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?Tania's Training?

by Richard Stryker

© Copyright R. Stryker 2005.

The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988.

Author's Website ? where you can find a lot more readingrelating to Greg Dawson and other adult stories: http://stryker.a1adultebooks.com/

Originally Published By: A1AdultEbooks at http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php


Continuing the extracts from the diaries recorded by Greg Dawson.The diaries reveal the activities of this self-styled vigilante ? a man whois out to avenge the wrongs committed by women on their partners and to teachothers, both willing and unwilling, the merits and benefits of a life of submission.

In this extract, we follow Dawsonona planned encounter with a young woman called Tania. Tania's partner hasa problem with her and she can't afford for the relationship to turn sour.A chance conversation led her to Dawson and now, as the story begins, sheis about to try to save her relationship - but learning how to meet her partner'sdesires is not going to be as pain free as she thought it would be.

Readers beware ? this extract contains some very strong material.


May 2005

The late afternoon sun cast lengthening shadows on the pavement as Dawsonwalked past the row of Edwardian semis. Long since converted from their formerdays of glory into self-contained flats, the solid construction of the buildingshad weathered the years and looked like they would last for at least another century.

Dawson was carrying his usual black bag, a bag with a shoulder strap ? abag he had slung casually over his shoulder before setting off down the pavement.He found the right address, turned off the pavement and climbed down theset of steps leading to the basement flat. The doorbell was one of thoseilluminated affairs, and below the bell push was a small clear-plastic section.Into this area had been slipped a piece of card onto which had been hastilywritten the single word ? ?Collins?.

Dawsonhad not actually met Tania Collins before,but had talked with her a number of times on the telephone. He had a goodidea what her problem was and he knew exactly why she had turned to him.His reputation as a Corrective Action Therapist was spreading and his serviceswere now becoming much in demand. As he reached forward to press the doorbell,Dawson knew that Tania's partner, Robert, would not be at home. The whole sessionhad been arranged that way and Dawson knewRobert was out of town for a couple of days.

The doorbell rang twice and Dawsonwaitedwhile the woman inside walked up the short hallway and called out,

?Who's there??

? Dawson ,? he replied, simply.

The door opened. Tania Collins was about five foot three. She waspetite in stature, had dark, green eyes that sparkled in the late afternoonsunshine and she had mid-back length, auburn hair.

She reached forward and offered her hand to Dawson .

?Good afternoon, Mr Dawson,? she began, a little hesitantly, ?we meetat last.? She smiled and her bright, white teeth glistened for a moment.

?We do indeed.?

?Do come in. I hope you don't mind but I've asked one of my friendsto join us. I thought it would be a wise precaution.?

?Indeed. It's not a problem for me, though you may find you are embarrasseda little later on when we get started.?

?I don't think so. I've known Cari since we were at school togetherand we don't have any secrets.?

?It's your decision and it won't affect anything that happens.? Dawsonenteredthe flat and the door closed behind him.

Tania Collins led him down the short hallway and into the living roomat the back of the building.

?Mr Dawson, this is Cari,? she said by way of introduction.

?Hi,? said Dawson . Cari stood up,all five feet ten of her. She had very close-cropped, blonde hair, was powerfullybuilt, like an athlete and was wearing a tight fitting tee-shirt and cut-offsthat hugged her strong physique and showed off her finest attributes.

She shook Dawson 's hand and satback down while Dawsonmarvelled at thestrength of her grip.

?Right, Tania,? he said. They were all sitting now. Dawsonwasin the armchair and the two young women were on the sofa. There was somethingabout Cari that intrigued him ? he couldn't define it yet, but there wassomething. ?As I understand it from our conversations, you have a problemwith your partner and yet you don't want to sour the relationship so youwant to see if I can help you.?

?Exactly,? she replied quietly.

?And your problem is??

?I, I,? she stammered, ?I don't like doing things for him.?

?Things ? what things?? Dawsonremainedcalm.

?I don't like the sex thing ? other than with the lights out and underthe duvet.?

?I see. Now, from our past conversations, you think this is somethingyou could alter.?

?Oh yes, I think so. I was quite different at school, wasn't I, Cari??

Cari had been smiling quite smugly and was a bit taken aback to findshe was now part of the conversation.

?Yes, yes you were,? she responded. ?Mr Dawson, this is the girl who,at thirteen, would charge the lads twenty pence to give them a blow job behindthe bike sheds.? Cari smiled when she had finished, as if remembering something.

?I see,? said Dawson , ?so whendid it change??

?When I met Robert, I think. I adore him, but I just don't find himsexually all that thrilling.?

?I see.? Dawsonsmiled thinly.Cari was intriguing him more than his client. ?Now, here's what I think.I think you have it in you to meet your partner's desires; it's just thatyou don't want to. I get the feeling from what you've said that you liketo have some kind of control on the relationship and by not satisfying hisdesires you exert that control.?

?Yes, yes, I think you're right. It is about the only area of ourrelationship I do control.?

?I thought so. So, what I am going to suggest is you learn the artof submission ? you learn to hand over that area of control.?

?That may not be easy. I mean, it might work in theory, but it mightbe a totally different thing when he comes back.?

?I can help you there. I can guarantee you a way to make sure youlearn the art of submission and then continue in that lifestyle for evermore.?

?Really and how would you do that??

?Simple. I will show you what will happen to you if you fail to besubmissive. All you have to do is either contact me, or get Cari to contactme if you fail in the future.?

?Very well ? so what will happen to me??

Tania was wearing a loose fitting jumper and baggy tracksuit bottoms.

?I'll show you. The art of submission is for you to realise that ifyou fail to achieve what is required then the remedy is painful. I am goingto teach you some aspects of submission this evening and if you fail therequired tasks then you will receive a painful experience. Do you understand??


?Now, because Cari is here, you will also find what is going to happenmay be humiliating for you. Do you want Cari to leave??

?No. I want her to stay. That way, she will know what is expectedof me in the future.?

At this point Dawson was sure he saw Cari lick the insides of herlips ? the gesture of one who was looking forward to what was about to happen.

