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Are you ready?

A short tale by Snowdog

You arrive home late evening and on your desk propped up against the PC isa plain white envelope. On the front is just your name ?Fiona' written by afountain pen in red ink. The handwriting is flowing and bold and your nameis underlined. You study it in your hands. It feels expensive and it elicitsyour curiosity.

After considering it for a moment weighing the envelope in your hand you turnit over. It is sealed with red wax. Unusual. There is some sort of coat ofarms stamped in the bright red wax and all you can make out is what looks awolf or a dog on the outline of a shield. It takes just a moment to open theletter and you take out a single sheet of matching paper folded in two. Thereis an unusual fragrance coming from the paper, not unpleasant but like nothingyou have ever encountered before. You push this sensation from your mind toturn your attention to the message.

In the same handwriting the red ink reads?

?Aloha Fiona,

Are you ready to trust me? I wonder. Well let's see. Outside will be a whitecar with dark windows and a small Scottish flag above the front wheel arch.Get inside if you dare and I will take care of you.

It will take you to the Caledonian Hotel in town. Let someone know where youare, you will be shown to room 110. Take your phone with you and ask a friendto phone you in two hours to check you are all right.

Are you ready? I wonder.

I wish only the best for you.


You are surprised. Your mind fills with questions. How did he find me? Whatcheek, we only talked yesterday. Who does he think he is? You find you aregetting a little angry at the intrusion. As you sit on the edge of your bedyou look at the now discarded note on your desk. ?Are you ready?' it said.The anger subsides and you start to wonder yourself ?Am I ready??

Without really thinking about it you look up the hotels number and then textyour best friend. You look at yourself in the mirror for a moment. You wonderwhat you think you are doing. He could be any sort of a weirdo, but he didn'tsound like one. Well not too much anyway. Besides you can look after yourself.You go outside the adrenaline starting to flow and the excitement building.There as you knew it would be is the car, a white Lexus.

You look for a moment and as you go to open the door, ?Let me do that foryou Miss Fiona.? A large young man in a dark suit opens the door for you.

You jump a little at first and then ask ?Dog??

?No Miss, my name is Walker. I will take you to your rendezvous.?

You tilt your head a little as you look at him for a moment. ?Thank you?.You get inside the car and the door closes with a comforting thud. You makeyourself comfortable in the leather seat and you start to wonder what to expect.Questioning Walker is no use; he politely tells you he is unable to answerany questions for you. It is only a few minutes until you arrive at the hoteland Walker opens the door for you.

Almost immediately a bellboy meets you ?Please follow me Miss Fiona.? Yousilently follow as he escorts you through the lavish hotel lobby to the elevatorand up one floor. He lets you out of the elevator first and then leads youto room 110. He stops and opens the door. You look for some change for himbut he only tells you ?That has all been taken care of Miss? and leaves youstanding outside all alone now.

Gingerly you enter the room. You expect to find a bedroom but instead youenter what looks like a drawing room. You guess you must be in a suite butyou can't be sure. ?Dog?? you whisper. It is almost like you don't want tofind him there. No response. ?Dog? you call a little louder this time. Stillthere is no reply. ?Fuck him? you think, ?I don't need a weirdo annoying me?.

You enter the room determined to put this person called Dog in his place,close the door behind you and on the drawing room on a table in the middleof the room there is a vanity case and another envelope. You approach a littlewarily, this is all making you feel, what? You are not sure. Uncomfortable?Sort of but more excited, the anticipation but you are not sure of what. Sortof scary but intriguing, like watching a scary movie. Wanting to hide youreyes but desperate to know what is happening. You smell the same strange scentthat you did before. It seeps into your consciousness and you feel the feelingof anger ebbing and you focus on the stylised script on the envelope.

There seems to be no one around so you pick up the envelope. It looks thesame as the first with your name in ink on the front and sealed in the sameway on the back.

?Aloha Fiona,

It pleases me you are here. Go to the bathroom. In the vanity case you willfind some underwear and behind the door there are some clothes I have selectedfor you. Put them on.

The go to the window and wait.

Dog xx?

