Swimming with Carrie
- 4 years ago
- 24
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Bad Carrie
Carrie had seemed to find trouble each time she turned around this week.Carrie was a slave to a loving, yet stern Master named Sir WT. WT had beenCarrie's Master for two years. Normally Carrie felt she pleased Master WT,but this week it seemed different. Each time she turned around he found somethingshe did wrong or forgot. Carrie worked very hard today to be sure all thingswere correctly done today. She sure hoped she had accomplished this, becauseMaster WT had told her last night, "Girl, many more mess-ups and Master isgoing to have to trade you in on a new slave". He then smiled that evil grinof his. Carrie was almost positive he was just teasing her. "Almost" was theword, though, that made her stomach ache and her heart beat a little faster.
Carrie heard Master's car pull in the drive. She kneeled in front of thedoor naked, as she was to be. Her eyes took one last look around the room tosee that all was in its place. WT walked in the door. He sat down his briefcase and reached for the leash he kept hanging on the hook by the door. Hebent over and attached the leash to her collar saying, "Come girl." Carriefollowed crawling behind Him. He walked slowly looking around, checking underthe sofa to be sure she had not forgotten to vacuum. He ran his fingers overthe coffee table and end tables to be sure there was no dust. He pulled onthe leash letting her know to follow as He went into the kitchen. He inspectedthe kitchen closely. Carrie was going over her list of chores in her mind hopingshe remembered them all. All seemed to be going ok. He walked on to the bedroomwith Carrie crawling behind. He took a quarter out of his pocket, as he usuallydid, and flipped the quarter on the bed. Carrie breathed a sigh of relief whenit bounced. He pulled on her leash again guiding her to the bathroom; thisroom again seemed to pass his approval. Then he looked in the area where thecat liter box was kept. She felt the grip tighten up on her leash.
"What is this?" he asked pulling her over to look at the box.
"I cleaned it, Master… honest. Kitty must have used it Master… honest."
WT kept his firm grip on her leash. "I don't think so, girl. This looks likeit has not been cleaned in days."
"No Master. It is not that bad, just this one spot."
"Now you are questioning my judgment girl, on top of not doing as you should?"
"No, Master."
"Yes, you are girl." He pulled her almost dragging her to the bedroom andmade her crawl up on the bed.
Carrie was so scared. What might be going to be her punishment? She sat verystill while he tied the leash to the bedpost. He walked to the living room.Carrie was hoping He was in there to settle down before spanking her. She couldhear him on the phone but could not make out what he was saying. She heardhim hang up the phone and go out the door. She wondered where he had gone butcould only sit there and ponder her fate.
WT walked back in the bedroom. He went to the closet pulled out a short housedressand threw it to Carrie ordering, "Put this on girl. We are going on a littletrip." He disconnected her leash so she could put on the dress. She startedputting her shoes on. "You wont need those, girl," he said as he snapped theleash back on and pushed her to the floor, motioning her to follow. He ledher to the car and opened the door telling her to get inside. WT told her tolean forward and put her hands behind her back. He put the cuffs on tightly.He pushed her back in the seat and cuffed her ankles together, then placedthe blindfold on her. "You don't need to see where you are going. Not likelyyou will be coming back."
Carrie froze. Did he say what she thought he did? "Master, what do you mean'not likely I will be back'?"
Without answering her, he placed the ball gag in her mouth and strapped itin tightly. Then he got in the car and started to pull out of the driveway.Finally, he answered Carrie's question, "Well, Carrie, my girl, it seems youmust be unhappy being my slave because you keep messing up. So Master has decidedto let you go."
Carrie begged frantically behind the gag and the fear in her eyes could notbe matched even by the most terrified victim in a horror movie. Her mind raced.Oh my god! Was he serious? No! He had to be joking! She prayed to god, "please,don't let him mean it."
