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Dan walked briskly toward the nondescript rental car waiting for him in the parking lot. He opened the passenger door and laid his computer bag on the seat then shut the door and walked around to the driver’s side. He opened the door and slumped heavily into the seat. Expelling a sigh of relief he loosened his tie before starting the car. The radio was on a news channel prompting Dan to search for music to sooth him on the ride back to the hotel. He found a rock station then put the car in gear.

The fifteen minute drive to the hotel was uneventful. Unless that is you want to count being cut off three times and being flipped off once. Dan just chalked it up to a typical rush hour. The sky was overcast and it looked like it might rain. Dan drove into the parking deck across from the hotel and found a spot on the fourth level. He exited the car, retrieved his bag and walked to the stairwell marked in large yellow letters on the gray cement wall. After dropping down one level Dan strolled across the glass enclosed walkway that connected the parking deck to the hotel. He entered on a mezzanine that overlooked the hotel lobby. He entered the first available elevator and rode upward to his room on the 16th floor.

The door to the room released with a click in response to the swipe of his room card. The room was decorated in muted greens. Dan put the computer bag on the desk chair and started to undress. He stripped down to his underwear carefully hanging up the suit while tossing the other clothes onto a shelf in the closet. He would fold them when he packed up to leave in two days.

Two more days until the flight home and a return to his own bed. Dan put on his work out clothes. A pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and cross trainers. Next he retrieved his I-Pod and ear buds from the computer bag. He left the room plugging in the ear buds as he walked to the elevator. By the time the elevator door opened he was getting lost in the music. The first step to coming down from another demanding day on the road.

The elevator conveyed him to the 2nd floor where he exited and walked to the exercise room. He was relieved to find an available elliptical machine to the rear of the room. He acknowledged the four other travelers who were already present with a few perfunctory nods and mounted the machine. He fumbled with the unfamiliar controls setting the time and resistance.

Dan settled into the routine. About ten minutes in he began to perspire. The tension and bullshit of the day began to slowly wash away. One of the anonymous men had left and another had joined. The television was on ESPN. The I-pod masked the sound in the room.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the door swing inward. He shifted his attention to the door to see a woman entering the room. From the distance she appeared attractive. She wore a gray sleeveless athletic shirt trimmed in green and matching jogging pants. He guessed she was about 5’3′. As she neared him he confirmed that she was indeed attractive, very attractive. She appeared to be in her mid thirties. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a short pony tail. Her youthful appearance was only betrayed by the slight creases that were visible on the outside of her stunning jade green eyes. A grin slowly crept across Dan’s face as he appraised her approvingly. She flashed a bright white smile when she noticed him smiling at her. He acknowledged her smile with a nod which she may not have noticed as she turned away to climb on the treadmill in front of him to his left.

He watched intently as she checked out the machine controls before she dismounted and began a regimen of stretching exercises. She faced the front of the room as she slowly rolled her head from side to side and round before reaching for the ceiling. When she completed this series of stretches she braced herself against the treadmill leaned forward and stretched out her hamstrings and calves. Dan admired the toned body as she continued moving to sit on the floor and began performing abdominal and arm stretches while facing perpendicular to him. As she leaned to touch her toes he had a clear view of her cleavage. He guessed she was a 34 C. When she finished she looked up and caught him staring. Luckily his face was already red from exercise. He was pleased when she again grinned broadly at him as she arose, turned and stepped on the machine.

Dan was now about twenty minutes into his workout and the perspiration was flowing freely. He felt invigorated by both the exercise and watching his gym mate. He watched as he began to walk briskly on the treadmill. He was mesmerized as he gazed at her firm bottom flexing with each stride. She was in very good shape for her age. Dan thought her body expressed all the best features of a woman her age. He surmised that her butt and breasts were both probably a little larger than in her youth, yet they still were both round and firm. He would enjoy today’s workout more than usual because of her presence.

