Marquis to Marquise
- 2 years ago
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The New Marquis de Sade
By DolSade
©2005 by DolSade
The Marquis stood at the window of his mansion, surveying his domain. Hecould see the cornerstone of his modest empire, the Mansion complex that housedhis gourmet dolcette dining room and the Pleasure Centre. Further out, theheart and soul of this realm could barely be seen. The buildings of the dolcettefarm were located there. He reflected on what went on there, from his perspective.To all the staff, in his complex and the farming staff, it was merely a farmfor fattening dolcettes to the strict standards of his restaurant kitchen.The Marquis prided himself on his cliental for that dining room. His exclusiveclub numbered 500 and as far as wealth and influence went, it rivaled the Forbes500 for the area. The members paid handsome, outrageous membership fees forthe privilege of dining in his restaurant and availing themselves of the servicesoffered in the Pleasure Centre. What they demanded in return and paid handsomely,again, for, were the most beautiful, youthful dolcettes available. The Marquismarveled at how much one of his patrons would pay for a tough piece of flesh,provided it was freshly cut from the vaginal area of a beautiful young girl.The Marquis fully knew that the rich and powerful were fully cognizant thatdolcettes were young nubile women at or just entering the peak of their sexualdesirability and good looks. The dolcette conversion project, the "homo-primate" breedingproject were shams to convince a gullible public that neo-cannibalism was notonly acceptable but a God send at a time of huge human populations and crisesin the traditional livestock markets. Like many, the Marquis suspected thatmad cow; sheep scrappie, swine flu and chicken viral diseases were unleashedon the world as population controls and to induce fear.
From day one, the Marquis knew that it was a glorious opportunity, when thelegislation allowing neo-cannibalism was passed. Unlike the farmers, who werereluctantly forced into the dolcette rearing market, the Marquis saw that thereal money could be made by exploiting the dolcettes themselves. The dolcettesby design were slaves. And it became very apparent, quickly, that the dolcetteswere female sex slaves. Mysteriously a market for young males never reallycaught on, although there must be a vast population that would jump at thechance to eat the penises and butts of hunky man-boys.
No, the plan had always been to target nubile young girls.
The intent was always to create a population of sex slaves to sate the lustsand passions of the predominantly lecherous old men that always found themselvesin power. This was a slap in the face of the public, that they could literallyeat their daughters and wives, with no repercussions and in most cases, thepublic's willing aid, in doing so.
The Marquis recognized that he had an endless supply of sex slaves available.In addition, there were additional bonuses. The sex slaves were disposable.Their conversion to dolcette status meant that the girls had to be killed withina reasonable time. Their meat must enter the meat market at some point.
And, since the normal laws against slavery and citizen rights were stillin force, slavery was not legal outside the dolcette world. But within thedolcette world, all manner of deviant behavior was condoned. Excuses, likepleasuring a dolcette to enhance the flavor of the meat, could easily be usedto sell the dolcettes' sexual services. The girls were not sex slaves or prostitutes,merely being pleasured by their eaters to enhance the dining experience. Painwas allowable because of the endorphin rush that tenderized the girl meat.That prostitution was illegal or frowned on, in most jurisdictions, made thingsall the sweeter. Yes, to an astute businessman the possibilities were endlessand the Marquis expected to push the envelope as far as he could.
And through the usual graft bribery and influence peddling, the Marquis knewhe could buy his way out of any trouble he ran into. Besides his members werealready the crème de la crème of politics and business and heknew only to well that their perversions were worst than his and that theyappreciated his efforts to sate their insatiable lusts and passions.
The girls in the dolcette farm were his play toys. He already found an excusefor keeping them alive longer than usual. A three to six month period was requiredto fatten his animals to meet the stringent requirement of his kitchen staff.He already had agents procuring the most attractive dolcettes available. Hewas always willing to pay top dollar for beauty and the willingness of hispatrons to part with fortunes, to obtain their favorite sexual body part ofgirl meat, meant he could pay enormous prices to get any dolcette beauty, hewanted and still make a profit when the dolcette was put on the menu. Betweenthe time the dolcette was acquired and the time she went into the oven, shewas his compliant sex toy. Care had to be taken with the crème de lacrème of the beauties to make sure that they were alive, healthy andattractive when presented to the patrons. But even if the girl was prematurelykilled or the body mangled, the only repercussions would be loss of some income.Ultimately all the dolcettes ended up as scraps of girl meat anyway.
The Marquis had always been fascinated by the works of the Marquis de Sadeand as soon as he could, he started acting out some of the scenarios writtenby de Sade. Now, with wealth enough to indulge in any activity and the ultimatedisposable victims, the new Marquis could live out his fantasies in real life.He had his special playrooms constructed and recruited his Justine to arrangefor his amusement.
His Justine was, of course, patterned on the Libertine, Justine, a youngFrench woman who left the convent to seek fame and fortune. True to her nature,her journey was one of debauchery and murderous lust that only the Marquisde Sade could conceive.
The new Justine had been recruited from the Dungeon wardens. She had severelybeaten dolcettes on many occasions and even injured patrons. Alexa had finallyhad enough when a beautiful dolcette was injured and required a lengthy recuperationperiod to restore her beauty to the point where the dolcette was acceptableto Chef Tyler.
When the Marquis saw the young woman, he was awe struck by her beauty. Shehad long blonde hair that fell to her shoulders in rich luxuriant curls thatframed an aristocratic face, with full perfectly symmetrical lush lips. Theblues eyes flashed intrigue and danger. The expression on her face was oneof angelic beauty. She seemed bewildered that others had thought that she haddone something wrong. But lurking just below the surface, one got the feelingthat a pent up demon was on the brink of emerging.
Even under her warden's uniform, the Marquis could see that she had all theright curves in all the right places. It was the type of body that attractedeyes all over a room and begged to be examined in minute detail. As Alexa beganto speak, it struck the Marquis that this woman was even more beautiful thanAlexa.
The Marquis heard what Alexa had to say and he said that he would considerwhat to do, rather than his usual support for Alexa's opinion and wishes.
The Marquis questioned his new blonde beauty. She became aware of the attentionshe was getting and soon surmised that the Marquis was another foolish manshe could wrap around her fingers and soon have licking her pussy. The Marquisgave her enough rope to hang herself and let the show proceed. The blonde resortedto the usual flirting and posing. Even finding reason to thrust her magnificentbosom into the Marquis' face.
As the interview went on, the woman got more exacerbated to the point whereshe could not control herself. The Marquis asked her what she liked most aboutthe job. And, in rare moment of truth, she lashed out, "I can hurt people." Andrealizing her mistake, began to cry quietly, a finally ploy to entrap the Marquis.
The Marquis sympathetically asked what she would do to control herself andnot harm any other patrons.
That was it. She replied with the response she had wanted to give all along, "Youcan take your fucking job and shove it. I don't need it or Alexa."
The Marquis subdued her, as she made for the door and asked, "Are you pissedoff because you couldn't wrap me around your finger? Did you want me to kissyour ass or lick your cunt?"
He grabbed her pussy and began a slow massage, fingering her slit, saying,and "Don't go, just yet You do have a nice cunt and I'm sure licking it wouldbe my pleasure.
You really are a beautiful woman and I would hate to see you leave.
But I don't lick cunt on the first date and I never kiss ass.
I will allow you to suck my cock and if you get it hard, I'll fuck you.
Are you surprised I'm not hard already? You were certainly doing your bestto excite me."
The Marquis allowed the blonde beauty to pull down his pants and lick andsuck his cock to erection. The blonde exposed her pussy. The cock was in, inan explosive thrust. Then all to soon, after four or five pounding thrusts,it was gone.
"Very nice Justine. You don't mind if I call you Justine. I have been lookingfor a Justine for a long time and you just might fit the bill.
Sorry about not finishing things, but I have big plans for tonight and Idon't wanted an office quickie leaving me weak. But it was very nice. I hopeyou will give me cause to finish, next time.
Report here tomorrow, about noon, or go find another occupation.
If you wish, I have some dildos and vibrators you can use. I do love to watcha hot pussy in action"
Justine got up in a huff and straightened out her uniform, then she stoppedand coyly put a finger to her lower lip in the familiar pose and flashed amischievous grin.
She did a sensual exotic striptease with a great deal of rubbing of her bigbreasts culminating in her sucking on her own engorged pink nipples.
Her hands sensuously moved down her torso and found her mons veneris. Justinerubbed and licked her clitoris and labia until they were engorged and thenfingered her vagina till it was nice and wet. She rubbed the pussy juice overher sex organs displaying them engorged and shiny with her cunt juices, tothe Marquis. She fingered her clit and vagina in frenzy until she announcedher orgasm with a shrill scream.
Justine stood tall, did a slow pirouette with her arms above her head, toshow the Marquis her beautiful body in all its nude glory and left the officesaying, "I don't need a man be fulfill my needs. See you tomorrow."
The Marquis enjoyed the show and was massaging his erect penis. He may havefound his Justine. She is beautiful. Amoral and violent. But she can be controlled.She is a skilled seductress and skilled in the erotic arts. She is fun to bewith and has a playful sense of humor. And maybe, she prefers women to men.
But is she smart enough to be Justine, to arrange all that has to be done?Is she ruthless when she has to be, and contained, when that was necessary.Can I trust her?
Only time would tell.
Justine arrived at noon, the next day, in a demure mini-dress looking likeshe was applying for a sexy secretarial position.
The Marquis observed her reaction as he kept her waiting for an hour. Shewas polite to the staff and unobtrusive, patiently bidding her time.
When admitted into the Marquis office, she made sure she was announced asJustine.
The Marquis complemented Justine on her appearance and the two make somesmall talk loaded with sexual innuendo.
The Marquis began his interview with Justine.
"I don't suppose you know who Justine was?"
"No I didn't think so. Have you ever heard of the Marquis de Sade?"
"Mais non." Was Justine's intriguing reply.
"I want you to take this book with you and read it. I know it's long. Youcan skim it and read the parts that interest you. I wish to be a patron ofJustine, my new Justine. I will supply the resources and money to put on specialentertainments for myself and my guests, but mostly for myself. I need a Justineto make all the necessary arrangements and sometimes join me, assist me, havefun with me. Ideally I am looking for a capable companion to share my lustsand passions but since I haven't found one yet, an acolyte or protégé willhave to do.
Anyway see if you can see yourself as Justine. Take the weekend. Hell, takethe week. You're still on the payroll. Contact me a week Monday and we cantalk again. Maybe, at a bistro, like friends or even lovers.
One other thing, my Justine must be loyal to me while making absolutely noclaims, what so ever, on me. I checked your employment file and it says youlive alone and Alexa doesn't know if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend forthat matter. I would prefer no boyfriends or lovers. I also prefer my Justineto prefer the gentler sex. In the matter of playmates as Justine puts it. "Ilike to abuse those of the fairer sex. My Justine will like to abuse thoseof her own sex." Read the book you'll understand.
One final thing. If you proceed and I choose to make you my Justine, youwill have to sign a release form volunteering to undergo conversion to a dolcetteand all that means.
That is my personal insurance that you won't betray me or disclose any confidentialinformation I may give you.
If you choose not to go any further, your job is secure for as long as youcan keep Alexa happy. You can keep the book and none of this interview willhave ever happened. Understand!"
Justine replied, "I lied. I have read Justine by the Marquis de Sade. Itwas one of my favorite books but I lost it and I really appreciate your gift.I will treasure this book.
I don't have a boyfriend. But I do take on occasional lovers. I prefer girlsas lovers.
In my darkest fantasies I do like doing injury to my own sex, that's probablywhy I like the dungeon so much. All those pretty dolcettes to hurt and abuse.Oh sorry, you didn't hear that.
I can be your companion and I am sure in time, your lover. I will do as yousay and ask nothing in return. I will make your pleasure, my pleasure.
I will never betray you and I will sign a stack of volunteer forms rightnow.
I am your Justine. In fact I have been Justine since I read the book.
Let me be your Justine."
After that performance, the Marquis had to clear his head and evaluated allthat had happened. He did have Justine fully read and sign the volunteer form,even asking her to initial each paragraph. An appropriate stalling tactic whilehe recovered.
He told Justine to read the book, taking the full week and call Monday.
The Marquis had lots to consider. He questioned Alexa at length and had hislegal department do a search for any info about the girl. He sent people aroundto her neighborhood to ask about the girl. One evening he even drove over,himself, in a beat up farm car and watched her apartment till he noticed thatpeople were becoming concerned with this stranger in the neighbourhood. Theslate was clean. Aside from Alexa's problems no one had anything to say.
Justine had called the office, daily, only leaving a message that she wasstudying the book and looked forward to her meeting Monday.
The Marquis and his Justine did meet for lunch at a local bistro and Justinegot her first assignment. "A Three Girl dinner". Justine knew immediately whatthat meant.
The Marquis invited her to dine with him that evening, in the dining roomso that Justine could be provided with further instruction.
It was the first time Justine had dined during the evening in the HilltopRestaurant. She had been to a party room for occasional Dungeon parties but,for her, this culinary experience would be a first.
What's a girl to wear? She had nothing and in the end, she rented a formalsatin and lace gown. Of course, she spent the afternoon in the hair salon,getting the maximum treatment. When the limo dropped her off at the door, theMaitre D' had the Marquis come to the door to escort the beautiful woman toher seat. All the male heads in the restaurant studied Justine as she floatedto her table. A murmur went through the crowd.
The Marquis was suitable impressed and showed his admiration for his newcompanion, "My dear you are my Justine and the Marquis de Sade would turn overin his grave, in envy, if he could see you tonight."
The Marquis lifted a couple of sheets of paper and showing them to Justinesaid, "These were my notes but lets forget about business tonight. I am sittingwith the most beautiful woman I have ever had dinner with and I expect to enjoymyself, lost in your beauty."
Justine blushed, very embarrassed. She knew if any man could be her PrinceCharming this was the one.
The dishes came at a leisurely pace and the spectacle of the butchering ofthe live meat girl, by Chef Anton, truly wet Justine's black lace panties.The Marquis told her to study the spectacle closely and try to incorporatesome of Chef's ideas and techniques into her presentations. He told her tostudy everything and although he didn't want a gourmet dining room, the styleand ambiance was what he was looking for. She shouldn't worry about the actualfood; the restaurant would provide the real meals and her presentations wereabout entertainment not the culinary arts. He let slip that girl meat wasn'this favorite meat unless it was properly cooked without regard to appearance.
The Marquis had ordered "Filles Mignon" for the two of them, Commenting toJustine that he thought it only fitting that she begin her new career of eatingpussy by literally eating a female's most valuable sex asset. Justine lookedat the tag. The picture was of a childlike innocent face with blonde hair aslong and lustrous as her own. She noticed that the Marquis also had blonde'sgirl meat.
Belying the Marquis earlier comment the girl meat was tender and moist, withthe smoky taste of smoked girl meat adding a subtle saltiness. Delicious.
"See if the girl meat is aged, prepared and cooked well, not just torn bloodyfrom a live dolcette and slammed on a grill, it can be a culinary treat butyou may have noticed it's hard to tell that it's a female pussy."
The meal proceeded at a leisurely pace.
When coffee and liquors arrived, the Marquis took a pinch of white powderand sprinkled some into the alcohol saying it was a Chinese aphrodisiac andhe would like Justine to try some. He had decided that if she was willing,she could start her new career that evening with some fun and games. He laughedsaying that nothing major would be required and it would be less taxing thena session in the Dungeon, but if she was properly motivated, read that horny,they could enjoy themselves. He passed her the drink asking, "My lady, areyou ready to surrender your virtue tonight?"
Justine gulped down the libation in one shallow saying, "Kind sir, show meto your boudoir." And the couple laughed.
During the final course, a small cup of dolcette breast milk ice cream, theMarquis laid out the plan of action.
Justine would go to the dolcette and Barbie viewing rooms and choose a girlto be a bed decoration. The Marquis explained that a bed decoration was, merely,a girl picked for her beautiful face and incredible nude body, to lie on thebed and look lovely. To decorate the bed. Later, she would probably be usedfor other entertainment. Justine should just pick the second most beautifulfemale in the room and that girl would be the decoration for their love nest.
The Marquis said, "I'll contact the farm and have them send over a sweetyoung thing, a virgin, to be deflowered." After a discussion the Marquis agreed, "OK,I agree you should be able to choose your pick, from two or three candidates.I'll tell them to pick the three prettiest dolcettes to clear quarantine andbring them to my house. When you make your choice, don't worry about the dolcettehaving an intact hymen, sometimes they do sometimes they don't. It's not importantthat the dolcette is a real virgin or not but I like to deflower the prettiestnew dolcettes after quarantine, even if only symbolically, and give the firstpleasuring of their stay here. A little hint, I pleasure like Justine's patronsand friends."
"I'll give you an hour to get things ready and join you.
At the house, you can get the servants to help you. I'll tell my manservantyou're in charge and you have a free rein to do as you see fit. He'll showyou to the master playroom.
Also, I'll have Juliet, my present bed maid, advised to assist you. If youthink you need an Amazon, ask Juliet to make arrangements."
"Oh what are you wearing under that gown."
"Just panties. I couldn't were a bra with this plunging neckline." Justineblushed.
"Well if you want lingerie, see if Juliet will get you some. I don't keepany on hand, just in case.
Come to think of it, tell Juliet, I insisted that she give you her best frillylingerie, preferably unwashed. If its OK with you, it turns me on to thinkof you in Juliet's soiled panties and milk-stained bra. And I know Juliet wouldbe mortified. Better still, order Juliet to undress and give you the bra andpanties she is wearing and put them on in front of her. If she refuses, getan Amazon to force her. Oh yea, Juliet lactates. I would like you to get yourtits working too or have a milker available.
That's it, see you in an hour."
Justine scrambled to the viewing room and selected a pretty brunette witha fresh girlish face and a beautiful body, highlighted by incredible plump,full, soft breasts with big pink nipples; and yes, a jet of warm tasty milksquirted as Justine tweaked the dolcette's nipple.
Justine took the dolcette, dressed her in a white lacy baby doll nightieand white high heels.
The limo took them to the house where Robert, the Marquis' manservant, mether and took the two women to the master playroom. It was a large room witha huge bed. The furniture was Victorian oak and that was about all the timeJustine had to enjoy looking around. The virgins had arrived.
There were three young dolcettes, all looking younger than eighteen. Twoblondes and a cutie with a raven black pageboy. Justine looked them over. Really,all very cute with nice curvy bodies. Justine chose a blonde child. The girlwas tiny and looked about sixteen.
Her long straight blonde hair was divided into two long ponytails. She lookedlike a cherub and, more to the point, someone's protected virgin daughter.Only the big breasts looked out of place but Justine thought most men weregaga over big tits anyway. She was completely nude
Justine and Robert took the dolcettes to the playroom and Justine instructedRobert to get Juliet. Juliet arrived, none to pleased with the turn of events.Juliet was an attractive brunette with thick brown hair, highlighted with blondestreaks, her face was elegant and classically beautiful, a Nordic princess.Her body was the classic hourglass shape with ample breasts, a narrow waistand wide hips. Justine stripped out her gown and panties and ordered Julietto undress and clean the two dolcettes, reminding the brunette that she, Justine,was in charge. As Juliet headed for the bathroom, Justine order Juliet to stripnude, and in a casual manner, Justine explained that she needed to borrow someof Juliet's underwear. Juliet was mortified when Justine motioned for the brato be passed over. But when Robert nodded, the puzzled Juliet did so. Julietsniffed the white lacy bra and put it on. The bra was small and barely containedJustine's breasts. The panties followed without incident.
Juliet and Robert washed the dolcettes to Justine's satisfaction, makingsure the decoration had an enema and douche. She wanted the virgin's ass andpussy untouched.
The virgin was dressed in the white baby doll and the decoration spread eagledacross the bed. Then Justine had two more ideas. She told Juliet to get herbest push up bra and matching high heels.
She asked Robert for a mild drug to knock out the dolcette for an hour orso. And he produced a pill. The decoration was given the pill and was soonout cold.
