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Jean's Past

I'm kneeling at the door hands clasped behind my back, eyescast down just the way Master expects me to be when he gets home.

As soon as Master walks in the door, I could tell that somethingwas on his mind. Normally when Master comes home he greets me tenderly, buttoday he just impatiently ordered, ?Follow.? Starting to get worried, I followwith a shaky ?Yes Master.?

I follow him into our bedroom where he has me kneel at thefoot of the bed. With me kneeling obediently, he walks out of the room. A fewminutes later, he comes back into the room with a box. I just stare at himlike an idiot as he hands me the box. Sweetly he reaches down and guides meto my feet as he says, ?Go ahead and open it, my sweet.?

Carefully I place the box on the bed and remove the lid.Inside the box, I see the most beautiful black dress of my life. Looking upfrom the dress, I start crying.

Surprised by my reaction he asked, ?Sweetie is there somethingwrong??

Sniffling I stutter, ?N-no M-master, it's just the most beautifuldress I've ever seen.?

Smiling he hugs me and wipes away my tears saying, ?It wouldlook even better on you sweetie. Now go get dressed while I change.?

Not wanting to damage the dress I slowly pull the dress on.It's a short black dress with a low-neck like showing off my full breasts.Next I pull on my stockings and slip on my black high heels. Once I'm finishedgetting dressed I sit on the edge of the bed to wait for Master not wantingto wrinkle my dress.

My breath catches as I watch him walk out of the bathroom.He was so handsome dressed in a black silk shirt and black slacks. Giving mea kiss he says, ?You look very beautiful, sweetie. I want you to put your hairup in a bun tonight I don't want it getting in your face.? Without hesitationI put my hair up into a bun.

After putting my hair up we head to the car and I tentativelyask, ?Where are we going, Master??

Helping me into the car he said, ?It's a surprise my sweet.?

Knowing that any more questions about where we are goingwould only make him mad at me so I figured it would be safer to talk abouthis day. So I asked, ?How was your day Master??

?It was good, but the best part was buying that dress foryou.?

?If your day was good then, why did you look upset when yougot home today Master??

?Because I wanted everything about tonight to be a surpriseand if I walked in with a huge grin on my face you would've guessed that Ihad something special for you. Now enough about my day, have you talked toyour parents recently??

Looking out my window I say, ?I haven't talked with my mother,but I have talked to my dad.?

?And why haven't you talked with her?? he asked me sternly.

?Because the last time we talked was when I told her thatI was moving in with you and she blew a gasket.?

Glancing at me he said, ?You mean she still doesn't knowthat we're married??

?No Master she doesn't know that we're married.? as I saythis I can tell that he wasn't happy with my answer.

Suppressing his anger he says, ?Don't wait till it's toolate to talk to her again Jean.?

Clenching my teeth I say, ?I don't care if I ever talk toher again.?

I could tell I went too far because he pulled over and grabbedme by the arm and said, ?Don't ever say that. One of these days you're goingto want to talk to her about something and for one reason or another she won'tbe there to talk to.?

Looking back out the window I don't say anything not wantingto admit that he's right. Knowing that I was going to be stubborn and say nothinghe tightens his grip on my arm and orders, ?Look at me.?

Turning to look at him I can see disappointment in his eyesat my stubbornness. Seeing his disappointment made swallow my pride and admitthat I will one day regret talking to her now. So I say, ?Your right Master.I shouldn't wait till it's too late to talk to my mother again.?

Releasing my arm he smiles and says, ?Now that wasn't sodifficult was it??

Shaking my head I say, ?No Master.?

Kissing me passionately he pulls back into traffic. Fiveminutes later we arrive at his intended destination. As he pulls into the driveway I recognize where were at.

Turning to look at Master I tentatively ask, ?We're goingto Doris's place??

Grinning boyishly he says, ?Yes, Doris and I have been planningthis night for you for the last few weeks.? Hearing this I practically jumpinto his lap as I kiss him. He knows that I love spending time with Doris.She always knows how to brighten my day.

As we walk to the door I can't keep my excitement containedand I gently skip all the way to the door. Master rang the bell and as we waitfor the door to be answered he lightly puts a hand on my shoulder to settleme down. When the door opened I got quite a shock. Standing in front of uswas a naked woman.

