Amorous Agents
- 2 years ago
- 37
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Nikki, Inga, and Carol had worked for the agency as intelligence interpreters for several years; we all agreed it was a monotonous job until one morning Nikki told us to look at the notice board. It advertised a vacancy for three intelligence interpreters to staff a small outpost in support of a drugs operation.
Nikki said ?It would be nice if we all went together but I am going to apply anyway?. Inga and I looked at each other and I said ?What have we got to lose, working here is boring me to tears lets apply?. Inga replied, ?Aren't you both forgetting what the agency told us when we enlisted?? Nikki replied ?We know the agency didn't like the idea of having to enlist women and if they had too the best place for us was behind a desk?. ?They don?t trust us in the field and told these tales to frighten us so if I am accepted I'm off?. Inga and I looked at each other and I said, ?That makes sense let?s all apply?.
We were interviewed together and reminded that if we were captured we would be treated as spies and they knew from previous experiences when women were interrogated they would experience worse treatment than men. While we were fresh and undamaged we would be stripped and raped many times before being subjected to humiliation and pain. What happened next would depend on who caught us but being young white girls we would most likely be sold as slaves. With this warning were we still prepared to accept the possibilities? Asking how likely this was we were told it was possible but since government soldiers were in the area the risk was low so we accepted.
Our base was in two parts; one held the equipment, the other our work desks and living quarters. It was just as boring as the work we were doing home, with little home comforts wished we had not left. For three weeks we sat in our hut sorting the information brought to us by the soldiers and field agents, then radioing the good stuff back home. One morning we heard gunfire and started to worry, nothing happened until two days later when there was more intense gunfire, heavier and closer, some of it hitting our equipment room. It went quiet, Nikki went next door to check for damage, our door burst open, but before I could turn I felt what I knew to be a gun at my neck.
Two voices shouted, ?Hands on head and stand up?. As I stood I saw Inga also had a man behind her and feeling a hand at my waist it reached my chest both men said these are women let?s have some fun with them. Now they knew we had no weapons we were told to keep our hands on our heads and turn around. They both wore uniforms but I didn't think they were soldiers. As they came toward us I knew there was nothing gained by fighting them off and accepted the possibility of being raped. At that moment we heard Nikki cry out ?Please don?t? then she screamed and the two men pushed us into the equipment room. We saw Nikki in a heap on the floor her hands on her head with two more men standing over her. Like our two men they also were wearing uniforms and carried automatic guns but not like those of soldiers.
They spoke with American accents and telling the first two men to go they told Nikki to stand up. I saw she had a cut on her face and her eye was closing up, then finding a cupboard with enough room they pushed the three of us inside. It was very quiet so we tried the door but they had fastened it somehow. As Inga asked what we thought would happen Nikki said, ?These people must be part of the drug suppliers?. ?What they do to us will depend on who they are?, ?If they are just thugs they will rape us, tie us up then tell the others where we are?. ?f they are more intelligent they will take us to their base to find out what we are doing and what we know?. ?One thing I do know, after me kicking that little bastard he is going to rape me before doing anything else to us?. How right she was, it wasn?t long before the two men who had punched Nikki let us out, tied the wrists of Inga and me and told us to sit on the floor to watch the show. One of the men held Nikki?s hands behind her back, the shorter man punched her in the stomach, and the other then punched her in the back. She fell gasping to the floor then the short man kicked her and said ?Stand up bitch and drop your skirt?
Still gasping she knew she had no other choice and would suffer more if she did not obey. Nikki undone the belt and letting it drop to the floor stepped out of it. Facing him dressed in her blouse and panties she was told to turn around and show her arse. Nikki was now facing us and I saw her flush knowing that with her panties tight between her clenched buttocks she must have presented an exciting sight to these men. When he said ?Your bottom half is tempting now let us see the top? Nikki undid her blouse and took it off. He shouted, ?That's not good enough turn around and show us your tits?. She turned took off her brassiere and I guessed this was only the start when I saw the tall man cup her breasts and said, ?Look at those?. The short man then said, ?Now show us what you have between your legs? and Nikki took of her panties. Standing naked before them both men looked for a while then the short man said ?What are you waiting for let's see your cunt?, Nikki knew what he meant turned to face us again bent over and spread her legs.
The two men call us over to them the short one saying, ?I want you two to see what you will look like when you have to do the same?. Inga and I could now see between her open legs the two mounds of her labia her hanging breasts. ?He then said come on open it up and make it easy for me to go in?. I saw Nikki put her hands behind and with her fingers opened her labia exposing the pink flesh of her vulva. He dropped his trousers and I could see his penis was fully erect as he went and stood between her legs. When I heard Nikki give a sharp intake of breath and cry out I knew he had entered her and that we would be next.
He must have done this to a lot of women and pumped at her for ages until his friend told him to hurry up he wanted to have a go. ?She isn't any good anyway see what you can do? he said as he withdrew. The taller man said, ?I don't like it standing up? and told Nikki to lie on the floor with her knees on her shoulders he dropped his trousers and we saw him go in. It wasn't long before he gasped out put his head back and pushed in one last time. I could hear Nikki sobbing at the humiliation of her best friends watching her strip naked and display herself in front of two men who then fucked her. I saw the tears in her eyes and his sperm running down her legs as she was told to get dressed.
The shorter man looked at Inga and me and said let's see if these are any better and told his friend to untie our hands. It was our turn to be raped, I was expecting him to tell us to strip, but instead he told me to take off my skirt and panties and show him my cunt. Inga was to take off her blouse and bra so he could see her tits before he decided which of us to screw first. Doing as we were told we stood in front of him then he pointed to me and said ?I told you to show me your cunt now turn round and do it? I had hoped he just wanted to see my front and wouldn't want me to bend over and display myself as he made Nikki do before he fucked her, but I was wrong.
I turned and looked at Inga standing in front of me, her breasts now naked were quite large and hung like half pears, and as I bent over and waited for him to penetrate me I could see tears in her eyes and pity in her face. Between my legs I saw his trousers drop bit my lips and braced myself for the entry. I felt his rigid shaft parting my labia enter my vulva then just as it started to enter my vagina a loud voice shouted get dressed all of you. He pulled away; I turned and at the door was another two men in uniforms. They waited for us to dress then said to the others ?You have had your fun now get on and do your work?. They handcuffed the three of us together then told us we were to go with them. It was a large safari car; we sat on a bench behind the driver and the two men sat behind us on the back seat. Driving through the forest and up in the mountains we stopped in front of the largest single story house we had ever seen, the two men went in the front door and entered as if they owned the place.
Seeing us admire the place the driver said, ?The best of this house is no one knows it's here and it can't be seen from the air?. ?We have a small staff of hand picked chefs, engineers, and gardeners, they live over there, and you women are their manual labour?. ?Over there are the member?s suites where you will spend some time but for now come with me?
Chained together we had no choice but to follow and it seemed as if we were going into the mountainside as he took us to the rear and passing a patio and swimming pool led us into a study and told us to wait. We waited quite a while until the two men, now in well cut expensive suits, entered and both sitting in easy chairs told us to stand in front of them. One said I am Paulo, this is Roual, now tell us who you are, who you work for, the job you do, what you were doing in a hi-tec hut in the forest, in fact everything about yourselves?. ?If we think you have told us the truth you will enjoy the comforts of this house but if you lie or refuse you will find as other women have done, some of our rooms can be very uncomfortable?.
Looking at me he asked who I was. ?I am Carol and we all work for the same agency but they only call us if they have work and don't tell us what it is until we start?. ?For this job we were brought pages of paper with numbers and we added these to other numbers in a book we were given?. ?We then radioed the answer but we don't know where or to whom?. Roual asked us if this was the story we would all give. When we said, ?yes it's the truth?, he said, ?I think we can persuade you to give us more detail than that?. Pressing a button two men entered and still chained together they led us back into the house. We were taken down many passages and pushed through a door into what could only be called a cave dug into the mountain. It contained a large cupboard, two upright posts with a bar across the top, a metal frame on legs, and a metal table. We were unchained then handcuffed together and with our hands fastened behind our backs we were locked to the wall. We knew they were going to hurt us and could only guess how the upright posts and table would be used. I had told the truth we didn't know how to de-code the numbers, no matter how much pain they inflicted we could tell them no more.
The two men left leaving us in suspense for some time no doubt to heighten our fear of the pain we knew would come. I looked at the girls and said, ?I don?t know what you two think but with little hope of avoiding what they do to women I would rather be raped than whipped and I won?t resist them.? Nikki replied, I don?t think we have any choice and agree with you? then seeing Inga nodding her head we smiled at each other and waited. Roual entered saying they had examined the contents of the huts and believed us when we said we could not give them any more useful information. When Inga asked him what they intended to do with us he replied, ?Since we could identify them and the position of their headquarters they could not let us return to our agency?.?
?Looking at each of us in turn he said ?Since you are the cheapest European women we have acquired the money men would pay for the use of your bodies will provide a tidy profit for us?. ?First of all you will strip naked for us to see how good your body is and if satisfactory we will give you a very intimate examination to determine if your vagina is suitable for our members to use?. ?If you are found suitable you will be tested and how you respond will determine if you need further training before being offered to our guests?. ?You must accept that to avoid painful punishment you have no alternative but to obey any commands given?, ?After you have been examined you can sleep and tomorrow have the run of the house?. With that he left and a few minutes later a man came in took off our handcuffs and led us to our dinning room, which was next to the main dining room of the house. He said, ?The room behind you is called the girls room and in it you will find books papers and drinks?. ?To remind all the women here what would happen if they are not obedient a video runs every time the room is entered showing how girls are punished?.
After he left two very attractive girls served us food and drink and Nikki asked them if there was any chance of us escaping. One of them spoke English and said, ?We both tried but were caught then after being whipped we were branded?. ?I will show you what they do to girls who try to escape?. With that she lifted her skirt and not wearing any knickers we could see a letter E burnt into her skin just above her shaven labia. She opened her blouse to show us even her breasts had not been spared the whip. ?We will now be kept here for a week or two as playthings for the workmen and gardeners and with our bodies marked like this we will be sold to a brothel?.
When we finished eating she took us back to the study and told us to stand by the wall and wait. When Roual and Paulo entered they sat in easy chairs telling Nikki to stand before them and undress. When she was naked we heard them comment on sparse pubic hair and shape of her breasts then she was told to turn slowly and when her back faced them to bend over and open her legs. I listened to her grunting but could only guess what they were doing to her and knowing how ashamed she must be I closed my eyes. They talked about the cheeks of her arse the shape of her exposed cunt lips and inner lips, together with her shapely legs and thighs and what a good Welcome girl she would be even though she was not a virgin. Telling her to get dressed they told Inga to stand before them and for her to strip, they played with her breasts and pinched her flesh before telling her to lay on a low coffee table with her legs wide open.
Roual stood between her legs and I heard her cry out as he done something to her before she was told to stand. They talked about the mass of dark pubic hair and her hanging breasts; when she was told to bend over with her legs spread they commented on her big arse, fat legs and thighs. I could see the tears of shame running down her cheeks when they said not being a virgin and with a body like hers she was not good enough to be a Welcome girl she then burst out crying. Telling Inga to get dressed it was my turn to stand before them and take my clothes off.
When I was naked they squeezed my breasts and nipples prodded me all over before I was told to lie on the table with my legs wide apart. Paulo stood between my wide-open legs put his fingers to my labia lips pulled them wide open then slid his fingers between my inner labia and held me open. When the fingers of the other hand pinched my clit tube I cried out but when they spread my vagina I begged him to stop. He took no notice and then for the first time I felt something other than a tampon going inside me. When he finished I stood before them while they discussed my breasts and nipples, my quite visible cunt lips, then bending over like the others my shapely buttocks, thighs and long legs. While I was getting dressed I heard Paulo say, ?She is gorgeous and with a body like hers she will be an excellent Welcome girl. We haven't had a virgin for some time and I think we should be the first to break her in? He pressed a buzzer a man came into the room who was told to show Inga where to sleep, Nikki was to be taken to their room and I was to wait until fetched.
I knew I was kept waiting because they were fucking Nikki first so when the man finally returned and said I was to go with him I knew I was about to lose my virginity and wondered which one would be the first and what it would be like to have a prick moving about inside me. I was taken to a bedroom where Paulo and Roual was waiting and told to strip. I was told to lie on the bed with my hands behind my neck my legs wide apart and I felt totally humiliated and guessed it was Nikki they meant as I heard one of them say ?It will be fun finding out how tight this virgin is compared with the other one?. As Paulo knelt before me in this position his hands slid up and down my thighs until his fingers moved higher then slipped inside my cunt lips. I felt them going deeper than before into my vagina and he moved them about before he rubbed my clitoris. My lower body tightened and with Roual gently massaging my breasts and nipples I felt warm wet running between my legs.
Paulo told to lie on my back and put my knees on my shoulders and seeing him holding his rigid member and knew it was about to enter me and I would lose my virginity. I felt it part my labia then enter my vagina and as it went in further I felt a stinging pain as it pierced my hymen and I cried out as he pushed it all the way in. When it started to come out I squeezed my vagina muscles to stop it but as he kept going in and out I was lifting up to meet him. Shaking my head side-to-side and moaning with the pleasure it gave me at last I felt him injecting me with his sperm. When he stood up I was told to stay as I was then Roual entered me and keeping me at the height of my passion I had an organism and the wriggling of my body brought him to his climax and I felt him come inside me.
Now they had finished with me we all went to the bathroom where I was told to wash their members then they watched as I spread my legs and washed myself. Roual said ?You have performed very well for a virgin and now I was a woman well broken in I would be expected to satisfy any man that entered me?. Roual took me back to Nikki and said, ?Although Inga is an attractive girl she does not have the body I would like to offer to my guests so tomorrow she will be prepared for the next monthly sale?. Then pointing to us said, ?Having sampled both of you we think you are suitable but you have to convince us you know why you are here so arrangements will be made for you to be tested?. ?If you give a satisfactory performance when you are being fucked you will join the staff girls at the house but if you don?t you will be prepared with Inga for the next sale?. ?Until you are called you can have a free run of the house?, then he left us.
Paulo came for us in the evening and took us to a room where we were introduced to four beautiful girls saying if we passed our tests we would be joining them. When he left I asked a girl with red hair what sort of test we would be given. She said, ?Before you are accepted your test will be to sexually satisfy two difficult members?. ?So you will know how painful it will be if you have to be punished for not obeying some order they will start by whipping you?. ?He will fuck you after he has whipped you because with a sore body your cry of pain really excites men when they are doing it to you?. ?If you pass your test and do as you are told, life here can be very pleasant, good food and clothes, swimming and gym facilities, everything a girl could wish for except her freedom?. ?As Welcome girls there are eight of us so when we have our periods there are always four available?. ?If a guest is expected we are called to the inspection room where Paulo or Roual will decide which four will be put on show in the hall so the guest can decide who he wants for his evening?s entertainment?. ?We can't chose who screws us but most of the men we entertain are young and good looking?.
?When we are on rota duty some of the older members want us to provide unusual entertainment like two girls playing with each other or masturbating in front of members?. ?Some men like to hear women scream and find excuses to have us punished?. ?They watch as we strip and kneel before them begging their forgiveness?. ?We can be tied in one of two ways and it is up to them which is used?. ?If we are tied to the post we are to be whipped on our backs but if it is the frame we will be whipped on our front and back and sometimes even between our legs?. ?Although it is extremely painful no permanent marks are left on our bodies and until we have healed we are allowed a few days? excused duties?. Before she could tell us any more Paulo returned and took us to the dining room where two men and Roual sat at the table smoking cigars and drinking port. Paulo said, ?These are your girls for tonight, they are not experienced but Roual and I have tried them out?. ?The one called Nikki had been entered before us but is just as tight as the other called Carol who was a virgin so which one would you like first??
The man with the baldhead said, ? Stand on the table and undress I want to see you both naked?. This was the start of our test so I started with my shoes followed by my jacket and waited for Nikki to do the same before I took off my blouse followed by my skirt. We both walked up and down in our brassieres and knickers turning to let them see our back and side view before we dropped our brassiere and jiggled our breasts. After we took off our knickers and faced them with our legs open they told us to kneel in front of them and show ourselves. I was in front of the younger man and holding myself open I tensed myself waiting for his fingers to enter my vagina then rub my clitoris until my mucous was running but he only opened me further by pulling my inner flesh apart. The bald man looked at Roual and said, ?They have very good bodies but how will they perform after the next part of the trial?. ?I don?t know they have never had it done before? Roual answered as he told us to follow him. Still naked he took us to the cave like room and tied each of us to frames with our arms and legs wide apart then left.
?I remembered the red haired girl said if we are hung like this we are going to be whipped on our front and back and possibly between our legs. When the four men returned I watched the two guests take stranded whips from the wall and the thought of the pain and how I would suffer when being fucked made me shiver with fright. The bald headed man stood by my side the other by Nikki and when the first lash fell across my back it felt numb and jerking forward I bit my lips then gritted my teeth. Then the fire started and with the second and third burning the whole of my back I could only scream and plead for it to stop. I could hear Nikki screaming just before another fell across my buttocks and the top of my thighs. My wrists and ankles were hurting with the twisting of my body but with one more lash across my breasts and another to my stomach I felt the liquid running down my legs as I wet myself before I fainted and my screams stopped. When I recovered we were still hanging with my whole body a mass of pain and fire and looking down saw the red weals across my breasts and stomach.
?Looking across I could see Nikkei?s head flopped on her shoulders the weals across the front of her body and the pool of water on the floor between her legs. By the time the men returned I had lost all feeling in my arms from hanging on them and as I was untied I fell in a heap on the floor. As we were pushed out of the room we both were crying with pain and taken to separate bedrooms. In my room the bald headed man told me to go to the bathroom and take a shower to wash the sweat and urine from my body before he told me to lie on the bed raise and spread my knees then hold myself open to receive him. Lying on my tender back was painful but when I felt his member pass my fingers as I held myself open to receive his entry his body pressed down on me making me sob and cry out. I took my hands away as he pushed in and out and held his buttocks hoping to ease my pain. Every movement was agonising, I twisted about trying to ease it but I was sure he thought I was doing this in passion and pumped me even faster until I was screaming and throwing my head and arms all over the place. He kept thrusting in and out of me until in spite of my other pain I felt he was rubbing my vagina raw then at last I felt a hot gush inside me and he withdrew. He stood up his member still enlarged and told me to sit up open my mouth and suck it clean. This was new to me but accepting I had to do it I gagged as it went in and felt sick but did as I was told and sucked it until it went small.
?He went away leaving me rolling in pain and it was just getting light before I went into a restless sleep. Next morning I could hardly move, the skin on my back felt tight, my vagina sore and swollen, both my nipples enlarged from a strand cutting into them and I burned all over. I showered as best I could and lay on the bed not knowing what to do and not having any clothes I didn't want to go out naked. After last night I don't know why this concerned me but it wasn't long before Roual and Paulo entered and told me to lie on the bed while they examined my back and front. They were very gentle touching me all over and expressed some concern over my damaged nipples. While Paulo was examining me Roual said, ?You have both passed the test and will now be on the staff ?.?One of the girls will bring you some clothes then you can go to the wardrobe in the girl?s room at any time and pick anything you like?. ?After lunch both of you are to go to the study where the rules will be explained then for the next few days we could do anything we wanted?.
Before they left I asked where Nikki was and could we see Inga. ?Nikki is two doors down and yes we could see Inga but she may not want us to see her?. I waited for my clothes to arrive then went to Nikki but her clothes had not come so we told each other about our night with the men and I undressed so we could see the weal's on each others front and backs. A different woman in her mid thirties arrived with Nikkei?s clothes and seeing her weal's said, ?It's not as bad as it looks they will be gone in a few days?. She saw we both had pubic hair and said ?We women are shaved on a regular basis and even after all this time I find what they do to me when I am being shaved more degrading than Displaying or playing with myself before an audience?.
We told her about our friend Inga and asked if she would take us. Having assured her Roual had said we could see her we were taken back to the cave area but this time passed the door to the punishment room and entered one further down the corridor. Neither of us were prepared for the sight before us, wooden stalls surrounded the room and in some of them there were women and girls in shifts with collars around their necks with a chain fastening them to the wall. We saw Inga to our right and as we approached she turned her back to us and asked us to leave because she didn't want us to see her like this. When we asked why she turned undone her shift and stood before us. What had once been a black mass of hair between her legs was now bare revealing the split between them but what shook us most was a plastic label hanging from her left nipple. She burst into tears as she said, ?They pierced both my nipples then sealed rings through them from which they hung the label?. ?Because I am to be sold to a brothel some men will use me like a boy so they hung me upside down and inserted something into my anus to make it bigger for any man who wants to use me that way and it?s still there?. ?The women and girls are in here because like me they do not have a well-formed body, the men they were sent to were not satisfied with their sexual performances or they hadn?t obeyed orders?. ?Now please go and do as you are told or you could find yourselves here and suffer the same torment. There was nothing we could do for her and left thinking how lucky we were to have only been whipped and in our pain acted as if we wanted to please the man that raped us last night.
After lunch we went to the study, knocked, and waited until we were told to enter and face both Paulo and Roual. Roual said our agency had been informed of our deaths and we had been buried in the jungle, the documents had been accepted as official and we could never go back to our homes. This was the international centre of an English-speaking drug cartel but now it is a private members club that is known only to men of extreme wealth and influence. Members are permitted to invite one guest who may wish to join and now you are on the staff you are known as Welcome girls and provide the incentive. Members soon weary of the same faces in the hall so you will be replaced. You are then allocated to a member and will live in his apartment as his servant and plaything. As long as you behave yourselves you will have good food and clothes, the use of the gym and swimming pool, many comforts and a good life before your master wants a change then when they do you will be sold on to brothels.
You will obey the following rules at all times. Standing or sitting your knees must always be well parted your hands behind your back and your breasts pushed well forward. You will address all men as Sir and every time you stand before a man you will curtsey and to do this properly lift your dress to your waist lower yourself with your knees wide enough apart to show him your cunt. Any man at any time can tell you to Display then you will take off your top garments stand before him with your hands under your breasts and say do you find them to your liking Sir. If you are told to Expose you will strip naked let him study your front then turn, bend over spread your legs then pull your arse cheeks apart until your cunt lips open enough for him to see your vagina. He will now be able to see both entrances to your body and your breasts hanging down between your legs then you will ask if what you are showing pleases him.
You will make yourselves beautiful at all times wear good clothes and stockings, any type of tights trousers or tight panties is forbidden. Because some of our members like to see women in stockings and suspender belt you will only wear knickers when told to do so. This being so you will always wear them over the top of the belt then when you take them off you can show him what he wants to see. There is a telephone in your room it is only internal and you can use it but it's main use will be to inform you when you are needed so if you leave the room you must always ring to say where you are going. You will report weekly to be examined for infections and never go in the men?s lounge unless you are on rota duty. These are done in four hour shifts from 2:0-6.0, 6:0-10:0 and 10:0- 2:0 at night. Any member there can do want he wants with you but as Welcome Girls he must not fuck you. This can only to be done by guests who are introduced by us or members who give you a plastic disk with your room number on it.
You will be excused duties when you have your periods and you will only use internal sanitary protection and no type of contraception will be used. When your periods are more then seven days late you will report to the doctor for scouring and since this may be done frequently in time you will no longer be able to conceive which is all to the good. If you fail in any way to obey these rules you will be punished now lift your skirts take down your knickers and show us your pubes. As we both stood with our skirts pulled to our waists we heard Paulo say you have too much hair covering your slit and will be shaved at the medical so follow me. We picked up our knickers and followed him down the passage to a medical room where the doctor?s assistant told us to strip. The Doctor examined both of us then told us to sit in a gynaecological chair with our feet in the stirrups. He stood in front of Nikki with his assistant in front of me said to the young man ?You know what to do?. I looked straight at the assistant and seeing he was a young and good-looking man and guessing what he would do to me clenched my fists and closed my eyes.
I felt his fingers clasp my labia and it hurt as he clipped something on each of them then pulling them so wide apart I cried out he taped the clips to my thighs. I heard Nikki making little gasps the same as me when he pinched the whole length of my clit tube but when he squeezed the end and forced the head out I screamed. I felt something soft and wet being rubbed over the head then both sides of my inner lips that he held apart as he slid something deep into my vagina. He followed this by spreading cream over my pubic hair between my arses cheeks and armpits before he started shaving my pubic hair. He followed this with each side of my clipped labia then worked back to my anus before shaving my already creamed armpits. Then as the burning sensation started in my vulva and vagina he said, ?The next time you are shaved you will find it much more uncomfortable and releasing my labia told me to get dressed and to see him next week.
I waited outside for Nikki with this terrible burning between my legs and remembered the woman telling me that every time she is shaved the things they do to her fanny is disgusting and humiliating. They part the labia and excite the clitoris then pull the inner flesh apart to expose the vagina and they put things inside that hurt because the men watching find it amusing.? Nikki came out crying and putting her hands between her legs said, ?I hope they don?t do that every time we are shaved2. For the next few days we were left on our own, visiting each other?s rooms, we went to the wardrobe in the girl?s room. There we choose a selection of very expensive dresses, brassieres, knickers and stockings, papers and books to take back to our bedrooms. We used the gym and went swimming, at night we brought back drinks and books that were provided in the girl?s room but never seeing anyone else and not knowing where to find them we wondered why.
?It startled me when the phone rang on the night of our fifth day telling me to go to the lounge. Facing me as I entered were two men sitting on a sofa playing with something on the table in front of them? To my right standing in front of the drinks cabinet were three very attractive girls with two more men reading and sitting in easy chairs either side of them. I walked toward the girls and stood by them remembering to part my knees with my hands behind me. One of the men on the sofa beckoned to the girl at the end, she poured some drinks taking them to the men curtsied and returned with their empty glasses. Both men started laughing and one left the room to return with two golf putters and a bag of balls. Beckoning again to the woman she walked to them curtsied and after he spoke to her she walked to the other end of the room. I could see her face go red as she stood facing us and after removing her dress she lay naked on her back, opened her legs wide then pulled her labia so far apart I saw a two inch circle of pink flesh. The two men started to putt the balls between her legs and each time one went in the pink flesh hole she put it either to her left or right. The men on the left potted most so picking up her clothes she walked to him done the Display and said I hope my body will give you pleasure. He nodded and left the room with her following him still naked. The other man then called me over and I curtsied by lifting my dress and knowing I didn?t have any knickers on parted my knees for him to see my cunt. He told me to lie on my back and put my legs over his shoulders.
He pulled me forward then putting his fingers in me pulled and stretched both my inner lips. This coupled with him rubbing my clitoris was getting me aroused I started an orgasm making me squeeze my labia against his fingers but just before it happened he took them out pushed me back and walked out leaving me very tense and unsatisfied. I lay until I felt relaxed then standing up saw I was alone, all the men and girls had left, not knowing what to do I stood by the cabinet and waited. It wasn't long before the red haired girl joined me and stood by my side. I told her what had happened and she said, ? Those men are keen golfers and could order any of us to do the same?. ?They know Thelma hates doing it so they use her every time but for other men we take off our dress and bra then lay with our arms just lifting our bodies until our nipples touched the floor so they putt between our hanging breasts?. ? Joan has heavy pear shaped breasts and hung a long way down so she is often used when they play this game?. I asked why we had not seen any of them and she said, With you two there are ten of us, Thelma, Rita, Sandra, Joy, Susan, Joan, Karen and myself Melanie. When we have our periods we stay in our rooms because in that condition we hate meeting any man who might tell us to Display or Expose. Some could be having a medical or hairdo or perhaps on rota in the lounge like us. Others might be receiving internal punishment or recovering from the external one or even providing amusement when they are being shaved. I said, ?I was told before how humiliating it was to be shaved what happens, how are we punished and what for?.
?Melanie replied, ?Were you not told this club is for men and when we welcome girls are no longer wanted we with the other women are auctioned and sold to members as servants and playthings?. ?When we no longer please them or they go away we are sold to brothels?. ?We all dislike some of the things we have to do, I hate masturbating in front of an audience or making love with another girl?. ?Thelma hates golfers putting at her cunt and being shaved, Rita hates masturbating and being shaved. Sandra hates the Display and Expose positions and being shaved?. ?Joy hates anal sex and the Expose position Susan hates masturbating and stripping?. ?Joan doesn?t like any of it, and Karen hates making love to another girl and the Display and Expose positions?.? ?Naturally we all try to avoid punishment but since it is part of the entertainment the men find ways and we provide it in a room called the pleasure room?. ? There is a programme board that tells the members the name and age of every woman who is to be punished or shaved so any man wishing to see her whipped caned or having her fanny shaved can watch?.
? But to answer your questions every woman here has her body examined at least once a week and if they see any sign of hair she is put on the shaving list. We are taken to the pleasure room where we are hang upside down and the blood rushing to our heads makes us feel faint but the men present still shave us and play with our cunts?. ? When we welcome girls disobey it?s called the external treatment and we are whipped with a different type of whip like the one they used on you. It doesn?t break the skin but it is used on our breasts thighs and between our legs? If no guests are expected we are taken to the pleasure room stripped and hung for members to watch it being done?. ? It?s done slow to keep us conscious so we feel every cut of the whip but if guests are expected and we are to be shown they don?t want the whip marks to show so we are given the internal treatment?.? It is similar to the stuff they used at your medical but much stronger?. ? They paint our nipples with it then insert it deep inside our vagina just like your medical and as you know it causes us agony?. ? It makes us run about the room for ages like demented things until we fall exhausted and just roll about the floor in pain?. ? We scream until our throats are sore and with men watching us suffer we beg them for release from the pain?. ? It?s done in the morning so we suffer all day but since it doesn?t mark us we must still be ready to show ourselves in the evening?. ?You should have been told that only wealthy men and men in high position are invited to be members and as an incentive to join four of us are put on show in the entrance hall to show him the quality of the girls available?.
?He is allowed to examine all four of us in detail and after his meal we are taken to the inspection room in pairs and one at a time we do the Display and Expose?. ? When the first girl has shown everything she stays in the Exposed position while the other girl completes her show then he chooses between us?. ? The chosen girl will stay naked while the other dresses and leaves then the two remaining girls will come in strip and show themselves?. ?He will make his second choice and the unwanted girl dresses and leaves? For him to make his last choice both remaining girls do a Display and Expose together so he can select the one that pleases him most?. ?They both dress and the chosen girl takes him to her bedroom where she is expected to pleasure him anyway he wants for as long as he wants, the others return to their rooms?. ?He has been told he can?t keep the chosen girl and if he really wants her he will have to wait until she is replaced as a welcome girl and bid for her at auction?
?Once they are members they are not allowed to fuck any welcome girls, they can only do that after we have been sent to the selection parade?. ?Any man can at any time order you to Display so make sure you don?t have panties on and with your legs wide open lean far enough backward to show the whole of your cunt?. ?A Welcome girl on lounge rota will often have to do the Display and Expose positions, make love to another girl or masturbate in front of Members?. ?When you are being chosen in the hall you must show yourselves to the best advantage which means you must encourage him to look at and feel your breasts and fanny because if you are not chosen often enough you will be punished?. ? This means you will be taken a trainer called Norman who being a cruel man will make it a painful experience if you are a slow learner and if you don't believe me ask Joan?. ? I told you what she hated but she will tell you that after his training she always keeps her fanny wide open to let the golf balls in because she never wants to go back?.
After telling me all this it was getting late but two men came in, sat in the chairs close to us and called for drinks. Melanie took a drink to the man on the left and as she curtsied I heard him say Display and at the same time I curtsied to my man and he said Expose. I went cold, this would be the first time I had been given this order and although I had stood in this position in front of Paulo and Roual to do it in front of this man seemed different. I took off my shoes dress and brassiere followed by suspender belt and stockings. Standing naked I felt very uncomfortable as he kept looking me in the eyes, but just as I was about to turn he told me to stop and lean forward. My breasts are like half melons no sag with average dark pink nipples set in light pink aureoles so as I leaned forward they did not hang down. When he reached forward his hands squeezed and moulded both breasts and his thumbs rolled my nipples until I felt them harden. What this man was doing made me realise why I was here and if he keeps this up I will get excited and my juices will flow. He took his hands away and telling me to continue I turned my back to him bent over put my fingers between my buttocks and held them apart then looking between my legs I was staring right in his eyes and saw his hand coming.
I started to feel a throb in my lower body as he opened me and I expected his fingers to enter my vagina. His fingers moved inside my vulva then for the first time I knew what it was like for a man to excite the wall of my vagina and knowing exactly where to find my clitoris he kept rubbing it until for the second time tonight wet run down my legs. I felt an orgasm starting and wondered what he would think of me when it did but hoped he would continue fingering me until I climaxed. As he started to leave he said you are a woman who is easily aroused and with a body like yours I envy any man that fucks you, now get dressed. I heard Melanie moaning and turned to see her laying on her back with her knees in the air legs wide apart and fingering her own cunt while the man watched. As he said that is enough she lifted herself to assume the Display position then saying did I please you Sir, he turned to me and said I heard what my friend said about your body so I want to see you both naked.
I undressed again and we both stood side by side with our legs apart. He told us to raise our arms and to turn then when our backs faced him he told us to expose ourselves. When we had pulled our cheeks apart he stood between us and as I felt fingers inside me and my clitoris being pinched we cried out together. Each time he pinched it hurt and we were both crying by the time he stopped. Telling us to face him he said we were so alike we looked like sisters, then telling us to get dressed he left us both crying with pain. Melanie said, ? My clit hurts where he pinched me and think we both deserve a drink that but I hope no one else comes because I don?t want it touched again tonight?. ? How long should we stay here? I asked. ? We had better stay until 2:0 that is the time we may leave? . We both had a good shot of brandy and waited until 2:0 then I went to Nikkei?s room and told her all that had happened and what we would be expected to do.
? Carol I am sorry I talked you into coming on that mission and poor Inga what have I done to her?. ? None of us will ever see our families again and you really frightened me when you told me about the punishments?. ?I am sure that no matter how much we try to obey we will do something wrong at some time and be punished just to entertain the members?. ? We have nothing to look forward too except humiliation pain and being fucked by any number of men before being sold for use in a brothel until we die of some disease?? ? We will have to suffer being shaved on a regular basis and always on call to provide some form of sexual entertainment just like you and those other women this evening?. ? Try to imagine what it must be like to hold open your cunt and let some man put a golf ball in with other people watching, I will die of shame if that happens to me?. ? No you won't Nikki, I never thought I could obey the Expose command but I did, and when the first two men played with my cunt I started to like it?. ? I wished they had kept going so I could climax but when the other man pinched my clit it hurt and I didn't like it? ?. ? I know we will be kept conscious when they inflict pain and it will last longer but it can't hurt any more than when we were whipped.? ?We survived that so remember we are only available three weeks in four and enjoy what we can when we can?.
I returned to my room and lay in bed wondering if we would give a good show when we were put on display in the hall. Nikki spent the morning with me in my room but returning from dinner a man stopped us in the corridor and pointing to Nikki said I like the look of you Display. I saw her bite her lip and her face go red as she lifted her dress and went to her knees spread her legs and pinching her cunt lips pulled them open to show the pink flesh of her vulva then her inner lips to show him the entry to her vagina. As she said do I please you Sir, he said I now want to see you naked so she stood to remove her shoes and dress. Taking off her bra it was the first time I had seen her breasts properly; they were full and heavy giving them a slight droop to either side with small purple nipples in dark brown aureoles. He fondled them before telling her to open her legs and after putting his fingers inside her went away. I saw her crying as she dressed so we spent the rest of the day trying to build up our courage for what would be expected of us in the future.
It was now late in the night and no phone call so we both went to bed. Several times I tried to phone Melanie but with no answer. Since it was our seventh day without a phone call we phoned the surgery for our medical check and were told to come and wait. In the waiting room there were two rows of ten attractive women all in their late twenties or early thirties wearing short green button down shifts. Since none of us women wore knickers I was able to see how different a woman?s clitoris tube could look when sitting with our knees apart. I asked the woman next to me why they were seeing the doctor. She said ?There are twenty of us here belonging to club members who want to change us for new women?. ?We are to be thoroughly inspected and tested but only ten will be found satisfactory?. ?There are ten new girls in with the doctor now and when all twenty of us women have been done only ten will be found suitable and auctioned to new masters?. ?The ten women considered too old overweight have soft breasts thick waists or thighs or not quickly aroused will be displayed and sold to brothels?.
It seemed ages before the door opened and a file of young girls who must have been the replacements came out of the surgery and in obvious pain stood in the centre of the room. 8 wore white shifts but I was surprised when I saw Melanie and one of the other Welcome girls were also there but wearing the red shifts. When a voice shouted next ten all the women in my row of seats stood and went in which allowed the girls in white and the two in red to sit. Melanie in tears very tenderly sat next to me and kept wriggling as she said, ?Welcome girls have to be changed frequently and with only ten needed Joy and I having served for several months will be rejected?. ?As soon as all the members can meet together they will hold the hated auction where we will both be sold and you and Nikki will be shown as our replacements?. ?Although all of us being auctioned have suffered every degradation a women fears, the way we are offered for sale will be the most humiliating yet as you will see?.
Before the women came out a man in a white coat beckoned Nikki and me to come in and saw a sight we never expected. Ten naked women lying on the floor holding their legs in the air and so wide apart we could see into their vulvas. One of the two men in the whites coat told me to undress and sit in one of the chairs the doctor telling Nikki to do the same. Seated as I was I watched the men go to each end of the line of exposed women and the one nearest me after asking the woman her name put his hand over her pubes and with his thumb stimulated her clitoris. The two men worked their way together then crossed over but this time I watched them pump their fingers in and out of the woman?s vagina and I knew what was meant about them being tested for quick arousal.?
The man spent the next few minutes writing notes then the one nearest me pushed a steel instrument into my vagina and I cried out as it went in so deep it hurt. He left it there then pushed another into my anus, again so far in and so deep I screamed as I felt them squeezing the membrane between the two tubes. I had my fists clenched and eyes shut with the pain so for the next few minutes I don't know what he done only that he took both tools out together and told me to piss in a jar.
?While I was doing it he asked when I expected my periods because he thought it would happen in the next few days. When I said it should be next week he told me to dress and report here the day it happened and the day it finished and because it took too long to undress for every visit I was to wear a button down dress but must be naked underneath. Melanie and the others had gone by now and both hurting inside Nikki and I returned to our rooms saying how awful it would be having that done every week, especially if we were to be Displayed and chosen on that day.
Several days passed without the phone ringing so Nikki and I spent them swimming, reading and in the gym. Still wondering why we had not seen any of the other girls even at meals on the morning of our tenth day my phone rang. I was told to report to the hall at the rear of the theatre at 6:45 that evening how to find it and that outside my door I would find the pink shift I was to wear. I met Nikki coming out of her room and wearing a pink shift like mine I knew she had the same message so we walked together. The hall stage was full of women, ten in blue shifts were the older women standing in a file one side, six in white with Joy and Melanie in red stood in the centre with the ten younger girls in green standing the opposite side. A man in a smart suit carrying a tapered whip about two feet long pushed Nikki behind Joy and me behind Melanie.
The lighting on the stage was intense I could not see into the auditorium as the Announcer stood at a hanging microphone to make the introduction. Gentlemen it is your wish that at times only the most delectable and attractive flesh is available for your pleasure so we arrange for women to be changed at regular intervals. The ten women in blue having been examined and tested were found not to be suitable for another term as your playthings and will be auctioned to brothel owners. Members will then bid for the ten in green then the eight in white and the two in red. They were Welcome girls but will now be replaced by the two you see in pink.
Both pink ones are not yet trained so today they will be displayed to tempt you for when they are put in the hall. You will see them as pairs, one old welcome girl and what we have for her replacement and we are sure you will agree with our decision so I will ask Norman to begin the show. Norman flicked each woman in blue with his whip and running to the front of the stage she unbuttoned her shift stood naked then raised her arms and opened her legs. With Norman flicking them with his whip they jumped up and down then started running on the spot and when he told them to stop they were all panting and running with sweat. They went into the Display position and I felt really sorry for them as they stayed like this while Norman stood in front of each of them making cruel comments about the size and shape of their breasts and nipples, the shape and colour of their cunts. Then he had them stand and do the Expose and facing us before bending over I could see many of them had various sorts of pubic hair but none of them had hair that hid the split of flesh; some were light some darker some even had it shaped around the lips so the split was just as exposed as the majority who had been shaved. Some of them had little white strands hanging between their legs and I pitied them being displayed when they were having their periods.
When they were told to stand up and face the audience he stood behind the first woman and giving her a cut across her buttocks with his whip she called out I am 25 and as his whip cut the second girl she said I am 28 and doing this to all ten each of them called out her age the oldest saying she was 32. The Announcer went to the microphone and said Gentlemen I am pleased to say we can speed things along because someone in the audience has made a bid for all ten which the committee has accepted then he ushered all the naked women off the stage. Norman continued by saying now the ten remaining girls in green will display themselves so you can decide who to choose and how much you will pay to have her pleasure you until the next auction. All ten girls knowing that once again they had been saved from a brothel hoped they could present their naked body in a way that would tempt the watching men to make an offer for her.
