Strap-On Jenny free porn video

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Strap-on Jenny

By Ashtree

The following is a work of fiction/fantasy, it is not intended to condoneor encourage forced sexual acts between females.


Hi, it's Jenny here again with another tale about raping other women. Thisone's about the time I first discovered the joys of using a strap-on to fuckmy victims.

After I'd had Miss Johnson (my teacher from school) my confidence was sky-high.I'd raped two women now, both older than my 18 years, and had got away scot-freeeach time. I felt invincible but also vaguely dissatisfied. Although I'd useda vibrator on my teacher I felt it lacked something. From my growing collectionof lesbian bondage mags I began to get the idea of getting a strap-on dildoand actually fucking my next victim.

Like all my ideas once the seed was planted it began to grow with astonishingspeed and in only a few weeks I had a good plan. I reckoned that where betterto find my next victim than a lesbian bar. I could play the lesbian virginrole to the hilt, and I knew there'd bound to be some predatory old dyke who'djump at the chance to break in an 18 year old virgin. I knew after my scarewith Miss Johnson that I'd have to use handcuffs from now on but that was noproblem. Now it was just a matter of refining my idea.

Getting hold of a strap-on was easy, one trip to my favourite adult storein the city and hey-presto. I'm sure the guy in the shop didn't know what tomake of me when I asked to see his selection of strap-ons and I didn't enlightenhim as to my plans. I knew that I would have to wait a few days between buyingthe strap-on and using it simply to get the hang of how to fit it, etc. I couldhardly wait to get home that day, I rushed upstairs, locked my door, strippedoff and strapped up. It too a few minutes of trying before I managed to getit right, but finally I stood in front of my mirror and admired myself.

The sight of me standing there, naked and with a large phallus standing erect,coupled with the idea of what I was going to do with it set my pussy on fire.I hurriedly unfastened the strap-on and dived onto the bed and rummaged underneathfor my favourite magazine. It had a brilliant picture of a young woman cuffedand bound, bent over the back of a sofa, being fucked against her will by aanother girl with a strap-on. As I fingered myself to a climax I knew thatin only a few days I'd be living that picture.

I began to plan actual dates now. My parents were away for a while overseasand had left me alone in the house; they knew I wasn't the most social of peopleso I wasn't going to throw any wild parties. This meant, of course, that Icould come and go with no explanations, so I decided now was the time. I'dgo up to the city one afternoon, hang around the lesbian bars I knew of, andwait to be picked up. I reckoned I could always stay the night at my victimshouse if needs be.

The day in question I packed my stuff in a carrier bag from a well-known departmentstore, that way I figured I'd just look like a girl who'd gone shopping inthe city. I put in my new strap-on, a tube of lubricant, my handcuffs, a vibrator,a kitchen knife to intimidate, a pair of scissors, and as an afterthought myschool tie, after all I did intend to make my victim scream.

The make-up process took a long time. I wanted to look young, but not so youngas to look under-age, finally I managed it. I wore a skirt that finished afew inches above the knee, bare legs, and a t-shirt and no bra. For a momentI considered if I'd over-baited the trap but decided I'd got it right.

From the limited amount of reading I'd done about lesbians I'd found aboutthe professional lesbians and had decided to lay the trap for one of those.I'd be in a lesbian bar about the time their offices shut, I reckoned thatway they'd be more inclined to head straight home with their catch insteadof if I waited for them to come out at night.

I entered what I knew to be a lesbian bar about 5 pm, ordered a drink, andsat not too visibly but not too hidden. After about 20 minutes the bar startedto fill with a recognizable type of customers, what now would be called lipsticklesbians, lots of expensive business suits and glamour hairstyles. One of thenglanced at me but moved on, thank Christ, I thought, she weighed about 25 stone,I' d stand no chance against her. Hell, she might even rape me. Then anotherentered the bar; she was much more my type. She was in her late 30's, I guessed,possibly early 40's, but her figure was still young, and her black hair hungloosely about her shoulders. She was on her own and when she glanced roundthe room I made sure I smiled shyly at her. The bait worked and in a coupleof minutes she came over with her drink and a refill for me.

She immediately started making enquiries about what I was doing there, I guessshe was probing to see if I knew what sort of bar it was.

So I started playing the lesbian virgin act; I told her I sort of knew whatsort of bar it was and that I was having trouble defining my sexuality. AsI expected this got her attention. I told her I was from a small village outin the country where it was difficult to be different but I was becoming increasinglyattracted to women and so had come to the city, where I could find out more.

She was hooked now, all I had to do was reel her in. I came right out andasked her if she was gay and she said she was, and placed her hand on my kneeand squeezed it gently, and said that if there was anything she could do tohelp me find myself she would. I told her what made me uncomfortable aboutboys was the idea of them putting their dicks inside me, this made her laugh.She explained that she'd been a lesbian since her early 20's and had only beenfucked by a man once, that was the great thing about being a lesbian she said,she hadn't had a dick inside her for years and never would again she reckoned.This was better than I thought, what a shock was coming to you, lady.

I reckoned it was time to move things along and asked if we could go somewheremore private and after finding out that I didn't have to be home at any timeasked me if I'd like to come back to her place. I feigned reluctance at firstbut agreed when she said there was no pressure, and there was a spare roomif I didn't feel ready for anything.

If I'd had any doubts about whether her intentions were honourable or notthey were dispelled in the corridor leading from the main bar to the street;she gently pressed me against the wall and kissed me full on the lips, hellwith it, I thought, and kissed her back. As we kissed she slid one hand undermy skirt and up my leg and with her other she pulled my t-shirt out of my skirtand then ran her hand up inside that and started to squeeze my bra-less breasts.I pulled away at this point, saying this was too public, and she merely grinned,but complied.

On the walk to her car she told me a bit about herself, she was called Racheland worked as a financial director for a multi-national company based here.She had no partner and had originally planned to have friends round tonightbut she called them on her mobile and cancelled the arrangement. I told herI was glad we'd be alone, I didn't tell her why.

