The Inheritance - Ex-Wives 1 free porn video

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Richard Stryker

Copyright. R. Stryker 2001.

The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988.

Provided with Permission of my publishers at:

and all my mini novels can also be found at my officialwebsite at:




It had been nearly four long years since they'd divorced and the bitch hadtaken him for every penny he'd had, four long years during which he had waitedpatiently, planned meticulously, and prepared precisely. Now, as Greg Dawsonpeered through the binoculars he could see his ex-wife lounging idly besidethe pool. He smiled to himself for life had a strange way of righting the wrongsthat had been done.

Her almost non-existent, bright blue bikini contrasted with her bronzed flesh.As Dawson watched her he could not but help feel the first stirrings of arousalas the field of view played slowly over her ample 38C bosom, barely containedwithin the blue fabric of the bikini top. The view drifted slowly down herbody to the long, slender legs, and finally his gaze was directed at her crotch.He knew her blond hair was natural, and he knew what lay beneath the knickersshe was wearing. As he remembered the past, and considered what was about tohappen, his erection thrust hard against his pants.

Finding her had been easy. The Private Investigator had experienced no problemin actually finding her, but it had taken Dawson time to put the plan intoaction. Days and nights of careful watching, times when Dawson had felt theadrenalin pump through his body, stiffening his larger than average cock tothe same erection he was experiencing today.

The bungalow was isolated, countrified, and Dawson could see that the womanhad literally landed on her feet. He had spent hours watching her, her laziness,her life of luxury, and her lifestyle fitted perfectly into his plan. It suitedhim also that her new partner spent many days away from the home on a regularbasis.

Dawson had planned for this day. It was the day of his ex-wife's inheritance.She was going to get her rewards for the five years of misery she had put himthrough during the farce of their marriage, the divorce and the five yearssince. She would get her inheritance for the way she had taken everything fromhim, stripped him of his dignity and committed perjury to obtain what she wanted.Finally, the day was at hand, for she was alone and was unlikely to be missedfor several days to come. Dawson had planned it this way and now, as he watchedher from the distant hillside through the powerful binoculars, he felt he couldalmost reach out and touch her. As he watched her tall, slim body, as she playedwith her mid-back length blond hair, his manhood raised its own interest. Shewas his, his for the taking, and now was the time to act.


Listening to the radio show through her Walkman, Julia Dawson failed to hearthe small, white van pull up outside the front of the building. She also failedto hear the back doors being opened. The country road in which she lived wasdeserted, the nearest property several hundred yards further down the road.

The side gate was locked and the perimeter fence was over ten feet tall, soJulia Dawson had no reason to worry. Over four trouble free years without anycontact from her ex-husband had made her lose her fear of reprisal. The trackon the radio ended and for a moment she thought she heard a soft ?plop' sound.The commentator was introducing the next track when she suddenly became awareof the presence behind her.

Julia Dawson looked up in time to see the figure of a tall, strong, muscularman behind her, his face covered by a black mask. She made to scream but wastoo late. The hand came over her mouth and a second hand reached out and grabbedher hair. In seconds she was gasping in the fumes of the chloroform. In deadlysilence she felt the world around her go dark as she slipped into unconsciousness.


The room was dark and not particularly warm. Julia Dawson felt cold as sheslowly returned to consciousness. She tried to stand but couldn't, somethingwas penning her in. She reached out a hand and felt around her. The cage wasno more than four feet square and certainly no higher. Then, as consciousnessreturned more fully she realised the reason for her shivering ? she was naked,naked and trapped in a cage!

Suddenly the light came on to reveal the full details of the room in whichthe cage sat, with her in it. It was a large room, with a high ceiling. Thewalls were of brick and at first glance the room looked like it had once beenused as some kind of gymnasium, or workout room. The low, narrow table, withthe thin, black mattress reminded her of a doctor's examination table. Thebars on the wall, vaulting horse and what looked like a large triangular painter'seasel seemed to indicate the room was being used for storage.

Behind her, the door opened and she gained a second glimpse of the tall, muscularman wearing the mask.