In a soft voice the woman says, ?Mistress Doris is in herstudy.?

Walking to her study I shake my head thinking ?That's thefirst time she's ever had one of her slaves open the door naked. That mustmean that Master and her have some kind of bondage scene planned for tonight.Oh goody I can't wait.? As we walk into the room I look around. On the rightthe wall is covered in books. Directly in front of us is her desk. On the leftthere is a couch and armchair set. Master and Doris sit on the couch whileI sit in the armchair facing the door.

We spend the next 20 minutes catching up on everything that'sbeen happening. Then Doris mischievously asks, ?Do you know why Jarod broughtyou here tonight Jean??

Looking at them suspiciously I say, ?No.?

Surprised by my answer Doris looks at master and asks, ?ShouldI tell her or do you want to??

Smiling he says, ?It was your idea you tell her.?

?Sure, but before I explain about tonight's plans, Jean Iwant you to meet someone.? As she said this she rang a bell that I hadn't noticedearlier. The same woman from earlier came in dragging another girl that lookedto be about my age. The girl's arms were bound behind her back and she hada huge red ball gag firmly strapped into her mouth. I could tell that she wastrying to scream, but all you could hear was moaning coming from behind thegag. She was forced to kneel next to Doris.

Continuing Doris says, ?Jean tonight Jarod and I have decidedthat you are to refer to me as Mistress. The reason for this being is we wantyou to show this slut how a good slave behaves.?

Murmuring I say, ?Yes Mistress. Throughout her explanationI kept staring at the girl. There was something very familiar about her. Lookingat both of them I ask, ?Master, Mistress may I ask a question??

In unison they both say, ?Sure.?

?Who is she? She looks familiar to me.?

Slightly surprised Mistress says, ?I'm surprised you don'trecognize her. You remember the school bully that used to mess with you whenyou were growing up. Well this is her, AJ.?

As her words sink in I go completely numb. My first instinctis to run and that's exactly what I do. As fast as I can I jump out of my seatand start running through the house. Just as I'm about to go through the doorI hear Master yelling at me to stop. I ignore him as I go running through thedoor only to trip partway down the drive way. I don't bother to get up andcontinue my flight I just lay there crying wishing I could disappear off theface of the planet.

Sensing someone behind me I become quiet afraid that my cryingwould piss the person off behind me. A few minutes later I'm roughly pulledto my feet by my arm. Terrified I look up to see who has a hold of my arm.What I see confirms my fears and I start stammering, ?I I didn't mean?I I'msorry?P-please?N-no please?I didn't mean.?

Seeing a hand flying towards me I instantly quiet down. Inmid swing the hand drops. I am then lead back into the house. Not caring whereI'm being lead to all I can think is that ?I wish that Master was here.' I'mso caught up in my fear that I don't even realize that we had entered the houseagain.

Seeing Doris I realize that I'm safe and nothing bad is goingto happen I nearly collapse in relief. The only thing keeping me from collapsingto the ground is the hand that has a hold of my arm. Looking up to see whohas me I cry out in relief when I see that it's Master. Seeing recognitionin my eyes he pulls me into a tight comforting embrace. Still holding me closehe asks, ?What's wrong? Why'd you run from me, my sweet slave??

Staying as close to Master as possible I remain silent. Dorisstill mad that I ran like I had grabs me by the arm and forces me to look ather. Looking me in the eyes she says, ?Answer his question, now??

Scared I start mumble, ?I c-can't. She said that if I evertold she'd k-kill me.?

Master showing more concern than I have ever heard or seenasks, ?Who'll kill you??

Afraid of answering him I look towards the study not wantingto see the worry in his eyes that I know is there. Where I see AJ tied andgagged. Master gently takes hold of my chin and forces me to look at him andasks, ?Does this have anything to do with AL??

Slowly I nod. With my confirmation of his suspicion I cansee his expression change from worry to anger. Seeing his anger I cringe awaythinking he's angry at me. But he only gently pushes me into Doris's arms thengoes storming into the study. Doris pulls me along into the study followingMaster.

As we enter the study we see Master standing over AJ as shecowering on the ground trying to get away from him. Yanking the gag out ofher mouth he yells at her asking, ?What the hell did you do to her??

Seeing us approach sneering AJ says, ?Nothing she didn'tdeserve.?

