Ostsee indian porn

2 years ago
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Die Sexreise an die Ostsee

Es war 1:00 Uhr nachts. Ich war noch wach. In diesem komischen Bus konnte ich ja auch kein Auge zu kriegen. Denn: War der Bus unbequem, vor allem die fordere Sitzreihe, auf der Ich schlafen sollte. Lagen hinter mir Ramona und Caroline. Ramona ist 19, 1,67 m groß, schlank, blond, einen tollen, schönen, runden Hintern und hat eine C - Körbchengröße. Caroline war 18, 1,76 m groß, auch schlank und hat auch einen total erotischen Hintern. Allerdings hat sie schwarze Haare und ihre Brüste sind...

2 years ago
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Camping an der Ostsee

Dein Name ist Alex, du bist 19 Jahre alt, 1.90m groß, recht gut gebaut, schwarzhaarig und Single. In diesem Sommer hast du geplant mit deinen besten Freunden Chris und Mike an der Ostsee auf einem Campingplatz die Ferien zu verbringen. Da ihr wenig Geld habt und selbst Campingplätze mitlerweile recht teuer sind habt ihr geplant, dass du alleine einen Tag früher hinfährst. Du nimmst dir dann einen Platz, baust das Zelt auf und tust so als wärst du alleine. Am nächsten Tag kommen deine Kollegen...

4 years ago
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Im Urlaub zur Nutte gemacht

Irgendwie war ich ( Stefan 24, jahre, 185, kurzes dunkles Haar, blaue Augen mit sportlicher Figur) schon ganz heiß auf die Fahrt zur Ostsee. Eine Freundin hatte mich ewig belabert mit ihr dorthin zu fahren und irgendwann gab ich nach weil ich mir dachte das ich die Gelegenheit bekommen würde sie dann ebentuell mal ordentlich durchzuvögeln. Sandra hieß das geile kleine Miststück, sie war gerade 18 geworden hatte lange blonde Haare, braune augen, ne handvoll Titten, superlange schlanke Beine und...

3 years ago
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Mein schlimmer Onkel Niklas

"Jetzt schmoll doch nicht die ganze Zeit", sagte mein Vater und starrte mich genervt durch den Rückspiegel an. "Vor kurzem hast du noch gemeckert, dass wir nicht in den Urlaub fahren würden!" Ich antwortete nicht und sah aus dem Fenster. Draußen zogen endlose Rapsfelder vorbei, während wir über die Landstraße Richtung Ostsee fuhren. Schließlich drehte sich meine Mutter zu mir um. "Marie, Schatz, das ist vielleicht das letzte Mal, dass wir gemeinsam verreisen. Nächstes Jahr machst du Abitur und...

2 years ago
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Cinderella reloaded

Erstkontakt. „Die Fluggäste nach Atlanta werden zum Check In ans Gate gebeten“ dröhnte die Ansage aus den Lautsprechern. Daniela und Nils erhoben sich träge aus den Metallstühlen und gingen engumschlungen zu ihrem Gate. Die letzte Nacht vor dem Abflug nach Atlanta war lang gewesen, denn die Wiedersehensfreude nach 3-wöchiger, berufsbedingter Trennung hatte sich schon im Flur ihrer Villa mit einem Quickie Bahn gebrochen und endete schließlich im Schlafzimmer, wo beide ausgiebigen und sehr...

3 years ago
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Ein heisser Sommer

Es sollte ein heißer Sommer werden, so zu mindestens hatte Thomas es geplant. Er hatte gerade sein Abi in der Tasche und wollte mit seinen Freunden drei Wochen an der Ostsee verbringen, bevor jeder seine eigenen Wege ging. Es sollte eine nette kleine Runde werden. Neben Thomas wollten John und seine jüngere Schwester Samantha mitkommen, Claudia und Julian mit seiner Freundin Melanie. Thomas, John, Claudia und Julian kannten sich schon seit Jahren, schließlich hatten sie sich zusammen Bis zum...

3 years ago
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Liz Das Leben ist nicht leicht

Endlich wieder zu Hause, denkt sich Liz. Eigentlich wollte sie ja nur mit ihrer Tochter einen günstigen Urlaub auf einem Campingplatz an der Ostsee verbringen, weil mehr einfach finanziell nicht möglich war, da sie im Moment von den Alimenten ihres Ex-Mannes lebt. Durch die Schwanzgeilheit ihrer Tochter war sie allerdings einem 20jährigen mit viel zu dicken Eiern und viel zu wenig Rücksicht über den Weg gelaufen. Erst wurde sie mit Gewalt genommen, dann erpresst, nur um anschließend als...

3 years ago
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Die Fahrradtour

--> war schon mal hier ... sorry.„Zeig‘ ihm doch mal Deine Fotze“, forderte ich meine Frau Martina auf. Wir waren mit unserem Kumpel Frank während einer Fahrradtour auf einer sonnigen Wiese zwischen zwei Waldstücken in der Nähe von Soltau gelandet. Wir Männer waren bereits nackt und hatten uns auch schon ein wenig geblasen – waren also geil. Martina, die im Sommer ihre Shirts so weit abschnitt, bis sie nur noch ganz knapp über ihre runden Titten reichten, hat in einem Café an der Ostsee auch...

3 years ago
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Brittas praller Fickarsch

Brittas praller FickarschEs war einer dieser lauen, beinahe unerträglichen Sommernächte. Ich lag wach. Leise Atemzüge neben mir. Ich drehte mich zur Seite und betrachtete die Silhouette meiner Frau. Tanja war immer noch gut in Form. Das kurze Nachthemd, durch ihren unruhigen Schlaf verrutscht, ließ ihre Pobacken im Mondlicht schimmern. In dieser Nacht machte mich der Anblick ihres Hinterns jedoch nicht mehr geil. Jahrelang hatte ich versucht, Tanja zum Analsex zu verführen. Vergeblich! Meine...

