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STEPPING OVER Tracy Lane, 2005. 1. It was Saturday morning in the second week of spring, and nine year-old Kim Taylor was practically busting to get out of the house. Leaning out of the window of his upstairs bedroom, Kim gazed across the lawns and fences of Heartsfield. The air still carried a hint of winter; he could taste it on the back of his tongue as he breathed. A deep, clear sky framed the distant mountains, lazy white clouds drifted sedately across the horizon. Too nice a morning to spend in front of the TV, no matter what was on. The day beckoned him with all the promises of childhood - some of which he was still too young to understand. He'd promised to meet Janet and Suzie at the playground around half- twelve, which was why he'd grabbed lunch early today. His Mom was really big on the three squares thing and she wouldn't let him out the door without a bite or two. Well, she couldn't complain he wasn't getting his daily ration; he'd downed three BLTs and a glass of Quik only half an hour before. He'd also cleaned up his room, just in case she tried to hold him on a technicality. Mothers were like that, they almost never played fair. Closing the window, Kim walked over to the dresser, keeping one eye to the clock. It was quarter of twelve; still plenty of time to get down to Memorial Park if he left in the next ten minutes or so. He passed a brush over his hair and tucked his t-shirt into his jeans, making sure to tighten the belt a notch. Unlike most boys his age, Kim was small and delicately built; it was difficult to find clothes that fit him. Even with his hair cropped to the nape of his neck, strangers regularly mistook him for a young girl (a situation causing him considerable embarrassment until quite recently). Grooming rituals completed, he stepped into his runners (thick, pumpy Docs, roughly three sizes too big) and made for the door. All he had to do now was sneak past the Guardian of the Living Room and he'd be home free. Unfortunately, this final obstacle was also the most difficult to avoid, as his Mom had eyes like a proverbial hawk. Worse still, he knew she was getting curious about how he was spending his afternoons, which meant she would probably go fishing for answers. And that might pose a few problems. Kim trotted down the staircase, wondering how he was going to handle this. He wasn't old enough to deceive her (the woman was a human polygraph), but he obviously couldn't tell her everything - not even the parts she'd be capable of believing. Trouble was, she wouldn't let him leave until she'd satisfied her interest. Well, some of it, at least. Maybe that was his solution; throw her a couple of tidbits. Not too much; just enough to keep her guessing. His mother was stretched out on the sofa, languidly reading one of her Anne Rice novels. This was a familiar scene: Lynne Taylor was a binge reader with a preference for the supernatural. The Vampire Chronicles was her all-time favourite, she must have read it at least sixteen times, as if searching for passages she hadn't noticed before. Kim honestly had no idea what the attraction was. Once you read a book you already knew how it ended. There was no point in reading it again from what he could see. Kim approached the foot of the lounge with all the caution of a mouse approaching a sleeping lioness. "Can I go out now, Mom?" he asked, trying hard not to shuffle his feet. "Cleaned up your room?" Lynne asked without looking up. "Yeah," Kim replied with an absent-minded nod. "OK, then," Lynne said indifferently, "where are you going?" "Down to the Park," the boy answered, "I'm meeting J and S at the swings." Lynne glanced up, eyebrows arched with uncharacteristic surprise. "J and S?" "Janet and Susie." "And who might they be?" "Some girls in my class," Kim told her conversationally, "we catch the bus to school together. They live out in Chamberlain Heights." "Oh, Chamberlain Heights," Lynne smiled, putting on her best la-de-da accent, "moving up in the world, are we?" Kim was aware that she was trying to reel him in with a touch of humour, but he didn't understand what she meant. He shrugged, not really sure how to reply. "Yeah, I guess so." Lynne stared at him a few seconds longer, studying his expression, his posture, the lowering of his gaze. He was holding something back, obviously, although he looked more uncomfortable than secretive. Well, whatever it was, it couldn't have been anything too serious. He was nine years old, how serious could it be? Probably just embarrassed about having a little girlfriend or something. Well, whatever it was, she could afford to be patient. She'd find out everything eventually. She always did. "Alright then," Lynne nodded, turning back to her book, "have a nice day with your friends." Casually turning a dog-eared page between her fingertips, she signalled that audience was finished. Kim said goodbye and exited the room, hoping to avoid further questioning. He made it as far as the hallway before she issued the usual reminders, almost as an afterthought: "Dinner's at five. And be careful crossing the road." "Yes, Mom," he called back, and let himself out through the front door. A fine day greeted him with a freshening breeze. He was glad to be out in the fresh air, away from his mother's interrogations. He could see that she'd been surprised he was meeting a couple of girls at the playground, and would have given her eye-teeth to know what was going on. And that would have been a little difficult to explain, particularly since J & S weren't really his friends. They were Kitty's friends. Kim ambled along the sidewalk swinging his arms, watching dragonflies zither across the nature strip. Memorial Park was five blocks up the Drive, about fifteen minutes walk from his place. Except he wasn't heading for Memorial Park, not exactly. He was heading for the playground, just as he'd told his mother, but it had a different name over there. A lot of things had different names over there, come to think of it. Over there. That was his name for name for Kitty's world. That land of wonders he'd discovered almost a year ago, when Crazy Old Mata had shown him that dreams weren't always dreams. It was a place of infinite possibilities, where fantasies came true and there was no need to keep secrets from anyone, least of all his mother. Over There. Crossing the road at Lethbridge Canal, Kim turned left into Memorial Drive. The Drive was the main street of Heartsfield, running the length of the town and dividing it neatly in two. Hopscotch grids decorated its sidewalks with meticulous regularity, shaded by the leaves of a thousand maples. Kim knew every crossing, curb and corner of the Drive, because he'd lived here all his life. Heartsfield was your archetypal picket-fence township, a picture- postcard village nestled around the foothills of the Chamberlain Ranges. It was pretty much the same in Kitty's world as it was in his; chalk-white footpaths and tree-lined avenues. You could almost