Spotlights Ch. 04 free porn video

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Author’s Note:

This story is complete fantasy. Any resemblance to people, living or dead, companies or inventions is purely accidental.

The story will make more sense if chapters 1 to 3 are read first.


Chapter 4 – A compromise is proposed

Jenny had fun dressing up for the dinner party in a white corduroy shirt with gold buttons, a grey tartan mini-skirt, thick red woollen stockings, black patent leather shoes and giant gold hoop earrings. She ought to have looked like a teenage fashion victim but she looked fabulous.

Samantha and David arrived promptly, bearing flowers and wine. Jenny and Peter met them formally at the door, where Jenny introduced Samantha and David to Peter. He shook their hands and offered to take their coats while Samantha gave Jenny her flowers and David presented a bottle of Sancerre.

Samantha was taller and older than Jenny and just as beautiful as Jenny had said. She wore a slinky black dress, tight about her slim waist to emphasise her curves and generous cleavage: the word ‘voluptuous’ might have been invented for her. In her spiky high heels, she exuded power and confidence. Jenny glanced at Peter to check he wasn’t drooling but he kept himself under control. David was shorter, stouter and older than Peter: the sparkle in his eye seemed to defy the conventionality of his grey suit. With an approving smile at Jenny, Peter took their coats to the cloakroom.

The four made small talk about village matters while Peter opened David’s bottle and filled their glasses, but it was clear that Jenny and Samantha were eager to discuss their project, so they huddled together on the sofa while David and Peter got to know each other. David lectured on art-history at the local university and had only a philosophical interest in business, which suited Peter fine at the moment. They discussed painting, music, poetry and the state of the nation and were quickly becoming good friends when a timer in the kitchen alerted Jenny and Peter to the imminence of dinner.

During dinner, Jenny fidgeted a good deal and could not sit still. The injury to her bottom was bothering her. Occasionally, when she sat down abruptly, she tried to cover moans of discomfort by coughing or jumping back up to fetch something or other, which greatly amused the sadistic Peter.

The dinner and wines were lovely and promoted conversation. Samantha and Jenny wanted to know what their husbands had discussed and, when told, made their own contributions to the topics of the Flemish Primitives and the cantatas of Bach.

The main course over, Peter asked Samantha and Jenny if they were ready to say what they had been concocting.

‘Not quite yet, Peter,’ Jenny answered, ‘but if David and you don’t mind us continuing to discuss it now, we think you may be able to contribute.’

‘I doubt it in my case,’ said David, ‘though I would be pleased to listen. Sam hasn’t told me anything yet.’

For David’s sake, Jenny began with a short description of Lumenite, then Samantha took over, telling them about the business partnership they had been discussing and the possible conference centre contract. If they won the contract, they would have about six months to get Lumenite into production. Sam’s plan was to buy an existing business and convert it. She had a company in mind, in fact, in the local town. She thought they could acquire and retool it for about a million pounds.

‘Is that a lot or a little for a manufacturing business?’ asked David.

‘A little, in this case,’ answered Samantha.

‘What’s wrong with the business, then?’

‘You cynic, David, but actually you are right. Like many businesses that are suffering from the recession, it’s headed for receivership. It’s a small firm but it will do for a start and we can expand later. This part of the deal is new to Jenny, so I’ll tell you as much as I can.’

‘This should be interesting. I don’t think Sam’s ever lost in a business deal,’ said David, ‘not that I always approve her methods’ he added in a stage whisper to Peter.

Samantha ignored his comment and continued:

‘The company I am thinking of buying has got itself in debt during the recession and will close soon if someone doesn’t come up with a large loan. What I plan to do is wait for it to fail and make an offer to the receivers.’

‘Won’t that take a long time?’ Peter asked. ‘Aren’t receivers slow to dispose of assets?’

‘That would have been an objection but now Jenny has proposed a solution. I didn’t realise, Peter, that you run a manufacturing firm: I thought Jenny told me you are an engineer.’

‘I still do some engineering design but I have been promoted into management. I don’t actually run the business: I report to the owner.’

‘I see. Well, Jenny said your company makes the prototype Lumenite but you are not geared up for mass production, so what I thought was that we should use your company to fulfil orders until our own factory gets going. You see, my original plan was to step in with a last-minute loan for this failing company in exchange for a controlling interest, but with your help I won’t need to and Jenny and I can wait a while and buy it outright for a song.’

