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Note from the author: This is, of course, a work of fiction. All names and characters are purely a figment of my imagination. I truly enjoyed writing this story. At one point I feared that I was getting so involved that it might stretch into a 300 page novel. I made a conscious effort to keep it short and fast paced.... Hope you enjoy it. A SINISTER PLOT - by Rebecca Page Let me begin by saying... I've always been a crossdresser. Well, as long as I can remember anyway. I guess I really realized my femininity when I was around 12 years old but I can remember even before then, that I never totally felt comfortable as a male. However, my story actually began when I was 23. I had been out of college for about a year. I was working in a dead-end job at an accounting firm. The pay was not great but being single, I did not need a lot of money. Nevertheless, it was sometimes a struggle to buy all the pretty feminine things I wanted. After paying for transportation, food and rent on my small apartment, there was not much left. My crossdressing activities were an important part of my life... Each day after work, I eagerly changed into nice dress, a pretty shorts set or a pair of feminine jeans. My closet actually contained about as many feminine clothes as male clothes and I always slept in gowns. One good aspect of my "dead-end" job was that no one cared that my hair was long. I had not had a real haircut since mid way through my senior year in college. When at work, I pulled it back into a ponytail but just as soon as I returned home, I let it hang down to my shoulders. Oh, even then, it was not styled into a very feminine look and I constantly dreamed of having a perm. Maybe someday. That would have to wait because I did not want to push my luck at work. During my senior year in college, I had joined a heterosexual crossdresser's support group and attended meetings once a month. Such a nice group of people and I made so many dear friendships. I worked hard on perfecting a feminine voice, the proper use of makeup, a sexy walk and womanly gestures. I got pretty good at it. I could go just about anywhere I wanted as a woman and be completely accepted. Life was good and I was happy. Little did I know how much my life was about to change. I had just returned to my apartment from work and had changed into bra and panties and was just brushing out my hair when the phone rang. I picked it up and said, "Hello." "Hello, is this Lewis Moore," asked the voice on the other end. "Yes it is, who is this". The voice had a familiar ring to it but I couldn't place it. "This is Mark Risk. Remember me?" Oh yes... I did remember Mark. The only person to ever catch me dressing as a woman. It happened when I was a freshman and Mark was a senior. He walked into my dorm room by mistake... I had forgotten to lock the door.... I was wearing a blue dress.... I was applying makeup.... My blond wig was laying on my bed. I had short hair back then. I turned redder than the blush I was applying.... I couldn't speak. Mark just stood there and stared at me for several seconds. Then he said, "Sorry," and turned to leave. He paused at the door, looked back at me and simply said, "Looking good." He never mentioned that episode to me again and as best as I could tell, he never told anyone else about it. For weeks, I waited for the hammer to drop but it was as though it had never happened. "Yes Mark, I remember you. It has been several years though. How did you find me." Was that proverbial hammer getting ready to drop? "Oh, I have my ways. I understand you have graduated with a degree in accounting. I'd like to talk to you about a job... Interested?" What kind of job could Mark Risk possibly need me for. I had recently heard that he was in some kind of import- export business and had made lots of money. Surely he could afford the best accountants around and would not be interested in a green kid just out of college. "Could be," I answered. "What did you have in mind?" "I need an accountant with your special skills," he said. "Special skills? Mark, I've only been out of school for one year. That's not much experience." "Oh, I know. I already have a fairly large accounting department but I need you for a special job. You would sort of be my personal accountant and work on some personal things. Can't tell you a lot about it right now until I know you are on board. The pay is good... Are you interested." "Well, yes but I need to know more about what you expect." Already, I'm worrying if I will need to cut my hair and change my lifestyle. "How much would it pay?" He quoted me a figure that was three times what I was being paid now. I was hooked... I had to know more. "Tell me more," I said. "Well, you will have to move to the coast. That is where my main offices are. Along with the pay I quoted, I will set you up in a nice beach front apartment with the first three months rent on me. Any moving expense will be covered by the company and we will pay for any special grooming needs or special clothing needs you might have." "Grooming needs?" I asked. "What exactly does that mean?" "This is the hard part... Hope it will not be too difficult for you. I'll just come out and say it. Lewis, do you still like to wear women's clothing? I need for you to work as a female. Would that be a problem?