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Ch.03: The Promotion (She signs off her rape)


I didn't get any work done that morning. I spent most of the time huddledin a corner of the ladies washroom, crying my eyes out, trying to make senseof what had happened.

I had been raped, hadn't I?

I washed and scrubbed myself furiously, trying to clean the CEO off me, desperateto purge every trace of him from my body. I tried to rinse the foul taste ofhis thumb from my mouth, the taste of my own shit, the taste of my own sex.

I had been wet for him hadn't I?

I saw the red glow of my buttock-cheeks in the mirror, compounding my shame.He had spanked me into submission. I had let him fuck me like a cheap slut.I had thanked him and lapped at his fingers. I had curtsied for him. Oh God.Why? Why had I done that?

I still felt filthy dirty, so I washed again.

How incredible to reflect that within a few hours I would be signing a pieceof paper declaring my willingness to dance naked for him. How could I haveallowed it to come to that? How did I end up signing an agreement that wouldhave me shamelessly presenting my naked flesh to the man who had just rapedme?

My boss (the CTO) eventually found me curled up by the lavatory, head buriedin my arms, leaning up against the white enamel of the toilet bowl. He didn'tseem to notice that he was a foreign body in the ladies' washroom.

"I know what happened," he said tenderly, crouching down besideme, sliding an arm around my shoulders.

I sobbed, sniffed, blinked at him through watery eyes.

"The CEO told me about the promotion he wants to give you,? he said.

I sniffed again, tried to speak, but no words came out. I had wriggled myarsehole onto the CEO's thumb, hadn't I?

"Come on Elizabeth," he said encouraging me to get up. "Let'sgo to my office. I'll have coffee brought in, and we can discuss your promotion.I promise, it will cheer you up. It's an incredible offer."

He took my arm and coaxed me to my feet; I wobbled awkwardly on my heels ashe led me through to his office. He gestured to the coffee-girl as we enteredthe office - another short-skirted, high-heeled beauty. He sat me down on thesettee and told me to make myself comfortable.

I fiddled nervously with the hem of my skirt while he perched on the cornerof his desk, observing me intently. Oh God, my legs! I remembered suddenly,tucking my knees together hastily. I had forgotten that I had taken off mydirty knickers. I couldn't wear them again could I? They were stained foreverwith the CEO's semen.

"Elizabeth,? my boss started earnestly. ?You have to trust me. Listento the offer. I am pretty sure that once you hear the details, you won't wantto turn your back on us. You have a chance of really being someone here. ?

I sobbed into my sadly disintegrated tissue.

He stood up, paced across to the far end of the office, and then paced back.He made as if he were about to say something, but then he stopped, turned around,paced away again.

"You earn £30,000 at the moment," he said finally, "butthe CEO and I both think you could earn a lot more than that. We think youcould earn as much as £50,000."

I gasped. £50,000 - That was a lot!

"Basically, we have a proposal for you to consider," he continued,perching back on the corner of his desk. "Before I tell you about it,I want you to know that this really is a genuine offer - I mean - well whatI mean is - it really is an offer as opposed to anything else - you can turnit down without prejudice - although of course we are hoping that you willwant to accept it."

I squirreled my tissue away up my blouse sleeve. What on earth was he talkingabout?

"It is new territory for us,? he went on. ?The CEO and I, that is, Imean. It is not something we have done before, and we have had to look intothe legal implications, company law, human rights and so on."

He flicked nonchalantly at some loose sheets of paper lying on his desk, asif suggesting they were evidence of some of the research that had been undertaken.

"Well, anyway," he went on, "We think we have come up witha package that is both fair and advantageous to us, but more significantly,to you. As with all contracts between an employer and employee there has tobe a certain degree of trust and cooperation in order to ensure the agreementworks to the benefit of both parties."

He paused again, still watching me intently, as if he were reading the thoughtsright out of my eyes. He had become uncharacteristically businessman-like.

"What I am about to offer you" he went on, " - were it to beoffered to a less intelligent, less scrupulous, less loyal, less trustworthyemployee - would leave me personally, and possibly the company as a whole -vulnerable to legal action. That is why before I go on I need to know - andI need you to be entirely open and honest with me - that I have your trust."

I looked at him squarely. What on earth could be so unusual about whateverit was he was about to offer me that could make him say something like that?

"So," he prompted. "Can I?"

"Can you what?" I asked stupidly.

"Can I trust you? Can I go ahead and explain our proposal to you?"

"Yes, of course," I said uncertainly.

?Well that's excellent Elizabeth,? he said, ?because we would like you, inaddition to your current responsibilities, to, well, to take on the role ofSenior PA.?

At that moment, the coffee-girl arrived. She strutted over to the coffee tableand placed down two mugs, treating us to the sight of her trim bottom as sheleaned over. She wore black lace net stockings, the tops of which were clearlyvisible below the hem of her skirt. She looked such a trollop! She should havebeen ashamed of herself, turning up at work dressed like a slut.

Did I look like that?

She wiggled towards the door, her task complete.

"Laura -? My boss called out to her sternly, before she could reach thedoor. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Laura wheeled round on her heels. Her natural blondish-brown hair hung neatlyconditioned around her shoulders. Her makeup had been applied meticulously;it must have taken her hours. She looked inquiringly at the CTO before seemingto recognise something in his expression.