When Juliet returned, Justine told the brunette to put on the bra and shoes.Juliet was also to be a decoration and milker. Juliet was led to a displaystand, that Justine had seen earlier, and an altar and then Juliet was askedwhich she preferred to be displayed on. The brunette chose the altar and arrangedherself, spread-eagle across the platform. She closed her eyes and looked beautiful.The brunette had seen the show many times before and knew what her part wasto be.
Justine took a very quick shower, put on Juliet's undies and returned tothe bed. She tied the virgin's hands together with a white rope and tied ablack ribbon around Juliet's neck.
And then she awaited her master.
The Marquis arrived on time dressed in a satin bathrobe.
Justine beckoned her master to her and kissed him passionately. The two dranka small glass of the alcohol and aphrodisiac. Justine had had Robert give largerdrinks of the mixture to the virgin and Juliet.
The Marquis surveyed the scene and was very surprised to see Juliet sprawledacross the display altar.
Justine whispered, "She is so beautiful, I knew you must like to see herall the time and she has been given something to increase her ardor."
"I am pleased to show you, the main entertainment for the evening.
This jewel is one of your finest treasures and I am sure you will enjoy examiningall her feminine gifts. She will sleep for awhile so we can have free reignto do as we please."
"This treasure is virgin child. I hope you will allow me to help you blasther maidenhead and make her a woman."
"Show me how to please you and what my part in all this is meant to be, mymaster."
The Marquis smelled the dolcette decoration to verify that she had been washed.And then had Justine help him explore the beautiful body, "My beautiful Justine,I love women. I love the feel of their bodies, of their skin. I love to feelthe curves and the fullness of the flesh. Just feeling the torso and the thighs,rubbing the ass. Then I love to just massage the breasts and finally examinethe sexual core of the female body not with a tongue but merely opening a womenfor inspection of her finest treasures. I'd like a taste of the juices butprefer that the mistress of my bed prepare the decoration for my examination."
"Bring Juliet over here. She knows what I like and can teach you. We cancompare all three beauties. Let the virgin watch and enjoy for a while."
Juliet was brought over and the Marquis ran his hands over the dolcette,Juliet and Justine, rubbing the curved waists and hugging the breasts and torsoagainst his chest. Juliet began a quiet moaning and Justine picked up the cueand moaned as if the caresses were bringing her ecstasy. He did rub all threefemales everywhere and enjoyed their bodies. He complimented Juliet and Justineon their womanly assets, voraciously, and the women cooed and basked in hisrevelry.
Then he massaged the sleeping dolcette's big breasts and was delighted tosee milk stream from the nipples. The Marquis attacked the nipple and suckedtill his mouth was full. He beckoned Juliet over and she took the warm milkinto her mouth and swallowed it. He motioned for Justine to join in drinking.Then, as he finished playing with the big breasts, he moved to the dolcette'scunt and spread the slit open. While Juliet and Justine spread the love crack,the Marquis rubbed all sex treasures till they were engorged and spread totheir full glory. The dolcette began to stir and moan softly.
He praised what he saw, "Isn't this pussy beautiful. I love to open up awoman pussy like spreading the petals of a flower. Her clitoris is small butshapely. The labia don't compare with your Juliet but most don't."
"I haven't had the thrill of examining Justine properly yet so the comparisonwith Justine's pussy will have to wait."
"Justine, Why don't you and Juliet get to know each other? You're my twobed beauties and I would love it, if you will entertain me every night. Julietknows how much I love watching women give pleasure to themselves and others."
Juliet spread her legs and began rubbing her pussy. "Wait Juliet I want Justineto unveil your womanly charms. You know, I love to do it, even though I havepractically memorized the look and feel of your treasures. Let Justine peelopen your petals and show me your charms."
Justine proceeded to spread the cunt open and while Juliet pulled her slitopen, Justine rubbed the clit till it was engorged and the head of the clitwas enormous. The labia were next, they opened to a butterfly.
Justine complimented her rival, "These are the biggest and showiest clitand labia I have seen. They make mine look like an immature preteen's. I wouldlove to lick and suck them." Justine looked to the Marquis.
Wait a bit, "First let me fully examine the wonders of your body. Remember,I just got a glimpse last time." Justine stripped out of Juliet's underwearand stretched her body. Then she sensuously rubbed her torso. She cupped herbreasts and massaged the two beautiful mounts exotically. She tweaked bothher nipples as if trying to draw milk and then went to the dolcette and rubbedher nipples against the sleeping beauty until both sets of tits were coveredin milk, then she went to Juliet and repeated the procedure. She offered hernipples to the Marquis and the Marquis suckled on the blonde beauty's tits.
Justine spread her legs and invited the Marquis to explore her sex. The Marquisspread Justine's womanhood and as Justine pulled her sex open, the Marquisrubbed and probed. The clit was smaller than Juliet's and the labia averagesize but Justine's clit seemed very sensitive. Rubbing produced moaning anda grimace while Justine urged harder and faster rubbing. The Marquis stucka finger into Justine's wet pussy and tasted her womanly lubrication. He reinsertedhis finger and let Juliet taste Justine. Then Juliet was instructed to initiateJustine into the family.
Juliet need no further invitation and was a whirlwind of licking, suckingand fucking.
Justine came quickly but Juliet had sucked and nipped Justine's clit tillit was raw and sore.
Justine went at Juliet with the same passion and intent and soon had Julietscreaming in pain but Justine continued till Juliet reached orgasm.
The two women lay back, rubbing away the pain in their crotches.
Focus now turned to the virgin. "Let's see how pure our little maiden reallyis."
The Marquis began his examination of the little dolcette. This dolcette isa little girl.
She couldn't be eighteen years old. She must still be a young offender, noteligible for conversion or I guess someone pulled some string. Good pick Justine.How did you know I like the virgins to at least look like virgins? And herface is so innocent, so unsullied."
He lifted the nightie and cupped a breast. "At least our little darling hasa woman's breasts, nice weight and heft. The small ones are OK, on a virginbut I prefer ones I can sink my teeth into, so to speak."
He torn off the flimsy gown and examined his little nymph. He ran his handsover her torso and the curves. He rubbed and licked the ass cheeks and thenbeckoned Justine to join in the examination of the breasts. He put both handsover the mounds and kneaded them for a while, watching the blonde's face animatedwith pleasure. Then he asked Justine to give the girl a drink. And then give,all, drinks. He told Juliet to show Justine how to give the dolcette decorationa drink anally. His groping of the breasts grew in intensity as the Marquiswatched the pleasure turn to pain. He held the cutie when she started thrashingabout and crying. And then he released the poor girl. "The farmers don't likeme to damage their dolcettes too much. We usually ignore them, but this littledolcette is here to enjoy her first pleasuring on this farm. I'm sure you andJuliet can make her feel real good, after I suck the girl's nipples. I wantto see just how big and hard they can get." The nipples did get hard but nomilk. The Marquis assuaged his disappointment by remembering that the lasswas a virgin. Justine took the right nipple and Juliet the left mound and theMarquis noticed that the face brightened, once again acknowledging pleasure.
"Now on to the main course." The Marquis rubbed the pussy and licked thewhole cunt area, savoring the taste. Then he parted the girl's vaginal slitand licked the inner pussy, tasting the girl's sex. With his two beauties spreadingthe cunt wide open, he rubbed the clit and labia and remarked, "OK lets seehow impressive her jewels are in full flower. Join me ladies and enjoy.
"She has nice petals and a pretty little bud, that I'm sure it would be niceto suck on. But they're not as big or nice as Juliet's. I think mine are atouch bigger and better formed also," was Justine's assessment.
"No one has nicer jewels than mine. The Marquis said if I'm ever a disappointment,he would take great joy in making my pussy into a bracelet so that my jewelswould always be a part of him. Kindda makes a girl want to do something nasty.But then he says, he would miss me so much. Don't you, master?
Justine the girl's still a virgin. She still maturing, her jewels will befabulous." Juliet retorted.
The Marquis continued his examination, rubbing and pinching the jewels, oneor twice eliciting a pained expression on the sweetie's face. The pain madethe innocent face more beautiful. It was the type of beauty the Marquis likedto see on all his female victims.
When he tired of examining the cunt, he moved his attention to the vaginalopening. "Let's see what wonders we can find here. Nice pink coloration. Everythingis normal." And pushing his finger gently into the vaginal opening till hemet resistance he remarked, "Can't push my finger in too far, a good sign.She is wet and lubed." He rubbed the finger to his thumb and then tasted thefemale fluid. "Nice and slippery. And a nice salty taste. Justine good of youto leave the vagina unwashed so that I could taste this virgin before defloweringher." He kissed the little girl and whispered, "I am now going to make youa woman. Your hymen might have been broken before. But I'm going to break openyour whole vagina. There will be blood and there will be pain but the painwill bring intense pleasure and a volcanic orgasmic spasm through your body.The drinks are an aphrodisiac to get your horny and make you come. You justhave to lay back and focus on the pleasure. Remember the pain is fleeting andyou will remember this orgasm as your first and your finest."
He had the virgin lick and suck his already erect penis. Juliet brought outa flesh coloured natural looking dildo and attached it to the Marquis' penis.As the Marquis moved to show the virgin his now enormous, realistic lookingweapon, Juliet whispered to Justine, "Our master prefers to give his seed tohis lovers, not dolcettes. But since he kindly deflowers virgins, he uses allhis resources both natural and those made to his specifications to fulfillhis pledge to the virgin.
The Marquis had Juliet raise the virgin's back a little to line up his entry.The Marquis entered the virgin with a powerful thrust and as deeply as he couldpush. The little virgin screamed in pain. Juliet motioned the Justine and thetwo women held the little girl down and the Marquis continued his powerfulthrusts. Finally the Marquis sensed a spasm ripple through his victim's bodyand saw that a pool of blood had collected under the girl's vagina. She hadhad her maidenhead broken and the love tunnel was breached and she had hadan orgasm. The girl was barely conscious, moaning in pain. He ceased his attackand bade the women to clean up the virgin and get her ready for the anal deflowering.
Juliet got some towels and cleaned the blood away, as Justine gently cleanedthe dolcette's vagina. Then she kissed the wounded area and licked it as ananimal licks a wound. Juliet joined in and the little girl relaxed and seemedto enjoy the sensations on her pussy. The little girl felt a warm soothingfluid enter her vaginal bring relief to the burning and pain.
Then a voice, from beyond, told the little sweetie to concentrate on thepleasures coming from her clit.
Justine and Juliet were kissing and licking the area and pleasuring her femalejewels.
Gradually the girl's passion rose and she was moaning with pleasure. Theexpert attention of Justine and Juliet brought the girl to orgasm.
As the cutie, blissfully, lay back remembering the pleasure and still tryingto dull the pain.
She felt a buzzing sensation in her pussy and forced herself to see whatwas happening. Juliet was gently rubbing her pussy with a small vibrator. Whenthe vibrator touched her clit the girl grimaced in pain and Juliet with drewit. The clit was tender.
Juliet asked if she could push the small vibrator into the girl's pussy saying, "Itwill feel good, really good and help take away hurting." The girl agreed andJuliet slowly penetrated, watching the girl's face to gauge the amount thevibrator was pushed in and moved around. The girl was soon moaning in pleasure.Justine joined Juliet and the women took turns pleasuring the young girl toa volcanic orgasm. They both kissed the cutie and allowed her a moment's peace.
The moment's peace seemed only to last a moment as Justine and Juliet turnedthe girl over and pushed her ass to the Marquis who was wearing his monsterdildo. The two women were holding the girl, tight, when the Marquis instructed, "Juliettake off your bra and give it to Justine. And while you're at it, give me abig swig of the momma's milk.
Justine wrapped the bra around the dolcette's neck and when I give the cueyou know what to do. Juliet hold the pretty. It's going to be a rough ride."
The Marquis thrust hard and deep and the girl screamed in agony. A cut acrossthe throat symbol was Justine's cue to act and she never hesitated. The Marquispumped three or four times and stopped.
"Justine release the girl."
"I said, Justine release the girl."
"We've taken care of her."
"Justine come over here with Juliet's bra. I think it one of Juliet's favoritesand I sure she'll want it back. Don't you my dear."
"No put it on Juliet."
"No not there. Around her neck."
Juliet complied with no hesitation.
"Juliet has always told me that her fondest wish is that her jewels wouldadorn my wrist. An eternal show of her love. And now that I have you, I canfulfill Juliet's wish. Strangle Juliet for me."
Justine hesitated and then began to strangle the brunette beauty. Julietwas still, to begin with, but as the cloth cut off her breathing, she struggledto break away. Justine fought to contain Juliet. Justine was bigger and stronger,so it should have been no problem.
Juliet broke away. The Marquis told Justine to complete the act as Julietmeekly returned to Justine's grasp. Justine looked hard at Juliet and a tearrose to her eye, "I'm sorry Master but I can't. I guess I'm not your Justineafter all."
Angrily the Marquis turned to Juliet and yelled, "Pick up your bra and strangleJustine. She wanted your job and was almost ready to kill you."
Juliet walked over to Justine and wrapped her bra around the blonde beauty'sthroat and heard Justine quietly chanting, "Do it. Do it." Juliet applied pressurelooking into the face of her adversary and then collapsed in tears, "You knowI can't do it. And, that's why I'm not your Justine." The two women hugged,sobbing and crying.
"Sorry ladies. I got carried away again. Juliet you know I don't want yourpussy wrapped around my wrist. And in my way, I love you, the way you are.And Justine, in our world, if you had strangled Juliet, you would be off tojail and I might be a big trouble also. We don't live in de Sade's world andwe have to know that and not get carried way. De Sade's Justine was reallya psychopath disguised as a Libertine.
My Justine is more of a sociopath with flare and style for the unconventionaland the bizarre.
But I have made arrangements for you to spend a week in the kitchen butchershop. I want you knee deep in dolcette blood and gore, so you know that dolcettesare nothing more than meat animals and nothing you, me or anyone else doesto them, will revolt you. As Juliet said, she couldn't cross that bridge andI need my Justine to be willing and able to.
But enough of the morbid talk. If you ladies will accept my apology thenthe fun can resume." The ladies smiled and nodded in agreement.
"OK. I just had a weird thought ladies; put on your undies. No Juliet puton Justine's panties, the black lacy ones over there. Let's see Justine wasn'twearing a bra so I guess your can have your white one back. Your panties andthat push up can go to Justine."
"It's nice to see beautiful women in lingerie. There should be some mysteryor at least something frilly and lacy to show off your exquisite shapes. Dolcettesare nude all the time, as animals should be, but human women should be allowedto flaunt their feminine charms more subtlety. It's more erotic. I was gladto see you wearing Juliet's undies. I knew you would be bursting at the seams.But I was surprised to see Juliet and Juliet wearing a bra. Was it your ideaor Juliet's?"
"My idea." Justine blushed. "I knew you liked underwear when you told meto dress in Juliet worn undies and I guessed you would like to see Juliet wearingher favorites."
"Well I knew you had good judgment, Justine, "replied the Marquis.
"Would you start with the undies on and entertain me. Juliet knows what Ilike and can lead the way to start. Come nice and close and show me everything."
Juliet curtsied and moved till she was almost atop the Marquis and spreadher legs so that her cunt was almost in the Marquis face. He sniffed at thepussy and body. "I see or smell that you didn't wash before bed, my dear. Ilove the womanly odors of your body, so much more than the soapy perfumed smells." Julietgrinned and giggled at Justine.
Justine curtsied and joined Juliet and began slowly and sensuously lickingJuliet's pussy.
One or two times the Marquis adjusted Justine's legs so he could get a betterview. Justine noticed that Juliet always positioned herself to allow the Marquisthe best-unobstructed view of the love games. She immediately followed suit.Juliet started to moan quietly showing her pleasure. Justice was moaning andwhispering sweet words of encouragement, endearment and pleasure to her newlover. The Marquis offered occasional directions. "That's nice I can see Justine'sclit. So shiny and wet. Put your finger in her cunt Juliet and rub the areawith her juices.
See how many fingers will fit in. Four looked easy. Keep rubbing the wallsof the vagina.
See if you can find Justine's G-spot.
Justine has Juliet found your love knob. Moan, let her know.
Did you have a good orgasm?"
"Juliet let Justine play with your pussy. I want to see if she's as goodas you. But first I need a drink. You know what my favorite is. Justine joinus. I know you'll love Juliet's milk."
"OK, Justine show me what you can do. I'll just sit back and watch as youto Juliet to Nirvana."
Justine methodically licked Juliet's pussy till it was wet. Then she attackedthe vaginal slit, pulled it wide and had Juliet hold the slit wide open. Justinemaneuvered Juliet's spread cunt almost directly under the Marquis face andrubbed all Juliet's jewels to their perfection. One or twice, Justine lickedthe brunette's jewels but hastened to remove her head, letting both the Marquisand Juliet know that she would have liked to lick Juliet into oblivion butwas mindful that the real purpose of the fucking was to entertain the Marquis,in the manner he liked best. Justine kept rubbing until Juliet was moaningloudly in agony or pain, or both.
She kissed the tip of the hood of Juliet's clit, into which the glans hadwithdrawn.
Justine gently kissed the Marquis and fingered Juliet's vagina. Thrustingfingers in slowly and deeply until all the fingers were in. When Juliet showedno distress, Justine pushed her hand in until the progression was stopped bythe thumb joint. Juliet yelped and rocked herself gently on the penetratinghand for a while cooing and moaning. As Justine searched for the G-spot, Julietslowly dislodged Justine's hand. Juliet held her gaping vaginal tunnel openas long as she could and then went to work on the clit, rubbing vigorouslytill a squirt of female juice ejected from her vagina on to the Marquis.
Justine put some of the whitish viscous liquid and tasted it. Not piss.
"You're the best Juliet. No one can replace you. Nothing tops that trick.
Justine you'll have to convince Juliet to teach you how to do that and oncewe get your tits going you'll be a complete woman", enthused the Marquis.
The decoration awakened and all eyes focused on her. The pretty brunetteglanced around and when she saw the others; she pulled herself into a ball.
The Marquis considered for a moment. "Ladies I know you're both tired andprobably sore but if it's not too much to ask, maybe you can pleasure thatlittle blonde. She took that deflowering of the anal maidenhead pretty hardand it would be nice, if she had some pleasant memories of her first anal sex.I'm sure she'll remember the other deflowering with joy. And the decorationover there is so cute and was so quiet while you were entertaining me.
Justine rouse that girl. You weren't chocking her long enough to do any damage.
I told you the farm doesn't like us abusing their livestock too much."
The two dolcettes were roused and given drinks. Justine and Juliet decidedthat they would let the dolcettes fuck each other for awhile, to see what thelittle darlings could do and then the women would do the girls with dildos,to show the cuties how mature women did things.
Juliet rubbed some salve into the aching anus of the blonde and kissed thetears away. The dolcettes were told to pleasure each other. The girls did knowwhat to do. They spread their legs and began to masturbate. Justine and Juliethad each taken charge of a dolcette and made sure that the little girl wasalways placed in the Marquis' best viewing area. The dolcettes fell upon oneanother in a frenzy of licking and fingering of each other's genitalia. Bothwomen had trouble keeping their dolcette's vaginas on display, for the Marquis.Justine and Juliet let the girls go at it, until the brunette grunted. At leastone girl had had as orgasm.
Justine paired with the brunette and Juliet with the little blonde and thewomen methodically used their dildos to bring the girls to satisfying orgasms.
The women changed places to do each other's previous partner. The women hadtheir asses up in the air so that they could pleasure the pussies of the girls.
Justine felt a touch on her ass and glanced back to see the Marquis lubricatinghis cock to fuck her. She felt wet oils being applied to her vagina and thena strong thrust into her.
After about five minutes, The Marquis turned Justine over and fucked hermom and pop style. He came in a gush without a sound. Justine moaned deeply,at the feeling of the warm sperm flooding her womanhood and shook lightly.She contracted her vagina around the penis, as the Marquis withdrew saying. "Thatwas wonderful. The best orgasm I've ever had."
The Marquis smiled and kissed his Justine.
