Ravage Revenge
- 4 years ago
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Builders Revenge
There are some days when you just know that you shouldn'thave to work and this was one of them. The sun was already beating down andmaking the inside of the truck cab stifling hot. Having two hairy arsed, unwashedlabourers with me didn't help either. Joe and Ed were great workers, but theirhygiene left a bit to be desired.
Their chat, as we sped to the job, was all about their latestconquests and how they performed with them. To hear them go on, you would thinkthat they had just fucked the living day lights out of two movie starlets andnot the cider swilling old whores I knew they went with. I let them continue,because I found their tales extremely funny and anyway, it helped to pass thetime.
The lady lived a good distance away from our home base,so we had arranged to stay overnight at a local B & B for a couple of nights.That was something else I wasn't too keen on and had already added the costto my quite considerable estimate.
As we drove up a half mile of smoothly raked gravel, setamidst tall conifers, I was wishing I had doubled my quotation for this job.Damn, they could well afford it, I thought to myself.
"Right you two, shut the cackle! I want us to make a goodimpression here, OK?" I said and grinned as they both replied with a mock salute,
"Yes Boss, No Boss, three f'ing bags full Boss!" They saidin unison.
I pulled the elaborate bell chord at the front door of,what can only be described as a mansion and eventually the door opened. Thelady of the house greeted me frostily and asked for my I.D. card. I told herI didn't have such a thing and showed her my driving license instead, she saidangrily,
"Ummmm, ok, Mark is it, so you seem to be who you say youare and what are you gawping at?"
I guess my tongue was hanging out or something, for shewas drop dead gorgeous. She was in a skimpy bikini, with a short towellingrobe barely covering her ample proportions and I couldn't take my eyes offher luscious curves.
"Ssssorry ma'am, I didn't mean to stare" I replied, blushingfuriously.
"You are here to work young man, not oggle my body and youbetter make a good job of it too! Now I suggest you get those two louts tounload the truck and I'll show you what I need doing."
As soon as I saw her, I knew this job was going to be trouble.She spun on her heel and walked away towards the pool area. My eyes followedher all the way, the robe was very short and I could see the ripe swell ofher buttocks either side of her skimpy thong. I'm sure she worked out at oneof those fancy gyms which abound in this neck of the woods, as there was nosign of excess weight anywhere, her legs were gorgeous and her waist quiteslim. Her breasts were smallish, but I liked them that way, any more than amouthful is wasted, as my old man used to say.
I got the boys started, unloading the truck and followedher round. My cock was swelling already, just at the thought of what she wouldbe like in bed and as I walked behind her, watching her buttocks dancing delightfullyunder her robe, I assessed her as I would a potential new girlfriend. Fat chanceof that though, this lady was far too sophisticated, to say nothing of beinga snob of the first order. She had to be at least forty five or so, but verywell preserved, short blond hair, cut very well, a very fit frame and withan arse that some women, half her age, would be proud of. It was just a pityabout her attitude.
"Ok Mick, Mack, or whatever your stupid name is, this iswhere I want the patio. Right here, at the top of the pool and don't you daredamage the marble edging, it cost more than you could earn in a year!" shesaid bitchily.
I stood, looking in awe, the pool was beautiful and shewas probably quite right about the marble. She gave me a withering glance anda final reminder that she would be watching us from her sun lounger at theother end of the pool and not to slack off or she would deduct it from ourbill.
Due to the heat, we had all come in cut-off denim shorts,boots and loose shirts, which we had already removed. The sweat was runningoff us in rivulets and as the sun beat down mercilessly, I asked if we couldget some cold water from the kitchen,
"Pardon me? You mean you idiots forgot to bring water? WellI'm sorry, but I'm not having sweaty louts like you, stomping around in mykitchen, thank you very much! There is an outside tap I use for my dogs, usethat, if you really must. I'm going in for a cool glass of lemonade myself,so keep up the good work, fuckwits"
During the time we had been working, I noticed that shewas watching us a little more closely than was necessary. I also noticed thather nipples were standing out quite prominently against the thin material ofher bikini top and; if I were not mistaken, there was a damp spot showing onthe crutch of her bottoms. I wondered what was going through her mind. Shegot up from her lounger, giving us all a flash of her pussy pressing hard againstthe bikini pants and disappeared into the house.
"Fucking hell Mark, I ain't taking that shit from no stuckup cow like her!" Ed shouted angrily, "I reckon she needs taught some fuckingmanners, don't you?" Before I could say anything, Joe piped up with,
"Too fucking true mate, let's go and shag the arse of her,right now!"