‘Sam, I am not sure I agree with this plan.’ Jenny cautioned: ‘I would rather Peter’s company did all the manufacturing.’

‘You said they don’t have the capacity,’ Samantha rejoined, ‘and, besides, buying the failing business is an opportunity we cannot pass up. Not only do we get the plant and premises cheaper, we don’t have to pay off the staff or the previous owner, and we can hire the staff back at reduced wages.’

‘Sam, Dear, you are quite immoral,’ said David.

‘Why is it immoral to buy something for the best price one can get? You didn’t pay over the odds for your new car, David: you shopped around to find the best value for money. This company has little value under its present owner and will be good value when he is gone and Jenny and I invest on new plant. As for the staff: they have no prospects at the moment but will have real prospects under Jenny and me, so why should we pay them more than the market rate, which happens to be lower at the moment?’

Jenny and David were both about to make objections but Peter, who had gone red in the face as she was speaking, stalled them, shooting a question at Sam:

‘How do you know the business will fail and not be saved by a last-minute loan from someone else?’

‘Because I am advising the bank which is the company’s main creditor’ she replied, not noticing the aggression in his voice.

‘And this company: is it Culpepper Electronics?’

‘How do you know that?’ Samantha asked.

‘Because I work for Culpepper Electronics. You’re Sam Johnson.’ Peter stood, accusing her: ‘You’re the bitch who’s ruining my company!’

They were all shocked by this angry insult.

David got up to put a protective hand on Samantha’s shoulder, saying to Jenny ‘I am afraid we have to be going now. It was a lovely dinner, thank you….’ Samantha was stupefied. Jenny also stood up briskly and exclaimed: ‘David, you and Sam have to stay’ and, turning to Peter, she took his arm in her hands and said: ‘Peter, Sam is our guest!’

Peter collected himself for a minute, then put his hand over Jenny’s to reassure her and turned to Samantha saying:

‘I apologise, Samantha. Please will you forgive my outrageous language? I had no right to insult you and I deeply regret it. I hope that for Jenny’s sake you will excuse my rudeness and not leave early. Jenny, David, I am sincerely sorry for my outburst.’

‘Yes, Sam, you must stay, please?’ Jenny implored.

David then said to his wife, ‘Sam, I call that a handsome apology. What do you say?’

‘I don’t accept it,’ she answered, sternly: ‘We should leave.’

‘But I want to stay, Sam, so I accept Peter’s apology on your behalf.’

Peter and Jenny shared a
look but said nothing.

‘You can’t do that, David’ Samantha protested.

‘I can and I do,’ he insisted ‘for two reasons: first, according to a prerogative you cannot dispute, and, second, because Peter is quite right: you are a bitch.’

‘David, really!’

‘Don’t deny it, Sam, considering the stories you have told me of how you take over companies, push people out of your way and take advantage of every trick of the law to crush your rivals. The word ‘bitch’ sums it up nicely. You revel in your power over people and never stint yourself in employing it.’

‘You’ve never complained of my business methods before, David.’

‘No, God forgive me, I have always admired your cunning, but you were ruining people I didn’t know, or who stupidly thought they were ruining you. In the present case, it is personal and I take Peter’s side: you should leave his company alone.’

‘You are naïve, David. This is how business works. If I were a man, you would not call me a ‘bitch’: you would admire my drive, my energy, my hard-headed determination.’

David sat down to consider this seriously.

‘Is it true?’ he asked Jenny and Peter. ‘Am I being naïve?’

Peter let Jenny answer first.

‘If so, David, then I am also naïve. I believe business is about trust and decency as well as profit and I don’t see how putting one over on the other fellow fits in. Sorry, Sam, but a businessman’s credo is ‘my word is my bond’ and Bob Martins gave his word about that loan. … As for expecting Sam to act differently from a man in the same circumstances: Sam, I assume you are not one of those idiot feminists who says men and women are equal and then demands special privileges for women to make them so?’

‘Of course not,’ said Samantha. ‘God, no!’ corroborated David.

‘Then I agree it is unfair to call Sam a ‘bitch’ when we would admire the forthrightness of a man, but, you see, I do not admire forthrightness if it is dishonourable.’

