Push Me Ch. 07 free porn video

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**Author’s Note: Sorry for the extensive delay. Life is just like that sometimes, and it was necessary to keep the story honest. Thanks to everyone who asked about the next chapter. Enjoy!

As soon as Moira’s warm, nude form, which was pressed up delightfully against me, registered, in my slowly waking mind, a far less pleasant sensation intruded – a muffled sniffling coming from the other side of the bed. I felt Moira pull free from my grasp and glide across the sheets to Shelly, wrapping her arms around her sobbing friend.

‘Sweetie, what is it?’ Moira asked.

Shelly buried her face in Moira’s neck as her body shook. Moira cooed and mumbled supportively until Shelly calmed down enough to speak.

‘Why doesn’t anyone love me?’ she whispered. My heart broke. In my mind, I saw a banner hanging over the bed that said, ‘Mission Failed!’ jeering me with accusing red letters. I shook my head to clear away the image. This wasn’t the time for self-pity.

I hopped up and went to the other side of the bed, where I knelt and put my arms around Shelly from behind, resting my forehead against her smooth, tanned back.

‘Shelly, we-‘ I began.

‘Don’t!’ she bellowed. ‘Don’t feed me some crap that you two love me. I know exactly how far that love goes. It goes from here to there!’ She thrust out a finger and pointed at the door to the hotel room. I recoiled and withdrew my arms from her.

Moira winced at her angry accusation. ‘You think that’s all this was? That we wanted you as a toy for the weekend? We don’t care about you at all?’

Shelly sighed. ‘I know you care, but I also know this was just icing on the cake of your relationship. You two are together. This was just a last fling before you move on and leave me behind.’

Moira moaned, saddened by Shelly’s despondent words. ‘Shelly, this wasn’t meant to be a goodbye of any kind. It was supposed to be a happy, fun weekend to show you just how much we DO care. We wouldn’t have invited someone into our relationship like this unless we both cared about them very much. Nothing will be different between us when we get back home. I’ll still be right there any time you need me.’

Shelly tipped up her head cautiously and met Moira’s eyes. ‘Really?’

‘Of course! How can you even think I would abandon you?’

‘Because,’ Shelly jerked a thumb over her shoulder, ‘he loves you so much. Why would you need me?’

Moira leaned in and whispered something in Shelly’s ear, after which they both looked down at their own bodies.

‘OK, yeah I guess you need me for that,’ Shelly admitted, giggling. Her laughter cut off abruptly. She threw her arms around Moira’s neck and began to sob again. ‘Oh, Mo!’

‘Shhh, it’s OK,’ Moira whispered, stroking Shelly’s back.

I sat frozen the entire time, feeling completely useless.

Eventually, Shelly’s cathartic sobbing spun down to the occasional sniffle. ‘You promise you won’t abandon me?’

‘I do. I swear I’ll always be there for you. You’re my best friend, and I love you very much.’

Shelly giggled, ‘Plus, I took one for the team last night!’

‘Hey, you put the metaphorical gun to your metaphorical well lubed head on that one,’ I reminded her, patting her naked rump.

They both giggled, ‘I feel like I got shot in the ass, that’s for sure.’ She flipped over suddenly and wrapped her arms around my neck. ‘Thank you for being so careful and for keeping me calm. My first time was amazing. How was yours?’

‘Thoroughly unforgettable.’

Moira’s face froze. ‘You had never done that before?’ she asked, her eyes fixed on mine. ‘I didn’t know that,’ she said, surprised and disappointed.

Shelly cried out an unintelligible wail of distress as she flipped back toward her friend upon hearing the sadness in her voice. ‘Please don’t hate me! I’m not trying to steal him or anything, I swear!’

Moira’s face softened and she took Shelly into her arms again. ‘It’s OK. I’m glad I was there, and that it was with you. I just wish I had known at the time. It would have made it that much better.’

‘I’m sorry, honey,’ I said. ‘Shelly and I had that conversation while you were in the shower. I just didn’t think about it again after that. I was focused on making it good for her. I was pretty sure there was no way I wasn’t going to enjoy it.’

They both giggled again, and the tension dissipated.

Breakfast and checkout from the hotel were quiet, and the trip home was uneventful. We were all very content as we reminisced about the weekend. Shelly was feeling less abandoned and vulnerable. Moira was OK with the fact that Shelly and I had experienced a first together. She actually admitted to being scared to try it and not being ready for it, and said she was relieved that I hadn’t pressed her for the same treatment. She was also thrilled she could fulfill my fantasy of making love to her from behind while she went down on Shelly. A deep, hungry kiss from me while we stopped at a red light, made sure she knew just how memorable it was for me.


