Late Evening Jog Part One (Revised) free porn video

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Officer Lori Hunt had just gotten off working a long shift in a small mid-west town where few things of note ever happens and everyone knows your name or at least your face. It was a hot June evening just after dusk. She was tense and wanted to unwind so she thought she would go for a jog then take a long bath to celebrate her week vacation starting tomorrow and she may even sleep in she thought to herself. She turned on the radio to listen to some country while she changed but instead there was a news announcement of a prayer vigil for college girl whose car was left abandoned at a state highway rest stop. The report went on to say after two months there had been no leads in the case. Go figure she thought only two hours away and nothing like that has ever happened near this quiet town. I wish I was on that case or a case like it, I wonder if she suffered much. She starts to think about moving to the big city where she could get some real police action instead of spending long hours giving tickets and chasing kids out of the park or cemetery after dark.

Lori then puts her belt and side arm away in the closet and then pulled her shirt off and wiped the sweat from her brow and tossed it into the hamper. She then pulled her jogging shorts out and her black police labeled t-shirt then finished taking off her clothes. She unfastened her bra and felt the cool air from her small fan touch her nipples. She cupped her firm grape fruit size breasts and rubbed the nipples until they were rock hard and then felt a tingling in her pussy as she reached down and rubbed her trimmed pussy mound closing her eyes and thinking of her boyfriend in Huston and wanting to be in his arms right now instead of waiting until Tuesday. She took a deep breath and went to her dresser and pulled her sports bra and as she started to tug it on she stopped and tossed it to the bed. It is warm way to warm to wear that snug thing she thought why not go without just this once. It’s just after dark she thought no one will notice and they know I jog every evening anyway she thought to herself. With a smirk she took off her panties too and then put her jogging shorts on and pulled on here black police logo t-shirt. It was loose fitting and didn’t seem to cling much to her. She then pulled her long auburn hair into a pony tail. Lori then pulled on her blue and red stripped knee high socks and her jogging shoes. Lori then went towards the front porch to do some stretching exercises before the jog. She stopped just long enough to admire herself in her mirror behind her bedroom door. At 5’8”and 138lbs auburn hair and sharp green eyes, she had a body to make most men take notice, even when in her uniform she turned heads.

As she was stretching on the porch two figures came jogging up from the street and said “Hi, You’re getting a fairly late start tonight”. Lori looked up and saw the shadowy figures come into view from her porch light. It was Jill Belen and her daughter Jennifer. Jill looks much like her daughter and if Lori did not know the two she would had thought that Jill was her older sister and not her mother. Jill got pregnant when she was only 16 and raised her daughter with the help of her mother who passed away a few years ago. Jill never married and just lived with her daughter Jennifer who was now eighteen years old and had just graduated from high school two weeks ago. The two women stopped long enough to say high and then were off saying they will jog with Jill tomorrow evening. Lori watched them leave with a smile noting it is amazing that Jill had not found a boyfriend with that body. Jill was about 5’6” with long raven black curly hair dark sun tanned complexion and firm but well-built ass. Her most striking feature was her breasts. Lori had nice ones but Jill’s where larger and still firm looking. Lori thought to herself how the two could ever jog without hurting themselves with all that front baggage. Even in her sports bra Jill’s tits still swayed from side to side as she jogged and she did not look like she had an ounce of fat on her well-toned body except maybe in the chest. From a distance Jennifer looked just like her mother including all of her chest line. The only way to tell the two apart was Jill was just a bit taller than her daughter and Jennifer’s raven black hair was wavy and not as curly. Watching the two jog back across the street as they made it to their porch they turned and waved to Lori and disappeared into their house. She thought she should get back with them about that girl’s night sleep over they wanted to do. A night of popcorn and scary movies would be fun with them she smiled.

Lori looked at her watch and took off into the night. She stayed on the main road though town and turned down Mill Street down past all the old and beautiful homes in town. If it was not for being a warm night it would be perfect she thought. A crescent moon moving in and out of the passing clouds made it seem like shadows dancing around all the old beautiful homes on the street. Off the main strip there were only a few street lights shining and the few stars above sparkled and the shadows danced even more. By the time she reached the end of Mill she wished she would have taken bottled water with her. She always does but she was trying to rush and then got interrupted by Jill and Jen and forgot to grab one. Her T-shirt was clinging to her large breasts and she stopped to catch her breath. As she stopped in front of one of the largest homes on Mill a large stone Victorian style home, she bent over a little and gripping the bottom of her t-shirt she wiped her brow and face of sweat while not trying not to expose too much. She looked up and saw in the shadows her dream house. She loved the style and the matching Carriage house setting back in the drive. She grew up in this town and always thought that it would be great to own this house and she thought of the history this place must have. Lori leaned into a pole light at the entrance of the drive that was burned out and caught her breath for a second and stretched her legs. She turned her head as she saw a large plastic trash can lid close shut just six feet away from her. Startled she jump back into the street and pulled out an imaginary pepper spray, which she forgot to pack along with her bottled water. Ben Hancock ducked behind his ninety gallon trash can showing only his well-groomed black hair and nerdy black glasses over the edge of the can along with his hands up and the air pleading “don’t shoot” in a startled voice. Lori clapped her hands and placed them behind her as she stepped back telling Ben he could come out that it was ok. Ben peeked over the trash can again then with hands still up he stood up showing a handsome man about 6’2” in his early 40’s still in his work slacks and white rolled up sleeved shirt with the pocket protector. Saying he was sorry he did not see her there. Still embarrassed Lori asked Ben what he was doing out here in the dark. Ben said well Officer Hunt I was cleaning cat litter from my 4 cats and dumping it in the trash. Lori shook her hands in front of her to stop him and said no need to explain you just startled me that is all. Ben noticed that Officer Hunt looked overly hot as he tried not to stare at her large firm breasts clinging to her very nice yet sweaty t-shirt.