‘And you, Peter?’ David asked.

‘It is hard for me to answer because it is my company involved, but actually I think you and Jenny are somewhat naïve, David. There is honour and decency in business but also contest and rivalry, which I have learned to approve since I took on more managerial tasks. Sometimes bad businessmen should be taken advantage of because they otherwise spread incompetence: they use up resources or staff that might be better employed elsewhere. In my case, I objected to Sam’s actions because I could see no reason for her to ruin Culpepper’s. Now that I know what her plan is, my objection is purely personal, not commercial.’

Samantha granted Peter an appreciative look at the end of his speech.

‘So what are we to do in this case?’ David asked.

‘Nothing,’ said Samantha. ‘Jenny may disapprove my methods but she cannot suggest a better plan. And now we know that the company I wanted to use to ease my takeover of Culpepper Electronics is Culpepper’s itself, the revised plan is moot and the original one stands: Jenny and I will take over Culpepper’s in lieu of its bank debt and Lumenite will become a great success. Don’t you agree, Jenny?’

‘No, Sam, I don’t. I don’t want to profit from Horace’s bad luck.’

‘If we don’t, Jenny, then someone else will,’ Samantha said gently ‘and the jobs of Peter and his staff will be lost anyway.’

‘That need not be the case, however,’ said David: ‘I can see a way to resolve the problem. Sam must compromise. Sam, you can grant Culpepper’s an extension of the loan and offer a new loan, can’t you, so that Culpepper’s can buy new plant to put Lumenite into production?’

‘That’s not a compromise, David,’ Samantha protested, ‘That’s a surrender.’

‘It may not be a business compromise but it is a compromise between your business principles and your social principles.’

‘Which social principles?’ Samantha asked.

‘Your friendship with Jenny. I don’t want Jenny to break with you, which will surely happen when you make her husband jobless.’

‘I don’t think that’s likely to happen. Jenny and I will be business partners because no one can be as useful for Lumenite at the moment as me. Assuming Jenny could bid for the conference centre contract, she needs to solve the technical problems of Lumenite first, but Culpepper’s has no cash for research, nor can it invest in the new plant necessary for large-scale production. What assets can Jenny borrow against? Culpepper’s will never survive long enough to produce Lumenite commercially. Jenny’s only hope is in partnership with me.’

‘That’s all true, Jenny’ said Peter.

‘However, for Jenny’s sake, I am prepared to offer this compromise: we offer Culpepper’s a last-minute loan, as I intended, to make Jenny and me co-owners and we re-open as Lumenite Limited with Peter as general manager and we keep those members of staff who want to stay on renegotiated contracts. What do you say?’

‘Brilliant,’ said David, with genuine admiration. ‘No,’ said Jenny, firmly.

‘Think about it first, Darling,’ advised Peter. ‘It’s a good offer, even if it leaves Horace with nothing.’

‘I wasn’t thinking about Horace, Peter, I was thinking about us.’

‘If you mean that I will be taking orders from you and Sam, then you know it would not bother me in the slightest.’

‘It would bother me, though’ Jenny insisted.

During this exchange, Samantha had granted Peter a respectful look and now addressed herself to him, saying:

‘Peter, I am sorry I was ungracious before. I do accept your apology.’

‘I am glad,’ he replied. ‘Thank you.’

‘Incidentally, Peter, Johnson was my maiden name: I kept it for business purposes.’

‘Now that we are all friends again,’ said David, relishing his assumed role as adjudicator, ‘surely we can reach a compromise. I proposed one idea. Sam proposed another, which Peter seems to approve. Do you have an alternative idea, Jenny?’

‘I do, David, but I am still thinking it over. I need to do some working out.’

Jenny then fetched a notepad and a pencil and began jotting down ideas as the others continued the argument. Peter was saying:

‘I approve Sam’s second plan but with a minor amendment so that Horace gets his pension, the staff who stay keep their current wages and those staff who want to leave are treated generously.’

David was impressed with this idea as well but Samantha quickly rejected it saying that it could cost their partnership half-a-million pounds. Jenny had stopped writing to pay attention while Peter spoke, then she returned to her sums and (a sure sign of her deep thinking) began tapping the pad with her pencil.

