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This story was originally posted in 2003, and while a work of fiction, takeselements and stories from experiences in my life with several partners. Thecontinued feedback I have received, as well as requests for additional chaptershas prompted me to continue the work. Thanks for all the comments, email alwayswelcome and responded to!

A new path

By Chris Fowler

At 31 years old, Chris decided to change his life, and go to college. Afterleaving the Army, a series of fun, but dead end jobs had finally grown old,and education was the key to these goals. So one day, he enrolled at the localcommunity college, signed up for his veteran's benefits, and became a seriousstudent. From the beginning, he got a lot of attention from the female studentson campus. Though only 5'7?, Chris was very muscular at 220 lbs, with dark,close cropped hair, a goatee, and blue eyes. Still in excellent physical conditionfrom the workout routine carried over from the military, he had a forcefulpersonality, quick wit, and an intelligent charm most women found attractive.For the most part, however, Chris ignored the girls on campus other than theoccasional glance as he saw them as just that: girls. The Student body consistedmainly of 18-19 year olds who didn't take high school seriously enough, orwhose parents lacked the funds to pay for a 4-year university. They treated it like the 13 th grade.

One day, while sitting in the library between classes, Chris logged onto thenet, and checked his email. There was a reply from an online group he belongedto, one that dealt with bondage and discipline. While he was reading his email,Sheri walked by, and decided to say hello. Sheri was one of the typical 19year olds at school, very attractive, cheerleader in high school, bright, butnever applied herself. Though her family had enough money to send her to astate school, her father insisted she spend a year at community college todevelop some study habits, and prove that his money would not be wasted ata 4-year school. She snuck up behind Chris, intending on covering his eyes,and surprising him, but what she saw on the screen took her breath away. Thefirst line of the email read, ?I found your suggestions for the use of candlewax and ice cubes together during bondage to be very helpful.? Frozen in place,she looked a bit mortified when Chris, sensing her presence, turned around.

He looked at her for a long second, and then closed his email before turningback around. ?Hi Sheri, what can I do for you?? ?I am not sure,? she nervouslyreplied, ?I was going to say hello, but then?? Chris finished the sentencefor her. ?Then you read part of my email, and now you don't want to talk tome anymore.?

Sheri's heart was pounding in her chest, she thought Chris was cute, and hewas so calm and confidant, despite what should have been an awkward situation.Though somewhat new to sexuality, Sheri was not a virgin, and had actuallybeen tied up during sex before, even if it was just with a silk scarf. He boyfriendat the time hadn't seemed too turned on by the encounter, and she dropped it,though she had gotten unbelievably turned on by the brief moment of helplessness,and masturbated to that fantasy often. Since that day, she had hoped to meetsomeone into the same sort of fetish, but every guy she had dated since onlywanted a little pussy, and blowjobs. None even bit at her hints or suggestionsabout being rougher or a bit wild. Now here was someone who obviously knewwhat he was doing, and all she had to do was seize the opportunity. She chickenedout, turned away, blushing, and walked out of the library. Chris watched hergo, grunted noncommittally, and turned back to his email.

For the next few days, every time Chris and Sheri saw each other in Englishcomposition, Chris would give her a polite smile, and sometimes ask, ?How areyou?? but never got any response, she would just blush a bit, and look away.Then one day, while Chris was drinking a cup of coffee, and reading a bookin the courtyard between classes, a shadow fell across his pages, and stayedthere. Looking up, he saw Sheri, looking back at him. She appeared nervous,but was making eye contact for the first time in weeks. ?I can't talk to youlike this, your eyes kill me, it's like you look through me, so I wrote thisdown.? She reached down, and handed him an envelope, and walked away. Thatevening, at home, Chris opened her envelope.

Chris, I am sorry I have been avoiding you, I was embarrassed when I readyour email, but I am not disappointed with you in any way, I am curious.This is a subject I have thought about quite a bit in the last year, andwhen I was confronted with it, it took me unaware. I would like to know ifyou would consider a dinner date to discuss this, and if you are interestedin me, maybe you could show me a bit about the lifestyle. Thanks! Sheri.

Chris sat there for a long time, reading that short note, and debating asto how to proceed. She did have a really cute ass, a little too thin though,and I don't really need a young girl who knows nothing. Too much effort totrain. Oh well, I can scare her off easily enough.