About five minutes into her workout she began to jog. A few minutes later she was running. Dan noticed the sweat glistening on her exposed skin. The shirt rode up a bit on her back exposing less than an inch on skin above the waistband of her pants. The sheen of sweat was present there as well. Dan felt the desire for this beautiful woman building in his mind and loins.

When Dan reached the end of his forty minutes of exercise he was disappointed. He wiped his face and neck with the towel as he slowly walked to the front of the room to the water cooler. Only he and the woman remained. He hadn’t noticed anyone leaving since he was to intent on watching her. Breathing heavily he gulped down two cone shaped cups of water trying to look casual. She had slowed to a walk entering the cool down phase of her workout. They made eye contact. He couldn’t help himself as he smiled at her again then turned to leave.

As he stepped into the hall he could see the pool across the hall. He moved closer to look at the hours. Maybe he would take a swim tomorrow for a change of pace. When he read the sign on the door he noticed that there was a sauna in the pool area. That sounded great. He opened the door and moved toward the sauna. He slipped off his shoes and socks and left them outside the sauna but left the I-Pod on as he entered guessing that the dry heat shouldn’t do it any harm. It was a small sauna with two benches. At best it would accommodate half a dozen people. He spread the towel that he’d picked up on the way into the sauna on the lowest bench. Since he was alone he decided to lie down. He closed his eyes and soon felt the sweat oozing out of his pores.

A few minutes later he felt something brush against his leg. He opened his eyes with a start to see his workout companion climbing to the second bench. She was looking at him and her lips were moving but the music drowned out her works. He sat up franticly pulling out the ear buds.

‘I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you’ he said pointing at the ear bud. ‘I didn’t mean to hog the whole place.’ He blurted out as he rushed to sit up and make room for her to.

As she sat on the higher bench she replied, ‘Oh, don’t worry. I was just trying to apologize for being so clumsy and bumping you. I didn’t mean to disturb you. Please lie back down and relax.’

‘As small as this room is that would be rather rude. I’ll be fine sitting up anyway. I might get too relaxed and doze off otherwise. ‘

He noticed that her legs were bare and she had a towel around her waist. Dan admired her firm thighs and taunt calves. Her shoes were missing to. Her red manicured toenails matched her fingernails and lipstick. He looked back at her face when he realized he was being too obvious and was relieved to see the hint of a smile on her lips.

‘Sorry, I … um, thought you were dressed differently in the gym. I didn’t mean to stare.’

She pause, then replied. ‘No, your right I didn’t want to ruin my pants or shoes. I left them in the changing
room.’ She leaned toward him and whispered conspiratorially, ‘Don’t tell anyone. I’ve just got my underwear on under here’, she said pointing at the towel.

It was then that Dan realized that she was flirting with him. She had followed him into the sauna. She was interested in him as he was in her. His mind began racing. It had been a long time since he had been in this situation.

It had only been seven weeks since the divorce from Cathy was finalized. She had filed for divorce six months before. It had shocked and hurt him horribly when he got the papers and he was still far from over the emotional havoc it wreaked on him.

He met Cathy at work when he was just out of college. They dated, moved in together and married four years later. Then after eighteen years of marriage and two children together it was over. He blamed himself. He was too immersed in his job. He took her for granted, or so she said, and that was that. It was still painful to think about. Now he lived in a small apartment and saw the kids on weekends. He was still trying to pull his life together and his self esteem was a little low, to say the least.

He pulled himself back to the present and tried to think of a response. He said the first thing that popped into his head. ‘I won’t turn you in to the sauna police if you join me for dinner.’ He immediately felt like a bit of an idiot.

‘Why, that sounds a bit like blackmail, Mr. …’ she answered with a bright smile that assured him she was playing along.

‘Um, sorry. McBride, Dan McBride and you are?’

‘Carrie, nice to meet you and yes I think dinner would be nice. Why don’t we meet in the hotel bar in an hour?’

She slowly stood up. The towel rode up high exposing her thighs. She didn’t try to pull it down until she was at the door.

‘See you there?’