Until Norman came to the microphone we didn't know that at the front of the stage he had placed a row of numbers in front of each woman and said to the audience,? You have placed a value on each number which is acceptable to us?. Reading the papers in his hand he called out girls in green shifts numbers 2,5,6,8,10,11,13,14,19, and 20 have all been sold and you can collect them from the lounge.? Norman then continued saying now for the best part of the evening let me thank you for your help and influence in getting these 8 very young English-speaking girls here this morning. There has not been enough time to train them but they have seen the video of girls being punished so they know what will happen if they do not obey and after you have bought and sampled them you can see them trained if you think they need it.
He told the 8 in white to unbutton their shifts but to hold it together go to the front of the stage then facing the audience remove them. He stood in front of the naked girls and said here we have 2 Dutch, 1 German, 3 English and 2 American, 5 of them are virgins 3 have been broken in but none are over 20 years old. Then telling them to put on the shifts and stand at the back of the stage he told Joy and Nikki to walk to the front and unbutton their shifts. He pulled the shift from Joy's shoulders and said you can see now why she was a Welcome girl but she is now available so who will be the man to fuck her tonight. Compare her with this one who is to be her replacement then as he pulled the shift from Nikki saying although her breasts are too big for me it won't be long before she is also changed and stands here waiting for a buyer. He called Melanie and me to the front and taking Meloney's shift off said yet another ex Welcome girl with a beautiful body for one of you to enjoy. After he had taken my shift off he said look at the breasts on this one and her long legs she is giving me a hard on right now but it won't be long before she also will be offered to you. I heard the audience laugh at this as he told us to put on our shifts and join the others at the back of the stage.
The eight in white together with Melanie and Joy were told to come to the front of the stage and positioned by Norman while Nikki and I stayed at the back. Norman stood behind each girl and slipping the gown from her shoulders put a disk around her neck and said look well at these beautiful bodies and to make full use of it tonight her number will tell you the price you will have to pay. Norman then left and returned with an easel holding a board covered with plastic disks. Gentlemen, each girl will select her new master for the night by going to the board and choosing a disk which has her number and on the on the back will be the room number she has to go to. She will return to the front and say I hope this body will provide you with all the pleasure a woman can give then she will go to your rooms and wait for you. We hope those who bid for the virgins will enjoy breaking them in and look forward to seeing you at the next change over. After they had showed their bodies many of the girls were crying and covered themselves before leaving the stage to endure what was to follow. As Melanie passed I asked her number and she looked very frightened as she whispered 32.
?Nikki and I were told to go back to our rooms and neither of us had a phone call or met anyone else for two days but in the afternoon of our second day Nikki said she had started her periods and would go to her room. Very early next morning, our thirteenth day in this awful place my phone rang and woke me up. I was to go to training room 2 at 2:0, how to find it, that I was to drink a lot of water all morning, but not go to the toilet and to wear my shift with nothing underneath. I rang Nikki several times but got no answer so I wondered where she was. I wanted a shit and held that, but after all the water I had drunk I was bursting as I entered the training room to face Norman. ?So you are to be the other Welcome girl, were you not told to knock before entering and curtsey then noticing I had not parted my legs said or how to stand in front of a man??
?Wanting to pee so bad I had forgotten so when he said ?Come with me I will soon have you trained? I was so frightened I started to wet myself and squeezing myself to stop more coming out I followed him to the theatre. Once there he told me to take off my shift and stand over a small footbath at the front of the stage. He spoke into the microphone and said ?This is the second of the new Welcome girls; she has to be taught to forget any modesty she may have had until she will do anything asked of her?. He turned to me and said, ?Now piss and shit into the bath?. Nothing had prepared me for this, I didn?t know who these people were, I couldn?t see them, but exposing myself was nowhere near as embarrassing as crouching to let my water and shit fall in the bath. When I finished I was crying and sobbing as he gave me some paper and told me to wipe myself. Giving me a dildo he told me to lay on my back open my legs insert it and work it until I gave myself an orgasm. I was so ashamed and still crying it took me ages to even get wet, but as I pushed it in and out and fingered my clit I came at last and starting to groan and twist about I heard him say, ?That concludes the whores disgusting performance?.
Back in the training room and standing before him still naked he said ?You are forgetful, you still have your legs together, I shall have to give you something to help you remember, now point to each part of your body and tell me why it should interest a man?. I had to think what he meant before I said, ?I must be naked so he can excite me by feeling my breasts and playing with my nipples before he opens me here? and parting my cunt lips I let him watch me rub my clitoris.? ?This makes me wet and easier for him to put his prick in when he is ready to fuck me?. When he said, ?That was a better answer than the other girl?. I knew Nikki must have been first. His next question was, all you Welcome girls are picked because you are beautiful and have lovely bodies how would you make the guest choose you against the other girls when you show yourselves. I could only say, by letting him see how much he would miss if he didn't have my body to play with. That again was a good answer so tempt me when you do it with the other girl tomorrow.
Chapter 15
When I said, ?Tomorrow the doctor must examine us,? he told me to arrange it so he could see me at 2:0 and to remember to always keep my legs open. For good answers and since you must not be marked I will reduce your punishment to just two cuts between your legs. Lay on the floor hands under your knees pull your legs back and wide apart and this is what you must do when given the order to Position. He kept me like this until I ached all over and when I asked to be let up he said I had to wait for the cuts. I guessed what he meant when I saw him swish a whippy cane and stand in front of me. Then I screamed before the first cut hit the left labia of my open cunt lips, and I continued screaming as the second hit the right. I dropped my legs and rolled about the floor in agony, it was much worse than the whip across my breasts I continued screaming and rolling about all the time he slowly smoked a cigarette and said ?Be thankful I didn?t give you a third on your clit?. When he finished it he said see you tomorrow told me to put on my shift and go. I felt my labia swelling and burn as I limped back to my room in tears.
I phoned Nikki again asking where she had been all morning heard her crying as she told me in the training room. She had a phone call late last night telling her to go at 9:0 this morning where he made her take her tampax out, shit and piss in front of an audience, then asked her questions in the training room. Because she gave the wrong answers he caned her on each labia with a third on her clit which was so swollen she couldn't close he legs together but still had to go again tomorrow at 2:0. I told her he had done the same to me but not to forget we had to go to the surgery first and I would ring for a time. Making the phone call I was told to just turn up, since I couldn't close my legs I had to lay on my back or front as I tried to sleep.
The events of the previous day brought on my periods early and wearing only our shifts went to the surgery. We both told the doctor our periods had started; he recorded this and said if no man had been in us since our last visit he didn't want to examine us. With the swelling now down we went to Nikki?s room and waited with anxiety. Norman had told us we were to perform as if he were a guest choosing his girl for the night so wearing ordinary clothes we knocked the door of training room 2. Being called in we both stood before him curtsied, then stood with our legs apart, hands behind our backs and breasts pushed out. He walked around us several times and said he knew we were having our periods, that after our showing yesterday knew we would do as expected when we were chosen, and to go to back to our rooms. We stayed there for the next six days hoping when we went to meals or the girl?s room for books or drinks we would not see any men who would want a Display or Expose.
?We were lucky and on our 21st day went for our medical inspection but the doctor was not there this time only the other young man. We reported our periods finished yesterday he recorded it and told us to drop our shifts and position. On our backs with our legs over our shoulders he asked if we had been fucked in the last seven days and after telling him no he pushed a swab deep into each of our vagina's. It was left in us for quite a while but as he took it out he put his hand over our pubes saying that now it was time for us to be offered for use our body hair required close shaving and we would be put on the shaving list.
Having reported we would be in Nikkei?s room in the afternoon we both talked about anything trivial trying not to mention what was on our minds. We had been here three weeks before the phone rang telling us that in the morning at 11:0 we were to report to the pleasure room. We were to have our first selection tomorrow night at 6:0 and should go the inspection room dressed ready for the display. I?m sure we were both thinking that being new and never seen before the man would choose one of us from the other girls on show. We knew whenever a woman was inspected she was always completely naked which also meant not having any body hair and knew that having to be in the pleasure room for 11:0 it was to have our first real genital shaving. We both knew that before the men started they would open our labia play with our inner lips then finger our vagina and clitoris before they shaved our pubic hair.
Wearing only our shifts and on time we waited outside of the door for the ordeal to come and the start of our new life as whores. In the room were easy chairs and small tables on the walls pictures of naked girls in various obscene poses and with carpets on the floor it was a comfortable place for a viewing audience. It was obvious from the basins, brushes, shaving sticks and razors on the trolley we were going to have our first degrading shave and hoped it would not be in front of an audience. At our end of the room we stood on a stone floor, above us were two bars and hanging from each were pulleys and two ropes with leather nooses. The two men who had let us in stood in front of us so we curtsied before they undone our shifts fondled our breasts and nipples then told us to lay head to head on the floor. They put our feet in the nooses of the two ropes that hung from the bars then facing each other they pulled the ropes raising us in the air with our legs spread wide apart.
The man in front of me played with my labia by pulling them apart and watching them spring back then holding them open he parted my inner flesh put two fingers into my vagina then rubbed my clit until I was so aroused it came out of it's hood. He called the other man over making crude comments about its size and seeing my embarrassment they both laughed. Before they lathered us I heard Nikki cry out and opened my eyes to see her man put the brush handle into her body calling his friend over to see how tight she was. I heard her sobbing as I watched them sliding the brush in and out of her then coming over to me to do the same said we were as tight as each other. I listened to them saying it was obvious neither of us had been used much and hoped the man that fucked us tonight realised how lucky he was that we were nearly virgins. They finished lathering our pubes and everything between our legs then after the shaving rubbed their hands over their work saying to each other what a good job they had done.
We hadn't been upside down that long really but my head pounded, my eyes bulged and I felt sick and giddy as I was lowered and left quite faint on the floor. They looked at our naked bodies and telling us to turn over discussed how we differed in build then left Nikki and I to return to our rooms to rest and prepare for the evenings showing. Just before 6:0 we entered the inspection room, which was like the pleasure room with comfortable chairs, carpets, drink cabinet and tables. There were more obscene pictures on the walls some of Melanie sitting with her legs wide open holding her labia apart and some of the other girls in the display and expose positions. One of the girls sitting said you must be Carol and Nikki I am Thelma, the others are Rita, Sandra, Susan, Joan, and Karen and since we are changed often and this will be your first showing I will tell you none of us have been shown more than twice. I know Melanie told you and hope you told Nikki that in the hall we encourage the man to see and touch whatever he wants because it will be less humiliating than the whipping if we resist.
We sat talking about how we got here and our earlier lives until Roual entered and said there is little time left let?s start. We all stood in line and curtsied then seeing the others taking their clothes off Nikki and I copied them. Standing naked Roual started with Karen by running his hands over her breasts and doing something between her legs I saw her cringe back. After doing it to Sandra and Thelma it was my turn. He gently squeezed my breasts and after rubbing my nipples he told me they were too small but for today before our guests arrived I was to pinch and pull them to make them bigger. His hands went to the top of my labia and I felt his fingers either side of my clitoris tube sliding down and when he squeezed the head I also had to cringe backwards. Nikki was next and when his hands went between her legs I heard her cry out rather than cringe back when her clit was squeezed. Passing down the line I heard him tell Rita he wouldn?t tell her again to see the doctor for nipple enlargement. After he was satisfied with our fronts we went into the exposed position, which meant that bent over, with our buttocks parted he had a complete view of our vulva. I heard him say to Joan he had told her and Rita at the last inspection about those pieces of flesh hanging out of their fannies and would not be displaying either of them until they both had perfect splits and nipples so see the doctor and get something done.
Sandra and Thelma are having their periods and are excused which means Carol, Nikki, Karen and Susan will be displayed tonight you others get dressed and go. Rita for disobeying two of my orders report for punishment tomorrow then go with Joan to see the doctor and when it?s done come and show me. As we dressed Karen told us she and Susan had only been displayed once before but when we were sent in for selection what the man did between our legs was more uncomfortable than when Roual feels our clitoris.
It was 8:0 before Paulo came to take us to the hall and putting Karen next to me with Nikki and Susan opposite telling us that when we curtsied for the guest our dress should be lifted enough for him to see our crutch. He returned with a smart middle-aged man followed by Roual and a very good-looking young man who I thought must be the prospective member. If he was the one we would have to display for it would be very embarrassing knowing that later he was going to see us naked with the intention of choosing which of us he was going to fuck. All four men stopped and Paulo said these are the welcome girls that have been selected for this evening. As the men looked at us I heard Roual say Susan Nikki this side Carol and Karen over there and you won?t find better looking girls with such desirable bodies anywhere else. Each of them has a similar curvaceous shape to their bodies but with different sizes and shapes of breasts you are sure to find one you like. All the women here have been shaved so after dinner when they strip and position for you for you to feel their vagina and clitoris you will see they have been chosen because other than the colour of the flesh all their fannies look and feel the same. I say feel because welcome girls only have intercourse with the man that selects them and with your fingers inside their vaginas you will find them as tight as virgins. You will have the choice of four and the one you find most pleasing will be sent to your room but although inexperienced she will give you every satisfaction. They know they will have to please you because if they fail you can have them taken to the punishment room and watch them being whipped before being sent straight back for you to use again.
We were left standing for some time before Roual and the young man returned and as they walked around Susan and Nikki I tried to imagine how a man would choose which of we four gorgeous girls he was going to fuck. There was no doubt we were very attractive and after undressing and standing naked in front of him he would look at our hair face and breasts first. Would he like blonde or brunette but with four of us having different shapes and sizes of breasts which would he want. Karen and Nikki both had large full breasts but with Nikki?s being heavy they dropped to the side with nipples pointing outward but Karen?s thrust forward and with larger nipples they pointed straight ahead. Susan and I were similar we both had firm round breasts with deep cleavage but Susan?s nipples were large and pointed up compared with mine. He would see our slender waist and curvy hips then our flat stomachs before looking lower down to our pubic swellings. Having been shaved clean that parting of the flesh would make our clitoris hood very visible and he would see we had slender thighs that tapered down to shapely legs and ankles.
Now we would have to turn for him to see our back and buttocks before bending over and parting our legs wide enough for him to see our partly opened vulva. During the inspection Roual made it clear that we girls were not to have our two pieces of inner flesh long enough to show through our labia which meant he was quite likely to open us to look for them inside. With the thought of this young mans hands on my breasts and the feel of his fingers in my fanny I felt aroused and wet between my legs. With both men standing in front of the girls opposite I couldn?t see what was being done to them but heard sharp intakes of breath and saw their bodies moving. As Roual and the young man turned towards us I saw Susan and Nikki with their breasts outside their blouses and still holding their skirts in the air were naked from the waist down. Now it was our turn and although I didn?t want to do it as the young man approached I curtsied. Then lifting my skirt I parted my legs leaned back enough for him to see my fanny through the crutch of my now wet and transparent panties.
I stood up and when he was standing in front of me he looked straight at me to see if I showed any signs of disgust as he unbuttoned my blouse and removed my bra to expose my breasts. He cupped my breasts gentle squeezing them as his thumbs rolled my nipples until I felt them harden. Then I felt his hands on my waist and as they slid down his fingers eased my panties over my thighs and they fell to the floor. I was expecting him to feel between my legs but instead he played with my buttocks feeling and wobbling them around in such a way that after the way he had felt my breasts I found it quite arousing. Then he went to Karen and after doing the same to her the two men stood back and not being told to lower our skirts Roual told us to open our legs even more. I could feel myself flush when he said, ?As you can see our girls have every bit of genital hair shaved? and flinched as the young man slid fingers through my labia and like Roual rubbed the length of my clitoris before circling the entrance to my vagina.? He slid several fingers inside me and I felt them moving up and down then with his other hand excited my clitoris until I was fully aroused and had an orgasm.
When the young man stood in front of Karen I could see Susan and Nikki opposite still had there breasts fully exposed and holding their skirts to the waist with their legs wide open like me were revealing our almost complete nudity to all the men who passed along the hall. I knew what he was doing to Karen because I could tell from her breathing she also was having an orgasm and I heard him say to Roual you are right they really are tight. Before they left the two men stood back and looked at the mucous glistening labia of four almost naked girls. When they had gone Susan said I don?t know about you three but I was so stimulated I wanted him to fuck me on the spot but it will be a long wait before he does so let's go to the girl?s room where a light supper will be ready and wait to be called.
It was 10:30 before the phone rang telling Nikki and Susan to go to the inspection room. When Karen and I were called we passed Nikki in the passage so we knew Susan had been chosen. Entering the room I saw the young man sitting and looking at a naked and self-conscious Susan standing with her legs apart, hands behind her back thrusting her breasts forward. I felt tingles run through my body wondering what we girls had done to deserve the degrading things we had to do for this young man just for him to see who among us had the sort of tits and cunt he liked to fuck. He looked at us and said, ? I suppose matched pairs means one of you has hanging breasts like the one I just sent out get undressed and show me who it is?. We undressed and standing in front of him with our hands behind our head and legs wide apart Karen said, ?You must agree although my breasts are large and firm and I don't think you can say they hang so do I please you Sir?. He didn't answer but studied both of us before saying, ? I have felt the tightness of your fannies now show me what they look like? We knew what he meant turned opened our legs bent over and grasping our buttocks pulled them apart. I could see from the look on Susan?s face that looking at us in this position she was as embarrassed as us. Looking between our legs he told Karen to dress and go.
After she had gone he told Susan and me to stand with our arms raised then felt the firmness of our breasts and rubbed our nipples until they were fully enlarged. Not much between you but looking at me said it is a pity your nipples are small so all that?s left before I make my choice is to look at the inside of your fannies. Up to now men had looked at and felt my vulva but I knew this was going to be different the most embarrassing and humiliating time of my life and there was nothing I could do about it. To fully see inside I felt tingles run through my body wondering how he would want us positioned. I could see Susan was thinking the same and why we were expected to do these degrading things for this young man just for him to see which of us had the type of breast and size of cunt he liked to fuck. He looked at us and said, ?I suppose you both think that bending over with your cheeks parted will enable me to make a choice but you must help each other?. Pointing to Susan he said, ?I want to see you first so lie on the table lift your legs back over your shoulders then looking at me said you are to stand over her head grasp her ankles pull her legs back and keep them wide apart.
Having climbed on the table I was aware that Susan was now looking up between my legs and holding her like this I would see everything the young man was going to do to her. He walked to the table and never having seen the inside of a woman I watched fascinated as he parted Susan?s labia and heard her gasp when he pulled the two flaps of her inner flesh revealing the dark circle of her vagina and the white length of clit tube. I clearly saw how Susan was wriggling and the mucous running from her as his fingers went in and out of her vagina while a finger on the other hand stroked the white clit tube. It was obvious from her grunts Susan was having orgasms and as he continued she cried out and climaxed. He seemed satisfied but when we were told to change over and Susan stood over me I was disgusted at the sight of her anus and the wet flesh between her legs. As soon as he parted my labia I felt my inner lips being pulled and knew he was going to do the same things inside me. I whimpered but there was no escape I had to accept fingers entering my vagina while others stroked my clitoris. The feeling was so intense I responded to every thrust of his fingers moaning and writhing with each orgasm until I couldn?t stand it any longer cried out and climaxed. He told us to stand together shoulders back and legs? apart then telling me to dress and go said, ?It is Susan who will spread her legs for me tonight?.
?I went to Nikkei?s room where she said that inspection was the most appalling thing she had ever suffered. Having to part her legs for older men was bad enough, she had not even done that for her boyfriend, but having to allow a man younger than herself to part her labia so he could feel her clitoris and inside her vagina was degrading and humiliating. At midnight Nikkei?s phone rang and the voice said she was to find Carol and both were to go to the study. Paulo, Roual Nikki and Karen were waiting and told they had not been chosen because he had not liked their breasts. Susan and Carol had the same sort of breasts and clitoris but Carol was not picked because her nipples were not as big and showed objection by flinching and drawing back when her fanny was being examined. Because I had not enlarged my nipples and not learnt I was to make it easy for men to insert fingers into my vagina or do anything else they wanted and not being present to answer my telephone I was to be punished with Rita.
For two days Nikki tried to console me as I waited for that dreaded phone call and when it came on the morning of the third day I had to go to the waiting room between pleasure rooms 1 and 2 wearing only my shift. Rita was there as frightened as me and said the doctor had shortened her inner labia folds, although only needing two stitches it hurt then he injected something into her nipples, which had made them larger. Melanie came out of pleasure room 2 and told Rita she was wanted in room1 and when I asked her how she was she said the first night with her new Master was the worst. He had used her every way possible to find which satisfied him and from then on had fucked her from the rear every night and morning he was there but when she had her periods he screwed her in the arse. We heard screams? coming from the pleasure room as she told me she was expected to clean his suite, do his laundry, and whenever he had guests she was brought here to be shaved so they could watch it being done. Later she would do stripteases for them then allow them to inspect her fanny before they fucked her but he would soon tire of her and she would be sent to a brothel then she left and I never saw her again.
The screaming stopped and a naked and crying Rita came out and through her tears told me to go in. Pleasure room 1 was laid out just as before but this time all the chairs were full. As I stood on the stone floor with my legs apart and my hands behind me a voice said I want to see this one caned not whipped. There was a murmur of approval as two men took the shift off me, turned my back to the audience, pulled my ankles apart and fastened them to fixings in the floor. A low table was pushed against my pubes, I was bent over it so my buttocks were raised in the air, the edge of the table painfully cutting the underside of my breasts, my head nearly touching the floor as my arms were tied to it's legs. I heard a voice say I suggested it so I will go first. I squeezed my arse cheeks together and gripped the table legs waiting, but nothing happened until I relaxed. Then I heard the swish and the first blow fell across the middle of my cheeks.
?It really stung and I bit my lips as the pain exploded then as it shot to my feet and shoulders I screamed. They left me until my crying turned to sobs then another swish, exploding pain and another scream. They paused every time until I was sobbing before they gave me the next cut. After the fifth I was screaming non stop throwing myself about so much the table was moving and my breasts were sore, then the sixth fell just to the top of my thighs. Shooting pains wracked my body and the cheeks of my arse burned like they were on fire as they watched my writhing about and listened to my cries of anguish while they smoked and finished their drinks. I was untied and left in agony on the floor thinking how right Melanie was when she said some men liked to hear girls scream in pain, I certainly satisfied them this morning and putting on my shift went to my room. I rang Nikki and telling her what I had just suffered lay on my front until she came with some cream from the surgery and gently rubbed it into my buttocks. There are six raised weal?s spaced all over your bottom but none of them are bleeding so they will heal without scars. Your cheeks will be black and blue for days and I don't know how you will sit she said.
Days went into weeks; Thelma and Sandra were taken for the next auction and replaced with Ruth and Kirsty. We suffered our shaving sessions medical checks and being displayed in the hall several times a week and I was chosen three times to be fucked by the prospective members. After one display Nikki and I had to compete with each other for the final choice and it was a bad one because with the club losing its attraction we had to do it in front of two teenage boys. After degrading and humiliating us it was decided they would share us and it was the worse fucking we had ever had. I was lucky but Nikki had became pregnant and really suffered for days after she was scoured but at least it meant she was spared further displays for a few weeks.
As the weeks passed, Rita and Joan were the next for auction, Helen and Tracy taking their places. We continued to be put on show in the hall, Nikki and I were chosen many times and having to satisfy so many men Nikki once failed to satisfy a member and all we welcome girls had to watch Norman whip her. When I failed I was lucky because the guest asked if he could administer the punishment and although he whipped my breasts back and thighs he didn?t do it too hard because he wanted to fuck me again to see if I had learnt my lesson. We knew a auction parade would soon be held and two of us would be in it when in the inspection room Roual introduced two new girls, Anna and Babs, and seeing Ruth, Kirsty, Helen, Anna and Nikki waiting I knew it was Susan and Karen who had been removed. Cold shivers went down my back as I knew Nikki and I would be next, but when Roual picked Anna, Babs, Nikki and me to Welcome the guests the mans final choice was once again between Nikki and me. After him feeling our breasts and fingering our cunts while in the exposed position I was the one chosen that night to be fucked.
Two more Welcomes were held, Nikki was chosen for the first, me for the second. It wasn?t many days later when the phone call we both dreaded told us to go to the study. Paulo and Roual sat at the desk and we both knew our time for selection had come when we saw red shifts on the desk. Paulo said the selection will be held in five days, since I took your virginity you will spend them with me and show me how much you have learned about pleasing a man in bed, you Nikki will show Roual how good you are. Now tell me what you most disliked doing here. I said being shaved and not being satisfied by the man fucking me. Nikki said having men look at my open fanny and being whipped, then he told us to pick up our shifts and go with them to their suites. He wanted every sexual pleasure a woman could give him and he knew how to get it. For two days he fucked me in every position possible, some of the other men had given me orgasms but he gave me multiple ones each time he used me. I didn?t think any other man would satisfy me like him, but taking Nikki and giving me to Roual for the remaining two days I knew that with the fear of being whipped I could satisfy any man. On the fifth day after breakfast Nikki and I went to the surgery in our red shifts joining eight other young girls in white. As we ten were called in to see the doctor twenty other women wearing green shifts came in; among them I saw Thelma, Rita, Sandra, Susan, Joan, and Karen.
?Nikki and I were the first to be done, lying on our backs with our legs in the air and resting against the walls, a funnel type instrument was inserted deep into my vagina and a liquid poured in. The funnel was removed and being told to stay as we were for the fluid to do its work I heard the other girls sobbing and crying as they had their internal examination. Being told to stand and go to the hall I started to feel hot inside as the liquid run back from my vagina to my vulva. In the hall at the rear of the theatre we were told to set chairs in rows sit and wait. Sitting next to a new girl I asked how she came to be here, she told me was German, had run away from home and met this man. He told her he would look after her and was very nice finding her a room and had not touched her, although after going to bed she woke-up early this morning to find herself lying on the floor in this room. Talking to each other most of the girls had similar experiences then two men came in. We were told us to undress and the men then stripped those who refused before caning them on their thighs and buttocks. We all stood naked as they examined and felt our breasts before we went to the exposed position where they fingered our most intimate parts. We were told what we would be expected to do when we stood before an audience, also that we would be whipped if we did it wrong. One girl asked if I knew what would happen to us but after telling her about my life here she burst into tears? Just then one of the two men in the hall told us not to speak, if we wanted the toilet raise our hand and they would take us.
We were to all sit with our knees apart and they walked down each row to make sure they could see our pubes. This did not embarrass Nikki and me but most of the other girls tried to cover it as the men looked at them and had their faces slapped if it wasn't showing. My vulva was burning as the fluid gathered there so I put my arm up and was escorted to the toilet where he watched as I pissed and washed between my legs. We were kept like this until evening, and then told to stack the chairs and stand in line as the twenty other women for selection came in the hall. There were the ten in blue and ten in green all our old team amongst them two girls in pink shifts arrived and joined our file, one behind Nikki the other behind me. I remembered us doing this as the ten women in blue went to one side of the stage the green opposite them and our file stood centre back. After the usual introductions the women in green shifts went to the front of the stage took their shifts off, stood with their arms over their heads their legs wide apart then jumped and run on the spot as Norman commented on their bodies. They each described their bodies, ages, then all turned to do the Expose and I heard Thelma cry out as Normans whip hit each of her large hanging breasts. Norman told the women to stand and face the audience saying it seems we are lucky yet again and I am pleased to say another of our esteemed brothel owners has made an offer for all ten of these women and we have accepted.
The girls in white shifts were next to face the audience and the announcer thanked the audience for their help in getting the new girls here in time. As Norman pulled their shifts off each of them said how old she was where she had come from and if she was a virgin or not. When they had all finished they put their shifts on and went to the back as Nikki and her replacement were called forward. The announcer took the shift off the new girl saying this one is to be a Welcome girl and will be replacing this one. He took the shift off Nikki saying, ? Look at those breasts? and forcing her legs wider apart spread her labia open asked, ?Which of you will bid enough to get between her legs tonight?. The other new girl and me were called to the front and as her shift was taken off he said, ?This little thing is young and exciting even if her breasts are not fully developed her cunt will be tight? and taking off my shift said, ?I know which one of these I would prefer to fuck?. ?Look at these breasts and the way her clit stands out who among you will be between her legs tonight. He told us to turn and show our backs then dress and go to the rear. The ten women in green were next to stand naked in front of the audience and display each part of her body. The women in green ran to the front of the stage in the same positions as before when the announcer told the Members the numbers had been selected. As Norman called out each number the girl was flicked with his whip and she ran off, Joan, Rita, Melanie and Joy among them, When all ten had gone the eight in white Nikki and me joined the line, the two new girls stayed at the back.
Norman came with his board and easel and after each of us went to it and picked a number we returned to the front. We took off our shift and naked called out our number saying ? I hope what I have between my legs will please my new Master?. Returning to the hall I was told to go to my room, clear out all my belongings, return all the clothes to the wardrobe and wearing just my shift go to the room with a number the same as that on my disk. Knocking the door I knew the man inside was to be my new master and when he called me in I gave him my plastic disk, I curtsied, then stood legs apart, hands at my back and pushed my breasts forward. He was a middle-aged man, his first order was to take off my shift and pose for him. He produced a camera and photographed me in all the obscene positions he could think of, so this is where all those photos came from. He felt me all over, my breasts my buttocks, my thighs and my labia then told me to take the Exposed position undressed and grasping my breasts entered me from the rear. After pushing in and out he didn?t come but told me to lie on the bed and played with me until I was getting excited and wet. He laid on me entered and fucked me again only this time I had multiple orgasms and climaxed at the same time as him.
We lay together and he cuddled me as I relaxed, saying ?That was a good fuck, you are quite satisfactory for me and can stay?. I could only say ?Thank you Sir, I am glad you are pleased with my body and performance?. He took me twice more that night and in the morning told me to go to the wardrobe room, choose nice clothes he would arrange payment, but no underwear. He always wanted me available and to be able to see between my legs when I sat. I asked what he wanted me to do in his absence and could he tell me where Nikki was. He said I was to feed myself and keep the suite clean and tidy but when he invited friends I was to prepare the meals. If he didn't come his driver would call with food and anything else I wanted, collect the laundry and that he would ask other members if Nikki was one of their girls. I said, ?Thank you Sir, I will do anything you ask?, then he left. His driver called as promised but it was ten days before my master came again. I cooked his meals and he treated me well so we had a lovely weekend and he also started to call me Carol.
Before he left he told Nikki was in suite 6, it would be all right for me to invite her to his suite if she could come. I rang Nikki; she said ?Because my master is also a friend of your master they agreed we could see each other?. With nothing else to do and nowhere to go we spent much time together and both looked forward to visits from our masters. Keeping each other company we both agreed that although this life was boring it was much better than being a Welcome girl. Our masters were treating us well, there was no medical no lounge duties or shaving display although both our masters had told us we were to keep ourselves free of body hair, How long would it be before they tired of us and we both shuddered at the thought of being sold to a brothel? Nikki only had three visits every two weeks but my master came each weekend. On his sixth visit told me he was bringing two business guests next Saturday hoping they would give him information on a new venture he was proposing.
I was to prepare and serve a special dinner but although I could dress as I wanted I was not to wear any knickers and when I sat down I was to keep my legs wide enough apart and position myself for the men to see everything between them. I instructed the driver what food and wine to bring, arranged flowers to make the suite attractive, cooked the dinner, and put on my best clothes. I curtsied as they entered, poured them drinks and while they talked, laid the table then served the courses. After washing-up I stayed in the kitchen as they talked business in the lounge but it was over an hour before my master called me to the lounge. Telling me how much they all enjoyed the meal he asked me to serve coffee and brandy then join them. It was quite civilised talking about books and music and remembering I was nothing better than a slave girl positioned myself with my legs apart so they had a full view of my shaved labia. I made more coffee and after serving it my master said to his guests ?You must agree Carol is a beautiful girl and noticing you looking between her legs what you would like to see the rest of her. I will have her strip so you can feel the firmness of her breasts before she shows you her vagina and clitoris????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? CHAPTER 23
It was obvious they would say yes and knowing that for them to see all of me in detail I would have to be close-up and began removing all my clothing.? Although I hated doing it I stood in front of them naked with my arms in the air and my legs wide apart. I knew that after they had seen and felt my breasts I had been told to show them my vagina and clitoris and to do this I would have to turn bend over part my labia and pull my inner lips apart. Holding my self-wide open I didn?t know what I expected them to do to me but I did not expect it when my master said, ?She has opened her cunt for you to see inside now she will let you use it and I can assure you she is a good fuck?. As I stood up they looked at each other, tossed coins then still naked, one of them took me to the bedroom and undressed. I lay naked on the bed with my legs apart and waited for him to enter me. His foreplay got me wet and fucking me I had several orgasms but no climax as he came inside me. He dressed and went out the other entering a few minutes later. He just took his trousers off made no attempt to get the best from me, just entered and pumped until he withdrew and shot his lot over my stomach, then putting his trousers on left me unsatisfied.
I went to the bathroom to wash disappointed my Master was prepared to share me with others and not keep me for himself. I dressed before going back to the lounge, but they took no notice of me as I made them more coffee so I went to the dinning room and waited for them to leave. After they had gone my Master said ?I didn't like them fucking you but I really did want information about the future of the club and offering you to them had achieved it?. I could only say ?You have been so nice to me I am glad I have helped you?. We went to bed together, and more like lovers than Master and slave girl, enjoyed each other to the full. He left Sunday morning and it was three weeks before he came again to say he had bad news. This would be our last weekend together since it had been confirmed the club will close and he would be leaving tomorrow night. He was so sorry to have to do this to me but had no option other than return me to the house, but if things turned out right I would see more of him. I tried to ring Nikki but got no answer, and Monday morning I was taken to the study to see Roual.
The two men sat at the desk and Paulo said, ?With the drug enforcement agencies so active it is difficult to find supplies of new girls and with no replacements for a selection money will be tight?. ?Without new girls there are no prospective member applications so we will be selling the eight Welcome girls?. ?You know they are selected for their face and figure just as you were and are too good for a brothel so they have been separated for a special auction, which will include you?. ?You will be taken to wait with the other welcome girls until the auction is arranged, but because you are all going to private buyers you will not be prepared in the usual way for brothel use?.? ?The remaining women will be sold later when the members have no use for them?, then pressing his buzzer two men came in the room. The two men dragged me to the cave area and into the room with wooden stalls where we first saw Inga.
They told me to undress and gave me a shift to wear before pushing me into a stall. A leather collar was put around my neck and with a chain at the back long enough to allow me to lie down, fastened it to the wall then left. Looking around I saw eight girls also wearing shifts chained to the walls, one of them I recognised as Anna. She told me they had been brought here yesterday, it was horrible, and food was brought on a metal tray together with a bucket, which they had to use for their toilet needs before eating. I suffered these indignities for three days wondering why we were kept in these conditions if we were so desirable. In the afternoon of the forth the chains were taken from the wall but left on our collars and fastened to the front of the collar of the girl behind us. I was the last and in a line we were led out across the grounds to the theatre. Our chains were unclipped from the girl in front our shifts were taken off but still wearing our collars we were walked around the stage several times. One at a time and still naked a girl was led to the front of the stage turned around several times, then told to run and jump. When it was my turn the man at the microphone said ?This one was a Welcome girl before she was sold to one master but remember you are only allowed to bid for one girl, is there anyone who wants her?.
Chapter 24
As a bid was called out he said ?Sold to No.9?. I was given a shift, taken to the lounge in the house where my collar was taken off and told to wait. The man that entered was my Master and running to him said how happy I was he had bought me. He said ?I owed you that because after you let those two men fuck you they give me the information I wanted. They knew the trouble the drug market was in and after selling all the girls the club would close but the Welcome girls would be auctioned first and you would be included with them if I made you available. Having a lot of influence here I arranged that only eight members would be bidding and you would be offered last. They were not told there would be nine girls so I would be the only one left able to have you, now come home with me and make me happy?.
I asked if he knew anything about Nikki and he said his friend would keep her for the time being but had lost the chance to include her in my sale. She would be included in another batch of girls being offered for sale to the brothels and would be prepared in the usual way for such a sale but he would still bid for her. I remembered what Inga had told us and he put his arms around me as I started to cry. He told me to stop crying, to go to the car and wait while he paid for me and collected the official papers declaring my death.
The driver I had known earlier was waiting and recognised me saying he was glad I was to give the Master company since the house was very isolated and he had to engage a mother and daughter to clean and cook for him. They were not as attractive as girls from the club but did give him and his guests some sexual entertainment but only joined the Club to have more beautiful women available to satisfy him. With my coming I would be his mistress and run the house so he returned them to the city but intended to purchase two more girls at the next Club sale for the daily duties and for his guests amusement. He told me he had saved the Masters life during one of the revolutions and although a driver and handyman the Master treated him as a brother so all his orders must be obeyed.
The house where I was to eat and live when the master was at home was located in woods but although there was no garden as such there was a lawn all around, which he cut, a swimming pool and tennis court. A tunnel at the rear of the house connected to another block where the new girls and I would live when the master was away. With that my Master returned and told me the driver was called Carlos and I was to call him Juan when we were alone but to address him as Sir in the presence of others. We started the journey and on the way I asked Juan if he intended to buy more girls would he consider purchasing Nikki since she was an excellent cook. He told me he did not know when or how the sales would be held or who would be in them but would make enquiries. The drive took us through miles of grassland before we entered woodland in the hills and after several hours arrived at a lovely hacienda. My Master would be gone for three or four days at a time so several pleasant weeks passed with me cooking cleaning and when called to the house giving him my body. On one weekend visit he told me the girl living with his friend had been taken away for sale and heard there was a girl called Nikki included in a brothel sale to be held at the end of the Month.
He did not know if it was the same Nikki and the only way to be sure was for us both to attend her preparation and for me to confirm it. Seeing the girls being prepared would be very unpleasant for me especially if one of them was my Nikki so the decision would be mine. I remembered what had been done to Inga and asked if there was any way he could stop Nikki being prepared. He said he had no influence now the club had closed down so when girls were no longer needed they would be sent to a holding house until three or four became available for sale then the managers would prepare them for the auction. He had persuaded them to allow him to attend the preparation and make an advance offer for two before the sale but did not know how much they would accept. He said I was to understand that since the club had closed down, in addition to household duties the two new girls would be expected to provide sexual entertainment for his guests similar to that provided previously by the club. He went on to explain other details I was to tell them if he was able to buy them.
Chapter 25
I would also be expected to participate in the entertainment even if it involved me suffering some pain but he would not permit me being fucked, did I fully understand this. I had no option, saying ?I promise to do everything you ask of me and hope I would continue to please him?. He was gone for two days then on his return he had with him a boy of ten or eleven who he introduced as his nephew. I ate with Carlos every day and served dinner to Juan who usually ate alone, but this evening with his nephew present I was told to eat with them. After clearing and washing up I was called to the lounge where Juan and his nephew both sat on the sofa and told to stand before them. Carlos said to his nephew ?To give you your first opportunity to see and touch the body of a naked woman this woman will now undress for you?. As I waited for my Master to tell me to undress and in spite of all my earlier experiences I went cold all over and shivered at the thought of being naked and touched by this boy. My Master continued by saying to his nephew ?When this woman is naked you will stand up and she will hold your hand putting it on each part of her body and tell you what you are touching?.
Looking at me he said, ?As you remove each garment say its name and remember, although he is young you will do and show him everything as if you were being inspected by a man, now begin?. After removing my shoes dress and stockings I stood only in my bra and panties ashamed to go further but bit my lip as I took it off and said this is a bra. I hesitated before I removed my panties knowing when I did I would be expected to open my legs for the boy to see the two swellings between my legs but I had to do it so I slid them down and stepping out of them said ?These are my knickers?. Except for my suspender belt I was naked and with my legs apart I knew my master had said everything so I took that off.? The boy stood up and taking his hand I put it on my left nipple then the right saying ?These are my nipples? then putting his hands on my breasts said, ?These are breasts but they are also called tits?.
As I moved his hand down said, ?This is my chest, my waist, my hips and stomach, and then lower this is my pubic hair?, which by now had grown a little but still made my slit visible and putting his hands between my legs said,? These two lumps are called labia?.? As I turned and said these are my buttocks I remembered my Master had told me I was to show him everything and in the expose position I took his hand and with my other hand I parted them and said, ? With one hand part the two pieces of flesh you can see and give me your other hand?. I took his fingers and placed them at the start of my vagina saying this is my vagina also known as a cunt and it is where you put your penis or prick inside. I eased two of them inside me as far as I could and said; ?Now you know what the inside of a woman feels like?.? My neck and face were red with shame as I said, ?There is one more part of a woman you must play with and putting his fingers to my clit tube said this is what you rub to get a woman excited. There is another orifice some men use and moving his hand down ?Said this is my anus or arsehole and some men want to put their pricks in it as well as my cunt?. When the Master said you might dress now I had never felt so embarrassed in my life. I was almost in tears with the fact I had to do and say all that in front of a little boy and it was worse to me than anything a man could have done. Even when my master thanked me for being so helpful in explaining a woman?s body to his nephew I couldn't stop the tears running down my cheeks. As we undressed for bed my Master said don't put on your nightdress, that show with my nephew really turned me on and I want you now. He fucked me three times and although I climaxed every time he didn't until the last one which lasted for ages and I was tired with trying to bring him to his peak.