"Sorry sir," she apologised, and strutted back to the centre ofthe room. She turned towards him and curtsied neatly.

That was strange, I thought.

But then, stranger still: She turned towards me, dropping her knees politelyto form a respectful curtsey.

"Assuming she accepts,? my boss announced, ?Elizabeth is to be promotedto Senior PA. You will be making coffee for Elizabeth too from now on, Laura"

Laura's gaze remained fixed on the floor at my feet.

"You may thank Elizabeth for accepting you as her coffee-girl," theCTO said.

"Thank you for letting me be your coffee-girl miss," Laura saidmeekly, curtseying for a second time. She stood motionlessly before me in hertiny skirt, lacy net stockings and heels. Laura would be my coffee-girl? Shehad called me 'miss'! The little trollop had called me 'miss'!

"Laura will serve you well, Elizabeth." my boss said, seeminglyenjoying himself. "Won't you Laura?"

Laura curtsied for a third time and uttered a small "Yes sir."

"Turn around and show Elizabeth why you want to be her coffee-girl",he instructed her.

Laura turned obediently, displaying her rear to me. The backs of her thighslooked delicious... She leaned forwards a little, keeping her legs perfectlystraight. She then reached and pulled the hem of her skirt up over her smoothwhite buttocks.

I saw it instantly: ?Whore67'. The tattoo was unmistakable. Laura was a whore.A whore!

"You don't think we would hire someone just to make the coffee do you?" TheCTO laughed. "We have made Laura available to all senior members of staff- which will include you, when - if - you accept the promotion we're offering."

My eyes rolled. I was speechless.

"Now Laura," my boss broke into my thoughts, "I want to talkto Elizabeth about something that doesn't concern you. Get down on your kneesand show her what a good whore you are."

Laura knelt on the floor at my feet unquestioningly. I was sitting cross-legged.She reached forwards, stuck her tongue out and began to lick hesitantly atthe stocking-wrapped toes of my dangling foot. I couldn't believe it. Was Idreaming? I gave her face a little prod with my foot. She was real alright:A real whore.

?Now, where were we?? My boss wondered aloud. ?Ah. That's right. Now, as Imentioned, we want to pay you £50,000. Obviously we would expect youto undertake certain extra responsibilities in return, to justify the increase.What we have in mind is..." His voice trailed off, apparently distractedby the sight of Laura flicking her tongue over my toes.

"Look,? he went on finally. ?The CEO finds you extraordinarily attractiveElizabeth. I think you already know that... And, well, so do I for that matter.? Heseemed to stumble over the words, as if he found giving the complement difficult.

?We would like you," he tried again, "in addition to your currentresponsibilities to - well, basically, erm, on occasion, to? to dance, - dancefor us - in private, of course?

Dance! Dance? Why?

"The, erm, performances, shall we say,? he hurried on, ?will be at timesof our choosing, but within normal office hours, and no more than twice a week."

Dance? What kind of dancing? Not like in the lift earlier this morning surely?No way. I would never agree to anything like that.

He watched me carefully.

?Let me make one thing very clear from the outset,? he said, interruptingmy thoughts. ?It would be strictly dancing only. No, er, contact, if you knowwhat I mean. We have coffee-girls for that kind of thing!?

He chuckled, enjoying his own joke.

Laura sucked deeply on my toes, taking them in and out of her mouth. The littletramp was fucking her face on my toe. Good. I deliberately turned my ankle,making her chase my toes with her tongue.

?There is though, one important thing I have to tell you before you make upyour mind," my boss went on. "You will be expected to dress as theCEO pleases for the duration of each dance, including, at his discretion, fullnudity."

There. He had said it. He had said it quickly, directly. I knew it. They wantedme to dance naked for them.

"Naked...?" I checked.

"Well... It's a possibility," he said. "But please know thatit will likely be the exception rather than the rule. And of course, in recognitionof your continuing efforts, we will be increasing the number of invitationsfor you to join us at 'The Scrava' ? you will additionally be extended theoccasional weekend and evening invitation..."

What were they offering? A £20,000 pay increase. A more senior role.A whore-girl to make me coffee on demand?. And of course there were those visitsto ?The Scrava'? I would have whores slurping at my pussy on a Saturday evening- I would practically own Whore80?

In return I would be obliged to dance for the CEO twice a week, possibly withoutclothes. But wouldn't that be insufferably humiliating? Dancing ? wiggling ? wearingwho-knows-what, for the private entertainment of the CEO? It would mean displayingmy body to the man who had raped me! Wouldn't that be like saying I was gratefulfor what he had done? ? That there I was, ready and willing to dance nakedfor him - as if I were glad to have the opportunity to squirm for him, to thankand honour him.

£20,000 a year extra though? That's a lot of money: I would be ableto take a mortgage out on a flat in Kingston? I could get a new car? I wouldbe senior PA. A senior role at last - I deserved that didn't I? Didn't I justhave to take one of those ?risks' the CEO had mentioned?

?What are you thinking Elizabeth?? The CTO asked quietly.

Laura had started working her way up my ankles, lapping at my stockings likea well trained puppy.

?I'm not sure,? I said, fidgeting in my seat, feeling my spanked-sore bum-cheeks.

?You won't ever get another chance to join the elite, Elizabeth. Look at younow! You have a whore on her knees worshipping your ankles. You have been invitedon an ongoing basis to visit ?The Scrava' ? don't take that too lightly ? itis a rare privilege.?