Justine finished bringing the blonde cutie to her orgasm and the four spentfemales lay on the bed. The Marquis enjoyed the sight and wished it would lastforever.
After a short rest, the Marquis announced he was off to bed. "I'm turningin now. Justine you might as well stay overnight. You can sleep here or Julietwill show you a guest room. Leave the dolcettes; Robert will take care of them.Probably tomorrow, they look so peaceful and innocent. It would be a shameto wake them.
About tonight, our little fuck. I owed you one or maybe you owed me one."
Justine decided the bed was big enough for her and the dolcettes and shewas too pooped to move.
"Juliet, my dear, this is the biggest bed I have ever slept on and thereis lots of room for you. It can be a sleepover with kid sisters. Besides, afterthe way you made me feel, I hope we can become friends or more. Hey, we stillhave on each others bras, well your bras but….. And, I like the feelof my bra, even though it's cutting off my breathing."
In the end Juliet stayed and the foursome had their sleepover.
Early the next morning Robert awoke the sleeping beauties and got the dolcetteson their way. The two women embraced kiss lightly and went back to sleep.
Juliet awoke Justine and the pair showered together. Girl fun, they bothsaid. Besides the shower was huge. Juliet led Justine to the atrium pool wherethey would be served a simple breakfast of fruit and toast with cappuccinos.
"I ordered breakfast for the two of us, out here. It so nice, this time ofthe day. The Marquis lets special dolcettes and the dolcettes, on their wayto the Mansion, spend some time here and lie in the sun. They often have theirmassages here too. The Marquis and, I guess the others like to watch them.The poor little things are so pretty."
"I didn't know what to order for you, so I just ordered double what I usuallyhave. You can get what you want when the servers come, if you want somethingelse."
"What no girl meat bacon and eggs or girl meat sausages and home fries. Noegg Mc Muffins." Justine laughed.
"I'm kind of a vegetarian. I eat meat if I have to but I really try to avoiddolcette meat.
Funny isn't it. I work on a dolcette fattening farm with a restaurant thatserves gourmet dolcette meals." Juliet blushed.
"The fruit is great. I need to eat more fruit and veg anyway. And what workinggirl can afford too much meat, especially dolcette meat," was Justine reply.
Juliet showed Justine around and they chatted.
"Working here is OK. It's quiet and scenic. Not the hustle and bustle ofthe city. The people are good, not the monsters some TV shows make dolcettefarmers out to be.
The perks are great. No better sex. Good food, even for a vegetarian. I'vehad lots of time to think and I really can't think what else I'd do.
I started in the kitchen out of Chef College. I was a garde-manger, the cookthat prepares the vegetables. I wasn't a vegetarian then, but even then I hadmy own cubbyhole, away from the main kitchen. I was away from the dolcettepreparation and after the first party, I didn't go into the restaurant diningroom."
I don't know what I was thinking when I applied to be Justine. The Marquishad seen me around and he was dazzled by my beauty." Juliet chuckled. "Anywayshe gave me the book, you know "Justine" by de Sade and what I saw was an independentfree willed, abused girl making her way in a cruel world; getting the betterof a host of miscreants that were bent on doing her harm.
But I'm glad I'm not the Justine. My biggest project is arranging the defloweringof the dolcette newcomers. They usually aren't really hurt and I justify it,by thinking if I weren't there, someone worse would be. Oh I don't mean you.If you were that evil, you would have strangled me and the dolcette.
I have grown to love the Marquis and I guess that's what keeps me here. Iwould willingly give him my jewels to wear on his wrist, if he ever wants them.
He really not that bad. I shouldn't be telling you this. If he finds out,he may be wearing my jewels on his wrist.
His bark is a lot worse than his bite. He is in a cruel business and makingcruel choices.
Make no mistake, to him dolcettes are nothing more than dumb animals andhe would have no more qualms about killing one than a dog. But we don't killevery dog we come across. The Marquis sees dolcettes as valuable livestockthat he raises for profit. If it is profitable, he has no hesitation in usinghis asset in the way that will bring him the most money. He doesn't like topersonally kill any living thing. That's what he wants a Justine for. If that'syou, so be it. I know you have a kind heart and thousands of dolcettes areslaughter every day. If you can make it even a bit easier, try.
Oh a couple of other things and I'm done.
The Marquis loves beautiful women and will do almost anything to make themhappy or keep them contented, but he has his limits. The women he chooses toserve him, if they are loyal and faithful are never discarded. He will finda suitable position in his empire for them. If someone wants to leave, he'snot the vengeful husband. He wants to be loved.
But if he is betrayed, he can go berserk. Remember the volunteer forms, thereare stories of a Julia or June, that thought she would be Justine and whenshe washed out, the stupid cunt threatened to go public with the Justine – DeSade story. The rumor is, that the bitch was sent to a conversion farm withher volunteer form and underwent full conversion. The Marquis bought the dolcetteand had her served at a gala feast.
The Marquis is a jealous lover. He wants his women, the women he makes loveto, exclusively. If you are sullied by another man he will drop you and relocateyou to one of his Siberias or leave you to find your own way. He doesn't mindwomen. In fact as you, no doubt, noticed, he loves to see females fucking andespecially his women. If you want to be Justine, loose all your male friends.If you can learn to love him, great. Otherwise find some women lovers.
You know my bedroom door will always be open to you. And I might even teachyou how to squirt."
Justine was in a quandary, what was the score. What exactly were her dutiesto be? Justine in the book was a psychopath and left a path of murder and betrayalin her wake.
Would the new Justine have to be as brutal? Was she as brutal and tough asshe thought? Did she really intend to strangle the dolcette? Was killing areal woman was breaking a taboo?
And could the Marquis be trusted or was Justine simply another woman exploitedby a wealthy amoral man. Only the future would tell.
The Three Girl Dinner
Justine did her tour of duty in the kitchen and returned to the Marquis houseeach night, a bloody mess. She had moved into the Marquis' home as a requirementfor her role as Justine.
Justine was now ready for her first assignment. A three girl diner. The bookhad a chapter devoted to the three girl diner. And it wasn't a dinner withthree dolcettes as the entrées, rather it was a dinner that revolvedaround three young lovelies obtained by Justine, through abduction and kidnapping,that were tortured, fucked and murdered to sate the lust of Justine and herlover.
The Marquis had simply told Justine that she was to obtain three dolcetteshaving a royal demeanor, and those dolcettes were to be the basis of an eveningof lust, torture and other mayhem. If one or two or three of the dolcetteswere to expire during that evening, "c'est la vie". The Marquis was to be entertainedin the same manner as the de Sade character but Justine could use her own ingenuityand creativity to put on the spectacle. Justine had one week to arrange things.The Marquis would join her for dinner and entertainments, a week Saturday.
Justine poured over the De Sade book for inspiration and was tempted to askeveryone she knew for advise but, in the end, she decided that the Marquisprobably had gone through many of the scenes in the book, a number of timesand would be more impressed by a fresh new approach. Moreover, the fewer thepeople who knew what was happening, the better. She would only consult withJuliet and the Amazon captain and try as much as possible to limit outsiders.
Justine chose to return to her area of familiarity. The first three girldinner would revolve around the dungeon and thrills would be provided by torture.
Justine selected three dolcettes. A blonde, a brunette and a Hispanic werechosen as her victims. All looked younger than eighteen. All looked innocent.All had faces that pain would distort into beautiful, pitiful expressions.All had big shapely breasts. All had some measure of self-awareness and nativesmarts to take direction and obey orders.
The dolcettes were coached to moan, as if in orgasm, constantly, and screamin agony when pain was administered. Xena the Amazon captain was instructedto mildly sedate the dolcettes, wrap them nude, in soft blankets and bringthem to the house.
Justine conferred with Xena. The Marquis had all ready identified Xena asthe person in charge of security and Xena was the guard on hand for the entertainments.Moreover Xena vetted all outsiders to the entertainments, except those thatthe Marquis had invited. Xena supplied a pool of dolcettes that could performsecondary roles.
Finally Xena saw to it that everything was cleaned up and the dolcettes wereappropriately disposed of, whether to the kitchen or to the farm.
When Justine explained her basic plan to Xena and hinted that she was goingto enlist a Pleasure Centre Amazon, with a great deal of expertise and experiencein bondage torture, to help out; Xena would hear none of it. She said it wasverboten to use Mansion staff.
Xena volunteered to assist Justine. Xena explained that she was an expertin all the common bondage arts; rope and hog tying; pins and needles; breastabuse; whipping and so on. The two women agreed to work together: get the props,set up the room and plan out the tortures to look authentic and gory whilebeing easy and fast to do.
Xena tied ropes so that it would appear that hours were spent hogtying avictim, when in fact a simple slipknot would secure the victim. Both knew theMarquis would get very bored, if they spent a long time hog-tying their dolcettesby the book. The goal was entertainment not lessons in torture techniques.
Xena took Justine to a specialty shop where they could purchase a wide assortmentof pin, needled, clamps, pegs and other paraphernalia, and the Amazon includedsome stuff from her own collection. Xena had a passion for bondage and dungeongames and took for every opportunity to practice her art.
A room was set up, the instruments of torture readied, the dolcettes deliveredand the two women awaited the arrival of their master.
The Marquis arrived dressed in monk-like caftan and the show began. Justinerang a bell and three Amazons carried in the victims. The girls were placedon a long sofa.
"Master I have acquired these three beautiful maidens for your first threegirl dinner with me. These are not common street whores or runaways from abroadbut are all girls from well to do families. Two are local girls. Both are newlypregnant and their shamed parents sent them to a home, for the duration ofthe pregnancy. The home will tell the parents that their daughters were killedin an unfortunate accident. The parents will be relived and pursue the matterno further. The third was obtained from a wealthy Mexican family. They believetheir daughter to be in college, here, and when they check, they will discoverthat she has disappeared into the night.
Come and examine them and see that they meet with your approval.
They have been mildly sedated for easier transport here.
They are road weary and stained.
If they meet with your approval I will have them cleaned so that you mayexamine their beauty as you wish."
Justine opened the blanket revealing the exquisite blonde. Her long lustroushair framing an innocent angelic face. Justine opened the blanket wider revealingfull round breasts tipped by bright pink nipples.
Justine moved to the second girl. This one was the Mexican girl. Petite withdelicate features. The breasts were large for the body and she exuded a floralbouquet.
Justine revealed the third beauty. A brunette with bright pink lips and amischievous happy face. The breasts dominated her body. Big and shapely tippedby big brown nipples.
The Marquis stoked all three of the pretty faces and weighed each breast.He rubbed each pussy making sure to run this finger in each girl's vaginalslit. "You have done well, Justine. Please have the maidens cleaned."
The maidens were roused and led to an open area covered by mats and towels.Justine clapped her hands and three women appeared. A beautiful blonde led,followed by two brunettes with blonde streaks. The blonde wore a short togathat left a plump full breast revealed. It was Juliet. The two girls were nude,dolcettes.
Juliet curtsied and lifted her skirt to reveal white lace panties, splitcrotch panties that showed Juliet's jewels engorged with a gold ring attachedto one of the lips
Juliet directed the dolcettes to towel off the maidens with wet cloths, asthe Amazons held the still groggy girls up. The washing was slow and sensuouswith particular care being directed at the breasts and genitalia. Juliet personallytoweled each maiden's breasts and spread each maidens cunt open, to wash thecunts and anus.
The job complete Juliet directed her girls to clean up the mess and the triodeparted. The Amazons carried the maidens back to the sofa and deposited themonto the blankets.
"I beg you master, please examine the maidens." Justine said.
The master rose, politely kissed Justine and began his intense examinationof the maidens.
He started with the Mexican girl and looked deeply into her face. He grabbeda handful of hair and smelt it. He rubbed his hands up and down the torso andenjoyed the curves and silky skin.
The breasts were his next targets. He massaged them forcefully and then wentto the nipples. When he tweaked them and when milk squirted out, he suckedin a mouth full. He motioned Justine over and had Justine relieve him of themilk. Justine swallowed the milk
On to the cunt he rubbed everything, till all the sex organs were engorgedbut he lingered for only a moment.
On to the brunette. The Marquis looked over the whole body and rubbed hishands over the torso lingering at the waist and rubbing the ass cheeks. Hecupped the breasts and massaged them. Then sucked a nipple but found no milkthis time.
He did a quick examination of the cunt, making sure to check out the engorgedclit and lips. He checked to see the pink vagina.
The Marquis went back to the Mexican miss and spread her slit to check thevagina. Darker brown.
He moved to the blonde and studied the blonde pixie. He smelled the lustroushair and kissed the lush lips. He explored the torso in detail. First rubbingall over. Even lifting the body so that her could feel her back and then liftedthe girl to his chest. He rubbed his chest against the beauty's breasts. Hemassaged the big round mounds of flesh and then licked them. He attacked nipples,biting hard but not breaking the skin and then sucked milk out. Justine movedto take the milk but he drank the warm sweet fluid. He enjoyed milking bothbreasts dry.
Then he bade Justine to join him and did a close examination of the cunt. "Notas impressive jewels as yours or even the brunette, disappointing. But hertits are magnificent."
He kissed Justine and asked her to proceed.
Justine asked the Amazons to awaken the maidens with smelling salts.
Justine passed around drinks for everyone except the Marquis. Justine drankher potion.
When the maidens were fully aroused, she went to each maiden and kissed eachhard.
Justine invited the Amazons to pleasure the maidens.
Xena stripped off her uniform and the other Amazons followed suit.
Xena did a slow pirouette in front of the Marquis showing him her impressivefigure.
As the warrior women went to work with tongues, fingers and dildos, Justinedirected the frenzy. The Amazons used the opportunity to savage the maidens.After fifteen minutes Justine clapped and Xena pulled the other two Amazonsoff the Mexican and brunette maidens. All three young girls were sobbing andrubbing their sore cunts. Three mobile torture racks were pulled to centrestage, by the three nude Amazons, who locked the mechanisms into place andthen moved to their chosen victims.
Justine moved to sit by the Marquis and in a loud voice said; "Tonight'sentertainment will be, the torture to death, of these beautiful maidens foryour enjoyment. They have just had their pleasure and now they must give youpleasure. Xena and I have assembled a large assortment of instrument designedto inflict pain. With your permission we will proceed.
The Marquis nodded.
Xena got the ropes while the other two Amazons controlled and abused thethree crying maidens. One girl, the blonde pled pitifully for mercy and wascuffed by Justine.
"Amazon Captain, gag that one and hogtie her securely. Make sure she feelsthe rope burning into her skin. But take care, she is the favorite of the masterand we should keep her beautiful till her death."
The three Amazons hogtied their victims as Justine gave a grossly exaggeratedexplanation of the knots and tying techniques. The Marquis acted as if he wasimpressed.
The maidens were quickly hogtied and carried to the horizontal racks. Thethree were secured in place; face up with their legs spread. Blondie was inthe centre directly in front of the Marquis, flanked by the brunette and theLatin.
The Marquis was invited to examine the rope work and played along, checkingthe knots and ropes but saying nothing. He did grab a tit or cunt as he pleased.The maidens were screaming, partly because of Justine's coaching and partlybecause the Amazons were abusing them at every opportunity, pinching, slappingand punching. One Amazon rubbed her fist against the brunette roughly and whenno one objected, the Latin was similarly abused. Justine went to the blondeand gently pleasured the maiden. The girl responded by moaning softly.
After fifteen minutes, Justine told the Amazons to untie the ropes and securethe maidens.
"Secure their hands an feet so they a spread–eagle face up and tiltthe platforms up at a forty-five degree angle.
Master, Xena and I will now engage in a contest. We will use our favoritetoys to torture our maidens for your enjoyment. You may pick a winner by whatevercriteria you choose. The amount of pain administered, the creativity of ourtechnique, the effect upon our victims, the loudness of the screams we cause,what ever you think worthy of reward. The victor can extinguish your chosenfavorite for you."
The little blonde screamed. The Mexican girl and the brunette continued crying.
Xena chose a wooden vice and attached it to the brunette's breast and tightenedthe wooden boards until the maiden was screaming in pain and her breasts wereturning blue.
Justine chose clamps and applied then to the blonde. They were tightenedtill the girl screamed in agony. Xena came over and groped the clamped nipplesbrutally, causing even louder screams of pain.
Both Justine and Xena tweaked the Mexican girl's tits hard and then attachedclothespins in circular patterns around the nipples. Next the labia were rubbedtill they were engorged and clamps attached to the lips. Weights were hungonto the clamps and set swinging. The two women grabbed a breast each and gropedthe Latin hard. The cloth pegs that fell off were replaced and the women changedsides.
Xena had the blonde and eyed the pink slit. The Amazon got special ring withsmall clamps designed to pull the pussy wide open. When she had finished thecunt was fully displayed. The Amazon fingered the blonde's jewels till theywere engorged and then shoved a large vibrator into the maiden's vagina.
Justine had done the same with the brunette and the two women admired eachother's work and traded compliments.
Justine bowed, acknowledging that Xena's presentation was more artistic andinvited the Amazon to prepare the Latin the same way, for the enjoyment oftheir master. Justine torn the weights and clamps off the cunt of the screamingmaiden and then Xena attached the cunt-spreading ring and inserted a largevibrator.
Xena invited her Amazons to take over for a time, while she and Justine rested.The two Amazons gleefully joined in, lighting candles and dripping hot waxover the most sensitive parts of the screaming girls. The little Latin swoonedand the blonde freaked out, thrashing and screaming. The brunette maiden driftedoff silently.
The maidens were allowed a rest as the Amazons and Justine took a break.
The Marquis went over and examined the maidens. He took special interestin the cunts, studying the display rings intently. He moved the dildos up anddown; finally pushing them into the maidens' vaginas as deeply as he could.He checked to see what damage had been done by the molten wax and was disappointedthat the hurt was so slight.
The dark blue bulging breasts intrigued him. He rubbed them, pinched them,and tweaked the tits, half expecting the swollen breasts to burst like an overfilledballoon.
An examination of the other two sets of breasts was disappointing to him.What turned him on the most was the pitiful expressions on the three faces,pain etched into such innocence. It gave him a hard on.
Justine and Xena continued. The clamps and vice were removed and the breastswere gently massaged back into shape.
Justine had one of the Amazons pass around another tray of drinks.
Xena got the pins and needles. The maidens were given dose of smelling saltto jolt them back to reality and the maidens got their drinks.
Justine asked the Amazons to comfort the maidens, gently, for their nexttrial. Xena showed the way and the three tenderly massaged the big breastsand caressed the torsos of the girls.
Justine went to the Marquis and held up a small pin. "Xena and I will nowstick a hundred of these pins into the breasts of our guests of honour. Xenawill take the left side; the Mexican girl and I will do the brunette cutie.If a girl screams, an Amazon will administer a hard slap to the girl's assor thigh." The Amazons moved into position and repeated Justine's words totheir victims.
Justine and Xena pushed in the pins slowly moving them around to cause themost motion and pain. Their victims lasted about twenty pins until Xena gropeda breast covered with pins and grabbed hard. The Mexican girl shrieked andwas slapped hard across her thighs. Justine imitated and her victim was screaming.After that, the two girls screamed as each pin was pushed in and Justice hadto have the slapping stopped.
After all one hundred pins were inserted, the little blood that had flowedwas wiped away and Justine asked if the master would like to examine what hadbeen done, in detail. The Marquis examined closely fingering a pin or two ineach breast. He was disappointed with the lack of real response or look ofpain so he grabbed the little brunette cutie's breast hard and pushed the pinsin as hard as her could. He held the girl in that position as she writhed inpain, screaming. The writhing, of course, caused the girl more pain.
As he finally let go, the cutie slumped back, crying.
The Mexican girl was next and the results were the same.
The Marquis bade the four women to follow his lead. The two Amazon bystandersjoined in and were, immediately and brutally, using the pins to brutalize thegirls' breasts. When Justine and Xena had their turn with the breasts, themounds were left a bloody mess.
Xena had her Amazons cleanup the mess, warning the Amazons not to cause moredamage to the dolcettes.
