Euphoria free porn video

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‘Euphoria’ is a wondrous place! A place that only the truest of lovers are ever permitted to enter – and even then, usually for perhaps just an hour or two.

A place of warm sunny days – days where the softest whisper of a breeze keeps it from becoming a little too hot. A place of balmy, sunset-flushed evenings – the technicoloured blaze of which is soon followed by deep velvety, star and moon-lit nights.

A place where no intrusion by the multitude of day-to-day troubles is allowed.

A place where voices are never harsh. Where greed, envy and jealousy are all unknown.

A place where no ache, pain, or even the mildest discomfort is ever felt.

A place where laughter is the loudest noise.

A place where one’s beloved’s body is – at least in your eyes – both perfect and in perfect harmony with yours.

A place where kisses are always either lovingly and moistly soft, or hungrily passion-filled.

A place where love-making is either mutually and joyfully spontaneous, or preceded by a time of leisurely, but increasingly tension-filled foreplay.

A place where climaxes are frequently synchronous – and even when not, always, always utterly rapturous.

Now I have been lucky and privileged enough to have visited ‘Euphoria’ – just the once. My visit lasting three days – or to be more precise, for exactly sixty-nine and three quarter hours.

And the fact that my visit was at such a very late stage in my life, should give heart to those who have not yet been offered the chance to go there.

And my admission that, even if the devil himself (or herself, or itself) offered to exchange an additional ten years of life for just one of the hours from one of those days, I would immediately and unhesitatingly refuse it – should convince anyone to not miss the opportunity, should it ever be presented to them.

Now those hours are – and always will be – so precious to me that I will not, ever, divulge their detail, but, as further encouragement for the reader not to miss their chance of visiting ‘Euphoria’, I will tell a little of the fantasies my lover and I had, before we went there. And say that even these fade to the merest, palest shadow by comparison with the actuality of the love-filled time we shared there.

The first two fantasies are hers, the third – titled ‘Rapture’ – is mine. Enjoy them, and hope that you too will one day be offered your chance to visit ‘Euphoria’ – and if so, grab it quickly and firmly with both hands!

These fantasies were exchanged during the period we were only on-line lovers, which we were for six months before our single meeting.

And finally, whilst I do – as always – use my own name, out of my continuing love and respect for my one time lover, I will only refer to her by a pseudonym – I have chosen ‘Sue’.

Pantyless in New York…

Tony caromio,

Being very mindful of the penalty that you had imposed – so delightfully! – upon me for my apostrophe transgression, even as I was saying au revoir to my aunt I was gleefully looking forward to the opportunity to think sweet – and lascivious! – thoughts of you and me.

And although I knew the pastry shop would be the highlight of my morning I first of all went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, wearing that Italian silk dress I have so often spoken of.

Now it may have been the dress, and the fact that there was a breeze swirling and billowing the skirt tantalizingly, or it may have been my increasing anticipation, but simply walking up the steps at the front of the MMA was enough that all my senses came to the fore, and I began to feel that pressure between my legs that is such a giveaway that the system is highly tuned.

(I love the MMA – and thinking thoughts of you! – but I guess I was still a little surprised at both the suddenness and the intensity of those sensations.)

I went straight to the impressionist section: Monet, Degas, Morisot, Cezanne, Manet, Pissaro, Corot … and, coupled with the thought of your hand holding mine – and maybe creeping slyly elsewhere! – I was caught up in the heavy sensuality of the paintings immediately.

So much so that no more then half an hour later I had no choice but to remove the minimal lace panties I was wearing, for fear that they would become so saturated that I would begin dripping on the floor.

Without them, I could hope that my thighs would act as a runway, and the hope that the sticky fluid would be slow enough to dry as it ran.

That was fortunately the case, although the feeling of my thighs sticking together for the remainder of the morning, was a little disconcerting.

What was even more so was the thought of what you might do if you had in reality been there and I had told you what was happening to me. I could well imagine you finding us some little cupboard in which I could sit upon an upturned bucket while – in your loving kindness – you went down on me…

Frustration piled upon frustration! And for the two and a half hours I remained at the MMA those sensations only intensified…

Every fold of fabric, every expanse of beautifully silky flesh, every soft and lovely mouth in those paintings undid me.