?In that case we'll get started.?

?Okay, Mr Dawson, I am in your hands. What do I do??

?First off, you need to learn how to dress. Imagine Robert has comehome and wants to dominate you. How do you tell him you are ready to servehis needs??

?I'd dress sexily.?

?Good. Now, whatever you are wearing now, it doesn't look that sexy.Before we start properly, go and dress as you would dress to be submissiveto Robert.?

?Okay.? Tania looked at Cari for a moment, stood up, swung her longhair behind her back and walked out of the room, closing the door behindher.

?Are you into this submissive thing?? DawsonaskedCari when they were alone.

?Yes, but I'm the dominant one.?

?I thought so. That's quite a handshake you've got.?

?Thanks. Actually, the reason Tania wants me here is because she knowsI'm a Dom and she wants to learn to be a sub, not just for Robert, but forme too. We have, shall we call it, a close relationship, so that is the realreason she wants me here. Only don't tell her I told you.?

?I see. Do you want to become part of this later on??

?If you don't mind.?

?No, not at all. Actually, it will add something to Tania's training.?

?Okay, but for now I'll just observe.?


Dawson pulled one of the straight-backed dining chairs out from underthe table in the corner of the room and set it in position in the middleof the room, sideways on to the sofa where Cari was sitting. Then he saton the chair, looking straight at the entrance to the room.

The couple chatted idly for a couple more minutes before the dooropened. Tania was now dressed in a black, silky baby-doll nightdress, black,lacy knickers and self-supporting stockings. She also had black, high-heeledshoes on.

?What do you think, Mr Dawson?? Her voice had become velvety and Dawsoncouldsmell the not-so-cheap perfume.

?Very good. Now, I am going to show you a little about the pain aspectso you can decide for yourself in the main session whether you want to besubmissive or stubborn.?


?Come over here and lie over my lap facing the fireplace.? The fireplacewas directly opposite Cari. Cari, for her part, smiled innocently at Taniaas she took up position.

In a minute, Tania was sprawled right over Dawson 'slap. He pulled her forward until her buttock cheeks were directly over hislap and his rapidly stiffening cock. Tania straightened her legs behind her,trying to keep her toes just on the floor.

?Now,? said Dawson , ?I am goingto spank your bottom. Did you ever get spanked as a kid??

?My Dad did slipper me once when he found out what was going on behindthe bike sheds.?

?Well, this will be just as painful.? While he spoke, Dawsonraisedthe thin material of the nightdress, exposing the woman's buttocks. The knickerswere no more than a G-string and offered the woman no protection. Her buttockswere firm, her flesh pale. Dawson rested his hand on her skin for a momentbefore raising it into the air, only to bring it back down across the middleof Tania's upturned cheeks.

?Yeeeooww,? she cried out as the slap resounded around the room.

?Oh, come on, that was a mere tap,? Dawsonchidedher as the hand slapped her again. He landed six swats in rapid successionand then paused. Her pale flesh was already turning a healthier colour ofpink and Dawsonwas surprised at justhow quickly it was turning colour. Each slap that landed brought a freshcry from the young woman.

?You don't have a very high pain threshold do you?? Dawsonremarkedduring the pause.

?N..n..no,? Tania stammered.

?Cari, can you go to my bag. In it you will find an old gym slipper.Bring it to me, please.? Dawsonwaitedwhile the slipper was fetched. ?Right, Tania, I am going to give you 12 strokesof the slipper now, just to show you what it will be like for you if youfail any stage of the learning process here this evening.?

?N?n...no, please not the slipper. I get the message, honest I do.? Dawsoncouldn't see her face but he guessed she was already crying from the half-dozenhand slaps.

Bright pink cheeks turned to plum red as Dawsonwieldedthe slipper. Each stinging blow landed roughly over the middle of Tania'scheeks. Each fresh blow sent new waves of pain surging through her lowerbody as the heat in her buttocks increased and the colour darkened. Eachfresh stroke brought more screams from the young woman. Dawsonwonderedif any neighbours might hear it but then remembered the upstairs flat wasvacant.

After six strokes with the slipper, Dawsonpausedto look at his handiwork. He touched the bruised buttocks gently, marvellingat the speed with which they had gone dark red, marvelling at the bruisingwhich had already formed. Tania was, by now, sobbing heartily. With her faceturned to the fireplace, Cari could not see the tears but she could see therapidly ripening cheeks perched on top of Dawson 'slap.

Dawsoncaressed the bruised flesh for a moment withhis free hand and then brought the slipper down for the seventh time. Asthe stroke landed, Tania reached her right hand round as if to protect herpainful flesh. Dawsonwas having noneof it and grabbed her wrist with his free hand. With some degree of forcehe pulled her arm up behind her back, keeping it out of the way of the actionscene and forcing her chest down over his lap.

The eighth stroke made Tania struggle again and, amidst pleas forhim to stop, Dawsondetected the words ?ohfuck?.

?What was that?? He demanded while raising the slipper into the air.

?I?I?just said, oh fuck that hurt.?

?I thought so. That will earn you another six strokes for swearing.?

?N?n?no, p?please don't hit me any more, I can't take any more.? Thesobbing was louder than ever.

?I make it you have now got nine strokes left.?

The slipper descended to the crimson, tortured flesh, flesh whichwas bruised and showing signs of being swollen.

?N...n?no, yeeeowww!? Tania screamed.

?Ten. For the sake of your neighbours we will get this over with quickly.?

Dawson raised the slipper into the air and with a rapid salvo of shotshe administered the final eight strokes so quickly that Tania barely hadtime to gasp for breath, much less cry out.

?That's that over with. Now, stand up and put your hands on your head,continuing to face the fireplace.? Dawsonspokefirmly. ?We are now going to teach you submission. You know what it willbe like if you fail to do all you are asked to do and with your bottom thecolour it is, I suspect further punishment would be most uncomfortable.

