- 4 years ago
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Ch.03: The Promotion (She signs off her rape)
I didn't get any work done that morning. I spent most of the time huddledin a corner of the ladies washroom, crying my eyes out, trying to make senseof what had happened.
I had been raped, hadn't I?
I washed and scrubbed myself furiously, trying to clean the CEO off me, desperateto purge every trace of him from my body. I tried to rinse the foul taste ofhis thumb from my mouth, the taste of my own shit, the taste of my own sex.
I had been wet for him hadn't I?
I saw the red glow of my buttock-cheeks in the mirror, compounding my shame.He had spanked me into submission. I had let him fuck me like a cheap slut.I had thanked him and lapped at his fingers. I had curtsied for him. Oh God.Why? Why had I done that?
I still felt filthy dirty, so I washed again.
How incredible to reflect that within a few hours I would be signing a pieceof paper declaring my willingness to dance naked for him. How could I haveallowed it to come to that? How did I end up signing an agreement that wouldhave me shamelessly presenting my naked flesh to the man who had just rapedme?
My boss (the CTO) eventually found me curled up by the lavatory, head buriedin my arms, leaning up against the white enamel of the toilet bowl. He didn'tseem to notice that he was a foreign body in the ladies' washroom.
"I know what happened," he said tenderly, crouching down besideme, sliding an arm around my shoulders.
I sobbed, sniffed, blinked at him through watery eyes.
"The CEO told me about the promotion he wants to give you,? he said.
I sniffed again, tried to speak, but no words came out. I had wriggled myarsehole onto the CEO's thumb, hadn't I?
"Come on Elizabeth," he said encouraging me to get up. "Let'sgo to my office. I'll have coffee brought in, and we can discuss your promotion.I promise, it will cheer you up. It's an incredible offer."
He took my arm and coaxed me to my feet; I wobbled awkwardly on my heels ashe led me through to his office. He gestured to the coffee-girl as we enteredthe office - another short-skirted, high-heeled beauty. He sat me down on thesettee and told me to make myself comfortable.
I fiddled nervously with the hem of my skirt while he perched on the cornerof his desk, observing me intently. Oh God, my legs! I remembered suddenly,tucking my knees together hastily. I had forgotten that I had taken off mydirty knickers. I couldn't wear them again could I? They were stained foreverwith the CEO's semen.
"Elizabeth,? my boss started earnestly. ?You have to trust me. Listento the offer. I am pretty sure that once you hear the details, you won't wantto turn your back on us. You have a chance of really being someone here. ?
I sobbed into my sadly disintegrated tissue.
He stood up, paced across to the far end of the office, and then paced back.He made as if he were about to say something, but then he stopped, turned around,paced away again.
"You earn £30,000 at the moment," he said finally, "butthe CEO and I both think you could earn a lot more than that. We think youcould earn as much as £50,000."
I gasped. £50,000 - That was a lot!
"Basically, we have a proposal for you to consider," he continued,perching back on the corner of his desk. "Before I tell you about it,I want you to know that this really is a genuine offer - I mean - well whatI mean is - it really is an offer as opposed to anything else - you can turnit down without prejudice - although of course we are hoping that you willwant to accept it."
I squirreled my tissue away up my blouse sleeve. What on earth was he talkingabout?
"It is new territory for us,? he went on. ?The CEO and I, that is, Imean. It is not something we have done before, and we have had to look intothe legal implications, company law, human rights and so on."
He flicked nonchalantly at some loose sheets of paper lying on his desk, asif suggesting they were evidence of some of the research that had been undertaken.
"Well, anyway," he went on, "We think we have come up witha package that is both fair and advantageous to us, but more significantly,to you. As with all contracts between an employer and employee there has tobe a certain degree of trust and cooperation in order to ensure the agreementworks to the benefit of both parties."
He paused again, still watching me intently, as if he were reading the thoughtsright out of my eyes. He had become uncharacteristically businessman-like.
"What I am about to offer you" he went on, " - were it to beoffered to a less intelligent, less scrupulous, less loyal, less trustworthyemployee - would leave me personally, and possibly the company as a whole -vulnerable to legal action. That is why before I go on I need to know - andI need you to be entirely open and honest with me - that I have your trust."
I looked at him squarely. What on earth could be so unusual about whateverit was he was about to offer me that could make him say something like that?
"So," he prompted. "Can I?"
"Can you what?" I asked stupidly.
"Can I trust you? Can I go ahead and explain our proposal to you?"
"Yes, of course," I said uncertainly.
?Well that's excellent Elizabeth,? he said, ?because we would like you, inaddition to your current responsibilities, to, well, to take on the role ofSenior PA.?
At that moment, the coffee-girl arrived. She strutted over to the coffee tableand placed down two mugs, treating us to the sight of her trim bottom as sheleaned over. She wore black lace net stockings, the tops of which were clearlyvisible below the hem of her skirt. She looked such a trollop! She should havebeen ashamed of herself, turning up at work dressed like a slut.
Did I look like that?