The next few weeks of my life were far more interesting than I had anticipated when we left the hotel. My relationship with Moira continued to grow as we learned more about each other. She got into the habit of spending every other night at my place, and I quickly became addicted to falling asleep with our bodies intertwined.

Somewhere during that time, another tradition started.

It began with a knock at my door about half an hour after Moira showed up one Friday. She leaped up, saying that she was sure it was the ‘special dinner’ she had ordered.

When Moira opened the door, there stood Shelly, wearing the robe I had gotten her for her birthday, her hair tied up in a bun, chopsticks shoved through it. Shelly waved a white plastic bag she held in one hand. ‘Dinnah is served,’ she drawled, suddenly a Georgia peach.

She handed the bag to Moira, along with a rolled gymnastics mat she carried in her other hand. Her robe hit the floor as soon as the door closed behind her, revealing her lithe, nude body. She ran her hands slowly over her torso, hips and thighs, ending with her palms cupping her groin lightly. ‘Mmm, freshly waxed from the neck down, nice and smooth,’ she said, pinning me in place with a smoky stare. ‘Can’t get any hair in dinner, can we?’ she asked with a coy smile.

While Shelly was distracting me, Moira had spread out the mat in a clear space on my living room floor. ‘You’re here to work, not flirt,’ she directed toward Shelly. ‘Get your no-longer-virginal butt over here and lay down. I’m hungry.’

‘Yes, ma’am.’

Shelly used her trademark hip-ticking walk to mesmerize me with her ass as she strode to where Moira stood beside the mat. Moira slipped her hands around Shelly’s waist and hugged her close.

‘Thank you for doing this,’ she told Shelly.

‘No need to thank me. I think it’s gonna be fun!’ She kissed Moira lightly on the cheek before arranging herself comfortably on the mat. I quickly theorized what was in the bag and saw where this was going. I was half (at most) right.

Moira removed the chopsticks from Shelly’s hair, ignoring the bags for the moment. She proceeded to treat them like paint brushes, sans bristles or paint, and drew lightly all over Shelly’s body. Goosebumps arose as Moira caressed Shelly’s skin with the blunt tip of each stick. After a few minutes of delicate caresses, Moira took the chopsticks in hand in the standard grip, and grasped one of Shelly’s nipples, tugging gently.

Shelly moaned quietly as Moira teased her. Moira licked the chopsticks and captured Shelly’s other nipple, twisting it slightly as she pulled. Shelly bit her lip as her eyelids fluttered.

When Shelly’s hand began to caress her own thigh, Moira rapped it with a stick. ‘Lay still,’ she instructed. Shelly shuddered and placed her hand back flat on the mat. The chopsticks meander
ed slowly down Shelly’s abdomen. When they reached her bald sex, Moira plucked gently at Shelly’s puffy outer lips, just as she had done with her nipples.

Shelly’s hips lurched, and she whimpered as Moira palpated her tender flesh. When Shelly was slick with excitement, Moira spread her friend open and rubbed the chopsticks up and down her engorged inner lips. Shelly sucked in a ragged breath as her thighs twitched.

Just as Shelly began to groan loudly at Moira’s treatment of her pussy, my amazing lover stopped. Shelly’s eyes shot open as Moira withdrew the chopsticks. Before Shelly could speak, Moira silenced her with a look. ‘It’s dinner time,’ she declared simply, placing the chopsticks on the mat beside Shelly’s head where she knelt. Shelly took a long, shuddering breath, but remained otherwise silent.

‘You don’t have to stand all the way over there,’ Moira announced without looking in my direction as she popped open the boxes nestled within the bag resting beside her. She gave me a sly smirk as I approached, and then returned her attention to her original task. Moira carefully decorated Shelly’s supine form with pieces of sushi, using the chopsticks with which she had so delicately teased her blonde friend.

I watched quietly as Shelly was gradually obscured by a variety of sushi. As I knelt opposite Moira, Shelly gave me a restrained smile that quickly returned to her neutral expression.

With the boxes empty, Moira favored me with a brilliant smile. ‘I hope you like it. I admit, I stole the idea from a movie, but it seemed like fun.’

‘First, let me say that it is a fantastic idea, and you both deserve the highest accolades for this.’ Simultaneous beaming smiles lit the room. ‘Second, you know ‘Rising Sun’, but you don’t know ‘The Princess Bride’?’ I asked, perplexed and exasperated.