Dan answered quickly, ‘Yes one hour see you then.’ He hoped he didn’t sound too desperate.

She nodded her affirmation as she walked out the door. Dan slumped happily backwards leaning against the higher bench. He felt like a kid in high school reveling that he had successfully made a date.

Dan waited for a few minutes then headed to his room. He started the shower and stripped down. He looked at himself in the mirror. At 41 his dark brown hair was gray at the temples. He stood 6’2′ and weighed 200 lbs and was in reasonably good shape. He stepped in the shower and soaped the sweat from his body. He dried himself off and started off to change when he thought to shave. He lathered up his face and thought of Carrie’s smile and green eyes while he razored the stubble from his face. Dan chose a pair of Khaki slacks and a blue short sleeved shirt. He clicked on the television to catch the news on CNN as he dressed. He shut the light off and closed the door behind him and made his way to the lounge.

Dan was about ten minutes ahead of schedule. He thought he would beat Carrie so he was surprised to see her seated at the bar sandwiched between two men. He felt his heart drop a little until she smiled and waved. She grabbed her small clutch purse in one hand and her martini glass in the other and walked toward him. She wore a sleeveless print blouse with a keyhole opening that showed off her cleavage, tight fitting acid washed jeans, and open toed red high heeled shoes. She put the drink down on the table to his right before greeting him with a quick hug. He reveled in the sensation of her soft breasts pushing against his chest.

He pulled himself together and suggested they sit at the table her drink was on. She took a seat on and he sat in the chair to her left as he looked around for a waitress.

Flashing a brilliant smile Carrie said, ‘I’m glad you got here early. I was stuck between two would be women killers competing for my attention. I would have had a hard time shaking them on my own. I half expected it sitting at the bar in a hotel alone. But I didn’t want to miss you.’

‘Glad I was able to help.’ Dan replied as appraised her beauty.

She wore light makeup with red lipstick to match her nails. She had two piercings in each ear. Beaded earring dangled from her ear lobes and small jeweled studs were in the cartilage just above the lobes. A modest gold necklace adorned her neck with a garnet pendant that led his eyes to her chest. His eyes strayed to the view of her cleavage through the keyhole and he quickly moved his eyes to her face. The amused smile on her lip and the shine in her eyes let him know he was caught, but assured him that she didn’t mind.

The waitress arrived. Dan ordered a gin and tonic then asked Carrie if she would like another drink which she declined since hers was half full.

‘What is that you’re drinking?’

‘An old fashioned dry martini with gin. No girlie drinks for me. Don’t worry though, I can hold my own. You won’t have to carry me home.’ She responded with a wicked grin.

They talked and felt each other out a bit. He explained that he was meeting with some difficult customers trying to resolve a pricing dispute. She was in town to meet with clients and train them on new software. They were on their second round of drinks before he explained that he was recently divorced. Carrie told him that she had been married previously and left it at that. He enjoyed her company, her smile, and her easy laugh.

Carrie swirled the last of her martini in the glass before swallowing it. She removed the olive from the glass held it to her mouth and with the tip of her tongue pulled it off the toothpick and into her mouth. She smiled for a moment.

‘I’m famished, let’s get some dinner. There’s a sushi bar about six blocks from here if you don’t mind the walk.’ After a pause but before Dan could answer she asked. ‘You do like sushi?

He assured her he did like sushi and didn’t mind the walk.

In spite of the overcast sky it was still a pleasant temperature. The downtown crowd had thinned out so they could take their time and not feel harried as they strolled down the avenue.

They were greeted by the chef and his assistant behind the bar when they entered the small restaurant. A cute Japanese hostess greeted them as well and asked their seating preference. Dan started to suggest the bar. He liked watching the chef’s in action and the occasional free samples. Before he could ask Carrie asked for a booth. The hostess seated them and handed them the menu and order sheet as she asked what they would like to drink. Carrie suggested a premium sake and Dan concurred. The hostess bowed and left.

‘What do you like Dan?’

‘I like the nigiri the best, but the rolls and sashimi are fine too.’