The discussion, accompanied in the background by Jenny’s scribbling and tapping, ebbed and flowed without progress, despite solid interjections by Peter and requests for clarification by David. Some time later, Jenny stabbed an emphatic full stop on her notepad and underlined her final entry. She raised her head to see everyone looking expectantly at her.

‘Sorry,’ she said, ‘I’ve not been following all the discussion. What happened after Peter’s proposal was rejected?’

‘It’s been an impasse ever since, I am afraid.’ David answered: ‘My compromise is utterly rejected by Sam. You still reject Sam’s second proposal, I suppose?’

‘If it is the same, then I do so, emphatically.’

‘And because Peter’s idea might cost you and Sam more (or because it is kind to Horace Culpepper, I am not sure which), Sam rejects it just as emphatically, though it seems reasonable to me and satisfies your requirements of honour and decency. Are you ready to tell us your idea, Jenny?’

She was. Jenny’s idea was that Sam should retire Horace honourably and get the bank to make Peter a loan so that he could become part-owner as well as manager of Culpepper’s. Meanwhile, Samantha and Jenny would start Lumenite Limited, the two companies to remain separate.

She had figures and projec
tions to support her case, the main advantage of which was that it kept the engineering laboratory open and staffed, so that Peter could also work on the only serious technical problem she still had to solve for Lumenite, the problem of the limited range of communications signals in the material.

‘Surely you have an answer for that, already,’ said Samantha to Jenny.

‘Yes, but it is expensive and unwieldy. I would like to improve it, and Culpepper’s would help.’

‘So would any other electrical engineering firm,’ Samantha insisted. ‘Or you may solve it yourself any day: you’ve only been thinking deeply about the problem for a day or so.’

This got the argument going again but soon reached the same impasse. Samantha simply would not accept anything that was less profitable than her own proposal or left her with less power. If Culpepper’s were to be saved, and Peter its manager, then he would have to work for Samantha and Jenny. Peter had meanwhile become very thoughtful and quiet, whereas Jenny was now an animated advocate of her own idea. David also settled back to observe, so the argument became a contest between the two women.

After about fifteen more minutes of fruitless discussion, a lull gave Peter an opportunity to offer everyone brandies. They all accepted and as he got up to pour them, David said he would come and help. At the drinks cabinet, David said quietly to Peter:

‘I have noticed that Jenny cannot sit down for long comfortably. Tell me to shut up and mind my own business but I wonder if you were not being entirely figurative yesterday when you said Jenny would be ‘tied up all evening’?’

‘Shut up and mind your own business,’ Peter said with a conspiratorial smile. When David smiled in response, it was like a Masonic handshake between the men. Satisfied with each other, they returned to the table with the drinks, where Samantha and Jenny were no nearer agreement.

Another half-hour of argument produced no resolution. The women had locked horns and neither would give ground. Samantha objected that Peter was bringing no capital into the company and there was no collateral for Culpepper’s loan. Jenny, meanwhile, utterly refused to consider owning the company Peter worked for.

To the men, both women seemed to hold unreasonable positions and so, looking for a way out of the impasse, David thought it might help if he had a private word with Samantha. This suited Jenny, who wanted to speak privately to Peter, so the couples retired to opposite ends of the house.

In the lounge, David asked Samantha if she would accept Jenny’s compromise for his sake.

‘Why for your sake, David?’

‘Because I like Peter and Jenny. We have some regular friends: I have University colleagues, drinking friends, friends in the rugby club, and you have business associates and fellow patrons of the Opera, but we have no friends like Peter and Jenny: intellectual and passionate, with whom we have other interests in common.’

‘You know you can command me to agree, David.’

‘I want this to come from you, Sam.’

‘Then, no.’

David looked thoughtfully at his wife and nodded his acceptance of her decision.

In the kitchen, Jenny said to Peter:

‘I think I understand the key to Sam’s motivation but I need to ask her some questions to be sure, and, for her to understand why I have proposed my compromise, I will need to tell them about our relationship. May I have your permission to do so?’

‘Yes, Jenny, you may.’

‘Will you back me up in the compromise I propose, even though it is different from your own?’

‘Yes, I will, Jenny.’

‘Thank you, Peter.’

Back at the table, Jenny began by saying she needed to ask some questions of Samantha.