She wiggled towards the door, her task complete.
"Laura -? My boss called out to her sternly, before she could reach thedoor. "Aren't you forgetting something?"
Laura wheeled round on her heels. Her natural blondish-brown hair hung neatlyconditioned around her shoulders. Her makeup had been applied meticulously;it must have taken her hours. She looked inquiringly at the CTO before seemingto recognise something in his expression.
"Sorry sir," she apologised, and strutted back to the centre ofthe room. She turned towards him and curtsied neatly.
That was strange, I thought.
But then, stranger still: She turned towards me, dropping her knees politelyto form a respectful curtsey.
"Assuming she accepts,? my boss announced, ?Elizabeth is to be promotedto Senior PA. You will be making coffee for Elizabeth too from now on, Laura"
Laura's gaze remained fixed on the floor at my feet.
"You may thank Elizabeth for accepting you as her coffee-girl," theCTO said.
"Thank you for letting me be your coffee-girl miss," Laura saidmeekly, curtseying for a second time. She stood motionlessly before me in hertiny skirt, lacy net stockings and heels. Laura would be my coffee-girl? Shehad called me 'miss'! The little trollop had called me 'miss'!
"Laura will serve you well, Elizabeth." my boss said, seeminglyenjoying himself. "Won't you Laura?"
Laura curtsied for a third time and uttered a small "Yes sir."
"Turn around and show Elizabeth why you want to be her coffee-girl",he instructed her.
Laura turned obediently, displaying her rear to me. The backs of her thighslooked delicious... She leaned forwards a little, keeping her legs perfectlystraight. She then reached and pulled the hem of her skirt up over her smoothwhite buttocks.
I saw it instantly: ?Whore67'. The tattoo was unmistakable. Laura was a whore.A whore!
"You don't think we would hire someone just to make the coffee do you?" TheCTO laughed. "We have made Laura available to all senior members of staff- which will include you, when - if - you accept the promotion we're offering."
My eyes rolled. I was speechless.
"Now Laura," my boss broke into my thoughts, "I want to talkto Elizabeth about something that doesn't concern you. Get down on your kneesand show her what a good whore you are."
Laura knelt on the floor at my feet unquestioningly. I was sitting cross-legged.She reached forwards, stuck her tongue out and began to lick hesitantly atthe stocking-wrapped toes of my dangling foot. I couldn't believe it. Was Idreaming? I gave her face a little prod with my foot. She was real alright:A real whore.
?Now, where were we?? My boss wondered aloud. ?Ah. That's right. Now, as Imentioned, we want to pay you £50,000. Obviously we would expect youto undertake certain extra responsibilities in return, to justify the increase.What we have in mind is..." His voice trailed off, apparently distractedby the sight of Laura flicking her tongue over my toes.
"Look,? he went on finally. ?The CEO finds you extraordinarily attractiveElizabeth. I think you already know that... And, well, so do I for that matter.? Heseemed to stumble over the words, as if he found giving the complement difficult.
?We would like you," he tried again, "in addition to your currentresponsibilities to - well, basically, erm, on occasion, to? to dance, - dancefor us - in private, of course?
Dance! Dance? Why?
"The, erm, performances, shall we say,? he hurried on, ?will be at timesof our choosing, but within normal office hours, and no more than twice a week."
Dance? What kind of dancing? Not like in the lift earlier this morning surely?No way. I would never agree to anything like that.
He watched me carefully.
?Let me make one thing very clear from the outset,? he said, interruptingmy thoughts. ?It would be strictly dancing only. No, er, contact, if you knowwhat I mean. We have coffee-girls for that kind of thing!?
He chuckled, enjoying his own joke.
Laura sucked deeply on my toes, taking them in and out of her mouth. The littletramp was fucking her face on my toe. Good. I deliberately turned my ankle,making her chase my toes with her tongue.
?There is though, one important thing I have to tell you before you make upyour mind," my boss went on. "You will be expected to dress as theCEO pleases for the duration of each dance, including, at his discretion, fullnudity."
There. He had said it. He had said it quickly, directly. I knew it. They wantedme to dance naked for them.
"Naked...?" I checked.
"Well... It's a possibility," he said. "But please know thatit will likely be the exception rather than the rule. And of course, in recognitionof your continuing efforts, we will be increasing the number of invitationsfor you to join us at 'The Scrava' ? you will additionally be extended theoccasional weekend and evening invitation..."
What were they offering? A £20,000 pay increase. A more senior role.A whore-girl to make me coffee on demand?. And of course there were those visitsto ?The Scrava'? I would have whores slurping at my pussy on a Saturday evening- I would practically own Whore80?
In return I would be obliged to dance for the CEO twice a week, possibly withoutclothes. But wouldn't that be insufferably humiliating? Dancing ? wiggling ? wearingwho-knows-what, for the private entertainment of the CEO? It would mean displayingmy body to the man who had raped me! Wouldn't that be like saying I was gratefulfor what he had done? ? That there I was, ready and willing to dance nakedfor him - as if I were glad to have the opportunity to squirm for him, to thankand honour him.
