'A Winter Excursion' Boy free porn video

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'Boy's Winter's day.'

That morning, for some unknown reason, I woke from my normal death-like sleepunusually alert and aware. Mostly I drifted through the endless days in a sortof stupor, induced by the back-breaking drudgery and boredom of the routinethey imposed on me, in which days - perhaps even weeks - went by without anythingto make me note their dreary passage.

It was bitterly cold in my pen, and I was lying on my side, curled up as bestI could to preserve my body-heat which had warmed the damp, filthy straw beneathme. Its smell was the first thing I noticed, but I was used to it after allthis time, and with the ease of long practice I drew up my knees up into mybelly and rolled into an upright position, the tether chain attached to mynose-ring rattling against the metal trough on the pen door.

Sitting with my legs folded under me, my broad, muscular haunches restingon my heels, I emptied my bladder between my knees and waited for them to comeand water me, feed me, and lead me out to my daily drudgery. In my unusualwakefulness I noticed things anew that I had long become used to. My hungerand thirst for example, and the itching of the thick leather cuffs around myankles which hobbled me with the short chain linking them. I could feel thethe pressure on my head and face of the bridle which I wore permanently; myblinkers too, in their closed blinding position over my eyes. I could feelthe weight of my tether chain on the thick bronze ring in my broad, flat nose;my altered nostrils were wide now - too wide for the heavy ring to impede mybreathing even when I was whipped into full exertion.

I heard remote sounds from the outer world; the door to the small room whereI was penned thudded open, and I heard Bessie's footsteps and the rush of wateras she filled my bucket from the tap. More steps, and the bucket's contentssplashed into my trough. I lowered my blind head cautiously until my broad,out-thrust muzzle touched the surface of the water. Extending my wide, thicktongue I lapped noisily. My modified tongue acted as a sponge, and very soonthe trough was empty, and I sat back in hungry expectation. The soft scrapeof a shovel through some loose substance, the noise of its load slitheringinto the trough, announced to me that I was being fed. Eagerly I bent my headover the trough; in spite of the sour reek of the soft, crumbly stuff theyfed me on it tasted of nothing at all, unless it might be damp cardboard. Butit had nourished me for many months and it filled my belly; and it was withwith my hunger fully satisfied that I sat back again in my straw.

I listened carefully to the sounds of the normal routine; the slaves beingreleased from their cages, emptying their slop buckets, re-filling them withwater and washing just as they did every day. Then came the sound of shod footsteps,and I knew Bessie was bringing them their food. Just as she always did, sheleft them for a short time while they ate.

When she returned, I well knew what was to happen next. Bessie and one ofthe slaves came up to my pen, I heard the click of the door-bolt being pulledback, and felt through my nose ring the sensation of the short leash beingclipped to it, then the sudden lightness in my nose as the heavy tether chainwas unloosed to fall with a soft thud into the straw.

Bessie tugged gently upwards on my leash; at the same time the slave, whowas standing at the side of my pen, poked me painfully in the ribs with hiswooden goad. I rose awkwardly, feeling the whispery touch of the damp strawwhich had stuck to my body overnight falling from my skin. Bessie, with thehand holding my leash close up under my nose - I could smell the scent of thecoarse soap she used on her skin - led me out. First into the much larger outerroom where the slaves were kept; already the air was fresher, and when I camethrough into the icy outside air, it was like a heady wine. It was always likethis, except for a few days after my pen was cleaned out and fresh straw putin it, the contrast between the foetid smell of my pen and the outside airalways struck me.

I was led on, my horny, calloused, toeless feet insulating me to some extentfrom the frozen earth of the stable yard, on the path I knew so well; the pathI had been led on every day since I first awoke to find that my Mistress hadput me to this endless drudgery.

The hard, icy earth beneath my feet changed to hard, icy concrete, then toa thin, half-frozen mix of chaff and semi-solid excrement on reaching whichBessie hooked her finger through my nose-ring to stop me in my tracks. I heardthe click of the capstan rachet as the long pole through the thick, rotatingcentral upright was pulled around to behind where I stood patiently, then thecold, clammy feeling of the padded yoke settling around my neck and on my shoulders,its weight and bulk bowing my neck and forcing my head down and forward.

The leash was removed. More movements around and behind me, and then the loudclick of the brake being released. Immediately I threw my weight forward intothe yoke, all the muscles in my back and legs straining their hardest as thefirst whip-lash of the day, always the most painful, fell across my haunches.In spite of long usage the breath left my body in a grunt of shock; as I beganto move forward another blow fell upon my shoulders, and just before I reachedmy normal speed, a third. (Try as I might, anticipating the brake coming offas best I could, I always received at least three painful blows from the whipbefore I came up to the speed they required from me.)

Leaning into my yoke, causing the bell attached to it to clank dully withevery step I made, I trudged forward with painful slowness. Very shortly, asI came up to speed, it became easier, and soon I was able to keep moving totheir satisfaction. I heard Bessie leave; from this point the slave tetheredto the cental rotating upright would urge me on with his goad. At this timeI would fall into that unthinking half trance I spent most of my life in, buton this occasion I continued to think about my condition, and even to remembermy past.

As to my present condition, I was now a draught animal. Originally my Owner,Ms Howard, had taken me as a pet dog; but She had tired of me after only afew weeks. I remembered spending many miserable weeks chained to a kennel outsideBessie's living quarters before I'd been put into the dog-van and driven offsomewhere, to be returned in my present altered physical state. I rememberednothing of the major surgery that had obviously been carried out on me, butI did recall the first time I woken in my pen; my panic at my blindness andmy unavailing attempts to rise to my knees without the use of my missing arms.(Here I must have faltered in my steady progress; the goad struck quick asa snake's fangs; I grunted in pain and increased my pace a little. I imaginedthe slave wielding the goad for a moment, seated shivering on an old crate,tethered by his leash to the central post as there was no Woman present tosupervise him.) Still amazingly aware, I suddenly thought that I didn't evenknow, after all this time, why I was goaded round in these endless circlestwice a day. I remembered seeing blind donkeys in Travel Programmes trudgingaround turning a millstone; and I realized I was exactly like them; I too toiledon and on for a purpose I did not know. But I was almost certain, from overheardconversations, that I was pumping water. (At this point, as was usual, my bowelschose to empty themselves. I had long cured myself of an instinctive attemptto slow down and stop while I defecated - it only brought a flurry of painfulprods from the slave's goad - and I continued to trudge stolidly around whileI expelled my faeces, feeling their slimy warmth as they slid down the insidesand backs of my thighs on their way to join the layer of filth I walked through.)The sound of Bessie's shod feet accompanied by the slapping of bare feet onhard ground announced new arrivals. A brief flurry of action, and I heard Bessieleave alone. She was probably going to her breakfast in the warm kitchen, andhad tethered both slaves together to the central post; I imagined them huddledagainst each other for warmth.