"Hang on you two twats, she'll have us reported to the copsquicker than that and where does that put us? In the fucking jail, that's where!" Ireplied.
"Not if we do it right Mark, not if we do it right!" SaidJoe, who had slightly more intelligence than Ed. "I bet she has never put outproperly for her hubby, we get him to co-operate and we film it, as if sheis a willing participant, what do you think?"
They over ruled any objections I might have had and we followedMadam into the house. Her husband looked a bit older than her, probably inhis mid fifties and slightly balding, but in good physical shape. They werechatting in the kitchen and she was giving him a hard time about somethingwhich, I guess, is his role in life, to listen to his gorgeous wife criticisingeverything he tried to do. Poor bastard I thought, but maybe she would actdifferently to him after this afternoon was finished and we taught her somemanners.
Ed was the biggest of us all and strong as an ox, so hegrabbed her hubby while Joe and I took her and threw her across the kitchentable.
"What the bloody hell do you think you are doing? Let mego this instant!" She screamed in anger, "I'll get the police to you, you won'tget away with treating me in this manner! Do something Geoff, you wimp, stopthem immediately!"
Geoff tried in vain to escape the bear tight grip that Edhad on him, but it was useless and by this time his hands were tied securelybehind his back and Ed had gagged him with a dishcloth. Joe and I tied madamto the legs of the table, spread eagled and helpless; she was still mouthingobscenities at us. Joe leant over her and slapped her face hard,
"Shut the fuck up bitch" He hissed menacingly, "We are gonnateach you how to treat gentlemen like us" And he laughed an evil laugh andproceeded to cut off her bikini with a knife from the drawer.
She was crying and pleading with us to stop, but when herluscious body came into view, I knew it was too late to stop. She was in foran afternoon of rough sex, whether she liked it or not!
I couldn't believe we were actually going to do this, nomatter how bitchy she was, did she deserve to be raped? I watched in silenceas Joe took her nipples between his thumbs and fingers, rolling them and pullingthem out from her perfect breasts. Her eyes looked pleadingly into mine andmy resolve almost evaporated, but, when I thought of how she had treated ussince our arrival and how she talked to poor old Geoffrey, my feelings hardenedagain.
"What's you name bitch?" Joe asked, tightening his pressureor her tender buds, "Do we call you Cunt or Fuckwit, like you called us, eh?"
Her tears were forming a puddle on the table, but, I swear,I saw a dewdrop of her juices, glistening on that pretty pussy of hers, soopen to our gaze and I reached over to check. I slid a finger roughly, alongand into, her gaping slit and felt its slickness. She gasped, from the painin her nipples and; I suspect, from my rude intrusion of her juicy parts,
"Jeanette! Its Jeanette, now stop this, you're just fuckinganimals. Ahhhhhhhh!" She cried, as Joe squeezed even harder and I felt herinner walls contract around my digit. Joe just laughed and said,
"Ever suck cock Jeanette? Taste a man's cum? Swallow hisload?"
"Oh my God No! Never, it's disgusting, perverted and unnatural!" Shesaid, but again, I felt her pussy contract and more juice were released.
While this was going on, Ed had found out from Geoffrey,where they kept their camcorder and was setting it up to record Jeanette'slesson in manners. Joe had stripped off his shorts and was dangling his semiflaccid cock in her face, even half hard, he was enormous and she looked terrified,
"You're gonna make me hard bitch! Any thoughts of bitingme and you get cut, ok?" He said, pressing the kitchen knife to her flawlessskin, "Now start sucking!"
And he eased his sweaty member between her reluctant lips.Once more, I felt a surge of her nectar as she involuntarily accepted his rancidcock. Her body was enjoying this, even if her mind wasn't and I felt myselfresponding. I began to finger fuck her faster and added two more, to open herwider and make her more accommodating when it came time for her to get whather fanny obviously desired.
After Ed had the camcorder running to his satisfaction andwith all of Jeanette in the frame, he lumbered over to join us. He strippedoff to reveal that he was already aroused and ready for action. Not as longas Joe, but much thicker in girth, he stroked himself and said,
"That looks real juicy Boss, let me taste that sweet pussyand nibble her clit"
With no further ado, he lowered his bristly face to Jeanette'sgaping hole and began noisily sucking at her soft lips. He must have bittendown on her clit quite hard, as she jerked and let out a muffled cry of painaround Joe's stiff shaft. This only spurred Joe on to drive his cock deeperinto her throat and Ed, to suck and bite even harder. A few more minutes passed,Joe grunted, pulled her head onto his exploding cock and hoarsely said,
"Oh yes! Now swallow my thick spunk bitch, don't wasteany or you'll regret every drop spilt"
I watched Jeanette fight her gag reflexes and swallow asfast as she could. Joe withdrew and wiped the sticky bulbous head across herface, leaving a snail trail of cum in its wake, which he duly wiped up withhis finger and pushed back into her mouth.
