CynthiaChapter 9
- 3 years ago
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The Collector was a simple bio-engineered delivery/retrieval system. Totallyorganic, it could pass inspection no matter what type of screening technologywas used on it at its designated target world.
Earth-destined collectors' form and delivery method had been decided on afterstudying the humans' broadcasts for several years. Its programming had beenas complete as was thought necessary, and its organic AI was designed to fillin any gaps in its programming that might appear.
The first two collectors, sent on harvesting missions some 37 earth yearsearlier, had encountered some problems, and only one had delivered its cargo.The other had suffered an accident and been disabled. Since then the programhad progressed without incident, growing steadily in size and scope.
No two collectors were exactly identical as that might attract unwanted attentionand external superficial variances were designed into the growth program anyway.While all grown essentially from the same DNA sample, harvested over two hundredyears before, their outward appearance was tailored to the geographic regionthey were designated to infiltrate.
The Combine had been sending down three thousand units a month for the lastearth decade. Demand called for that to increase to five, and so the programadministrators had been working on ways to achieve that goal without increasingthe risk of discovery. The easiest solution was to increase their activityin the planet's un- and under-developed regions, but other steps were beingtaken as well. The Combine understood the humans' biology even better thanthey did themselves after thousands of years of their primitive self-examination.Inquiries had been made as to whether the untapped gender could indeed be utilizedfor collection so as to more easily meet their higher production quota. Afterbrief study, a team acknowledged it was possible, but could not determine whetherit would be practical without actual field trials, much like what had happenedsome forty years earlier when the field-collection program was initiated.
Collector 43769 was the first unit produced for the new (still experimental)program. After intense study of current human culture, its makers decided tostay with the original initiator delivery system. If the harvesting was successful,more refined delivery systems tailored for mainstream norms could be developed.The only difference between this unit and all the others that had come beforewas the chemical makeup of its cargo and its collection tool.
43769 was destined for a large city and a specific target location was chosen.
Collector 43769 entered the building and swept its eyes over the occupants.Ninety-eight organisms were within view, eighty-four of them positively identifiedas human:female within three seconds.
Dozens of open beverage containers were in view, and the air was thick withsmoke. 43769's olfactory glands sampled and identified six different typesof cigarette smoke, eight different types of beer, wine, and several kindsof what was referred to as hard liquor.
It moved through the crowd toward the bar, cataloguing the smells its ultra-sensitiveanalyzers encountered. Many kinds of perfume, sweat, baby powder, halitosis,and vaginal secretions.
The collector got quite a few glances from women in the crowd as it wentby, demonstrating why this delivery system had been so successful in the past.While all collectors shared the same basic chassis, there were literally aninfinite number of body styles to choose from to hang on the skeleton. 43769had been given a statistically average appearance, with cranial features chosenso that members of its species would find it pleasant to look at but unremarkablein the unlikely event there was a problem during the collection process requiringemergency extraction. 43769's head hair was black and cut short for this fieldtest. The irises of its eyes were bright blue and it was attired in articlesof clothing similar in style to those worn by the organisms filling the room.The fluid receptacles attached to its torso disguised as breasts were large,and it was those that garnered the attention.
It moved to the bar and ordered a drink from the male bartender while surveyingthe crowd. There had been a number of organisms in the room whose gender ithad been unable to determine at first, but now the collector was able to IDmost of them as female from their scent, even though their appearance was moremasculine than otherwise. The collector paid for its drink with money providedit that was indistinguishable from that manufactured by the humans themselves.
Over the next fifteen minutes several females approached the collector andinitiated verbal communication. Random "conversation" was no problem for itscapable AI and it was able to continue scanning the room covertly while talking.
The first several females who approached the collection unit were unsuitablephysically. One was obese and a smoker, another was too old. A third appearedwithin the norms but the collector's highly refined olfactory glands determinedit was a disease carrier.
The collector sipped at its drink as it worked, the whisky pooling in itssmall stomach where the alcohol was quickly neutralized. Seven minutes latera young female of the species appeared in front of the collector and constrictedits facial muscles, exposing its teeth. The collector recognized this as atype of non-aggressive greeting called a smile. It evaluated the organism beforeit, using all of its highly capable senses, and determined it met the basictarget criteria. The female was of the right age, physically fit, and, as faras the collector's ultra-refined senses could determine, its body harboredno diseases.
"You here with anybody?" the female inquired of the collector, tilting itshead to one side and shifting most of its weight onto its right leg.
The collector's brain evaluated the basic content of the question as wellas the inflection used and the "body language" of the female. It then considered1432 possible responses.
The collector smiled at the female and spoke. "I am now," it purred, raisingone eyebrow slightly.
The female's smile grew wider, signaling the collector it was safe to proceed. "I'mKelly," the collector said with another wide smile.
The female identified itself as "Jane Thompson". The collector observed thefemale's eyes were focused on the shirt above its breasts as she spoke, andcatalogued this information.
After several minutes of hesitant, exploratory conversation the female continuedto express interest in the collector. The female seemed to desire direction,and at the collector's suggestion they moved to a table and sat down. The collectorhad been programmed to steer the conversation toward sexual topics but thefemale needed no prompting.
After another twelve minutes of dialogue the collector touched the female'sleg under the table. The collector had determined the organism to be sexuallysubmissive, which made its task that much easier. Not long thereafter it was "kissing" thefemale using its tongue. The female began touching the collector's body underthe table. Within another three minutes the collector could smell the female'ssexual arousal. The female consumed two more alcoholic drinks over the nextthirty-five minutes, well within the acceptable limit, and became increasinglyfrank and amorous. An hour and twenty minutes after it entered the bar thecollector followed the female out into the parking lot, both of them smilingand laughing.
