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1. An Overdue Cleaning

The outdoor terrace of the Italian cafe was covered with flowers: mountainsof white gardenias and lilac plants, their scents mingling with the aroma offreshly grilled meat and seafood being carried to the faux Art Deco tables.The restaurant at the country club always reminded Jenny of the resort in Milanwhere Phil had taken her on their honeymoon, and that thought --- at leasttoday --- disturbed her.

But why should it, she thought. It was perfectly natural for her mind to driftto her ex-husband, seeing that she was dining with their 28 year-old daughter.Even though she shared Phil's fair head of hair as much as she did her passivelyaggressive, recalcitrant personality, Jenny was simply not prepared for thislatest bombshell, in any event.

?I can't go through with it, mother. Why can't you understand that?? JanicePalmer took a sip of her Chardonnay and paused to stare out at the greens keeperswho were patiently trimming the edges of the rolling lawn leading into thegold course.

?Well, dear, maybe because you know as well as I do that most of the depositsthat Harvey and I have put down are non-refundable. Do you realize that we'lllose almost $10,000 if you back out at this date??

Even though Jenny hated to talk about money, she could picture Harvey goingthrough the roof, even now. But it would be worse if she insisted on usingher family money. Like Phil before him, Harvey was none too keen on relyingon the fortunes of Harris Greenberg, Jenny's gregarious, and sometimes overbearing,father.

?I never asked for you, or his, support in the first place. Really, mother,it's kind of strange for a grown woman to expect to have the entire bill forher wedding footed, don't you think? Or maybe I should just forget about anyof the warning signs, right? Plunge headlong into an unsatisfying marriage,just like you and Dad did??

Jenny's eyes rolled as she leaned back in her chair, taking an irritated swipeat her hair which was falling relentlessly into her face.

?Oh, god forgive me for trying to help my children. And what's wrong withthis one, may I ask? Is he too serious? Too fun-loving and carefree? You justdon't want to be happy, do you??

?I can't just get happy. I'm not into this fix-everything-with-a-manself-help program that you subscribe to.?

?That's enough, Janice.?

?I mean it, mom. Do you really think daddy's ready to move on, at this point?He went through absolute hell for you?we all did.?

Jenny leaned forward on the table, her composure slipping as she shook a fingerat her daughter.

?Yes, we all did, dear. Let's not forget that. And I won't sit hereand let you blame me for something that was not my fault.?

It had been nine years since that winter, and Jenny was finally feeling thather life was returning to some semblance of normality. She wasn't about togo back down that road.

?You know I still see him, mom. Almost every night. Nothing I take for sleepblocks him out, and no therapist can make any difference. The fact that youand daddy knew about him?knew what he was capable of?.?

?I've been telling you that you need to see Lundgren. He's a specialist inthis area. He helped me get through my rough spots.?

?No, you helped yourself. By taking up with Harvey the hunk, tooth-pullerextraordinaire. How in the hell you managed that, after that maniac almost?.?

?I've had enough of this,? Jenny said, standing up. ?I'm going to freshenmyself and then we're going to drop you at your fitting, and then I'm goingto get my teeth cleaned. Harvey said he could fit me in after his last appointment.?

Janice sighed and returned to picking indifferently at the remains of herlukewarm veal piccata.


When Jenny returned to the table, Janice was nowhere to be found.

She muttered with irritation, donned the blazer she had draped over the backof her chair and started for the maitre d's stand.

?Thomas, did you happen to see my daughter leave just a few minutes ago?? sheasked the gray-haired, tuxedoed gentleman.

?No, Mrs. Grayson, I didn't. Would you like me to page her??

?No, no thanks,? she returned, smiling wanly.

Jenny checked the bathrooms, but didn't find any trace of her daughter. Howthis girl ever hoped to keep even a steady boyfriend, with her poor manners,was beyond her.

After retrieving her silver Lexus from the valet, Jenny began the drive acrossdowntown Boulder to where her husband's practice was located; silently cursingher daughter and the fitting she was now forced to cancel. She's had this plannedall along, she thought ruefully.

Pulling into a spot out front, next to her Harvey 's Cadillac, she thoughtit was strange that there were no other cars in the lot, but then rememberedthat Sumara, Harvey 's receptionist, always left early on Fridays.