I looked across at Geoffrey and was surprised to see thathe had an erection, he was getting aroused by seeing his wife treated likethis, so I asked him if she had ever given him a blow job, to which he shookhis head.
"Well, I think it is time we changed all that Geoffrey,Jeanette is more than willing to eat your meat, aren't you Jeanette?" I said,squeezing her tender nipples.
"Ouch! You bastard. No, I don……." I pinchedharder and pulled them out from her tits like organ stops and her protest changedto, "Ok, Ok, I'll do it, just stop hurting me"
"Was that a, 'please Sir' I heard at the end of that questionJeanette,
"Please Sir, I'll do it, I'll suck his little dick for him,Ok?"
I let her nipples go and laughed as the blood rushed backto them and caused her to cry out again. I brought her husband to the sideof her head and dropped his trousers and Y-fronts. His erect member twitchedat the prospect of his first oral experience ever and I did not think he wouldlast long in Jeanette's sweet mouth. Especially, as it was then, that Ed choseto spear his wife's juicy fanny with his thick stubby cock. His rough thumbrubbed her clit and caused her to try and squirm away from him and cry out.As her mouth opened, Geoffrey placed his cock inside and shut off her moaning.Soon he was fucking her throat as hard as Joe had been, nowhere near as deeplyof course and Joe was getting it all on tape.
Geoffrey shot his load and I made her swallow that too,Ed sprayed her belly with his cumm and fed it to her from his fingers, Joeand I had other plans.
Watching her swallowing load after load of creamy hot spunkhad me as hard as I can ever remember being and I wanted to feel that prettypussy clamping my cock, as it had done to my fingers. Jeanette was exhaustedfrom struggling with her bindings, so we undid them and I lay down on the table.Ed and Joe made her sit across me and lowered her steaming fanny onto my engorgedprick. She was so wet; I slipped in easily and felt her shudder as my cockhit her cervix; I grabbed her hips roughly and began to thrust in and out,sucking her tender nipples at the same time.
The longer I fucked her, the wetter she got and I pulledher arse cheeks wide apart, exposing her anal opening to the guys and her husband.I pressed my index finger to it and immediately felt her tense up as she realisedwhat I was going to do. She screamed when my finger eased its way past herresisting sphincter and slid in deeply,
"No! Not that, you bastard! Stop it please!"
But, as I invaded her most private place, I felt her innermuscles squeeze my dick harder and a flood of juice soak my thighs. I lookedup at Joe and I saw that his eyes were glazed over with lust, he wanted toburst her anal cherry and I was about to let him. At my nod, he got onto thetable and as I removed my finger he replaced it with his sticky cock. Jeanettecried out again, but once more her pussy oozed more of her juices. When Joehad her opened enough, he reamed her arse hard and when he shot his load, Edreplaced him, quickly followed by Geoffrey, who looked like he was in heaven,shagging the backside off his missus.
Her cries had long since turned to moans as my cock relentlesslypounded her fanny and my pubic bone ground at her clit. She couldn't take muchmore and soon she moaned out again, not in pain this time, but in pleasure,her floodgates burst and she came. My cumm mixed with hers, covered my legsand ran onto the table. She collapsed onto my chest and lay there breathingheavily, her body still twitching in the aftermath of her climax.
Ten minutes had passed before she found the strength toraise herself up and to glare at me, then she looked at the others, saw themstroking their dicks while watching the camcorder and she knew that her ordealwas not yet over. When she looked over at her husband and saw him staring avidlyat the camcorder, stroking his cock like the rest of them, she knew that shewanted more.
I had already spotted the hooks in the ceiling, probablyleft over from an old fashioned clothes drier, and I thought that it was timeto hang her out to dry. I told the guys, to string her up and that we wouldgive her something to remember us by. She looked at me fearfully, but I alsosaw a flicker of submissive lust cross her eyes, she would never admit to it,but I knew she was enjoying us using her body as much as we were and wonderedwhat we had in store for her now.
Joe and Ed lifted her weary frame off me and stood her underthe pulleys attached to the hooks. They tied a rope to each wrist and loopedit through the wheels, pulling her arms as high as they would stretch, withoutdislocating her shoulders. She was stood on her tip toes, sweat running offher and cumm flowing down her thighs. The Bitch was not looking so haughtynow, I thought to myself.
