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Render Unto Caesar


Punitive Expedition

The sun had fallen hours before we approached the village of Tov Kepha.Flavius Gaius, the first Centurion of our cohort had accompanied our expedition.I did not resent this intrusion upon my command, we were good friends and heallowed me free reign over my men. I suggested Flavius remain a mile to thewest of the village with half the century while I led the remaining men southto circle around and take up our position on the eastern approach. We movedthrough the night with the quiet stealth of the best-trained century in thelegion. I am Centurion Cassius Priscus, I lead the first century of the thirdcohort; The pride of the tenth legion. For the last two years we have beenreduced to chasing thieves and fighting goat herders. Still it was better forthe men than wasting their pay on cheap whores and cheaper wine: such was thecurse of garrison duty.

The men settled in to catch a few hours' sleep. The morning would bringthe slaughter that passed for battle these days. They were tired enough fromten days of trudging over this land forsaken by all of the gods. Now vengeancewas at hand.

Three weeks ago five of their number had been volunteered to escort a localtax collector. It was a safe, simple, boring duty, inflicted on them for someminor and long forgotten transgression. They had been reported stopping atfive villages without incident. Then they had simply disappeared. The tax collector,escort, and taxes vanished without a trace. We were sent to investigate.

Behind me a squirming sack fell to the ground with a thud. Marcus, my adjutant,had unloaded our prisoner from the back of his donkey. A fat little man whoclaimed to be the priest, or teacher, from the village we were now encircling.His nose was swollen and bent to the right from his brief interrogation. Itwas broken but the bleeding had stopped. We had captured him two days ago headingwest. When we searched him we found over 300 shekels and 900 denarii, the coinused to collect taxes. After a brief but energetic questioning he told us atleast part of the tale.

The tax collector was dead. Stoned by the local villagers we were now encircling.The taxes were now recovered from our prisoner, who swore he was trying toreturn them: Even as he was headed directly away from the provincial capital.The only thing the village priest steadfastly refused to disclose was the fateof the military escort. That we would learn soon enough; for now the priestremained gagged. He would warn no one of our presence.

The guard was posted and the rest of the men slept. With the first sign offalse dawn the legionaries were roused and silently prepared for battle. Atmy signal our horn was sounded; far to the west another answered our call.The men moved out in formation and quickly entered the wakening village. Thevillagers were herded to the communal well near the center of Tov Kepha. Therewere some 80 to 100 people in the village but less than 40 adult males. Noresistance was offered.

"Who speaks for this village?" Flavius Galarius bellowed at thecowering throng. None of them seemed to understand Latin so I repeated thisin the native tongue. The crowed muttered and parted exposing an older manwith a graying beard, his wife, son, and daughter stood by his side. "Iam the village elder." He said with a twinge of fear in his quaveringvoice. I moved to stand in front of the man, two soldiers accompanied me. Thepriest was still held at the edge of the village, so that none knew he wasour prisoner. "Where is the tax collector?" I asked calmly. The man'seyes darted left and right. "He never arrived in our village sir." Hesaid with barely a tremble in his voice.

I nodded to the two soldiers who had accompanied me. One reached forwardgrabbing the son by his hair yanking him forward. The boy stumbled to his kneesand the second soldier brought his sword down on the exposed neck nearly severingit. The man's wife screamed. Rushing forward she gathered up her fallen sonhelplessly trying to hold the flopping head in place as she rocked back andforth on her knees. Fresh blood soaked her robe as she wailed in disbelief. "Whereis the tax collector?" I repeated slightly louder to be heard over theweeping woman. The man pulled his eyes away from his dead son and looked atme. "The tax collector is dead. He was found with another man's wife.He was stoned to death under our laws." He spoke rapidly in a monotone,condemning his entire village with his words. " You live under Roman lawnow; " I informed him. " and where are the taxes he had collected?" Theold man barely hesitated," The village priest has taken the money to theGovernor where he will explain the situation and plead for mercy."

"What happened to the soldiers who escorted him?" I asked. Nowtrue terror showed in the old mans eyes; he hesitated, thinking before he spoke. "Theyran off, … fled, when they failed to protect…" I never lethim finish his lie. With a nod from me the bloody sword swung downward cleavinginto the wife's skull like a ripe melon. Her laments ended as her lifelessbody flopped down next to her son. "Where are they?" I asked angrilyas his daughter was dragged forward. He stared at his dead wife in disbeliefbut said nothing. I nodded and the bloody sword was drawn back once more. " No!Stop! I'll show you, spare her, please." I held up my hand staying herexecution, for now. The old one was true to his word. He led us to a cairnin a dry riverbed. Under the stones were the bodies of the missing soldiersand the tax collector. The soldiers were not nearly as decomposed as time wouldwarrant and had a bluish tint to their skin. "Poison?" I asked, theold man nodded listlessly.