Judging by her car she wasn't lying about her job, it was a top of the rangesports car, and it made short work of the few miles drive to her house, evenallowing for the city traffic.

Judging by her home she wasn't lying about her job either, it was a penthouseflat in an exclusive apartment block. I think she was a bit embarrassed aboutbeing seen with someone clearly young enough to be her daughter, as we didn'tgo through the main entrance but instead used the side/service entrance toavoid any prying eyes. Needless to say this suited me fine.

This meant we took the secondary lift, which, she said, was smaller than themain one. It was also unused for 99% of the time and we were the only occupantsfor the trip up to Rachel's level. She used our solitude for another gropingsession, rather heavier than the one at the bar. As we kissed she ran her handup my skirt and slipped it inside my panties and gently rubbed my pussy lips.She was a good kisser and this, coupled with my own thoughts about what I wasgoing to do to the predatory old dyke once I had her tied up, ensured thatI was wet enough down there to re-assure her about where the night was heading.

?You can touch me, you know.? Rachel whispered in my ear. I didn't want toget to carried away in here so I gingerly slid my hand round to stroke herbum, but luckily for me before things could go much further the lift gave ajolt as it reached the right floor and we broke apart.

Rachel opened the lift doors, did a quick check on the landing and then hurriedme along the hallway to her door, opened it and ushered me in. I don't knowwhether she was always like this or whether the fact that she thought she wasabout to break in a 16 year old lesbian virgin (I'd lied about my age, I'mafraid), but Rachel seemed like a bag of nerves and immediately rushed to thekitchen to fix herself a large glass of wine.

She took nervous gulps from it while she showed me round her spacious flat,it was decorated in a minimalist style, and I have to say it was beautiful,however I had other things on my mind. Such as how to overpower my host. ThenI began to get an idea. In the short time we'd been here Rachel had alreadyre-filled her glass twice, if she carried on at this rate she might get sodrunk she'd let her guard down. I didn't want her passed out though; I likemy victims to know what's happening.

As she disappeared into the kitchen again I hurriedly took my 2 pairs of handcuffsout of my carrier bag with the knife and slipped them into my handbag. Rachelreturned from the kitchen this time carrying two wine glasses, and she suggestedwe sit together on the sofa.

We sat side by side on the sofa drinking our wine, she crossed her legs ina sexy fashion and I caught a glimpse of bare thigh above her stocking top,she stroked my hair as we talked and I endeavoured to keep the conversationgoing long enough to get her drunk enough to put my plan into action.

The wine flowed and so did the talk, I was pretty confident of my abilityto out drink her if I needed to but shortly after we started our 3 rd bottleI figured the time was right.

By now her own thoughts were doubtless beginning to turn to when to make hermove and for a brief moment I weighed up whether to let her do that and pouncein the bedroom but then decided it would be more fun to catch her before shebegan.

?Rachel,? I began, ?could you get me a couple of ice cubes for my wine??

?Sure sweetie.? She climbed to her feet slightly unsteadily and wandered offto the kitchen, silently I rose and followed her taking my knife out of mybag as I did so. As she reached the door of the kitchen I swiftly grabbed herhair, jerked her head back and put the knife to her throat. Her cry of painand surprise was short.

?Ok, you dyke bitch,? I hissed into her ear ?This is a robbery, do exactlyas I say and you won't get hurt, understand??

She mumbled her frightened agreement; I'd gambled correctly that if she onlythought she was going to be robbed she wouldn't resist, whereas if I'd announcedmy intention of raping her I might have had a fight on my hands.

?Good, now kneel down and put your hands behind your back.?

As Rachel did so I felt a tingling in my pussy as she began to submit to me,as she put her hands together behind her back I seized them with one hand,reached into my bag for the first set of handcuffs and snapped them onto herwrists. Her kneeling position gave me a very tempting glimpse inside her blouseat her pretty breasts half hidden in her lacy bra. I was now beginning to getquite wet at this situation and with my breathing becoming hard and fast clippedthe other pair of cuffs onto her ankles.

?Don't move a fucking muscle or make a squeak. I'll be right back.? I toldher, hoping I was hiding my rapidly rising excitement.

I was silently cursing myself for leaving my school tie in my carrier bag;there was nothing to stop Rachel screaming her head off while I went to getit and at that point I'd have to run. Luckily my short absence to retrievethe tie and the scissors was accompanied by total silence.

Hurriedly I knelt down behind Rachel who was trembling a bit, this, of course,turned me on more. Dropping the scissors silently onto the hallway floor Ilooped my school tie round her face.

?Open wide, bitch? I demanded, and as she dutifully obeyed (Christ, how hersubmission was making me wet.) I yanked the thing back into her mouth and knottedit hard behind her head.

A strangulated choke was Rachel's only response to this indignity, but I knewshe could still breathe so I gave her no respite. Close to her now I coulddown her blouse again and the sight of her breasts rising and falling withher fearful breaths brought me to the edge of, hopefully, the first of manyorgasms of the night.

I slid my arms round her and ripped her blouse open and pulled her bra down,Rachel tried to cry out in fear and protest as I grabbed and mauled her lovelytits, I was close to coming now and pushed her down to the floor on her sideand leant onto her, with my left hand I pinched and squeezed her nipple andthrust my right hand up her skirt, I reached the top of her stockings and squeezedthe top of her thigh then pushed my fingers into the crotch of her panties,she bucked against me but this was me in my element and as I pushed the materialinto her pussy I felt the onrush of my orgasm. I dropped my lips onto her bareshoulder and bit hard, very hard judging by her squealing and struggling.

?Shut it, bitch.? I whispered hoarsely lifting my mouth just long enough tomove my attentions to her neck and give it a vampire style bite, simultaneouslyI gave her nipple a vicious pinch and violently pushed my fingers into hercovered pussy and then I came. I hugged her closer to me as I did and suckedhard on her neck, I lifted my leg over hers and ground my crotch into her bumas I shuddered.