smell the cinnamon pie cooling on every second window sill. His Mom adored the place, said it had a Norman Rockwell feel to it. Kim didn't know who Norman Rockwell was, but the sentiment was clear enough. Kitty's town was virtually identical, only it was called Hartsvale on her side. Kim supposed the similarity wasn't purely coincidental; everything in Hartsvale was like a reflection of Heartsfield. He'd seen something similar on Star Trek, one time - that episode where Worf found himself falling through a bunch of quantum realities (whatever they were) and everyone seemed to have a double. Which was how things were in Kitty's world. It was like everybody he knew had a twin, someone who looked and acted the same as their counterpart. Kitty Tyler was his twin, in a way. Yes, she was a girl, and she wore dresses and ribbons and everything, but she was his twin nonetheless. He'd realized that the very first time he'd 'stepped over' to the other side, nearly a year before. It didn't matter that she wore panties and skipped rope and slept with a cuddly panda in her arms every night. They were so similar, so alike in every other respect. The cast of their features, set of their gaze, the very colour of their thoughts. Yes, Kitty Tyler was his twin in every sense of the word. His twin, and much more besides. 2. Kim continued along Memorial Drive until he reached the trail winding down to the Park. This was his doorway to the other side, the path leading into Kitty's world. Pinecones and woodchips crunched beneath his feet as he descended through the trees, fresh woodland scents prickled his nose. Checking his watch, he saw it was nearly twelve. J & S would probably be on their way right now, so he had to get a move on. It was time to Step Over. That was how he thought of it - taking one giant stride into another land, like in the story of the seven league boots. Even now, almost a year since he'd started migrating, the whole process had a bizarre, surreal quality about it. Some days, it was like waking up in some weird, never-ending fairy tale. Then again, there were times - such as today - when it all seemed completely normal. Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, he disappeared into the pine glade that bordered the playground. He had to find an isolated spot where he could be certain no one was watching. Kim wasn't sure what actually happened when he Stepped Over, but he didn't want any witnesses all the same. For all he knew, he might actually vanish into thin air - and that would have been downright impossible to explain. Once inside the Glade, Kim stood quietly in the shade, preparing to make the transfer. He had to clear his mind, reach across that vast, yawning chasm separating their two worlds. It was like looking up into the night sky and feeling yourself fall into it; reaching that instant of perfect balance dividing a dream from reality. Crazy Mata had called it the Point of Tau, a state of perfect equilibrium between all the universal forces. It was something Shinto monks took decades to achieve through fasting and meditation, but Kim had a natural ability for it, according to Mata. And that was what made it all possible. The transfer took place in a fraction of a second. Kim felt the universe shifting around him, the barriers of reality dissolving like a mist before the sun. More than that, he felt his body melt and run inside its skin. Long blond hair swept down past his shoulders, unrolling like a platinum curtain. He was changing, altering. His clothes faded from his limbs as the transformation took effect. Looking down, he had a blurred image of naked flesh morphing between genders. Her clothing flickered back into existence, too fast for the eye to follow. First the underwear, materializing out of nowhere; then the dress, running down her hips in a golden wave. Glittering lights swept across her field of vision, blinding her momentarily - And suddenly, she was standing beneath a grove of Cypress trees, blinking into a cool April morning. The transfer was finished, she'd Crossed Over from Kim's world. Looking down, Kitty saw she was wearing a bright yellow sunfrock, the kind with buttons down the front and puffy sleeves on the shoulders. It was one of her favourites, sheer and light as summer breeze. It was funny; jeans and sweatshirt felt perfectly normal back on the Other Side, but once she'd crossed over, Kitty tended to view boy's clothing with vague distaste (particularly the underwear - who in their right mind would want to wear something so indisputably hideous as a pair of jockey shorts?!) Checking the rest of her wardrobe, she concluded that everything was in the right place - hair tied back in a long, blond ponytail; garishly pink runners with frilly white ankle-socks. Business as usual. It was silly, but sometimes she half-expected to see Kim's clunky old Doc Martins adorning her tiny feet. Kitty understood that that would be impossible, but being a child, logic wasn't her strong point. Glancing around the grove, she started down the bicycle path (woodchip trail in Kim's world), heading for the playground. She had arranged to meet her friends around twelve thirty, and it was getting on to midday already. It would take around fifteen minutes to make her way through the grove, which was somewhat larger than the pine glade on the Kim's side. With any luck, J & S would be waiting for her at the swings, same as most mornings. In Kim's world, Janet and Suzie were just a couple of girls who lived five blocks down the road, but over here, they were Kitty's best friends. She's known them since the first grade, back when they used to play hopscotch everyday after school. Kitty guessed they were getting a little too old for Barbie dolls and jump-rope these days, but they still hung out together, watching TV and gorging on chocolate cookies like there was no tomorrow. Not that the future was a big concern for any of them. The best summer of their lives was spread out before them - and when you're a child, the summer never seems to end. 3. Emerging from the Cypress Grove, Kitty walked over to water fountain, scanning the playground as she bent over to take a drink. The field was empty except for a small group of boys playing catch on the other side of the oval. That was nothing out of the ordinary; Coronation Park was usually deserted this time of day. Most of the kids she knew lived over on the Westside. Kitty decided to test out the swings while she waited for her friends. It was only quarter past twelve; they'd probably still be finishing lunch. Kitty rode the breeze for several minutes, leaning back and pointing her toes towards the clouds. A light wind whipped up her thighs, inflating her skirt and revealing her underpants. Smiling with pleasure, she kicked her feet in mid-air, enjoying the touch of the air on her skin. Like most girls her age, she loved riding the breeze in the early afternoon; it left her feeling cool and tingly all over. "Kitty!" someone called, "hey, Kitty!" She looked around to see