Then Justine and Xena turned their attention to the blonde beauty. Justinewent to her master and held a hand full of long needles in front of his face. "Xenaand I will insert these needles into the little blonde sweetheart, fifty needles."
The Marquis moved closer to watch. The needles were pushed all the way throughvarious parts of the breasts by the two women. The little girl screamed andwrithed in agony. She swooned after about thirty needles were poked throughher breasts.
The girls were left for a half hour to recover a bit.
The three were revived again with smelling salts and the next atrocity wasannounced to the Marquis. "The Amazons will take break, for a cigarette, butsince we have no ash trays we will have to turn the maidens over and use theirass holes and of course they will have to butt them out, in the new ash trays.Justice took a cigarette from an Amazon and sent the disappointed woman tothe sidelines.
The remaining two Amazons and Justine turned the girls over. The girls screamedin agony as their wounded breasts suffered more abuse. They were secured andthe three women lite up. The Marquis went to Justine and took her cigaretteand moved to the blonde maiden. Justine got a cigarette from the Amazon underlingand took her spot beside the Mexican maiden. The trio puffed away. Then Justinespread her victim's ass and poked the cigarette gently into the Mexican's asshole,so as to not break the red embers. The little girl screamed in pain and trashedabout, mashing the cigarette. The red-hot embers died out slowly.
Xena was next and the brunette was screaming.
The two women looked to the master. He spread the ass and was about to pushthe cigarette into the red ass hole but instead he raised the blonde cutie'sass a bit and snuffed out his cigarette in the cutie's vagina. She screamedin agony and fainted.
The maidens were loosened from the racks and the women had their hands boundwith a short rope. The Amazons, minus Xena, led the girls to a platform andJustine and the Marquis joined the females there. The maidens were forced atop the platform and made to stand on stools. Xena had noosed ropes fall fromthe ceiling and put a noose around each maidens' throat. Justine curtsied tothe Marquis and asked, "May I present the finale? I hope my efforts pleasedyou." The Marquis nodded and Justine moved along the platform and kicked awayeach stool. Justine stood back and watched the beautiful bodies dance in theair. The kicking stopped, after a while, and the bodies were still.
The Marquis turned and left without a word.
Justice waited for the Marquis to leave completely and ordered Xena and theother Amazons to cut the girls down quickly and try to revive the dolcettes. "Theyare very valuable dolcettes worth tens of thousands of dollars alive. The hangingshouldn't have killed them. I want them all alive."
All three dolcettes were alive. Justine had the Amazons remove the pins,needle, vibrators and other torture toys and take the dolcettes to the farmfor treatment.
Justine thanked Xena for her help saying, "We put on a great show. I'm surethat the Marquis enjoyed the evening. And that was the whole idea. Dolcettesare valuable meat animals. If they are alive for roasting or cooking, theyare worth a lot more than meat parts and carcasses. The Marquis has let meknow that live dolcettes are a business asset that we should strive to keepin good conditions. The dolcettes we used tonight are still alive. Their hurtsseemed grievous but they might recover fully and if they do, we retain a valuableasset. If they have to be put down, at least the kitchen can do it at theirleisure, not in a rush to salvage girl meat.
I will provide entertainments for the Marquis, that he will enjoy, and Iwill protect his business interests. And I look to you to assist me.
I am the Justine now!
A Formal Banquet
Justine expected to hear from the Marquis immediately. Did he like the three-girldinner?
What would be the next assignment? How were the dolcettes? The questionsgoing through her mind were endless. But no message was sent or communicationof any sort received. After wondering what she had done wrong, Justine justwaited.
On Friday evening there was a knock at the door of her suite. Justine jumpedup and hurried to the door. A message a last.
Juliet was standing there with a white rose. Juliet was dressed in a whiteshort toga, with both her breasts covered this time. Her long hair was auburnand shiny. The only other clothing she wore were white spiked high heels anda black leather collar around her throat. Juliet entered and announced, "Themaster has sent his compliments and thanks for an entertaining evening." Andhanded the white rose to Justine. "He wishes me to be your slave for the eveningand night. I am to do your every bidding and grant your every wish." Juliethanded Justine a leash that was attached to her collar. Justice tried to questionJuliet a number of times but Juliet only said, "Tonight I am your sex slave."
Justine shrugged and put the vase holding the rose beside her bed and kissedJuliet.
Juliet came alive and passionately kissed Justine. Tongues darted in andout of each others mouths and moaning began. "May I undress you mistress?" Julietwhispered.
And when Justine consented, Juliet undressed Justine slowly and erotically,removing clothing and then kissing the area that had been on covered. Justinewasn't wearing much, only a mini-dress and some underwear. Juliet was disappointedthat Justine was not wearing a bra, so she lifted her toga off and undid herbra and dressed Justine in the white lacy bra, the movements were sensual andsexy. Juliet cupped one of Justine's large breasts in her hand and kissed it.Then she sucked the nipple till it was engorged and beautiful and finally,she placed the breast into one of the bra cups. The other breast was similarlycupped kissed and the nipple sucked till it was engorged. The left breast wentinto the bra cup. Juliet then moved behind Justine and cupped both breastsin her hand and massaged Justine's breasts. As she was doing so, Juliet rubbedher breasts into Justine's back and kissed the nape of the blonde beauty'sneck. The massage caused Justine to moan quietly, in pleasure. After a whileJuliet attached the clasps that secured the bra. She moved to face Justineand said, "My mistress was depriving me of my pleasures. I can now enjoy thesight of your magnificent breasts being revealed to me and I can pay homagethem in a manner befitting my mistress." Juliet kissed Justine and then movedher arms around Justine to undo the bra. She used the opportunity to hug Justineand the two beautiful women rubbed their breasts together passionately. Whenthe two separated, Juliet made sure the bra would stay on Justine's breasts.Juliet kissed the top of Justine's right breast and then uncapped the mound.Juliet licked the entire breast. Juliet kissed the entire breast. She suckedthe nipple and gently nipped at the areola. Then on to the left breast. Julietremoved the bra and threw it other shoulder. Juliet licked the whole breast;she kissed the breast and paid due homage to the nipple.
Juliet licked and kissed her way down to the panties, and drew them downJustine's legs slowly kissing the areas of skin that the panties had gone over.She tossed the panties over her shoulder. Juliet then attacked Justine's pussy,licking and kissing the entire area but not invading the vaginal slit. Shehad Justine turn over and lick the whole ass but not the anus. She got up andsurveyed Justine and asked, "Has the mistress now been properly cleaned? DidI miss anywhere?"
Justine playfully pointed to her vagina, spread her legs and ran a fingerup and down the slit. Juliet nodded her finger back and forth saying, "Maisnon, mon amie but that jewel requires special treatment.
I will return."
Juliet went to the bathroom and returned with a small porcelain basin, washcloths and some containers. She poured some soap and rose water from the containersand she used the towels, her finger and her tongue to clean all of Justine'sjewels and Justine's vagina. The cleaning was slow and erotic. Juliet gentlyturned Justine over and wiped the anal area. She kissed the area around theanus and the tongued the ass hole as deeply as she could. Then she inserteda wet finger and pushed it in as far as she could. Justine felt a warm flowof liquid entering her ass and then a towel drying the area. Juliet took hercleaning supplies back to the bathroom and returned smiling. "Now mistressis clean?"
Justine nodded and Juliet went on, "I will now undress for my mistress. Ifyou wish."
Justine asked that she be allowed to undress Juliet and Juliet replied, "Ifthat is your wish I must obey but I am here to please you. You should not concernyourself with pleasing me tonight."
Justine laughed and dragged Juliet to the bed, "OK enough of this slave,mistress bullshit, you're her to fuck and I want to fuck. We both want to fuckeach other, so lets do it."
Juliet broke into laughter and paused, grinned mischievously at Justine andsaid, "OK but do I strip, you'll love my strip or do you tear my clothes off.On second thought I better strip. After all these are my best undies and youlike to borrow them all the time."
Justine giggled, "OK but your stripping better be good or I'll make you dressagain and shred you favorite lingerie."
Juliet got up and waved a finger at Justine and laughed, "No peeking. I haveto correct a wardrobe problem first." She pulled her toga over her head andretrieved her bra saying to Justine, "I hope your big boobs didn't stretchto so much that I look like a flat chested school girl in it. Then she pulleddown her white matching panties and threw them to Justine. Juliet retrievedJustine's black panties and put those on saying, "Trade ya".
She put the toga back on and began her strip. She danced sensuously to themusic in her mind, rubbing her arms and legs, feeling her breasts and thenbroken into a raunchy bump and grind. Then she pulled the straps of her gownover her shoulders and pulled the gown down her body sensuously undulatingand twisting, to pull the tight garment down her body. When the neck got stuckon her breasts, Juliet pulled harder and undulated more. She moved right infront of Justine face so that Justine could see her breast straining at thedress and being pushed flat and then bouncing back as the dress passed over.To Justine's delight a nipple popped out of the bra and Justine bounced upto suck it.
"Hey no fair. I'm not finished yet", said Juliet, as she sent Justine backto her seat.
The toga was around Juliet's legs when Justine sat down and Juliet kickedat Justine. It hit her right over the face. Justine rose, "That did it. Show'sover." Justine laughed and tackled Juliet, tearing off her bra and black panties.
The two beauties rolled around on the floor for a while, kissing and as Justinemoved in on Juliet's nipples to suck her rich milk out. Juliet stopped laughingand said, "Stop for a minute. Let's get up. Rolling around on the floor isfor kids. We have a nice comfortable bed." The couple got up and moved to thebed. Juliet paused and said, "I almost forgot Justine I didn't shower beforecoming over. I cleaned you nice and clean and I wouldn't want you to thinkI was making you dirty."
"OK, I have a little confession I don't shower if I'm planning to have sexwith a lover.
My body smells divine, if I do say so myself. I like knowing that my femaleessence, my pheromones, even my sweat is totally enveloping my lover. By theway, licking you clean was my pleasure. I love the tastes and textures my tonguefinds on its trip: salty, sweet, sometimes bitter, all the tastes. I'm enjoyingthe total animal not just a face or set of sex organs."
Justine answered, "OK no shower but only if I can clean you the way you cleanedme."
"Right, but you won't do half as good a job. I'm an expert. If you show potential,I'll teach you my expert techniques, maybe while I teach you to squirt. Andwe can add stripping. You missed my finale. If you had seen that, you wouldwant lessons of that too." Juliet laughed.
"Well back to the grind. Oh yea, you were milking me. Please, please continue.When the Marquis told me to be your sex slave to night, I didn't milk my breastsand let them be.
They're swollen full and kindda sore. Check out my bra. It got soaked whenI pulled my dress down over my boobs. So mistress, if you will allow your slavea favour, suck my tits dry. Justine I know you like my milk but there's probablytoo much, you can suck it out and put it in my mouth. I love the taste of mymilk. It's me, giving back to the baby in me."
Justine and Juliet kissed and then Justine attacked Juliet's breast lickingthe whole surface from tit to base, often stopping to lick clean dribbles thathad oozed out from the nipples. When both breasts were cleaned, Justine begansucking hard and biting softly. Juliet arched her back a moaned in ecstasy.Part of the process, used to induce lactation, was a Pavlovian conditioningtechnique that caused orgasm when the nipples were stimulated
Justine greedily feed on Juliet and as she moved to the other breast sheremembered that Juliet wanted some milk to, so Justine filled her mouth andpassed the warm sweet milk to Juliet mouth. Juliet savored her own milk andswallowed it down. Justine took another mouthful for herself and let Julietenjoy a second mouthful. Juliet nudged Justine from her breast and lay Justineon her back. Juliet gently massaged one of Justine's breasts and then dribbledsome milk on to Justine's breast. Juliet then sucked on Justine's nipple asif she was milking Justine. Justine lay back in total pleasure. The couplerepeated the process with Justine's other tit and then Juliet ordered Justineto milk her until her breasts were sore with pleasure.
As Justine licked down Juliet's torso, Juliet once again pulled away andmade a request.
"I know I'm the slave and you're the mistress but could I make another request?My boobs are really sore and, to be honest, I'm kindda poop out. Your lovemakingwas great. I orgasmed, three times. When they got me to lactate, I got somekind of conditioning to make my body orgasm when my tits are milked. CouldI just get you off and then we can rest a bit? I have been instructed to spendthe night, unless you send me away, so we have all night."
"Well if that's what you think of my licking and sucking, I guess you betterstay all night to teach me how to do that to. No doubt you're an expert inthat too, girl.
But slave hear me, you must make me cum and allow me to make you squirt beforewe rest.
Now get down here and start licking my pussy. For this round, only lips,tongues and fingers are allowed."
Juliet licked Justine's pussy till her vagina was sopping wet and then attackedJustine's clit. Juliet nipped at the labia and then fingered Justine's vaginatill Justine's moans told the auburn haired beauty that she had found Justine'sG-spot. Juliet fingered the G-spot, while her thumb worried the clit and Justine'svagina contracted in a deep orgasm.
Juliet coached Justine on how to induce a vaginal squirt but Justine justwasn't doing it right. If Juliet had been able to, she would have faked itbut you can't fake a obvious physical manifestation like the squirting, shehad done for the Marquis. So in the end, Juliet rubbed her clit just the wayshe liked it and Justine rubbed Juliet's G-spot and the squirt jetted acrossthe room.
The two beauties rested and made love countless times during the night. Justinewould have to wait another day to learn to squirt and Juliet would enjoy hernew lover's female essences one more night.
The next morning the two showered together and breakfasted in the pool atrium.They chatted about nothing in particular. During the conversation, Justinecomplimented Juliet on her hair. Juliet gushed back, "Yea I like it. The blondemade me look too much like you, not that anyone would confuse us. Just comparethe bodies. Girl your gonna have to teach me how to develop boobs like yours.Hell even my milkers are no match.
And speaking of boobs, mistress owes me some new undies. Make them white,lacy and sexy."
When Justine returned to her suite, there was a note saying that she shouldmeet the Marquis for lunch, in the atrium.
At lunch, Justine and the Marquis talked while the dolcettes splashed inthe shallow pool and lounged on the deck chairs. The Marquis was all business. "Mydear you did a fine job last week. Everything was entertaining and enjoyableand I hear there were no complications or left over messes to deal with.
Your next party will be for more than me. I will co-host a small gatheringon next Saturday. There will four couples, myself accompanied by you, and threefriends and their spouses. You are to make all the dinner arrangements, inconsultation with my friend's butler. Actually you will handle everything exceptthe actual meal.
You are to use up to ten dolcettes as decoration and serving platters forthe dinner. A whole dolcette will not be the main entrée so you maywant to use one as a platter for the main entrée, that sort of thing.As always, my resources are at your command.
One other thing. You will need a formal gown. That one you wore to dinner,last time, was nice but get something better, more expensive, nicer. Don'tbe afraid to show off your body. That's why you're my date. I want to showoff my trophy. My friends will, no doubt, bring their trophy wives or husband.I want you to be the most beautiful woman in the room. Don't dress like a whorebut get a gown that leaves nothing to the imagination."
Justine met with James, the butler, and got a copy of the tentative menu.The food was to be prepared in the Hilltop Restaurant kitchen and served atthe Marquis' home.
Justine racked her brains for ideas. Dolcettes as decorations? The Marquismentioned the serving platter for the main entrée. Just get a beautifuldolcette with big boobs and a flat stomach and, viola, a platter and therewere the de Sade candleholders - ass holes and vaginas. She had to do somethingwith the breasts and milk. Most of the dolcettes did lactate and milk was definitelyfood. Coffee creamer definitely and maybe drinks but the presentation of dolcetteand manner of milking would be paramount. Justine could imagine full breastssquirting milk all over formal gowns and outraged faces. Four down and sixto go.
Justine switched her thoughts to shopping, of course. She had to buy a gownbut the only real gown she had ever worn was for the dinner with the Marquisand that one was rented.
Where to start? Finally Justine called Juliet, This was more a girl matter,than a Justine matter, she rationalized. Juliet was free, so she came by.
"Hi Justine. I thought you called for a squirting lesson.
But a formal gown? I have a few from my days as Justine that we can takea look at, to get an idea what may suit your occasion and there is a room fullof Justine stuff from the other Justines. We can look at those."
Juliet took Justine to her room and brought the gowns out. When Justine askedJuliet why she had so many expensive gowns the beauty replied, "To make melook beautiful, of course, when Prince Charming comes calling.
No actually, rich people always buy a gown for an occasion and never wearit again, so each of these gowns represents one gala event. They're uselessreally, can't wear them anywhere, not that I go anywhere these days.
But their nice and they cost a fortune, so I keep them.
First rule of gown buying: Don't even look at the price tag. You'll probablyfaint. Besides you're not paying, anyways.
Second: Buy a gown only for that occasion. You'll probably never wear itagain.
Third: Buy it for the Marquis and the people attending the occasion, notfor you.
Think of the image the Marquis wants to project. Justine is his trophy andstatement.
He'll usually tell you what he wants. Listen hard for the cues.
Well three rules are enough to start with. Don't want to tax the little graycells too much.
Let's go to the Justine storage room."
The room was a big closet with all sorts of things. Juliet told Justine thatthis was only clothes and more personal items. If a girl was replaced, shewas allowed to take any clothes and personal belongings, she had acquired whileshe was Justine. This closet held what wasn't taken and still might be of usein the future. This room, and all in it, was the property of the Justine todo with as she saw fit.
The girls examined the gowns and Justine even tried on a few, but she thoughtnone were even as nice as Juliet's.
Juliet agreed to go shopping with Justine. "OK Justine I'll go if you begme."
"Ple…", was all Justine got out.
"OK, Justine, don't grovel. I'll go but only if you promise to replace mylingerie. I know just the shops. Shops only Justine and her no limit creditcard can afford. This may be my last chance to get the finest, read most expensive,underwear on the planet. Thank you."
The two beautiful women dressed the next day in cut offs and jerseys in theJustine's Jaguar ready to plunder the stores.
Juliet made Justine stop for lunch at vegetarian restaurant and while theywere eating, Juliet had Justine go over as much a she could remember abouthis instructions concerning the gown she was to buy.
Juliet summarized what she thought the Marquis said, "This is my perspective.I could be totally wrong and in the end you're the Justine and you'll pay theconsequences or get the glory. He wants to show you off. You're his prize trophy.His friends go through spouses like Hollywood movie stars, always showing oftheir latest trophies. The women, there are one or two women friends but wewon't worry about them unless you're into impressing the fairer sex with styleand grace. They're old bats whose concept of haut couture is what's most expensivein Paris. The wives usually dress like high fashion models with lots of makeupand the runway strut or like high-class call girls entertaining the fabulouslywealthy with everything on display or hanging out.
The Marquis did say to show off your body and use you ass, oh, I mean assetsto good advantage. But I found a little naughty but demure is very sexy. Justlet them know you got the goods but they're not for sale or on open display.Maybe, something with a plunging neckline that shows the tiniest bit of nipplewhen you bend and you can bend a lot. Keep that in mind but if you find somethingthat you think makes you look fabulous that's your gown."
Juliet took Justine to the most exclusive shops in town and when Juliet introducedJustine the sales staff they knew exactly what was meant and gave Justine theroyal treatment.
After many gowns, Justine did find the gown that she felt fabulous in andlooked fabulous on her. Juliet's agreement was the clincher and it was offto buy panties.
Juliet took Justine to her favorite lingerie shop and this time there wasno need for introductions. The owner greeted Juliet-Justine and the new Justine.
"Justine what bra size do those monsters of yours take, 40 triple D." JokedJuliet.
"Only 38 D", Justine meekly replied.
"I was just kidding, you know me. Come on. Lets check things out."
The girls shopped for an hour and Juliet met Justine at the cash registerwith four packages. "Don't you love these silk, soft and satiny? I love theway it feels on my body and it makes me so horny. And white lace to replacethe one you tore."
Didn't you get anything? Hell you need something to wear under that gownand you haven't been shopping in a while."
Juliet motioned and a sales girl deposited a stack of garments on to thecounter. "I picked these out for you. See if they're right size."
