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Latvia (Part One)

The Life Changing event

By Fargrace

Most people don't know about the country I am from. Most people would nevereven dream of coming here if they knew the things that have happened in mylife. I would say that I am an average girl for Latvia. I am 25 years old andblonde. Most women here in Latvia are either blonde or Russian. I weigh about60 kilograms, but I'm not sure what that comes out to in pounds. My breastsare large, I believe they would be DD in America, maybe only single D, fairlyfirm for their size and with dark large nipples. My ass is small and shapely.Most men aren't disappointed at least not with the way I look.

Most people can't relate all their problems back to a single moment, butI can. I used to believe that most people live their entire lives without anyreal pain occurring in their lives and that the only suffering that occurredwas when a loved one died of old age. Unfortunately, that isn't the case withme, not since I was 18. I had taken a job at the aerobics center in Vecriga.At that time, since Latvia was fairly new to being a non-soviet country, itwas the first type of gym Latvia had. Only rich Mafia men and their wives orgirlfriends could afford to go there. My classes were always full and it seemedlike I never stopped working. I had 5 or 6 classes each day and I was wellknown for giving to hardest workouts that the gym had to offer.

I later found out that most of the women who attended my class hated me.Most of them disliked that not only did I do so many classes, but also thatI worked harder then any of the women in the classes. They felt like I wasshowing off for the men who could watch the whole class through glass windows.I think in some part of my mind I was at least dressing to please the men,but when I worked out... that was for me. I remember well what I was wearingthat day. I was wearing a tight pair of red nylon shorts with a white sportsbra. As with most aerobics classes, we didn't wear shoes which I later foundout is really weird for Americans, but very common for Latvians.

It was my last class of the day and I was just finishing up with the stretcheswhen 3 men walked into he class. They were all handsome and muscular, but soare most men in this country. It isn't hard to find a sexy man... just hardto find a man who wants to have kids and only one woman. Anyway, the bulkiestof the men asked me if I realized that I was so sweaty that my nipples couldbe seen through my bra. I looked down to find that the material had becomefairly transparent, but not as bad as he was claiming.

I then replied, "Could you not disturb my class please and my top isdoing just fine in covering me up." The three men laughed and startedwalking towards me. I started to get up, but when I was almost to my feet oneof the women from the front row had grabbed my hair and jerked me back to thefloor. A couple of seconds later, all three men had me pinned to the floorand all the women were standing behind them.

I asked, "What the fuck is going on?"

That was when one of the women replied, " We are tired of your attitudeand that you are trying to steal our men away. So we arranged for our men togive you exactly what you been begging them to do."

"I don't know what you are talking about. Get your hands off me youcreeps." But my screams weren't heard by anyone. A couple of minutes laterwith the ladies' help, the men had my hands and feet taped to a bench pressbench with my legs spread wide. I tried to get away, but I can still rememberhow well multiple strands of tape could hold me so well to the bench even thoughI was sweaty. I felt pretty scared, but the men seemed to be leaving me forthe women, which in it's own way was a comfort to me.

I remember looking up into one of my student's eyes, her name was Aiga, andthinking, "oh thank god, she is going to help me out". Then a sicklooking smile came across her 25 year old Russian face as she used what laterI realized was a box cutter to cut away my clothes. First she cut away my shorts,slicing the outsides of my thighs while she was at it. She did it so viciouslythat I even felt the blade cutting into my skin. She pulled my shorts and pantiesaway with a jerk then handed the knife over to a gorgeous dark-skinned 21-year-oldgypsy girl named Olga. I never liked Olga, but she sure looked good in a leotard.She had about the same sized breasts as I did, and long black straight hair.I swear that she could have had any man that she wanted and to this day, Idon't know why she felt threatened by me. She cut away my bra from the inside,which I was happier about, because I could feel the sweat rolling across thecuts on my legs and it hurt bad. I thought at the time that the wounds weredeep, but they turned out to be pretty miner even though they bled a lot.