3 years ago
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Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe

Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe (Ka-Do 2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Es war mal wieder einer der verregneten Tage. Ich surfte im Internet, auf einem sogenannten Dating Portal und bastelte an meinem Profil. Am Anfang ?berlegte ich noch, ob ich die Wahrheit schreibe oder nicht. In diesen Portalen wei? man ja nie so genau, was einen erwartet. Eine Weile brauchte ich schon f?r meine ?berlegungen und dabei half mir zwischendurch ein kleiner Schluck Rotwein. Nach dem vierten oder f...

2 years ago
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Detektivin Isabels Auftrag an der Ostsee

(Hallo zusammen. Ich habe mich entschieden, eine neue Geschichte von der Detektivin Isabel zu schreiben. Falls Ihr den alten Teil nicht gelesen habt, ist es kein Problem. Es werden zwar einzelne Themen besprochen, die Geschichte selber ist komplett neu. Ich hoffe, euch gefällt euch.) 17. Oktober, Schleswig-Holstein Das ist doch verrückt! Geht es durch Isabels Kopf, als sie durch den nassen Rasen Richtung Werft läuft. Weiter vorne hat es einige Bäume, die dicht beieinanderstehen. Dahinter geht...

2 years ago
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Bra and Panties Match

Es war der letzte Abend eines 7tägigen Yoga Workshops an der Ostsee in einem kleinen Ferienhäuschen. Die 5 Protagonisten saßen nach der letzten Einheit noch auf ein paar Gläschen Rotwein beisammen. Die Yoga-Lehrerin Merle war Anfang zwanzig, ist 1,71m groß bei ungefähr 62 kg, hatte langes glattes dunkelblondes Haar und eine sehr sportliche Figur was ihr auch sehr bewusst war. Sie trug an diesem Abend eine schwarze Leggings und ein enges schwarzes Longsleeve. Sie war sehr beweglich und gut...

2 years ago
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USAChapter 4

Middelgrundsfortet is an unrestored island military fort just west of the more or less restored Flakfortet, another island fort in the western half of the Øresund, the strait that separates Denmark and Sweden. When we left the harbor in Copenhagen I steered the boat around both fortets; completely circling both. Flakfortet presents a welcoming appearance; there's a harbor with several boats visiting, a restaurant, trails and a museum. Middelgrundsfortet is far less welcoming. The harbor...

4 years ago
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Abenteuer zweier Bauernm dchen in Danzig

Abenteuer zweier Bauernmädchen in Danzig Vorspann Diese Geschichte darf Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren nicht zugänglich gemacht werden. Es handelt sich um reine Phantasie. „Die nachfolgende Geschichte ist für Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren nicht geeignet. Sie spiegelt nicht meine Neigungen wieder. Ich sammele Informationen aus Erzählungen, Presse und TV, sowie Chat- und Teleerlebnissen. Manche Stories enthalten als Grundlage tatsächliche Ereignisse, die ich durch eine von mir dazu erfundene Handlung...

4 years ago
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A Knight in Shining Armour

Author's Note: In this story, I have used section dividers to indicate achange in either place, time or both. I have also used section dividersto separate the same event from the perspective of a different character. --- o -- What happened that night was never far from Julie's mind. Julie closed hereyes for a moment. Instantly her memories of fourteen years earlier came vividlyto mind. She was just completing her sophomore year in college. She had justhad her 20 th birthday. Julie was...

4 years ago
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The Tip

Tip By Not My Story Amber ordered the pizza as soon as she got home from work. Tim her six yearold son went into his room and grabbed a few toys. He asked her if he couldto go to his friend's house to play. "Wait just a few minutes honey Mommyis going to take a shower first. I am going to put some money on the counterif the pizza guy gets her give it to him and get the change back. Okay tellhim I'll give him the tip." She said remembering the last time Tim paidfor the pizza not getting any...

4 years ago
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View From the Top

I drive to her house as I have a dozen times before. Even as I draw nearI can feel the butterflies in my stomach. My hands become slick on the wheelas sweat coats my palms, and I wipe them off on my black dress pants. I parkabout a half-block away, taking a moment to calm myself. No good, the tensionis still there. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, find my center, andfocus on it. One would think that the nerves would settle after this many sessions.One would be wrong. I grab my bag from...

3 years ago
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Builder s Revenge

Builders Revenge There are some days when you just know that you shouldn'thave to work and this was one of them. The sun was already beating down andmaking the inside of the truck cab stifling hot. Having two hairy arsed, unwashedlabourers with me didn't help either. Joe and Ed were great workers, but theirhygiene left a bit to be desired. Their chat, as we sped to the job, was all about their latestconquests and how they performed with them. To hear them go on, you would thinkthat they had...

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S. S. M. A. R. T    P. I. C. (SECRET SOCIETY of MEN ABUSING RAPING & TORTURING PRETTYINNOCENT COEDS)  I was browsing through the bondage/fetish section of my local porn storewhen this guy handed me a business card.  In big letters it read S.S.M.A.R.T  P.I.C.and in little letters underneath read (SECRET SOCIETY of  MEN ABUSINGRAPING & TORTURING PRETTY INNOCENT COEDS).  There was a 1-800 numberlisted as well.  When I turned around, the guy was gone.  I wenthome with my curiosity in overdrive....