‘Well, I know it NOW. Shelly made me watch it,’ She paused and reached out a hand to me. ‘I love you too.’ I grasped her hand tightly and smiled at her, awash with a warm, comfortable affection. ‘Now, let’s eat.’

We teased Shelly throughout the meal, letting a chopstick trace designs idly into her skin as we chewed, deliberately brushing her nipples lightly. We fed her the occasional piece of sushi as well, caressing her lips or allowing a drop of soy sauce to fall on her chin or neck before placing the rice and fish on her tongue.

When I leaned down to lick a small patch of spicy mayo from the center of her chest, Moira barred my path with her chopsticks. ‘Not yet,’ she said. She picked up two remaining pieces of sushi, both of which were topped with the spicy mayo, and flipped them over, one onto each nipple. She hefted one piece and delivered it to my mouth before eating the other.

Chewing, swallowing and savoring complete, Moira locked eyes with me. ‘Now,’ she said simply, nodding her head. Together we leaned down and proceeded to clean Shelly thoroughly. While Shelly did her best to remain perfectly still, Moira and I bathed her taut nipples with our tongues, sucking and lapping the creamy sauce from her smooth skin. Our tongues battled for the other stray dollop of sauce between her breasts. We licked the soy sauce from her neck and face as she moaned deep in her throat.

When we sat back, Shelly was panting roughly, her eyes wild with need. I suspected this wasn’t Moira’s intended endpoint, so I played along. ‘You know, we probably should make sure we didn’t miss anything, anywhere else.’

‘Well, it is tradition to lick the table clean,’ Moira advised. Shelly whimpered quietly.

‘Sides or ends?’ I asked, looking up and down Shelly’s body.

‘Mmm, sides definitely.’

Moira and I covered Shelly’s face with soft kisses. Moira nipped her ear and said, ‘You don’t have to lie still anymore.’

‘Oh, thank God!’ Shelly gasped as she thrust her hand into Moira’s hair and pulled their mouths together. I kissed and sucked on Shelly’s neck and shoulders while their tongues dueled. When I felt Shelly’s hand dig into and tug on my shirt, I looked up to see Moira’s lips were halfway down Shelly’s arm. I moved my face over Shelly’s, but before I kissed her, I stroked her check softly.

‘This was an amazing experience that wouldn’t have happened without you. Thank you.’

She smiled briefly, her eyes sparkling with pride before her face contorted with lust. ‘Shut up and kiss me,’ she demanded. Our lips crashed together as we tried to devour each other. Shelly’s hand found its way under my shirt, and her nails told me how much she was enjoying the slow, thorough consumption of her body.

My lips broke free and wandered her face, kissing, sucking and biting gently. When the opportunity presented itself as my ear was near her mouth, Shelly whispered, ‘Go strip Moira.’ Two naked women seemed like an excellent idea.

I looked down to see that Moira was occupied with covering Shelly’s stomach and hips with kisses. Slinking around behind her, I grasped her shoulders, pulling her up onto her knees. ‘No, no, Shelly first,’ she protested.

‘This is Shelly’s request,’ I told her as I unbuttoned her orange silk blouse. My lips found her neck, and she shuddered.

‘You stay right there,’ Moira said, pointing an admonishing finger at Shelly as she began to sit up.

I slipped Moira’s shirt from her shoulders and down her arms. Once it was completely removed, she leaned back against me, and my fingers danced up her abdomen. I caressed the underside of her breasts lightly through her white, satin bra. A hungry growl rumbled in my throat as my eyes soaked in the contrast between her caramel skin and the shimmering, snow white garment. I bit her gently on the neck, raking her with my teeth as I unclasped her bra, which followed the same path her blouse had, onto the floor behind us.

‘That’s enough for now,’ Moira said as her hands intercepted mine en route to her chest. ‘Shelly did something very nice for us, and she deserves her reward. Get back to your side.’ She thrust a shoulder backwards into my chest, pushing me away slightly.

I darted in to capture her earlobe between my lips before whispering, ‘As you wish.’ I saw her cheeks draw up in a smile, and she squeezed my hands briefly.

I leaned down, fastened my lips onto the skin of Shelly’s stomach just below her navel, and sucked gently as I crawled over her body to take up station opposite Moira again. I kissed and nibbled her creamy skin from there to her ankle, my fingers tracing alternate routes to the same destination as my mouth.