Now that all the questions were answered we moved quickly. Villagers weredivided into two groups. Those fit enough to make a forced march to the Capitol,without slowing us down, where gathered and placed under guard. All otherswere immediately put to the sword. The only exceptions were the priest, theelder, and his daughter. In the end 18 men, 7 women, the priest and the elderremained alive. There was little of value to pillage but the men gathered amodest amount of silver and copper trinkets. A second donkey was procured forthe village elder before all the livestock was slaughtered. The buildings weresoaked with oil and set ablaze. A few heads were staked at the entrances ofthe village as a warning to any passerby. The century formed a phalanx aroundthe prisoners and began the forced march to the Capitol.

I studied the elder as we marched toward the capitol. He was terrified ofcourse but didn't allow it to show. He talked quietly with his daughter. Hewas unused to riding and his daughter stayed by his side steadying him as heswayed on the donkey's back. His daughter was old enough to have married yearsago but she still seemed fresh and comely, perhaps the choicest of the femaleprisoners. I learned her name, Rebecca. The column halted at midday and theprisoners were quickly feed and watered. The soldiers grumbled at the delay,they normally ate their fistful of grain as they marched. The march resumedas soon as the prisoners were finished and continued without pause until wemade our camp long after dusk.

The march continued, inevitably slowed by the pace of the prisoners who werefootsore after the first day. It was well after sunset on the fourth day whenwe arrived at the gates of the Capital. The officer of the watch opened thegate for us and the prisoners were marched through the deserted streets tothe citadel. The men were exhausted, but still they deserved some reward forcompleting their mission. The male prisoners were placed in the empty paddockand eight legionaries were assigned to guard them. The women were marched tothe parade ground, at the center of the citadel. Dozens of flickering torchesset in sconces along the eastern and northern walls cast an eerie illuminationon the central square. The men formed up on the parade ground and watch fireswere lit along the southern edge to add a bit more light to the proceedings.

The Parade ground was used for formal assemblies as well as military drills.Two whipping posts half the height of a man stood along the northern wall aswell as a long bench used to hold a prisoner being questioned under torture.A chopping block used for military executions completed the assembly. The womenwere obviously frantic as they backed away from the advancing men and wereforced forward toward these devices.

The century assembled facing the woman. Nine ranks of eight soldiers and20 auxiliaries were all staring at the prisoners with a hunger that had wipedthe exhaustion from their minds. I stepped between the men and the prisoners. "Thesewoman will be brought before the Governor in the morning." I addressedthem. " In the morning they will all be alive, not visibly injured, andproperly dressed. Do I make myself clear?" A roar of approval went upfrom the men. I stepped to the right and let Marcus take charge of the preparations.The women screamed and shrieked in dismay as two ranks of soldiers moved forwardand began to strip and bind them.

In short order Marcus reported all was in readiness. I surveyed his handiwork.All seven of the female prisoners were naked. Their clothing formed a loosepile against the wall. Four of the women now knelt along the length of thebench, they were bent over its width and their wrists had been pulled underneathand tied to their ankles. They were faced in alternate directions the firstfacing the wall and the next staring at the leering troops. Four naked bottomstrembled in the flickering light waiting to be used. Two other women were simplybent over the short whipping posts, with their wrists bound to the embeddediron rings. They where able to partially shield their nakedness, by twistingaround to the far side of the posts One had even managed to cross her legspressing them tightly together as if that would somehow save her from my lustfulsoldiers. The elder's daughter, the one called Rebecca, now knelt before thechopping block her neck resting in it's blood stained groove and her handsbound to the iron ring at its base She was the closest to the men but facingthe wall and the other bound and naked women.