It was just as we had her strung up like this, that it couldhave all turned to a ball of chalk and we could have all gone to jail for avery long time. The back door opened and in walked a stranger! He was obviouslya friend of theirs and when he saw Jeanette hanging naked from the ceilingand us all stood around her, equally naked and sporting huge erections, heshouted out,
"What the fuck is going on here? Geoff, Jeanette, who thefuck are these guys? Do I call the police?" Geoffrey immediately; and I mustadmit, surprisingly, jumped in with,
"Bob, it's ok! You know Jeanette; she can be a right Bitch!Well these guys are only teaching her a lesson. She was acting her usual, teasingthe life out of them, treating them like shit and now she's getting taughthow much of a slut she really is! Join in; you know what she has always thoughtof you? You have my permission."
Bob looked at us unbelievingly and ignoring Jeanette's pleasfor help, he quickly undressed and showed that he was ready for some paybackfor all the snide remarks she had made about him in the past. He approachedthe helpless Jeanette and thrust his hand between her greasy thighs, forcinghis fingers inside her lava hot cunt. She stared at him in shock; this wasa family friend, one she slagged off admittedly, but supposedly a friend, nonethe less.
He had four fingers imbedded in her tender pussy and histhumb cruelly pressed on her engorged clitoris. He couldn't resist taking oneof her nipples into his mouth and biting it savagely, which caused Jeanetteto call out in agony.
He looked as surprised as I had been when Jeanette's bodybetrayed her once more. She spasmed and a flood of her juices soaked his probingfingers. He grinned evilly and said,
"Fucking hell Geoff, she loves it!"
With that, his thumb curled into the palm of his hand andhe inserted his whole hand into her grasping fanny. The sight of his friendabusing his wife like this had Geoffrey so aroused, that he went behind herand prised open the cheeks of her delectable arse, exposing her previouslybuggered anal opening. She was so well lubricated that when he placed the bulboushead of his cock against her hole, it easily opened to allow him to fuck her,in time with Bob's fist. Ed and Joe were giving her tits and nipples the benefitof their mouths and teeth, leaving enormous bite marks and love bites all overthem and I was using their video to record the whole sordid change in Jeanette.She didn't realise it, just yet, but she would soon be my sex slave!
Even as Bob tired of using her sloppy cunt with his fistand began to fuck her with his huge cock, she was staring into my eyes withlonging. She seemed to have accepted me as her Master and wanted my pleasureabove all else. Before this afternoon was finished, she would be committed.
What happened next surprised even me in my lust filled state.I watched as Geoffrey's hand reached under and squeezed Bob's heavy scrotum,one of his hairy old fingers slipping into his arse! Bob gasped and suddenly,his body tensed and I knew that he was flooding Jeanette's insides with hishot cream. As her husband felt his friend cumming, so hard with the aid ofhis finger, he also let go his load, deep inside her bowels.
Her eyes said it all; this was why she was such an out andout Bitch! Her husband could only fuck her, when his mate Bob helped him outand let him finger fuck his ass. What else the pair of old queers did, wasbetween them and her, obviously.
I let the video run as Geoffrey dropped to his knees andlicked the mixture of his own and Bob's thick cumm from between his wife'swide spread legs, pausing only to take his friend's dick into his eager mouthand suck the last drops of sticky goo from the purple knob.
I decided that it was time to call it a day; Jeanette hadhad enough and seeing the actions of her husband and his best friend, mademe feel sorry for her. I looked at Ed and Joe, who were still giving her titsharsh treatment and said,
"Ok you two! If you wanna unload, then do it in these twoold faggot's mouths! You're going home! I have unfinished business here!" Theyboth looked at me in surprise, but to give them their due, they immediatelystopped abusing Jeanette and switched their attention to Geoffrey and Bob.
"Boss we don't give a fuck where we cumm!" And with thatthey turned round and presented their engorged cocks to the old men, who wereboth kneeling between Jeanette's legs and slurping each other's spunk. Theboys each grabbed a silvery head and thrust their exploding cocks deep intothe old men's throats. As they swallowed Joe and Ed's thick cream, with obviousdelight, Jeanette looked at me gratefully.
After they had spent their loads and given each recipienta good slapping, I threw the keys at Joe and told him to head off. When wewere alone, I told Geoffrey that I had all this on video and he would complywith my every wish! He looked at me fearfully and I guessed, that he thoughtthat I would be blackmailing him for all his wealth, but his money was farfrom my thoughts.
I lowered the pulleys holding Jeanette's arms and removedthe ties, she winced as the blood flowed back to her wrists and gently I rubbedthem for her. Taking her ravaged face between my hard hands, I looked intoher eyes and saw submission. My heart leapt, she would be mine!