‘The sashimi I my favorite. I love the texture of the seafood and the way it feels in my mouth. I’m very oral.’ Carrie responded running the tip of her tongue along the inside edge of her upper lip.

The waitress appeared with the sake and poured the chilled liquid in the small glasses. Dan gulped his down quickly as Carrie sipped hers. He felt it burn slightly as she and poured him another.

Carrie filled out the order sheet as they worked their way down the list. The waitress stopped back by and picked up their order which included Miso soup and salads. The soup and salad arrived quickly. They dug into the food with gusto.

Carrie asked Dan if he was on the road a lot. He explained that he traveled at least once a month, usually two times. She nodded.

‘I’m on the road at least once a month. I don’t mind it too much but it can be a little boring and lonely at times.’ Carrie replied.

The large boat shaped platter arrived interrupting Carrie. They both took pieces of sushi from the platter using chopsticks. Carrie at slowly, savoring the flavor of the seafood. Dan forced himself to take his time.

They continued to chat and learn more about each other as they ate. Dan couldn’t take his eyes off Carrie. He was intent on the story she was telling when he felt her foot rubbing against his calf. His
eyes glanced down even though he knew the table would block his view. When he looked back she smiled coyly.

‘Why don’t we go get some dessert?’ Carrie asked ‘I know just the place three blocks west of here.’

They got the check, paid and walked out the door. The temperature was dropping and the air was cooler. They had only traveled a block when it started to rain lightly. They walked faster. Dan put his arm around Carrie’s waist and pulled her to him to help combat the cool air. She gratefully nuzzled in. When they stopped for traffic he looked down at her. She in turn looked up and surprised him with a brief kiss.

The wind howled between the high rise buildings and the rain started to pour down before they made it to the next cross street. They were soaking wet when they made it to the dessert café. Dan suggested they order to go and go back to the hotel to change. Carrie agreed and ordered for the two of them while Dan flagged down a cab. Dan was waiting with the cab when Carrie came out. He helped her in and the cab cruised off in the pouring rain. Carrie sat close to Dan laying her head on his shoulder. The water from her hair was running down his neck but he didn’t care. Her head and body against his felt wonderful. When she turned his head to look at her she put her hand gently on his cheek pulling him toward her lips. She kissed him gently at first, then passionately. Her tongue pushed past his lips and swirled in his mouth. He returned the kiss as he put his arm on the back of her shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

When they broke the kiss Dan was breathing rapidly. Carrie looked into his eyes with a penetrating gaze. He pulled her toward him and kissed her red lips again. Their tongues met as her hand rubbed his chest through his wet shirt. Her fingernails gently raked across his nipple causing Dan to shudder.

When Carrie noticed his reaction she broke the kiss for a moment. She pulled his face to hers gently biting his lip before kissing him roughly. Her hand roamed his chest. Dan stroked her back. He felt his manhood starting to harden.

The cab halted and the driver called out the fare. Dan paid him not waiting for change as Carrie pulled him by the hand out of cab toward the hotel door. They entered and walked briskly to the elevator. Carrie pushed the button for the 21st floor.

Unsure what to do Dan started to speak and leaned to push the button for his floor. ‘We can meet ….’ Carrie put a finger on his lips and stopped his hand from pushing the button. She pulled him to her and kissed him.

‘We can have dessert in my room.’ Then she kissed him again.

Carrie slid her card and pushed the door open. They entered the room and she turned on the lights. She still looked wonderful in spite of the wet hair and clothes. Dan could see her hard nipples poking through her wet blouse. She put the dessert bag down and opened the closet. She reached inside and tossed Dan a hotel terry cloth robe and took one for herself.

‘Go ahead and get out of those wet clothes in the bathroom. I’ll change out here. You won’t peek will you?’ She said with a smile.

Dan entered the bathroom and removed his wet clothes. The used a towel to dry off before he put the robe on. He realized that Carrie may need a towel.

He called out. ‘Do you want a towel?’

