.? So for the moment this kids? abject terror is adding an extra edge to the turn on for me.? Corrupting boys may seem to go against my glorification of the cock, but not really if you think about it.? It actually increases the feeling of manliness to reduce the young bearer of fresh cock and arse-hole to a whimpering cock-sucking boy-whore.? Particularly when he had no fucking thought that this was his destiny.? I?m not the slightest bit interesting in using older cock-sucking faggots - fucking loathsome perverts with no appreciation of female cunt-meat.. But this prime fresh black male meat that Joe has acquired for me, and he is prime ? a fit, teenage black boy, as young as the girl, maybe younger - he is going to be used to help us deepen our enjoyment of our own masculinity.? Tonight he will partake in depraved, disgusting, filthy lewd behaviour, to begin with against his will, but after an hour or two he will be loving it!? Wallowing in teenage boy lust, eager and panting, tongue-out drooling for cock and arse, piss, shit and blood ? and vomit, don?t let?s forget vomit.? It?s a wonderful sight to behold.? Don?t believe me?? Just wait. He?s going to be ruined far beyond what we are doing to the cunts.? Besides they?ll be dead, but this black boy-slut will live with what he has done.?? Fuck yeah! Oh, and I?m not a racist, I believe in the equality of all men of whatever colour or race, but I shall use fucking racist language to humiliate the boy. Fuck yeah!
Joe is still razor-dildo fucking the fucking young cunt withmso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt'>
?Fuck yeah! You fucking whore, you shitty useless piece of fuck-meat.? How d?you like this up your stinking cunt!?? Shove!? I do like Joe?s vocabulary.
?No more fucks for you, cunt.? So you?d better enjoy this.? You fucking cunt!?? Shove. Shove. Shove.? Repetitious but enjoyable nonetheless.? I lean over and tap him on the shoulder.
?Yes, boss.?? He stops immediately.? ?Something wrong??
?No, on the contrary you are doing it perfectly.? I?ve had another idea, that?s all.? Drop the razor-dildo now.? Get your cigar glowing nicely and shove it up her.? I?ve got more cigars for you.?
?Will do, boss.?? He takes the cigar from his mouth, looks at the tip, blows on it gently, then holds her bloody cunt open.
?Got to be careful the blood doesn?t put it out immediately, boss. Got to get enough space.?? He performs the actions carefully and I?m sure, from her reaction, the blood didn?t douse the lit cigar up her cunt for quite a few minutes.? Long enough for us all to enjoy it.
I get the guys up from cock-sucking and cock-licking. I am specific, ?We need to enjoy hating the cunt more, guys.?
?Fuck yeah!? Fucking hate the fucking cunt-slut whores.? Fucking hate them!?? We all spit on her, sort of a spitting contest. Joe fucking lays into her massive fucking tits with an extended car aerial ? from his holdall -? with terrific accuracy. His muscles look fucking fantastic and her agony is stupendous.? She?s young enough to be writhing and bouncing up and down with very gratifying energy.? A ruined and burned fourteen year-old cunt, fucking huge tits all burned as well, and now viciously stripped too, thanks to Joe?s skill.? After a few minutes, it?s no where near sufficient, as you can imagine.
?Get the black kid over here.?? He?s pulled over, whimpering and begging.? ?Not going to hurt you boy, you just have to have a look at this cunt.? OK, kid this is a cunt, a fucking cunt.? What is she, nigga boy.?
?A fucking cunt.?
?A fucking cunt, sir!?? Joes punched him in the stomach, very hard.
?What is she??
?A fucking cunt, sir,? he gasped.
?Good. Now, we despise fucking cunts.? So spit on her.?? He does.? ?Again, a lot?.? He spits on her over and over.? He?s intelligent, that?s a good thing.? ?Blow your nose in your hand.? Rub that on her fucking face.?? He does.? ?You like tits, nigga boy??
?Yes, sir.?
?Good.? Now these are a bit of a mess, but you can still see that they are fucking huge.? You like fucking huge tits on a cunt, nigga boy??
?Yes, sir.?
?Say it.?
?I like fucking huge tits on a cunt, sir.?? It?s great to hear an innocent young teenage boy being so coarse.
?A boy after my own taste, good.? Slap them silly, nigga boy.? Go on, really put all your strength into it.?? He does it, very efficiently actually, considering he?s a novice at attacking tits.
?Well done.? Get your cock out.?
The look in his eye says he is thinking of disobeying.? I look at Joe.? The kid gets his cock out quickly.? ?Piss on those fucking ruined big tits,? nigga boy.?? He does.? He can?t start immediately because it?s a rather tense situation for him, but he eventually produces a healthy stream of boy piss.? It makes the cunt squeal like a pig, must have been sore or something.
?Up onto to her fucking disgusting young cunt face, nigga boy.?? He does so.? When he finishes he shakes it and goes to put it away.?
?No.?? He leaves it hanging.? ?Listen nigga boy, and learn.? Cunts are for fucking and hurting, fucking and hurting. Nothing else.? Right??
?Yes, sir.?
?Let me ask you something else.? Are we fucking men or pussies??
?You are men, sir.?
?Fucking right, nigga boy.? We are fucking hard, nasty men,? What do you think of us??? Nigga boy paused, wondering what the right answer was.? Obviously he knew he had to compliment us, but what sort of compliment.? He opted for the simple truth.
?I think you are the most cruel men I?ve ever seen.??? We laughed loud at his sincerity.? I nodded at Joe.
?Look at my fucking muscles boy,?? Joe flexed for him.
?Fucking awesome, sir.?
?You want to be a man, nigga boy??
?Yes, sir, I want to be a man, sir.? He decided he needed to emphasise his statement.? ?Fuck yes, sir, I want to be a man.?
?Ok, start by learning to hate fucking cunts..?
?Ok, I?ll try, sir.?
?We do fucking hate them, nigga boy.? You are certain you agree with us?? You do think we are right, don?t you?? Well, your cock thinks we are right.?? It was getting nicely erect, but as you may know, cocks can get hard from extreme fear as well as arousal.? But it served our purpose of planting the seeds of corruption in his young mind.
?Yes, sir.?
?What?? Say it.?
?I think you are right, sir, cunts are for fucking and hurting, nothing else. We fucking hate fucking cunts, sir.?? He said this with great conviction and I was ninety per cent convinced he had just discovered some extreme feelings in himself.? I thought of a test.
?Ok fucking young nigga boy, this is what you do to this disgusting young white cunt.? Stick your hard black cock up her shit-hole, there nothing left of her front fuck-hole worth fucking,? and shag the fucking cunt with all your strength.? Fuck her brains out, nigga boy.? I want to see you hating the fucking whore.? OK, nigga?? Grab onto those fucking huge ruined tits and shag the cunt till you cum up her. Well, what are you waiting for, nigga??? His eyes showed a mixture of horror and excitement.
?You heard the boss, nigga?,? said Joe. ?Prove you?re a fucking man, not a black pussy boy!?
?I?m not a pussy boy, sir.? Not me.?? And he leaned over, grabbed the whore?s tits, and rammed into her shit-chute.? The guys and I stood round to give him encouragement.? I particularly wanted him to enjoy himself because he sure as hell would not enjoy what was coming next.? We spat on the whore and urged him on.
?Well nigga, what do you think of this young whore?? What?s your considered opinion of this young cunt with her ruined tits and her bloody fuck hole.?
?She?s a fucking mess, sir, she probably fucking deserves it though, she?s just a fucking whore, sir.??
?Good, but think on this - you?re a fucking, young black, that?s low enough ? ?his face showed he understood the insult fully ? ?but she is a young white cunt.? Now you?ve got a great black young cock,? - he was suitably flattered ? ?she?s nothing but a fucked up white cunt.?? He understood my drift totally.
?You fucking white bitch!? You fucking white piece of shit!?? This said in his only just broken teenage boy voice, was delightful.? ?You should be fucking grateful to have my black cock rammed up you!? Eh?? Fucking whore!?? He was a natural.
?Fucking good, nigga boy!? Fucking good!?? We slapped him on the back.
?Have you cum up her, nigga??
?Yes, sir.? I?ve shot my load up the fucking white cunt?s ass hole.?
?OK.? Now you are going to entertain us.? You won?t like it, to start with, but I advise you to obey me and my guys without question.?
?I understand, sir.?
?Get all those clothes off.? Quickly.?? Joe stayed near at hand, my other two gorgeous man-whores made themselves comfortable.? ?Hands behind your head, bend your knees slightly and stick your cock out.? Waggle it for us, there?s a good young black puppy.?? One of my guys had put on some music.? ?Well??? I told you this black kid was intelligent - he started to move for us.? ?Turn round, stick your ass out, arch your back, put both hands on your butt cheeks and spread it, show us your nigga-boy fuck-hole.?? He did it.? He obviously didn?t agree with the terminology but he did it.? ?Lick your fingers and see how many you can get up there.? Look at us, nigga boy, while you suck your fingers.?? A fit, fourteen year old black kid, with his fingers up his black fuck hole ? mmm nice.? ?Really dig in that fucking shitty nigga hole, boy.?? Motivated by what he had witnessed this evening so far, he was, to be fair, putting on a very enthusiastic show for us.? Now the real trick was to get him to enjoy it.? That would happen soon enough.? ?Any shit up there, nigga??
?Yes, sir.?
?Good.? Now shit for us, like a good little disgusting nigga boy.? On the floor, where you are.? Don?t squat down, we want to see it drop from your hole, nigga slut-boy.? Just keep your knees bent a little. Good.?? He was so fucking terrified he was going to shit himself anyway.? ?Turn round and spread your ass open with your hands.? In fact put your finger-tips either side of your hole so you feel the shit as it drops, there?s a good nigga cunt-boy.?? He did it.? A luscious black teenage turd slid out of his nigga fuck-hole and dropped to the floor with a satisfying plop.? ?Mmm, tasty, nigga boy.?? It was followed by a second, just as tasty.? My two naked guys were concentrating furiously, they knew they had to stay with me in the pits of nastiness, they knew at any minute I might ask them to do something utterly disgusting, and they had to be ready to enjoy it ? a real skill, but they were experienced and knew how to stay prepared. The looks on their faces were divine, such fucking depravity!? Joe on the other hand was smoking a cigar, standing near the kid, looking as if this was the most normal thing in the world.? ?Now you are not going to like this, nigga boy, but if you don?t want Joe to put his lit cigar up your fuck-hole ??? Joe blew on the end of the cigar, ?and you don?t, do you nigga boy??
?No sir.? Please don?t tell Joe to put his lit cigar up my fuck-hole.? I?ll do whatever you want.?