Laura had started trailing her tongue up my shins.

?And don't forget the money,? my boss went on. ?- And the increase in status.All for the sake of a few dances for the CEO in his private office. Don't missthis, Elizabeth. If you don't take this opportunity, someone else will...?

His words charmed, cajoled, persuaded. This was my big chance - wasn't it?I had to take it, didn't I? So what if I would have to dance occasionally forthe CEO? So what? Think of all the whores that would in turn dance for me?

Laura lapped at my knees. I enjoyed the sight of her eager little tongue dartingback and forth across the stretched latex of my stockings. I couldn't turnthis opportunity down. I just couldn't.

"Where do I sign...?" I heard myself ask.

"Oh that's wonderful!" My boss responded brightly. "Reallyexcellent!?

He picked out a piece of paper from his desk, stepped gingerly around Laura(still lapping at my knees) and slid the piece of formal headed paper in frontof me on the coffee table. I ran my eyes over the document:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* I declare that I have given my consent to perform private dances for mysuperiors within Bowyer & Lake Technology Enterprises

* I understand that I have consented to attire myself as directed by my superiorsfor the duration of performances.

* I understand that I should present myself for up to two (2) performancesper working week, the timings of which shall be at the discretion of my superiors.

* I understand that I am to continue to carry out my normal duties and responsibilitiesto the best of my ability.

* I understand that in view of the additional responsibilities outlined above,I can expect a salary increase of no less than £20,000 and promotionto the role of Senior PA.

* I declare that I am a trusted employee of Bowyer and Lake Technology Enterprisesand my confidence can be relied upon in all matters relating to this agreement.I understand that any attempt to breech this trust shall result in immediatedismissal from the company and legal proceedings may be initiated against me.

* I declare that in signing this agreement I do so of my own free will, andthat now and on no previous occasion have I been subject to threat or obligation,and nor have I at any time been forced to act against my wishes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The last clause, I knew, would effectively sign off my rape.

But so what? What difference did it make? The CEO had screwed me. So what?I could live with that. I was just about to become one of the elite. I wouldhave whores available on tap from now on. I was getting a good deal, wasn'tI?

Laura's tongue had reached the elastic hold-ups of my stockings. When I unfoldedmy legs she was staring right into my exposed snatch. I was sure she couldsmell me at that distance. Get used to it, bitch, I thought.

"Splendid!" My boss exclaimed as I scribbled my signature happilyat the bottom of the agreement. ?I knew you wouldn't let me down Elizabeth.?

We watched Laura's head bobbing up and down as she ran her tongue around theinside of my thighs. I opened my legs wider. I knew my boss could probablysee my pussy ? but to be honest I was too turned on to care ? and besides,he must surely have already seen it during those long lunches at ?The Scrava'?

?Laura,? The CTO said firmly. ?Eat.?

Laura ate. She buried her head in my pussy and sank her tongue busily intomy sex? What it must be like to be one of these whores, I mused. To spend yourdays worshipping your superiors? Did they enjoy whoring themselves for thepleasure of others? Were they grateful for the employment? Was Whore67 flickingher tongue obediently at my clitoris because she was glad of the money? Whatmoney? Who paid these whores? And who trained them? They were all so well trained.They all knew how to curtsey the same way. They all knew how to, well theyall seemed to know how to be well behaved little fuck-whores?.

I felt like a princess, holding Whore67 by a clump of her hair, forcing herface deep into my snatch, suffocating her, wanting to her to understand wellher coffee-girl status.

The CTO watched, evidently pleased with what he was seeing.

?You know Elizabeth,? he said, ?If I so wish, I can snap my fingers and Laurawill crawl over here on her hands and knees and start sucking my penis. She'llhold open her pussy for me while I fuck it. If I clap my hands together, she'llstrip and dance for us. She's a well trained whore-girl. ?

I drew breath sharply as Laura nibbled on my clitoris.

?She went to university,? my boss continued. ?She used to work in PR. Oneday she came complaining to us that she could make more money than we werepaying by working as a whore ? so we decided to take her at her word ? we madeher a whore.?

?You made her?? I managed, not really able to speak with Laura sucking atmy sex so eagerly. I yanked her face away from my sodden pussy and held onto her like that, bending her neck sideways like a rag-doll.

?Oh yes,? he asserted, ?we made her a whore. We took her down to ?The Scrava'and put her to work.?

?You did what? She didn't mind?? I breathed, heart thumping. I had been closeto climax.

?Well, no-one wants to be a whore at first?? He laughed. ?But in the end everygirl can be bought. Every girl can be owned.?

?Owned?? I stammered, wondering what it must be like to hear your superiors ? yourowners - discussing you in this way, to be held in your new mistress' gripby a clump of your hair, chin dripping with your mistress' juices?. Knowingall the while that you were worthless, a number tattooed on your arse foreveridentifying you as whore67. Just another whore.

My God: It would be me soon. I would be Whore94. One of their whores. Owned.Labelled. Compliant.

?Yes, owned,? the CTO said proudly. ?We own all our whores. And Whore67 lovesbeing a little slut-whore, don't you Whore67??

Laura peered up at me sheepishly, and nodded. Something in her eyes, however,seemed to be screaming: NO I HATE IT.