The female used a key to unlock an automobile and the collector sat in thefront passenger seat. The female encouraged the collector to pinch its nipplesas she piloted the vehicle 2.332 statute miles to a large apartment complexand parked in the lot. The collector had determined a sexually aggressive rolepromised the highest chance of success and now forcefully kissed the femalewhile sitting in the car, still pinching her nipples. The female fondled thecollector's breasts for several minutes. The enclosed compartment made herarousal even easier to measure.
After one hundred and ninety-seven seconds the female broke the kiss andleaned back, panting with excitement. She took the collector by the hand andled her into an apartment building. The collector noted the address as shewent inside. A complete map of the city was imprinted on her brain and sheknew down to the foot exactly how far she was from the nearest police station,fire station, and retrieval point.
The female lived in a third floor apartment by itself, a fact the unit hadascertained before making a final decision to proceed with the collection.It let itself be led, laughing, into the female's bedroom where, after somebrief kissing, it watched the female remove its clothes.
Under the female's expectant, lust-filled gaze the collector quickly removedwhat clothing it had been provided. While the female stared at its exteriorthe collector quickly noted the female was an excellent physical specimen,even closer to the ideal than the collector had previously estimated. Her musculaturewas toned, her color good, all body hair shaved off but for a small rectangularstrip of stubble on her pudenda.
The female climbed onto the big bed on hands and knees and the collectordid the same. The mating rituals of human female homosexuals had been studiedat length, but were still not fully catalogued and documented. The collector'sAI was more than up to the task, but so far this female's signals had beenunambiguous.
"You dirty girl, you didn't tell me you were shaved," the female said witha delighted smile. "I love your big nipples." She slid a hand between the collector'sopen thighs and found the hairless folds pleasantly slick. She inserted firstone finger, then another.
Body hair had been an early problem for those early research units designedfor extended stays. The solution had been to alter that gene sequence so theygrew no hair below the neck. Exhaustive study of human media had shown themthis would be within societal norms around the globe.
The collector moved and made sounds that convinced the female it was arousedas its brain worked on the problem of how best to proceed. The female suckedon the collector's neck as she fingered it expertly, her other hand pressedto the small of its back. After thirty-seven seconds the collector put a handon the female's breast and pinched her nipple. The female gasped.
"You're sucking the wrong spot," the collector told her, and proceeded torecline on the pillows. The female licked and sucked at the fingers she hadjust had inside the collector and it spread its shapely thighs wide.
"Your pussy is gorgeous," the female said as she laid down on her stomach.She began licking and sucking at the unit's perfectly sculpted labia and clitoris.The collector moaned and breathed hard for a minute as the female's tonguedanced and squirmed between its legs.
The female's dancing tongue soon slowed, and her technique grew sloppy. Inanother minute the female lay face down in the collector's vagina, still breathingbut unable to move. The unit slid out from underneath the female and rolledher onto her back. The young woman's eyes were open, blinking slowly aboutthree times a minute.
The toxin the female had absorbed via the collector's vaginal secretionswould leave it conscious but dazed and docile. The collector, showing hiddenstrength, slid the female easily into the middle of the bed and straightenedher lifeless limbs. It quickly checked the female's vital signs, verifyingthe proper amount of the toxin was in her system.
The collector slid a hand under the female's shoulders and lifted her upso she could slide some pillows in. With her head properly elevated, the collectorcould begin. The collector knelt astride the helpless female and leaned forward.The collector directed its left nipple into the female's partially open mouthwhile resting its weight on its hands. The female at first gave no reaction,but then she blinked once and her lips twitched.
"Suck," instructed the collector, relaxing the tissues connecting the nippleto the large reservoir that made up the bulk of her breast. The fluid insidebegan to flow.
The fluid superficially resembled human milk both in color and taste, butthat was where the similarity ended. As the first drops leaked from the collector'snipple the female's mouth twitched again. Weakly she began to suck, nursingfrom the large nipple designed for quick flow.
The collector remained motionless as the female feebly nursed at her. Graduallythe large breast began to slacken and lose its shape. In another ten minutesit was obvious the breast had no internal structure and was collapsing inward.
The female stared up at the collector with eyes that hardly blinked, suckingsoftly once every two or three seconds. The neurotoxin ensured she was largelyunaware of her surroundings or even her own actions, the nursing being a prenatalreflex. It took her another ten minutes to empty the breast of its remainingcargo. The collector let her suck for another minute before pulling away. Itsleft breast was a mere shadow of its former pendulous self, hardly more thana flat, pancake-like fold of skin tipped with an oversize nipple, while theright breast remained firm and full.
The female lay still, eyes unfocused, as the collector climbed off the bedand explored the apartment. While the female had ingested over five thousandcalories worth of a vitamin fortified solution (to help her body cope withthe stresses created by the mutative genetic enzyme also present in the fluid),she would need further fuel to sustain her during the modification and collectionprocess.
The collector did not bother to put its clothes back on as it searched throughthe rooms. Any container it found that could hold liquids it placed on thekitchen counter. When there were no more it filled them with water and transportedthem into the bedroom. Between the bedside table and the top of the dresserthere was just enough room for them all.
Next it located soft, high-calorie foods in the apartment and set them aside.Most of a large jar of peanut butter, two jars (one unopened) of raspberrypreserves, and two pounds of sugar it could dissolve into water would, it estimated,be enough.
After several hours the female began to moan. The changes caused by the geneticinitiator, the collector knew, would be very painful, but the neurotoxin wouldkeep the female subdued until the collection process began. Then she wouldneed to be aware of her surroundings, but the collector had much to do beforethat happened. It could see the female's lower abdomen was swollen slightly,and palpated the area with a hand. The skin was warm, as had been predicted,and the female soon showed signs of a fever.
The collector began giving the female sips of water as her fever rose. Thefever was expected, and as long as it never rose above 103.5 F there was nocause for concern.