He returned early on the last Saturday of the Month and told me he had been told that some girls from the club were being prepared for sale and he had the address. It would be a long drive and to be at the preparation by 1:0 we must leave right away. Carlos drove this time he was good and fast so we arrived at the address in time to be welcomed with drinks and taken to a room with a low platform just in front of our seats. To the left of the platform was a small table with a box on top, to the rear a square frame like the whipping frame in the big house and in the centre an unusual half round metal frame.
A big man brought more drinks and sat between us saying there would only be three girls today. Since girls were now very scarce and those available were worth a lot of money most of the old club members either kept their girls or sold them on to their friends. He was obviously preparing my Master for a high bid and they both left to discuss a price. On his return my Master said, If the girl called Nikki was the one I wanted he would have to buy all three and he had agreed a price but to help repay the cost a paying audience had been invited to watch them being prepared?. With that the big man clapped his hands and three girls walked down the side of us and stood on the platform. I couldn't believe what I saw, three girls all in torn and ragged dresses, dirty with bedraggled hair surely these were not the gorgeous girls I knew in the big house. I looked hard thinking one could be Anna the other Tracy but the third was more familiar and thought this one must be Nikki so I called out her name. When I heard her ask, ?Is that you Carol? I knew it was. And with me agreeing all three were led away with Nikki shouting, ?Please save me Carol?.
With that I heard much movement behind us and looking around saw the rear filling with men who Juan said had paid to watch the things that would be done to the three girls as they were prepared. There was more shuffling and one of the girls was pushed to the platform right in front of me and it was Nikki. Another man followed and as they stood either side of her I could see the fear on her face. The big man whom I now knew to be the manager stood in front of her and Juan translated. He is saying because these girls have been sold no bidding will take place but as a special favour these men have been invited to watch them being prepared for their new master. They have been charged for the entertainment because the girls will strip show themselves then walk and face the frame where each will receive five lashes. There will be no arse expanding but instead each nipple will be pierced and they will watch then receive the J.C. brand of their new Master being applied in the usual place. I looked at Juan and said ?I know where this will be and I didn't want to stay and see this done to her?, but he said, ?The manager would be insulted if you left and it could spoil the purchase of them all?.
Nikki realised there was nothing I could do for her and it was useless to resist so taking her dress off I saw she was naked underneath. Raising her arms and opening her legs as we had all been taught I could see from the cuts on her labia her pubic hair had recently been cruelly shaved. She then turned and bent over with her legs wide apart and held her buttocks apart to expose her partly opened labia and anus before walking to face the frame. Juan said she does have a nice body but her breasts are not as nice as yours then I heard her pleading not to be hurt as one man tied her wrists to each corner of the frame while the other bent down and done the same to her ankles. She was now spread in an X, the manager stood by her left side with a whip in his hand. As he raised it and brought it down across her back I heard the swish and her scream. Four more times he done this each time her screams got louder then after the fifth her head fell forward and the screams stopped and I saw how the weal's were evenly spaced from her armpits to her buttocks. The Frame was turned around and I could see the whip had twice cut into the side of her right breast the other three had cut into her waist and stomach. One of the men went to the metal box and pushed a switch as the other pulled her right nipple dragging her large and more flabby than I remembered breast forward and out in a point. The pain from him pulling her nipples revived her and she started screaming again as the man took from the box what appeared to be a red hot piece of wire and pushed it through the extended nipple, one horrible scream then silence. They went to the left breast and with that nipple pulled right out the wire was pushed through that one also then leaving her unconscious and hanging they and the audience left the room. Juan told me they had gone for drinks and when she recovers she would be branded with his initials just above her cunt lips so every one who fucks her will know she belongs to me. I looked at Juan, how could you allow this you haven't done it to me and I shivered with fright when he said, ?But I will when I allow others to fuck you?. I thought he was a kind man but knew now he only wanted me because I had a well-formed body and pleased him in bed but when he tired of me I would join the others.
Chapter 27
I guessed what he intended, he was going to start up a club like the one we had left and that was why he was buying European girls while they were still available. When they heard Nikki crying in pain the audience returned to the room and the two men untied her from the frame then tying her hands behind her back took her to the half round metal object and laid her on her back so she was arched over. Her hands were fixed to the back and with her legs tied to each corner her labia was so spread open I could see her inner lips and the line of her clitoris tube.. The man went to his electric oven again and taking out a branding iron stood behind her allowing me to see it placed on her flesh just over the top of her cunt lips. I could see the smoke and hear the flesh sizzle as he held the brand there. Nikki was in so much pain there was just one muffled scream and silence as she fainted yet again.
The men behind came forward to study the scorched flesh and tortured nipples before leaving for more drinks. I said, ?I must go I can't bear to see this done again? and Carlos said ?It will be some time before all three are ready to be signed for and I will make some excuse for you but it is not safe for you to walk about so just make sure you stay in the car until I return?. It was getting dark before he returned to drive us home and after asking where the girls were he said, ?They would be delivered early in the morning?
It was after midnight when we arrived and saying he was tired from the drive didn?t want me tonight and sent me to my room. I lay awake that night thinking how Nikki must have suffered, how long would it be before it happened to me and I could not do anything about it except try to please him. Carlos never knocked when he entered my room so it was no exception when while it was still dark he entered telling me to get an early breakfast for the Master because the girls were to be examined on their arrival. I was in the kitchen washing up when Carlos told me to follow him. On each side of the tunnel to the house were two doors opposite each other, one kept locked the other led to the room where I had been living and where the new girls would join me. It had 8 beds, with 4 open toilets and showers at the end, table and chairs in the middle. He took me back to the tunnel and opened the other locked door to a long room where down one side was a long padded bar just waist high parallel with the wall. There were fixings in the floor in front and behind it, also higher up the wall more fixings and on the opposite side a row of comfortable seats and tables. Carlos said ?This is the pleasure room and where our guests will be entertained. I designed it on our Masters instructions and as you can see it is possible to fasten you women in any position necessary for the purpose required. You can be bent over the bar forward or backward for beatings or fucking front or back, it can be raised to stretch your bodies tight and painful or with the wall fixings tied upright for whippings?. He could see the shocked look on my face and said he thought I knew why girls were being brought here now there was no club for the Master to visit. He also asked me if I had been given the iron, and seeing the puzzled look on my face, told me to take off my knickers and let him see between my legs. I was shocked by this order but knowing I had to obey him removed my skirt and panties. Telling me to open my legs and lean back I guessed he wanted to see if I had been branded like the girls yesterday.
At that moment the Master entered and seeing me naked from the waist down said to Carlos, you can look and feel but no you can't penetrate her yet. The three girls I have bought have arrived so go and get them. The Master and I went to the room with the beds and in a little while Carlos returned with the three girls. Washed and with tidy hair, clean blouses and skirts they looked attractive again. They were in obvious pain and Nikki could only stumble a greeting asking me why I had allowed her to be whipped and branded. I could see this annoyed the Master; so I said it was far better she was here than in a brothel and to be grateful to her new master. He smiled at this and nodded to Carlos who ordered all three to strip and lay face down on the beds. We listened to their cries of agony as their weight pressed on their pierced nipples and watched as Carlos touched the weals on their backs and run his hands all over their bodies before telling them to turn over. Every movement caused them agony and there were cries of pain from each as they turned to lay face up.
The screams were piercing when Carlos examined each girl?s nipples and the weal?s on their breasts before running his fingers over the brand mark. I was glad when it was over and as they lay crying and sobbing Carlos said he was satisfied they would all be ready for service in a few days. When asked if he would like the rings put in before the nipples healed over the Master thought for a moment before saying let them rest a while, we will do it this afternoon then they will have until tomorrow to recover. I prepared lunch and after serving the Master and eating with Carlos took food to the girls. I had been right, in addition to Nikki; the other two were Anna and Tracy. While they were eating Nikki told me they had been held for weeks in that house, fed but not raped or harmed until yesterdays torment. Asking why they were here I said I asked the Master to buy her to save her from a brothel but he had to buy all three. Nikki was to cook because she was good at it, with Anna and Tracy as housemaids doing anything necessary. I looked at Anna and said I remember you when we were sold together, I thought you had gone to a brothel. She said ?No, I was sold to a man who only wanted me for a few weeks for his son to learn about women. It awful I had to let a boy do dreadful things like putting things inside my fanny and arse as if I was a toy. When I had taught the boy how to fuck me I was sent to the house where your master bought me?.
?I looked at Tracy and asked what had happened to her. She said ?I stayed with my Master until he tired of me and replaced me with another?. Since the master had told me what to say I was able to tell them they would all have to serve just like in the club, get fucked and provide various sexual acts when required. They would be spared the humiliation of the weekly medical since the guest would be known and would have to wear condoms, shaving would be on the orders of the Master, but there will be times when they would have to suffer pain as part of the entertainment. All of you must agree it would be better than getting fucked many times a day in a brothel. For the time being I am mistress of the house and will be expected to administer your punishment if you disobey any orders from Carlos the Master or myself. I am not available to any man other than the Master, but no doubt in time he will change me for another, have me branded, then any man can do what he wants with me just like you three. I cleared the plates and food leaving them to their pain.
?Later when Carlos said I was to go with him and help put the rings in, I said I did not want to hear them screaming in pain and will not go. He said since you have disobeyed my order I will hear you scream in pain then you will come with me and listen to them cry out. He grasped my hair and pulled me crying down the tunnel to the room with the bar then told me to strip. When I was naked he pushed me over the bar and with my legs kicking he sat on my back while he spread my arms and clamped the rear floor fixings over my wrists. He pulled one leg over and clamped it then the other leaving me wide open between my legs. Next he went to the end of the bar and turning a handle raised my body until I cried out as my arms and legs were stretched as if on a rack and my breasts pulled tight flattening them painfully into the bar. It was the most painful position I had ever been in and crying I begged him to slacken off but he only turned the handle a little more. Between my cries for mercy shouting and pleading it was some minutes before he said ?Now you know how others would feel when they are in that position. That is called the back stretch imagine how it would fell if you were on your back, that will be called the front stretch. Next time you disobey me you will know but for now let me see and feel what gives our Master such pleasure. I can't put my cock in you but I can do this and with that he parted my cunt lips and I felt his fingers circling my vulva before they went inside me and rubbed my clitoris until I felt my juices running through my sparse pubic hair.? My you are a hot one no wonder our Master keeps you but now it is time for pain not pleasure? I heard him walk away and as he returned I heard a swish and felt the thud on my buttocks. The pain exploded in my stomach and spread all over my body but before I started to scream the second fell and my screams must have been heard all over the house as three more were given to me. I would have twisted out of shape if I had not been so securely fastened.
Scream all you will he said as he gave me a final slap with is hand on my stinging buttocks, the only people who can hear are those in the quarters and that is done to put the fear in them. As he lowered the bar I sagged with it and still crying he undone the fastenings and told me to get dressed. I had just finished my periods and my buttocks were so swollen I couldn?t get my panties on. As I finished dressing without them I asked Carlos why he did that to me I thought you and the Master were nice men. His only reply was ?Come with me and fit the rings on the new girls or you will be given another session. Next time you disobey me your back will be on the bar and your front will receive the whip not the cane?.
I followed him across the tunnel to the quarters and the three girls where from his pockets he took a bag and emptied the rings on the table telling me to pick up two and fit them to Nikki. They were like key rings except when one end was pushed into the hole of the other end it would lock in place and the ring would have to be cut off to open. I bent over Nikki and as the skin stretched on my beaten buttocks I cried out, Nikki said was that you screaming just now, and as I said? Yes I have just been caned? Carlos shouted get on with it or you both will be back stretched. Nikkei?s breasts were large but after weeks of poor diet they were flabby and hung to her armpits so it was difficult to hold them with one hand while I gently tried to put the ring through the red and blackened nipple. I could see the pain in her eyes and she was screaming, as I closed it up. Nikki knew it had to be done so she tried to smile as I put the other ring in and closed it. She laid sobbing and biting her lips as I was called over to put the second ring in Tracy's nipple just as Carlos was closing the first. Carlos just stood and smiled as he watched all three twisting about on their beds, holding their breasts hoping it would ease the pain. When he seemed satisfied they would be suffering for quite a while he told me to go, and locking the door behind us we went to the kitchen where he told me to raise my skirt, bend over for him to see my black and blue buttocks.
Carlos was away with the Master for the following week, so I was able to look after all three girls and by mid morning on the Monday when The Master returned they had healed very well and put on weight. I was serving his lunch when he asked if they were ready for him to see and if so I was to bring them after I had cleared the dishes. I told him they had no nice clothes to wear but he only said I wish to see them naked. I took them to him saying you all know how to stand when a Master wishes to inspect you, so they undressed and stood in line with their arms raised and legs apart. He walked around each of them and pulled the nipple rings then examined the brand mark. When he was satisfied they were in good shape he gave us all two sheets of paper and told us to write the expected start and finish dates of our periods on one, what clothes we wanted and our sizes on the other, then Carlos would get them. He told each one what their duties would be and asked if any of us would have periods the following Saturday. I had just had mine and the others, because of the poor diets were not expecting them. Juan said he was pleased, he expected a gourmet meal the following Saturday when he would be having 10 guests for dinner. Nikki was to tell Carlos what she wanted and it would be collected in time. A doctor would call during the week to examine the girls in detail but he would just look me over. I returned the girls to their room and gave Carlos the list of clothing needs and the sheet with our expected period dates. The following evening Carlos returned with the clothes then he and the Master went away.
The doctor called and each girl was thoroughly examined inside and out, he told me to take off my knickers and bend over, as he only wanted to put a swab in my vagina and anus. Returning Friday night Carlos gave me the food to take to Nikki for the following day's meal and that Juan didn't want me that night. I was disappointed; it had been so long now since he wanted me in his bed. On Saturday evening the guests arrived, I was surprised to see five couples I had expected men only and Nikki excelled herself, the meal was excellent. Anna and Tracy had served it while Carlos and I ate together in his room. When the table had been cleared I served the brandy and cigars then checked everything was washed and put away and the girls were in their room Then Carlos told me to collect the girls and make sure we all passed water before going to the pleasure room.
The guests were sitting in the chairs, the master in the centre. A little table in front of each pair held wine and brandy, they were all talking and laughing but it went quiet as we four girls came in followed by Carlos. He told me to stand by the door and for the girls to face the guests their backs to the bar. These ladies and gentleman, he was speaking in English so we would understand the instructions to follow, are the three girls Juan told you about, and pointing to me said, that is the other one. The three before you are not yet in prime condition, they have only been out of Pedro's hands for a little while and you all know what that means. They were laughing as he continued, Ladies I know you were not welcome at the club so for tonight you will be able to view some of the European girls that were available to your men at the old club and what the girls had to do for them. This will also give me the opportunity to try my newly designed bar which will allow them to expose their most intimate parts for your inspection and unless you are doctors even you ladies will not have seen what these girls will show you.
We all knew what was in store for us as he said, ?This is Anna, she is German, next to her Tracy is American. This one Nikki is English and a friend of that one by the door, which is Carol who is also English. Now girls you will start by showing the ladies your naked bodies so they can see what your men have been enjoying at the club. Anna will be first to take her clothes off and you can compare the shape of a German body with those of the American and English girls?.? After stripping and standing naked in front of the viewing women Anna stood with her one arm over her breasts the other covering her pubes. ?Ladies you embarrass her, she knows you are making critical comments about her figure let us see if the American is as shy. So our guests can compare you with Anna Tracy show us a naked American body?. Tracy stripped then stood with her arms close to her side pressing her breasts in with her hands over her pubic hair. Here ladies she is not so embarrassed she is pushing her breasts out for you to admire. Girls we still can't see all of you so put your arms in the air and open your legs don't feel ashamed, we are going to see a lot more of you yet?.
I could see both their faces and necks turn red as they done as ordered. Carlos said, ?Now it's your turn Nikki, undress stand like the others and show us an English body?. With all three standing fully exposed as instructed Carlos stood by the side of each and putting his finger on their brand mark said, ?You can see their pubic hair has only just started to grow and can imagine the fun Pedro and his men had shaving it off?. ?When she stands naked waiting for a mans inspection her the brand tells him her body is available to any man who wants her and she must obey his every command and satisfy him or she will be very painfully punished?. Then pulling their nipple rings to lift their breasts up and out each of them bit her lips as he done so. He could see this hurt them and said, ? I have always found a little pain before intercourse gets a woman?s juices flowing but not as much as the next presentation?. With that he told them to lie back over the bar and fastened their wrists to the rear floor fixings their legs to the front ones. With their legs pulled wide apart their cunt lips parted the pink flesh inside was exposed together with the brown dot of their arseholes. He turned the handle to lift and arch their backs even more and continued until they were all crying for him to stop, but just as he did to me, gave one more turn to leave them in exquisite agony.
They continued crying for release as he asked if any one would like to look closer and touch. One woman stood up and went to Anna saying if I can find your clitoris I will see if you can get an orgasm quicker than me, and pointing to Tracy said, come on Vetal do it to this one and we will see which comes first. One of the men went over to Nikki and said I will bet both of you I can stimulate this woman quicker than either of you. I watched as the women and the man put their fingers inside each girl and I could see the girls were trying to squirm as their inner flesh was parted and fingers excited their clitoris but they were held too tight and had to endure it. With the girls being in pain it took ages before the man was first to say I have got mine wet come and feel. Nikki cried out as both the women put their fingers into her cunt at the same time and said to the man yes you win.
One of the women walked away but the one called Vetal pushed more fingers inside Tracy and continued finger fucking her until even in the pain of her stretched body she started to clench her buttocks and move her stomach. The woman called out look at this she is having an orgasm and continued the fingering until Tracy finally cried out and climaxed. The woman withdrew her fingers and said to the man, ?That?s the trouble with you men you finish with a woman too soon?, those that understood laughed at this. Carlos asked if anyone else would like to bring the other girl to a climax. Another man stood up and said, ? I will show you I can get any woman to climax as well as her and went to Anna?. He played with her stretched and taught breasts at the same time as his other fingers played with her vagina and clitoris until she too cried out and climaxed. Juan then stood up and said, ?Now I would like you all to see my new girl? and called me to the middle of the room.
?This is Carol she has what I consider the perfect woman?s body so show them what I mean?. I stripped slowly and when completely naked, shoes and all I stood with my arms in the air and parted my legs. Juan then said, ?You were told she was in prime condition and in time the other three will be at their best then you must all come again to compare them. But for now admire Carols face and hair, the sweep of her shoulders and perfect global breasts, large pink nipples set in light brown aureoles. Look at the flow of her hips and gentle rounded stomach going down to that perfectly formed split covered with just enough light down to leave it visible. Look at those thighs just narrow enough to show the finish of that wonderful entry to her body, the long tapering limbs that wrap themselves around you when you are inside her together with the perfect rounding of her arse?.
? Now Carol layback on the bar and open yourself to let them all see that deep channel that gives me so much pleasure?.? I sat on the bar and lay back as Carlos fastened my wide-open legs to the floor fixings so I would not slip forward, then biting my lip I pulled my inner lips apart with both hands until I knew my vagina was fully exposed. Juan then said ?As you can see she is not branded, she is for my use only but just for tonight I will allow any of you to feel inside her vagina to see how passionate a woman she is even without clitoral stimulation?. ?I am sure that after only three of you have touched her love channel her juices will be running?. I had to bite my lips and with tears running from my eyes turn my head away as each guest, women as well as men rubbed the walls of my vagina but not my clitoris. He was quite right after four of them had done it I had my first orgasm and my juices started to flow. I had continuing orgasms as each of them stroked around the inside of my love lips and touched my vagina walls. With the last woman touching my clitoris, both of my hands, the channel to my arsehole, and the bar was soaking wet but I had still not climaxed. I was left frustrated and gasping for relief but the girls had been left in that painful position for so long now they were all crying and begging Carlos to release them, so he lowered the bar and unfastened their arms while he joined the guests.
With our ankles still fastened to the floor the girls were slow to recover but able to sit on the bar like me. Then with us all sitting up, the laughing and talking stopped as Carlos walked over to Anna and taking hold of her arms put a strap around her wrists. He secured it through the high wall fixing then pulled it tight so her body was taught and with her feet locked to the floor was angled backward. He done this to each of us so we were still wide open between our legs but our breasts was now thrust forward and up. The woman named Vetal called across,? Elva, ask Juan if what you said to me is true?. ?Juan is it true that at the club you men would whip the girls because most of them became sexually aroused and you liked to hear them scream?. Juan hesitated before he said ?Yes but why do you ask?. Elva replied? pointing to Anna, lost me the bet and I would like to punish her by whipping her and hearing her scream?. Juan hesitated again before he said, ?They are not very fit yet and I don't want her damaged but I will let you give her five cuts of the cane on her lower arse and the top of her thighs?. I listened as Anna pleaded to be left alone, how sorry she was she had not got wet and would try harder if the woman had another go, but Juan told Carlos to prepare Anna and get the very thin cane.
Anna was pleading all the time Carlos was unfastening her and turning her around still in the upright position, not bent over as I had been, because we others were still fastened with the bar behind us. Carlos left to get the cane and I looked to see that in that position Anna's arse and thighs were well pushed out, and stretched as she was, I knew from my own experience the cane was going to hurt her and the woman was going to hear her scream. Carlos gave the cane to Elva and standing at Anna's side she run the cane up down Anna's back then between her legs watching Anna twitching her body as if she was being tickled. I looked at the guests and saw the excitement on their faces, two of the men red in the face with anticipation. I looked at Anna just as the woman brought the cane upward to hit Anna in the crease of her thighs and buttocks. The scream echoed all over the room, then the woman put the cane between Anna's legs and slid it back and fore. I knew it was being put through Anna's cunt lips as the woman said ?Perhaps this will get you excited? , then hit Anna again across the bottom of her buttocks just above the previous one. Another scream followed as the third cut fell again in the crease. Anna was screaming continually as the woman once again run the cane between her legs. The forth cut was placed just above the second and the fifth again went up between Ann?s legs, there was silence, Anna had fainted. Elva gave the cane to Carlos and returning to her seat said, ?That was better than winning the bet?.
The guests started to leave, passing us they could not resist once more putting their fingers inside us, fondling our stretched up thrust breasts and playing with my nipples until they enlarged and then the nipple rings on Nikki and Tracy. When they had gone Carlos walked to Anna unstrapped her, letting her fall to the floor, then dragged her on her back and placed her in front of us parting her legs. Pointing to her labia, now turning a dark purple, he said ?That is a shame I fancied fucking her tonight so which of you other two shall I have?. He went to Nikki and fondling her still flabby breasts said these need more filling yet, then went to Tracy saying, ?I suppose you will have to do? He released we three telling Nikki and me to take Anna back and for Tracy to go with him. Back in our room Nikki and I tended Anna's bruising, both knowing what it was like to be caned on the buttocks and have our cunt lips beaten. Tracy returned very early in the morning and said although she found it difficult to take the positions Carlos wanted her in after he had stretched her on the bar he was a good lover and made her climax for the three times he fucked her. In spite of the pain the girls were in they were expected to fulfil their tasks the following day.
?It was early evening when the Master called us to the study and said one of the women had just phoned to say how much she had enjoyed humiliating you girls and telling her friends they all wanted to share the experience. I have no intention letting men use you until I am satisfied you are in prime condition so I agreed. I will be going to Europe for a couple of weeks to arrange the purchase of some more girls. Carlos will drive me to the airport but will return soon to arrange a suitable time for your show. While I am away he will arrange a diet with Nikki and see you do physical exercises every day then on my return I want to see you all with firm breasts and slim agile bodies. We were excused and went to our room when later Carlos came in and said, ? Anna I wanted you last night but since I will be away for a while tonight will do, come and amuse me?. It was early in the morning when Anna returned and told us everything he wanted her to do was painful especially so when he entered her. We were on our own until Carlos returned midweek and the following morning after we had breakfast he took us to the gym. He had us all strip and after looking closely at each of us said, ?There is much to do to make your figures worthy of your master. You are to come here each day and all our exercises would be done in the nude?. We had to skip, and run around the gym kicking our legs higher and faster every day, use weights, which increased daily, press-ups, until we collapsed. With the diet and exercises we were very fit by the middle of the second week. None of our breasts now bounced when we exercised, Nikkei?s and Tracy?s were full and very firm, Anna's hadn't changed much but I thought mine had shrunk a little and for some reason the nipples on each of us had enlarged and stood firm All our thigh waists and hips had slimmed down and we all had enviable bodies.
Chapter 33
Next day after we had stripped Carlos inspected us and said he was pleased with our progress we now looked like the women our Master wanted and we were ready for the women guests who would arrive that evening. After opening our labia and studying the length of our inner flesh and clitoris tube he looked and felt our pubic hair which had now grown, saying he wanted all of us to trim and pluck it so our flesh split was clearly visible. The hairdresser will arrive for lunch and after the meal they would inspect us. The ladies would arrive at 7:00, he would receive them with drinks and we were to be fully dressed with good make up in the bar room by 7:30. We were to stand in a line and curtsey to the ladies as they entered. After lunch the two men retired to the lounge while we cleared away and washed up. When we were ready we went to the lounge and standing in a line in front of Carlos and the hairdresser we all put our hands under our dress slid our knickers down to our ankles stepped out of them lifted our skirts to our waist and held it there as we opened our legs. I could see the hairdresser had not expected young and beautiful women to expose themselves to him in this way and his face went red as Carlos asked if he would feel if each of us needed to have him shave us cleaner. He shyly felt each of our pubes making no attempt to put his fingers into us and answered, ?No they are all very smooth?. Then we all went to our room and the hairdresser done our hair ready for the evening show.
After he had left Anna was so afraid with her treatment from that woman that as we sat waiting for our next ordeal to start she was in and out of the toilet. We were all nervous and afraid knowing the women would hurt us and knew pain can do these things so just before we went, I said, ?We had better all use the toilet, it would be awful if we wet ourselves in front of those women?. At 7:30 we stood in a line in front of that awful bar waiting for the women to arrive Nikki first, Tracy, myself with Anna to my left. Carlos had told us to wear blouses and skirts and stand between every other set of floor fixings so we were well spaced apart. The women entered and as they passed us to take their seats we all curtsied and I recognised the two English speaking ones from the other evening, Vetal and Elva. The women put their chairs in a semicircle with Carlos seated in front of them.
?I could not understand what they were all saying but Vetal and Elva seemed to be the organisers and they were obviously talking about what the group wanted to do to us. Carlos stood up and pointing to Nikki said come and stand here. Nikki stood in the middle of the semicircle while the women looked at her. Vetal said to Nikki ?You were the one with flabby breasts last time take off your shoes first then your blouse and let us see them?. With her blouse off Nikki stood in her bra then Vetal shouted ?And the bra you stupid bitch?. There was much talking as the women looked at Nikkei?s breasts, and Vetal said, ?My they have improved? and saying something to the group they all laughed. ?Now the rest, show the front then the back?, was the next order, Nikki stripped then stood naked for a while before turning. I could see her face was flushed as she faced us. Vetal 's next order was for Nikki to kneel before two of the women, one of which put a thin rubber brassiere on Nikkei?s breasts and as she fastened it I could see a tube with a bulb at the end hanging from the back. As the two women walked Nikki back to her place I saw Nikkei?s nipples poking through a hole in the front. Carlos then fastened Nikkei?s ankles to the floor. Tracy was next to strip and display herself before the group then two other women put the same sort of bra on her. When it was my turn Elva and Vital fastened mine, another two women fixed Anna?s. When we were all fastened to our floor fixings each pair of women stood in front of us one of them bringing the tube to the front started to press the bulb.
?Elva looked me in the eyes as she pressed mine and very slowly I felt my breasts being squeezed in and the nipples being forced through the hole. The pain was very slow to grow but the more my nipples were pushed out the more intense it became. I heard Nikki start screaming followed by Anna then it was my turn. We were all screaming in agony by now but as more of my breasts were squeezed through the hole I was throwing my arms and body so much I fell on the floor. They stopped squeezing the tube and writhing in agony on the floor I saw the other girls doing the same.
We were left in agony as the women watched us suffering and screaming before Vital pulled me up by my hair and released the vacuum in the punishment bra. Our feet were released and we were told to dress, making sure we put our own brassieres back on our hurting breasts before returning to our places. Anna was the last to dress and as she returned to her place both Vetal and Elva talked to Carlos before coming over to stand in front of me. Elva said so you are Juan's current favourite, the girl that gets wet quick, you must have a sensitive clit so let me see how quick I can get you wet. Carlos then told the girls to stand to one side and for me to strip yet again and put my bare feet by the floor fixings. He fastened my ankles and told me to lay back then fixed my wrists to the back floor fittings. He walked to the end and turned his handle until I thought my back would break. The pain was intense but being fit after the exercises and suppler I was determined not to cry out. Carlos positioned the straps on my arms and legs so when I was fully raised my mound was quite high in the air and my cunt pointed upward for easy access.
Vetal stood at my side and said,?You do have a high visible clit? and cruelly pinched both my labia, her nails cutting in as she pulled them so wide apart I thought she would rip them off and as determined as I was not to I cried out. Elva then gripped the top flesh of my vulva and pulled it back toward my stomach with one hand until my clitoris tube was fully exposed then with the other hand she rubbed and pinched it between her fingers until it left it's hood and stood out like a mans penis. I was in so much pain I didn't hear her calling all the others over to watch as she kept pinching the head with her nails. I couldn't stand it any longer and fainted.
?I don?t know how long it was before I opened my eyes and seeing the women standing over me I heard one of them say, ?So you are back with us for some more, you didn't get wet that time did you so lets try again? . Again Vetal pinched and pulled my labia apart while once more Elva pulled the skin of my vulva back and pinched my exposed clit. I fainted yet again but quicker this time. I came around when I felt something inside me, Elva had inserted an enormous dildo into me spreading my vagina so wide and with it so deep inside moving it in and out it felt as if I was being fucked by a horse. It kept hitting my cervix making me cry out, afraid it was damaging me and all the time Vetal was pulling my nipples so hard I thought they would come off. Between my screams I heard Elva say, ?I don't know what Juan can see in her she hasn't come or climaxed yet ?and I fainted again.
When I opened my eyes I was laying on a bed and it felt funny between my legs, sitting up Nikki was by my side and said, ?You poor thing you are a mess down there. Those horrible women pinched holes through your labia and damaged your clit so much I don't think you will ever have sensations from it, you have been circumcised and I had to put a pad there to stop the blood?. ?They hurt you so much I don't know why Carlos didn't stop them, whatever will Juan say or do to you?. This frightened me and I dreaded Juan's return but then thanked Nikki for looking after me and asked what happened to them and were they all right. ?It wasn't too bad, they humiliated us more then hurt us, and make us queue up and undress one at a time in front of them then having them prod poke and pinch our bodies?. ?Then we had to kneel with our backs to them and our legs apart as they put their fingers and other things inside us not knowing what they were saying as they laughed about it?. ?They had us run around the room some caning our bottoms the others used the little whip on our breasts and between our legs as we passed them but it wasn't as bad as the things they done to you?.
It was the following week before Carlos went to collect Juan from the Airport and arriving late at night I was very frightened when Juan told me to go to his bedroom and prepare myself because all day he had been looking forward to enjoying my body. He tried hard to get me to respond like I had done before, but as much as I tried I could not get orgasms or keep him interested. He was very patient with me for another week before he asked what was wrong with me. When I told him and showed him what those women had done to me he said, ?That was what I feared most, you are not the girl you were and are no further use to me, I am going to sell you?. I begged and pleaded saying I would do anything he wanted but please don't sell me to a brothel.
His only reply was, I only wanted you because you were good in bed now you do not please me I have no further use for you and the money I get for you will buy me another girl who will respond better. He called Carlos who took me to the basement locking me in a little room with just a bucket for my toilet. The next time he brought me food he said, ? I have waited a long time for this now I can fuck you as often as I wish?. He told me to undress and show him what had been done to me but even so I had to open my legs for him every day before I was allowed to eat. Every other day he came in the evening and took his time fucking me hoping I would respond but I had no feeling and each time he finished with me he would say I wish I had fucked you before those women spoilt your cunt.
When Carlos came and tied my hands then took me to the car where Juan sat waiting I knew my time had come and I was being taken to be prepared before being sold to a brothel. Neither spoke to me on the journey to the house where we had seen the girls prepared. Knowing that the same was going to happen to me I wet myself. The manager and the same two men who had prepared the other girls were sitting as we entered a room. The manager spoke in English so I would understand what was in store for me said to Juan so this is the English girl you want to sell, she looks too good for a brothel what's wrong with her. I burst into tears as Juan said; ?She is useless in bed look for yourself?. The men pulled my skirt off tore my knickers and lifted me on the table one man lifted my legs and the other pulled them wide open. Juan pulled my cunt lips apart and said ?Look at this?. They saw the damage and the manager said,? Where she is going no one will care, they only want a woman for the holes she has and she has three?. ?Please Juan don't do this to me please?, but he ignored me as the manager said,? I know just the man who will buy her too and I will credit your account?. Juan thanked him and leaving with Carlos left me to my new but short life in a brothel. I was told to remove the rest of my clothes and walk to the frame where they tied my arms and legs to each corner as they had done to the other girls. I knew what would follow as one man pinched my left nipple and pulled my breast as far forward as possible while the other came toward me with the red hot wire and pushed it through me grossly extended nipple. I screamed and fainted. When I regained consciousness I was alone and secured to the half round frame with my legs wide apart. Sobbing from the pain I knew they had pierced the other nipple while I was unconscious.
On their return a large tapered object was inserted into my anus but I was in so much pain from my breasts I didn?t feel the pain of it going in. They went away and left me suffering for the rest of the day. It was night before they returned and when I saw the man take his branding iron from the furnace knowing what they would do next begged then not too. Of course they didn't care and the brand was held over my cunt lips so I would feel the heat in this most sensitive part of my body. This made me scream before it was put on my flesh just above the start of my clitoris tube. One more scream came from my sore throat as it burnt my flesh and I fainted again. When my eyes opened it was light and I was lying on the floor of a van. I had a dress on but my hands and feet were tied. We stopped and I was dragged into a shed, my tied wrists, although behind me were hooked over a bracket making me lean forward thrusting my breasts out. Another women opposite me tied in the same way didn't understand when I asked who she was. I hung there for ages before the manager and another man came in to stand in front of the other woman. They looked at her for some time then the manager lifted her dress over her face and they continued talking and prodding her naked body. Her dress was allowed to fall and still talking they walked over to me and knowing I was as naked as the other woman underneath as my dress was pulled over my head I accepted my body being poked and prodded and the brand mark being rubbed but I had to cry out as discs were threaded through the hole in my nipples. The manager unhooked me and they both dragged me to another van for a short journey to yet another house. The manager took me up some stairs to room with six mattresses on the floor, three of them had women on them and as soon as we entered they jumped up and stood to attention. The manager turned and left as I looked in amazement to see they were Rita, Joan, and Karen.
They hugged and kissed me as if we were long lost friends, but my joy was short lived as they said how awful it was here, much worse than at the club. They were starting to tell me when the door opened and as two men came in the three girls rushed to their places stood to attention, and I copied them. One man looked at Joan then stood before Rita who was next to me, the other stood in front of Karen who was opposite and to my right. Both girls took off their dresses and panties turned their backs to the men, bent over and parted their labia. I heard the men unzip their trousers and watched as clasping the hanging breasts they entered both girls from the rear. When they finished the girls turned and knelt before him taking his prick in her mouth sucked it clean. When each of them stood up the men pulled the plastics disks hanging from her nipples and laughed as they both screamed in pain. When the men had gone Karen said, ?Whenever a man enters we stand to attention and if he stops in front of us we strip and wait for instructions. We are usually told to lie on our backs but those two men bring our food and they always fuck our arses so whomever they choose bends over straight away then suck them clean when they finish?. ?Look what happens to us all? and with that she showed me the whip scars on her back and breasts. ? At the club they never left permanent marks but here they don't care, we will soon be sent to the line downstairs and the men there only want a cheap cunt or arse to screw?.? The last girls were only here a few days so it won't be long before we are sent downstairs?. ? Being fucked is only part of what you can expect? Joan said, ?We are tortured for the pleasure of a selected few, look what they have done to me?. She took off her dress and I saw fresh open cuts on her back together with round burn marks all over her breasts and body. Her original brand mark had been altered with other fresh burns to change the letters J.C. to O.O.! She said ?They done this to represent the two main holes of a woman?s body?.
I looked at Rita who turned to show me the whip scars on her back and front and said, ?We are all whipped on our first day here and they do it slow so you won't faint with the pain of each cut, it will be your turn tomorrow? In the morning four men entered and we all stood to attention and as they walked about looking at each of us we took off our dresses and waited to be chosen. The man in front of me indicated I was to lie down, so I did with my legs apart ready for him to enter me. He pushed in and out for some time before I felt him come inside me. He got up indicating I was to eat the food they had left on the floor. After they had finished with each of us all four went out leaving us to finish what little food there was. It was an hour or so before the door opened again and yet another man pointed to me indicating I was to follow him and the girls looked at me in pity knowing what I was about to suffer.
I knew I had to follow him down the stairs to a room at the back of the house where he indicated I was to take my dress off. He tied my wrists together putting them over a hook hanging from the ceiling and hoisted me up with my feet well clear of the floor. Next he tied a rope to each ankle pulling first my left leg to one side until it was nearly horizontal with the floor before tying the rope to the wall, then doing the same to the right leg I was lowered down. With my legs so wide apart and hanging by my arms I was shaped like an inverted Tee. I was left hanging in this painful position for some time before the room seemed to fill with men. The room went quiet as the manager entered and stood in front of my naked and fully exposed body. I knew now why I had been lowered to waist level when the manager said to help pay back the money he had paid for me each man who wanted too would pay money to fuck me before applying one cut of the whip anywhere he wanted my body. With that he took off my disks saying they would get in the way of cuts to my breasts. I had not been to the toilet for hours now and with the fear of what was to come I urinated on the floor. The first man to pay flicked my open cunt lips with the whip just hard enough for me to cry out, then entered me before he brought it down across my back, the tip of it wrapping around and cutting my breast. This was to be the first of many screams as each man took his turn, some of them giving my clitoris a little flick before he penetrated me and put the main cut on my back or front. It was like Rita said, they were well spaced out so I wouldn?t faint with the pain.
?I lost count of how many men entered me how many had ejaculated inside me how many cuts I received or how long I hung in my agony but I felt the warmth of the blood as it run over the front and back of my body. After all the men left I was left hanging until a man untied me and put the disks back through my nipples. Having been hung so long with my legs wide apart I couldn?t walk so he cruelly forced me to crawl back upstairs to the room where the girls cleaned my bleeding wounds. Throughout the day various men came to the room choosing one of the girls to fuck but I was left alone and that night Rita had her disks removed and was taken away but she never returned. The following day two new girls and a woman were brought in but not knowing the language we couldn?t talk to them. Later Karen and Joan had their disks removed and were also taken away but didn?t return either. Later the woman and one girl were taken to receive their whippings but before they returned I was called out and my disks removed. I was taken downstairs to a room with four divan beds against both sidewalls.?
On seven of them lay a naked woman with her hands tied to the head of the divan, thus allowing the man to put her in any position he wanted front or back. Karen, Rita and Joan were three of them then I was tied to the empty one in a similar fashion. A constant flow of men came day and night to fuck us and we were only released to eat the food brought to us on a tray and go to the toilet. I lost count of how many days we were kept like this or how many men put their pricks in my mouth, cunt or arse, but eventually I was untied, given a ragged dress and pushed through a passage into a small room with a bed, bidet and basin. It must have been early evening when laying on what served as a bed I heard loud shouting, then doors banging and running feet. Minuets later my door opened and a man grabbed me by my hair pulled me up and struck me on my front with a short but many stranded whip. Some of them went on my chest and stomach but I had to scream out as the middle ones fell on my breasts and nipples. He kicked my arse and I run down the passage through a curtain of ribbons and on to a stage where there was a line of women.
Some of them I thought I recognised from the club, but they had changed so much I couldn?t be sure, Karen, Rita, and Joan were in the line also. We stood there for a while then a dirty middle-aged man walked in and stopping in front of each girl she removed her dress and displayed for him. When he came to me I knew we were being compared so I turned to show him my back then turned again with my legs apart expecting him to finger my fanny. Looking at my naked although scarred but still shapely body I could see from his face he couldn't believe his luck. I stayed naked as he went to another who also displayed herself and stood naked. He continued down the line, each woman exposing herself to him. He stood back and looked at the line of naked women, then indicated that Karen, Rita, Joan and I should step forward. He could see we were still the most desirable in the line of women and took his time looking at us. He showed a lot of interest with the holes through our nipples and with the brand burn just above our pubes by running his fingers over them.
Returning to me and pointing to the curtains I knew this was to be my first customer. I picked up my dress and put it on before taking him to my little room knowing I was going to be fucked but not how he was going to do it. He said something and indicated I was to take my dress off which I did and waited. He seemed impatient with me shouting then pointing to the bed and waving his arms from side to side. I understood this to mean he wanted me to lay down with my legs apart. He took his trousers and pants off and sitting on his knees between my open legs pulled my head until my mouth was level with his prick. I had only done this a few times and tried to remember how they liked it. Although I felt sick sucked and licked it all the time his fingers played with my cunt. When at last my juices started to run I was thankful as he lifted my buttocks to put a folded pillow under them knowing he could now go inside me without his body rubbing on my whipped flesh as he fucked me. He knelt between my legs and putting his penis between the folds of my labia it slid easily into my vagina and grabbing my breasts he pumped in and out until I felt his come inside me. He turned me over made me kneel then forced his prick into my still tight arse but as hard as he tried he could not get it in far enough to enter me fully so he gave up.
