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Out of the void, my mind struggled to understand something. Anything.

There was something wrong, but my feeble brain just could not understand whatit was

I tried to make my brain function and tell me what it was, but to no avail.I was still aware of this problem, but could not understand what it was.

Gradually I began to comprehend. It was pain. But where? After a while I understoodit was pain in my breasts. Still later, I understood it was severe pain inmy breasts as my mind gradually began to work again.

The pain seemed to steadily get worse, but probably as my mind started functioningbetter, I became more aware of the problem. It was a heavy ache in my breasts,but also a sharp pain in my nipples, and an ache in my pussy and ass.

I tried to open my eyes to look, but I could only see blackness. GraduallyI became aware that I was blindfolded, and that there was something in my mouthpreventing me from shouting out.

Where was I, and what was I doing there? How had I got into this situation?My brain still could not function properly and remember what had happened orwhere I had been. Meanwhile the pain in my breasts got steadily worse as Iregained more consciousness.

Now I understood that I was almost on tiptoe, and that I was almost hangingfrom my breasts. I tried to close my legs, but they would not close. I triedto move my arms, but they seemed fixed above my head in a spreadeagled way.I was somehow fixed to some large form of ?X?, standing on my tiptoes and almosthanging from my breasts. Something inside my ass was also supporting me.

Once again I tried to remember what had happened. How had I got like this?I still could not remember. It was as if I had been drugged. Even my mouthfelt extremely dry in spite of whatever it was crammed into it, which I couldnot spit out.

Eventually it started to come back to me. Our small wooden house in the countrythat had been struck by lightening just after I had left it, with all the familyinside, and then the horrifying realisation that the house was a fireball asthe oil storage tank exploded.

It all came back to me then. The fire crews, the police and the coroner. Thefunerals and then the reading of the wills and realisation that I was suddenlyalone in the world, almost penniless.

As I had planned to move away a few weeks earlier, I decided I needed to dothis right away and try and make a clean break. A fresh start somewhere faraway.

Then I recalled getting on the bus, the trip to the city and finding a smalllodging house where I booked in for just three nights as I couldn't affordto stay any longer. I had gone out that first evening to a small bar just downone of the side streets, and there I had ordered a beer.

Just after leaving the rest room a little later, I had begun to feel funny.The room started swaying, and my eyes had difficulty in focussing. Then mylegs felt like jelly. That was the last thing that I remembered

I had ordered the beer in the bottle, and even taken it with me when I wentto the rest room. I had kept it with me all the time except for the few secondswhen I dried my hands. There had been three other girls in the rest room atthat time, so had one of them slipped something into the bottle?

Anyhow I was now all alone. Didn't know what time it was or even what day.

Let's move back a little and describe myself.

Long blonde hair, tanned skin, 5'7? tall and about 125 lbs. I had even receivedan offer in the past to do some modelling work, and that was the reason thatI had gone to the city to find some work. Anything initially, but with thismodelling in mind, I had come here (was I still there, or somewhere else?).I couldn't remember the name of the modelling agency, and all their correspondencehad been lost in the fire, but I felt that being in the city, I stood a betterchance of getting in contact with them again.

Suddenly I heard a noise. It brought my mind back to reality and the painin my breasts very quickly.

It sounded like a door shutting. And then I heard footsteps approaching.

Suddenly a sharp slap on my ass, and a man's voice said ?so you have decidedto grace me with your consciousness at last have you?.

I tried to say something but all I managed through the gag was a sort of ?Urrgh? sound.

He then explained to me that he was my master and that I was his slave. Ithought that slavery had been abolished, and anyway it was only coloured peoplewho were slaves, but I couldn't make any sensible sound with that gag stillin my mouth.

Suddenly whatever it was up my ass started vibrating. Ooh! Wow! I had neverknown such a sensation before, and within a few seconds I was beginning toget turned on, in spite of the pain, darkness and humiliation. Whatever wasit? Wow that is great, but I mustn't let him know that.

Still the pain, but I now had something else on my mind, so I was becomingless concerned about the pain in my breasts.

Next he told me I would have to wait. At least that's what it sounded like.But suddenly I felt the sting in my pussy lips increase, first the left sideand then the right side. What was it? What was happening? I was getting moreand more turned on by this vibration in my ass in spite of the pain in my breasts.

Next, the sting in my pussy lips suddenly changed into a tingling and pulsatingtingle. Wow that was turning me on also. What was happening?

Then I felt another slap or something on my ass, which made me want to tryand jerk away, but whatever it was, that heavenly thing in my ass, stoppedme jerking away. Ooh! Wow! I felt like I was about to cum in spite of the painand humiliation. But how dare I, there tied up and naked in front of this stranger?Were there other people also in the room? I didn't hear any more, but as Iwas blindfolded, there could have been more for all I knew.