?Eat your shit, nigga boy.?? My two naked guys high fived each other and cheered, and they leapt to lick and slurp all over my fucking big cock and balls.? Nigga boy hesitated too long: Joe grabbed the kid by the back of the neck and plunged his fucking black whore-boy face into his own shit!?? Fuck yeah!? He screamed and gagged but he licked and slurped at that pile of fresh, nigga boy shit.? ?Not fast enough.?? Joe pinched his nose tight, his mouth opened and Joe shovelled the shit in, all of it.
?Chew it up, nigga boy!? he said.? ?Chew it up.?? He wiped his shitty hand on the kids hair and body.? I had such a fucking surge of lust, I let one of my guys suck me, like a fucking hoover.? Right down his fucking gorgeous throat.? Then the black kid threw up, as we knew he would.? Joe held him while he heaved.? He was smiling.? I told my guys to back off for a minute.? We let the boy recover briefly.
?Now eat the vomit, nigga boy.?? Just saying this gave me the surge I wanted, my two guys were there to serve my cock.? Still a long way from cumming.? So much more on the menu.? And then Joe did something so gloriously fucking disgusting, so unbelievably nasty that the guys and me were dumbstruck with admiration.? He held the boy face down in his sick but put his own face down by the side of his head and sucked up a huge mouthful of the boy?s shitty vomit himself? Then pulling the black kid?s head back and holding his nose - he was forced to open his mouth - he spat out the vomit into the kid?s face-hole.? Fucking wonderful!. Then he did it again and this time dribbled the vomit into the mouth and the next time he gave the boy a slobbering shit and vomit kiss.? Sucking his tongue and then running his own tongue round nigga boy?s full lips.?
Then the thing happened.? Anyone but I might have missed it but I saw it happening,? The start of his submission.? The nigga fuck-boy sort of sagged in Joe?s grip, he gave himself up to the sensation, just for a very brief moment he admitted he was a disgusting low-life, for a second he enjoyed Joe?s shitty kisses, he fucking enjoyed it.? I leapt up and whispered in his ear while Joe was sucking his shitty and vomit mouth.? ?This is who you are, nigga boy.? You?re just a disgusting black whore boy!? You not fucking man like us?? Here you are eating your own shit and it?s turning you on.? A hot muscle guy is sucking your fucking thick nigga lips and you love it. You didn?t know till tonight, did you?? But you do now, give in, nigga whore-boy, this is who you are.??? Tears were flooding down his beautiful, young black face.? Joe asked him the all important question?
?Are you a fucking man, nigga boy??
?No, sir, I?m a fucking disgusting low-life nigga boy-cunt.?
?Fuck yeah!? said my fucking amazing Joe, ?you certainly are one disgusting boy-cunt.?? Joe continued sucking up the sick and giving it back to the boy until all of it was back inside the kid.? Then the little black boy-cunt threw it all up again.? Joe simply took off his belt and fucking viciously beat the kid, calling him the appropriate names, till he had sucked it all up again.? This time he somehow kept it down.? Time for confuse-a nigga.? My two guys deserted my cock ? Joe sat by me and casually treated me to a hand job ? anyway my two fit hot naked guys were now all over the nigga boy.? One at the face end, one at the other, Sliding their hot bodies over his dark skin.? Caressing him, soothing him, kissing away his tears, sucking his cock and balls, licking his hot black boy hole, moving all over him. Telling him how beautiful he was, what a gorgeous, hot young black pussy-boy he would make.? It was a touching sight. Hot mouths, wet tongues, hands, cock and arse-holes.? And the nigga boy lapped it up.? How could he not, two hot men lavishing all this attention on his hurt young body?? Almost certainly not knowing if he was conscious or not, on his head or his heels, even alive or dead, he was kissing them back for all his was worth, which wasn?t much - expendable little black fuck-boy that he was.? They manoeuvred him over to me and put his hot, black-boy mouth on my huge cock.? He looked up at me.? A gorgeous, innocent young black face.
?This is your destiny, nigga boy.? Worship the great god cock, slut boy.?? And he did.? The guys and me exchanged smiles.? Joe went over to the older cunt, who was moaning quietly, I knew he wanted to liven things up in that area.
?Blow torch or crow bar, boss???
?Oh, crow bar for the that cunt, leave the blow torch for the younger whore.?? The black slut-boy was doing good work on my thick meat. One of my guys was under him sucking his sizable black teenage cock, the other was sticking his tongue up his black boy hole as far as he could.? Considering this kid had probably never done anything except wank before this evening, the kid?s responses were pretty impressive.? He was slurping and moaning and sucking on my fucking great big cock with commendable enthusiasm.
?Lick my balls, nigga whore boy.?? The guys knew that they were preparing him to take a dildo up his hole.? So they moved on to this expertly and it was up him before he had time to realise.? Joe timed his first smack with the crow bar at exactly the moment the dildo went up the kid.? Right across her fucking leg.? Smashing the cunt?s left leg.? The two happening together, the nigga?s yell and her screams, and the sight of my guys working for me, could have caused a lesser man to cum.? Instead I just got that fucking great adrenaline surge.
?Break the fucking whore?s legs, Joe.? Fuck yeah!?? Thumph!? There goes the other.? Followed by several more smacks to break the cunt?s legs in a few places, and across the knees.? Fucking great.? The guys now had lifted the nigga boy up and placed him arse open on my fucking huge slab of meat.? They pushed him down, fucking sweet.? It took his breath away but didn?t seem to cause him much pain ? after what he had been through so far, it was probably relaxing for him to have a fucking big cock up his nigga boy fuck-hole.? It reassured him that he was exactly what he had said he was,? a cunt-boy, and he always would be cunt-boy after tonight, never a man like Joe. The boys began moving him up and down on me like a big, black fuck-toy.? Mmmmmm, nice.? They had him facing me, he was looking at me, dazed, with his tongue out.? I looked past him to see Joe?s work.? As I expected he was grinding the cunt?s broken bones together, fucking great, her agony must have been total.? Since I fucking hate the cunt, all cunts, I was really pleased to see this and I gave a extra push up into the nigga boy-whore?s guts.? Fuck yeah!? Joe was smoking his cigar while he jiggled the whore?s broken bone ends.? I started to suck the nigga-boys face, but I didn?t like the taste.?
?Sorry, boss.?? And the boys spat in his mouth, liberally, and then sucked on his black boy tongue and lips to sweeten them up.? They moved his face towards mine, there was no resistance of any kind now, in fact he opened his mouth and his black boy tongue came out to meet mine.? He was moaning in lust, he was a fucking whore.? I hate to say it but I told you so.
?Do you love cock, boy??
?Oh yes, sir, I fucking love cock.?
?Which do you like best cock or cunt, nigga-boy??
?Mmm, cock, sir, I love cock sir, but I still like big tits as well.??
?Well, learn be a good digusting little boy-whore for me and I shall give you plenty of cunts with big tits to play with.?? I went from his black boy-whore mouth to the mouths of my two guys, back and forth, and we all shared spit and sucking, tongues and lips.? In the background were the screams of the whore on whom Joe was doing such excellent work.? I stopped.
?Want to do something for me, nigga boy??
?Oh yes, sir.? I have to please you, don?t I, sir??
?You would be best advised to, yes.? Go over and help Joe.?? He pulled himself off my huge cock, looking a little disappointed I thought, and went over to Joe.? Joe looked at me and I nodded.? He gave the boy the crow bar, and indicated the agonised whore.?
?Get to work, nigga boy.? Smash the rest of her.? Do a good job mind.?? Nigga boy, naked fucking teenage black kid brought the bar smashing down on her chest.? We cheered.? ?Again, again!?? Over and over, using all his strength, lifting the crow-bar way above his head, he brought it thundering down on the fucking whore-cunt, destroying her bones, destroying what was left of her once fuckable body.? ?Great, fucking great, nigga boy.? Her fucking head, smash her fucking face.?? He did, it was a great sight.? The guys were licking the tears of joy from my face.? Our aim had been to fuck up this black kid as soon as we laid eyes on him, it had been Joe?s intention since he met him in the arcade and offered him fifty pounds to come with him, and here he was in front of us, out of his fucking mind. We?d made him murder this cunt, and he had not only obeyed us, but he had enjoyed it, hugely.? He was a terrified, cock-sucking, mindless fuck-whore forever most likely, all finer feelings smothered in his appalling guilt, shame and confusion.? We had done a first-class job.? He dropped the crow-bar and looked around. Lost.
?Wanna suck my big cock, nigga boy??? Joe asked him.
?Oh yes, please sir.? He dropped to his knees, so grateful, like a beaten puppy and sucked at Joe?s great cock.? Joe smiled and smoked.? ?Wanna be fucked up your nigga-boy hole, kid?? Joe asked.? The boy immediately turned, arse up and spread.? ?Oh yes, please sir, please fuck my nasty boy fuck-hole, please sir.?? Joe did.? Smiling at us.? He spread his hands over nigga boy?s back as if offering me this new toy.
Now there were only a couple of things left on the menu.? My two naked guys put overalls on for protection and took blow torches to the young cunts tits.? And I put my cock up Joe?s fantastic muscle boy fuck-hole.? Surprised ? don?t be, Joe loved being fucked by me ? only me, he loved surrendering his hole to the one man he knew to be even more sadistic than him.? We angled ourselves to get a good view of the guys work on the young cunts jugs.? It was good to watch.? They worked with precision, Aiming first at her nipples, and gradually destroying? her fucking huge tits, and since they had given the cunt the stuff to keep her conscious we were able to enjoy her agony and unbelievable terror.? The sounds was so enjoyable ? the roaring of the two blow lamps, and then the smell of course.? I fucked Joe while Joe fucked nigga boy.
?I hope you?re watching, nigga boy!? Haven?t closed your eyes, have you, slut boy??
?Oh no, sir.?
?What?s your opinion, fuck-boy??
?She?s a fucking white cunt, sir, and she?s in fucking agony.?
?Why are we doing this, nigga boy??
?Because you are fucking wonderful men, sir.? You have fucking wonderful big, hard cocks, sir, and you hate these fucking cunts.?? I was very gratified by this little speech of his.
?Good boy.? Good boy.?? I withdraw from Joe?s shit-chute and moved round to the boy?s face.?? ?Open up, slut.? The gorgeous, fucked up, fourteen year-old black boy opened his mouth and looked at me.? I came in his mouth.? A pleasant evening ended.? I cleaned myself up and left.? The guys would do the rest, I could always rely on them.