I wanted to get away so bad, but the nudity didn't bother me since I didn'treally see any men around any more. I struggled as much as I could which causedmy breasts to swing wildly back and forth. One of the women said that I wasacting like a haughty bitch in heat. That is when I saw my boss and about 10other men standing off to one side. My boss was always nice to me, so I figuredhe had brought the cavalry, but I was wrong. My boss walked up and took theknife from Olga and said very proudly, "Your fired, I emptied out yourlocker for you and your clothes have been thrown out as well as your purse.I kept what little money you had on you to pay the cleaning lady for this messyou are creating on your way out." It occurred to me then that I no longerhad any clothes to get home in, nor did I have any money to pay for trolleybusto get me home.

My boss knew what I was thinking and I could see the smile appearing on hisface. He asked if I wanted help up and all I could do at that moment was shakemy head yes. He then reached down and grabbed one of my nipples and pulledas hard as he could as if by pulling on my breasts it would help me sit up.I screamed in pain and started tried to call him every bad word I could thinkof. If that wasn't bad enough, my boss then using the knife made two littlecuts on the tips of my nipples. I screamed in pain, but in truth it didn'thurt all that much and no one could hear more than a muffle. It was more ascream of fear that they were going to kill me. He then got down on one kneeand started to suck on my right nipple. Another man I didn't know started suckingthe other nipple too and Olga then got down between my legs and started lickingmy cunt that was spread so wide for everyone to see. I was more then a littleshocked, but I don't know whether it was the fear or just that they knew exactlyhow to pleasure me. I found myself getting very excited. I even bucked my hipsin response to Olga's work on my clit. I couldn't believe it, even though Iknew I didn't want this attention, my body desired their touch.

I was just about to have an orgasm when Olga stopped. The men continued tosuck on my large breasts greedily, but it wasn't enough to bring me to an orgasm.Another man then walked up with what looked like a car battery and jumper cables.He attached one massive and dirty clamp to both my vaginal lips. I jerked roughlytrying to get away and all arousal disappeared. The two men seeing me in suchdistress bit down on my nipples in what seemed like unison. Between the clampand the biting of my breasts I couldn't help but cry. I wanted to die the painwas so great. I started to jerk, but that only made things worse. I soon stoppedjerking and tried with all my strength to just lay still. The two men releasedmy imprisoned breasts, which I thought I would be relieved, but in their absenceanother pain came, almost as if the blood didn't want to return to my nipplesanymore. It burned and ached at the same time.

Everyone just stood there and watched. The men all had bulges in their pantsand the women all had smiles on their faces. They all watched me so long thatI thought they were done with me, but then the man with the jumper cables touchedthe other cable to my right inner thigh. I felt a pain like I had never feltbefore. The pain centered at my pussy and seemed to jump to my thigh. He thentouched the other inner thigh and I bucked in pain. The pain was excruciating.I would have done anything at that moment to get the pain to stop, anything.He then went back to the right leg... then the left... and the right... hecontinued for what seemed like forever. I couldn't get used to the quick burstsof pain. He just kept touching me. Finally, he stopped.

Olga walked back up to me. She looked so pleased. "If we untape you,will you do whatever we say?" she asked. I nodded my head and she removedthe tape. As soon as I could, I rolled onto the floor and started begging formy life. I was ordered to be quiet though by Olga and I complied.

"Lick my cunt you whore" Olga ordered as she sat on the same benchI was just taped too. She pulled off her workout pants and panties. I instantlywithout question swooped in and started licking her pussy as best I could,but I had never done it before and wasn't doing all that entirely well.

Olga then hit me squarely in the nose. It didn't hurt that much, but scaredme. I dove back in to try harder at licking her pussy and again she hit me.All of a sudden, a man was behind me and shoved his dick up my ass forcingmy face into Olga's fist and pussy yet again.

"Is that all the best you can do for me you stupid fucking bitch? Iguess pussy isn't your choice of meat. Here, try Jauns' penis then!" Asshe stepped away, my eyes came in contact with the biggest penis I had everseen. It was about 11 inches long and as wide as my hand. I didn't think thatthere was any way, I would do any better with him then I did with her sincehe was so big. I opened my mouth to accept just the head, but the man rammingmy ass pushed so hard that I fell into it. Jauns then grabbed my hair and pulledas hard as he could to get the whole thing in my mouth. It was so big and sodeep. I couldn't breath. I tried to push away only to be kicked in the stomachby another women I still can't remember the name of even today.