Sheri, you know what I am, and if you're think that's what you're lookingfor, you get one chance, and only one. My place tomorrow night, schoolgirlskirt, knee-high stockings, black shoes, white button down blouse, no braor underwear. Go heavy on the makeup, hair up in pigtails, and shaved pussy.Be there at 6 pm; never address me as anything other but ?sir.? Any failureto follow these instructions to the letter, or any refusal to obey a commandwill immediately end our evening.


The next day in class, Chris handed off the letter, and said only, ?Don'topen this until you get home.? Walking away, he chuckled, ? she'll nevershow up, but at least she has her answer .' Sheri had a nervous ticklein her stomach. She had not expected a response so quickly, and now, here itwas with a clear instruction. Curiosity was killing her, she wanted to ripthe envelope open and read it right that second, but she had been given a command,and that was important to her. All through class, she snuck glances at Chris,but he was engrossed in the lecture, and the subsequent writing assignment,and never looked at her. All day, she walked around campus in a daze, the weightof the envelope in her backpack playing on her mind. When she finally pulledinto the driveway of her parents house that night, she realized her pussy waswet, and she was breathing rapidly. She felt silly being this worked up, andwas nervous that her mother would notice her condition. She went straight toher room, closed the door, and opened the envelope. She read the note 3 times,and was sweating when she put it down. Going back to her door, she locked it,and then slipped out of her jeans and cotton panties, lay back on her bed,and began to masturbate. Oh god, how would her pussy feel bald? She had a light,downy covering oh pubic hair, which she kept neatly trimmed, but couldn't imagineherself without any hair down there. Still undecided, frustrated, and a littlescared, she decided to shower. ? I'll shave it, and if I don't like it,well?it will grow back.? In the shower, it took a bit longer than shehad anticipated denuding herself of pubic hair, but the sensation of the razorand soap on her sensitive skin was very erotic. Sheri had to concentrate ontaking her time, and not cutting herself in her haste. Afterwards, back inher bedroom, she stood naked in front of her full-length mirror, and staredat her clean, exposed pussy. She felt a bit vulnerable, and more than a littlesilly. ? I look like I am 11 years old again!' She lay back down onthe bed, and decided to relieve her sexual tension. As her hands began to explorefamiliar territory, Sheri was amazed at how different it felt with no hair.It was much more sensitive, and exciting to the touch. She came quickly, andwith very little effort, was close to orgasm again. She imagined Chris lookingat her while she masturbated, and though the thought made her squirm uncomfortably,the feelings that image brought up made her cum harder the second time. Allnight, Sheri argued with herself back and forth as to whether or not to showup at Chris' house the next evening. Finally, exhausted, she tried to sleep,but images of being naked, restrained, helpless, and Chris' eyes watching itall kept her awake. She could only find sleep after one more orgasm. ? Jesus,I have never had to do this 3 times in a single day before.' And finally,there was rest.

Thursday came and went at school. Chris was not surprised that Sheri didn'tshow up for class. ? Probably too embarrassed, and a bit freaked out. Won'tsee her ?till next week.' Two hours later, in Sociology, Sheri was noteven on his mind. Chris finished his day at school, hit the Gym for a lightworkout, went home, showered, fed the cats, and started dinner. He changedinto pajamas, sat down with food, and turned on CNN to catch up on the day'sevents. It was 5:21 pm.

Sheri had a totally different day than the one Chris believed she was having.She woke up at 6 am, showered, shaved again to ensure no stubble, dressed asif she was going to school, and headed for the mall. After a day of shopping,she managed to find a blue plaid schoolgirl skirt, knee-highs, and shoes. Shespent all day with her outfit in the car, driving around, thinking, and debatingher course of action. She even went to a local bookstore and bought a bookon bondage and submission. Sheri found a coffee shop near campus, and spentthe remainder of her day reading storied from dominants and submissives abouttheir feelings, experiences, and encounters. While this gave her a few pointers,and a bit more of an introduction to the language, none of her reading helpedSheri gather her nerve for the coming evening. She just needed to decide. At2:30 pm, she went on campus, as she had no idea where Chris' house was, andhe had not included any directions in his letter, and she followed him to hislast class. Waiting outside from a discreet distance, and trying not to seemtoo obvious, she became more certain that this was what she wanted to do. Finally,at 3:00 pm, Chris came out of the classroom, discussing a few things with theprofessor, wrapped up the conversation, and headed for the parking lot. Sheriran quickly to her car, and pulled around to where he was getting into a whiteJeep, and followed him home. After about a 20-minute drive, Chris pulled upin front of a gray house, checked the mailbox, and went inside. Sheri droveby slowly, and then headed off to find a place to change clothes.