‘No, I’m fine. I just used the robe. Come on out dessert is waiting.’

He opened the door and stepped out. The room was dark except for a light by the bed. Carrie lay in the bed under the covers with her head propped on two pillows. She motioned him over. He saw the piece of cheesecake on the bedside table. He was almost to the bed when he noticed her robe was on the chair by the window. She pulled the covers to the side to reveal her nakedness.

Her body was slightly flushed from toweling off. The nipples on her full breasts were hard with desire. Her legs were slightly parted with one leg raised and bent at the knee giving him a clear view of the pink lips of vagina.

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Valerie Kay came all the way to Bangbros to show off her ass. And what an ass that was. With her witty funny charm she was telling there stories and bouncing that beauty. She was shaking it, jiggling it, rotating it. What a sight! Pressure pretended to be the production assistant who holds up the shade. Valerie could quickly see that his hard on wasn’t a regular one. He licked her ass in return. Then she gave him a blowjob and they fucked in several amazing position until he came all over her...

1 year ago
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Wonderful Journey To Rajkot

Hi Friends, I am regular reader of ISS ,this is my second story in ISS after a long break.Currently i am working in an organization where i used to travel frequently .I am 25 years old with average built guy.I have a nice dick which can make any girl/women satisfy their urges and die for it. Last week i have got an assignment to go to Rajkot so i tried to book tickets but of useless at last i went to travels office where i got an seat in AC sleeper(2+1) from a travel agent.I worried about my...

1 year ago
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Youre the Wife Now What if Magic Wasnt Real Part 9

Part 9 I'm running through the snow as fast as I can, but it feels like I'm moving through treacle. Each step is heavy and laboured, my heart pounds and the icy air freezes my throat. The longer this goes on for, the more difficult it gets. I know it's behind me and I know if I turn round and look it in the eye, it's all over. Here I am, stuck in a perilous situation, where it's getting harder and harder to run but I don't want to acknowledge whatever it is behind me: a beast or...

3 years ago
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The Cougar The Bull The Suck The Fuc

Now with graduation done and my college degree in hand I was ready to embark on my entry into adulthood. But I had some unfinished business to handle beforehand, so it was my priority now until my new job started in two weeks . What was that you asked ? I wanted to have life-altering mind-blowing sex with an experienced Hott mature white woman, who herself was a cougar needing to make sure she still could pull a strapping young Black Bull like myself. At the time of my 1st interracial affair I...

4 years ago
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P I And MagicChapter 37

I was trying to fill out forms for my sister at the hospital. To say it wasn't going very well, would be a gross understatement. I gave up, and told them that while she was my sister, I had only recently discovered that fact. I said that I would be paying for her treatment. I told them I had no idea what her medical history was. I was asked how that was possible. I stared at the doctor. "Not that it's any of your business, but I was sent away from home when I was a child. We didn't get...

1 year ago
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The Train journey

Train started from hyderabad on a wet july evening chugging along slowly, the rain has paused and the freshness it left was covering every inch of surface. the roads, building and the vehicles were all bathed and cleaned by the torrent that lashed the city. the city was running in opposite direction and it started picking speed, soon it started disappearing and instead there were open spaces, fields and trees. i was lost in the nature's bounty when a voice brought me back to the train. "Excuse...

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real life sex The Pool Boy

Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him.Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...

2 years ago
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Story Of Four Hot Guys

Hi guys, I am kushal. I am studying in class 12. As my friends say I look very sexy and i have hot body with lot of curves due to my swimming practice. I have a friend name rishi, we both study in same school. We all live near by, rishi is very cute and has a very feminish body. We are good friends and we both love swiming. so we both have sexy slender body. We always got lot of attention during our swiming practice. We are very good friends since childhod, he had shared me that he is gay some...

Gay Male
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Chubby legal male hooker

I guess one day somebody figured out that if it was legal to pay people to make porn, but not just to have sex, that the easiest way to 'legalize' prostitution was to have a camera running or take at least one picture at some point during the act. Since I am interested in all sorts of men this seemed like an idea with potential.I started posting on all the free bulletin boards about my new 'business', Versatile Services. Catering to discerning gentlemen it would provide playful companionship...