“Officer Hunt” Ben says in a respectful tone would you care for a glass of water or ice tea. Lori has never talked to Ben but has seen him at several town hall meetings and at several church functions. She knows he is not married and had taken over this large home from his dead aunt some five years ago, that he is in his early forties, and now she knows he has four cats. Lori accepts Bens offer and tells him some ice water would be greatly appreciated. Ben says then this way to my back door Officer Hunt my kitchen is right here. Lori walks behind Ben into the dark and looks around and she notices how big this place is and the carriage house to the right seems as big as her place. When they reached the back door Ben flipped on the back porch light and with a loud snap the light blew that made each of them jump. Ben apologized for the light and Lori said no problem it happens all the time. Ben smiled and said yes but sometimes I think this old place has a mind of its own and a mischievous one at that. Lori smiled and asked how big this place is. Ben told her that it is three stories and 20 rooms. He added it used to be a bed and breakfast in the 20’s through the 60’s. He then said he has thought of renting rooms again in the future. Entering the house the kitchen was large and fully modernized and functional with Stainless Steel Island in the middle of the room and white marble counter tops. A tray with four bowls lay in the corner of the room Ben went to his pantry and pulled out a can of Friskies cat food and popped the lid. As soon as the lid popped four cats came running into the room for their night time snack. Ben bent down and gave each a quarter of the can as they swarmed around his feet. As Ben went to throw the can away Lori bent down to check the cats out. Ben got a good view of Officers Hunts ass and noticed she was not wearing underwear and she seemed rather well shaved as her shorts road up her thighs and revealed a glance of her pussy mound. Her long firm tanned legs showed great muscle tone. Ben’s eyes traveled up her thigh and followed the tanned arms petting his cats up to her chest and noticed now she was not wearing a bra either as her hard nipples was poking out from under her shirt and her sweat seemed to cling to her breasts as they dangled from her chest and swayed back and forth as she played with the cats. Lori spoke breaking Ben’s stares saying that she loves cats and that her boyfriend has two. Ben said he does and Lori responded Oh yes and I will be glad when Tuesday comes as I will be visiting him then. Ben said he lives close then and she said Oh, no but I have the rest of the week off and I started my vacation this evening.

Ben watched Officer Hunt playing with his cats in such a cruel seductive way in front of him. He knew what he had to do now and could not believe his luck as his cock started to grow hard so hard he had to grab a towel from the edge of the sink to keep his erection out of sight as it would not be prudent to show his arousal yet. He put some ice in a large glass and poured some tap water into it. As she rose to her feet he asked if she would have time to see the inside of the house before she had to go. She took the water and drank almost half right away and then thought to herself why not she always dreamed of looking inside this beautiful old house. Lori said with a big smile that she would love to. Lori then asked Ben while he was showing her the dining room and setting room in the front of the house what he does for a living. Ben smiled and told her research for his clientele as well as some acquirements of hard to find essences that have been very lucrative of late. It keeps me very busy and happy, I love my work. Lori was engulfed in the architecture of the home and the fact that each room was furnished beautiful antiques in the style of the 1890’s. She never noticed when Ben offered his business card and while retrieving it from his briefcase he also pulled a high powered Taser he kept in his brief case; he simply did not like guns. He then just placed it under the towel he was still carrying from the kitchen. She was still walking and looking up and down the walls and at the furnishings stating that this should be a museum. Lori was not paying any attention to what Ben was hiding a very large erection and Taser under the towel he had.