?Typical? you think ?wants me to dress up all kinky?. You take a moment tomake your mind up whether to get out of here or go to see what is waiting foryou. It certainly was not your intention to even consider a request like thisbut you find your self becoming intrigued like a little girl wondering whatis in the birthday present. You notice that your breathing is a little fasterand you feel a little tingly at the thought of what might happen. What couldhappen?

Decided you pick up the vanity case and seeing the bathroom door open besidethe front door you tentatively go inside. The bathroom is huge, all marbleand a sunken bath. There is a dressing area and you set the case down on theseat there. Behind the door is a rather smart suit. You are puzzled. You expectedsomething leather maybe PVC. You are starting to feel a little bruised mentally.Nothing is as you keep expecting it to be. The suit is dark blue with a finepinstripe. You look at the label. Impressive and how did he know the size?You would only usually wear something like this to an interview but you holdit up against you. It is short but not as short as you expected, about fourinches above the knee. Under the jacket is a black chiffon blouse. Plain butclassic, nearly see through you note. Seems like he isn't a surprise all thetime then. In the vanity case there is a set of blue underwear. The thong stylepanties are not too small but they are very sheer, matching the under wiredfront closing bra. They are well made but there are no labels. There is alsoa pair of sheer black hold-up stockings with a pair of dark blue court shoes.

It is freaking you out a little. You would have been more comfortable if ithad been all kinky like you expected but you are not sure what to make of itall. You change and tidy your hair and spray some scent left by the sink. Itun-nerves you that the clothes fit so well and not too tight either. How didhe know? The shoes seem just perfect. Not what you would usually wear but youstill feel comfortable and you feel elegant.

You walk out if the bathroom and over to the window your heels softly clickingon the wooden floor as your walk. Then you stand, not sure what will happennext. The curtains are open on the young night and you can see the lights outside.Cars and signs glowing in the night reflected in the wet of the rain that isnow falling gently. You cannot see clearly as there is a net curtain protectingyour privacy.

After just a few moments you notice the lights in the room start to dim. Youlook around but see no one and in a moment the lights are out. You feel yourheart start to pound in your chest now. As you are nearly ready to call ita day and leave you hear a voice. It is low but very clear. It reminds youof Sean Connery. It talks slowly but with purpose.

?Look out of the window Fiona.?

?But who are?.? You start to say.

?Listen to me and do as I ask you Fiona.?


?Don't speak till I ask you Fiona.? The voice leaves no question it is tobe obeyed and you go silent. You look out of the side of your eyes desperatelytrying to see who it is. What they look like.

?You know who I am Fiona. You will do exactly as I ask and when I ask you.If you do not I will leave and I don't think you want that Fiona, not really.Now draw back the net at the window Fiona.?

You certainly will not comply with this mans wishes. But; it could do no harm,could it? Just to see what this all about and then you can leave. The voiceseems to be closer now almost like a whisper in your ear. You feel the hairson the back of your neck stand up as you draw back the net to reveal the shimmeringnight scene before you. You look out seeing the office building across fromyou. Cleaners at work, some working late. People going about they're businessin the street a floor below you. Cars and buses making they're way about town.

?Very good Fiona now open the window an inch or two.?

You feel your body alert, a slight sweat on your back and your breathing quick.You open the window and you feel the cool night air rush in contrasting thewarm room. You feel your nipples react to the slight chill and the hairs onyour arms stand on end.

?That is perfect Fiona.? You feel like you can feel warm breath on your necklike a gentle caressing kiss, as you hear the voice but you cannot sense thepresence of the owner of the voice. It's like a ghostly voice. Your mind startsto swirl with the thoughts that flood in.

?Bare your neck for me Fiona.? Your hand hooks the hair from your neck pullingit to the side. You jump a little as you feel something placed around yourneck then you steady your nerves. You hear the jingle as a buckle is fastenedand you realise that it is a dog collar that encircles your vulnerable neck.You feel it close around you but not too tight just firm. Still you have nosense of the person who is doing this to you. It is like a disembodied voice,almost supernatural it seems. You can smell the new leather over your scentand you swallow feeling the caress of the restraining band as you do so.

?It suits you Fiona. Now slip the jacket from your shoulders, let it slipto the floor.?

You slip the jacket off your shoulders as instructed and shiver as it falls,the gentle breeze cutting through you in contrast to the warmth at your back.You hold your hands about you. Feeling their warmth but perhaps protectingyour self also.