Closing my eyes under my blinkers, I thought of Ms Howard. It had been a longtime since I had seen Her close to; occasionly I caught sight of Her beingdriven past in Her car from where I stood tethered at the Lodge, waiting forMary or Millie to return from their various errands to the village, but ifShe noticed me She gave no sign of it. I recalled that last Summer I had seenHer sitting reading in a deckchair on one of the lawns, a picture of cool elegancein Her flowery dress. I had been harnessed to the heavy roller on the lawnon Her right; only a little later a flustered Sonia had run out to order Bessieto transfer me to other work downwind, as my rank animal body-odour was disturbingour Mistress. I thought that the last glimpse I'd had of Her was about a coupleof months ago, when I'd seen Her sitting in the Autumn sun on Her patio asI was led past drawing a cart full of logs.

The shod feet returned, the brake came on. Slowed so abruptly in my course,I panicked briefly; having been taught only too well the penalty of slowingdown in my steady progress. But then I understood, and stood patiently in mysweaty yoke awaiting further developements. These were swift in coming. Afterthe usual sounds of flurrying movements, someone clipped a leash to my nose-ring,the horizontal pole was detached from my yoke, and the yoke itself removed.In its place the heavy harness was fitted, around my waist and over my shoulders,its broad straps icy cold on my hot skin.

A slight tug on my leash, and I followed obediently; out of the wheel-room,and into the open air. Still blind, I was led over the still-frozen packedearth of the yard, and brought to a halt somewhere near the kitchen, for Icould smell the tantalizing odours of cooking food. A cold hand was placedupon my chest, and a gentle pressure urged me to step backwards cautiously.Wood groaned and creaked behind me, and now I knew what was happening; I hadbeen backed in between the shafts of my cart, and the two male slaves werelifting the shafts so that my harness could be secured to them.

I felt the weight of the shafts on my waist and shoulders as my harness washooked up, then the hard, cold metal of my bit against my lips. ObedientlyI opened my mouth and the bit was put into it, to come to its rest positionon my gums where my back teeth began. (My front teeth had been pulled longago). Then Bessie opened my blinkers. As usual I was dazzled by the suddeninflux of light. When I'd recovered my vision I could see my long shadow stretchingbefore me and the frost sparkling on the grass in the rising sun. I could seenothing to either side, of course, because of the blinkers; but I could hearBessie and her minions moving around, and the sounds of the axes, saws etc.needed for wood-cutting being placed in the cart behind me.The air was completelystill, and it was bitterly cold.

The cart creaked as Bessie lowered her weight into the diving seat. She raisedmy reins and brought them down with a crack upon my shoulders. As I began tomove tentatively forward, she pulled my head round sharply to the left to avoidmy collision with the fence in front of me. That done, she flicked my rumpwith her whip, and I plodded off on the path towards the forest, obeying unthinkinglythe varying gentle pressures on my bit, now in its 'work' position betweenmy back teeth.

I wondered vaguely as to which woodpile we were heading; the nearest was abouthalf a mile away; the furthest about three miles. As this was the first wood-fetchingtrip of the day, the furthest seemed indicated; a round trip of six miles whichwould take about two and a half hours. Normally I would trudge along in a sortof unnoticing stupor, but on this rare day my faculties were keen, and I sawmy surroundings as if for the first time. My view was sharply cut off at thesides by my blinkers, and my head was lowered by the effort of drawing thecart as I leaned forward into my harness, allowing me to see only a few feetdirectly in front of me. I mused on the necessity of my being directed alongmy course by Bessie or some other driver; left to my own devices I should havewandered off the path. This left me to reflect on my treatment at Bessie'shands. She was, I decided, surprisingly attentive to my well-being. She wouldsee to it, for example, that I was tethered in the sun in cold weather, andin the shade in hot. She watered me at frequent intervals, and she would haltme and allow me to rest after any more than usually strenuous interval of labour.She was careful to preserve my strength; even to the extent of dismountingand leading me up gradients she considered too steep for me to pull the cartup with her weight added to its load. She kept me at a slow walk usually, andonly used the whip to start me off and to make me aware of when any unusualextra effort was needed. For instance, there was a particular place on oneof the paths I was often driven on where a thick tree root had made a largebump across the road; she knew to a nicety when to bring down the whip on myhaunches to encourage me into a short spurt of extra energy. In short, I thought,she treated me as a Third World villager would treat a valuable ox; not outof any innate good nature, but purely to ensure that I would be able to workas long and effectively as possible.

This train of thought came to and end with our arrival at our destination,a pile of roughly trimmed logs heaped in a clearing off the track. There Bessiedismounted and tethered me to a sapling, making sure I was in the direct sunlight,before unleashing the slaves from the rear of the cart and directing them tofill a rusty brazier with the twigs and wood chips which lay scattered around.Then she lit the brazier, which was soon well alight, and allowed the frozenslaves to huddle around it for ten minutes or so. She told off a slave to fetchme water, and he took the bucket which hung from the side of my cart over toa pond in a corner of the clearing and filled it. Then he offered up to mybroad, thick-lipped mouth. The water was thick and muddy, but I lapped it upavidly with my long, thick tongue. Then I relaxed, enjoying my rest in thefaint warmth of the winter sunlight, while Bessie set her minions to work trimmingthe logs they were to load on the cart. She herself sat on a log by the fire,occasionally encouraging a slave in his labours by raising a welt on his bodythrough the laser whip she always carried. She gave the slaves water from thelarge bottle which hung from the cart, while she drank hot coffee from theflask Millie had given her before we left.

One by one the trimmed logs thudded into the back of the cart until Bessiedecided the load was sufficient. I heard the chink of the slaves' tools beinglain on top, and the clicks of their leashes being attached to the cart beforeBessie untethered me and mounted into her seat to begin the return journey.