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. There was a long pause before I could answer. "Why on earth do you need a man to work as a woman? Couldn't you just hire a woman?" "Yes I could but I need someone I can trust... Someone I know. I only have one woman working for me now and my advisors tell me that if I don't get more women on the payroll, I'm going to have trouble with some of our government contracts. I don't know any female accountants and the books you will be working with are rather personal. I think you would be perfect for what I am looking for." My gosh... This could be a dream come true. I could work as a woman. I could live full time as a woman if I wanted to. Something had to be wrong with this offer but all I could think about was getting my hair permed, having my ears pierced, letting my fingernails grow, living at the beach. "I am interested," was all I could say. "Good news," he said. "Here is what I want you to do. Doll yourself up. If you need new clothes, a trip to the beauty parlor or whatever it takes, do it and meet me at the Shamrock Stake House on Saturday night. If you look as good as I think you will, the job is yours." "I'll be there. What time? How will you know me?" "Wear a red rose in your hair. Be in the bar area at 7:30 sharp. See you Saturday night `Pamela'". Before I could answer, he hung up. I sat for a long time just looking at the phone. Could this actually be for real? Could I take such a drastic step in my life. It sounded like a chance of a lifetime... Something I had only dreamed about, but such a frightening venture. There had to be something Mark was not telling me. The information he had given me was so vague. Why would he spend this kind of money to have a man work for him as a woman? Was it a sex thing? I was not into kinky things. However, if I did not meet him on Saturday night, I would never know. I could always run if I didn't like what was going on. I really didn't sleep much that night. The next day at work, all I could think of was actually working and living as a woman. I had already looked through some material that was passed out at our CD support group listing business in the area who were friendly to crossdressers. Sure enough, I found the listing for a beauty salon about three blocks from my home. After lunch, I called and made an appointment for Friday, knowing in my heart that I might not keep the appointment. Friday morning, I called in sick. Deciding what to wear was a problem. Should I go ahead and dress as a man for my appointment... No, that probably was not a good idea. I didn't have to worry about shaving because last year two of my sorority sisters and I had undergone that new laser hair removal treatment on our faces. It had worked well and made applying makeup so much easier. I first decided to wear jeans and a pullover top. Not a good plan... The beautician would probably have me remove my top while she worked on my hair. I finally decided on my red bra and panties, a matching red slip, my a-line plaid skirt with a red silk blouse. After dressing and finishing my makeup, I thought I looked pretty good even with my straight unstylish hair. I was so nervous, I decided to walk to my appointment. After all, it was only three blocks and I wouldn't have to worry about parking and driving without a proper driver's license. I was way too shaky to deal with a police officer or a traffic accident. I entered the beauty parlor and was told that Sue would be my beautician. I was lead back to the last cubical and introduced to Sue. She was extremely nice and friendly. If she knew I was a man, and she probably did, she never mentioned it. She asked, "What can we do for you today?" In my best feminine voice, I said, "I would like to get a permanent and have my hair styled." "Any particular style in mind?" she asked. "Well, I would like to keep it fairly long but other than that, I put myself into your hands." She ran her hands through my hair complimented me on it's thickness. "Oh, you have such nice hair. No split ends. I think we can do something here that you will really like." She had me remove my blouse and put on a white smock. I wondered if she could see my breast forms... Probably not with the slip over my bra. Then the work began. After washing my hair and combing it, she did a little trimming here and there. Then she started rolling my hair and as I watched in the mirror my excitement began to grow. I was finally relaxed and began to thoroughly enjoy what was happening. After she had my hair completely rolled and had applied the perm lotion she said, "Now that needs to set for some time. While we are waiting I could work on those eyebrows and if you would like a manicure, I think Wanda is free." I agreed! I wanted to experience everything. Sue began to work on my eyebrows. I could tell she was pulling out a lot of hairs and even though I knew they would eventually grow back it was going to take a long time. Could I go back to my old job now? How was I going to look dressed as a man with thin arched eyebrows? When Sue finished with my eyebrows and I was placed under the dryer, Wanda began to work on my fingernails. After some discussion we decided to add some length to my nails. I had worn the stick-on nails before but when Wanda finished, this was so much better. They looked and felt exactly like my real fingernails. She had painted them a bright red and with the color and