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It had been said that if a third World War broke out, civilization would be so ruined that the fourth would be fought with sticks and stones.  While not entirely accurate, it was true that by the time World War III ended at the turn of the 22nd century, human progress had been set back by over a century and the world map had been scrambled beyond recognition.

The city of Yerevan had been fortunate in that it was spared the brunt of the war's wrath.  By 2242 it had grown into a prosperous and cosmopolitan city of six million.  Largely undamaged by the war, it had become the capital of the budding West Asian Coalition that stretched from the White Sea to the Caspian.  Though economically prosperous, it was nestled between the militarily powerful European Confederacy and the sizable Central Asian Expanse.

It was only a matter of time before long-standing tensions between the two great powers reached yet another boiling point.  This time, the conflict was fought over who would exert the most control over the West Asian Coalition and its state-of-the-art industries.  As tensions rose, the CAE took the initiative and marched into neutral Coalition territory.  The European Confederacy naturally launched a massive counterassault, turning Yerevan and the surrounding region into a raging battlefield.

When the dust settled from the violent land grab, the Central Asian Empire stood victorious and annexed most of western Asia into its fold.  With many of its industries in shambles, Yerevan fell into disarray and martial law was imposed.

Komal, a 26-year old woman of mixed Indian and Russian descent who once faced a promising future as a young skilled professional, found herself unemployed in the wake of the conflict.  Waking up into yet another day sure to be filled with rejections from multiple jobs, she turned on the morning news.

"In an attempt to restore order, the CAE has requested that all civilians register themselves with the authorities," the news anchor -- widely believed (correctly) to be a CAE agent -- said.  "This process will ensure higher employment rates for all, and a better quality of life for all in this exciting new time.  Over the next few days, we will be providing information on where and when you are to register.  Please note that registration is not optional and non-compliance will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Komal, irritated at yet another annoyance in her deteriorating life, changed the channel.  Same news anchor, delivering the message again.  Another channel change... same news anchor.  An annoying but effective way that the government had been delivering messages as of late.  "Shit," she muttered.  "Looks like there's no way out of this."  Watching the program further, the anchor provided a friendly reminder that all major exits to the city had been closed and that residents should not attempt to leave the city.

When the time came, Komal headed down to the nearby convention center that had been designated as the registration site for 20 to 30 year-old females from her city block.  Although she tried to beat any crowd that might gather, she found her designated line to be quite full and extending well outside the convention center.  Komal looked around, seeing different lines for men and women of assorted ages funneling into various entrances of the convention center.  There was an air of boredom and nervousness throughout the entire crowd, which was patrolled heavily by small squads of CAE soldiers.

Nearly ten hours later, an exhausted and hungry Komal moped over to the registration desk.

"Name?" asked the obnoxiously friendly soldier with a smile on his face.

"Komal Shumeyko."




Komal listed off her address.


"Currently unemployed."

After answering the question, Komal noticed that the soldier began navigating through a series of menus on his computer.

"Field of expertise?"

"Umm... economics."  Komal had never actually held a job in her field of work.

"Years of experience in your field?"

"Well... I went to school."  Komal felt rather inadequate.

"Years of *experience* in your field?"  The soldier emphasized the word 'experience' in an obnoxious tone.

"zero."  Komal noticed the soldier doing more navigating on his computer.

"Previous jobs held?"

"Honestly?  None... really..." Komal muttered.  Her parents had, admittedly, never pushed her to get a job in secondary school or university.  Shortly after she finished school, the war killed any prospect of her finding a real job.

"Skills of importance?"  The soldier remained obnoxiously friendly.

"Data entry... some math, I guess, uhh... analytical skills," Komal said.  General, vague terms that she would use on a resume.

"I see," said the soldier.  More fiddling with the computer.  "Friends and relatives in town?"

Komal thought that was an odd question to ask.  "A few friends... but I moved away from most of my relatives."

"They been sending you money, support?"