My load was much heavier now; gentle slopes which had been easy on the wayout became steep, and twice Bessie stopped me at their summits to recover mybreath, and once to dismount and lead me up a particularly steep passage. Ifell into my old ways of unthinking labour, conscious only of the draggingweight on my shoulders, chest, and waist as I leaned into my harness, untila pull on my bit announced the journey's end back where we'd started.

Bessie dismounted and tethered me, then unleashed the slaves and put themto unloading the cart and stacking the logs on the logpile. Then came a diversion.Someone out of my vision came up to us - I thought I recognised the voice ofmy Mistress's only other First Class slave, Veronica - and said something toBessie. She left, and Bessie called out for Millie to come and supervise themale slaves. On Millie's speedy arrival, Bessie deftly unhitched me from thecart and led me off through the stable yard and into the barn in which thevarious carts were kept. There she quickly hitched me to the smartly-paintedfour-wheeled three-seater which stood in a corner. She left, to return witha short, broad canvas bag which she shoved over my muzzle, hanging by its strapsfrom the top of my head. The bag was full of the coarse meal they fed me on;I made short work of it, scooping its contents into my mouth with my tongue,while Bessie fussed about with the cart, oiling the wheel bearings, and passinga duster over the paintwork. Finally she removed my feed bag, gave me morewater, and led me out, her hand through one of the large steel rings at eitherend of my bit, my reins presumably being hooked over the foot board beforethe driver's seat.

She led me to the front of the Mansion, where she stopped me by the stepsto the Grand Porch. There we waited for several minutes.

I had become fully alert again, and presently was aware of the sound of threepairs of footsteps descending the marble steps leading down from the Porch.I felt the light cart sway as they took their seats, then Bessie tugged onmy bit-ring, pulling me half-round to face in the opposite direction. She releasedher hold, the whip flicked my haunches, and I began to walk forward, the weightof the cart a trifle to the heavy logs I'd just hauled. The whip flicked myback, and I broke into an easy trot along the straight path my driver had chosenfor us. I particularly enjoyed this; for some short moments, when the reinswere loose on my shoulders, I could imagine myself free to choose my own direction,until there came a bend, or some other obstacle, and the pressure on one sideor other of my bit directed me to turn.

I very soon realized that it was my Mistress herself who was directing me;by now I could easily tell who my driver was by her characteristic methods.Bessie was sure-handed, but a little heavy on the bit: Millie was heavier still,and less confident; and she usually drove me as fast as my hobble would allow- fortunately she always employed the light single seater with the large panniersfor her frequent errands off the Estate. But this sureness of touch, theseconfident gentle pressures as she controlled my movements through the mediumof my bit, could belong only to Ms Howard!

I was moving easily, sweating but only lightly panting through my half-openmouth, on the smooth turf. I felt as though I could keep up this pace indefinitely.But then we came to our destination which I recognized instantly as one ofthe charming wooden Summerhouses which were scattered about the grounds. Thereall got down, and my reins were pulled forward over my head for one of theparty to lead me off. Judging by the occasional glimpse of a tiny fist holdingmy reins high up near my mouth I knew it was Polly who was leading me. (A tinywaif of a girl, scarcely four and half feet tall, she was our Mistress's petand body-slave, and had taken my place in Her affections). She led me overto a nearby fence and tethered me to the top rail. Then she left. She returnedwith water and, after a failed attempt to raise the bucket high enough forme to drink - owing to her own lack of height - went off to fetch somethingto stand on. After watering me, she left me in the sunshine to enjoy the unusualpeace of not being at labour.

I stood patiently for what seemed a very long time. What 'the humans' - asI'd long referred to them - were doing I'd no notion. I could move back andforth a tiny distance owing to the 'give' in my harness, and I could see straightahead to the forest across a small ploughed field. (Which I knew well, forI had pulled the plough!) Other than that, my vision was blocked by my blinkers,nor could I turn my head more than a few inches due to the shortness of mytether.

I tranced there, standing in the sunlight, until the arrival of a human broughtme back to wakefulness. It was Polly again. She untethered me, pulled the reinsback over my head, and mounted the cart. She pulled on one side of my bit toturn me, then whipped me into motion. My load was feather-light compared withprevious ones, and Polly was able to whip me into the full speed my hobblewould allow - a rattling six miles an hour. Even so, on the way I had timeto reflect with some amazement how easily and naturally she dominated me. Iwas nearly half as tall again, and many times stronger, yet I followed herdocilely wherever she led me, and submitted meekly to her whip. (But then;many times in my previous, human existence I'd seen on films or televisionsome tiny child in some Third World country controlling a huge beast like anox, armed merely with a sharp stick! Like an ox, I too had become domesticatedto the point where refusal, or even the faintest hint of resistance, to a humanbeing, however small and weak, had become mentally impossible to even contemplate).We very soon arrived at the house, where she drove me round to the kitchendoor. I barely had time to notice the two slaves sitting on the ground, theirleashes tied to a steel ring in the wall, clumsily picking out scraps froma shared bucket with their maimed hands, before a banging and scraping announcedthe loading of something large onto the rear seat of the cart and Polly flickedme with the whip to get me moving again.

Back we went, still at the same breakneck pace. When we halted in front ofthe Summerhouse I was panting heavily, and dripping with sweat. The cart wasrelieved of its burden; hands pulled my reins over my head and I was led offbe to tethered out of the way. I soon became certain that my Mistress was leadingme from an evocative whiff of Her delicate scent, and the soft swish of Hersilken garments as She moved along. She tied me to the fence and left, to returnshortly with water. I drank and, more and more certain that it was indeeedShe who stood by my side, I tried to turn my head to nuzzle Her hand out ofa sudden rush of affection for my Owner, only to be brought up sharply by myshort tether. Finally I desisted as I heard Her move a little way off. Sheseemed to stay motionless for some time; I wondered what She was doing, andhad the vague but distinct feeling that She was regarding me as I stood inthe shafts. Then I heard Her move towards me and, with a shock, I found myselfstaring blankly into Her emerald eyes at close range. Those eyes, which hadenslaved me with a glance at our first meeting, retained all their old powerover me. She seemed to be searching my eyes for something, but my bladder chosethat moment to empty itself. I heard Her half-stifled gasp of disgust as Shestepped away to avoid the thick stream of urine splashing on the ground betweenmy feet, then Her short laugh of self-mockery at Her own squeamishness beforeShe left me to wonder what Her actions signified..