extra length, my hands looked so much slimmer and so completely feminine. Finally, after another washing, another rolling, some more time under the dryer, and the last combing, Sue sprayed my hair and turned me facing the mirror. She held a big mirror at my back so that I could see my entire head. For a minute I couldn't get my breath... It was beautiful... I didn't even look like the same person... I saw nothing masculine at all. The thin, well arched eyebrows made such a difference. My new hairdo was oh so pretty. I don't think there was any way I could pass as a man now... Not for a long while anyway. I felt like I had crossed over to a place that had no return path and I should have felt a little panicked but I didn't. I was enjoying this too much. Before I left, Sue gave a set of rollers and showed me how to set my hair after I washed it. She explained that if I didn't set it after washing the curls would be tight and a little kinky. Not a bad style but if I wanted the softer curls, I would need to roll my hair. I really liked the soft look. I was in no hurry to get home. It was like I wanted everyone to see me. I couldn't help but look at my reflection in every storefront window I passed. I stopped at a small restaurant for a late lunch. I could feel the eyes of several men on me as the maitre d' lead me to a table and held my chair as I sat. While I waited for my salad, I made a visit to the ladies room and I felt completely natural being there. After I finished my lunch I continued my walk home. I passed a jewelry store that was advertising free ear piercing with the purchase of a pair of earrings. 'Why not,' I thought. I went inside and calmly purchased a pretty pair of gold studs. The process was quick and almost painless. Oh, I was having so much fun. I realized that I now had no choice but to meet Mark on Saturday night as he requested... My life was changing and I certainly could not return to my old job now! I looked for a florist so that I could buy a single red rose. Saturday I had butterflies all day. What would I do if I didn't get the job with Mark. With this new ultra feminine hair style, the thin arched eyebrows, the long nails and the new holes in my ears, how could I explain this new me at work. I went through my closet four times trying to decide exactly what to wear. I wanted to look exceptionally feminine but not too sexy. I finally decided on the smart business woman look. Black hose, Red skirt, black high-neck shell with a gold chain and the red blazer that matched my skirt. That would look good with the red rose and my red two inch heels. I worked for an hour getting my makeup just right. I walked into the Shamrock Stake House bar at exactly 7:30. I spotted Mark right away. He had changed little since college. Still tall and well proportioned ... I could tell he made a special effort to keep in shape. He looked up from his drink and saw me. He got up and met me half way to the table. I wasn't sure if he recognized me or the rose in my hair. He reached out and put his hands on my shoulders holding me at arms length. He looked me up and down and smiled saying, "You are one foxy chick. You have really improved your look since I last saw you as a girl." Trying not to show how nervous I really was, I smiled and said, "practice makes perfect." "Our dinner table will not be ready for another 20 minutes. Come have a drink with me," as he lead me to his table. We sat and he asked what I would like to drink. I told him and he relayed my request to the waitress. Again he said, "I just can't get over how great you look. Do you dress full time now?" "Oh no," I said. "Just when I get off work and most weekends." "But, how can you hide this look when you dress as a man for work?" "Well, I probably can't now. I spent most of yesterday at the beauty parlor and I'm afraid I've had some changes made that I will not be able to hide for several months." "So, you've burned your bridges. I hope that means that you have decided to come to work for me." I smiled, "in my excitement, I guess I did burn some bridges and God knows, I do need a job, but I'm still a little confused as to why you want a make-believe lady for this job." "Well," he said, "like I told you on the phone, I need to hire a woman, but I wanted someone I know to work on my personal stuff. I checked you out and you finished college at the top of your class. I can see that you are a beautiful lady and I can help you be even more beautiful. I would say that you are exactly what I'm looking for." "I'm still a little confused. There must be more to it than that." "To be honest, there is but that is business and I'm not at liberty to discuss everything right now. You take the job... You will not be sorry." There was a long moment of silence. I had a million questions but at the moment I couldn't think of any of them. "I do need an answer tonight," he said. 