The still lifes, the country scenes too, seemed almost as effective in maintaining my high state of arousal as those of the nudes and the formally dressed.

However – unlike if you had been there with me – I didn’t feel the need for release, just the totally overwhelming sensuality of my response.

I was a tad embarrassed when one of the doormen asked me if I had enjoyed the visit, and there I was, sodden panties in my handbag, naked under my gossamer light skirt, the scent of female arousal perceptible to me at least, and with high colour I asserted that it had been the best ever.

After that I took the subway to downtown Chelsea. Even there, when the train came roaring in to the platform, and my skirt billowed up in swirls and eddies around my thighs, my response was renewed at the thought of being so uncompromisingly revealed. And again I wished you had been there to perhaps at least catch a momentary glimpse of that part of me that you affirm is my very prettiest…

Nevertheless, with all those juices flowing again, I realized that I would have to quick-step it over to Le Pain Quotidien for refreshments, but fortunately it is only a block from the subway stop. Even as I walked in I had a glance in the glass pastry case and decided on the lemon tart, with cream would be the one that both you and I would most enjoy. A filtered coffee to replace lost fluids seemed a good idea too.

When the order arrived, I was delighted to find that the coffee was served in a pot with a small jug of milk and a small bowl from which to drink. The lemon tart was topped with a fresh raspberry that was so suggestive in itself, that I was delighted to spoon it up with fresh cultured thick cream and to eat it immediately.

The cream was unlike any I have had since I was a child. Not whipped, not sweetened, but thick, smooth and rich, like a mousse.

I was about ready to climax from just at the sensation and taste. The combination of tart raspberry and that smooth cream was almost too much for me.

Then came the tart, lemony and slightly runny. The perfect texture, not thickened to glue, but deliciously sensuously smooth and soft, lemony and fragrant. With the cream it was an erotic experience.

Even more so was the thought of you sitting opposite me – I wondered where one of your hands might be! – watching my lips and mouth slowly licking, sometimes – quite unlady-like – sucking, making sure I wasted not a single drop – maybe remembering what I said about wishing as to what those selfsame lips and mouth could have done with your gorgeous cock very late last night…

Of course, as I been aware of the very real possibility of such a reaction I had deliberately pushed the skirt behind me – rather
than smoothing it beneath me – so I was sitting on the (mercifully) wooden chair dripping a puddle directly onto the seat…

Then I ate the crumbly buttery crust, scooping up cream and lemony smooth filling with it. It was such ecstasy that I left the coffee until the tart was completely eaten, and even then it seemed a shame to wash away such experience and taste.

As I said, all that while I was of course picturing you sitting just across from me on the other side of the tiny hand-scrubbed wooden table – mostly just watching silently. It felt a little as though you were watching me pleasure myself, and so, there was the sensation of self-consciousness, but mainly the incredibly erotically charged atmosphere that is inseparable from such a scene.

I didn’t want to finish, or to leave, so I just sat there for a long while, staring out of the window, but seeing nothing, simply overwhelmed by sensation.

Even the soles of my feel felt hot and tingly.

I wasn’t sure what to do about the puddle, but eventually contrived to use a serviette to dab underneath the front of my skirt, cleaning up most of the sticky fluid, and then wiping the remainder off the chair with my skirt.

Because I was heading back to my aunt’s for the afternoon, I had to stop in at a shop to buy another pair of panties, just because I felt that it was too risky to remain without them and then to ride the subway back, many hours later. However, perhaps because I was in a hurry, or more probably, because I still had the images of you in my mind – and subconsciously selected those I thought would please you – I didn’t choose particularly carefully, because even those new panties were saturated by the time I arrived home!

The Lincoln Centre Performance


Tonight I went to the Lincoln Centre to see the American Ballet Theatre perform ‘Don Quixote’. I was writing to you during the afternoon, having not long since received an email or two from you. I was already very pleasurably aroused, and really just wanted to go on writing (talking) with you, so I kept putting off the time I needed to get ready to go out.

Eventually I realized that I could not postpone any longer so I closed down the computer and went to get ready.