As I dragged my lips and tongue back up Shelly’s leg, her moans were suddenly stifled, and Moira’s voice cried out. I looked up to see Moira dangling a nipple into Shelly’s mouth. Shelly’s fingers dug into Moira’s ribs, and her neck bobbed rhythmically as she sucked and tugged on firm bud between her lips. Moira’s ebony mane enveloped Shelly’s head, and her parted, painted lips gushed breathy sounds of appreciation of Shelly’s talented tongue and lips.

I straddled Shelly’s leg and continued my rising kisses. Once I cleared her knee, her smooth inner thigh beckoned to me. I sunk my teeth into it and gnawed gently at the taut muscle. She whimpered and clamped a hand down on Moira’s gorgeous ass in response to the sudden, new stimulation. I worked my teeth slowly higher, spreading her legs as I went.

Her smooth sex leaped toward my face when my tongue and teeth got near. I lapped at her slit with long, slow licks, barely penetrating her. She whimpered, and then mewled loudly when Moira’s tongue joined mine, flicking across the delicate flesh covering her clit. I kissed Moira messily, and then thrust my tongue into Shelly’s waiting pussy, exploring her thoroughly, massaging her with my lips and tongue.

All semblance of organization flew apart at that point. Clothing was rapidly shed. At some point, we moved to my bed. The focus shifted from person to person, and we pleasured each other well into the night. We culminated with one of Moira’s legs on m
y shoulder as I straddled the other, my cock buried inside her while she and Shelly kissed wildly, screaming into each other’s mouths.

The next Friday I cooked, and I knew Shelly was coming, and the ending was much the same, except the girls took turns riding me, dragging me close to climax repeatedly before switching off. Again, I finished inside Moira.

A week later, after dinner at a local pizza and pasta place, I found myself embedded in Shelly’s ass for a second time. Moira sucked her nipples and stroked her clit, and Shelly screamed my name as an orgasm tore her apart, prompting me to unload inside her.

The shift was gradual. I didn’t notice it until ‘I wonder what my girlfriends are doing?’ ran through my head one evening. ‘Oh shit,’ I announced to no one. I sat motionless in the dark for several hours that evening, trying to process what that one little ‘s’ meant. In my mind, it all boiled down to equality. I couldn’t use the same title for Shelly that I did for Moira, because I didn’t feel the same way about them, even though I treated them very similarly. I’d even impishly kissed Shelly on the nose and told her ‘I love you, too,’ in response to her professed affection before we’d passed out after an energetic session the previous Friday. However, I didn’t love her like I loved Moira.

I had to put a stop to this. It didn’t take much deliberation for me to be sure I would never feel for Shelly what I felt for Moira. I worried for much longer about how Moira would feel about my conclusions. I knew Moira would be coming over the next evening, and I resolved to discuss this with her then.


I could tell something was on her mind the moment she walked in the door. She had trouble meeting my eyes, and she clung tightly to me when I greeted her with a hug.

‘Seems like you have something on your mind, too,’ I remarked.

Her eyes leaped to mine, and then closed, washed asunder by the pain on her face. I took her hand and steered her to our usual conversation place on the couch.

‘Do you want me to go first, or do you want to talk?’

Moira bit her lip and shook her head, eyes downward.

‘OK. I’ll talk, but I want you to look at me.’ My fingers captured her chin, and I gently pulled her face up to mine. She managed to conjure a brittle smile as our eyes met.

‘I’m just gonna jump right in. I’ve been thinking quite a bit about the relationship between me, you and Shelly.’ Moira’s face constricted, cluing me in that this had been on her mind as well. I hoped she had come to the same conclusions.

‘Moira, I care about Shelly. She’s one of my closest friends. She’s a sweet, caring woman, and she deserves the best.’ I paused for a steadying breath. ‘But I can’t give that to her. I love you. I feel like I’m cheating you and her out of something with the way our relationship has been recently. I don’t think … Friday night … should continue the way it has.’

Moira’s reaction befuddled me. Instead of being outright relieved, or angry, or even pouty or sad, she was … resigned. Almost as if she knew this decision had to come, but she wasn’t sure where she wanted to be standing once it was, and she felt forced to abide by it, no matter what it was.

‘Then that’s how it will be,’ she said after a moment.

‘Don’t hide from me, Moira. I know this has been bothering you, too. Why the blasé reaction? Either this is what you wanted, or it wasn’t. Or were you just not sure?’