As my orgasm subsided I eased myself off Rachel a bit and slumped back ontothe floor while I got my breath back. She was starting to cry now with theshock of it all.

?Not quite what you had in mind when you picked me up, eh? Dyke slut.? I askedas I pulled her head back by the ends of my school tie. ?I'd save your tearsyou'll need them for what I intend to do to you later. You're a bit over dressedfor what I have in mind though.? With that I picked up the scissors and beganto cut her clothes off.

The blouse fell to pieces under the blades assault, but her bra straps wereslightly tougher, in revenge for this inanimate obstruction I ran the openblades lightly over her breasts causing her to shake almost uncontrollably.Standing up I moved round to her feet and pulled her skirt off her, she lookedreally sexy in just her stockings and panties but I wanted her totally nudeso I roughly cut the stockings from her legs nicking her knee with the scissorsslightly, this would greatly increase her fear and so her compliance.

Her panties were flimsy and I took great pleasure in ripping them roughlyoff, I knelt astride her body and held the scissors at her throat.

?I'm going to ungag you now Rachel just long enough to put your panties inyour mouth, you scream and it will be the last noise you ever make, understand??

Her eyes flashed a terrified consent so I pulled the tie from her mouth and,before she could take more than half a gulp of air I pushed her panties inand re-gagged her.

?That's better isn't? You dyke bitch slut, you thought you were going to geta nice little virgin to deflower, didn't you? But I have a surprise waitingfor you. In a second I'll turn you onto your front and untie your legs andwe'll go into your living room where I'll show you what it is.? I twisted heralready battered nipples as I said this then lifted myself off her and rolledher onto her front.

Rachel's body was exceptionally good for someone in her late 30's or 40'sand I began to get wet again as I gazed at her bottom and thighs ? I'd havea lot of fun with those later ? but I had work to do.

I unclipped the cuffs round her ankles and hauled her to her feet by her hair;I pushed her roughly into the front room and made her stumble onto the sofa.I could hardly wait now, in a few minutes I was going to rape a woman witha strap-on but I wanted her to see what was coming so I pushed and pulled heruntil she was lying on her back with her face looking into the room. I steppedback from the sofa and started to undress.

Normally, with my victim tied and helpless I would have taken my time undressingbut the realization of how close I was to doing her made me hurry. I stilltook a few minutes to take in her helplessness, she wasn't even struggling(that would soon change), her tiny (clipped?) triangle of pubic hair waitingwithout knowing.

Once naked I went over to my bag and fished out my strap-on, Rachel's eyesbulged as she saw the size of it and realized what was about to happen, shestarted to raise herself into a sitting position and swung her legs onto thefloor, with one large step I was up to her and slapped her face hard and pushedher back down.

?Stay the fuck there, bitch.? I yelled at her and yanked her hair and slappedher face again. ?Remember how you said you haven't been fucked for so manyyears? That's about to change, so stay there like a good dyke while I get strappedup.?

Rachel started sobbing again; I think she accepted now that there was verylittle she could do to stop me. She started to plead with me (I think) throughher gags but I wasn't interested. I grabbed her face in one hand.

?Listen you bitch, shut the fuck up, I'm going to fuck you now and when I'vedone that I'm going to fuck you up the arse, and there's nothing you can door say to stop me. Remember, no-ones coming round tonight, it's just you andme all night, so just lie there and take it like the depraved old dyke youare.?

Then I returned to fitting my strap-on, it only took a few minutes. I squeezedsome lubricant out onto the phallus and rubbed it up and down the shaft inan exaggerated fashion. Now I was ready.

I was shaking with anticipation as I climbed onto the sofa at her feet, inher fear she tried to inch up the sofa away from me but it was too easy tograb her knees to steady her. I slapped the insides of her thighs to separatethem and moved myself into position.

?Ready?? I asked with an evil smile.

I bent over her loving the naked terror in her eyes, with one hand I guidedthe tip of the strap-on between her lips, and I left it there for a minutewhile I dropped my mouth onto her breasts. I kissed and licked them gentlyat first until I heard a soft moan of pleasure coming from behind Rachel'sgag. Fuck that, I thought, so I bit very hard onto her fleshy mound and asshe screamed as best as she could and arched upwards I thrust myself insideher.

I was inside a woman for the first time, and it felt divine. I thrust myselfaggressively into her time and again, slamming my hips against hers, revelingin the way this sent shudders through her body which my mouth, still bitinghard on her breast, picked up. I released my bite on her breast and kissedher shoulder, then bit that as a new phenomenon grew upon me: the strap-onwas arousing my clit and I could feel another orgasm building.

Rachel was sobbing openly now ? at least I'd stopped her enjoying this ? andI thrust into her with renewed vigour , slipping my hands under her to cupand then rake her buttocks with my nails. My face was now next to hers andI alternated between raining kisses on her cheek and inflicting love-biteson her neck.

The tremors in my pussy caused by the strap-on were rapidly building to ahuge orgasm which suddenly rippled through me. It was the most tremendous orgasmI'd ever felt and I stayed at my deepest penetration inside Rachel for itsduration. I let out a low moan of pleasure right next to ear to show how muchpleasure I'd just taken from her.

I lay slumped like a dead weight on her for a minute while I recovered myself,then I pushed myself up and looked at her. Rachel was staring blankly at theceiling, eyes filled with tears which were overflowing and running down thesides of her head. I knew I was quite near to breaking her and that once I'ddone that I could un-gag her and get her mouth to work on me.

I glanced the other way at the back of the sofa, it was quite high backed ? aboutwaist height ? and that gave me an idea. I pulled myself out of Rachel withoutany warning causing her to cry out and try to curl up into a fetal positionbut I was a girl on a mission now and climbed off the sofa grabbing Rachel's'hair and pulling her with me.

She tried to object through both her sobs and her gags but a swift slap acrossthe face showed her I was no more inclined to listen than before. I draggedher, squealing, around the sofa and then bent her over the back of it.