It had been an extremely hot day, and at 6.30pm was still very humid and oppressive, so I didn’t want to wear the long red dress I had brought for such an occasion, due to the heat.

Seeing the French-pink satiny skirt on the hanger, I immediately decided that it would be perfect!

The skirt is knee length, its lines just skimming the outline of bottom and thighs. At the hem a border of fine lace, so that it looks a little like a blushing pink satin slip.

The co-ordinating top is as fine and light as gossamer, all translucently patterned, apart from a couple of insets of double-layered fabric that conceal bra straps and cups.

A lace border around the deep V-neckline allows a tantalizing view, right down to the tiny bow at the centre front of the bra, but it is essentially its delicacy, the glimpses it allows, and the knowledge of the translucency of the fabric that makes the top so attractive.

Furthermore, the whole outfit is beautifully cool to wear.

I decided that despite the heat I would wear thigh-high stockings, partly because I love the feel of them, and also because they make the whole outfit, with the silvery-bronze peep-toe shoes look complete.

As I was short of time, I put my hair up in a twist, for reasons of formality and also to remain cool by keeping my hair off my neck, then I dashed out of the apartment, with a small silver bag, holding the bare minimum of money, licence and keys, and managed to get a taxi unusually quickly.

I arrived in good time, and began to enjoy the setting: the spectacular chandeliers that lit the entrance and the enormous open space formed by the grand curved wooden staircase sweeping both to left and right to form a huge horseshoe, up to the second tier.

Looking up through the centre of that space one could see the glass geodesic dome that formed the ceiling and rooftop, with sunlight shining through.

The New York women were dressed magnificently, and I kept turning here and there to observe yet more attractive women and more gorgeous outfits. In this way I remained completely entertained until the beginning of the performance.

When the orchestra began to tune up, and I realized the crispness of the sound, I knew it was going to be a wonderful evening.

I was in the second seat from the aisle, right at the front of the grand central tier, with an uninterrupted view of stage and orchestra. Hearing the orchestra, I wanted to sit on the edge of my seat with excitement.

The seat next to me was empty, Caro, and I imagined you were sitting there right next to me. I imagined that you were tuning into my excitement to some extent, touching my knee and gently caressing the back of my neck. I was almost oblivious to such attentions, such was my anticipation of the performance.

When the ballet began and I realized how artistically exquisite and technically brilliant the dancers were, I entered a kind of trance of pure delight – so I wasn’t even particularly aware of your hand sliding gently over the slippery fabric of the skirt, rhythmically caressing from knee to upper thigh.

It was only when I felt your fingers softly slipping over the stocking underneath, that I was suddenly caught up in the sensuality of the situation and the fantasy of the ballet, each potentiating the other.

As your fingers reached the lacy top of the stocking and then touched the bare skin above it, I realized that you had pushed my skirt almost right up to the tops of my thighs, and that I was faintly trembling.

I was wearing the silky mauve panties that matched my bra, and now your fingers were gently caressing back and forth over the flesh at the top of my thigh, edging ever closer to the extra sensitive spot closest to my crotch which by then was already saturated.

Even I could detect the scent of my arousal, despite the fact that I was concentrating intensely on the performance.

At this stage I had my bottom angled way forward at the edge of the seat, encouraging your fingers to easier access, whilst my pussy was contracting with anticipation.

Then with your fingers beginning to circle very delicately over the crotch of my wet clinging panties, I cup my right breast in my hand and begin to flick the stiffened nipple with my thumb, shooting tremors directly through my clitoris.

The prima ballerina is dancing a very showy solo, up and down on her pointes and pirouetting around the stage, one perfect turn after another. The audience clap wildly as she completes a series of arabesques, and you choose that moment to lean across and whisper, ‘I want to lick you!’.

My arousal leaps to another level at your words, and then you begin to lick my bare shoulder in time to your finger now stroking my clit. My mind makes the connection between your words and what we have each said we fantasise about, and I am caught in an ecstasy of my own – somehow holding myself back, and not climaxing until the next – luckily – endless round of applause, my left hand clutching your thigh from the force of the orgasm.