Walking through the vacant waiting area, Jenny rubbed her arms together. Whyin the hell did Harvey insist on keeping the air-conditioning cranked to suchridiculous levels? It wasn't even May, for god's sake.

?May I help you??

Jenny jumped at the voice, and then turned to see a young, blond girl sittingbehind the receptionist's desk. She looked to be no older than Janice, butthe severity of her pinned back hair and thick glasses added a number of yearsto her otherwise pretty face.

?Who?? I don't believe we've met. I'm Jenny, Harvey 's?.?

?Oh, yes!? the girl cried, standing up and extending her hand over the counter. ?Sogreat to meet you! I'm Cindy. Sumara phoned in sick today, and I'm just fillingin. Temping, really.?

?Oh, great. Well, if Harvey 's ready, I'll just?.? Jenny made her way towardthe back of the room, toward Harvey 's office.

?It would be better if you just had a seat in the exam room, Mrs. Grayson,? Cindysaid, in a firm but friendly tone.

Jenny felt a cold wave of irritation course up her spine, but smiled tightlyand walked toward one of the exam rooms. ?Is this one the??

?Yes,? Cindy said, returning her smile almost mockingly. ?I'm sure he'll beable to find you.? She gave a fake-sounding laugh.

Jenny opened the door, and sat down in the chair, shifting uncomfortably.It had taken her over a year's therapy to even set foot in a dentist's officeagain. But Harvey, dear Harvey , had helped her through it. Still, the dentalinstruments that gleamed on the tray to her left still held something vaguelysinister. She leaned back against the head rest as the faint remnants of Garrimone'sfat face drifted into her memory. She tried to shut it out, humming ridiculouslyalong with the vapid Muzak that was coming from the white speaker in the cornerof the room.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she found the sense memory of the trauma comingback, pulsing at the edge of her consciousness like a rattle snake trying tofind its way under a door frame. The smell --- she was sure it was real. Thatcombination of sterile wetness and cigarette smoke. She was suddenly very muchawake, as Garrimone's face now sharpened in her mind's eye: that bald dome,the cruel, beady eyes, the hideously long cigarette holder pointed straightat her mouth, billowing blankets of foul smoke into her as her teeth were drilledsenselessly, sadistically, for his sick pleasure.

Jenny got up and headed for the door. Opening it, she peered out at Cindy,who was typing something at her computer.

?Are you?smoking?? she asked the girl.

Cindy frowned, looking puzzled. ?Why?no?.? she responded, a bit too smuglyfor Jenny's taste. ?That wouldn't be legal, would it? Not to mention sanitary.? Shechuckled lightly and began typing again.

?Where is my husband?? Jenny said, her voice rising slightly.

?I told you?he'll be with you in a minute,? Cindy fired back, sharply.

?There's no need for?? Jenny started. She opened her purse and fumbled forher prescription of Valium. Ignoring the girl, who was staring at her witha small, bemused smile, she walked to the water cooler to pour a small cupto wash down her pills. Jenny stared with frustration at the empty bottle.

?Here,? Cindy's voice said, and she jumped. The willowy young woman was standingjust inches behind her, holding a Dixie cup. She took it and quickly downedher meds, then crumpled the paper and tossed it on an empty chair. She closedthe exam room door on Cindy's contemptuous snorted laughter.

Jenny considered re-opening the door to berate the girl for her rudeness,but quickly discarded the pointless idea. Getting into a fight with a tempwas the last thing she needed right now.

Sitting back down, she began to bite her lip nervously.

More minutes ticked by, and then the exam room door inched open slowly andthen suddenly swung full. Before Jenny was a man she had never seen before.She instinctively started to get up from the chair.

?Where's Harvey ?? she asked, quickly.

?Ah?Mrs?.Grayson, is it?? the man replied, looking at a clipboard held inhis large, plump hands. ?How refreshing to finally meet Harvey 's wife?.?

Jenny let out a sharp shriek and scrambled for the door. Those words! Thesound of them sliced her memory open with the viciousness of a chainsaw.

She darted out into the reception area, only to find it vacant. Running backtoward Harvey 's office, Jenny found nothing that indicated Harvey was anywhereon the premises. She returned to the waiting area, eyes darting about madly.