‘I know I don’t want to share you anymore. I can’t share you anymore. I love Shelly, and I love spending time with her. I enjoy all the things the three of us do together, but I can’t handle sharing you like that with her anymore.’

‘Then why aren’t you happier that we agree, and that I’m not pushing for more … having and eating of cake?’

She took a moment to gather her thoughts and take a deep breath. ‘I’m scared,’ she whispered.

I took her hands into mine. ‘Scared of what?’

‘Shelly … Shelly said you’d get bored, that it would take both of us to keep you interested. She was happy just being the bedroom toy. She said, ‘He’s older than you. More mature. He’s gonna want some strange. Better it’s the strange you know, right?”

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Hi friends, this is Aryan Batra from Delhi. I am a huge fan of ISS since last 8 years. Today, I decided to narrate one of my real life experiences. Warning: This is my real story and I am trying to narrate it in as detailed as possible. So, this is going to be a long story, kindly bear with me. Let me introduce the characters first. Me – I am well-educated, 24 years old male. I am fair in colour, 5’8″ tall, gym fit guy with some adorable looks and 6″ inch tool. Geeta – My cleaning girl of...

3 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 19 Meetings

My first meeting was with the rent collectors. I’d spent some time the night before going through the two sets of books I’d retrieved from Enders office. I was appalled by what I had found. When I compared the amounts, I guessed they had ripped off my grandfather over the years but their bank accounts would not show much of the money, which would have been spent or hidden. Going by the decor of the apartment, I could see where a lot of Higgins’ money went. Ender was a different story....

4 years ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 36

The Grimes mansion was usually busy, but today not so much. The three principals sitting around the glass topped table in the library were somber. Still their somberness was a purposeful state at the least of it. “So, what now,” said Victoria. Her husband shrugged. “Daddy, my other daddy is so bitter that there is almost no dealing with it,” said Selena. “Did he say anything about being dumped by Flo?” he said. “No, just that he understood her doing it. Evidently, she wanted to be with...

3 years ago
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Blackpink boombayah some balls

Phillip and his girlfriend have been dating for about 6 months now. His girlfriend is a big fan of female k-pop. Phillip teases her about the obsession, until she drags him to one of thier concerts. After the show they meet and greet BlackPink. They notice the non chalant nature Phillip is throwing out and they ask his girlfriend if they can borrow Phillip for a couple hours to get him to love kpop. She agrees out of her fandom and tgey take Phillip back unti thier dressing room and lock the...

2 years ago
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Hot dream m2m

I woke up hard and wet this morning. In my slumber, I began to rub my hard, precum covered cock with the vivid images of my recent dream. When I was in university I had a very close friend, he was straight, the boyfriend of one of my girlfriend’s. We shared many intimate moments and we lived in a constant bromance, we got d***k together, slept in the same bed together, we would hug and kiss, share secrets, he was the first person I ever came out to, in fact he asked me out right if i was gay...

1 year ago
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World War One Love Story

Summer 1915 Town of Farmhouse Indiana 18 year old Mark Smith is on his way to his Girlfriend Mary Beth's house for their weekly supper date. After walking the 4 miles from his Grandparents Farm to her house, he arrived at her front door. After knocking on the front door politely Mary Beth opened the door and she invited Mark inside. After some small talk the young couple went into to the kitchen and after saying grace they ate their supper. Which consisted of Homemade Fried Chicken, mashed...

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10 Book2Chapter 10

This was shocking for a young boy but he was pack and he got his thoughts from the rest of us. I said, "No, we better interrogate her while we can." Tiffany and Nicolas went over to Knox. We watched in case anybody else decided to try to enter or leave. Our guns were hidden and cars even came by. The drivers noticed the iron gates on the ground and I worried even more. My arm hurt like hell but there was little I could do. We stood guard as the house was searched for people. There were...

1 year ago
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ManoJob Aria Carson Cheating Fiance Handjob

Just like the many before her, Aria Carson is a cheater. Aria just got engaged and loves showing off her new ring; however, Aria’s at a stranger’s apartment. She doesn’t even know the dude’s last name…and Aria’s not even sure if the first name he gave was real. But that doesn’t matter. Especially when Aria’s horny and on her phone, swiping right while her future hubby is at work! “Swipe right for a fun night!” is one of Aria’s...