The End.
note: As this is my first effort I would like express my thanks and admiration
for this site, and the many terrific writers I have enjoyed, particularly,
Cerberus, The Chairman, Dale10, Steve Dema and V.P.Viddler? ? I hope
what I have written has some originality but it is? influenced by the writers I admire: thank you
to them.)
The Guys and Me
By Eric Boss
Big tits. Not a subtle beginning but who gives a shit.? Doesn?t mean this fucking stuff isn?t deep or sophisticated, fucking well is!? It takes thought, imagination, fucking deviousness, and planning.? Anyway, big tits, on a fucking cunt.? On a fucking shitty whore cunt.? She had no other name, identity or purpose, she was the possessor of fucking big, firm, meaty tits that didn?t disappear when she was horizontal.? I don?t give a fuck if they are natural or not, so long as they are fucking huge, and extremely sensitive to pain. So, these big tits, massive tits, tit?s that looked totally obscene on fuckable whore - I don?t care what her face is like, since I don?t fancy her, disgusting slag, but if I do happen to glance at the face ? only to enjoy her fucking desire, you understand, her panting, drooling, tongue-lolling, desperate sexual need? ? ?Cock! Fucking filthy big cock!? Please!? Cock, I love cock. Shove it up me! I need cock? etc. - I suppose she?d look like a fucking Barbie doll ? blond, long hair ? I need something for me and the guys to pull her by ? thick lips that look good with the drooling and begging to be fucked.? But she?s never allowed to fucking cum!? No exceptions, ever.? The only point to her disgusting existence is to make sure her cunt is oozing cock-pleasing fuck-slime. And she?s fucking desperate for it.? So fucking funny, eh guys?? She?s gagging for it, sopping wet and never fucking get its!
Listen to the panting whore, ?Anything sir, anything filthy,? revolting or disgusting you want, sirs, I?m the slutty-cunt to do it.? I am, honestly, sirs, I?m a fucking piss-drinking big-titted whore and I?ll eat your shit if you like. Let the dogs piss and shit on my cunt face.? Take me to the farm again, watch me wallow in pig-shit - anything - but please fuck me!? Let me cum, sirs. Please!?? Great, eh?? I find it so fucking funny.?? And me and the guys love teasing her, leading her on, getting her to do ever more disgusting and degrading stuff - sucking the dogs off and eating the dog cum was a highlight ? and we never keep our promises.? She never cums.? Fucking great!? Her only fucking role in life is to be frustrated. And scream.? If by any accident she did cum, me and the guys would probably rip her to fucking pieces - mmmm, I like the thought of that, have fun watching the dogs eat her.? She knows this, but she also knows she has to stay on the edge of orgasm, as long as I?m in the mood.? Her life is pure hell.? I love it.? It really puts me and the guys in a the right frame of mind at the start of an evening when she?s screaming not in pain but in fucking frustration, her temper is so funny, it?s really gets things off to a good start to see her pathetic cursing and stupid threats, then her whimpering and begging, she?s good at this, they all are. Then, of course, we want her in pain, it?s her main purpose.
Anyway back to her tits, her massive knockers, her fucking jugs, her man-pleasing
giant melons ? never fucking ?breasts?, it?s a forbidden word, and while I on
about it, so is ?pussy?, it?s a ?fucking cunt? right, a ?disgusting fuck-hole?,
a ?slit?, her ?nasty fucking twat,? not a fucking ?pussy? ? if she or any of
the guys call them that ? I get very angry, and you don?t want to see me angry
? anyway these fucking big tits and this revolting fuck-hole exist only to be
hurt ? mildly if I?m not particularly turned on or causing her fucking agony if
I?m horny.? Because I
like it.? A lot.?
Actually I very much like whipping her cunt, really viciously, or I
don?t mind if one of the guys does it, but he has to fucking love it.? Or caning the slit,
sometimes.? Also I like to bend
back a plastic ruler and snap it right on the cunt.? But that?s mild, only stings.? Preparation for whipping it
raw.? Yeah, that?s what I really
like, that?s what fucking turns me on, it?s power, naturally, but I love to see
one of my guys - who believe me are fucking nasty studs - having fun, I like
him to be laughing, sharing a joke with one of the other studs, smoking, having
a drink, and whipping her almost casually, causing her fucking agony.? That?s sweet.?
Well, it?s what she?s fucking for, isn?t it???? What?s the use of a cunt having a cunt if
it?s not to be fucking whipped raw?? Eh
mate?? I know you agree.? I love what she?s going through, the
unbearable pain and frustration.? Legs
held wide and fixed, hands tied, she can?t touch it.? An added sweetness for me it that she craves
these hot guys, even more than I do, if that?s possible, she worships their hot
young faces, and muscles and big cocks. Fucking cunt!? I want more pain for her.
?What can we do to her, guys??
Come on, be inventive, I want her in more agony than this.?? The guys know that they have to please me, it is not in their interest to displease me.? This evening I only have to think it, and
these boys, such good man-whores, are there before me.? One of them is burning her massive tits,
repeatedly with his cigarette ? such a beautiful smile, his not hers, and gobbing in her face, she has to say thank you to him, and
she means it, she?s so fucked up.
?Oh, I love your spit, I really love it, I love your face, you are so
fucking hot, I want you so much, I?d die for you, really, thank you, thank you for spitting on me.? Do it again, please.
Treat me like a disgusting whore.?
Please!? Burn my fucking big
tits.? If? I suffer well for you will you fuck
me?? Please fuck me, I want cock!?? She starts yelling the place down.? ?Shove it up me!? Fuck me to death.?? Whimpering again, ?Please, pretty please.
Just rub my clit, just a little ??? And variations on this.? Her incessant demands are making me angry,
I?m pleased to say.
?Fucking cunt whore!? Hurt the bitch! Whip that fucking cunt!? That?s it, oh yeah, that?s nice.? More, yeah, right on that fucking slit!?? To be truthful she probably cums from the pain ? with all the screaming and jumping
it?s hard to tell, but so what, the loathsome fuck-doll is never satisfied,
that?s the main thing.
It goes without saying that she?s replaceable, so many fucking young
hot whores like her, with big tits ? specially created to please us men ? and
now and then I like the guys to go crazy ? kicking her cunt till she?s bleeding
mess, it?s really good to watch, they do that tonight ? in instinctive response
to me getting angry.? The whip is dropped
and they go at it as if they are practising scoring for
?Watch this one, mate.? Right up
her fucking twat!? Goal!?
I love it when one of them gives it such a fucking swing that his foot
gets stuck up what remains of her hole.?
?Hey, guys, look at the mess this whore has made of my new shoes!??
?Use her hair to clean them, mate, she?s too out of it to concentrate
on licking.?? It?s a good laugh. Fuck yeah!?
?Untie her.?? The guys always
obey me without question.? She?s left
huddled on the floor.? ?Ok, it?s a
football match, only the ball don?t move far.?? They get the picture and start kicking the
shit out of the big-titted whore.? It gives me really satisfying surge of lust,
starting in my stomach and going right to the places that matter. A really big
surge of lust is so fucking great, so all embracing, much better than any
narcotic, a truly noble human experience in fact, it?s
really unfair we can?t be turned on like this every moment of our lives.? Imagine that.?
However my guys catch the look on my face and start giving it that extra
bit of style, not just brutality but gorgeous, fucking, callous young man
cruelty.? It?s fucking lovely.
When she?s unconscious and it?s no fun anymore, they light fresh
cigarettes - ?Let?s get a fresh cunt!? one of my young man-whores suggests
helpfully and enthusiastically.? ?How about a really young one.? Still with massive tits.? Oh fuck yeah, that?s a great idea. ??It so happens I have one here I fucked up
earlier.? He brings her in, screaming nicely already and begging for
mercy.? She fits the bill exactly, so
young, and fucking huge jugs.? He is
adept at dragging her - screaming, by the hair, while carefully holding his
cigarette between the fingers of his left hand.?
He stands her up, she doesn?t collapse, then he can?t help himself- puts
the cigarette back in his mouth and grabs her by the cunt and squeezes so
fucking hard ? I love it ? almost lifting her up one handed, he has very strong
hands and forearms, fuck does she yell and she lashes out.? ?Oops, big mistake, cunt
face.?? He holds her by her front
and gives her two or three slaps as hard as he can. Fucking hard full arm
slaps.?? It?s gorgeous to watch.
?Fuck yeah!? Slap her
around.? That?s it pick
her up again, one of you hold her, slap her stupid fucking cunt face.? Use her as a punch bag, guys, you need the
practice.??? So sweet
watching my hot guys slapping and punching this innocent young cunt.
?Why?? Why are you hitting me??
It?s glorious.? ?Why are we
hitting you darling?? Because we fucking
love it, we are just fucking cruel handsome bastards who want to slap you
around and punch your little-girl guts for no reason.? That ok with you, baby??
?OK, leave some of it for later.?
Get her fucking tits out. guys.?? Her top is yanked up. ?Fucking cunt, should learn to make it more convenient for a guy. I?m
mean here I am, a fucking horny young man, a virile
young stud, and you are making me wait for your fucking big tits?? Look at this shit!? I have to pull up this fucking top and rip
this fucking bra.? Not good enough, cunt.? Now that fucked out whore on the floor over
there has learnt to be more considerate.?
She can?t wait to get her tits out for the boys, and she?s only about
five years older than you.? Anyway she?s
resting right now, but she?ll give you a lesson in slutty
enthusiasm later.? (As things turned out after tonight
neither whore would give or receive any lessons every again.)? ?OK, right then, young bitch slut whore.? He
stood behind the young cunt. ?Eh mate, allow me to present these fucking big
tits.?? He held them out and jiggled them
for me and his colleague.
?Wow! How about these then, mate??
Have a good maul. Feel the weight of these babies.? Enjoy yourself mate.? Fucking good tits on this
young cunt.?
?Yeah, fucking good, mate.?? I
have a handful of them for a moment, needing and pulling those fucking jugs,
and then punching them.? Love it.? I finish it off by spitting in her young whore
One of my guys says, ?Hold the cunt, mate, I want to burn her
nipple!?? Fuck yeah, great move.? ?Here sweetie pie, here little cunt, just
going to put this lit cigarette right on your fucking nipple.? Ok, Baby cunt? Right on the
end of that fucking big tit.? Oh that?s lovely, oh fuck yeah, push it
in, stub it out.?
Fucking sweet. I hope she?s in fucking
agony.? My guys and
this fucking useless, stupid teenage cunt.? Fourteen?? Younger, I hope, but with unnaturally big
tits, you?ve got the picture.?