I whispered to her, that she should get cleaned up and thatshe would be driving me home and that whatever she wore; she was not to wearbra or panties. She tried to look shocked, but, when I told her that, she shiveredand very quietly said,
"Yes Master, I am yours. There is nothing he can do aboutit, you have the video! He has always had more interest in pleasing Bob thanme; and now? It is my turn! I want to please you Mark, my Master. You haveshown me a new side to myself, which, I didn't know existed. I will do anythingyou want of me" I smiled and hoped Jeanette knew what she was letting herselfin for here by agreeing to my demands.
She staggered off to her bedroom with its en-suite bathroomand I heard her running the bath. Very soon, the ravages of this afternoonwould be a distant memory, she had discovered that she liked to be dominatedand I would help her to achieve her desires. I told Geoffrey, that wheneverI wanted his wife, that I would call, or text her and that she would alwaysbe available, he had no option. He, shamefacedly, agreed and said that, aslong as I didn't disclose the events of this afternoon, he would allow Jeanetteto be mine.
Jeanette appeared, as I had ordered and she looked stunning!She had on a short black mini skirt, with what I hoped were stockings, an almostsee through, sheer white blouse and to cap it all off, four inch high heels.I beckoned her towards me and she stepped forward. This would be her first'inspection' and I could see her nervousness, especially in front of her husbandand his kinky friend.
"Avert your eyes, what I am about to do, is between me andher! In fact, you can both leave, Now!" I could not hide my disgust for thesetwo wankers and helped them on their way, with a well placed kick to each oftheir shrunken privates. When they had shuffled out of the room, clutchingtheir aching balls, I turned my attention to my new sub and said,
"Stand with your hands by your sides and your legs apartmy pet. I wish to inspect you" Jeanette blushed at the thought of my handsroaming over her near naked body, but she adopted the position, as I had commanded.I stood behind her and leant forwards, smelling her freshly shampooed hairand a hint of perfume. I placed my hands on her breasts, over the blouse andfelt her nipples already stiff and erect, probably from all the attention theyhad received during her ordeal this afternoon. I left one hand in place andslid the other up her skirt to find her sex still open and puffy. Feeling hertuft of pubic hair, I gave it a tug and said,
"You will keep yourself shaved from now on my pet; I don'twant to feel this again!" She nodded and whispered that she understood. I pinchedher nipple and felt her pussy tighten on my probing fingers. A trickle of herlove juice ran down to the tops of her hold ups and I took it on my fingerand tasted her, she was delicious. My cock was rising to full erection again,so I walked in front of her and pushed down on her shoulders. She needed nofurther instruction and hungrily, she wrapped her lips around my girth andsucked me in deeply; I was going to enjoy my new pet immensely and would dofor a very long time to come, if I was not mistaken.
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CROSS DRESSERS REVENGE BY JANICE I was fifteen years old when I was beaten up and raped by three big adults. I was on my way home from Martial Arts school when it happened. I was pretty good, tops in my class, but that was little help to a teen age boy against three big drunks, aside from being beat up, I was also sexually assaulted. The three of them were arrested a few days later but not for what they did to me,...
Victoria’s Revenge This story is one possible sequel to ?Recruiting Victoria? by Gina Hoisington.Author: Ivan Wilson Story codes: nc, mf, ff, fd, snuff, torture.Victoria, or ‘M’ as her master called her, was worried. It had been more than three years since she was kidnapped by her current master, Wolfgang Bernhard Spring (Wolf), & trained as a sex-slave. At the end of her training she had been brought to his island Estate & had lived...
Please note -: This story is written for Adults Only. It contains acts of non-consensual sex and some mild violence between females, if this is likely to offend you please do not continue to read it. This story is entirely fictional, including the characters in it. All comments welcomed and encouraged either through this website or direct to [email protected]. Hope you enjoy it!MANDY’S REVENGEMel grunted in pain and disgust as her face was forced down onto Mandy’s stinking feet. The...
Kelly’s revenge. Five years in a Mexican jail had given Kelly plenty of time to plot her revenge on her former employer, Sharon James. Kelly knew her rich employer used recreational drugs within her circle of other local wealthy wives, but was unaware that Sharon had concealed a large stash of cocaine in her suitcase during the annual family vacation. She would never forget how she pleaded with Sharon to tell the immigration officers that she was the children’s Nanny and the drugs were...
The Perfect Revenge by Eric Based On Donnie's HT 207 This is dedicated to Donnie for all his splendid work on his great site. My special thanks to the great Steve Zink for his peerless editing! It was the best of times and the worst of times for the beautiful Britney Dodge. It should have been the happiest day in young Britney's life. It was her twenty-first birthday and she would gain control of her huge trust fund. Britney Dodge was beautiful, rich and social. Was she...