?He stood up and with me still facing down on the bed he took his belt from his trousers and kept shouting at me as he lashed my buttocks. Screaming in pain I must have made so much noise another man came in the room and they talked to each other before he put on his trousers and they both left. As I lay suffering from the beating I thought of Rita, Karen, and Joan together with all the women from that club who had endured the rape pain and suffering for the past year and survived only to end up in a brothel like this. I even wondered how much these men were paying for shapely bodies like ours were at the moment and how long would it be before we were pregnant or worse, infected and what would happen when no man would pay for us but I was not called to stand on the stage so I went to sleep. Next morning a man I had not seen before brought me breakfast and in broken English said ?I was to eat, wash and in ten minutes to go to the stage? Karen and Rita were already there as Joan and I arrived only this time it was only we four who stood in a line just as we did yesterday waiting for the first man to come and make his choice. The man who brought my breakfast came through the curtains to stand in front of us before saying as best he could that because we were still young and attractive we were being taken away to provide unusual services.
tied our hands behind our backs and told us to follow him to a van where we had
to sit on the floor for what turned out to be a long journey. When the van
stopped and the door opened who should be facing us was Carlos and we were at
the home of my previous master. Still with our hands tied Carlos led us to the
room I had used before and standing to attention at the foot of their beds were
Nikki, Tracy and Anna dressed in jacket and trousers. There was a woman I had
not seen before wearing a dress standing in front of them and Carlos untied us
saying we were to pick a bed and undress. He stood in front of us and running
his hands over our bodies and between our legs said ? I can see you are all
quite accustomed to having men feel your breasts and fannies so you should
enjoy your new life here?. He pointed to the woman and said,
?This is Helena she is related to the Master and must be addressed as Mistress,
and it is she who will allocate you daily duties in the house and grounds?.
?Until now the Master has only been able to entertain once a week with these
three, but now with you four your Mistress will be able pick one of you branded
girls to entertain guests in the bar room each night of the week. Now shower
and put on the clothes you will find in your lockers, then this afternoon the
doctor will examine you?.
He and Helena left so all knowing each other we hugged and laughed together as we showered and dressed in the same type of jackets and trousers. Nikki was still the cook and we all helped to bring food from the kitchen before sitting down to eat the best food we had had for a long time but our joy was soon spoilt when Tracy told us what happened in the evenings. ? Once a week one of us will have to go to the bar room where we are whipped caned and quite often expected to masturbate in front of the guests?. ? The women guests like to watch us have orgasms by pushing dildo's inside or apply the punishment bra's, and Carol knows what that is like?. ?Another thing we must do whenever any man enters the room is stand to attention at the foot of our beds and If he stops in front of us we must open our jacket to expose our breasts and if he feels them we must drop our trousers and step out of them?. ? We have these clothes so we can easily take off the jacket to show our breasts or drop the trousers to show our legs and what we had between them?. ? If he puts his hand between our legs we know he is going to fuck us and we lay on the end of the bed with our legs apart and open ourselves for his entry?. I said, ?At least it would be only once a week except as you say if a man comes in, that is better then the brothel. I lost count of how many men went in me during my short stay there, the whipping or caning won't be any worse than the ones we have received, I only hope the doctor won't find us infected or pregnant when he examines us?. Tracy said ?You haven?t had it yet but the most painful of all our suffering is being fucked front or back while we are stretched on the bar face up or face down?. Carlos then entered with the doctor so we remembered to stand to attention at the foot of our beds.
When Carlos stood in front of me I opened my jacket and waited while he squeezed my breasts as he said ?I am glad you listened to what you were told? before I dropped my trousers and stepped out of them. I flinched as he put his hand between my legs and felt his fingers slip inside me then move about until they touched my stump of a clitoris. He continued to rub it gently then to my surprise I felt myself getting wet and excited and he laughed as he said,? The next time I fuck you it will be better than going in that dry cunt you had last time?. When he took his hand away I lay with my legs open at the foot of the bed and holding myself open the doctor started his examination. When he finished inside my vagina and anus he swabbed them then took my blood pressure, felt my breasts and nipples, the scars on my front back and stomach, looked in my ears and mouth, tested my reflexes and had me jump up and down. He examined Karen Rita and Joan in the same way before saying to Carlos ?It would be tomorrow before he had the test results?.
After they went Nikki told us Helga was a cruel woman, just as bad as that woman Elva that hurt Carol. If we forget to call her Mistress or take longer to do something than she thinks we should she has us back stretched on the bar and canes our thighs and breasts with a rubber-coated wire. She even put little chains through my nipple holes and hung weights from them when I wasted some food. Before she finished talking Helga returned to tell us our duties and there would not be any entertaining until the doctors report. She watched all of us as we went about our tasks and it wasn't until the evening of our forth day that the door opened and Helga with another younger woman and a young man came in. With a man in the room we knew what we must do and went to attention at the foot of our beds. The young woman spoke English as she said to the young man ?I think you should remember to thank Helga for arranging this chance with Juan to do what you want with any of the woman in this room?.
He thanked her also in English as Helga said to him ?it?s quite safe, the doctor has examined them and said they are fit to be disciplined and free from infection so stand in front of that one at the end and work your way down?. As he stood in front of Joan I could see the look of amazement on his face as she undid her jacket and exposed her breasts. Helga told him to feel and squeeze her breasts then as Joan dropped her trousers and stepped out of them leaving her naked in front of him Helga told Joan to open her legs much wider. Helga told the young man he was to put his hand between them part the flesh then put fingers into her vagina and I heard Joan cry out as he did so. As he took his hand away Joan laid back on the edge of the bed and spread herself wide open. The young woman then walked over to her and putting her hand into Joan's open labia said to the young man ?Now put your fingers right inside move them about and I will watch you do it?. We could hear Joan sobbing as he did so and Helga laughed as she said, ?Now go and do the same to all the others then when they are all exposing their cunts choose the one you like most?. He continued down the beds and when he stood in front of me I removed my jacket so he could feel my breasts and just as I did with Juan's Nephew shuddered at the thought of feeling a young mans fingers moving about inside my vagina. When I dropped my trousers stepped out of them and opened my legs I cried out and turned my head away in shame as I felt his fingers part my labia and slid up into my vagina. Like the others I then lay back on the bed and with my legs apart one of his hands opened my labia and the fingers of the other circled my vagina before entering and sliding in and out a few times. After he had rubbed the hood of my clitoris until it hurt he went to Nikki who was the last and I heard her sobbing to herself as he fingered her. He walked back to the two women who had watched the whole event, and all three walked down the beds looking between the open legs of seven women. Helga's next order was the worst for me as she said ?All of you pull yourselves wide open until it hurts?. We were all gasping as we pulled our labia apart so wide it hurt and we were kept like this as all three stopped in front of each of us to feel the ridged walls of our vagina's. Lying, as we were Helga told the young man to look at our breasts and choose the ones most upright.
He pointed to Anna and me since both of us had round melon shapes they didn't have any side drop and they looked nearly the same lying down as standing up. Helga told us both to stand up the others to dress and the young woman to fetch Carlos. When Carlos arrived Helga told him to take us both to the bar room and put us in a backstretch. I knew it was no good pleading with him as my legs were pulled wide apart and fastened to the floor fitting, so wide apart I could feel Anna's foot against mine as she was fastened. Next he pushed us both over the bar before our arms were fastened. Then the bar was raised, I could feel it pushing under my breasts and it kept going, squeezing until it was difficult to breath. It was much worse than the last time he done it to me as my back was stretched so much and it was so hard to get my breath I couldn't scream for pity. At last it stopped and he put his hands over my body to ensure it was stretched as tight as possible then went to Anna as we both gasped for breath. It was a little while before I heard the footsteps and Helga say five on each. I heard the swish and thud followed by a muffled cry as the first one hit Anna, four more followed each one making Anna give the same funny sound. More footsteps, a swish and the thud as it struck me in the middle of my buttocks but with my body as tight as it was over the bar I could do no more than make the same funny grunts and my eyes filled with tears as four more fell. I could just about hear the words now the front stretch Carlos, and the pressure on my body eased so I could start to breath properly.
I was released but could hardly stand as Carlos turned me to yet again fasten my feet to the floor. He turned Anna fastening her before pushing us both back over the bar making us both scream as our backs were bent the other way. Our arms were fastened and the bar lifted yet again making us scream in agony as it forced our shoulders nearly to the floor and stretched our legs from ankle to thighs. We were left until the pain eased and we stopped screaming but no notice was taken as we pleaded for release. My head was so far back I couldn't see who was in front of us or what was being done but I heard Anna cry out several times before I felt something forcing its way into my anus making me cry out several times as it went in deeper. I was left like this as I listened to flesh hitting flesh and Anna pleading for it to stop. Helga's voice said ?Wasn't that nice; now let us have a drink before you do it to the other one?
It was some time before the footsteps returned and I heard Helga say play with her a while then it will get hard again and I felt legs touching mine as the young man stood between them. Leaning over me he used one hand to play with my breasts while the other went inside my cunt and found what I had of a clitoris. Touching this and with the thing in my arse I could feel myself getting wet and when he remarked on this, Helga said ?Put it in then?. I felt him enter me and with the thing in my arse his prick felt enormous in my vagina, as it seemed to go in and in and in.? I grunted as I had an orgasm and clenched my vagina muscles as it came out, then in again. Each time it went in and out I had another orgasm until I cried out and climaxed, but it didn't stop I had climax after climax crying and sobbing with each one until at last I felt him squirt inside me and withdraw. I heard Helga say ? She will love it with two men inside her I must tell Juan she should be his speciality?.
The footsteps went away and Carlos took the things out of our arse's then entered me and fucked me until he come inside me but I was so worn out I didn't even have an orgasm. After he released the bar we lay on the floor for some time before we were able to return to our room. The two women and the young man were sitting at the table drinking as the girls, now dressed again stood at the foot of their beds so Anna and I done the same. We were kept standing to attention until Anna and I fell on the floor from the pain in our bodies before Helga spoke again. ? You two get up and all of you lay on your beds with your feet on the floor legs wide apart and finger your fannies?. ?When you are good and wet call out please Sir I am so aroused I need a man inside me.?. We undressed and lay exposed as ordered then stroking and squeezing my clitoris until I felt the head slip out I put as many fingers as possible as deep as I could into my vagina and after my previous fucking hoped that I could make it feel like it was a man inside me and I could get my juices running.
I looked up as someone at the other end of the room called out ?Please Sir I need to be fucked? and saw the young man walk toward Karen. He done no more then just pushed his prick fully into Karen?s cunt when one called out?, I want you to enter me Sir? followed by another I am so aroused please penetrate me Sir.? Still trying to arouse myself I watched him walk to Rita put it in her then went to Joan and done the same. He stood back from her and waited with his erect prick sticking out until Tracy, who was next to me called out ?Please Sir I am ready for you?. At the same time Nikki called it out so he went to Tracy and I saw him push it right up into her before he went to Nikki on my other side and done it to her. I was still trying to get wet as he stood in front of me but he pulled my hand away and pushed it in as far as he could then went to Anna and done it to her. As he put his clothes on and walked back to the two women. I heard one say to him, ?Now you can tell your friends you have fucked seven women in one night? .
Helga would come to our room every evening to select one of us for use in the bar room. One at a time we would strip for her before she decided which of us would suit the costume of the night. It was a week later before it was my turn. Standing naked before Helga she said she was glad to see I had grown some pubic hair because it was to be an Arabian Night, I was to be sold as a slave girl and act as if I was a shy virgin or really suffer the consequences. I thought to myself there is nothing worse you can do to me that has not already been done. My nipples have been pierced, I have been raped whipped and branded what else could they do to make me suffer but knowing them I didn't want to take the chance and made up my mind to obey. I was to go to the house where she would apply a skin type substance to cover my scars and brand to make me look untouched. When she finished there wasn't a mark to be seen as she dressed me in silk bra and panties, a bolero, pantaloons and soft shoes. My hair was done and braided with pearls together with a light chain around my waist to which my wrists were fastened behind me. I really looked the part as Carlos was called and in his Arabian costume he took me down the tunnel to the bar room.
The room had been rearranged cushions were now on the floor at the bottom end and at the other was a raised dais. The bar had been taken away but the fixings were still on the floor and walls holding three naked women none of whom I recognised. They were attractive in their late twenties or early thirties with average figures and it was obvious they had been crying and looked very frightened. They had good breasts and with their legs spread and pubes shaved their labia was fully displayed. Carlos gently pushed me to the dais as he said, ?You wouldn?t know what I am saying so remember you are to act as a frightened and shy virgin. I want you to cry, plead and try to cover yourself as I strip and expose your body to the buyer?. He stood me in the centre and talked to the eight men also in costume who were sitting on cushions on the floor. I saw a bundle of clothes at the side of the dais and knew the women chained to the wall had been stripped and sold and now it was to be my turn Carlos followed the outline of my body with his hands as he turned me to the right and left then around.
I felt his hands on my buttocks before he undone my wrists then the chain at my waist and having been subjected to every humiliation a woman could suffer I tried to remember how I would act if this was the first time it was happening to me as he turned me to face the men. These men were now answering back to Carlos as he spoke so I tried to cry as he walked behind me and felt his hands remove my bolero before undoing the clips of my flimsy bra. As he took it off and dropped it on the other bundle of clothes I put my hands over my bare breasts but he pulled them away and cupping both of my breasts from underneath weighed them in his hands. The men were talking louder now and as he undone my pantaloons I squeezed my legs together to stop them falling. He then put his hand between my thighs and pushing them apart they dropped to the floor leaving me with my hands over my breasts and standing only in my silk panties. He lifted my legs out of the pantaloons and threw them on the other clothes as I cried out please don't. I twisted about trying to hide my front from the leering men by curling myself but he pulled me upright his hands again passing over the curves of my body before stopping on my pubic area.
He put the chain back on my waist and fastened my hands behind me so I could no longer cover myself then pulled my panties very slowly down until they were just showing my light covering of pubic hair. I was screaming and twisting now as I clenched my legs together but the men were obviously telling him they wanted to see everything. He lowered them to show the start of my labia then put his leg between mine forcing them apart and tearing the panties they fell to my ankles leaving me naked and sobbing. As I stood there with my legs crossed and leaning forward he said I had acted well so far but for the next part I was to show I was humiliated and subservient. The talking went on between him and the men, then standing behind me put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me to my knees at the same time put his foot between them and pushed them wide open. I continued sobbing but did not resist when he went to my side put his hand over my cunt and went on talking.
?He stood up turned me still on my knees then opened my legs again pushed my head to the floor so both of my holes were fully visible to the audience. I was left like this for some minutes before he stood over me and leaning forward pulled my cunt lips apart then putting a finger into my arsehole I screamed and kicked my feet on the floor. The tears and sobbing were real now, as the talking became shouting before he pulled me to my feet to once again face the men. He said you done well acting as if it was your first time being naked and fully exposed in front of men now we shall see how well you pretend you are a virgin. He took me to the wall and continued saying you will not be whipped because that will peal off your false skin and spoil the evening but Helga told Juan you enjoy it when both your holes are filled. Neither of them speaks English so you may have to sit over his member and lower onto it then you must lean forward. While your buyer is taking your virginity he will expect you to be dry. His friend will put his prick in your arse when your buyer is deep inside you. When they both finish with you the buyer will expect to fuck you again from the front but this time you must give him what he has paid for, is that understood. I replied yes Sir as he placed me facing into the room then fastened my arms high in the air just like the other women.
As a man with a stranded whip approached the woman to my right I saw her part her legs then push her pubes and breasts forward as if to say this is what you have bought why spoil it with the whip. He ignored her and I watched her gritting her teeth as five lashes fell across her breasts and stomach but she hadn't fainted as Carlos unfastened her and saying something to her she crawled on the floor behind the man as he left the room. The woman next to her received the same treatment and she also crawled out of the room behind the man who had whipped her. The third woman was screaming before the whip of a third man struck her and continued as all five lashes covered her front and when being released before she crawling behind her buyer. Two men walked toward me and Carlos told me to follow them as he released me. We went through the tunnel to the house and up to one of the guest rooms where I lay on the bed waiting for them to have a drink and talk before taking their clothes off. Both of their pricks were small but one of them indicated I was to finger myself and as I did it I saw them both become erect. They didn?t do as Carlos had said, the man who had indicated to me clasped my ankles pulled me to the edge of the bed and with my feet on the floor spread me wide apart. He stood between my legs and as he slowly entered me I remembered how it felt the first time Paulo took my virginity and pretended it was happening again.
Of course it wasn't but I was so dry it hurt as he went right in and crying out he must have thought I was a real virgin. I wasn't looking forward to having the two men in me but these thoughts took away the pain as he fucked me. He used me for quite a while but didn't come so when he withdrew I remembered what Carlos had told me and beckoned the other man over. The first man was still hard so it wasn't too difficult to sit over him slide down on his member and lean forward. With my buttocks now raised the second man started entering my anus then after several painful tries he had it inside. With both men in me Helga was right, it felt so exciting I had an orgasm as soon as he was right in and between them both moving about inside me I lost all control gave them the best fuck of their lives.
?I enjoyed the feel of their throbbing pricks as they shot their hot come inside me. We all lay exhausted and satisfied for a little while but when they both started to cuddle and fondle me I sat over the second man, caressed his prick until it was hard then put it into me. I moved up and down on him until he shot another come inside but I still wanted more and done the same to the man who had bought me. They both dressed and gave me a drink before leaving then I returned to our room and the girls listened in amazement as I told them about the best fucks I had ever been given. While we were washing and dressing before breakfast next morning Carlos came in and we all run to stand in front of our beds dressed just as we were. As he stood in front of each of us we took off what clothes we had to show our breasts but he didn't touch any of us. Carlos said to me, ?You are to see the Master at 10:00 in his study and this time you will not be expected to strip for him?.
?I went about my duties until 10:00 then knocked at the study door but he kept me waiting for some time before I was called in. I stood before his desk as he said, ?Carlos tells me you done well last night acting the shy girl. The men you entertained were very pleased with you so it seems you have improved since that woman?s evening and all the other men you have had in you taught you how well off you were with me?. ?I always did enjoy you in bed so tonight you will be waiting for me in my bedroom and if you can convince me you are as good as you were I will arrange for you to have plastic surgery and let you stay with me as before?.? ?Six girls will be enough for the shows but I will expect you to be my speciality act and perform as you did once a month to different audiences but go now finish your tasks and be ready for my test tonight?. I thanked him and for the rest of the day I worried about how I would perform since I seemed to do best by starting with something up my arse.
It was late afternoon before Helga checked my work so I told her the Master wanted me that night and did she have a dildo I could use also nice clothes to wear, she didn't query why and found them for me. After tea I had Nikki insert it into my arsehole and kept it in for the rest of the evening. Walking about with it inside me I got sexually excited and knew if I kept it there until just before he entered me I would be ready for him then after dinner went to his room and waited. He didn't keep me waiting long so I knew he wanted to try me out and if I weren?t satisfactory he would have time to order another girl to stay the night. As soon as he entered I curtsied and said I hope I can please you Sir then undressed before him and falling to my knees opened my legs. As he looked at me he said ?I see you have kept your figure? then stooped down to put his hand on the brand mark then his fingers slipped through my labia and before entering my vagina found the stump of my clitoris. As soon as he touched it I gave a grunt and felt my juices running so I said,
?Get on the bed Sir?. When his back was turned I pulled the dildo out and hid it in a chair. I went to him and seeing he was erect kneeled over him and fed his prick inside me then sat down on him until he was all the way in. Each time I raised and lowered I made sure I covered the whole length even though I was so aroused I could hardly control myself. Both of us were now moaning and grunting but I kept working on him even after I felt the throb of him coming inside me, then he went soft which he had never done before and I couldn't keep it in me.? He lay breathing very heavy and said, ?Of all the women I have had I have never been so satisfied that I had to wait before I could fuck them again? He continued fondling kissing and caressing me and with his fingers playing with my cunt and breasts it kept me close to climaxing and fully aroused so he could fuck me three more times. It was morning when he told me to dress and go, not a word of thanks only to come again tomorrow night and if I were just as good he would keep his promise. Doing my tasks next day I went to his room to retrieve the dildo and had Nikki insert it as she did yesterday only this time I went to the toilet to remove it before I stripped for him and lay on the bed. That night it was even better for me and must have been good for him because two weeks later he took me to the main hospital for my skin grafts. Ten days later there was no sign of whip scars or the brand just above my pubes but having been shaved the crease of my labia was visible. Juan collected me and back at the house he had me strip and inspected the whole of my body to see how I looked then fucked me.
Without the dildo in my arse exciting me I knew I was not as good and he showed his disappointment. If that was the best you could do I have wasted his money and you will repay me by giving another slave girl performance at the weekend. He told me I was to go to him that night and expected better from me but if I failed I would feel the cane between my legs. Having been caned there before it frightened me but pleased it gave me the chance to insert the dildo that afternoon. This would make me ready for him but wished that I would soon be able to satisfy him without it. I was really good that night and kept changing my position so he could use me from the front and back and keeping him erect for so long he asked me to stop and let him rest before we started again. Instead I told him to lay back and I would do all the work, this pleased him and after facing him with it in my cunt I turned and put it in my arse but this annoyed him. ?If I want it this way I will get a boy get out of my sight? he shouted. I knew he was angry and ran to my room naked and filled with fear wondering how he would punish me. I told Nikki what had happened and how worried I was, do you think he will send me back to the brothel I asked.? ?No I don't think so, repairing your body must have cost him a lot of money?, Nikki replied.? I don't think he will sell you back to that brothel, he likes you too much, I think he will find an unusual way to punish you this time?.
All that Nikki said made sense but laying on my bed I couldn't sleep worrying about how I was to be punished, what could he do to me that he hadn't already done. In the morning I was to find out when I was called to his study and Juan said, ?These men tell me you have not paid for the treatment you had while in the hospital, is this true?. I was shivering with fright now as I said, ?You know I have no money and you told me you would pay?. ?In that case you must go with them? Juan replied. I was handcuffed and as they took me to their car I thought this was the start of his way to punish me, but how? I was taken to the city and led into a large building then into a room that looked like a courtroom. A man sat at a high desk in front of me and the man on my left spoke. I didn't understand what was said as they kept talking amongst themselves then the man at the desk banged a gavel and I was taken back to the car. We drove for a long time and it was dark when we stopped by an arch at the side of a big house. The driver showed some papers to a soldier and we went down a long drive before stopping in front of large solid iron gates. The driver entered a small door in the gates and on his return the gates opened and we went through into a courtyard at the end of it a brightly lit large building. I was led inside and standing in a passage with rooms both sides I could see in front of me rows of cells, I was in a prison.
A man came out of one of the doors and all three men talked then it seemed there was a disagreement so they took me in the room and the new man made a phone call. He spoke to the men who had brought me; they took off my handcuffs and left me alone with him. He said something I didn't understand then grabbed the front of my blouse and pulled me out of the room down the passage and locked me in the first cell, which was empty. It was brightly lit very clean and tidy, no window or washbasin but it had a toilet. I used the toilet lay on the lower bunk and fell asleep. A lot of noise and shouting woke me and looking through the open bars of my cell door I saw a stream of naked women running past. It was some time before they returned still running then it went quiet for a while.
A group of men went past dressed just like the man I saw last night. I heard voices but couldn't see what was happening then in a little while the women now dressed in blouses and trousers again run past my cell. It was quite some time before two army officers came to my cell and opening the door the young one said ?I am Major Leon this is Colonel Cruets?. ? I am told you are English and because I speak the language I am to be your interpreter?. ?You have annoyed a very important man who ordered you sent here to be disciplined?.? ?When we are satisfied you have learnt your lesson you will be sent back to him?.? That could take days or weeks it will be up to you, do you understand?. I could only reply, ?Yes Sir?. I knew it had to happen, every woman knew it would happen when she was in the power of a man but dreading doing it, as he said ?Now take your clothes off and give them to me?.
Each item I removed he put in a bag and with my arms by my side I stood naked in front of them. They both looked at me and walking around they talked to each other although I didn't understand what they were saying I knew they were discussing my body. The young officer spoke to me again and said, ?Next a warder will examine you, and one part will be uncomfortable because he will open your most intimate parts and put his fingers inside you?.? ? They will do this every morning when you are inspected and every night when you return from your tasks?. ?He will then take you to the showers and dust you all over with disinfectant then you will have a medical examination?. ?You will then be taken to another room where the colonel and I will see you receive your first punishment, have you understood all this?. He then said, ?Every woman in this prison has been given this punishment, it is humiliating and painful in two ways but you will not have permanent marks?. Although I had been whipped and my labia caned I doubted they knew this and I must have looked very frightened not knowing what sort of punishment I was to be given as I replied, ?Thank you Sir? After that you will be taken back and in your case you will have a cell to yourself. You will be given tasks and you will be judged on them, also each morning you will be exercised then you and your cell will be inspected, if any fault is found you will be punished. You have been sent here to learn obedience so before your release you will be expected to obey instantly and without question any order a man may give you, is this fully understood. ?Yes Sir and thank you for letting me know what is expected of me? They both left and still naked waited for my ordeal to start.
It was some time before the warder arrived and as I stood up he indicated I was to sit on the bunk. He held my legs, lifted them so I fell back, and then spread them wide apart. I felt his fingers parting my labia and cried out as he started to push his hand inside me. His hand was big and I was crying because it really hurt as it went into my vagina. Taking it out he beckoned me to follow him and I was pushed out of the room to the showers. He indicated I was to wash myself then giving me a towel I dried myself as he assembled a spray gun. It had a long barrel with a nozzle at the end and he pumped it up then sprayed me all over but before he finished he put the barrel between my legs and as it went through my labia I felt the nozzle enter my anus. He moved it back and fore and with the barrel rubbing my clitoris and the nozzle entering my arsehole I was becoming very stimulated and expected to be fucked, but it was not to be and I was left frustrated as he put the item away. Indicating I was to follow him I was taken to the medical centre where a man who I took to be a doctor gave me a full medical check then took a swab of my vagina and anus with the warder watching everything that was done to me. He went out of the room and on his return sat at his desk and started to write then gave the paper to the warder. The warder took me back to the passage but stopped at one of the doors, went inside and coming out gave me a blouse and skirt like the ones I had seen the women wearing earlier, then I was put in my cell where the warder watched me dress.
It must have been mid afternoon before another warder came for me and indicated I was to follow him. I guessed this time I was to be taken to the room where the two officers would watch me suffer and listen to my screams enjoying the spectacle just like the men at the house had done. Entering I saw the two officers sitting facing a wooden frame in the middle of the room to which I knew I was to be tied. The warder stood me in front of the frame facing the officers and the young one told me to undress. I suspected they were discussing me as they started to speak to each other. He told me to turn face the frame and bend over the bar. As soon as I saw the bar and the warder fastened my arms to shackles on the floor then done the same to my ankles I knew what was in store for me. I remembered the pain it gave me the first time Carlos had done this to me and begged them not to do it. Of course they took no notice and as the bar was lifted the pain started in my arms and legs then in my breasts as they were pulled into the bar. I was in agony and screaming for release but they left my suffering until the pain eased and I stopped screaming. I felt my body vibrate as the strap hit my buttocks followed by two more then my screams started again.
?I knew I was getting sexually aroused as I felt the wet between my legs and had an orgasm each time I was given the seven remaining lashes. They waited until my screaming stopped but still sobbing I felt my labia being parted, fingers rubbed my inner lips then played with my clitoris until I climaxed. In my haze of pain and sexual excitement I heard them talking again and hoped I was going to be fucked making me climax yet again but it was not to be. Instead the young officer said, ?I told you this reception punishment would be painful and humiliating and after the next part I have never found a women will not do anything rather than have it done again. With that I was released and turned on my back before being secured again. The bar was raised until my body was bent so the flesh between my legs was almost facing the ceiling and it was agonising. Finally body accepted this unusual position the pain eased and I stopped screaming but worse was to come when the warder pulled my labia apart. I couldn?t see but heard someone approach me then a blinding flash of pain went through my body followed by two more then I fainted. They revived me with something under my nose and then the pain started again but this time it was not so intense and I realised I was receiving a caning on my labia. I didn?t faint but screamed and screamed as three more strikes were applied through my labia and on my anus.
When I was released I couldn?t stand and two warders gave me a blouse and trousers then carried me back to my cell. I lay on my front until morning crying and sobbing with the pain then in the morning a whistle blew and hearing noises I looked to see other women standing in front of their cell doors. I joined them and as soon as warders appeared the women removed their clothes and waited naked until a warder stood in front of them. I saw them open their legs and lay back against the cell door for the warder to do things between their legs but when it was my turn they knew from the swelling I had just been caned and passed on to the next woman. A whistle blew again the women dressed and in two lines we marched to breakfast. The woman next to me said,?I was caned only three days ago and still in pain but the worse part was the need to pee?. ?They were very strict here the cell inspections and allocated tasks are carefully examined but after that punishment every woman is very careful to not do anything wrong and obey every order no matter how distasteful?. ? They try to annoy you and tell you to do things you find humiliating and embarrassing but you will do them without question?. ?The one I have to force myself to do is obey the Strip and Spread?. ?It is usually done when other women are watching but if you are told to do it remove your blouse and trousers no matter where you are?. ?Lay on your back draw your legs up to your shoulders spread them apart and don?t resist when he enters you?. ? When they think you are happy to do this and you respond with your vagina muscles you are well on your way to release?.
Having performed every order and duty without question for several weeks I was taken to a car waiting outside which then took me back to Juan's house. Carlos met me at the door and took me to the study where Juan sat at his desk. He looked me straight in the face and said? Tell me what I wanted men to do to me before I was aroused enough to give them satisfaction? . I guessed what he wanted me to say and said, ?When I stand in front of a man or boy and he indicates I have to lift my skirt I find it very arousing knowing I will then have to remove my panties spread my legs and show him my cunt?. ? I am also highly excited when ordered to strip naked and bend over knowing I will then be caned on my buttocks or display my body to men who will watch me being tied and whipped?. ?Well then? he said,? ?Bare your arse and lean over the desk?. I lifted my skirt lay on the desk and gripped the edges as Carlos tore off my knickers then used a very pliable cane across my buttocks until I was screaming, I don't know which of them entered me first but I was more than satisfied with them both. When they had finished with me Juan said, ?He had found another girl to replace me in his bed but whenever he wanted to hear a woman screaming I would be sent for and whipped? . He told me to dress join the other girls and like them be prepared to satisfy anyone who wanted my body. In time when my guests find you are not attractive enough or you fail to satisfy even after the whip you will be replaced and to recompense me you will be sold to a brothel owner.
Nikki, Inga, and Carol had worked for the
agency as intelligence interpreters for several years; we all agreed it was a
monotonous job until one morning Nikki told us to look at the notice board. It
advertised a vacancy for three intelligence interpreters to staff a small
outpost in support of a drugs operation.
Nikki said ?It would be nice if we all
went together but I am going to apply anyway?. Inga and I looked at each other
and I said ?What have we got to lose, working here is boring me to tears lets
apply?. Inga replied, ?Aren't you both forgetting what the agency told us when
we enlisted?? Nikki replied ?We know the agency didn't like the idea of having
to enlist women and if they had too the best place for us was behind a desk?.
?They don?t trust us in the field and told these tales to frighten us so if I
am accepted I'm off?. Inga and I looked at each other and I said, ?That makes
sense let?s all apply?.
We were interviewed together and reminded
that if we were captured we would be treated as spies and they knew from
previous experiences when women were interrogated they would experience worse
treatment than men. While we were fresh and undamaged we would be stripped and
raped many times before being subjected to humiliation and pain. What happened
next would depend on who caught us but being young white girls we would most
likely be sold as slaves. With this warning were we
still prepared to accept the possibilities? Asking how likely this was we were
told it was possible but since government soldiers were in the area the risk
was low so we accepted.
Our base was in two parts; one held the
equipment, the other our work desks and living quarters. It was just as boring
as the work we were doing home, with little home comforts wished we had not
left. For three weeks we sat in our hut sorting the information brought to us
by the soldiers and field agents, then radioing the good stuff back home. One
morning we heard gunfire and started to worry, nothing happened until two days
later when there was more intense gunfire, heavier and closer, some of it
hitting our equipment room. It went quiet, Nikki went next door to check for
damage, our door burst open, but before I could turn I felt what I knew to be a
gun at my neck.
Two voices shouted, ?Hands on head and
stand up?. As I stood I saw Inga also had a man behind her and feeling a hand
at my waist it reached my chest both men said these are women let?s have some
fun with them. Now they knew we had no weapons we were told to keep our hands
on our heads and turn around. They both wore uniforms but I didn't think they
were soldiers. As they came toward us I knew there was nothing gained by
fighting them off and accepted the possibility of being raped. At that moment
we heard Nikki cry out ?Please don?t? then she screamed and the two men pushed
us into the equipment room. We saw Nikki in a heap on the floor her hands on
her head with two more men standing over her. Like our two men they also were
wearing uniforms and carried automatic guns but not like those of soldiers.
They spoke with American accents and
telling the first two men to go they told Nikki to stand up. I saw she had a
cut on her face and her eye was closing up, then
finding a cupboard with enough room they pushed the three of us inside. It was
very quiet so we tried the door but they had fastened it somehow. As Inga asked
what we thought would happen Nikki said, ?These people must be part of the drug
suppliers?. ?What they do to us will depend on who they are?, ?If they are just
thugs they will rape us, tie us up then tell the others where we are?. ?f they are more intelligent they will take us to their base
to find out what we are doing and what we know?. ?One thing I do know, after me
kicking that little bastard he is going to rape me before doing anything else
to us?. How right she was, it wasn?t long before the two men who had punched
Nikki let us out, tied the wrists of Inga and me and told us to sit on the
floor to watch the show. One of the men held Nikki?s hands behind her back, the
shorter man punched her in the stomach, and the other then punched her in the
back. She fell gasping to the floor then the short man kicked her and said
?Stand up bitch and drop your skirt?
Still gasping she knew she had no other
choice and would suffer more if she did not obey. Nikki undone the belt and
letting it drop to the floor stepped out of it. Facing him dressed in her
blouse and panties she was told to turn around and show her arse. Nikki was now
facing us and I saw her flush knowing that with her panties tight between her
clenched buttocks she must have presented an exciting sight to these men. When
he said ?Your bottom half is tempting now let us see the top? Nikki undid her
blouse and took it off. He shouted, ?That's not good enough turn around and
show us your tits?. She turned took off her brassiere and I guessed this was
only the start when I saw the tall man cup her breasts and said, ?Look at
those?. The short man then said, ?Now show us what you have between your legs?
and Nikki took of her panties. Standing naked before them both men looked for a
while then the short man said ?What are you waiting for let's see your cunt?,
Nikki knew what he meant turned to face us again bent over and spread her legs.
The two men call us over to them the short
one saying, ?I want you two to see what you will look like when you have to do
the same?. Inga and I could now see between her open legs the two mounds of her
labia her hanging breasts. ?He then said come on open it up and make it easy for me to go in?. I saw Nikki put her hands
behind and with her fingers opened her labia exposing the pink flesh of her
vulva. He dropped his trousers and I could see his penis was fully erect as he
went and stood between her legs. When I heard Nikki give a sharp intake of
breath and cry out I knew he had entered her and that we would be next.
He must have done this to a lot of women
and pumped at her for ages until his friend told him to hurry up he wanted to
have a go. ?She isn't any good anyway see what you can do? he said as he
withdrew. The taller man said, ?I don't like it standing up? and told Nikki to
lie on the floor with her knees on her shoulders he dropped his trousers and we
saw him go in. It wasn't long before he gasped out put his head back and pushed
in one last time. I could hear Nikki sobbing at the humiliation of her best
friends watching her strip naked and display herself in front of two men who
then fucked her. I saw the tears in her eyes and his sperm running down her
legs as she was told to get dressed.
The shorter man looked at Inga and me and
said let's see if these are any better and told his friend to untie our hands.
It was our turn to be raped, I was expecting him to tell us to strip, but
instead he told me to take off my skirt and panties and show him my cunt. Inga
was to take off her blouse and bra so he could see her tits before he decided
which of us to screw first. Doing as we were told we stood in front of him then
he pointed to me and said ?I told you to show me your cunt now turn round and
do it? I had hoped he just wanted to see my front and wouldn't want me to bend
over and display myself as he made Nikki do before he fucked her, but I was
I turned and looked at Inga standing in
front of me, her breasts now naked were quite large and hung like half pears,
and as I bent over and waited for him to penetrate me I could see tears in her
eyes and pity in her face. Between my legs I saw his trousers drop bit my lips
and braced myself for the entry. I felt his rigid shaft parting my labia enter
my vulva then just as it started to enter my vagina a loud voice shouted get
dressed all of you. He pulled away; I turned and at the door was another two
men in uniforms. They waited for us to dress then said to the others ?You have had
your fun now get on and do your work?. They handcuffed the three of us together
then told us we were to go with them. It was a large safari car; we sat on a
bench behind the driver and the two men sat behind us on the back seat. Driving
through the forest and up in the mountains we stopped in front of the largest
single story house we had ever seen, the two men went in the front door and
entered as if they owned the place.
Seeing us admire the place the driver
said, ?The best of this house is no one knows it's here and it can't be seen
from the air?. ?We have a small staff of hand picked chefs, engineers, and
gardeners, they live over there, and you women are their manual labour?. ?Over
there are the member?s suites where you will spend some time but for now come
with me?
Chained together we had no choice but to
follow and it seemed as if we were going into the mountainside as he took us to
the rear and passing a patio and swimming pool led us into a study and told us
to wait. We waited quite a while until the two men, now in well cut expensive
suits, entered and both sitting in easy chairs told us to stand in front of
them. One said I am Paulo, this is Roual, now tell us who you are, who you work
for, the job you do, what you were doing in a hi-tec hut in the forest, in fact
everything about yourselves?. ?If we think you have told us the truth you will
enjoy the comforts of this house but if you lie or refuse you will find as
other women have done, some of our rooms can be very uncomfortable?.
Looking at me he asked who I was. ?I am
Carol and we all work for the same agency but they only call us if they have
work and don't tell us what it is until we start?. ?For this job we were
brought pages of paper with numbers and we added these to other numbers in a
book we were given?. ?We then radioed the answer but we don't know where or to
whom?. Roual asked us if this was the story we would all give. When we said,
?yes it's the truth?, he said, ?I think we can persuade you to give us more
detail than that?. Pressing a button two men entered and still chained together
they led us back into the house. We were taken down many passages and pushed
through a door into what could only be called a cave dug into the mountain. It
contained a large cupboard, two upright posts with a bar across the top, a
metal frame on legs, and a metal table. We were unchained then handcuffed
together and with our hands fastened behind our backs we were locked to the
wall. We knew they were going to hurt us and could only guess how the upright
posts and table would be used. I had told the truth we didn't know how to
de-code the numbers, no matter how much pain they inflicted we could tell them
no more.
The two men left leaving us in suspense
for some time no doubt to heighten our fear of the pain we knew would come. I
looked at the girls and said, ?I don?t know what you two think but with little
hope of avoiding what they do to women I would rather be raped than whipped and
I won?t resist them.? Nikki replied, I don?t think we have any choice and agree
with you? then seeing Inga nodding her head we smiled at each other and waited.
Roual entered saying they had examined the contents of the huts and believed us
when we said we could not give them any more useful information. When Inga
asked him what they intended to do with us he replied, ?Since we could identify
them and the position of their headquarters they could not let us return to our
?Looking at each of us in turn he said ?Since
you are the cheapest European women we have acquired the money men would pay
for the use of your bodies will provide a tidy profit for us?. ?First of all
you will strip naked for us to see how good your body is and if satisfactory we
will give you a very intimate examination to determine if your vagina is
suitable for our members to use?. ?If you are found suitable you will be tested
and how you respond will determine if you need further training before being
offered to our guests?. ?You must accept that to avoid painful punishment you have
no alternative but to obey any commands given?, ?After you have been examined
you can sleep and tomorrow have the run of the house?. With that he left and a
few minutes later a man came in took off our handcuffs and led us to our
dinning room, which was next to the main dining room of the house. He said,
?The room behind you is called the girls room and in it you will find books
papers and drinks?. ?To remind all the women here what would happen if they are
not obedient a video runs every time the room is entered showing how girls are
After he left two very attractive girls
served us food and drink and Nikki asked them if there was any chance of us
escaping. One of them spoke English and said, ?We both tried but were caught
then after being whipped we were branded?. ?I will show you what they do to
girls who try to escape?. With that she lifted her skirt and not wearing any
knickers we could see a letter E burnt into her skin just above her shaven
labia. She opened her blouse to show us even her breasts had not been spared
the whip. ?We will now be kept here for a week or two as playthings for the
workmen and gardeners and with our bodies marked like this we will be sold to a
When we finished eating she took us back
to the study and told us to stand by the wall and wait. When Roual and Paulo
entered they sat in easy chairs telling Nikki to stand before them and undress.