His loud firm voice scared her back from her praying. "I hate that you aremaking me do this, girl. But it will be for the best," His firm voice madeCarrie more scared. Normally he was an even-toned person, never letting anythingmake him raise his voice.
The drive seemed to go on forever to Carrie. WT would speak from time totime. His words only brought more tears to Carrie's eyes. He would only say, " Isure am going to miss you girl, I only hope a kind Master finds you and nota mean one." Carrie wished so bad she could just be ungagged for fiveminutes to beg for mercy from her Master. Instead she could only cry behindthe blindfold and pray to God her Master would change his mind or that thiswas just a scare tactic.
Eventually, she felt the car stop. She heard WT get out of the car. He seemedto be unloading the truck of the car. This only puzzled Carrie more. As WTopened Carrie's door he commanded, "Bend forward girl"
Carrie did as she was told and WT removed her cuffs. In the blindness shetried to reach out to grab onto him, but he seemed to have anticipated thisand had positioned himself where she could not. He took off the ankle cuffs.He pulled on her leash, saying "Crawl and follow, girl."
Carrie dropped to the ground and started crawling behind him. She could feelthe cold ground and twigs biting her hands and knees. She knew she was in awooded place. He tugged her leash and pulled her up, making her stand. He ledher a few more feet and pushed her down onto her ass. She could feel her backagainst something. The cold roughness told her it was a tree. She felt ropego around her breast and be tightened. Then her arms were being pulled behindand roped tightly. When she was secured, he took the blindfold off of her.
It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust. When they did, she saw thatthey were in the woods. WT's car lights were shining on the area they werein. "Now, sit and watch girl while Master digs your new temporary home.I am sure you wont have to stay here long."
"This is a common biker route and someone will find you soon," hecontinued.
Wordlessly WT walked over and started digging a hole. Carrie watched in totalfear, her mind wondering if he really would do this. Yet he had done many thingsalready tonight that she had never thought he would do. She wished she knewhow to stop this how to get back in the good graces of her Master.
When he had the hole dug, he picked up some plastic and turned to Carriesaying, "This should be thick enough to keep any of the underground creaturesfrom eating through to you too quickly."
"Anyway, like I said, little one, I am sure you won't be here long enoughto be bitten or eaten up to badly."
Untying Carrie, he pulled her leash for her to follow him, but Carrie's mindwas too far gone from the fear. He had to drag her to the hole. Then he forcedher down into the hole, on her knees. She kept trying to get up, but he placedhis boot on her shoulder, holding her in place, and started to fill the hole.Carrie was crying and screaming under her gag. He got the hole filled suchthat all that was left of Carrie's body to be seen was her neck and head.
He bent forward, kissed Carrie on the forehead as he placed the blindfoldback on her. "Good bye slave girl, I am sorry I could not be the Masteryou needed."
Carrie heard him walking away, the car door closing and driving off. Fromfear, exhaustion, or both, she pasted out.
To be continued…
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Hello every buddy!I m rehan from islamabad.my age is 23 .my id is Today am going to share a true incident which happened to me. This is my third story. Today on the request of two of my very good friends (two sisters) from Islamabad Ill narrate my true incident in Urdu & English, which I already mailed them but they said its hot and very sexy one, so it should be online for everyone coz it will really make every one hot. So here it is just for you all sex lovers, on my friends request. Tu...
My name is rehan, I m 21 year old, . I m doing ACCA from skans.i m a well educated guy. I live in islamabad..agar koi larki/aunty /married /un married pakistan mein especially rawalpindi and islamabad mein mere sath kisi b tarah ka relation ,phone sex,real sex mukamal raazdari k sath rakhna chati hain to muje mail kareen at so howa youn kay main shroo hi say apni cousin per khuwaar hon she is such a smart girl 38 will be figure so u can just imagine but i have tested aik din main apni nani kay...