Hearing her answer sets me off and I start screaming, ?Deserve.Did I deserve to be beaten, made into a slave, and raped? What did I do todeserve all of that hell??

With detest she spat, ?You were born.?

Stunned I collapse to the couch as her statement sinks in.Then as if in slow motion I watch as she falls to the floor blood drippingfrom her lip.

Feeling someone touching my leg I look up to see who it is.It's the one person I wish was anywhere but here. It was my Master. I didn'twant him to learn about my past, about AJ, about why I'm the way I am. If heknew he would leave me. This all goes flying through my mind as I look intohis eyes searching for the rejection that I know is coming. Only it never comes.Instead he pulls me into his arms hugging me tenderly.

Trying to comfort me he whispers, ?I know what you're thinking,that I'm going to reject you once I learn about your past, but you're wrong.Knowing about your past could only make me lover you more my sweet slave. Notonly do you deserve to be here, but you make me whole. Do you believe me whenI tell you that you not only deserve to be here but have every right to??

Looking into his eyes I could see that he truly believeswhat he was saying. So I nod and mumble, ?Yes Master.?

Feeling a light touch on my arm I jump with a start onlyto realize that it was Doris. I had completely forgotten that she was here.Looking up into her eyes I could tell that she held the same belief as Master.Giving me a reassuring hug I could feel the love that both Master and Dorisfelt for me. Relaxing into the feel of both of them I say ?I do deserve tobe here.?

Getting my attention Master asks, ?What did AJ do to youthat has you so afraid that you'd run from me? That has you crying with somuch pain that I feel completely helpless to help you??

Tears starting to fall I ask, ?Master why do you have toknow??

?Well my sweet slave I have to know because I love you anduntil you tell me what happened I will have no way to help you. The thoughtthat you're in so much pain and I have no way to help you frightens me terribly.?

Hearing that I realize that he needs to know and that bymy not telling him I'm doing him a great disservice. He needs to know why Ihurt so much and why I'm afraid that he'd leave me.

Taking a deep breath I exhale trying to push out all my worriesand fears. With the exhalation of my fears and worries I start my story, ?Everythingstarted when I was a baby. My parents decided that they wanted to go on a triparound the world and having a baby would just interfere with all of their plans.They found a daycare provider named Carole that would be willing to watch mefor the length of their trip. Even once they got back from their trip theydidn't have me stop going to her house everyday.

?My first memory is from when I was about 5. We were in thegarage and she was standing over me telling me that from this day forward Iwas to call her Ma'am unless there was anyone but her family there then I hadto call her Aunt Carole. Anytime I disobeyed her she would spank me. But itdidn't matter whether I obeyed her or not she would find a reason to spankme anyways. On nights that my parents would have me spending the night at herhouse she would spank me long and hard. Leaving me in pain and bruised. Thingscontinued in this fashion until I was 8 and then she told me that I was notbig enough to start doing work around the house. I was forced to pick up allthe dirty laundry, and put away all of the clean dishes. If I forgot to picksomething up or put the dishes away in the wrong places I would get a spanking.I would also get a spanking if I broke any of the dishes while I put them away.

?At about the age of 10 she decided that her daughter, AJa year older than me was old enough to start taking part in my training asshe called it. This is also when she told me that from then on I would be hersalve and that any order from her daughter was to be obeyed without question.From then on I was to call her Mistress and AJ ma'am. I know did all the choresalong with taking care of all of the other kids she was supposed to be takingcare of. If any of the kids got into trouble I would be punished along withany punishment I would receive for not doing something.

?As my elementary school graduation came closer I startedto have hope that I was finally going to be free form my nightmare. I was wrong.Mistress talked to my parents telling them that I had come to her saying thatI didn't want to stop coming to her house once I started middle school. ThatI wanted to keep coming to her house to play with all the other kids. To encouragemy parents to make the decision to let me keep coming she told them that theywould no longer have to pay her. My parents readily agreed because they didn'twant to have to deal with me.

?Things continued in the same manner until my 15 th birthdaywhen Mistress decided that I no longer deserved to be a virgin any more. Shehad several men there that were willing to pay to have sex with me. She toldthem that if I didn't please them that I would get the whipping of my life.From then on she would have men coming several times during the month to havesex with me. At the end of each session with the men she would whip me callingme a slut and a whore. Through all of this you have to understand she was constantlytelling me that if I ever told anyone what she was doing to me she would huntme down and kill me.