1 year ago
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Amateur TV Trans

The Trans cams at Amateur.tv account for just a fraction of the site’s live webcam performances, but it’s a fraction with a whole lot of eyes on it. Trans people are more visible in the world than they’ve ever been, though one might argue they’ve always been welcome in the world of dirty movies. We’ve come a long way since the days of 900-number shemales in the back pages of sticky porno magazines, haven’t we? In 2022, you can watch a live chick shake her dick at you from the other side of the...

Live Trans Sex Cams
3 years ago
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Special Bond Long Weekend at the Lake 17 20

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...

3 years ago
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Send in the Clone

Ryan grabbed a towel, having just finished a quick shower. With their son off at his parents’ house for a few days, he knew what his wife’s suggestion to take a shower right after dinner meant. They were both a couple of days overdue for some alone time, and breaking that fast always resulted in mind-blowing sex. He toweled off, gave his hair a cursory blow dry, and pulled on a pair of boxers he didn’t expect to be wearing long. Opening the door to see Jane still dressed in the casual clothing...

3 years ago
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i night spent with my mum part 2

I woke up a few hours later, my head hazy was that I dream or what, my mum wasn't in my bed and my boxers where still on, I couldn't go down to my mum and come out and say hey mum did we fuck last night just in case.I got up put some pants on and left my room, I went past my mum's room but she wasn't there so I went down to the kitchen and there she was so beautiful my cock started getting hard but I still couldn't put my finger on if we had fucked last night.“morning mum” I said walking in to...

5 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 88

Sally squirmed her way out from under Kim and moved over to Brad. She knelt next to him, leaned over and covered his mouth with hers. Paul began fondling Kim's breasts and she found his penis with her hand. She slowly stroked Paul as he tweaked her hard nipples. Paul groaned as Kim gently massaged his testicles. "The first thing I'm going to do is make you cum, Paul," Kim said and then she turned around. Kim covered his penis with her mouth and began to bob her head up and down while she...

4 years ago
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First anal experience Els an aacute lis eacute l

Szeretkeztünk a párommal és egyre jobban elkezdte újjal izgatni a lyukamat nekem meg egyre jobban tetszet.Éreztem ahogy elazulnak a záró izmaim és egyre beljebb tudja tolni az uját.Közben egy kis időre néha bekapta a farkam és a heréimet felváltva hogy jól megszívja ekkor még jobban elazult a záró izmom és beljeb hatolt.Majd az uját bekapva nyálazni kezdte persze ez is izgatott nagyon hisz nemrég még a lyukamba nyuljált és mosta meg nyalja.Majd újra elkezdte a nyálas úját feldugni.Amikor már...

4 years ago
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The Honey Dew ListChapter 13

The promised orgy had been one for the record books, or so it felt to Damien, especially with the daemon inside him giving him such stamina, such serious sexual vigor. It also became a bit hazy to most of the participants, not that anyone minded much. They lost track of who fucked whom and so forth, stopped counting, worrying, planning, and suggesting, etc. It was a fantastic clusterfuck and so they indulged in it every bit as much as they could. He fucked one woman after another, plus...

2 years ago
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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 6

Thad (continued) A large table, with a comfortable chair behind it, filled the center of the room. Both of the side walls were covered in drawers, like the walls were really huge filing cabinets. The back wall, behind the table, were glassed in shelves, filled with hundreds of small bottles containing ... well, Thad wasn’t sure what. Small objects floating in some fluid. He didn’t have a good feeling about what those were. On the table itself, coin trays, black velvet bags and gemstone...

3 years ago
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She Washed Bill s Dick

I have always enjoyed exchanging fluids with women, but I always gave more than I received...until I discovered the "Dick Wash." The trick is for her to have a VERY full bladder before you get together. I have three lovers and they all know not to pee for at least an hour before I pick them up. On several ocasions, they were dancing around trying to avoid pissing in their pants.They were all were reluctant to do this first time, but now they see how much I enjoy it and look forward to pleasing...

4 years ago
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CherryChapter 5 The Slut at the Manor House

That Saturday evening Ben drove me to the big manor house and told me which door to go to. He then told me that he would be back at exactly the same place at 9 o’clock in the morning. The door was opened by a butler called Henry who told me to follow him. He led me to a room where 3 other girls were, all a few years older than me and all in just knickers. One of them came over to me and said, “So, you’re the star of the evening little girl. It’s a long time since they’ve had a cherry to...

4 years ago
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A Flower for Lydia

Just like in The Girl Who Paints Butterflies, this one was also sent to enter the same competition. This one also failed to get any award. Therefore, I am posting this here to seek some ideas on how to improve this. Please send me a comment once you've read it. Thank you. Oh, another thing. DO NOT republish this anywhere else. You may save it if you like, but only for private offline reading. Do not post this anywhere else. I sat in the garden, with a book as thick as a telephone...

4 years ago
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The Sex education model

I became a sex education model.One day I was having a coffee with my good friend Debbie. She’s about my age, slim and attractive and single, a fact that always amazed me as she is so attractive. She’s a teacher at the local girls’ boarding school and I was asking her how her job was going…“Fine. It’s getting to that time of year when I have to do sex education and you know what I feel about that” Smirk.I knew that unlike every other teacher, she actually enjoyed giving the classes on the birds...

2 years ago
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Slice of Life Kimberly

Young and beautiful, Kimberly has wanted for little in her life. Her mother Opel has made sure she was sheltered sending her to an all girls school at the age of 12 and her stepfather Mike has made a fortune with his contracting position. She is young, innocent and very curious. Going into the summer before her final semester at the academy she looks to the future, weighing her options for the year to come. She had just received an invitation from her biological father to visit him in England....