‘Sam: Peter told me that three Culpepper employees tried to negotiate the loan extension with you. First was Helen, who came back in tears, then Malcolm, the accountant, who was apparently humiliated, and then you rebuffed Horace.’

‘Helen was that pretty but vacant blond girl?’ Samantha asked. ‘She was completely unprepared and surprised to find I was a woman. It was a joke sending her. She couldn’t even find a spreadsheet she created herself. Malcolm had the data in the right order but he was a long streak of piss. As for Horace, old-world charm may work at the gentleman’s club, but I am no gentleman.’

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I’m writing this account to share with readers what happened when I finally gave in to my husband’s constant pleading for me to have sex with another man. My husband has fantasized about me being with a black man for years now. I resisted for years, telling him truthfully that my body was only for him, and that I didn’t want to share myself. Still, he continued to badger me over the subject. He constantly wanted to role play using a black dildo that we purchased. I would play along. Sometimes...

2 years ago
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Dads Transformation Suit

Hi, my name is Dave Smith and today was gonna be the weirdest day of my live! See, I was home from college when Dad was coming on to me and asked me if I was willing to help him test his newest invention... "Dad, what the fuck is that!?" I asked him as he was doning some sort of costume. "That, son, is my transformation suit! Watch this!". Next he started to glow, seconds later an attractive woman stood in his place! "And, did it work?" she asked. It came out in the voice of my Dad! "Dad!?...

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New Friends in the City a Hartstein Story

This picks up where Hartstein ends , it’s a year later, and Paul is working with the editors on the finalization of his novel. Carol is no longer the leading editor working with Paul and it seemed that each day brought someone new into play as the many details of finalizing a novel before publication begin to overwhelm him. But he was buoyed by the fact that he now had a publication date and his world was spinning faster and faster with each passing day. The work and its many ramifications...

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Alexander The Office Vampire

Every morning as she came into the office, she brought a bouquet of fresh flowers that she placed in the vase on her desk. She threw out the old ones, although they were only 24 hours old, rinsed out the vase, poured fresh water in and delicately arranged the flowers in it. Always dressed in the most outrageously sexual outfits, sometimes, very short skirts with white knee-high platform boots, other times long dresses very low cut on the bosom and slit to the hips, with stiletto heels of all...

4 years ago
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Donna And Megan Part 1

As she took another sip , she thought to herself…. ” I'm tired of being alone , I want to share my life with someone…someone I can support and mentor ” but she didn’t know where to start.. So she went to the one place she could possibly find an answer…. “Google” … and after a couple of hours she landed on “seeking”, she made an account and started looking for prospective partners. After weeding out many fake and desperate profiles, she came across a profile. It was of a...

1 year ago
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BangBus Carmen Rae Wild 19 yo Gets Fucked on The Bus

This week the BangBus came across this young nineteen year old on the side of the road leaning on her car. Apparently she had ran out of gas and her father went to the gas station to bring some gas. We talked her up and convinced her to jump in our van just as her father was getting back. We ditched him. She called him up and climbed to her that we were her friends. On the bus it was easy to convince this money hungry chick to do anything. We got our boy Derrick Ferrari to stretch her tiny...

3 years ago
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Sex Starved Housewife Seduced

I am a 29-year-old guy working in an MNC in Bangalore with a good height, average built and attractive looks.So as I had recently shifted into a new flat near my office I was in need of a good dining table. I started seeing a few of them online but they appeared costly until I found a few good second-hand ones in a Web portal which offers second-hand products from real users. I particularly shortlisted a few good ones within my budget and texted them for availability and pictures.The next day I...

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My Slut Sister

"Yes Chelsea it tastes just like chicken." Spencer laughs hard making her 32DD breasts nearly flap out of her small tank top."Well then why would you ask me how his cock tastes?" She chuckles more flipping the channel to the TV. Leaning back against the couch, she pushes her mini skirt up slightly. "Justin was big, but not as big as Mike, luckily I had both last night." She began to run her short manicured finger up and down the outline of her pussy.Just talking about sex, was enough to get her...

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Tigerlovers beautiful body burnt into my har

Life is boring. I often look forward to an event or chat that will bring me something extra. And sometimes I happen to have a chat that brings excitement and pure joy, exaltation. The chat to beat all chats. And because there is no such thing as chance, I convince myself that I deserve these lucky shots. Because I am a good guy and am nearly always nice to people ...It all started - as ever - quite innocently. On Xhamster. Contact, chit-chat, no strings attached, wow, this is nice! And also:...