Tania lifted herself gingerly off his lap and for a moment caughtthe sight of the faint smile on Cari's face. Also, Cari looked strangelyflushed ? something that did not go unnoticed by Tania. Slowly the nightdressdescended to offer some soothing protection to her glowing buttocks and Taniaturned to face the fireplace. When she was facing it she put her hands onher head as instructed.

?Good.? Dawsonwas rummaging aroundin his bag and pulled out some cords and a pair of metal handcuffs. ?Now,we're going to have a bit of fun. Put your hands behind your back.?

No sooner had Tania obliged than Dawsonsnappedthe cuffs into place.

?Excellent.? In a moment he had pulled a cord between her upper armsand her back. Pulling her elbows together behind her back, Dawsonsecuredthem with the cord. This had the effect of forcing Tania's chest to be pushedout in front of her, making her ample breasts even more prominent. ?Turnround.?

Tania did so and in a moment she felt Dawsonuntyingthe lace straps that secured the front of her nightdress. The top fell openexposing her breasts ? breasts that had large, dark, circular areolas fromwhich protruded stiff, pink nipples.

Dawsonrubbed the back of his hand across the nipples,making Tania shudder, though she was still sobbing quietly from the painin her rear. Tania knew Cari was watching intently and knew too that Cariwould be ensuring in the future that Tania lived up to being a submissive.She knew that every week or so, when Robert went away, Cari would be backto check on her submissiveness and that Cari would not hesitate to contactDawson if she misbehaved. For a moment Tania wondered why she'd agreed to gothrough with this but it was too late now.

?Right, sit on the chair.? Dawson 'svoice was almost monotone and though forceful he was trying not to soundto frightening. There was no need for that as Tania was already moving tothe chair. ?Have you ever had a real man's cock in your throat?? Dawsonasked her when she was seated.

?N?no,? she sobbed, feeling weak at the thought. She knew it wouldbe different to the days behind the bike sheds at school. They'd been kidsthen, mere playthings. This was the full monty ? the real item.

?Well, I'm lucky then.? Dawsonwasalready stepping out of his trousers.

Tania was shifting uneasily on the chair, the pain in her bruisedbuttocks making it hard for her to sit still.

?Open your mouth as wide as you can. I want to feel no teeth.?

Dawsonwas erect, hugely so. He looked quickly atCari. She was sitting back on the sofa, her legs wide apart. Dawsonnoticedthe crotch of her tight-fitting pants was damp. Cari was breathing heavily.Tania opened her mouth and struggled to stay calm as she felt the heat ofDawson 's manhood on her lips and then her tongue.

He was big, long and thick with it and as he pushed the head of hisphallus into her mouth, Tania wondered if she'd choke on him. Dawsonputhis hand behind her head to stop her from backing away from him and thenfed his cock deep into her mouth. He slid it in until he felt the tip ofhis cock touch the back of her mouth.

?Good, now suck me.? He let go of her head and allowed her to suckon him. She moved her head so he slid in and out of her mouth, his ten inchshaft glistening with her saliva as she liberally lubricated him, suckingcarefully as she did so.

Dawsonlooked round at Cari. She was still sittingon the sofa and was now rubbing her crotch firmly with the palm of a hand.She was evidently highly aroused.

Tania continued sucking on his cock for some minutes, reaching herhead forward to accommodate him more easily in her mouth.

?Now, I am going to come in your mouth and you are going to swallowthe whole lot.?

Tania mumbled something totally incomprehensible, due to the manhoodshe was attempting to swallow. She felt the twitch of his cock a moment beforethe first, salty taste of semen touched the back of her tongue. The tastemade her gag and she pulled back suddenly, his cock plopping out of her mouthas he jetted the hot, sticky cum onto her face.

?I said you were to swallow it all. Now look at the mess you've made.? Dawsondid not sound pleased.

?Sorry,? said Tania, ?it was just the suddenness of it all and thetaste on my tongue. I don't remember it being like that at school.?

?Maybe not, but then again maybe you just don't want to be submissive.?

?I do ? I do, really,? she said in a quiet, almost frightened voice.

?Hmm, I'm not so sure. Well, you will have to be punished for yourdisobedience.?

?Yes, I suppose I will,? Tania agreed, softly. ?What are you goingto do??

?Well, your arse is already beetroot red and I don't think other thancaning you, any further punishment down there will help.?

?N?n?not the cane, please. Anything but the cane.? Tania was sobbingagain, wishing she'd taken the white, salty liquid down her throat as shehad been ordered.

?Well, if you're sure.?

?I am,? she sobbed again.

?Okay, sit back in the chair.?

Cari was moaning softly on the sofa, still rubbing the now saturatedarea of pants that covered her crotch.

Tania sat back and waited while Dawsonfetcheda length of rope. He tied it round the back of the chair, just below herbreasts, forcing her back into the chair support, securing her in position.

?Save that for later,? Dawsonlookedover at Cari. With a look of surprise she stopped masturbating. She gaveDawson a quizzical look, a look that Tania missed. As he was behind her, Taniadid not see the smile on Dawson 's face thatflickered there for a moment by way of response.

The rope was secure and Dawsonwasback in his bag. He brought out his small flogger ? a short-handled devicewith about thirty fine strands of leather protruding from the head end. Herested the strands across Tania's left breast for a moment, raised it intothe air and brought it back down on her pale flesh. Tania screamed as thethirty fine strands of leather bit into her tender flesh. She screamed againas the second stroke landed and now she struggled with her bonds ? a futilegesture as she was securely strapped to the chair.

?Yeearrggghhh!? She screamed again as the leather bit into her leftbreast for the third time.

Her breast started to turn pink as Dawsoncontinuedto flog it ? adding another half dozen flicks of the flogger for good measure.When he'd applied the nine strokes he turned his attention to her right breastand gave it the same attention as her left one had received. Tania criedloudly as he flogged her, her right breast turning the same shade of pinkas her left.

She was sobbing loudly when he'd finished, her breasts a swollen,painful sight. Dawsonreturned the floggerto his bag and extracted the large, red candle he carried with him.

?What's that for?? Tania asked in between sobs.

?Have you never been waxed before??