Dawson had been meticulous in his planning. The abduction had gone perfectly,and now his quarry was languishing right where he wanted her. Outside the chamber,the house had the semblance of a typical farmhouse. Rurally situated with noother buildings within quarter of a mile, Dawson had paid a handsome priceto acquire it three years previously. The internal redecoration and constructionof what he liked to call ?the Chamber? had taken time. Now the chamber wasready, and so was his quarry. Behind the eyeholes of the black mask he peeredout at her. When he spoke his voice was strange, the distorter in the mouthpieceassuring his anonymity remained.

?Welcome to nemesis. If you behave you will do better than if you do not.Do as you are told. Precisely,? he hissed the word, ?what you are told. Ifyou do not, you will feel the full extent of my wrath.? Dawson smiled to himself,for she was already shaking from fear. To her, he had always been the wimp.The three years of circuit and weight training had changed that though, addingmuch muscle to his body. At the same time he had discovered within him thepower and desire to do what he had now started. ?Do you understand??

?Yes. Look, who are you, you must have the wrong person.?

?Julia Dawson, aren't you??

?Yes,? she replied, stunned that he knew her name.

?Well, I've got the right person. No more questions and no more talking unlessI tell you to. It's time for you to learn your first lesson.? As Dawson spokehe felt his cock rise in anticipation. ?I'm going to open your cage and youwill crawl out and crawl over to the wall bars.?

Dawson unlocked the padlock on the cage door and opened it. Slowly the womancrawled out and made her way to the bars. Already afraid, she dreaded whatwould happen if she disobeyed him.

?Right, stand up and face the bars.?

She did as she was told. Immediately the man grabbed her left wrist and pulledher arm up above her head, stretching her arm outwards as he did so. She feltthe noose of rope being slipped around the wrist and then being secured toone of the higher bars. Her right wrist was similarly raised, stretched andtied up.

?Now, spread those legs, bitch,? he snarled. She was too slow for his likingso he grabbed her right leg and yanked it sideways. She felt the noose of ropearound her ankle as it was bound tightly to the lowest bar. Then her left legwas similarly yanked sideways and secured.

Suddenly, Julia Dawson realised just how exposed and vulnerable she was. Asshe realised this she felt the rope being placed round her waist. Pulled tightand fastened to the bars she felt the pressure of her pubic bone as it caressedthe wood of the bars. A moment later a second rope was secured halfway up herback, and as it was so, her 38C pale, naked breasts were pushed hard againstthe wall bars.

Dawson stood back and admired her pert, round bottom, white against the tanof her back and legs, stuck out on display, a perfect target. He released thepressure on his zip and freed his cock, a phallus waiting for action.

?I hear you like the feel of the cane,? he leered at the woman. ?Well, wehave plenty of that here. How about a dozen caresses of that beautiful arseof yours for starters?? The question was intended to be rhetorical.

?I hate any pain,? she cried.

?Tough, and in future you can call me master, as a mark of respect. You'reonly getting out of here when you've learned respect, so the quicker you learn,the better it is for you. Also, you'll learn pretty soon that it'll be betterif you agree with what I say. You're in for sixteen strokes now, so what doyou say??


?Okay, what??

?Okay, master.?

?Better, you're starting to learn.?

The woman could not see the cane that Dawson now held in his hand, but sheheard the swish of the practice stroke. A moment later she felt the searingpain as the first stroke skimmed across the very end of her backside, cuttingacross her pale flesh from top to bottom.

?Arrgghh,? she cried out.

?That's right, cry as loud as you like, no one can hear you. The room's soundproofedand anyway there's nobody around for at least a mile.?

The second stroke followed the first one, its downward cutting action addingfurther bruising to the flesh already turning pink from the first contact.The woman gasped again and strained against her bonds, to no effect for Dawsonhad secured her with consummate skill.

The third, fourth and fifth strokes followed in quick succession, each addingto the fiery torture of the rapidly reddening flesh.

?You bastard, I'll kill you for this.?

?I don't think so.? Dawson changed the direction of the next stroke. Insteadof cutting across the flesh in a downward, chopping motion, he stood to oneside, placed the cane squarely across the middle of the now red area and pulledthe cane back. The sixth stroke bit deeply into the woman's left buttock, thewelt from the contact adding to the profusion of marks appearing on her flesh.Dawson added the next six strokes in rapid succession, forming a criss-crossof marks on the flesh, each cutting a new line of torture.

By now tears were streaming from the woman's eyes, and with each contact sheyelled with the pain. The first stroke of the second dozen landed a littlehigher then the rest, creating a fresh mark on what remained of the pale flesh.