?Can you see all the people out there Fiona??

?Yes? you answer. You are feeling very vulnerable now.

?Anyone could look up here and see you Fiona. Perhaps they are now. Men imaginingwhat they would like to do to you. Women too perhaps. They could be lookingas I speak Fiona. Their eyes upon you, wanting you, desiring you. How doesit make you feel Fiona??

You shiver but this time not from the chill. ?It makes me feel I want to run.? Yourmind is spinning, what does the voice want? What is going on? You feel likea rabbit caught in the headlights of a car. Horrified and scared but unableto stop the events that have been set in motion.

?Lower your arms Fiona. Let them see if they want to.?

You lower your arms the material rustling as you do so. You become very awarethat the blouse is semi-transparent, self-conscious.

?Starting at the top Fiona, undo the buttons on your blouse.? You hesitateslightly. ?Do it now Fiona.?

Your fingers go to the top button and reluctantly undo it. ?Excellent Fiona.Now the rest.? The next one follows and slowly you start to feel the cool airupon your skin, as the buttons are undone. You look down as you do this. Tosee what you are doing or in shame, it is hard to tell? You pull out the blousefrom your skirt and it is now open. You are not quite exposed but not far fromit. You feel invisible eyes upon you but can't be sure where they are or ifthey really are. You feel the goose bumps on your skin and you are aware ofyour chest rising and falling in the luxurious bra that holds you comfortingly.

?Touch your breasts Fiona.? The voice commands. As if it is happening to someoneelse you feel your right hand cup your left breast. The soft material againstyour fingertips, the touch ever so light. You feel like it is someone elsewho caresses you and you close your eyes. A finger follows the upper edge ofyour breast touching the smooth flesh and sending a warming shiver down yourspine. Your head falls back as your finger slips just inside the cup and runsback up your breast.

You feel the warm breath against your neck yet again, ?Caress your nipple,tell me how it feels.?

The thoughts of other eyes watching disappear for the moment as you pass thepalm of your hand softly over your nipple. You draw in your breath as you dothis. ?It feels hard; sensitive.?

You keep caressing unable to stop yourself now. You stroke the skin of yourbare stomach as your right hand continues to massage your breast through theflimsy material of your bra. You feel the hardness of your nipple pressing,urgently into your palm. Your blouse is falling open now.

?Tell me how you feel Fiona.?

?I feel warm inside. I feel sensitive. Shit I feel sexy. Horny.?

?You are sexy Fiona. Don't stop touching yourself. Someone may be enjoyingyou.? This makes you gasp as you realise what is happening. That someone elsemight be watching you. But you don't stop. You can't stop even though you desperatelywant to. You press your legs together trying to apply pressure to your nowgently swelling mound. You hear the gentle swish of nylon as your thighs presstogether.

?You are nothing but a slut Fiona. A tease. You want those yes upon you don'tyou??

?No, really I don't.? Your eyes are still closed as you feel yourself morealive than you have ever before.

?Yes you do Fiona. Look at you. You can't stop yourself.? You know the wordsthe voice speaks are the truth.

?No, I don't.? You deny it but you know it is true. You are acting like atramp, a common tease. What has come over you? You don't care just now. Thethought you might regret this later is pushed from your mind and your handscontinue their relentless progress over your body.

?Undo your bra Fiona, let your breasts free. Let them see your tits if theywant you slut.?

As if in a dream you open your eyes as your hands move to the clasp betweenyour now heaving breasts. You feel as if you are being smothered and you haveto free yourself. The moan of relief as your breasts are no longer held isloud. You can't believe it is coming from your mouth. But as you look at yourself your fingers start to roll your nipples. Then pulling at them it feelslike someone else's hands are assaulting you.

?Look out of the window Fiona. See all those people.? You force yourself tolook for the invisible eyes. You see people in the office. Is that man lookingat you? You can't tell. You feel ashamed as you pull gently on your nipples.

?Slip your hand inside your skirt you cock tease.? Your right hand now slipsfrom your breast and the fingers work themselves inside the waistband of yourskirt. You push down and with your forearm inside your skirt you can rub yourpussy through the sheer material of your thong.