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Hello resdrs mera naam ALI hai aur main Islamabad(PAKISTAN) main rahta hu meri age 21 year hai, aj main jis aunty ki kahani sunane jar aha hun wo aunty hamary mohalla ki rahne wali hain aur married hain magar unka koi bachha nahi hai .aun ke husband army main hote hain aur kabhi kabhi ghar ate hain aunty k sath aun ke saas rehty hain lakin wo aun dino apne bete k ghar kise village main gaye hoe thyn. Aunty aksar auqat hamary ghar main aty aur hamare ghar walon se kafi frank the main college ky...
Ye meri pehli story he aur ye sirf Ahmadabad ki un bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo k liye he jinhe asli pathan ka lund apni bhose me lene ki khwaish ho or jo koi ladki ya bhabhi ye cahti ho wo mujhe mail ker sakti he per Now coming to the story Ye takriban 4 sal pehle ki baat he me ek muslim area me rehta hu city me so waha sare ghar kafi pas pas hote he aur mere pados me ek ladki nayi nayi rehne aayi thi usdin me 12 baje utha tha aur apni maid ko nashta banane k liye bola aur me apni balcany me khada...
Yes people, your evaluation sar ankhon pe.You can contact me at mai apne ghar me sabse chota hn 18 ka,aur mere pariwar me mom n dad ke alawa badi bahan divya 21 sal ki gori 5ft 5 ki aur 32 30 34 ke figure ki hai, aur ek bhai hai jo ki shadi ke bad alag rahta hai.Mai serious nature ka tha.Bachpan se hi mujhe khoob pareshan kiya jata tha.Mere dono bhai bahan mujhe daant khilate aur mera majak udate the.Ab college me ane ke bad bhi mujhe bhondu kaha jata aur meri bahan mujhe ghar me bahut...
Hopefully erotica for those who would like to be titillated.Sorry to run off early ladies, but I have to get home to put the little ones to bed. See you all next week” shouted Amanda as she ran out of the changing room. I sat on the bench in the old school changing rooms, absolutely shattered. It had turned out to be a really lovely evening, with three other mums, from my k**s school, playing badminton. I hadn’t played since I was a teenager, and I used to love the game. Sadly age, ch*****n,...
Mera naam Sam hai mai Nagpur ka rahne wala hu.Ye baat aaj se 3 saal pahele ki hai jab mere badhi pappa ki bethi yani ki mere badhi bhen sadahi mai aaye thi. Hello to all readers the thing is i love sex but the problem is I’m bored, so my friend suggested ki aapne kahani post karne se tuze rahat milege. Barat mai nachte huye mai thak gaya tha isle mai apne sis key saath vapas ghar aa gaya. Mere bhen ka rang gora hai height 5.3 inch hai body figure 36-28-36 hai aur mai 6.2inch lambha hu mera...
Hello doston mera naam ali hai. mein rawalpindi mein rehta hun..meri height 5.9 hai..mein ACCA ka student hun.agar koi larki/aunty mere sath sex try karna chati hai mukamal raazdari k sath to mujhe mail kareen at abhi 20 saal ka hoon, Mujay kafi girls add kurten on on my yahoo messenger lakin zayda tur nay keha kay pehlay mobile ka card send kurro then sex kurnay. Mujay sirf un girls say sex kurna ka maza aata hay jo mature hoon our sex ko poorirazdari say kurna chahteen hoon. Eik larkee nay...
Hello ISS readers.my name is rehan. I m 23 years old guy from islamabad.pakistan.my id is is a true story that I wish to share with my co-readers. It happened last year with a girl’s named is Seema. She was one of my Junior Executives at the office where I work as a Management Consultant and was supposed to be having an affair with a collegue Malik. Very sexy babe. Good soft but firm tits. Gorgeous figure of 37-26-37. Used to call me Uncle by way of Joke. Ofcourse, I used this relationship to...