"Don't you remember the comment the Marquis made about the importance oflingerie? "
"He practically told you to get some sexy lingerie. You had to wear my undiesthe first night. Throw out all your old underwear and start dressing like theJustine, the Marquis wants. I would."
Justine giggled and checked over the lingerie and aside from changes in color,accepted all of Juliet's picks. "Thanks for your help, but I'll only buy theseclothes if you go pick out some more goodies for yourself. Some split crotchpanties that will show off your jewels maybe. No silk. Get some of the mostexpensive silks in the store. Things you've always wanted but thought weretoo expensive. Lets go check them out."
Justine picked some eye popping silk garments for Juliet, "I'm buying thesefor you unless you choose something else. Girl, this is the last chance. Pickwhat you want or you'll be stuck with these. The Marquis can pay and if hefires me when he sees the bill, you can help me find a new job. Now Pick!"
Juliet did pick a silk camisole she loved, a demure white silk baby dollnightie and silk bra and panties outfit with an astronomical price tag.
On the way back Justine talked a little more about her assignmentand Juliet came up with the idea of using dolcettes' vaginas as wine coolers.
"Get a couple of dolcettes with big wide vaginas and you can push wine bottles
up them and when someone wants, a drink the waiter can pull the bottle out and
maybe wrap in one of the cold cloths to chill white wine or just a plain towel
for red wine and then the waiter can push the bottle back in. The Marquis will
love to see the gaping pussies and the pained expression on the dolcettes' faces
when the wine bottle is reinserted and the dolcettes will just have sore cunts
for a day or two."
"You should get the farm medic to help you lactate. They use bio feed backand conditioning on the dolcettes and usually can get a girl lactating. Ifthat fails, a course of hormones usually does the trick. Me, I'm the no additivesin my food, girl so I insisted no pills or drugs and my milkers are governmentapproved, 100% pure. And as I told you, they can condition your body to orgasmwith nipple stimulation. Go over today and see if they can do anything to getyou ready for the dinner. A stain of milk from your tits, during dessert andbrandies, will probably outrage the women but I guarantee it will turn on themen and the Marquis will love it."
"And while you're at the med centre, see if you can get your pussy pierced.I saw you admiring my pussy ring, the other night. The Marquis has a standingpolicy that he will pay for any and all piercing jewelry, for the cunt or nipples.He hates the face stuff and doesn't allow it. I was thinking maybe two or threerings that will tinkle as you walk. Everyone will know it's from pussy rings.Demonstrating that you have an asset without blatantly displaying it. The procedureonly takes an hour or so and baring complications, you'll just have a sorepussy for a day or two. Think about that too."
The two women returned home and hurried to Justine's suite where Justinemodeled her new gown and accessories. She was stunning.
The two agreed to meet after dinner, for their exclusive lingerie party.Two guests: the sexy and beautiful Juliet and the beautiful and sexy Justine.
Justine did visit the med centre and asked about getting her breasts to lactate.She was informed, "Our current procedure is a two fold process.
We use a bio-feedback machine hooked up to your nipples so that you can monitorsubconscious activities of your body and the idea is that you concentrate onlactating, if your body does something that makes lactation possible, we willlet you know and over time, you should be able to control this body activity,a bit. Hopefully, enough to get your mammary glands producing milk. At thesame time and in other sessions, we can hypnotize you into thinking you arecradling a baby in your arms. The baby is crying for food and sucking at yournipples. Subconsciously, your body will think you're a nursing mother and shouldbe lactating to feed your baby.
None of this is sure and times for inducing lactation can be as short asa week or as long as months and we have about a twenty per cent failure rate.In your case we can step up the treatments to two bio-feedback – hypnosessions at day and one extra hypnosis session a day.
We can also try hormone therapy by itself or in combination. The hormonethat induces lactation is injected into your arm and hopefully that induceslactation. But at least for a while, there be a high level of hormones in yourmilk and it should not be ingested, drunk, until those levels go down. Alsomedical science is not really sure if there are side effects or long-term effects.
The conditioning linking orgasms to nipple stimulation can be done any time.After you start lactating.
The piercing of your pussy can be scheduled tomorrow if you wish and therecovery time is one to two days. Your genitals will be sore and we have tomonitor for infection. We have some samples of rings, 18 carat gold for a Justine,if you want to see them."
Justine agreed to start bio-feedback and hypnosis immediately and to tryhormone therapy as a last ditch effort at mid week to see if she could at leastget the trickle Juliet had suggested. The treatments would continue until shewas lactating or that nothing more could be done.
Justine picked a series of rings that required eight piercings but woulddefinitely made music as she walked and she would have a week to learn to playsongs as she strutted.
The day of the party, approached quickly and Justine was making some progress.She had some brainstorms but nothing involving the dolcette decorations.
She consulted with the James, the butler and Head Chef Tyler. Justine broachedthe idea of a dolcette platter. Justine said they would get an attractive dolcetteand use the stomach area as a platter. The chef and butler argued about theactual food and compromised on a Dolcette Bourguignon and Filles Mignon asthe main entrées. The chef wanted to live roast a dolcette centerpiecebut the butler insisted that his employer did not want a lot of dolcette girlmeat nor did he want to incur the cost of a prime dolcette roaster. The chefalso didn't like the idea of a dolcette leaving his kitchen live and completelyuncooked.
After much arguing, a compromise was reached. The dolcette would be guttedalive and kept alive as long as possible. The meats from the body cavity, theloins and chops would form the basis of the Dolcette Bourguignon and the finishedentrée would be served in the open body cavity, a bowl or containerwould be inserted to hold the girl meat stew.
The Filles Mignon would be placed around the Dolcette Bourguignon. At thecompletion of the party, the dolcette would be returned to the kitchen andprocessed. The kitchen would still have the all the choicest cuts of girl meatand they could sell them, as having been harvested from a live dolcette oreven use the whole dolcette as spit roaster, the next day.
In any event, the kitchen would retain an almost whole, more or less liveGrade A-one roaster. James could report that the entrée, requested byhis employee, would be served and the main entrée would be made fromthe fresh girl meat of the dolcette platter without incurring the cost of aPremium Gourmet Grade A-one live roaster. Justine would have her dolcette platter.And the three parties would split the cost of the dolcette.
Justine's next idea was for a dolcette centerpiece to decorate the tablebefore the entrées were set out. The centerpiece would be removed whenthe entrée was served. It would be a living replica of the famous Venusde Milo statue. Neither Chef Tyler or James were interested in commenting onher idea and they went back to making finalizing the menu.
The day before the big dinner. James chose a tall brunette with a classicNordic face and big round breasts as the centerpiece – platter. The longtoned legs would be spread in a simple open crotch style and the dolcette'ssex sculptured with extreme care to display the dolcette's genitalia in theirfully engorged glory. Gold vibrators would be inserted into the vagina andanus. The dolcettes face was to be accorded the best make up treatment possible,presenting an innocent, natural look that emphasized the dolcette's youth andclassic beauty. Justine approved of James's choice and agreed upon the mannerof presentation. Justine selected the tray that the dolcette would be displayedon and made sure the container for the Dolcette Bourguignon would integratewell into the dolcette's body cavity without being evident. For good luck shetweaked the dolcette's nipple.
Chef Tyler also agreed to have his cosmetician work on the dolcette Venus,and have his butchers cut away the limbs in accordance with the Justine's instructions.Justine conferred with the butcher. He would use a bone saw to cut the limbsat precisely the measurements Justine had given him. Justine had surfed theweb and gotten the exact measurements of the Venus de Milo statue and scaledthe measurement to her dolcette height to come up with the size of the limbs.The butcher would perform his operation tomorrow afternoon.
Justine checked to see if the dolcette she had chosen had been transportedfrom the farm to the kitchen. The dolcette was waiting in a holding pen. Justinechecked to make sure the dolcette had been washed and cleaned.
A dolcette was picked to match the torso of Venus and to a lesser degreethe face. The cosmetician had assured her that as long as the face of the dolcetteresembled the Venus, make up and prosthetics could be used to create an almostidentical face. The make up and prosthetics could be applied so that only theclosest, most discerning eye could pick them out and the effects would lastfor hours.
Justine was counting on the cosmetician's professionalism and expertise.The cosmetician would start work immediately to make sure that her other kitchenduties were not overlooked and complete the job after the butcher had lobbedoff the limbs, so any problems created by the trauma of the operation couldbe mitigated. She assured Justine that the Venus would be ready on time.
Justine called the farm and arranged for the eight dolcettes, to be usedas furniture, to be sent to the workshop. She had picked eight lovely dolcettes.All had big shapely lactating breasts and innocent faces. They would be usedas parts of furniture that the workshop had built for her.
Justine met the dolcettes. They were being guarded, on leashes, by Xena andtwo other Amazons. At Justine's orders the workmen assemble the pieces forJustine.
First was the coffee cart. Justine picked a blonde with a short pageboy andan angelic innocent face. The dolcette had enormous round breasts and brightpink nipples. Justine tweaked both nipples and watched big jets of milk squirtout. She tasted the milk. She put a plain white bra on the girl, with the writing "DoNot Milk". The dolcette was secured into a box in a cart. Her legs were crouchingas low as possible and her torso slanted at a 45 degree angle and her headwent to the front of the cart where it was held in place by a thick paddedleather belt covered by a wide silk ribbon, to give the effect that the dolcettehad a black silk collar around her throat. The hands were tied behind the backso that the big breasts hanging down were clearly visible. Justine reacheddown and cupped the breasts. Then she ordered a workman to bring over a specialbreast pump and secure it to the bottom of the cart. She pulled away the cupsof the bra and checked to make sure the two breasts could be easily milkedby the pump. She pumped some milk out and tasted it.
Then she hand milked a breast so that the milk was all caught in a transparentcontainer. She turned and asked if everyone could see the pump drawing outmilk and whether there were any errant squirts. When the replies were favorable,Justine called over Xena and told her to secure the shoulders and thighs ofthe dolcette and when Xena thought everything was secure, to pinch the dolcetteand cause the girl to thrash around violently.
Xena pinched the dolcette's cunt hard and got the desired effect. The dolcettewas secure and the cart didn't tip over. Justine told Xena to release the dolcette.Justine pulled the bra back into position. She reminded Xena that she was responsiblefor making sure that the cart arrived two hours before diner time with thatdolcette secured in place, in the same manner as the demonstration. The cartwould have a coffee machine or urn and condiments placed on top. A waiter,who had practiced using the breast pump and hand milking, would wheel the cartin, serve coffee or tea and, if required, flavor the beverage with fresh dolcettebreast milk.
The coffee cart was good to go.
Justine yelled candleholders and two workmen brought over oak frames thatJustine had designed, aided by the shop foreman. At the same time, Xena andanother Amazon brought over the two dolcettes, Justine had chosen for thisrole. The stands had been designed to hold the dolcettes' cunts high in theair, so that a candles could be inserted and stand vertically to the floor.The candle would be shoved deeply in to the vagina and held in place by nearlyinvisible plastic straps. The burning candles had been designed to drip moltenwax on the vaginas. One stand had been built to allow one dolcette to be securedfront side up and one stand presented the dolcette backside up. The girls weresecured into the stands and candles inserted. As a plus, one of the workmanhad come up with a system of mirrors to show the faces, behind the candles,so that all the dinners could watch the anguished, gagged faces as they dined.The dolcettes would be left in their holders with the candles in them, fora while, to make one final test of the setup. If all was well, the candle standswould be good to go.
Next Justine yelled for the wine holders and the workmen wheeled out twocarts as the Amazons led two pretty dolcettes over to Justine. One dolcettewas a pretty blonde with long platinum blonde hair and the other dolcette anddark red hair. The girls were of medium build. Justine had chosen these twodolcettes for their deep wide vaginas. The big love tunnels were needed tohold wine bottles in them. The dolcettes were secured into the rosewood carts;face up, on their backs in a simple spread leg position. The legs were spreadas wide as possible and the knees bent so that the feet and lower legs hungdown out of the way. Pillows were placed under the dolcettes' asses to raisethe cunts.
Wine bottles no matter how wide would be pushed into the vaginas and thewine servers would wheel the carts to refill glasses of wine, red and white.Justine had had the dolcette's hair dyed platinum blonde and reddish to denotethe wine their vaginas would hold. Justine had worked out a method using afunnel and dry ice to pour the white wine through to cool the wine as it waspoured.
Justine had wanted the wine bottles held vertical as with a usual wine cooler.
But she decided that the Marquis and his guests would rather see the faceof the dolcette especially when wide bottles were reinserted into the dolcette'svagina. So instead, she simply used a stopper to keep the wine from spilling.The cunts and faces would be on display. Transparent straps were used to limitthe movements of the dolcettes and keep the bottles in place in the vaginas.Justine had the Amazons act as wine stewards and gave them the widest bottlesto insert. The bottles did go in, without too much trouble.
Earlier, practice insertions of the bottles had made it easier for the dolcettesto handle their task. Moreover, when Justine had requested that the wine stewardspractice, the two servers had been more than eager to do a great deal of practice,so Justine could foresee no problems from them. Justine had also suggestedthat the wine stewards should constantly rub and finger the dolcettes' cuntsto keep the sex organs in an excited state. The wine stewards were only toohappy to comply with that request.
The wine coolers were both good to go.
Justine issued final orders to Xena and the Amazons. "Make sure all the dolcettesare fully cleaned, including enemas and douches. If the farm staff doesn'tdo the cleaning to your satisfaction, rewash them yourself. Allow time to rewashall the dolcettes, just in case."
"Get the dolcettes assembled into the furniture according to my specificationsand to the dining room, the Marquis' house dining room, on time. At least twohours before dinnertime. If there is even a slight problem call me immediately.If in doubt, call me."
The rest of the afternoon was spent at the beauty salon. And yes, there wasan exclusive salon for the Justine. Much to her surprise, Xena was invitedto come along and get the glamour treatment. And, Juliet was invited to comealong, as consultant to the Justine; and as it would happen, Justine wouldask Juliet to be on hand, to help out at the dinner, necessitating that Julietalso receive the full treatment, just in case she was required to help out,at the actual dinner. The Amazon softened and enjoyed the perks of being agirl and the three had a wonderful afternoon.
At the spa, Justine presented a necklace to Xena, for her to wear at thedinner. Justine spread her legs revealing her naked pussy. Prominently displayedwas a series of interlocking gold rings that were held in place by eight piercing.The rings matched the rings that dangled from the necklace, "Xena practicewalking around and moving so the rings tinkle and tomorrow make sure that everytime you're near a guest, you tinkle the rings. I want everyone to know thatthe rings hanging between your breasts are making the same sound as rings onmy pussy."
Justine and Juliet spent the evening on final details of the gown. The twowomen debated underwear or panties, to be precise. The plunging V front andback precluded wearing a bra. Justine finally decided to wear panties. Theywould be obvious in the clinging silk but Justine felt her statement wouldbe, "I'm a lady not a dolcette or a whore, in fact the panties would be white.They would also be split crotch to allow the rings to tinkle.
Justine's legs would be naked and she would only wear the matching spikedhigh heels that had been picked to go with the gown. She would carry no purse,to indicate that the venue was her turf. Juliet asked about jewelry and Justinewas floored. The only jewelry she had worried about was the jewelry hangingfrom her sexual jewels. She didn't have anything to wear. The costume jewelryand schoolgirl necklaces would not be appropriate. Could they get to jewelertonight or could Juliet rush over tomorrow? Justine knew she would have notime. Juliet quelled Justine's concerns. "The Marquis will probably presentyou with an out of sight necklace tomorrow just before the dinner, that's hisstyle. For the other baubles and beads there is the, tah dah, Justine's Jewelryvault."
Justine examined every piece of jewelry and would have spent the whole nightinspecting her treasure trove but Juliet jolted her from her revelry, "Girlyou can study the treasure later, it ain't going anywhere. But you have topick some pieces for tomorrow."
Pressed by Juliet, Justine settled on two necklaces, a diamond pendant andstring of pearl.
She knew the pearls were a perfect accessory for her black gown, but thependant kept entrancing her. It was the biggest gem she had ever seen but itwas the way the gem sparkled in a rainbow of ever moving, ever changing colorsthat worked magic. "Juliet, I guess is should pick this string of pearls, theywill really compliment the gown but I love this pendant."
"Justine take them both. Wear the pendant tonight and if you like, everyday, it's the property of the Justine. Just don't get to attached to it. If,heaven forbid, you should fall from grace, you can't take it with you. Thepearls are right for your gown.
Now a couple nice ring and bracelets. And maybe an anklet. Some men thinkit's really sexy."
Justine and Juliet picked two rings, one sapphire and one emerald and goldbracelet. There was no anklet, the rustling sound of the gold links might obscurethe sound of Justine's pussy rings.
The two beauties gently fucked each other with dildos and vibrator, justto calm themselves, careful not to mess up their new hairdos. Justine askedJuliet to spend the night explaining, "Well, I need you to fuck me in the morning.I read somewhere that some people can tell if you have had sex that day bylooking in your eye, the blood vessels are smaller and the eye clearer or something.And since then, I try to get laid or masturbate before a big date.
It would be so much better if you would do me. I can't do you and it'll haveto be a quickie."
"That's my Justine, any excuse to get fucked. Yes my mistress, your wishis my command. I'll help you dress tomorrow. Every princess needs a handmaidento help her on the way to the ball. I'll give you a quickie just before youdress and you can give off those female pheromones that drive men wild." Julietjoked.
The big day had arrived. So much to do and so little time. Things went asplanned and things went askew. But Juliet was on hand to help and all wentpretty much to plan.
Two hours before the guests were to arrive, a great deal had been done. TheAmazons had brought over the dolcette furniture and Xena assured Justine thatall the furniture had been triple checked, not just double checked as specified.The dolcettes were all good to go. The furniture was moved into position forthe show to begin. Justine did a quick check, the furniture tested out OK andthe dolcettes were tranquilized. Xena knew to rouse them with smelling saltsand give them a drink of the potion, at Justine's command or a half hour before8:00 o'clock, dinnertime, should Justine forget.
The first shipment from the kitchen arrived and the table was set. At 6:30the hubbub really started but Justine only focused on her concerns, the centerpiecearrived and was positioned in the center of the table. Justine had checkedon both centerpieces, earlier that afternoon, when both she and Juliet hadhad their final makeup touch ups by the cosmetician. Venus was Venus, the facewas not as animated as Justine would have liked but the dolcette was aliveand her condition stabilized so that she would not expire soon, unless somethingdrastic happened. Perhaps smelling salts, just as the first guests arrived,would help. Justine would tell Xena to take care of it. Justine was glad shehad decided to pick a dolcette with a more lush body and bigger more maternalbreasts than the statue.
Xena was reminded to insert the candles and light them, at her command, onceall the guests had arrived or dinner was announced.
The wine stewards arrived. Justine made sure that they knew their responsibilitiesand she was off to be dressed.
The Marquis met Justine as she returned in her gown and presented his Justinewith a diamond pendant; even more beautiful than the one she had taken fromthe jewelry vault.
The Marquis went to put the pendant on and paused, "I was going to put thison you but the pearls are right for your gown. Keep this for another time.This is my gift to you, not a gift to the Justine. Treasure it always."
Justine made a final check and briefly talked to Juliet. Juliet looked stunningin her dazzling white gown with her hair elegantly piled atop her head anda big smile. Juliet assured Justine that the centerpiece dolcette serving platterwas perfect and only, the last minute, plating of the main entrées wasleft to be done. She would check to make sure that Xena didn't screw up. AndJustine made a mental note that she would be charming and friendly when shemet the guests.
Justine had Juliet give her one last look over and left the room so thatshe could make a grand appearance on the arm of the Marquis, once all the guestshad arrived.
The Marquis arrived to escort his Justine to his dinner and Justine madeher grand entrance into the room. Justine was wearing a jet-black silk gownwith deep V cuts front and back. The gown was full length just ending aboveher black high heel shoes with two long V slits back and front from the floorto mid thigh. The dress clung to her feminine curves as if the dress had beenpainted on. Juliet had recommended that Justine pick a dress one size to small,so it looked like the dress could barely contain her lush figure and her breastsand hips would pop out at any moment. The men would love it and the women wouldhate her.