?N?n?no. Does it hurt??

?Probably, but then again you have got to learn submission and ifyou can't do it the easy way, we have to resort to pain.?

?I can learn, honest. What do you want me to do? I'll do it, honest.?

?In a moment. First this.?

Dawsonlit the candle. Cari was now sitting forwardon the sofa, watching intently as the master of pain carried on his missionof torture. He waited for the wax to start melting, until a little pool ofred liquid had formed in the top of the candle. Then he held the candle sixinches above Tania's left breast and slowly tilted it. The liquid wax drippedfrom the end of the candle and landed on her breast just above the areola.

?Arrggghhh,? Tania moaned. She increased the volume of her complaintas more wax landed on her tortured flesh, burning her as it cooled on contact.The wax flowed downward, over the areola until it covered her nipple.

?Arggghhhh,? she continued to moan loudly as the wax flowed past hernipple and covered the rest of her areola. When it looked like it would dripoff the end of her breast, Dawsonraisedthe candle. He moved sideways and tilted it over her right breast. As Taniagasped loudly, the wax flowed until it had covered her right breast tissue,clinging to the flesh as it semi-burned it on contact.

?Nice,? said Dawsonwhen he'd finished. ?Now,that's the heat over with for now. We'll leave that to set while we set youyour next task. If you're good we'll scrape it off cold, but if you fail,we'll heat it up to get it off you.?

?I'll be good, honest.? Tania was still crying, but now determinedshe would do whatever Dawson wanted her to do, rather than experience morepain.

?I rather hope d you would. Now, Cari over there is getting a mitebit aroused at what's going on, aren't you, Cari??

?Mmm,? Cari replied, a little unsure what Dawsonwasexpecting.

?Cari, why don't you strip off. Tania here is going to give you somepleasure now. If she doesn't, then you can punish her.?

?Pleasure,? said Cari. As she stood up, she peeled the tee-shirt awayfrom her firm, athletic body, revealing a tattoo of a heart on her left shoulder.He cut-offs descended to the floor, followed by her knickers. She stood there,totally naked. ?What do you want me to do??

?Lie back down on the sofa and open your legs.? As he spoke, Dawsonbeganuntying Tania. He removed the rope under her breasts and then the rope holdingher upper arms behind her back. Finally he removed the handcuffs.

?Right, Tania, you are going to take off your nightdress and G-string,bend over the edge of the sofa and give your friend a good tonguing in hercunt.?

?Wh?what?? Said Tania.

?Bend over the sofa??

?Yes, I heard, but I didn't think I would have to submit to her.? Taniaalmost spat out the last word, though she removed the nightdress as she spoke.

?Why not??

?She's a woman.?

?Very true, but a real submissive will submit to anything. Now, doit, or you will have to take further punishment. And make sure you satisfyCari, or she will punish you afterwards.?


Cari was positively drooling at the prospect of having her best friendgive her oral sex and she opened her fully-shaved pussy all the wider.

Dawson, for his part, was getting erect again, just admiring her firm,athletic body and her pouting cunt. Tania lifted herself gingerly off thechair, walked to the end of the sofa and bent over it, lowering her headbetween Cari's legs.

?You'll have to move up a bit, I can't quite reach you,? Tania moaned.By way of response, Cari shifted her bottom a foot down the sofa so thather crotch was within easy reach of Tania's mouth and, more excitingly, hertongue.

?Now tongue fuck her,? Dawsonsaid.He was still divested of his own pants and he walked over to get a closerlook at the action. ?Go on, bury your head in her cunt and stick your tongueright up the hole.? Dawsonreached outand forced Tania's head down into the middle of Cari's hairless sex.

?Is she tonguing you?? DawsonaskedCari.

?Mmm, deep and lovely.?

?Good, well you keep her head in place. Put your hand on top of itand guide her as you wish to give you the sensations and pleasure you want.?

Dawsonremoved his own hand and watched as Caritook over.

?Go on, Tania, feel all around my tight hole with your tongue. That'sit ? oh yes, that's so good.? Cari started to move her hips as her arousalincreased. All the time she guided Tania's head to give her the level ofpenetration she wanted.

Suddenly Tania froze. Her tongue stopped moving in the same instantas she felt the heat of Dawson 's cockas it pushed against the crack between her buttocks. He was pushing her intothe armrest of the sofa and pinioned as she was with him behind her and herhead being forced into Cari's crotch, she could do little to protest.

?God!? She thought silently, ?his cock is huge.?

Cari was demanding more movement, calling out for it verbally, threateningTania with a caning if she didn't oblige. The threats sounded as if Cariwas close to her own orgasm but Tania could not be sure she would not endurethe caning if she failed to please, so she began the tongue probing again.

Behind her, Dawsonwas taking aim.With his hands on Tania's hips, he had prised open her buttocks just farenough to see her tightly sphinctered anus. She had obviously not been takenlike that before and Dawsonknew she wouldhowl with pain when he entered her. His cock was lubricated with gel andhe lined it up. Positioned where he wanted to be, he began to push harder.At first Tania resisted him, clenching her buttocks instinctively to keepthe invader at bay. Then, as the muscle at the entrance to her anus gaveway, Dawsonplunged into her, causingTania to gasp loudly, even though her mouth was pressed against Cari's labia.

Cari was panting loudly now as her orgasm approached. Dawsonstrokedhis cock rhythmically in and out of Tania's anus. On the withdrawal partof the stroke, Dawsonnoticed the faintstreak of blood. Evidently he had torn her anus when he had violated her.It only excited him more. It excited him further when he detected the scentof Cari's own orgasm. She gasped loudly as her climax made her body shudderviolently. At the same time, she ejaculated, her clear liquid dribbling outof her body onto the sofa and into Tania's mouth.

?Swallow it,? Cari ordered as her climax subsided.

?I am,? mumbled Tania. A few moments later Cari released Tania's headand she raised it slightly.

?Was that good for you?? Tania enquired, as the powerful thrustingmotion in her arse began to attract more of her attention.