I was the senior Officer and was expected to take first choice in all plunder.In the interest of morale I stepped forward and inspected the naked offeringsin the flickering light. As I walked among the bound prisoners my hand wanderedacross their bare flesh. Smooth round asses quivering with dread as nippleshardened in the cool night breeze. Some of the woman were sobbing, others pleading,a few were mumbling prayers but Rebecca remained silent, her eyes tightly closedas she knelt, terrified, desperate, waiting. It helped me choose. I shiftedmy Braccae aside. I tucked the front of my tunic up into my belt before pullingoff my loincloth. She shivered with fright as I knelt down behind her. Leaningforward the bottom edge of my hardened leather coriaceus (breastplate) duginto the smooth curve of her naked ass. I reached down and cupped her danglingbreasts. She gasped when I cruelly twisted her hardening nipples. I bent evenlower pressing down against her back, my breath on her neck. " Feel freeto scream, bitch." I hissed in her ear. I straightened, reluctantly releasingher breasts. She flinched as my manhood brushed down the crevice between herass cheeks. I grabbed her hips and thrust into her. She gasped in shock andpain as I entered her. She was as tight and dry, as any virgin bride wouldbe. I reared back and slammed into her again. I knew it must hurt. I wantedit to hurt, but it felt so good. I really wanted to hear this one proud bitchscream. The third thrust did bring a scream but from another girl, one of theones bound to the whipping posts. She began to cry out hysterically as shewatched what would soon be her own fate. The four women knelling at the benchwere whimpering as they tugged helplessly against their bonds. The men cheeredme on. After that first gasp Rebecca had become stoically silent as I droveinto her. She was too tight and I was too eager, I could not last. All tooquickly spurted out the fluid that would moisten her passage for her comingordeal. I pulled out of her wiping my dripping manhood across her smooth bottom.There was no blood, so I knew she wasn't really a virgin. Tears were tricklingdown her cheeks as I walked away.

Marcus barked an order and the first rank of men stepped forward. The womenbegan to plead and beg with renewed urgency. The four bound to the bench strainedfutilely against their ropes. The sight of their squirming struggles only servedto further inflame the men's lust. The two bound to the whipping posts triedto twist and squirm away from their assailants but they were quickly grabbed,trapped and impaled upon Roman cocks. Eight men and seven women caused fewproblems. Marcus was the odd man out in the first rank and he simply kneltin front of the one of the woman bent across the bench. Grabbing a fistfulof her hair he raised her head and thrust himself into her gaping mouth. Shegagged and gasped. The man who knelt behind her drove into her pushing herforward while Marcus waited in her mouth. Her body was buffeted back and forthover the rough wooden surface as they took turns plunging into her. Tears poureddown her cheeks as she choked and sputtered. Some of the women who did havefree use of their mouths were still begging for mercy while others cried outin outrage or pain.

The first rank finished and relieved the men guarding the male prisonerswhile the second rank moved forward. The process went quickly and with typicalRoman efficiency. A fellow in the third rank knelt behind Rebecca and plungedhis hand into her ravaged sex. His fingers sloshed in the ejaculate left byhis comrades, which he then smeared along the crack of her ass. Rebecca's eyeswidened in shock and she spoke for the first time since her rapes began " No!Please not there. I've never.." the soldier paid no attention as his thumbplunged into her narrow opening. She lowered her head biting down on her lip.His hands grasped her cheeks brutally pulling them open. She uttered a startledgasp as he thrust himself into her virgin opening. Maybe it was shock or maybea point of pride for her, she still didn't scream as her ass was brutally ravaged.I was sorely disappointed. By the time the fourth rank was finished the womenwere barely whimpering though some of the women still screeched when a soldierchoose to use their back sides, by the tenth rank they were silent but foran occasional grunt or groan. I did not remained to watch the auxiliaries finishand those interested begin their second go around. I directed that the womenshould be untied, dressed, and returned to the paddock with the other prisonerswhen my men were finished. It took less than two hours for the seven womento service the entire century.

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The untold story 1 Hi i am Ravi when this incident happen it was may this year. I was twenty seven that time. Worked as a purchasing officer, for a site…. We were in industrial site in Sri Lanka, where lot of desi workers engaged. End of the April our coordinating manager’s wife Reema came there to join her husband. She was about 30 (33 was exact i discovered later with her passport) since they have no children they have free behavior and enjoy their life. I was told by someone that Reema is...

4 years ago
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Tha dark corner8211 An untold story

For several years I want to put down my own feelings towards everything as it is. But the society morality e.t.c has restrained me to put down my feelings which hope the feeling of every human being. But the FSI has given me the opportunity to fulfill my desire. So I am greatly thankful and indebted to them.This is the true story of my life. I tried to factual as far as possible. I tried to keep my feeling and views honest. A few feeling were from the point when I see the incident when it...

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Real Incest Untouched 8211 Part I

Hi this is Sanjumohan, writing my first story to ISS. Well hope that you all enjoy. Leave your comments r suggestions to mail id: Well it’s about me n my cousin sister, she was recently married, but her hubby had gone missing, soon after their marriage. Complaint had been lodged at police station, but still no result. Well coming to story, after all this bad incident she was feeling bad n even worse. She decided to continue her studies; she wanted to do her masters (MS). So my mom suggested...