4 years ago
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Dressed No Regrets

Toooooo many of the stories on here concerning cross dressers have to do with forced feminization or masters or mistresses. That’s total bullshit. Most do the deed because it’s what they desire for their own satisfaction. So I will do my best to portray this story as it was told to me. Married late 30’s 6’ 190#. Totally absorbed in interracial porn. Trying desperately to but to no avail y’all my wife into an interracial experience. She barely tolerates my obsession. But not without the regular...

2 years ago
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Innocent Seduction

Sean Hall was the epitome of male beauty. He had the eyes of a Greek God, and the body to match. Girls practically fell over with their legs open when he walked by, and he seemed oblivious to it all. This led to many doubts as to his sexuality being on the hetero side of the spectrum. How could a young man in is early twenties be so oblivious to his own sexual power over women? It was one of the great mysteries of life that needed to be solved. I entered college as a sophomore and was blessed...

3 years ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 20

"I was hoping I'd get to see more of you," Demeter said one day as he and Nilsen sat in the shade under a tree in the palace gardens. "I heard about this trip you're going on. What's that all about? Nobody will say much about it other than it's far away. Why so secret?" "It's a trade mission," Nil told his friend. He didn't like misleading Demeter but he understood why the real reason behind it had to be kept as quiet as possible. Besides, he was going on a trade mission; it's...

2 years ago
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What my gf wrote for me

you walk out from work see me stood there staring at u smiling u walk up to me cuddle me and kiss me u take my hand and say come with me so i do wer walking down a road and you stop turn around and push me against a wall and kiss me slowly and really passionatly and ur hand wanders up my dress but then just walk off and turn to smile at me u see me stood smiling but looking shocked so u walk back take hold of my hand and carry on walking we walk down a little lane and into a wooded area u push...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Lauren Pixie Intimately Fucking Laurie Pixie LIVE

Busty and wild babe Lauren Pixie is ready to fuck and Charles Dera is eager to get his hard cock consumed by that wonderful tight pussy! Oil up those tits and make them bounce! Charles knows his way around a womans body making Lauren quiver and cum over and over again. She loves that tongue on her clit or maybe she loves that mustache running over her clit while he eats her out! They embrace and Charles goes balls deep making those balls slap that ass! All Lauren wants now is to get that hot...

2 years ago
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The Camwhore

Holly ran the wand of lip gloss over her lips. Twice. Looking into the mirror, she rubbed her lips together and screwed the cap back on. Freckles dotted her nose and dashed onto her youthful cheeks. Her make up was perfect. Shiny lips. Thick back eyeliner and mascara. Just the right amount of blush to make her skin look vibrant. Combing her fingers through her blonde streaked red hair, she smiled at her reflection. It was almost showtime. She walked out of the bathroom, adjusting her red...

3 years ago
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The Summer Ill Never Forget

This story is completely fiction. The names, characters, story plot have been pulled out of randomness. This story is from the eyes and thoughts of Stephanie Gordan. Day 1 Summer was always slow for Ms. Amanda Parker. Freshly out of Yale College for summer break being a freshman. Still unsure what she should major in other than Economics. Amanda always went to her parent’s house for the summer. The mountain air had always brought new life to her ready to take on the world after a summer at...

4 years ago
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Runners MoonChapter 16

The end was in sight, now. There were fresh sled tracks in front of him, and coming up the coastline of the Bering Sea since dawn, he had occasionally been able to make out another dog team a mile or more ahead of him. Finally, the lines of sled runner tracks bent to the right, and followed an occasional bit of orange surveyor's tape up to a small cluster of tattered buildings. He thought about stopping briefly to put Geep, his best gee-haw command leader back in the lead, but Alco, his best...