As the lights come up, you smooth down my skirt, and then turning to me, you hold my face in your hands and kiss my mouth ever so gently. I catch my smell on your fingers, and shudder through several after-shocks, as you smile into the kiss, and stroke my cheek.

As the lights in the theatre brightened, I knew that we would have to stand to let the people in our row get past. Given your state of arousal I knew that wouldn’t be so comfortable, so wasn’t surprised that you allowed me to walk ahead of you up the stairs from our seats to the second floor lobby – with each step knowing your eyes would be fixed upon my buttocks, which were being so enticin
gly displayed under the satiny pink fabric of the skirt.

We walked slowly through the lobby and then the grand hall, and you held my hand as we made our way down the sweeping staircase to the lowest level and there, I was able to show you the deep floor to ceiling insets in the wall where the photos of many famous performers were displayed.

You stood behind me with your hands clasped loosely around my waist, your continuing erection pressing hard against the back of my upper thigh – so I subtly shifted, and then, whilst we looked at the pictures, rubbed my slippery bottom against you.

It was still very hot and the light glary outside, so it was a good choice to be down in the cool of the lowest level. I could put my hand behind me and feel the outline of your erection, slide my hand up and down the length, and tighten and loosen my grip, while you breathed and groaned into my hair. You had a handful of my left buttock – and with that, and the hard strength of you in my hand combining with the distinctively male smell of it, I could feel my own arousal renewing.

I so wanted to turn around and to remove your cock from the confines of your trousers, I wanted so desperately to lap the head like an ice-cream cone, sliding my other hand under your balls to gently cup and weigh them, to lick up and down the shaft following it each time with my hand, and then to slide my lips around it, gradually filling my mouth with as much as I could hold there, then sucking quickly in little bursts as I withdrew, flicking fast and gently with my tongue at the head, and then suddenly engulfing you again in the warm softness of my mouth, this time sucking hard and consistently whilst I withdrew again.

There would be such exquisite pleasure from lavishing so much attention on such a responsive subject! And that plus the fantasy of feeling you eventually gushing your life forces deep into my throat, makes me positively giddily dizzy with lustful desire.

However, there is little else we can do for the time being, so I suggest we buy a cup of tea, and you are astonished. ‘A cup of tea? Now? Whatever for?’

I smile resolutely, so – ‘Whatever my heart’s own requires’ – you murmur.

We drink our tea, which is of course merely a suitable distraction, whilst observing other audience members. I watch a very tall, young and slender woman in a glittering charcoal coloured sheath, fitted like a glove and opened at the front to mid-thigh. Long slender legs emerge from the lily-like skirt, ending in black stiletto shoes.

I indicate her to you. ‘She looks like one of the characters who people your stories’, I suggest. An equally handsome young man accompanies her.

Then I notice a slightly older woman, leaning against the bar, her back facing us. Her hair is brown and swept elegantly into a French roll, and she is wearing a perfectly shaped silk dress of wide coffee and cream vertical stripes. The length of the dress accentuates her most beautiful shapely calves and narrow ankles.

However, it is her partner’s long-fingered hand stroking sensuously up and down from the nape of her neck to the small of her back that has me mesmerized. There is something so caring, and so sensual about that caressing, that I feel like a voyeur as I watch, and feel the growing warmth in my groin.

I revert to the present, and note my own hand sliding up and down your arm at the same tempo.

When the theatre bells ring you place your arm around my waist and we stroll slowly back to our seats in the centre tier, where we find that there are now empty seats around us, as people have availed themselves of better vacant seats in the midsection of the tier. We look at each other and exchange a long deep kiss.

‘Caro, are you comfortable?’ I asked, as we readied ourselves for the next act of Don Quixote. Although you looked puzzled when I suggested it, you – as always – indulged me when I said I wanted us to swap seats, so that I am seated on your left. However, I am concerned that now that you no longer have the aisle seat, your beautifully long legs might feel cramped. ‘Well, as comfortable as possible under the circumstances’ you laugh indulgently.