And another slap or something. Than I heard a whistling sound followed byanother crack and slap on my ass. I began to realise that it was not slapping,but a whip. Wow was I getting turned on by all this.

Still he didn't say anything, but just kept on with the whip. After about10 strokes, he stopped, and I suddenly began to feel disappointed. That whippinghad really turned me on and made me horny. Please fuck me now I thought, justto finish me off, but with the gag in my mouth, all I could manage was another ?Urrrgh?.

Now I heard the whip again, and suddenly felt where it had been aimed. Myvery painful right breast. The pain exploded through me, and almost made mecum there and then. This was followed a few seconds later with another whiplash,but this time to my left breast. Wow! I can't keep myself from cumming I thought.And the right breast, and then the left breast, and again and again. Ooh!

Then he stopped. Don't stop I tried to say, but again Uurgh.

Then I smelled candle wax. Hot burning candles. And suddenly I realised thathe was letting molten candle wax fall onto my tortured breasts. The feelingwas absolutely indescribable, and suddenly I could hold back no longer. I climaxed.The first time ever without having sex. And what an orgasm. I shook and shook,and he kept pouring hot wax onto my breasts and a came again, and again.

Eventually he stopped and I would have collapsed onto the floor had it notbeen for whatever it was holding me by my breasts and that wonderful vibratingthing in my ass.

After a couple of minutes, he came up to me and gently removed my blindfold.It took some time for my eyes to focus after that orgasm and darkness, butwhen I could focus again, I did. There in the large mirror in front of me Itook stock of myself.

I was hanging from ropes tied tightly around my breasts. My breasts were bluefrom lack of circulation, yet they still felt wonderful and sore. Through mynipples, there were two rings, each with a small weight hanging from them,and hot red candle wax now solidifying over my breasts.

Looking in the mirror, I saw that I was loosely tied to a large X shaped woodenstructure, with my legs held apart at the ankles. Then I saw my pussy. Therewas a ring through the lips on each side, with weights hanging on these. Andalso some electrical wires connected to the rings, and they were still givingme a wonderful tingling sensation. That thing was also still vibrating awayin my ass Wow I was almost ready to cum again.

How could I feel so great, so turned on by all this pain and humiliation?

Then I looked to try and see him. He was behind me. Wearing a mask.

Not a bad body. A good tan, lean, about 6 feet tall and 160 to 170 lbs. Shortdark hair. No tattoos, no body jewelry. A good looker. The sort I might havefantasized about before all this.

Seeing him there dressed like he was in tight leather pants and nothing elsereally turned me on, so much so that I wished he would come back and give meanother dose of what I had just had from him.

Wait a minute girl!

You have just been drugged, kidnapped, tortured and raped by this thing upyour ass, and you want more? Are you sane? Yes I am! And I want more. Oh please,please more please!

Then he came up to me and said ?Number seventeen, do you want more??

I didn't know who he was talking to, but as he was looking at me, I assumedit was me. I tried to say No, but it came out as Uurgh again. But really Iwanted to say ?YES PLEASE?.

He switched everything off and the sensations started to subside a little,but still I wanted more.

How could I get more of this?

Wait a minute! I had never dreamed of anything like any one of those disgustingthings that had been done to me, but here I was almost begging for more.

He removed the ball from in my mouth, and held a single finger up to his lipsas a ?Sshsh? sign, which I immediately obeyed.

Then he lifted me up off that thing stuck up my ass. Oh how I had gotten usedto that thing in such a short wonderful time. After that he lowered the ropedown that was supporting me by my breasts.

Ouch! How that hurt as the blood started circulating again. And I just collapsedon the floor.

After that, he removed the weights from the rings through my pussy lips andnipples. Now I was almost back to normal except for those rings in strategicplaces, and that wonderful feeling that I had just experienced.

?Number Seventeen? he said. ?That is your name, and mine is Master?.

?No it's not?? I tried to say, but he slapped me hard across my cheek, andsaid

?Your name is Number Seventeen. And you only speak when I permit you to?

?Yes Master? I replied, at which he slapped me once again and repeated ?Youonly speak when I permit you to. Do you understand? You may answer Number Seventeen?.

I answered ?Yes Master?.

?Good. Now you understand your position, go into that room there and get dressed? hesaid, indicating a room in the corner of the hall that we were in.

I crossed the room rather shakily, still not recovered from that wonderfulorgasm and still not really understanding what had happened to me.