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Surrendering to Our Desires

Surrendering to Our DesiresMy name is Jessica. I'm 29, work in publishing, and have been completely faithful to my boyfriend for the past six years. Until today. Today I'm on my knees in the Denver hotel room of a coworker. My lipstick is smeared. My top and panties are both gone, leaving me in only my black skirt. My nipples are hard as rocks and my pussy is swollen with desire as I slowly pull down the zipper in front of me and reach into Jamal's pants. I'm not disappointed.It takes some work...

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Surrendering to Her Lover

Surrendering to Her LoverWe'd been married for almost two years when I caught her. I had been out of town on business and was scheduled to get home late. A canceled flight is normally a disaster, but in this case the airline was able to book me on a direct flight that actually got me home hours earlier than my initial itinerary. I figured I'd keep quiet and surprise Sharron when I got home.I knew what was happening the moment I entered the door. The sound of skin slapping together. Sharron's...

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Surrendering to BBC

You catch my attention from across the empty locker room. I am sitting on the bench, tying my shoes you emerge from the shower room. My eyes drift over your muscular body, glistening under the lights. I feel a stirring inside my belly as I realize that I am staring at you. I try to break my gaze but my eyes are now fixed on your exposed cock and balls.Like the rest of you, your cock is quite an eyeful. It is clear, even from a short distance, that you aren’t even remotely hard and, even...

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Surrendering to the Penis

It had been some time since I was attacked by Daniel, Charlie and Bruce. I Must admit that I sort of missed being sort after by the three of them and wondered what it would be like if I Could find one of them alone. Would I be able to entice one of them to have sex with me, with out him knowing I Wanted him to do so? I fantasied about what would become of an encounter with any one of them, Bruce was the best looking one, Charlie was well hung, but vicious and Daniel was hung like a horse and...

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Surrendering to Her Lover

Surrendering to Her LoverWe'd been married for almost two years when I caught her. I had been out of town on business and was scheduled to get home late. A canceled flight is normally a disaster, but in this case the airline was able to book me on a direct flight that actually got me home hours earlier than my initial itinerary. I figured I'd keep quiet and surprise Sharron when I got home.I knew what was happening the moment I entered the door. The sound of skin slapping together. Sharron's...

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Surrendered Desire

A couple weeks after meeting, I sat parked in his driveway. The pit in my stomach weaved up through my ribcage until it blossomed into a hard, suffocating lump in my throat. In my chest cavity, my heart thumped strong like a tribal drum.  I had met Emmett online. He was young, wild and full of fun. The friendship bloomed fast and soon innocent conversations had turned into flirty exchanges. I had been careful and upfront about my relationship status, unwilling to be unfaithful, despite my...

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‘There’s nothing to go on for. Nothing for my heart to cherish, but if that is true, why am I still here. Why do I still have existence? I did all I could. I still do all I can. But why? Why am I here? Do I still serve a purpose? I can’t even see. I don’t want to see. The pain it may bring me is too much. But if I am here I might as well look. No it hurts too much. It’s like opening your eyes for the first time. Too much pain but I will try. Oh they opened a little. Oww Its to bright out there...

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Untouchable Chapter One

Dani rolled her eyes and pushed her hair back behind her ears, ignoring her fathers shouts from downstairs. She inspected her cheek, smoothing out an area where her foundation was uneven. Tonight was Elle’s party, and Jason was going to be there. She had to look good. She had straightened her brown hair, bought new mascara to emphasise her striking green eyes, red lipstick to give her sexy pout, and new clothes to show off her curved. She hoped she looked good enough. “Daniela! Get the hell...

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Warhammer 40k the assassin and the untouchable

Bloody Sunday walked the station of footfall, looking for something. A small itch in the back of his mind spurred him on, as the dead blue eyes behind the metal mask scanned impassively, sizing up the local muscle. Casually vaulting the metal turnstiles, he strolled into a small encampment of beggars. The traditional cries of "alms, alms" abruptly ceased, and most of the beggars looked away if he stared at them. Walking the encampment, he stopped as a pair of young adults were getting into a...

1 year ago
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Hola, my name is Gustavo, and I'm Puerto Rican. I live in New York City, albeit in a nicer part of town than before, and I am a successful executive for a major airline. I have a fat salary, expense accounts, etc., and I love to travel, taking advantage of the staff discount. However, I never forget the downtrodden, the poor, and the unjustly despised. I grew up poor, after all, and I know suffering. So, perhaps for that reason, I find myself especially attracted to the girls from the "wrong...