The man was standing in the exam room door, looking at her with a confusedexpression. He was old, at least sixty-five, Jenny thought. He had a thickhead of white hair and wore black plastic-framed glasses with thick lenses.He looked no more threatening than an old man in the park, feeding the birds.

?Mrs. Grayson, if you'll just allow me to explain. Dr. Grayson was calledin to Timothy Phelan's office to assist with a gum surgery. You know Dr. Phelan,don't you?? he smiled.

Jenny backed into a wall, and exhaled deeply, suddenly feeling very stupid.

?I'm?sorry?.? was all she could think of to say.

?That's quite all right. A bit jumpy today, aren't we?? he smiled.

?Yes. I am. I'm?.?

?Think nothing of it. Dr. Morgan Rie, R-I-E, like the bread, but spelled differently,? theman said, grinning sheepishly. ?Your husband asked me to check your teeth thisafternoon. Seems you're overdue for a cleaning.?

Jenny looked at him curiously, noting the name plate on his white coat. ?Yes,yes, I am.? She tottered slowly back toward the man, feeling the effect ofthe 20 MG of Valium kicking in.

?I apologize for Cindy. She's not the best with people, and she's forgottenseveral times this afternoon to inform patients of Harvey 's absence. Bloodytemps. What can you do?? he chuckled lightly. ?Your husband and I go way back.He was a student of mine, back in the stone age.?

Go way back, Jenny thought. Go way back. She began to shift again, de ja vuwashing over her.

? Harvey 's always been a very sharp man, always on the edge of his craft,? thedoctor said. ?Very astute of him doing this last minute assist. Dr. Phelanis one of the best periodontists in Colorado . Open, please.?

Jenny slowly opened her mouth as the man seated himself on the stool to herright. He reaked of tobacco, she noted. And while this would normally havepanicked her even further, she realized that he was just another old guy witha nicotine habit. A throwback to a day when everyone smoked.

?You'll have to excuse me if I'm a bit clumsy,? he said soothingly. ?I haven'tdone a routine cleaning in a few years. I mostly perform oral surgeries.?

Jenny smiled slightly, as he roamed around her mouth for several moments.She took a few pulls on the spit tube hanging from the side of her mouth.

?Oh, this doesn't look good,? he said quietly.

?Wha?.? She croaked out.

?You have a rather bad cavity, or at least the start of one. We can take careof that, though, not to worry.?

He removed the tube from her mouth, and she coughed, gasping for air.

?I'd rather my husband took care of this, Dr. Rie,? she said, as politelyas she could. No one but Harvey had touched her teeth since the incident.

?Oh? Well, if you insist.? He sighed, and began to select another instrumentfrom his tray.

?Yes, well?.? she stumbled to find a gentle way of telling him that she wasleaving, that she couldn't do this. Not now.

But as she gripped the arm of the chair to brace herself, she felt weak, almostlike she was going to pass out.

Leaning back in the headrest, her mind began to spin.

The doctor pushed a fat cylinder toward her, something she did not recognize.

?Just going to buff your teeth, won't take a minute.?

?All rig?.? she began, but he was inside her mouth before she could finish.

A sharp piercing, like a pin prick, seemed to puncture her gum, and she calledout shrilly.

?What in the?.? she tried to say, but it only came out as a series of unintelligiblegrunts.

This wasn't right, she thought. Not at all. The old man had a small smileon his lips, and he began to hum a tune to himself as he searched on the trayfor another instrument.

Sheer adrenaline propelled Jenny from the chair as she stumbled freneticallytoward the door. Rie merely sat, watching her as she tried in vain to turnthe knob. He began to laugh steadily as the knob spun fruitlessly in her hand,not activating any bolt, almost as if it were a toy.

The door burst open and a large African-American man stood in front of her,as large as a refrigerator. He wore a dark gray blazer, a white turtleneck,and a black beret. Bracing a pair of muscular hands on her shoulders, he droveher toward the dental chair, as if she were cattle.

A series of guttural screams escaped Jenny's mouth, as she struggled franticallyto free herself from the drugged stupor that was quickly collapsing on topof her.

The man with the beret whipped two large leather straps from his waist andquickly secured both of her arms to the chair. When he was done, he tied another,larger, strap around her throat, and then secured her thighs and ankles thesame way.