4 years ago
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Ein hllischer Ritt

Das Haus stand mitten in einem kleinen alten Wäldchen. Es war schon etwas älter und nicht mehr in bester Verfassung. Dennoch war es für viele Jungen und Mädchen ein Zuhause. Alles Waisen oder Kinder deren Eltern sich nicht für sie Interessieren. Diese Geschichte geht um eine Person aus diesem Haus. Es ist kurz nach dem Achtzehnten Geburtstag und ein Start in ein neues Leben. Doch ist diese Person ein Junge oder ein Mädchen? Oder ist es nicht nur eine Person? Das wird gleich zu sehen sein.

2 years ago
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Junior Year Ch 02

II While the Boys Are Away… Lauren and Kitty decided to spend their Saturday evening together, getting drunk and relaxing after a day spent on campus running around, buying books, and catching up with their old dorm friends from last year. Adam and Brad were out at the bars with the soccer team, partying. They hadn’t seen Logan or Hanna all day, and had no idea where they could be. They were sitting on the bed in Lauren’s room, lounging in the pajamas, loose little shorts and tight little...

3 years ago
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First time in public

A few years ago I was sent out to Paris on business. The first night was spent as Billy No-mates in the hotel watching French television and I don't speak French!Second night I wandered out into the night and spotted a porn cinema. Now ever since I was about a f******n years old when I was introduced to Parade I have always had something of an interest in porn, so I plucked up courage and went in. The cinema had 4 screens, a.k.a. dingy viewing rooms, so I decided to go to No. 1. I felt as...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 443

This group is compliments of Paul After my recent Prostate Exam, which by the way was one of the most thorough examinations I've ever had, the Doctor left the room and the nurse came in. After she shut the door, she asked me a question I didn't want to hear... She said "Who was that guy?" Several centuries ago, the Pope decreed that all the Jews had to convert to Catholicism or leave Italy. There was a huge outcry from the Jewish community, so the Pope offered a deal: he'd have a...

3 years ago
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A Fantasy to Remember

Halloween was rapidly approaching and my girlfriend of 2 years was planning something big. She had been a stripper for 10 years and was as kinky as they come. She and I had done a lot, so only a few of her fantasies were left unfulfilled. She had already had women and men, group sex, bondage, been a submissive and a dominate. We had a no holes barred policy. I could have any hole I wanted, anywhere, anytime. And I had! I was the only guy to ever wear lingerie for her though. Once she found...

2 years ago
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Into Africa with a Scandanavian Flavour

As an experienced 4×4 tourist guide I am often requested to undertake personalized tours into the African bush for smaller groups with specific requirements. Being an independent operator I am entirely flexible and can usually accommodate everyone’s needs for which I charge a basic daily rate over and above the tour expenses. Recently I received this unusual email from two Scandinavian ladies who requested a proposal for a relaxing three week tour to some of the central African game reserves...

4 years ago
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Jingbang In Goa 8211 Part II The Butterfly Effect

Author : JINGBANG Email: For the Part 1 of this story please go to https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/jingbang-goa-part/ I finally managed to reach the top berth. I had two guys sitting on my either side and 2 guys sitting in the opposite berth. I asked them which game they were playing and they said it was bluff. Since I knew how to play that game, I also expressed my eagerness to play with them. Anyways I wanted to improve my rapport with my colleagues. I so wished that Riya was also...

1 year ago
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The Ledger conclusion

They called themselves, for reasons that became apparent, Katherine and Petruccio. She was 43, he 47. They were an educated, sophisticated couple, slightly nervous although that was commonplace with many who came to us. Sitting together on a couch facing us, they made an attractive pair. She crossed and uncrossed her legs two or three times. Good legs. I imagined running my hands up the calves, under the skirt, encountering cool flesh above the stocking tops. I hoped Katherine and Petruccio...

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A Nymph Transformation

Here's a story that some people out there will recognize as a continuation of another of my stories. I won't say which one, but if you've read my others, it will probably be rather obvious. I hope the people out there who like my kind of stories will get a kick out of this one! I enjoyed writing it, even though it only took me a couple of hours. I love the comments that my growing set of fans leave me! They inspire me! So if you don't like 'Bimbo' type of stories, don't bother...

4 years ago
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Stunt Double

Stunt Double By Bob Stein "Remember the setup." The director peered from behind the camera, lining up the shot. "I want you to run to the burning car, open the door, undo the safety belt holding the child seat in, and drag the baby 9 feet from the car. You think a smart girl like you can handle that?" Stunt man Eric Stoltz nodded, knowing this would be a tough gig. Any fire stunts were hazardous, and he was doing this one as a dog. If only the public knew. The recent...