£20,000 a year extra though? That's a lot of money: I would be ableto take a mortgage out on a flat in Kingston? I could get a new car? I wouldbe senior PA. A senior role at last - I deserved that didn't I? Didn't I justhave to take one of those ?risks' the CEO had mentioned?
?What are you thinking Elizabeth?? The CTO asked quietly.
Laura had started working her way up my ankles, lapping at my stockings likea well trained puppy.
?I'm not sure,? I said, fidgeting in my seat, feeling my spanked-sore bum-cheeks.
?You won't ever get another chance to join the elite, Elizabeth. Look at younow! You have a whore on her knees worshipping your ankles. You have been invitedon an ongoing basis to visit ?The Scrava' ? don't take that too lightly ? itis a rare privilege.?
Laura had started trailing her tongue up my shins.
?And don't forget the money,? my boss went on. ?- And the increase in status.All for the sake of a few dances for the CEO in his private office. Don't missthis, Elizabeth. If you don't take this opportunity, someone else will...?
His words charmed, cajoled, persuaded. This was my big chance - wasn't it?I had to take it, didn't I? So what if I would have to dance occasionally forthe CEO? So what? Think of all the whores that would in turn dance for me?
Laura lapped at my knees. I enjoyed the sight of her eager little tongue dartingback and forth across the stretched latex of my stockings. I couldn't turnthis opportunity down. I just couldn't.
"Where do I sign...?" I heard myself ask.
"Oh that's wonderful!" My boss responded brightly. "Reallyexcellent!?
He picked out a piece of paper from his desk, stepped gingerly around Laura(still lapping at my knees) and slid the piece of formal headed paper in frontof me on the coffee table. I ran my eyes over the document:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* I declare that I have given my consent to perform private dances for mysuperiors within Bowyer & Lake Technology Enterprises
* I understand that I have consented to attire myself as directed by my superiorsfor the duration of performances.
* I understand that I should present myself for up to two (2) performancesper working week, the timings of which shall be at the discretion of my superiors.
* I understand that I am to continue to carry out my normal duties and responsibilitiesto the best of my ability.
* I understand that in view of the additional responsibilities outlined above,I can expect a salary increase of no less than £20,000 and promotionto the role of Senior PA.
* I declare that I am a trusted employee of Bowyer and Lake Technology Enterprisesand my confidence can be relied upon in all matters relating to this agreement.I understand that any attempt to breech this trust shall result in immediatedismissal from the company and legal proceedings may be initiated against me.
* I declare that in signing this agreement I do so of my own free will, andthat now and on no previous occasion have I been subject to threat or obligation,and nor have I at any time been forced to act against my wishes.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The last clause, I knew, would effectively sign off my rape.
But so what? What difference did it make? The CEO had screwed me. So what?I could live with that. I was just about to become one of the elite. I wouldhave whores available on tap from now on. I was getting a good deal, wasn'tI?
Laura's tongue had reached the elastic hold-ups of my stockings. When I unfoldedmy legs she was staring right into my exposed snatch. I was sure she couldsmell me at that distance. Get used to it, bitch, I thought.
"Splendid!" My boss exclaimed as I scribbled my signature happilyat the bottom of the agreement. ?I knew you wouldn't let me down Elizabeth.?
We watched Laura's head bobbing up and down as she ran her tongue around theinside of my thighs. I opened my legs wider. I knew my boss could probablysee my pussy ? but to be honest I was too turned on to care ? and besides,he must surely have already seen it during those long lunches at ?The Scrava'?
?Laura,? The CTO said firmly. ?Eat.?
Laura ate. She buried her head in my pussy and sank her tongue busily intomy sex? What it must be like to be one of these whores, I mused. To spend yourdays worshipping your superiors? Did they enjoy whoring themselves for thepleasure of others? Were they grateful for the employment? Was Whore67 flickingher tongue obediently at my clitoris because she was glad of the money? Whatmoney? Who paid these whores? And who trained them? They were all so well trained.They all knew how to curtsey the same way. They all knew how to, well theyall seemed to know how to be well behaved little fuck-whores?.
I felt like a princess, holding Whore67 by a clump of her hair, forcing herface deep into my snatch, suffocating her, wanting to her to understand wellher coffee-girl status.
The CTO watched, evidently pleased with what he was seeing.
?You know Elizabeth,? he said, ?If I so wish, I can snap my fingers and Laurawill crawl over here on her hands and knees and start sucking my penis. She'llhold open her pussy for me while I fuck it. If I clap my hands together, she'llstrip and dance for us. She's a well trained whore-girl. ?
I drew breath sharply as Laura nibbled on my clitoris.
?She went to university,? my boss continued. ?She used to work in PR. Oneday she came complaining to us that she could make more money than we werepaying by working as a whore ? so we decided to take her at her word ? we madeher a whore.?