Composed and written by Dear Heart “Hmm I think I will teach him a lesson which he won’t ever forget.” She says to herself while cleaning the mess on the bed and thinking about the last night. After spending a lot of time in cleaning the bed and washing the bed sheets, a smile plays on her lips when she at last gets the idea to punish her beloved man. The next moment she is on the phone talking to him, informing that she will not be able to visit him today as she isn’t feeling well...
This is a sexual story about a young boy taking complete advantage of another young boy. It is filled with strange fetishes: mostly sleep, domination, and underwear. If you have no desire to read such a story, then you should be very thankful of that fact and go ahead and leave now. Thanks. I hope you guys are enjoying my stories. Seeing as how YBWL-2 is my most-read story I decided to write a direct sequel to it. Let me know what you think in the comments, especially if you enjoy the series....
This story is about Marcie and her experiences after she caught her husband cheating. She knew about the cheating before they were married and she had agreed to an open marriage. Marcie was a faithful wife even though her husband was not faithful to her. Her husband, Jack Nelson, broke the golden rule and had a woman in Marcie's bed. Marcie caught them, beat the woman, slapped her husband and took off to Miami for a few days. Enter Javon, a suave young black man who was there when she needed a...
MILF[Complete Version][Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]I gasped in surprise as I felt the cock force its way into my wet cunt. I knew it was big but was not expecting it to feel so big. After all, my cunt was not as tight fitting as it used to be when I was younger. I was 57 years old and had been around the block a bit during my time. I'd been married and divorced 3 times – and to be honest each divorce was my fault entirely – I'd whored myself around quite a bit and...
I gasped in surprise as I felt the cock force its way into my wet cunt. I knew it was big, but was not expecting it to feel so fucking big. After all, my cunt was not as tight fitting as it used to be when I was younger. I was 50 years old, and had been around the block a bit during my time. I'd been married and divorced 3 times – and to be honest each divorce was my fault entirely – I'd whored myself around quite a bit and acted like a total slut. I'd slept with numerous men and had always...
Marie's Revenge by I.R. Nixon Dan was anxious going to Langford's today. Marie, his sister, asked him to come down early in the morning because she and Carolyn wanted to talk to him. He knew that Carolyn and the women who worked at Langford's were not to be trifled with. Marie had already told him stories about Sharon's brother, and what Cathy had Dane to her own brothers. Marie was really angry at Dan last week about using the car. Dan had promised to pick Marie up from...
Revenge - By Lady in Waiting The headlights of Laura?s jeep peered out through the blackness of Night and the sleekness of rain. The only other light on the road was from the flashes of thunder. Laura was returning from a business trip, traveling along some unknown back road that was supposed to be a shortcut. At least that?s what the woman at the gas station had said. She tapped her Fingers on the wheel as the radio droned out another mindless tune, you know the ones that...
Revenge By Carol Collins Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in the full length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hair and batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thing was perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morning and was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg had been the captain of the football team and she had been the captain of the high school cheerleader...
It was revenge 10 years in the making. 10 long years he had spent in prison planning, waiting for the day he got to show his lawyer what it is like just sitting there in your cell, nothing to do but wait. Outside the cell people wanted him beat up, raped or worse. His lawyer deserved twice the ten years for incompetence and everything it had cost. Jason would be 38 the day after his release next week. No parole, he had served every day of his sentence. His attitude left him with no good...
A Husband's RevengeI got home early from work that day, and let myself in as usual. I was just about to call out to let Meg know I was home when I heard a soft cry from upstairs that froze me in my tracks. I'd heard that moan before, and I knew only one thing that could bring it about!I slipped off my shoes and crept upstairs, mindful of the fourth stair that creaked. I tiptoed to the bedroom door, which was closed, as I'd expected it to be, judging by the moans and sighs that got louder as I...
Accidents Will Happen - Sweet Revenge By Maximillian Excaliber Teaser "Please, Baby, fuck me now!" I couldn't believe she had just said that to me. Hell, I still have trouble believing that Kelly, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and my childhood friend, was lying naked on my bed when she said it. But wait, I am getting ahead of myself. Chapter One "Coming Home" You see, it all started last Friday when our bosses had thrown us one of those few bones that the Corporate Demi-Gods, in...