The plunging V did reveal an abundance of cleavage and Justine had had theseamstresses adjust the V so that the barest line of pink areola showed. Justinehad stimulated her nipples so that they were engorged and erect. A matchingsmall silk jacket, that covered her arms and stopped at the peak of her nipples,completed the outfit.
Justine hair was piled atop her head in soft waves, topped by a small platinumtiara, a last minute idea of Juliet's. Justine face was perfectly made up andreflected classical, elegant beauty. The pearls and other jewelry complimentedthe gown and Justine looked perfect.
Justine floated beside the Marquis to meet his guests. The only thing shecould really remember about the guests was that everyone had such nice clotheson. The women were elegant and beautiful, but she expected them to be. Theywere no more beautiful than Alexa or Linda or Lena or even Juliet. Justinedecided to leave them to their games and only respond if she found a friend,like Juliet had been, since their first meeting. And the men, they were justlike her clients in the Dungeon, in fancy dress. She would look for cues fromthe Marquis as to how to react to them. If there were friends here, they wouldbe discovered at a later date. She would play it calm and sophisticated andplay to all their vanities, both male and female.
After formal introductions, Juliet step forward and made it obvious thatshe was reporting to Justine and gave her report. No hassles or problems. Justinetook the opportunity to glance around the room. She made it clear that theroom was hers and she was in charge.
Just to emphasize the point she excused herself, to her guests, and did atour with Juliet.
Juliet did a quick recap of what she knew about the guests. The night beforeJuliet had coached Justine on what to expect and who was likely to attend.Juliet's final advice was to remember all the names, no matter what and getthe names right. If she was unsure of a name during the introductions, it waspolite to ask that the name be repeated. Under no circumstances should sheask the Marquis to remind her of a name.
Justine made sure to lead Juliet back to the guests where she thanked Julietfor making sure everything was in order and wished Juliet a pleasant evening.Juliet bowed and departed the room. Justine was solely in charge now.
Juliet didn't leave, of course, but stayed out of sight and watched proceedings,ready to intervene if she had to.
Justine rang a small bell indicating that the guests could be seated fordinner.
Xena and another Amazon inserted the candle and lite them.
Justine allowed the Marquis to seat her and began quiet chitchat with theman next to her.
When all were seated, the wine stewards brought out their wine trays andserved the first drinks. A request for white wine was made and the bottle wasproduced, the cork sniffed and the wine poured. Justine noticed that all themen and most of the women watched intently as the bottle was capped and pushedinto the dolcette's cunt. The bottle was freezing and the dolcette winced atthe burning sensation in her womanly core and a muted scream could be heard.A man ordered red wine and Justine knew it was so the red wine bottle couldbe inserted into the red haired dolcette's vagina. The red wine was chosenbecause the bottle was the widest and, this time, all eyes in the room weretrained on the cunt of the redheaded dolcette. The wine steward had a greatdeal of difficulty inserting the bottle or at least put on a grand show. Justinehad told the stewards to ham it up but not in obvious ways, and even she couldn'ttell how much was real and how much was an act. For the next little while,wine was very popular.
When the steward reached Justine, she ordered a brown cow with extra milk.The steward took the cue and the coffee cart became a drinks serving cart.The coffee server became a part-time bartender and served Justine's brown cow.The server moved the cart around the table so that all the guests could geta good look at the dolcette with the enormous boobs and parked near Justine.Then he went into to his well-rehearsed procedure.
He wiped both breasts with a damp towel.
He tweaked each nipple so that a stream of milk squirted into his transparentcontainer.
He tasted the milk.
He asked Justine if she cared to choose a breast for her milk.
Justine chose the left one because it was the closest to the table.
The server expertly milked the left nipple so that the dolcettes milk filledJustine's glass.
He stirred the drink and served it to Justine.
He toweled away any drips of milk and toweled the two breasts clean and dry.
And then moved the cart back to the bar area.
Everyone at the table casually ordered milk based drinks or asked that crèmebe added to their drinks.
Justine noticed that quite a few hands were rubbing crotches and one or twoof the wives were rubbing their thighs together, so Justine took the opportunityto rub her thighs together and tinkle. It was barely audible but the two mensitting beside her heard something.
Justine beckoned Xena over and had Xena bend over. "Tinkle the rings", wasall she whispered and Xena tinkled her rings.
Appetizers, soup, salad all were served without incident but the wine andmilk drinks were the most popular orders. After a while, the waiters removedthe used wine glass and old drinks. Wine glasses were replaced and the drinkskept coming
But every one was getting happy and raunchy drunk. Justine watched the women.Occasionally one would accidentally do something that showed a nipple or openher legs wide enough to see her underwear or a vaginal slit. Of course, almostall the women gave their pussies a furtive rub.
Justine motioned to Xena and the Amazon left the room, quickly returningwith two dolcettes on lease. One dolcette was a medium sized brunette witha nice trim body and plump breasts. The other was a little blonde with longhair and shapely breasts.
Justine whispered to the Marquis and the Marquis announced, "Our Justinehas arranged for specially trained dolcette to assist any of you who may requirerelief. The dolcettes will do so, discretely, at the table. You have merelyto motion the Amazon Captain or ask one of the waiters to let Xena know. Ifyou prefer one of the dolcettes please make that known also. The main entréewill soon be served. Bon Appetite.
The Marquis motioned to Xena and she brought over the brunette dolcette.The dolcette placed a long purple towel over the lap of the Marquis and thenspread his legs and crawled under the towel. Unseen, she unzipped the trousersand licked the head of the Marquis' cock and then put the penis in her mouthallowing the Marquis to urinate. This was swallowed. The dolcette sucked andlicked the cock and then dried the cock with her hair, replaced the penis inthe trousers and zipped them up. She crawled from under the towel, removedthe towel from the Marquis and got up, to return to Xena.
Justine motioned and Xena brought the blonde dolcette over. The procedurewas repeated. The dolcette covered Justine with a towel, crawled under thetowel, pulled up Justine's gown, pulled down her panties and placed a largefunnel over the vagina. The end of the vagina went into the dolcettes mouthand Justine peed. Special precautions had been taken with the funnel so thatthere would be no dripping and the flow of urine into the mouth was controlledby a valve, in case the woman, urinating, started before the funnel end wasin the dolcettes mouth. Absorbent towels were used to clean and wipe the pussyand the end was signaled by a kiss to the clit. The dolcettes had been trainedfor days and threatened with dire consequences, by Xena, so no accidents occurredthroughout the evening. The dolcettes had also been told that if the peniswas erect they should blow it unless the man withdrew it from their mouth.If the woman seemed to welcome the stimulation of the kiss to her clit, thedolcettes were to continue licking and sucking the pussy for a while.
All the guests availed themselves of the service and Justine could tell fromthe expressions on the faces of many that they were only to happy to receivesexual relief along with the other kind of relief. Also many of the guestsused the opportunity to flash their genitals.
When it seemed that there was a lull in the action the Marquis rang a belland the main entrées arrived. Venus was supplanted by the beautifuldolcette platter. The dolcette was a vision of beauty. A painted porcelaindoll face over large round fleshy breasts that were stained with milk. Themid section was a steamy creamy brown that seemed to be a natural part of bodysurrounded by unmistakable vaginas, engorged in full sexual splendor. The brunettedolcette's pussy had exaggerated features surrounding gold vibrators in thevagina and anus, which added to the dolcettes eroticism. Long legs spread impossiblewide, ending in black patent leather spiked pumps, completed Justine's platter.'Chef Tyler must be congratulated personally after the dinner.' Justine thought.All guests' eyes were transfixed on the beautiful, still obviously alive, brown-hairedvision of beauty.
The waiters allowed the guests time to enjoy the masterpiece while they servedthe accompanying side dishes and wine. When the table was set and the sidedishes in place, the co-host picked up a ladle and served the first helpingof Dolcette Bourguignon to Justine. The Maitre D' took over serving the DolcetteBourguignon to all the guests and the party enjoyed their dinner.
The dinner was alive with excitement and fun. Every one was in good spiritsand enjoying themselves. There was a flood of compliments to the Marquis, tothe co-host and especially to Justine. Justine let her guard down and got intoit. She had a few more sips of wine and was merrily chatting to every one about,who knows what. But what ever it was, it was funny. The party was getting raunchyalso. Two of the trophy wives were debating who had the best boobs and flauntingtheir breasts for all to see. One man took off his dinner jacket and in publicsight, had a dolcette relive him of his piss and his sperm.
Justine got out of her seat and sensuously, teasingly took off her silk jacketand announced she needed to freshen her make up, thrusting her breasts at theMarquis in a happy alcohol induced lurch. Justine went to each guest and chattedwith them for a while, allowing all the men and women to examine her closeup. For some of the raunchier men, she bent over in good-natured fun, to flashsome nipple. The second time, her breast plopped out and she hastily pushedit back under her dress. When she got to the feuding trophy wives, she coylywhispered to them. "Girls your boobs are really nice, but they really don'tmatch mine", and burst into laughter. They accompanied her, to redo their makeup, complimenting her on all her preparations.
When Justine got back, the dining room was bedlam. The table had been clearedand the beautiful dolcette rushed back to the kitchen. She had been orderedby a restaurant diner, that seen the platter being delivered to the Marquis'house and had negotiated a quick purchase after being apprised of the platter'suse and availability after the Marquis' party.
Venus had been restore. Justine looked at the sad face. Venus was still alivebut visible suffering. Justine would get Xena to drug the dolcette up, again.
All the men had removed their dinner jackets and everyone was milling aroundchecking out the dolcettes as they wished. One guest was milking the milk-maiden,aided by the coffee server and was soon sucking a breast. Of course the otherbreast was soon put to use.
Justine was happy she had another milk-maiden in reserve, for coffee.
There were a group of men and women around the wine girls watching the stewardsshow how they got the bottles in and a drunken woman picked up the widest bottlearound and gave her go, at pushing the bottle in, to the encouragement of herfriends. The dolcette was invisible distress but that was solved when a guestgot a bottle of brandy and gave dolcette a great big swig.
One of the trophy wives was dripping wax on the ass of a candle girl andthen pulled down her own gown and dripped wax on her own big breasts.
Justine mingled and made sure everyone was enjoying himself or herself.
Justine was concerned when a man groped Xena. The Amazon look pissed. ThenJustine noticed the Marquis shaking his finger at Xena and Xena, meekly, allowedthe drunk full reign over her body. Justine lip-read Xena telling the man, "Iam your slave." And watched as the man's passion mounted and he mounted Xena.The sex was intense and over quickly.
An older woman came over and congratulated Justine and gave Justine a bighug. As the Marquis' friend drew away, she noticed distinct white marks onJustine's black silk gown. She considered and tweaked a nipple, yielding milk. "Justinebreasts are full of milk." The men that had been on the milk-maiden and otherscame over. The crowd urged Justine to show them her milk breasts and when theMarquis came over and urged Justine to have some fun and show them her hiddentalent, Justine popped out a breast and squirted her milk. After more good-humoredcajoling, Justine agreed to let everyone have a suck on her tits.
Everyone lined up and had their taste of Justine's woman juice.
After all the guests had enjoyed Justine's milk, the Marquis' lady friendwhispered, "My dear that's not your only secret is it? You have been tinklingall night, down there. What's down there? Give me a little peak. Justine movedto cover and facing the lady and the wall, she lifted her gown to show thelady her pussy and the pussy rings. The lady lifted her hand to her mouth andwent away laughing. Justine saw her tell her husband. It was obvious that theword went around, as people pointed to Xena's necklace and giggled with glee.When one raunchy man come over and asked to see the rings, Justine pointedto Xena's necklace and shrugged her shoulders, as if not knowing what he wastaking about.
The Marquis rang his bell and announced coffee and brandy. As the coffeecart arrived with a new dolcette milk-maid. Justine was asked to let the milk-maidloose so that they could all serve her milk to themselves. Justine explainedthat she would, but they might ruin their clothes with milk squirting everywhere.A vote was quickly called, "Who wants the milk-maid loosed so we can milk herourselves or who wants to protect our clothes from milk."
The vote was unanimous and the dolcette was released. One of the waiterswas overheard asking a fellow waiter, "Don't most dolcettes lactate? Aren'tthey taught to lactate on the farms?"
A man tweaked a dolcette's nipple and got a jet of milk. All the dolcetteshad their tits tweaked and all were found to be wet. All who wanted milk werein heaven.
The party continued apace and turned into an orgy, a polite orgy. No sexor unwanted attention was forced on anyone except the dolcettes. And, the dolcetteswere not abused.
Justine and the Marquis both kept all their clothes on and did not indulgein sex, but they both had a good time. The party was allowed to peter out,as guest left for their limos or went to a guest room.
Justine was going to end the evening in spectacular fashion, in a de Sadeclimax, by having the dolcettes lined up in a row. And then one by one rapedand strangled by Xena or the other Amazon. The dolcettes would be remindedto slump quickly and look dead and the Amazons were to push a knockout pillsinto the dolcettes' vaginas as they penetrated the girls with strap-ons, ensuringthat the dolcettes did lapse into unconsciousness. But the Marquis' guestsshowed by their behavior, that they were not devotees of de Sade, so that ideawas dropped in favour of good fun.
The party was over and The Marquis came over and thanked Justine for puttingon the diamond pendant he had given her. That was the main reason for Justine'svisit to the lady's room, not to adjust her make up. The Marquis told Justineto leave the mess for his staff to clean up and wished her a good night.
Justine thanked Xena and all the support staff, individually, and made surethat all the dolcettes were taken back to the farm. Except Venus, she wouldbe taken to the kitchen to appear on tomorrow's menu in some fashion. But,the other dolcettes were fine, some aches and pains that would heal in a dayor two.
Juliet rushed in to hug Justine and the two headed to Justine's bedroom tounwind.
Execution of a Political Prisoner
Juliet spent the night in Justine's arms. They were too pooped to make lovethat night but made up for it the next morning. They showered and went downstairsfor a leisurely breakfast in their favorite location, the atrium. Both hadfruit and scones and strong coffee.
Juliet said she had to catch up on the things she had let slide, the pastweek and bid adieu.
When Justine returned to her suite she found bouquet of white roses besideher bed.
Justine spent the morning relaxing and spent the afternoon tying up looseends and checking on outcome of the evening activities.
The next morning Juliet called Justine and asked her if she was free forlunch. Justine acted surprised and said, "I guess I did something wrong onSaturday. I expected you would turn up at my door today, saying, "I am yourslave. Do with me as you wish."
Juliet quipped, "Ya you must have screwed up. This time I'm phoning you askingyou to be my slave. But I'll fill you in, at lunch. Atrium OK. We get employeerates there and a poor working girl like me has to watch her pennies."
The two beauties had a light vegetarian lunch and Juliet explained, "JustineI need a favour from you. The Marquis wants me to set up a virgin defloweringon Friday night.
He asked me, to ask you if you will decorate the bed."
A puzzled Justine eager agreed.
And Juliet went on, "I think he wants to milk those tits of yours. For thatmatter, I want to milk those tits of yours. You could have told your old paland let her have first dibs."
Justine explained that in all the hustle and bustle, she just forgot andshe still wasn't used to the idea of her breasts give milk.
They discussed the evening and Justine showed Juliet the pendant the Marquishad given her.
"See I told you he would give you something for the dinner. It beautifuland it's yours, not the Justine's. He must have told you that."
When Justine asked what Juliet meant, Juliet replied, "When the Marquis givesyou something personal and tells you it's yours. It's a gift. If you leave,it's yours to take with you. I have never known him to ask for a gift back.I have some pieces from my days, expensive pieces, they're my nest egg."
Justine was the bed decoration at the deflowering. The dolcette was a Eurasiangirl with oriental grace and charm with big breasts on a slender body. Hertight cunt was torn to a bloody mess but Juliet and Justine were able to giveher an intense orgasm.
The Marquis did drain Justine's breasts dry although it took three tries.
Juliet had her hunger sated the next morning and Justine had her first breastorgasm but her boobs and tits were sore.
That afternoon, Justine received a note to join the Marquis for lunch thenext day.
Justine kept the appointment in the atrium and the Marquis met her. Thistime he hugged her. Justine winced her boobs were still sore. Congratulationswere offered and Justine thought the Marquis was genuinely sincere.
He said her next project would be a trial for her. A government agency hadasked him to participate in the show execution of a convicted traitor. Sincepublic executions were not possible, the officials wanted a show executionof torture and terror. The traitor, a woman, was to be terrorized and torturedbefore her final execution. The actual execution would be carried out by agovernment executioner. And, the event would be filmed by a film crew and thevideo of the execution would turn up on the underground market.
Justine would have to plan a series of five or six executions that wouldbe survived but inflict horrible pain and suffering. She would have to assembleor have built the props necessary for the project, and everything had to beready in two weeks.
The Marquis finished by telling Justine that the woman would die regardlessof what happened, in pain and suffering and; he could curry influence in highplaces, by a successful completion of the project.
Justine didn't finish her lunch; she had lost her appetite. She considered.She would have no Juliet to help her this time. Juliet would freak, if Justinetold her.
But ultimately, the Marquis wanted it and she was the Justine. For this projectshe was also de Sade's Justine.
Justine met with the film crew manager and determined the following. Thefilm crew was to keep as low a profile as possible. They had been instructedto use telephoto lenses for close ups, mounted on automatic and machine controlledcameras to minimize the number of crew involved.
The filming was to be shot "cinema verity" style so obstructions, hazy shotsand the like were OK. This was no high definition production but was to looklike an undercover, clandestine operation.
There was lots of room for special effects and stunts. There would no revealingclose-ups.
The manager looked upon the project as a fantasy with a tragic outcome andwas receptive to minimizing the suffering of the victim, providing everythinglooked realistic and met his clients' expectations.
The mutilated body was, really, all the government needed to verify thatthe video was real and that the execution atrocities had occurred. There weremany rumors that horrible mutilated bodies of executed women had been sentto grieving family and colleagues.
Justine and Clint agreed to meet in a week to discuss how they would proceed.
After a great deal of research and a lot of thought, Justine came up witha list of execution scenarios and the apparatuses she would need to carry outthe tortures and executions. Surprisingly not much equipment was really required.Justine thought that she could create some seemingly horrific scenes that wouldspare the victim a considerable amount of pain and suffering. She used methodsof execution that historically evoked horror and revulsion.
Justine contacted Clint early and the two met to discuss Justine's ideas.
Clint was suitably impressed with the list of torture – executions.He agreed that they historically were seen as some of the most horrific deathsone could contemplate, but they were also events that allowed a lot of roomfor fakery and special effects. Moreover Clint was sure that he could justifyusing pre-shot close-ups and special effects to accentuate the horror and terror.
Clint and Justine agreed that they would ask for permission to have the victimavailable for one or two days, to do test shots and special effects. As a clincher,Clint would tell the officials that he wanted to terrorize the woman and getclose up shots of her reaction, as the unfortunate victim was told her fate.Clint would say that the shots could be edited into the final video to looklike zoomed in shots taken at the actual execution but in the tradition ofHollywood, the film crew could keep shooting till they got exactly the horrorand terror they wanted on the victim's face. Clint would also reassure theofficials that they would be allowed to attend all the pre-tapings and providetheir own direction. Justine would approach the Marquis for his support.
The combined presentation from Clint and the Marquis convinced the officialsthat they should allow the film crew to pre-tape scenes. But the thing thatimpressed everyone the most was Justine's list and descriptions of the torture – executions.
Justine and Clint met with Hillary. She was a strikingly beautiful womanabout thirty-five years old with long brown hair. She had soft features andfull lush lips. Green eyes, a prominent chin with a little cleft.
She had been brought in nude and Justine could see that Hillary had a beautifulbody to match her beautiful face. She was full figured with big breasts thatsagged a little. Her nipples were dark pink and prominent. Her stomach wasplump with small rolls of fat. Her ass was wide and her legs toned and supple.She was defiant and angry.