When I got into the room, I saw a chair, a wardrobe and a bed. There was asmall en-suite bathroom off from the room. Inside the wardrobe I found someclothes. Not my own, but some that seemed to be about the right size for me.

There was a black peephole brassiere, Seamed Stockings and suspenders, plussome black shoes with heels of about 5 inches.

There was also a black thong with an opening around the crutch.

I put all of these things on and very carefully sat on the bed wondering whatwould come next.

I sat for maybe an hour just wondering what had happened, how I had gottenhere, what would happen next, and how to get out of there, when I suddenlythought ?Do I want to get out of here??

?Yes I do, because it was not my idea?. BUT ?No I don't, not if I am goingto get more sessions like that last one?.

I was still tossing things over in my mind when I thought about those littlerings now through my nipples and pussy lips.

I gently started moving the rings, and started to enjoy the sensation. Wow,I was starting to feel horny again.

I wonder what is next I thought. Could I just enjoy myself a bit more by playingwith these rings? So I started to enjoy myself, but within a few seconds, Masterwalked into the room and slapped me across my face.

?I am the only one that is permitted to make you cum! Don't you understandthat?? he asked. ?You may answer? he added.

I replied ?Yes?.

He slapped me again and said ?Yes What??. ?You may answer?

I replied ?Yes Master?.

?That's better?.

?Now tonight, we have a special treat. You will get to meet a special guestand also Numbers Seven, Thirteen and Fourteen?.

?You will be prepared in one hour, wearing this dress?. He indicated a dressthat was hanging on a hanger on the back of the door, which I had not noticed.

The dress was a floor length red silk dress with a slit from the hem to abovethe waist. The front plunged down almost to my navel.

?You will see that you cannot wear anything under that without showing it,so you should not wear anything except those rings until you are requestedto? he added.

?Oh, and you will also wear this? he said handing me a butt plug. There wasa small antenna sticking out from the butt plug. ?That is a radio controlledunit in case you are wondering? he added.

One hour to kill. As Horny as ever, but I dare not touch myself. How had heseen what I was doing before? Was there a TV camera in the room or something?Was there a microphone and he had heard me?

I decided to take a shower and freshened myself up, after which I dressedas he has requested. What was I doing? I was a free person. I should not besubjected to such degrading acts!

But then I thought back to the immense orgasms that I had so recently hadand thought ?What the hell? I like it here.

So I got dressed as he has commanded, taking care to insert the butt plugfirst, to get the maximum benefit from it.

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I was standing by the sink looking out the window watching my folks next to the pool, I was wearing jeans short shorts and a bikini top as it was a hot summers day, I felt a presence behind me as my big hunky b*o walks up to and puts his big right arm around my little neck pulling me into him. I rose my hand up and held it as he kissed me and pulled me closer asking what I was doing, without realising it I was rubbing my pussy through my shorts as the heat always made me horny. Dave then...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Anna Claire Clouds Unprofessional Gratitude

Gorgeous blonde rental agent Anna Claire Clouds stops by unexpectedly to see how her favorite client, Chuck, is doing in his new home. She’s a full-fledged full-time real estate agent now, and she wants to show her appreciation for his business… taking him by surprise yet again when she spreads her legs to show her sheer panties under her short skirt! Chuck watches, amazed, as Anna plays with her perky little tits and rubs her clit, then dives in to lick her pussy and make her cum....

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Hardcore Lesbo With Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi readers..be prepared for a hard core intense incest lesbian sex. Hello everyone.. This is Spandu from Banglore.Though from Andhra Pradesh settled in Banglore. My family consists of me, my mom and my dad. I am a fucking lesbian slut whose pussy will be always wet and on fire. This a story where my mom caught me masturbating and fucked my to the hardcore and took my virginity My name is Spandana. My stats are 34D-28-38. I am core lesbo to my heart. I am 21 years of age. Completed my degree. My...

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Spizoo Gia Dimarco Hot POV Action With Busty Brunette

Gia Dimarco is back! This hot slut is a XXX veteran who can suck and fuck as good as anyone on the planet. Her tan, smooth body is out of this world and her tight pussy and busty chest make her irresistible. This bad ass babe wants to drain out every ounce of cum from this hard cock till there is nothing left. Watch her ride, bounce and shake then milk out a heavy load of man juice. This sexy MILF has the sexual drive of a first class slut! Enjoy her beautiful tone body and long legs on a sexy...

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No Regrets

Introduction: What starts off as a little bit of fun for Amie, might land her in big trouble with her family. My name is Amie Henshore, Im thirteen years old and I live with my mom, dad, twin sister Leah and older sister Jordin. I have bleach blonde hair, Leah dyed hers dark brown so people could tell the difference between us. Were both 53 and weigh in at about 110 pounds. Jordin has blonde hair just like me but she takes after my dad so shes 58. See it all started last week when Leah...