Ben explains to Officer Hunt that this place has quit a history in its time including the first orphanage for girls in the state and a Funeral Parlor in the 1870’s, a Speak Easy in the 1920’s and then a boarding house until the 1960’s. Lori looked at him and smiled that’s quite interesting she thought as she turned around. She noticed he was handing her his card and turned her back to him again saying she should be going as she had a lot to get done before she leaves tomorrow. Lori drank down the last of the water; the heat already melted the ice. Lori then looked at the card. Her eyes widen in shock as she reads “ Human Lactation Provider and Consultant Inc.” and then she felt a sharp paralyzing pain in the center of her back that made her crumple to the floor hard knocking the wind from her and she could not talk let alone scream. Her limbs all felt numb and she had no control over them. All she could seem to do was to blink with her green eyes and try to breathe. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Ben kneeling down next to her and then rolling her over onto her back. Ben smiled and said it must be fate us meeting like this Officer Hunt. Then Ben looked her over with lustful glee he touched the Taser to her belly and told her I think two will give me time to prepare you properly. Lori pleaded with her eyes but he pressed the button and sent waves of electrical pain though her body forcing her involuntarily arch her back and send her breasts into a bouncing frenzy with the rest of her into convolutions. That delighted Ben as he licked his lips in anticipation for an evening with Officer Hunt, a much better prospect than watching Letterman tonight.

Ben put his hand on her still twitching breast as he squeezed her left nipple and giving it a twisting tug checking for response from his victim and elasticity of her nipple. Ben was pleased that the pull of her nipple showed him she had taunt and firm breasts. He then noticed that she wet herself during the shocking and thought to himself that it was good he did it in the dining room tile and not on the living room carpets. He stood and then grabbed Officer Hunt by her ankles and dragged her to the back bedroom. As she went her shirt rolled up under her arm pits and exposed a fabulous pair of breasts wobbling around as he dragged her to the back bed room where he will strip her for the evening’s festivities. Once into the room Ben bent down and with no effort picked her off the floor and laid her on the bed. He checked her again and looked her over trying to determine if she needed another jolt. They say too many jolts could damage the brain and neural center. Ben smiled and gave her another one this time to her pussy. Her convulsing on the bed was glorious as her back arched, breasts wobbled for a good 30 seconds and then she just laid there twitching and drooling from the side of her mouth. Her eyes glazed over as she had been paralyzed a third time in less than fifteen minutes. Ben then checked for a pulse and there was one and it was still fairly strong. Ben then pulled off her shoes and socks and placed them into a paper sack and then he pulled off her piss stained jogging shorts also placing them into the sack. Ben then grabbed the fabric from between her breasts and heaved her into the setting position and lifted her black t-shirt over her head and tossed it to the bag. Well you will never need those again. I will dispose of them for you in the crematoriums blast furnace. Good thing I paid up my oil bill this month. Now he got a good look at Officer Hunt’s tits as she laid there. He rubbed and squeezed them checking them over very well hoping he wouldn’t find she had implants as he would hate to have to just fuck her and snuff her. However she was naturally busty and firm from long hours of exercise, and could be used for milking as he smiled. Ben could not wait as he stripped quickly and got onto the bed. His cock was so hard it was in pain. He started to rub his cock all over her face and slapped her breasts with his massive ten inch hard on. He slipped it in between her lips and just the sheer feel of her soft lips and tongue started him shooting globs of white jets of cum over her lips and tits. Wow! Ben thought at least I’m in a little more comfort, that woody was getting hard to work with. Ben then went to a drawer and pulled out a set of cuffs that when put on her wrists would insert small needles into the wrist thus the more she pulls the more pain she will inflict onto herself. After fastening her arms to the head board he spread her legs as far apart as he could at the knees and secured them. Her dangling feet were secured to the bed frame giving her legs very little room to kick back if any. Ben then placed a three inch ring gag into her mouth and noticed her eyes seemed to be fighting to focus and but appeared to be very dazed as she started to come too.

He explained to her that he had noticed her for quite some time but would never think of taking you until tonight. From you stopping at my drive to you looking like you needed a drink not to mention the back porch light going out as it did making sure no one accidently saw you come into my home. Wow it was meant to be he says. Ben then got onto the bed and straddled Officers Hunts chest and her eyes widen at that moment as Ben gripped both fully natural and very firm breasts with his hands and slid his ten inch cock between her formed cleavages and started humping her. His cock sprang back to life and did not take long for him to start oozing pre-cum and lubricating her cleavage. Ben played hard with her breasts knowing they will be bruised in the morning but she will heal. Ben pulled and twisted her nipples as he w rapped her tits around his cock bringing wines and screams from Lori. Soon Ben felt his cock prepare to spray a load onto Officer Hunt and he aimed at her face and the first spray got her in the left eye and the second found the mark going through the ring gag into her mouth causing her to start gagging and the last stream of cum went to her upper lip and into her right nostril. Ben’s cock twitched a few more times and oozed more into her cleavage and he rubbed it in to her skin.