2 years ago
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J8217s First Encounter

I met her in college and she was a fair looking girl with sexy lips, kafi moti, huge but nicely shaped boobs and long hairs in college an dI was attracted to her because of her body but didn’t feel the interest to propose her because she was very traditional, not like those party flies you generally get in colleges once we went to some famous city gardens and for the first time, felt a strange need for her. Anyways, I neglected that feeling as my friends said this happens quite often as you...

3 years ago
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Finding AnswersChapter 23

I received a surprise phone call on Sunday evening just after 7 o'clock. My brother Will called to talk. He hadn't done a Sunday evening call since last spring. We exchanged e-mails to keep each other up on what we were doing, but we hadn't talked. Will and I talked about school. I told him all about how Andy and I were doing in football. We talked about my break up with Penny. Finally Will got to the point of his call. He wanted to warn me about my promiscuous sex with Stacie, Sally and...

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cuckold lifestyle42

Saturday night my wife wanted to go out and have some fun , but, she wanted me along. I was watching something on the TV in the den when she walked in wearing a white denim mini skirt and a red button up shirt, the top two buttons where left undone and she must have had on one of her pushup bras. Her 34 B's aren't normaly that round on top. Her legs where naked and she was wearing a high stacked strappy sandals. She said get up little dick and lets go do something. I jumped up and turned off...

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Gender X! There’s a lot of talks these days about being inclusive and accepting of every gender, not just men and women. I can’t even begin to keep up with all the gender identity terms and pronouns they keep coming up with. It’s ironic that the word “tranny” is considered derogatory now, since porn has been trans-friendly way longer than your parents. Take a look at GenderX, for example, where hot tgirls are encouraged to embrace their sexuality in explicit sex is a brand...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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A rich young housewife buys the ultimate sex toy The Teasinator

Marsha was happily married. Earl was a good husband and an excellent father. Financially, they were more than comfortable in their lives together. They weren’t the one percent, but they were in the top ten. And yet, Marsha was not content. There was something missing. And it was missing in their sex life. Earl was… too fast. He wasn’t a two-minute wonder. Nor was he a “Wham, bam, thank you ma’am” kind of lover. He would often spend at least half an hour in...

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My wifes BBW Grandma

I am 28 years old and my wife is 26. She is 5'2" tall and weighs 105 lbs soaking wet. ;-) we had been married for a couple years when my wife's grandfather passed away and left her grandma all alone. She is 76 years old and the family didn't think she should live alone. We have a 3 bedroom home. Planning to have k**s but we don't have any as of yet. So we invited her to come live with us. So she moved over 2,000 miles to come live with us in CA. I had never met Eunice before but I had seen pics...

2 years ago
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A Walk In the Park

Two weeks ago, my man took me out to dinner at a lovely little restaurant on the other end of town. It’s always fun to have the opportunity to actually dress up for him and he had such a wonderfully hungry look in his eyes when he told me how pretty I looked. ***It made me remember our first date, three months ago, when he'd leaned forward and told me to take my panties off and place them on the table. I reflexively looked around the crowded restaurant, afraid someone had overhead. It wasn’t...

1 year ago
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Snowball fight

It all started when I was around 14 years old, just getting used to growing up and learning about my sexuality. I was interested in trying new things, especially with girls. I lived in a pleasant town, with lots of friends in my neighborhood. But one stood out. A few houses down lived a Stacey, who was a year younger. Though she hadn’t developed fully, she was a striking figure with milky, smooth skin and fiery red hair that I couldn’t stop thinking about. She was small, about 4 feet 8 at the...

2 years ago
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Girl FagChapter 5

In the morning I had to find a good spot to hide my brand new dildo! Well, nobody really messed with anybody else's stuff anyway. I mean, living with seven other people under one roof sort of meant that whatever privacy you could give was the same as what you'd get. I just stuffed my cock under my mattress. I didn't think Daddy would ever go looking under there for anything, especially since that's where I kept my menstrual pads and stuff ... Not used ones! I just put them under there...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Modern Neighbor In Delhi

Hey, this is Sameer. You can contact me at or you can contact me on FB through the same id. I assure your secrecy and privacy. I am a nice human being with a great heart. This happens in September 2017. I moved to a new place It was my holiday. I was getting bored at home and I didn’t know anyone there. So I made a cup of coffee and came to the balcony. Balconies of all houses are adjacent to one after one. I saw a woman in mid-thirties standing on another balcony. We exchanged a glimpse with...