Some time later I heard two sets of soft footsteps approaching and two voicesin conversation. I recognized them as that of my Mistress and Her alter ego,the First Class slave - what was Her name? - ah yes; Sonia. Both equally talland elegant, Sonia lacked that special something which allowed her Mistressto dominate with a glance. But I'd seen even less of Sonia than of her Mistressover the last two years. The sound of their footsteps and voices rose and fellas they walked; evidently they were strolling up and down on the lawn, possiblyafter their lunch. On one of their nearest approaches my bowels emptied, andI heard one of them, probably Sonia, utter a short cry of shock and disgust.My Mistress laughed, and made some remark to her, then they carried on withtheir promenade.

Silence fell again, and I became aware of my growing hunger. I was also feelingthe increasing cold as the short winter afternoon came to its end.The faintwarmth from the sun had gone some time ago, and I could see my breath smokingin the still, cold air before little Polly came to lead me back to the stepsof the Summerhouse.

My Mistress held my bit as the cart was loaded, then all took their seats.She whipped me into movement, and I set off on the return journey. I soon foundit was to be no repetition of the outward one, for Ms Howard, contrary to Herusual practice, whipped me up into a full gallop. Despite spending so muchtime motionless and tethered, I was still tired, but She did not spare Herwhip, and I was panting with exhaustion when I was pulled up at the Porch stepsand my reins handed to the waiting Bessie.

Whether she approved of my treatment at the hands of our Mistress I couldn'tsay, but she made a point of leading me, instead of driving me, the hundredyards or so to the cart-barn. Ther she swiftly unhitched me and led me offto the empty wood cart where the two wretched slaves crouched shivering, theirleashes held by the warmly-clad Millie. Her fellow-slave greeted her, and thetwo women hitched me between the shafts. Bessie left, to return shortly carryingmy full feeding bag which she hung over my head so that I could feed as I walked.Then the familiar creak of the cart as she mounted, the sharp pain of the whipon my skin, and I trudged off into the gathering winter gloom.

It was fully dark when we returned, guided by the two oil lamps Bessie hadhooked on either side of my cart. I was standing between the shafts in dullexhaustion when a sudden subtle shift in the attitude of the weary slaves unloadingthe cart announced the arrival on the scene of our Mistress. I saw Her drawBessie aside and appear to question her; Her PA, warmly dressed as she was,seemed both cold and bored. I felt her stare of horrified fascination as mybladder emptied itself into the dirt at my feet before she turned away to joinin the inquisition.

Finally the questions ceased, and Bessie escaped to unhitch me from the woodcart. She unloosed my reins and clipped a short thick leash to my nose-ringbefore leading me off to the wheel-shed, Blossom in attendance. The familiarroutine continued in the glow of the oil lamp which hung from the wall. Blossomheld my leash, his hand high up under my nose, as Bessie removed and hung upmy harness. At a sharp command he led me a few feet onto the trodden dirt ofthe circular path I would be driven along. There Bessie slipped the cold, heavyyoke over my neck and shoulders, secured it in position, and strapped the yoke-poleto it. She removed my leash and, just as she snapped my blinkers over my eyeswith a practised flick of her thumb, I fancied I saw Ms Howard and Her PA enterthe shed. Then I was blind, and I waited wearily for the crack of the brakebeing released.

It came, and I leaned my full weight into my yoke immediately, as the goadwielded by the tethered Blossom dug painfully into my flank. I barely heardBessie and the the visitors depart over the protesting creak of the pole andthe clank of the bell on my yoke, I was aware only of the repeated digs asBlossom goaded me up to speed. Still in my unusual state of consciousness,I wondered which was the more painful; the whip or the goad. Both hurt me,of course; but with the goad the pain was more concentrated, and there wasno preliminary swish of warning.

On and on I trudged in the blackness; with only the soft shuffle of my feetthrough the dirt I walked in, my hoarse panting, the creaking of the yoke-pole,and the dull clank of the bell at every short pace I made to break the silence.My bladder opened without causing me to alter my pace; I felt the warm liquidcourse down my thighs and lower legs as I urinated. Occasionally I heard Blossomshift position on the pile of straw he sat on; occasionally too, he would relievehis boredom by poking me with the goad on the lower or upper thigh, or on thehaunch nearest to him, or in my ribs.

I had relapsed into my normal dull, beast-like indifference when Bessie returned,her thick sandals scraping over the frozen ground outside. She pulled on thebrake, bringing me to a halt, then she untethered Blossom and led him off tohis cage for the night. I grew cold again waiting for her return, and I wasglad when she came back to lift the yoke from my neck and shoulders and leadme out into the icy air. I trudged behind her over the frosty ground, blindlyfollowing her direction as indicated to me by the gentle tugs of my nose-ringuntil she stopped me. I heard the slither of leather being tied around woodas she tethered me, then the sound of her footsteps as she left me. I was shiveringwhen she came back, accompanied by someone else, evidently Millie with whomshe shared quarters, for I heard Bessie say 'Be sure to build up the fire;it will freeze hard tonight. We've fetched plenty of wood!" Then she tookmy leash and led me off again.

Icy packed earth gave way to cold concrete; icy fresh air to the cold, closeatmosphere of the shed in which the slaves lay shivering in their cages. Thento the familiar foetid stink of the tiny back room where I was pennned. Bessieled me into my pen through the further gate; I felt the post brush againstmy hip as I walked onto the thick, damp, matted straw, and heard the clickof the latch on the gate as she closed it behind me. Cautiously I moved forwarduntil I came to the closed front gate. Bessie tugged gently downwards on myleash, and I sank awkwardly to my knees in the straw. I heard the straw rustleas she picked up my tether chain from where it lay, and felt the sudden weightof it as she clipped it to my nose ring. She took off the leash and I heardthe sound of her filling my water bucket, then the splash as she poured itinto the trough before me. I bent forward gingerly until my questing tonguefound its surface; there I lapped it down quickly and noisily. Finally camethe sound of my feed being shovelled into the bucket, then the soft slitherof it being emptied into my trough. I heard the door thud shut as Bessie departedbefore I had lowered my muzzle into the trough.