Ben took edge of the sheet and wiped cum from her nose and eye. “Damn! Your one hot fuck Officer.” As Ben leaned into the headboard to catch his breath and calm down. Ben could feel her breasts rising and rubbing against his ass and balls with each breath she took. He felt life growing into his cock again and then griped her pony tail bringing her face up as he moved up setting on her tits driving his cock into her bound open mouth. The ring was tight over his thick cock but it felt good and he grabbed her by both ears and started to skull fucking her. His cock would go in only two or three inches at a time but soon he felt like he was getting hard yet again and he started bucking his hips faster into her face and holding her head like it was in a immobile vice. As his cock worked itself past the ring gag it opened into her mouth and Ben was able to push more of his cock to the back of her throat. Soon he felt a little give and then he was past the back of her mouth and she seemed to almost suck him into her throat as she started to do involuntary gaging on his cock He moved up and using the back of her head for leverage he sank all ten inches into her mouth and throat. He could feel the bulge in her throat when his hand reached down to stroke it. As he started to pump harder and harder the lump raised and lowered with his rhythm. Enjoying the feeling he started flexing his cock the best he could and he could feel that also. This caused her to gag even more than she had been and he felt a surged of vomit coming up tickling the tip of his cock along with the gags and throat muscles squeezing his cock trying to extract him out. Her throat massaged his cock with each and every gag almost sucking it further in as she tried to breath. Ben noticed she was starting to turn very red in the face and snot bubbled formed around her nostrils from lack of air but he could not stop at this point. He gripped her throat with one hand and the back of her head with the other and started banging away at her throat until he felt his balls readying to burst forth and he held on and let go the most powerful load of cum that he could remember. Vomit and cum sprayed from her nose and tears ran down her red face. Ben took control of himself and forced himself out of the depths of her throat. As he pulled out he heard a large pop from the suction she had on him and then cum and vomit spilled out of her mouth onto her chest, followed by the sucking of fresh air into her lungs.

After taking several deep breaths he retained his focus and noticed the feel of her labored breaths as he sat on her chest and looked Officer Hunt over. She is strong and will give him lots of pleasure before she is used up. He pulled again on her nipple and tugged it up and down, she did not respond so sometime during the blow job session she passed out on him. Ben bent over her and licked the inside of her ear then whispered to her your name is now Officer Cunt. Ben then got up and went to the bathroom and cleaned up and then came back and gave Officer Cunt a sponge bath and forced some water down her so she would not dehydrate from their romp.

Ben then let her sleep while he went down to his basement workshop. There he wrote in his leger under specimen number fourteen the name Officer Cunt size 36DD Areoles size of three inches, breast meat firm and nipples had two inch pull to them. Under notes he wrote very strong and very tight but well tone throat. He then took a bottle from the refrigerator and a syringe from the work bench and placed them onto a tray with Rubber cords, alcohol, and swab. Ben then went to the blast furnace and threw in Officer Cunts belongings in and hit the start button and heard the furnace kick on. Ben then walked back to the work bench and took the tray and headed back up to visit Officer Cunt again.

Ben went into the room and found the Officer still passed out and so he laid the tray on the night stand and took a robe from the bathroom door in the room and went around making sure his house was locked up for the night and giving his cats a few treats before going back to his guest.

She was now awake and had tears running down her face again and snot was covering her upper lip. Ben went to the bathroom and got another warm cloth to wash her down again. Well he says to Officer Cunt you really made a mess of yourself while I was gone. Ben then once again got onto the bed and straddled his new slave and cleaned her up. Ben started to squeeze her breasts again this time with more force until her tits turned red from blood flowing into them. He then took out two rubber cords and tied them around the base of her breasts making them protrude from her chest even more. Then taking the other rubber cord he did the same. Now Lori’s breasts were having their blood flow trapped in the large breasts and they were turning a reddish purple color. Ben then leaned forward and kissed her head and told her she was going to spend the rest of her days being fucked by him and that he was going to start her on a regimen of shots two times a day for the next two weeks and that will force your beautiful breast to swell and start producing milk for me. I will work to keep you fed with a steady supply of protein from my seaman that with the drugs will enhance your milk production for me. You will also be given a shot to keep you from ever having a child while I use your lovely body. I will then use your body to supply my customers with fresh human milk along with my cats and you will then be a fuck slave to me for the rest of your days. If or when you are no longer useful to me and my needs tire of you I will then place you in a snuff film that I will produce on my own and sell it in Russia though personal channels for more cash. He then leaned into her face and licked he tears away and then said he would harvest her organs if needed to the black market and cremate her remains before scooping them up and sending them to the curb with the cat litter.