Originally collectors were designed to target only males, but close studyof human biology had shown that ovaries were nearly as well suited to theirpurposes as testes, which was no real surprise as both sets of divergent organsdeveloped from the same mass of fetal tissue in the mother's womb. Male subjectsexperienced massive swelling in the groin and scrotum prior to collection,so while this was the first field test with a female, the collector's programmershad a general idea of how the collection process would progress. The swellingin the female's abdomen increased. With its fingers the collector could feela golf-ball sized lump inside each of the female's protruding hipbones, aswell as a hard spot just above her pubic bone. That was the female's uterusand it would continue to swell even as it was altered to its new purpose. Thecollector continued giving her water as the fever grew.
Halfway through the second day the female had soaked both sheets and mattresswith sweat. She'd gone through most of the water and eaten half the peanutbutter and preserves the collector patiently spoon-fed her. It refilled thecups and bottles and once again palpated the female's swollen abdomen. Theskin was pink and hot to the touch above her ovaries, which were working thehardest to change. While the enlargement of the female's uterus would tendto indicate that was where most of the changes were taking place, the mutationof her uterus into what amounted to a hollow, thick-walled sponge was a muchsimpler process than what was taking place in her ovaries. The female herselfwas delirious and semi-conscious at best. Her knees had spread apart of theirown accord, an expected side-effect of the pressure on the abdominal muscles.
Fifty-one hours after being administered the mutative genetic enzyme thecollector observed the female's fever had dropped and her near constant moanshad subsided, indicating she was ripe. Her abdomen had swollen throughout theripening process until it appeared she was five or six months pregnant. Hervagina was bulging outward from the internal swelling, leaking the clear fluidthat helped the collector obtain the tight seal necessary during the collectionprocess. Her labia and internal tissues were dark red.
The collector inserted two fingers into the female. The mouth of what hadbeen her uterus had lowered itself into the correct position, just inside thefemale's labia, for the collection process. The collector's manufacturers hadnamed this new organ (as it would never function as a uterus again) the eggbladder.The eggbladder's mouth was at the correct angle and of the proper shape. Thecollector could feel tiny tremors running through it, one more sign she wasripe or nearly so. The collector kneaded the eggbladder's muscular walls withits fingertips, estimating it was ready from its texture and resiliency. Thecollector's fingers came out coated with the clear liquid the sponge-like organwas swollen with.
The collector topped off several of the water containers and then slid boththe side table and the dresser to the edge of the bed so it could reach themfrom atop it. Then it knelt astride the young woman again and propped her upwith pillows.
The female was dazed but no longer delirious. The neurotoxin had about runits course through her body and anyway would be negated by the initiator. Herface was pale, hair a mess, lips cracked and chapped from the fever. Her eyesfollowed the collector's face as it appeared before her, confusion registeringon her features. The collector lowered its full right breast to the female'smouth and this time didn't need to say anything.
The collector knew it would only have a short amount of time to get intoposition once the initiator inside the high-calorie energy drink the femalewas consuming entered her system. As the female hungrily drained the initiatingsolution from the large breasts suspended above her the sucking activated thecollector's dormant namesake tool. Disguised to look like a uterus in an X-raywhen not in use, the specialized organ was half muscle and half spongiformerectile tissue. It activated and started growing inside the collector as thefemale nursed.
The female emptied the collector's right breast in half the time it had takenher to nurse the left dry, due no doubt to the neurotoxin that had almost dissipatedfrom her system. The collector quickly climbed off the female and then positionedherself on her knees between the female's spread legs.
The collector maneuvered its vagina as close as it could to the young woman'sdripping, gaping slit, positioned as if she was a male about to initiate sexin the so-called "missionary position". Seconds later a flesh-colored nub appearedbetween the pink folds of the collector's vagina. The organ continued to grow,emerging from the collector's vagina in a glistening curve.
The tip of the organ was wedge-shaped and slightly wider than a man's thumb.The shaft behind it grew thicker as it disappeared into the unit's vagina.There was a hole in the center of the tip, and it looked like nothing so muchas a penis shaped like a snake. It continued to lengthen until eight upward-curvinginches of shaft were visible.
The collector could articulate the organ to some extent, as a monkey canits tail. The tip of the organ slid into the female's leaking vagina and begannudging left and right.
Jane moaned. She could hardly string two thoughts together, but somethingseemed very wrong. Her body felt beat up and bloated and every inch of it ached.She didn't know where she was, didn't recognize her own bedroom, and couldn'treally focus on anything outside of her own skin for more than a second ortwo. She vaguely remembered bizarre dreams but then wondered if she was stillasleep as she looked down and saw her belly swollen as if she was more thana little pregnant.
The tip of the purpose-built organ located the mouth of the female's eggbladderand pushed. The muscled ring was clenched tightly but the constant pressureof the wedge-shaped head slowly began to have an effect.
The cupcake-sized knot of hot red flesh began to part, and Jane gasped assensations like none she'd ever felt before roiled through her pelvis. Shecould feel something inside herself stretching, but the sensation was so alienshe had no frame of reference. It didn't hurt, not really, not any more thanother kinds of stretching, but there'd never been anything in her there thatwas so sensitive, much less that stretched.
The collector leaned forward on its hands and rotated its hips. The organ'shead squeezed into the tight ring of muscle, causing the female to wave herarms weakly, then with a pop it was inside the enlarged, thick-walled chamber.The mouth of the throbbing chamber squeezed shut around the shaft just as theinitiator began to arouse the female's mutated ovaries, which in turn sentsignals to the eggbladder.
"Oh God!" Jane gasped, as the clenching sensation made her back arch. Sheclawed at the damp sheets as a second squeezing, pushing sensation ran throughher body, starting at her head and ending at the swollen, throbbing mass betweenher legs.
"Oh Fuck!" she cried out as the first real contraction hit. She bucked againand could feel something inside her, something big ,ripple and churn and twist like a fish on a hook. A fucking foot-long fish.It didn't hurt, not exactly, but the feeling was so intense she was seeingflashes. It was more intense than most of the orgasms she'd ever had. It didn'tfeel like an orgasm—it didn't feel good, but it didn't feel bad, either.It felt like it was something that needed to happen. It didn't last long, barelymore than ten seconds, but she'd hardly recovered from it, panting and sweating,when another even more intense contraction hit.