"How is any of this relevant?"  Komal interjected.  Upon receiving a cold glare from the soldier and hearing irritated sighs from people in line behind her, Komal continued politely.  "Not for a few years.  I've been living on government subsidy."

"All right," the soldier said.  He fiddled on his computer for awhile more.  "Great news, Komal.  The CAE has need for people of your background.  As a matter of fact, we can get you a job as early as tomorrow."

"Really?"  Komal's eyes lit up at the prospect of making some honest money, even if it was working for the CAE.

"Absolutely.  Here's a pamphlet detailing where you can show up tomorrow."

Komal went home that night, grabbed a bite to eat, and retired to bed out of exhaustion and the desire to be well-rested for the next day.  She woke up early the next morning and put on her nicest outfit and a flattering amount of makeup.  With nothing better to do, she began walking to her destination on the outskirts of the city.

She barely recognized the area when she got there.  What had once been a bland part of the suburbs had been bulldozed and a number of temporary buildings had been erected.  Several fairly small lines, apparently age and gender segregated, were forming before the various buildings.  Komal found the appropriate lie and waited.

As she got closer, she saw that the windowless building had a metal front door; they were letting people in one by one.  Ominous, but functional and simple -- much like what the CAE was known for.  When she got to the front of the line, she identified herself to the soldier at a small kiosk in front of the building.

"All right, Komal," the soldier said with a smile annoyingly similar to the one she had faced the previous day.  "Enter the door, go down the hall, and go into the door at the end.  We'll be doing employee processing there."  Komal entered the building -- cramped, dim, and dull -- and walked down the hall to the only other door she found.  She opened it and walked in, letting the door close behind her.

She found herself in a sterile-looking 10x10 room with two armed CAE soldiers and two men who looked like CAE civilians.

"Komal Shumeyko, age twenty-six?" asked one of the civilians coldly.  Komal, a little nervous, answered in the affirmative.  The man nodded towards the two soldiers; one of them, quickly and instinctively, grabbed her by the wrists and drug her, kicking and screaming, towards a steel table on one side of the room.

"What the hell IS this?!" Komal shrieked.  "What the hell are you people doing?!"  She received no answer as one soldier held her down and the other one chained her with shackles to the table.  She struggled against her bonds, but they were quite firm.

"Miss Shumeyko," said the cold-sounding civilian.  He proceeded to rattle off a short speech that sounded well-rehearsed.  "As you may have guessed, the CAE took serious losses in the occupation of West Asia.  We need to fortify our defenses as quickly as possible in the event of another European assault.  Due to your lack of relevant skills, your reliance on government subsidies, and your apparent lack of close ties with family and friends, you have been chosen for CAE slave labor."

"What?!"  Komal gasped increduously.  "Slave labor?!"  She couldn't believe her ears -- that was something out of ancient history books, or something used by primitive civilizations... not something used by a modern and powerful regime.

The cold-sounding civilian ignored her and returned to his desk.  The second, sporting a pair of shears, walked over to Komal, squirming as much as she could in her tight restraints.

"Stop moving," said the man with the shears.  "It's not as if you're the only one going through here... we've already processed hundreds of women in your age group over the last week.  I don't think you'll be able to escape a situation that hundreds could not."  Komal, feeling defeated, began shaking as she tried to restrain herself.  There was no way this could be happening.

The man first took the shears to her waist-length, wavy jet black hair.  With a few large and messy cuts, her hair -- which took ages to grow -- was in long strands on the floor.  What remained was a sloppy, half-inch long hairdo.  Komal felt tears welling up in her eyes as there was nothing she could do to stop them from doing what they wanted with her.

Komal began squirming again as she realized what was next -- but she ended up being poked roughly several times with the shears.  The man made a rough slice through her shirt, ripping it off; he then pulled off her sandals and cut her pants up the legs before unceremoniously ripping them off as well.  Komal sobbed as he continued with the shears, snipping her bra down the middle and pulling it off.  As ashamed as she felt, Komal took a bit of relief as the man didn't linger too long at her smallish but round breasts.  He had as much passion as an old doctor who had done this hundreds (or thousands) of times before.  The final indignation came as he ripped away her panties, revealing her slightly trimmed bush.