Dawson knelt down and examined what he had achieved. He smiled to himselfin satisfaction and delivered three strokes directly across the tender areaof flesh at the top of the woman's legs. It seemed impossible, but she howledlouder than she had done before.

Dawson stood back and waited for her howling to subside. He noticed the puffy,angry, deep blue marks of torture that he had inflicted on the buttocks ofthe woman, the slut who'd denied him any sexual favours for much of their marriage.

?Right, I'm going to untie you, and then you can go and lie down on the table,face up.?

Julia Dawson felt the ropes being loosened and when she was sure she was freeshe turned round.

?Why are you doing this to me?? She asked between sobs.

?Because you deserve it, now no more questions. Get on the couch.? Dawsonhad replaced his manhood in his trousers after the caning had been completed.What he had in mind now would bring him the release he needed.

It took the woman a few minutes to hobble over to the couch, and she wincedfrom the pain as her swollen buttocks met with the cold smoothness of the thin,black mattress.

?Put your legs together.? Dawson was already standing at the foot of the couch.The rope was tied tightly first round her ankles and then under the couch,securing her in place. ?Now it's time for your hands. Drop them off the sidesof the couch.? Fearing the worst, Julia Dawson responded. Again her wristswere tied, separately and then the rope joining them was secured to the table.Tied in this way, her white breasts stood proudly above her bronzed chest,her large pink nipples exposed for whatever was to come.

Dawson put a hand under her chin and tilted her head backwards until her neckwas stretched. The she felt the eye mask as it was forced over the top of herhead and into place. As it covered her eyes, her world went black.

?Open your mouth,? he spoke menacingly, a short distance away in her darkenedplace of fear. She did as commanded and felt a strange object being inserted.Then, as silence returned she felt the object moving and as it did so her mouthwas forced wide open.

Now unable to speak, and with her jaw muscles starting to ache, she felt theice as it rubbed against her nipples. The coldness, yet softness with whichthe wet ice caressed her, brought the pink nipples quickly to attention. Unableto help herself, she felt the first ripples of pleasure flow through her bodyas the unexpectedly pleasurable attention she was receiving aroused her. Asthe ice continued to be played across her breasts and nipples she heard a fainthumming sound. In an instant the device was played mischievously under herleft breast, its gentle action teasing her to a higher state of arousal. Shefelt the motion as it circled her breast moving slowly to the stiff, pink centre.The moment it touched her there she shuddered. The device was then moved tothe other breast and the action repeated. Again she shuddered as the firstthroes of orgasm began to course through her body. Now, her back tried to archas she reached the peak of arousal.

?A few seconds more,? she thought, ?and I won't be able to stop it. A fewmore seconds, she thought, and I'll be in heaven. Come on, here it comes. OhGod, it feels so good,? she was saying to herself. Then, just as she felt sureshe was going to tip over the edge into the blissful state of culmination,the device was withdrawn. Silence. Her arousal diminished and fear returned.

The silence did not last for long for suddenly the very different sound ofa large motor could be heard. As the noise appeared so the couch began to move.The couch tilted so her head was slowly being lowered beneath her body, andher legs were rising to the ceiling. At the same time, the whole couch seemedto be lifting up further from the ground. When the couch had tilted by aboutthirty degrees the motor was silenced.

Julia Dawson was vaguely aware that someone was standing near to her head,behind the couch, but someone she would now be looking at. At the same timethere was a certain aroma, something she should have recognised, but didn't.

Dawson reached forward and grabbed her right nipple firmly. It was enoughto make the woman try to gasp, though the jaw-spreader made anything otherthan a groan impossible. He tweaked the nipple with his left hand as his rightslowly stroked his cock. He was large and the thick blue vein stood out prominentlyin his wild arousal. He squeezed the nipple harder as he approached his ownclimax, the desire for release welling up inside him.

Suddenly it was happening. He felt the first surge of orgasm and as he didso he aimed the tip of his manhood directly between the thin structures ofthe jaw-spreader. His aim was perfect for the shot of semen went straight tothe back of his victim's throat. She tried to gag but couldn't.

The second pulse followed the first, and Dawson smiled at the obvious discomfortof his ex-wife, the woman who hated what was happening now, the woman who hadonly once tried oral sex, only to end her feeble attempt with the ultimateinsult ? she had spat the load back over his stomach. Not today though. Todayshe would swallow it all. In her position, with her head back and tilted asshe was, the profusion of semen had nowhere to go except down her throat.