"Accck!" Her face turned red and a vein bulged in her neck as the roilingtwisting clench ran from her nipples down to her asshole. Her toes curled andher legs involuntarily jerked farther apart and back.
"Oh God," she said afterward, panting. That last contraction hadn't hurtat all, even though it'd been even more intense, which she wouldn't have thoughtpossible. It felt like her insides were clenching into a fist. She could feelit, sense it—there was something inside her that needed to come out,something inside her swollen belly, pushing on her throbbing pussy like a heavyhand. The sensation wasn't orgasmic, wasn't even really pleasure as she knewit. It was just something her body needed to do. She looked up at the gorgeouswoman she no longer recognized.
"What-?" she panted.
"You'll be fine," the collector assured her with what it estimated was theright amount of compassion and empathy in its voice. "Everything will be fine.Just relax and let it happen." The collector could feel the bloated musclechamber quivering around the shaft of its embedded organ, signaling the onsetof another contraction.
"Let what happen?" Jane panted. "I don't even—"The next contractionhit and she lost the power of speech. This one was the strongest yet, and hereyes rolled back in her head as her back arched off the mattress. There waspressure, squeezing pressure, below her belly button, all directed down andoutward between her splayed thighs.
The collector felt the female's eggbladder squeeze and for the first timethe contraction was strong enough to send a tiny bit of her precious cargoshooting into the narrow tube which ran from the tip of the organ insertedin her, through its shaft, and into the bladder-like main reservoir in thecollector's abdomen. Barely a drop reached the ultra-elastic reservoir, butit was a start.
The contractions grew slightly more intense but stayed about thirty secondsapart. After five more minutes the female was sending a long spurt into thecollector's main reservoir with each contraction.
"Fuck!" Jane growled, as another one ended. Her nails had clawed holes inthe sheets. She wanted to reach down, feel between her legs, but was afraidof what she might find. She'd never felt that swollen, never felt that muchpressure, not even that time she'd been fisted. It was like period bloatingtimes one thousand. She could feel the spurts shooting out of her, big squirts,giant squirts, and they kept getting bigger, and it felt right ,every cell of her body was screaming for her to spray like a garden hose, yeteverything was all wrong. Her thighs were splayed flat on the bed, and herknees had pulled back with every contraction until they were practically inher armpits, and yet she still felt like she needed to open her legs widerso she could push whatever was inside of her out. And the woman above her wasno comfort, she just kept staring at Jane like she was a piece of meat.
The intense sensations were too draining for her, and she stopped tryingto ask questions. She barely had enough energy to think, and was unaware ofhow loudly she was moaning. She rubbed her stomach for a while, careful notto stray too far down between her legs, afraid of what she might find. Therubbing seemed to help somewhat. It felt good if she pressed her palms againsther belly just above her pubic bone, hard, but it also hurt a little. Therewas something big and hot and hard beneath her skin, and she could feel itmove under her hands with each contraction.
The female's fever came back, as was expected, and the collector made sureto keep her well hydrated. It fed her sips of water between contractions andmade soothing noises. The collector recorded all its observation as the collectionprocess with this female was slightly different than what had been expected,and the mechanical process itself of course was much different with a female.There was no need for an erectile organ when collecting from a male—collectorsjust sat atop the males, who had been rendered permanently erect, and sealedthe mouth of their main reservoirs around the tip of the man's penis. Carehad to be taken, though, not to put any pressure on the males' swollen, oversizedscrotums, which sometimes grew to over a foot in diameter.
After six hours of regular, strong contractions the female was unconsciousagain, her eyes rolled back in her head. Her abdomen had shrunk in size somewhatbut was still as hot and hard. There were two distinct lumps to either sidewhere her supercharged ovaries continued to work hard. White drops had appearedon the tips of her nipples as she had begun to spontaneously lactate, a side-effectsometimes observed in males.
As expected, the mouth of the female's eggbladder had dilated during thecollection process and the collector's organ had expanded accordingly to keepa seal. What had not been accurately predicted, to the collector's knowledge,was the degree to which the female's former uterus would descend during thecontractions. Its swollen, dilated mouth, now over three inches in diameter,protruded from the female's bulging vagina more than an inch. It was bloodred and veined and clamped tightly around the fleshy shaft of the collector'sorgan. The collector's organ could not expand much further and it was cognizantthat leakage might soon occur.
After another hour of contractions of unchanging tempo and intensity thecollector palpated the female's abdomen and determined that although her eggbladderwas still grossly swollen, from the size and temperature of her ovaries shehad nearly reached the end of her current productive cycle. The mouth of hereggbladder had swollen to nearly four inches across, with an opening in thecenter over an inch wide, but the seal around the collector's organ was stillgood. Two inches of glistening eggbladder protruded from the bottom of theyoung woman's body, stretching her labia paper-thin and pushing her anus downwardinto a misshapen oval. The mouth of her eggbladder visibly pulsed and clenchedwith each contraction.
Another hour and the collector observed that the contractions were waningin intensity. The female's arms were thrown above her head, and drool coveredher cheeks and chin. Her breasts were noticeably swollen and streaked withmilk from her leaking nipples. The female's legs appeared to have almost foldedup beside her body—her knees were tucked tight against the side of herribcage, heels tight against her buttocks, toes pointed downward, a variationof the fetal position. The position made the protruding, blood-red mouth ofher eggbladder the lowest part of her body and seem even more pronounced thanit was. The collector made a note of the limb-retraction side-effect, one notseen with males.
The collector slapped the female's face gently to rouse her. The woman'seyes rolled back into normal position and she looked around in exhaustion andutter confusion. She groaned as the massive ache between her legs made itselfknown. It felt as if someone had shoved a beachball inside her and blown itup with a high-pressure hose.
"Push, bear down on the next contraction," the collector told her.