The man with the shears backed up and the two soldiers returned.  They unfastened the shackles holding her to the table and pulled her, still sobbing, to her feet.  She struggled against their grip and kicked at them with her bare legs, but to no effect.  They grabbed a second pair of shackles that were hanging from the ceiling and bound her wrists above her head.

Komal, hands raised and feeling utterly esposed, tried to back away as the man who previously held the shears returned.  Disregarding her struggle, he grabbed her forcefully by the neck and plucked out her earrings and then reached up to slip rings that she wore on her fingers.  Komal used the opportunity to deliver a kick to the man's groin.  He fell to his knees and Komal delivered another kick to his chin, knocking him to the floor.

Before the man had completely sprawled out, the two guards were on her.  One got her in a fierce headlock, making breathing difficult.  The second produced a flashlight-shaped device from his pocket and shoved it with considerable force against her left nipple.  He pushed a button on the device and Komal howled as agonizing shocks flowed through her body.  After a good fifteen seconds of shock, a weakened, sweating, and sobbing Komal hung limply from the chains.

"As you can tell," said the man getting up from the floor, "we do not tolerate that sort of behavior.  Consider yourself warned."  He grabbed the rings on her fingers and placed them on his desk before grabbing a hose that was attached to the wall.

"Close your eyes."  Komal followed the instructions as he turned on the hose, spraying her with a blast of warm water that smelled faintly of bleach.  He hosed the makup from her face and circled around her, dousing her entire body.  When he finished, the two soldiers approached with towels and began drying Komal.  It seemed as if they enjoyed it a little too much, spending a suspiciously long time rubbing her breasts and bush more than completely dry.  As they walked away, she thought she saw them grinning at each other, peering back at her small but shapely form.

"We're almost done," said the cold-sounding man who had given Komal the speech earlier.  "We're going to give you an identifying mark right now."  The man who hosed her down approached with a rectangular block.  He pressed it against her upper right and left arms before pressing it against the back of each of her hands.  She looked up at her hands and saw what looked much like a barcode placed beneath the symbol of the CAE.

"Think of it as a more humane replacement for a branding iron," said the cold man.  "That ink identifies you as a slave in service of the CAE, and will not rub or wash off.  Although... with your behavior, I do wish that we had a branding iron to hold up against your delicious brown flesh of yours..."

Komal remained quiet, continuing to weep.  As she cried, the guards came and removed her shackles before shoving her towards the man who hosed her down a few minutes before.

"Here is your outfit," said the man, handing Komal a folded bundle and a pair of flimsy-looking shoes.  "Get dressed.  And note that you will, for the foreseeable future, be given this one outfit.  Don't damage it."

Komal unfolded the bundled garment, which looked somewhat like a pair of white overalls but a bit less revealing towards the top.  It was made from what felt like canvas or some other durable, but incredibly uncomfortable material.  Despite the pathetic garment, she was eager to cover her nude body and put the overalls as quickly as possible.  It was baggy, but there was no apparent way to adjust it.

"Note that the garment and the shoes contain no strings, laces, buttons or zippers, or anything that could possibly be used as a weapon," said the man with a sneer.  "This is the closest fit we had for someone of your size."  Komal silently slipped on her soft-soled shoes and looked at the man for her next orders.

"Out the door," said the man, pointing at a steel door in the back of the room.  "We have a lot of other young ladies to process today."  Komal was eager to escape from the four men who had seen her nakedness and rushed through the door.  It slammed shut and locked behind her.

Komal now found herself in a long hallway with another lone door at the far end.  As she walked, she heard distinct sobs and cries coming from beyond the door.


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A husband with less that he could wish for length in sexual equipment decides to let his wife satisfy her needs with another man

I guess you could say I’m blessed and cursed at the same time. Mother Nature gave me a big set of balls that produce large quantities of sperm but when it came to the delivery system, I wound up with a skinny cock barely five inches long. Kat (shortly for Katerina), my wife is very diplomatic and says that my cock is perfect for sucking. She can easily take the whole thing in her mouth without gagging even when my cock is fully erect. Otherwise I’m just an average man, average...