After the sixth pulse, the flow of white, milky liquid ebbed. Dawson movedback and looked down into the woman's mouth. He could see the liquid at theback of her throat.

?Swallow,? he commanded. She did not respond, so Dawson grabbed her nose,preventing her from breathing until she had completed the order. With her mouthforced open it was a difficult act to complete. Her need for breath made herdesire to gulp in air, yet she still did not want to swallow the liquid, suchwas her revulsion.

?Swallow,? he said again, quite calmly. This time she had no choice. Her facewas starting to turn blue as she finally relented and took the contents ofher mouth beyond her throat and into her body. She gasped for the air she neededand as she did so she felt the couch being returned to its normal position.

Slowly Dawson caressed her breasts, teasing her once again. He released thejaw-spreader, untied her and ordered her back into the cage. The padlock wasreplaced, secured and checked and Dawson left the room, plunging it back intodarkness. As he closed the door he said,

?You can have a two hour rest - before lesson two begins.?

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The Naked InheritanceChapter 20 Hot Water

I do think the next one is it. Mark held up his hand and gestured for everyone to ease back a little. "Let's all back off and try to find out what's going on. If you're Secret Service, you have a partner and some backup real close. Call them in and you'll all show us some ID to start. Sam, stand by." In an instant, Sam stepped back and yelled, "Alert!" The White security team did a heads up and placed their hands on their side arms. "What?" Rachel exclaimed. She looked at Mark,...

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The Naked InheritanceChapter 11 Counter Attack

"Here let me help you." The mellow rich voice sounded familiar, yet Rachel couldn't quite match it with the speaker's face. "Thank you." Rachel took hold of the proffered hand to steady her as she stepped down. As soon as Rachel had stepped back down onto the floor, she looked at the stranger. He had the round always friendly and self satisfied, bland looking face she associated in her mind with a successful television evangelist or a fundamentalist Baptist preacher. To Rachel the...

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The Naked InheritanceChapter 8 Revelations

The pleasant looking woman who guarded the entrance gate to Whispering Willows Resort appeared to be somewhere in her in her early forties. Her face glowed with good health and friendliness. She wore a tee shirt and a cut off jeans bottom for a uniform. Mark checked for a panty line. It appeared she wore no underwear, neither bra nor panties. Mark decided that if she did wear panties, they were thongs at most. He wondered if he was beginning to go for older women. He then thought of his...

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The InheritanceChapter 2

As I headed towards the cookhouse, I could smell bread baking. My mouth started watering. Agnes Higgins was probably the best range cook I’d ever met. Short, heavy, and mean. That is if you crossed her, but the milk of human kindness if you took the time to get to know her. I started on her good side by bringing in game to add to her larder. Later she took the time to point out wild herbs and plants to add to the menu. Walking in the back door of the cookhouse, Mrs. Higgins started yelling,...

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The InheritanceChapter 3

The next day I was on the road, heading for Butte. Getting Margarite and Jughead loaded in the trailer presented its usual issues. Jughead was never a problem with the trailer. He’s such a food whore that a handful of oats is enough to get him settled down. Don’t get me wrong. Jughead’s one of the smartest mules I’ve ever seen. He’s saved my butt more times than I care to remember. I swear he can smell good water from a mile away. He’s also the best judge around on the stability of the trail...

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The Inheritance

Jason Hood, recent birthday boy, high school senior, fuck up. Fresh 18 year old, unsure virgin, unsure future, no one. There are many ways to describe Jason, a few conditionally true and a few more absolutely true. It wasn't that he was any worse off than any other Senior about to graduate, it honestly had more to do with the uncertainty of life only making his worst points stand out. He was smart, he was a bit tall, a bit socially agreeable, and a bit better off then most of his peer thought....

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You still feel a little numb after your long meeting with the lawyer late yesterday afternoon. This has to be some kind of twisted joke. Why would Uncle Dave leave his entire estate to me? I never even remember meeting him, and everyone in the family always told me what a horrible person he was, even if they wouldn't give me details. "Forget about him, he's a pervert and a narcissist. We're all better off without him around," I remember my dad saying to me one day when I asked about my Uncle....