"You said you would do anything to stay alive, you can't even suck myman's dick. You stupid cunt, you're just asking to die." Jauns was stillpulling hard on my head and with the kick to the stomach I had almost no airleft. I wanted to keep trying to give a better blowjob, but my body would notrespond the way my mind was asking it to. My hands just kept pushing at Jauns'hips.

Jauns laughed. "That's okay babe, I like your mouth better anyway. Iwasn't looking for a blowjob. I just needed to take a leak." All of asudden I felt a hot burning liquid poor down my throat. It burned and it mademy empty stomach lurch with pain. I couldn't breath though so I even probablyswallowed faster then he was peeing, but he just kept peeing. I was sure thatI was blue in the face, I had been denied air for so long, then the man fuckingme in the ass pulled out and so did Jauns. I fell to the floor gasping forair and gagging at the same time.

The man raping my ass spoke up, "That cunt shit on my prick." Everyonelaughed as he grabbed my hair. "You stupid bitch, look at my dick. Lookat what you did to my dick." Sure enough, there was a bit of shit at thetip of his cock just after the head, and blood and such down the length. Hewas about 5 to 6 inches long and of normal width, but it seemed much largerwhen he was raping my ass. "You better clean it off." He shouted.

I reached over to grab what was left of my shorts to wipe it off, when hestepped on my fingers. "No you stupid cunt, with your mouth". Hethen shoved his penis in my mouth too. It wasn't as large as the last one andif I moved it just right I could breath through my nose, but god, it tastedhorrible. At that moment, I puked all the piss in my stomach back up and sprayedhim from the waste down.

I couldn't believe what had just happened. I instantly forgot the pain inmy pussy from the battery cables, the pain in my stomach from the kicking andthe piss, the pain in my bleeding breasts, and the pain in my throat and lungsfrom the huge cock and started licking his body with my tongue as I beggedfor forgiveness. I was sure that they were going to kill me at that momentand in Latvia, it wouldn't even be hard to get away with. I continued to pleadand lick as fast as I could. The crowd of people behind me started laughingand the man just stood there. I think he was as shocked as I was, maybe evenmore.

Then like a hurricane, the man grabbed me by the hair and threw me at thebench. He started barking orders faster then I could comprehend, but everyoneobeyed his orders as if their life depended on it. I found myself being liftedoff the ground and held down to the bench by so much tape and hands that Icouldn't budge if I wanted too. Then the man I puked on started fucking mewith his piss covered, shit covered, and blood covered penis. He did it sohard that I thought he was trying to tear my pussy apart. It hurt, but wassort of arousing too. I hated it even though I found myself going through multipleorgasms with one right on top of the other. The man was wild with anger andthe fact that I seemed to be enjoying it with my body at least pissed him offeven more.

I think that it was probably on my sixth or seventh orgasm that I felt thefirst jolt. The same man from earlier with the jumper cables was back. Whileone man tried to fuck me to death another man was sending jolts of electricityfrom one breast to the other. My body felt like a war was being played outon it. My chest was exploding. My heart was beating harder then it ever hadbefore or ever should have. All the while my pussy was betraying me and pissingoff my rapist.

Then as quickly as it had begun... it ended. I passed out. I don't know ifit was from the pain or the pleasure. I probably never will know. I found myselfclean. Even the cuts on the side of my hips were covered in bandages. I wasnaked and I was maybe two or three blocks from the gym on a park bench. Mynipple was pierced with a nail and on the nail was a letter. It was typed andstated very clearly that they never wanted to see or hear from me again. Notto ever go back to the gym and not to expect any help from the police or theywould finish what they started.

Now seven years later, I find myself going to a therapist and him tellingme that the only way to understand how my life's events have affected me isto relive them in a controlled atmosphere. He told me to write what happenedin a story and to bring it to him the following week and that he and I wouldexperience it together. All I know is because of my first job... my life wasnever the same.