?Yes, not bad, for a beginner, but I think you are going to need somemore practice when Robert is away.?

?I thought you'd say that.?

?So you will agree to it??

?Of course. I don't want Mr Dawson coming back here again, not aftertonight. Ow,? Tania cried out.

Dawsonwas near to his own climax and his pumpingactions had taken on a new force. Now, his body was bashing into Tania'sbright red, swollen buttocks. Suddenly it was happening. His cock twitched,jerked with the first signs of his explosion and then, a moment later, hespurted his seed deep into Tania's arse. As he spurted, he plunged his cockas far into the woman as he could manage. It was this force that caused Taniato gasp loudly again.

Five minutes later, Dawsonhadcleaned himself up. Cari was sat on the sofa, still naked, and the nakedTania was pacing the room, her buttocks too painful to sit on.

?God my arse hurts,? she kept moaning.

?You should have relaxed and taken me more willingly. Still, you willlearn to do that for Robert, won't you??

?Yes, though it may take a while.?

?Well, I am sure that Cari will contact me if there is any problemsin the future, won't you , Cari??

?Of course, and also if she doesn't please me as well.? Cari smirkedat the thought of the power she now held over her long term friend.

Dawsonstood up to go.

?One final thing, Cari, Tania hasn't had an orgasm this evening yet.I leave you now but it is down to you to make your friend cum. Tania willcall me tomorrow if you don't do to her what you made her do to you. If Iget that call it will be your turn to have a sore arse. Night all.?

Dawson turned and let himself out of the basement flat, smiling tohimself as he walked away and wondering whether he would hear from Taniain the morning. He half hoped he would, for it would allow him to get togrips with Cari's firm, athletic body.

The End

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Proposed Special Pain and Humiliation Training

Please do not think of this as a script. You are now aware of his particular vulnerabilities. I realize how skilled and creative you are and will leave the details to you. I write only to suggest certain aspects, as I know him intimately and have spent a vast amount of time thinking about how to achieve the maximum impact upon him.My current work and school schedule still make it impossible for me to provide the necessary training to My slave (and I like him too much to provide this level of...

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CHAPTER 13: RECRUIT TRAINING“Tell me, again, why we are going to this meeting?” Sylvia didn’t like it that she seemed to be the only one who didn’t know what our destination was or the reason for this drive to the edge of the city.“Oh, just give us a little patience, woman!” I tried to sound exasperated, but it only elicited a chuckle from Adrian. I smiled at him, recognizing my failure in accomplishing the tone I was trying for. After my demonstration to the ladies, a kennel was found to...

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FollowUp Training

                                            Follow-Up TrainingTo those of you who have read some of my previous works, you know that I’m a trainer?a trainer of females. Complete submission, body and soul?that’s what I strive for. I no longer seek women out, or advertise for them as I did in my younger days. In those days I saw transforming women into totally submissive sluts as a challenge. Most of them were single, and I delighted in training them and then turning them back out into...

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Caroles Story 03 Caroles Training

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...

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Her Training

Introduction: This is a rewrite HER TRAINING Let me tell you about my problem that began a few years back. The problem was my 16-year-old stepdaughter. She was a little less than 5 tall, weighed around 85 lbs., and was slim with long black hair. Before the accident she was a sweet, pleasant child. Now due to psychological and physical injures caused by an automobile accident in which her mother was killed, she has undergone a complete personality change. She became the most unpleasant human...

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Volleyball Training

She loved sports and spending time outdoors running, hiking and swimming, but her favorite sport was volleyball. Although she had a very shy, sweet personality, she was very competitive when she played volleyball. She wanted to be the best and worked hard to try to accomplish her goal of winning a scholarship to the major university located about an hour north of her town. Ginger’s parents were blue collar workers and her father had tried to start his own business, but their town was on the...

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SUPERIOR SLAVE TRAININGCHAPTER 1My name is Julie, and I have an unusual story to tell that few will believe. (I am withholding my last name for purposes that will soon become apparent.) The story pertains to the practice of female domination and the training of male slaves. I would hope that all people, especially women, would read it and learn from it. (Please note: Many of the quotations and events described herein are taken from my memory and the remembrances of the people described here....

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Davids Slave Farm Alyses Training

This Chapter serves to introduce you to the workings of the farm, the general process of training a new slave, as well as updates on the characters lives since the last saga. We are introduced to Alyse near the end of the chapter, as she is brought to the farm and meets David. I have compiled picture galleries to accompany this story (you must be a member to view) h t t p s://forum.xnxx.com/gallery/albums/punishing-my-pets.91870/ h t t p...

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Human toilet training

Human toilet trainingTraining a toilet slave is in fact extremely difficult. It takes months and sometimes years to perfect for several reasons:1st and most obvious is taste and smell. It may take practice for your slave to adequately deal with the taste and smell of human excrement without gagging or throwing up.Your colon can serve your slave much more than his mouth can comfortably hold. In order for things to remain sanitary, you're slave will need to be able to swallow faster than it comes...

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Sissy Humilation Training

Sissy Humiliation Trainingby Derek BowdenHumiliation will only work if it is part of her decision to submit. It can’t be forced on her against her will and be expected to improve her self-image or have positive results. Humiliation training for a slave girl has many purposes. Sissy humiliation training is by its very nature, psychological humiliation. One of the primary reasons for using it is to force the sissy to push the “choice decision” she has made to obey her Master and be subject to his...

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Sheilas Training

Not for nothing are “Ghost World” and “The Doom Generation” my favorite films. I was made for a stark black bob long before I ever got one, before I saw those movies and even before I discovered black hair dye. Without it I might have ended up looking something like Lotte Lenya in “From Russia With Love.” Goddess bless Manic Panic!! It’s more than the hair, it’s the attitude. “Girl, you are the snarkiest bitch I know,” said my Best Fag Forever Matthew to me only the other week. “I won’t be...