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we 69

as u lie on the bed on your back i pull myself up & turn my body around so i kneel on the mattress above your head & my rock-hard cock hovers above your face... i lean my upper body 4ward at the waist& place my hands on your lower thighs as i press your quivering legs wide apart & start 2 lick the inside of your thigh... i slide my tongue from your knee 2 your crotch & leave wet & glistening trails of saliva all the way up your trembling inner thigh then i suck the...

3 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish ForChapter 7

Harry's call came at ten o'clock. "Great speech Suze. Pardon me if I don't get all choked up and beg you to forgive me. I'll be by to get you at five. Don't bother to dress - I'll have what you will be wearing with me." As she put down the phone Susan wondered, and not for the first time, if just putting a gun to Harry's head and pulling the trigger wouldn't be better in the long run. The only reason she had bowed to Harry's blackmail threats didn't seem to matter any more. She...

4 years ago
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Hi friends,i am Sameer Sharma. Ab to aap logo ne mujhe pehchan hi liya hoga. Aap ISS readers ke meri pehli true story “First sex encounter with foreigner girl” ke achchhe response dene aur mujhe aaplogo ke bahut se email milne per main aaj hi aap logo ko apni ek aur true story post kar raha hu. ye bat june ki hai jab mai MOSCOW se delhi aa raha tha. Kyonki mai india aane ke liye kabhi Mumbai aur kabhi Delhi ke through ata hu. Mai 12 june ki rat ko “Air India” ki flight se delhi aa raha tha....

2 years ago
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A Weekend of Firsts Part 1

I should probably start off this story by saying that all of what I am about to put is in fact real and happened to me a few years ago when I had just turned 20 and is not exaggerated in anyway. In fact I'll have to keep some of what happened out of the story so I stick to the rules. I will try articulate it as best as I can. Hopefully I won't get too descriptive and make it too long.This night started like most nights when I lived at home, desperate to sneak away have sex and come back without...

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Her Cheating Heart

"This is the hardest thing I have ever done," I said to the private detective. "I don't really know where to began." "Start at the beginnings, it is easier to follow the story that way and I'll ask questions along the way to fill in the blanks," he replied. And that is the way that this all begin. However, let me step back and explain everything from the beginning. My name is Jack and I first met Tammy on line two years ago. We chatted on IM for six months and I passed my number to...

3 years ago
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Taught a lesson

It had been a long night and I was ready to go home. Kevin was a good kid, but he was quite a handful. Of course, when his parents came home, I said he was no trouble at all and was upstairs sleeping like an angel. Now I was ready for Mrs. Wallace to take me home. "Darling, I'm exhausted. Would you mind driving Abigail home?" Mrs. Wallace asked her husband. "Of course not, you ready to go, Abbey?" He asked with a warm smile. I melted. I've had a crush on Mr. Wallace since I was a teenager....

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Sea Change

He knew me well and that I was a good sailor, but he knew I was doing something dangerous. It wasn’t illegal, and there was nothing he could do to stop me. “You’re heading out alone?” he asked with a frown of disapproval. “I’ll be okay,” I said. I backed the boat out of its slip, shifted the transmission to forward, and headed out on diesel power. I turned the boat at buoy G13 and piloted into the channel with the marina, the wind, and memories at my back. When I cleared the last channel...

2 years ago
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Hidden MemoriesPart Three

Introduction: I apologize for taking so long to post this, I barely finished it last night. Ive been busy with a paper that I have due in a few days but its now done. So my next paper isnt due for another three weeks so my parts will come a lot faster, thanks you for waiting patiently, enjoy(: Bailey felt like a whole new person, she really did. She had new clothes, a few pairs of new shoes and she just got a hair cut. She now had bangs and a short bob, her hair barely passing her jaw line. She...

2 years ago
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Who Wants Hot Cocoa

Paul had had a hell of a day. The boss had been on his case all day about a project that he needed to take care of. It wasn't even his project - he was going to have to fix someone else's fuck up! On top of that he had found out that the promotion he had been counting on wasn't going to happen due to "budget cuts". Yeah right! The company wasn't worried about budget cuts - they were just concerned with their profit margin! He was driving home and passed by the same bar he had passed by a...