?Stay there, and don't move a fucking muscle, dyke slut.? I snarled as I lefther just so I could grab my tube of lubricant from the floor. I moved roundbehind Rachel again and knelt down behind her. I stared lustfully at her thighsand bottom and started to kiss them all over, running my tongue up the backof her legs to her bottom, pressing my face against her flesh. I slid my handup the inside of her legs and fingered her pussy as roughly as I could.

As soon I felt that she might be enjoying it I wrapped my arms around herwaist and bit deeply on her buttocks, the way she cried and wriggled againstmy face lit my fires down below again. The bite made Rachel attempt to standupright but I pushed her back down.

?I said don't fucking move, bitch, don't make me any angrier than I am now.?

Still kneeling I squeezed some more lubricant onto my strap-on and spreadit up and down the shaft. Rachel had no idea what I was doing until I slippedmy lubricated hand between her legs. I guess she was simply expecting anotherfucking but when I pushed my thumb against her anus she must have suddenlyrealized what I had in mind.

Standing up I pushed my weight against Rachel, who being bent over the sofawas unable to move much. I pressed my greased thumb against her little holeuntil it eased itself in.

?Don't you fucking dare try and stop me. You're getting it up the arse, fuckingdyke slut?

Still holding her firmly between me and the sofas back I spread her buttockswith one hand and with the other guided the tip of the strap-on until it wasresting on its target.

My excitement was making me short of breath and I could only pant my nextinstruction.

?Just relax, you can't stop me.?

With the tip of the phallus probing her ring I gripped the back of Rachel'sneck and pushed her head down, then I started to push my way in.

At first the resistance was too much but as I applied more pressure I felther hole spread and allow the greased shaft to start easing its way. Even thoughRachel's face was being pressed firmly into the cushions she was still makingquite a bit of noise so I guess her pain must have been tremendous.

Not that that bothered me one bit, the thrill of buggering a woman for thefirst time was making me melt and the strap-on was once again doing its biton my clit. I soon found out that it was best to maintain a continuous pressurerather than the rapid thrusts I'd used when fucking her pussy, and slowly,bit by greased bit my strap-on was sliding further and further into her.

Rachel was trying to shake her head as if telling me she couldn't take anymore, this just made me more turned on, but when she began to kick her legsout against me I got annoyed and slapped her thighs viciously hard.

This new act of cruelty coupled with the steady rubbing of my clit startedmy orgasm, and as it shuddered through me I pushed her head down further and,with my other hand, felt for and squeezed her pussy lips. The muffled shriekthis produced was the icing on the orgasm cake.

As my orgasm subsided I pulled myself rapidly out of Rachel, grabbed her hairand pulled her upright. She was moaning into her gag, and appeared to be insome distress, I slid my arms around her and began to squeeze and pinch herbreasts making her squirm against me, but there was no energy in her movementsand I guessed I broken her.

I dragged her out of the living room in search of her bedroom; I wanted todegrade her in her own bed before I was done. Her flat was quite large so actuallyfinding the bedroom took slightly longer than I expected but once there I pushedRachel roughly onto the bed and then groped and mauled her all over, laughingall the while at her tears and muffled cries.

She had, as I'd expected, a large bed and I rolled her all over it, slappingand pinching her all over her body, then kissing and licking her. I rolledher onto her back and sat astride her chest and rubbed my strap-on all overher face and gag, then I went to work biting her nipples and pushing my fingersinto her pussy. It was as if I was determined to leave no part of her bodyunmarked as I bit her arms and then her thighs, a sort of frenzy had overtakenme, I just wanted to inflict as much pain as suffering as my pleasure couldhandle.

Out of the blue I pushed her off the bed onto the floor, unable to break herfall she hit the ground hard, not that I cared, I leant down and started pullingher across the floor by her hair. I think the fall stunned her a bit as shetook a couple of seconds to get her limbs working but eventually she hauledherself to her feet. I sat on the edge of the bed and positioned her next tome and indicated for her to go over my lap.

She just stood there, face streaked with tears, as if not understanding myinstructions so I pulled her down by her breast.. Once over my lap I forcedher arms up which, of course, forced her head down onto the floor and her lovelybottom up. It was her bottom I was now interested in, it still had my teethimprints in it; soon it would have my hand prints all over it. I began to spankher, slowly at first then harder and faster until the blows were almost continuousand she was wriggling and moaning for all she was worth.

Eventually I had to stop, my hand was aching that much, but not too much thatI couldn't force my fingers into her pussy and pinch her clit, causing herto actually twist off my lap onto the floor.

?Get back on the fucking bed, you fuck-toy, and gets what coming to you.? Iyelled at her and was gratified to see her obey almost immediately. As sheclimbed onto the bed I grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down onto her back,I slapped her thighs apart and prepared to fuck her again.

?You're going to remember this fuck for the rest of your life, dyke slut.? Ihissed as I positioned my strap-on again.

I lifted her legs behind her knees and dragged her down the bed towards me;I was kneeling up and had to lift her hips so her pussy slid onto my shaft.Rachel was offering no resistance now; it was as if she'd just given up. Hereyes were shut. Fuck that, I thought.

I let go of her hips, leant over her and slapped her face.

?Look at me while I rape you, bitch.?

Her eyes opened and I fixed her gaze as I began to thrust in and out of her.This thrill of looking deep into the eyes of my victim while I fucked her hardand rough was a new one and my inevitable orgasm wasn't long coming.

As soon as the waves started I pulled out of her, I rapidly undid my tie andfished her panties out of her mouth, she gasped at the fresh air but her respitewas brief because I forced my strap-on inside her mouth.

?Lick yourself off it? I hissed as I held her head steady by her hair withone hand and started to undo my strap-on with the other. I let go of her hairfor a moment to enable me to undo it quicker and then, while still orgasming,I pulled the strap-on out of her mouth, threw it away and forced my pussy ontoher lips as I came.

I ground myself into her face, as yet another really intense orgasm coursedthrough me. I clamped my thighs on her cheeks and actually thought I was goingto faint. As it subsided I leant back from her face at last allowing her tobreathe, then I lay back getting my breath back. This had been themost satisfying of my rapes so far, if using a strap-on was this good how couldI stop?