Jane tried to focus on the woman in front of her. She tried to place her,tried to remember where she'd seen her face before, but then her thought processeswere stopped as a new contraction started.
"Push!" the collector urged her again. Jane did, pushing with her internalmuscles as well as pressing down on her much-smaller belly with her palms.Her stomach was still hot and round, but nowhere near as big and hard as itused to be. She only looked about three months pregnant now, like a woman juststarting to show. Had that huge belly been real? She couldn't remember, everythingwas like a dream.
The collector felt the contraction through the shaft of its organ. The womancried out, and the extra pressure forced a long squirt out of her.
Jane felt the fluid leave her body, knew it was almost over, and began sobbing.
"Again,' the collector instructed at the next contraction. It helped, pressinga hand over hers on her belly while the female pushed inside and out. Janewas rewarded with a long, rushing, squirting sensation, and laughed hysterically.
This went on for another ten minutes, until the female was too exhaustedor delirious to push, and the contractions had lessened to mere shivers. Thecollector determined that nothing had exited the female during the last twocontractions. The unit looked down at itself, saw its own abdomen was swollenwith the female's bounty. She'd filled the unit's main reservoir with fluid,and the two secondary reservoirs, located inside its breasts behind the onesthe female had drained with her mouth. The collector once again sported large,firm mammaries nearly fifty percent larger than they'd been when she arrived.The female had even produced enough product to begin to fill the two tertiaryreservoirs in the collector's buttocks, but the amount of fluid shunted therehad not been enough to enlarge the collector's buttocks noticeably.
More could be harvested from the female. Much more. In fact, if the Combine'scontract with the farming guild allowed them to move the selected humans toa secure, off-planet location, the altered humans could keep producing high-qualityproduct at a third of the program's field-harvest rate nearly indefinitely,at least according to their estimates. The contracts were law, however, andhomeworld consumers had shown a serious lack of interest in product they deemed "artificial" or "cultured".Product harvested from humans still in the wild, on their homeworld, was theonly kind which would command the outrageous prices the guild was used to getting,and until that changed the collectors would have to continue their harvestingcovertly.
The collector slowly deflated its organ and withdrew from the female. Theblood-red mouth of muscle that used to be her uterus gaped open between herlegs. Clear fluid ran out of it in a constant thin stream as the contractions,now barely more than shivers of flesh, ran their course.
The collector climbed off the bed and quickly evaluated its appearance. Itsabdomen was of a size and shape consistent with a pregnant human female aboutto give birth. Its breasts were unusually large, and its internal sensors hadrerouted the female's harvest to the tertiary reservoirs in its buttocks beforeits breasts grew too large to avoid public attention en route to the retrievalpoint. Its change in appearance was expected and the collector had previouslylocated appropriate articles of clothing inside the female's apartment, asthe clothes it had arrived in would no longer fit.
Once dressed in a man's button-down shirt and elastic-waist sweatpants thecollector left the apartment without another glance at the female unconsciouson the bed.
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Young Stepmother Part 8 By Mark Dayette When we reached the restaurant I felt self conscious at how I was dressed, but not too much as the people in the restaurant had never seen me before, they had no idea I was really a boy. They knew me even less than the college students in the hallways who quit reacting when I was fully feminized because they didn't know my name so from one day to the next they couldn't keep track that I was the same person. Ultimately they took for granted...
Me and my first time (A True Story, Part One.)Introduction.I was in my early teens when this TRUE STORY began, my mother was 45. I was the only son and I had no sister and no brother, growing up I thought that I was a normal teenage lad, I liked girls but strangely I also liked other lads my own age or older, I even liked some men also and I also liked older young teen raging hormones were going into overdrive, they were going crazy and ever since my first ever wank I would several...
Say thanks to johnaye3 for this one! A little girl complained to her father, “Daddy, I wish I had a little sister!” Trying to be funny, her father joked, “But, honey, you already have a sister.” Confused, the toddler asked, “I do?” “Sure,” her dad said, smiling. “You don’t see her because every time you come in the front door; she scoots out the back door.” The confused toddler thought for a moment and then beamed, “You mean just like my other daddy?!”
The trip back to Knoxville was, by far, less friendly than the trip up to WillowRun. This time I had to do all the work. Crawling around a twin engined aircraft while the instructor hollers out the instructions read from a placard is not my idea of a good time. Especially when said pilot is lounging on a chair. “One hundred feet doesn’t sound like much ... but you should see what 100 feet looks like to a watermelon,” Joe Pilot said. So ... in the irregular course of events (My life lately.)...
specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill's Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill's body guard and mate Glenna Nox - Bengal clan, Bill's body...
It was five days before Christmas. Everything was on schedule, reindeer fattened up, elves wrapping and packing toys, and Santa checking his list. The naughty list had grown this year. Santa was wondering why, when he heard on the North Pole News Station: “Mayan calendar predicts end of the world tomorrow. Earth is in a panic.” The elves heard the news and stopped working. They got up from their benches and gathered around Santa. The female elves all sat at Santa’s feet. A couple sat in his...
Father Son Bonding I heard the SUV coming up the dirt road, and I quickly told Tom to hide in the other room. Peeking through the blinds, I saw my wife Jenny at the wheel and ... damn ... my daughter Amanda beside her. I would have expected they would be quiet and even nervous, as I was, but they seemed to be sharing a joke. The back of the Yukon, I could tell, was filled with boxes and bags, so at least, I figured, had brought everything we'd asked them to. Jenny was first to the...
i am a submissive woman… i find pleasure, joy and fulfillment from being submissive to another in a loving relationship i am not weak, or stupid. i am a strong woman, with firm views and a clear concept of what i want out of my life. i do not serve out of shame or weakness, but out of pride and strength. i look to my loving Master for guidance and protection, for never am i more complete than when He is with me. i know that He will protect my body, my mind and my soul with...