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I awoke to his lips on my neck and his lovely thick prick nudging against my bottom, I pressed myself back at him and moaned softly as he entered me, his rock hard erection filling my anus delightfully. "Mmm perfect" I said softly and pushed myself back against him. We moved together slowly, enjoying each other and enjoying the thought of no work for another whole week, We'd been at the office Christmas party the previous night, booze was flowing, everyone was dancing and flirting, even...

3 years ago
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A Dirty Wish Part 1

Janice slammed out of the corporate office more pissed off than she could ever remember being. She stalked down the warm evening sidewalk, every strike of her heels telling those around her to stay clear. Four blocks later she was still mad as hell as she shoved open the heavy door to the bar and headed for the table that her co-workers always occupied on Friday nights.Three of the regular group were already there with a pitcher of beer and the remains of the first of several pizzas they always...

Oral Sex
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Moms 8mm MoviesChapter 2

It was three days later. I am usually asleep when Mom gets home from her 4:00 pm to 12:00 am shift. But tonight I was having trouble sleeping and decided to get up and get a glass of water. It was a little after 12:45 when I went downstairs. The only light on was a lamp in the Den. I was about to go in when I saw Mom turn on the projector and turn out the desk lamp. I hung back in the shadows and watched. The white wall she was using as a screen lit up with a shaky sign in French. Mom was...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 15

Randall Howard strode into the courtroom purposefully. He stopped beside the defendant's table, glanced at the bandage across Mayfield's face and the bruising around the kid's eyes. His face broke out into a wide smile. He didn't acknowledge anyone else in the courtroom before he took the stand to be sworn in. "Good afternoon, Mr. Howard," Allyson said genially as she stood from the table. She introduced herself. "Please state your full name, your age and your occupation for the...

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Honeymoon Cruise

Michael and Aria had just gotten married… Mike had visited her towards the end of the summer and decided to stay with her. They were already really good friends and cared about each other a lot, but as time went on, he couldn’t pretend he didn’t feel the things he felt. He told Aria how much he loved her and the next day he proposed. He had paid for tickets so his family could attend the wedding, and they were amazed by the spectacle… Michael had the arrivals lobby cleared out and covered in...

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A Little Bit of Magic

I wanted soft lights, soul-stirring music, and a good, strong cocktail or two… or three, so I decided to go to The Social. I had never been there on Valentine’s Day before. The occasion had always taken me to other places, so I decided to switch things up and give it a try. I wanted something different than a standard fancy restaurant. I wanted to feel a little bit of magic, and on any given night, The Social was the perfect place for that. For decades, it had been a haven where some of the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 135 WorldRecord Marathon

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 (Continued) Ava was waiting for us at home, so all I had to do was run in, change into somewhat more suitable attire than my school clothes, and then run out again. Donna was already in the car, eager to get my run started. I directed Ava to the road Julia and I had decided on. Once we arrived there, I got Ava to measure the length of the segment that I would run back and forth on. It was 6.4 miles, so a marathon would require two "backs", two "forths" and an...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 82

Saturday morning started off with a flurry of activity. The girls had their fitness class scheduled at 8. It was a two hour class; hopefully the guests would all be up by the time it ended. Marcy and the rest of the girls wanted to take Jenny and I to look at a building they thought might work for a gym. They said that it was right in the neighborhood. That sort of upset me. I had been so wrapped up in the day to day part of living that I had not even taken the time to recon my neighborhood....

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Princes of MannsboroughChapter 14

Marigold sat on her front porch, dozing a little as she waited for Thule's car to appear. She'd made the mistake of coming down late for breakfast the day after what Holly referred to as a "cooking day." When she came down to the breakfast table, she immediately recognized her mistake. Before she could reach for an apple or get her yoghurt out of the refrigerator, Holly put a plate piled high with scrambled eggs, biscuits, and a thick slice of ham. "Mom," she protested. "I can't eat...