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Steve and ChuckChapter 35

Steve It's amazing how well an operation can function without micro managing all the various components. Abe had delegated the job of developing the new military vehicle to a sharp young man from his rebuild shop. His qualifications were six years in the Army in a mechanized infantry outfit. His name is Gilbert Mary, but everyone called him 'Chance' for some reason. If someone called him by his last name, Chance would get a dark face and look threateningly at the mouthy person. Anyway,...

3 years ago
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My Sister Part 2

My Sister Part 2   This is a continuation of "My Sister" it takes place immediately after Carly and Tyler leave the room and head down stairs. Again like last time, I welcome any and all comments good or bad. You can reach me at   After Carly left, I laid there trying to figure out what just happened and where it was going to go. Carly was and still is an ultimate wet dream come true and I still couldn't believe I just fucked her in and out of the shower. Her pussy was amazingly tight and she...

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The walk home

 The walk home A black, new looking car honked it's horn in rapid succesion as it slowly passed a mostly red, and fully naked, rabbit on the nearby sidewalk. Bunny, as he went by to most, blushed as he watched the car pass, unable to see the driver through the heavily tented windows, but he didn't bother covering himself up. He couldn't cover his large cock with both paws even if he wanted to, the already rock hard foot plus of his length throbbing and bouncing loosely in the cool air as...

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When Youre Gone

Dear You,My eyes are wet just addressing this letter to you, which I may or may not have the courage to send. Things between us have changed. Or rather, I’ve changed. And I’m sorry.You’ve taught me so much over the years: how to drive, play poker, cook meals other than pasta. You were there when I graduated: supporting, encouraging, clapping. Always my biggest fan. We shared our successes. Our experiences together were unequivocally a treasure, a coveted gift I sometimes did not deserve.What...

Love Stories
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 556

Canadian humour A young Vancouver woman was so depressed that she decided to end her life by throwing herself into the ocean but, just before she could throw herself from the docks, a handsome young man stopped her. “You have so much to live for,” said the man. “I’m a sailor, and we are off to Italy tomorrow. I can stow you away on my ship. I’ll take care of you, bring you food every day, and keep you happy.” With nothing to lose, combined with the fact that she had always wanted to go to...

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NaughtyAmerica Romi Rain VR 23003

Party time! Excellent! Not. Yeah, there’s a shindig going on downstairs, but it’s a complete sausage fest. Wouldn’t you rather be up here, blindfolded and listening to a beautiful woman quietly talk dirty in your ear?And when said blindfold is removed you find out that said beautiful woman is none other than pornstar Romi Rain? Fuck yeah! Now that’s a party. You should be kissing Romi’s feet — and you will be — for getting you out of there and moving the fun upstairs, because she’s horny as...

4 years ago
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SamChapter 2C

"So you made all that up about the effects of the drugs?" "I was making up every word as it came out of my mouth, Sam. A lot of it did not make any sense, but you were not in a position to critique my logic or my performance." "You should get an award. I was scared to death you were going to cut my nipples off." "I was scared I would too. I didn't have time to blunt the blades on those clippers. I was being as careful with them as I could and still convince you I was...

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The Red Penguin

I’ve been looking for this place for most of my life. Well, at least half of it. I started thinking about it when I turned twenty-five, you start to wonder at that quarter-century mark just what the hell you’ll be doing when you get old, when you retire. I mean you want to be where you want to be, and I wanna die happy. I’ve been lucky, I’ll turn fifty-two next month, I’m not ready to retire yet, life’s been good to me, it’s been a trip. Twenty-five years ago I was still working in...

2 years ago
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The Kinky Auditor

It was going to be a tough week. The NGO where I work was going through its annual audit by an external finance company. Nothing out of the ordinary, but it is always a bunch of work that comes at the most inopportune moment for my job. I breezed in and the auditors were already at their laptops in the conference room. Last year’s lead followed me to my office already asking for reports and documents, and I really wanted a cup of coffee, to check my email, and start MY day. Of course, she...

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Recruiting Letter

Dear Reader: You have been sent this letter, because we have reason to believe you may be qualified for and interested in a position in our firm as an Executive Secretary. Some details regarding the position follow. Policies 1. Executive secretaries are considered to be on duty 24/7/365. 2. Dress code applies whenever secretary is on duty. 3. Each secretary reports directly to one executive. 4. Secretary must address that executive as Master or Mistress as...