?You enjoying serving your owners don't you Whore67,? my boss tormented herfurther.

?Yes sir?, she whimpered.

?She has accepted her role in life, that's all,? the CTO went on. ?She wasborn a whore. Don't believe all that socialist nonsense about how we are allequal, Elizabeth. Since humans first started living on this planet there havebeen the few that have and the many that don't. That's just the way it goes.?

?Is she paid?? I asked, seeing at the same time what could only be the startof tears welling up in the corner of Laura's eyes.

?Mmm. That's a good question,? he said. ?Yes, well, I would prefer not toanswer that for the time being if you don't mind, Elizabeth. You'll find outsoon enough though, I assure you.?

?Why doesn't she, you know, just stop ? I mean, why doesn't she just stopbeing a whore?? I wondered aloud.

?Mmm, another good question,? he shrugged. ?I don't know the answer to that.I don't even think Laura does.?

Laura let a small moan escape. This was her life: To be Whore67 and nothingbut Whore67. Whether she was paid or not, whether she wanted to whore or not,it didn't make a jot of difference. The simple fact was that she was a whore,and I wasn't. I thrust her face back into my pussy.

?Make me come, whore,? I barked at her.

Her well-trained tongue flicked frantically at my sex, eager to pleasure me.I scanned my eyes over her net stockings and heels, enjoying the view. I hadalmost felt inclined to ask her to strip for me, but had preferred her to remaindressed like a slut. I would have plenty of chances to see her naked, I wassure.

?Good, Elizabeth.? My boss chimed. ?You certainly know how to treat a whorelike a whore.?

I hardly heard him. My pulse was thundering, my breaths quickening. I archedmy back, desperately trying to push my pussy deeper into Laura's face. I yearnedto have someone touch my breasts, caress my nipples. I shot a glance over atmy boss, had to restrain myself from barking an order at him to placate mydesire. From that single glance I could see he was clearly enjoying the spectacle.It was as if we were performing for him; a couple of lesbians putting on ashow. It should have horrified me, but for some reason it just didn't. I startedto contort and convulse with pleasure and my entire body throbbed with theonset of ecstasy.

When I came, it was as if I were exploding. I couldn't hold back a moan ofpleasure as the orgasm seized me and carried me with it.

?Good little fucking coffee-girl whore,? I half-whispered, half growled asI rode my orgasm to its glorious conclusion.

Laura, Whore67, obediently continued to lap gently at my pussy, mopping upmy juices with her tongue. Tasting me. I remembered how just hours earlierI had tasted myself on the CEO's fingers. I remembered how he had made me thankhim, curtsey for him.

?What do you say slut?? I demanded of Whore67, yanking her away from my snatchby the hair (I hadn't let go of her the whole time).

?Thank you miss,? she said feebly.

Then I did something strange ? taking myself completely by surprise, and somethingI feel somewhat ashamed to own up to having done.

I spat in her face. I spat in the face of Whore67.

?Thank you, miss.? Laura said more audibly, my spit running down her cheeks.

I looked over at my boss, suddenly feeling self-conscious ? almost as if Ihad forgotten he was there.

?Spit on her again,? he encouraged me. ?I enjoyed that.?

I turned back to Whore67. She was trembling, seemed to be fighting off thetears.

I spat again, right in the middle of her miserable whore face. That wouldteach her to have such immaculate make-up, I thought.

?Excellent,? my boss congratulated me.

It felt strange. I had started off convinced I was using Whore67 for my ownpleasure, but it had ended up seeming as if I had simply been performing formy boss all along.

?Let her go now Elizabeth,? he said - ordered?

I released Laura from my grip. She scrambled to her feet and immediately curtsiedpolitely.

?Thank you miss,? she said quietly, looking down at the floor. My spit stilldribbled down her face. She looked pathetic.

?You can go,? the CTO told her.

She curtsied to him, then once again to me, before trotting towards the officedoor. I imagined her tattoo ?Whore67' wriggling under her skirt above thosetarty lace net stockings.

?Clean that spit off your face before going out there,? the CTO instructedher. ?And bring more coffee. It's gone cold.?

She turned and nodded silently. She wiped my spit on the sleeve of her blouse,not daring to look at either of us. Then she curtsied again, and left.

?Elizabeth,? my boss said when she had gone, ?I don't think you should walkaround in that skirt without wearing any knickers, do you??

I tucked my legs together hurriedly. Had I been displaying myself to him allthis time?

?No, you're right,? I agreed.

I reached into my handbag and pulled out my knickers. They bore the CEO'ssemen, I knew.

?Put them on, Elizabeth,? he said.

I looked at my panties reluctantly, and then I turned towards him, unsureof what to do.

?You're the Senior PA now Elizabeth. You've got to dress responsibly.?

Slowly, still unsure of what I was doing, I stood, bent over and directedmy high-heels into the tainted panties, and pulled them up to my knees. I paused,feeling my boss' eyes on me. As I pulled the knickers up around my hips I sawmyself kneeling before the CEO, sucking his thumb, sucking his fingers, thankinghim for fucking me. I was wearing his semen, wasn't I? I would have to wearhis semen for the rest of the day ? a constant reminder of what he had doneto me. But it didn't matter anymore did it? It was over. It was all part ofthe agreement. I had to wear the CEO's semen around my pussy with pride.