1 year ago
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SeducedByACougar Hot Ass Hollywood 31691

Juan is delivering a package to Hot Ass Hollywood and Hollywood notices how could it is outside so she invites him in for a drink. Juan accepts but he seems nervous, so Hollywood asks if it’s cause of the reputation she has earned amongst the delivery guys in her area. Juan nods as he has heard that Hollywood is a hot cougar who likes to keep her delivery guys happy. Well, the rumors he has heard are true and Hollywood takes Juan’s cock out of his pants and starts going to work on...

3 years ago
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The fiery Doctor part 4

Chapter 1 Standing there, in the distance, were both Mark and Katelynn. “Mark! What the hell are you doing out of the hospital? For that matter how did you get out of the hospital? How did you find me here? My cell phone is still at work.” Mark and Kat just stood there “Hello can you two hear me? This isn’t fucking funny!” “Of course, it’s not funny Emi, but neither is going off the grid.” Mark said calmly “As to your other questions: We both were worried sick about you. As to getting...

1 year ago
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BlowJobFridays Sarai Minx Sarai Sucks Off the Newbie

So Jay thinks he has what it takes to be a stud for Bang Bros. As we all know there is only a select few that can achieve that. So, it’s time for him to prove himself. In comes Sarai Minx, one of the hottest ebony stars in the business. She’s equipped with big juicy tits and a round tight ass. Not to mention those luscious lips. She immediately takes of his pants and we get to witness his cock getting bigger in her mouth. Being the pro that she is, she sucks, slurps, chokes and gets titty...

3 years ago
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Mothers Milk Farm

Molly had celebrated her sixteenth birthday at a wild lesbian party on Valentine's Day; Rachael was three months older, but really submissive, always preferring to be tied up during childhood rough and tumble games.Sex Education in this Erotic Literature Fantasy Land is highly problematic for teachers and students alike. As the High School Human Biology Teacher, Ms Lizzy Jones has to ensure that only the sixteen-year-olds are allowed to talk about human reproduction and sexuality, promulgating...

College Sex
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A Special Day

I wanted to tell you about a special night that Bill, my master and I had last Friday night. Bill told me during lunchtime Friday that he had special plans for me that night and he told me specifically what he wanted me to be wearing when he got home. So I rushed home after work and showered and got ready for a special night with Bill. I put on the full head rubber mask that gives me a woman’s face. I make up that face heavily so that it looks the most white trash slutty I can make it. Then I...

4 years ago
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New neighbors Pt 2

I went back to their house I went out back and Buster quickly came around to greet me. I rubbed his head and talked to him. I then went and got his bowls, filled one with fresh water and the other with his dry food. As I bent down to put his food bowl down he quickly climbed up on me and knocked me down. He was in a playful mood so I played with him a bit and then he went to his food bowl to begin eating. I went back to my house and waited til it was dark out before going back...

2 years ago
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Wills new home Part 8

Introduction: Wills cover is blown, and so is Annas will he escape the clutches of Rev. Greene? (4:15 AM, Rocky-Mountain-Time, Brownsville, Nevada) Will and Maggie both slept in their bedrooms, enjoying the comfort of a good nights sleep. As they dreamt, however, four police officers, from the Farm( nonetheless), showed up at the house. Blearing their sirens and jumping form their squad-cars, the officers quickly broke through the Reeds door. Maggie was the first to hear the noise and ran...

1 year ago
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Rising Star

“How the fuck could you be so stupid?’ A well-manicured, glossy red fingernail tapped the picture on the front page of a German newspaper. The headline read, “English actress and star of new tv show leaves club with German woman.” Admittedly the headline wasn’t exactly contentious but the picture which showed her hand inside the top of my dress could claim to be. The dress had been selected that night because I wanted to get laid and the club I’d been to was somewhat notorious as a place where...

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sissy baby Jenny is a cuckold

Posted April 13. 2020By sissybabysusie aka babydicksissyCHAPTER ONE: It all started from a phone call from my wife Susie,"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?,.....YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HOME AN HOUR AGO..YOU NEED TO GET HERE DAMN QUICK..NOW JOHNATHAN ..WE NEED A SERIOUS TO TALK ! ".What the hell is all this about I thought.Susie could be quite assertive if she had to be .Susie was typically reserved ,quite sweet, kind to others,always helpful .Her stunning looks have no doubt helped her promotion working...