For a few minutes I lay there, only the sounds of Rachel's breathing and sobbingaccompanying my thoughts. This one was over though, so I began to prepare toleave. I left her on the bed while I vanished into the living room to get dressed.I glanced at the clock;, not bad I thought as I did my skirt up, I couldstill get the last train home.

I gathered all my stuff together and stuffed it into my bag; I went back intothe bedroom. Rachel was still where I left her, she gazed at me fearfully whenI came in but I made no move towards her. I retrieved my strap-on and schooltie first and then went looking for her dressing gown; once found it I tookthe sash and tied her ankles very firmly together. This was to give me enoughtime to get clear before she could do anything, not that I expected her to;what could she tell anyone? She picked up a kid who raped her. Who'd believethat? And if the Police came to see me, well Officer she wanted some S & Mand it got a bit rough.

I didn't need to tell her this; she was an intelligent woman. As I was aboutto remove her handcuffs I was overcome with an urge to leave her one last memento.Finding her panties I stuffed them in her mouth, ignoring her feeble protestsand then gave her four last vicious, deep bites: 1 on each breast and 1 oneach buttock.

As her tears fell again I removed her handcuffs and left. As usual I saidnothing as I went, I just went quickly.

Once outside I suddenly realised I didn't know where I was, for a moment Iwas a bit alarmed ? lost at night in the city, would the hunter become thehunted? Fortunately at that moment a taxi appeared and I hopped in. I guessI was just a lucky person.

On the way to the train station my mind was racing with ideas for my nextvictim.

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Nick Watches Jenny

Since my wife, Jenny, confessed to me about her cravings and the urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have heightened. It is strangely hot to have her retell the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair-skinned 55-year-old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...

3 years ago
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Nick Watches Jenny

Since my wife Jenny confessed to me about her cravings and urge to suck strange cock when I wasn’t available, some elements of our sex life have actually heightened. It is strangely hot to have her recant the details of her “Blow and Go’s” while she worships my own cock. I am sure that most have seen Jenny’s photos posted on various porn and swinger sites. For the unlucky few that haven’t seen her, Jenny is a 5’ 10” fair skinned 55 year old blonde with natural D-cup tits and drink coaster-sized...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 38 Jenny

"Where are we going?" Jenny asked. "Ah, my sweet Jenny, I am going to share with you, the first and second wonders of this world," I told her. "You are so silly!" she giggled. "It's only because your beauty makes me that way. When I'm in your presence, my senses depart and I am left a silly mess inside!" I continued. Sarah met us in the Lodge and gave Jenny a skirt and some shoes to ride in. I noticed she was similarly dressed. Then together we walked down to the stables. Mable...

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The wife the conclusionAlice and Jenny

Alice and I were getting on great and had moved in together as well as Jenny her daughter, Jenny and I had been fucking every so often and had even been able to fuck Jenny’s friend in the back of my car one night on the way home after she had given me some head on the way back to her house, I was gagging for it, Janet was making me beg for it and I’m glad I did never fucked such a tight snatch in my whole life but was so worth it. As time went on I proposed to Alice and she duly accepted and we...

1 year ago
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Photographing Jenny

The effect was magical everyone just stood looking at her, nipples standing proud, suddenly George started to take pictures again and the others all joined in. Allow me to introduce myself - My name is Danny and the story below is true.*Back in the early 70's I had recently married an exceptionally pretty girl called Jenny, money being tight we brought a static caravan to live in, on the outskirts of town. The neighbours on either side were two old guys both widowers, (Joe and George) and best...

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Ive never been able to figure out if this is normal or if I was just sexually precocious but Ive been fascinated with women since a very early age. I dont mean that I was a 6-year old getting boners but that specific girls and ladies would captivate me. Id get feelings about them that were different than those I had towards my mom or sister or for most female friends. My enthrallment wasnt even age specific, I could be attracted to girls my own age, to teenagers or even to ladies my moms age....

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Jenny's first time. this story is about a 24yo crossdresser who calls himself Jenny and his adventures.jenny is 5'11, 60kgs ,complexion-very fair(which made his job of turning into a girl much easier).he had nice long hair which looked good on him,with his slim and hairless body and long legs. he face was very girlish and didnt really need much make-up when he dressed up, but he still loved applying a lil of sumthing, just to make it more sexy.Jenny had 2 sisters and many cousin sisters, this...

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Impregnating Jenny

Jenny cannot sleep. There is a desperate burning in her pussy, an emptiness begging to be filled. She climbs out of bed and paces the room in her flimsy nightgown. Jenny calls asking me to come over to her place, as she talks to methe emptiness in her pussy increases. She shudders thinking of my monster cock. Every nerve ending in her body comes alive. Moisture gathers in the crevice between her legs. Her nipples feel like they are going to burst. She slides a hand under the short hem of her...

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Blackmailing Jenny

I am an average guy with a normal life and good family. I have 2 kids and a wonderful wife who is a nanny. I am a landscaper and the money is ok so my family is doing ok. I do not work for anyone but for myself. I normally work weekdays only and spend time with my family on weekends. I am 45 and very sexual. I love sex and sometimes it can be a bit common but sometimes I wonder what if or wonder what it would be like to have someone young to have some fun. I have never cheated on my wife...

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A Visit from Jenny

I don't know why I'm telling this story. I just ran across a website with incest stories (I'm sure 99% of them are figments of imaginations) and have this tremendous urge to unburden myself of this shame. They say that confession is good for the soul...we'll see. I've lived over 50 years and never before had any inclinations toward incest. Whether this incident was a one time anomaly or not, I don't know. All I know is that I ended up having sex with my grandniece Jenny. When and how...