1 year ago
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Taking the Next Step

Emma Luca was a middle-aged woman with a sixteen-year-old son and a bad need for a husband, or so she felt. She wanted security for herself and, of course, for her son. She was determined to find a man who could provide what she needed, even if it meant fucking an old man who could still get it up.With time, she was sure she had found the right man, and he wasn’t all that bad. He was a small wiry man who was partially bald, but he was gentle and soft-spoken, so she felt she’d made a safe...

1 year ago
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Young boy fun

Oh the pleasures of having young boys visit with me and learn new things in life.It goes something like this, " Hi make yourself at home, would you like something to drink?" We sit and relax getting to know each other. " Would you like to watch some movies with me? I have a lots of different types, what would you like to watch?" I play a video that is to our liking and watch as the young boy begins to get excited by the video action. "Are you enjoying the movie as much as you appear to be? I...

3 years ago
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Gay Euro Trip Part Three

I arrived in Dublin on the day of Halloween ready to get wild. The previous 3 nights of my trip, I had failed to find any guys worth fooling around with. Ever since my threesome in the train with 2 euro hunks, I was craving more meat in my mouth. I knew of a gay bathhouse that was having it's annual Halloween party. I dropped my bags off at the hostel, got into my costume, and headed out to get lucky. I was dressed as a Priest because it was the only costume I could make out of my luggage....

4 years ago
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Shelly Ki Chudai Kri

Hi I am harshit and I am from Delhi story pr start krne se pehle pehle me aapko apne or shelly k baare me bta deta hu me 18yrs ka hu or good looking or smart hu or an me aapko apni sex partner k baare me btata huu wo ek randi se bhi bdiya mza deti hai uski age 20yrs hai or smart hai uskii gaand ek dum tight or moti hai jab wo chlti hai to ski gaand zor zor se hilti hai or tight jeans me to uski gaand bhosda lgti hai ar uske mome aise uchalte hai jaise baket ball ho agar koi bhi usse dekh le to...

3 years ago
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Adventures in Florida part one

Being a good boy for twenty years had become rather boring. I had never cheated on my wife. And I think she never even considered cheating on me. I considered it all the time. I was one horny bugger. Always had been. But I had never taken the chance to cross the line. I'm not sure I ever had prospects. Some ladies would flirt with me, but I always assumed it was just that, a bit of sexually tinged teasing that would come to nothing. And there was the whole thing about getting caught. I knew for...

2 years ago
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Sunday Fun At Office 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, welcome again.I got many responses from you.Thanks for all of them.But before starting this story I want to make one thing clear that I am a male and this is an imaginative story.I cleared this because many guys considered me a lady and send mails asking for fucking sessions and I also encourage you to comment on the story.So now let’s go on to the story: I get a us call now and to take the phone I lift my foot and your head get released and my foot on your dick also got released. you...

2 years ago
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Lesbian teens 2

Teenage LesbiansBy Doria LyonsChapter 1The bright sun beat down on this hot, stifling August afternoon as the crew began setting up for the next take. Jo could definitely think of better places to be than Santa Fe in the middle of August. It had to be at least 100 degrees if not more and there was absolutely no shade from the burning sun.As Pete Henry placed the megaphone to his lips, everyone tried desperately to make a move from their sitting positions. It was just too damn hot to be...

2 years ago
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El Ring de la muerte

Michelle estaba acabando de prepararse para el combate. Su atuendo y aspecto no eran los habituales para luchar, pero tampoco era un evento habitual. Vest?a con un top de color azul el?ctrico, bastante ajustado, con escote en forma de V, que dejaba ver la forma de unos pechos bien redondeados, firmes, probablemente de talla noventa. No cubr?a sin embargo el vientre, con abdominales definidas, aunque no tanto como para ganarle el apelativo de "musculosa". Atl?tica le sentar?a mejor. En la parte inferior lu...

1 year ago
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Myths and Legends

There is no better way to spend Halloween than sitting round a camp-fire deep in the woods, drinking home-made hooch and telling scary stories, legends of dark deeds and ghostly ghouls.  It was something that started with his grandparents when George was a child, and while it was then soft-drinks and tame tales, that sense of awe and wonder grew strong in the young boy's mind.The tradition continued through adolescence growing from family trips, to grandfather/grandson excursions and on to...