?Finally at the age of 17 when I was on one of my rare tripshome to see my parents I decided that I had had enough of her so I ran away.After I ran away I found a job and work hard to make a life for myself. AT17½ I was able to start college. That's when I meet Doris and from thereyou know the rest of my story Master.?

With the completion of my story I look into Master's eyesto see his reaction. The look that meets me is one of pure anguish at all Ihad to live through. I was completely startled by his reaction. I was surethat he would leave me. Instead he pulls me into his arms saying, ?My poorbaby. I had no idea. You're safe now. I won't ever let anything hurt you likethat again.?

Hearing his reassurance releases the floodgates with in meand I start crying for all those years of pain that I had kept locked up within me. Calming down I pull away enough to look up into Master's eyes. Theyare the same as I have always known them to be. Filled with love and compassionfor me. At that moment looking up at him I can feel all that love washing overme washing away all the years of pain and sorrow that I had locked up. At thatmoment I knew with all my heart that Master's love for me could never be takenaway by something that I couldn't control.

Mustering as much courage as I can I look over to AJ andin the strongest surest voice I have I say, ?You're wrong. I didn't deservea dame thing you and your mother did to me.? Both Master and Doris nod in agreement.

Giving me a quick hug Doris says, ?I think its time we dealtwith this bitch. Don't you agree Jarod??

Yes I quite agree.

Looking to me Doris asks, ?Do you want be involved in herpunishment or do you just want to sit back and watch??

Leaning in closer to Master I tentatively ask, ?Can we pleasejust go home? I don't want to be anywhere near her right now. Master I justwant to be alone with you right now snuggled into your safe strong arms. PleaseMaster.?

Laughing softly he says, ?Of course my sweet. What ever youwant. Maybe another day you will be able to pay her back for all that she putyou through.?

To Doris I say, ?I'm sorry Mistress. I just can't handlebeing around her anymore tonight.?

Laughing she hugs me and says, ?No problem sweetie. Whenever you are ready to confront her she'll be here waiting for you.?

With that settled Master takes me home to the one place Iknow I will always belong.

The End

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"Hello sweetheart long time no see" the sound of that voice turned my blood to ice ... I felt sick ... very sick ... it was a voice I never thought I'd hear again or want to hear again ... a voice from the past. I turned around slowly reluctant to face the person behind the voice. He held his arms out to me like some long lost loved one..."Well my love aren't you going to give me a big hug" he said a sickly smile on his face. It wasn't that it was an ugly face ... just the opposite,...

2 years ago
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A Teachers Past

A TEACHER'S PAST - CHAPTER ONE(FMM,nc,bkml,reluc,mc)By Dawn1958Please email me with your comments and suggestions. This is a repost of a story I wrote for a reader who sent me some fantasies. I hope this erotic tale does justice to their fantasy and that other readers enjoy the story.Email [email protected] TEACHER'S PAST - Kerri Is BlackmailedAt 28, Kerri was satisfied with her life and she valued the fact that she was single. Her job as a professor at the college was a reward for...

4 years ago
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Beyond the Past

Shilah crouched. One boot planted firmly on the ground with her leather-clad ass cheek balanced steadily on the heel of her opposite foot. Lithe fingers wrapped tensely around the shaft of a spear but her breathing was controlled; slow and steady. Regulated and practiced. The surrounding forest air was spongy and humid, not a lick of breeze, which was cloaking her from detection. Rivulets of sweat cut lines through the grime that coated her ivory cleavage. The stagnant warmth didn’t bother her,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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What Was In The Past Stays In The Past

Matt- Spiked black and purple hair that falls into his bright green eyes, perfect teeth, about 5'9", and 130 pounds. Lip ring on the left side of his lip. Tattoos on his back, neck, chest, arms, and stomach. But not too many. Sonny- Shoulder length black hair, dark brown eyes, very skinny, stands about 5 feet 3 inches tall. Snake-bite lip rings. No tattoos. I snuck up behind him and placed my hands over his eyes. “Guess who?" I whispered in his ear. “Mattie!" I uncovered his eyes and spun him...