As usual, I made short work of feeding, after which I sat back, buttocks onmy heels, in temporary contentment, with a full belly, and free for a timeof harness and yoke, whip and goad. With that uncanny full awareness that I'dhad all day, I thought that for the domesticated draught animal my Mistresshad made of me, the best I could expect was warmth, clean straw, and a fullbelly; that was as good as it would ever get. Without bitterness I reflectedon my labours for Her. I had panted and sweated under the lash to haul woodfor Her fires, so that She and Her slaves should be warm, while She had mekept in an unheated pen. I had groaned under the yoke and the goad to pumpwater to keep them clean, while I lay unbathed in filthy straw. But that wasthe nature of things, I told myself without resentment. My body, my muscles,were not mine to command, but Hers; She owned me. And She paid me the rewardany careful owner gives to a work-beast; just enough food to enable me to keepworking for Her, and just enough shelter from the elements to keep me healthy.But, looking back, something still puzzled me. A long time ago, before Shehad bought her male slaves, She and another Woman had come to me where I stoodyoked and blind at the wheel. Nothing had been said, but I had heard a sharphiss as of escaping gas, and felt an icy numbness spread over my groin. I rememberedfeeling cloth brush the inside of my thighs high up at my crotch, and hearda faint click. Then they had gone and Bessie had whipped me into motion again.To this day I don't know what had occurred on that occasion, but I'd alwayshad the nagging suspicion, for some unknown reason, that something importantand irreversible had beeen done to me.

Finally, at a signal from my colon, I spread my ankles and defecated betweenmy legs. Then, yawning, I wriggled onto my side, and lay tiredly down in thedirty straw. As usual I was deeply asleep in seconds; as usual when I woketo the sounds of the the morning routine it was as if no time had passed atall. But I seemed to remember - or had I imagined it? - that my Mistress hadvisited me during the night. For what reason, I could not guess; but surelythere had been a faint trace of Her fragrance in the air when I'd awoke?


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Winter girl experience

Here is talking not me, but one girl about her winter nude experience.In the middle of December my friend suddenly proposed that I could ski nude. My first reaction was: what are you talking about!? But then very quickly I realized that it is good idea. I can't explain why I liked it but when that day came when we drove to the ski center, I was overexcited and I really had irresistible desire to go there nude and start to skiing. All my life I had always proper clothing according to weather and...

4 years ago
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Winter Forest

"Master, more slowly go! I pray you, less haste!" Ranulf reined in impatiently under the frost-rimed trees, brushing his red hair back from his forehead. The cold was growing more intense as they plunged ever deeper into the forest. His squire's hissing speech was slurred as the cold slowed all his bodily functions. "We'll make camp as soon as we find a place that gives us any shelter. That I promise." His voice was brusk but not unkind. The lizard man had served him well in his...

2 years ago
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Winter is Cumming part 2

As the bright, invasive afternoon sunlight came streaming through my stained (with dust and dirt) glass window, I found myself spooning (and possibly forking) with my new dream girl, Winter Summer, whom I had met earlier at the Public Market. Rubbing my aching jaw from our earlier sexcapades, fearing I might have lockjaw then grinning like an escaped lunatic as I recalled her hairy pussy, suddenly so afraid she might be a werewolf I had to rush out to buy silver bullets (the ammo, not that...

4 years ago
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Winter is Cumming

The day began like all others, climbing out of bed at the crack of noon, devouring a Toaster Strudel and mayonnaise sandwich before braving the crisp Canadian weather by going to Vancouver's Public Market for fresh seafood now that I'm eating healthy.  Along the way I passed a group of American hipsters vaping cannabis oil on a street corner, celebrating Tommy Chong's birthday.  Damn Americans! Since Trump's election, they have flocked here like a silverfish infestation.  Silverfish, that...

3 years ago
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Total Woman Excursions 11

The afternoon weather was still balmy but Labor Day marked the end of summer, if not astronomically, well then socially. The duties of school and career beckoned vacationers back to work. Somer sat across from Stephanie at the wooden table. They picked their way through the last of this summer’s picnics: hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, macaroni and potato salads, watermelon, beer and wine. They had spent the day in lawn games and other light festivities. ‘So, Somer, where are you off to after...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Excursions 14

Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed to commemorate the sacrifice and friendship of the Pilgrims and the Indians. Today it commemorates feasting and football. Fallston was on the sidelines of the annual Total Woman Excursions lingerie football game. Most of the host guides were on the field. In the past, touch or flag football on a 40 yard shortened field was the norm. But as the rivalry grew over the years, it escalated to tackle. There had been so many fouls called that the staff finally gave up...

3 years ago
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Total Woman Excursions 08

Spence peered between his legs at dangling boobs, rows of dangling boobs. His down dog yoga stance had him looking backward at his nude yoga session mates on the pool deck of the Total Woman Excursions resort facility. His own hanging appendage read ‘6 o’clock’. The instructor directed that the practitioners move to an up dog pose and then stand. Spence lost the panorama of breast but was nonplused, there was plenty of session to go. The instructor said ‘Now let’s partner up for tantric yoga...

4 years ago
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Total Woman Excursions 07

Spence gasped for breath but didn’t stop. They had walked several miles through the forested trails and had now started to climb the ridge. Joan was leading and Spence followed her waggling shorts over trim buttocks. Spence was pleased with the motivation to keep the pace and keep Joan in sight. Today was Summer Solstice, the solar zenith occurring at exactly 1:22 PM. Joan and Spence would honor the occurrence from the utmost point available, closest to the sun. They were hiking to the high...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Excursions 12

The Total Woman Excursions beachside was pure white sand, lapped by leisurely waves of the clear blue sea. The scarab speed boat was anchored offshore. Somer was accompanied by his three host guides of the resort: Julie, Agnes and Stephanie. The topless snorkelers plunged the coral depths in search of aquatic flora and fauna. There were many to behold. The reef glimmered with neon colors and exotic shapes. Large and small fish circled, crisscrossed and skittered around them. Somer floated...