Dr. Rie sat, legs crossed, patiently filing his nails. When he was finished,he leaned close to Jenny's face, and removed his eyeglasses. He burned hiscoal black orbs into her, and as he smiled, Jenny began to feel as if she wasgoing mad. The doctor laughed loudly, throwing his head back. As he did, hereached to his face and suddenly dug his yellowed claws into his wrinkled flesh,pulling downward. Jenny stared with dread fascination as the man began to tearchunks of pasty white flesh off of his face. But instead of revealing blood,there was only white, plump skin, buffed to a smooth, radiant glow.

After he had scraped away the makeup, he wiped his hands with a cloth andripped the large white mass of hair from his head, revealing a polished baldscalp.

Jenny began to sob insanely, as she gaped unbelievingly.

Morgan Rie. Garrimone.

?Memories?.? The deranged man began to sing, ?like the corners of my dementedmother-fuckin' mind?.? He started to belt out the opening stanzas of the moldyPop song, and then stopped as he collapsed into gales of sick laughter, accompaniedby his henchman.

Jenny could no longer feel her bottom teeth and when she began to speak, shefound she was biting her lower lip uncontrollably.

?How?? was all she could say.

?Oh, the wonders of modern medicine and plastic surgery, my pet!? Garrimonetrumpeted. ?So wonderful to be back among the living, and to be able to finisha job that was regrettably interrupted.?

He opened his coat and smoothly produced a long black cigarette holder, anda cigarette case.

?I'm going to give you a cleaning, all right. But this time, it won't be yourmouth that I'm going to work on. Rodney, rip her panties and spread her legsfor me. I want to see that little twat again, in all it's glory!?

The goon walked between her legs, bent down, and grasped her silk pantiesin his sparkling white teeth, winking at her obscenely, to Garrimone's delight.

The villain quickly lit his cigarette and blew a stream of smoke into Jenny'scrazed face, as the thug thrust a large rough finger into her pussy, straightto the knuckle. He began to violently move it back and forth.

?Oh, she's hot for ya, boss!? he announced, extracting his digit quickly,and suckling it like a psychotic infant.

?Excellent! Now, get my hot seat,? Garrimone instructed imperiously.

The black man sauntered slowly behind Jenny and produced a thick, corded cushionwith a small red nub embedded in it. He reached under Jenny and positionedit strategically, close to her asshole, and then pulled the thick cord, andan attached small box with numerous dials and switches, into his hands.

?Can you guess what I have planned, you stupid bitch?? Garrimone hissed intoher face, cigarette so close that it threatened to penetrate her nostril.

?FUCK YOU, MANIAC!? Jenny yelled, mangling her lower lip even further.

?Oh, good idea! And I plan to. I'm going to have a very good time with youthis afternoon. We're ALL gonna have a good time with you, aren't we, Rodney??

Rodney laughed with delight, his voice a musical baritone that echoed acrossthe hard steel of the exam room.

?My only regret, my dear, is that you won't be alive after this little treatmentto watch as I systematically torture and kill the rest of your family. Didyou think I would never return? Sweetness, you simply don't understand my marketabilityto the powers that be or understand the power of the dollar!?

?No! Please?. Not my fam?.?

But just as Jenny began to speak, she felt heat penetrating her ass, and asharp burning sensation pressing into her anal sphincter.

Garrimone lit another cigarette and mounted her easily, whipping off his doctor'sslacks with the speed of a Chippendale. It was unbelievable to Jenny that thisonce repulsively fat man could now sport legs that belonged to someone halfhis age, though she noted several large red scars that streaked down his thighs.

His cock was slick with pre-cum and he stroked himself vigorously as he pulleda thick white rubber from his breast pocket. He dangled it in her face andshe jerked back, recognizing the hot pepper it had been coated with. He donnedit quickly and began to thrust his hips toward her.

?You don't have any information that I want, but I do so want tohear you tell me how much you want me. Every time I snap my fingers, you'llgive me a compliment. If you fail, that red-hot spike in your ass will getlonger and longer.?

He paused to flick an ash from his cigarette, and smiled. ?You see, my pigeon,you get to pick which pretty little poon-hole I'm going to pulverize.?

Garrimone rode the poor woman for minutes, and then snapped his fingers, waitingfor her fawning words, but they never came. She only spit into his face.