Janet and Suzie approaching through the oval. Raising her hand in casual greeting, she waved a reply over her shoulder. The girls wandered over to the swings, chattering with the easy banter of childhood. All three swung in unison, as if sensing some universal rhythm, their ponytails streaming carelessly out behind them. The afternoon passed in a patter of girlish conversation as they swung happily through the sky. Kitty's frock billowed up over her waist several times. She kicked her long legs every time her skirt rose, pretending she was a cancan girl. That was one of her favourite bedroom games; she often danced before her mirror with her skirt up to her chin. The very thought of showing off her panties in public made her heart race with excitement. Sometimes she wore her pink satin panties, the ones with the lacy frills around the derriere. She felt so breathtakingly naughty when she bent over and threw her skirt over her head, revealing her pantied bottom to the mirror. "Wanna go play on the jungle gym?" Suzie asked no one in particular. They'd been on the swings for a good thirty minutes by now. "Okay," Janet said, and hopped off the swing. Kitty followed a moment later, dropping catlike to her feet. The three walked over to the monkey bars, chortling happily away amongst themselves. Suzie reached the gym first, swinging to the top with a kind of unconscious grace. Kitty followed her friends along the bars, clambering hand-over-hand in quick bursts. Her heart was thudding in her throat. This was the part she enjoyed the most. Reaching the centre of the grid, Kitty hooked her knees over the bars and slung herself upside down. Her dress immediately flipped inside out, exposing her undies all the way to her belly button. She felt a blush rise to her features: everything was on display now. It was embarrassing, but it was also kind of nice, too - that tingly feeling was spreading though her entire body now. Flicking her tongue over her lips, she glanced down (or rather up) to see what she had on. Her panties were white nylon briefs with a little bow on the front. Most of Kitty's underpants were either pink or white (the only colours her Mommy bothered to buy, for some reason). Kitty absolutely loved showing them off. As far as she was concerned, it was a crime to hide something so pretty. The frock slid slowly down her torso, revealing several inches of smooth tummy and a hint of cotton singlet. The skirt hung limply over her face, blocking her view of the playground. She had to push it aside with one hand to see what was going on. Suzie D'Antonio was sitting on top of the bars, idly studying her friend's underwear. There was nothing illicit in her gaze, just childish curiosity. She'd known Kitty for over four years and must have seen her panties like a zillion times. Anyway, there wasn't much else to look at, all she could see were a pair of splayed thighs and silky white gusset. Everything else was hidden behind a fall of yellow cotton. Overhead, the clouds wheeled across a perfect sky. The conversation drifted onto the usual topics - mermaids, unicorns, boys and teachers. Kitty rocked gently back and forth beneath the scaffold, her frock inching steadily toward the ground. Janet was also hanging by the knees, although she wasn't revealing anything. The quintessential tomboy, Janet Connor never wore anything except shorts and jeans. Like Suzie, she was used to seeing Kitty's underpants every time they hit the playground (or anywhere else, for that matter). Young as she was, Janet understood that her playmate loved doing "girlie" things. It was just another side of her personality, no different from her preference for ultra-cutsie plush toys. As a matter of fact, Kitty Taylor must have been about the "girliest" little girl she'd ever met. As for Kitty herself, she would have hung upside down all afternoon if she could have. Having her panties on exhibit always made her head spin with delight. It was something that Kim could never do back in his plane of existence, so she always seized the opportunity whenever it arose - making up for lost time, so to speak. It was sort of like the cancan thing; she loved that sense of impish pleasure that accompanied the act of baring. There was something else too, a kind of breathless arousal, but she was still too young to put a name to that. At some point, Suzie lost all interest in Kitty's underwear and swung down between her friends, reaching out to take their hands in her own. Janet hummed a tune from a popular soft drink commercial and the other two joined in without even thinking. Gravity had its way with Kitty's dress until it was all but falling off her shoulders. And holding hands beneath the wide, clear sky, they rocked their way through the early afternoon. 4. The wind continued to pick up as the day wore on, shaking leaves from the trees and driving swarms of cicadas through the Cypress grove. The girls descended from the bars and chased each other around the cenotaph until they fell to the grass in a jumbled heap, breathless and gasping and giggling with delight. Once they'd caught their breath, they climbed up into the Indian Fort to play a few rounds of Rock-Kisses- Paper, which was how they normally concluded their day. Rock-Kisses- Paper was their special version of the classic schoolyard hand-game, in which the loser had to kiss the winners on the lips. It was a very secret thing, this soft pressing of the lips, something they had sworn to keep between themselves. It had been Kitty's suggestion, made some months before when she first started Crossing Over. Much to her surprise, the others had agreed without comment, as if kissing their best friend was the most natural thing in the world. Which, of course, it was. The afternoon finally wound down around 4.00, when the shadows began lengthening to a noticeable degree. Alerted by some obscure telepathy unknown to modern science, all three slid down out of the Fort and walked over to the water fountain (half an hour of non-stop kissy-kissy being thirsty work and all). This was their last pit stop before heading their separate ways, Kitty via the Cypress Grove, J & S through the oval. It had been a fine, cool day, but they were all ready to head home for a nice, warm dose of mother-love. Somewhere beyond the trees, households were clicking into evening mode. Baths being run in anticipation of the evening's girl-washing festivities. "See you tomorrow?" Suzie asked, her hair tousled by the rising gale. Janet stood close behind her, carefully straightening out her rumpled t-shirt. Her mom would probably have a heart attack when she got home, same as every night. "Yeah, okay," Kitty replied, unconsciously fussing with her own clothing, "over by the swings again?" The girls nodded their agreement, Janet readjusting her hair-band in the background. "Yeah." "Yeah." "Okay, bye" They stepped in to exchange brief girly kisses (on the cheek this time), moist and sweet as the taste of rock-candy. Kitty felt a light hand patting her bottom. Probably