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An Unexpected Suprise

It was a rainy Friday morning and after a long work week at the office I decided that I needed to get away even if just for the weekend. I thought about where I could go to just relax and decided that a weekend in the mountains of Aspen would be just what I needed to unwind. I got online and booked my room and luckily I got the last room available, as Aspen was completely booked up. So I let my boss know that I would be leaving for the day at lunch so I could catch my plane and he told me to...

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he New Pregnant Girl At School part 1

It was the first day of school and to be honest Maddie was pretty excited. She couldn't wait to see what people say about the "new pregnant girl" at school. For the first day she decided to wear something pretty tight to really show off her belly. A grey skin tight dress with a white pullover with a pair of flip-flops. Damn she look good she thought. she had straightened her mid-length bleach blonde hair and wore little make up, just some pink lip stick and eye liner and eye shadow....

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 4 The Order of the Strap

The Order of the Strap We made our rendezvous with Paula at the auto doc and revived her. When she came to Paula was all smiles and in the sexiest voice I could remember ever hearing said, "Hello, Master! How may I serve you?" She was still recovering from the drugs a bit and I could hear the snickers behind me. I repeated my instructions to Paula on rivalries. She looked at the other ladies, grinned and said, "Our new companion learns way too fast". Paula then noticed the red eyes and...

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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 13

When I was Vince Smith, I had a venture capital deal go south. It happened early in my learning process for that business, but I'd protected myself – sort of. I'd forced the owner of the company in which I'd invested to put up his home as collateral. The home was an estate on Long Island comprising about five acres. In the back of my mind, I considered occupying the estate after I staged my demise as Vince Smith. Otherwise I would have sold it when I liquidated most of my other assets. As...

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Wifes Affairs Part 2

So here I am hiding out in my son's room, with my wife just down the hall letting in what I am certain is the man she is fucking behind my back. I have many things running around in my head at this moment. How will I react and should I let them go at it and bust them? What if they spot the camera I left in the book case? It has about 6 plus hours left before it stops but I'm still feeling paranoid.I decide to wait and listen intently to what is going on. I have to again breath slow and calm to...

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Jake an unexpected love

THERE IS AN EXTENSIVE AMOUNT OF GAY CONTENT HERE, IF THIS OFFENDS YOU, PLEASE JUST LEAVE. THE NEGATIVE RATINGS AND BAD COMMENTS ARE NOT NECESSARY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My name is Max. It was the summer of 2006. I had just turned 16. I wasnt very athletic, very thin, weighing at 102 pounds. I have long, strightened brown hair. I wasn't the best looking kid in the...

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Christmas Comes Early

Keeping things fresh after 10 years of marriage is difficult. It was a fact that our sex life had been on the wane for quite a while before Amy came along, Amy being my husband’s 23 year-old girlfriend. I must admit that I laughed in his face and told him that he must be delusional when he claimed that our beautiful blonde neighbour had propositioned him for sex, the sudden spark we found in the bedroom meant I had played along with his supposed-fantasies and I had been trapped by the truth...

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X Videos is one of the largest porno websites in the world. To be exact, since 7th July of 2018, it ranked as the 43rd most visited website in the world with an estimated 1,6 billion visitors /month. That's a ton of jizz that goes to waste on a daily basis, which makes those cum craving sperm banks jealous as fuck. Then again, good riddance! We don't need DNA from fucking losers in the gene pool!XVideos.com was launched way back in 2007, so it currently is around 11 years old. Little is known...

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Garter Ardor Part Two

The party was in full swing when Karen joined her friends on the far side of the dance floor. The DJ, in the middle of a 60s playlist, had the crowd rocking to Sly and The Family Stone while I sat at a table at the edge of the dance floor and busied myself in polite conversation with the table’s occupants who I had just learned were relatives of the bride. I had discreetly tucked myself back into my pants after Karen left me here and was scanning the crowd for a group closer to my own age...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Chloe Lamour Anal True Love

Chloe Lamour was showing off her perfect enhanced body with all that ink. Everything was shaped to perfection. Angelo Godshack stepped into frame and Chloe took out his giant dick. It was so much fun to suck it. A big dick feels great in the pussy but it feels even better in the ass. They didn’t waste any time. After some titty fucking he fucked her straight in the ass. Chloe took it like a pro. They fucked in doggy, missionary, she was riding him, he was choking her and they fucked until she...