3 years ago
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Total Woman Excursions 09

The tables were loaded with a splendid Independence Day picnic: hamburgers, hot dogs, fried chicken, potato and pasta salads, cool drinks, ice cream and baked desserts. The guests chatted in the sun and shade around the pool deck. The weather was warm. The dress was casual and minimal. Bikinis predominated, from traditional to thongs. The biggest holiday picnic of the summer was in full swing at Total Woman Excursions resort. Somerset, but everyone called him Somer, mingled with the other...

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Total Woman Excursions 10

Sirius, the Dog Star, progressed to its annual position closest to the sun and the orbs would rise together in the eastern sky for the next month. These were the sultry dog days of summer. It was perfect weather for a beach volleyball tournament at Total Woman Excursions. The heaped sand was white to reflect the sunlight and soft to protect the players. The four duets of women were evenly matched to provide superb competition. The team uniforms were skimpy thongs to provide superb...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Excursions 15

Santa Clauses rang their bells at the entrances. Green and red dominated the décor within the atrium of the two story shopping mall. Holiday ‘musak’ competed with the buzzing babble of the shoppers. It was the holiday rush to meet self-imposed expectations of happiness which could only be satisfied by conspicuous consumption. Fallston strolled the storefronts with Debra, his Total Woman Excursions host guide and personal shopper. Debra had helped many guests with this annual burden and...

4 years ago
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Total Woman Excursions 13

‘Pull’ The clay pigeon sailed forth on its arced journey down the Total Woman Excursions resort skeet range. Blam! The 12 gauge shotgun pounded Fallston’s shoulder. The target disc burst into a spray of pieces as the lead pellets followed and found their mark. He was two for three this round! ‘Not bad, not bad at all. But not as good as me’ said Oksana. Her blond hair and blue eyes bespoke her Scandinavian heritage. Her 3-3 marksmanship bespoke her hunter instincts. Olivia, the Mediterranean...

4 years ago
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Winter in Sweden Part 1

The Adventures of Masha and MeChapter 1 – Winter Holidays in Sweden1.1 I am RitaThis is the story of me, 21 years old Rita, born in Tallinn, Estonia. I am a second-year student of English and Mathematics, planning to become a teacher. I have long brown hair and my height of 1,68 m is in an average range. My body is also quite normal size although sometimes I wish to have some kilos less. I like Inline-Skating, dancing, reading and spending the day in bed with a good book. I live together with...

2 years ago
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Do you know what I love most about winter? That you hate it. The cold gives you the sniffles and I know firsthand that you much rather enjoy being dressed down than up. And your cheeks…they get all red, like a cute, perpetual blush, and I just can’t help but giggle when we go out together. “Stop being so childish,” you always say. Or, “You embarrass me.” But I know you like it. You like to watch that little smile creep over my full, pink lips and it makes you smile cause you’re thinking...

3 years ago
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Do you know what I love most about winter? That you hate it. The cold gives you the sniffles and I know firsthand that you much rather enjoy being dressed down than up. And your cheeks…they get all red, like a cute, perpetual blush, and I just can’t help but giggle when we go out together. “Stop being so childish,” you always say. Or, “You embarrass me.” But I know you like it. You like to watch that little smile creep over my full, pink lips and it makes you smile cause you’re thinking...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Winter is Cumming The Conclusion

The day was gloomy and rainy, in other words, the perfect day to stay in bed and that was my sole plan for Winter and me.  To lie together and get better acquainted. Looking into her dark eyes as we snuggled beneath heavy blankets, I asked, "What do you want to know about me?"She mulled it over and finally responded with "Tell me about your last girlfriend.  Like how long it lasted, why you broke up... you know, the good stuff!"Oh Hell, she came out swinging, and I wondered why I ever...

2 years ago
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Winter nights in Moscow

This was during my second business trip to Moscow in 2005. I had been there a few months ago. Most adjectives known to man in any language fall inadequately short of fully describing the beauty and appeal of Russian women. Walking down the streets of Moscow, one has to try hard to find a woman – young or old – who is not a sex goddess or a supermodel incarnate. Discount my personal bias and you still have a steamy lot. Well, back to my story, before leaving home in Dubai, I was checking out...

3 years ago
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Black Mans White Pussyboy

Black Man’s White Pussyboy Story from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog. I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom, furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped to rent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time to some maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at...

2 years ago
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Black Mans White Pussyboy

Black Man's White PussyboyStory from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog.I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at...

4 years ago
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Black Mans White Pussyboy

Black Man's White PussyboyStory from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog.I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at...

1 year ago
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Black Mans White Pussyboy

Story from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog.I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had...

3 years ago
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Black Mans White Pussyboy

I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had filled out just a minute earlier. From the datelisted as his birth date, he was 22 years old, three years younger than I.I watched him, explaining about the living room area and kitchen, as...

3 years ago
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Callipygian Excursion

I had to say goodbye to my last partner to say hello to getting my ass fucked.Yes, that phrase unfortunately describes the worst thing one person can do to another. ("They fucked us ... in the ass!") I get it metaphorically. However, I wasn't getting it literally and that was the real problem.How do you even phrase that request without looking like a huge, perverted freak? Only "wrong" people want that. I never wanted to be so wrong in my life.My next partner was ... well, playful. Not joking...

2 years ago
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Sombras Stripping Excursion

"Greetings, Sombra," said the contact in a distorted voice. "I'm pleased you took interest in my offer. My clients wanted the best, and I like to get them the best." The legendary hacker stared at the grainy videofeed on her handheld. She was suspicious when she got an email about a one-of-a-kind contract, and this was not helping her suspicions at all. "Indeed. And what do the best get paid?" "In due time. Let me explain the terms of the contract, as it's a bit...unconventional. I represent a...

1 year ago
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Part II Patties Excursion and Her Return to Reality

My name is Pattie.  I am a 37 year old single mother of a 16 year old teenager.  I was out having a drink one night at the "Squeaky Saddle" honky-tonk in southern Texas when I ran into one of the most amazing individuals that I had ever met.  His name was Tolban.  He was from another planet.  I know, I know.  As incredible as it sounds, just trust me:  he really was from outer space and he proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt!  Read on, and you'll see exactly what I mean.We left the "Squeaky...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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A Country Excursion for Sex

Zachery finished and we got dressed and started towards Buddy's house. I did not know where we were going or how far, as we walked I asked Zachery why he screwed me. His reply was simple 'I don't pass up free pussy, boy or girl, that's open and inviting.' 'I wasn't inviting you to do anything, I was just showing you how they forced me into sex.' 'We'',' Zachery said, 'I had to figure out how they managed to get in your butt, without you wanting them too.' 'Well, did you find out,' I asked...