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The Guys and Me do Training

Now men, it?s really not worth asking for the details (DISCLAIMER: ?the author apologises if the following work of fiction is not violent or disgusting enough.? As with his other work, it is his intention to construct a piece of prose that would revolt the average heterosexual man, leaving him nauseous and full of loathing for the perverted mind that could imagine such appalling, brutal and misogynist acts.? If the following story does not achieve this effect fully he promises to try...

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The Training

Chapter 1 I saw this ad on a D/S website, repeated here without editing: "married for six months, originally from Ukraine, 24 years of age, nice looking and my husband is from UK. He likes to get me trained to be his submissive. Never tried it for real except back home when I was getting my spankings. Need me to be his slut, asks me to dress very daring, and he even watched me with one of our best friends. we both wish a serious man, very experienced, to train me privately and discreetly,...

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Stella Maris Hot Holidays 1 Train Trainings

Stella Maris outsmarts her folks, who still provide the rent for her student room, while she has actually already moved in with her first serious steady boyfriend. Who takes his time to teach her all he knows from earlier erotic experiences. Stella Maris actually cancels her up-town apartment near the old (from 1928) Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam-South, several months earlier. As she spends most nights anyway in their big bed. Right under the ceiling of her lover's small place in a student...

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TaniaChapter 3

I climbed the steps to the front door, took a deep breath, and pressed the doorbell. It seemed like such an age before there was any sign of life, I wondered if the bell wasn't working, or if they'd already got up and gone out; I was about to try again when I saw a light come on through the frosted glass of the front door. The door swung open to reveal a tall man (whom I vaguely recognised) in a well-worn dressing-gown. "Good morning," I said, "Could you spare me a few minutes to talk...

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Violets Anal Training

Author: Powerone Title: Violets Anal Training Summary: Violet is subjected to anal and sphincter training so she will beprepared for anal sex. Keywords: M/F, anal, humil, reluc, mdom, span Copyright 2003 by Powerone.  The author may be contacted at [email protected] Violets Anal Training     Michael sat in the chair as she entered.  Poweronehad described her perfectly, long black hair, green eyes, pale skin, very smallhands and fingers, DD breasts and small hips .  She had a gothic...

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Amandas Training

Amanda's  Trainingby AbeAmanda was in a state of near panic when she got a message that her mother  was gravely ill and she should visit her immediately.  Whoever sent the message had bought her airline tickets and must have had her American passport number, for nothing stopped her immediate response.  She quickly packed a small carry-on bag and decided to wear a comfortable black suit, jacket and pants, with comfortable shoes and cotton underwear.  It was said  in ?Accidental Tourist? that one...

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House Training

May be copied to anywhere by anyone for any legal reason whatsoever. House Training By RH Music Introduction: "Damn!" I cursed as the keys hit the floor. I reached down to pick them up. "Why am I nervous?" I asked myself, out loud. It seemed like an easy assignment. The owner of the house, an eccentric chemist/biologist/doctor/inventor named Jack Hewitt had died recently at Memorial Hospital. I had his keys. The State had contracted our law firm to see if there were any...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 3 Basic Training

I was still as tired as a Tyranno during Longnight when the lights came on and a voice barked via the PA system: “0400 hours Cadets rise and shine. 0430 is Breakfast. At 0500 you will receive your first class in the Elbhard Auditorium.” And we found ourselves in said Auditorium at that time an hour later. Clean, fed and still tired. Again I tried to find a place in the back, so I could perhaps close my eyes for few moments. The Pan Saran Officer was already there. “Good Morning Class.” We...

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Salvation Ch 21 Cruel Training

His clothes were dark and cut in a style that was no longer seen in the city. However, Doctor Croft's discrete enquiries had discovered that he was highly respected at the Bank where he was Manager, but, as he put it, felt restrained by his family's lack of obedience. "You've tried training them yourself?" Doctor Croft asked. "Yes I have, but my wife Joanna is a burden in such matters and I have come to the conclusion that she needs to join the children in learning self control...

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Dog Training

I came home to my new puppy. I was always bouncing around from place to place as a kid so never had the chance to own a pet. It was the first thing I did when I got my own place. Rex was already a couple of years old, still a puppy, but trained. At least, that's what I thought. It didn't take long for me to realize he wasn't exactly housebroken. After some chewed shoes, and some new stains in my apartment I was ready to flip. I started to research how to train my puppy. Of course I...

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Tammys Training

Tammy’s Training By Seeker 111I was out drinking at my favorite bar one Saturday evening when I came across a very nice looking lady sitting alone and nursing a drink. Her hair was thick and luxuriant. The soft light reflected gently from her mane. It shined like the color of a sunset just before dark. Her figure was trim and held the promise of treasures hidden beneath her clothing.  She had a sad look on her face constantly staring down at the glass. I called the bartender over and had him...

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National Guard Training

I am a company commander in my National Guard unit. My full-time job is heading up an architectural design company, but once a month, I get to serve my community and nation by serving in the Guard. For the most part, it is a mundane chore, where once a month we meet at the Armory and conduct a troop inspection and then we all attend classes and try to not fall asleep as we learn the art of warfare.I don’t attend a lot of the classes since I am the company commander and that is what I have...

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The Training

Story: The TrainingKimberleigh's breathing deepened as her lubricated hands stroked Jay's engorged erection. His slithering member stiffened and turned a deeper red as he struggled to keep from ejaculating. She was fully clothed, which he found nearly as stimulating as looking at her naked body. He was naked, and beads of sweat accumulated on his forehead. His legs were spread wide, and his ankles were fastened to a spreader bar. He knew by her breathing that Kimberleigh was aroused. Her...

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The Azayal Book 5Chapter 5 Azayal Assessment and Training

As they walked out of the portal they looked out over the expanse of the campus. The campus was spectacular and was built into the side of the foothills of the mountain below the palace. It did not look like any War College that Jason had ever seen. On the one side was the sea and on the other side was the mountain. There were cliffs to the sea and inactive, small volcanic mouths leading a procession up the mountain. The gardens were beautiful. Jason saw the college buildings on increasingly...