IncestHi friends, meri first story ko pasand kerke mujhe dher sare mails bhehne ke liye aap sab ko thanks a lot. Ahmedabad ki kisi bhi bhabhi ya ladki ko real afghani pathan ka lund test kerna ho to mail me at Now ab story per aata hu. Ye baat he un dino ki jab me apne finance k buissness me bahot buzy tha buissnes acha chal raha tha ek din me apni office me betha tha aur mere ek agent ka call aaya ki bhai aap kaha ho mene kaha me office per hu to usne bataya ek costomer he jo aap se milna cahta...
Sabhi logo ko mere khade lund ka namaskar. Mera naam Tarun hain. Aur main Ahmedabad se hun. Meri age 26 saal hain. Ap logo ko meri pehli teeno kahani achchi lagi. So ab main apko apni tisri kahani ki or le jata hun. Main aur meri ma’m Jamnagar gaye the. Tab woh unki dost Sweta ma’m ke waha mujhe chod ke chali gayi Ahmedabad wapas. Ab mujhe poora ek mahina, Sweta ma’m ke sath Jamnagar mein rehna tha. Sweta ma’m bohut hi pyari hain. Maine unko unki chut chatke meri ashiq toh bana diya tha. Ab...
Hey girls and guys. Kaise ho aap sab log? Ye story continuity hai ‘Ahmedabad Ki Randi Maid’ series ka. Toh pehle ke part padhna mat bhulna friends. Abhi tak story mein, maine apni randi naukrani ko choda chaat pe aur humari chudai ke waqt meri padosan Pooja ne hume dekh liya. Ab age. Toh mera aur meri naukrani ki chudai ab regular ho gayi thi. Jab meri mom dupahar ko sone jati thi, usko ghar mein chupke se leke ata tha aur apne room mein uski chudai karta tha. Mera room aur Pooja ka bedroom...
Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) main dinu sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze e-mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur satya katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi kahani pes kar raha hun, aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Mera ek dost ranjit jo ki mumbai me hi bhayandar me apani...
Hi friends main Ayush Sharma apke liye mere saath ghati ek ghatna ki kahani aapko batane jaa raha hoon.meri pichli story aap logon ko bohot pasand aayi mujhe hazaron email aaye thank you kisi bhi aunty ko sex karna ho to please mujhe email karen par Ab main story pe aata hoon is story main maine apni badi maa ko choda hai ye baat may mahine ki hai meri badi maa mumbai me rehti hai uska naam shobha hai uski age 46 hai lekin dikhne mein woh 35 ki lagti hai.uska figure 42 32 34 hai uske dudh...
Hello iss readers mai hamesha iss ki stories padta hu to socha kyu na apni life ka bhi ek hasin lamha apke sath share karu …mera naam kunal hai aur meri age 20 hai mai jaipur mai rahata hu hamari joint family hai aur bada ghar hai. Meri badi maa ki age 29 hai wo bahut hi khubsurat husn ki malika hai unko dekhte hai mera man sex karne ka ho jata hai … Baat aaj se 2 saal pahale ki hai mai hamesha unhe nanga dekha karta tha jab wo bath liya karti thi. Kya batau dosto unke bare mai unke wo bade...
Mai shivam bhabua bihar ka rehane wala hu ye kahani meri aur meri badi maa ki h Aapka samai na jaya karte hue mai siddha kahani pea ta hu meri badi maa ek gadraye hue jawani ki aurat h unaka figure k bare me ako kya batau mast golgol chuche moti aur muscular gand jise dekhate he kisi ki bhi land khada ho jaye rang aisa k mano jaise koi pari….. Ek din mere ghar pr koi nahi tha sirf mai aur meri badi maa the wo dopahar me so gayi thi tabhi mai cricket khel k ghar aya to dekha unki sari uar tak...