After fifteen minutes of this, he rose angrily and grabbed the control boxfrom Rodney, fiddling with it maniacally. Jenny's screams rose several octavesas the foul rod began to ruthlessly ream her once tender flesh.

Finally, her voice gave out, and she began to convulse, her body writhingviolently at the whim of the psychopath's flying fingers.

The rod pushed even further into Jenny's ass, searing her to the bone, andit suddenly began to spin.

Garrimone laughed hysterically. ?Beg me, bitch! Beg for your family's lives!?

Jenny's eyes bulged crazily as she began a shriek that could drown out anair-raid siren.

Her torturer switched off the box finally, when we noted the blood puddlingbeneath her. She died of shock a few minutes later.

Garrimone smiled contentedly and strutted from the room.

?Rodney, clean this mess up, wipe down the place, and call my car. My workhas just begun here,? he said, in a bored tone.

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Busted screwed but hey I got a raise

Recently I dropped my company car off at our service dept for an oil change. I was intending to leave it over the weekend and pick it up on Monday morning when I would head back out on my sales route. Its a independently owned trucking company and its not unheard of to have to come in for an hour or two on a Saturday to iron something out. So I wasnt surprised when the owner called me and said he needed me to come by for a little while before lunch on Sat to take care of something and pick up...

4 years ago
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Cals Sexcapades 1 A Raise

I had just turned off my computer, and I was leaning back in my chair thinking of the night that lay ahead. My girlfriend was waiting for me at home...we hadn't had sex in almost a week. Tonight was supposed to be our night, and my 8-and-a-half inch cock was more than ready for some action. Oh wait, you don't know who I am yet, do you? Cal Adams here. I'm 35, male (although I'm sure you've guessed that by now) and a lawyer. Nice to meet you. Now, where was I...oh yes. I remember now. As I was...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Bikini Beach Nerds Fund Raiser

This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. It may be freely posted at Fictionmania. Any other site, free or otherwise, must ask permission. *** This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee,...

2 years ago
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Fund Raiser

Our story starts out with two groups of girl's local sororities having trouble making ends meet. We needed to have a fund raiser that would get us back into the black. Many wild ideas were tossed around; one sorority we knew hosted a topless party for one of the richer fraternities. One of my girlfriends said her boyfriend belong to it, and they had paid the girls well and had a great party. We had her ask if him what our group might do, I think most of us were curious as to what they might...

5 years ago
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The Fundraiser

I had to raise money for my school track team by selling candy bars. I was crafty and had the perfect sales pitch for every crowd to would show it to. The parks for the sugar hungry k**s after school, and other places i had up my sleeve that other team mates wouldnt think to try. My sales were going excellent and i had almost sold all of my chocolate bars, however, 23 boxes remained. I went to the police station and the fire house, gave a sweet lil sales pitch and sold 8 of the 23 boxes. I had...

4 years ago
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I Want A Raise

I have been struggling to pay the bills for the past few months. I work a stupid secretary job that my friend got me. The pay is barely enough to get me by. I really need a raise in my payment if I want to keep this beautiful condo I have. My first home that I bought by myself. I arranged for a meeting with my boss, Miss Kool, at a local cafe by our work. I dressed in my semi-formal work wear with a tight blouse opening buttons to expose a peak of cleavage. My long legs showing from the knees...

3 years ago
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My first Raise

I had been working for the burger joint fo r about six months, my probationary period was coming to an end. Each day my co-workers would tease me that I was coming down to my job review, I was doing things that they had been a signed and didn't want to do. Finally Alex called me to the back and asked if I could stay after work and than do my job review, I agreed to do so but I had to call to get a ride home. Alex quickly volunteered to get me home is I stayed after the review and helped him...

2 years ago
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Getting a salary raise

I was there, sitting at my desk in my own office, thinking my Boss was a complete bastard. He had given me the worst tasks during the last three years working for him and I had done everything, without claiming a single word.So, I decided it was time for a change, or better I should say, for a raise in my poor salary.After lunch that Friday, I looked myself in the mirror, touched a bit my red lipstick and I climbed up the stairs to my Boss’ office.He was a handsome black man, almost eighty...