3 years ago
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Politics the Page

It was an election night party, we gathered at the ball room of local hotel waiting for the results to come in. I was attending the event with my wife,we had been supporters and donators to the incumbent candidate who was in the battle for his job, the polls going into the election night we're neck & neck so it was a rather nervous night at the grand ballroom. We had invested a lot of campaign dollars into our candidates relection. The early numbers did not look good & my frustration...

3 years ago
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Unfortunate Circumstances

Unfortunate Circumstances By Christie Brown This is a work of fiction nothing here is true or has happened in real life. "Come on let's get some, this shit doesn't show up every day." Which was true thought Taci, PCP was getting tougher to find all the time. "I can't I don't have the dough" At the sexy little things reply, the handsome youth rolled his eyes. Seeing this, Taci knew what he meant. Picking up her purse and coat she headed for the door of the underage club....

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Employer Benefits

I am the owner of a small fitness club in an average-sized city. The club is fairly successful, due to word-of-mouth and the excellent service we provide and the quality employees that I hire. It is one of these employees that I am writing about.I have two major types of employees working for me. The first type is the certified fitness trainer. These are the people who I set up personal training sessions with for clients who need them. The second type of employee is what I call a fitness...

4 years ago
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remembering my first

Do you remember your first?I remember very vividly the first spanking I received in my life it has led me to the enjoyment I still get out of being spanked to this day. It also left such an erotic impression on my mind that even all these years later I must have many of the elements of my first included in my punishment to this day. Otherwise it just does not feel like a complete spanking and punishment and comes up short of the complete and utter enjoyment I derive from having my bottom bared...

2 years ago
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department store manager fuck

for two years, i have worked at a department store in Arizona doing grocery stocking.i work around plenty of attractive women,but the one woman that turns me on is the general merchandise manager.a curvy woman in her 40s with a nice round round ass and big titties.when i see her bend over to pick up something,i see her nice lacey panties and i get a hard on from that.she likes me and has flirted with me since she has been there.we have gotten to know each other the past year and have gotten...

1 year ago
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Horny Aunty Ki Hawas Mitae

Hello friend me rocky wapas aur 1 story apke like leke aya hu. Meri 1st story ko aap sabne pasand kiya uske liye thanks. Jo bhi stories me post kar raha hu wo sab real hai. So now starting my story. Apko sabko bata du ki me mumbai se belong karta hu. Jo log mumbai me rehte hai unko ye pata hoga ki ulhasnagar me sindhi rehte hai. To jaise apne pehli story me mine apko bataya ki beauty parlour wali aunty ulhasnagar se hi belong karti hai. To unki hi ek friend jinka nam maya hai. Wo unki ketti...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 53

Tiffany was sitting on the floor, her back against the bed. She had her knees drawn up to her chest. She was naked and staring at Phil’s empty closet. Phil noticed her eyes didn’t move. Nothing about her moved. He walked into the room but Tiffany’s focus didn’t shift from the blank wall of the empty closet. He sat down on the floor beside the young woman and tried to see what she was looking at. He had wondered if she had put a TV in there until he noticed she was not watching anything. Her...

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Hitting the Double Home Run

Chapter 1 If you're looking for a baseball story, well, you may be quite surprised. This does have hitting on and scoring bases, even home runs and such and is certainly about America's most popular pastime but that's not baseball. Sorry. It all started when my best friend and I were talking kids, specifically male kids. We each are divorced and are raising sons on our own, both, basically the same age, fifteen. We're also near the same age, I'm thirty-nine, just eight months from the...

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Another ChanceChapter 15

Oh yeah, Daddy ... tell all my friends I'm rich. I'm just beginning to make friends around here. "Wait ... Daddy ... you said Grace and I bought it. Grace has money?" "Grandmother Austin." "Oh ... wait ... grandma left her money to Grace?" "And the store, her recipes, the Sedan Delivery, the safety deposit boxes at the bank and her steam locomotive collection. Oh yeah ... her guns." Lucy Lou was listening ... bad move, Dad. "Charles? Adele left her entire estate to Grace? What...