When she was naked we heard them comment on sparse pubic hair and shape of her
breasts then she was told to turn slowly and when her back faced them to bend
over and open her legs. I listened to her grunting but could only guess what
they were doing to her and knowing how ashamed she must be I closed my eyes.
They talked about the cheeks of her arse the shape of her exposed cunt lips and
inner lips, together with her shapely legs and thighs and what a good Welcome
girl she would be even though she was not a virgin. Telling her to get dressed
they told Inga to stand before them and for her to strip, they played with her
breasts and pinched her flesh before telling her to lay on a low coffee table
with her legs wide open.
Roual stood between her legs and I heard
her cry out as he done something to her before she was told to stand. They
talked about the mass of dark pubic hair and her hanging breasts; when she was
told to bend over with her legs spread they commented on her big arse, fat legs
and thighs. I could see the tears of shame running down her cheeks when they
said not being a virgin and with a body like hers she was not good enough to be
a Welcome girl she then burst out crying. Telling Inga to get dressed it was my
turn to stand before them and take my clothes off.
When I was naked they squeezed my breasts
and nipples prodded me all over before I was told to lie on the table with my
legs wide apart. Paulo stood between my wide-open legs put his fingers to my
labia lips pulled them wide open then slid his fingers between my inner labia
and held me open. When the fingers of the other hand pinched my clit tube I
cried out but when they spread my vagina I begged him to stop. He took no
notice and then for the first time I felt something other than a tampon going
inside me. When he finished I stood before them while they discussed my breasts
and nipples, my quite visible cunt lips, then bending over like the others my
shapely buttocks, thighs and long legs. While I was getting dressed I heard
Paulo say, ?She is gorgeous and with a body like hers she will be an excellent
Welcome girl. We haven't had a virgin for some time and I think we should be
the first to break her in? He pressed a buzzer a man came into the room who was
told to show Inga where to sleep, Nikki was to be taken to their room and I was
to wait until fetched.
I knew I was kept waiting because they
were fucking Nikki first so when the man finally returned and said I was to go
with him I knew I was about to lose my virginity and wondered which one would
be the first and what it would be like to have a prick moving about inside me.
I was taken to a bedroom where Paulo and Roual was waiting and told to strip. I
was told to lie on the bed with my hands behind my neck my legs wide apart and
I felt totally humiliated and guessed it was Nikki they meant as I heard one of
them say ?It will be fun finding out how tight this virgin is compared with the
other one?. As Paulo knelt before me in this position his hands slid up and
down my thighs until his fingers moved higher then slipped inside my cunt lips.
I felt them going deeper than before into my vagina and he moved them about
before he rubbed my clitoris. My lower body tightened and with Roual gently
massaging my breasts and nipples I felt warm wet running between my legs.
Paulo told to lie on my back and put my
knees on my shoulders and seeing him holding his rigid member and knew it was
about to enter me and I would lose my virginity. I felt it part my labia then
enter my vagina and as it went in further I felt a stinging pain as it pierced
my hymen and I cried out as he pushed it all the way in. When it started to
come out I squeezed my vagina muscles to stop it but as he kept going in and
out I was lifting up to meet him. Shaking my head side-to-side and moaning with
the pleasure it gave me at last I felt him injecting me with his sperm. When he
stood up I was told to stay as I was then Roual entered me and keeping me at
the height of my passion I had an organism and the wriggling of my body brought
him to his climax and I felt him come inside me.
Now they had finished with me we all went
to the bathroom where I was told to wash their members then they watched as I
spread my legs and washed myself. Roual said ?You have performed very well for
a virgin and now I was a woman well broken in I would be expected to satisfy
any man that entered me?. Roual took me back to Nikki and said, ?Although Inga
is an attractive girl she does not have the body I would like to offer to my
guests so tomorrow she will be prepared for the next monthly sale?. Then
pointing to us said, ?Having sampled both of you we think you are suitable but
you have to convince us you know why you are here so arrangements will be made
for you to be tested?. ?If you give a satisfactory performance when you are
being fucked you will join the staff girls at the house but if you don?t you
will be prepared with Inga for the next sale?. ?Until you are called you can
have a free run of the house?, then he left us.
Paulo came for us in the evening and took
us to a room where we were introduced to four beautiful girls saying if we
passed our tests we would be joining them. When he left I asked a girl with red
hair what sort of test we would be given. She said, ?Before you are accepted
your test will be to sexually satisfy two difficult members?. ?So you will know
how painful it will be if you have to be punished for not obeying some order
they will start by whipping you?. ?He will fuck you after he has whipped you
because with a sore body your cry of pain really excites men when they are
doing it to you?. ?If you pass your test and do as you are told, life here can
be very pleasant, good food and clothes, swimming and gym facilities,
everything a girl could wish for except her freedom?. ?As Welcome girls there
are eight of us so when we have our periods there are always four available?.
?If a guest is expected we are called to the inspection room where Paulo or
Roual will decide which four will be put on show in the hall so the guest can
decide who he wants for his evening?s entertainment?. ?We can't chose who
screws us but most of the men we entertain are young and good looking?.
?When we are on rota duty some of the
older members want us to provide unusual entertainment like two girls playing
with each other or masturbating in front of members?. ?Some men like to hear
women scream and find excuses to have us punished?. ?They watch as we strip and
kneel before them begging their forgiveness?. ?We can be tied in one of two
ways and it is up to them which is used?. ?If we are tied to the post we are to
be whipped on our backs but if it is the frame we will be whipped on our front
and back and sometimes even between our legs?. ?Although it is extremely
painful no permanent marks are left on our bodies and until we have healed we
are allowed a few days? excused duties?. Before she could tell us any more
Paulo returned and took us to the dining room where two men and Roual sat at
the table smoking cigars and drinking port. Paulo said, ?These are your girls
for tonight, they are not experienced but Roual and I have tried them out?.
?The one called Nikki had been entered before us but is just as tight as the
other called Carol who was a virgin so which one would you like first??
The man with the baldhead said, ? Stand on
the table and undress I want to see you both naked?. This was the start of our
test so I started with my shoes followed by my jacket and waited for Nikki to
do the same before I took off my blouse followed by my skirt. We both walked up
and down in our brassieres and knickers turning to let them see our back and
side view before we dropped our brassiere and jiggled our breasts. After we
took off our knickers and faced them with our legs open they told us to kneel
in front of them and show ourselves. I was in front of the younger man and
holding myself open I tensed myself waiting for his fingers to enter my vagina
then rub my clitoris until my mucous was running but he only opened me further
by pulling my inner flesh apart. The bald man looked at Roual and said, ?They
have very good bodies but how will they perform after the next part of the
trial?. ?I don?t know they have never had it done before? Roual answered as he
told us to follow him. Still naked he took us to the cave like room and tied
each of us to frames with our arms and legs wide apart then left.
remembered the red haired girl said if we are hung like this we are going to be
whipped on our front and back and possibly between our legs. When the four men
returned I watched the two guests take stranded whips from the wall and the
thought of the pain and how I would suffer when being fucked made me shiver
with fright. The bald headed man stood by my side the other by Nikki and when
the first lash fell across my back it felt numb and jerking forward I bit my
lips then gritted my teeth. Then the fire started and with the second and third
burning the whole of my back I could only scream and plead for it to stop. I
could hear Nikki screaming just before another fell across my buttocks and the
top of my thighs. My wrists and ankles were hurting with the twisting of my body
but with one more lash across my breasts and another to my stomach I felt the
liquid running down my legs as I wet myself before I fainted and my screams
stopped. When I recovered we were still hanging with my whole body a mass of
pain and fire and looking down saw the red weals across my breasts and stomach.
?Looking across I could see Nikkei?s head
flopped on her shoulders the weals across the front of her body and the pool of
water on the floor between her legs. By the time the men returned I had lost all
feeling in my arms from hanging on them and as I was untied I fell in a heap on
the floor. As we were pushed out of the room we both were crying with pain and
taken to separate bedrooms. In my room the bald headed man told me to go to the
bathroom and take a shower to wash the sweat and urine from my body before he
told me to lie on the bed raise and spread my knees then hold myself open to
receive him. Lying on my tender back was painful but when I felt his member
pass my fingers as I held myself open to receive his entry his body pressed
down on me making me sob and cry out. I took my hands away as he pushed in and
out and held his buttocks hoping to ease my pain. Every movement was agonising,
I twisted about trying to ease it but I was sure he thought I was doing this in
passion and pumped me even faster until I was screaming and throwing my head
and arms all over the place. He kept thrusting in and out of me until in spite
of my other pain I felt he was rubbing my vagina raw then at last I felt a hot
gush inside me and he withdrew. He stood up his member still enlarged and told
me to sit up open my mouth and suck it clean. This was new to me but accepting
I had to do it I gagged as it went in and felt sick but did as I was told and
sucked it until it went small.
went away leaving me rolling in pain and it was just getting light before I
went into a restless sleep. Next morning I could hardly move, the skin on my
back felt tight, my vagina sore and swollen, both my nipples enlarged from a
strand cutting into them and I burned all over. I showered as best I could and
lay on the bed not knowing what to do and not having any clothes I didn't want
to go out naked. After last night I don't know why this concerned me but it
wasn't long before Roual and Paulo entered and told me to lie on the bed while
they examined my back and front. They were very gentle touching me all over and
expressed some concern over my damaged nipples. While Paulo was examining me
Roual said, ?You have both passed the test and will now be on the staff ?.?One
of the girls will bring you some clothes then you can go to the wardrobe in the
girl?s room at any time and pick anything you like?. ?After lunch both of you
are to go to the study where the rules will be explained then for the next few
days we could do anything we wanted?.
Before they left I asked where Nikki was
and could we see Inga. ?Nikki is two doors down and yes we could see Inga but
she may not want us to see her?. I waited for my clothes to arrive then went to
Nikki but her clothes had not come so we told each other about our night with
the men and I undressed so we could see the weal's on each others front and
backs. A different woman in her mid thirties arrived with Nikkei?s clothes and
seeing her weal's said, ?It's not as bad as it looks they will be gone in a few
days?. She saw we both had pubic hair and said ?We women are shaved on a
regular basis and even after all this time I find what they do to me when I am
being shaved more degrading than Displaying or playing with myself before an
We told her about our friend Inga and
asked if she would take us. Having assured her Roual had said we could see her
we were taken back to the cave area but this time passed the door to the
punishment room and entered one further down the corridor. Neither of us were
prepared for the sight before us, wooden stalls surrounded the room and in some
of them there were women and girls in shifts with collars around their necks
with a chain fastening them to the wall. We saw Inga to our right and as we
approached she turned her back to us and asked us to leave because she didn't
want us to see her like this. When we asked why she turned undone her shift and
stood before us. What had once been a black mass of hair between her legs was
now bare revealing the split between them but what shook us most was a plastic
label hanging from her left nipple. She burst into tears as she said, ?They
pierced both my nipples then sealed rings through them from which they hung the
label?. ?Because I am to be sold to a brothel some men will use me like a boy
so they hung me upside down and inserted something into my anus to make it
bigger for any man who wants to use me that way and it?s still there?. ?The
women and girls are in here because like me they do not have a well-formed
body, the men they were sent to were not satisfied with their sexual
performances or they hadn?t obeyed orders?. ?Now please go and do as you are
told or you could find yourselves here and suffer the same torment. There was
nothing we could do for her and left thinking how lucky we were to have only
been whipped and in our pain acted as if we wanted to please the man that raped
us last night.
After lunch we went to the study, knocked,
and waited until we were told to enter and face both Paulo and Roual. Roual
said our agency had been informed of our deaths and we had been buried in the
jungle, the documents had been accepted as official and we could never go back
to our homes. This was the international centre of an English-speaking drug
cartel but now it is a private members club that is known only to men of
extreme wealth and influence. Members are permitted to invite one guest who may
wish to join and now you are on the staff you are known as Welcome girls and
provide the incentive. Members soon weary of the same faces in the hall so you
will be replaced. You are then allocated to a member and will live in his
apartment as his servant and plaything. As long as you behave yourselves you
will have good food and clothes, the use of the gym and swimming pool, many
comforts and a good life before your master wants a change then when they do
you will be sold on to brothels.
You will obey the following rules at all
times. Standing or sitting your knees must always be well parted your hands
behind your back and your breasts pushed well forward. You will address all men
as Sir and every time you stand before a man you will curtsey and to do this
properly lift your dress to your waist lower yourself with your knees wide
enough apart to show him your cunt. Any man at any time can tell you to Display
then you will take off your top garments stand before him with your hands under
your breasts and say do you find them to your liking Sir. If you are told to
Expose you will strip naked let him study your front then turn, bend over
spread your legs then pull your arse cheeks apart until your cunt lips open
enough for him to see your vagina. He will now be able to see both entrances to
your body and your breasts hanging down between your legs then you will ask if
what you are showing pleases him.
You will make yourselves beautiful at all
times wear good clothes and stockings, any type of tights trousers or tight
panties is forbidden. Because some of our members like to see women in stockings
and suspender belt you will only wear knickers when told to do so. This being
so you will always wear them over the top of the belt then when you take them
off you can show him what he wants to see. There is a telephone in your room it
is only internal and you can use it but it's main use will be to inform you
when you are needed so if you leave the room you must always ring to say where
you are going. You will report weekly to be examined for infections and never
go in the men?s lounge unless you are on rota duty. These are done in four hour
shifts from 2:0-6.0, 6:0-10:0 and 10:0- 2:0 at night. Any member there can do
want he wants with you but as Welcome Girls he must not fuck you. This can only
to be done by guests who are introduced by us or members who give you a plastic
disk with your room number on it.
You will be excused duties when you have
your periods and you will only use internal sanitary protection and no type of
contraception will be used. When your periods are more then seven days late you
will report to the doctor for scouring and since this may be done frequently in
time you will no longer be able to conceive which is all to the good. If you
fail in any way to obey these rules you will be punished now lift your skirts
take down your knickers and show us your pubes. As we both stood with our
skirts pulled to our waists we heard Paulo say you have too much hair covering
your slit and will be shaved at the medical so follow me. We picked up our
knickers and followed him down the passage to a medical room where the doctor?s
assistant told us to strip. The Doctor examined both of us then told us to sit
in a gynaecological chair with our feet in the stirrups. He stood in front of
Nikki with his assistant in front of me said to the young man ?You know what to
do?. I looked straight at the assistant and seeing he was a young and
good-looking man and guessing what he would do to me clenched my fists and
closed my eyes.
I felt his fingers clasp my labia and it
hurt as he clipped something on each of them then pulling them so wide apart I
cried out he taped the clips to my thighs. I heard Nikki making little gasps
the same as me when he pinched the whole length of my clit tube but when he
squeezed the end and forced the head out I screamed. I felt something soft and
wet being rubbed over the head then both sides of my inner lips that he held
apart as he slid something deep into my vagina. He followed this by spreading
cream over my pubic hair between my arses cheeks and armpits before he started
shaving my pubic hair. He followed this with each side of my clipped labia then
worked back to my anus before shaving my already creamed armpits. Then as the
burning sensation started in my vulva and vagina he said, ?The next time you
are shaved you will find it much more uncomfortable and releasing my labia told
me to get dressed and to see him next week.
I waited outside for Nikki with this
terrible burning between my legs and remembered the woman telling me that every
time she is shaved the things they do to her fanny is disgusting and
humiliating. They part the labia and excite the clitoris then pull the inner
flesh apart to expose the vagina and they put things inside that hurt because
the men watching find it amusing.? Nikki
came out crying and putting her hands between her legs said, ?I hope they don?t
do that every time we are shaved2. For the next few days we were left on our
own, visiting each other?s rooms, we went to the wardrobe in the girl?s room.
There we choose a selection of very expensive dresses, brassieres, knickers and
stockings, papers and books to take back to our bedrooms. We used the gym and
went swimming, at night we brought back drinks and books that were provided in
the girl?s room but never seeing anyone else and not knowing where to find them
we wondered why.
startled me when the phone rang on the night of our fifth day telling me to go
to the lounge. Facing me as I entered were two men sitting on a sofa playing
with something on the table in front of them? To my right standing in front of
the drinks cabinet were three very attractive girls with two more men reading
and sitting in easy chairs either side of them. I walked toward the girls and
stood by them remembering to part my knees with my hands behind me. One of the men
on the sofa beckoned to the girl at the end, she poured some drinks taking them
to the men curtsied and returned with their empty glasses. Both men started
laughing and one left the room to return with two golf putters and a bag of
balls. Beckoning again to the woman she walked to them curtsied and after he
spoke to her she walked to the other end of the room. I could see her face go
red as she stood facing us and after removing her dress she lay naked on her
back, opened her legs wide then pulled her labia so far apart I saw a two inch
circle of pink flesh. The two men started to putt the balls between her legs
and each time one went in the pink flesh hole she put it either to her left or
right. The men on the left potted most so picking up her clothes she walked to
him done the Display and said I hope my body will give you pleasure. He nodded
and left the room with her following him still naked. The other man then called
me over and I curtsied by lifting my dress and knowing I didn?t have any
knickers on parted my knees for him to see my cunt. He told me to lie on my
back and put my legs over his shoulders.
He pulled me forward then putting his
fingers in me pulled and stretched both my inner lips. This coupled with him
rubbing my clitoris was getting me aroused I started an orgasm making me
squeeze my labia against his fingers but just before it happened he took them
out pushed me back and walked out leaving me very tense and unsatisfied. I lay
until I felt relaxed then standing up saw I was alone, all the men and girls
had left, not knowing what to do I stood by the cabinet and waited. It wasn't
long before the red haired girl joined me and stood by my side. I told her what
had happened and she said, ? Those men are keen golfers and could order any of
us to do the same?. ?They know Thelma hates doing it so they use her every time
but for other men we take off our dress and bra then lay with our arms just
lifting our bodies until our nipples touched the floor so they putt between our
hanging breasts?. ? Joan has heavy pear shaped breasts and hung a long way down
so she is often used when they play this game?. I asked why we had not seen any
of them and she said, With you two there are ten of us, Thelma, Rita, Sandra,
Joy, Susan, Joan, Karen and myself Melanie. When we have our periods we stay in
our rooms because in that condition we hate meeting any man who might tell us
to Display or Expose. Some could be having a medical or hairdo or perhaps on
rota in the lounge like us. Others might be receiving internal punishment or
recovering from the external one or even providing amusement when they are
being shaved. I said, ?I was told before how humiliating it was to be shaved
what happens, how are we punished and what for?.
?Melanie replied, ?Were you not told this club
is for men and when we welcome girls are no longer wanted we with the other
women are auctioned and sold to members as servants and playthings?. ?When we
no longer please them or they go away we are sold to brothels?. ?We all dislike
some of the things we have to do, I hate masturbating in front of an audience
or making love with another girl?. ?Thelma hates golfers putting at her cunt
and being shaved, Rita hates masturbating and being shaved. Sandra hates the
Display and Expose positions and being shaved?. ?Joy hates anal sex and the
Expose position Susan hates masturbating and stripping?. ?Joan doesn?t like any
of it, and Karen hates making love to another girl and the Display and Expose
positions?.? ?Naturally we all try to
avoid punishment but since it is part of the entertainment the men find ways
and we provide it in a room called the pleasure room?. ? There is a programme
board that tells the members the name and age of every woman who is to be
punished or shaved so any man wishing to see her whipped caned or having her
fanny shaved can watch?.
? But to answer your questions every woman
here has her body examined at least once a week and if they see any sign of
hair she is put on the shaving list. We are taken to the pleasure room where we
are hang upside down and the blood rushing to our heads makes us feel faint but
the men present still shave us and play with our cunts?. ? When we welcome
girls disobey it?s called the external treatment and we are whipped with a
different type of whip like the one they used on you. It doesn?t break the skin
but it is used on our breasts thighs and between our legs? If no guests are
expected we are taken to the pleasure room stripped and hung for members to
watch it being done?. ? It?s done slow to keep us conscious so we feel every
cut of the whip but if guests are expected and we are to be shown they don?t
want the whip marks to show so we are given the internal treatment?.? It is
similar to the stuff they used at your medical but much stronger?. ? They paint
our nipples with it then insert it deep inside our vagina just like your
medical and as you know it causes us agony?. ? It makes us run about the room
for ages like demented things until we fall exhausted and just roll about the
floor in pain?. ? We scream until our throats are sore and with men watching us
suffer we beg them for release from the pain?. ? It?s done in the morning so we
suffer all day but since it doesn?t mark us we must still be ready to show
ourselves in the evening?. ?You should have been told that only wealthy men and
men in high position are invited to be members and as an incentive to join four
of us are put on show in the entrance hall to show him the quality of the girls
?He is allowed to examine all four of us
in detail and after his meal we are taken to the inspection room in pairs and
one at a time we do the Display and Expose?. ? When the first girl has shown
everything she stays in the Exposed position while the other girl completes her
show then he chooses between us?. ? The chosen girl will stay naked while the
other dresses and leaves then the two remaining girls will come in strip and
show themselves?. ?He will make his second choice and the unwanted girl dresses
and leaves? For him to make his last choice both remaining girls do a Display
and Expose together so he can select the one that pleases him most?. ?They both
dress and the chosen girl takes him to her bedroom where she is expected to
pleasure him anyway he wants for as long as he wants, the others return to
their rooms?. ?He has been told he can?t keep the chosen girl and if he really
wants her he will have to wait until she is replaced as a welcome girl and bid
for her at auction?
?Once they are members they are not
allowed to fuck any welcome girls, they can only do that after we have been
sent to the selection parade?. ?Any man can at any time order you to Display so
make sure you don?t have panties on and with your legs wide open lean far
enough backward to show the whole of your cunt?. ?A Welcome girl on lounge rota
will often have to do the Display and Expose positions, make love to another
girl or masturbate in front of Members?. ?When you are being chosen in the hall
you must show yourselves to the best advantage which means you must encourage
him to look at and feel your breasts and fanny because if you are not chosen
often enough you will be punished?. ? This means you will be taken a trainer
called Norman who being a cruel man will make it a painful experience if you
are a slow learner and if you don't believe me ask Joan?. ? I told you what she
hated but she will tell you that after his training she always keeps her fanny
wide open to let the golf balls in because she never wants to go back?.
After telling me all this it was getting
late but two men came in, sat in the chairs close to us and called for drinks.
Melanie took a drink to the man on the left and as she curtsied I heard him say
Display and at the same time I curtsied to my man and he said Expose. I went
cold, this would be the first time I had been given this order and although I
had stood in this position in front of Paulo and Roual to do it in front of
this man seemed different. I took off my shoes dress and brassiere followed by
suspender belt and stockings. Standing naked I felt very uncomfortable as he
kept looking me in the eyes, but just as I was about to turn he told me to stop
and lean forward. My breasts are like half melons no sag with average dark pink
nipples set in light pink aureoles so as I leaned forward they did not hang
down. When he reached forward his hands squeezed and moulded both breasts and
his thumbs rolled my nipples until I felt them harden. What this man was doing
made me realise why I was here and if he keeps this up I will get excited and
my juices will flow. He took his hands away and telling me to continue I turned
my back to him bent over put my fingers between my buttocks and held them apart
then looking between my legs I was staring right in his eyes and saw his hand
I started to feel a throb in my lower body
as he opened me and I expected his fingers to enter my vagina. His fingers
moved inside my vulva then for the first time I knew what it was like for a man
to excite the wall of my vagina and knowing exactly where to find my clitoris
he kept rubbing it until for the second time tonight wet run down my legs. I
felt an orgasm starting and wondered what he would think of me when it did but
hoped he would continue fingering me until I climaxed. As he started to leave
he said you are a woman who is easily aroused and with a body like yours I envy
any man that fucks you, now get dressed. I heard Melanie moaning and turned to
see her laying on her back with her knees in the air legs wide apart and
fingering her own cunt while the man watched. As he said that is enough she
lifted herself to assume the Display position then saying did I please you Sir,
he turned to me and said I heard what my friend said about your body so I want
to see you both naked.
I undressed again and we both stood side
by side with our legs apart. He told us to raise our arms and to turn then when
our backs faced him he told us to expose ourselves. When we had pulled our
cheeks apart he stood between us and as I felt fingers inside me and my clitoris
being pinched we cried out together. Each time he pinched it hurt and we were
both crying by the time he stopped. Telling us to face him he said we were so
alike we looked like sisters, then telling us to get dressed he left us both
crying with pain. Melanie said, ? My clit hurts where he pinched me and think
we both deserve a drink that but I hope no one else comes because I don?t want
it touched again tonight?. ? How long should we stay here? I asked. ? We had
better stay until 2:0 that is the time we may leave? . We both had a good shot
of brandy and waited until 2:0 then I went to Nikkei?s room and told her all
that had happened and what we would be expected to do.
? Carol I am sorry I talked you into
coming on that mission and poor Inga what have I done to her?. ? None of us
will ever see our families again and you really frightened me when you told me
about the punishments?. ?I am sure that no matter how much we try to obey we
will do something wrong at some time and be punished just to entertain the
members?. ? We have nothing to look forward too except humiliation pain and
being fucked by any number of men before being sold for use in a brothel until
we die of some disease?? ? We will have to suffer being shaved on a regular
basis and always on call to provide some form of sexual entertainment just like
you and those other women this evening?. ? Try to imagine what it must be like
to hold open your cunt and let some man put a golf ball in with other people
watching, I will die of shame if that happens to me?. ? No you won't Nikki, I
never thought I could obey the Expose command but I did, and when the first two
men played with my cunt I started to like it?. ? I wished they had kept going
so I could climax but when the other man pinched my clit it hurt and I didn't
like it? ?. ? I know we will be kept conscious when they inflict pain and it
will last longer but it can't hurt any more than when we were whipped.? ?We
survived that so remember we are only available three weeks in four and enjoy
what we can when we can?.
I returned to my room and lay in bed
wondering if we would give a good show when we were put on display in the hall.
Nikki spent the morning with me in my room but returning from dinner a man
stopped us in the corridor and pointing to Nikki said I like the look of you
Display. I saw her bite her lip and her face go red as she lifted her dress and
went to her knees spread her legs and pinching her cunt lips pulled them open
to show the pink flesh of her vulva then her inner lips to show him the entry
to her vagina. As she said do I please you Sir, he said I now want to see you
naked so she stood to remove her shoes and dress. Taking off her bra it was the
first time I had seen her breasts properly; they were full and heavy giving
them a slight droop to either side with small purple nipples in dark brown
aureoles. He fondled them before telling her to open her legs and after putting
his fingers inside her went away. I saw her crying as she dressed so we spent
the rest of the day trying to build up our courage for what would be expected
of us in the future.
It was now late in the night and no phone
call so we both went to bed. Several times I tried to phone Melanie but with no
answer. Since it was our seventh day without a phone call we phoned the surgery
for our medical check and were told to come and wait. In the waiting room there
were two rows of ten attractive women all in their late twenties or early
thirties wearing short green button down shifts. Since none of us women wore
knickers I was able to see how different a woman?s clitoris tube could look
when sitting with our knees apart. I asked the woman next to me why they were
seeing the doctor. She said ?There are twenty of us here belonging to club
members who want to change us for new women?. ?We are to be thoroughly
inspected and tested but only ten will be found satisfactory?. ?There are ten
new girls in with the doctor now and when all twenty of us women have been done
only ten will be found suitable and auctioned to new masters?. ?The ten women
considered too old overweight have soft breasts thick waists or thighs or not
quickly aroused will be displayed and sold to brothels?.
It seemed ages before the door opened and
a file of young girls who must have been the replacements came out of the
surgery and in obvious pain stood in the centre of the room. 8 wore white
shifts but I was surprised when I saw Melanie and one of the other Welcome
girls were also there but wearing the red shifts. When a voice shouted next ten
all the women in my row of seats stood and went in which allowed the girls in
white and the two in red to sit. Melanie in tears very tenderly sat next to me
and kept wriggling as she said, ?Welcome girls have to be changed frequently
and with only ten needed Joy and I having served for several months will be
rejected?. ?As soon as all the members can meet together they will hold the
hated auction where we will both be sold and you and Nikki will be shown as our
replacements?. ?Although all of us being auctioned have suffered every
degradation a women fears, the way we are offered for sale will be the most
humiliating yet as you will see?.
Before the women came out a man in a white
coat beckoned Nikki and me to come in and saw a sight we never expected. Ten naked
women lying on the floor holding their legs in the air and so wide apart we
could see into their vulvas. One of the two men in the whites coat told me to
undress and sit in one of the chairs the doctor telling Nikki to do the same.
Seated as I was I watched the men go to each end of the line of exposed women
and the one nearest me after asking the woman her name put his hand over her
pubes and with his thumb stimulated her clitoris. The two men worked their way
together then crossed over but this time I watched them pump their fingers in
and out of the woman?s vagina and I knew what was meant about them being tested
for quick arousal.?
The man spent the next few minutes writing
notes then the one nearest me pushed a steel instrument into my vagina and I
cried out as it went in so deep it hurt. He left it there then pushed another
into my anus, again so far in and so deep I screamed as I felt them squeezing
the membrane between the two tubes. I had my fists clenched and eyes shut with
the pain so for the next few minutes I don't know what he done only that he
took both tools out together and told me to piss in a jar.
?While I was doing it he asked when I expected
my periods because he thought it would happen in the next few days. When I said
it should be next week he told me to dress and report here the day it happened
and the day it finished and because it took too long to undress for every visit
I was to wear a button down dress but must be naked underneath. Melanie and the
others had gone by now and both hurting inside Nikki and I returned to our
rooms saying how awful it would be having that done every week, especially if
we were to be Displayed and chosen on that day.
Several days passed without the phone
ringing so Nikki and I spent them swimming, reading and in the gym. Still
wondering why we had not seen any of the other girls even at meals on the
morning of our tenth day my phone rang. I was told to report to the hall at the
rear of the theatre at 6:45 that evening how to find it and that outside my
door I would find the pink shift I was to wear. I met Nikki coming out of her
room and wearing a pink shift like mine I knew she had the same message so we
walked together. The hall stage was full of women, ten in blue shifts were the
older women standing in a file one side, six in white with Joy and Melanie in
red stood in the centre with the ten younger girls in green standing the
opposite side. A man in a smart suit carrying a tapered whip about two feet
long pushed Nikki behind Joy and me behind Melanie.
The lighting on the stage was intense I
could not see into the auditorium as the Announcer stood at a hanging
microphone to make the introduction. Gentlemen it is your wish that at times
only the most delectable and attractive flesh is available for your pleasure so
we arrange for women to be changed at regular intervals. The ten women in blue
having been examined and tested were found not to be suitable for another term
as your playthings and will be auctioned to brothel owners. Members will then
bid for the ten in green then the eight in white and the two in red. They were
Welcome girls but will now be replaced by the two you see in pink.
Both pink ones are not yet trained so
today they will be displayed to tempt you for when they are put in the hall.
You will see them as pairs, one old welcome girl and what we have for her
replacement and we are sure you will agree with our decision so I will ask
Norman to begin the show. Norman flicked each woman in blue with his whip and
running to the front of the stage she unbuttoned her shift stood naked then
raised her arms and opened her legs. With Norman flicking them with his whip
they jumped up and down then started running on the spot and when he told them
to stop they were all panting and running with sweat. They went into the
Display position and I felt really sorry for them as they stayed like this
while Norman stood in front of each of them making cruel comments about the
size and shape of their breasts and nipples, the shape and colour of their
cunts. Then he had them stand and do the Expose and facing us before bending
over I could see many of them had various sorts of pubic hair but none of them
had hair that hid the split of flesh; some were light some darker some even had
it shaped around the lips so the split was just as exposed as the majority who
had been shaved. Some of them had little white strands hanging between their
legs and I pitied them being displayed when they were having their periods.
When they were told to stand up and face
the audience he stood behind the first woman and giving her a cut across her
buttocks with his whip she called out I am 25 and as his whip cut the second
girl she said I am 28 and doing this to all ten each of them called out her age
the oldest saying she was 32. The Announcer went to the microphone and said
Gentlemen I am pleased to say we can speed things along because someone in the
audience has made a bid for all ten which the committee has accepted then he
ushered all the naked women off the stage. Norman continued by saying now the
ten remaining girls in green will display themselves so you can decide who to
choose and how much you will pay to have her pleasure you until the next
auction. All ten girls knowing that once again they had been saved from a
brothel hoped they could present their naked body in a way that would tempt the
watching men to make an offer for her.
Until Norman came to the microphone we
didn't know that at the front of the stage he had placed a row of numbers in
front of each woman and said to the audience,? You have placed a value on each
number which is acceptable to us?. Reading the papers in his hand he called out
girls in green shifts numbers 2,5,6,8,10,11,13,14,19, and 20 have all been sold
and you can collect them from the lounge.?
Norman then continued saying now for the best part of the evening let me
thank you for your help and influence in getting these 8 very young
English-speaking girls here this morning. There has not been enough time to
train them but they have seen the video of girls being punished so they know
what will happen if they do not obey and after you have bought and sampled them
you can see them trained if you think they need it.
He told the 8 in white to unbutton their
shifts but to hold it together go to the front of the stage then facing the
audience remove them. He stood in front of the naked girls and said here we
have 2 Dutch, 1 German, 3 English and 2 American, 5 of them are virgins 3 have
been broken in but none are over 20 years old. Then telling them to put on the
shifts and stand at the back of the stage he told Joy and Nikki to walk to the
front and unbutton their shifts. He pulled the shift from Joy's shoulders and
said you can see now why she was a Welcome girl but she is now available so who
will be the man to fuck her tonight. Compare her with this one who is to be her
replacement then as he pulled the shift from Nikki saying although her breasts
are too big for me it won't be long before she is also changed and stands here
waiting for a buyer. He called Melanie and me to the front and taking Meloney's
shift off said yet another ex Welcome girl with a beautiful body for one of you
to enjoy. After he had taken my shift off he said look at the breasts on this
one and her long legs she is giving me a hard on right now but it won't be long
before she also will be offered to you. I heard the audience laugh at this as
he told us to put on our shifts and join the others at the back of the stage.
The eight in white together with Melanie
and Joy were told to come to the front of the stage and positioned by Norman
while Nikki and I stayed at the back. Norman stood behind each girl and
slipping the gown from her shoulders put a disk around her neck and said look
well at these beautiful bodies and to make full use of it tonight her number
will tell you the price you will have to pay. Norman then left and returned
with an easel holding a board covered with plastic disks. Gentlemen, each girl
will select her new master for the night by going to the board and choosing a
disk which has her number and on the on the back will be the room number she
has to go to. She will return to the front and say I hope this body will
provide you with all the pleasure a woman can give then she will go to your rooms
and wait for you. We hope those who bid for the virgins will enjoy breaking
them in and look forward to seeing you at the next change over. After they had
showed their bodies many of the girls were crying and covered themselves before
leaving the stage to endure what was to follow. As Melanie passed I asked her
number and she looked very frightened as she whispered 32.
?Nikki and I were told to go back to our rooms
and neither of us had a phone call or met anyone else for two days but in the
afternoon of our second day Nikki said she had started her periods and would go
to her room. Very early next morning, our thirteenth day in this awful place my
phone rang and woke me up. I was to go to training room 2 at 2:0, how to find
it, that I was to drink a lot of water all morning, but not go to the toilet
and to wear my shift with nothing underneath. I rang Nikki several times but
got no answer so I wondered where she was. I wanted a shit and held that, but
after all the water I had drunk I was bursting as I entered the training room
to face Norman. ?So you are to be the other Welcome girl, were you not told to
knock before entering and curtsey then noticing I had not parted my legs said
or how to stand in front of a man??
?Wanting to pee so bad I had forgotten so when
he said ?Come with me I will soon have you trained? I was so frightened I
started to wet myself and squeezing myself to stop more coming out I followed
him to the theatre. Once there he told me to take off my shift and stand over a
small footbath at the front of the stage. He spoke into the microphone and said
?This is the second of the new Welcome girls; she has to be taught to forget
any modesty she may have had until she will do anything asked of her?. He
turned to me and said, ?Now piss and shit into the bath?. Nothing had prepared
me for this, I didn?t know who these people were, I couldn?t see them, but exposing myself was nowhere near as
embarrassing as crouching to let my water and shit fall in the bath. When I
finished I was crying and sobbing as he gave me some paper and told me to wipe
myself. Giving me a dildo he told me to lay on my back open my legs insert it
and work it until I gave myself an orgasm. I was so ashamed and still crying it
took me ages to even get wet, but as I pushed it in and out and fingered my
clit I came at last and starting to groan and twist about I heard him say,
?That concludes the whores disgusting performance?.
Back in the training room and standing
before him still naked he said ?You are forgetful, you still have your legs
together, I shall have to give you something to help you remember, now point to
each part of your body and tell me why it should interest a man?. I had to
think what he meant before I said, ?I must be naked so he can excite me by
feeling my breasts and playing with my nipples before he opens me here? and
parting my cunt lips I let him watch me rub my clitoris.? ?This makes me wet and easier for him to put
his prick in when he is ready to fuck me?. When he said, ?That was a better
answer than the other girl?. I knew Nikki must have been first. His next
question was, all you Welcome girls are picked because you are beautiful and
have lovely bodies how would you make the guest choose you against the other
girls when you show yourselves. I could only say, by letting him see how much
he would miss if he didn't have my body to play with. That again was a good
answer so tempt me when you do it with the other girl tomorrow.
Chapter 15
When I said, ?Tomorrow the doctor must
examine us,? he told me to arrange it so he could see me at 2:0 and to remember
to always keep my legs open. For good answers and since you must not be marked
I will reduce your punishment to just two cuts between your legs. Lay on the
floor hands under your knees pull your legs back and wide apart and this is
what you must do when given the order to Position. He kept me like this until I
ached all over and when I asked to be let up he said I had to wait for the
cuts. I guessed what he meant when I saw him swish a whippy cane and stand in
front of me. Then I screamed before the first cut hit the left labia of my open
cunt lips, and I continued screaming as the second hit the right. I dropped my
legs and rolled about the floor in agony, it was much worse than the whip
across my breasts I continued screaming and rolling about all the time he
slowly smoked a cigarette and said ?Be thankful I didn?t give you a third on
your clit?. When he finished it he said see you tomorrow told me to put on my
shift and go. I felt my labia swelling and burn as I limped back to my room in
I phoned Nikki again asking where she had
been all morning heard her crying as she told me in the training room. She had
a phone call late last night telling her to go at 9:0 this morning where he
made her take her tampax out, shit and piss in front of an audience, then asked
her questions in the training room. Because she gave the wrong answers he caned
her on each labia with a third on her clit which was so swollen she couldn't
close he legs together but still had to go again tomorrow at 2:0. I told her he
had done the same to me but not to forget we had to go to the surgery first and
I would ring for a time. Making the phone call I was told to just turn up,
since I couldn't close my legs I had to lay on my back or front as I tried to
The events of the previous day brought on
my periods early and wearing only our shifts went to the surgery. We both told
the doctor our periods had started; he recorded this and said if no man had
been in us since our last visit he didn't want to examine us. With the swelling
now down we went to Nikki?s room and waited with anxiety. Norman had told us we
were to perform as if he were a guest choosing his girl for the night so
wearing ordinary clothes we knocked the door of training room 2. Being called
in we both stood before him curtsied, then stood with our legs apart, hands
behind our backs and breasts pushed out. He walked around us several times and
said he knew we were having our periods, that after our showing yesterday knew
we would do as expected when we were chosen, and to go to back to our rooms. We
stayed there for the next six days hoping when we went to meals or the girl?s
room for books or drinks we would not see any men who would want a Display or
were lucky and on our 21st day went for our medical inspection but the doctor
was not there this time only the other young man. We reported our periods
finished yesterday he recorded it and told us to drop our shifts and position.
On our backs with our legs over our shoulders he asked if we had been fucked in
the last seven days and after telling him no he pushed a swab deep into each of
our vagina's. It was left in us for quite a while but as he took it out he put
his hand over our pubes saying that now it was time for us to be offered for
use our body hair required close shaving and we would be put on the shaving
Having reported we would be in Nikkei?s
room in the afternoon we both talked about anything trivial trying not to
mention what was on our minds. We had been here three weeks before the phone
rang telling us that in the morning at 11:0 we were to report to the pleasure
room. We were to have our first selection tomorrow night at 6:0 and should go
the inspection room dressed ready for the display. I?m sure we were both
thinking that being new and never seen before the man would choose one of us
from the other girls on show. We knew whenever a woman was inspected she was
always completely naked which also meant not having any body hair and knew that
having to be in the pleasure room for 11:0 it was to have our first real
genital shaving. We both knew that before the men started they would open our
labia play with our inner lips then finger our vagina and clitoris before they
shaved our pubic hair.
Wearing only our shifts and on time we
waited outside of the door for the ordeal to come and the start of our new life
as whores. In the room were easy chairs and small tables on the walls pictures
of naked girls in various obscene poses and with carpets on the floor it was a
comfortable place for a viewing audience. It was obvious from the basins,
brushes, shaving sticks and razors on the trolley we were going to have our
first degrading shave and hoped it would not be in front of an audience. At our
end of the room we stood on a stone floor, above us were two bars and hanging
from each were pulleys and two ropes with leather nooses. The two men who had
let us in stood in front of us so we curtsied before they undone our shifts
fondled our breasts and nipples then told us to lay head to head on the floor.
They put our feet in the nooses of the two ropes that hung from the bars then
facing each other they pulled the ropes raising us in the air with our legs
spread wide apart.