?Are you wet slut?? you mumble that you are.

?I said are you wet?? you are surprised at the tone of the voice and immediatelyreply.

?Yes.? Your blouse has slipped down off your shoulders and is bunched aroundyour waist and hips as your right hand is now trying to slip inside your underwear.

?Look at you, you're a dirty little slut aren't you??

?No I'm not? you reply, but with no conviction. You are past trying to understandwhat has come over you. A bag is thrown on the floor in front of you. It landswith a soft thud as though it's made of something like velvet.

You feel the kiss like sensation on your neck as the voice speaks once more. ?Pickup the bag Fiona.?

Reluctantly taking your hand from your skirt you bend down and pick up thebag. You feel your now responsive breasts hang slightly as you retrieve thebag. A ribbon tied in a bow closes it. The bag feels a little weight in yourhands and you hear the chink of metal as you stand up and feel the warm undersideof your breasts falling back against your cold rib cage.

?Open it Fiona, find out what is inside.?

You pull the ribbon bow and slip your hand inside the bag. You feel what seemslike a pair of handcuffs and something smooth and just a little bigger thana large lipstick, about half as long and about three times the diameter. Itis cone shaped at each end and totally smooth. You can stop yourself from feelingthe silky smooth metallic surface.

?Slip it in your pussy you slut.?

Without hesitation now your hand once again slips inside your underwear andyou slip the object into your now gently lubricated and swollen pussy.

?Now take the Cuffs out Fiona.? You are surprised to find two pairs and youpull them out. ?Attach one pair to the ring at the top of the window Fiona.?

You take the cold steel cuffs in your hands and move loser to the window.On your tiptoes you stretch up and insert the end of one pair of the cuffsthrough the metal ring that now see there. Your breasts press gently againstthe freezing window pane cooling the warm flesh. Your nipples push againstthe smooth unyielding glass as your fix the cuff securely. You feel reliefas your calves relax and you step back slightly seeing an imprint of your breastsin the condensation on the window.

?Now cuff your hands Fiona and make it firm.? You feel the tears build nowas you feel compelled to follow the instructions and you slip the cuffs onand hear the clip shut and then the grate of the ratchet as you tighten them.Your emotions seem to be on a roller coaster. ?Well done. Now cuff yourselfto the window Fiona.? Once again you step forward and raising your hands youslip the hanging cuff around the shiny chrome chain joining your cuffs together.The click of the catch sounds like a heavy door closing to you.

?You have done well Fiona.? Almost immediately you feel the intruder in yourpussy start to feel cold against the now boiling hot intensity of your pussy. ?Nowrub your nipples on the window Fiona.? A chill goes down your spine as youimagine that the lips that belong to the caressing voice kiss the nape of yourneck.

God, you feel yourself pushing against the cold wet pane. The cold in yourpussy makes you hotter! ?What the fuck is happening!? you think. But you findthat you want your nipples played with to feel a pressure upon them. It's likean unbearable itch that you must have relieved. The glass doesn't allow anyabrasion to give relief and you find yourself rubbing your breasts, now coldand wet from the condensation, against the glass in a desperate attempt toget that wonderful relief that you crave. At the same time you are trying torub your thighs together to generate some friction in your now chilled butburning pussy.

It is a fine sight to behold and though you are past caring one or two passersby have to look twice but can't believe what they are seeing and carry on abouttheir way. You feel the metal tube in your pussy start to vibrate, it is likea pulse that goes steadily through you and reverberates through your wholebody. The closest you have come to it is when you were once at a concert nextto the loud speaker and you felt your whole body vibrate as the sound pulsedthrough it.

As the pulse intensifies you feel the cold metal tube start to change. Onone pulse it gets longer and returns to normal on the next it gets thickerand returns. You wish for it to be deep inside you but it would slip out ifyour panties had been removed. You've never been so grateful they haven't butyou desperately try to manoeuvre it deeper inside with no real success as youare trying at the same time to achieve relief for your now throbbing nipples.Slowly the pace increases.

Then you hear the voice once more. Unexpected this time it makes you jump. ?Iwill be in touch Fiona, count on it. I'll send the bell-boy up in half an houror so.?