Janet - Jan Connor was an incorrigible bottom-patter, always had been. Not that Kitty minded in the least, there was something rather endearing about the gesture. They said goodbye one last time, touching fingers as they turned away, and the afternoon was over. Kitty returned to her quiet spot beneath the trees, preparing herself for the return trip. The Cypress Grove was a Pine Glade back on Kim's side of reality, one of a number of subtle differences between their two worlds. The surrounding countryside was pretty much the same - low foothills leading up to steeply sloping mountainsides. The layout of the city was virtually identical, but street names and other things were slightly off-kilter. Coronation Avenue was called Memorial Drive in Kim's world; Eastland Plaza was known as Dawnside Mall. These were all minor variations, barely discernable to the casual observer. The most significant difference, so far as Kitty could see, was that she was a boy over there. And in some respects, that made all the difference. Closing her eyes (unlike Kim, she didn't like to watch the world melt and shift around her), Kitty uttered her codeword and Crossed Over. The moment of transfer spun out to eternity; the ground seemed to vanish beneath her feet. Plunging through the quantum fabric of the universe, Kitty felt her clothes whipped from her figure, her body dissolving and reforming at precisely the same instant. Stars glittered beneath her eyelids, blazing like miniature supernovas - And Kim Taylor opened his eyes. He was back in his world, still bearing the residue of his otherself. That lush tingling sensation was coursing through his nervous system, making his heart race like a trip hammer. He glanced down at himself, making sure he wasn't wearing a dress, then glanced around the Glade, listening for approaching footsteps. Had anyone seen him arrive? No, it was nearly four thirty, and the woodchip trail was deserted. He had to get home now. His Mom would be heating up the oven, wondering where he was this late in the afternoon. Checking his watch, Kim headed up towards Memorial Drive. In some other universe, Kitty Tyler was walking along a disused bicycle path, treading precisely the same steps as himself. Somehow, they always managed to fall into sync whenever he decided to Step Over. They would probably remain in tune until he reached his front door. It was a paradox, impossible to explain, but that was how it appeared to work. "Is that you, Kim?" his mother called out from the kitchen as he let himself in through the front door. "Yes, Mom," he replied, kicking off his runners. The rich aroma of chicken casserole wafted down the hallway. Kim ran his tongue over his teeth, realizing for the first time how hungry he was. "OK. Upstairs and wash up. Dinner's in ten minutes." "Yes, Mom," he repeated, and trotted obediently up to the bathroom. Most of their conversations followed this minimalist pattern. No sentiment, no tenderness, no maudlin terms of endearment. His mother wasn't as openly affectionate as Kitty's. Women tend to treat boys differently to girls. Well, no big deal; the woman cooked a killer Sunday roast, which was how she usually demonstrated her love for him. Leaning over the sink, Kim scrubbed his face and arms, watching himself closely in the mirror. He could almost see his twin standing on the other side, lathering up her tiny hands with liquid soap. They were still in sync, even now. Probably would be for the rest of the evening. Of course, superficial variations were inevitable. Kitty lived in an all-female household; her vanity was covered with bath oils, deodorants and exotic perfumes. Kim's marble-top was devoid of cosmetics, his mother kept everything in the medicine cabinet (particularly since she'd caught him experimenting with her lipstick). Drying his face with a soft blue towel, Kim bid a silent farewell to his reflection and strode out into the hallway. Kitty walked with him, he could hear her thoughts echoing through the passages of his mind, like a voice murmuring through a paper wall. That wasn't too surprising; they were the same person after all. Always had been, although he'd never realized it until last year. Seemed like forever ago now, but when you're a kid, a year can last a lifetime. He headed for stairs, thinking of the afternoon he (she) had spent at the park: the sun, the grass, the cool, gentle breeze. The gasping delight she'd felt, hanging upside down with her dress over her head. A heady mixture of pleasure and humiliation, it usually occurred when he imagined he was a girl - something which had baffled him for years, but made perfect sense since he'd discovered Kitty's existence. Small wonder he fantasized about being a girl. In another reality, he was. Looking out through an upstairs window, he saw that a blue twilight had fallen across Chamberlain. Streetlights flickered on one by one as he watched, sweeping past his house towards the west end of town. Kim had always thought it signalled the end of day (which, indeed, it does when you're nine years old). He descended the stairs with his hand on the rail, smiling gently to himself. There was a great deal of magic in his life. More, perhaps, than any child honestly deserved. He often wondered if there was any one else like him, if he was the only boy capable of spanning the boundaries between two separate worlds. He supposed there had to be others, but Crazy Mata had told him that he was unique. Rare, exceptional, one in a million. The only one who turned into a girl when he transferred. "Dinner's ready," Mom called from the living room. They usually ate in front of the TV, same as any normal American family. Kim picked up his feet and scampered down the hallway, practically watering at the mouth. Strangely enough, he was always ravenously hungry after spending a day on the Other Side. Hungry, tired and thoroughly satisfied. "Well, did you have a good time down at the park?" Lynne asked as Kim launched himself into a chair. "Yeah," he replied, reaching for his plate, "we played on the swings and the bars and everything!" "We?" "J & S and I." "Oh, yes, S and J," Mom nodded sagely, "your new friends. So, what else did you do?" Lynne Taylor listened in mild amusement while her son regaled her with stories of the day's adventures, grateful that he was finally making friends. She knew he was something of a schoolyard pariah, that his classmates regarded him as an unwanted and rather unsavoury stranger. Originally she'd dismissed it as the result of a naturally timid personality, but recently, she'd begun to fear that Kim was socially maladjusted (the latest sound-bite bandied about by new-age therapists these days). The revelation that he was forming normal relationships came as something of a relief. And if it seemed a little odd that a nine-year old boy was hanging out with a couple of girls, Lynne didn't mind in the least. For reasons she couldn't quite explain, it seemed the most natural thing in the world. The End. Comments: [email protected]