For the first time this week, Kathy actually came into work feeling rested. She had finally been able to get a good nights rest last night after a long troubled week. Kathy found herself slowly accepting her new life, and with that acceptance came a certain amount of release. Though she still feared Vicki's perverse mind and worried about how far she would try and push Kathy, a small part of her was now looking forward to the intense sexual release she seemed to only experience when under...
This is a rewrite of an incomplete story I read here many years ago. I do not know the title, and would appreciate it someone lets me know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My girlfriend dumped me two months ago. It was devastating to say the least. I didn't see it coming. At all. She was a fitness freak. I loved how she looked, and I doubt I'll ever find another woman with a body like that. She had a motor that didn't stop. She...
Introduction: OK readers, here comes a LONG story that I have been working on for a while. I dont think this will become a series unless I get requests for it. Tina comes home early and finds a surprise in her bedroom, the babysitter masturbating on her bed. She could just fire the girl, but decides to punish her, while living out one of her fantasies. Paul and Tina have been married for about 6 years, and have a 3 year old daughter. Instead of taking their daughter to a daycare, they have a...
Greagoir followed through with his end of the deal, and even offered us one better – the use of the Circle's boat to get to Redcliffe. We agreed gratefully, and decided to meet in the morning to greet Anders, recruit him, and board the boat. Wynne would accompany Irving and Greagoir back to the Tower to make sure Anders was ready to travel. Before they left, I decided to broach the subject of Meredith. I wanted only Irving and Greagoir to hear, so I asked the two men for a minute of their...
RudeolphChapter 1 Carol jumped into the waiting vehicle, eager to see her friend again, it must have been a few months since that eventful weekend when they spent virtually the whole time locked in moments of intense passion. She recalled how she had found that so much attention after such a long time of abstinence had made her rather tender in the nether regions for a few days afterwards, but consoled herself that it had all been worthwhile. She leaned across and gave Rudeolph a tender kiss...
She was wearing a long blue skirt, a crazy looking sweater and stupid looking boots. Her beautiful blond hair was tied back in a messy ponytail and she was wearing a heavy wool toque. ‘You don’t need those either’ I said to Luna, pulling off her big sweater and wool toque in the process. I was pleased to see that Luna was only wearing a light blue bra underneath her sweater; one which emphasized her burgeoning breasts. The cold weather had made Luna’s nipples hard and I twisted and pinched...
Upon reaching Bodahn, I quickly changed into my armour, and once I put on socks, slipped my feet into the boots we had ... liberated. Then, as usual, we walked. Everyone had apparently explained to Shale who I was, and she seemed completely disinterested. She wasn't much for fast running, so she'd stayed with Bodahn when the rest came to my rescue. She barely acknowledged me once we'd returned, and it pissed me off – I thought she'd be at least curious, and I seemed to be taking it...
This is a true story about my first MILF experience. I have changed the lady’s name for obvious reasons and I’m not disclosing mine…well, just because I don’t want to . Old beats before my time filled the nightclub, it was Friday Disco night – a place where Flock of Seagulls could combine with Jimi Hendrix in the same setting. It usually catered with people slightly older than average than the usual nightclub, yet young people still enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. Nostalgia combined with the buzzing...
Marigold sat on her front porch, dozing a little as she waited for Thule's car to appear. She'd made the mistake of coming down late for breakfast the day after what Holly referred to as a "cooking day." When she came down to the breakfast table, she immediately recognized her mistake. Before she could reach for an apple or get her yoghurt out of the refrigerator, Holly put a plate piled high with scrambled eggs, biscuits, and a thick slice of ham. "Mom," she protested. "I can't eat...
Judy was your normal married woman. Her job in real estate allowed her during the summer months to enjoy the warm sunshine during the day. Her body wasn't the kind one normally saw lounging around in a bikini on the patio. Often she would take off her black silk robe to reveal a black bikini which matched her dark hair. The material stretched to hold in her tummy and ass, and her breasts seemed constrained by the bikini top. Of course it is tough to see all of that from next door. My...
I am a breast man. Don't get me wrong, I like the other parts of a woman also. I enjoy a pair of shapely legs. Especially the ones that start at the ground and go up to make a perfect ass of themselves. I love the feel of pubic hair and the taste, feel and smell of a hot, wet pussy. But I am drawn to breast. I like all sizes and shape of breasts. My favorites are round and firm and sag slightly when the bra is removed. The kind that you can lift slightly and feel their weight. When I have a...
When we had travelled about a mile down the road to home Mum finally relaxed and breathed a long sigh of relief. "God! That was terrifying! I was frightened that someone would notice the guilty look on my face and when you blew your nose on my panties I could have died! I have to admit that it was exciting but never again. Thank heavens your father's home this afternoon - that will end all this." She said. I wasn't waiting for Dad's return with my usual eager anticipation as I could...
If you read my last story, you will know that my wife Jackie had completely stunned me by going from conservative 40 something wife to horny slut in the space of 48 hours, all down to fantasising about being fucked by two or three guys at the same time.The day after the purchase of the dildoes, we drove to our next hotel which was close to a Lake. Now on the way, Jackie did seem very quiet and I had a horrible feeling that maybe guilt was setting in and she was disgusted with how she had...
"Hey buttface! What are you listening to?" Alex said putting my earplug on. " 'Moves like Jagger' dummy..." I said. "You must love this music..." He said taking it off. "Yeah man, it's almost like...everyday you listening to this..." Mark said. "Well, you two play MW2 we're even" I said. "No we're not!" Alex said. "Yeah we are" I said dropping him so he could walk. "Aww...I was liking not to walk..." Alex said. "What was that...
Messenger of the Gods was a utilitarian shuttle about the size of an old Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar fuselage (R4Q to naval historians). Just the pod—no wings, no booms, no tail. I guess I thought of that because of my work scanning the artifacts at the Hill Aerospace Museum in Utah. The old Flying Boxcar was designed to haul cargo—and rated for 65 troops. Messenger of the Gods could only handle about a third of that—and then the troops had to be very friendly and the mission of limited...