3 years ago
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Suzies Lessons

Suzie’s Lessons by Ashley B. D. Zacharias It was a day like any other. Rob was sitting in front of his computer, typing up a storm, when a strange woman walked into his office. He was not good at guessing women’s ages. If forced, he would have said that she was about thirty. Maybe thirty-five. Probably not late twenties, but he could be wrong about that. Like I said, he was not good at women’s ages. But he was good at predicting their reaction to him because it was always the same. Invariably...

2 years ago
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A Much of a Which of a WindChapter 14

"That was a lot of help," I grumbled to Susan after we were back in the car. I'd looked for the shiv in the car door when we'd got to the Federal building, but it hadn't been there any more; probably jarred loose when I'd been clipping out of that parking lot with bullets flying at me, or maybe when I busted through the exit barrier. There was, however, a neatly indented gash in the sheet metal. "I'm sorry, Larry, I really thought they'd come through," she told me. "I mean, if I...

1 year ago
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The Pool Boy

Mitch was playing XBox when he heard a car door slam. He looked out the window to see Emma, his next door neighbor coming home from shopping. "Damn she's fucking hot," Mitch thought to himself. Emma had been divorced for about a year, and Mitch felt a little guilty for looking at her this way. He really liked Mr. Ferguson, he'd lived next door to them since he was an infant, but Mitch was nineteen now and Mrs. Ferguson's tits were calling to him. Mitch figured he could fill a gallon milk bottle...

4 years ago
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How it came about with my son Chapter3

How it came about with my son: Chapter three:After my son and I came to almost getting caught by my wife, I told my son if he was interested in doing more sometime that we would have to start earlier. He agreed and told me that he would like to take it to a different level. I wasn’t sure what he meant at the time but it wasn’t long before I was going to know what he meant.It was a couple of days later and was about six o’clock in the evening when the phone rang and it was my neighbor. I will...

2 years ago
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Train Sex

Hi this story is about me and a unknown boy whom I meet in train. Before that I would like to tell u one thing that my Facebook account is be hacked so at the end of this story I will share my new facebook account details ….so today I will tell you what happened on that day when I was travelling from Mumbai to Tamil Nadu …..My name is arul and I am 26 yrs this story is of 1yr back so hear it is what happened .i took my train from C.S.T Mumbai and I was in a window seat and I locked my bags with...

3 years ago
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Punch Drunk

It's a sunny Spring day and the whole family has been getting ready for hosting the annual Family Get-together in the backyard of your parents' nice suburban townhome. Everyone's excited about your uncle getting back from three years studying indigenous cultures and new species of plants in South America. Sure enough, he shows up, tanned and full of strange stories of adventures down the Amazon. He sees you and gives you a wink. "How're things, my boy?" He asks. "I bet those hormones have...

3 years ago
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Tales of Tirsena

Three days before the battle of Gilven Castle Lisianna carefully tried to crawl out of bed without waking up princess Catherine, but had to suppress a smile when the younger woman groaned at the sudden loss of warmth generated by her bodyguard's presence. Looking at her lover's beautiful tits and golden blond hair, Lisianna almost crawled back into bed for a repeat performance of the night before. It took all she had to begin dressing and gathering her armor. "Lisa, come back to bed! Its still...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Xxlayna Marie Its Just a Prank Step Bro

Xxlayna Marie just wanted to prank her step brother, Damion Dayski. However, she got much more than she bargained for. She placed her camera down and hid inside of a hamper to scare him but instead she ended up witnessing her step brother masturbate to a penthouse magazine. Eventually, she did jump out and scare him anyway but he wasn’t very happy to find out that she was filming the entire thing. Damion decided to snatch her camera and refused to give it back. After trying to get it back for...

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My Unexpected Romantic Sex With Maid 8211 Part 1

Hi readers and horny girls and Telugu girls and unsatisfied ladies. I don’t know writing stories well as it is my first experience and also story. Hope you enjoy and become wet when the real story starts. Anyone can approach me if you like my romance and experience and if you want to enjoy that feel. Virgin girls are welcomed as they can enjoy a lot with my romance of your wish hard or soft. I am Kalyan from Kurnool of Andhra Pradesh. This story occurred two months back when my parents are out...

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