4 years ago
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Winner Takes All

This is BDSM story. The characters are in a Daddydom/submissive relationship. It was poker night. Daddy had told me about it before but I had never attended. Tonight was different. Tonight I would be joining Him, along with Mary and Carol. All Daddy told me was that we would be expected to serve His friends in any way they wanted. I don’t know who was more nervous, Mary, Carol or me, especially when Daddy told us to remove our clothes before His friends arrived. He said they would be expecting...

2 years ago
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Earning a raise

My boss sat on the edge of her desk. Her tight blouse straining to contain her breasts. The tight knee length skirt that made you look down to her small feet in the high heel shoes. I stood at the open door watching her, looking through the office window at the vast warehouse. "Ms Fox could I come in?" "Yes Jamie take a seat" she pointed to the one directly in front of her. I am 21, over 2 metres tall, 120kg of muscle play lock in a semi professional rugby team, working part time. I squeeze...

4 years ago
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Hospital Fund Raiser

" Here is your drink," I said smiling as I handed her a glass of wine. " No thank you. I don't drink," She countered. I smiled slyly, my dark eyes flashing, " As a professinal career woman...I'm sure you want things to go well for you in your work. You are in a position to help your self a great deal, even though you may not know it." Confused, She looks at me. I move in closer, my eyes taking in all of her body in a slow lingering glance. " I can make sure you do very well here...

4 years ago
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Silhouette 2 Curtainraiser

We were looking each other in the eyes. Stark.Before she spoke anything, i caught hold of her wrist and pulled her against me. We could feel each others warm breath under the rain as it struck.The aura of our bodies, mingling in the rising sexual tension, our looks still locked.I let my other hand slowly slide down on her bum and pulled her closer, so her abdomen could touch mine. I wanted her groin to feel the girth and warmth of my dick through the pants.I wanted her cunt to throb as much as...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 29 The Fund Raiser

The tour bus pulled to a stop in front of the new Marriott Hotel. Anna and Penny asked us to wait while they checked out the lay of the land. On the way downtown from Southern Pacific's Englewood yard, Anna and Penny had gone into great detail on what they expected me to do. So while they scouted, I began to scope out the people nearby. As they had suspected, there were two groups of protesters. One was protesting the war in Vietnam. There were about fifty people in all, kids mostly. The...

3 years ago
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Dick or TreatThe XO Halloween Fundraiser

The pledges of the Chi Omicron (XO) sorority had endured weeks of insane and intense hazing. It started off innocently enough with weekly meetings and nightly study sessions as a requirement to maintain membership with a minimum 3.0 GPA, but quickly evolved to much harsher treatment leading up to hell week or inspiration period as the sisters called it because the term hazing had such a negative connotation and was frowned upon by many universities.During the inspiration period, girls were...

Oral Sex
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Opportunity Knocked On My Door Pt 1 Fundraiser

Sex is more than an act of pleasure. It’s the ability to be able to feel so close to a person. so connected. so comfortable that it’s almost breathtaking to the point you feel you can’t take it. And at this moment you’re a part of them. I don’t have a dirty mind. I have a very wider sexy imagination and that makes me keep writing. Making you guys horny and making you smile are my two favorite things and hope I am able to do it. Connect for feedback and email or hangouts @ . It was a blazing hot...

2 years ago
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Out of the Closet 1 the Library Fundraiser

The library fund raiser was unexpectedly crowded. Sue's light brown hair was nicely coifed and well matched to her light blue eyes. Overlooking the formal crowd from a twenty-foot high balcony, we could see it was a young group with several very conservative elders. The balcony had a four-foot high thick oak rail with widely spaced and narrow light teak balusters. The outer three feet of the balcony had an absolutely clear glass floor. We would soon make very good use of all that. This could...

4 years ago
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Halloween XO Fundraiser

The pledges of Chi Omicron (XO) sorority had endured weeks of insane hazing. It started off innocently enough with weekly meetings and study sessions as a requirement to maintain membership with a minimum 3.0 GPA, but quickly evolved to much harsher treatment leading up to hell week or ‘inspiration period’ as the sisters called it because the term “hazing” had such a negative connotation. During the inspiration period, girls were required to wear certain clothes that bordered on slutty when...