The man in front of me played with my
labia by pulling them apart and watching them spring back then holding them
open he parted my inner flesh put two fingers into my vagina then rubbed my
clit until I was so aroused it came out of it's hood. He called the other man
over making crude comments about its size and seeing my embarrassment they both
laughed. Before they lathered us I heard Nikki cry out and opened my eyes to
see her man put the brush handle into her body calling his friend over to see
how tight she was. I heard her sobbing as I watched them sliding the brush in
and out of her then coming over to me to do the same said we were as tight as
each other. I listened to them saying it was obvious neither of us had been
used much and hoped the man that fucked us tonight realised how lucky he was
that we were nearly virgins. They finished lathering our pubes and everything
between our legs then after the shaving rubbed their hands over their work
saying to each other what a good job they had done.
We hadn't been upside down that long
really but my head pounded, my eyes bulged and I felt sick and giddy as I was
lowered and left quite faint on the floor. They looked at our naked bodies and
telling us to turn over discussed how we differed in build then left Nikki and
I to return to our rooms to rest and prepare for the evenings showing. Just
before 6:0 we entered the inspection room, which was like the pleasure room
with comfortable chairs, carpets, drink cabinet and tables. There were more
obscene pictures on the walls some of Melanie sitting with her legs wide open
holding her labia apart and some of the other girls in the display and expose
positions. One of the girls sitting said you must be Carol and Nikki I am
Thelma, the others are Rita, Sandra, Susan, Joan, and Karen and since we are
changed often and this will be your first showing I will tell you none of us
have been shown more than twice. I know Melanie told you and hope you told
Nikki that in the hall we encourage the man to see and touch whatever he wants
because it will be less humiliating than the whipping if we resist.
We sat talking about how we got here and
our earlier lives until Roual entered and said there is little time left let?s
start. We all stood in line and curtsied then seeing the others taking their clothes
off Nikki and I copied them. Standing naked Roual started with Karen by running
his hands over her breasts and doing something between her legs I saw her
cringe back. After doing it to Sandra and Thelma it was my turn. He gently
squeezed my breasts and after rubbing my nipples he told me they were too small
but for today before our guests arrived I was to pinch and pull them to make
them bigger. His hands went to the top of my labia and I felt his fingers
either side of my clitoris tube sliding down and when he squeezed the head I
also had to cringe backwards. Nikki was next and when his hands went between
her legs I heard her cry out rather than cringe back when her clit was
squeezed. Passing down the line I heard him tell Rita he wouldn?t tell her again
to see the doctor for nipple enlargement. After he was satisfied with our
fronts we went into the exposed position, which meant that bent over, with our
buttocks parted he had a complete view of our vulva. I heard him say to Joan he
had told her and Rita at the last inspection about those pieces of flesh
hanging out of their fannies and would not be displaying either of them until
they both had perfect splits and nipples so see the doctor and get something
Sandra and Thelma are having their periods
and are excused which means Carol, Nikki, Karen and Susan will be displayed
tonight you others get dressed and go. Rita for disobeying two of my orders
report for punishment tomorrow then go with Joan to see the doctor and when
it?s done come and show me. As we dressed Karen told us she and Susan had only
been displayed once before but when we were sent in for selection what the man
did between our legs was more uncomfortable than when Roual feels our clitoris.
It was 8:0 before Paulo came to take us to
the hall and putting Karen next to me with Nikki and Susan opposite telling us
that when we curtsied for the guest our dress should be lifted enough for him
to see our crutch. He returned with a smart middle-aged man followed by Roual
and a very good-looking young man who I thought must be the prospective member.
If he was the one we would have to display for it would be very embarrassing
knowing that later he was going to see us naked with the intention of choosing
which of us he was going to fuck. All four men stopped and Paulo said these are
the welcome girls that have been selected for this evening. As the men looked
at us I heard Roual say Susan Nikki this side Carol and Karen over there and
you won?t find better looking girls with such desirable bodies anywhere else.
Each of them has a similar curvaceous shape to their bodies but with different
sizes and shapes of breasts you are sure to find one you like. All the women
here have been shaved so after dinner when they strip and position for you for
you to feel their vagina and clitoris you will see they have been chosen
because other than the colour of the flesh all their fannies look and feel the
same. I say feel because welcome girls only have intercourse with the man that
selects them and with your fingers inside their vaginas you will find them as
tight as virgins. You will have the choice of four and the one you find most
pleasing will be sent to your room but although inexperienced she will give you
every satisfaction. They know they will have to please you because if they fail
you can have them taken to the punishment room and watch them being whipped
before being sent straight back for you to use again.
We were left standing for some time before
Roual and the young man returned and as they walked around Susan and Nikki I
tried to imagine how a man would choose which of we four gorgeous girls he was
going to fuck. There was no doubt we were very attractive and after undressing
and standing naked in front of him he would look at our hair face and breasts
first. Would he like blonde or brunette but with four of us having different
shapes and sizes of breasts which would he want. Karen and Nikki both had large
full breasts but with Nikki?s being heavy they dropped to the side with nipples
pointing outward but Karen?s thrust forward and with larger nipples they
pointed straight ahead. Susan and I were similar we both had firm round breasts
with deep cleavage but Susan?s nipples were large and pointed up compared with
mine. He would see our slender waist and curvy hips then our flat stomachs
before looking lower down to our pubic swellings. Having been shaved clean that
parting of the flesh would make our clitoris hood very visible and he would see
we had slender thighs that tapered down to shapely legs and ankles.
Now we would have to turn for him to see
our back and buttocks before bending over and parting our legs wide enough for
him to see our partly opened vulva. During the inspection Roual made it clear
that we girls were not to have our two pieces of inner flesh long enough to
show through our labia which meant he was quite likely to open us to look for
them inside. With the thought of this young mans hands on my breasts and the
feel of his fingers in my fanny I felt aroused and wet between my legs. With
both men standing in front of the girls opposite I couldn?t see what was being
done to them but heard sharp intakes of breath and saw their bodies moving. As
Roual and the young man turned towards us I saw Susan and Nikki with their breasts
outside their blouses and still holding their skirts in the air were naked from
the waist down. Now it was our turn and although I didn?t want to do it as the
young man approached I curtsied. Then lifting my skirt I parted my legs leaned
back enough for him to see my fanny through the crutch of my now wet and
transparent panties.
I stood up and when he was standing in
front of me he looked straight at me to see if I showed any signs of disgust as
he unbuttoned my blouse and removed my bra to expose my breasts. He cupped my
breasts gentle squeezing them as his thumbs rolled my nipples until I felt them
harden. Then I felt his hands on my waist and as they slid down his fingers
eased my panties over my thighs and they fell to the floor. I was expecting him
to feel between my legs but instead he played with my buttocks feeling and
wobbling them around in such a way that after the way he had felt my breasts I
found it quite arousing. Then he went to Karen and after doing the same to her
the two men stood back and not being told to lower our skirts Roual told us to
open our legs even more. I could feel myself flush when he said, ?As you can
see our girls have every bit of genital hair shaved? and flinched as the young
man slid fingers through my labia and like Roual rubbed the length of my
clitoris before circling the entrance to my vagina.? He slid several fingers inside me and I felt
them moving up and down then with his other hand excited my clitoris until I
was fully aroused and had an orgasm.
When the young man stood in front of Karen
I could see Susan and Nikki opposite still had there breasts fully exposed and
holding their skirts to the waist with their legs wide open like me were
revealing our almost complete nudity to all the men who passed along the hall.
I knew what he was doing to Karen because I could tell from her breathing she
also was having an orgasm and I heard him say to Roual you are right they
really are tight. Before they left the two men stood back and looked at the
mucous glistening labia of four almost naked girls. When they had gone Susan
said I don?t know about you three but I was so stimulated I wanted him to fuck
me on the spot but it will be a long wait before he does so let's go to the
girl?s room where a light supper will be ready and wait to be called.
It was 10:30 before the phone rang telling
Nikki and Susan to go to the inspection room. When Karen and I were called we
passed Nikki in the passage so we knew Susan had been chosen. Entering the room
I saw the young man sitting and looking at a naked and self-conscious Susan
standing with her legs apart, hands behind her back thrusting her breasts
forward. I felt tingles run through my body wondering what we girls had done to
deserve the degrading things we had to do for this young man just for him to
see who among us had the sort of tits and cunt he liked to fuck. He looked at
us and said, ? I suppose matched pairs means one of you has hanging breasts
like the one I just sent out get undressed and show me who it is?. We undressed
and standing in front of him with our hands behind our head and legs wide apart
Karen said, ?You must agree although my breasts are large and firm and I don't
think you can say they hang so do I please you Sir?. He didn't answer but
studied both of us before saying, ? I have felt the tightness of your fannies
now show me what they look like? We knew what he meant turned opened our legs
bent over and grasping our buttocks pulled them apart. I could see from the
look on Susan?s face that looking at us in this position she was as embarrassed
as us. Looking between our legs he told Karen to dress and go.
After she had gone he told Susan and me to
stand with our arms raised then felt the firmness of our breasts and rubbed our
nipples until they were fully enlarged. Not much between you but looking at me
said it is a pity your nipples are small so all that?s left before I make my
choice is to look at the inside of your fannies. Up to now men had looked at
and felt my vulva but I knew this was going to be different the most
embarrassing and humiliating time of my life and there was nothing I could do
about it. To fully see inside I felt tingles run through my body wondering how
he would want us positioned. I could see Susan was thinking the same and why we
were expected to do these degrading things for this young man just for him to
see which of us had the type of breast and size of cunt he liked to fuck. He
looked at us and said, ?I suppose you both think that bending over with your
cheeks parted will enable me to make a choice but you must help each other?.
Pointing to Susan he said, ?I want to see you first so lie on the table lift
your legs back over your shoulders then looking at me said you are to stand
over her head grasp her ankles pull her legs back and keep them wide apart.
Having climbed on the table I was aware
that Susan was now looking up between my legs and holding her like this I would
see everything the young man was going to do to her. He walked to the table and
never having seen the inside of a woman I watched fascinated as he parted
Susan?s labia and heard her gasp when he pulled the two flaps of her inner
flesh revealing the dark circle of her vagina and the white length of clit
tube. I clearly saw how Susan was wriggling and the mucous running from her as
his fingers went in and out of her vagina while a finger on the other hand
stroked the white clit tube. It was obvious from her grunts Susan was having
orgasms and as he continued she cried out and climaxed. He seemed satisfied but
when we were told to change over and Susan stood over me I was disgusted at the
sight of her anus and the wet flesh between her legs. As soon as he parted my
labia I felt my inner lips being pulled and knew he was going to do the same
things inside me. I whimpered but there was no escape I had to accept fingers
entering my vagina while others stroked my clitoris. The feeling was so intense
I responded to every thrust of his fingers moaning and writhing with each
orgasm until I couldn?t stand it any longer cried out and climaxed. He told us
to stand together shoulders back and legs? apart then telling me to dress and
go said, ?It is Susan who will spread her legs for me tonight?.
went to Nikkei?s room where she said that inspection was the most appalling
thing she had ever suffered. Having to part her legs for older men was bad
enough, she had not even done that for her boyfriend, but having to allow a man
younger than herself to part her labia so he could feel her clitoris and inside
her vagina was degrading and humiliating. At midnight Nikkei?s phone rang and
the voice said she was to find Carol and both were to go to the study. Paulo,
Roual Nikki and Karen were waiting and told they had not been chosen because he
had not liked their breasts. Susan and Carol had the same sort of breasts and
clitoris but Carol was not picked because her nipples were not as big and
showed objection by flinching and drawing back when her fanny was being
examined. Because I had not enlarged my nipples and not learnt I was to make it
easy for men to insert fingers into my vagina or do anything else they wanted
and not being present to answer my telephone I was to be punished with Rita.
For two days Nikki tried to console me as
I waited for that dreaded phone call and when it came on the morning of the
third day I had to go to the waiting room between pleasure rooms 1 and 2
wearing only my shift. Rita was there as frightened as me and said the doctor
had shortened her inner labia folds, although only needing two stitches it hurt
then he injected something into her nipples, which had made them larger.
Melanie came out of pleasure room 2 and told Rita she was wanted in room1 and
when I asked her how she was she said the first night with her new Master was
the worst. He had used her every way possible to find which satisfied him and
from then on had fucked her from the rear every night and morning he was there
but when she had her periods he screwed her in the arse. We heard screams?
coming from the pleasure room as she told me she was expected to clean his
suite, do his laundry, and whenever he had guests she was brought here to be
shaved so they could watch it being done. Later she would do stripteases for
them then allow them to inspect her fanny before they fucked her but he would
soon tire of her and she would be sent to a brothel then she left and I never
saw her again.
The screaming
stopped and a naked and crying Rita came out and through her tears told me to
go in. Pleasure room 1 was laid out just as before but this time all the chairs
were full. As I stood on the stone floor with my legs apart and my hands behind
me a voice said I want to see this one caned not whipped. There was a murmur of
approval as two men took the shift off me, turned my back to the audience, pulled
my ankles apart and fastened them to fixings in the floor. A low table was
pushed against my pubes, I was bent over it so my buttocks were raised in the
air, the edge of the table painfully cutting the underside of my breasts, my
head nearly touching the floor as my arms were tied to it's legs. I heard a
voice say I suggested it so I will go first. I squeezed my arse cheeks together
and gripped the table legs waiting, but nothing happened until I relaxed. Then
I heard the swish and the first blow fell across the middle of my cheeks.
?It really stung and I bit my lips as the pain
exploded then as it shot to my feet and shoulders I screamed. They left me
until my crying turned to sobs then another swish, exploding pain and another
scream. They paused every time until I was sobbing before they gave me the next
cut. After the fifth I was screaming non stop throwing myself about so much the
table was moving and my breasts were sore, then the sixth fell just to the top
of my thighs. Shooting pains wracked my body and the cheeks of my arse burned
like they were on fire as they watched my writhing about and listened to my
cries of anguish while they smoked and finished their drinks. I was untied and
left in agony on the floor thinking how right Melanie was when she said some
men liked to hear girls scream in pain, I certainly satisfied them this morning
and putting on my shift went to my room. I rang Nikki and telling her what I
had just suffered lay on my front until she came with some cream from the
surgery and gently rubbed it into my buttocks. There are six raised weal?s
spaced all over your bottom but none of them are bleeding so they will heal
without scars. Your cheeks will be black and blue for days and I don't know how
you will sit she said.
Days went into
weeks; Thelma and Sandra were taken for the next auction and replaced with Ruth
and Kirsty. We suffered our shaving sessions medical checks and being displayed
in the hall several times a week and I was chosen three times to be fucked by the
prospective members. After one display Nikki and I had to compete with each
other for the final choice and it was a bad one because with the club losing
its attraction we had to do it in front of two teenage boys. After degrading
and humiliating us it was decided they would share us and it was the worse
fucking we had ever had. I was lucky but Nikki had became pregnant and really
suffered for days after she was scoured but at least it meant she was spared
further displays for a few weeks.
As the weeks passed,
Rita and Joan were the next for auction, Helen and Tracy taking their places.
We continued to be put on show in the hall, Nikki and I were chosen many times
and having to satisfy so many men Nikki once failed to satisfy a member and all
we welcome girls had to watch Norman whip her. When I failed I was lucky
because the guest asked if he could administer the punishment and although he
whipped my breasts back and thighs he didn?t do it too hard because he wanted
to fuck me again to see if I had learnt my lesson. We knew a auction parade
would soon be held and two of us would be in it when in the inspection room
Roual introduced two new girls, Anna and Babs, and seeing Ruth, Kirsty, Helen,
Anna and Nikki waiting I knew it was Susan and Karen who had been removed. Cold
shivers went down my back as I knew Nikki and I would be next, but when Roual
picked Anna, Babs, Nikki and me to Welcome the guests the mans final choice was
once again between Nikki and me. After him feeling our breasts and fingering
our cunts while in the exposed position I was the one chosen that night to be
Two more Welcomes
were held, Nikki was chosen for the first, me for the second. It wasn?t many
days later when the phone call we both dreaded told us to go to the study. Paulo
and Roual sat at the desk and we both knew our time for selection had come when
we saw red shifts on the desk. Paulo said the selection will be held in five
days, since I took your virginity you will spend them with me and show me how
much you have learned about pleasing a man in bed, you Nikki will show Roual
how good you are. Now tell me what you most disliked doing here. I said being
shaved and not being satisfied by the man fucking me. Nikki said having men
look at my open fanny and being whipped, then he told us to pick up our shifts
and go with them to their suites. He wanted every sexual pleasure a woman could
give him and he knew how to get it. For two days he fucked me in every position
possible, some of the other men had given me orgasms but he gave me multiple
ones each time he used me. I didn?t think any other man would satisfy me like
him, but taking Nikki and giving me to Roual for the remaining two days I knew
that with the fear of being whipped I could satisfy any man. On the fifth day
after breakfast Nikki and I went to the surgery in our red shifts joining eight
other young girls in white. As we ten were called in to see the doctor twenty
other women wearing green shifts came in; among them I saw Thelma, Rita,
Sandra, Susan, Joan, and Karen.
?Nikki and I were the first to be done, lying
on our backs with our legs in the air and resting against the walls, a funnel
type instrument was inserted deep into my vagina and a liquid poured in. The
funnel was removed and being told to stay as we were for the fluid to do its
work I heard the other girls sobbing and crying as they had their internal
examination. Being told to stand and go to the hall I started to feel hot
inside as the liquid run back from my vagina to my vulva. In the hall at the
rear of the theatre we were told to set chairs in rows sit and wait. Sitting
next to a new girl I asked how she came to be here, she told me was German, had
run away from home and met this man. He told her he would look after her and was very nice finding her a room
and had not touched her, although after going to bed she woke-up early this
morning to find herself lying on the floor in this room. Talking to each other
most of the girls had similar experiences then two men came in. We were told us
to undress and the men then stripped those who refused before caning them on
their thighs and buttocks. We all stood naked as they examined and felt our
breasts before we went to the exposed position where they fingered our most
intimate parts. We were told what we would be expected to do when we stood
before an audience, also that we would be whipped if we did it wrong. One girl
asked if I knew what would happen to us but after telling her about my life
here she burst into tears? Just then one of the two men in the hall told us not
to speak, if we wanted the toilet raise our hand and they would take us.
We were to all sit with our knees apart
and they walked down each row to make sure they could see our pubes. This did
not embarrass Nikki and me but most of the other girls tried to cover it as the
men looked at them and had their faces slapped if it wasn't showing. My vulva
was burning as the fluid gathered there so I put my arm up and was escorted to
the toilet where he watched as I pissed and washed between my legs. We were
kept like this until evening, and then told to stack the chairs and stand in
line as the twenty other women for selection came in the hall. There were the
ten in blue and ten in green all our old team amongst them two girls in pink
shifts arrived and joined our file, one behind Nikki the other behind me. I
remembered us doing this as the ten women in blue went to one side of the stage
the green opposite them and our file stood centre back. After the usual
introductions the women in green shifts went to the front of the stage took
their shifts off, stood with their arms over their heads their legs wide apart
then jumped and run on the spot as Norman commented on their bodies. They each
described their bodies, ages, then all turned to do the Expose and I heard
Thelma cry out as Normans whip hit each of her large hanging breasts. Norman
told the women to stand and face the audience saying it seems we are lucky yet
again and I am pleased to say another of our esteemed brothel owners has made an
offer for all ten of these women and we have accepted.
The girls in white shifts were next to
face the audience and the announcer thanked the audience for their help in
getting the new girls here in time. As Norman pulled their shifts off each of
them said how old she was where she had come from and if she was a virgin or
not. When they had all finished they put their shifts on and went to the back
as Nikki and her replacement were called forward. The announcer took the shift
off the new girl saying this one is to be a Welcome girl and will be replacing
this one. He took the shift off Nikki saying, ? Look at those breasts? and
forcing her legs wider apart spread her labia open asked, ?Which of you will
bid enough to get between her legs tonight?. The other new girl and me were
called to the front and as her shift was taken off he said, ?This little thing
is young and exciting even if her breasts are not fully developed her cunt will
be tight? and taking off my shift said, ?I know which one of these I would prefer
to fuck?. ?Look at these breasts and the way her clit stands out who among you
will be between her legs tonight. He told us to turn and show our backs then
dress and go to the rear. The ten women in green were next to stand naked in
front of the audience and display each part of her body. The women in green ran
to the front of the stage in the same positions as before when the announcer
told the Members the numbers had been selected. As Norman called out each
number the girl was flicked with his whip and she ran off, Joan, Rita, Melanie
and Joy among them, When all ten had gone the eight in white Nikki and me
joined the line, the two new girls stayed at the back.
Norman came with his board and easel and
after each of us went to it and picked a number we returned to the front. We
took off our shift and naked called out our number saying ? I hope what I have
between my legs will please my new Master?. Returning to the hall I was told to
go to my room, clear out all my belongings, return all the clothes to the
wardrobe and wearing just my shift go to the room with a number the same as
that on my disk. Knocking the door I knew the man inside was to be my new
master and when he called me in I gave him my plastic disk, I curtsied, then
stood legs apart, hands at my back and pushed my breasts forward. He was a
middle-aged man, his first order was to take off my shift and pose for him. He
produced a camera and photographed me in all the obscene positions he could
think of, so this is where all those photos came from. He felt me all over, my
breasts my buttocks, my thighs and my labia then told me to take the Exposed
position undressed and grasping my breasts entered me from the rear. After
pushing in and out he didn?t come but told me to lie on the bed and played with
me until I was getting excited and wet. He laid on me entered and fucked me
again only this time I had multiple orgasms and climaxed at the same time as
We lay together and he cuddled me as I
relaxed, saying ?That was a good fuck, you are quite satisfactory for me and
can stay?. I could only say ?Thank you Sir, I am glad you are pleased with my
body and performance?. He took me twice more that night and in the morning told
me to go to the wardrobe room, choose nice clothes he would arrange payment,
but no underwear. He always wanted me available and to be able to see between
my legs when I sat. I asked what he wanted me to do in his absence and could he
tell me where Nikki was. He said I was to feed myself and keep the suite clean
and tidy but when he invited friends I was to prepare the meals. If he didn't
come his driver would call with food and anything else I wanted, collect the
laundry and that he would ask other members if Nikki was one of their girls. I
said, ?Thank you Sir, I will do anything you ask?, then he left. His driver
called as promised but it was ten days before my master came again. I cooked
his meals and he treated me well so we had a lovely weekend and he also started
to call me Carol.
Before he left he told Nikki was in suite
6, it would be all right for me to invite her to his suite if she could come. I
rang Nikki; she said ?Because my master is also a friend of your master they
agreed we could see each other?. With nothing else to do and nowhere to go we
spent much time together and both looked forward to visits from our masters.
Keeping each other company we both agreed that although this life was boring it
was much better than being a Welcome girl. Our masters were treating us well,
there was no medical no lounge duties or shaving display although both our
masters had told us we were to keep ourselves free of body hair, How long would
it be before they tired of us and we both shuddered at the thought of being
sold to a brothel? Nikki only had three visits every two weeks but my master
came each weekend. On his sixth visit told me he was bringing two business
guests next Saturday hoping they would give him information on a new venture he
was proposing.
I was to prepare and serve a special
dinner but although I could dress as I wanted I was not to wear any knickers
and when I sat down I was to keep my legs wide enough apart and position myself
for the men to see everything between them. I instructed the driver what food
and wine to bring, arranged flowers to make the suite attractive, cooked the
dinner, and put on my best clothes. I curtsied as they entered, poured them
drinks and while they talked, laid the table then served the courses. After
washing-up I stayed in the kitchen as they talked business in the lounge but it
was over an hour before my master called me to the lounge. Telling me how much
they all enjoyed the meal he asked me to serve coffee and brandy then join
them. It was quite civilised talking about books and music and remembering I
was nothing better than a slave girl positioned myself with my legs apart so
they had a full view of my shaved labia. I made more coffee and after serving
it my master said to his guests ?You must agree Carol is a beautiful girl and
noticing you looking between her legs what you would like to see the rest of
her. I will have her strip so you can feel the firmness of her breasts before
she shows you her vagina and clitoris????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? CHAPTER
It was obvious they would say yes and
knowing that for them to see all of me in detail I would have to be close-up
and began removing all my clothing.?
Although I hated doing it I stood in front of them naked with my arms in
the air and my legs wide apart. I knew that after they had seen and felt my
breasts I had been told to show them my vagina and clitoris and to do this I
would have to turn bend over part my labia and pull my inner lips apart.
Holding my self-wide open I didn?t know what I expected them to do to me but I
did not expect it when my master said, ?She has opened her cunt for you to see
inside now she will let you use it and I can assure you she is a good fuck?. As
I stood up they looked at each other, tossed coins then still naked, one of
them took me to the bedroom and undressed. I lay naked on the bed with my legs
apart and waited for him to enter me. His foreplay got me wet and fucking me I
had several orgasms but no climax as he came inside me. He dressed and went out
the other entering a few minutes later. He just took his trousers off made no
attempt to get the best from me, just entered and pumped until he withdrew and
shot his lot over my stomach, then putting his trousers on left me unsatisfied.
I went to the bathroom to wash
disappointed my Master was prepared to share me with others and not keep me for
himself. I dressed before going back to the lounge, but they took no notice of
me as I made them more coffee so I went to the dinning room and waited for them
to leave. After they had gone my Master said ?I didn't like them fucking you
but I really did want information about the future of the club and offering you
to them had achieved it?. I could only say ?You have been so nice to me I am
glad I have helped you?. We went to bed together, and more like lovers than
Master and slave girl, enjoyed each other to the full. He left Sunday morning
and it was three weeks before he came again to say he had bad news. This would
be our last weekend together since it had been confirmed the club will close
and he would be leaving tomorrow night. He was so sorry to have to do this to
me but had no option other than return me to the house, but if things turned
out right I would see more of him. I tried to ring Nikki but got no answer, and
Monday morning I was taken to the study to see Roual.
The two men sat at the desk and Paulo
said, ?With the drug enforcement agencies so active it is difficult to find
supplies of new girls and with no replacements for a selection money will be
tight?. ?Without new girls there are no prospective member applications so we
will be selling the eight Welcome girls?. ?You know they are selected for their
face and figure just as you were and are too good for a brothel so they have
been separated for a special auction, which will include you?. ?You will be
taken to wait with the other welcome girls until the auction is arranged, but
because you are all going to private buyers you will not be prepared in the
usual way for brothel use?.? ?The
remaining women will be sold later when the members have no use for them?, then
pressing his buzzer two men came in the room. The two men dragged me to the
cave area and into the room with wooden stalls where we first saw Inga.
They told me to undress and gave me a
shift to wear before pushing me into a stall. A leather collar was put around
my neck and with a chain at the back long enough to allow me to lie down,
fastened it to the wall then left. Looking around I saw eight girls also
wearing shifts chained to the walls, one of them I recognised as Anna. She told
me they had been brought here yesterday, it was horrible, and food was brought
on a metal tray together with a bucket, which they had to use for their toilet
needs before eating. I suffered these indignities for three days wondering why
we were kept in these conditions if we were so desirable. In the afternoon of
the forth the chains were taken from the wall but left on our collars and
fastened to the front of the collar of the girl behind us. I was the last and
in a line we were led out across the grounds to the theatre. Our chains were
unclipped from the girl in front our shifts were taken off but still wearing
our collars we were walked around the stage several times. One at a time and
still naked a girl was led to the front of the stage turned around several
times, then told to run and jump. When it was my turn the man at the microphone
said ?This one was a Welcome girl before she was sold to one master but
remember you are only allowed to bid for one girl, is there anyone who wants
Chapter 24
As a bid was called out he said ?Sold to
No.9?. I was given a shift, taken to the lounge in the house where my collar
was taken off and told to wait. The man that entered was my Master and running
to him said how happy I was he had bought me. He said ?I owed you that because
after you let those two men fuck you they give me the information I wanted.
They knew the trouble the drug market was in and after selling all the girls
the club would close but the Welcome girls would be auctioned first and you
would be included with them if I made you available. Having a lot of influence
here I arranged that only eight members would be bidding and you would be
offered last. They were not told there would be nine girls so I would be the
only one left able to have you, now come home with me and make me happy?.
I asked if he knew anything about Nikki
and he said his friend would keep her for the time being but had lost the
chance to include her in my sale. She would be included in another batch of
girls being offered for sale to the brothels and would be prepared in the usual
way for such a sale but he would still bid for her. I remembered what Inga had
told us and he put his arms around me as I started to cry. He told me to stop
crying, to go to the car and wait while he paid for me and collected the
official papers declaring my death.
The driver I had known earlier was waiting
and recognised me saying he was glad I was to give the Master company since the
house was very isolated and he had to engage a mother and daughter to clean and
cook for him. They were not as attractive as girls from the club but did give
him and his guests some sexual entertainment but only joined the Club to have
more beautiful women available to satisfy him. With my coming I would be his
mistress and run the house so he returned them to the city but intended to
purchase two more girls at the next Club sale for the daily duties and for his
guests amusement. He told me he had saved the Masters life during one of the
revolutions and although a driver and handyman the Master treated him as a
brother so all his orders must be obeyed.
The house where I was to eat and live when
the master was at home was located in woods but although there was no garden as
such there was a lawn all around, which he cut, a swimming pool and tennis
court. A tunnel at the rear of the house connected to another block where the
new girls and I would live when the master was away. With that my Master
returned and told me the driver was called Carlos and I was to call him Juan
when we were alone but to address him as Sir in the presence of others. We
started the journey and on the way I asked Juan if he intended to buy more
girls would he consider purchasing Nikki since she was an excellent cook. He
told me he did not know when or how the sales would be held or who would be in
them but would make enquiries. The drive took us through miles of grassland
before we entered woodland in the hills and after several hours arrived at a
lovely hacienda. My Master would be gone for three or four days at a time so
several pleasant weeks passed with me cooking cleaning and when called to the
house giving him my body. On one weekend visit he told me the girl living with
his friend had been taken away for sale and heard there was a girl called Nikki
included in a brothel sale to be held at the end of the Month.
He did not know if it was the same Nikki
and the only way to be sure was for us both to attend her preparation and for
me to confirm it. Seeing the girls being prepared would be very unpleasant for
me especially if one of them was my Nikki so the decision would be mine. I
remembered what had been done to Inga and asked if there was any way he could
stop Nikki being prepared. He said he had no influence now the club had closed
down so when girls were no longer needed they would be sent to a holding house
until three or four became available for sale then the managers would prepare
them for the auction. He had persuaded them to allow him to attend the
preparation and make an advance offer for two before the sale but did not know
how much they would accept. He said I was to understand that since the club had
closed down, in addition to household duties the two new girls would be
expected to provide sexual entertainment for his guests similar to that
provided previously by the club. He went on to explain other details I was to
tell them if he was able to buy them.
Chapter 25
I would also be expected to participate in
the entertainment even if it involved me suffering some pain but he would not
permit me being fucked, did I fully understand this. I had no option, saying ?I
promise to do everything you ask of me and hope I would continue to please
him?. He was gone for two days then on his return he had with him a boy of ten
or eleven who he introduced as his nephew. I ate with Carlos every day and served
dinner to Juan who usually ate alone, but this evening with his nephew present
I was told to eat with them. After clearing and washing up I was called to the
lounge where Juan and his nephew both sat on the sofa and told to stand before
them. Carlos said to his nephew ?To give you your first opportunity to see and
touch the body of a naked woman this woman will now undress for you?. As I
waited for my Master to tell me to undress and in spite of all my earlier
experiences I went cold all over and shivered at the thought of being naked and
touched by this boy. My Master continued by saying to his nephew ?When this
woman is naked you will stand up and she will hold your hand putting it on each
part of her body and tell you what you are touching?.
Looking at me he said, ?As you remove each
garment say its name and remember, although he is young you will do and show
him everything as if you were being inspected by a man, now begin?. After
removing my shoes dress and stockings I stood only in my bra and panties
ashamed to go further but bit my lip as I took it off and said this is a bra. I
hesitated before I removed my panties knowing when I did I would be expected to
open my legs for the boy to see the two swellings between my legs but I had to
do it so I slid them down and stepping out of them said ?These are my
knickers?. Except for my suspender belt I was naked and with my legs apart I
knew my master had said everything so I took that off.? The boy stood up and taking his hand I put it
on my left nipple then the right saying ?These are my nipples? then putting his
hands on my breasts said, ?These are breasts but they are also called tits?.
As I moved his hand down said, ?This is my
chest, my waist, my hips and stomach, and then lower this is my pubic hair?,
which by now had grown a little but still made my slit visible and putting his
hands between my legs said,? These two lumps are called labia?.? As I turned and said these are my buttocks I
remembered my Master had told me I was to show him everything and in the expose
position I took his hand and with my other hand I parted them and said, ? With
one hand part the two pieces of flesh you can see and give me your other hand?.
I took his fingers and placed them at the start of my vagina saying this is my
vagina also known as a cunt and it is where you put your penis or prick inside.
I eased two of them inside me as far as I could and said; ?Now you know what
the inside of a woman feels like?.? My
neck and face were red with shame as I said, ?There is one more part of a woman
you must play with and putting his fingers to my clit tube said this is what
you rub to get a woman excited. There is another orifice some men use and
moving his hand down ?Said this is my anus or arsehole and some men want to put
their pricks in it as well as my cunt?. When the Master said you might dress
now I had never felt so embarrassed in my life. I was almost in tears with the
fact I had to do and say all that in front of a little boy and it was worse to
me than anything a man could have done. Even when my master thanked me for
being so helpful in explaining a woman?s body to his nephew I couldn't stop the
tears running down my cheeks. As we undressed for bed my Master said don't put
on your nightdress, that show with my nephew really turned me on and I want you
now. He fucked me three times and although I climaxed every time he didn't
until the last one which lasted for ages and I was tired with trying to bring
him to his peak.
He returned early on the last Saturday of
the Month and told me he had been told that some girls from the club were being
prepared for sale and he had the address. It would be a long drive and to be at
the preparation by 1:0 we must leave right away. Carlos drove this time he was
good and fast so we arrived at the address in time to be welcomed with drinks
and taken to a room with a low platform just in front of our seats. To the left
of the platform was a small table with a box on top, to the rear a square frame
like the whipping frame in the big house and in the centre an unusual half
round metal frame.
A big man brought more drinks and sat
between us saying there would only be three girls today. Since girls were now
very scarce and those available were worth a lot of money most of the old club
members either kept their girls or sold them on to their friends. He was
obviously preparing my Master for a high bid and they both left to discuss a
price. On his return my Master said, If the girl called Nikki was the one I
wanted he would have to buy all three and he had agreed a price but to help
repay the cost a paying audience had been invited to watch them being
prepared?. With that the big man clapped his hands and three girls walked down
the side of us and stood on the platform. I couldn't believe what I saw, three
girls all in torn and ragged dresses, dirty with bedraggled hair surely these
were not the gorgeous girls I knew in the big house. I looked hard thinking one
could be Anna the other Tracy but the third was more familiar and thought this one
must be Nikki so I called out her name. When I heard her ask, ?Is that you
Carol? I knew it was. And with me agreeing all three were led away with Nikki
shouting, ?Please save me Carol?.
With that I heard much movement behind us
and looking around saw the rear filling with men who Juan said had paid to
watch the things that would be done to the three girls as they were prepared.
There was more shuffling and one of the girls was pushed to the platform right
in front of me and it was Nikki. Another man followed and as they stood either
side of her I could see the fear on her face. The big man whom I now knew to be
the manager stood in front of her and Juan translated. He is saying because
these girls have been sold no bidding will take place but as a special favour
these men have been invited to watch them being prepared for their new master.
They have been charged for the entertainment because the girls will strip show
themselves then walk and face the frame where each will receive five lashes.
There will be no arse expanding but instead each nipple will be pierced and
they will watch then receive the J.C. brand of their new Master being applied
in the usual place. I looked at Juan and said ?I know where this will be and I
didn't want to stay and see this done to her?, but he said, ?The manager would
be insulted if you left and it could spoil the purchase of them all?.
Nikki realised there was nothing I could
do for her and it was useless to resist so taking her dress off I saw she was
naked underneath. Raising her arms and opening her legs as we had all been
taught I could see from the cuts on her labia her pubic hair had recently been
cruelly shaved. She then turned and bent over with her legs wide apart and held
her buttocks apart to expose her partly opened labia and anus before walking to
face the frame. Juan said she does have a nice body but her breasts are not as
nice as yours then I heard her pleading not to be hurt as one man tied her
wrists to each corner of the frame while the other bent down and done the same
to her ankles. She was now spread in an X, the manager stood by her left side
with a whip in his hand. As he raised it and brought it down across her back I
heard the swish and her scream. Four more times he done this each time her
screams got louder then after the fifth her head fell forward and the screams
stopped and I saw how the weal's were evenly spaced from her armpits to her
buttocks. The Frame was turned around and I could see the whip had twice cut
into the side of her right breast the other three had cut into her waist and
stomach. One of the men went to the metal box and pushed a switch as the other
pulled her right nipple dragging her large and more flabby than I remembered
breast forward and out in a point. The pain from him pulling her nipples
revived her and she started screaming again as the man took from the box what
appeared to be a red hot piece of wire and pushed it through the extended
nipple, one horrible scream then silence. They went to the left breast and with
that nipple pulled right out the wire was pushed through that one also then
leaving her unconscious and hanging they and the audience left the room. Juan
told me they had gone for drinks and when she recovers she would be branded
with his initials just above her cunt lips so every one who fucks her will know
she belongs to me. I looked at Juan, how could you allow this you haven't done
it to me and I shivered with fright when he said, ?But I will when I allow
others to fuck you?. I thought he was a kind man but knew now he only wanted me
because I had a well-formed body and pleased him in bed but when he tired of me
I would join the others.
Chapter 27
I guessed what he intended, he was going
to start up a club like the one we had left and that was why he was buying
European girls while they were still available. When they heard Nikki crying in
pain the audience returned to the room and the two men untied her from the
frame then tying her hands behind her back took her to the half round metal
object and laid her on her back so she was arched over. Her hands were fixed to
the back and with her legs tied to each corner her labia was so spread open I
could see her inner lips and the line of her clitoris tube.. The man went to
his electric oven again and taking out a branding iron stood behind her
allowing me to see it placed on her flesh just over the top of her cunt lips. I
could see the smoke and hear the flesh sizzle as he held the brand there. Nikki
was in so much pain there was just one muffled scream and silence as she
fainted yet again.
The men behind came forward to study the
scorched flesh and tortured nipples before leaving for more drinks. I said, ?I
must go I can't bear to see this done again? and Carlos said ?It will be some
time before all three are ready to be signed for and I will make some excuse
for you but it is not safe for you to walk about so just make sure you stay in
the car until I return?. It was getting dark before he returned to drive us
home and after asking where the girls were he said, ?They would be delivered
early in the morning?
It was after midnight when we arrived and
saying he was tired from the drive didn?t want me tonight and sent me to my
room. I lay awake that night thinking how Nikki must have suffered, how long
would it be before it happened to me and I could not do anything about it
except try to please him. Carlos never knocked when he entered my room so it
was no exception when while it was still dark he entered telling me to get an
early breakfast for the Master because the girls were to be examined on their
arrival. I was in the kitchen washing up when Carlos told me to follow him. On
each side of the tunnel to the house were two doors opposite each other, one
kept locked the other led to the room where I had been living and where the new
girls would join me. It had 8 beds, with 4 open toilets and showers at the end,
table and chairs in the middle. He took me back to the tunnel and opened the
other locked door to a long room where down one side was a long padded bar just
waist high parallel with the wall. There were fixings in the floor in front and
behind it, also higher up the wall more fixings and on the opposite side a row
of comfortable seats and tables. Carlos said ?This is the pleasure room and
where our guests will be entertained. I designed it on our Masters instructions
and as you can see it is possible to fasten you women in any position necessary
for the purpose required. You can be bent over the bar forward or backward for
beatings or fucking front or back, it can be raised to stretch your bodies
tight and painful or with the wall fixings tied upright for whippings?. He
could see the shocked look on my face and said he thought I knew why girls were
being brought here now there was no club for the Master to visit. He also asked
me if I had been given the iron, and seeing the puzzled look on my face, told
me to take off my knickers and let him see between my legs. I was shocked by
this order but knowing I had to obey him removed my skirt and panties. Telling
me to open my legs and lean back I guessed he wanted to see if I had been
branded like the girls yesterday.
At that moment the Master entered and
seeing me naked from the waist down said to Carlos, you can look and feel but
no you can't penetrate her yet. The three girls I have bought have arrived so
go and get them. The Master and I went to the room with the beds and in a
little while Carlos returned with the three girls. Washed and with tidy hair,
clean blouses and skirts they looked attractive again. They were in obvious
pain and Nikki could only stumble a greeting asking me why I had allowed her to
be whipped and branded. I could see this annoyed the Master; so I said it was
far better she was here than in a brothel and to be grateful to her new master.
He smiled at this and nodded to Carlos who ordered all three to strip and lay
face down on the beds. We listened to their cries of agony as their weight
pressed on their pierced nipples and watched as Carlos touched the weals on
their backs and run his hands all over their bodies before telling them to turn
over. Every movement caused them agony and there were cries of pain from each
as they turned to lay face up.