?Oh she?s in pain, poor little thing, I
know, get her down on her knees, now hold up those lovely fucking big tits,
right up, cunt-face, now let?s piss on her.?
Careful guys, don?t get piss on those sharp
suits.?? Oh fuck yeah! My guys are so
fucking sharp.? Black suits both of them,
(cheap ? we get through a lot of clothes) white shirts and ties, knotted big
and neat just to please me, one shiny red, one shiny blue and dark glasses.
Black hair, muscles forever, not tall, five seven or eight, and smoking.? And thick, dangling cocks out, of course.
Long black side-burns, neat, shaved sharp, one guy
?Piss in her eyes, guys.? Pin her
eyes back.?? ?OK, this is going to be
awkward.? Hold her tight.?? ?Listen baby, if you don?t co-operate, it?s
going to be a lot worse than a couple of pins through your fucking
eyelids.?? It is going to be a lot, lot
worse, baby, whether you co-operate or not, but it won?t help the fun to tell
her that.? There?s quite a bit of blood
and inaccurate jabbing goes on, but I don?t mind that, they are not surgeons
after all, just two hot boys having fun.
The suits, nightclub-bouncer, blues brothers-look, I fucking love, of
course, not forgetting the silver jewellery and watches on the wrists, diamonds
on the ear-lobe, it?s what they have chosen for me tonight, I like them to
surprise me.? If they wore something I
didn?t like, I would be angry, so they take care to watch me, and take
note.? I really like
the black leather jacket, t-shirt and jeans look as well, and skinhead, and
chav. Oh yes, and a grey trilby at an angle, black wife-beater vest,
black jeans and belt and a dangling cigarette.?
Fucking sweet!
But the young girl cunt is in agony and despair. How could we forget
her?? Let?s give her something to really
yell about.? My guys finish pissing in
her eyes first, lids fixed open.
?OK boys, entertain me.?
?Our pleasure, boss.?? They can call me, ?Boss,? ?Sir? or ?Master?
depending on the mood.? They?ve chosen
self-fucking for her.? I?m not a passive
observer, by the way.? I stand by them,
walk around the action, and grope the guys when I feel like it, or suck their
faces or spit in their mouths, or pull on their balls really hard, but I don?t
want to spoil their concentration.? They
are going to get this young cunt to fuck herself with
increasingly large objects.? I don?t like
dildos for the cunts, the boys- ?young men? I should say, they are over
eighteen ? yes, a smooth black dildo sliding energetically up a hot, young boy
arse is quite captivating.? But for cunts
? I don?t think this one?s quite up to a pineapple, not seen enough of my
displeasure to know that she really ought to try, but bottles, vegetables,
large unwashed turnips, her own shoe??
What a nice idea, one of my guys thought of it.? He considerately gives her the grease, and
tells her to get fucking her nasty cunt with her own shoe. (Often my guys start
out with one plan in mind and then, as things develop they adapt or abandon
?Get on with it, slut, shove it up there, fucking cunt.?? It?s lovely, her unbelievable horror. She is
naturally unwilling but the sight of the bruised and bloodied whore lying
nearby, kindly pointed out to her by one of my fantastic young boy-whores, is very motivating.?
Incidentally, my guys have decided to remove the pins from the eyelids
to help her focus on pushing the shoe up her cunt.
?Shove it up that disgusting hole, slut!?? They know just the right things to say, it?s
so sweet.? He grabs her long dark hair
for emphasis.? ?And grunt like a
pig!? Because that?s what you are,
whore!? What are you??
?I?m a pig,??
Good girl.
?Not quite right. Say it with feeling.?
Say, ?I?m a fucking pig-cunt whore.?
?I?m a fucking pig-cunt whore, sir.?
?Oh I like the, ?sir??? They both laugh and spit on her
face.? They light fresh cigarettes ? I
know it?s bad for their health but I do like the street-boy image it gives
them, and since it?s only about giving me a fucking hard cock - and I have a
fucking wonderful, big, thick hard cock, quite a fucking monster really, but
back to the young cunt?s agony and humiliation.?
Well ?humiliation? is hardly an adequate adjective is it? But you know
what I mean.? Power, fucking power,
guys!? Oh my cock is fucking aching, it?s
so hard.
She?s got it up her fresh young slit and she?s remembered to grunt but
it?s not much of a show.? One of the guys
is whispering to her, and smiling at his mate.?
I don?t know what he said but suddenly I?m looking at a very young cunt,
legs spread, massive tits out, shoving a shoe in and out of her cunt so
enthusiastically it?s quite touching, and she?s grunting most
satisfactorily.? It?s as if she?s been
told her life depends on it.?? The guys
start to laugh.? But they catch a look
from me.? They know I want more.? Idea - wake up the other whore. They give her
the stuff that keeps her from passing out, no matter the pain. I?m not sure
what it is, but my man-whores get it, I pay for it and it?s very
expensive.? But it?s needed now.? They fix her in the spread position again as
I?m going to whip her cunt myself while they shove something bigger up the
young cunt?s fuck hole.? ?Much bigger, I
don?t care if this is her first time, ruin it if that?s what it takes, get
something fucking big shoved up there!?
Sensing my urgency, the guys look round quickly at the objects they?ve
assembled for just such a moment.? What
can it be?? Now, what would be absolutely
the nastiest big thing to shove up a young girl?s cunt?? It?s not easy to decide.? A broken off chair leg?? Too obvious.
While they are looking for the right object I get going on whore tit?s
cunt ? what the fuck shall I call the twenty something? pig-cunt?? Who cares??
Just get my aim right, let?s ruin this fucking
whore as well! You with me, guys?? Let?s
really fucking ruin this cunt, this fucking disgusting
slit, her fucking snatch, her whore-hole!?
Fuck yeah, whip it, whip it!? I?m putting all my strength into it, still
can?t get the level of screaming I want.?
Ah, that?s it, just needed to get my eye in, doing it nicely now,
landing exactly on the same point each time.?
A nice piece of bloody steak.? Fuck yeah, a bright red, bruised and swollen
twat!? And screaming
beautifully.? Wasteful, you say,
to spoil perfectly good cunt?? Come on
guys, who cares?? I mean, who fucking
cares?? We?re here to enjoy ourselves,
hey?? And there?s plenty more, as I said.
Fuck yeah!
My boys never let me down - a large, round smooth knob from a banister
rail, greased up and ready, she is looking at it disbelievingly.?
?But it?s too big.?? Sweet.
?You?ll be surprised, baby cunt.?
For motivation, the boys are nodding and pointing at
what I?m doing ? whipping an already bloody cunt ? to be precise.? ?It?s going up your fucking cunt, you fucking
whore.?? Not original but exactly to the
point.?? One holds her legs out of the
way the other starts fucking pushing.?
They turn her on her back, cunt up, he
positions it, and starts pushing.? It
won?t fucking go in, but they know better than to fail me.? They try forcing it by virtually standing on
it.? Fucking hard work.
But eventually her fresh young cunt starts stretching and they get it up her
simply by brute force. The large round wooden knob right into
and up her young cunt.? It took a
lot of strength and persistence.? Of
course he tears her doing it, quite a lot, and seems to do something painful to
her pelvis, but who gives a flying fuck, as I said, we are here to enjoy
ourselves, right guys?
There?s much more to come ? it?s like a menu for a banquet, it has to
be in the right order and with the right wines and so on.? What comes next may not suit everyone?s
palate.? But it?s my menu, right?? Now my boys, my man-whores are not gay, they
are fucking studs, but as I said, they are more depraved than you can imagine
and will do anything I want, they really get off on obeying orders.? Particularly my orders since they know I know
how to get them to enjoy themselves.? The orders thing?? I
suppose it?s because it relieves them of the responsibility ? the plea of
torturers down the ages.
?Ok boys, time to shit on the young cunt.?? They tie her down which slows things up a
bit.? Why, you may ask, introduce
scat?? It?s simple, I fucking hate
women.? Some of you worship them, I know,
and causing them pain is an expression of that love and desire, so you say ? I
just fucking despise them.? I might as
well be honest about it.?? I mean I love
big tits and I love cunts and ass-holes and I love the endless fun we can have
with them, and I really love watching cunts squirming, desperate for cock, I
just hate the fuck out of the actual women.??
So let?s shit on them!? Are you
with me, guys?? Quit at this point it you
want, but for those who don?t - let?s get them to fucking eat our stinking
shit.? So that?s what my two gorgeous men
are doing to this fourteen-year-old fresh big-titted
whore at the moment.? Lowering their
sharp suit trousers and pants, and squatting, over her face, It?s
beautiful to watch. I love the fact that they know they have to shit for me,
when I order them to. They know they are degrading themselves as well, but they
fucking do it!? They force themselves to
love it, they tell themselves they are fucking up the young cunt, but they are
just as fucked up themselves, fuck yeah!?
Power, like I said.? Beside, I
have very wide tastes, and I fucking love watching the turds
slide out of their hot young holes. They turn back towards me so I can see
their faces at the same time.? I have
been known to eat their hot man-shit myself, yes, I have, well just a sniff, a
lick and a small bite rather, from a plate, with a white napkin and a glass of
wine. I make these two guys watch me, lying on their backs fucking themselves
with the biggest dildoes they can take. I sample
their shit solely to set the standards for them to emulate, and my standards of
depravity, filth and degradation are very, very high, as you will see.? As they watched me taste their boy shit and
wash it down with wine I made them recite a mantra ? ?We are fucking low-life
boy-whores.? We are are
fucking disgusting boy-sluts. We want filth, more filth and ever more revolting
filth.?? They were a touch embarrassed at
reciting this over and over to begin with, but they got a hint of my anger and
they soon put their hearts into it.? It?s
quite a charming scenario, don?t you think??
But for the moment what is more beautiful than watching my two fucking
hot guys shit on this young big-titted whore?s
cunt-face? Now it?s the second one?s turn. They save it up for me, such
thorough planning, big turds landing on her poor pretty young face.?
?That?s it, boys, get it in her disgusting mouth-hole. Oh and bang that
wooden ball up more into her cunt, don?t forget that.? Fuck yeah, shove
that further up the cunt!? Oh yeah,
really nice.? Well done boys.?
Toilet paper? ? her
hair of course, but they have to use tissues to finish off.? Oh, what a nice touch,
shoving the shitty tissues in her mouth.?
I?m particularly fond of them doing this to the really young ones ?
their horror and disbelief makes it really entertaining.? Much more than the cunt I?m whipping bloody
now, because of course this bitch?d eat any man?s shit if she thought he?d put
his cock up her revolting fuck-hole.