Hello friends. Mei jay arora apko apni fantasy ka baare mei batane wala hua jismei meine society mei kam karne wali maid ko apni randi maid banata hua aur bataunga ki kaise meine uski chut ka bhosada bana diya. Ab bhi time waste kare story chalu karta hua…..!!!!! So yeah time hai winter ka. Meine subhe subhe jogging karne jata hua rooj. Karib 8 baje jab mei society ka andar enter hua toh mujhe ek sakhat ladki dikhi jo chal ke arahi thi. Hum dono ek dusara ko dekha usne mujhe smile di aur meine...
Main vapas laut ayaa hun aapni chudai story ka 3rd part leke…jinko ahmedabad ya gujarat main se gujarati nhi aati..Wo lok muje mail kr sakte hain .. Main unko secretly translation krke dunga wo bhi live… Hu …. 3rd part kehva maate aai gaayo chu….1-2 part na reviews aane mail maate thank u so much… Haawe direct story per aavu chu.. Drashti nu pani bhabhi na face per j nikli gaayu… Maaru b padvanu htu… Main bhabhi ni bhos ma j paani kaadhi lidhu… 3 jana naga j besi gaya room ma… Bhabhi-wah...
Hi.. I am ahmedabad playboy(name changed)…Main iss ka regular reader hun aur kahin saalo se yeh padta hun…Aage ki story abhi main gujarati main likuunga jo k jyada excited aur real hain jo mere saath 1 june 2016 ko hui thi… Hello frnds…Mara loda ni size common j che…Hu bija badha ni jem gappa naai maaru…Koi bhabhi,chokri,aunty, or je chokri ne bf na hoi to mara email per contact kri saake che…Aapde chat n meetings private rehse aane taamne story vanchya paachi maane jarur mail krso aani hu...
Sabhi logo ko mere khade lund ka namaskar. App logo ko meri pehli dono kahani aachi lagi. So ab mein appko apni tisri kahani ki aur le jata hun. Links of the previous parts on top. Mein aur meri madam akshar ek dusre ke sath maje karte the. Har weekend ham kuch na kuch kar ke plan karte the aur ek dusre ke sarir ko sukh dete the. Fir ek din muje company se bola gaya ki appko 1 mahine ke liye Jamnagar , Gujarat jana hain, marketing ke kaam se. so muje dukh hua ki, muje yeh sab chod k udhar pe...
Meri story ki ghatna 1 mahine pehle huyi thi. Mera naam Tarun hian. Meri age 22 saal hain aur mein apni MBA khatam karke ahmedabad mein job ke liye try kar rha tha. Ek din mein S.G. Road mein ek marketing ki job ka interview dene ke liye gaya tha. Waha pe ek madam thi jo hr dept ki head thi. Thodi moti thi, bt bahut maal thi. Unka figure kuch 40-34-42 hoga. Fir mene apna interview acche se diya aur fir bahar aa gaya aur unho ne kaha agar app select ho jaoge toh call kar denge. Fir mein whaa se...
Hello friends maine iss per bahut sari kahaniya padi hai or aaj mai apni kehani likhne ja reha hu pehle apne bare mi bata du mi ek 25 sal ka average ladka 5″5′ or punjab se hu jo job kerne ke liye ahmedabad mi aaya tha or rehne ke liye maine ek flat rent per liya meri pehli kehani hai is lliye please aap log ise pad ker meri galti or apne sujav is email per de Mai yeah per naya tha to jayada kuch nahi janta tha kyu mi Punjabi hu or gujarat mi pehli bar aya tha. Kahni shuru hoti hai jab mai...
Dear ISS readers, I have been reading lots of stories and I thought I would share mine 2. Let me tell u about myself, I am based at Ahmedabad, 5.11″ athletic and weigh around 78 kg. Married Very fit and athletic, work as a senior manager in a big firm, Coming back to the scoop it was around 2 years back I was working with an ad agency then and since there is not much of work at senior level I would log into yahoo chat room. I came across a female and when i messaged her she replied back and we...