You look round but can't see anything. The pulse increases once more and allyou hear is the door opening and being left open. As you do your best to holdoff the building frustrations that pulse through you, the last thing you noteis a shaft of light illuminating you from the open door to the lobby. Thenyou are overcome once more by more urgent passions.

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Clare had been wondering about body modification for ages. She read magazines that covered the subject. Piercing seem to be the most usual. Girls had nipples and labia pierced frequently, and one girl has several labia piercings and wore a lace through the holes, holding her pussy closed.The more she read, the more interested she became. She herself had never been pierced but had often thought about it. But what if she had no control over it? What if she were in a position where she was unable...

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Clare 6 The final story

This is the last Clare story :( Clare has unfortunately stopped writing, to date we have still never met. Peter..............I arranged to meet Clare at our regular spot, the Lamb Inn, Nomansland. The day was scorching hot and I was looking forward to showing her a special place I had found in the Forest. I pulled up in the car park and saw that your car was not there yet so I popped in and ordered a couple of drinks for us and luckily found an empty table outside, the sun was gorgeous as it...

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Gareth has his sister in law Again

Since that very special, erotic and incredibly risky afternoon a couple of months ago, life has continued as normal. In that time, my wife Elaine has fucked another 2 guys as part of our lifestyle of sexual inhibition ... my hunger for her to be completely fulfilled with numerous partners, and her enjoyment of both the lustful sex and the knowledge of how much pleasure I get from the whole situation. So to recap ..... After a lot of careful planning and massive sexual anticipation, I had...

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Clare Part2

Clare - The love trianglePart 2, the week afterHow my loving relationship turned into a love triangleI woke early the next day, well before my alarm went off. I still couldn’t believe my luck. I had a big smile on my face and why shouldn’t I? I got a fantastic blowjob of Clare last night but I couldn’t figure out what she meant when she said “I’ve wanted this for a very long time.” Did she really fancy me or was I just a notch on her bedpost? I’m a decent looking guy, even back then, at 35 I...

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Clare Continued

Clare:What a wonderful day it had been and I felt completely fulfilled and I felt like a young teenager who had just had her first date. I waved to Peter as he drove off and then returned home to get down to the more mundane part of my life to prepare a meal for my hubby.Before I did I sent of an email to Peter to let him know I was going to Cornwall and would be staying a night or two and possibly be out of email contact. My husband arrived home from work and we had a meal together and he...

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Clare Continued 2

Please read the story Clare first or this will make no sense to you.Peter:I emailed Clare to explain that maybe we should cool off a little, neither of us wanted to get caught and we might get careless if we carried on as we were. We had done so much over the last few days that if we carried on there would be no surprises left! Our fantasy world stopped for a short time. A couple of days later I was on my way back from a customer in Swindon, as I was nearing Salisbury my wife called and asked...

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Caregiver in Love continuing the Caregiver Saga

Caregiver in Love (the continuing saga of the Caregiver) Part 1 Caregiver Saga Part II: Caregiver in Love. Shawn's older sister continues to dominate him. Shawn rejects and resists her efforts to feminize him. Meanwhile, he is thrilled by a budding romance with his beautiful cooking teacher, Jacqueline. He only hopes that his smooth legs, and his complete lack of any experience with sports or other manly attributes do not turn her off. He hopes that she can forget his shameful...

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Taras Bayou Level 2 ndash Evil Dong

Tara's BayouLevel 2 – Evil DongI can’t believe in all of Britain, I can’t find one bloke to fuck me. All I do is work, come home and sit in front of the tele thinking about getting shagged. I do fancy a good porn film whilst I pet my pussy into some calm state. I love giving me self a good orgasm but damn I need a good shag!I think tonight I will try and play Tara’s Bayou again. That is one intense video game. It makes you feel like you are right there in the game and everything that is...

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Tupperware Meeting

Tupperware Meeting By Gini Lane Shortly after our little tryst on the hallway floor, I found myself again in the kitchen making tea for Bobby. As I stood at the counter, waiting for the kettle to boil, it was difficult not to look at him. He made such a pretty picture, really very cute. I had to resist the urge to cast more than the most discrete of glances. Each time I dared, Bobby appeared the same; so much so that the pretty image remains with me: Bobby at the table in his lovely...