Time to move on.? You will have gathered by now, guys, that I?m really into my own two guys.? The violence, the tortures, the horrors we
are putting the cunts through just wouldn?t be half as much fun without these
two fantastic young men helping me.
?Take the trousers and shoes off completely now, boys.?
They do so, looking at each other with curiosity.? I want them to fuck this shit covered young
cunt.? When I tell them, their isn?t the
slightest hesitation, just a moment where they get themselves in the right
frame of mind ? so fucking nasty, so fucking filthy, one at each end of this
shit smeared fourteen year old beauty. They have to yank the round knob thing
out of her cunt first.? This involves
getting a hand up the cunt with a screw eye to be screwed into the end of the
wooden knob, then threading?
a rope through the screw eye. Et voil?!? Pull hard..? But she just
slides on the shitty floor, however my resourceful boys solve it ? the other
one stays back and holds her hair.? So
for a few moments I am treated to the exquisite sight of a fourteen year-old
cunt lying in her own shit and screaming while her hair is held pulled by one
of my gorgeous young guys at one end - using all his strength ? arm muscles
bulging, and at the other end my second gorgeous young guy pulling with all his
strength - his muscled legs pressed against each of her wide spread thighs - to
get this wooden knob out of her previously fresh young cunt? mmm, nice, and suddenly the thing comes out with a satisfying
and bloody plonk plus an ear-splitting scream from the young cunt.? And then they fuck her, mouth and ass.? They fuck ?it? rather.? ?Her? might be misinterpreted as showing even
a glimmering of respect for the cunt, right guys?? And boy do they fuck the young slut. It?s
like a disgusting big-titted doll between them, it?s
fucking wonderful.? I don?t mind the shit
smell, or the blood, it?s part of it, it?s the
depravity and my boy?s total willingness.?
There should be international prizes in disgusting, filthy
activity.? They deserve it.? The Nobel Prize for amazing inventiveness in
?Well done, fuck-boys!? Fuck her
brains out.? Fuck it to death!? Shove it up her!? They change ends, and pause
to suck each other?s tongues out of their mouths. Oh fucking hot boys, is there
no end to the delight these two hot men give me?? I suppose I should give some credit to the
young cunt since without her I wouldn?t be enjoying my two boys' manliness, but
what the hell, she?s a cunt, and that?s all.?
My cock is hard and leaking, which is all that matters, and there?s
still so much to come.? I see her fucking
big jugs dangling and it irritates me that they are not hurting.? They fucking should be,
it?s what they are for.? I give them a
few kicks from the side to get rid of the feeling.
I know my guys would appreciate a cigarette now, so not wanting to
interrupt the fucking I pass them their packets and lighters.? They light up, still with their cocks up the
shit-hole and in her shitty mouth hole.
?Thanks, boss.?? They look
superb.? So fucking fit, muscles
everywhere and fucking a fourteen-year-old shit covered cunt.? Brilliant.? I pause to piss on the other cunt, right on
her slit, it reminds her of the pain.? The two guys laugh, I like to entertain them
as well.
?Turn that cunt over, so you can be burning her fucking tits, you?ll
have more fun.?
?Thanks, boss, we should have thought of that.?? They pause to turn her on back.? ?Open your mouth, whore, I need an ash
tray.?? She does as she?s told of course.? He burns her fucking tongue.? Such style.? I?m beginning to get some satisfaction from
this young cunt?s agony now.? ?Now which
tit shall I decorate first??? Which of
these two fucking huge tits am I going to start work on??
?Start on the one I didn?t use earlier, mate.?
Ok, mate, here goes.?? And he
does it - short jabs with the glowing end, just enough to keep her jumping.?
?Great feeling in her bloody cunt from that mate, keep it up.?? He does.?
I open a couple of cans of beer for them and hand them to them. No,
bottles ? I hand them bottles, they look cooler.
?Thanks boss.??
?Just keep hurting the cunt, and fucking her brains out.?? I switch the TV on, a football match, I know
the boys like that. They?ve kept their white shirts on, a bit shit and blood
spattered now, but the collars are still immaculate and look good turned up,
with their silky ties hanging loosely round their gorgeous necks.? Drinking beer from the
bottles, smoking, watching football, shouting at the TV and two-end fucking a
fourteen-year-old shit covered cunt.?
?Don?t forget her tits, boys.?
?We won?t, boss.? Eh mate, burn the fucking cunt?s tits.? You heard the boss, let?s ruin these fucking tits.?? My guys are so hot talking like this.? It didn?t come naturally to them, this concise coarseness, but they practised, and now, provided they think before they speak they usually get it just how I like it.
?Fuck yeah!? Bit sore, are they
sweetheart?? one of my fantastic man-whores said to the shitty young cunt. It
was a bit hard to understand the fucking whore?s reply as he had his rock solid
cock jammed right down her fucking throat.
?Fucking suffocate the cunt!?? I
yelled this as I cracked the whip down with all my strength on the other cunt?s
bloody cunt.? Fuck yeah!? Meanwhile, one of my admirable man-whores
told the young cunt to wait a minute, he?d need to
light up again.?
?Oh baby cunt, let?s slap those fucking sore big tits in the meantime,
shall we?? And he did, but then he had another cigarette on the go.? Her huge fucking knockers were looking really
nasty by now.? I love it.
It?s all about cock, don?t you agree, readers?? It?s just the fucking hard cocks that matter,
My fucking magnificent, big thick cock, and yours, big
or not, it?s still the most important fucking thing in the universe.? Fucking cocks!? Fuck yeah!?
I?d already decided that we were probably going to end this session with
the two cunts dead anyway.? Might be
more, depending on what surprise Joe had for us.? I usually arranged for him to come later,
sort of like dessert.? He himself was
fucking beautiful, such a fucking hot man, so fucking male, so fucking gorgeous
that he left me weak at the knees so he didn?t need to bring anything but
himself, but he was very resourceful and he often brought something extra to
add to the fun.?
Incidentally, I never bothered myself with the ?remains, apart from the
activity beforehand,? I enjoy? the gory bits, you know, pulling them limb
from limb, sawing off bits in front of their eyes, burning the tits off with
blow lamps, that sort of stuff, the actual cleaning up was taken care of for
me.? Don?t know how, but you know my
guys.? And while I?ve paused, just to
make myself perfectly clear, I suppose you?d say I was bi-sexual.? I wouldn?t. I would say I?m just sexual, and
as I said my guys are just sexual:? I
happen to hate cunts, that?s all, and glory in the male of the species.? Cunts are there to arouse us and satisfy us,
nothing else.? But men are fucking
wonderful, all men, even the ugliest man bastard isn?t a fucking female. He has
that going for him at least.? So let?s
hear it for men.? Cocks forever!?? A bit over the top, but then I do have a fucking
raging hardon.
Right on cue, Joe came in.? I say
?Joe? came in, I don?t know his name, I never call him anything except, ?Mate,?
fucking love that word, or ?Boy? or ?Stud? depending on the context.? Now, I am going to describe Joe, because
looking at him turns me on, his whole personality is a fucking turn on. Just
seeing him across a room is fucking thrill. Some of you will find this a bit gay ? tough tits, I couldn?t give a shit, if you don?t
appreciated masculinity that?s your loss.?
Same age as my two fantastic man-whore-boys, but couldn?t be more
different.? Those two cultivated a mean
look, they worked on their sadism, and depravity, practised it and honed their
talents.? But in their faces was a youthfulness, a vulnerability, a little-boy lost look
even, along with a hint of total debauchery, and it was the contradictions that
were precisely such a turn on.? But Joe
was just fucking mean, unbelievably fucking cruel, inhumanely contemptuous of
cunts, and also totally fucking disgusting when he wanted to be..? Blond, almost a
champion body builder, not tall, crew cut, dresses in a vaguely military style,
likes to show off his biceps and pecs, and he smoked
cigars.? Fucking
wonderful. He looked American but he wasn?t, he had a very appealing
The two other guys greeted him.?
He waved and said, ?Boss,? to me with a nod.? He took in the fun the guys were having with
the young cunt, and went to stand by the TV, not blocking their view.? The young cunt?s tits were so fucking burned,
the guys were obviously turned on by her agony and were really fucking the
teenage bitch hard, they had just changed ends. .? My guys? Don?t you
just love ?em??? The evening was going
really well.? Joe handed me
something.? I rarely gave Joe orders, he
knew who was the boss, but he appreciated me letting
him take the initiative.? I had stopped
whipping the cunt?s cunt when Joe came in.?
What he gave me was a packet of salt.?
?Thanks, Joe.?? I opened it, turned
and sprinkled the lot over whore-cunt?s bloody cunt. That got her screaming
nicely.? Joe fished his enormous thick
cock out of his camouflage pants and went over to whore-cunt?s face end.
?We?re going to fucking snuff you tonight, whore-cunt, so you might as
well be fucking useful in your last hour or two.? Keep that fucking mouth open, bitch!?? She had a problem not only in obeying the
instruction but in understanding words, after all she was in a state of sublime
whore-agony - ruined cunt, burned tits,? a few ribs and bones broken ? but who
gives a shit?? She was however being kept
conscious by the stuff my two fantastic man-whores had shoved into her
earlier.? So he just pissed on her face,
mouth, eyes, ears, hair. To give her her due, she did
stick her tongue out to lap up some of the man-piss cascading on her fucking
disgusting whore face.? It was reassuring
that she still remembered to degrade herself.?
He held his fucking great, thick cock with one hand while pissing on the
cunt and smoked his cigar with the other.?
You will have noticed that Joe knew I was going to use this bitch up
tonight, without me saying, he could tell from the subtlety of the mood in the
room. Ha!? Then finished pissing on the
cunt, he gave it a couple of shakes and left it hanging,? he stubbed out his cigar on her tit
and walked over to his holdall.? ?Got
something you might like, Boss.?
?You mean apart from the terrified teenager you left tied up over
there??? I told you he?d brought somebody
?Yeah boss, I mean this.?? He
drew out of his holdall a large, flesh coloured dildo.? Now I told you I don?t like using dildoes on cunts, too tasteful, I prefer to improvise with
an old vacuum cleaner tube or anything nasty I can stuff up their
fuck-holes.? But I?d make an exception
with the one Joe was holding ? carefully.?
He was holding it by the base as he had somehow managed to embed a dozen
or so razor blades in it, up and down it?s length and
round it?s considerable width.
?Fucking hell, boss!? said one my guys fucking the young cunt.? He came at that moment, up the young cunt?s
shit-hole.? ?I?ve fucking cum, you?ve
made me fucking cum, you bastard Joe.??
We laughed.
?Too much imagination, mate,? I said.?