?You made her?? I managed, not really able to speak with Laura sucking atmy sex so eagerly. I yanked her face away from my sodden pussy and held onto her like that, bending her neck sideways like a rag-doll.
?Oh yes,? he asserted, ?we made her a whore. We took her down to ?The Scrava'and put her to work.?
?You did what? She didn't mind?? I breathed, heart thumping. I had been closeto climax.
?Well, no-one wants to be a whore at first?? He laughed. ?But in the end everygirl can be bought. Every girl can be owned.?
?Owned?? I stammered, wondering what it must be like to hear your superiors ? yourowners - discussing you in this way, to be held in your new mistress' gripby a clump of your hair, chin dripping with your mistress' juices?. Knowingall the while that you were worthless, a number tattooed on your arse foreveridentifying you as whore67. Just another whore.
My God: It would be me soon. I would be Whore94. One of their whores. Owned.Labelled. Compliant.
?Yes, owned,? the CTO said proudly. ?We own all our whores. And Whore67 lovesbeing a little slut-whore, don't you Whore67??
Laura peered up at me sheepishly, and nodded. Something in her eyes, however,seemed to be screaming: NO I HATE IT.
?You enjoying serving your owners don't you Whore67,? my boss tormented herfurther.
?Yes sir?, she whimpered.
?She has accepted her role in life, that's all,? the CTO went on. ?She wasborn a whore. Don't believe all that socialist nonsense about how we are allequal, Elizabeth. Since humans first started living on this planet there havebeen the few that have and the many that don't. That's just the way it goes.?
?Is she paid?? I asked, seeing at the same time what could only be the startof tears welling up in the corner of Laura's eyes.
?Mmm. That's a good question,? he said. ?Yes, well, I would prefer not toanswer that for the time being if you don't mind, Elizabeth. You'll find outsoon enough though, I assure you.?
?Why doesn't she, you know, just stop ? I mean, why doesn't she just stopbeing a whore?? I wondered aloud.
?Mmm, another good question,? he shrugged. ?I don't know the answer to that.I don't even think Laura does.?
Laura let a small moan escape. This was her life: To be Whore67 and nothingbut Whore67. Whether she was paid or not, whether she wanted to whore or not,it didn't make a jot of difference. The simple fact was that she was a whore,and I wasn't. I thrust her face back into my pussy.
?Make me come, whore,? I barked at her.
Her well-trained tongue flicked frantically at my sex, eager to pleasure me.I scanned my eyes over her net stockings and heels, enjoying the view. I hadalmost felt inclined to ask her to strip for me, but had preferred her to remaindressed like a slut. I would have plenty of chances to see her naked, I wassure.
?Good, Elizabeth.? My boss chimed. ?You certainly know how to treat a whorelike a whore.?
I hardly heard him. My pulse was thundering, my breaths quickening. I archedmy back, desperately trying to push my pussy deeper into Laura's face. I yearnedto have someone touch my breasts, caress my nipples. I shot a glance over atmy boss, had to restrain myself from barking an order at him to placate mydesire. From that single glance I could see he was clearly enjoying the spectacle.It was as if we were performing for him; a couple of lesbians putting on ashow. It should have horrified me, but for some reason it just didn't. I startedto contort and convulse with pleasure and my entire body throbbed with theonset of ecstasy.
When I came, it was as if I were exploding. I couldn't hold back a moan ofpleasure as the orgasm seized me and carried me with it.
?Good little fucking coffee-girl whore,? I half-whispered, half growled asI rode my orgasm to its glorious conclusion.
Laura, Whore67, obediently continued to lap gently at my pussy, mopping upmy juices with her tongue. Tasting me. I remembered how just hours earlierI had tasted myself on the CEO's fingers. I remembered how he had made me thankhim, curtsey for him.
?What do you say slut?? I demanded of Whore67, yanking her away from my snatchby the hair (I hadn't let go of her the whole time).
?Thank you miss,? she said feebly.
Then I did something strange ? taking myself completely by surprise, and somethingI feel somewhat ashamed to own up to having done.
I spat in her face. I spat in the face of Whore67.
?Thank you, miss.? Laura said more audibly, my spit running down her cheeks.
I looked over at my boss, suddenly feeling self-conscious ? almost as if Ihad forgotten he was there.
?Spit on her again,? he encouraged me. ?I enjoyed that.?
I turned back to Whore67. She was trembling, seemed to be fighting off thetears.
I spat again, right in the middle of her miserable whore face. That wouldteach her to have such immaculate make-up, I thought.
?Excellent,? my boss congratulated me.
It felt strange. I had started off convinced I was using Whore67 for my ownpleasure, but it had ended up seeming as if I had simply been performing formy boss all along.
?Let her go now Elizabeth,? he said - ordered?
I released Laura from my grip. She scrambled to her feet and immediately curtsiedpolitely.
?Thank you miss,? she said quietly, looking down at the floor. My spit stilldribbled down her face. She looked pathetic.
?You can go,? the CTO told her.
She curtsied to him, then once again to me, before trotting towards the officedoor. I imagined her tattoo ?Whore67' wriggling under her skirt above thosetarty lace net stockings.