'What the Hell,' I thought. `What an adventure this would be.' "Then, I guess I'll have to say yes because yours is actually the only offer I've had since I made my hair all curly." "Great! Here is the address of your new apartment at Virginia Beach. I'll have the movers at your apartment tomorrow morning. Your new place is fully furnished so we will have any furniture of yours placed in storage. Can you move in tomorrow?" Before I could say yes, the waiter motioned that our table was ready so we moved into the dining area. I could feel the eyes of several men as we walked to our table. I was still somewhat in a fog and with all the excitement, I didn't have much of an appetite. Mark looked up from his steak and asked, "Are you on hormones?" I told him no. "You should be. It would help you to feel more comfortable as a woman. When you get your physical on Monday, tell my man to put you on them." "I'm not to sure about that... Everything is moving too fast." "Look, I own the medical facility located next to our offices. Makes employee insurance coverage much cheeper. We just hired a new doctor and he is good. He worked with many transsexuals when he was on the west coast. He could help you a lot." "I'll think about it," I said. "Also, I've noticed that you are doing a fairly good job with your voice but can you maintain it 12 to 14 hours a day? This Dr. Newman, I mentioned, has a simple operation that can raise your voice several octaves. It is not like the old risky operation that required cutting the vocal cords. In this process, cartilage that exist behind the cords is made into elongated tissue and tied to the upper and lower extremities of the vocal cords. This raises the pitch. The operation is done under local anesthesia. The patient selects his or her pitch by counting aloud while the surgeon tightens or loosens the cartilage until the desired pitch has been obtained. It is virtually risk free." "I've heard of that," I said. 'Boy, he sure seemed to be well versed in this transgender stuff,' I thought. "I am not sure I would want to go to that extreme, although it does sound interesting. Anyway, something like that would surely cost much more than I could afford." "Wouldn't cost you a penny if it is done by Dr. Newman in the company clinic. How about your breast... Is that padding?" He nodded at my chest. "He could fix that the same day. What do you prefer, about a "C" cup" "Wait a minute Mark, you are going way too fast. I've always thought of myself as a simple crossdresser. I may someday decide that I'm transsexual but I can't make all those decisions tonight. What if I do all those things and then you or I decide that I'm not right for the job. I'll be stuck." He frowned and said, "What do you mean stuck... You would have had all those wonderful things done to your body for free. With your looks, you could get a job anywhere. You will probably never work again as Lewis Moore anyway. Especially after you leave your present job without a notice. 'Lewis' surely will not get much of a recommendation from them." "Let's talk about those things later, after I decide if I really do like living as a female full time." He threw up his hands. "Okay, we'll talk about it later but remember, I do expect you to be completely feminine on the job. No one but me and of course Dr. Newman, are to know that you are a man. I must insist on that." We finished our dinner and Mark walked me to my car. He told me once I arrived at my new apartment on Sunday to make sure all my belonging had arrived safely. He gave me his phone number and told me to call if there were any problems. He said that I should report to work on Monday morning at 9:00 am and he would show me around the offices, introduce me to my co-workers, fill out some paper work, have my picture made for my ID badge and then he would walk me over to the clinic for my physical. I balked a little at that but he said not to worry that it would not be a problem. He told me that he was sure that I probably didn't have a large amount of female working clothes so I could expect an advance on my salary and the rest of the week off to do some shopping. Work was to begin for real the following Monday. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and said, "I'll see you Monday." As he was walking away, he turned and said, "By the way, your new name will be Pamela Ann Lovejoy. That is not no negotiable." I stood and watched him leave with all types of questions running through my mind. All my friends in the crossdressing support group knew me as Louise Moore. Why was he insisting that I now be Pamela. Oh well, I was in too deep to back out now. I could always do that later. The movers came early Sunday morning. I had dressed in white shorts and a blue knit top as I planned to drive to Virginia beach just as soon as they had everything loaded. They were very polite, "yes Ma'am this and no Ma'am that. Obviously they had been well instructed in what was to go into storage and what was to be moved to my new apartment. All the furniture was going into storage, even my TV set. They did seem a little confused about the male clothing and I explained that those items belonged to my brother and all of that, except a couple of sweatshirts, could also be stored. They had everything loaded and were gone by 10:00 am. I stayed behind for another hour checking to see if anything had been missed, called by boss and left a message on his machine that I would not return to work and turned in the keys to my apartment. My boss probably wouldn't even recognize the name and I was sure they could replace me in about ten minutes. My landlord really did a double take when he saw how I was dressed and with my new fancy hairdo. I had always wondered if he had seen me come and go before crossdressed but I guess there was no doubt in his mind now. I didn't care... I was not planning to ever see him again anyway. I