My fantastic man-whore who?d just shot his bolt stood up, and went over
to the face end of the other cunt. ?Lick my cum and
shit-covered cock, whore,? this amazing boy-whore said to the other cunt. He
spat in her eye for emphasis, great gob of it.?
She did her best to clean his wonderful fuck pole. My other fantastic
man-whore quickly moved to the vacant cunt end of the young cunt and shoved his
great cock up her shit-hole.? Joe was
still holding the lethal dildo.
?Which cunt?s hole, boss?? Joe asked
?Oh let?s stick it up the teenage slut.?
But don?t do it slow, get the tip in and then bang it up the cunt.?
?Boss,? said my fantastic boy-whore who was enthusiastically fucking
the young cunt up the shitter, ?you?ve made me cum as
?The hint of a bit of excitement and you lose it as well.? Need more control, boys.?
?Sorry, boss.?? They both
suddenly looked worried.?
?Well now you?ve both cum you won?t be able to fully enjoy Joe?s work
now.? Watch the fucking football match
while we get on with it.?
?Really sorry, boss.? It won?t happen again.?
I gave them a look.? Joe dragged
the young cunt slut by the hair to where her could tie
her up properly.? He had to slap her
around a bit because the fucking young whore tried to fight him.?
?Ok Joe??
?All under control, boss.?
?Oh boys, on second thoughts because you both shot your loads without
my instructions you can be part of the? entertainment yourselves. I want a gay
show from you.? Just
kissing and cock-sucking.? But
make it fucking passionate, you don?t want to see me angry.?? The two fantastic boys in white shirts with
their collars turned up and the ties still draped around their necks paused
momentarily.? It wasn?t hesitation, it
was the same as when I ordered them to fuck the shit covered young cunt, they just
took a moment to get into the right frame of mind.? It didn?t come naturally to them, they were
straight, but they both loved filth, obviously, and this to them was just
another level of depravity. They took a decision to sink into the cesspit of
fucking gay sex, and boy did they sink. They forgot the football match and
lunged at each other.? Sucking face and
pawing their hot, young muscular torsos.
?Got the young cunt ready, Joe??
?Almost, boss.?
?I?m just going to shove this bannister knob
up the other cunt, we had it up the young one earlier.?
?Ok, boss, sounds good.? I?ve got
some of that irritant in the bag, if you want to try coating it with
that.?? Joe was always inventive.? I used the gloves.
Poor pathetic slut, she looked almost grateful at first.? What with the blood it went up this one with
just a bit of shoving.? I suppose the
salt and the wounds from the whipping must have made it really very
uncomfortable.? It wasn?t long before she
was squirming around and screaming as if her cunt were in flames.? I suppose it was, burning from the inside and
the outside.
So there?s the scene, two fucking hot straight boy-whores pawing and
groping each other, falling over themselves in nasty gay sex, and a big titted twenty something whore writhing in agony from a huge
wooden knob covered in a hot, itchy substance, shoved up her salted and ruined
cunt, and a cute, fresh fourteen-year old cunt, still a bit shitty, spread out
waiting to have a razor blade covered dildo banged up her.? We were sizzling!? I high fived
?Let?s do it.??? We were ruining
the fucking slut whores.? We were doing
want we wanted with the cunts.? Doing it for the sake of our cocks. Our glorious fucking
cocks.? Our fucking
wonderful masculinity.? The two
boy-whores weren?t aware of the two fucking sluts, barely aware of me, except
they knew in their hearts they were pleasing me, and that gave them
satisfaction.? These two fucking big-titted whores were sacrifices to the god of cock. But enough of rhetorical shit.? Shove it up her!? And Joe did.?
Fuck yeah! Up her fourteen year old cunt!? He was wearing strong gloves.?
?Now pull it out and do it again.??
So he did.? And
again and again.? Her screams were
terrific. I called my two guys over. They came still groping each other.
?Suck Joe?s cock while he fucks the cunt with the razor-dildo.?? The other one had to lick my cock but not
suck it. Worship it, slobber on it, and deny himself
the pleasure of sucking on my big, thick slab of meat.? They were on their knees instantly and went
at it with enthusiasm, slobbering and moaning ? they know I like that, clever
boy-whores.? Of course the fantastic
man-whore (I like changing between ?man? and ?boy?, subtleties of the power
relationship, sometimes it feels better to call them ?boys? because it
emphasises their youth and therefore makes it even more disgusting for me, and
when I call them ?man-whores? I enjoy my power over them.? Just thought I?d explain in case you were
confused) well, the fantastic man-whore who was going at Joe like a fucking hoover was in the way of the blood, but he didn?t object
one little bit.? Fucking depraved my
guys, or what?? I told you they deserve
an award.? There wasn?t actually as much
blood as you might think.? The razor
dildo was crimson and dripping but from her cunt itself, torn admittedly but we
hadn?t whipped this one remember - it just sort of kept oozing.? I fucking love it.? Keep it up, guys.?
What about the teenager tied up in the corner?? Had you forgotten?? Or did you think I?d forgotten the extra
surprise Joe brought with him.? Well, I
think he was in a state of shock.? Oh
dear, yes, Joe brought a black teenage boy.?
And I or we rather, are going to fuck him up.? ?I thought you hated women, not teenage
boys?? I hear you say. ?Oh, he?s a fucking pedo!?? Well either read on or fuck off. Can I just
say you probably wouldn?t call me names to my face, ok?.
For those of you men still with me, let me explain.? I am not a nice man,
I am a very nasty man. Nastier than you thought, but I have given one or two
clues. I fucking hate women and use them for my entertainment ? I?m lucky to
have my guys and other resources to do that, but occasionally I also like to
corrupt a teenage boy.? Joe knows this
and is particularly good at assisting me.?
So for the moment this kids? abject terror is adding an extra edge to
the turn on for me.? Corrupting boys may
seem to go against my glorification of the cock, but not really if you think
about it.? It actually increases the
feeling of manliness to reduce the young bearer of fresh cock and arse-hole to
a whimpering cock-sucking boy-whore.?
Particularly when he had no fucking thought that this was his
destiny.? I?m not the slightest bit
interesting in using older cock-sucking faggots - fucking loathsome perverts
with no appreciation of female cunt-meat.. But this
prime fresh black male meat that Joe has acquired for me, and he is prime ? a fit, teenage black boy, as young as the girl,
maybe younger - he is going to be used to help us deepen our enjoyment of our
own masculinity.? Tonight he will partake
in depraved, disgusting, filthy lewd behaviour, to begin with against his will,
but after an hour or two he will be loving it!? Wallowing in teenage boy lust, eager and
panting, tongue-out drooling for cock and arse, piss, shit and blood ? and vomit, don?t let?s forget vomit.? It?s a wonderful sight to behold.? Don?t believe me?? Just wait. He?s going to be ruined far beyond
what we are doing to the cunts.? Besides
they?ll be dead, but this black boy-slut will live with what he has done.?? Fuck yeah! Oh, and I?m not a racist, I
believe in the equality of all men of whatever colour or race, but I shall use
fucking racist language to humiliate the boy. Fuck yeah!
Joe is still razor-dildo fucking the fucking young cunt withmso-bidi-font-size:
?Fuck yeah! You fucking whore, you shitty useless
piece of fuck-meat.? How d?you like this up your stinking cunt!?? Shove!?
I do like Joe?s vocabulary.
?No more fucks for you, cunt.? So
you?d better enjoy this.? You fucking
cunt!?? Shove. Shove. Shove.? Repetitious but enjoyable
nonetheless.? I lean over and tap
him on the shoulder.
?Yes, boss.?? He stops
immediately.? ?Something
?No, on the contrary you are doing it perfectly.? I?ve had another idea, that?s all.? Drop the razor-dildo now.? Get your cigar glowing nicely and shove it up
her.? I?ve got more cigars for you.?
?Will do, boss.?? He takes the
cigar from his mouth, looks at the tip, blows on it
gently, then holds her bloody cunt open.
?Got to be careful the blood doesn?t put it out immediately, boss. Got to get enough space.??
He performs the actions carefully and I?m sure, from her reaction, the
blood didn?t douse the lit cigar up her cunt for quite a few minutes.? Long enough for us all to
enjoy it.
I get the guys up from cock-sucking and cock-licking. I am specific,
?We need to enjoy hating the cunt more, guys.?
?Fuck yeah!? Fucking hate the
fucking cunt-slut whores.? Fucking hate
them!?? We all spit on her, sort of a
spitting contest. Joe fucking lays into her massive fucking tits with an
extended car aerial ? from his holdall -? with terrific accuracy. His muscles
look fucking fantastic and her agony is stupendous.? She?s young enough to be writhing and
bouncing up and down with very gratifying energy.? A ruined and burned fourteen year-old cunt,
fucking huge tits all burned as well, and now viciously stripped too, thanks to
Joe?s skill.? After a few minutes, it?s
no where near sufficient, as you can imagine.
?Get the black kid over here.??
He?s pulled over, whimpering and begging.? ?Not going to hurt you boy, you just have to
have a look at this cunt.? OK, kid this
is a cunt, a fucking cunt.? What is she, nigga boy.?
?A fucking cunt.?
?A fucking cunt, sir!?? Joes punched him in the stomach, very hard.
?What is she??
?A fucking cunt, sir,? he gasped.
?Good. Now, we despise fucking cunts.?
So spit on her.?? He does.? ?Again, a lot?.? He spits on her over and over.? He?s intelligent, that?s a good thing.? ?Blow your nose in your hand.? Rub that on her fucking face.?? He does.?
?You like tits, nigga boy??
?Yes, sir.?
?Good.? Now these are a bit of a
mess, but you can still see that they are fucking huge.? You like fucking huge tits on a cunt, nigga boy??
?Yes, sir.?
?Say it.?
?I like fucking huge tits on a cunt, sir.?? It?s great to hear an innocent young teenage
boy being so coarse.
?A boy after my own taste, good.? Slap them silly, nigga
boy.? Go on,
really put all your strength into it.??
He does it, very efficiently actually, considering he?s a novice at
attacking tits.
?Well done.? Get your cock out.?
The look in his eye says he is thinking of disobeying.? I look at Joe.? The kid gets his cock out quickly.? ?Piss on those fucking ruined big tits,? nigga
boy.?? He does.? He can?t start immediately because it?s a
rather tense situation for him, but he eventually produces a healthy stream of
boy piss.? It makes the cunt squeal like
a pig, must have been sore or something.
?Up onto to her fucking disgusting young cunt face, nigga
boy.?? He does so.? When he finishes he shakes it and goes to put
it away.?