5 years ago
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Sex SchoolChapter 5

Janet and Mike sat chatting quietly with Jim while they waited for Sara to return. Both of them were starting to get comfortable with being exposed by the brief costumes they wore. Jim used the time to tell them more about the Institute program. "When are we going to have a chance to... uhm, consummate our marriage?" Mike was still not quite ready to speak as plainly as the coaches wanted. "Because you are inexperienced, we will go slowly to introduce you to sexual activity at a pace...

2 years ago
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The Gutsy Disha And Me

Hey Guys! I got a very nice response to my Amisha story. Thanks for appreciating the story. This is what happened next. After Amisha left the city and traveled abroad. I was very sad. We left no chance to fuck each other but she left. For a few days, I had no one to spend some quality time. But I had to move on as she was not the only hot chick in the area. There were many and one of those was Disha (name changed). Disha was a friend of mine but not like other girls. She used to smoke, drink,...

4 years ago
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Widow Aunt and I experience BDSM

Hi all, its Ali here! I’m back with another incident with my widow aunt where she introduces me to BDSM and I discover one of my favorite kinks. Let me quickly share a few important background details for the new readers. I come from a very strict Muslim family. It is an extended family which consists of my father and the families of his 7 brothers. We live in a big city in central India which I will not name for privacy reasons. Our family is well-off as my father and uncles are mostly at...

3 years ago
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Wife s Gym Membership

My wife wanted to lose some weight and get fit. We’d been married for a while, and like most couple we’d grown complacent and overweight. So she signed up for a gym membership that she planned on using while I was at work during the days. I didn’t think she’d stick with it, most people don’t, but after six months she’d lost a lot of weight and was back to the incredible shape she’d been in when we got married. It has also affected her libido, because she was super horny all the time and in...

3 years ago
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An Amazing Mature Slut

'Got a light?' asked the woman as I stepped out of the inner-city 24/7. I complied and lit one myself. 'Waiting for someone?''Nah, been stood up, I think this is the phrase… mf didn’t show up to our date, doesn’t answer calls, text, nothing…''His loss' I commented, checking her out. She definitely was in her fifties, bit fat, but pleasantly curvy. She ‘dressed to kill too’, though I was only able to guess this from her short skirt, black thights and black boots as it was a cold october evening...

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A taste of anal

I had just moved to a new location. Single and wanting to have some fun I ask out one of the local girls from the video store. She was a few years younger and really hott so I was hoping she would except and when she did I didn’t realize how much fun it would be. I took her to the local steakhouse and wined and dined her afterwards she suggested my place for a new release video that she had grabbed from the store. Once we got to my place we played the movie and started to relax together on the...

4 years ago
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Reluctant NeighborChapter 11

Marily and Fred were not displeased to have the party end. They had both benefited from it, and this both of them knew as they drove home. Inside the house Marily looked around, felt that she was seeing their home for the first time. She turned to Fred and he took her in his arms and kissed her as she had never been kissed before. She liked it, she loved her 'new' husband. "Now you'll be too much for me," she told him, feigning pushing him away from her. "I'll try to be, darling," he...

4 years ago
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Wild Night With Jody and Her Friends

I had the best time last weekend. I was out with my buddies and we were at our local bar that we always went to. We were just hanging out having some beers and playing darts. It was a pretty slow night, but all of a sudden this group of young pretty girls came into the bar. The one girl was wearing a tiara on her head with a cute pink shirt that said 'Bride-to-Be.' She was also in a short mini skirt with black pumps. This girl was absolutely beautiful. All the rest of the girls were wearing...

2 years ago
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BlackCocksMatter Juliette March Trespassing And Fucking That Tight Little Pussy

Sexy babe Juliette March awakes to a trespasser and he makes her be quiet. He asks her to take his big black cock and do something about it. It may be too big for Juliette to take but we will find out! Juliette soon finds out just how turned on she is when she gets that dick deep in her throat and he mouth fucks her! She wants more and is ready for it to go into her wet little pussy! She is sure she can take it now and wants to ride and fuck every inch of that cock. She is not going to let him...

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My neighbor removed my saree

I’m a 26F Ramya from Chennai. I am married for two years. This story is about my astonishing experience with my elder brother’s friend Kishore who also happens to be our neighbor. Kishore is 28 yrs old, his wife Varsha is also close to our family. We had a good relationship between two families. I visit their house often. One day Kishore’s wife slipped in the bathroom and she damaged her back bone and was admitted to the hospital.Being a family friend, I was taking care of her by bringing her...

3 years ago
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AxemanChapter 30

I checked in on Kate after returning home with Ed. She was asleep with my pillow between her arms and Nat curled up behind her. Closing the door silently behind me, I joined Ed in my bed and got comfortable. Both of us were still worked up from Koz’s attentions. She was still banged up from the Death run. A gentle bout of lovemaking ensued, then she curled up in a hole Einstein would be proud of, basically on top of me, and we fell asleep with alarms set. (Gravity wells and space time...

4 years ago
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Farmer s DaughterChapter 1

When she runs up to her parents and hugs them, telling them how good it is to be home, Adam is struck by how gorgeous she is. This is not how he imagined a girl growing up on a farm to look like. He could not take his eyes off of her tight jeans and round ass. It was literally like he was a teenager again, beginning high school. And in some way, she really reminded him of his daughter. He never had thoughts like that with his daughter, but having new, naughty ones about Paula brings on new...