3 years ago
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Caught My Wife Cheating Pt 2

I was just replacing the receiver when Annie came in and asked me "who was that on the Phone?" I told her it was Z and that he said he’s coming over in about an hour. What else did he say she asked me as if she already knew? He said he’s bringing Carl with him. He also told me to make sure your pussy and ass is completely shaved for them. Oh how exciting I better get ready she said. Then Annie added, wait til you see the size of Carl’s enormous black cock. But two guys? I said?, Z and Carl...

1 year ago
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College Days

I was teaching an orientation class in my major as part of my doctoral studies. This was primarily to introduce the prospective new majors to the field in general. This particular profession is one that has many more women than men practicing; therefore, the same is true with its classes. There were 30 in the class, and 28 were coeds. Since this was being taught in the summertime, and the college was located in the southeast U.S., the students often wore as little as they could get by with....

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Topsy Turvy World

TOOPSY, TURVY WORLD Mum he's morphing, I think he is already changed. What? I'm telling you mum, your ugly caterpillar son, Jamie, has changed into a pretty butterfly. How would know about morphing? I have been paying close attention and something is going on. Look at his eye lashes, see how long they have gotten. You mean you've been spying on Jamie, Sandra said, I told you this was going to be very tough for him and I do not think you know enough to even make a guess...

1 year ago
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The GauntletChapter 7

“You enjoy playing with fire, too much,” Adam Louvel told his master as he sipped his warm wine. “One day, a jealous husband is going to be the fire that burns you.” “If it hasn’t happened by now, my friend, I don’t believe it will. Most men know their wives are unfaithful, but they turn a blind eye to the truth. They don’t want to know that their wives find better pleasure from me than from them. In fact, they should thank me. After their wives have been in my bed, they return home with a...

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A Beautiful WIsh Chp 2 Song of the New Day

A Beautiful Wishby 800ibgorrilaChapter 2:  Song of the New DayLight poured in through George's bedroom window and splashed directly across his face.  He had tried to fight the growing realization that he was awake by covering himself with a pillow and willing himself back into a dream with Dawn.  But he eventually gave up, and picked himself up off the bed.  He looked around hopefully, but she was no where to be found.  The mood enhancing candles and furnishings were gone, and back were his...

3 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Sofie

I can't begin to tell you how amazing my sex life has been since I've dropped all my past inhibitions and opened myself up to the joys of girl/girl sex, threesomes, swinging, anal sex, strapon play, and even the occasional venture into watersports. It's been an exciting rollercoaster ride with dozens of unbelievable encounters. One of the things I enjoy the most is seeing some of my friends being turned on for the first time in some or these experiences. Ever since my original lesbian encounter...

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The Methuselah ComplexChapter 6

Four days after winning the State Championship, our new bedroom was finished. I was stunned when I got home from school that day to find a custom-made bed gracing the huge room. The bed was half again as wide as a king-size bed, making it comfortable for five people and a cozy fit for six. The attached bathroom had two toilets in it, and a shower stall big enough to comfortably hold six people--seven if they were really good friends. The room included a small kitchenette, complete with a...

1 year ago
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Is it really Nine Inchs Gay

Just arriving home at 4 in the morning, a salty yet intoxicating taste lingering in my mouth, I felt I should put my thoughts down before retiring. After all, I had just sucked a cock for the first time, and it was a wonderful experience I had waited oh, too long to try. I now knew it wouldn't be my last, so I decided that, at least for my own sake, I should describe the feelings so I could relive them again and again.I am an average white male, so I thought, who has been out of the loop since...

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