?No.?? He leaves it hanging.? ?Listen nigga boy,
and learn.? Cunts are for fucking and
hurting, fucking and hurting. Nothing else.? Right??
?Yes, sir.?
?Let me ask you something else.?
Are we fucking men or pussies??
?You are men, sir.?
?Fucking right, nigga boy.? We are fucking hard, nasty men,? What do you think
of us??? Nigga
boy paused, wondering what the right answer was.? Obviously he knew he had to compliment us,
but what sort of compliment.? He opted
for the simple truth.
?I think you are the most cruel men I?ve ever
seen.??? We laughed loud at his
sincerity.? I nodded at Joe.
?Look at my fucking muscles boy,?? Joe flexed for him.
?Fucking awesome, sir.?
?You want to be a man, nigga boy??
?Yes, sir, I want to be a man, sir.? He decided he needed to emphasise
his statement.? ?Fuck yes, sir, I want to
be a man.?
?Ok, start by learning to hate fucking cunts..?
?Ok, I?ll try, sir.?
?We do fucking hate them, nigga boy.? You are certain you agree with us?? You do think we are right, don?t you?? Well, your cock thinks we are right.?? It was getting nicely erect, but as you may
know, cocks can get hard from extreme fear as well as arousal.? But it served our purpose of planting the
seeds of corruption in his young mind.
?Yes, sir.?
?What?? Say it.?
?I think you are right, sir, cunts are for fucking and hurting, nothing
else. We fucking hate fucking cunts, sir.??
He said this with great conviction and I was ninety per cent convinced
he had just discovered some extreme feelings in himself.? I thought of a test.
?Ok fucking young nigga boy, this is what you
do to this disgusting young white cunt.?
Stick your hard black cock up her shit-hole, there nothing left of her
front fuck-hole worth fucking,? and shag the fucking cunt with all your
strength.? Fuck her brains out, nigga boy.? I want to
see you hating the fucking whore.? OK, nigga?? Grab onto
those fucking huge ruined tits and shag the cunt till you cum up her. Well,
what are you waiting for, nigga??? His eyes showed a mixture of horror and
?You heard the boss, nigga?,?
said Joe. ?Prove you?re a fucking man, not a black pussy boy!?
?I?m not a pussy boy, sir.? Not
me.?? And he leaned over, grabbed the
whore?s tits, and rammed into her shit-chute.?
The guys and I stood round to give him encouragement.? I particularly wanted him to enjoy himself
because he sure as hell would not enjoy what was coming next.? We spat on the whore and urged him on.
?Well nigga, what do you think of this young
whore?? What?s your considered opinion of
this young cunt with her ruined tits and her bloody fuck hole.?
?She?s a fucking mess, sir, she probably fucking deserves it though, she?s just a fucking whore, sir.??
?Good, but think on this - you?re a fucking, young black, that?s low
enough ? ?his face showed he understood the insult fully ? ?but she is a young
white cunt.? Now you?ve got a great black
young cock,? - he was suitably flattered ? ?she?s nothing but a fucked up white
cunt.?? He understood my drift totally.
?You fucking white bitch!? You
fucking white piece of shit!?? This said
in his only just broken teenage boy voice, was delightful.? ?You should be fucking grateful to have my
black cock rammed up you!? Eh?? Fucking whore!?? He was a natural.
?Fucking good, nigga boy!? Fucking good!?? We slapped him on the back.
?Have you cum up her, nigga??
?Yes, sir.? I?ve shot my load up the fucking white cunt?s
ass hole.?
?OK.? Now you are going to
entertain us.? You won?t like it, to
start with, but I advise you to obey me and my guys without question.?
?I understand, sir.?
?Get all those clothes off.? Quickly.?? Joe stayed
near at hand, my other two gorgeous man-whores made themselves
comfortable.? ?Hands behind your head, bend your knees slightly and stick your cock out.? Waggle it for us, there?s a good young black
puppy.?? One of my guys had put on some
music.? ?Well??? I told you this black kid was intelligent -
he started to move for us.? ?Turn round,
stick your ass out, arch your back, put both hands on your butt cheeks and
spread it, show us your nigga-boy fuck-hole.?? He did it.?
He obviously didn?t agree with the terminology but he did it.? ?Lick your fingers and see how many you can
get up there.? Look at us, nigga boy, while you suck your fingers.?? A fit, fourteen year old black
kid, with his fingers up his black fuck hole ? mmm
nice.? ?Really dig in that fucking
shitty nigga hole, boy.?? Motivated by what he had witnessed this
evening so far, he was, to be fair, putting on a very enthusiastic show for
us.? Now the real trick was to get him to
enjoy it.? That would happen soon
enough.? ?Any shit up there, nigga??
?Yes, sir.?
?Good.? Now shit for us, like a
good little disgusting nigga boy.? On the floor, where you
are.? Don?t squat down, we want to
see it drop from your hole, nigga slut-boy.? Just keep your knees bent a little.
Good.?? He was so fucking terrified he
was going to shit himself anyway.? ?Turn
round and spread your ass open with your hands.?
In fact put your finger-tips either side of your hole so you feel the
shit as it drops, there?s a good nigga
cunt-boy.?? He did it.? A luscious black teenage turd
slid out of his nigga fuck-hole and dropped to the
floor with a satisfying plop.? ?Mmm, tasty, nigga
boy.?? It was followed by a
second, just as tasty.? My two naked guys
were concentrating furiously, they knew they had to stay with me in the pits of
nastiness, they knew at any minute I might ask them to do something utterly
disgusting, and they had to be ready to enjoy it ? a real skill, but they were
experienced and knew how to stay prepared. The looks on their faces were
divine, such fucking depravity!? Joe on
the other hand was smoking a cigar, standing near the kid, looking as if this
was the most normal thing in the world.?
?Now you are not going to like this, nigga
boy, but if you don?t want Joe to put his lit cigar up your fuck-hole ??? Joe blew on the end
of the cigar, ?and you don?t, do you nigga boy??
?No sir.? Please don?t tell Joe
to put his lit cigar up my fuck-hole.?
I?ll do whatever you want.?
?Eat your shit, nigga boy.?? My two naked guys high fived
each other and cheered, and they leapt to lick and slurp all over my fucking
big cock and balls.? Nigga
boy hesitated too long: Joe grabbed the kid by the back of the neck and plunged
his fucking black whore-boy face into his own shit!?? Fuck yeah!?
He screamed and gagged but he licked and slurped at that pile of fresh, nigga boy shit.? ?Not
fast enough.?? Joe pinched his nose
tight, his mouth opened and Joe shovelled the shit in, all of it.
?Chew it up, nigga boy!? he said.? ?Chew it up.??
He wiped his shitty hand on the kids hair and
body.? I had such a fucking surge of lust, I let one of my guys suck me, like a fucking hoover.? Right down
his fucking gorgeous throat.? Then the
black kid threw up, as we knew he would.?
Joe held him while he heaved.? He
was smiling.? I told my guys to back off
for a minute.? We let the boy recover
?Now eat the vomit, nigga boy.?? Just saying this gave me the surge I wanted,
my two guys were there to serve my cock.?
Still a long way from cumming.? So much more on the menu.? And then Joe did something so gloriously
fucking disgusting, so unbelievably nasty that the guys and me were dumbstruck
with admiration.? He held the boy face
down in his sick but put his own face down by the side of his head and sucked
up a huge mouthful of the boy?s shitty vomit himself? Then pulling the black kid?s head back and
holding his nose - he was forced to open his mouth - he spat out the vomit into
the kid?s face-hole.? Fucking wonderful!. Then he did it again and this time dribbled the vomit
into the mouth and the next time he gave the boy a slobbering shit and vomit
kiss.? Sucking his tongue and then
running his own tongue round nigga boy?s full
Then the thing happened.? Anyone
but I might have missed it but I saw it happening,? The start of his submission.? The nigga fuck-boy
sort of sagged in Joe?s grip, he gave himself up to the sensation, just for a
very brief moment he admitted he was a disgusting low-life, for a second he enjoyed
Joe?s shitty kisses, he fucking enjoyed it.?
I leapt up and whispered in his ear while Joe was sucking his shitty and
vomit mouth.? ?This is who you are, nigga boy.? You?re
just a disgusting black whore boy!? You not fucking man like us??
Here you are eating your own shit and it?s turning you on.? A hot muscle guy is sucking your fucking
thick nigga lips and you love it. You didn?t know
till tonight, did you?? But you do now,
give in, nigga whore-boy, this is who you are.??? Tears were flooding down his beautiful,
young black face.? Joe asked him the all
important question?
?Are you a fucking man, nigga boy??
?No, sir, I?m a fucking disgusting low-life nigga
?Fuck yeah!? said my fucking amazing Joe, ?you
certainly are one disgusting boy-cunt.??
Joe continued sucking up the sick and giving it back to the boy until
all of it was back inside the kid.? Then
the little black boy-cunt threw it all up again.? Joe simply took off his belt and fucking
viciously beat the kid, calling him the appropriate names, till he had sucked
it all up again.? This time he somehow
kept it down.? Time for confuse-a nigga.? My two guys
deserted my cock ? Joe sat by me and casually treated me to a hand job ? anyway
my two fit hot naked guys were now all over the nigga
boy.? One at the face end, one at the
other, Sliding their hot bodies over his dark
skin.? Caressing him,
soothing him, kissing away his tears, sucking his cock and balls, licking his
hot black boy hole, moving all over him. Telling him how beautiful he
was, what a gorgeous, hot young black pussy-boy he would make.? It was a touching sight. Hot
mouths, wet tongues, hands, cock and arse-holes.? And the nigga boy
lapped it up.? How could he not, two hot
men lavishing all this attention on his hurt young body?? Almost certainly not knowing if he was
conscious or not, on his head or his heels, even alive or dead, he was kissing
them back for all his was worth, which wasn?t much - expendable little black
fuck-boy that he was.? They manoeuvred
him over to me and put his hot, black-boy mouth on my huge cock.? He looked up at me.? A gorgeous, innocent young
black face.
?This is your destiny, nigga boy.? Worship the great god cock, slut boy.?? And he did.?
The guys and me exchanged smiles.? Joe went over to the older cunt, who was
moaning quietly, I knew he wanted to liven things up
in that area.
?Blow torch or crow bar, boss???