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DevilsFilm Skylar Vox It8217s Okay She8217s My Stepsister

Skylar Vox is relaxing on the couch, unaware that her stepbrother Billy Boston is jerking off while looking at her. He uses his phone to take a photo of his dick while including Skylar in the picture, then sneaks away as he sends her the photo. When Skylar sees the photo of a dick in the foreground while SHE’S in the background, she realizes what happened and confronts Billy. Billy thinks that what he did is a hilarious prank, but Skylar isn’t laughing. In fact, she suggests that...

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IntrospectionChapter 7

Jessica is lying in the bed with her back toward the cabin’s single bathroom resting. She had felt Casey crawl out of the bed and heard the shower turning on. For a moment this morning she thought about following suit and joining him, but she had ultimately decided to just stay in bed and enjoy the soothing sound of the flowing water. It was so soothing that she nearly fell right back to sleep. After a while the water cut off and silence followed. And as that silence stretched on, she began...

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The Baby Sitter

The summer before I started my junior year of college.I took a job as a baby-sitter for the Simmons family. Mr. Simmons was myhistory professor. All my girl friends were jealous.Most of the girls in his class had a crush on him and dreamed ofromantic interludes with him, myself included."Anna, you bitch! Why do you get all the lucky breaks?" a friend ofmine said.It was a lucky break. At 35, Mr. Simmons looked absolutely gorgeous.I often wondered why he was a history teacher instead of a...

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My First BBC

I've been an active bi-sexual man for most of my life. I knew I liked boys probably before I even had sex with girls, but that's a post for another day. What I knew I really wanted, at least since my teen years, was to be with a black man. I write this as a white male, one who grew up in a large city, befriended and knew quite a few black men in my youth, and the attraction was always there. I just could never get myself to act on it when I was younger, mostly out of fear of my upbringing,...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 2

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 2 About eleven at night my two ladies came home, and having received rather a favourable account from Martha, who had run down to let them in, for Mr. Crofts (that was the name of my brute) was gone out of the house, after waiting till he had tired his patience for Mrs. Brown’s return, they came thundering up stairs, and seeing me pale, my face bloody, and all the marks of the most thorough dejection, they...

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PornHub BBW

I am pretty sure that there is no need for me to explain what PornHub is all about. Everyone has heard about this free website, and if you have not… are you living under a rock? This website was launched in 2007, and it has been one of the most popular free porn websites ever since. However, it has definitely improved a lot compared to the past, and I am sure you’ll love it.Now, I am not here to talk about in general; I am here to tell you more about their incredible selection of...

BBW Porn Sites
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Baby Night

Carol giggled with excitement at the thought of the night ahead. Her husband had just phoned to say he would be home in 2 minutes and that she should 'dress' for the occasion. What he meant by 'dress' was for her to don her most sexy black lingerie and 6 inch high heels. Carol had already dressed before he had rung, in anticipation of the long sex filled evening ahead of them. With the full black set including the black seamed stockings she was dressed to kill... The happily married pair...

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Taking Tammys Daughter pt one SashaMike

It was a hot summer’s eve when Sasha received a call from her c***dhood friend Tammy. Sasha covered in sweat raced to her cell that was sitting on her coffee table. Out of breath from running, she answered the recognized ringtone. “Hey girl …What’s up?” “Well girl you know I don’t usually ask for favors but I really need a big one this time.” “Girl just spit it out! What is it?” Tammy finally replied.” Well you know my daughter Cameron just graduated and ….well she just was accepted to UNC. I...

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Jodis Story Part 6

The Farm It was late August and still nice and warm in Eastern Oregon. It cooled down pretty good at night but got beastly hot during the day. We drove most of the day and arrived at dinner time. My older sister, her husband and son were glad to see us. We had a great dinner and chatted about everything. Jodi was having fun and enjoying some wine. We dressed real casual so she and my sister wore shorts and tank tops. My...

1 year ago
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AgainChapter 13

"Well," Dal said, "I see you've been busy." I grinned. Wendy said, "I need to get off my feet." Dal offered her a comfy chair. She sat. She looked at me, "You! Molester boy. It's your fault I'm in this condition. Get busy!" She snapped her fingers and pointed at her feet. "Do a good job and I won't kill you," she growled. I pulled over a chair and sat. I picked up both her feet, placed them on my lap and started. "You've done this before," Dal said. "It used to be...