The screams were piercing when Carlos
examined each girl?s nipples and the weal?s on their breasts before running his
fingers over the brand mark. I was glad when it was over and as they lay crying
and sobbing Carlos said he was satisfied they would all be ready for service in
a few days. When asked if he would like the rings put in before the nipples
healed over the Master thought for a moment before saying let them rest a
while, we will do it this afternoon then they will have until tomorrow to
recover. I prepared lunch and after serving the Master and eating with Carlos
took food to the girls. I had been right, in addition to Nikki; the other two
were Anna and Tracy. While they were eating Nikki told me they had been held
for weeks in that house, fed but not raped or harmed until yesterdays torment.
Asking why they were here I said I asked the Master to buy her to save her from
a brothel but he had to buy all three. Nikki was to cook because she was good
at it, with Anna and Tracy as housemaids doing anything necessary. I looked at
Anna and said I remember you when we were sold together, I thought you had gone
to a brothel. She said ?No, I was sold to a man who only wanted me for a few
weeks for his son to learn about women. It awful I had to let a boy do dreadful
things like putting things inside my fanny and arse as if I was a toy. When I
had taught the boy how to fuck me I was sent to the house where your master
bought me?.
looked at Tracy and asked what had happened to her. She said ?I stayed with my
Master until he tired of me and replaced me with another?. Since the master had
told me what to say I was able to tell them they would all have to serve just
like in the club, get fucked and provide various sexual acts when required.
They would be spared the humiliation of the weekly medical since the guest
would be known and would have to wear condoms, shaving would be on the orders
of the Master, but there will be times when they would have to suffer pain as
part of the entertainment. All of you must agree it would be better than
getting fucked many times a day in a brothel. For the time being I am mistress
of the house and will be expected to administer your punishment if you disobey
any orders from Carlos the Master or myself. I am not available to any man
other than the Master, but no doubt in time he will change me for another, have
me branded, then any man can do what he wants with me just like you three. I
cleared the plates and food leaving them to their pain.
?Later when Carlos said I was to go with him
and help put the rings in, I said I did not want to hear them screaming in pain
and will not go. He said since you have disobeyed my order I will hear you
scream in pain then you will come with me and listen to them cry out. He
grasped my hair and pulled me crying down the tunnel to the room with the bar
then told me to strip. When I was naked he pushed me over the bar and with my
legs kicking he sat on my back while he spread my arms and clamped the rear
floor fixings over my wrists. He pulled one leg over and clamped it then the
other leaving me wide open between my legs. Next he went to the end of the bar
and turning a handle raised my body until I cried out as my arms and legs were
stretched as if on a rack and my breasts pulled tight flattening them painfully
into the bar. It was the most painful position I had ever been in and crying I
begged him to slacken off but he only turned the handle a little more. Between
my cries for mercy shouting and pleading it was some minutes before he said
?Now you know how others would feel when they are in that position. That is
called the back stretch imagine how it would fell if you were on your back,
that will be called the front stretch. Next time you disobey me you will know
but for now let me see and feel what gives our Master such pleasure. I can't
put my cock in you but I can do this and with that he parted my cunt lips and I
felt his fingers circling my vulva before they went inside me and rubbed my
clitoris until I felt my juices running through my sparse pubic hair.? My you
are a hot one no wonder our Master keeps you but now it is time for pain not
pleasure? I heard him walk away and as he returned I heard a swish and felt the
thud on my buttocks. The pain exploded in my stomach and spread all over my
body but before I started to scream the second fell and my screams must have
been heard all over the house as three more were given to me. I would have
twisted out of shape if I had not been so securely fastened.
Scream all you will he said as he gave me
a final slap with is hand on my stinging buttocks, the only people who can hear
are those in the quarters and that is done to put the fear in them. As he
lowered the bar I sagged with it and still crying he undone the fastenings and
told me to get dressed. I had just finished my periods and my buttocks were so
swollen I couldn?t get my panties on. As I finished dressing without them I
asked Carlos why he did that to me I thought you and the Master were nice men.
His only reply was ?Come with me and fit the rings on the new girls or you will
be given another session. Next time you disobey me your back will be on the bar
and your front will receive the whip not the cane?.
I followed him across the tunnel to the
quarters and the three girls where from his pockets he took a bag and emptied
the rings on the table telling me to pick up two and fit them to Nikki. They
were like key rings except when one end was pushed into the hole of the other
end it would lock in place and the ring would have to be cut off to open. I
bent over Nikki and as the skin stretched on my beaten buttocks I cried out, Nikki
said was that you screaming just now, and as I said? Yes I have just been
caned? Carlos shouted get on with it or you both will be back stretched.
Nikkei?s breasts were large but after weeks of poor diet they were flabby and
hung to her armpits so it was difficult to hold them with one hand while I
gently tried to put the ring through the red and blackened nipple. I could see
the pain in her eyes and she was screaming, as I closed it up. Nikki knew it
had to be done so she tried to smile as I put the other ring in and closed it.
She laid sobbing and biting her lips as I was called over to put the second
ring in Tracy's nipple just as Carlos was closing the first. Carlos just stood
and smiled as he watched all three twisting about on their beds, holding their
breasts hoping it would ease the pain. When he seemed satisfied they would be
suffering for quite a while he told me to go, and locking the door behind us we
went to the kitchen where he told me to raise my skirt, bend over for him to
see my black and blue buttocks.
Carlos was away with the Master for the
following week, so I was able to look after all three girls and by mid morning
on the Monday when The Master returned they had healed very well and put on
weight. I was serving his lunch when he asked if they were ready for him to see
and if so I was to bring them after I had cleared the dishes. I told him they
had no nice clothes to wear but he only said I wish to see them naked. I took
them to him saying you all know how to stand when a Master wishes to inspect
you, so they undressed and stood in line with their arms raised and legs apart.
He walked around each of them and pulled the nipple rings then examined the
brand mark. When he was satisfied they were in good shape he gave us all two
sheets of paper and told us to write the expected start and finish dates of our
periods on one, what clothes we wanted and our sizes on the other, then Carlos
would get them. He told each one what their duties would be and asked if any of
us would have periods the following Saturday. I had just had mine and the
others, because of the poor diets were not expecting them. Juan said he was
pleased, he expected a gourmet meal the following Saturday when he would be
having 10 guests for dinner. Nikki was to tell Carlos what she wanted and it
would be collected in time. A doctor would call during the week to examine the
girls in detail but he would just look me over. I returned the girls to their
room and gave Carlos the list of clothing needs and the sheet with our expected
period dates. The following evening Carlos returned with the clothes then he
and the Master went away.
The doctor called and each girl was
thoroughly examined inside and out, he told me to take off my knickers and bend
over, as he only wanted to put a swab in my vagina and anus. Returning Friday
night Carlos gave me the food to take to Nikki for the following day's meal and
that Juan didn't want me that night. I was disappointed; it had been so long
now since he wanted me in his bed. On Saturday evening the guests arrived, I
was surprised to see five couples I had expected men only and Nikki excelled
herself, the meal was excellent. Anna and Tracy had served it while Carlos and
I ate together in his room. When the table had been cleared I served the brandy
and cigars then checked everything was washed and put away and the girls were
in their room Then Carlos told me to collect the girls and make sure we all
passed water before going to the pleasure room.
The guests were sitting in the chairs, the
master in the centre. A little table in front of each pair held wine and
brandy, they were all talking and laughing but it went quiet as we four girls
came in followed by Carlos. He told me to stand by the door and for the girls
to face the guests their backs to the bar. These ladies and gentleman, he was
speaking in English so we would understand the instructions to follow, are the
three girls Juan told you about, and pointing to me said, that is the other
one. The three before you are not yet in prime condition, they have only been
out of Pedro's hands for a little while and you all know what that means. They
were laughing as he continued, Ladies I know you were not welcome at the club
so for tonight you will be able to view some of the European girls that were
available to your men at the old club and what the girls had to do for them.
This will also give me the opportunity to try my newly designed bar which will
allow them to expose their most intimate parts for your inspection and unless
you are doctors even you ladies will not have seen what these girls will show
We all knew what was in store for us as he
said, ?This is Anna, she is German, next to her Tracy is American. This one
Nikki is English and a friend of that one by the door, which is Carol who is
also English. Now girls you will start by showing the ladies your naked bodies
so they can see what your men have been enjoying at the club. Anna will be
first to take her clothes off and you can compare the shape of a German body
with those of the American and English girls?.?
After stripping and standing naked in front of the viewing women Anna
stood with her one arm over her breasts the other covering her pubes. ?Ladies
you embarrass her, she knows you are making critical comments about her figure
let us see if the American is as shy. So our guests can compare you with Anna
Tracy show us a naked American body?. Tracy stripped then stood with her arms
close to her side pressing her breasts in with her hands over her pubic hair.
Here ladies she is not so embarrassed she is pushing her breasts out for you to
admire. Girls we still can't see all of you so put your arms in the air and
open your legs don't feel ashamed, we are going to see a lot more of you yet?.
I could see both their faces and necks
turn red as they done as ordered. Carlos said, ?Now it's your turn Nikki,
undress stand like the others and show us an English body?. With all three
standing fully exposed as instructed Carlos stood by the side of each and
putting his finger on their brand mark said, ?You can see their pubic hair has
only just started to grow and can imagine the fun Pedro and his men had shaving
it off?. ?When she stands naked waiting for a mans inspection her the brand
tells him her body is available to any man who wants her and she must obey his
every command and satisfy him or she will be very painfully punished?. Then
pulling their nipple rings to lift their breasts up and out each of them bit
her lips as he done so. He could see this hurt them and said, ? I have always
found a little pain before intercourse gets a woman?s juices flowing but not as
much as the next presentation?. With that he told them to lie back over the bar
and fastened their wrists to the rear floor fixings their legs to the front
ones. With their legs pulled wide apart their cunt lips parted the pink flesh
inside was exposed together with the brown dot of their arseholes. He turned
the handle to lift and arch their backs even more and continued until they were
all crying for him to stop, but just as he did to me, gave one more turn to
leave them in exquisite agony.
They continued crying for release as he
asked if any one would like to look closer and touch. One woman stood up and
went to Anna saying if I can find your clitoris I will see if you can get an
orgasm quicker than me, and pointing to Tracy said, come on Vetal do it to this
one and we will see which comes first. One of the men went over to Nikki and
said I will bet both of you I can stimulate this woman quicker than either of
you. I watched as the women and the man put their fingers inside each girl and
I could see the girls were trying to squirm as their inner flesh was parted and
fingers excited their clitoris but they were held too tight and had to endure
it. With the girls being in pain it took ages before the man was first to say I
have got mine wet come and feel. Nikki cried out as both the women put their
fingers into her cunt at the same time and said to the man yes you win.
One of the women walked away but the one
called Vetal pushed more fingers inside Tracy and continued finger fucking her
until even in the pain of her stretched body she started to clench her buttocks
and move her stomach. The woman called out look at this she is having an orgasm
and continued the fingering until Tracy finally cried out and climaxed. The
woman withdrew her fingers and said to the man, ?That?s the trouble with you
men you finish with a woman too soon?, those that understood laughed at this.
Carlos asked if anyone else would like to bring the other girl to a climax.
Another man stood up and said, ? I will show you I can get any woman to climax
as well as her and went to Anna?. He played with her stretched and taught
breasts at the same time as his other fingers played with her vagina and clitoris
until she too cried out and climaxed. Juan then stood up and said, ?Now I would
like you all to see my new girl? and called me to the middle of the room.
?This is Carol she has what I consider the
perfect woman?s body so show them what I mean?. I stripped slowly and when
completely naked, shoes and all I stood with my arms in the air and parted my
legs. Juan then said, ?You were told she was in prime condition and in time the
other three will be at their best then you must all come again to compare them.
But for now admire Carols face and hair, the sweep of her shoulders and perfect
global breasts, large pink nipples set in light brown aureoles. Look at the
flow of her hips and gentle rounded stomach going down to that perfectly formed
split covered with just enough light down to leave it visible. Look at those
thighs just narrow enough to show the finish of that wonderful entry to her
body, the long tapering limbs that wrap themselves around you when you are
inside her together with the perfect rounding of her arse?.
? Now Carol layback on the bar and open
yourself to let them all see that deep channel that gives me so much
pleasure?.? I sat on the bar and lay back
as Carlos fastened my wide-open legs to the floor fixings so I would not slip
forward, then biting my lip I pulled my inner lips apart with both hands until
I knew my vagina was fully exposed. Juan then said ?As you can see she is not
branded, she is for my use only but just for tonight I will allow any of you to
feel inside her vagina to see how passionate a woman she is even without
clitoral stimulation?. ?I am sure that after only three of you have touched her
love channel her juices will be running?. I had to bite my lips and with tears
running from my eyes turn my head away as each guest, women as well as men
rubbed the walls of my vagina but not my clitoris. He was quite right after
four of them had done it I had my first orgasm and my juices started to flow. I
had continuing orgasms as each of them stroked around the inside of my love
lips and touched my vagina walls. With the last woman touching my clitoris,
both of my hands, the channel to my arsehole, and the bar was soaking wet but I
had still not climaxed. I was left frustrated and gasping for relief but the
girls had been left in that painful position for so long now they were all
crying and begging Carlos to release them, so he lowered the bar and unfastened
their arms while he joined the guests.
With our ankles still fastened to the
floor the girls were slow to recover but able to sit on the bar like me. Then
with us all sitting up, the laughing and talking stopped as Carlos walked over
to Anna and taking hold of her arms put a strap around her wrists. He secured
it through the high wall fixing then pulled it tight so her body was taught and
with her feet locked to the floor was angled backward. He done this to each of
us so we were still wide open between our legs but our breasts was now thrust
forward and up. The woman named Vetal called across,? Elva, ask Juan if what
you said to me is true?. ?Juan is it true that at the club you men would whip
the girls because most of them became sexually aroused and you liked to hear
them scream?. Juan hesitated before he said ?Yes but why do you ask?. Elva
replied? pointing to Anna, lost me the bet and I would like to punish her by
whipping her and hearing her scream?. Juan hesitated again before he said,
?They are not very fit yet and I don't want her damaged but I will let you give
her five cuts of the cane on her lower arse and the top of her thighs?. I
listened as Anna pleaded to be left alone, how sorry she was she had not got
wet and would try harder if the woman had another go, but Juan told Carlos to
prepare Anna and get the very thin cane.
Anna was pleading all the time Carlos was
unfastening her and turning her around still in the upright position, not bent
over as I had been, because we others were still fastened with the bar behind
us. Carlos left to get the cane and I looked to see that in that position
Anna's arse and thighs were well pushed out, and stretched as she was, I knew
from my own experience the cane was going to hurt her and the woman was going
to hear her scream. Carlos gave the cane to Elva and standing at Anna's side
she run the cane up down Anna's back then between her legs watching Anna
twitching her body as if she was being tickled. I looked at the guests and saw
the excitement on their faces, two of the men red in the face with
anticipation. I looked at Anna just as the woman brought the cane upward to hit
Anna in the crease of her thighs and buttocks. The scream echoed all over the
room, then the woman put the cane between Anna's legs and slid it back and
fore. I knew it was being put through Anna's cunt lips as the woman said
?Perhaps this will get you excited? , then hit Anna again across the bottom of
her buttocks just above the previous one. Another scream followed as the third
cut fell again in the crease. Anna was screaming continually as the woman once
again run the cane between her legs. The forth cut was placed just above the
second and the fifth again went up between Ann?s legs, there was silence, Anna
had fainted. Elva gave the cane to Carlos and returning to her seat said, ?That
was better than winning the bet?.
The guests started to leave, passing us
they could not resist once more putting their fingers inside us, fondling our
stretched up thrust breasts and playing with my nipples until they enlarged and
then the nipple rings on Nikki and Tracy. When they had gone Carlos walked to
Anna unstrapped her, letting her fall to the floor, then dragged her on her
back and placed her in front of us parting her legs. Pointing to her labia, now
turning a dark purple, he said ?That is a shame I fancied fucking her tonight
so which of you other two shall I have?. He went to Nikki and fondling her
still flabby breasts said these need more filling yet, then went to Tracy
saying, ?I suppose you will have to do? He released we three telling Nikki and
me to take Anna back and for Tracy to go with him. Back in our room Nikki and I
tended Anna's bruising, both knowing what it was like to be caned on the
buttocks and have our cunt lips beaten. Tracy returned very early in the
morning and said although she found it difficult to take the positions Carlos
wanted her in after he had stretched her on the bar he was a good lover and
made her climax for the three times he fucked her. In spite of the pain the
girls were in they were expected to fulfil their tasks the following day.
was early evening when the Master called us to the study and said one of the
women had just phoned to say how much she had enjoyed humiliating you girls and
telling her friends they all wanted to share the experience. I have no
intention letting men use you until I am satisfied you are in prime condition
so I agreed. I will be going to Europe for a couple of weeks to arrange the
purchase of some more girls. Carlos will drive me to the airport but will
return soon to arrange a suitable time for your show. While I am away he will
arrange a diet with Nikki and see you do physical exercises every day then on
my return I want to see you all with firm breasts and slim agile bodies. We
were excused and went to our room when later Carlos came in and said, ? Anna I
wanted you last night but since I will be away for a while tonight will do,
come and amuse me?. It was early in the morning when Anna returned and told us
everything he wanted her to do was painful especially so when he entered her.
We were on our own until Carlos returned midweek and the following morning
after we had breakfast he took us to the gym. He had us all strip and after
looking closely at each of us said, ?There is much to do to make your figures
worthy of your master. You are to come here each day and all our exercises
would be done in the nude?. We had to skip, and run around the gym kicking our
legs higher and faster every day, use weights, which increased daily,
press-ups, until we collapsed. With the diet and exercises we were very fit by
the middle of the second week. None of our breasts now bounced when we
exercised, Nikkei?s and Tracy?s were full and very firm, Anna's hadn't changed
much but I thought mine had shrunk a little and for some reason the nipples on
each of us had enlarged and stood firm All our thigh waists and hips had
slimmed down and we all had enviable bodies.
Chapter 33
Next day after we had stripped Carlos
inspected us and said he was pleased with our progress we now looked like the
women our Master wanted and we were ready for the women guests who would arrive
that evening. After opening our labia and studying the length of our inner
flesh and clitoris tube he looked and felt our pubic hair which had now grown,
saying he wanted all of us to trim and pluck it so our flesh split was clearly
visible. The hairdresser will arrive for lunch and after the meal they would
inspect us. The ladies would arrive at 7:00, he would receive them with drinks
and we were to be fully dressed with good make up in the bar room by 7:30. We
were to stand in a line and curtsey to the ladies as they entered. After lunch
the two men retired to the lounge while we cleared away and washed up. When we
were ready we went to the lounge and standing in a line in front of Carlos and
the hairdresser we all put our hands under our dress slid our knickers down to
our ankles stepped out of them lifted our skirts to our waist and held it there
as we opened our legs. I could see the hairdresser had not expected young and
beautiful women to expose themselves to him in this way and his face went red
as Carlos asked if he would feel if each of us needed to have him shave us
cleaner. He shyly felt each of our pubes making no attempt to put his fingers
into us and answered, ?No they are all very smooth?. Then we all went to our
room and the hairdresser done our hair ready for the evening show.
After he had left Anna was so afraid with
her treatment from that woman that as we sat waiting for our next ordeal to
start she was in and out of the toilet. We were all nervous and afraid knowing
the women would hurt us and knew pain can do these things so just before we
went, I said, ?We had better all use the toilet, it would be awful if we wet
ourselves in front of those women?. At 7:30 we stood in a line in front of that
awful bar waiting for the women to arrive Nikki first, Tracy, myself with Anna
to my left. Carlos had told us to wear blouses and skirts and stand between
every other set of floor fixings so we were well spaced apart. The women
entered and as they passed us to take their seats we all curtsied and I
recognised the two English speaking ones from the other evening, Vetal and
Elva. The women put their chairs in a semicircle with Carlos seated in front of
could not understand what they were all saying but Vetal and Elva seemed to be
the organisers and they were obviously talking about what the group wanted to
do to us. Carlos stood up and pointing to Nikki said come and stand here. Nikki
stood in the middle of the semicircle while the women looked at her. Vetal said
to Nikki ?You were the one with flabby breasts last time take off your shoes
first then your blouse and let us see them?. With her blouse off Nikki stood in
her bra then Vetal shouted ?And the bra you stupid bitch?. There was much
talking as the women looked at Nikkei?s breasts, and Vetal said, ?My they have
improved? and saying something to the group they all laughed. ?Now the rest,
show the front then the back?, was the next order, Nikki stripped then stood
naked for a while before turning. I could see her face was flushed as she faced
us. Vetal 's next order was for Nikki to kneel before two of the women, one of
which put a thin rubber brassiere on Nikkei?s breasts and as she fastened it I
could see a tube with a bulb at the end hanging from the back. As the two women
walked Nikki back to her place I saw Nikkei?s nipples poking through a hole in
the front. Carlos then fastened Nikkei?s ankles to the floor. Tracy was next to
strip and display herself before the group then two other women put the same
sort of bra on her. When it was my turn Elva and Vital fastened mine, another
two women fixed Anna?s. When we were all fastened to our floor fixings each
pair of women stood in front of us one of them bringing the tube to the front
started to press the bulb.
?Elva looked me in the eyes as she pressed mine
and very slowly I felt my breasts being squeezed in and the nipples being
forced through the hole. The pain was very slow to grow but the more my nipples
were pushed out the more intense it became. I heard Nikki start screaming
followed by Anna then it was my turn. We were all screaming in agony by now but
as more of my breasts were squeezed through the hole I was throwing my arms and
body so much I fell on the floor. They stopped squeezing the tube and writhing
in agony on the floor I saw the other girls doing the same.
We were left in agony as the women watched
us suffering and screaming before Vital pulled me up by my hair and released
the vacuum in the punishment bra. Our feet were released and we were told to
dress, making sure we put our own brassieres back on our hurting breasts before
returning to our places. Anna was the last to dress and as she returned to her
place both Vetal and Elva talked to Carlos before coming over to stand in front
of me. Elva said so you are Juan's current favourite, the girl that gets wet
quick, you must have a sensitive clit so let me see how quick I can get you
wet. Carlos then told the girls to stand to one side and for me to strip yet
again and put my bare feet by the floor fixings. He fastened my ankles and told
me to lay back then fixed my wrists to the back floor fittings. He walked to
the end and turned his handle until I thought my back would break. The pain was
intense but being fit after the exercises and suppler I was determined not to
cry out. Carlos positioned the straps on my arms and legs so when I was fully
raised my mound was quite high in the air and my cunt pointed upward for easy
Vetal stood at my side and said,?You do
have a high visible clit? and cruelly pinched both my labia, her nails cutting
in as she pulled them so wide apart I thought she would rip them off and as
determined as I was not to I cried out. Elva then gripped the top flesh of my
vulva and pulled it back toward my stomach with one hand until my clitoris tube
was fully exposed then with the other hand she rubbed and pinched it between
her fingers until it left it's hood and stood out like a mans penis. I was in
so much pain I didn't hear her calling all the others over to watch as she kept
pinching the head with her nails. I couldn't stand it any longer and fainted.
don?t know how long it was before I opened my eyes and seeing the women
standing over me I heard one of them say, ?So you are back with us for some
more, you didn't get wet that time did you so lets try again? . Again Vetal
pinched and pulled my labia apart while once more Elva pulled the skin of my
vulva back and pinched my exposed clit. I fainted yet again but quicker this
time. I came around when I felt something inside me, Elva had inserted an
enormous dildo into me spreading my vagina so wide and with it so deep inside
moving it in and out it felt as if I was being fucked by a horse. It kept
hitting my cervix making me cry out, afraid it was damaging me and all the time
Vetal was pulling my nipples so hard I thought they would come off. Between my
screams I heard Elva say, ?I don't know what Juan can see in her she hasn't
come or climaxed yet ?and I fainted again.
When I opened my eyes I was laying on a
bed and it felt funny between my legs, sitting up Nikki was by my side and
said, ?You poor thing you are a mess down there. Those horrible women pinched
holes through your labia and damaged your clit so much I don't think you will
ever have sensations from it, you have been circumcised and I had to put a pad
there to stop the blood?. ?They hurt you so much I don't know why Carlos didn't
stop them, whatever will Juan say or do to you?. This frightened me and I
dreaded Juan's return but then thanked Nikki for looking after me and asked what
happened to them and were they all right. ?It wasn't too bad, they humiliated
us more then hurt us, and make us queue up and undress one at a time in front
of them then having them prod poke and pinch our bodies?. ?Then we had to kneel
with our backs to them and our legs apart as they put their fingers and other
things inside us not knowing what they were saying as they laughed about it?.
?They had us run around the room some caning our bottoms the others used the
little whip on our breasts and between our legs as we passed them but it wasn't
as bad as the things they done to you?.
It was the following week before Carlos
went to collect Juan from the Airport and arriving late at night I was very
frightened when Juan told me to go to his bedroom and prepare myself because
all day he had been looking forward to enjoying my body. He tried hard to get
me to respond like I had done before, but as much as I tried I could not get
orgasms or keep him interested. He was very patient with me for another week
before he asked what was wrong with me. When I told him and showed him what
those women had done to me he said, ?That was what I feared most, you are not
the girl you were and are no further use to me, I am going to sell you?. I
begged and pleaded saying I would do anything he wanted but please don't sell
me to a brothel.
His only reply was, I only wanted you
because you were good in bed now you do not please me I have no further use for
you and the money I get for you will buy me another girl who will respond
better. He called Carlos who took me to the basement locking me in a little
room with just a bucket for my toilet. The next time he brought me food he
said, ? I have waited a long time for this now I can fuck you as often as I
wish?. He told me to undress and show him what had been done to me but even so
I had to open my legs for him every day before I was allowed to eat. Every
other day he came in the evening and took his time fucking me hoping I would
respond but I had no feeling and each time he finished with me he would say I
wish I had fucked you before those women spoilt your cunt.
When Carlos came and tied my hands then
took me to the car where Juan sat waiting I knew my time had come and I was
being taken to be prepared before being sold to a brothel. Neither spoke to me
on the journey to the house where we had seen the girls prepared. Knowing that
the same was going to happen to me I wet myself. The manager and the same two
men who had prepared the other girls were sitting as we entered a room. The
manager spoke in English so I would understand what was in store for me said to
Juan so this is the English girl you want to sell, she looks too good for a
brothel what's wrong with her. I burst into tears as Juan said; ?She is useless
in bed look for yourself?. The men pulled my skirt off tore my knickers and
lifted me on the table one man lifted my legs and the other pulled them wide
open. Juan pulled my cunt lips apart and said ?Look at this?. They saw the
damage and the manager said,? Where she is going no one will care, they only
want a woman for the holes she has and she has three?. ?Please Juan don't do
this to me please?, but he ignored me as the manager said,? I know just the man
who will buy her too and I will credit your account?. Juan thanked him and
leaving with Carlos left me to my new but short life in a brothel. I was told
to remove the rest of my clothes and walk to the frame where they tied my arms
and legs to each corner as they had done to the other girls. I knew what would
follow as one man pinched my left nipple and pulled my breast as far forward as
possible while the other came toward me with the red hot wire and pushed it
through me grossly extended nipple. I screamed and fainted. When I regained
consciousness I was alone and secured to the half round frame with my legs wide
apart. Sobbing from the pain I knew they had pierced the other nipple while I
was unconscious.
On their return a large tapered object was
inserted into my anus but I was in so much pain from my breasts I didn?t feel
the pain of it going in. They went away and left me suffering for the rest of
the day. It was night before they returned and when I saw the man take his
branding iron from the furnace knowing what they would do next begged then not
too. Of course they didn't care and the brand was held over my cunt lips so I
would feel the heat in this most sensitive part of my body. This made me scream
before it was put on my flesh just above the start of my clitoris tube. One
more scream came from my sore throat as it burnt my flesh and I fainted again.
When my eyes opened it was light and I was lying on the floor of a van. I had a
dress on but my hands and feet were tied. We stopped and I was dragged into a
shed, my tied wrists, although behind me were hooked over a bracket making me
lean forward thrusting my breasts out. Another women opposite me tied in the
same way didn't understand when I asked who she was. I hung there for ages
before the manager and another man came in to stand in front of the other woman.
They looked at her for some time then the manager lifted her dress over her
face and they continued talking and prodding her naked body. Her dress was
allowed to fall and still talking they walked over to me and knowing I was as
naked as the other woman underneath as my dress was pulled over my head I
accepted my body being poked and prodded and the brand mark being rubbed but I
had to cry out as discs were threaded through the hole in my nipples. The
manager unhooked me and they both dragged me to another van for a short journey
to yet another house. The manager took me up some stairs to room with six
mattresses on the floor, three of them had women on them and as soon as we
entered they jumped up and stood to attention. The manager turned and left as I
looked in amazement to see they were Rita, Joan, and Karen.
They hugged and kissed me as if we were
long lost friends, but my joy was short lived as they said how awful it was
here, much worse than at the club. They were starting to tell me when the door
opened and as two men came in the three girls rushed to their places stood to
attention, and I copied them. One man looked at Joan then stood before Rita who
was next to me, the other stood in front of Karen who was opposite and to my
right. Both girls took off their dresses and panties turned their backs to the
men, bent over and parted their labia. I heard the men unzip their trousers and
watched as clasping the hanging breasts they entered both girls from the rear.
When they finished the girls turned and knelt before him taking his prick in
her mouth sucked it clean. When each of them stood up the men pulled the
plastics disks hanging from her nipples and laughed as they both screamed in
pain. When the men had gone Karen said, ?Whenever a man enters we stand to
attention and if he stops in front of us we strip and wait for instructions. We
are usually told to lie on our backs but those two men bring our food and they
always fuck our arses so whomever they choose bends over straight away then suck
them clean when they finish?. ?Look what happens to us all? and with that she
showed me the whip scars on her back and breasts. ? At the club they never left
permanent marks but here they don't care, we will soon be sent to the line
downstairs and the men there only want a cheap cunt or arse to screw?.? The last girls were only here a few days so
it won't be long before we are sent downstairs?. ? Being fucked is only part of
what you can expect? Joan said, ?We are tortured for the pleasure of a selected
few, look what they have done to me?. She took off her dress and I saw fresh
open cuts on her back together with round burn marks all over her breasts and
body. Her original brand mark had been altered with other fresh burns to change
the letters J.C. to O.O.! She said ?They done this to represent the two main
holes of a woman?s body?.
I looked at Rita who turned to show me the
whip scars on her back and front and said, ?We are all whipped on our first day
here and they do it slow so you won't faint with the pain of each cut, it will
be your turn tomorrow? In the morning four men entered and we all stood to
attention and as they walked about looking at each of us we took off our
dresses and waited to be chosen. The man in front of me indicated I was to lie
down, so I did with my legs apart ready for him to enter me. He pushed in and
out for some time before I felt him come inside me. He got up indicating I was
to eat the food they had left on the floor. After they had finished with each
of us all four went out leaving us to finish what little food there was. It was
an hour or so before the door opened again and yet another man pointed to me
indicating I was to follow him and the girls looked at me in pity knowing what
I was about to suffer.
I knew I had to follow him down the stairs
to a room at the back of the house where he indicated I was to take my dress
off. He tied my wrists together putting them over a hook hanging from the
ceiling and hoisted me up with my feet well clear of the floor. Next he tied a
rope to each ankle pulling first my left leg to one side until it was nearly
horizontal with the floor before tying the rope to the wall, then doing the
same to the right leg I was lowered down. With my legs so wide apart and
hanging by my arms I was shaped like an inverted Tee. I was left hanging in
this painful position for some time before the room seemed to fill with men.
The room went quiet as the manager entered and stood in front of my naked and
fully exposed body. I knew now why I had been lowered to waist level when the
manager said to help pay back the money he had paid for me each man who wanted
too would pay money to fuck me before applying one cut of the whip anywhere he
wanted my body. With that he took off my disks saying they would get in the way
of cuts to my breasts. I had not been to the toilet for hours now and with the
fear of what was to come I urinated on the floor. The first man to pay flicked
my open cunt lips with the whip just hard enough for me to cry out, then
entered me before he brought it down across my back, the tip of it wrapping
around and cutting my breast. This was to be the first of many screams as each
man took his turn, some of them giving my clitoris a little flick before he
penetrated me and put the main cut on my back or front. It was like Rita said,
they were well spaced out so I wouldn?t faint with the pain.
lost count of how many men entered me how many had ejaculated inside me how
many cuts I received or how long I hung in my agony but I felt the warmth of
the blood as it run over the front and back of my body. After all the men left
I was left hanging until a man untied me and put the disks back through my
nipples. Having been hung so long with my legs wide apart I couldn?t walk so he
cruelly forced me to crawl back upstairs to the room where the girls cleaned my
bleeding wounds. Throughout the day various men came to the room choosing one
of the girls to fuck but I was left alone and that night Rita had her disks
removed and was taken away but she never returned. The following day two new
girls and a woman were brought in but not knowing the language we couldn?t talk
to them. Later Karen and Joan had their disks removed and were also taken away
but didn?t return either. Later the woman and one girl were taken to receive
their whippings but before they returned I was called out and my disks removed.
I was taken downstairs to a room with four divan beds against both
On seven of them lay a naked woman with
her hands tied to the head of the divan, thus allowing the man to put her in
any position he wanted front or back. Karen, Rita and Joan were three of them
then I was tied to the empty one in a similar fashion. A constant flow of men
came day and night to fuck us and we were only released to eat the food brought
to us on a tray and go to the toilet. I lost count of how many days we were
kept like this or how many men put their pricks in my mouth, cunt or arse, but
eventually I was untied, given a ragged dress and pushed through a passage into
a small room with a bed, bidet and basin. It must have been early evening when
laying on what served as a bed I heard loud shouting, then doors banging and
running feet. Minuets later my door opened and a man grabbed me by my hair
pulled me up and struck me on my front with a short but many stranded whip.
Some of them went on my chest and stomach but I had to scream out as the middle
ones fell on my breasts and nipples. He kicked my arse and I run down the
passage through a curtain of ribbons and on to a stage where there was a line
of women.
Some of them I thought I recognised from
the club, but they had changed so much I couldn?t be sure, Karen, Rita, and
Joan were in the line also. We stood there for a while then a dirty middle-aged
man walked in and stopping in front of each girl she removed her dress and
displayed for him. When he came to me I knew we were being compared so I turned
to show him my back then turned again with my legs apart expecting him to
finger my fanny. Looking at my naked although scarred but still shapely body I
could see from his face he couldn't believe his luck. I stayed naked as he went
to another who also displayed herself and stood naked. He continued down the
line, each woman exposing herself to him. He stood back and looked at the line
of naked women, then indicated that Karen, Rita, Joan and I should step
forward. He could see we were still the most desirable in the line of women and
took his time looking at us. He showed a lot of interest with the holes through
our nipples and with the brand burn just above our pubes by running his fingers
over them.
Returning to me and pointing to the
curtains I knew this was to be my first customer. I picked up my dress and put
it on before taking him to my little room knowing I was going to be fucked but
not how he was going to do it. He said something and indicated I was to take my
dress off which I did and waited. He seemed impatient with me shouting then
pointing to the bed and waving his arms from side to side. I understood this to
mean he wanted me to lay down with my legs apart. He took his trousers and
pants off and sitting on his knees between my open legs pulled my head until my
mouth was level with his prick. I had only done this a few times and tried to
remember how they liked it. Although I felt sick sucked and licked it all the
time his fingers played with my cunt. When at last my juices started to run I
was thankful as he lifted my buttocks to put a folded pillow under them knowing
he could now go inside me without his body rubbing on my whipped flesh as he
fucked me. He knelt between my legs and putting his penis between the folds of
my labia it slid easily into my vagina and grabbing my breasts he pumped in and
out until I felt his come inside me. He turned me over made me kneel then
forced his prick into my still tight arse but as hard as he tried he could not
get it in far enough to enter me fully so he gave up.
stood up and with me still facing down on the bed he took his belt from his
trousers and kept shouting at me as he lashed my buttocks. Screaming in pain I
must have made so much noise another man came in the room and they talked to
each other before he put on his trousers and they both left. As I lay suffering
from the beating I thought of Rita, Karen, and Joan together with all the women
from that club who had endured the rape pain and suffering for the past year
and survived only to end up in a brothel like this. I even wondered how much
these men were paying for shapely bodies like ours were at the moment and how
long would it be before we were pregnant or worse, infected and what would
happen when no man would pay for us but I was not called to stand on the stage
so I went to sleep. Next morning a man I had not seen before brought me
breakfast and in broken English said ?I was to eat, wash and in ten minutes to
go to the stage? Karen and Rita were already there as Joan and I arrived only
this time it was only we four who stood in a line just as we did yesterday
waiting for the first man to come and make his choice. The man who brought my
breakfast came through the curtains to stand in front of us before saying as
best he could that because we were still young and attractive we were being
taken away to provide unusual services.
tied our hands behind our backs and told us to follow him to a van where we had
to sit on the floor for what turned out to be a long journey. When the van
stopped and the door opened who should be facing us was Carlos and we were at
the home of my previous master. Still with our hands tied Carlos led us to the
room I had used before and standing to attention at the foot of their beds were
Nikki, Tracy and Anna dressed in jacket and trousers. There was a woman I had
not seen before wearing a dress standing in front of them and Carlos untied us
saying we were to pick a bed and undress. He stood in front of us and running
his hands over our bodies and between our legs said ? I can see you are all
quite accustomed to having men feel your breasts and fannies so you should
enjoy your new life here?. He pointed to the woman and said,
?This is Helena she is related to the Master and must be addressed as Mistress,
and it is she who will allocate you daily duties in the house and grounds?.
?Until now the Master has only been able to entertain once a week with these
three, but now with you four your Mistress will be able pick one of you branded
girls to entertain guests in the bar room each night of the week. Now shower
and put on the clothes you will find in your lockers, then this afternoon the
doctor will examine you?.
He and Helena left so all knowing each
other we hugged and laughed together as we showered and dressed in the same
type of jackets and trousers. Nikki was still the cook and we all helped to
bring food from the kitchen before sitting down to eat the best food we had had
for a long time but our joy was soon spoilt when Tracy told us what happened in
the evenings. ? Once a week one of us will have to go to the bar room where we
are whipped caned and quite often expected to masturbate in front of the
guests?. ? The women guests like to watch us have orgasms by pushing dildo's
inside or apply the punishment bra's, and Carol knows what that is like?.
?Another thing we must do whenever any man enters the room is stand to attention
at the foot of our beds and If he stops in front of us we must open our jacket
to expose our breasts and if he feels them we must drop our trousers and step
out of them?. ? We have these clothes so we can easily take off the jacket to
show our breasts or drop the trousers to show our legs and what we had between
them?. ? If he puts his hand between our legs we know he is going to fuck us
and we lay on the end of the bed with our legs apart and open ourselves for his
entry?. I said, ?At least it would be only once a week except as you say if a
man comes in, that is better then the brothel. I lost count of how many men
went in me during my short stay there, the whipping or caning won't be any
worse than the ones we have received, I only hope the doctor won't find us
infected or pregnant when he examines us?. Tracy said ?You haven?t had it yet
but the most painful of all our suffering is being fucked front or back while
we are stretched on the bar face up or face down?. Carlos then entered with the
doctor so we remembered to stand to attention at the foot of our beds.
When Carlos stood in front of me I opened
my jacket and waited while he squeezed my breasts as he said ?I am glad you
listened to what you were told? before I dropped my trousers and stepped out of
them. I flinched as he put his hand between my legs and felt his fingers slip
inside me then move about until they touched my stump of a clitoris. He
continued to rub it gently then to my surprise I felt myself getting wet and
excited and he laughed as he said,? The next time I fuck you it will be better
than going in that dry cunt you had last time?. When he took his hand away I
lay with my legs open at the foot of the bed and holding myself open the doctor
started his examination. When he finished inside my vagina and anus he swabbed
them then took my blood pressure, felt my breasts and nipples, the scars on my
front back and stomach, looked in my ears and mouth, tested my reflexes and had
me jump up and down. He examined Karen Rita and Joan in the same way before
saying to Carlos ?It would be tomorrow before he had the test results?.
After they went Nikki told us Helga was a
cruel woman, just as bad as that woman Elva that hurt Carol. If we forget to
call her Mistress or take longer to do something than she thinks we should she
has us back stretched on the bar and canes our thighs and breasts with a
rubber-coated wire. She even put little chains through my nipple holes and hung
weights from them when I wasted some food. Before she finished talking Helga
returned to tell us our duties and there would not be any entertaining until
the doctors report. She watched all of us as we went about our tasks and it
wasn't until the evening of our forth day that the door opened and Helga with
another younger woman and a young man came in. With a man in the room we knew
what we must do and went to attention at the foot of our beds. The young woman
spoke English as she said to the young man ?I think you should remember to
thank Helga for arranging this chance with Juan to do what you want with any of
the woman in this room?.
He thanked her also in English as Helga
said to him ?it?s quite safe, the doctor has examined them and said they are
fit to be disciplined and free from infection so stand in front of that one at
the end and work your way down?. As he stood in front of Joan I could see the
look of amazement on his face as she undid her jacket and exposed her breasts.