?Clean that spit off your face before going out there,? the CTO instructedher. ?And bring more coffee. It's gone cold.?
She turned and nodded silently. She wiped my spit on the sleeve of her blouse,not daring to look at either of us. Then she curtsied again, and left.
?Elizabeth,? my boss said when she had gone, ?I don't think you should walkaround in that skirt without wearing any knickers, do you??
I tucked my legs together hurriedly. Had I been displaying myself to him allthis time?
?No, you're right,? I agreed.
I reached into my handbag and pulled out my knickers. They bore the CEO'ssemen, I knew.
?Put them on, Elizabeth,? he said.
I looked at my panties reluctantly, and then I turned towards him, unsureof what to do.
?You're the Senior PA now Elizabeth. You've got to dress responsibly.?
Slowly, still unsure of what I was doing, I stood, bent over and directedmy high-heels into the tainted panties, and pulled them up to my knees. I paused,feeling my boss' eyes on me. As I pulled the knickers up around my hips I sawmyself kneeling before the CEO, sucking his thumb, sucking his fingers, thankinghim for fucking me. I was wearing his semen, wasn't I? I would have to wearhis semen for the rest of the day ? a constant reminder of what he had doneto me. But it didn't matter anymore did it? It was over. It was all part ofthe agreement. I had to wear the CEO's semen around my pussy with pride.
?Good, Elizabeth,? the CTO nodded contently.
I was fast becoming a whore, yet I still had no idea.
I was almost ready to have Whore94 inscribed on my bum.
I was almost ready to kneel alongside Laura at my boss' feet, our knickersaround our ankles.
I was almost ready to share his orgasm with her, to tongue-swap his come betweenus.
I was almost ready to peer up at him and thank him for fucking my face becauseI was a worthless whore?
It wouldn't be long now.
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Reddit NSFW ListThe idea of a Whores Hub is immediately appealing to anybody with a hard dick and a taste for pretty girls. I mean, shit, it’s all right there in the name: one centralized hub where you can find all your favorite fap fantasy babes. Some might argue that the old and familiar Pornhub has you covered in that respect, but we’ve all seen the quality decline and our saved collections disappear off the tube giant in recent months. Sometimes it’s a great thing for a newer, smaller tube to come and...
Free Porn Tube SitesNikki slouched low in the chair. The impudent shape of her pussy shoved conspicuously against the seam of her jeans. They were skintight, with frayed cutouts all over, exposing almost as much of her almond complexion as they covered. Her body had a way of looking relaxed, yet like it was bursting out of itself at the same time. Her skin looked so smooth Stone could almost feel the texture under his fingers. He kept his hands in plain sight and feigned interest in the mess of papers spread...
Oral SexIt was almost 7:00. I waited nervously in my room for Steveto arrive. Steve was my boyfriend. My very first, real, live, boyfriend. Having a real boyfriend ushered me into the echelons of girls in the school who mattered. Having a boyfriend meant you were somebody, you were linked into the social hierarchy of high school and got to look down on all the virgin wallflowers waiting for someone to pick them out. I could hardly believe that Steve had picked me out. I was almost a nobody, just a...
It all began one day at work. Im not an amazing looking person. Yet i feel as if im above average. At 6'1" 230 and a huskier frame. With dark hair and eyes and a trimmed full beard. i could find my fair share of attractive women. Then one day as i worked at my job for the city patching the road......
NOTE: See the story “Lusty Lori” for more background on some of the characters. This can stand alone but is a sequel to the above. There was an itinerant sailor wench, the kind that goes from boat to boat as crew as their way of life, who had been sent my way. Wendi was a tall lean blonde in her late twenties. Small tits, big smile, and talented crotch. She was good at sailing and screwing so stayed with me for six months over the winter. She took good care of the boat and my cock so I took...
Brooke laughed as she drove down the road, visiting with her friend, Emily, better known as Em. "He's a dolt, just like the rest of them! Guys are so easy. Just give them some now and then and they'll believe anything." Em laughed in agreement, "Yep. I still say you should try it without a condom. It feels sooooooo good!" "No way!" Brooke retorted. "I can't get pregnant. Not until I plan to, anyway. And while they think I'm on birth control, the truth is, I hate those damn pills and...
Pure fiction, Hazel is actually my wife but she loves me write stories like this and read them to her in bed as a form of foreplay. Growing Old Together (Disgracefully) One afternoon last week, I was in the cafe of my local super market when I noticed my neighbour, Hazel, sitting at one of the tables. She was on her own so I went over and asked if she minded if joined her. She smiled up at me and nodded. When I was settled, I noticed she seemed to be down in the dumps so I asked her what was...
Hi all my dear readers and lovers, this is Savita Saxena back again for you with the third part of my transformation to a gang’s slut whore. You should go through the previous 2 parts if you haven’t read them already. So, I am writing this story in a small pink thong pantie under a small micro-skirt and sitting on the lap of Raju who was one of Bunty’s gang members. Bunty sometimes touches my nipples which stay erect always nowadays (Bunty will start hormone treatment after a month for me after...