Straight Sex"Please, Anna, stop this." The place was packed with people. Some sat, but most ran in and out buying coffee in tall containers — coffee with odd flavors and spices, chocolate, milk and sugar. Or they stood at high tables and counters, talking while they guzzled down their brew. They weren't drinking coffee, Angique thought — they were having shots of caffeine. She and Anna sat at the back of the room in leather club chairs, a low table between them. Anna had invited her to talk at this...
Aaron: Like Ken, I remembered what happened in my all life at that quarterly gathering. Seven years ago, we were in a restaurant and John caused a little surprise, because he brought a laptop with him. John arrived last and since he was a PI firm owner, we thought he had an unexpected problem and we would be only three there. Such ideas circulated among us. However, he arrived late and put his laptop on the table. After greeting each of us, he stayed standing and put his hand on my...
Night of Revenge is a side-scrolling hentai-packed Metroidvania by D-LIS. Are you a masochist fuck who likes your fap-worthy porn games to be a harder time than you trying to get a single match on Tinder? Come on; it just becomes pathetic when the fat bitches won’t even match with you. That’s when you know you’re a lost cause. Good. I want those hardcore gamers to come out of their sweaty fap dens and try the game I have for you fucks today. It’s a game where you have to get good and earn your...
Free Sex GamesEnough is enough, I at last decide. I need to be fucked, hard. Having arrived at this decision, I go to one of those brothels where you pay men to have sex with you. A distant friend of mine, Gabrielle, directs me there. It was where she found solace when she was on bitter terms with her husband. They reached an extent where they didn't talk or look each other in the eye anymore. Luca is tall, strong and he's got a flawless shape. He is the man who opens up for me on the door I am...
Barbara was thirty one and the years long ago that she spent exercising, combined with her moderate diet made her a good looking woman at this age. She succeeded at not getting too fat and was proud of it. She was not skinny, in fact she had shapely hips and a belly, but because of developed muscles she look very much alright. She was 5 foot 7, and her blondish red hair was short, but voluminous. The clock was showing 7:45am and she had to be at her work at the University by eight. Giving...
Gabrielle Wilson had waited quietly and patiently for the opportunity to get revenge on her older sister Joanne. That weekend before Christmas had been humiliating for the seventeen-year-old. Not only had she been spanked on her bare bottom with her older sister’s hand and clothes brush, the following day she had been made to apologise to Miss Mulligan, who she had upset at school and then had been punished further by her PE Mistress, Miss MacKintosh. The fact that Leonie MacKintosh had held...
SpankingI spent hours writing this. It is long, but, I think you’ll get more out of it if you read every word.So, tomorrow came. I sat up in bed, naked and still a bit drowsy. I’d woke a couple of times during the night and, still aroused given myself a quick fingering. Anyway, tonight I’m going to fuck James, I decided, and as I’ve said before, the trick is all in the planning.I showered, another quickie play and then a rummage through my case for something nice to wear. I’d told James I’d got a...
It all started a few months ago when a friend lost a stupid bet involving football. Stupid because if he loses, he would have to let him tie naked and take a lot of kick in the sack (want crazy bet?). It turns out he didn't even realize he was going to lose ... and lost! The most revolting thing is that I did not want to comply, forgetting that bet is bet, lost, have to pay! And it was no use me talking that word of man does not go back, because he did not care, kept teasing. Everything would...
Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in thefull length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hairand batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thingwas perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morningand was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg hadbeen the captain of the football team and she had been the captainof the high school cheerleader squad. They had been elected MostPopular and Most Likely To Succeed by...
Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in thefull length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hairand batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thingwas perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morningand was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg hadbeen the captain of the football team and she had been the captainof the high school cheerleader squad. They had been elected MostPopular and Most Likely To Succeed by their...
Missy grew up in a very poor family, and lived most of her young years in the projects. Her family's small apartment complex was in one of the worst parts of town. Missy's mother had left when she was only five years old and she barely remembered her. Her father drank every meal, and spent all of his money on alcohol. Missy and her sister had to wear hand me down clothing, and were often un-bathed and unruly. She rarely had time to play with the other c***dren who were mostly black. Once...
This event is based on a true story. If it seems exaggerated it's only because some parts of the story were kind of hazy. This was about 6 or 7 years ago. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” My voice boomed throughout the small two bedroom apartment. “Damn. What the fuck are you yelling for?” Jason asked me. Sometimes I wondered about him. Does he act dense because he’s really not that bright? Or does he do it for the sole purpose of agitating me? If it’s the latter, he’s doing a damn good job...
Straight SexI gasped in surprise as I felt the cock force its way into my wet cunt. I knew it was big, but was not expecting it to feel so big. After all, my cunt was not as tight fitting as it used to be when I was younger. I was 57 years old, and had been around the block a bit during my time. I'd been married and divorced 3 times – and to be honest each divorce was my fault entirely – I'd whored myself around quite a bit and acted like a total slag. I'd slept with numerous men and had always been pretty...