Helga told him to feel and squeeze her breasts then as Joan dropped her
trousers and stepped out of them leaving her naked in front of him Helga told
Joan to open her legs much wider. Helga told the young man he was to put his
hand between them part the flesh then put fingers into her vagina and I heard
Joan cry out as he did so. As he took his hand away Joan laid back on the edge
of the bed and spread herself wide open. The young woman then walked over to
her and putting her hand into Joan's open labia said to the young man ?Now put
your fingers right inside move them about and I will watch you do it?. We could
hear Joan sobbing as he did so and Helga laughed as she said, ?Now go and do
the same to all the others then when they are all exposing their cunts choose
the one you like most?. He continued down the beds and when he stood in front of
me I removed my jacket so he could feel my breasts and just as I did with
Juan's Nephew shuddered at the thought of feeling a young mans fingers moving
about inside my vagina. When I dropped my trousers stepped out of them and
opened my legs I cried out and turned my head away in shame as I felt his
fingers part my labia and slid up into my vagina. Like the others I then lay
back on the bed and with my legs apart one of his hands opened my labia and the
fingers of the other circled my vagina before entering and sliding in and out a
few times. After he had rubbed the hood of my clitoris until it hurt he went to
Nikki who was the last and I heard her sobbing to herself as he fingered her.
He walked back to the two women who had watched the whole event, and all three
walked down the beds looking between the open legs of seven women. Helga's next
order was the worst for me as she said ?All of you pull yourselves wide open
until it hurts?. We were all gasping as we pulled our labia apart so wide it
hurt and we were kept like this as all three stopped in front of each of us to
feel the ridged walls of our vagina's. Lying, as we were Helga told the young
man to look at our breasts and choose the ones most upright.
He pointed to Anna and me since both of us
had round melon shapes they didn't have any side drop and they looked nearly
the same lying down as standing up. Helga told us both to stand up the others
to dress and the young woman to fetch Carlos. When Carlos arrived Helga told
him to take us both to the bar room and put us in a backstretch. I knew it was
no good pleading with him as my legs were pulled wide apart and fastened to the
floor fitting, so wide apart I could feel Anna's foot against mine as she was
fastened. Next he pushed us both over the bar before our arms were fastened.
Then the bar was raised, I could feel it pushing under my breasts and it kept
going, squeezing until it was difficult to breath. It was much worse than the
last time he done it to me as my back was stretched so much and it was so hard
to get my breath I couldn't scream for pity. At last it stopped and he put his
hands over my body to ensure it was stretched as tight as possible then went to
Anna as we both gasped for breath. It was a little while before I heard the footsteps
and Helga say five on each. I heard the swish and thud followed by a muffled
cry as the first one hit Anna, four more followed each one making Anna give the
same funny sound. More footsteps, a swish and the thud as it struck me in the
middle of my buttocks but with my body as tight as it was over the bar I could
do no more than make the same funny grunts and my eyes filled with tears as
four more fell. I could just about hear the words now the front stretch Carlos,
and the pressure on my body eased so I could start to breath properly.
I was released but could hardly stand as
Carlos turned me to yet again fasten my feet to the floor. He turned Anna
fastening her before pushing us both back over the bar making us both scream as
our backs were bent the other way. Our arms were fastened and the bar lifted
yet again making us scream in agony as it forced our shoulders nearly to the
floor and stretched our legs from ankle to thighs. We were left until the pain
eased and we stopped screaming but no notice was taken as we pleaded for
release. My head was so far back I couldn't see who was in front of us or what
was being done but I heard Anna cry out several times before I felt something
forcing its way into my anus making me cry out several times as it went in
deeper. I was left like this as I listened to flesh hitting flesh and Anna
pleading for it to stop. Helga's voice said ?Wasn't that nice; now let us have
a drink before you do it to the other one?
It was some time before the footsteps
returned and I heard Helga say play with her a while then it will get hard
again and I felt legs touching mine as the young man stood between them.
Leaning over me he used one hand to play with my breasts while the other went
inside my cunt and found what I had of a clitoris. Touching this and with the
thing in my arse I could feel myself getting wet and when he remarked on this,
Helga said ?Put it in then?. I felt him enter me and with the thing in my arse
his prick felt enormous in my vagina, as it seemed to go in and in and in.? I grunted as I had an orgasm and clenched my
vagina muscles as it came out, then in again. Each time it went in and out I
had another orgasm until I cried out and climaxed, but it didn't stop I had
climax after climax crying and sobbing with each one until at last I felt him
squirt inside me and withdraw. I heard Helga say ? She will love it with two
men inside her I must tell Juan she should be his speciality?.
The footsteps went away and Carlos took
the things out of our arse's then entered me and fucked me until he come inside
me but I was so worn out I didn't even have an orgasm. After he released the
bar we lay on the floor for some time before we were able to return to our
room. The two women and the young man were sitting at the table drinking as the
girls, now dressed again stood at the foot of their beds so Anna and I done the
same. We were kept standing to attention until Anna and I fell on the floor
from the pain in our bodies before Helga spoke again. ? You two get up and all
of you lay on your beds with your feet on the floor legs wide apart and finger
your fannies?. ?When you are good and wet call out please Sir I am so aroused I
need a man inside me.?. We undressed and lay exposed as ordered then stroking
and squeezing my clitoris until I felt the head slip out I put as many fingers
as possible as deep as I could into my vagina and after my previous fucking
hoped that I could make it feel like it was a man inside me and I could get my
juices running.
I looked up as someone at the other end of
the room called out ?Please Sir I need to be fucked? and saw the young man walk
toward Karen. He done no more then just pushed his prick fully into Karen?s
cunt when one called out?, I want you to enter me Sir? followed by another I am
so aroused please penetrate me Sir.? Still trying to arouse myself I watched
him walk to Rita put it in her then went to Joan and done the same. He stood
back from her and waited with his erect prick sticking out until Tracy, who was
next to me called out ?Please Sir I am ready for you?. At the same time Nikki
called it out so he went to Tracy and I saw him push it right up into her
before he went to Nikki on my other side and done it to her. I was still trying
to get wet as he stood in front of me but he pulled my hand away and pushed it
in as far as he could then went to Anna and done it to her. As he put his
clothes on and walked back to the two women. I heard one say to him, ?Now you
can tell your friends you have fucked seven women in one night? .
Helga would come to our room every evening
to select one of us for use in the bar room. One at a time we would strip for
her before she decided which of us would suit the costume of the night. It was
a week later before it was my turn. Standing naked before Helga she said she
was glad to see I had grown some pubic hair because it was to be an Arabian
Night, I was to be sold as a slave girl and act as if I was a shy virgin or
really suffer the consequences. I thought to myself there is nothing worse you
can do to me that has not already been done. My nipples have been pierced, I
have been raped whipped and branded what else could they do to make me suffer
but knowing them I didn't want to take the chance and made up my mind to obey.
I was to go to the house where she would apply a skin type substance to cover
my scars and brand to make me look untouched. When she finished there wasn't a
mark to be seen as she dressed me in silk bra and panties, a bolero, pantaloons
and soft shoes. My hair was done and braided with pearls together with a light
chain around my waist to which my wrists were fastened behind me. I really
looked the part as Carlos was called and in his Arabian costume he took me down
the tunnel to the bar room.
The room had been rearranged cushions were
now on the floor at the bottom end and at the other was a raised dais. The bar
had been taken away but the fixings were still on the floor and walls holding
three naked women none of whom I recognised. They were attractive in their late
twenties or early thirties with average figures and it was obvious they had
been crying and looked very frightened. They had good breasts and with their
legs spread and pubes shaved their labia was fully displayed. Carlos gently
pushed me to the dais as he said, ?You wouldn?t know what I am saying so
remember you are to act as a frightened and shy virgin. I want you to cry,
plead and try to cover yourself as I strip and expose your body to the buyer?.
He stood me in the centre and talked to the eight men also in costume who were
sitting on cushions on the floor. I saw a bundle of clothes at the side of the
dais and knew the women chained to the wall had been stripped and sold and now
it was to be my turn Carlos followed the outline of my body with his hands as
he turned me to the right and left then around.
I felt his hands on my buttocks before he
undone my wrists then the chain at my waist and having been subjected to every
humiliation a woman could suffer I tried to remember how I would act if this
was the first time it was happening to me as he turned me to face the men.
These men were now answering back to Carlos as he spoke so I tried to cry as he
walked behind me and felt his hands remove my bolero before undoing the clips
of my flimsy bra. As he took it off and dropped it on the other bundle of
clothes I put my hands over my bare breasts but he pulled them away and cupping
both of my breasts from underneath weighed them in his hands. The men were
talking louder now and as he undone my pantaloons I squeezed my legs together
to stop them falling. He then put his hand between my thighs and pushing them
apart they dropped to the floor leaving me with my hands over my breasts and
standing only in my silk panties. He lifted my legs out of the pantaloons and
threw them on the other clothes as I cried out please don't. I twisted about
trying to hide my front from the leering men by curling myself but he pulled me
upright his hands again passing over the curves of my body before stopping on
my pubic area.
He put the chain back on my waist and
fastened my hands behind me so I could no longer cover myself then pulled my
panties very slowly down until they were just showing my light covering of
pubic hair. I was screaming and twisting now as I clenched my legs together but
the men were obviously telling him they wanted to see everything. He lowered
them to show the start of my labia then put his leg between mine forcing them
apart and tearing the panties they fell to my ankles leaving me naked and
sobbing. As I stood there with my legs crossed and leaning forward he said I
had acted well so far but for the next part I was to show I was humiliated and
subservient. The talking went on between him and the men, then standing behind
me put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me to my knees at the same time put
his foot between them and pushed them wide open. I continued sobbing but did
not resist when he went to my side put his hand over my cunt and went on
stood up turned me still on my knees then opened my legs again pushed my head
to the floor so both of my holes were fully visible to the audience. I was left
like this for some minutes before he stood over me and leaning forward pulled
my cunt lips apart then putting a finger into my arsehole I screamed and kicked
my feet on the floor. The tears and sobbing were real now, as the talking
became shouting before he pulled me to my feet to once again face the men. He
said you done well acting as if it was your first time being naked and fully
exposed in front of men now we shall see how well you pretend you are a virgin.
He took me to the wall and continued saying you will not be whipped because
that will peal off your false skin and spoil the evening but Helga told Juan
you enjoy it when both your holes are filled. Neither of them speaks English so
you may have to sit over his member and lower onto it then you must lean
forward. While your buyer is taking your virginity he will expect you to be
dry. His friend will put his prick in your arse when your buyer is deep inside
you. When they both finish with you the buyer will expect to fuck you again
from the front but this time you must give him what he has paid for, is that
understood. I replied yes Sir as he placed me facing into the room then
fastened my arms high in the air just like the other women.
As a man with a stranded whip approached
the woman to my right I saw her part her legs then push her pubes and breasts
forward as if to say this is what you have bought why spoil it with the whip.
He ignored her and I watched her gritting her teeth as five lashes fell across
her breasts and stomach but she hadn't fainted as Carlos unfastened her and
saying something to her she crawled on the floor behind the man as he left the
room. The woman next to her received the same treatment and she also crawled
out of the room behind the man who had whipped her. The third woman was
screaming before the whip of a third man struck her and continued as all five
lashes covered her front and when being released before she crawling behind her
buyer. Two men walked toward me and Carlos told me to follow them as he
released me. We went through the tunnel to the house and up to one of the guest
rooms where I lay on the bed waiting for them to have a drink and talk before
taking their clothes off. Both of their pricks were small but one of them
indicated I was to finger myself and as I did it I saw them both become erect.
They didn?t do as Carlos had said, the man who had indicated to me clasped my
ankles pulled me to the edge of the bed and with my feet on the floor spread me
wide apart. He stood between my legs and as he slowly entered me I remembered
how it felt the first time Paulo took my virginity and pretended it was
happening again.
Of course it wasn't but I was so dry it
hurt as he went right in and crying out he must have thought I was a real
virgin. I wasn't looking forward to having the two men in me but these thoughts
took away the pain as he fucked me. He used me for quite a while but didn't
come so when he withdrew I remembered what Carlos had told me and beckoned the
other man over. The first man was still hard so it wasn't too difficult to sit
over him slide down on his member and lean forward. With my buttocks now raised
the second man started entering my anus then after several painful tries he had
it inside. With both men in me Helga was right, it felt so exciting I had an
orgasm as soon as he was right in and between them both moving about inside me
I lost all control gave them the best fuck of their lives.
enjoyed the feel of their throbbing pricks as they shot their hot come inside
me. We all lay exhausted and satisfied for a little while but when they both
started to cuddle and fondle me I sat over the second man, caressed his prick
until it was hard then put it into me. I moved up and down on him until he shot
another come inside but I still wanted more and done the same to the man who
had bought me. They both dressed and gave me a drink before leaving then I
returned to our room and the girls listened in amazement as I told them about
the best fucks I had ever been given. While we were washing and dressing before
breakfast next morning Carlos came in and we all run to stand in front of our
beds dressed just as we were. As he stood in front of each of us we took off
what clothes we had to show our breasts but he didn't touch any of us. Carlos
said to me, ?You are to see the Master at 10:00 in his study and this time you
will not be expected to strip for him?.
went about my duties until 10:00 then knocked at the study door but he kept me
waiting for some time before I was called in. I stood before his desk as he
said, ?Carlos tells me you done well last night acting the shy girl. The men
you entertained were very pleased with you so it seems you have improved since
that woman?s evening and all the other men you have had in you taught you how
well off you were with me?. ?I always did enjoy you in bed so tonight you will
be waiting for me in my bedroom and if you can convince me you are as good as
you were I will arrange for you to have plastic surgery and let you stay with
me as before?.? ?Six girls will be enough
for the shows but I will expect you to be my speciality act and perform as you
did once a month to different audiences but go now finish your tasks and be
ready for my test tonight?. I thanked him and for the rest of the day I worried
about how I would perform since I seemed to do best by starting with something
up my arse.
It was late afternoon before Helga checked
my work so I told her the Master wanted me that night and did she have a dildo
I could use also nice clothes to wear, she didn't query why and found them for
me. After tea I had Nikki insert it into my arsehole and kept it in for the
rest of the evening. Walking about with it inside me I got sexually excited and
knew if I kept it there until just before he entered me I would be ready for
him then after dinner went to his room and waited. He didn't keep me waiting
long so I knew he wanted to try me out and if I weren?t satisfactory he would
have time to order another girl to stay the night. As soon as he entered I
curtsied and said I hope I can please you Sir then undressed before him and
falling to my knees opened my legs. As he looked at me he said ?I see you have
kept your figure? then stooped down to put his hand on the brand mark then his
fingers slipped through my labia and before entering my vagina found the stump
of my clitoris. As soon as he touched it I gave a grunt and felt my juices
running so I said,
?Get on the bed Sir?. When his back was turned I
pulled the dildo out and hid it in a chair. I went to him and seeing he was
erect kneeled over him and fed his prick inside me then sat down on him until
he was all the way in. Each time I raised and lowered I made sure I covered the
whole length even though I was so aroused I could hardly control myself. Both
of us were now moaning and grunting but I kept working on him even after I felt
the throb of him coming inside me, then he went soft which he had never done
before and I couldn't keep it in me.? He
lay breathing very heavy and said, ?Of all the women I have had I have never
been so satisfied that I had to wait before I could fuck them again? He
continued fondling kissing and caressing me and with his fingers playing with
my cunt and breasts it kept me close to climaxing and fully aroused so he could
fuck me three more times. It was morning when he told me to dress and go, not a
word of thanks only to come again tomorrow night and if I were just as good he
would keep his promise. Doing my tasks next day I went to his room to retrieve
the dildo and had Nikki insert it as she did yesterday only this time I went to
the toilet to remove it before I stripped for him and lay on the bed. That
night it was even better for me and must have been good for him because two
weeks later he took me to the main hospital for my skin grafts. Ten days later
there was no sign of whip scars or the brand just above my pubes but having
been shaved the crease of my labia was visible. Juan collected me and back at the
house he had me strip and inspected the whole of my body to see how I looked
then fucked me.
Without the dildo in my arse exciting me I
knew I was not as good and he showed his disappointment. If that was the best
you could do I have wasted his money and you will repay me by giving another
slave girl performance at the weekend. He told me I was to go to him that night
and expected better from me but if I failed I would feel the cane between my
legs. Having been caned there before it frightened me but pleased it gave me
the chance to insert the dildo that afternoon. This would make me ready for him
but wished that I would soon be able to satisfy him without it. I was really
good that night and kept changing my position so he could use me from the front
and back and keeping him erect for so long he asked me to stop and let him rest
before we started again. Instead I told him to lay back and I would do all the
work, this pleased him and after facing him with it in my cunt I turned and put
it in my arse but this annoyed him. ?If I want it this way I will get a boy get
out of my sight? he shouted. I knew he was angry and ran to my room naked and
filled with fear wondering how he would punish me. I told Nikki what had
happened and how worried I was, do you think he will send me back to the
brothel I asked.? ?No I don't think so,
repairing your body must have cost him a lot of money?, Nikki replied.? I don't
think he will sell you back to that brothel, he likes you too much, I think he
will find an unusual way to punish you this time?.
All that Nikki said made sense but laying
on my bed I couldn't sleep worrying about how I was to be punished, what could
he do to me that he hadn't already done. In the morning I was to find out when
I was called to his study and Juan said, ?These men tell me you have not paid
for the treatment you had while in the hospital, is this true?. I was shivering
with fright now as I said, ?You know I have no money and you told me you would
pay?. ?In that case you must go with them? Juan replied. I was handcuffed and
as they took me to their car I thought this was the start of his way to punish
me, but how? I was taken to the city and led into a large building then into a
room that looked like a courtroom. A man sat at a high desk in front of me and
the man on my left spoke. I didn't understand what was said as they kept
talking amongst themselves then the man at the desk banged a gavel and I was
taken back to the car. We drove for a long time and it was dark when we stopped
by an arch at the side of a big house. The driver showed some papers to a
soldier and we went down a long drive before stopping in front of large solid
iron gates. The driver entered a small door in the gates and on his return the
gates opened and we went through into a courtyard at the end of it a brightly
lit large building. I was led inside and standing in a passage with rooms both
sides I could see in front of me rows of cells, I was in a prison.
A man came out of one of the doors and all
three men talked then it seemed there was a disagreement so they took me in the
room and the new man made a phone call. He spoke to the men who had brought me;
they took off my handcuffs and left me alone with him. He said something I
didn't understand then grabbed the front of my blouse and pulled me out of the
room down the passage and locked me in the first cell, which was empty. It was
brightly lit very clean and tidy, no window or washbasin but it had a toilet. I
used the toilet lay on the lower bunk and fell asleep. A lot of noise and
shouting woke me and looking through the open bars of my cell door I saw a
stream of naked women running past. It was some time before they returned still
running then it went quiet for a while.
A group of men went past dressed just like
the man I saw last night. I heard voices but couldn't see what was happening
then in a little while the women now dressed in blouses and trousers again run
past my cell. It was quite some time before two army officers came to my cell
and opening the door the young one said ?I am Major Leon this is Colonel
Cruets?. ? I am told you are English and because I speak the language I am to
be your interpreter?. ?You have annoyed a very important man who ordered you
sent here to be disciplined?.? ?When we
are satisfied you have learnt your lesson you will be sent back to him?.? That could take days or weeks it will be up
to you, do you understand?. I could only reply, ?Yes Sir?. I knew it had to
happen, every woman knew it would happen when she was in the power of a man but
dreading doing it, as he said ?Now take your clothes off and give them to me?.
Each item I removed he put in a bag and
with my arms by my side I stood naked in front of them. They both looked at me
and walking around they talked to each other although I didn't understand what
they were saying I knew they were discussing my body. The young officer spoke
to me again and said, ?Next a warder will examine you, and one part will be
uncomfortable because he will open your most intimate parts and put his fingers
inside you?.? ? They will do this every
morning when you are inspected and every night when you return from your
tasks?. ?He will then take you to the showers and dust you all over with
disinfectant then you will have a medical examination?. ?You will then be taken
to another room where the colonel and I will see you receive your first
punishment, have you understood all this?. He then said, ?Every woman in this
prison has been given this punishment, it is humiliating and painful in two ways
but you will not have permanent marks?. Although I had been whipped and my
labia caned I doubted they knew this and I must have looked very frightened not
knowing what sort of punishment I was to be given as I replied, ?Thank you Sir?
After that you will be taken back and in your case you will have a cell to
yourself. You will be given tasks and you will be judged on them, also each
morning you will be exercised then you and your cell will be inspected, if any
fault is found you will be punished. You have been sent here to learn obedience
so before your release you will be expected to obey instantly and without
question any order a man may give you, is this fully understood. ?Yes Sir and
thank you for letting me know what is expected of me? They both left and still
naked waited for my ordeal to start.
It was some time before the warder arrived
and as I stood up he indicated I was to sit on the bunk. He held my legs,
lifted them so I fell back, and then spread them wide apart. I felt his fingers
parting my labia and cried out as he started to push his hand inside me. His
hand was big and I was crying because it really hurt as it went into my vagina.
Taking it out he beckoned me to follow him and I was pushed out of the room to
the showers. He indicated I was to wash myself then giving me a towel I dried
myself as he assembled a spray gun. It had a long barrel with a nozzle at the
end and he pumped it up then sprayed me all over but before he finished he put
the barrel between my legs and as it went through my labia I felt the nozzle
enter my anus. He moved it back and fore and with the barrel rubbing my
clitoris and the nozzle entering my arsehole I was becoming very stimulated and
expected to be fucked, but it was not to be and I was left frustrated as he put
the item away. Indicating I was to follow him I was taken to the medical centre
where a man who I took to be a doctor gave me a full medical check then took a
swab of my vagina and anus with the warder watching everything that was done to
me. He went out of the room and on his return sat at his desk and started to
write then gave the paper to the warder. The warder took me back to the passage
but stopped at one of the doors, went inside and coming out gave me a blouse
and skirt like the ones I had seen the women wearing earlier, then I was put in
my cell where the warder watched me dress.
It must have been mid afternoon before
another warder came for me and indicated I was to follow him. I guessed this
time I was to be taken to the room where the two officers would watch me suffer
and listen to my screams enjoying the spectacle just like the men at the house
had done. Entering I saw the two officers sitting facing a wooden frame in the
middle of the room to which I knew I was to be tied. The warder stood me in
front of the frame facing the officers and the young one told me to undress. I
suspected they were discussing me as they started to speak to each other. He
told me to turn face the frame and bend over the bar. As soon as I saw the bar
and the warder fastened my arms to shackles on the floor then done the same to
my ankles I knew what was in store for me. I remembered the pain it gave me the
first time Carlos had done this to me and begged them not to do it. Of course
they took no notice and as the bar was lifted the pain started in my arms and
legs then in my breasts as they were pulled into the bar. I was in agony and
screaming for release but they left my suffering until the pain eased and I
stopped screaming. I felt my body vibrate as the strap hit my buttocks followed
by two more then my screams started again.
knew I was getting sexually aroused as I felt the wet between my legs and had
an orgasm each time I was given the seven remaining lashes. They waited until
my screaming stopped but still sobbing I felt my labia being parted, fingers
rubbed my inner lips then played with my clitoris until I climaxed. In my haze of pain
and sexual excitement I heard them talking again and hoped I was going to be
fucked making me climax yet again but it was not to be. Instead the young
officer said, ?I told you this reception punishment would be painful and
humiliating and after the next part I have never found a women will not do
anything rather than have it done again. With that I was released and turned on
my back before being secured again. The bar was raised until my body was bent
so the flesh between my legs was almost facing the ceiling and it was
agonising. Finally body accepted this unusual position the pain eased and I
stopped screaming but worse was to come when the warder pulled my labia apart.
I couldn?t see but heard someone approach me then a blinding flash of pain went
through my body followed by two more then I fainted. They revived me with
something under my nose and then the pain started again but this time it was
not so intense and I realised I was receiving a caning on my labia. I didn?t
faint but screamed and screamed as three more strikes were applied through my
labia and on my anus.
When I was released
I couldn?t stand and two warders gave me a blouse and trousers then carried me
back to my cell. I lay on my front until morning crying and sobbing with the
pain then in the morning a whistle blew and hearing noises I looked to see
other women standing in front of their cell doors. I joined them and as soon as
warders appeared the women removed their clothes and waited naked until a
warder stood in front of them. I saw them open their legs and lay back against
the cell door for the warder to do things between their legs but when it was my
turn they knew from the swelling I had just been caned and passed on to the
next woman. A whistle blew again the women dressed and in two lines we marched
to breakfast. The woman next to me said,?I was caned only three days ago and
still in pain but the worse part was the need to pee?. ?They were very strict
here the cell inspections and allocated tasks are carefully examined but after
that punishment every woman is very careful to not do anything wrong and obey
every order no matter how distasteful?. ? They try to annoy you and tell you to
do things you find humiliating and embarrassing but you will do them without
question?. ?The one I have to force myself to do is obey the Strip and Spread?.
?It is usually done when other women are watching but if you are told to do it
remove your blouse and trousers no matter where you are?. ?Lay on your back
draw your legs up to your shoulders spread them apart and don?t resist when he
enters you?. ? When they think you are happy to do this and you respond with your
vagina muscles you are well on your way to release?.
Having performed
every order and duty without question for several weeks I was taken to a car waiting outside which then took
me back to Juan's house. Carlos met me at the door and took me to the study
where Juan sat at his desk. He looked me straight in the face and said? Tell me
what I wanted men to do to me before I was aroused enough to give them
satisfaction? . I guessed what he wanted me to say and said, ?When I stand in
front of a man or boy and he indicates I have to lift my skirt I find it very
arousing knowing I will then have to remove my panties spread my legs and show
him my cunt?. ? I am also highly excited when ordered to strip naked and bend
over knowing I will then be caned on my buttocks or display my body to men who
will watch me being tied and whipped?. ?Well then? he said,? ?Bare your arse and lean over the desk?. I
lifted my skirt lay on the desk and gripped the edges as Carlos tore off my knickers
then used a very pliable cane across my buttocks until I was screaming, I don't
know which of them entered me first but I was more than satisfied with them
both. When they had finished with me Juan said, ?He had found another girl to
replace me in his bed but whenever he wanted to hear a woman screaming I would
be sent for and whipped? . He told me to dress join the other girls and like
them be prepared to satisfy anyone who wanted my body. In time when my guests
find you are not attractive enough or you fail to satisfy even after the whip you
will be replaced and to recompense me you will be sold to a brothel owner.
As Sarah awoke, she briefly remembered what it was like before her sentence had been carried out. This was part of the punishment. She was meant to remember, to understand what had been taken from her, and why. The memories imposed themselves on her conscious mind as vivid as though they dated from only yesterday. She remembered her boyfriend, Miguel, remembered how she’d felt when she’d realised he’d cheated on her. She remembered the white powder, mixed in with his tequila, and how he’d...
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hi my names kate id like to share a true storie with u. i was 15 at the time going out with a older boy it was so good because it ment so much more things to do. well one night he decided to try and get me in to our local as he new the landlord. I was abit nervous because iv never met hes friends before and thought id end up showing myself up. i dressed up to go down there in my short skirt and low cut top as i always like to give the men a good view wich they did when i was on the pool table...
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hi my names kate id like to share a true storie with u.i was 15 at the time going out with a older boy it was so good because it ment so much more things to do. well one night he decided to try and get me in to our local as he new the landlord. I was abit nervous because iv never met hes friends before and thought id end up showing myself up.i dressed up to go down there in my short skirt and low cut top as i always like to give the men a good view wich they did when i was on the pool table i...
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100% fiction! Im 21 years old, i have a nice ass and a very high sex drive. So does my mother. I found this out one afternoon after i was rubbing my pussy vigorously and moaning very loudly when my mom walked in. She wanted to know what all the noise was and she found out very quickly i was startled but aroused at the same time. Apparently so was she she stuck her hand in her pants and started to finger her pussy, so i thought. I asked her if she wanted help and she just took my hand and stuck...
IncestI was 40 years old and saw an ad in the paper from a husband and wife looking to meet with a man for a threesome. After answering the ad, I spoke with the wife on the phone. She sounded sweet. We decided to meet at a club on a Saturday night. She told me she would decide if she would want to take me home with them after seeing and meeting me. She asked that I not feel bad if she chose not to take me home. She explained that she was very picky. I described what I'd be wearing so they could pick...
EroticIntroduction: my first story… enjoy! THREEWAY CALLING Amy King had just started college and a new job. She had led a very sheltered life before college, since her high school was girls-only and she didnt have much of a social life. Her father was a contractor and had done some building repairs for a group that prepared fossils and artifacts and built exhibits for museums and was able to get her an interview. Wanting to study anthropology, Amy was thrilled to have the opportunity, but was...
I was on Interstate 80, maybe fifteen miles East of Fairfield, CA heading towards Sacramento. Up in the high, flat country with the golden grass in the summer. It was hot, very hot, but I had my windows open enjoying my new state. At 70 half the traffic seemed to be passing me. I was heading to my sister’s house for the weekend, and in no particular rush since I was three hours early. I was dying for something to drink, maybe a Snapple, when I saw the van on the shoulder up ahead. ...
It was a Friday night and we’d arranged to meet friends at the local pub for a few hard earned drinks after work. When we arrived we were surprised to see how busy it was. The landlord had organised another of his Open mike nights and the ‘stars’ of the local area had arrived to show their skill. The night didn’t get off to a great start when the friends we’d arranged to meet cancelled on us. The talent on display at the mike wasn’t exactly music to our ears either. I toyed with the idea of...
grew up in new jersey ,i'm john....friend in neighborhood,had this really cute ,pretty,petite,brunette gf,later they married,we still hung out once in awhile. they were pretty open,go to the nude beach all the onetime i over there place were partying..lookin at porn on hamster of course,and he says john wannaee my wife give me a blowjob,,sure of course,,she gets under the desk and starts to give him a blow job, i said is it alright if i jerk off sure go ahead. than he says john come...
The bar was busier than June expected, but then, the hotel was busier than usual this weekend too. It looked like there was some sort of artists' convention and a wedding reception both being held in the hotel itself. From the entrance coming from the hotel lobby, she scanned the crowded bar. There were several large groups of obvious from the artist conventions, decked out in their ‘I’m wearing a statement clothes” and the like, boisterously talking trash about the art world in general. Most...
Straight SexThe bar was busier than June expected, but then, the hotel was busier than usual this weekend too. It looked like there was some sort of artists' convention and a wedding reception both being held in the hotel itself. From the entrance coming from the hotel lobby, she scanned the crowded bar. There were several large groups of obvious from the artist conventions, decked out in their ‘I’m wearing a statement clothes” and the like, boisterously talking trash about the art world in general. Most...
Straight Sex"Hi babe, I won't be home 'til a bit later, relax and I'll see you soon". Deciding to skip dinner you run a hot bath and open a bottle of wine, stripping slowly you look at yourself in the bathroom mirror dark blue, almost black eyes look back at you, running your gaze down your body you see a trim figure, nice firm breasts, not large but still noticeable... a light tan darkening as it reaches your long nipples. As your gaze drifts down you can just see a few wisps of pale hair...
Vanna and I are what you might call sexual predators. We visit bars and clubs in search of women to seduce. We are pretty successful at this and sometimes we hit the jackpot. This is a story about such a night. We arrived at the nightclub around 9:00. It was an average place, with a bar area and tables set back and dimly lit. It was famous for being a hookup bar, just what we were looking for. Vanna and I took seats at the bar and immediately began scanning the place for possibilities. There...
We spotted her sitting alone at the end of the bar. It was a moderately-sized place with a small dance floor and a DJ spinning light tunes. It was the kind of place where a couple could feel alone, yet had enough room for larger parties. We had been there just under one hour when she arrived. She was drinking a martini and just sitting there. No checks of her cell phone, no interaction with the other patrons, nothing. We wondered when would be the right time to break the ice. She appeared to be...
Almost eight weeks ago, I promised a new Ovid in three weeks or so. So what happened? Well, an unexpected illness followed by surgery and a hospital stay slowed me down. Although I was in the hospital for less than a week, I just didn't feel like finishing the latest Ovid tale. Well, I'm fine now, and the story is finally finished. It's the first Ovid story in several months. I try to alternate between an Ovid story and a non-Ovid tale, but after I finished Deity 2, County Fair...
An Inquisitive Federal Agent East Coast Slaver Organization Story - XII Chapter 01 ? Intrigued by theMystery (or What are You ? Umph!) By: Desert Dog Special Agent Sam Valiant threw the file she had been studying aside witha sigh of exasperation. She rubbed her aching temples with her fingertips whileglancing at her notes displayed on the twenty-one-inch monitor and her desktoplittered with piles of files. Despite her headache, her brain kept up a whirlof thoughts and possibilities while...
I had known both Jake and Marksince I was little. We had grown up together and shared most important memories. We had been inseparable all through school. None of our other friendships lasted, even going through puberty and the awkwardness of feelings never changed our friendship. Having been through everything with them it was no surprise when I found myself falling for them both. Jake was tall and skinny with blonde hair and reminded me of a skater punk even though he was friendly and...
It took you a while but you finally got around to asking Sammy to prom. You didn’t expect her to say yes, but to your surprise she agreed right away. She didn’t even have to think about it. You thought fro sure she would have had a lot of offers as she had no boyfriend and she was one of the cutest girls in school.Sammy is a petit dirty blonde with a tooth filled smile and deep smoky eyes highlighted by black rimmed glasses that are both flirty and soulful. She was very nerd hot, looking like a...
(Sorry dear reader. This is not a gay story like I usually write)I was 19 and in college. For spring break I went to Reno NV with the intent of going to a brothel and getting laid by a pro. It was early evening when I made my way to one of the brothels. The girls were busy so I was waiting at the bar in the lounge drinking a soda. Also in the lounge was a man who looked to be in his late 50’s with mostly red-ish brown hair on his head. He was talking with the madam of the place. He...
I had known both Jake and Marksince I was little. We had grown up together and shared most important memories. We had been inseparable all through school. None of our other friendships lasted, even going through puberty and the awkwardness of feelings never changed our friendship. Having been through everything with them it was no surprise when I found myself falling for them both. Jake was tall and skinny with blonde hair and reminded me of a skater punk even though he was friendly and...
BisexualWow! So where to begin? Well, I guess I should say that prior to this event I was really shy. There, with that said it's safe to continue! My boyfriend seems to really enjoy me posting my experiences for others to enjoy. One of my most private fantasies is to have a threesome with my deliciously virile boyfriend and my best friend Grace. They both have an appetite for kinky sex and that would overshadow any hesitation that I might have. But, like I said this is just a fantasy. "Being best...
ALTERED FATES: HOLLYWOOD AGENT Chapter 1: Laura Jenson was tired. At least she acted as if she was tired, and those who knew her well knew that even though she was the star of over ten highly profitable movies over the last five years, that Laura couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. Laura thanked her lucky stars everyday that the director's and the film editor she chose to work with, knew her acting faults and were only too glad to cover them up and make a ton of money from...
I knew I screwed up. In my line of work you only get one strike, and I just struck out. We all knew working for an underground agency would not be easy, but they made it worth our while. It was simple, we would get assignments, we would complete them, then we would get paid. My phone would only ring a couple times a year and the amount I got easily paid all expenses my wife and I had. My wife, Sarah, she was so understanding for so long. But as time dragged on, she began to pry more...
The DST Agent By Malissa Madison Spring of 1980 was a very rough time, fresh out of Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Private Don Madison was met at the DC Greyhound station by two Agents of the army's CID, Criminal Investigations Division. He was secreted on post in the dead of night, where the Post AG handled all the in-processing himself while no one was around to see what was going on, or who was being assigned as the newest Joint Drug...
And After Our Shower Sex, Nothing was new that day. But next day was a great surprise, It was our 4th day, and it was my Birthday. I was thinking about my Gf, Sex, Goa, Work, And i really was not aware it was my Birthday. At 12am, they both woke me up, We had some blueberry cake(Not my Fav :P) And after cake, some vodka. We had a chit-chat. But the cake was not good, We had almost 3/4th left. And Sanjuna started playing with my face with that cake, and the battle became real. We 3 fought like...
This Monsieur had this palatable threesome delicacy his eyes fixed upon the boob clock like a ticking time bomb.In his pocket with a watch, Her name was Charlotte she felt a crimson Chanel blush partying all over him like his whore she been trouble from the first day I met her. How she traveled all over the swingers continent Dispute her misgivings but she loved to put out like a Christmas he could smell her poinsettias wildflower all over her vagina. A voice comes out “Get over it baby” You...
BDSMThreesome, by Vickie Tern. M/f, F/m, F/F, femdom, etc. The sex scenes in this story are raw, cooked, scrambled, and coddled. No violence or force, but that doesn't necessarily mean the characters are nice to each other. This is a fiction. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead is purely coincidental. It may not remain that was of course -- life sometimes imitates art. If you aren't old enough to read this lawfully, wait. If it's worth reading it'll still be around. ...
It was going to be a hot summer. School was out and I needed a summer job. Unfortunately, because I waited until the middle of May;all the good summer jobs were already taken. I didn’t want to get stuck mowing lawns again for the summer, even though as a strapping nineteen year old guy, I had no problem with manual labor.One of my dad’s business buddies got a job transfer and placed his house up for sale. He hired a real estate agent to sell the house but asked if I would keep an eye on the...
OccupationsHello ISS community, I’m your Nani back with another story. This is the story about how me and my best friend fucked our best friend. Her name is Shruthi of age 21 years with stats 36/28/36 and his name is Kiran of same age. We are the best friends like 3 idiots always hang out together, movies, outings, etc. The incident has happened when we are in our final year of Although we three are the best friends, me and my friend had a great lust on her. She used to be very close to us and she...
Jane Bound Secrete Agent of F.E.M.M.E. 0069 Licensed to Thrill Origins: Sneaking passed the imposing barb wire topped fence; the agent for the Federal Enforcement Multi- Municipal Elite squad was able to defeat completely the Hi-Tec security system. The Infra red sensors, the motion detection cameras, the well hidden traps, one by one each successfully by passed. Undetected and unnoticed he was finally approaching his goal. The huge home was empty and dark, surveillance showing...
June 7th 2015 a police station interrogation room in North Carolina 3 PM 30 year old Sergeant David Ripley a Green Beret stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina is sitting in a police interrogation room drinking a cup of black coffee and waiting for news after witnessing a bank robbery. An hour after he first sat down in the room a Police officer came into the room looked at David and he said to him "Sergeant Ripley, I called the FBI and one of their best agents will be here shortly to...
At one point my lover said “what do you think about threesomes? Does that tickle your fancy?”I had to think for a moment and to be honest, I had thought of it before but not for a long time. I tried it once but was in my early 20’s and I was far from that age at this point. But still………………how would it feel Bringing another person into the bedroom just for fun. I thought to myself……………..”as long as it isn’t every night maybe it would be titillating”The next weekend I scheduled our friend Tom to...
PROPHESY Green mountains-- Power and desire: The planet's failure Is an opportunity For empowerment Through slavery; We are sheep, Fenced about by lust And guarded by dogs Rabid with greed And salivating death. This is our future, Our destiny, The tragedy Of our times And of our children's Children's lives. STRAPPED-ON MASCULINITY She looks so cute, Sitting there With her cock out, Weighing her balls In one hand While she pets and plays With her penis With...
Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. The names and places are not real and in no way are meant to resemble anybody or anyplace in the real world. The story is, however, based on a not-so-far-fetched situation I may, or may not, have been involved with. Enjoy.There are great Mineral Spring hot tubs near where we live. We usually try go to there at least every other month to rent a private tub where we basically fuck for an hour with some breaks for drinks and dessert. We turn our music on and...
Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. The names and places are not real and in no way are meant to resemble anybody or anyplace in the real world. The story is, however, based on a not-so-far-fetched situation I may, or may not, have been involved with. Enjoy.There are great Mineral Spring hot tubs near where we live. We usually try go to there at least every other month to rent a private tub where we basically fuck for an hour with some breaks for drinks and dessert. We turn our music on and...
Hello all, Well, In this part of this story, It’s all our first Male Male Female(MMF) Threesome experience. So, if you’re not interested in MMF action, you can read some other stories or my other parts. It was after our goa trip, Me Sanjuna and Hema was very close those days. Me, Sanju and Hema, Suriya(Her Bf) used to go on lots and lots of double dates. Me after that goa trip, i changed completely, I loved Sanjuna more, I never had an argument with her, Was seeing her everyday, we were...
This is my first story in ISS. I’m Mahesh (Name Changed), 21yrs old, living in Coimbatore with my family. I’m doing my B.E final year. I’m a fair, handsome guy, with a 6inch cock, lean guy. My gf name is Sanjuna (Name Changed), 21yrs old, living in same city with her mother. Her father passed away when she was 6, her mother is working so we had a good amount of time alone in her home. Her sister’s name is Hema (name Changed), she is lean, 18yrs old, very pretty. My gf has a nice structure, and...
I also own a nice 3 bedroom split level home, but does not have the yard I seek, which would be at least an acre, or more. It resides on a cul - de- sac and is quiet, yet not for me anymore. I prefer privacy and not nosey neighbors. I mean my neighbors are nice, and most of them are around my age. The women are always trying to set me up with one of their friends. I usually beg off of those situations, but I did go out with a couple of them. But those women had their sights set on marriage,...