Yep! You just about caught me dumping what was left of that dumb blonde college kid this evening with those damn fake 38DDD tits. Oh and there could be another outcome for you and that is I know a necrophiliac that loves big tits on his corpses when you get a little stale for him he will send you off to a cannibal he knows all for cash. See Officer Cunt you will not go to waste you will give me pleasure and cash till the very end. Come on Officer Cunt don’t cry I think you have a good chance of lasting as my fuck toy and milk cow for a good several months before you come to no use to me. A matter in fact I have been planning to add two women to my slave pin this week just before you fell into my life. I normally acquire my tit flesh from outside of the town but after seeing the Belen’s flaunting their tits around town and learning their jogging routine for the last two months I felt it was safe to take them. My only concern was you living across the street from them. But now you are here as he stroked her now purple tits and now that you are on permanent vacation it will be so much easier to add them to my slave pin. With that Ben squeezed Officer Cunts left nipple and inserted the syringes three inch needle into her secretion gland through the tip of the nipple and with a firm hold of the tit he sank it in and pushed the plunger with the clear yellow fluid all the way and her tit started to burn and then tingle. Ben then repeated the process on the other meaty tit and when he was done he undid the rubber cords and started massaging Officer Cunt’s breasts to bring the flow of blood into them again releasing the drug deep into her system. Ben then checked for any reaction to the drug and saw none and then told Officer Cunt let’s see how long you take to start kicking in the milk and while we wait I’m going to check out my new slaves cunt and ass as soon as I take some blue pills to get me up for the task. As it looks like it will be a very long night for the both of us. Lori tried to scream but very little came out of her ravaged throat but sobs.

Let me know if you like it and I have more to come. Thanks


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1950s60s Boylust pt2 Revised

Introduction: Some boyhood adventures, cont. (Note: Like pt.1 Revised, this is a re-post, with a few changes, so sorry if you have already read it. It published without themes and other stuff so, so only way to fix it was to delete and repeat. Also, I did some editing, so its a bit different) In part one I told a bit about my early years in a small, country town. This picks up my story. Ill tell next how I did finally learn about jacking off, or I should say, about having my first orgasm,...

1 year ago
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Seeing My Niece Off to College Revised

SEEING MY NIECE OFF TO COLLEGE (Revised)I had written the first half of this story this story and submitted it. If they do publish it, it will be the same as the 1st part of this, so you can skip to Part 2My niece Lilly and I have been having an almost steady affair since she turned 18. When Lilly was young, her father skipped out and her mother essentially spaced out so I stepped in to fill the void. I have supported her mother financially since Lilly was small and provided emotional support...

3 years ago
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Margaret Jeanettes Sperm Count Revised

Margaret Jeanette?s Sperm Count [Revised] With an alternative ending by Samantha Jay ? I like Margaret?s stories immensely, but I feel unsatisfied with some of her endings. As an author I write mainly for myself so I write the endings I want and I suspect that Margaret probably did too. When I read this story an alternative ending suggested itself, now I would normally ask the author?s permission to change a story, but since Margaret tragically died early February I am unable to do...

4 years ago
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Horny Niece Lets Uncle Help Revised

*Author’s note: This is the third time I’ve submitted this story. The first edition mysteriously disappeared. The second version got corrupted and garbled, rendering the story unreadable. Hopefully this latest attempt will be successful.Horny Niece Lets Uncle Help (Revised)By billy69boyMy sister-in-law and her two young daughters came to visit us for a week in the summer. They live out of state, and we only get to see them a few times a year. With each new visit, I am amazed to see how...

2 years ago
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The Marriage of Martin Hastings Chapter 1 Revised

WARNING: Fictionmania Readers: This story has elements of forced feminization, s/m, b/d, that forces a man to become the bride of another man. This all takes a place in the realm of fantasy and no where else. There are scenes of sexual activity the take place beginning in chapter 5. This story has been posted here before, but it is much revised now. Dark Tales of Forced Feminization Presents "The Martin...

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The Marriage of Martin Hastings Ch 2 Revised

Dark Tales of Force Feminization Volume One "The Martin Hastings Saga" is a work of erotic fantasy/fiction in three distinct pieces and is not based on any beliefs/realities or are any of the characters based on person's alive or dead. This story contains elements of b/d, s/m, forced femininity, and some explicit scenes of gay sexual activity, some non conventual in nature. The story is meant to be a piece of erotic literature for entertainment purposes...

4 years ago
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Devils Due revised

Devil's Due (Revised) By Daniel A. Wolfe (aka D.A.W.) Author's Note: This was originally posted on my website for Halloween. While not exactly new it's almost a complete rewrite of Devil's Due which was originally a Mixed Tape entry, and is more than double the length of the original. I'm finally going to bring this story into the official cannon for my open universe Tales from Meridian the rules of which can be found by visit the open universes page on my website. The original can...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Daughter Revised

Becoming a Daughter - Revised There were 60 seconds left in the football game. We were ahead 21 to 0 and going for another shutout. This shutout win would break the school's long-time record of shutouts. My dad, a big guy, was on the original team a number of years ago that set the school's shutout record. My twin brother Jack, 18, was big like our dad, while I, was much smaller like our mom. We were both on the current team. My brother was a very good athlete and he started at...

1 year ago
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A Flair For Trouble Revised

When Judge Carlson calls, I always know that the job is going to be interesting, and when he called me this time in the dead of night I just knew that this particular case is going to be 'unusual'. He had the talent for pulling the one 'odd ball' court filing out of a stack of about 100 other nearly identical ones, that seemed to have 'special features' of interest to him. The judge is a great guy and has given me a lot of business over the years and I've learned to trust his 'nose for...