Clint had the cameras rolling as Justine chatted with Hillary.
Then it was lights – camera - action.
Hillary was hung by her hands, so that her toes were off the ground. Shewas read the convictions against her and then with two cameras, close-up, onher face, as Justine told her of the trials in store for her. Her defianceturned to tears and horror and then pitiful horror as Justine described herordeals in minute detail. At the end Hillary was in terror and crying uncontrollable.Justine asked for time to comfort the woman and the officials reluctantly agreed.
Justine seemed to be berating Hillary and ridiculing her, while whispering, "I'mnot your enemy and your tormentor. You have nothing to loose by listening tome. Keep crying and sobbing. We have to do what I outlined. Your fate was sealeda long time ago, but we will try to make it more tolerable. When we tortureyou, scream and yell as if you're in mortal pain. If you don't perform wellenough, we will have to make you satisfy the bastards, who sent you here. Whenyour supposed to die, die, Hollywood style, and you're going to have to die,as I said, at the end of each torture. When we revive you, act like you'rejust coming around, totally terrified, or we'll have to terrify you in realways. Just scream and suffer and cry. If you can do that, we might be ableto make your death a little less horrible."
"That's it, you stupid whore. You're getting what you deserve. Suffer inhell!" Justine said as she gently squeezed Hillary's hand. Then, with a full-handednoisy slap to Hillary's ass, Justine turned away. A pained shrill scream toldJustine that Hillary had gotten the message.
Everyone rested as the next shot was set up. Justine had convinced the officialsthat she should be allowed to fuck Hillary. Justine's original script had calledfor Hillary to be abused by an Amazon in a manner akin to the pleasuring ofdolcettes and Justine volunteered to strip and don a mask to fuck Hillary,for close up shots. Of course that was a scene no red-blooded man could turndown, two beautiful women engaged in hard sex.
Justine tied Hillary's bound hands to the top of a small padded bench sothat the beauty was draped over the surface, face up, with her ass restingat the lower end. Hillary's feet were tied so the legs were spread apart, leavingher cunt spread open.
Justine got a towel and wiped the shapely body. "OK whore I don't want toget any diseases from you.
I had better scrub your breasts really hard well. I bet they really hurt.
What does it feel like to have your tits twisted completely around? That'sright scream. I like a good screamer."
Justine punched Hillary in her stomach and the woman screamed again and beganwailing. A second punch drew more screams and pleas for mercy.
Justine gave Hillary's pussy a very hard massage that drew pained moans andcrying.
Next Justine got a whip and flailed at her victim, to screams and more pleasof mercy.
Justine tried to whip Hillary's ass but ended up hitting the side of thetable. She continued for about five minutes while Hillary wailed and jerkedwith each stroke.
Time to attack the pussy. "Bitch I'm going lick the skin off your pussy now.It'll be so sore you won't be able to sit for a week. Oh yea, you'll be deadbefore a week is up.
Now I'm going to bite off your clit. You won't be needing it." Justine gentlylicked Hillary's genitalia while the beauty writhed in pain and ecstasy, moaningloudly.
"Has a proper lady like you ever had a Real Woman fuck you with a dildo?
This one will tear you wide open." Justine said as she found Hillary's G-spotand fucked the brunette with the dildo. Hillary came with a loud explosivescream and Justine pulled out the dildo and had Hillary lick off her own pussyjuice.
Justine whispered, "Good keep it up and you're a wounded animal tonight.I'll try to get them to stop for the day but tomorrow will be tough, hang inthere."
Justine kissed Hillary passionately. "Didn't you just love a real woman pleasuringyou?" she said in a loud voice.
"Let's knock off for the day and let the cunt recover a bit. We want herpretty for her big scenes tomorrow. I'd better apply some meds to keep herfrom bruising and looking too bad from my ordeal."
The next day, Justine had an even easier time. She arrived with two verypretty dolcettes: a petite blonde with long straight hair and large breastsdominated by pink puffy nipples, and a vivacious tall brunette with her hairin two pony tails and a slim athletic body featuring shapely large breasts.
She told the two officials that the dolcettes were to clean up Hillary betweenscenes and to pleasure the victim, for certain scenes. Hillary was broughtin and Justine let the dolcettes do their sexy thing. Justine had given thetwo girls strong doses of the potion and on the way over, she told the girlsto throw themselves at the two officials and suck them off, at every opportunity.So after pleasuring Hillary, the dolcettes slinked over to the officials andbegan rubbing their bodies over the two delighted men. The officials were notpart of a dolcette world where nude females were normal and all the femalenudity and lesbian sex was definitely making them very horny. The officialswere more concerned with the dolcettes than their prisoner. Justine apologizedfor the behavior of the dolcettes by saying, "Dolcettes are horny by natureand they had to be given something to get them in the mood for the scenes.If they become a problem let me know and I'll get someone to control them."
The men assured Justine that the dolcettes would be no problem and urgedJustine to get on with her job.
Justine had free reign, to fill Hillary on what was happening, "I sorry Hillarybut today will seem like a day of horror. Tomorrow I'll insist that you begiven drugs so that you can survive the ordeals, so hopefully you will be tooout of it to suffer, to badly. Make your peace tonight."
"Today the pain should be less. But today is supposed to be the day of realtorture so that we can get the close ups of you suffering in torment. Justgo with the flow and scream and cry like your in hell or we will have no choicebut to put you into hell. I'll tell you before hand what we're going to do,so be an actress and suffer the way those assholes think you should."
The scenes had been carefully scripted by Clint and Justine and cleared bythe preoccupied officials. Clint had convinced the men that today would beacting, not real torture, if they wanted Hillary to survive and be in minimalshape for her execution tomorrow, "Do you just want an unconscious lump ofmeat tomorrow or a woman that can at least walk and talk? You can let us knowif an effect doesn't look authentic enough or isn't achieving the desired effect.Make no mistake the woman will be tortured and tortured severely but she willnot be seriously injured or visibly damaged, so that she will look good forher starring role tomorrow"
Clint was given free reign to do as he saw fit.
Hillary came through the trial with more pleasure than pain.
Justine cleaned Hillary and massaged the sore body with pain reliving salve.She gave the brunette a pill to sedate her and advised Hillary to act as ifshe was semiconscious because of the horrible pain that was supposed to havebeen inflicted on her beautiful body.
The two officials were mellow after a day of blowjobs and cuddling with twobeautiful girls. Then Justine told them that Hillary was in extreme pain, barelyable to move, but that Clint's special effects had left her body unscarredand looking great. She extolled the talents of Clint and his special effectsartist. Justine advised the men to take Hillary back to her cell and let thewoman recover as best she could, overnight.
The day of horror had arrived; Justine was in a large barren room. She wasseated on a platform with five men in dark hooded robes. Justine was dressedin white flowing robes, with a cloth mask over her eyes. She could see throughmask but to all else it seemed she was blinded. For this spectacle, Justinewas Lady Justice.
The platform was surrounded on three sides by smaller platforms. And throughthe dim light Justine could make out structures on the platforms. In the cornerwas a cell cage with a nude woman hanging by her hands upright but slumpedover, with her head down.
A man in leather straps and a black leather mask was strolling between theplatforms.
A spot light shone upon the woman and the man in the mask, the executioner,went to the cell, opened a door the grabbed the woman's face so that it facedthe central platform. The woman was beautiful with long dark brown hair anda shapely full figure. Her breasts were large and plump with some sag, dominatedby bright pink nipples. The body was hourglass shaped with a slim waist andwide hips. As Justine studied the face she could make that the woman was inearly mid to late thirties with classic, elegant beauty. The woman was semiconscious.
The executioner roused the woman by shaking her and pinching her breasts.
A robed man rose, his deafening voice could to heard saying, "Hillary Roseyou can been convicted of many crimes against the state and you are here tobe executed as proscribed by law. Several of your crimes were capitol crimespunishable by death. We will execute you six times today. The cheating of thegrim reaper, in the first five executions, will be made up for by the severityof your torment while you undergo the execution processes.
The first execution will be a relentless assault on your sex until you aredead.
The second execution is by liquid. Your own filth will cleanse filth fromour society.
The third execution will be by the time-honoured method of hanging.
The fourth execution will be by your own weapon. You sought to poison themind of our youth and we will do the same to your body.
The fifth execution will be by cleansing fire. We will burn the evil outof you and prepare you for the fires of hell, that you, so, deserve.
The final execution will be by crucifixion.
May our creator have mercy on your soul."
Justine watched the face of the condemned woman go from defiance to consternationand, finally, horror as the executions were announced, ending in a wail ofanguish and crying interspersed with pleas for mercy.
The spotlight shone on one middle small platform where a mechanical devicecould be seen. The judge pronounced sentence again. "Your first execution willattack your female essence. We have obtained a machine, commonly known as a "stallion" thatwill relentlessly thrust in and out of your womanhood, until you are dead.Your great lust and perverted passions for love and family will be your end."
Hillary was crying and sobbing as the executioner pulled her to the fuckingmachine and strapped her in place. The head of an enormous dildo was placedinto her vagina, and the machine was set in motion. The thrusts looked violentand, of course, were merciless. The beauty screamed in pain for a long timethen slumped unconscious. Justine could see a pool of blood between the spreadthighs. The assault continued for one hour. The lights dimmed.
After about fifteen minutes Hillary was back in the cage, hanging nude byher hands. Justine could see blood trickling from the victim's vagina.
The judge rose again and announced, "Your second execution will be by drowning.We have collected the filth from your bladder while you were in jail and youwill be drowned in it."
Justine watched Hillary. She screamed in horror as she was dragged, limpingnoticeable, to one of the side platforms. This one had a transparent tub halffilled with liquid. The smell was distinctive and all in attendance knew whatthe liquid was. A grate was over the top of the tub, with a wheel, to rotatethe grate, clearly visible. Hillary was clamped to the grate. The executionermoved a clear pail over the mouth of the poor woman and at a signal from thejudge, he pulled Hillary's mouth wide open with one hand, while the other handtipped the pail, so that the liquid ran out into the beauty's mouth. Once thepail was empty, the executioner used the wheel to rotate Hillary's head underthe liquid in the tub. Hillary's shapely body thrashed wildly for what seemedan eternity and then stilled. The lights dimmed.
Hillary was once again hanging nude from the top of the cell, when the lightscame on. The next execution was announced. "The third execution will be byhanging. But to insure that you suffer enough, the executioner will whip yourswinging body till your journey to hell is complete."
Hillary look mortified and begged for the mercy of a swift death, as shewas dragged to the gallows and the nose put around her neck. She was now sobbingand crying woefully.
At the nod of the judge, the hangman tripped the trapdoor and Hillary wasdancing in mid air. The hangman got a whip, as he walked to the floor, andflailed at the beautiful female form. Hillary was dancing and thrashing wildly.Her motion stilled and she hung motionless. The hangman continued his assaultas the light once again dimmed.
Hillary was hanging in her cell, now with bloody red stripes across her body.
The next sentence was read, "The fourth execution will be poison. A poison,not as vile as the poison you sought to corrupt our society with, but nonethelesseffective, will be administer to you and we shall be able to see your venomoustongue silenced."
Hillary blanched but seemed numb and reacted little as she was carried tothe middle platform and attached to a pole, by her hands. She offered no resistance,as a glass of liquid was pour down her throat. Almost immediately the poorwoman began to cough violently and then a green foam spewed from her mouth.A few seconds later, the beautiful body was convulsing wildly, arching andgyrating about. After what seemed an eternity, the body slumped and hung motionless.The lights dimmed.
When the light focused on the cell, Hillary was in a pile, on the floor ofthe cell. A messy green goo could be seen, with drips of green falling fromthe side of her mouth. Hillary showed no sigh of being alive.
The next execution was announced, "As was the case in earlier times, witcheswere burned alive at the stake. So it will be today, a modern malefactor willbe purified by fire.
A fire proof mask will be put over your face, so that we will not be cheatedby the smoke suffocating you, before the fire has purified your soul."
Justine noticed that as the hangman lifted Hillary, the woman, in a daze,looked around briefly and slumped. She was taken to one of the side platformwhere a wooden pole stood amid a pile of wood and brush. The executioner tiedthe woman to the pole and then grabbed a breast until the poor woman screamedin pain. Hillary was still alive.
A transparent mask was placed over Hillary's head and the bottom tightened.
A liquid was poured over Hillary's nude body. At a signal, the executionergrabbed at nearby lighted torch and set the wood and brush aflame. All watchedin wonder as the red flame danced all around. Finally Hillary's body was aflameand she was thrashing in pain till her body slumped and was obscured by flames,dancing all around her. The light went out, leaving red angry flames.
This time the spotlight focused on the centre platform and Justine couldsee Hillary hanging on a cross for crucifixion. Her body was a badly charredmess but her beautiful face still shone through. Pain was etched into the features.Justine looked for signs of life and saw Hillary's blackened mounts risingand falling.
The judge announced the final and last execution, "Though you have suffered.Your pain does not match the pain you have tried to inflict upon our society.He have allowed you to cheat death five times, but now the grime reaper musthave his due and your crimes paid for. You will be crucified as the Romansdid and your life shall be terminated with a red-hot stake burning its wayinto your being. God have mercy on your soul."
Justine chose not to watch, as the executioner scourged Hillary with thornsand beat her.
Justine thought Hillary must be dead and hoped that was the case. The judgeallowed the attack to continue for half an hour, then gave a thumbs down cue.The executioner got a burning white-hot stake from a nearby forge and drovethe metal rod into Hillary's anus, pushing hard till the pole emerged fromHillary's breast. As a final gesture, the hangman thrust a knife blade intothe woman's heart and the light went out completely.
Justine looked away from the TV set, "That was more horrible than I couldimagine. If Hillary's death had been that graphic, in real live, I doubt Icould have gotten through it.
You did some job."
"Yea those bastards loved the final video but, looking back, we did somegood, for Hillary, anyway. The executions were a lot less severe and she wasable to die with her own peace of mind, not broken like in the vid. I'm gladwe were able to convince those guys that your way was better. That we weren'tbeing easy on Hillary, but putting on a show for the masses. Your Marquis reallycame through, convincing them to look at the early stuff we shot and lettingus explain how we could edit those shots with the actual execution to showthat Hillary was alive through all but the last execution and suffering inextreme torment. I remember him finally asking whether they wanted a privateshow or to make a statement to the public, about the fate awaiting those whocrossed their paths. That was the clincher. The public will eat it up and theauthenticity of the video won't be in dispute, when pictures of Hillary's bodyare released.
But, to those who knew Hillary, her family and comrades, she left a legacy.I noticed that she kept pulling her earlobe. Figure skaters on TV, during themarks display, used to do that as a way to say hello to their friends and familyback home. I only noticed after viewing the rushes, a number of times. At first,I thought it was just a nervous habit but then I remembered the figure skaters.I think she was signaling to them, that in spite of the horrors, she was OK.If her friends and family know the sign, they'll spot it easily.
Also I noticed, on the rushes, that she mouthed, "Carry on the Fight" a numberof times.
I left one or two in and covered them with screams and swearing. But I'msure her friends, if they can stomach watching the video, will pick it up.Hillary went out a fighter to the end and a courageous woman."
"Justine your ideas were awesome. There's no way I could have come up withthem and I would have just done my job and regretted my part. But I can beproud of my video and the little part I had in helping a brave woman meet herdeath with dignity and some peace of mind. For that, I thank you."
Justine blushed bright red and returned the compliments.
The two parted, content that they had made the most of a horrible deal andcame away feeling OK.
The Ten Girl Massacre
This time the Marquis personally met with Justine the next afternoon. Theyhad lunch in the atrium. Justine watched the dolcettes lounging and splashingabout, having fun like young girls, without a care in the world and wishedit could last forever, for them.
The Marquis thanked Justine for her great job, adding that he had been obligatedto carry out the execution and couldn't have done it without Justine, "JustineI was obligated to do the execution, otherwise there is no way I would haveparticipated in so immoral an undertaking. The woman was a citizen not a dolcette.Her only crime was fighting against injustice. She did not deserve to die insuch a horrible manner. I'm glad you and Clint could ease her death a little."
The Marquis handed Justine a jewelry box. Justine found an emerald braceletin the box, "The government paid a bonus for the video, they liked it so much.I knew you didn't want the money, so I asked Juliet to pick up something youmight like. I know you don't want it, but keep it as a memento of a brave woman."
"Just a word of advice, don't try to find out about Hillary or her groupand don't even think about cashing in the bracelet and donating the money tothem. There are watchers everywhere and you'll be in more trouble than I canget you out of."
When Justine got back to the room, she put the jewel box in a back cornerof her drawer.
When Juliet asked if she liked the bracelet, Justine asked her lover neverto mention the bracelet again.
Two weeks went by. The only excitement was in Juliet's bed. Justine was rechargedand raring to go. She wished the Marquis would call and then he left a noteasking Justine to meet him for lunch at the atrium. Another project, Justineenthused.
The Marquis asked how Justine was. When she assured him that she was fine,he breathed as sigh of relief and then began his discourse. "I have anothertough assignment. I left it as long as I could, so that you could fully recover.As the "Mission Impossible" instruction goes, "You may choose not to undertakethis assignment and it will not hurt your standing with us. But you are theJustine so you have right of first refusal. Shall I go on?"
Justine nodded yes.
"Do you remember the incident with the mad Russian Minski, I think was thename, who Justine convinced to kill fifteen girls all at once, while Minskisodomized and killed Justine's acolyte."
Justine nodded.
"A film company has commissioned the Mansion to make a video of that scenewith ten dolcette victims. We have done some videos in the past and the scenewas always one of my favorites, so I agreed. Only dolcettes would be hurt anyway.
But after the last project, my blood lust has abated, quite a bit. The videobackers won't let me out of the contract, so I have to go through with it.I have hired Clint and his crew for the project with conditions, on his part.I normally don't agree to conditions but I thought I owed him. He will participate,if you are involved and the minimum number of dolcettes are killed and, orinjured. If you participate I'm willing to let this Marquis be less, de Sade.
Hell its good business, anyway. If I can keep some dolcettes alive, they'reworth more in the kitchen. They want at least half the dolcettes to be gourmetprime A-one grade and will pay what the market demands. I got them to agreethat we get the meat. They said all the dolcettes have to be killed and thatit has to be clear and evident. They want to be on hand, to make sure. So ifyou and Clint are to save any of the dolcettes, you'll have to convince themwhile they're looking over your shoulders. I'm not sure you can but you, both,performed miracles last time, so maybe there's a chance.
By the way I'm not playing Minski and there won't be an eleventh victim."
Justine reluctantly agreed and then regretted her decision. This time therewas no bravado about being the Justine, instead there were doubts: not thatshe would be able to pull the project off but whether she wanted to be theJustine. Maybe the Marquis could find a role for her, like that of Juliet.
Justine immediately called Clint and they arranged to meet the next day.Clint had some ideas, since he had been working on the project for a week already.
Justine listened to his ideas and the two agreed to meet in three days.
Justine racked her head to come up with ideas. Two or three ideas came tomind.
First according to the book, all the killings were to done simultaneouslyso it would be easy to justify pre-filming events. There was no way the videocould be shot live. They would sell it as a well-produced film, utilizing editingto put together a realistic film
Also, they could insist that the dolcettes, that were still alive, had tobe sent to the kitchen immediately, for use as live roasters, spit roasteror live parts girls. That may save some dolcettes for a few more days. As anincentive, Justine could offer to kick back some of the cost of the dolcettes.
Justine contemplated. The project would require a great deal of planningand consideration over the little time she had to carry out the task. If shecould pull off this project to the Marquis' satisfaction and her own standards,she had no doubt that she would truly be Justine.
The day of the ten girl massacre had come. The ten dolcettes were led toa cage by two Amazons, scantily dressed in meat girl leather corsets that strainedto hold their big breasts. They wore short meat girl leather skirts and longspiked black boots that came up to their lower thighs. One was the blonde Xenaand the other was a black-haired vixen named Morgana.
The girls were given a drink of the potion and told to pleasure each other.Soon, the cell was a nude body pile of limbs and torsos.