"Permanent Revenge" by HairDaddy It was about 7:30 Sunday night as Ken sat at the kitchen table, his hair tightly rolled in pin curls secured with a pink hairnet wearing a new pair of pink panties. He was so embarrassed, humiliated with tears bubbling up in the corners of his eyes. He had just been put through the paces by his wife Helen. His hair had been set in a very curly feminine style and all of his masculine body hair had once again been removed. In a few minutes she...
Bikini Beach: The Nerds - Revenge By Elrod W Brandon and Robert had been the best of friends since they were four. They'd grown up across the street from each other. They went to the same schools, and they shared most of the same interests. The one problem, to the consternation of their mothers and the disappointment of their fathers, was that neither boy took any sort of interest in sports. Neither boy was built for sports; they were under six feet in height, and rather slight...
Andersonville 3 - The Price of Revenge by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the survivors of child abuse, both physical and emotional. May you find the support and strength to deal with it like I did. Fade in... Linda Anderson - the do anything wonder woman. That's what the job title should have read. Not that I was good at everything I did; I was just expected to do everything around the office. That included making coffee, filing folders,...
Linda's Revenge 20 April, 2001 Hi my name is Linda, this is how I got revenge some people that took advantage of me. It all started the day my girlfriend Crissie and I were invited to party on campus. One of the frat houses were going to have an end of the year bash, a real blow out. Crissie and I are seniors in high school, we're both 17. I have long sandy brown hair, brown eyes, 5'6" and measure 35B-23- 34, Crissie is 5'7", light blonde hair, blue eyes and is a...
Disclaimers: You have to be older that your country drinking legal age to read that story. This story contains M/F, F/F, Nonconsensual sex and also transgenderism. If you don't like those kind of story, and read it anyway, just don't tell me how awful you found it, and how you didn't liked it. You've been warned. For those who like the story, I'll be happy to read about in my e-mail account at: [email protected]. You can also send me a copy of Master PC if you have it in...
This story is for adults, if you are not able to read this in your state or country, stop! This story is entirely adult transgender fiction that sprang from an over active imagination. All people and places in this story are fiction, any inference to real people or places is purely sheer coincidence. This is my first attempt at writing TG Fiction. I am an avid fan of Fiction Mania and decided it was time I gave for all I have gotten. If you want to contact me my email is...
Writer's Note: This story is based on a very popular existing work, Double Insanity, by an anonymous author. It is my sincere hope the original author will consider this an homage to a wonderful story, and not any attempt to steal his or her idea. Double Insanity - Part II - Daniel's Revenge "Goodbye Doctor Moore," Danielle Dalton said as she turned and started to walk out the front of the Lexington Institute for the Mentally Challenged. "Thank you for all you have done for...
Husband's revenge By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected]) This story is for all those out there that like to see a man get sweet revenge on an unfaithful wife and her accomplices. Not a lot of sex in it but hopefully a good read. Like most of us here I am not a professional writer so please enjoy and send constructive comments. Cheers. ---------- I was sitting at my computer entering in yet another boring goods receivable when Meg pushed her chair up against mine. "Come and...
Mrs Jim’s Revenge by Wolf Ferret ([email protected])M+/F, Grp, Interr, hetero, oral, anal, torture, abd, beast, scat, piss, forced proThis is a work of sexual fiction and fantasy. All characters and actions are purely imaginary.A teacher angers a powerful woman and pays the price.Prologue:Helen was in trouble. She didn’t know it yet but she was scheduled for a very unpleasant and prolonged set of experiences. She was a 30 year old high school teacher, about 5’ 4? tall, 120 pounds withcreamy...
ZIMBABWEAN REVENGE By Shabbadew2002 Email me at [email protected] Ever since blacks came to power in 1980 in Rhodesia and the country became Zimbabwe, whites who didn?t emigrate have experienced hard times. ?Years of white rule left the black majority with a taste for revenge and retaliation. ?Now that they have the power, blacks have harassed whites, especially over the issue of land ownership. ? White land owners have been threatened, bullied, arrested and had their land confiscated or...
Harry and the Humbler, a tale of cuckolding and revenge. It was easy enough for her to let her put it on me. She just told me she had a surprise for me and to strip and get on my hands and knees. Over the years I’ve spent many an hour with my balls tied tightly, and many times have felt that probing tip of a plug being slowly pushed into my ass, only to be followed by increasing pressure and then relief as I closed in again around the narrow band. In other words, my wife ordering me to strip...