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It was a regular day for the morbidly obese Jared, all except for the fact that he had received a knock at the door. Jared normally received his disability checks from the vocational department at this time of the month, but he always had to make the arduous journey across the parking lot to get his mail. Maybe they stopped being so lazy, Jared thought. He opened the door looking around only to find a box of chocolates at his feet. Without a second thought the fat man shut the door...

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Jared and Andrea

Jared and Andrea ? by: Ashley Shine Jared loved these times. He was alone in the house, free to explore his stepsister's room. The parents were down in Florida vacationing for three weeks, and Andrea was away at college. Fortunately for Jared, Andrea kept almost a full wardrobe back home. Jared had always been attracted to frilly clothes. He loved the taboo nature of dressing up in girl's clothing it was exhilarating. Access to Andrea's clothes was a big bonus when his mom...

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Clare is married to Scott, my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were teenagers. My story takes place in the late seventies. It was March, you know that time of year when spring isn’t here yet; you’re sick of winter and just getting over the February blahs. My wife had left the previous December and taken our son with her. Something about needing to find herself, and oh “Merry Christmas dear!” Bah Humbug! Scott and Clare knew I was feeling low so they organized a party at my place....

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Jared gets Caught

Oh what a day from hell. Or should I say week. I have been sick for almost 2 weeks and finally broke down and went to the doctor, only to get news I wasn’t expecting. Then I came back to my boss getting on my ass for a file she couldn’t find, and too top it off I haven’t hardly seen Jared my boyfriend all week. So I was looking forward to seeing Jared after work, and I so need to tell him our news. Even though I knew he wouldn’t be happy about the news. I had tried a couple times that day to...

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Give Me Some Sugar Part 1 Rochelles Tryout

Introduction: A man goes from an obscure loser to a wealthy writer, and reaps more benefits than just money. ​ Life sure is funny is how it plays out. I have never been a religious man, still am not, but I did listen to the Joel Olsteen guy when the times were bad. He was so positive, that helped, but he also talked about how God could make up for decades of crap, in just a few years through super natural increase. Like I said, I am no Christian and am agnostic about the existence of a deity,...

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Jared And The Reluctant Groupie Part 3

Kareena was scrambling inside before he’d finished speaking. She made a grab for the phone, but he held it away from her and let it drop, bouncing across the seat. “Give it here!” she yelled, but he grappled her by the waist as she grabbed for it, the six-pack of beers tumbling to the cab’s floor.She ended up lying across him with her breasts bouncing as she struggled for the cell. His cock—she realised with a shock to her heart—was thickening again under her belly.“Think you can get it?”...

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Jared and Jennifer Part 2

My mind was racing. Did that really happen? Did Jared really kiss me? Why would he do that? And why did I kiss him back so passionately? I wasn’t falling for this kid was I? I was. As I drove home I started to put things together in my head. When we had our first tutoring session, I was in a bad place. My life was falling apart and I didn’t even want to be a teacher anymore. Jared brought something out of me. I could tell he truly cared about me and was also glad I was helping him pass his...

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Jared and Jennifer Part 2

My mind was racing. Did that really happen? Did Jared really kiss me? Why would he do that? And why did I kiss him back so passionately? I wasn't falling for this kid was I? I was. As I drove home I started to put things together in my head. When we had our first tutoring session, I was in a bad place. My life was falling apart and I didn't even want to be a teacher anymore. Jared brought something out of me. I could tell he truly cared about me and was also glad I was helping him pass his...

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I shouldn’t have tested her. Or, maybe I should have. I’m not sure anymore. I’m not sure which emotions are mine. I’m in a happy relationship. I think. My name is Clare. Now… Anyway. Sorry, I realize how confusing this is. Let me attempt to make sense out of it. My name is John. Or, my name used to be John. My best friend is named Hunter. We did everything together. Now we do everything to each other. You see, Clare was dating Hunter. I didn’t know her last name, whether or not she had a...

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I shouldn't have tested her. Or, maybe I should have. I'm not sure anymore. I'm not sure which emotions are mine. I'm in a happy relationship. I think. My name is Clare. Now... Anyway. Sorry, I realize how confusing this is. Let me attempt to make sense out of it. My name is John. Or, my name used to be John. My best friend is named Hunter. We did everything together. Now we do everything to each other. You see, Clare was dating Hunter. I didn't know her last name, whether or not she had a...