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After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars' transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage was the same clerk that would...

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Cartoon overlord

It is time… After years of trial and error… After years hardship and insanity… It is time, time for a new cartoon overlord! (0) Deep within the darkness of your evil lair, plot and ponder your evil plan to conquer all of the cartoon universes. Eventually you come up with seven important steps that you need in order to begin conquering cartoon worlds. One: You need a loyal henchman or henchwoman to help begin the groundwork. Two: You require an army of disposable minions that are utterly loyal...

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Pet of the Overlord

You lived in an isolated and village in a small kingdom that's hasn’t seen war for several centuries. Ever since The Overlord was defeated. The Overlord was a cruel creature who took over the kingdom, though the detail has faded and changed over time. They were defeated by all the races coming together. You are baker that lives and works alone in your tiny village. You grew up with the story but you saw it as more legend than real history. A scary story to tell children to behave. You’re...

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Crimson Clover

EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...

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The Hair Remover

The hair remover By: Suresh Hello to all the ISS readers I am an avid reader of ISS and feel that there can’t be a better site to read and express the sexual desires of human beings.but i will say that ur responce will be best encouragement for me to write more of my please do write good or bad. I have liked most of the stories and now I am tempted to share my own experience with all other readers. Well about me first. I am 36 yrs old athletic built handsome shopkeeper in...

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Stepping Out With Steph

Chapter 1 Blair and Stephanie grew up in a household with a divorced mom, who was fairly conservative in her beliefs, being the sister of a minister. Blair was only 16 when his older sister caught him staring at her and her friends, and responded to this "lewdness" with an atypical sisterly gesture- she teased him by flashing him her breasts. No doubt their mother would have disapproved of this action, but she never learned of it. In any case, Blair's reaction affected Stephanie for years...

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Clara Wilsons Makeover

Clara was turning 40. Her friends had made a big thing of it, taking her out and celebrating with the usual amount of fake funereal trappings. It had been a hoot but now she was home and was left with it it, just left with it. She was turning 40 and was mopey about it. She wandered around fairly early that Saturday, and moped. She had a cup of coffee and just looked her house over. She called it always ‘the old girl’, and at times, when sadness was on her, she talked to the house. ‘What do...