3 years ago
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Belinda Leonora and Jenny

Belinda, Leonora and Jenny. By Georgina. It was a lovely evening. The sun slipped behind the trees and the lengthening shadows crept across the patio, plunging the secluded garden into twilight. The elegantly dressed young girl slowly arose from the sun lounger and, on long, coltish limbs, stiletto heeled, glided sexily through the open French windows and into the coolness of the drawing room. For a moment she stopped and leant against the door, resting easily in that totally...

1 year ago
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More fun with Jenny

Note : This story is completely fictional! "Ohhh daddy please don't cum yet," Jennifer screamed as she rode her father's cock. "Don't worry sweetie. I got something special planned for my little slut of a daughter tonight." "Really daddy. What are you going to do to me?" She thrust herself harder against his cock. Her pussy throbbing with another orgasm building up. "You are going to have to cum first sweetie. Cum on you daddys big cock has he pounds your tight pussy." Jenny pounded harder and...

2 years ago
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Riding Jenny

By Jax_Teller I met Jenny while dancing at a strip club that had both female and male strippers. The club had two different entrances one for the upstairs female strip club and another on the opposite end of the building for the Male strippers club downstairs. Club “V” for Victor ~ Victoria, was a popular place and was located near a major tourist area or trap as we called it. Money from tourism could bend any regulation and make most laws go away and this club was the direct benefit of...

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Jamies Little Sister Jenny

Siblings Jamie and I had been dating for about six months. During the school year, the time we got to spend together was limited. Jamie went to a different school than I did, plus, we were both very active on our sports teams. So, we usually only had maybe one or two nights a week when we could get together. Now, however, it was summer. We had the better part of almost every day to hang out and do all the things we wanted to do during the school year. We went to the beach. We went hiking. We...

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More Fun With Jenny

So, I dropped my boy off at school, and headed on over there. She lived about 12 miles from my door. I went the back roads to avoid the morning traffic. On my way I received a SMS was her lips and tongue, then another, it was her nipple, then another, strangely her fingers! This was followed shortly by a text saying, my pussy juice on my fingers..wrapped around your nice big hard cock x" Oddly enough, i getting quite turned on. I was about 10 minutes away and another sms, her...

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Jenny Toms is a mother of two k**s one boy 17yrs and one girl 15yrs. her and her husband Randy Toms live in a upper middle class house in a good part of town. Jenny is almost 38yrs. but looks about 26 has 34C tits perfect onion of a ass long dark hair, her and Randy have been together for ever they meet at 12yrs. and still hold that same flame of love. The household is a firm one but very loving one. Steve the son is still in school but sometimes trains with the college football team...

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Jenny By Tiffany Scott (c) 2000 Jenny looked down at her inch long fingernails as they rested on the typewriter keys and mused how quickly she had adapted to typing with them. She tried to remember just how long it had been since she had acquired such long beautiful nails, but thinking about it started to give her a headache. Pushing it from her mind she removed the page from the typewriter and inserted it into the open folder on her desk. After closing the file she began to run...

2 years ago
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50 Shades on Jenny

50 Shades of Jenny How much impact can a terrible movie have on your life? The acting was wooden. The plot could have been written by a six-year- old. The dialogue was not believable. The lightning was bad. The music was out of an old tin can. The plot was a rip-off. And my wife, Darla, was transfixed. She watched the images on television as if was the first movie she had ever seen. She did not go to the bathroom. She did not go the refrigerator. She watched, as if she were...

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"And then it went 'Boom'!" Randy said. He laughed hysterically. I sat silently on the barstool knowing that most of the customers in the small nightclub were staring at us. I wished I could shrink away. I couldn't just go and sit somewhere else. I came with Randy. He invited me to this nightclub, so it was right to hang with him. He was my coworker and I appreciated that he was trying to be my friend, but I discovered he was a very different person than I first thought. It wasn't that I...

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Sometimes Im Jenny

It's sort of SF, but mostly sex. Jenny is a horny human female. She is also a figment of Marni's dreams. Marni is a female trying to get pregnant. But for her it requires the ultimate in female delight, getting DP'd by two men, one of each type. The story is about both women, and more about the girl telling the story than about Jenny. -------------------- Sometimes I'm Jenny Kemish enters the lobby and asks for me. There are two girls seated there who...

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Jenny was excited. She and her husband Ted Kidd were enjoying a free, all expense paid weekend in Las Vegas, curtsey of the company Ted worked for. Ted had to attend a five-day convention that would start next Monday and end Friday, but the company booked the rooms for the full week. They had arranged a golf outing for key employees on the Saturday before the conference leaving that evening and Sunday for the couple to enjoy a mini vacation. Jenny and Ted arrived late Friday night and Ted had...

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Bringing in Jenny

So as I was saying, Misty and I had been talking for quite some time about this as well as other things. We would often talk about the many things that we would like to do and actually had created a "bucket list" of things that we wanted to do sexually. We talked about some of the girls that she worked with and some of the girls that she knew but we couldn't seem to nail one down that would be willing to join us. We tried posting ads on the internet with no luck and had discussed going out...

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Derek and Jenny

This is my first story so tell me what you think   The waves were calm that night as Derek and Jenny walked along the beach. They were out for night swim. Jenny’ s figure looked absolutely stunning in the moonlight. As they stood in the moonlight staring out at the waves, Derek couldn’t help but stare. Jenny and Derek had been best friends since elementary school. Derek wanted to be more than friends ,but was afraid to tell jenny how he felt. Jenny had a good figure. Her breasts were just...

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Derek and Jenny

This is my first story so tell me what you think   The waves were calm that night as Derek and Jenny walked along the beach. They were out for night swim. Jenny’ s figure looked absolutely stunning in the moonlight. As they stood in the moonlight staring out at the waves, Derek couldn’t help but stare. Jenny and Derek had been best friends since elementary school. Derek wanted to be more than friends ,but was afraid to tell jenny how he felt. Jenny had a good figure. Her breasts were...

First Time
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Ravishing Jenny

"Damn I need to get my own place" Alex said to himself as he grabbed his psychology book. He flopped down on the bed grumbling to himself. At 22, Alex had moved back in with his family after being discharged from the Marines, but, sometimes, being back at home rubbed him the wrong way after being out on his own. His parents had agreed to let him have his own room back while he attended college. His 18-year-old sister Jenny was still at home too, making for a full house. Tonight, for...