stopped on the way to the coast for some lunch and it took be another hour to find the new apartment. I drove past it three times and each time I figured that I must be lost. It wasn't an apartment, it was a house, right on the beach! It was small but beautiful. Must be the right place because my key fit. I was, even then, not sure it was the right place until I checked the bedroom and saw that my clothes were already there. What a beautiful place it was. The bedroom was very feminine with pink walls and ruffles around the bed and lace trimmed curtains on the windows. There was a sitting area with couch and chairs and I had big walk in closet. Double doors opened onto a deck overlooking the Atlantic ocean. The kitchen was small but bigger than my old one had been and it had all the equipment one could dream of. The living room and dinning area were one big room and that too had double sliding doors onto the deck. The refrigerator was stocked, the cabinets were full of canned food and on the dinning table was a large bouquet of flowers. I read the card, "Welcome to Virginia Beach. Hope you will be the happiest girl ever," signed, Mark. How sweet... I thought, 'I was really going to love this new feminine life. Just wish I could get rid of the unanswered questions. I knew that I was not this good of an accountant.' I arose early Monday morning to get ready for my first day at the new job. I wanted to look my best. If I had known what was in store for me this day, I would have most likely left Virginia Beach as fast as my little car would have run. When I arrived at the office, Mark met me at the door. He complimented me on how I looked and he showed me where I would be working. I was introduced to several of the men who would be working in my area but not nearly as many as I had expected. I found it rather curious that a couple of the men said something to the effect, "Sorry about your loss." I asked Mark what they were talking about and he made light of it and said they probably thought I was someone else. I didn't question him further. We filled out lots of papers and I was instructed to sign everything as Pamela A. Lovejoy, which I did. Pictures were made for my employee file and my employee badge. Then Mark escorted me across the street to the clinic for my "physical" which he said was routine. A big lie I was soon to find out! I was left with Dr. Newman, a short, heavyset man of about 50. He first did all the standard tests and then bade me to disrobe. I was given a little white gown to wear. He had me lie down on a steel table and I could hear him working with something but could not see what it was. Then I felt the needle enter my lowed hip... It was a big needle! It hurt. "What the hell was that?" I screamed losing my feminine voice completely. "That, my dear lady, was your time release hormone injection. We won't have to do that again for at least another year. You will love the results." I was mad. "I didn't give my permission for that!" But it was too late. I knew what a time release hormone capsule would do and I knew what changes I could expect over the next few months. "Now relax little lady." As he said this, he stuck another needle in my arm. Whatever he put in my arm started working really fast. I became totally relaxed. I was awake but I seemed to lose all my will to fight. I could move but I really had to concentrate to control that movement. I felt Dr. Newman lift the hem of my gown and I again felt him inject a needle in my groin area. It did not hurt this time. My legs were spread and my feet placed in stirrups. I could see the top of Dr. Newman's head as he was doing something between my legs. A few minutes later he stood holding something in his hands. He was very nonchalant when he said, "I'll leave the sack. We will need that tissue when do the final surgery." Oh my God. I knew what he held in his hands. It was my testicles! I had just been castrated! I tried to fight but my limbs just wouldn't obey my brain. I began to cry and the doctor said, "Don't fret Dear. Now the hormones can work much faster and more efficiently. Didn't Mark tell you what we would be doing today? I guess he didn't want to frighten you. Well, we still have some work to do." "You bastard," I managed to get out. With all the strength I could muster, I swung at him. What seemed like a mighty blow to me was actually no more than a light pat to him. He, very calmly, grabbed my wrist and strapped it to the side of the gurney. Then he walked to the other side and secured the other arm. My feet were strapped to the stirrups. Looking down at me he said, "Now, that didn't sound very lady like. But, we can fix that." He then moved to the head of the gurney. I was completely helpless. He put a strap around my forehead so that I could no longer even move my head from side to side. The table I was on began to move and I was tilted up to about a 45 degree angle. My mouth was forced open and some kind of tube was forced deep into my throat. I thought I would gag but he sprayed something into the tube and down my throat and I became very numb. The tube was forced deeper. Dr. Newman or more aptly, Dr. Frankenstein, began working inside that tube. I could see only his hands and parts of different tools that he was placing into that tube. After a few minutes he said, "Now, in a minute I'm going to ask you to start counting for me." 