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Inheritance Tax Part 1 The First Week

For adults only. All characters and events are fictional. Not intended as instructional. INHERITANCE TAX © Miss Anthropy 2003. Part One ? The First Week "Well," said Sonia, coming down the stairs of Aunt Mabel's mansion with the clothing list in her hand. "It's ten to twelve, so I suppose its time you got changed." "Is there anything fairly unisex I could start with?" asked Amos, standing in the hallway. "Just to get me used to the idea?" Sonia looked doubtfully...

3 years ago
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Millicent Safeguards Her Inheritance

"How trite." Millicent said to herself as she entered the lobby of the high-rise she called home. "Trust daddy to not only hire a maid from Sweden, but to actually knock the bitch up! Why does he always have to leave things up to me to straighten out?" The eighteen year old beauty shook her head as she entered the elevator and waited for the doorman to use his key to select the penthouse level. "You're certainly looking lovely today, Miss Conner." The middle aged lackey said as he...

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A Good ManChapter 20 Inheritance

When he said that the file had all the details, Will wasn’t kidding. The summary he’d first handed me had just four items on it: Instant Access Accounts, Investment Accounts, Bonds, and Company Shares. The rest of the file was divided into those four categories and contained statements for each different account and details of all the companies that I now held shares in. The list of companies was as surprising as it was fascinating. In all, I owned shares in fifty different companies. Most...

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An Assumed InheritanceChapter 8

Debra was striding beside Esfalan, leading her horse, while Autonorë was riding with Jorda. Esfalan noted that where there was no apparent danger and no need for sleep, only one of the two stayed by his side. He'd not mentioned this observation. He wasn't the only observant one of the three of them, however. From as companionable a silence as could be had in the wrack of the plague, Debra spoke. "You are very different when you are commanding, here in hostile territory. Even your speech...

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Two Moms Two Sons 24 Josh And Will Discuss What To Do With Their Wives

POV: Josh"Seriously, man, what the hell was going on last night? Granted, we were both a little buzzed still, we both know what we saw and what they were doing too," I said, coming to his desk. "Can it really be that cut and dried?""Fuck if I know, man, but how do we bring it up to them though?""Maybe start by asking what they did last night because we just happened to go back to your place. Could they want to be new moms again so badly that they both hooked up with their sons' best...

Office Sex
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The Chapford Wives

THE CHAPFORD WIVES by BobH (c) 2005 "You're going too fast!" shouted Jeff Collins as his wife stepped on the gas, her long dark hair streaming in the wind behind her. Hester Collins just laughed, eyes flashing, enjoying his discomfort. Young, beautiful, and impetuous, Hester had a wild, devilish side to her. It was what had attracted Jeff to her in the first place, but he was not enjoying this (literally) white knuckle ride. Fall was always special in New England, but...

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BimboTech Chapter 6 CumHungry Bimbo Wives

Chapter Six: Cum-Hungry Bimbo Wives By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I know. By five sexy bimbos,” moaned my bimbo wife Alice from the expensive surround sound. She was on the TV screen dominating the living room cuddled against Director Steffen. He headed the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, who certified all cosmetic products. Like the bimbo serum I wanted to sell and make billions with. “Isn't that wonderful?” “Yes, it...

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Dad and me Tonight after dinner, I called out to my dad: " Dad, I want to talk to you about something in the lounge privately, is that OK?" He replied: "By all means, let us." We adjourned to the lounge where one of our servants brought us each a drink and then left. "What is it my son?" "Dad, can I be open and honest with you about everything?" "Of course you can, my son" "I have noticed that your wives are seeming to be neglected sexually and they seem to be...

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Introduction: CARE OF A HAREM Dad and me Tonight after dinner, I called out to my dad: Dad, I want to talk to you about something in the lounge privately, is that OK? He replied: By all means, let us. We adjourned to the lounge where one of our servants brought us each a drink and then left. What is it my son? Dad, can I be open and honest with you about everything? Of course you can, my son I have noticed that your wives are seeming to be neglected sexually and they seem to be...

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Judy and Jenny were stopped in the mall along with their husbands to take one of those market researcher tests, the ones where they ask you about products or services and you are given cash at the end. The two brunette friends sat across the table from the researcher, a blond woman in a gray suit who was in her mid-forties.After being asked twenty or so questions the blond said they were done and handed them each a hundred dollar bill, both of the women's eyes lit up at such a huge payment....