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Club Inzest 11

Club Inzest 11: Her Family’s Call Girl by Micaela Reynolds as told to BrettJ © 2009 We just welcomed a new member to our club the other day, she seems very upbeat and pleasant. She’s a ‘professional’ girl and while we don’t allow members to ply their trade in the Club — we don’t want any problems — I fail to see what business it is of the Government’s to tell anyone what she or he can do with their bodies. Madison made her choice and seeing as her entire family seems to adore her, I guess...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 14

The sound was barely audible. A second knock followed. Waite got out of bed and crossed the distance to the door and opened it a crack. His eyes were assaulted with a vision of loveliness. Standing on the other side of the door was Millie. She had on a sheer robe that hid none of the treasures under it. For a woman of sixty-one years, she was remarkably well put together. Her breasts were of medium size but still mounted high on her chest. He thought of the illusion that her dress produced....

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The New StartChapter 31 Vickis Deception

Victoria was Sonya's cousin and only living relative. She was mated to Aren and was one of the Silka couples. Vicki, for that was her nick name, was three months pregnant. She was the first Silka to become pregnant since their flight from the robots had ended. Vicki would start to show in a few weeks and deliver in five more months. Sonya had told her of her plans for the trip, how she hopped to seduce Shileea, Jordan and Elan and make them her family. Vicki was shocked at Sonya's...

1 year ago
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Sweet Salty Revenge Chapter 3

Sam could not believe what was happening, I had never given him a blow job in the twenty-six years we were together. His knees got week and he slipped to the floor, as he slipped down, I never let go of his stiff cock. In no time he told me he was about to cum; I just continued giving him the blowjob of a lifetime. We have not had sex for some time, but Sam and Jessica must have, because when he started to cum there was just a little bit. I swallowed most of it, leaving a little on my tongue...

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A surprise for Ana twists so badly

Ana needed something different to spice our routine in marital sex life.So I told her not to worry; I would find some “different” fun for her.After checking several porn sites, I found a way that Ana would love.My plan was to blindfold my sensual wife; tie her to the bed, and bring a stranger man into the bedroom to fuck her. Anita usually enjoyed the helplessness of being tied up during sex; so the blindfold was not certainly going to be an obstacle for that kinky game…Picking up a total...

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Lilyxxx on the telly

Lily received an email instruction to visit her master immediately. She dropped everything and jumped in her car for the hour journey to his house wondering what he wanted at such short notice. One thing she did know was that she will be fucked, the thought of which made her wet.She arrived to see a young girl half naked open the door. Lily looked at her pert young breasts and licked her lips. The pretty girl beckoned her inside and kissed Lily on the mouth, making lily very aroused. As she...

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wife become a slut

All sex acts need full permission from all parties. Please don't do any of this on unwilling partners. DO NOT do this to someone you don't know. This story has been with prior agreement from all. Wife becomes a slut to please husband. I walked into the bar; this was the seventh, bar I walked into in the last few weeks looking for just the right place. I was very disappointed the bar was rowdy with a lot of people but not the kind of place I was looking for. One quick drink...

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LouisaChapter 6

Her head felt like it was a melon. It felt huge as she slid back into reality. Slowly the fog lifted. Everything was fuzzy and it felt like she was swimming. Nothing connected. Slowly as consciousness returned, Louisa felt her labored breath, stroking in and out of her mouth. She gulped another breath as she fought to breathe. Her head was bowed forward, her chin settled on her chest as she panted. Order returned to her senses. She was alive. Lifting her head, she realized she was no longer...

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There stood Etherus, just as before, frozen in the pose he had worn for more than a century. Kathryn looked down and marveled at the care the creator had taken in the upright appendage, every ripple, every vein, had been meticulously carved, making it seemed to pulse with realism. She reached out and grasped it gingerly quite shocked at the width, her tiny fingers unable to touch on top. The marble was warm, she supposed from pressing against her and she dropped slowly down to take it into...

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