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Through Water

I was sitting in my little boat happily chatting with those on the shore, when someone crept up and cut the tether, leaving me to float further and further from human companionship. The tears well up in my eyes, and I search frantically for the paddles, but there are none. There is only me, the boat, and the vast blue ocean, dead and silent. When my boat brushes by islands, the inhabitants stare at me with distrust, perhaps even disgust for the fact that I am a lone woman floating on the sea....

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My Moms Sister

Then think about me. She is my fantasy gal. I know she is like mother to me. But couldn’t resist my Instincts and always I was dreaming about her. To tell you the truth I was dying to have sex with her but always scared and think about the relationship between us. Most of masturbation sessions in the bathroom that time were thinking about her only. I was just waiting for the right time and opportunity to have sex her. I was getting excited even my seeing her. Believe me she is so cute and her...

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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 30 College Plans

Monday, Labor Day, September 6, 2027 Riley found me down at the dock sitting on a lawn chair and drowning worms, trying to catch dinner. It was early afternoon, Labor Day, and if a nice bass didn’t jump into my lap, I was contemplating finding a soft spot in the grass and taking a nap. Neither turned out to be in the works. I figured that out when I saw a tennis ball fly past me and land in the lake. I heard Barney give a happy bark and tear past me, launching himself into the water to...

1 year ago
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Interview With the Tentacle DemonChapter 16 Finale

Claire sank down into the majestic reef. Beautiful tropical fish swam among the colorful coral. She kicked her flippered feet and swam forward, taking in the view. The warm sun shone down through the clear water, feeling wonderful against her skin, clad only in scuba gear and the tiniest bikini she could find and still qualify for swimming areas that weren't nude beaches. A friendly dolphin swam up and chattered a greeting. She reached out and pet its snout. A giant sea turtle swam past and...

4 years ago
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I Had to Get AwayChapter 4

Bob Dylan predicted her existence way back in the sixties with the great surrealist song, "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues:" Sweet Melinda, the peasants call her the Goddess of gloom. She speaks good English and she invites you up into her room. And you're so kind and careful not to go to her too soon. And she takes your voice and leaves you howling at the moon "Is that your car?" Melinda pointed at the green and dusty Range Rover parked in front of the diner. I nodded. "Of course....

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BackroomCastingCouch Aria 12242018

18 year old fast food worker Aria looks so young, I check her IDs before we even talk about sex. Once I confirm this adorable sweet heart is indeed legal, we learn that Aria is a kinky porn fan and she realized she is into being a submissive but isn’t getting the proper treatment from guys in real life. So maybe porn dudes can “manhandle” her properly? After making her strip and putting a butt plug in her tight little ass, we let Mr Vince show her what a well-trained...

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The Whore

The Whore By Margaret Jeanette Sharee Hinkins was angry. She had just gotten proof her husband Harry was having sex on a regular basis with a hooker. Someone had anonymously sent her pictures of him having sex with her three different times, along with her name and telephone number. Sharee wanted to kill him. She decided that what was good for the goose was good for the gander. He had called and told her he had to work very late, and she just knew he was with the hooker again....

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Lisa Takes On 3 by loyalsock

My wife Lisa is one incredible woman. At 26, she' a slim 5'5" withawesome red hair - a true redhead, mind you. Her lips were made tosuck cock and her 39B's just beg to be sucked and pinched. Whileshe is tough, Lisa can be quite submissive when needed. Knowingthis and wanting to act out one of my fantasies, I put a deviantand perverted plan into action.That Friday, my friends, Bob & Dave invite us out for dinner.On a lark (and being the devil that I am), I had my wife wear a blackmini-skirt...

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GirlsWay Carter Cruise Luna Star The Art Of Lesbian Anal My Hole Hurts

After a night of anal sex, Luna Star’s butt is sore. Worried she did some damage, the Latina inspects her butt with a vanity mirror in the bathroom. She’s making some strange noises when roommate Carter Cruise gets home. Carter comes upstairs to check it out and startles Luna. Mortified with embarrassment Luna tries to cover up with a robe and hide what she’s doing. But Carter eventually draws the truth out of Luna, and offers to help. The roommates move into the bedroom where...

4 years ago
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Story of being kidnapped and used

A voice says, “Scream and you die,” and that was enough so that I would not speak. The hand moved down from my mouth down my body. I try to think of other things, as though I am not here. I can feel the hand against my throat, holding my throat. The hand continues down my body to my arms, which are quickly pulled behind me and tied together with rope. Suddenly every thing goes dark, as a blind fold is placed over my eyes. He pulls me away form the car, and he pushes me forward. I hear a door...

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