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My Makeover

This is a work of reality! It is autobiographical and written on feelings and observations gathered by me! My Makeover By Lisa Elizabeth Being transgendered is a rather ill defined thing. This topic covers a wide range of people and interests. You have the people that dress up one time and are quite happy. Then at the other end of the spectrum are those with an undying burning desire to become the gender they were not born. A lot of people fall somewhere in between those two...

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Tim Goes Undercover

Tim Goes Undercover By Moe 1) The Assignment I picked up the phone and answered, "Accounting, Tim Bradley." It was my sister Tracee on the line and she said rather urgently, "I need to see you in my office. Something rather important has come up and I need your help." My sister is eight years older than me at 30 and she is the president of our family company. She was working for our father who founded and ran the company when he suddenly died of a heart attack five years...

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My 60th entry in Fictionmania! How they do add up when you're having fun! This story portrays fictitious teenage kids experimenting with sex. It's their own idea, but anyone offended might just keep repeating "It didn't really happen, it didn't really happen," until they're persuaded that it doesn't really happen. Or else not read it. All others, enjoy! Sleepover By Vickie Tern "Is that you, Tim? ...

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The Layover

When I got on the plane, I was in a rush, so I hurried to find my seat so I could stash my carry-on and just relax for a few minutes before the flight. I was on a business trip and had a 12 hour layover in another city before catching the connecting flight to NY. I dressed in business attire. Light beige skirt right above the knee with a matching jacket, along with a cream button up silk blouse and heels. Not too high but enough to look professional but comfortable. Underneath my clothes is...

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A Layover

A Layover By strangefun Walking through a crowded airport, I smiled. The clothes I wore under my regular drab felt wonderful on my body - tight, constrictive, kinky, and so inappropriately feminine for a guy to wear under his mundane jeans, tee and sweatshirt. The only thing that could give me away was my footwear - tiny, cute, black canvas Keds with just a little of my opaque, shiny pantyhose showing below the hem of the jeans, but I figured they were innocuous enough not to...

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My Wife Pays the Movers

“I left the money to pay the movers on the dresser,” her husband said, as he walked out the door. “How much are we paying them?” Renee asked. “One-hundred for the three hours. I gotta run, love you!” he replied, as he closed the door behind him. Three hours later all but a few boxes have been moved into the truck. "I need to run, there is somewhere I need to be," Jason, one of the movers, said. “Ok sorry, I can pay you now. Can you stay and get the last few boxes?” She asked Ty. “Sure, no...

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Left Overs

Introduction: Jessica and her family run away from the Meat Agency of Dolcett upon reciveing her conversion notice, will she keep her appointment with the spit anyway?, or survive?. Left Overs Story: #39 Copyright 2008 Written: January 30 2008 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ************************************ Dad I dont want to be roasted on a spit like mom was Jessica said at the kitchen table sitting across from...

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*** Fallon wished she could go back in time and listen to the doctors as they explained to her parents what had happened after the accident. Never really told her, and when she’d looked at the medical reports and results for exams the doctor lingo confused her. And since her regular doctor was too smart for his own good, the babbling that came out of his mouth was worse than the stuff on paper. So, she had to live with it. The only thing she was able to wrap her head around was that her...

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Barbaras Makeover

BARBARA'S MAKEOVER by Barbara I sat in the car absolutely terrified. I had parked alongside the road only a few blocks from my destination and was afraid to go any further. I kept asking myself, "Why was I doing this?" My wife and children had left earlier that Friday to visit her parents for a week. I had stayed at home because of my work schedule. At least that was the reason I gave everyone. My real reason was that her absence gave me an opportunity to...

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Hungover A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I was hungover big time. I filled the sink with cold water and plunged my whole head in. The only comfort was that I knew that the night before had been the craziest of my life. It was a night that we would be sure to talk about for the rest of our lives. Except maybe not Greg. He might want to forget all about it. It had started out as a joke, but maybe it had gone a little too far. It was just that the ladyboys at the bar had been...

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Dungeon Keeper Rise to Overlord

There once was a young man, a youth from another world who fell into this one. He rose from nothing to accomplish great things, terrible things yes, but great nonetheless, for he was a Dungeon Keeper and his quest was to rise to become the Overlord the unchallenged Master of Darkness and King of the Underworld.

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The Overlord

Deep within a dark cave a great evil slumbers... Darkness, all around you. The chains binding you. You immediately begin to meditate in order to remember. A pair of sadistic red eyes widen you remember being sealed away from all. Those three mages used a forbidden spell, such irony light mages using forbidden magic. However, unknown to the enemy at the last second you used one last spell to make your magic slowly consume the seal. Eyes narrowed one word leaves your chapped lips "fools." With...

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The Overthrow

Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. THE OVERTHROW By Wyrdey Zaadon the Great sat on his throne, smiling thinly to himself as he pretended to read one of his books of the Dark Lore. He always enjoyed days like this, it was why he'd made himself a king. Around him in his luxurious throne room, his advisers sat, laughing and amusing themselves in their normal, depraved fashions. Zaadon despised them to a man. He...

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Destination AzaharChapter 24 The Governor

[Note to reader: This chapter is a continuation of The Librarian. It picks up where the previous story ends. While it should not be necessary to have read The Librarian to understand the characters and relationships that follow, it is recommended.] The small fleet of transport ships was getting close to Azahar. The colonists were getting a bit restless after spending two months in the confines of the three Aurora-class vessels. All of the standard briefings, enhancements, and cosmetic...