3 years ago
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A Little More Than He Expected

Ben rang the doorbell and waited expectantly for Sandy. They had made plans to have dinner together. It was a casual relationship, friends with occasional benefits. They had been friends for long time and hung out with the same group of singles, mostly in their late twenties and early thirties. Their relationship only got intimate a few months ago after night of drinking and Ben offered to take Sandy home. A good night kiss turned into a make out session in front of her apartment and Ben spent...

4 years ago
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what the camera saw

My wife likes having other men touch her and fuck her and in some cases, she likes it when they force her to do things like sucking their cocks until they dump a load in her mouth. I have watched her with different men I have seen her take cock big enough to stretch her, I have lost count how many times I have seen cum somewhere on her body. One day I had a mate ask me about if what he had heard about my wife was true, I find no point in lying about our escapades any longer so I told him the...

2 years ago
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Why I Hate Valentine s Day Part 6

I once again awoke to the images from my dream thoroughly depressing me. I thought I was losing my mind to Prissy-Sissy for real. I began to wonder how long I could continue on the path I'd taken with Master Malcolm before I'd be lost to Prissy-Sissy forever. I needed to escape and soon. Thursday was just like my other days. I got dressed as ordered by Mistress Helen in my Baby Pink PVC and White Lace corset and lingerie and did my makeup in matching light pink and gray shades, and...

3 years ago
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It was time

It was time. The phone and on-line interaction was just not enough. They decided to meet for a few days at a location away from both of their homes. Somewhere no one would know them. Somewhere they could just be together for a few days. It was mid-November and they chose a cabin in the Smokey Mountains. She arrived a day or two early to relax and put some personal touches in the cabin that would make the experience more relaxing and sensual. Candles, quilts and pillows had been placed carefully...

First Time
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SeedlingChapter 5

Mark makes his way through the woods in a haze-like euphoria. The trees whip past him almost hurriedly and his mind just brushes it off, not connecting reality to fiction. Through his eyes it is like a dreamscape and nothing is real except for the bliss coursing through his body. The feeling of being summoned has only increased and so has the need to reach the tree. The only thing Mark is unsure of is whether it is all because of the tree or partly because of Ms. Savile. Either way, it...

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A Sad Ending

This story is written from the son’s point of view.I was 18 when my life changed forever. My dad ran off with his young secretary and my mom was devastated. I had the invite to move to Las Vegas with him, but I saw how low my mom was and decided to stay (this could have possibly been the worst decision of my life). Things seemed to get better for the both of us; my mom was dating again and having fun. I had a new girlfriend that I could have fun with whenever I pleased. Life seemed to be...

2 years ago
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The Train Connection With A Blowjob

I am a 23-year-old guy, 6’2″ tall guy and not too lean or fat. This is a real-life incident that happened a few months back. I was traveling by an overnight train from my native place to Bangalore, and the train journey became a very memorable one. It was a sleeper coach and had my seat in the side upper. After a very long time, the people started coming into my compartment in various stations. I was prepared for a boring journey until she boarded the train. She was wearing a saree and was like...

2 years ago
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The Boys in BlueChapter 11

Over the next two days, Robert took Terry first to Poole Quay where they wondered the narrow streets of the old town hand in hand. They drove down to Sandbanks and crossed over to Shell Bay on the chain ferry. Then they climbed the Purbeck Hills to Corfe and its castle, stopping to have a cream tea in the village. On another day they visited Christchurch, with its ancient church, and the ruins of the Priory. They watched the fishermen in the punt below the old bridge that spanned the River...

4 years ago
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In the NavyChapter 37 Margaret Maynard Takes Command

Gibraltar, September 1807 Lady Carter walked through the rooms of their rented house one more time, making sure they had not forgotten anything. The furnishings would stay in place as per agreement with the owner of the house against a compensation of thirty-two pounds. This was fine for Harriet, since it freed her of the need to sell the items separately. Seeing nothing left behind, Harriet went downstairs. Jenny was holding Richard on her arm who had woken only a short while ago and was...

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 “So where are you headed?”“Wherever.”“Is that a plan or a statement of fact?”“Whatever.”The girl leans back and begins tapping on her mobile, completely absorbed, the way young people do. I say girl; I suppose she’s a young woman, but I estimate her age to early to mid twenties, and at my time of life she counts as a girl. On the other hand, I’m useless at judging ages.Normally I wouldn’t pick up a hitchhiker. Not anymore. At first I wasn’t going to pick this one up either. I don’t know why I...

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Tim picked up his coffee and headed toward the door of the shop, eager to get home. His guild had a big raid planned for the game tonight, and he didn’t want to be late. He started when someone grabbed his arm as he walked past. He was even more surprised when he stopped and turned to see it was a hot girl. “Timmy, right? You’re good with computers, aren’t you?” She knows my name? He thought. Kelly had run with the popular crowd in school, and he was surprised she even knew he existed. “Yeah,...

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The Blizzard

The BlizzardBy alex_gThe snowflakes hitting the window of Debra's new car were growing larger and wetter by the minute.Damn it, she thought to herself, if we had only started out a couple of hours earlier we would've made it home and wouldn't be out in this mess. Nervously glancing over at her nineteen year old son, she saw that he too was watching the snow as it swirled around the car. Turning her attention back to the road, she concentrated on keeping the car between the disappearing lane...

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AllGirlMassage Georgia Jones Kristen Scott Sore Bottom Blues

Georgia Jones undresses in a private massage room, although she moves carefully because of her aching butt. When her masseuse, Kristen Scott, enters the room, she tries to play it cool, although Kristen immediately sees that something is bothering her client. However, Georgia isn’t ready to give up her secret so soon. Kristen slathers oil onto her hands and begins massaging Georgia’s back. As she works out the tension, Georgia becomes more shy about her butt being sore. She soon...