?Good, Elizabeth,? the CTO nodded contently.

I was fast becoming a whore, yet I still had no idea.

I was almost ready to have Whore94 inscribed on my bum.

I was almost ready to kneel alongside Laura at my boss' feet, our knickersaround our ankles.

I was almost ready to share his orgasm with her, to tongue-swap his come betweenus.

I was almost ready to peer up at him and thank him for fucking my face becauseI was a worthless whore?

It wouldn't be long now.

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Cam Whores HD! Now, I know what you’re thinking: “The Porn Dude, you’re showing us yet another cam site? Haven’t we seen enough already?” Well, my impatient little friend, there are never enough cam sites out there, but the thing is that this isn’t even a cam site! Nope, what you’ll find here is much more than just a regular adult entertainment site where you can find a bunch of chicks performing for your enjoyment. What you’ll find on CamWhoresHD.com is an onslaught of clips that are taken...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Reddit CamWhores, aka r/CamWhores! I’ve heard you lads are fans of watching live cam chicks get naked, masturbate or fuck during their cam shows? Well, Reddit.com is a place where everyone is welcome, and r/camwhores/, in particular, is a subreddit dedicated to that kind of content. I think the name itself pretty much gives away what you can expect, which is always a neat aspect.If you are interested in learning more about what r/camwhores/ is all about, welcome to the best review out there. I...

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The idea of a Whores Hub is immediately appealing to anybody with a hard dick and a taste for pretty girls. I mean, shit, it’s all right there in the name: one centralized hub where you can find all your favorite fap fantasy babes. Some might argue that the old and familiar Pornhub has you covered in that respect, but we’ve all seen the quality decline and our saved collections disappear off the tube giant in recent months. Sometimes it’s a great thing for a newer, smaller tube to come and...

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Nikki slouched low in the chair. The impudent shape of her pussy shoved conspicuously against the seam of her jeans. They were skintight, with frayed cutouts all over, exposing almost as much of her almond complexion as they covered. Her body had a way of looking relaxed, yet like it was bursting out of itself at the same time. Her skin looked so smooth Stone could almost feel the texture under his fingers. He kept his hands in plain sight and feigned interest in the mess of papers spread...

Oral Sex
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It was almost 7:00. I waited nervously in my room for Steveto arrive. Steve was my boyfriend. My very first, real, live, boyfriend. Having a real boyfriend ushered me into the echelons of girls in the school who mattered. Having a boyfriend meant you were somebody, you were linked into the social hierarchy of high school and got to look down on all the virgin wallflowers waiting for someone to pick them out. I could hardly believe that Steve had picked me out. I was almost a nobody, just a...

1 year ago
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A New Way To Get Your Wife Pregnant

By : Sultana1999 Dear Readers, I got inspired to write this story after reading the story “My Wife was Gangbanged on a Boat”. If you like the story mail me on and the writer of the above story “My Wife was Gangbanged on a Boat” or Hope yoy have read it. If not then you send request I will send you the url. I am Soumitra Ray, working at a private Firm at Kolkata. My age is now 32, while my good-looking wife, Sunita, now aged 27, is a house-wife.  We stay at Sonarpur, some 20 kms away from...

4 years ago
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Vegas changes a man part 1 Adopted cousins and

So newly not a virgin anymore me was in Vegas to visit family. I was hornier than ever and in the city of sin I was ready to have fun. The type of fun I encountered turned out to be extremely different than what I expected, but I'll remember it forever.My whole family except me and my adopted cousin went out to drink for the night. Being in Vegas a couple a days I was starting to get board so I sat on the coach and started to watch tv. That's when I saw my cousin walk from her bedroom towards...

2 years ago
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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Five

Ever More Obsequious 1 The woman who would one day soon be the wife of Lord Richard Hurley, woke up early with a delicious smile on her face. She had a long hot bubble bath, loving the luxury of it then ate a tasty breakfast with her grandmamma out on the balcony, chatting excitedly about ideas for the wedding. Ann felt entirely happy; satisfied in a way she didn't remember ever feeling before, as though not only was life perfect for her now, but it always would be perfect...

2 years ago
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Peeing in the Woods

My brother and I grew up playing in the 10-acre woods behind our house. Scott is a year old than I, actually 14 months, older, and we were like regular siblings. We would fight each other tooth and nail one minute and comfort each other the next. As soon as mom trusted us, we spent all our time in those woods, well, except when we played on the swings and sliding board. We built forts in the woods, made bike trails, built tree houses, dammed the small stream hundreds of times, and even camped...

4 years ago
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I AM A Slut part 1

My roommate and I live in a nice house in a very nice neighborhood. We're roommates because of convenience and not because we're lovers. Well, not steady lovers anyway. Sandy is drop dead gorgeous and a very free spirit, meaning that when at home she is usually running around naked or nearly so. I'm a cocksucking, take it in the ass crossdresser with very little interest in women. I guess when you get down to it both Sandy and I are cum dumps. Yes, it's a strange living arrangement but we like...

3 years ago
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Life Diverted Part 2 AdulthoodChapter 10 Sinking

September 1974, age 19 The academic year 1974-75 was either a triumph or a descent into depression, depending on which way you looked at it. My relationship with Charlie had been patched, but not entirely repaired. I negotiated with his mother for him to come down to stay every other weekend, but there was no getting around the fact that we were growing apart. The kids at the home all started their new schools in September, scrubbed and fitted with new uniforms. For some of them, it was...