4 years ago
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Akeli Meeta Ko Pool Mein Choda 8211 Part 9

Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.Main iti krta hun.Ek young lady geeta jo bahut ameer thi uske saath sex ki ye kahani hai.Geeta apne peeher chali gai.Uski judwan bahan meeta ki panch din tak chudai ki kahani hai.Ye story number 9 hai..Koi bhabhi ya lady mujhe is id pr contect kare… Hum dono bahut khush the.Itne bade ghar mein sirf main aur hot meeta dono nange hi rahte.Sara din jo jee mein aata wo sab karte…Sath khate sath khelte sath masti krte.Mera jab jee krta main meeta ko pakad...

2 years ago
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Never Enough

I pull my smartphone from under my pillow and look for that message icon on the top left side of the screen. You are the only one on earth who knows my private messenger name and who has ever heard my voice through the cyber channels. Over the past month, I’ve slowly revealed myself to you, but not less intimately. I realize I might have made you uncomfortable yesterday when I exposed my breasts to you; but you told me not to apologize. However, you didn’t tell me not to do it again. Your...

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Forget the Apple Have the Tree Instead

       The apartment was quiet. It had been this way since Tina left. John Harding sat quietly at his kitchen table. The day's newspaper lay spread out in front of him, yet he hadn't read a single word from it. Tina had left a week ago, and he hadn't heard from her since. This happened on occassion after they had a big fight, but only for a day or two, not a week.        The first moment he began to worry, he decided to call Tina's mother. When her mother answered she seemed a little angry that...

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Hearts on FireChapter 11

A thumping sound awoke Sam with a start. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Sally wasn't in bed. Then she heard the sound again. She looked above her head and saw something hit the window. When she got up and looked outside, a smile came to her face. She saw Sally standing outside in the snow, throwing snowballs at the window. Sally waved and pointed at the "snowwoman" that the two of them had started yesterday. Another smile came to Sam's face when she saw that Sally had finished...

4 years ago
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Seashells Ch 01

Part 1 of 6 Copyright @calibeachgirl All rights reserved, 2012 Thanks to Lewis, Bill and Elliot for their support… * There was an urgent knocking on the apartment door. William Doyle, Bill to his friends, finally waking up into the morning sun, pulled on a pair of trousers and went to answer it. A Western Union boy was there, holding out a telegram in his left hand, his open right palm waiting for what he considered the customary tip. After taking the telegram, Bill reached into his pocket...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Bambi Black Mutual Attraction

Bambi Black may be a bit of a tomboy, but she still has plenty of feminine needs as her stepbrother Matt Douglas is about to discover. He joins Bambi as she’s playing video games in her room. As they chat, Matt admits that he saw Bambi in the shower and thought she was pretty hot. Bambi is cool with it since they’re only stepsiblings, especially since the attraction is mutual. Now that they’ve both confessed they have the hots for each other, Bambi sees no reason to wait...

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Angela watched as the car pulled closer and closer before parking a few short feet away, a sickening nervousness forming in her belly the entire while. She never moved from her station by the mailbox. Perversely, the sight of the driver made her feel all the worse. Paula represented exactly 50% of Angela's BFF tandem. Their absent friend was precisely the reason they were here and not someplace that promised to be much more fun, or at least much less awkward. "Hey." "Hey," Angela...

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Instant Messenger BroSis

This story is unlike any other stories you have ever read. This is an actual role that me and my boyfriend have done. I have cleaned it up a bit, so there are fewer spelling mistakes. Please do not leave comments on bad grammar and spelling. This is a real instant messenger conversation. Just in case you don't know, lol = laugh out loud. When there is a set of two paranthesis, likes this ((word)), it's me and him breaking out of the role. I hope you enjoy the story because it is really good and...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Victoria Lobov Double Penetration For Victoria

Busty beauty Victoria Lobov is watching a Danielle Derek scene on her phone and loving it. Victoria plays with her big, sexy tits and spits on them, getting more and more excited. Victoria fingers her slick pussy, moaning and purring. She wants more so she pleasures her tight pussy and ass with two glass dildos, double-penetrating herself. Just as she’s getting warmed up, Will walks into the bedroom and wants to know what’s going on. “I was watching Danielle Derek,”...