Gay MaleI had an idea, so I drove us to the school we both attended, and parked. Something was going on, but the parking lot wasn’t very full, and we were far enough away to not be noticed, I hoped. Before she could react, I pulled her up on my lap and gave her a really erotic kiss. Her dress had a slit, to show off her gams, a term I got from online. “I feel you up against my butt, Lover,” she said. “You make me feel things I never thought I would,” I said to her. I went into my coat pocket and...
I identify as a 'bi male' but for the past few years, my sex life has been non existent. Age and an enlarged prostate have taken their toll and the eight-inch erection I was once so proud of is now just a happy memory. My tiny cock is no longer an embarrassment to me. I've learned to accept it. Of course I still get horny, still masturbate and still dream about sex. I've never felt romantically attracted to any man but lately, my fantasies have involved other men, men who took pleasure in...
BisexualOur new Basement TheaterThis is a condensed story of how my wife and I added a party theater to our basement. This was after she had begun attending hot evenings at the porn theaters, and the adult bookstores. We continued to visit the porn theaters, but this party room at the house became our main venue. We added other outlets for our sexual times was months then years passed.chapter 1I had spent three weeks finishing our basement theater room, one that had started as just a simple finish of...
This story is a continuation of my first story about my threesomes with my girlfriend Katie (21) my best friend John (22) and myself (22). The night after our first threesome, Katie was very aroused by this new experience and wanted asked me if we could do it again. It turned me on very much knowing she wanted more of it. So I told her that we should do something fun, so I told her to dress up in some sexy lingerie with stockings, because John had told me how much he loved lingerie and...
Albrecht Smith is widely recognized as the pioneer of sexual genetic performance art when it came into its own in the 22nd Century. He set loose collections of genetically modified humans. The performance art installation was the society as it developed. Some today argue that these stories should not be shared because of the egregious ethical and moral violations they were based on. We feel each epoch has to be judged by its own standards, and we can appreciate artistry wherever it is...
Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 15 "Triangle Square" By Wanda Cunningham "I need to go for a walk - or something," Kelly said. He stood near the edge of the glass...
Hello Readers, I live in Pune and am writing this story. Before moving to Pune, I used to live in my home town. In my neighborhood, there was a girl named Chhaya (name changed). I was about around 22 years of age and was studying in college. Chhaya was around 19 years and she had completed her 12th class. She was preparing for entrance exams. She was very beautiful. I used to admire her beauty and always wished to have her. But it wasn’t easy as our houses were adjacent and our families very...
When my girlfriend Han and I started living together we struggled to make ends meet. We lived in Montreal, a city with a lot of character, but low on economic opportunities. On the upside, at least rents were cheap. I was a student with a part-time job, supplemented with student loans. Han had dropped out but still hadn’t found full-time work. One day sitting around reading the paper I spotted an ad that perked my curiosity. At the time I liked reading personals in the local paper. Before...
ThreesomesOne. April 1991 Sue was 36, tall, leggy, had long blond hair and bright blue eyes. She was a dedicated runner and had a slender, leggy athletic figure to die for. I had known her a few weeks and Fridays if her k**s were at their dads, we`d eat, have a drink, watch a film then I`d fuck her brains out for hours. That Friday I brought, "Blade Runner," one of my favs around. Sue said she try it, even if she didn`t like sci-fi. We ate, started on the Vodka then settled down on the sofa and I pushed...
Just before we got married I was introduced to her family. Her mom and dad had divorced and her dad had remarried. The woman he married had an eleven year old son and a daughter who was a few years older. My first impression of the daughter Beth was she was a little to much of a stick and too young to get me excited. My biggest turn on is teen girls that are in the midst of developing and Beth was just starting to develop. When I got home I was really turned on and encouraged my wife to...
NATEMy stepson Jacob and I were about to go for round two when we heard the door open and my wife call out, “Hey, guys!”Jacob and I only had seconds. “I’ll put my office back together, and you get dressed,” I whispered to my stepson.Jacob nodded and started throwing on his clothes. Grabbing my own shirt and jeans, first things first. I switched off the speakers, turned the monitor, and then got my shirt on.“Where are you guys?” Melissa asked.“In here!” Jacob said.I guess he had to say it, only...
I met him while on a girl’s vacation a few months ago. My friends and I take a trip every year that includes relaxing days on the beach, drinking a surplus of wine and dancing the nights away. With a few days left I met this sexy man on the dance floor, let’s face it white guys just can't dance like a black man. He kept eying me and later approached offer to buy me a drink. He asked me to dance and I accepted. I was never attracted to black men, but was turned on by the way he danced. He...
After everyone had left, I asked Thelma if she would sit on the couch with me for just a minute. I had a couple of questions that needed answering. Of course she said yes and I took her by the hand and we sat on the sofa. "Thelma, yesterday you told me you never got married because the man you loved was not available. Who was that man?" "The kids told you, didn't they? I thought you were dead and I needed to tell someone. I held it in for so long, I'm sorry, Danny." "Sorry about...