3 years ago
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Naruto Baransu Byou Road to Naruto Chapter 1 The treaty with Kumo

The chakra is formed by two part, the mental one, known as Yin Chakra, and the body part, or Yang Chakra. Women and men are both able to use chakra, with a small problem, known as Balance disease or Baranzu Byou. Men suffer from abundance of the Yang chakra, which makes them more impulsive the more abundance there is, causing them temperament problems. Women suffer from a shortage of the Yang chakra, compared to their Yin chakra. This makes them more prone to discomfort and mood...

2 years ago
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Servicing the Latino Repairmen Part Three MILF for Teenage Mexican Cock

You might want to read Parts One and Two of this story to get a better idea of the characters and context of the story, but I will give a brief synopsis in the following paragraphs.In Part One we learned that my name is Ed, and I was forty-seven years old at the time of this story when we were living in Atlanta. My wife Joan was forty-five, and although we previously had an active sex life, in the past couple of years she had lost interest in sex. I didn’t really know why, but I do have a small...

4 years ago
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My Wife And Her Friend Fuck Some Strangers

Sometime at the end of summer my wife and I went down south for a few days. There we met up with her best friend (girl) who was there on some house work. We were out for a drive one evening and reached some quiet beach nearby somewhere south India. It was about 6pm and the beach was empty except for a few boys playing football way in the distance. We walked along the beach till we reached a log lying in the sand and decided to take snaps near it. I took the camera 1st and my wife and friend...

4 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 5

The sexy dark-haired teacher put her arms around the boy’s neck and passionately kissed him. This was the first time Barbra Baxter had gone this far with one of her male students. She knew she was taking a big chance, but there was something about this particular boy that turned her on. The fact that Tyrone Johnson was black intrigued her; she had never been with a black before. Barbra had watched him sitting in her classroom with a gigantic bulge in his pants. She knew he was well endowed,...

1 year ago
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A hot bath on a cold night

Your eyes are glittering as you move your cold drink to your lips to sip it. Your head turns slightly back, exposing your neck, and you let out a low moan of pleasure as the cool mohito slips down your throat. The condensation quickly collects on the glass and a small trickle of water makes it way to the foot of the glass, ready to fall as a light rain straight towards your left nipple and expose it... The air is slightly chilly in the early autumn night. Darkness is all around us, only broken...

Sex With Stranger
3 years ago
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Kumar having sex with Laxmi aunty

Let me introduce myself. I am 25yrs old 5' 7' tall and have a good gym physic and a good cock to satisfy anyone. This was happened in my age of 18 with my aunty Laxmi. She is well shaped lady with gud structure and massive boobs, little short in size and charming face, I can say she is really a sex starved bomb. Main attractive part in her is low neck blowse and navel.Now come to story. In my age of 18 I was seriously preparing for my engineering entrance exam. There my father brothers marriage...

2 years ago
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A Daughter and Her Daddy

It all started when Jenny left her phone in her best friend Tammy's car. The timing was just unbelievable, she thought. Her laptop had been shipped off to Applecare for repairs the day before, so she was basically without any Internet access for hours and hours—pure torture for a teenage girl. Tammy was lifeguarding at the club for the summer, and said she'd drop the phone off until after work, but until then...Jenny just had to make her own fun. It didn't take long for her to tire of TV and...

1 year ago
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Son Impregnates Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was married by the time I was seventeen and was probably the most naïve girl on earth. I don’t know that I was even sure of what exactly was going to take place on my honeymoon night. Oh I had dated many many boys, but my first love was dancing with them and the last thing on my mind was getting in the back seat of a Ford and letting some boy put a disgusting penis inside my body. When I got into bed with my new husband and he began kissing me then f...

3 years ago
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Caught Peeping

Back when I was younger I always looked forward to summer. That meant camping practically every weekend, we were seasonal, which meant my dad had already pre-paid for the campsite from Memorial Day to Labor Day. It was the same every year since I was nine years old, so over the years I had a steady group of friends in which I hung out with. The campgrounds itself was huge; it wasn’t some rinky-dink place with a hundred or so campsites. It was far off the main road; in fact you had to take what...

3 years ago
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Catch of a Lifetime

As always, a huge shout out to my editing team, PapaKilo14, Hal, Pixel the Cat (love my big brother), GeorgeAnderson and Olddave1951. Thanks, guys, I love you all. You all know what a mess I am and you make my stories shine. Special thanks go to my friend, GeorgeAnderson, on this story. You helped me when I was stuck and your huge contribution made this story complete. I owe you. Harddaysknight and Saxon_Hart give me peer review. I love what you do for me. You told me the first draft lacked...

1 year ago
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She kept having the same recurrent dream. She found herself running through some great forest glade, a white wispy gown billowing in the breeze behind her. Footsteps, heavy ones, always chasing her, some dark creature, a beast in pursuit. He always caught her, dark and frightening, his eyes shockingly blue in the face of a handsome demon. He would always bind her, tie her spread eagle between 2 trees, His cock dripping with poison right before thrusting it into her mouth, powerful and veined, a...