'Hell no. I was not going to help this son of a bitch.' But then, what if I refused to cooperate and he screwed-up and I was never able to speak again. I knew what he was doing from what Mark had said about changing my voice pitch. So, when he said count, I counted. I could actually hear the pitch changing and when I said a very feminine "5" he said, "Excellent, that is perfect." My manhood was totally gone. Part of me was excited and if I had had any balls, the thought of what had been done to me would probably have made my dick hard but even that was useless now. I would never sire children. I would never be married now, not to a woman anyway. Was my crossdressing worth this? How could anyone force such a decision on another person? I had met several transsexuals at our meetings and they had worked all their lives to get enough money for what was being forced upon me. Would I have to go through life now as a woman who is half man? Then again, maybe this is what I had wanted all along. As the tube came out of my mouth I began to relax, somewhat. My life had been so simple just a few days ago and now it had become so very complicated. "One more little job and we will be finished for today, Pam," Newman said to me. "Going to let you take a little nap for this one. When you wake, you will be a princess." With that he placed an IV in my arm and I could feel myself being pulled into a warm cocoon. It was as though I never really went to sleep but more like I was totally detached from my surroundings. I felt the straps being removed from my arms and I felt my gown being removed but nothing mattered anymore. I awoke in another room and didn't remember having been moved. Slowly, I began to remember where I was and what had happened to me. Surely this had all been a dream but I quickly realized that it was real. My throat was a little sore and I could hear that very feminine "5" ringing in my ears. Very softly I said, "Oh no" and it was not a voice I recognized. I had some pain in my crotch area and I quickly remembered what had been done to my manhood. Seeing a doctor standing between your legs with your detached gonads in his hand was a sight not soon forgotten and the probable source of some nightmares. My hip was mildly sore and I knew that the hormones were even now surging throughout my body. My body now was feminine. Lewis Moore was simply a man who once was. Humpty Dumpty could not be put together again. Why was my chest sore? I tried to move my arm and was pleased to find that I was no longer shackled to my bed. I gently touched my chest and said, "Oh, my God," with that voice that sounded like someone else. My chest was not a chest any more but breast. I had breasts! "How do you like them, Pamela?" I turned my head to the right and there stood Dr. Newman. I didn't even know he was in the room. I didn't even speak... Just stared at him. "Implants," he said. "I only gave you about a "B" cup because as the hormones do their work, they will grow. In a few months, you can look forward to at least a "C" cup." "Why?" Was all I could say. "Think of it as a gift from Mr. Risk. He is a very generous man and wants you to be happy." What I said then was not very lady like and it didn't seem to have much impact with my new, sweet, girl's voice, "Bullshit!" "Mr. Risk is outside now and would like to see you. Now before I let him come in, you must promise me that you will not attempt to scream and shout. You could damage your vocal cords. For the next week, I want you to talk very softly and drink lots of water." I just looked at him. "Promise," he said. "Okay, I promise." God, that voice did sound nice. Mark came into my room and sat by my bed. He took my hand and said, "I know you probably would like to kill me right now and I don't blame you. I'm certain you feel like I forced all this on you and I did. However, in time this is precisely what you would have chosen for yourself. You must admit that." I didn't say it to him but I thought, 'probably true.' He continued, "I didn't have that time. I had to know now if you can be the girl I think you can. I can't explain everything now but if this works out, you could become a very rich girl. If I'm wrong about you, well, I guess you will run away. I hope that does not happen. "You will be allowed to leave here in a few hours. Nothing has been done to you that will not completely heal soon. A little soreness in a few places but nothing that will slow you down too much. You may not feel like shopping tomorrow but surely by Thursday. I have put a credit card in your purse in the name of Pamela Lovejoy. Buy everything you need. If you decide to run, then run but do buy what you need first. If you are the woman I think you are, and you still want the job, I'll see you next Monday morning." With that he stood, kissed me lightly on my lips and left the room. I had not spoken a word. It was a little after 8 o'clock when I returned to my new little beach house. When I got dressed at the clinic, I threw my expensive silicon breast pads in the trash... I didn't need them anymore. My bra was full of me! And, these didn't come off. I was angry, confused and a little excited about what lay ahead for me. As soon as I reached my bedroom, I stripped all my clothes off and stood before my full length mirror. I must admit, I loved my breasts but would I still love them six months from now? I had to think... I put on my