I was setting at home one night in late September when the phone rang; it was Doug, a friend that I had gone to school with who had moved south after he got out of school. Doug told me that he was going to come home the second weekend in October and that Mark and Les, two other old friends and party mates, were going to come back at the same time. They wanted to check into a hotel for the weekend and spend the weekend chasing hot college pussy like we use to. I said that it sounded good I...
Hello friends ye meri pehli story jo me likhane jaa rha hu or I hope aapko ye pasand aayegi or pakka ye story padake ladake muth or ladakiyo ki chut ka pani nikal jaaega. Toh sabse pehle me mere baare mai batata hu mera naam h arun or mai mumbai se belong karta or me ei ty me hu. Mere family mai 5 member h me, papa, mummy, bhai or chhoti sister jo mujse 4 saal chhoti h. To ab jayada time waste nhi karte hue me story pe aata hu ye baat un dino ki h jab me karib 14 year ka tha tabhi muje sex ke...
Busty blonde beauty Katie Morgan is one horny sexpot in this Hands on Hardcore fuck fest where she can’t wait to get her puffy pussy pumped by her hunky gardener. She says it’s hard to find good help, so when you do it’s best to make the most of it. This luscious lady certainly makes sure to get herself properly seen to by Ramon Nomar and his big tool. In her sexy black lingerie she makes it very clear what she has in mind…she can’t wait to get her lips around his...
xmoviesforyouI lay in bed completely naked. Slowly rubbing baby oil all over my body, paying special attention to my tits and my pussy. I begin to pull and tease my nipples, my other hand finds my swollen, tender clit, I feel myself slowly pinching and rubbing my clit. As the fever builds, I stop and tie my tits as tight as I can get them. They change to a deep purple. Next, I clip clothes pins on each nipple as I continue to tease my clit, taking my other hand and fingering my pussy and my ass with two...
BDSMI was never a well built guy in high school but I was still one of the best football players, yet I wasn’t the guy that the girls wanted to be with. I did date a few girls but none that I was in love with or interested in sleeping with. I was lucky enough to be recruited by a good college in Florida. The first year was pretty rough but I was able to pass all of my courses, and was able to remain on the football team as a second string safety. Unfortunately, as hard as I played and practiced I...
Hello to all the readers of ISS I am sush(hyderabad). I am a reader of ISS. I’m from hyderabad. Any female looking for some private or intimate moments contact this e-mail- Please share your thoughts and lets jump right into the story. Coming to the sex story. It was early spring break, everyone were getting ready to go home for vacation as it was our first year at college.Leaving home for education gets you homesick but we get used to it anyway. Speaking of which I packed all bags and was...
Chapter 7I started my car and slowly drove out of the park. I did not know what else to do so I started to drive toward Melanie’s house. Then I noticed that the police car that had been behind me was there again. He was definitely watching me.“I see you back there.” I said under my breath as I turned the opposite way from Melanie’s house.Instead I headed toward the campus and decided the best thing to do was to go about my day as normal as possible. It was hard to concentrate on my classes as I...
My daughter and her friends are teammates on the high school cheerleader squad. With the routines they do, they are all in excellent shape, athletic and toned, but not over muscled bodybuilder types. They may be well toned, but they are still very much 16 year old teen females. Rita and Courtney have been friends since they were 6, and with their blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair features, they have been mistaken for sisters. Judi has been friends with them since they were 10, and she is a...
McKenzee Lee is horny and trying to enjoy a little alone time, just her, her massive tits, and her hand rubbing her hot milf pussy. There’s just one problem, her stepson who is quarantined with her is teaching his virtual workout class and he’s loud as fuck! How’s she supposed to cum with all these distractions? When she goes outside and sees his hot body (and that dick print on his shorts!) she goes from mad to horny and decides to see if she can get a little quarantine love...
xmoviesforyouOne very hot summer day mom suprised me by telling me that we were going to go swimming at the public pool. I was thrilled because everytime we go we have so much fun and do lots of unordinary things! We arrived around 10a.m. just when they were opening up, we paid our entry fees and then we recieved our locker room keys! Mom gave me a kiss on the lips and said she'll see me outside by the mens locker room door. I went inside to change into my trunks and while I was doing that, I just kept...
Doston maine aapko bataya tha ki mom ke sath ek raat chudayi karne ke bad phir mai sochne laga ki ek bar phir se sex ka anand liya jaye, lekin man me dar raha tha ki mom kaise tayyar hogi. Agli rat ko dinner ke bad maine mom ko kaha ki kal ki rat ke liye mai sharminda hun aur maphi mangta hun par aap hi batao na mai kya karta. Mujhse raha nahi ja raha tha. Mom tumko bhi to bad me mazza aane laga tha, jhut mat bolna, boli yeh sab ab dobara mat karna. Mai bola lekin mom abki bar mai kal ki tarah...