3 years ago
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Evening Jogging Turned Into Sex

Hi, guys, this is Nisha. I am a beautiful girl of age 25 and my vital stats are 32-26-34. I live in thane, Mumbai. The incidence I am going to narrate happened in the town where I was doing graduation 2 years back when I was 23 years old. I am a very beautiful girl so I like to keep myself fit and maintained. So every evening I used to go for jogging. The town is small so there was no jogging track as such but I used to jog on the small road by my house. It was by luck that I got this house on...

2 years ago
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Brandys Nightmare Part One Revised

1 Brandy was on the sofa watching TV, enjoying the cool air inside the trailer. It was a typical humid summer night in East Tennessee but the little air conditioner did its job well and they could at least be comfortable, even if the show was stupid. Something about two guys traveling around and paying big bucks for junk no sane person would want. Her dad was in his chair as usual, the remote in one hand and a Mountain Dew on the table beside him. “Brandy, come over here and suck my...

2 years ago
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Impossible Desires Part one revised

After I was done sulking over forgetting all my homework and food, I decided to take a look around to see exactly who I was sitting near. Normally I sit in the front of the bus where it was pretty much just freshmen and sophomores, they usually didn't say anything to me which was okay because I'm a shy person myself. I usually just sat in my seat with my eyes closed trying to listen in on the latest gossip, mostly because I didn't know most of the people they were talking about. I only knew...

3 years ago
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Lockdown Jog

I'm sure everyone is aware of the covid-19 lockdown, but, in case someone reads this in years to come, I'll just say that a global pandemic has shutdown society. We are all asked to stay home, and if we do go out to stay 2m from people we don't live with. We ARE allowed to exercise though. I like to jog.One morning recently I slipped on my t-shirt, jogging shorts, running shoes and off I went. Down the street, around a few turns and off into a small area of woodland in a concrete jungle. I...

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Rach followed Lidia into the house while I extricated my bike from the jeep. As I parked it in the garage, I tried to will my painful hard-on down. The rock hard state I’d been in since the girls picked me up at the pool nearly 6 hours ago had, on the ride home with Lidia on my lap, gone from pleasurable pain, to near agony. I considered cranking one out right there in the garage, but one tentative grip confirmed my fear that I was too far down the road of blue-balls...

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I wont tell if you dont Part 2 REVISED

Introduction: a sister discovers her brothers voyeurism of her THIS IS A RE-RELEASE OF I wont tell if you dont tell, Part 2-Aftermath with the addition of theme tags inadvertantly left out originally AND NO OTHER CHANGES. No ones trying to trick anyone. The following story picks up from the end of the edited /reposted Part 1. Thanks to everyone for the feedback for improving my writing-please continue to do so. This part of the story is more about my getting discovered and how we dealt with...

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I wont tell if you dont Part 2 REVISED

The following story picks up from the end of the edited /reposted Part 1. Thanks to everyone for the feedback for improving my writing-please continue to do so. This part of the story is more about my getting discovered and how we dealt with it, leading to our closer relationship. To get Beth’s help in writing all this, I promised to include this painful, funny, but less sexy part of the tale so we don’t seem like mindless, sex-obsessed teenage characters in low budget porno flick. Tolerate...

3 years ago
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Careful Where You Jog

It was the first day of spring break. I go to school away from home and live in a boarding house. My parents were having problems and I was sick of the fighting so I decided not to go home during spring break, instead I had planned the first day of my holidays to go for a jog/walk at a Conservation Park that I frequent every chance I get. I figured it would be pretty empty this time of morning, and it was a Thursday after all and the younger kids wouldn’t be finished school for another...

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A Quiet Friday His Story Part 4revised

----------------------------------------------------- Except from the end of Part-3 - ... I squeezed my first ejaculation forcefully into Susan’s hand. Then a second, and a third, and several more before the semen finally dribbled down my hand onto my pubic hair. It all happened so quick. My orgasm was over. I was totally spent, my heart pounding, and my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. She lay her head on my chest, and we talked quietly as a deep feeling of fatigue descended...

2 years ago
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I had left Rachel to finish her project, and clean up the bathroom, as I went down to greet our father. I met him in the kitchen. He had sunken onto the bench of the booth we used as our daily dining table, and was drinking a well-deserved beer. He rose as I entered, and as we hugged, he asked how everything had gone in his absence. I told him Rach had given me a ride to practice on Saturday. I left out all the good parts obviously. I told him nothing much was going on. Which was as...

4 years ago
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My Neighbors Incest Part VI revised

This is the corrected, version of My Neighbor's Incest Part VI If you already read it, you might want to read it again. All the same sex scenes are included, but some have been altered to better reflect the nature of the story. I promise, I'll do everything to make sure I never post the wrong version again. If you have not read this, or any previous version of this story, go back at least one story so you understand what is going on. Shoot, while you're at it, read them all. Part VI...