In a convenience store bathroom a mile or so down the road, she changed intoher outfit, and walked out to her car. Sheri was very conscious of her lackof panties in the short skirt, and though it was a pleasant spring evening,a chill ran over her, further accenting the fact that she was not wearing abra over her smallish b-cup breasts, as her nipples were very hard. Walkingacross the parking lot, trying not to let the wind lift her skirt, she caughtthe attention of a couple young men getting gas. Ignoring their catcalls, andattempts to engage her in conversation, a bright red Sheri started her car,and drove away. She parked in front of an empty house with a for-sale signup 3 houses down from Chris' and checked the time. It was 4:15 pm. Sheri satback in her seat, and absent-mindedly rubbed her bald pussy as she daydreamedabout what her evening was going to be like.

Chris was drinking a cup of coffee, and reading the newspaper, when a carpulled into his driveway. The headlights in his living room window drew hisimmediate attention. Walking over to the window, he didn't recognize the car,and was quit surprised to se Sheri get out dressed, as he had specified. ? I'llbe damned! This may be an interesting evening after all.' She stood byher car for a few minutes, then walked to the door, and reached for the doorbell.Her hands were shaking as she rang it, and stepped back. Chris let her waitfor 30 seconds before answering the door. He looked at her for a long second,and then said, ?Turn around?. Sheri did a slow turn, and returned to facinghim. ?Not bad, not bad at all. Did you follow all of my directions?? Sheribit her bottom lip, and replied ?Yes Sir, I did.? Chris grinned a bit. ?Liftyour skirt.? Sheri blinked twice. ?Here Sir? Everyone can see!? She protested,looking over her shoulder. Chris closed the door.

Sheri stood there for a few moments, not sure what had happened, or what todo, but then she remembered the letter. ? ..any refusal to obey a command?? Shehad a moment of indecision, then reached out, and rang the doorbell again.Chris was halfway to the kitchen to get a fresh cup of coffee when it rangagain, and turned around with an irritated expression. He thought that wouldget rid of the little brat, scare her back to mommy and daddy, and now shewas ringing his bell again. Chris opened the door, and there stood Sheri, skirtheld high around her armpits. White knee-high stockings leading to creamy whitethighs, to shaved tiny little pussy. She looked mortified, and was blushinguncontrollably, but she held her pose. Chris looked at her for 5 seconds, thensaid, ?Lower your skirt, and come in? Relieved, and terrified all at once,she did. Sheri barely heard the door close and lock over her pounding heart.

?Good evening dear.? Chris said, turning to face her with a wolfish grin.

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EMPATHY By Vickie Tern Prologue Darla is an absolute darling when she wants to be. I wish I could be half the woman she is but I know I can't, I don't have it in me. Or anywhere near as adorable, though there I do try. She came by her charm easily while growing up, while I've had to learn mine only very recently. But she's a wonderful teacher. She could see my potential all along, I'm a natural, that's what she says. I tell her that natural or not I do love what I am now and I owe...

1 year ago
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The War Against Sociopaths

Like the Bon Jovi song says, who is my Superman tonight? Um, that’s hard to explain but my Superman is a woman. Let me explain a bit. My name is Stephen LaCroix, and I’m a big and tall young man living in the City of Toronto, Province of Ontario. I was born in the City of Miami, State of Florida, to a Haitian-American father and Puerto Rican mother. I came to Canada to get to know my father’s side of the family, while studying Criminology at the University of Toronto. I don’t really know much...

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Dealing with Sociopaths

I must confess something. If I could blow up the entire planet, with everyone and everything in it, me included, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Am I insane? Did someone do something to make me mad? Nope. This is just how I feel on a perfectly normal, mundane day. In case you’re wondering who this is, the name is Cal Thompson, short for Caleb. I was born in the City of Toronto, Ontario, to a Jamaican father and French Canadian mother. These days, I attend Seneca College, where I study police...