Justine entered with a man dressed in a hooded robe. She was a vision, withshiny blonde hair flowing freely in luscious curves. She wore a simple Greekstyle toga with her right breast bare and matching white high heels. On herankle was a golden anklet and at her waist was a gold chain link belt.
The man said, "My precious Justine, I have arranged a special spectacle foryou. I have assembled some of my toys for your entertainment. These ten youngmaidens that have trespassed on my lands will be punished for their transgressions.I have machines with which I can cause grievous injury to their bodies. I hopethat you will find it entertaining."
"My lord I am grateful that you would go to so much trouble to please me.But my blood only boils with passion at the sight of my gender having theirsexes injured. My lust rises to moans of pain and screams of anguish. And thedeath cries of those of my gender, sends me to the brink of orgasm where onlythe most virile man can bring me to a volcanic climax.
You are such a man and you have the means to put me into an ecstasy of pleasureand delight. I beg you to let me hear the cries that will set my libido free." Justineretorted.
"Of course my dear, you have but to tell me how to proceed." Answered Minski.
"Let's watched the maidens pleasuring each other for a while and choose whatfate will befall each beauty." Justine replied.
The couple watched the writhing mass of female flesh becoming aroused. Legswere rubbing crotches, crotches grinded into cunts and tongues and fingersprobed everywhere. Justine motioned for Xena to come over and she ordered theAmazon to bring over two dolcettes. One was a petite raven-haired girl withshapely breasts and a plump ass. She was wide-eyed and innocent. The blue eyessparked in mischievousness. The other was a brunette beauty with soft curvedhair that fell to below her shoulders. Her body was slim but dominated by bigbreasts. Morgana was motioned to bring over a lounger and the dolcettes wereplaced on top and told to fuck each other. Justine watched for a while andthen directed the action. She had the dolcettes spread their legs wide andmasturbate themselves to orgasms. Then, she examined each dolcette with herhands and her tongue. She weighed the breasts and mentally compared them withhers. She tweaked each nipple hard for milk and was rewarded. She tasted thewarm sweet fluid with glee.
Justine had the blonde spread her legs and then her cunt, so that Justinecould examine her female treasures. She ribbed the clit till the girl was moaningin lust. Then Justine had the other girl sit on the blonde dolcette's face.The brunette rubbed her pussy over the blonde's mouth, till she, too, was moaning.Justine allowed the girls to cum.
She looked at the machines and whispered to Minski, "I want this one's pussymangled and this ones breasts destroyed."
Minski instructed the Amazons to place the girls in two of the machines.
Justine commented to Minski, "All this tender young meat has caused my stomachto growl. I think it is time to choose my entrée for this evening'sdinner. That last girl had such nice breasts. But, I am sure there must betastier ones, ones that would rival my own." Justine dropped her gown and rubbedher big milk breasts. She motioned Xena over and ordered the Amazon to bareher breasts and Justine weighted each of Xena's breasts in her hand. "Amazoncaptain go over and find me the plumpest, tenderest breasts. I want ones thatare both big and esthetically pleasing. If you fail to find breasts more appetizingthen your own, you must surrender your tasty treats for me to dine on.
Bring me three choices."
The Amazons led three pretty girls with big shapely breasts to Justine. Justinescanned the frightened faces and her eyes went to a shapely brunette with innocentblue eyes and a classic Irish face. The colleen's breasts were medium sizedbut had a nice heft and were full on the bottom, sagging a half inch or so.Justine weighted the breast and massaged them gently but firmly; then she lickedthe nipples till the pink buds were full engorged.
A long hard suck filled Justine's mouth with milk. Justine had found hergirl meat.
Justine ordered the other two girls, both cute blondes; one a little pixiethat had a slim body and breasts that dominated her bosom with brown puffynipples. The other blonde had a shapely medium sized body with plump breaststhat seemed to beg to be licked and sucked. Justine went and weighted eachbreast in her hand and kissed each one. She sucked each nipple until she gotmilk, which was returned to the girls' mouths. In jest Justine paid the samehomage to Xena's mammaries. "Ugg. No milk. Xena, my dear, I guess your breastswon't do. I like my girl meat flavoured with milk.
Take this girl to the middle machine and strap her in.
My lord Minski, I apologize. It was your place to select an entréefirst. These two remaining girls have girl meat I could savor and enjoy, ifyou wish the colleen."
Minski replied, "My beauty, keep your breast meat. I crave only the choicestpart of a female. Where all the female sexual treasures lay buried for me toenjoy. I will have a cunt steak. But Xena did well. I choose the blonde girl.Xena secure her to my chair."
"Amazon captain we would be remiss, if we did not offer a slice of girl meat,our master has such an abundance." Justine went on.
"I thank my lady and lord but it would be more fitting for a warrior to beawarded a prize for an extraordinary feat. May I earn a prize with a feat ofstrength? Let me crush the beautiful breasts of this maiden, let me crush thebreath and life from her, let me break each and every one of her ribs and thenlet me claim her cunt, as a prize cunt bracelet that I will cut from the stillwarm body."
Both Justine and Minski nodded assent. The blonde girl screamed and fainted.Xena picked the little thing up and carried her to one of the side platformsand hung the inert body to a post.
"Is there a maiden with a face too fair for her body?" Justine asked. Xenaled a beautiful raven-haired girl will a slim body. The girl had very smallbreasts that were almost taken up by puffy pink nipples. Justine examined thegirl and rubbed the girl roughly. The blonde beauty finger fucked the smallslit till the poor girl was crying in pain.
"An excellent choice. This little maiden shouldn't mind being rid of sucha disappointing body. I am sure her beauty will be enhanced without this encumbrance."
"Our next subject should have a good set of milk breasts. See if there isone, who breasts swell with her female nourishment."
The second Amazon brought out a brunette with heavy sagging breasts. Shewas pretty with long brown hair that had an auburn tint. Her face was roundand plump.
Justine grabbed the breast hard and jets of milk squirted out. "You chosewell, Amazon and as a reward you may pleasure this one in any way you wish,providing the breasts are untouched."
The Amazon got out a thick dildo and went to town, torturing the maiden'slove tunnel with the cudgel. When some blood started dripping, the tortureended with the Amazon pushing her fist into the cunt of the screaming girl.Justine pointed to the station for the victim.
"We have but three more maidens to install on their machines. Bring the threebefore us."
When the three girls were brought out, Justine had a mat put on the floor.The girls were told. "Masturbate, pleasure yourselves, entertain us. We havethree fates remaining.
Some are more cruel than others. Your performances will help us decide whichfate shall befall each of you. There is a chance that a less severe fate canbe survived, that is what you are entertaining us for. But first let me examineeach of you."
Justine raked her hands over the beautiful pink bodies inflicting pain whereit pleased her to do so. The cunts were all violated with huge dildos and theclit rubbed raw. The girls were passed to Xena. The Amazon took full advantagedof the situation to inflict as much pain and torment on the girls' breastsas she could. Xena ended by grizzle bear hugging each girl in prelude to herbig performance.
The girls were thrown on the mat and order to pleasure their sore femalebody parts.
"Rub your cunts."
"Pinch those tits and twist them."
"Put a dildo up your ass. It'll go deeper. Push it harder.
"Spread your legs and lets see those pussies. Spread your vaginas. I wantthem all gaping. Show us your insides or we'll pull them out and get a reallygood look."
"Keep rubbing."
The show went on for about fifteen minutes, when a girl collapsed in tears.A couple of minutes later a second girl stopped and slumped. The third girlwas in tears but continued bravely. Justine called an end to the proceedings.
Justine had the crying brunette brought to her and said, "You are the bravestand your reward is that you will be hung by the neck for one hour, if you havenot died you shall be returned to your room."
"The red head will be impaled through her ass."
"The blonde will die from poison."
"Have them secured to their machines."
"The Master and I will prepare ourselves for the finale."
Justine and Minski returned a half hour later. Justine surveyed the room.It was large. In the centre of the room, three platforms were arranged likesides of a square with a lounging chair along the remaining open side. On eachplatform were maidens, secured in the device that would end the beauties' livesin pain and torment.
Justine led Minski followed by the two Amazons on a tour.
She went to the platform opposite the lounging chair. This platform was centerstage.
Justine went to the middle girl and lifted her face. "This is my entrée.I will harvest her delicious breasts and then a shoot-gun will blast way heruseless bosom.
She moved to the right, "This device will send a spear into the vagina ofthis maiden."
She moved to the left of her meat girl, "A similar device will end this wretch'slife with a shaft in the anus.'
The group moved to the right side platform and Justine proceeded.
"On the outer devices we will hang our victims. One trapdoor has been riggedso that the force of the fall will tear the body from the head.
The other will strangle the maiden. If the maiden is still alive after allthe others have died, our Amazon will pull on the legs to snap the neck.
The middle is reserved for our noble Xena to perform her feat of strength."
Justine led the group to the last platform and pointed to the maidens. "Thefirst maiden will have a gun blast her anus and guts apart sending her intoeternity."
"In the middle, the milker will be drowned in her milk. First the milk willpour from a pail into her mouth and then her body will be turned on that wheelto immerse the whole head into the filled tub."
"The last little thing will have a dildo of frozen acid and poison thrustin and out of her anus by a fucking machine. The friction of the ass fuckingwill melt the acid and poison which will dissolve the maiden's insides. Thepoison should send the little beauty to paradise in waves of painful convulsions."
"Our Master will take his pleasure of his entrée and as he climaxeshe will plunge a knife through the heart of his sweetheart and then slit herthroat. This will be the sign for all the machines to be set in motion." Justineexplained and nodded to the second Amazon. The warrior woman nodded her understanding.She would set the devices to work, at Minski's signals.
Justine walked to the colleen at centre stage middle and cut off the twobig breasts. She bowed to Minski and said, "At your pleasure, the show maybegin."
Minski had his blonde sitting over his pelvis facing outward so that theAmazon could see the victim's breasts and throat. The Russian maneuvered thegirl over his cock and thrust into the blonde cutie's ass. He thrust violentlyfor about twenty minutes. The little blonde was screaming, crying and thrashingabout. Suddenly the point of the knife appeared in the bosom of the girl. Minskiclimaxed with a loud grunt and in an instant tore open his victim's throat.He threw the girl off his body and rose, as a shot went off and a chorus ofdeath screams filled the air.
Minski saw that there was a bloody opening in the slumped body of the brunettecolleen.
Then he looked to the left and right. Both victims were gyrating and screamingas the shafts cut threw their bodies. The shafts had been tipped by broad razorsharp spearheads and those spearheads created a mess of blood and gore.
Justine had focused on the beautiful face of the black-haired girl and watchedin awe, as the trap door was sprung and the body fell to the floor. She searchedfor a few seconds and then saw the head coming to rest a few feet from thebody. Justine studied the eyes and saw them blinking, as if I panic.
Xena was crushing the breasts of her victim. And as Justine watched, thegirl slumped. The Amazon continued applying pressure to her victim's torsountil Justine could clearly see that the chest had been crushed in and a flowof blood was pouring from the dead girls mouth, but the Amazon kept up herrelentless attack, sometimes changing the position of her hands and musculararms. Xena would not release the girl until all the other victims were declareddead. Then Justine handed Xena a knife so the Amazon could claim her prize.
The third victim on the stage danced in the air, gasping for air. Justinewatched as the girl's mouth dripped saliva and her tongue stuck out. Soon theother Amazon would be called upon to snap the girl's neck
Justine looked to the third stage. A maiden lay almost split in two witha gaping mid torso of blood and guts. Justine could see that the girl was stillalive, in shock.
The anal fucking machine was thrusting violently and forcefully; Justinewatched the girl's mouth and soon saw a murky vile looking green foam startto come out.
Justine took a quick glance at the transparent tub and saw that the big boobedgirl had her head in the milky liquid and was thrashing about
The thrashing and convulsions of the poisoned cuties drew Justine's attentiononce again and Justine watched intently as the body went still for the lasttime.
She checked on the tub and saw that the big breasts had also been stilled.
Justine glanced around the room. The spears had broken skin and the two victimswere still. Justine guessed, from the amount of blood that had pooled thatthe pretties had died of hemorrhaging.
She caught the second Amazon applying force to the hanging girl's head Sheheard the neck snap, as the girl died.
Justine went to Minski and saw that he held his cunt steak. The two kissed.
As the lights went out the Marquis came up to Justine and said, "You aretruly my Justine." He kissed her hand and turned and left.
Months later, Justine viewed the video and let her mind drift back to theearlier events. She remembered how she was trying to think up methods of sparingthe dolcettes, when it finally hit her. The victims were dolcettes. Dolcetteswere meat girls. They were all going to die in a few weeks anyway. She wasthe Justine and Justine would have no problem staging an event like the "TenGirl Massacre". In the book, it was Justine who begged for a fifteen girl massacrethat also cost Justine her pretty young acolyte. The dungeon sociopath emergedfrom Juliet's thrall and took reign again.
Justine had Clint fired and the film crew was happy to take direction fromJustine.
Justine had no trouble convincing the Marquis to put on real "Ten Girl Massacre" thatleft no question that all the girls had been murdered, in the very fashionsdepicted. She had used culled farm dolcettes and some imported European free-rangedolcettes that had been rejected by the kitchen. The dolcettes had been tartedup to look like premium grade livestock and sold to the movie backers as such.
When the final movie was complete, there were no complaints.
Justine and Juliet grew apart. Justine never regretted not seeing Julietagain.
Justine was truly the Justine and her reign of terror for the dolcettes hadbegun.
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I had just finished my meeting and had some time to kill. It was a beautiful hot summers day and as I walked from Russel Square tube station I looked at the time. It was just after two and thought I might as well get a drink, something to eat and kill a couple of hours rather than heading back to the office. As I walked down Marchmont Street, I came to a nice looking pub called the Marquis Cornwallis. Huge numbers of young people mingled outside, drink in hand, carefree. It looked inviting so...
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After a good dinner I played a game chess with Justine in front of the fireplace whilst Juliette sat on the couch and trained her reading skills. The frequent stolen glances at me still seemed to heaten up their emotions, and in a strange way to display a sort of sisterly jealousy. I was simply impressed by this welcome affection. I couldn't wait until Justine would utter the need to relieve her bladder before bed time and I would be afforded with another good look at her hidden charms. This...
Justine stood before me in my office on the second floor, her pretty sky blue eyes hidden under long lashes, her golden hair well braided and nicely decorated with a purple ribbon. Her delicate hands were clasped in front of her tiny white apron, and under her shortened blue skirt her knees were surely touching as well! With thirteen she was the older of the two sisters - so to say: the role model! So I came straight to the point: »Did you rub the dickel of our new poultry boy?« That came...
My late father bestowed on me enough wealth to lead a leisurely life style, and mother nature endowed me with a generous member that wanted to be constantly entertained by the most delicious adventures. I owned now suddenly a few houses in town and my walled in villa in the country side. I maintained already two young maids, Justine and Juliette as I called them, the lovely and lively daughters of a certain Mister Beaumont, who was a traveling sales man, and who's lovely wife happened to die...
A new take on an old tale. All characters are over the age of 18. —- I well remember the day I first noticed her watching us bathing in the river near the castle. On hot summer afternoons, our father sometimes let my older brothers and me leave our chores at the mill for an hour or so and run down to the river to cool off and have a bit of fun. He was kind to us, father, as he aged. I think he knew that, when he soon died and left us parentless and poor, life would be hard on all of us. He...
10 - Resolution At home my black pearl received me with joy, she may have missed me? In my office she dutifully informed me about the happenings since my depart. She told me, that she saw Joseph retire through the windows of the two sisters. Confronted with that fact, he must have promised to Candela his fullest cooperation for her secrecy, what gave her a welcome chance to get into his breeches. In lucid words Candela described to me the exciting events, and if her skin would have been fairer...
9 - Satisfaction »All night long I had to masturbate just thinking about your magnificent tool, Sir! I need punishment or further satisfaction, Sir, urgently!«, so greeted me my black pearl, holding my breakfast tray out to me. With the smooth elegance of a black panther she moved then in front of the long mirror, dropped the blue skirt and the bright white bloomers around her ankles. In the classical african tradition she arched her back, intertwined her fingers in the back of her head, spread...
8 - Exploration The court room was empty, on the auction list was a tattered estate and a horse cart in desperate need of repair, and a servant named Candela. Because the deceased owner was a sailor for his entire life I could imagine dark ports in Africa where he could have found this bargain. As she was presented her dull black frock and her greased plaited hair repelled first my attraction, but then considering her hight - towering eight foot - and her mystic african eyes I reserved her...
7 - Submission Justine was the first in the morning to report with anguish, that she was bleeding from her sisters administrations, but I guessed right that she just experienced her first monthly curse. To my question, if she hurt her sister too, she shook her head so vehemently that her golden locks flew, and she swore at once, that she was so much gentler - by God! As I instructed her about the nature of her blood and the history of the nasty spell that befell women of her age I washed her...
5 - Initiation It was a beautiful sunny morning and I was whistling a happy tune. I was still lolling around in my bathrobe as Justine served me my morning tea. She was all shine and sparkle, and after she placed the tray on the desk she flung her arms around my neck and kissed my cheeks. Oh - I grabbed her around the narrow waist and searched for her lips with mine. Holy softness! »Give me your tongue, darling!«, I begged the charming maid in a whisper, she tried it out and seemed to like the...
4 - Seduction To fire up the two randy sister a bit further I removed myself after dinner into my office. Justine brought me my evening port from the bar with a strange gloss in her deep blue eyes - the silver tablet shook under her emotions and she spilled the precious drink. »Do not mind that, dearest darling - I'm in a generous mood tonight!«, so I calmed her rising guilt and to tickle here own generosity as well. I removed her belt and pinched her into her naked buttocks. With a silly...
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Incest Porn SitesThanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesTheo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...
Scat Porn SitesI’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...
The FappeningFrom 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...
‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...
Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...
Arab Porn SitesFuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...
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BDSMMotherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...
Fetish Porn SitesAbsinthe 2: The Absinthe of Malice By Morpheus The flight from Seattle to Boston had been extremely long and uncomfortable, even with the two hour delay in Chicago where I got to stretch my legs and change flights. My book had given me something to do during the countless hours in the air, though admittedly, Collin had been my largest savior from boredom. The two of us had ended up talking for over half the flight, and by the time we finally landed, I was even starting to consider...
After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...
Harry and Rob sat in the local pub in their usual spot in the corner by themselves. They were having a discussion about what to do with Ethel. Rob has been adamant that he wants to hang Ethel by her ankles and butcher her. Harry strongly disagrees with him. Harry is convinced that if he talks to Ethel he can persuade her not to go to the authorities and they will be able to use her the same way the other men. Rob agrees to try Harry's way first but he says" if she wants to argue I'm going to...
kEthel sat with her tits nailed to the work table. Her tits were swollen to twice their normal size from the beating they had received from Harry and Rob and the axe handle. Ethel sobbed both from the pain and the feeling of despair and hopelessness. She knew she would not be able to sweet talk the men into letting her go without anymore abuse. Harry and Rob arrived and again Ethel begged and pleaded with them to let her go. The men laughed and told her they still had a few more things they...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestThelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...
Ethel hung by her wrists while Harry and Rob left to get some rest. She nodded off from time to time but the fog of her mind cleared she realized that other than when they punched her she actually enjoyed the way they that fucked her so hard and so brutally. She enjoyed the helpless feeling as they ravaged her body. She believed that she could talk to the two men and they would release her without too much more abuse. She was wrong.As Harry and Rob drove back out to the warehouse they talked...
Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...
Ethel's Pa was telling a story. "A man comes into the garage wanting a new horn for his Dodge. The old bulb was torn. Well, we have horns; but they don't fit his brackets..." "What did he want with a horn?" Ma asked. "Dodge cars don't need them. They have 'Dodge, Brothers' written clearly on the front." "Oh, Nellie," Pa said, but -- at least -- he dropped the story. Ethel couldn't decide which was worse, Ma's jokes or Pa's stories. Pa was fascinated by anything mechanical,...