3 years ago
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SKIN DEEP Urban Legend Chapter Twelve Epilogue

SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend - Chapter Twelve: Epilogue by Mark McDonald The day Michelle went to the bar to hear the band was the last day of the auditions. The band had hit rock bottom. They had spent two weeks looking for a replacement for Mike and it was a complete wash. The night before the last day Marcus had set that the band could use the bar for the tryout period, the guys had decided that there was no way they would ever find a perfect replacement for Mike. Instead,...

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Tam Dub

Tam Dub By Merren After being kidnapped by a member of the most powerful evil coven in the world, James Smythe is prepared to be sacrificed in the name of the apocalypse by that same coven. Seconds before Jim would be take his final breath he is saved by the most powerful force that this world of superheroes and supervillains has ever seen. Growing up in a small town in Australia, Jim didn't really know how he was going to survive in the big city. Not long after getting to...

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Forbidden Love With My Sister

Hi this is Manu Pen Name, coming to the story I have had many affairs and relationship in my life the one I cherries the most is the current relationship. That is with Rati name changed I call her rati as I know she is sex goddess. Rati is a average 30 year old married lady very committed to her family and she was my classmate. In college people used to respect us as we were brother and sister. I made her my sister when I met her. Though gradually watching her and feeling her love for her...

4 years ago
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How He Learned His Lesson Pt2

The women laughed and whistled in a sense of triumph. Not only did they find him sexy, but having this power over a man was an empowering satisfaction . “Well! Since Amanda was so gracious as to hand him off to me, we should let her do the honors!” Sara suggested. “Amanda, it is! Here you go.” Chelsea directed as she handed Amanda the towel. Amanda rested a hand on his thigh, as she brought the drooping towel to him. Wasting no time, she wrapped her hand around him in the towel, and gently...

Group Sex
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Nirvana on FireChapter 8

Mandy was sitting in the living room on the sofa watching some old movie when Traci finally returned. Traci was still all smiles and bubbly. Mandy had changed into her nightie and a robe. "Boy, you sure left in a hurry, Mandy," Traci said. "Jonny was really disappointed." "I'm sorry, Traci. But it was all just too much." "What? Peter?" "Well, that too. Jonny sure looks a lot like Peter would have. But it is more than that. Its really complicated, Traci. I need more time to sort...

1 year ago
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Kathystory about a lactating single momIt was a warm, sunny September Saturday afternoon and I really couldn’t stand it anymore to sit at my desk and think about my thesis. They call it “writer’s block” and mine was finest quality marble, weighing a ton at the least. Any which way I formulated and reformulated the text, it only seemed a summit of stupid phraseology. You can’t force creativity, so I resigned to put on my shoes and take a nose full of fresh air. I took a bus to the nearby park to...

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Taken in a dark parking lot

This is a true story. I can write it now because I don't care anymore, but back then it was the most devastating and humiliating episode in my life.It started when I went to a sex shop to buy some poppers. Let me tell you first that I'm straight, or was straight, and my new girlfriend loved poppers. I was 27 years old, 5'9", and was in pretty good shape. You could say I had an easy time picking up girls, with my good looks and a decent game.That night I went to this out-of-the-way sex shop in...

2 years ago
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End of the WorldChapter 5

Mom reached out to open the door so we could go in and talk to Sharon and her girls. I reached out and stopped her. "Shouldn't we talk to our family first? See if they are agreeable"? Mom looked back and shook her head, "Over the last few weeks the girls and I have discussed the possibility of their staying and they were all agreeable. That even included John. I think without him the girls would insist they stay". A smile tugged at mom's mouth, "In fact Terri had offered several times...