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My first training

This is a story I have previously written on another platform, but thought I would transfer it over. I have 2 others I will be sharing as well. This first experience takes place back early July (2020).Yesterday I went to his house. I've been seeing his regularly for the past 6-7 months, but today we did something very different than we usually do. Usually, when I go over it's a standard routine where I suck him for an hour or so, he cums in my mouth and then fucks me for another 30 mins until...

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Kenpachi Zarackis Training

Nelliel was probably wishing she'd signed up to be tutored in the sword-arts by just about any other teacher in the world right now! This Kenpachi man... Something wasn't right about him... Well, maybe it should be more like there wasn't anything right about him! Worst of all was his height... Their teacher towered over the class at 202cm, making her one of the tallest men she'd ever seen, but he wasn't just tall, the man was looked strong, too!Surely an instructor of students who still might...

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Earths CoreChapter 22 Back To Training

"Cultivating this formation is exactly like cultivating the bodily maneuvers!" Zax exclaimed. In a sense, although Zax just became aware while who knows about his Master, Raroen and Grandmaster Kartion, but the bodily maneuvers were indeed a sort of formation, a bodily formation. It was even more evident when Zax remembered how he met Susuya and the feat that she displayed to him as they passed the courts with the Beginner grade students, on their way to Don's office. That day, the...

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Crossing Training

Cross Training By Karen Elizabeth L. Copyright 1997 Mom and dad broke up a few years ago and even with child support my family doesn't have much money. That all changed recently when mom won the lottery. We now had more money than we ever dreamt of and our lives were about to change! I was just a normal boy doing what boys do, not paying attention to my mom or teachers, and being a pain in the butt to my older sister Barbara and her friends. One of my favorite thing s to do...

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Isabellas Unconventional LifeChapter 3 Isabella in Training

NOTE: This story references the comic Kamasutra for Your Pets by Extremexworld Isabella woke up feeling sore, relaxed, and refreshed at the same time. She reached for Felicity on the other side of the bed and found it empty. Banga and Barghest were gone too. She sat up and stretched while rubbing the corner of her eyes. The clock on the wall told her it was 2PM. Isabella stared at it and wondered how it was possible she slept so late, even with her animal trysts the day before. She heard a...

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Toilet Slave Training

Training a toilet slave is in fact extremely difficult. It takes months and sometimes years to perfect for several reasons: 1st and most obvious is taste and smell. It may take practice for your slave to adequately deal with the taste and smell of human excrement without gagging or throwing up. Your colon can serve your slave much more than his mouth can comfortably hold. In order for things to remain sanitary, you’re slave will need to be able to swallow faster than it comes out of you. This...

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Fuck Farm Training

Fuck Farm Training - Chapter OneIt was now over 12 months since I had been first abducted while walking home from work late one night.  A large dark van had pulled up to the curb and two of the men in the van had grabbed me, shoved me inside the van then took me to a dungeon of sorts and for the next 12 or 14 hours these four men used me in the most depraved and disgusting ways imaginable.  Their goal I was informed was to turn me into their very own personal human toilet, a shit pig was what...

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Kellys Training

Author: Richard Stryker ? email [email protected] Author's website: http://stryker.a1adultebooks.com/ Published by: A1AdultEbooks Publishers website: http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php ?Kelly's Training? by Richard Stryker Copyright. R. Stryker 2005. The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or...

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Online Sissy Training

Online Sissy Training I must admit that I was surprised, but also thrilled to get the email. "Hello Sissy Michelle;" it read. "Please excuse my impertinence in reaching out to you, but I have seen several of your posts on Craigslist, Fetlife and Adult Friend Finder. You always say that you are a sissy seeking dominant men who will train you to become a sissy cum slut. I am guessing that you have not found that man as of yet, because I keep seeing variations on the same ad week...

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Mothers In Training

new training centers that had just opened. It was obviously directed toward husbands and fathers. The ad read "If you and your children are tired of being bossed around by your nagging wife, or if you need to get rid of her because you have something younger in mind, give us a call. For a reasonable fee, we will take her off your hands and put her through our rigorous training program, after which she will be assigned new responsibilities in the service of mankind." The gorgeous 30...

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cindy daily training

I am finally home daddy waiting in his car for me as he does now every midnight after txting me its time for my trainingi go quick inside dressing up for him, in the cute panty he gave me and the matching camisole on i put back my boy cloth and go out eager to see my nice cool Haitian daddyhis big large black cock fills my day dream since he started my training and i want to see him so much all of the time''hi baby you had a good day''''hi daddy yes ''kissing him his tongue owning mine as he...

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Mischelles maid babettes training

Mischelle's maid babette's training. Mistress Mischelle I am a woman that firmly believes that there are two kinds of men, Bulls and sissies. Bulls are the real men with real cocks, at least 9" or 10" long, thick and able to pleasure me for hours. The other kind are sissies, small little sissy clitties incapable of giving any woman any real sexual satisfaction. They are only good for two things, taking care of my house and working to earn money for me. Currently I have 2 sissies...

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Talon IGPT Tracker Scout Training

Talon IGPT Tracker Scout Trainer By: Malissa Madison The idea was simple, they needed ways to prepare the Tracker Scouts for the IGPT Academies. Serena Derrell had herself graduated from the Terrellian Academy. At the time of her graduation though, the only position open for her on one of the Transports was as a Liaison Officer. After her ten years, she transferred home to become a Guardian Commander. She'd served her Queen...

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Debs Family Farm Training

by Jake Spear Chapter 1 Deb worked as she hummed, packing for her family's summer vacation. She had started a week ago but, with 4 children and a husband to pack for, it seemed like a never ending task. "Just one more load of wash and I'm finished," she thought to herself. Deb's husband Mike had spent the last two nights, after work, packing the mobile home with supplies for their trip. Tonight Mike would load the last of the clothes and supplies into the mobile home, and...

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Sissy Training

This is a true story, looking back it is hard to believe it actually happened, but it did. I was working for the government in DC and living in Maryland and my fiancé was up near Cape Cod. Just about every weekend she’d fly down or I’d fly up to spend the weekend together. We’d been doing this for about a year since I took the job in DC. Our sex life was fantastic. We’d role play, put each other in light bondage… all sorts of fun things. I knew she was bi and we occasionally would invite...