?Oh, crow bar for the that cunt, leave the
blow torch for the younger whore.?? The
black slut-boy was doing good work on my thick meat. One of my guys was under
him sucking his sizable black teenage cock, the other
was sticking his tongue up his black boy hole as far as he could.? Considering this kid had probably never done
anything except wank before this evening, the kid?s
responses were pretty impressive.? He was
slurping and moaning and sucking on my fucking great big cock with commendable
?Lick my balls, nigga whore boy.?? The guys knew that they were preparing him to
take a dildo up his hole.? So they moved
on to this expertly and it was up him before he had time to realise.? Joe timed his first smack with the crow bar
at exactly the moment the dildo went up the kid.? Right across her fucking
leg.? Smashing the cunt?s left
leg.? The two happening together, the nigga?s yell and her screams, and the sight of my guys
working for me, could have caused a lesser man to cum.? Instead I just got that fucking great
adrenaline surge.
?Break the fucking whore?s legs, Joe.?
Fuck yeah!?? Thumph!? There goes the other.? Followed by several more
smacks to break the cunt?s legs in a few places, and across the knees.? Fucking great.? The guys now had lifted the nigga boy up and placed him arse open on my fucking huge
slab of meat.? They pushed him down,
fucking sweet.? It took his breath away
but didn?t seem to cause him much pain ? after what he had been through so far,
it was probably relaxing for him to have a fucking big cock up his nigga boy fuck-hole.?
It reassured him that he was exactly what he had said he was,? a cunt-boy, and he
always would be cunt-boy after tonight, never a man like Joe. The boys began
moving him up and down on me like a big, black fuck-toy.? Mmmmmm, nice.? They had him
facing me, he was looking at me, dazed, with his
tongue out.? I looked past him to see
Joe?s work.? As I expected he was
grinding the cunt?s broken bones together, fucking great, her agony must have
been total.? Since I fucking hate the
cunt, all cunts, I was really pleased to see this and I gave a
extra push up into the nigga boy-whore?s guts.? Fuck yeah!?
Joe was smoking his cigar while he jiggled the whore?s broken bone
ends.? I started to suck the nigga-boys face, but I didn?t like the taste.?
?Sorry, boss.?? And the boys spat
in his mouth, liberally, and then sucked on his black boy tongue and lips to
sweeten them up.? They moved his face
towards mine, there was no resistance of any kind now, in fact he opened his
mouth and his black boy tongue came out to meet mine.? He was moaning in lust, he was a fucking
whore.? I hate to say it but I told you
?Do you love cock, boy??
?Oh yes, sir, I fucking love cock.?
?Which do you like best cock or cunt, nigga-boy??
?Mmm, cock, sir, I love cock sir, but I still
like big tits as well.??
?Well, learn be a good digusting little
boy-whore for me and I shall give you plenty of cunts with big tits to play
with.?? I went from his black boy-whore
mouth to the mouths of my two guys, back and forth, and we all shared spit and
sucking, tongues and lips.? In the
background were the screams of the whore on whom Joe was doing such excellent
work.? I stopped.
?Want to do something for me, nigga boy??
?Oh yes, sir.? I have to please
you, don?t I, sir??
?You would be best advised to, yes.?
Go over and help Joe.?? He pulled
himself off my huge cock, looking a little disappointed I thought, and went
over to Joe.? Joe looked at me and I
nodded.? He gave the boy the crow bar,
and indicated the agonised whore.?
?Get to work, nigga boy.? Smash the rest of her.? Do a good job
mind.?? Nigga
boy, naked fucking teenage black kid brought the bar smashing down on her
chest.? We cheered.? ?Again, again!?? Over and over, using all his strength,
lifting the crow-bar way above his head, he brought it thundering down on the
fucking whore-cunt, destroying her bones, destroying what was left of her once fuckable body.? ?Great, fucking great, nigga boy.? Her fucking head,
smash her fucking face.?? He did, it was
a great sight.? The guys were licking the
tears of joy from my face.? Our aim had
been to fuck up this black kid as soon as we laid eyes on him, it had been
Joe?s intention since he met him in the arcade and offered him fifty pounds to
come with him, and here he was in front of us, out of his fucking mind. We?d
made him murder this cunt, and he had not only obeyed us, but he had enjoyed
it, hugely.? He was a terrified,
cock-sucking, mindless fuck-whore forever most likely, all finer feelings
smothered in his appalling guilt, shame and confusion.? We had done a first-class job.? He dropped the crow-bar and looked around. Lost.
?Wanna suck my big cock, nigga
boy??? Joe asked him.
?Oh yes, please sir.? He dropped to his knees, so grateful, like a
beaten puppy and sucked at Joe?s great cock.?
Joe smiled and smoked.? ?Wanna be fucked up your nigga-boy
hole, kid?? Joe asked.? The boy
immediately turned, arse up and spread.?
?Oh yes, please sir, please fuck my nasty boy fuck-hole, please
sir.?? Joe did.? Smiling at us.? He spread his hands over nigga
boy?s back as if offering me this new toy.
Now there were only a couple of things left on the menu.? My two naked guys put overalls on for
protection and took blow torches to the young cunts tits.? And I put my cock up Joe?s fantastic muscle
boy fuck-hole.? Surprised ? don?t be, Joe
loved being fucked by me ? only me, he loved surrendering his hole to the one
man he knew to be even more sadistic than him.?
We angled ourselves to get a good view of the guys work on the young
cunts jugs.? It was good to watch.? They worked with precision, Aiming first at
her nipples, and gradually destroying? her fucking huge tits, and since they
had given the cunt the stuff to keep her conscious we were able to enjoy her
agony and unbelievable terror.? The
sounds was so enjoyable ? the roaring of the two blow lamps, and then the smell
of course.? I fucked Joe while Joe fucked
nigga boy.
?I hope you?re watching, nigga boy!? Haven?t closed your eyes, have you, slut
?Oh no, sir.?
?What?s your opinion, fuck-boy??
?She?s a fucking white cunt, sir, and she?s in fucking agony.?
?Why are we doing this, nigga boy??
?Because you are fucking wonderful men, sir.? You have fucking wonderful big, hard cocks,
sir, and you hate these fucking cunts.??
I was very gratified by this little speech of his.
?Good boy.? Good boy.?? I withdraw from Joe?s shit-chute and moved
round to the boy?s face.?? ?Open up, slut.? The gorgeous, fucked up, fourteen year-old
black boy opened his mouth and looked at me.?
I came in his mouth.? A pleasant
evening ended.? I cleaned myself up and
left.? The guys would do the rest, I could always rely on them.
The End.
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Lena Brooks and Landon Parker sat proudly at the graduation of Walter, Lena's son. His fellow classmates envied him since he was receiving double Masters degree's at his young teen age. It was no surprise to Lena nor his uncle Landon when he gave them a nod in his acceptance speech. They too were "gifted" she a recognized Environmentalist, Climatologist and Speaker. Landon a Mechanical/Nuclear Engineer for Military Special Projects before going independent. "Wally" as they called him rushed to...
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“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...
Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a pussy eating fantasy. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...
Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a pussy eating fantasy. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
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FantasyHello, ISS reader i am Sumit from Siliguri, West Bengal and this story involves me and my sexiest hot girlfriend Chandni, losing her virginity to me. To begin with my hot girlfriend Chandni, she is about 5’7 and her assets measure 36-26-32 she looks like Ayesha Takia, her boobs can make any one go crazy within first look, her eyes are so beautiful that one gets hypnotized by her beauty. Though i am 5’10 and my cock measure about 7″ she’s truly a sex goddess. It all happened after the college...
Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
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The Fappening‘Enter Sandman’ Although most scholars of erotic mind control fiction would agree that the Internet has provided us with a new Golden Age of hypnotic stories (in both senses of the word ‘hypnotic’), the increased attention paid to the fetish is also providing us with a wealth of information on the history of mind control erotica. Discoveries continue every day, from the use of hypnosis in silent films like ‘The Cabaret of Doctor Caligari’, to the infamous ‘burlesque hypnosis shows’ of Germany...
Das Rote Halsband © 2006 / 2019 Lydia Lighthouse Schon seit langem hatte ich es mir vorgenommen. Nur an einer passenden Gelegenheit mangelte es bisher. Zugegeben, ein wenig mehr Mut w?re dem Unternehmen sicherlich zutr?glich gewesen, aber jetzt war es ja endlich so weit. Mit einer Eintrittskarte f?r einen Travestie-Event in der Tasche war ich auf dem Weg zu meiner ersten Erfahrung als Frau in der ?ffentlichkeit. Nun gut... ?ffentlichkeit war zwar vielleicht etwas zu viel gesagt, denn au...
‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...
SATURDAY PROMISED TO BE HOT. Daytime temperatures that were unpleasant but as compensation the evenings were mild until midnight, sometimes later. I found Aída in the stands and sat down beside her. “Why aren’t you out there today, Aída?” She made a face. “I twisted my ankle a couple of weeks ago, Michael. I’ve got to take it easy for another ten days at least.” She laughed. “Otherwise I’d cream her, and Alex knows it.” My lizard brain immediately wondered exactly what kind of creaming...
Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
Arab Porn SitesFuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...
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BDSMThis story is about my maid and me and how we started our secret affair. Before that, let me introduce myself as it’s my first story. My name is Rahul 22 years, and I am a proper Bangalore man. I’m 5’8 with dusty color with a lean athletic body as I do regular gym I have finished my studies and started my firm. My mom moved to dad’s place as he works abroad. Now, coming to the story. As I told, I had finished my studies and started my firm. With mom gone, I was left alone with no-one to do my...
Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...
Fetish Porn SitesAbsinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...
Kandy By Daisy May Chapter One Adrian had been fired, again. His boss had been ragging on him because he missed another Monday, she didn't take kindly to his suggestion that she 'blow me' and, instead, had fired his ass out the door. Another man might have been upset, and, truthfully, in a couple of weeks when his cash was gone, Adrian would clean himself up and get another job; until then, a can or three of Faxe 10 would keep him occupied and happy if not blissful. The...
The little bitch had started coming on to him almost from the first class. Giving him those doe-eyed looks, the sly smiles, sitting there with his legs spread wide apart so Professor Sanderson could see his hard boy-meat. And he continued do so up until mid-terms. But, even though the little bitch had been outrageously flirting with Professor Sanderson from his front row seat, he had also been careful to never actually approach the man, to give his professor any opening to act on the boy’s...
The Box's Pandora By Morpheus "Are we there yet?" I asked from the back seat of my family car, a five year old sedan that Dad had bought brand new. "No," Dad answered from the driver's seat. I turned my attention back to my DS, and the Pokemon game that I was in the middle of playing. A few minutes later, I repeated the question, "Are we there yet?" This was more from boredom, than because I thought we were really that close to our destination. "Not yet," Mom answered from...
After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...
Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...
kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...