1 year ago
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Intoxicated        I crashed into the library door half expecting it to be locked and almost lost my footing for the umpteenth time this evening. At least I thought it was still evening, it could have well passed into the early hours of the following day. The University’s oak paneled library was eerily silent, though that was to be expected as most of the students had travelled back home to their families for the winter break. Even in my drunken haze the library still looked as good as it had...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Rachael Cavalli Gets a very personal Dr8217s exam

After finding out her husband is thinking about a divorce Rachael Cavalli is at a standstill, but life must go on and she pushes through her day. While at her Doctors for her checkup Dr. McCormick starts to get a little fresh and Rachael sees her opportunity. She asks the Dr if she can get her full exam and he figures why not, next thing you know he is checking her temperature with his dick and she is loving every second of it. He gives her what her husband is obviously not until he blows his...

1 year ago
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Love Hub! Pornography is one of the most amazing things in the world because it helps us satisfy a constant, primal urge to stimulate our cocks and blast buckets of jizz all over the goddamn place. Sometimes, though, those HD lesbian movies just aren’t enough to make that old, crusty gym sock look appealing anymore. When that happens, it may be time to consider hiring an escort, like one of the broads you’d find on LoveHub.LoveHub.com was registered back in 2014, but the site took off in late...

Escort Sites
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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 10 Consummations

It was as Woodrow Allen had suggested. I ploughed Annette Blanchard's fields by day, then ploughed her madge by night. After the ploughing it was the sowing; during the day I cast seed upon the field and at night I cast my seed upon her furrow. It did not seem as if this would be the outcome when we first climbed the stairs to her bedroom. The lady had requested me to be gentle, slow, and not thrust wildly into her portal, nor practise cunnilingus upon her madge, and I obeyed all these...

4 years ago
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Critical Update

You sit in front of your PC, placing a cup of coffee nearby. Looking at the screen makes you grin - it's only 3%, that's everything you need to wait for the newest update of your favorite MMO game. It took almost two hours. This update was announced long time ago and player were waiting with anticipation. You want to know what it will give you. But installation is still on. Bored of waiting, you move on your account on the graphic forum, where you post the pictures of your characters....

1 year ago
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Playing Beside Hubby

Shelly is quietly laying in bed playing games on her phone beside Randy, her sleeping husband. Suddenly the phone buzzed in her hand. She hadn't been expecting anyone to text her at this time of night, but when it happened she knew immediately who it was. She quickly shifted her eyes to look at Randy and reflexively put her phone down beside her, afraid that he had heard it. It appeared that Randy was still sleeping beside her as she sat propped up in their bed. He hadn't stirred, yet she...

4 years ago
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Kelseys Story

1. At the Office "Kelsey, you have a package up front," the call came from reception. Kelsey walked up front to find a basket, wrapped in a translucent paper, with a small note "Happy Birthday." "What is it?" the receptionist asks, having already read the card. "I am not really sure," Kelsey says, opening the paper a bit. The first thing she saw was the cap of a bottle of champagne. Krug. There were also a couple of small boxes, each one individually wrapped. She returned to her...

3 years ago
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We will it

It was one of those Spring days that can almost make you think Summer has arrived. The blossom on the trees and the occasional breath of cool breeze betrayed the fact that the year was still young. But as the sun bathed us in an unfamiliar warmth, the clear blue sky above seemed to stretch on forever. Heather lay beside me on a picnic blanket. Sunglasses hiding her eyes as she relaxed and drank in the beauty of the day. I sat beside her, reading a book. Occasionally glancing at where her dress...

Quickie Sex
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I managed to get my shy wife to fuck the limo driv

I suppose this story starts with the love of my life; my sweet wife, Claire. She is truly the most amazing woman I have ever met. Everybody loves Claire. And aside from being a great wife and mother to our three k**s, she also has an amazing libido- always eager to have sex. She is 34 years old, and even after having three k**s, still has rocking body. She is 5'4", has great legs, and beautiful "C" cups. We have been married for five years and have enjoyed amazing sex from day one. You would...

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Taming Tamara The Bar Tramp

Tamara awoke with a mind-splitting headache. Quickly she realized that her arms and legs were shackled to a huge ring with her in the middle. She was naked as the day that she was born. A fast look at her bonds and she knew that any possibility of escape was useless. The room was mirror polished panel beside mirror polished panel. Her flaming red hair fell down her back and seemed to have a life of its own with each breath that she took as she hung there waiting for whatever had taken her. Her...

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Carmens early present

Joe and I were sitting in the living room when he asked me' "Any ideas on what you would like for Christmas?" I had gotten home from work and almost immediately my mind went back there and the brief encounter i had with a customer. He was a nice, tall, good looking guy and I could tell he thought I was pretty good looking myself. The conversation was brief and he said he would be stopping off at a local pub and if I cared to join him. I had to decline and he said he would be there a while in...

4 years ago
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Brians Sleepwalking Adventure Pt 07

This story is based on what may be an urban myth from my college days. A fraternity brother told me about the incident after my own adventure, described in my story ‘Pledge Class Payback’ so I believe it to be true. When I asked about it, no one could remember the actual names or years or the fraternity. However, it fed my imagination and inspired me to write this story. It is based on a ‘true incident’ with a lot of embellishments. All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are...