1 year ago
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The Fundraiser

The following story is fictitious fantasy. It is meant for the enjoyment of the reader. All Characters, locations, and organizations are fictional or are used in a fictional context. Reader discretion is advised. "Well, that's just great." I said to Corporal Galler, Royal Canadian Air Cadets. "The captain locked us in when she left." I glanced at the young air cadet standing beside me. She was plump but not fat, and at least a foot shorter than me. She was 13, two years younger than me. It...

First Time
3 years ago
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Giving the boss a raise

I then suggested she come inside and call him to say she was on her way home. She does and while she did this I went to the kitchen to get myself a drink, and to offer her one as well. Before I could get back to the living room where the phone was I could hear my phone being slammed down and her saying, “That son of a bitch.” I walked in and said, “What Deb what did he do?” She then tells me that she called their house and he wasn’t home and he usually was at that time since he had to be at...

3 years ago
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How to get a raise

I feel like I’m constantly introducing and describe myself but here we go. My name is Tayler, and I’m eighteen years old. I have big bouncy tits (c-cup), a cute little butt, long brown hair which is typically straight, tan skin, and brown eyes. I work at a little pizza shop by where I live, where I have two managers. One of them is named Jared. He is a little taller than me but not by much. He has light brown hair and a little hair on his chin. He is a great guy, and an amazing manager to...

4 years ago
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How to get a raise

I feel like I'm constantly introducing and describe myself but here we go. My name is Tayler, and I'm eighteen years old. I have big bouncy tits (c-cup), a cute little butt, long brown hair which is typically straight, tan skin, and brown eyes. I work at a little pizza shop by where I live, where I have two managers. One of them is named Jared. He is a little taller than me but not by much. He has light brown hair and a little hair on his chin. He is a great guy, and an amazing manager to have....

4 years ago
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Winner Takes It All Loser Gets Fucked

My plan was simple, the reception was coming to a close and nearly all the guests had retired for the evening. I was staying in the imperial hotel for a mates wedding.Also there were many of my past conquests including my sister in law Michelle as well as my best friend’s wife Elaine. My wife had work commitments so she was unable to attend, I found myself in a very envious position that if I choose I could fuck both of these hot bitches.Sliding over to Michelle I bluntly told her room 278 in...

4 years ago
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Winner takes wife

Late last spring, hubby and I decided to join another couple on a kayaking adventure on the Russian River, in Northern California. The plan called for two-days of kayaking, with one overnight stop along the river. With four kayaks, camping gear, food, and a plentiful supply of local wines, we headed off down the river. Although a light coastal fog kept the morning hours on the cool side, the sun finally burned off the fog and soon we were bathed in warmth, as we glided along our way.We had...

3 years ago
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Winner Takes All

From what Eric could see in the 23 year old blonde French woman in front of his eyes, moving in her graceful form, he could see just how strongly her family carried their tradition. Charlotte would be a good example of an olden day heroine in ancient times. Her skill on the fencing piste was both incredible and exciting to behold, moving as if she was dancing with her opponent and piercing them straight in the heart or wrist with her epee blade the moment they flinched. Even though fencing...

3 years ago
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Winner Take All

WINNER TAKES ALL By Way Zim. The Object; When the asteroid was first discovered by radio-astronomers, entering the solar system at an odd angle near to Jupiter orbit, not much was thought of it outside of the scientific community. It moved with slow deliberation for an object so massive, some eight miles long and three wide, passing by the gaseous giant near enough to create a momentary change of direction within that spinning colossal storm known as the Eye. But still, at...

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WinnerChapter 3

I found a shady spot to sit and watch the inter-squad game a week or so later, my back arched and my legs stuck out before me, hat nearly down to my nose. I was sore in some old familiar places, but I felt pretty good in general and my knees were doing fine. My belt was no longer so tight either. I had not developed any finger blisters which surprised me. Many baseball players, young and old, good and bad, had come and gone by then. We still had about sixty hopefuls, and Jepperson's minions...

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Winner Takes All by Kathy

As soon as we got to his site I was told to take off my dress which I did in front of loads of people who he had announced to that I was his slut slave he had just won. I was naked under the dress except for my high heels. Right there infront of everybody he got his cock out and ordered me to get on my knees and suck his cock. I did. He fucked my mouth hard, holding my head with my nose pushed hard into his pubic hair and his cock fully in my mouth holding it there untill I couldn't breath....