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Stumbling into my bedroom I kick off those hateful, yet amazingly sexy heels. The hardwood is cool and refreshing as I start to feel the sweat cling to my flesh. The club had felt like a hundred degrees with all those sweaty bodies pressed together, grinding on one another as they danced the night away. My muscles are tightening now that my body realizes I’m no longer in the middle of that crowd. I’ll feel it in the morning, but that smirk curling on the corner of my lips confirms that I don’t...

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He walked slowly out of the bathroom, leaving the belt sitting where She had left it. His mind was spinning as he contemplated the options before him; a life under the control of this admittedly stunning Woman or walking away free but knowing he'd never see Her again. "How bad could it be?" he wondered, looking at the belt, just visible through the bathroom door. His mind was full of flashbacks to the night before, undoubtedly the most fulfilling sexual experience he'd ever had. He recalled the...

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StarwarsTruths Untold Pt 2

Being a Scavenger on Jakku wasn't as Simple as it seemed. Alright, so it wasn't simple, period. Sometimes one found nothing and thus would go hungry for a day. And sometimes the desert planet was absolutely ruthless and hid away any scraps at all for a whole week. One couldn't stay hungry for a whole week of course. Therein is where Luke Skywalker came in. The only thing that would shock Rey during her adventures with Finn later on was to be told that luke was a grand Jedi Master....

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StarWarsTruths Untold

At 32, Leia Organa Solo (Nee Skywalker) was still a beauty of the Galaxy, a perfection of beauty inherited from her mother, Padme. Her dark brown hair was in its signature two bun hairstyle and she walked around her house on Naboo with great grace, grace she no doubt inherited from her late mother as well. She walked into her children's nursery, looking proudly at the two bundles of joy that slept peacefully in their separate cribs. A single thought then passed through her mind, making...

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Fallout The Untold Adventures

Hey guys this is my first time writing a story tell me what you think and if should continue Angel is a young girl. She has lived in a vault her whole life, or at least she did until her father left the vault. I should slow down, Vault 101 was always secure and people were nice to each other. You and your father lived in the vault your whole lives and knew there was a world outside but didnt know what was out there. In the vault people helped each other, there was plenty of food and water, you...

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Untold love for mommy and daddy

Often on nights like this I would stand in the shadows of the door in my bra and underwear masterbating to there love making, my mother was gorgeous she had a cute firm ass the made my mouth water and my clit wet, she had huge bouncing boobs that when my dad licked them I would want to moan with pleasure. As a bi-sexual teenager I also found my dad very atractive, he had a huge throbbing cock and nice sharp cut abs. Tonight as I stood in the doorway secretly watching there love making I got...

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The Untold Story of Sarah Ch 01

I was not one for cheap tricks and theatrics, but I did enjoy to be alone more often then not. My girlfriends would always try to push me to go shopping here, or get my nails done there. None of these things truly interested me. I wanted to be at home. Cooped up in my living room with all the shades closed. I looked forward to that special “me” time. Where I could really get myself worked up by reading my favorite story, or watching one of my hot steamy shows I keep hidden in my closet in some...

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This is the story of my life time sexual fantasy and sexual encounters Characters ages and the period of relation areMe – 19yearsMom – Shobha – 36years 36d-34- 36 sizesDad Murali -46yearsKistappa – 56 yearsTIME PERIOD (1990-1992)My dad is a landlord. Mom is a house wife. I have a brother and a sister. We live in a town nearby. First let me start with a small incident that awakened the sexual desire in me and two small events before a big incident which made me think and lust for my mom.It was...

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Thor Ragnarok The Untold Legend of Hela

Lins picked up his broom and started sweeping. Outside, the Asgardian Royal Guard battled the Goddess of Death, Hela. But that didn't concern him. His job was to clean the throne room - no matter who sat on the throne.He knelled in front of the throne, facing away from it. He leaned back, placing his head on the seat so he could see the name plate from beneath. As he began to removed it, Hela entered the room with her Executioner. Her beautiful antlers reverted back to even more beautiful...

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A true sex tail untold

I was on my way back to north London one late evening. I got off the train and proceeded to walk out the station, whilst waiting for the bus I realised this attracted woman was watching me. I continued to wait for the bus and as a few minutes passed I turned to see if she was still watching me and she was. I shyly shimmied around where she was waiting as I pursued to ask her her name. She told me Salina! Salina I said as I replied by giving her my name with a light hand shake along with a kiss....

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