1 year ago
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Stephanie Kelly Part2

"We can meet at Peter's Pub. It's not far from my place on Rosewood Lane." "Okay, I'm sure I can make it," Stephanie said, deciding to call a babysitter if her mother wasn't available. The following Friday, Stephanie drove to the pub to meet Kelly. When she entered, she looked around in the dark restaurant and saw Kelly sitting in a back booth waving her hand. Then with a bright smile, she made her way to the booth and slid in across from Kelly. "No problem finding the place...

3 years ago
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Farm Girl part 11

Riding had always seemed to me to be a very erotic experience. The repeated thumping of the hard saddle against my crotch stimulated my clit and my imagination. With my legs spread wide apart across the thick body of Max, my stallion, I could close my eyes and imagine the hips of a gorgeous blonde adonis crashing into me. I had a small, but really well developed body, which made grown men look twice and get that look on their face, the one that meant `Boy I'd like to Fuck her!' I was...

2 years ago
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A ranger meets an elf in the wild

Sitting on his bedroll in just his trousers, Thanir watches as the first rays of the morning sun broke through the trees. He glances quickly at the smoldering remains of last night's fire but decides against rekindling it. The next town, and a real meal in a tavern, is only a few miles away so there was no need to cook a breakfast. Rubbing the last of the sleep from his eyes, the young ranger stands and stretches.Just as he begins to roll up his bedding, a series of sounds jerk Thanir's...

3 years ago
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A Cloud Over BrenhamChapter 6 Priesticide in Brenham

Harold was slightly happier, his tame priest had been sufficiently cowed to obey his orders and the guard was wise enough not to let him have too much space. The kitchen was being restocked with food from the outlying farms, and an ox was being prepared for a celebratory meal tonight. He was checking out the bustling workers and keeping an eye on the more comely women — selecting which one would grace his chamber later that night — so he wasn't watching where he was stepping. Harold was...

2 years ago
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Moving Around 4

Moving around 4 Special Agent Mike Stateman and Special Agent John Burrows stood in front of a room full of other Agents of the Magic Enforment Agency. The pair were breifing a room of 50 agents, about Edward Parlin's activities and about how he was broken out of their custody by an unknown party. The pair went on to explain that the mission of the task forces is to track Edward and his associates, Then to bring them to justice, They're authorized to use any means necessary, wire taps,...

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The Fifth

This story is dedicated to Lisa Jones, a true friend and great writer whose help and guidance on this and other of my stories has inspired me more than she knows1. The End of a DayDeanna began to slowly roll her head to and fro on her pillow, her hands alternately grasping at the bed sheets, as Michael kneeling at the side of her bed, the short end of the double ended dildo firmly clenched between his teeth, began to plunge the longer pleasure end of the device deeper and more urgently into her...

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Geeky Buns

In high school, she acquired the nickname of Geeky Buns. Virtually everyone considered her a total geek, but that did not stop the guys and some girls from checking out her buns. Guys would say, "Damn, she is a total fucking geek, but she has a great ass." Yet none of them ever hit on her. Later, after high school, she landed a job in a large real estate title company. One day in the breakroom, she overheard a guy say, "Damn, I would love to fuck her, but I would have to keep my eyes...

First Time
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Arlene and JeffChapter 260

"All of you in agreement about this?" the Prime asked, knowing the answer, but asking anyway. "I'm not much of a shot," Wainwright remarked, "but I'll gladly train to be more able to protect my wives." There was instant agreement from the other Alphas. "I'll be more or less limited to the weekends," Matt said, "but then again, I still have vacation time to take before the end of the year – which isn't that far away. Sometimes the rules are ignored because of circumstances, but...

2 years ago
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Sexual adventure with a stranger

Hi all, I’m Ritika, 20 years old. I often come to this site to get excited and fantasize about a sexual adventure. I often ended up fingering while reading these stories. I’m a student and at the last leg of my graduation. I also work part-time for a food delivery company and make extra money for my expenses. I look attractive with fair skin, 5.6ft height, and 50 kg weight. I measure 32-28-32. I keep my cunt clean and hygienic. I had my life’s first crush on my classmate I dated for almost two...

3 years ago
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A Lovely Relationship With My Mother

I had a lovely relationship with my mother. She would always walk around the house after her bath without any clothes on or in her bra and knickers And I did the same. We were use of seeing each other naked and thought nothing of it. She was very playful around me. I think she actually enjoyed showing her body to me, and I loved seeing it, this was a normal thing in our house.Who was I to moan about a good thing? I was a healthy f******n year old oh looking at a naked woman!. One night mum...

2 years ago
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Lorna gets adopted

Hello my name is Lorna Gibbons and I have spent the last five years in an orphanage when my parents were killed in an automobile accident, I never expected at 17 that someone would adopt me, but my newly acquired parents were very good people and explained to me that they knew that no one was going to adopt a 17 year old girl, so close to turning an adult, and by that reason alone they gave me the gift of spending my last year in a real family home and not an orphanage. Bob and Linda Channing...

3 years ago
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Whos Nervous

There's six of us who have been hanging out since early in elementary school. We've lived close to each other and also gone to school together for a long time. There's me, Andrea, I'm the youngest, thirteen, I'll be in the eighth grade next fall. Sharon just turned fourteen, she's in my grade at school, Brenda is fourteen, ditto. Then, Andy, he's fourteen, also in my grade, Luke is fifteen and will be a sophomore in high school and so will Luke. We had all been friends for so long that...

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