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Photographing Jenny

I am a professional child model photographer, shooting catalog fashion models; I have a studio in my basement, which cuts down on expenses. I had been shooting Jenny, now 13 years old, since she was a baby; I'd shot her in everything from formal dresses to bathing suits. On one particular recent shoot, she was wearing a very skimpy two-piece bikini outfit, basically three triangles of material connected by thread. What parent would buy such an outfit for a 13-year-old boggled my mind;...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 12 Jenny

Dave carpooled into work with JR in her Jaguar sports car. The top was down, so it wasn’t conducive to talking. He did note the demonic look on her face on the way to the office as she wove through traffic about thirty miles per hour over the posted speed limits. He realized this was her normal persona in that car. He wondered how many police cars knew of her driving habits. He hadn’t seen JR except at a distance, so hadn’t talked to her since Saturday morning. She seemed to be around the...

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The Superb Jenny

Before I met my wife I was a reclusive bachelor, hanging out at the local college theatre in western Montana and going fishing during the days.Work was never more than a way to make money for beer, fishing tackle and rent in that order. I was often cast in plays and had a pretty high opinion of myself in that aspect of my life. I met and bedded a lot of college-age girls, or women as they peferred to be called, and generally , life was good.After a minor run-in with the law I withdrew from my...

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Becomming Jenny

Becoming Jenny by Princess Pervette I have seen a lot of stories about boys being feminized by their mothers, or occasionally by their aunts or other female relatives. And I've even read a few about men being feminized by their wives--sometimes forcibly. These stories are all right as far as they go, but for someone who actually was brought up as a girl, they don't ring true. So I'm writing this account, in the hope that people can see what it's really...

1 year ago
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A Nephews Story Aunty Jenny

Note : This story is completely fictional! For as long as I could remember, I've had secret little crushes on a few of my aunties. Now i'm 18, my little crushes have become big fantasies, fantasies I aim to make true. Aunt Jenny Aunt Jenny, 38 years old, divorced, and has two kids. She has long blond hair and dark brown eyes, a very nice figure, not thin but not erection. Aunt Jenny told me about her night out, and the funny things that happened. I began rubbing her soles as I told her what my...

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My Receptionist Jenny

"Send in the next patient, please Jenny,” I said over the intercom."Very good doctor."There was a short wait and, surprisingly, Jenny walked in. "I'm your last patient today,” she said.“Oh, right,” I said, frowning. “Well, take a seat and tell me your problem."She blushed and quietly said, ”I've got a rash.""Okay, let's have a look then.""I'm embarrassed.""If I'm going to treat it you, I need to see it, Jenny."“Yes, of course."She smiled nervously and stood, lifting her skirt. She had her back...

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The Magical Life of Jenny

Jenny lived an ordinary life. She lived alone in a small apartment, worked at a boring day job, and drove a bland car. She even looked like she was nothing special. Average body, not too heavy, but not too trim either. Brunette hair, brown eyes, and average height. Jenny's whole life just screamed ordinary. She was not unique in any way, shape, or form. Jenny came home from her job one night, tired as usual. She was on her way to the kitchen to pick out a TV dinner from the freezer. She sighed...

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32 Date With Jenny

4:21 P.M., Monday, November 23, 2015 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI Paul Macon was excited, but nervous. What his girlfriend had done was very sweet, and it was sweet of her friend Jenny to agree. But the little boy hadn’t really done anything sexual with anybody but Paula Akron, and the thought of doing it with, or even kissing, Jenny Inoguchi was a bit scary. When he had first had sexual intercourse with Paula the girl was determined that she not lose her virginity to a possible...

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Aunty Jenny

I was looking out of my bedroom window one morning when I saw auntie jenny sunbathing topless. The sight of her large breasts and nipples gave me an instant hard on. I hid behind the curtain making sure she couldn’t see me and then played with myself and made myself cum. I did this whenever I saw her in the garden. I just hoped she didn’t see me watching her. I had never thought of her in a sexy way until now. When they were about to go on holiday, auntie jenny asked if I would go round to...

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my friend jenny

Jenny woke up slowly, the warmth of the morning sun peering at her through the slightly opened shade. She yawned and stretched her arms through her blonde hair and up over her head. Sighing, she brought her hands down to her chest and slid them over the top of the thin, blue cotton sheet down to her waist. Her delicate hands sliding across the sheet felt good against her body. Opening her eyes, she could see the tips of her little nipples poking through the sheet. Bringing her hands back up to...

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my friend jenny

Jenny woke up slowly, the warmth of the morning sun peering at her throughthe slightly opened shade. She yawned and stretched her arms through herblonde hair and up over her head. Sighing, she brought her hands down toher chest and slid them over the top of the thin, blue cotton sheet down toher waist.Her delicate hands sliding across the sheet felt good against her body.Opening her eyes, she could see the tips of her little nipples pokingthrough the sheet. Bringing her hands back up to her...

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John and Jenny

John and Jenny had been my best friends for years. We went on outings and frequently exchanged visits for evenings of drinks and company. Then nearly a year ago, Jenny suddenly passed away. Naturally these visits continued - John was evidently lonely and depressed over his wife's passing, and I missed her too as a good friend. They had always known I was a bisexual transvestite (it is no secret) but had only once seen me dressed. This was at a fancy dress party when I had gone as a Goth...

2 years ago
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The Vals Recruiting Jenny

I was about to get officially laid. Not that I had already been laid unofficially, but official is a pretty good word for this. Hotel suite, hunky football player, fancy dress. I'll bet you're thinking Prom. Hah! It was early summer, a couple of weeks after school was over. It wasn't some generic hotel suite, but was in a boutique hotel and I had been assured that I would find the suite sumptuous. The hunky football player also qualified as dreamy, since I had been dreaming about him,...