5 years ago
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Lily copy and paste

***Propped up on one elbow her smile undulating on her lips, on her mouth, on her face, the pleasure of touching herself sweeping through her in little waves, shy but turned on, Daddy watching, Lily nodded, his question alone making her draw in her breath in heated, lovely excitement.Her eyes half closed dreamily, her knees wide apart, her fingers slowly, softly touching between her legs, her satiny soft pussy glistening under her fingers delicately drawing circles over and through her...

4 years ago
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My Wife Opens Up About Her Past

My gorgeous wife and I have been happily married for fifteen years. We are the perfect match. We have three darling kids. Michelle just turned 40, but she doesn’t look a day over 30. She works out and takes care of her body. If you saw her, you would say she’s smoking hot.She’s petite, five feet one, with long blonde hair. She has an unbelievable figure that stops traffic. Her curves are eye-popping. She has a very shapely ass. And as excellent as her butt is, the show-stopper are her big tits....

Wife Lovers
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Sins of the Past

Sins of the past Holly Disclaimer time. First, I was not the typical victim here. I have a better than average understanding and experience in the BDSM scene and FemDom in particular so I should have known better. Before I got married, I had played in the scene with a pair of lesbian dommes. In the process I learned a great deal about myself and in the learning, I became more focused on my desires. With my two Mistresses I was treated to every delight imaginable with several...

4 years ago
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Different Pastures

Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: A kind hearted rancher discovers that his unfaithful wife and her biker lovers have tried to poison him and he turns the tables on them unexpectedly, and finds new love in a quite different pasture. Technically not really a Lovett County story, but features characters that will appear there later. No overt sex. Sex contents: A bit of Sex Genre: Romantic Revenge Codes: MF, Cheat Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-07-16 Revised: 2010-04-15 ****** Thanks to...

4 years ago
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The Past Isnt Dead It Isnt Even Past

I finished drying my hands as she put the last dish on the drying rack. She put her hand on my upper arm and said, “Let’s have a glass of wine and chat.” I smiled back at her smile, pleasantly surprised at the contact, which she had studiously avoided during the last two weeks. As we walked past the table, she said, “Thank you for helping me wash up.”“Thank you for the dinner. It was very good.”She nodded, “Of course.”I held the kitchen door open for her and watched her as she walked gracefully...

2 years ago
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Into the Past

Bookstores were a place of refuge to Andy, a place where the cares of the world dissolved, and all that was left was the pleasant, yet musty, smell of books. He liked used bookstores the best, since the smell was stronger in them. The feel of old paper on his fingers as he paged through them, the excitement at finding something he'd been looking for for years, and the even greater joy at finding something he didn't even know he wanted until he picked it up were all great attractions found only...

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Hard WinterChapter 17 Summer A Face From the Past

It was the last day of our track building marathon, everyone had packed up and I had decided that on the final evening we would bring everyone down to Newsham for a fish and chip supper. We loaded all the workers, their bikes and tents onto our train and took them back. Everyone had worked hard, even the captives, and I asked Sid if we could give them a fish supper as well. "Fine by me," he said, "they're showing signs of being trustworthy. Chain them in pairs." I asked about Vin, the...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 113 The Past

The count departed with a sad heart from the house in which he had left Mercedes, probably never to behold her again. Since the death of little Edward a great change had taken place in Monte Cristo. Having reached the summit of his vengeance by a long and tortuous path, he saw an abyss of doubt yawning before him. More than this, the conversation which had just taken place between Mercedes and himself had awakened so many recollections in his heart that he felt it necessary to combat with...

4 years ago
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An unusual pastime

For almost two years now, I've had a very unusual hobby: murder. Well, not so unusual, really—lots of people hunt for recreation. They just haven't found out the most thrilling game to hunt; or don’t have the nerve to try.It’s one thing to outsmart a wild animal out in the woods. Yes, its senses are sharper than a man's, true. I don't mean to discount the smarts and care it takes to track, stalk, and shoot a game animal. But that's just it; it’s a sport pitting abstract human thought against...