3 years ago
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Cora harpers Loyalty to the Pathfinder

Cora, I know what your secret is and i plan on telling everyone else unless you do as i says? Ryder you can't do that. That's blackmail and i wont go a long with it. Oh But i think you will go a long with it. See i made several files on this secret about you and plan on using it to make sure your loyalty to me is good Please Ryder Don't do this. You know that I'm not happen about you being the pathfinder ok. But doin this to me and blackmailing me is not the way to earn my Loyalty at all. I...

4 years ago
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Erotic Pathfinder

The fresh virgin snow crunches underneath the weight of my old beat up pickup truck as I pull into the driveway of the little farm house I call home. Sky was just darkening into night and the willow tree out front was gently swaying in the cool mid-January wind. Snow had just fallen creating a winter paradise of sorts, blanketing the chicken coop, field, outdoor pool, and roof. I smiled parking the red truck in the garage, life was good this fine Sunday evening! I grabbed my work bag and ran...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Empathica

Tyfani Fox was not an average high school senior, and she knew it. Actually, she'd never been average and pretty much since she was a toddler she knew it. She didn't know why, and she was afraid to discuss it with anyone, but she had an innate ability to feel other peoples' emotions. Like now, for instance, that jerk football player Jake Jones was undoubtedly going to ask her out. She could feel his aggression and cockiness from down the hall--he KNEW she was going to say yes. The arrogance...

1 year ago
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Lucys visit to the osteopath

My wife Lucy had a bad back recently and had to visit an Osteopath to have it put right.When she arrives, she was shown to his treatment room where he began by asking about her health before asking her to strip down to her underwear so that he could check the alignment of her spine and hips etc. She was not expecting that so she was still wearing the kind of sexy underwear that she normally wears, but not to draw attention to that fact she decided to comply and duly stripped for him.Off came...

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Thanimaiyil Irukum Pathumai

Vanakam makale, indru ilamaiyaana paiyan puthithaaga oru pennai paarthu avaludan thodarbu vaithu iruvarum eppadi sex seithu kondaargal endru ikathaiyil parpom. En peyar Chandru ippozhuthu kalluri padithu mudithu vittu veetil vetiyaaga thaan irukiren, en appavirku velai kumbakonathil kidaithathaal angu sendru oru gramathil thanginom. Aanal pakathu veetil oru 11 mani kaatchi irunthathu enaku appozhuthu theriya villai, naangal oru nala madi veetil vadaiku sendrom. Angu selum pozhuthu pakathu...

2 years ago
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Gang Bang Experience With Pathans

Dear Readers and admirers I’m back yet once again with another juicy indian sex experience for you to enjoy and for me to relive. Those of you who are here for the first time or have forgotten me. I’m 42 years old male versatile bottom. I’ve a plump soft hairless body; I keep it like that by using hair removing creams regularly. The highlights of my body are my breasts and ass. Yes breast I’ve 42B breasts with real nipples and areolas (the dark rings around nipples). I love to suck cock and...

Gay Male
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Buss lo journey to Tirupathi

Hi iam Amjad, my age is 23 good looking guy. Iam going to tell u Real story happen with me. Got a new job in a software company,,in banglore, naa contact kaavalante , mails cheyyandi ee story yela undo. I belong to Tirupathi, my cock is strong like a rod, 7″ long, i always thinking of aged ladies, becoz they can share their experience and give good fuck. Now i will continue my story in telugu ok, then it will be more interesting, Oka roju nenu banglore nunchi tirupathi ki vastunna, RTC bus lo,...

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Sara knew she was obsessed: this was the fifth day in a row she came to this cafe for lunch looking for that sick bastard. She wondered again if she was wasting her time trying to find that asshole, and would she be better off spending her lunch hour trying to find some young housewife at the mall. But what could you do in an hour? Again she began to fret, struggling with the concept of seducing a woman. Everywhere she looked she saw gorgeous, sexy women; and it seemed each was married or...

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Steve Jackson's annual Labor Day party was something that many of the employees of our city's civil engineering department looked forward to each September. Jackson, a senior engineer who had been with the department many years, was at the top of the pay scale and owned a large house in one of the nicer parts of town. Steve spared no expense when planning his parties and they were always quite lavish, with catered food, several kegs of beer, and an open bar that he himself tended with a loose...