1 year ago
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Weekend Excursion

What a week! Some weeks seem to fly by, but this one was excruciatingly slow. I'd been working at this office for almost three years. We had moved over here from our main office to be at the client's beck and call. It was nice to have fully billable hours on my timesheet, but sometimes it was tough. Lately, it had been harder to really throw myself into the work. As an engineer, I like to design things that will be built. It's exciting to see my designs take shape and then start working...

1 year ago
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Outpost Hetero EditionChapter 4 Excursion

Once again, Schaffer awoke to a face full of fur. Sometime during the night, a pile of aliens had crept up on him, burying him at the bottom of another dogpile. They were so damned heavy, their oppressive weight squashing him down into the mattress. He was learning to identify the pack members by their unique markings now. Like a fingerprint, each alien had subtly different spots that patterned their coat. He recognized Osha lying beside him at the bottom of the mound, she had one long,...

2 years ago
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Outpost Bisexual EditionChapter 4 Excursion

Once again, Schaffer awoke to a face full of fur. Sometime during the night, a pile of aliens had crept up on him, burying him at the bottom of another dogpile. They were so damned heavy, their oppressive weight squashing him down into the mattress. He was learning to identify the pack members by their unique markings now. Like a fingerprint, each alien had subtly different spots that patterned their coat. He recognized Osha lying beside him at the bottom of the mound, she had one long,...

3 years ago
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Winter Neighbor Pt 1

The Previous Winter: 8 Months Ago A loud knocking sound was heard as my mother thumped her fist against my door. My eyes opened slowly, early morning light leaking in from between my curtains and temporarily dazing me. A heavy sigh escaped my mouth as I became more coherent and realized the unfortunate truth, it was morning. “Tyler, if I have to knock on your door one more time, I swear I will throw your ass out in the snow to wake you up!” My eyes rolled at my...

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Winter At Beech Mountain

Introduction: From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist Chapter 4 It was mid-winter here in Western N.C. — and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places- same faces – had given me the itch to travel.. My income also suffered now because of the Christmas season. People would rather buy presents than have a massage. I had watched the discovery channel lately, and hit on an idea. In winter, caribou would migrate south to their winter grazing areas and be near a water supply. In summer,...

4 years ago
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Winter At Beech Mountain

You won’t find guys like me in the phone book. I work off referrals from the women who have been on my table. I’m in the underground world of Erotic Massage. It is a taboo subject among most professional therapists. I was taught many years ago to give my client what ever she desired, within reason. From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist: It was mid-winter here in western North Carolina and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places same faces had given me the ‘itch’ to travel. My...

2 years ago
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Winter At Beech Mountain

You won't find guys like me in the phone book. I work off referrals from the women who have been on my table. I'm in the underground world of Erotic Massage. It is a taboo subject among most professional therapists. I was taught many years ago to give my client what ever she desired, within reason. From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist:It was mid-winter here in western North Carolina and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places same faces had given me the 'itch' to travel. My...

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Winter Wonders

Howling and creaking filled the room as the cold winter wind played hide and seek around the snow covered forest cottage. He was glad he had a full supply of food on hand because the odds of freezing while he was on his own was high. He lit a match and started a blazing fire to cook his supper. He basked in the light of the fire and listened for the pops and crackles of the wood which almost covered the soft crunching of footsteps in the snow. At first he thought it was the familiar padding of...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Winter Fun

Any resemblance to actual people or occurrences is purely coincidental. This is a piece of Fiction! Winter Fun By Lisa Elizabeth The months of January and February are the coldest and snowiest here in the Midwestern US. So there was no surprise when we awoke one Friday morning in February to hear that school was closed. It was snowing and blowing, and the weatherman was predicting six more inches of snow. "Ye-a-a-a-a!!!" both my sister Janet and I said at the same time....

3 years ago
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Winter Break

Winter Break Part 1 ?Now, unzip my jeans, take out my cock and suck me off? he said, ?Otherwise I?m going to drag your dressed-up ass into the hallway and lock you out.? I didn?t have a choice??..right? That?s how my winter break started. Well, actually, let me back up a bit. I had met Mike the year before. We were randomly paired as roommates our freshman year at the university. While from different parts of the country, we hit it off and decided to room together again...

4 years ago
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Winter In The Forest

HI FRIENDS HERE IS RAJ AGAIN WITH NEW STORY OF MY FRIEND IN WHICH HE HAS FUCK HIS MOM IN WINTER IN FOREST PLEASE SEND ME YOUR COMMENTS AT ALSO SEND ME YOUR PROBLEMS TO FIND YOUR LOVE He sighed as he looked out the door of his camp-hut, and saw the snowflakes begin to swirl down in the fort’s open square and parade ground. It was a cold, dark and foreboding day deep in the Teutoberg forest along the German frontier, and Vespasian’s Roman legions had been having a hard time of it recently,...

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Winter of the DriveIn

It was 1968, and Cheryl and I had been best friends since third grade. We had done everything together it seems. Sleepovers, experimenting with make-up, we even had our first periods a month apart. The only thing she got first was boobs. Of course, now that we were both 18, she was a buxom brunette and I was still a willowy blonde.But that did not get in the way of our being friends. We even double-dated once we turned 16. Depending on who the boyfriend was at the time and which one of them had...

2 years ago
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Black Knight Takes White Pawn Pussyboy

Black Knight Takes White Pawn Pussyboy Story from the perspective of a white teen pussyboy who becomes the sex slave of a couple niggers who use him for gang bangs and fuck films.I first met Arnim, my future nigger buck master, when we both worked for a well-known department store in London: in the packing and returns department at the rear of the building. Mr. Potter, the person in charge of the department, was a hard man to please. He was ex-army and arrived for work each morning dressed in a...

1 year ago
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Total Woman Excursions 03

The fire crackled in the cabin’s stone hearth. The logs whistled as the moisture steamed. The seasoned firewood stack had been covered with a late season snow. The fire now transformed the clinging ice to vapor as it consumed the wood. Wynn and Marcy had cross country skied to the Total Woman Excursions’ timberland cabin arriving late in the afternoon. Earlier, the staff had stocked them a hearty dinner and departed, corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, crispy bread. It was a fine...