2 years ago
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A Quiet Friday His Story Part 3 revised

I was anxious to hear Susan have an orgasm. But after what seemed a long time she was having trouble relaxing and lured me into finishing her off. I watched her enjoy an extended orgasm at my hand. When she was done, she rolled over in sleepy post-coital bliss. I showered little kisses on the back of her neck until she fell asleep. Then, I tucked the sheet and a light blanket around her, so she wouldn't get cold. Part 3 – My Turn For a moment, I stood over Susan, watching her sleep. Morning...

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A Sunrise Jog On The Beach

As the sun's rays begin peering over the horizon, I near the end of my jog on the beach. In the distance, I notice the silhouette of a figure near the water's edge. As I get closer, I can see it is a woman wearing only her birthday suit and facing the water. Stopping far enough away as not to be noticed I watch her masturbate. She raises her legs so that her knees somewhat bend with legs squeezed together and arches her back, pushing her full breasts up as if they were greeting the rays of the...

Quickie Sex
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A Suprising Jog

First of all i usually take a specific path when i jog at night. But lately there has been construction going on so i decided to choose a different path.witch leads me to this story. On one of these specific jogs on the new route threw town there would be no lights on besides the street light's but tonight was different at one of my friends houses there was light on so i decided to check it out i found myself suprised by this beautifull young women undressing in her room then i remebered that...

1 year ago
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A Morning Jog

The path circles the little lake in the middle of the park. It's surrounded by a dense ring of various bushes and trees shining pale green in the spring sun this morning. I'm sitting on a wooden bench looking out over the lake, listening to the gravel crunching rhythmically under your feet as you come running towards me. As I turn my head slightly to the right, I see you. Your small, firm breasts bouncing slightly under your pink top, your short, red hair swinging in time. You're wearing...

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Gigs Polside partyrevised

“Hey!” My name is Gigi and I want to tell you about a spontaneous pool party my husband and I went to last summer. First of all, I am 4’11”, 90 lbs, and have a 34C-24-34 figure. The guys and I all love my butt. They love my tits too. It was Sunday morning and Jerry and I were headed to the pool to cool off. I had on my tiny black string Brazilian-cut bikini. I love the way it shows most of my butt, but isn’t a thong, so it’s all right to wear here. Jerry’s my height, 4’11”, but so wide...

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A Quiet Friday His Story Part 2 revised

When I awoke, Barb had already taken the car and gone to work. Classes had ended for me. Having just graduated with a degree in Physics, I was preparing to teach a course in Computer Programming during the summer session before starting graduate school in the fall. The course didn't start for two weeks, so I was still planning my lectures and preparing materials for the students. I glanced over at Barbara's night-table. The silver tray had been cleaned and put away. I was thinking about how...

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The Terrible Ts Part 2 Revised

The next part hasn't been written yet (I know, lazy). But I'll be working on soon. Thanks for reading and commenting. ~~Shel99 ******************************************************************************************************************** Taurean POV: Oh man. Even her moan made me hard as fuck. I...

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My Moms Hot Friend Part 2 An Unexpected Visitor Revised

It was Friday afternoon, I was waiting for Linda to finish working so the festivities could begin. Nothing seemed to amuse me for more than a few minutes, I would try playing video games or reading a book but I kept thinking about what was going to happen in less than an hour. It didn't help that I had an erection that wouldn't go away, I had already jacked off twice today but I was still horny as hell. I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't blow my load soon so I decided to...

4 years ago
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The Lonely Wife Chapter 2 Revised

Chapter 2 - A New JobDarren could not believe he had to take a job as window cleaner after his Uncle fell and broke his leg. Here he was a qualified teacher and was reduced to washing windows for a living mind you if yesterday was anything to go by he was going to enjoy this job. His cock already started to harden just thinking about what he did with that Anita yesterday, and she also paid him £500 for the windows and he supposed his services to her.Well now he had his Uncle’s biggest client...

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East of Nowhere Part 4 Meeting Winter Revised

The wagon finally pulls up to the shop, Grayson immediately jumps down and embraces his family in a huge hug, exclaiming “How I’ve missed you!” as he kisses his wife quickly and hugs each of his kids. Turning, he motions towards Sasha. Sasha then turns to the girl, and says “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” As the girl is waiting next to the back of the wagon, Sasha walks over to Grayson and he introduces her to his family. “This is Sasha, she’s the knight who escorted me all the way here.”...

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I wont tell if you dont Part 1revised

The event occurred about 35 yrs. ago in my teens and is the most favorite memory from I and my sister’s special relationship. Even though I’ve revisited that memory many times, I admit to not remembering the exact words people said and even with my sister’s help have had to fill in some but it’s all very close to what occurred. As this is the first story I’ve ever submitted about my experiences I apologize for any and all spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes, and would appreciate any...