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Long Stroke Gay

My intro into long-stroking and more...I'm a bi bottom who as my girlfriend says "is a natural bottom". Now there are several encounters I could tell you about but there is one specifically that sticks out and will never be forgotten by me or my girl; and probably not in yours after you relive it with me here.The night started like normal, my girl and I just hanging out at home, horny, half-naked, and looking for trouble online. At about 12:30 am, Lynn, my very supportive woman looked at me and...

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Every mans fantasy

Almost every man on earth has to have thought about having two women at one time. I know that I had fantasized about it many times but unlike many fantasies, the actual experience far surpassed the fantasy. After my wife, Estelle, and I had started swapping with another couple, Ron and Megan, Megan came over one day to see us on a special mission. I had playfully suggested a threesome and she and my wife had agreed to try it one day. That day was today. We all went upstairs to our bedroom where...

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Mistakes and Choices

(This short story came to me nearly all at once. Don't worry, A Bet to Lose will continue.) Polly was under a lot of stress. One of the main sources, at least on a day-to-day basis, was her children. Her seven-year-old daughter, Nicole, usually acted far younger as she was often in a world of her own making, a world where she was usually a special superhero who could and did do pretty much anything. While her mother tolerated her daughter's imagination, it really didn't help when...

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Samanthas Secret

One It was at the beginning of my junior year in high school when I met her. I'm Pete-Pete Gilliam. I live in Amesbury, MA, a small city on the NH border. It's a nice place. I'm an average high school guy. I'll be seventeen shortly. I get good grades but I'm not the class brain. I have a number of good friends that I hang out with but I'm not Mr. Popularity. You know, I'm just average. But I have a good life. I like my friends, I like school, my parents are cool, and my younger...

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Sex With A Big Black Woman

I had the weirdest thing happen to me last week. I work at Kroger in the deli department. I have been working there for about a year. I take classes at a community college in the evening. I enjoy working with the public. In the morning, it's usually all the housewives doing their weekly shopping. It's kind of weird, but working at Kroger is kind of a chick magnet. Housewives are always bored and looking for sex. I have hooked up with many of my customers. While I was finishing up with a...

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Losing MyselfChapter 2

After leaving the hospital I thought we would be heading straight home, but Mom apparently had other ideas. We drove to one of the large malls near home and headed straight for the department store on the end. I'm not even sure which one it was as I was sort of on autopilot, letting Mom just lead the way. She didn't slow down until we where in the middle of the Women's Clothing section and she immediately started pulling out items and handed me a few things. She then stared at me for a...

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The Asparagus Patch

She is squatting in front of a large patch of asparagus that has just burst through the cool spring soil, thrusting itself up towards the sun. I’m working behind her, and she takes no notice as I pick the long, thick stem of the asparagus from just under her. The wind blows again, moving her hair off her tanned neck, tendons and muscles working under the skin as the sweat rolls down them. I trace the tip of the asparagus up and down her neck, tickling her. She lets out a slight gasp of...

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A day in Edinburgh

  Day in Edinburgh   Tom, my hubby and soul mate, surprised me by offering to take me on a shopping spree to Edinburgh. Now if there is something I love more than shopping, it’s shopping in Edinburgh. The day had been lovely and warm and Tom was laden with my purchases. As we entered Princess Street from our fortieth shop, a sudden cold breeze hit us. The crowded street was quickly becoming deserted, as the crowds of shoppers scuttled onto the numerous buses that would take them home.  ...

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Sweet Dreams Are Made of TheseChapter 3 March Between the Bars

There are moments so uncomfortable that you wish you could be anywhere else, like being face to face with someone calling you an asshole, or a post-sex confrontation with your girlfriend's shrieking sister. An invitation to meet your sweetie's father shouldn't be one of those, of course, but when her daddy just happens to be locked up in a prison with a reputation for its inmates, just what is the right response? Staring at you with eyes that practically weep conflicting emotions, lower...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 13

Thanks for reading my series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’! If you haven’t read the previous Chapters, 1-12, please do so before reading this chapter, otherwise, you’re going to miss a lot of the details as each chapter builds on the previous chapter. The series, ‘Tom & Sue & John & Debbie’ is a story about sports, sex, and romance. The story plot centers on the adventures of two high school girls during their senior year in high school and continues through their freshman year in college. The...

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A sexy weekend at home

Susie stirred as the first rays of sunshine began to filter through her bedroom curtains. She stretched, her arms high above her head and her legs out straight, the sun playing across her naked breasts as they thrust upwards. With a sigh, she relaxed back onto the bed before rolling onto her side. She laid still, her head propped up on her hand as she gazed at Mike, her eyes roaming slowly over his naked body.Until the previous night, it had been weeks since Susie had seen Mike -- or Ian. Weeks...

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