lose fitting cotton denim dress with the empire waist, tied my hair back in a pony tail and went for a walk on the beach. I didn't even bother with a bra because the pressure seemed to make my stitches hurt. Feeling the bounce of my new breasts as I walked, made me aware of my new feminine shape and feeling the bandage between my legs was a constant reminder of what I had lost. I couldn't resist occasionally reaching up and cupping my breast with my hand. After about a mile my anger had subsided. I was able to think a little clearer. Had I really lost? Didn't I just last month tell my dear friend Danielle, at the CD support meeting, that I would love to try living full time as a female? Was that not what I had to do now? Hadn't Danielle encouraged me to go for it? That's exactly what I had done when Mark made the job offer. I knew what I had to do... I rushed back to the house and called Danielle. Usually, members of our crossdressing group didn't even know the other member's male name much less their telephone numbers but Danielle and I had become so close that we often visited between meetings. Danielle's male name Dan Ross and he lived alone in Richmond where he worked as a clerk in some state court. Whatever he did, I do know that he would probably lose his job if it was discovered that he was into cross dressing. Dan/Danielle loved all things feminine but Dan was about 6'2" and weighed about 200 pounds. Passing was difficult for Danielle but he was such a sweet person. Dan picked up on the third ring. Of course, he didn't recognize my voice. "This is Louise Moore, you are Dan Ross, AKA Danielle and you also know me as Lewis Moore." I had to keep telling him things that only the two of us would know. Finally, he realized that he was talking to me. And then I began to tell him how I actually was not me anymore. We talked for over an hour. I begged him to come visit and he said that he could come on Friday but that he would have to return to Richmond Sunday morning. "I will have to come as Dan and not Danielle. You know this wide body does not travel well in skirts." We both laughed. "Just come. I need a friend right now." I gave him directions and said, "Oh, by the way, it seems that my name now is Pamela Ann Lovejoy." I felt so much better. I had a friend who would help me through this. I took two of the pain pills the doctor had given me, put on my prettiest night gown and slept like a baby. Not once did I dream of Dr. Newman standing over me with my balls in his hands. I felt even better the next morning. I awoke around ten and fixed myself a light breakfast. I put on my one and only bathing suit, a one piece blue suit with a little ruffled skirt. It was a little tight in the bust now and anyone who looked could tell I wasn't wearing padding. I wondered when the hormones would reshape me enough to wear a bikini. Well, one thing was for sure... Just as soon as I could go shopping, this would not be my only bathing suit. To myself I said, "After all, a girl who lives on the beach has to have something pretty to wear." The sound of that, in my new little girl voice, sent goose bumps up my arm. Maybe the hormones were already working... I loved the sound of that voice. I wished Dan would hurry.... Wednesday, I felt even better. I removed the bandage from between my legs, washed my hair and set it in rollers. Even wearing a bra didn't hurt now. Without the bandage between my legs, it no longer looked like I was wearing a Kotex. My panties fit much better... I even, with some excitement, started wondering just how soon Dr. Newman would remove my little penis. The hormones were working because I definitely could feel a tenderness in my nipples. I was still intrigued with my voice. As I took the rollers out of my hair I was singing, "I feel Pretty, I feel Pretty" and "I enjoy Being a Girl." I had never been able to sing very well but, who knows, maybe now. It sounded good to me. After I got dressed, I went shopping. And shop, I did. I quickly lost count of just how much I put on that credit card. That was one way I could hurt Mark. I bought lots of work clothes, several blazers and suits, skirts, blouses, sweaters, dressy dresses, jumpers and shoes. I then started looking for leisure and sport clothes... Sun back dresses, shorts, halters, knit tops and of course three new bathing suits. Couldn't resist the cute little white bikini. I also purchased a new night gown that I planed to wear when Dan came, panties, slips and just a few bras. I knew that I was going to out grow them quickly. That night Mark called. He was upbeat with no apologies, "How is my sexy girl today. Buy anything pretty today?" How did he know I went shopping? "I'm still mad at you Mark. Don't be nice to me... Not yet anyway and how did you know I went shopping?" "You're a woman, aren't you?" "It seems that I am now! Yes, I went shopping and I spent all of your money." "You couldn't do that in one day. Will I see you Monday?" "Yes, what else did you expect. You seem to have planned everything well. Seems that I have very few options now." "That's my girl. If you need anything, you have my number. Love your voice." And, with that, he hung up. I spent Thursday on the beach, even had more than one man make a pass and I found myself liking the attention. It seemed like Friday would never come but finally it did. I got up early, showered, washed and set my hair