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Give it a shot part 1 revised

This is a true story about my first gay experience and my lover. Hi, My name is Chris. Let me tell you a story about a teenage boy named Daniel and how he changed my life. I suppose i should take you back to where and when me and Danny first met. At the time i was 15 years old. It was summer break at the pool. I was hanging out with my sister and her friend as usual, but this time her friend brought her younger brother, Danny. He was also 15 years old. He was a little older but only...

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Lessons from Allison part 1Revised

   To this day I can remember the greatest dream I have ever had as though it was last night. I was about eleven or so and I dreamed that I was lying in my bed and Alison appeared in my door. She was dressed in a short, revealing white nighty and staring at me with a naughty little smile on her face. “I thought I’d drop in to say goodnight,” she said. Then she sauntered toward my bed. She planted her lips onto mine and then looked into my eyes with that same devilish smile. “I love you...

1 year ago
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Megan and I Relax Part 1 revised

Introduction: Megan helps me relax in a special way It was way back when me and my sister still lived together. When we were young my parents got a divorce and both me and my sister lived with my mom. My dad had already found a girlfriend and my mom was still looking for her mate. My sister Megan was 14 at that time and I was 16. My mom would go out on Fridays with her girlfriends and she would try to hook up with some dudes at the club but she never would come home with a boyfriend. Every day...

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Bisexual Relationships Part Two Revised

Introduction: Sorry. I realized some mistakes in part two. ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY ARE FICTIONAL. ANY SIMILAR NAMES, IDEAS, OR SITUATIONS ARE SIMPLY A COINCIDENCE. THIS STORY CONTAINS MATTER SUCH AS YOUNG SEX AND SO ON. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. So with that in mind, enjoy -Madisons POV- I awoke to find Sara lying on the other side of the couch. I looked at the clock, and I realized we had been asleep for about twenty minutes. I tapped her on the shoulder and whispered for her to get up....

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A Chance Encounter Part six revised

A Chance Encounter. Part Six. We went off, John, Carol, Sally and myself, to what was fast becoming our favourite restaurant for dinner that evening. It was in a small village, one main street, on the old road between Mazarron and the city of Murcia. Here, you could, if you wished, see your steak, or chicken, being cooked over a real charcoal fire before being served up just as you ordered. Again, it was a lovely meal and we didn’t mind that the journey time was just over twenty minutes away...

3 years ago
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Strip Poker and Speedos Part 3 Revised

Strip Poker and Speedos: Part 3 I awoke as the morning light filtered in through the mesh-coveredwindows of Bob's tent. It took less than a second for the night's events tocome tumbling into my brain. It had been both the scariest and most sensualnight of my young life. First, my best friend Bob and I admitted that wehad a crush on one another, and he had even kissed me and jacked me off. Ithad been way better than any of my boy-meets-boy fantasies had ever been. Now, there I was, only...

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A Chance Encounter Part six revised

A Chance Encounter. Part Six. We went off, John, Carol, Sally and myself, to what was fast becoming our favourite restaurant for dinner that evening. It was in a small village, one main street, on the old road between Mazarron and the city of Murcia. Here, you could, if you wished, see your steak, or chicken, being cooked over a real charcoal fire before being served up just as you ordered. Again, it was a lovely meal and we didn’t mind that the journey time was just over twenty minutes away...

2 years ago
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Late Night Jog Two

Lori endured another four hours of rape and tit abuse until she passed out again from the trauma of the evening and sheer physical abuse. She did not know how long she was out but she was still cuffed spread eagle on the bed laying in her own sweat and his semen. Her jaw ached with the ring gag in place and as she moved her tongue around she found he placed a plug in the ring to keep her a little more quit. As she ran her tongue along the gag and her teeth she realized she still had...

2 years ago
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Out for a Jog

At fifty-three years old it is getting harder and harder to maintain my figure. That being said and, in all modesty, I think I have done well.I have a 5’4” body 121 lbs., 4% body fat. My figure is 36D-28-34. My breasts are firm. Add to that I have a very high sex drive.I love making love to my husband but enjoy fucking on the side. I hit the gym at least three days a week and work out at least two more. In the summer I like to go running, usually in a forest preserve next to our house.My...

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a jog in the park true

I took up running in the summer so 3 days a week off i went anyway one day i was joined by a good friend of mine it was a hot summers day when we set we had been going for about 25 mins when she got cramp she lay on the ground and held her leg up for me to stretch when she had her leg up i could see right up her shorts and she had no panties on this got me instantly horny i had perfect view of her pink pussy wich i must add looked very moist i could also smell it i'll never forget that scent,...

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A Jog to RememberChapter 8

The remainder of the evening was spent with one cock after another being sucked or inside my cunt or ass. It must have been about 3:00 am when we finally left and returned to their high class apartment. Maria and I both fell asleep in the bed, only to be awaken several times to fuck one of them or some random stranger who had come to buy drugs. In the middle of the morning, Tank came by, woke me and took me back to the camp. As we rode back, I wondered how much money I had made for the two...

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