3 years ago
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The Share Auto In Thane

It was a typical July evening in Mumbai. The skies threatened to burst out any moment and I was traveling back from my office in Cuff Parade to my home in distant Thane in the packed 6:45 Kalyan fast. Life had become too monotonous for the past few months now. But I guess that is the same story for a 34 year old working lady with a 3 year old kid. Manali Joshi that’s my name, I work in a financial firm and have been married for the past 7 years now. My husband works as a senior executive and...

4 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 22

Forty eight hours later, dressed in a cool linen suit, Quentin Osman was strolling along the deck of the ‘Paradise’, heading towards the stern where a helicopter stood poised on its platform. Behind him came Julia, carrying a pair of suitcases.Her lovely face had a drawn, almost gaunt, look about it and her lustrous eyes were brimming with tears. The strains of the last few days were beginning to tell.. and now a moment of crisis was approaching.The departure of her Master.Would he, or wouldn’t...

3 years ago
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Out of Retirement and back on the Game

Well, I had a brief hiatus toward the end of last year when I decided that I was giving up the escorting and finally settling down. I moved town and decided that a new town meant a new 'respectable' life. That didn't last long.I realised that even though I no longer need the money I was missing the action, the thrill of the chase as it were.So, I started looking for where the action is in Surrey. There are a several different ways of doing this of course, there are the agencies, the massage...

4 years ago
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My first cock experience

local spot that gets used for cottaging and dogging. On this particular evening I was sitting at home surfing porn as is often the case,and I found that I was getting more and more turned on by the sight of so many big throbbing cocks and I got around to thinking that I would really like to have some of that action for myself so I got my jacket on and set off in my car to see what I could find. On the way I stopped to buy some drinks and snacks so that I could have an...

2 years ago
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Repeat PerformanceChapter 6 Diane

My date with Diane was great. She was quite a bit more grown-up than Belle, and had some expectations about what kind of escort she wanted. She had chosen me because she thought I was much more mature than the young guys she had been dating. I couldn't tell her just how much more mature, of course. We danced, and by the second slow dance, she made it plain she wasn't afraid of a little body contact. In fact, she wasn't put off by a lot of body contact, most of which she initiated. I spent...

2 years ago
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You Should Be Father For My Child

Hi friends this is sandy again back with my second story. make me your wife is my first story you can read this @ To remind all of u again about my self aged 22 from Hyderabad. After posting my first story i have received many comments and i thank every one who had sent their feed back through mail among all the mails i have received a mail from a lady and now the incident happened through that lady who have sent me mail. After...

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Udas Bhabhi Ko Jannat Ki Sher Karai

Hi, Mera naam rahul hai main pune main rahta hun height 5’11athletic body. Toh shuruwat kuch is tarah hui. Main jis society main rahta hun ussi society main ek bahut khubsurat pari ayi rehne. Shadi shuda thi figure 36-28-36 ekdam pari lagti thi. Ek din main terrace pe gaya shaam ke waqt khana khake toh dekha ki wo wahan tahalrahi thi red colour ka night dress pehna tha wo itni hpt lagrahi thi mann toh kiya jake usko apni bahon main lelun lekin control kiya… Thodi der badh main bhi as pas...

4 years ago
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Stella Maris SM trials 2 Sass Dirty Dream 1

Saskia sees I see she's well awake, as only of the three try-out SM-in-Spain friends.Saskia sees this is her best chance to take first place at me & seduce for her plans.Saskia collects all her courage to seduce me into a short to stop to switch places.Saskia collects all her courage. Dares to do to me, what she no-one ever offered.Saskia has a perfect perverse plan to propose her most wanted warm woman wish.Saskia has a precise plan in several stages. This tale tells how hotly she...

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THE INDIA CHALLENGE 1 Director Mary Bordens Request

This is a new episode to the story, THE BOSS’S SLUT, Tina James. This is an addition to the story of a woman who has found the person she is and, in the process, truly comes to love that person. It is recommended that you first read the previous story in this series for background and character development continuing into this story: • THE BOSS’S SLUT The man who opened her eyes and soul to the person trapped inside her was her boss, the company CEO and Chairman of the Board, Charles...