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Left*o*vers For the hell of it I went on line and typed in the word leftover. What I came up with was both funny and disturbing. There were over 7,000,000 hits. Now, I like to surf the web, but I was not going to waste a beautiful Saturday afternoon going to every link. So I copied down some interesting facts, and thought I would pass them along. The word leftover can be used as an adjective or a noun, either way it means the same thing. ‘A remnant or an unused portion’ It has also been used...

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KinkyBBW38JJ The Overture

All good things come to those who wait, they say.And I waited a long, long time for Kinky.We started chatting almost 2 months ago on another site that's more fetish oriented than xhamster. Still the same percentage of shy people hiding behind their avatars as here, but a bit more specialised.And we got chatting. A few messages back and forth. An exchange of email addresses. A bit of time on MSN. Eventually that exciting moment when we spoke on the phone. And then, once we'd looked at our...

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A Grandfathers Lust An Overture

Like every night, he finished watching the news at 11:30, turned off the TV, and walked through the house to ensure the doors were locked and no windows were left open. He peaked into the quest room. There she lay, his granddaughter. She had come to live with him while her parents were figuring things out. Their home was hostile and Cynthia was internalizing it all. She had been struggling in school. A senior now, she was striving to get scholarships at U, 25 miles away from Pee Paws house....

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Stepping out

Carol raced about the Marriot, clad in little more than a slip and stockings, glancing in the mirror then down at the small army of bras she had packed.  The peach one was thin and went so well with skin.  The black one was more daring, the tan had a thickly padded cup to emphasize her bosom while the red one pushed up her breasts into a little shelf. Sadly, it didn’t really work well with the lacy blue thong she had bought for this weekend. She picked them up, knowing she had time. Thomas had...

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Stepping out

Stepping out. It was a Friday. I was doing some shopping in a supermarket when I found it. A sports bra. Reasonably priced and in a soft coral pink. As a crossdresser, I owned lots of bras, but I had never owned or had even worn a sport bra before. Well, not unless you counted a leopard skin sports bra that I had 'borrowed' from an ex-girlfriend many years earlier. And that wasn't a true sports bra in the sense of the word. I picked it up and checked it out. It wasn't in my size,...

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Two Makeovers

Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] Two Makeovers by Amy Brett I found that I really didn't know what to do. The situation was so totally alien. I had spoken softly to Barbara for a scant moment after she had admitted me to the basement room of the...

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Aimees Makeovers

Aimee's Makeovers Part One By Jena Corso Tony and Aimee have been dating since the last two years of college and their relationship had never been better. Since Tony's graduation, they've spent a lot more quality time together than when they were in school. Aimee is in her third year of school and is looking to become a fashion designer. As for Tony, he now has a degree in finance and has been horsing around with his band with the hope of becoming a rock star. He figured he...

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The Sleepover

Saturday night came and Maisie arrived to be welcomed by a smiling Ella. The two eighteen-year-olds had spoken just an hour earlier when Ella explained that Mrs L had invited her lady friend to stay over as well, and she would take part in disciplining them, which would speed things up. Ella said she called the friend Miss M, and she was younger than Mrs L, being about thirty-five years old, and was a lovely lady.Maisie had certainly been looking forward to the sleepover because she thought she...

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Junior Year Part IIChapter 9 Valentinersquos Day is Overrated

When I got to the park, I picked a running trail and began to lengthen my stride. It felt good to be able to just zone out and enjoy the morning. It was chilly, but not so cold that it was a distraction. I misjudged the trail I was on and ran further than I normally did. By the time I got back to Adrienne’s, everyone was already up, except Adrienne. What I found surprised me. “Did you see this?” Pam asked, holding up the newspaper. I looked confused, so she shoved it at me, got up...

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New Pleasure Rediscovered

New Pleasure Rediscovered By: Londebaaz Chohan Robin lived in a very nice house with Audrey. The house was the last one before the dead end making it still more attractive that not everybody drove up to there if they were not supposed to be there. Robin was with Audrey right from his freshman year but now after two years, she suddenly decided to be somewhere else, in some other part of the country and just walked out on Robin. He had noticed Kyler, his neighbor to be living there before he...

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Suburban Governess

MISS SPARGROVEMiss Spargrove landed the thick wooden Spencer paddle for the fiftieth time on Shawn Cirrito’s reddened buttocks, and Shawn bit her tongue to keep from screaming. After all, she didn’t want to wake the baby.As the paddle, built with holes throughout to make swinging easier and more painful landed again on Shawn’s ass, she wondered what Ross was doing. Miss Spargrove had had him in his adult-sized high chair, built on the same lines as Amelia’s little one, sucking frozen...

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Sensory Overload

Sensory Overload Part 1 bhs 8/91 by Rebecca Scott What Happened? It was a Wednesday, or at least it was the day after our usual Tuesday night card game with the Hinkels, a bizarre couple from next door. As the alarm incessantly clamored for my attention, I groggily emerged from the comfort of my bed, noting that my wife of more than 12 years was not snuggled next to me as was our custom. As my feet hit the floor I noticed that my body seemed to override my mind...