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Peters Pissing Pastime

After vacation I was starting home from an errand. I had a small pee signal in the store, but I had plenty of time to make it home. Unfortunately, there was an accident and a long traffic jam. Soon I needed to pee, and my map program estimated my home arrival at 30 minutes, so there might be a problem. I bore down and tried to hold it. I hoped I could make it and kept squeezing. 20 minutes to home: I moved a bit and there was just a spurt of pee. It was stimulating to my dick, but the small...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 30 Pleasant Pastime

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Kora Falk “Oh, yes, princess,” I moaned, lying on my back in our camp at the forest’s edge. I shuddered, humping my pussy against the rosy lips of Ava’s proxy, the stone tongue lapping through my folds. “Mmm, I wish you could taste how hot you make me.” “Me, too,” Princess Ava moaned, the flecks of crystal in her eyes gleaming in the setting sun. “But once you reach my father’s secret and stop his army, then we can be together for real.” “You’ll...

5 years ago
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The Doomed Job My FuckedUp Past

This could have been one of those normal mornings for us – my girlfriend, Stella, and myself; lying on a king-size bed with the sheets draped royally over our half-naked bodies, feeling the pleasant light and warmth of the morning sun filtering through the curtains and falling upon us, showering our faces, and the sheets and the mattress, with a golden-yellow glow, commanding us to get ourselves out of bed, but our bodies too close and too tempting to be ignored, wanting to experience the...

3 years ago
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A Love from the Past

PROLOGUE ‘Shel, wait up!’ a young woman with golden hair and bright blue eyes turned towards the sound. It was her surrogate brother Jason and their mutual friend Dex and they were making a bee line from the parking lot. ‘What happened?’ Jason asked, noticing her red, puffy eyes. ‘They’re doing it again,’ she whispered. ‘Doing what? And don’t think about lying to me Shella Lynn,’ Jason warned. ‘Taunting me. Calling me the ice princess and telling me that I’m going to be alone forever.’ ...

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Redoing My Sexual Past

Redoing My Sexual Past __My boyfriend and I were laying in bed watching a porn video about a time machine. This girl went back in time to her first sexual experiences. He turned to me and said: If you could redo your sex life in the past, what would you do? That triggered a life long fantasy of mine. To go back in time and change my past sex life to how I wanted it to be. I had thought this through many times. I had never told anyone my fantasy. I smiled at him with this golden opportunity...

3 years ago
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The Truth About Her Past

"I've had enough of this shit!" Those were the words, spoken by my wife, which marked the beginning of a new era in our relationship. A new era in my life. I have been with my wife, Sharron for just over ten years, and we have been married for the last two. I am 5ft 10 and average build, Sharron is 5ft 4inches tall and weighs around 8 stone. She is slim with small breasts and fantastic legs. I think she is gorgeous!  Due to unplanned pregnancies, we were both separately married before we were...

Wife Lovers
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I Forced My Drunk Hmong Wife To Tell Me Her Past

Excuse the bad grammar lolSomewhere on April 2019 i bought two cans of 4Lokos one for my wife and one for me. We started drinking at 7pm and finished our cans of 4lokos within an hour and both buzzed. Every time when im buzzed i always get super horny and have a nasty mind so i started asking my wife questions about her past with other guys about how many dicks she sucks and how many dicks she fucked. She told me that we are married couples already and the past doesnt matter anymore. I insisted...

2 years ago
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Stargate Orifice Sam is confronted with her past

Sam came to. Her head hurt. She did a quick check of her body - everything was aching but no acute pain. That was good. She would check in more detail once she had assessed her situation. For now she dared not move. This might buy her time while she reoriented herself. No need to prod any captors into action in case they were watching her. Her thorough training had drilled the sequence into her to the point where they had become instinctive routine. She was lying on her side on a hard surface,...

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Burt had just entered the house after leaving work. As he passed through the kitchen he saw the twins busy preparing dinner. Trudy was at the sink and had her back to him. Judy was sitting at the table dicing vegetables. When he saw that both were wearing thin, light gray shorts and matching sports bras, he knew his twins had been at Body by Britney that afternoon. Their toned, athletic, beautifully bronzed forms looked incredible. He stepped up behind Trudy and moved the ass-length straight...

4 years ago
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Changing Channels Blast From the Past

Changing Channels?Blast from the Past Emma Hanson was a little pissed.? Her boyfriend Jason had apparently gotten a new TV for Christmas and asked her if she could sign for it at his apartment while he was back east for the holidays.? Of course the delivery guy left her standing there with a big box and no way to get it up the stairs to his second-floor digs. Men are so clueless, she thought.? Fortunately she was able to call her dorm mate Jessica for help.? Jessica Wallace was...