4 years ago
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Sleeping Pills

It’s amazing how things happen sometimes. Let me tell you a story of something that happened to me not long ago. Part 1 I live at home with my mom and sister. We lost my dad about 6 months ago to a car accident. My sister is a year and a half older than me. We’ve always gotten along for short periods of time, but mostly we do our own thing. My mom works during the day, so my sister and I are home a lot by ourselves. Mom leaves the house about 8am every day and my sister rouses around 9...

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Free Service To Neighbour Bhabhi

I am sharing one of my sexual experiences. It was April and the vacations had already started. My wife had gone to my in-laws place alongwith my daughter. My parents had also gone to native place to attend a marriage. I was alone at home. Even two of our other neighbours had gone to their native places. Only the Marwari jeweller family staying next door had not gone. Surprisingly, the two brothers and their wives had stayed back. The marawari family was a strange one. The elder brother was a...

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Hollys night out Ch 1

Holly’s night out Chapter 1 © 201 by Jennifer O’Donnell Feel free to send me an email telling me what you liked and disliked. I even enjoy getting emails from people helping me with my grammar and technical issues! Please help point out any mistakes or spots that could be written better. My skin is pretty thick and I appreciate people pointing out flaws with my writing. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic means, including...

Wife Lovers
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eating out

my wife went out with the girls last night and it was only suppose to be a meal to celebrate a birthday, when she came home she said guess what happened to tonight?? you will not believe it.i said what's the point of guessing cos i never get it right.well she said the waiter took a shine to me and he gave me a free bottle of Champagne for the girls, i got up to go to the toilet and i seen him follow me to the toilets, i said to him are you OK what do you want. he said that he really fancied me...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 397

HarryCarton’s submission, very interesting. For purposes of this joke, pretend the President isn’t Trump, or Obama, or Bush or anyone else in particular. The President of the U.S. is campaigning for re-election. He goes to an isolated American Indian town with his entourage, to give a speech. The Leader of the Indian Nation welcomes him and after a brief introduction, stands back to listen. “My fellow Americans,” begins the Pres. “I’m from Washington, and I’m here to help...

2 years ago
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 33 Obscurity of Vision

Paramedics arrived in what I considered record time. I was sure they were a special squad sent by House Isaacs. I watched them check Randal over and then prep him for transport. I walked up to him. I was feeling torn. Torn between what he had done to my family and the fact that he was my grandfather. I wanted to talk to him, to know him better, but from the chaos I had seen in his mind before the clarity of how my parents had died, I wasn't sure if he would or even could talk coherently....

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Glamour Model Model available

Model AvailableThe days passed quickly, and before Sukky knew it, she was again climbing the stairs to Chris’s studio. Her bag was heavier than it had been before, she had added various items, and bits and pieces to it since that first booking. Here she was on her forth outing as a glamour model. One of Chris’s contacts had booked her, for a photo session. Chris had arranged it of course. They went into the studio. Chris was talking to an older man at the desk. This was the guy who would be...

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Undercover Ch 15

Cade awoke and reached for his pants to locate the keys for the handcuffs. They were not there. He tried to remember if he had put them somewhere else last night. It was really strange. He could not think of another place where he could have put them. They had to be here. He checked his pockets once more. ‘Is something wrong?’ Erin asked. ‘I can’t find the keys. I thought I had them in my pants,’ Cade said smilingly. ‘I’m afraid you’re stuck with me for the time being.’ ‘Ha, no way if you’re...

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 05

A gentle tug on Tom’s arm woke him. Only half-aware, he clutched Hannah tight to his chest in a reflex triggered by dreams of abandonment. She brushed his cheek, and whispered, ‘I have to pee, but I’ll be right back. I promise.’ The curtains faintly glowed with sunrise. Rain and wind tapped on the glass. Tom languidly stretched, and enjoyed a lazy Sunday morning contentment. His thoughts floated between dream and reality. The warm bed felt like an ideal place to spend the day. After a few...

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