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It was the very first night of my month long North Carolina July summer vacation stay when my Aunt Meg suddenly entered the bedroom that I was temporarily sharing with my younger cousin Rudy. Being so openly effeminine in his body language,voice and looks, I had already planted such dirty thoughts into my mind! Yes quite stimulating to me forbidden sexual thoughts about making my cousin Rudy become a secret faggot for me just like openly gay Joey Parker who lived right down the road from me...

3 years ago
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The Playhouse

We had a large play house at my house. By the time I was 15 I pretty much never went near it unless I was watching my younger siblings.One night as I tried to sneak back into my house after a night of partying my s*s Paula, who is four years older, caught me.She dragged me to the playhouse which was a good distance from the house.I was pretty wasted so I was laughing and being an idiot as she pulled me along.When we got there, Jean, a year older than me, was already there. She said " shut up...

4 years ago
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Winter at Cousin s House

This is story that happened about 10 years ago, and in that time of my life many bad things happened to me, so that period of my life is pushed back in my mind and only the good things flash back sometimes. I was 24 years old, I had passed heaven and hell so far and the story happens just when I ended long relationship with one girl. Maybe I will write this long and wide, and you are supposed to hear good porn story, but I hope you will forgive me that. I wanted to move out to live at my step...

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The Redridge Liberation

The Redridge Liberation By: Lyrissa The sun shone down from a bright blue sky almost entirely devoid of clouds. Far above the indistinct black shape of a condor circled, patiently waiting for a meal. The red dust of the broad highway going between Elwynn Forest and Redridge whipped around in the faint breeze, tossing to and fro and rushing up against the legs of a lone traveller's warhorse. The sun glinted on her well-polished helmet, trimmed with azure and sporting a long blue plume...

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A Week Before Christmas

A WEEK BEFORE CHIRSTMAS By Bek D Corbin It was Marcy's birthday, and she was treating herself to the all-you-can- eat buffet at the Chinese restaurant. The food wasn't very good- like at all- but there was a lot of it, and there was a wide selection, and the quality was still head and shoulders above her usual fare. She ignored the brief hostile glares as she went to her table. She was getting used to them. No, that wasn't right; she'd never get used to them. But she was learning...

3 years ago
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Culture ShockChapter 14

Elaine touched up her lipstick and went to the toilet again. She'd eaten little and her stomach warred against her. When she returned, she slid twenty bucks and her front door key into her pocket and stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, taking a deep breath. Her heart was thumping and she couldn't stop trembling. Her reflection stared back at her. I don't know if I can do this. The faces of her roommates appeared at her door. "What's taking so long?" asked Kendra. "You're...

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Twentyone Days After

CHAPTER 1 M y name is Zoë Wells I am twenty-one and after leaving university, thiswas my first position. Over the next four years, I was quickly promoted inthe company and put in charge of company records. I found information, whichworried me and took some computer disks home to examine in private. The informationconcerned the finance director and when he found I had taken them, he accusedme of revealing confidential information and ar ra nged for me to be prosecuted.M y trial had ended and I...

2 years ago
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Imperial Spy

I had been here six months planning and preparing for this day. I walked in the servants entrance and went to the changing room. I undressed and put my clothes into my locker before putting a clean and pressed servants uniform on. Next was the small cleaning bot and a duster and a small trash container. I attached my palace ident and pass to my left suit pocket and carried everything out. There were dozens of checkpoints through the palace and I stopped at each like I had since I started. It...

1 year ago
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The Ad

"Wanted: Clean gal with shaven pussy, who wants to be licked by another woman." Karen was flipping through the magazine when this ad caught her attention. It almost leapt right out at her. "What an odd ad," she thought. She shook her head and started flipping through the pages again. But darn, that ad kept popping back into her mind. She couldn't help it. She had always wanted to have her pussy licked by another woman, but she just didn't have the nerve to go and ask. How did you ask someone to...

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Genetic Influences Third Installment

Here is the third installment of Genetic Influences. The fourth Installment will be completed soon. Chapter Four: News from Jeannie My three roomies had all gone off in different directions to take care of errands, leaving me at my desk with my laptop before me. Lines of text scrolled down the screen as I read through articles from various journals of psychological research. I had decided to scrap my senior project and start all over again from scratch. I figured that, with...

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Dressed for the Beach

Like many cross-dressers I’ve been sentenced to a life of secrecy.  Over the years I have accumulated a small stash of panties, bras, shorts, slacks, blouses, stockings, and shoes.  I wear them on the too little opportunities where I can sneak away without suspicion, mostly to the trusty adult bookstore.  It is such a thrill to walk around in a semi-public area dressed like a woman and, sometimes, being pursued as a woman.  I’ve had both oral and anal sex several times with men when dressed as...

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Melody s New Life Chapter Two

Chapter Two by BrettJ © 2010 All throughout dinner, Eric Prince kept looking at his gorgeous daughter and his sex-kitten wife, wondering what was going on in their hands. Well … Melody’s head, because Ariel’s hand kept reaching under the table and fishing for his cock and stroking it. Some men might find it annoying or teasing, but Ariel never teased – if she played with your cock or did a sexy little song and dance, you knew Ariel was in the mood to fuck and you’d better be...

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Weekend in New Hampshire Part 3

Weekend in New Hampshire Part 3 Sam woke up and found that it was still dark. He needed a few minutes to figure out where he was and what he was doing. The first thing that he realized was that he wearing a nightie; then, that he was lying in bed next to his friend; and finally, that his friend had thoroughly fucked him a few hours ago. He actually thought for a minute that he had had some sort of dream, but the mild soreness of his asshole convinced him of the reality of the...