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Slaver Training

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is the story of the training of a new Slaver and the taking of two new slaves, a mother and daughter and what they are forced to endure before they are sold. Slaver Training Chapter 1-The Capture Sara’s face was covered in tears and you could see the pained expression on her face. She lay hog-tied on the floor of her home. She had a ring gag in her mouth, keeping it open. She was still dressed. Her arms were yanked up high behind her. Her wrists...

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My training

I am KU41, 18 years old. It's tattooed on my chest and buttocks, with the word SLAVE you see. I am russian, so I apologize for my english. I fully understand I must testimony only the facts that happened during my slavery and life, for the services of slavery sociology of the university of London. I wasn't born as a slave. I became one not long ago, when I was caught stealing bread, then arrested as a illegal refugee, immediately and trialed. My liberty has been suspended for 200 years, so i...

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A New Lease on LifeChapter 16 Intense Training

I’m in the training area Freya had gifted us, but I was wearing the red nightie I went to sleep in, I must be dreaming. I looked around, it looked and felt real. Then I saw the others, Danny and Beth came in. “Danny? Beth?” I asked, seeing them in their sleep clothes, Beth in just some panties and a long shirt, and Danny in just a pair of boxer shorts. “Paula, where are we? Are we dreaming?” Beth asked, confused. “I’m not sure” Answering as I looked around, then I saw others...

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Alice undergos DP training

Introduction: It was time for Alice to complete double penertration training……..then she could enjoy the same treatment as her whore mother fiona After the group fuck in the lane the previous night I was overly keen on readying Alice for some double penetration action. The following day I called Fiona at work and told her that I needed her to pop into town and purchase three or four dildos of various shapes and sizes and a couple of butt plugs, one small and one larger. Fiona knew better than...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 12 Training

-- Phil - 2056 -- A lot has happened in the world in the three years since Ant, and I had started school at the Academy. UNSEC, the United Nations Space Exploration Collaboration, had been established for five years and they were starting to get some teeth. They were asking Governments for more people to be included in their programmes. Ant and I knew we had an excellent chance of being able to transfer to them once we had completed our training. It was a good opportunity if we wanted to...

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The Reward Ch3 Training

By Jax_Teller Debbie and I arrived in Raging springs two weeks before training started and quickly got setup in campus housing. Campus housing was paid for by our scholarships and we went about getting the things we needed for the furnished apartment. Debbie and I settled into a routine and complimented each other. She didn't enjoy cooking where as I did. Debbie liked to clean things her way, and I liked the way anyone else did it as long as I didn't have to do it. Our sexual...

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It is a cliche that a significant proportion of male airline cabin crew are gay, but it is less well-known that this is true of the female stewardesses as well. This was all the more the case back in the 1960s and 1970s, when repression elsewhere combined with the racy ‘jet set’ lifestyle of the aircrews to make it an especially attractive career for homosexuals. The result was an international melting-pot of lesbian activity, ignored by the authorities and police. I already knew that...

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Sheilas Training

Not for nothing are “Ghost World” and “The Doom Generation” my favorite films. I was made for a stark black bob long before I ever got one, before I saw those movies and even before I discovered black hair dye. Without it I might have ended up looking something like Lotte Lenya in “From Russia With Love.” Goddess bless Manic Panic!! It’s more than the hair, it’s the attitude. “Girl, you are the snarkiest bitch I know,” said my Best Fag Forever Matthew to me only the other week. “I won’t be...

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Bisexuality Training

At the turn of the century it became a highly contentious question; was sexual orientation something learned or innate. More importantly, could it be changed. The mind is a powerful thing, and while orientation was shown eventually to have biological roots, one could build negative association with sexual contact with one sex, in the same way that accidental sexual fetishes developed in early life from exposure. Likewise in the same way, one could build up theoretically an entire sexual...

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Ultimate Driver For Driving Training

Please read the first part “First Class AC Nightmare” @ , would help to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” @ , would add spice to the current story. And third part for continuation “Village Adventure of an Idiot Wife” @ , would add spice to the current story. And fourth part for continuation “Colleague Taking Over Control” @ , would add spice to the current story. And fifth part for continuation “Local Crook Free Mistress” @ , would...

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Corporate Training Turns Into Sex Training

Hi all, I am Sam here with my another wonder full experience with one guy whom I met in a training session in my company… training was arranged in Hyderabad for nearly 20 days (that became our honeymoon period). I reached a day before the training starts. I was given company accommodation which we have to share with other guy. He is suraj from Bangalore but never seen him in my office . he too reached on same day evening. His is nearly 5.8 height fair and soft guy. We had a nice chat had dinner...

Gay Male
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 20 Meal Before Training

The next two days were spent playing games and being dragged to the bedroom. Some sleep was included, but somehow the girls managed to sleep in shifts and it seemed there was always someone awake who wanted to game or chat. Aine unsurprisingly did poorly in the games. At first I wondered if the others were deliberately trying to prevent her from winning, but in one game I noticed that Ashley and Miki were trying to subtly throw the match and give Aine the victory. Unfortunately, the red...

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CockWhore Training

COCK-WHORE by Blushing slutIts been 2 months since youve been training me to be Your cock whore. Ive been under lock and key the whole time. My cock and balls in a chastity belt and being caged daily, have been my lot. The only time you let me out to play is when you decide its time to stretch my ass open with another larger dildo, or that you wish me to service You sexually. When i am released, i have a half hour to prepare myself as sexily as possible for You. I have to make You want to fuck...

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TANIA the Walmart Worker from checkout Aisle 7

(Tania is a false name - so as not to identify her)Tania works the register at my local Walmart. She isn’t especially pretty and has a slight speech impediment since Espanol is her first language. I always talked to her and greeted her – asking about her family - trying to get info out of her – find out about her background. Though she wasn’t “knockout pretty”, there were things about her I was instantly attracted to. She had good skin, long hair and an hourglass body. She didn’t have big...

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