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Black man controlls white wives

The young black stud remained by the pool for only an hour this time.The unintentional tension in the air caused by this black stud was obviously making all 13 of us white husbands feel uncomfortable. Our pretty white wives had so many moments where they were uncharacteristically quiet and somber, yet they tried to keep some form of communication inside the group.Minutes before the black man departed a few of the wives suggested we ask him to join us for the next meal."Why don't you guys go...

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Bi curious while Swapping Wives

Me and My Wife were always open sexually and would always talk about experimenting with other people or friends, And one night at a our friends house we got what we asked for and more... Friday was finally here after working all week and I was ready for a drink or five, My wife had called me on the way home and said our good friends Bob and Jenny invited us over to there house for drinks, a bonfire and just to sit around and have a good time. I am 22 my wife is 19 and our friends Bob is 30 and...

1 year ago
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Cheating Wives

Reddit Cheating Wives, aka r/CheatingWives! Alright, guys, there are two ways that you can look at /r/cheatingwives. Either you can see it as a subreddit where you’re the guy who would fuck all these cheating wives, or you would be the guy whose wife would be cheating on them. Whatever the case may be, /r/cheatingwives has the perfect content for you. The reason I say this is because I would definitely and firmly be on the side that fucks all these hot wives. In all honesty, fucking married...

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Fucking My Neighbors White Wives

The weather in Atlanta, Georgia is almost always better than what my wife, Chelsea, and I experienced in London, and we enjoyed the warm days there. Chelsea and I were thirty-two years old and had been living in Atlanta for six months at the time of this story. She works for a medical device company headquartered in London, with several subsidiaries in the United States.Chelsea is a research scientist and was chosen to move to Atlanta on a two-year work permit to establish a new research group....

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Yuppie Wives

Maurice and Miriam Smith had it all or so it seemed. They were the epitome of the typical young upwardly mobile professional couple as known as 'yuppies.' They had been high school sweethearts and attended the same state university. While Maurice played around some in college and joined a fraternity, Miriam probably would have joined a sorority but money was always tight for her family and she felt funny living up the college life in a sorority while her parents where at home barely getting...

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BimbotechChapter 6 CumHungry Bimbo Wives

Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I know. By five sexy bimbos,” moaned my bimbo wife Alice from the expensive surround sound. She was on the TV screen dominating the living room cuddled against Director Steffen. He headed the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, who certified all cosmetic products. Like the bimbo serum I wanted to sell and make billions with. “Isn’t that wonderful?” “Yes, it is,” I grinned, my hand bobbing Margarete’s head up and down my cock. I...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The Wives

jan was one of the man's ten wives. It was the wives duties to take care of him and bear his c***dren. He would choose a wife not with c***d to sleep with each night. Once they had his baby, he would wait two months then start breeding them again. He was well respected in the village as bearing the most c***dren. His daughters learned from a young age that they would have a master to serve some day. At the age of 13 the dad would decide who they would be sent to and at 14 they begin to bear...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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A black boxer likes to cuckold white guys by seducing their wives

My name is Ali; no last name and a no nonsense view of life. What I crave; what I must have is white pussy. I don’t desire white women that I can have at the drop of a hat or more appropriately the drop of my pants. My ten inch rock solid black cock will seduce any white bitch who comes near the monster. Its length and thickness (nearly that of most women’s forearms) will by itself seduce most white wives; wives whose husbands have developed the twenty second standard...

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Swapping wives

Jeff and I have been best buddies for a long time. He and I are the same age and we're about the same size. People used to ask if we were brothers.Jeff is married to a beautiful girl name Erin. She has a sexy body, she's almost 25 years old and is just made for fucking. (In my opinion)I'm married to Cindy who is also 25 years old. She has blonde hair, a great body, and a beautiful face. She is slightly taller than Erin, but both girls are great looking.Jeff and I live next door to each other...

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Naughty Wives

Here’s the thing guys. I’ve seen all kinds of subreddits, and the thing they all boil down to is user-generated content. I’ve always had the most fun on subreddits that are made for chicks to come and post real pictures to. I’m talking about amateur babes who have nothing better to do than to go on the internet in search of strangers’ validations. Anyway, imagine if those chicks aren’t even that young but are, in fact, married women in their 30s or so. Well, that’s the kind of content you get...

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