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The Passenger Seat Chapter 2 Sleepovers

SLEEPOVERS SEAN WAS SECRETLY THRILLED with the developments next door.As he changed out of his uniform, his mind was racing. Obviously the thought of watching his neighbors have public sex was a turn-on. Like most men, Sean was a visual creature, and the sight of a naked woman, with all her curves and sensuality, could cause his pulse to race. The thought of that same woman being brought to climax before his very eyes was almost more than he could bear.But there was more than that, too.Sean had...

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I was having a sleepover at my friends house. Me and Jenny both had sleepovers regularly. We went straight to her house after school. Our sleepovers are always pretty boring. Order some pizza, chat about boys, watch some tv. jenny's older blonde locks. I always admired her body, even though i was well developed for my age, i always wanted luscious curves like her... My feelings towards her confused me. Id look at her juicy lips and id want to kiss them. But i had a boyfriend, so i couldn't be a...

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True Makeover

True Makeover Hello Stella and Sandy! I hope you're ready for this. It turned out kind of long. Sandy, would you please print this and give a copy to Stella? I'm sure she would like to keep it for posterity. I knew, when my wife "volunteered" me for this, it would be interesting. After all, I was in the military where I was "volunteered" for stuff on a continual basis. So I knew it wouldn't be so bad. What am I talking about? In case you don't remember, our church ladies...

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Major Makeover

Major Makeover by Throne "Stop fidgeting, Pinky," the tall woman said in an exasperated tone. "I'm sorry, Aunt Fiona. It's just that this whole project, putting me into dresses and everything, isn't easy for me. And if you could please call me Parker, like before, it might be better." "If I called you by your boy name, it would only work against everything we're trying to accomplish." She patted the tight bun high on the back of her head, into which her long black hair had been...

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Milk of Desire Chapter 5 Setting up for a sleepover

By EFon Chapter 5 : Setting up for a sleepover So much has happened in the past few days, and even more this morning, that I was almost dizzy. As best as I could work out I think I have inherited some kind of power over people who have tasted me. My sister drank a glass of milk with my cum in it after I jerked of a few days ago, and now she went from hating my guts to being my best friend and more. That and she actually sucked my cock when she thought I was sleeping one night, and...

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UNDERCOVERJessica’s a five year veteran of the force.  Still young, attractive, she’s been assigned to a task force investigating the suspicious disappearances of young women from the downtown riverfront night spots.  The task force has been assigned teams, usually a couple or so undercover male officers in the background with a female officer, sometimes two, dressed as ‘Marks’ frequenting certain bars and clubs.  A couple months in without any further disappearances and the rumors are the...

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An Angie Story 4 Angie Goes Undercover

Deputy Sergeant Applegate pursed her full lips. She had to make a decision. Angie had been promoted to deputy sergeant from the outstanding work she had done while on temporary duty. She had been offered sergeant after successful completion of a voluntary undercover assignment. The job would require temporary duty with the vice squad in Los Angeles. It wasn't something she had been trained to do, but Lieutenant Frost told her that she was a natural. Angie was to report to the vice squad...

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“This shouldn’t be happening” I kept telling myself as I hesitated. If I hesitated much longer then our psycho host would get pissed and probably kill us both ... just for the fun of it. He was impotent ... and he wanted a threesome involving me, his girlfriend and mine. He’d discovered that I was hung like a horse, and his perverted mind wanted to see me in action whilst he sat and watched. I had just fucked his equally psycho blonde bimbo girlfriend to a massive cum ... and there was an...

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The Neighbourhood 05 20220616 Dinner and Discoveries

Introduction: A tale of lust, love, and longing, spanning a few weeks and dozens of lives. Jim meets most of the family next door: Cindy and her teen daughters. No first person sex in this one – but some interesting discoveries over dinner. Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal,...

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Your Wish Come True Chapter 9 Discoveries

"Your Wish Come True" by Pol Roget Chapter 9 Discoveries She makes discoveries about herself and the future becomes clearer. __________ STILL rather stunned by her new apartment, Mandy decided she needed to get two things fairly urgently: her own new mobile phone and a new computer. She locked the apartment and, taking advantage of a lull in the rain, walked up to Chesham Place where she caught a cab to Oxford Circus. She intended to visit a computer shop she had...

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Sorkanas Rise New Discoveries

Sorkana's Rise, New Discoveries By: Malissa Madison As Shalarra was getting to know her new Queen, her parents were making a new discovery. In an attempt to try and capture a few of the Earth similar species, LtCmdr Ta Tsong was leading a flight of three science skimmers trailed by one of the shuttles. The sudden burst of static followed by an electronic Colony Ship Identifier, was almost disregarded before Ta realized it wasn't just static bleed over from their...

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 9 Discoveries

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 9 Discoveries She makes discoveries about herself and the future becomes clearer STILL rather stunned and excited by her new apartment, Mandy decided she needed to get two things fairly urgently: her own new mobile phone and a new computer. She locked the apartment and, taking advantage of a lull in the rain, walked up to Chesham Place where she...

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