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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 16 Pathfinder

Time for the first big test of the Whittaker Fund. Karl Hoffstatter had been given three sample batches of supposedly-stolen ammunition. Which, circuitously, wound its way to three different Nazi compounds. Roger ‘Hoppy’ Cransdale had been the trusted courier each time. Free samples ... that stage of the operation was over. The 5.56 NATO rounds had pleased the Aryan, had pleased the white nationalists. Now it was time for Hoffstatter to start paying. For a significant-sized shipment — a...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 15 Warpath

Drake dragged his sword as he wielded it. The blade was by no means light, but it seemed as he lost the strength to wield it, it gained the strength to wield itself. The battle had been long, and now it seemed no end was in sight. The on-lookers didn't shout encouragement. No witnesses spoke. He fought the monster he had once called Sage. He fought for his life. He had been betrayed by the man who had been a father to him. The monster lifted his sword and abruptly charged. Drake brought in...

2 years ago
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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

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My Daughter the Sociopath

My daughter Samantha is a true, natural sociopath. She doesn't know right from wrong, she only cares about herself and what she wants. By the time we figured out how she was manipulating her family, her teachers, her "friends", it was too late for my marriage. Her mother and I had her committed to an institution where she couldn't do any more harm, then got a divorce. Maggie just couldn't believe it wasn't my fault. Today, Samantha turned 18, and the institution can't hold her anymore, so I...

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Newlywed Husband Learns the Truth

Newlywed Husband Learns the TruthLisa is a very large woman in her early twenties. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 380. She is definitely what you would call a SSBBW.John is a skinny, dorky white guy in his twenties.Pastor Lamont is in his late fifties, with gray hair and a gray goatee.John and Lisa had dated for almost two years before he proposed. They had a great relationship, but she told him she was going to wait until marriage to have sex with him. Lucky for John, she allowed him...

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Changed Paths

Changed Paths By Trish Nick and I were best friends as kids until we lost contact when my mum died in my mid teens and I had to go live with my grandparents up north. Six years later, I'm stood in the registration queue on my first day at university and as I'm looking curiously at the chaos around me I notice a hulking rugby club type looking at me curiously. Although I did not recognise him there was something very familiar about his eyes, which made me return his quizzical...

2 years ago
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The Darkest Paths

Lady was a girl I met at a fetish club. She was beautiful and she only chose hard sadists to have scenes with. What interested me and drew me to some of her forays was the fact that she was specifically there for the pain play. She indulged in cane scenes that made her scream and break and cry. And she did these in an open area where anyone could see. She always wore a thong, she never indulged in sex afterwards, and she set clear limits for her playmates. And she had such a natural submissive...

1 year ago
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Dark Paths

Ranulf shivered under his shirt of padded chain mail, welcoming the first rays of jungle sun. Soon enough it would be steamy hot, the wilderness coming to dangerous life under Tarag's fervent sun. "Kick that scaly buzzard bait you call a mount and make it move", he growled. "Get humping, or I'll leave the both of you to find your own way out of here." "Patience, Warrior," Hissath answered, his voice an unlovely slow croaking. They were an unlikely pair. Ranulf was tall and rangy, with...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Labyrinth of LoveChapter 7 Shifting Paths

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Knight Kevin – The Free City of Grahata, Yalut Island I walked into the Temple of Luben, a small structure dwarfed by the more popular religions of Pater, Slata, and Seljan. It was modest on the outside and plain in the inside. The floors were a checkered pattern of black and white stone, dark-stained pews forming two rows advancing towards an altar of black and white granite. Beyond, a statue of the God of Marriage, arms spread wide in welcome,...

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Newport Naval Academy

My dick grew semi-hard even before we got out of the car.I knew I wanted to attend the Newport Naval Academy even before my father set the DeSoto's parking brake. Beyond the car window, about twenty feet away, three good-looking boys stood talking. Their tight white uniforms hugged their lithe teenage bodies rather provocatively. My parents insisted on a military type school. I was on my way to becoming a little punk and strict school discipline would "straighten" me out. Well, the "out" part...

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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...

4 years ago
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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

 How do you explain to your fiancé that there are dark secrets – even ghosts – in your family history? And that some of those ghosts are not fully relegated to the past.It was a crisp, but not cold, end of October evening in the “middle ground” just north of Vidalia, Louisiana, when Shelly stepped out of the woods and walked across the harvested cotton patch toward a small square of grass and weeds that stuck out almost like an island into the empty field. If you looked closely at that square,...


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