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Getting Some Mommy PussyChapter 7 Jenny

Jenny was a married mother of one little boy and she'd given birth about nine months earlier. I'd known her and her husband before they'd married and I'd always thought Jenny was very sexy. She was a medium height young woman with very dark long hair and a beautiful face, pretty eyes and full voluptuous lips that made you fall in love with her at first sight. But it was Jenny's nice mature figure that got my attention. Before she'd married Bill, she'd had a nice rack of tits as a young...

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The Day I Caught Jenny

Hi my name is Gareth I am forty three years old I am six foot one inch tall with brown hair and grey eyes I am an average looking guy who’s quite slender. I work as a security guard at a shopping centre in Birmingham. It’s 45C today so a hot sticky day.Today is like any other day until I get a call from a clothes retailer in the centre who’ve called me about a female customer whom they alleged were trying to steal some clothes. I arrive at the store I ask the staff what happened they tell me...

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Copyright 2013 by madengineer3 There is no explicit sex in this story. If you want detailed sex, this story will not please you. ******************** My name is Isaac and I’ve been a ‘loner’ most of my life. My interests, to a large extent, have never been those of the average ‘Joe’ on the street. I can partially blame, if blame is the right word, my parents. My dad was the professor of physics at a well known university and my mom was the professor of mathematics. The result was that I was,...

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Fun with Jenny

This story is based around an actual event a few years back!When I first went to work in an office environment, in the very heart of London, I had just turned 32. I was extremely happily married to Becky (as, indeed, I still am) and, although I made it home only at weekends, our sex life then was probably at its most rampant.During the week, in the digs I shared, I would satisfy any sexual urges by buying a girlie magazine (usually Razzle!!) and wanking off shamelessly to the pictures of...

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Playing with Jenny

This story is based around an actual event a few years back!When I first went to work in an office environment, in the very heart of London, I had just turned 32. I was extremely happily married to Becky (as, indeed, I still am) and, although I made it home only at weekends, our sex life then was probably at its most rampant.During the week, in the digs I shared, I would satisfy any sexual urges by buying a girlie magazine (usually Razzle!!) and wanking off shamelessly to the pictures of...

3 years ago
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Exploring with Jenny

I had piled on a few pounds after I had my second daughter, well I didn't think it mattered much, my husband loved me and I had produced my share of the national 2.4 c***dren, so who cared? Then I stumbled into my husband letching over a neighbours wife, and his reasoning was that I obviously didn't care about myself or sex anymore so who could blame him for getting his kicks elsewhere? I was so upset, but I saw the reasoning, and as he promised that he hadn't been unfaithful I promised myself...

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A snack for Jenny

Jenny looked round the clearing; everything was as it should be Jenny looked round the clearing; everything was as it should be. She had prepared her ground well. Two young saplings had been pulled together and tied tightly. They stood about six feet apart and between she had tied Martin. When he wakes he will get such a surprise. But there were thing to do as she waited.??????????? She stood the small table upright and covered it with a white damask cloth, and began arranging the tools...

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Enter Jenny

When my wife died, I was devastated. Married less than 10 years, and taken from me suddenly. More than just my wife, she was my best friend. We would laugh together, cry together. We had amazing adventures all over the country, and our intimacy was stuff of legend. At times it was all I could do just to get out of bed in the morning. I knew that I had to get through this, I just didn’t know how. After several months of establishing myself in my new life, I decided it was time to find myself a...

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I wrote this story a while ago and wanted to share it :)While I’m out at the store, Jenny, the girl who lives next door, comes over to see you. She comes over every now and then for girl talk which always end up with boys as the subject and you two have become close friends. She tells you she just turned 18 and her boyfriend' birthday is next week. She says she has never let her boyfriend get past second base but for his present this year she wants to let him go all the way. She says she...

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A Loving FamilyChapter 2 Seducing Jenny

Mom’s reaction was harsh. I would say she overreacted, but honestly, I don’t blame her. I can only imagine what went thru her head when she realized her kids were fucking each other. I can imagine her thinking of two-headed grandchildren or highly retarded ones. We were grounded for a month and forbidden from going near each other. Then mom took us to a shrink. The shrink tried to ‘cure’ me, but it was bullshit, and she fed more bullshit to Louise and my mother. I had to go to the...

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The Pains Of Loving Jenny

Jenny and Daniel had been friends since they’d both been in diapers. They grew up together, right next door to each other. Every day, they would walk to school side by side, all the way up to 12th grade. They were both 18. Jenny had long, wavy, light brown hair. In sunlight one could see her blonde highlights. Her green eyes were beautifully shaped. Daniel would always make fun of her because she was short. Well… it wasn’t her fault she had never grown past 5 feet! Besides, she was really...

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My Receptionist Jenny

"Send the next patient in please Jenny" "Very good doctor" There was a short wait and Jenny herself came into my surgery, "I'm your last patient doctor" "Oh right, well take a seat and tell me the problem" She blushed and said softly, "I've got a rash" "Ok, let's have a look then" "I'm embarrassed" "I need to see it Jenny if I'm going to treat it" "Yes of course" but she smiled nervously and stood up lifting her skirt as she did so, Thankfully she stood with...

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Dinner With the NCIS Director Jenny

I'm so sorry that Jenny was killed. If only I had not stopped to fill up with petrol, I could have been there to save her, maybe even to have taken a bullet for her. I loved her that much. Jenny was an intelligent, beautiful and understanding Director. Whoever they appoint in her place will have a lot to live up to. I had always fancied her, but I fell in love with her when she joined in the orgy we had, at the celebrations after we had caught 'The Terrorist'. The second time I made love to...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! When Jenny cleaned her mother's closet she found a VCR tape and decided to play it. It was a tape of her naked when she was a baby lying on the bed. She didn't think anything about it until her father and mother appeared nude. Her ate her pussy while her dad jacked off on her face. Jenny wanted to turn off the tape but she was fascinated. Then her dad finger fucked her little hole until it was bloody. He must have broke her cherry! She carefully put...


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