There is a house (almost fortress like) in a far off country where your wildest fantasies can take flight. Some people would think that this house would be every girl's greatest dream come's got everything they could ever want. Tennis courts, state of the art gyms and workout rooms, a movie theater, a spectacular ball room, and a swimming pool that is always at the right temperature and is more like a lagoon with a waterfall running into it. The bedrooms are to die for...or at least...
They had simply run. After her final admission in the lake house, Hannibal had taken a carving knife from the butcher’s block on the kitchen island and swiftly brought it down behind her head, sawing through her ponytail in one deliberate motion, freeing her from the imprisonment of the broken refrigerator door. Clarice’s gasp had had nothing to do with fear and everything to do with the realization that he was taking her with him. And a lot to do with the fact that she wanted to...
"Are you sure you still want to take over, Miss Raynsford? We all saw that over there, and you must want to go home and loy down after that awful beating that cow gave you - serve her bloody roight the way you laid her out though! That were lovely to watch, it reely were!" Julia wiped a tear away. It was not the pain, almost unendurable though it still was, that caused this sign of emotion, but shame. The warm-hearted sympathy that this girl had just expressed served to remind her of all...
Yes! Yes mother i caught you sucking brianâs dick last night. What did you think i was asleep in bed all the time? How many times have you snck him over after i go to bed huh. How could you mom, and to think dad is at work staying late hours to give you ever think you want and how do you pay him back…. By sucking our neighbors cock while he”s at work. (my mother stood speechless, completely naked in front of me. She doesnt even try to cover up anymore, i can see sheâs worried) “josh...
IncestMaybe she was turned on by taking a virgin, maybe she never guessed I was virgin - I'll never know. Either way, we both had our fun and I had a great introduction to sex.Having left public school, I joined Uni not having done anything other than a bit of a snog. Hormones were raging and mild acne had held back my confidence I had. So it wasn't until the end of my fresher year that I finally lost my L plates. J was your 7 out of 10 girl. Not a knock out but good looking, slim, lovely hair...
First TimeAs Jayne picked up the phone, she wondered how she was going to explain things to Zach. He was an incredible lover, for sure, and she had feelings for him, but her new relationship with Carol was complicating things. If only there was a way to accommodate both of them in her life, that would be perfect for her. But would Zach be willing to share her, much less with a woman for whom he had felt such dislike and scorn? She answered the phone. "Hello Zach, how are you?" "Jayne, I'm doing fine, how...
CheatingSince Kathy and I had lived together sharing the same one bedroom apartment at our community college we had become an item. An unusual item. Kathy had a cock. A huge cock. Bigger than my seven inches. But I adored her and we were really good together. I’m Greg and we had completed our first year. We had gone our separate ways and then I was invited to Kathy’s home to meet the family. It had went so fucking well. Her mother and father had the master bedroom downstairs. I had a guest room...
Mom phir shower le kar aayi aur kitchen mein khana banane chali gayi aur mai apne room mein chala gaya aur apna office ka work aur college ka assignment complete karne laga…. Mera man kisi bi kaam mein nhi lag rha tha bt maine apne aapko usme involve kiya taki mom ko pta na chale mai unke bare mein soch kar bahut darta tha phir takriban 9:30 bje mai hall mein aaya aur dekha kimom kitchen mein nhi hai aur unkebed room ka door lock hai mai karib gaya toh suna ki mom kisio se baat kar rhi thi...
Model Fantasies Series A Model Job You have gotten a job as a bathing suit model, and I have told you that we are going to have a little party and to wear your bathing suit from the shoot that day. You show up dressed with your bathing suite underneath. It is a nice light pink top and bottom with white outlines. You step into the backyard where the pool is. White tiles surround the pool letting the sun's light reflect off of it. You notice that we are alone and you ask where...
During several “teaching” sessions with my young neighbor boy Timmy, he would bring up his best friend Scott. Timmy would tell me that Scott was very shy with girls and awkward around them. Timmy told me that his own confidence with girls had soared since I helped him with his virginity and gave him lessons on how to please a woman. It seemed a little odd to me that we were both lying naked in my bed talking about Timmy’s best friend while Timmy’s cum was seeping out of my pussy. Timmy told...
I wanted to thank everyone for all their wonderful comments! It really did mean a lot and helped me continue writing this story. This genre is not something I'm used to writing at all but because of your kind words I'm glad I'm doing it somewhat right! While writing this story, I've been participating in Locktober. And let me tell you, writing this chapter really made my cage tight and drip. If you want to follow along, there some personal pics on my page...
Shannon in Dóchas Intelligence sent the Command Staff a message advising them that O'Toole and MacFarland had received threatening letters. They arrived by courier shortly after the office opened and were nearly identical. Each demanded that they immediately terminate their investigations into where Dale and Larry had sent the missing employees. If they did not, then they and their families would have a life-altering experience. This could be an accident, joining the missing women or,...
Welcome to Influencers have sex. In this story, influencers (Wait for it...) have sex! Shocking right? These could range from Tiktokers to Youtubers to Public figures to Singers to Twitch streamers and many more. I'm gonna focus on Youtube and Twitch, but you can add chapters of any of them. If you've enjoyed reading this, then I'd really appreciate a like, It motivates me to write more Ps: If you have any story ideas but can't be bothered to write, I'd really appreciate it if you sent me the...
Chapter 8 – Michael In the time I’ve known Andrea, she never ceases to amaze me. However, I know I’m approaching some very dangerous territory with her. From the beginning, we had an understanding that there would never be a happily-ever-after. It just wasn’t that I have a wife, who, aside from the pedestrian sex, was a pretty decent woman. Had I not met Andrea, I would have been faithful and not given having an affair second thought. Plus, I have two teenagers. I’d hate to put them through...