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A Ghost From The Past

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here…Burt had just entered the house after leaving work. As he passed through the kitchen he saw the twins busy preparing dinner. Trudy was at the sink and had her back to him. Judy was sitting at the...

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Fervour of the Past

Fervour of the Past by Tegeli CHAPTER 1 The old tramp freighter wheezed from the relief of completing the long voyage over turbulent seas. I myself was more than glad to get off. While I had been forced to splurge my last funds on a private cabin, it had been a cramped fit. The moist air was almost still. I wouldn't have minded more breeze from the sea. Even though the port town of Heva was close to the polar circle, the summer sun kept me uncomfortably warm under my...

2 years ago
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PansiThursday and Thursdays past

Thursday (and Thursdays past)--Pansi "emasculated" It's the rare word so special to allow it inked on my blemishless skin--twice actually. The script is delicate cursive (timidly uncapitalised) written across a spray of darling little pink and yellow stars. It's on the sensitive inside of my right wrist. It's tiny with muted colors, so more of a personal thing than to be noticed; something to give me a lift if I'm feeling too much like a boring girl. The other is the same but...

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Voice from the Past

Chapter 1 Reconnecting Shortly after we were married and had purchased a home, it became clear one salary was not enough, so Diana decided to go to work. Her friend told her about an opening at her company and she applied and was accepted. This particular company was, to say the least, a sexually charged work environment. Partly because most of the employees were young, good looking and horny, and party because it was the 1980’s and the sexual revolution was in full swing and men in her...

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A Friend From the Past

This Earth Day submission falls into a number of categories: Loving Wives, Interracial Love, Romance, Erotic Couplings, and Novels and Novellas, among others. A big thank you to Mistress Lynn for taking of her time to edit this story and make it a much better read. Wow! Where do I begin when talking about Earth Day? When I think about the earth, I visualize that big round ball in the universe shown in the movies or the pictures from our astronauts. Here on the ground, I think about the...

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Blast From the Past

I hadn’t been to any of my high school’s reunions before but was able to make the tenth. My divorce from a woman who didn’t go to my school left me free to do it. It was a general reunion since it was a relatively small school in a small town and multiple classes would just split up for some of the activities but all get together for meals. That was good because I had friends who were older and younger. It was a typical Midwest town. I now lived in a big city where I could work as a financial...

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Blast From The Past

Putting the books back was a dull task and one which was dreaded by everyone who worked in the library. However since it had to be done Imogene had volunteered. The trolley was full as usual for a Saturday and required a good two hours to empty. Slowly and with concentration she started to methodically complete the task. "I said excuse me" a male voice full of irritation broke her concentration. Imogene looked up to see a handsome young man with sharp features and deep piercing eyes. He was...

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A Man From the Past

Tuesday Evening, January 28, 2016 – Paradise Presbyterian Church I did a double-take as I saw the man walk into the church with two Tiger Cubs. I recognized him the second I saw him. Tall, probably 6’-5” or so, and muscular, he sported the same light blond hair I remembered from so many years ago. His hair was shorter and his face was more mature. That was to be expected. I hadn’t seen this man in almost ten years. Still, there was no question in my mind. This was the same man I...

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Period of AdjustmentChapter 11 A Blast from the Past

When I awoke Monday morning, the smell of coffee got me moving. I did my usual morning thing and headed for the kitchen when I was dressed. Cassie had prepared some French toast and I smiled. She could seduce a gargoyle with her food. "Denis left early this morning. Did he tell you?" "Yeah. He said he was going to Montreal and would be back Wednesday. I was thinking about going back to Vancouver this week." "Oh ... don't Colin. Stay here for a few days. Just let things in your life...

2 years ago
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Mels Luck Neighbors Can Surprise YouChapter 6 Dark Days of Memories Past

Mel was worried. Tracy had drifted off into a world of her own, her hands turning her phone over and over, eyes glazed and staring at the floorboards of the truck, trapped in some part of her mind he had no access to. He found a wide pull off on the road and stopped the truck, leaning over to pull Tracy in and ask what was wrong. Tracy leaned into Mel, put a hand on his leg and took a breath. “I’m OK Mel, I’m OK. Just tripping, going back in time.” Her eyes came back into focus and she looked...

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