2 years ago
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EuroTeenErotica Alexa Flexy Hardcore Fuck For New Years Part 1

Russian college cutie Alexa Flexy escapes a New Year’s Eve party with French stud Vince Karter for a private hardcore banging session of their own to ring in the new year. Vince has been eyeing the petite blonde all night long and just couldn’t wait to get his hands and mouth on her perky 32B natural tits, nor his fingers and monster dick deep inside her shaved pussy. The horny nymph is more than happy to oblige him with a blowjob after seeing his girth, and after an ass licking in...

5 years ago
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Happily Ever After Chapters 2 and 3

Chapter 2 Be My Baby It took me awhile to get to sleep and I found it almost impossible to remain in that state. Sam wasn't up for any fooling around and drifted off quickly with his arm and leg draped over me possessively. This was what I'd wanted, wasn't it? Why was I having these gnawing doubts about everything? If I had the chance, I'd definitely take a few days and just go off by myself somewhere. The weight of the entire situation was beginning to drag me down. ...

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A Maggot in My Mind Ch 02

This is chapter 2 of the story and before reading this you should read chapter 1. The chapters are not self-contained but part of the same developing story. Its just the story was too long for me to put it all together before posting and so I will post each chapter when I’ve had the time to get it to a satisfactory state. I want to express my thanks to all those who have emailed me or posted comments on the story. * * * * * Sara collapses in floods of tears as soon as they sit in the corner...

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It's mid July and school is out and to earn a little extra cash I have begun tutoring a few students in need of help. So far I have been working with three students, two girls and one boy. They come to my home for two to three hours on different days to get help with thier studies. Today is Wednesday and Marcie is scheduled for the afternoon for help with her anatomy class. She has been here three times so far, but she's running late today. When she arrived I showed her in and we were getting...

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My Life Part 07 The Downstairs Neighbor

But, I actually didn't do anything the next week. I thought about visiting Stephanie and Naomi again, but they were quite busy with their classes. The next week they were still busy, but invited me over for a quick fuck during their lunch break. I arrived just after they had just got home from morning class. Stephanie opened the door, in just a pair of hibiscus print underwear. She was already topless. "Come in, come in." "Perfect timing Daddy" Naomi called from the kitchen. ...

3 years ago
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I was sure I was being followed home. Whatever or whoever was following me, was good! I could not discern it at all. There was just a tickle of a sixth sense. My teacher, before she died, had said I was the best natural magic user she had seen in ages. Now I was alone. I had nothing and no one to train me, except for her books, and that was difficult at best. I made it home, and put my primary shields of protection around the house and grounds. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could get in now. If...

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TV TV by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas My girlfriend Gloria and I had just moved into an apartment together, having gone out for six months or so, before making the commitment. We moved in furniture from each of our apartments, after deciding what would go best in the new place. With the exception of a television set, we really had everything we needed, but her set had just died, and mine was an old one that didn't have long to go. She volunteered to take care...

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The War In The Pacific Part One

1944, West Coast of Japan, The Final Days of The Pacific Theatre of WarIt was a dark night; twelve hours had passed since Williams was separated from his squad. He had parachuted into war-torn Japan, near to a city on the coast of the country. His squad comprised of six other soldiers but he saw most of them go down into the sea, and even one smash into a cliffside. Eric “Tommy-Gun” Williams was part of the US Parachute squadron. Well trained and a respected soldier, he was however ruthless in...

Love Stories
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Getting fun during a boring meeting

My slutty boss Barbara informed me that I was the chosen one to attend a boring conference out of town. Victor was not available to join me, since he was very busy at his own work. My loving husband had been stressed lately and so, our sex life had been a truly disaster.It made me be fucking horny and aroused most of the time…After the first day, the conference was absolutely boring to me; but after dinner, I met some interesting people there at our hotel.One of my colleagues was called Peter,...

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Kat s Story Ch 02

That night Bill took me out to a gourmet dinner. My mind was still swimming from the events of the afternoon. I was both ashamed and excited by having my first lesbian encounter, but I didn’t understand how Bill could share me so cavalierly with another person. We talked throughout dinner and back on the veranda of the villa about our histories, goals and desires. Bill had been married before. He explained that his ex-wife and he did not share the same sexual desires. He wanted sex all the time...

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Stroking Midnight

I took a long sip of my dirty martini and leaned into the bar, staring resentfully down towards the end of it. My boyfriend of three years, Ryan, was still engaged in conversation, feeding his ego with clever banter. I noticed the familiar animated expressions, grand gestures, and overly enthused laughter that captivated the small crowd of people he was talking to. I sighed heavily, and settled back onto my bar stool and played with the spear of olives in my drink. It was New Year’s Eve, but...

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Busty Kashmiri Bhabhi Big Boobs And Pussy Exposed

Welcome back every ISSian to another sexually stimulating desi xxx gallery. This time, check out some hot nude pics of a busty Kashmiri bhabhi giving one hell of a show to her lover on cam. The busty bhabhi has been continuing her secret affair with her bf even after marriage. And one day, when her husband was ignoring her and too busy working in another room, this Kashmiri bhabhi decides to have some risky fun. /** * Image Gallery ...

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One day, my uncle Ben, who is my mum's brother, was staying over, and I heard him saying to my mum that my dad must have hardly given her time to get her pants back on after she had me, before he knocked her up a second time and my sister came along. Uncle Ben probably didn't mean for me to hear him saying that, but when I think about it, the comment probably had a certain amount of truth in it. There was less than a year between my sister, Tina, and me, so we were pretty close as k**s. My...