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ClareLet me introduce you to Clare, I met Clare on xHamster and wrote her a short story just for her entertainment, to my surprise she wrote back with a continuation of that story. This has been going on for some time now and with Clare's full consent we would like to share this fascinating journey with you.Neither Clare nor I are professional writers as we are sure you will see, but if you can excuse the appalling grammar you may enjoy the concept of a story written by two people one male, one...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 5 Thursday Daytime

Jared I woke up the next morning, threw on some clothes, and went downstairs, still rather delirious. "Hey, little brother." Tina greeted me. Mom and Dad were there, too. "Hiya, Jared," Mom said, "want some breakfast?" "Love some." I sat down and Mom started spooning out some bacon and eggs. "So, how are you today?" Dad asked me. "Just fine." "I'll just bet," Tina butted in. "So, how long are you going to tease me about this?" I asked her. "As long as I can get away...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 9 Saturday

Jared I did go to sleep pretty quickly that night. I really was exhausted. When I woke up the next morning, at about seven-thirty, all the ol' doubt crept back in. My fucking insecurities. Damn them. Well, I guess you can't just make them go away overnight. I don't know. I really didn't mind that she was with Ed yesterday-at least at the time. Now, I didn't know what to think. It's the ol' "well, if I let her do this, what if she finds something better" bullshit. I dunno, maybe...

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CAREGIVER by Natalie Finn Part I "Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper." - Albert Einstein Family tragedies and flying objects Our family histories, the stories of our parents and their parents, do much to shape our early beginnings...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 8 Friday Afternoon And Evening

Amanda We walked out of the lunchroom, headed to Bio. Before we even got ten feet, we were stopped, by a kid we didn't know. Apparently, when the news about the events of the morning had spread, a bunch of kids put together a petition campaign to save The Program. The kid we ran into outside the lunchroom recognized us, and said, "I know that you two want to sign this!" We did, of course. The kid told us that they had close to half the school signed, and in only a couple of hours. So,...

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Clare Part 1

Clare - The love trianglePart 1How my loving relationship turned into a love triangleI met Clare when she was 15, a slightly chubby teenager, when her parents moved into the house next door but while they were downgrading in size I was on my way to upgrade. I was running a Restaurant at the time but sold my business 3 months later and bought a large 5 bedroom house in the suburbs of town. Clare used to do the odd jobs for me to earn a bit of pocket money and I was more than surprised when she...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 6 Thursday Evening

Amanda It was the tortures of the damned, walking home with him. He was holding my hand but his heart wasn't in it. We walked three blocks without him saying a word. The first thing he did say shocked me. "You did get the shot this morning, right?" "Yes," I confirmed. "Good." "Why is that important?" I asked tentatively. "Well, you know," he said. "Why, do you want to get pregnant?" "Of course not, but if I had forgotten to take the shot today, and I got pregnant, it...

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Cat and Mouse The Tryout

Cat and Mouse: The Tryout by Bluto "Good afternoon, this is Della Delargio reporting live for WNBC from the financial district. The Protectors, NYC's newest superhero team, has just foiled a bold daylight robbery attempt by The Destroyers, a gang of supervillains who have been increasingly active in recent months. "The Destroyers staged a lightning raid on the Federal Reserve Bank and were about to make a rooftop getaway when The Protectors came charging to the rescue. Here...

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LaredoChapter 8

"The Bignut Stage Line has asked for our he'p in guardin' a shipment of gold between Laredo and Austin, and y'all just volunteered to be the guards," Capt. Johnson grinned as he faced Ezra and Sean. Ezra grumphed, "Hell, Cap'n, that'll take a week or more. Are ya sure we need to go all the way to Austin?" "Yep, they asked fer y'all, especially." "Well, OK. Ifen we gotta, we gotta." "That's more like the Ezra I know and love," laughed the captain. "It ain't so bad....