This is Raj, from Ahmedabad, one of the very great fans of indiansexstories2.net like u people. I am a regular visitor of this very site similarly as I am to my mailbox. First I would like to describe a little about myself. Simply I would say this only that in the present world where there are many males around who knows how to present them handsomely, in that world girls always give a second look. I would like to share my first sexual encounter with u people as I don’t think so that anybody...
Hi dosto, mere naam krish (age:20) he , mail me : Aur me gujarat ke ahmedabad se hu, waise me jaha taha chodne ke liye nahi jata hu, lekin chodne ki meri iccha bahot ho jati he, lekin muth marke chala leta tha. Intro: Ek bar mere papa ke friend unki ladki ko leke humare ghar aye, woh 12 me padhti he aur bahot sexy dikhti he. Us din uski aur meri mulakat hui. uska naam mitali hai. Woh mere ghar ke najdik hi rahte he, maine use pehli bar dekhte hi aankh mardi thi, to woh thoda sa muskurai. fir...
Hi my name is Jagdip (name changed). I live in Ahmedabad and my email id is . I am 26 now. The story I am going to tell you is real and happened when I was 17. We have a made in our house from last 15 years. Her name is Radhabai. She is really a very good made and very honest. She was almost 35 at that time. I never looked at her as a sex object as she is very average looking female but with a great body as she worked physically for long time. I was a teenager at that time and had started...
Hai Friends, I am Raj (Name changed) 25 yrs from Ahmedabad. I am a great fan of indiansexstories & have read almost all the stories. So today I decided to share my first experience. I was alone so I came to my aunty’s house. Since I have no other relative in the town I have to stay with my beautiful aunt (younger sister of my dad) who was a widow and was about 36 yrs old. My uncle died in a accident. After that she will not accepted to marry. So that they will stay in single in his house. She...
IncestHi it is me Atul (name Changed). I am 25 years old boy from Ahmedabad. This incident happened in my childhood. My friend name is Ruchi. Ruchi is having very slim fine figure. She is always wear tight churidar kameez but very decent color one, no jazzy type. She is very mature type thinking and also very much devotional to god. She is always going temple and like that. But her face is always having mirchi look. Like she will biting her lips with teeth and look from corner of eyes at me sometime....
Now it Begins. If all goes well, this could be a very entertaining group of stories. I was a law enforcement officer for over thirty years. No regrets at all. Many noteworthy things happened in my years of service, most of which had nothing to do with my sex life. This is about the part that did. I hope to share some stories about the young ladies that really like to date the young men in Uniform. BADGE BUNNIESMost people are not familiar with the name "Badge Bunnies". This is a huge...
UniformAfter pulling a second watch patrol shift, I dropped into Fred's Cop bar around midnight. I was hoping there would be a few Badge Bunnies looking for companionship, for a drink, and possibly a roll in the hay. The selection would be slim due to the late hour. The Bunnies looking for a serious fuck would have arrived around 9 pm. Fred's is a quiet bar in a quiet neighborhood. Most patrons are Law Enforcement Officers looking for quick and safe pussy. The Badge Bunnies are ladies who are...
Group SexIt still hurts. Even if they don't say anything to me outright, seeing the looks, watching them whisper to each other, not even bothering to hide what they're doing... it hurts. I remember when I was just a little girl, hiding out on the stairs of our house, hearing my mom in the living room talking with her friends about female solidarity, and how all women were sisters. It hurt like hell, learning that was all a lie. I try not to let it bother me, and I'm getting better at that,...
I turned towards the back bulkhead of the wheelhouse. The paint was flaking with age and streaked with rust. Above, the clock reminded me it was nearly noon and the aromas from the galley below slowly permeated through the ship. The Commander sat by the wireless on a cane chair - lashed to a shackle so he didn't slide around in heavy seas. The engine was a faint pulse echoed by barely perceptible vibrations through the deck. 'Our heroic forces have thrown back the enemy, ' the studiously...