3 years ago
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Winner Takes All

This is BDSM story. The characters are in a Daddydom/submissive relationship. It was poker night. Daddy had told me about it before but I had never attended. Tonight was different. Tonight I would be joining Him, along with Mary and Carol. All Daddy told me was that we would be expected to serve His friends in any way they wanted. I don’t know who was more nervous, Mary, Carol or me, especially when Daddy told us to remove our clothes before His friends arrived. He said they would be expecting...

2 years ago
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Winner Takes All by Kathy

Introduction: Husband lost me in a card game We were on a 2 week holiday down south in a caravan that had been loaned me free of charge. Well actually it was loaned by a couple of brothers I had been shagging for a while, and also shared among their friends. It was a real rough large site split in two. One for caravans and camper vans, the other for tents. Over the first weekend we got friendly with 4 other guys in their late 30s who over the week along with hubby used to give me a good fucking...

2 years ago
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The three of us had been friends for a few years now. Nothing has ever happened physically between Christina and I but I have always imagined it. I don't think he anticipated this happening but I am glad it did.I needed a place to stay a few weeks ago so I asked my buddy if I could crash at their place. Being a good friend, he said yes, even though he was going to a show that night and wouldn't be back until late. I told him not to worry about it but I insisted and said Christina would be...

4 years ago
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Winner Take Nothing

Life’s ironic. You live your first few years thinking you’re special. Then you spend the rest of it finding out how ordinary you are. There are people who never get that memo. Those are the guys who spend their entire life as self-important assholes. I envy their ignorance. The war between our high opinion of ourselves and the actuality of our day-to-day existence might bother some folks. But all it did was turn me into a pragmatist. You know the fable about the pessimist and the half empty...

4 years ago
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WinnerChapter 2

So I climbed up the cement steps toward the three men who were sitting back in the shade of the pavilion roof. I was aware that my knee hurt and worked hard for it not to show. The one in the middle was short, smooth-faced and looked about twenty years old. He had a lot of slicked-back hair that enveloped his ears, and wore frameless sunglasses and a watch with a dial made from a silver dollar. The other two appeared to be twice his size and age, but they were very deferential to the younger...

3 years ago
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WinnerChapter 4

Buzzy grabbed me one morning while we were doing our stretching drills. "They want you in the office," he said with a nasty smile. By then the Grapefruit League season was maybe half over, and the new Nats were feeling very good about themselves having won nine and lost only five. Balls were flying out of the wooden-fenced parks, and it was the rare game when we did not get two or three homers from our high-priced sluggers. The Washington newspapers and TV stations had produced reams of...

2 years ago
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WinnerChapter 5

The third-to-the-last pre-season game, before we got back to Washington, D.C., for a scheduled meeting with the Orioles at RFK and then another thirty miles north at Camden Yards, was against the Atlanta Braves in Richmond. We had still won more than we had lost, and Buzzy had trimmed the team down to the guys he wanted to keep plus the players he had to keep because Greeley Jepperson had paid them so much money and given them no-cut contracts. I stayed, I think, partly because I worked...

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WinnerChapter 6

I could not remember who had been the last president to throw out the first ball at a Washington Senators' baseball game. I had to go look it up and then TV and the newspapers were full of old pictures showing Roosevelt and Kennedy and Harry Truman, who could throw with either hand, doing the job. And all of them smiling and obviously enjoying it, all the way back to Taft. I probably was trying to forget about the last guy that did it. I did remember the last game at the ballpark, the one...

4 years ago
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WinnerChapter 7

Dear Jimmy, You know that issue of Sports Illustrated that comes late in the winter, February usually, the one with all the skinny girls in skinnier bathing suits or parts of bathing suits at least? Well, they hired one of those girls as a reporter, SI did, at least that is how it looked to me. And to a lot of the other guys, too. She is a dish, a looker, a babe - whatever the current slang is. Her name is Donna Newby, and she is about as tall as I am and wears awful short skirts. Yeah,...

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WinnerChapter 8

But I did get a start. Our third game in New York was on a wet, cold, blustery day with a nasty wind from the northeast. It felt like it might snow any minute. We skipped batting practice so they could keep the tarp on the field as long as possible as showers came and went. It was a day game on a Sunday and normally that would have meant a good crowd at Shea, but coming to a baseball game dressed for football just does not excite many people. So the Mets' stadium was full of orange and blue...

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