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Total Woman Excursions 02

It was an elegant soiree. The St Valentine’s Day dinner was served with the finest crystal and china at the Total Woman Excursions’ formal dining room: ordures, wine, raw oysters (of course), light salads, gazpacho, poultry and seafood entrées, steamed vegetables: a healthy repasse for healthy lifestyles. The tuxedoed and gowned partygoers mingled in a post dinner gathering sipping champagne, eating strawberries dipped in chocolate and admiring the scantily clad cocktail waitresses serving...

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Total Woman Excursions 05

Spence wacked the ball hard using his best overhand shot. It flew to the corner of the tennis court but too far. ‘Out’ called Ariel. ‘You sure?’ he called back. There wasn’t much to argue. There was no judge seated at midcourt in this friendly match at the Total Woman Excursions sports complex, a part of the larger resort compound. ‘Of course, I’m sure’ she laughed. ‘Okay, 40 Love. Your serve.’ Spence squatted at the center back tee, bouncing back and forth. Ariel tossed the ball high...

4 years ago
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Chrystals exquisite little excursions

Chrystal's exquisite little excursions Ever since i started dressing up as a girl in my early teens i've been fascinated by glamorous fourties and fifties fashions and the big moviestars of those days have always been my rolemodels. I've spent years in front of my mirror trying to emulate them, wearing the most extravagant elegant outfits, fully fashioned stockings, scyscraper heels and all that goes with it. However, at a certain point it's just not enough sitting at home being...

2 years ago
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WinteringChapter 3

Bill Meyers was back in his routine since he had come back California. His going to his two car dealerships to see if he needed to do anything and golfing were now the highpoints of his week. He still thought about Traci and what might have been but he had accepted that it never will be. While he had somewhat put the relationship he had with her behind him, there were the memories he had of her that would not be forgotten. At work he continued his practice of periodically visiting all of the...

4 years ago
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Winters Dawning Charitys Holiday to Remember

On worlds where these ways and paths converge, communities arise, each as unique as the beings who dwell there; the community of Stars Rift is no exception. It notorious above all others as a place of commerce and of hedonism run rampant; with almost no constraints on what can be done, bought, sold, traded or taken by force of arms. People of many species, worlds, trades and the like are to be found. Ten times as many deals being forged and ten more time the same of betrayals, plots, and...

4 years ago
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Winter Wonderland

Friday Afternoon: Winter Break “Oh god, not again!” James said in frustration, as he notices that the PS network is down yet again. “What’s wrong?” his sister Sam asked while walking into the living room, and looking in the movie case bending over in front of him. He glanced at her then did a double take as he noticed that she was just wearing a tank top and her tiny black lacy thong panties, which were so small they barely covered her pussy. She had a strange habit of wearing skimpy or vary...

2 years ago
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Winter Blessing

Note. This is an idea I started playing with over 30 years ago when I was an undergraduate, after I met my first transsexual in a supermarket round the corner from the slum bedsit where I was living at the time. Winters Blessings By Trish It was in 1996 when I was finally freed from nosy social workers, guardian's and boarding school. Having been orphaned in my mid teens I was technically classed as in care but I was never in the system as such, I was not from a broken family or...

4 years ago
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Winter Wonderland

He stood in the kitchen looking out the window at the large snow flakes falling upon the already covered back yard. The trees were coated and looked like those one might see on a Currier and Ives Christmas card. They had been calling for snow and it must have started during the night to have this much on the ground. As he took a sip from his coffee cup he was glad to be inside with nothing to do today. He had already started a fire in both fire places and was well fixed for wood with two...

3 years ago
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Another month passed since Steve got his promotion and we had any time away from the k**s. That previous night alone was another memorable one in which I bought him a nice black pair of thigh highs and a black lacy garter belt that matched his black satin bikini panties. He was so aroused he came in his panties as I rubbed his crotch on the drive home from dinner. The rest of the night was memorable as well because Steve had described different panties and pieces of lingerie that he had...

2 years ago
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Winter At Beech Mountain

I had watched the discovery channel lately, and hit on an idea. In winter, caribou would migrate south to their winter grazing areas and be near a water supply. In summer, they moved back north to stay cool and be near food and water. I would be like the caribou-- 'migrate' to where some real money was this time of year-- to the nearby ski resorts in our snow covered mountains. I called my brother who lived at Elk Park ,N C ; only a driver and 4 iron from Beech Mountain ,...

4 years ago
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Winter Wonder Sex Why Yes

Winter, ‘Wonder’ & Sex? Why Yes! Every year for the past ten, my husband and I have had the pleasure of spending our January anniversary in the mountains of Georgia. Del and I are a quite fond of winter weather. Every year we rent the same log cabin for a week-end. Usually the same couple goes with us each year but, our 2010 trip was different. Our dear friends were unable to go due to work. We decided to invite Mark and Anna. They were our neighbors, we had just known them a year, but we often...

3 years ago
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Winter Storm

Joanna is a shy, young student at the junior college. She signed up for one of my classes this past Fall and I have come to know her rather well. Earlier today, I found a message on the department answering machine. ‘Dr. Storm, could you drop by tonight? I am having difficulty with one of the problems you assigned, and maybe you could help me with it.’ Well, she lives on The Rez, and her house is on the route I take to my place. I’ll stop by and see what I can do.   It is cold. A winter...

2 years ago
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winter storm

It was a cold winter day,snow as flying,and the four too five inches of snow we were suppose to get turned into feet of snow. I had cleaned out our driveway twice now so mom could get in when she got out of work. Ann had just got home from school and was almost an hour later than normal. She said the roads were horrible and the snow plows were having trouble keeping up with all the snow. Mom usually gets home around 5p.m. and it was now 6 and I was begining to worry. I was watching the news...

2 years ago
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winter storm

It was a cold winter day,snow as flying,and the four too five inches of snow we were suppose to get turned into feet of snow. I had cleaned out our driveway twice now so mom could get in when she got out of work. Ann had just got home from school and was almost an hour later than normal. She said the roads were horrible and the snow plows were having trouble keeping up with all the snow. Mom usually gets home around 5p.m. and it was now 6 and I was begining to worry. I was watching the news...

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