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Wrong Way or Is It

The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents The Pool The Hut The Search The Next Day Another Day The Pool, Again The Searchers, Again Family History The Outcomes A Year Later The Pool Eighteen year old Yumi wanders away from her class on the nature tour in the old natural woodland of an ancient estate. This is an annual visit to the woods, and she’s familiar with them. However this part of the ancient woods is a bit spooky. Yumi wonders what secrets it...

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Denise s Degredation 2

The three motioned Denise out of the kitchen and guided her back to her's and Harry's bedroom. Once there they closed the door and Greg pulled her robe off. Denise stood there looking at the three men that were going to fuck her and her nipples hardened. The men removed their clothes and Denise gasped in surprise, the smallest dick of the three was nine inches long and a good three inches around. All three dicks were hard. Greg came forward and laid Denise back across her bed. He opened her...

2 years ago
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My cuckold journey

I am a 54 year old married women from Essex. i have been happily married to my second husband for 23 years and been together for 28 years. i married my first husband when i was just eighteen, far to young. He was a lot older and quite frankly boring. i wanted to be young and enjoy myself. I used to go out once a week with a girlfriend to the local pub and i met a married guy there. we started having sex in the back of his car and he was very good at fucking,better than my husband, this became a...

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Getting my second BJ

Way back in the day, when i was young, a friend of mind had this girl. She was something that would make you jaw hang. Blond hair, tiny body, little sexy breast with beautiful puffy perk nipples, and in some hot skimpy clothes most of the time. Then my friend and her broke up, he moved away and she was still around.Awhile later, a friend of her's kinda spilled the beans that she liked me. Wow did that put a smile on my face :) That weekend we were having a fire on the beach and some beers,...

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Ken Sissy

Ken sat there, staring blankly at the movie screen, showing a big black cockplowing into a white beauty. His wife was far from a beauty, as she was now inher early fifties and had put on a few too many pounds for his taste.... butevidently it didn't seem to have bothered the two black men.Ken looked over his shoulder at the entrance to the adult theater, hoping thathis wife would be walking back in, but he knew better. It had all happened sofast, that he tried to remember how he ended up...

2 years ago
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How it feels like to fuck a loose slut

My wife has always had a healthy sex drive. Occasionally, I would return home from work to the sight of her using her vibrator. On one particular day, I came home to find her on the bed pumping a fat dildo into her pussy. I coyly asked her, "Are you trying to make yourself a loose, little slut for me?" As I stripped off my clothes she responded, "Not yet, since if I did try, you would not be able to fuck me properly. Where is the fun in that?"I moved up and replaced my wife's dildo with my...

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Kiki in England

Kiki in England. Kiki an American was on vacation in England with two of her girlfriends. They had been staying in the hustle and bustle of London for two weeks. Their final week had been booked in a small village situated in the heart of the English countryside. Kiki’s grandfather had been stationed in the area during the Second World War. He had spoken so often about how idyllic the place was; and it was a dream come true for her to visit. The girls were into their fourth day at...

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Becky Flowers is a cocksucking a fucking whore

Becky Flowers is a cocksucking whore, albeit a very good cocksucking whore. My momma always taught me to say the nicest things about people, and the nicest thing I can say about Ms. Flowers is, she is a cocksucking whore.Becky had a penchant for hard teen cock. Something that started when she was a Junior in high school. It was not long before she was sucking over half of the football team. Word, of which, had reached the ears of Coach Dean Trimmer, an old jock that had a penchant for teen...

2 years ago
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Making HeroesChapter 9

Sue's firewall worked very well against this particular bunch of goat-men. She must have really juiced up her abilities, because it only took two of the firewalls to eliminate every one of the goat-men in the chamber. That raised the question of whether or not her other spells were also that much stronger. Well, the only way to know for sure was to test them in combat. They left the room and walked down the corridor away from Diablo, but where more of his minions could be found. They came...

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Bad Teacher Ch 04

Chapter 04: Carmen got game… Next day my good fortune continued. As I got up my phone rang. It was my mother and she told me, my father had to be away on business for two more weeks and she would like to be with him. I told her no problem as I didn’t think it would be a problem for me continuing staying at the Grants. In a good mood I went to the kitchen. Both Peter and Carmen were up, Carmen wore a white turtleneck sweater that fitted her gorgeous form like a glove, and tight black pants....

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NORTH CAROLINA REST STOP PANTYHOSE EXPERIENCEI was in my early 20s and had promised my grandmother I would come visit her for the weekend since I had not been to see her in several months. I was still living with my parents at the time north of DC but was on an assignment in northern Virginia. I told my parents I would leave for North Carolina from work since it didn’t make sense to drive north to my home, retrieve my things then head south. I had worn pantyhose to work that day, a pair of...

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Charlie s Guide to Life Ch 01

‘Come on. Just go on one date. What could it hurt?’ Stevie questioned for the twentieth time that night. It could hurt a lot. I’d learned my lesson earlier that year, which had prompted my decision to take a dating sabbatical. I’d always been the girl that never settled down, never had a boyfriend. And I was pretty proud of that too. But as they say: never say never. I fell for a guy and fell hard. No one quite got it. Whenever Lex got the chance, she would remind me that it was only three...

4 years ago
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Sex Trafficking Part 2 Jeff and Barbie Doll

This is one part of another project. It gives information for events that will occur later on in another part of the project. Fall semester was finished and spring break was a month or two off. During spring break, Jeff knew the good looking sexy female population would jump from very few to an abundance. The past summer and 2015 Christmas season had been quite good for Jeff’s end of the sex trafficking business with Morris. By himself a total of 16 packages had been delivered to Morris. At...

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