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LaredoChapter 16

Capt. Johnson nearly fell out of his chair from laughing when they told him why they gave Ray all the credit for solving this case. He "sadly" informed them that they still had to write up a report, but he would need more detail to justify sending them on this assignment. He pointed out that it would be easier, next time, if they just let the credit fall where it belonged. "I swear to Goshen, I think the cap'n enjoyed that!" complained Sean as they left the office, headed for...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 7 Friday Morning

Jared You know how waking up is. There's those first couple of minutes when you're hovering between actually being awake, and incoherence. Well, that moment can be surreal, especially when you wake up in an unfamiliar situation. Anyone who's woken up in a hotel room or at a relative's house or in a different bed knows what I'm talking about. Well, this is particularly surreal when you're a sixteen-year-old boy and you slowly realize that you're waking up with your hand curled around...

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Jared and Amanda Naked in SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

Jared I went home Monday night. Had a nice talk with my parents. They're all for The Program, as I explained, but they're worried about me more than they let on. They let me talk out some of the things that happened. It was good. And then I went upstairs and jerked off, and I think it took all of seven seconds. All, and I mean all I could think about was a naked Amanda kissing me. It was strange. Look at all that had happened to me today. I walked around school naked. Girls were grabbing...

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Clare Continued 4

Please read the first Clare story or this will make no sense to you. AND PLEASE LEAVE US A COMMENT WHETHER YOU ENJOYED IT OR NOT.Peter:............ Clare was going away for 10 days to see friends abroad, she told me that she was flying to Malta on Tuesday, she also told me that hubby was staying at home, I could not resist the opportunity to spend some real quality time together. I turned up at the airport and actually managed to get on the plane without Clare, or her hubby who came to see her...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Cheerleading (what else?) Hey Em, it's your very-best-friend-in-the-world, but I guess you knew that when you saw the "from" line, right? Duh, my blond is showing again. Anyway, how are you holding up in godawful Cleveland... I still CANNOT believe that your parents could just up and move from beautiful SoCal to the midwest for gods sake... and break up the dynamic duo of Smithfield High cheereleading... but anyway, I still...

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Mares Tales Chapter 21

Mare's Tales - Chapter 21 ? by: Beverly Taff Morning broke clear and frosty as the weak winter sun splashed its late rays onto our bed. It revealed four small lumps surrounded by two larger ones under the soft contours of the duvet. Dot's internal clock woke her as the suns rays gradually washed her face with light. Despite her careful efforts to extricate herself from my embrace, I woke as she tried to slide surreptitiously out of the bed. "What time is it?" I...

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Mares Tales 26

Mare's Tales - Chapter 26 ? by: Beverly Taff Once they have realised there is no threat, village and country folk will accept the unusual much faster than townsfolk. A personal relationship can develop much quicker and they will accept someone much quicker than city-dwellers who live wrapped up in the prejudices and terrors that the cold anonymity of urban life creates. This was the case with my centaur friends. After a few carefully orchestrated visits by each centaur and some...

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Bayou Academy

I sat in the leather wing back chair in the headmaster’s private office, waiting. He was in the room next door talking to the school secretary. They were probably trying to get ahold of my parents, good luck with that. I wouldn’t have been left here at Bayou Academy the swankiest boarding school in Houston’s River Oaks neighborhood if my parents had wanted to be bothered with raising me. “She’s been found, unharmed. Very good. Send me a bill for any expenses you incurred.” His conversation...

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Bayou Beauty

She was an absolute beauty. That circumstance affected her life from childhood on. She was sought after by many for business or personal reasons, usually egocentric. The dollars came rolling in for modelling and such, and as arm-candy she was wined, dined, and well-traveled. The latter usually expected access to her beautiful body in exchange, she discovered. She liked sex alright, but these joinings were mostly physical lust, not providing much emotional satisfaction beyond feeling desirable....

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Caregiver in Love Part 5 The glorious finale of the Caregiver Saga

Caregiver in Love Part 5 In the final stunning climax of the Caregiver Saga: Shawn's friends visit for girl's night, and Shawn hears a strange sound. I clicked across the house and foyer in the kitten heels and pulled open the door, before I realize what I was wearing. My heart skipped a beat. Jacqueline beamed at me from the doorway, with a giant salad bowl and two fresh baguettes in her arms. She handed me the baguettes and kissed me on the cheek, and said, "Every time I ring...

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