Hello ladies thanks for your mails yours sidhu again with the second part of my story.() Doston hope karta hun ki aapko meri first story acchi lag hogi, kyon ki wo ek real story thi, jaisa ki maine aap logon ko kha tha ki main aunty ko lagatar 2 saal tak kaise choda, main aapko next story mein bataunga, so its my next story “Fujhi Ki Biwi Ka Dard part – 2” to dosto aunty ne mujhe apne hi ghar ke pass PG dilwa diya or main wahan pe shift ho gaya. Fir main aunty ko sham mein choda, main...
After I finished university, I struggled for a good-paying job, and money was tight. But I couldn't face living back at home. I managed to find a room to myself in a house-share with two other guys and three women. We were mostly in our early twenties and doing various entry-level jobs. One guy, Pete, was older, about forty five. He was on a temporary assignment in our city and didn't want the hassle of renting somewhere unfurnished.At home I had shared a bedroom with my brother and at uni I'd...
Gay MaleDixie didn't hesitate; without thinking about it she picked up the shotgun and blazed away at the three men. She hit Raff first because he had the rifle in his hand. Then she quickly shot Sam and Ted before they could stop their headlong rush and get a gun up. In a space of a few seconds there were three men on the ground. Dixie stood and examined the three. Raff had been hit in the stomach, Sam and Ted weren't in any better shape. All three were dead. She looked at the men for a few...
Just a passing fantasy... I live near a Marine base, and there are always young jarheads out on the prowl. I tend to get invited to lots of parties and stuff because I'm just an easy going kinda guy. I'm tall and thin with fairly short hair and have a knack for words and good humor. It makes me easy to get along with. The fact that I usually bring quantity and quality beverage doesn't hurt either. So, I'm at this get together and the grunts are getting groggy with booze, music and...
‘Euphoria’ is a wondrous place! A place that only the truest of lovers are ever permitted to enter – and even then, usually for perhaps just an hour or two. A place of warm sunny days – days where the softest whisper of a breeze keeps it from becoming a little too hot. A place of balmy, sunset-flushed evenings – the technicoloured blaze of which is soon followed by deep velvety, star and moon-lit nights. A place where no intrusion by the multitude of day-to-day troubles is allowed. A place...
In the third installment of Tainted Love, April is relaxing as Quinton plays the piano for her. They begin to chat about the next fellow that April had a date with, and we uncover a little more this time than just April’s sex life. April has set up a chill time to spend with Tommy at his place. They are getting to know each other, which eventually leads to them really getting to know each other. They start off a little awkward, as most of us do, but once they find their rhythm they can’t get...
xmoviesforyouShe was in her early 30’s which I got to know from her later. She was easily looking like a college going girl with well-maintained body [email protected] I will maintain the confidentiality and keep it a secret
IndianJulia and her husband decided to take a small vacation on a cruise from California to Hawaii and fly back, just because it had been so long since they had been on one. The k**s were out of the house and they wanted to make the most out of their free time. The cruise though would take longer if they didn't fly back and being on others in the past they understood that staying in a cabin can get a bit boring, no matter how luxurious it was. Julia's husband James was pretty successful in life so...
Don’t stand to close to a paranoid is my advice. It catches. One night my friend, while leaning over his PC, decided to conduct an experiment (no doubt stoked by a considerable amount of book smarts, too little wisdom & too much esoterica):’ Meme virus- unreality as infection my bosom bud, a downloadable paranoia’ He spun in his swivel chair to stare me down. ‘Those black Ops wizards painting hologram spirals in the night sky oh yes’ he wrote the virus on his keyboard in a lightning-quick...
Since fifth grade I loved this boy named Aron. He was only 12 and I was 11. He had this amazing light, tan skin and dark brown eyes that held you. His spiky brown hair made him look just as more anglican. We went out a lot through elementary, middle, and high school. It was the night of graduation out of High School. Aron walked up to me and took my hand. "Would you like to go out to eat with me?" I was baffled but still answered. "Yes. I would love to." He took me out to a local restaurant. We...
Love StoriesAfter giving Suzie a goodbye kiss, Sean stepped out of the car holding a huge bag containing his new school clothes. He watched the car pull out of the driveway. Tired, he headed to the front door thinking that he would take a nice long nap. Stepping in the house, he found Lily, his father, and Mr. Emery watching baseball on television. Pasting a smile on his face, he said, “Hello, everyone.” “Hello, Sean,” Lily said with a smile. His father said, “Hi, Son. I heard there was a little...
In my 25th year I met matt we woked together,We became fast friends, we had ton of things in common our movies, music, food, gym and even the same taste in women.I even spent most night at his apartment, We quite often went out clubbing and drinking together, most of the time we went home alone, but sometimes we would go home with women and get laid. Ohter time only one of us. On friday night Matt picked up a very sexy hott blonde, I slept in the spare bedroom, witch was tough listning to him...
=====================It took me a lot of practice to be able to cum inside a woman's vagina while fucking and not losing my erection like most men do instantly after orgasming. Some women have told me that they can feel me shoot hot cum inside them or against their cervix and then some have not even noticed.I guess the secret of breaking that weakness of losing your hardon after male orgasm is to use your body and mind as one to know that you have to go against that natural feeling to stop or...
Hi all, thank you all for the reply comments on Hot summer with aunty , my restriction on time and 1000 words story length did not allow me to complete what happened completely that summer .I was having a really good time with my aunty , Every day almost 4 to 5 session virtually remaining naked when no one was at home , having time in the shower , kitchen, terrace and even one time in the store room while people were in the house . Bad news was that my Aunts brother was required to go on trip...
IncestScrolling through craiglist and found this posting "NSA". Chatted with the female for a few days via email. Told her I was passing through her area and like to stop in and meet her. Just needed an area big enough to park an 18 wheeler. She then started sending me pictures. Not the best of pictures, being cell phones were not good camera phones at this time.I parked in a location and waited for her to arrive. This car pulls up next to me and this short dark hair, 5-5, huge titty, thick ass cutie...