I wake. For a moment, I’m confused, surrounded by complete darkness. Then I begin to panic. I’m trapped, face down against a hard-flat surface. It ends just below my stomach. A round ball fills my mouth and drool drips down my chin. My arms and legs are pulled down, held in place below me. I continue to struggle, trying to break free, but I can barely move. White Room [FF][Rape][Torture][Needles] I wake. For a moment, I’m confused, surrounded by complete darkness. Then I begin to panic. I’m...
The next morning when Nena woke up Mark made her take a shower with him. He ordered her to wash his hair and lather him. When he got hard he made her kneel down in the soiled water and suck his cock. He held her thick hair in his hands, and sawed his cock in and out of Nena's hot mouth until he filled it with his warm seed. As she was sucking him off she had her legs spread wide, her fingers buried in her vagina. As Mark came, Nena's vagina contracted around her finger, her cunt juice...
I didn't see Danielle for a week afterward. I got really swamped at work, and couldn't get any free time. We spoke on the phone and exchanged cute e-mails, but didn't see each other face to face until that Friday. None of our conversations mentioned what had happened the previous weekend. I had almost completely forgotten about it when I walked up to her door late on Friday night. I had really missed Danielle, and was looking forward to seeing her. As soon as the door opened, we...
There was a really loud silence around the table after Dad left for work that Friday morning. Bonnie and I were finished eating so we stood up and started tidying away the breakfast things. Mum stirred and looked at me. I could tell she was about to ask a question, so I cut her off. “Just don’t, okay?” I said rather forcibly. “I’m not ready to talk about it so don’t even start.” “There’s no call to talk to me like that,” she snapped back at me. So I got in her face and screamed at her to...
Note: This won’t make much sense without having read the first two chapters. Sleeping with Sam curled around me was… well, if I use words like “dreamy” I’ll have to make fun of myself. Let’s just say I enjoyed it. Didn’t do much actual sleeping, of course. Tough to drift off with a new lover’s bare skin all over yours. And it was the same for Sam, he spent a lot more time nuzzling my neck than he did snoring. Which meant we went to class horny the next day. First bell was a signal to Sam to...
Jessy Jones is at home minding his own business, catching up on his favorite dorky anime when Morgan Lee shows up to go to lunch with her boyfriend, his roommate. Morgan has never understood why her boyfriend would live with such a weirdo dork like Jessy, but when he convinces her to stick around, and wait for him, she can’t refuse. Deep down she’s pissed at brad, but Jessy has seduction on his mind, after all his favorite things are right there beside him. First off, she’s...
xmoviesforyouHi ISS Readers, the following story is inspired by one of the emails I received from an ISS reader. She claims that it happened to her friend who used to work as a Nurse in one leading hospital in Erode, Tamilnadu. I request you not to think too much about the veracity of the story but instead enjoy the story and let me know what you felt about it. You do know where to send your feedback, but I have to say that it is the same at The hospital stood tall on the busy Perundurai Road. It had a few...
I came back and my wife was rather quiet about the sex she had till i bring up the topic. we were in bed and we were making love and i brought up the topic that i enjoed hearing her fuck Mark while i was fucking her. she was moaning and she whispered asking me if i am mad about it. I again assured her NO. i like it alot and want her to continue fucking Mark for me. she giggled and was wilder in bed even with me. so after we had sex. i start to have small chats with her about how she feel...
Several years have gone by and I have only told one person this story. Since it's been a while I decided to tell the story, if not for anything else, just to remember. My wife and I had been going through some tough times. I'm not sure where it started but after 10 years of marriage we had sort of lost our way romantically. We tried counselling and it seemed to be going nowhere. Anyway, my wife had a cousin who came to visit over a weekend. Now my wife is very pretty and it runs in her family....
When arriving at the mansion of ms Brendan after lunch, Donna was not too surprised to see it was a very luxurious one. It had started already with the limousine with personal driver. During the ride ms Brendan had received at least five phone calls from various business associates, as she called them. She had not really bothered Donna during the ride, leaving her to her own thoughts. “Walk up to the front door, Donna” ms Brendan instructed Donna “I will be there shortly, I have to make one...
Vicky woke into darkness. It should not have been completely dark. There were lights in the basement, even when every light was turned off. The DVD player, for one, always gave off a bit of light. At times, it seemed abnormally bright, when the eye was expecting darkness. So, why was she now... Ah. She had rolled over in the night, part of Kevin's sleeping bag covering her eyes. Rolling her body to the left, the familiar scene of her darkened basement came into view. Ceiling. That light...
Not sure if l can write it all down tonight, it’s been quite a busy day, very exciting and good fun though. After breakfast Mum helped me get ready, she did my make-up, made sure l wasn’t too tarty looking. Dad was waiting at the bottom of the stairs when l went down, he said it would be good if l could get Mr Watkins at the bottom of some stairs because as l was walking down he could look right up my skirt. Daddy even said my skirt needed adjustment and went to put his hand under but Mum...