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1.01 Sean, Prelude to a New Life: 1.02 Sean, Sara Intervenes: 1.03 Sean, Enema, Hair Removal: 1.04 Sara, Sean, Chair, Preparation: 1.05 Sean, Chair, First Ejaculation: 1.06 Sean, Chair, Breast Growth: 1.07 Sean, Chair, Urethra, Prostate: 1.08 Sean, Chair, Urethra, Labia, Vagina: 1.09 Sean, Chair, Urethra, Erection Enhancement: 1.10 Sean, Chair, First Dual Orgasms: 1.11 Sean, Chair, Feminization: 1.12 Susan, Sean, Harness, Deepthroat: 1.13 Susan, Sean, Harness, Sybian: 1.14 Susan,...

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Sues Woodshop

She knew she had a couple of minutes before the next period so she took her time. As she entered the woodshop she tried to remember the last time her husband had fucked her. Sue chuckled as she remembered that it was after their fourth of July party and she was so drunk she’d barely felt a thing. Her smile turned to a frown as she realized that July was three months ago. It’d been three months since her husband had fucked her. As the door behind her opened she buried her thoughts and put on a...

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Hotel Gurl

I had posted an ad on Backpage and received the standard amount of online responses from the mouth breathers or the spammers. One response was very nice that read “nice pic! I’ll be getting into Tampa on the night of the 14th, staying for a few days. MWM, 6’ 3”, 250 pounds, DDF, late 50s, safe, clean, discreet. I’ll be staying the Hilton downtown and would love to get together.” We started texting back and forth and he seemed pretty sincere. He told me his name was Alan and that he is in town...

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True Indian story

Hi friends, I am from India, the country field with traditions. But unaware whether they are true or not.. At the age of 19tn when I was doing my first year, I always loved to visit my uncles place in India we are loved by our uncles. Actually my uncle was married late, he had a love affair, but the family forced him to marry with some other girl. My aunty was great today she is old ( Uncle is civil engineer and aunty is a teacher). So after there marriage when I visited there place. I...

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A Kind of Homecoming Part 2

A kind of homecoming (Part two): In the first part of my story I shared with you how my husband Rob had got demobbed from the military. It had been hard being a military wife, not knowing if your husband was ever going to come home again or if he was going to come home was he going to be maimed? On top of this I was not getting enough sex because Rob was never there. I explained to you how I had become an escort girl because I wanted more money and because I missed having a man in...

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My fantasy about my neighbor

I have always fantasized about getting caught (by someone older than me) smelling someones dirty panties. This one of my fantasies that I have about a single mom that lived across the street from me, and she had huge breasts!! I have been over many times fixing something at her house. When I am alone, I would usually be able to fined one of her dirty panties or thong and smell them and then I would lick them and imagine how her pussy would taste in my mouth. One day when I was fixing her...

2 years ago
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Eve Chapter One

                     EVE, CHAPTER 1     I met Eve, about 10 years ago, in 1998, as we were studying in the same University in the UK . We hanged around a bit, being two people from the exact same place in a foreign country, but nothing more than that. After we graduated, we actually lost contact and we didn’t see each other until about the summer of 2003 when we accidentally met. That girl, had developed a lot over the time I hadn’t seen her. She now...

Love Stories
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Denises First Blowjob

David and several co-workers had planned for several weeks to have an after-work outing. At 20 years old, David was the youngest of the group. April had talked him into going. She was happily married and 13 years his senior. Anything more than friendship was out of the question.When they all arrived, April introduced her babysitter Denise, to the group. She was a 26-year-old blue-eyed brunette with a beautiful smile and a figure that was easy on the eyes. Denise sat across the table from David....

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I just started my senior year in high school exactly one month after my 18th birthday and one year after mom died in a car crash. She and my dad, Hank, were returning from one of their "adult parties" (that's what they called them but I wasn't sure what they were) when they got hit by a drunk driver.Dad's trying to be a good parent but is not particularly knowledgeable or attentive to many feminine things. He knows some things but not others, like buying female supplies. He doesn't understand...

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