again and put on my new yellow sun back dress. I wanted to look good for Dan. He arrived at 10:00 o'clock that morning. I rushed out to meet him as he got out of his car and through my arms around him, saying, "I'm so glad to see you." After our embrace, he held me at arms length and looked me up and down. "My God," he said. "You are beautiful!" We went inside and I filled him in on everything that I had not told him on the phone. Then he dropped the bomb shell. "Did I hear correct the other night that your new benefactor, this Mark guy, has renamed you Pamela Lovejoy?" "Yes." "Well, that name sounded familiar to me for some reason so I did a little checking at the court house. Seems that a Ralph Lovejoy died three months ago and... What did you say was the name of Mark's company?" I told him. "That's it. This Ralph was Mark's partner. He owned a controlling share of the company and when he died he left all of his holdings to his wife. Now get this... Her name is Pamela Ann Lovejoy! Baby, someone is setting you up for something and I don't like the way it looks." "Oh my God... They want me to take her place. Mark did mention something about me becoming a rich woman. What do you think they have done with the real Pamela Lovejoy?" "I don't know but as I see it we have two choices. You can play along with them and maybe we can find out or you can get the hell out of here, now. I recommend the latter." "Oh shit, Dan," I gasped. "Now I'm scared. Do you think they could have killed her?" "Could be or they have her stashed somewhere." "This must be her beach house... Now I remember something from Monday. I had forgotten because of all that happened to me but one of the people who I met did say that he was sorry about my loss. I'll bet he was talking about my alleged husband, Mr. Lovejoy. They think I am Pamela." Dan said, "Pack up your stuff, Louise. We are getting out of here!" He reached over and took my hand in his. "Can't be too soon for me but we can't just run out on that poor woman. What if she is still alive somewhere? Doesn't it make sense that they would keep her alive until they are sure that my transition is a success? Maybe I can learn something if I go along with them." As I was to discover later, it was a good thing that I didn't run. I would probably be in jail today. "Look Louise," he pleaded, "this has already cost you your manhood. If you stay, you will certainly lose your penis and maybe your life and if my guess is correct, it will be soon. They don't seem to be wasting any time." "I don't care about the penis any more. I'm not planning to live my life as half woman and half man. Even if we run, I'll have to start saving for the operation and who knows if I can even find a job. They can't kill me. They have too much invested in me already." "They will if they think you know too much.... You are already a complete woman to me and I want you to stay alive." He lifted my hand and kissed it. Neither of us spoke... We simply stared into each other's eyes for a long moment. I don't know who initiated the kiss... I think we sort of met half way. At first if was light kiss on the lips but as he put his arms around me and I embraced him, it became more passionate. I parted my lips and his tongue went deep into my mouth. Then I did the same to him. I was suddenly on fire with passion. Surely the hormones were working. Just a few days ago I had been a heterosexual transvestite and now I was a woman who loved being kissed by this man. Dan pulled the straps on my sun dress down and unhooked my bra. He gently massaged my breast and nipples being oh so careful not to hurt me. I reached down between his legs and felt his hard dick. He moved his head down to my nipple and began to suck and that felt heavenly. I suddenly wanted this man inside me. I so wanted to be "his" woman. I undid his belt and zipper. He lifted his hips and I pulled his pants and underwear down to his knees. We kissed again while I played with his dick. Then I got down on my knees, looked up at Dan and he smiled. I took his hard manhood deep into my mouth... It felt so warm. I never dreamed I would ever do anything like this but now it felt so right. I began to move my head up and down on his shaft faster and faster. He put his hands in my hair. I could feel his dick begin to throb and I could hear the pace of his breathing increase. Then he exploded in my mouth and I swallowed it all. I felt no shame or embarrassment. Just love for this man who's sperm was not inside my body. We spent the afternoon like two love sick teenagers, fondling, hugging and kissing. Around 3:00 pm we fixed ourselves some lunch. After all, we could not live on love alone. While we ate, our conversation returned to more serious matters. Against Dan's wishes, we finally decided that I would go along with Mark's plans for the time being and see if we could discover what had happened to the real Mrs. Lovejoy. Dan made me promise that at the first sign of danger, I would call him and run as fast as I could. Dan pledged to see this thing through with me. "We need to be careful. You are probably being watched and if we are seen together we might create suspicion. We decided that I would only call on my cell phone and he would do the same. If I were in a position where I could not safely receive a call, I should leave the phone off. He would continue to call until he reached me. He wanted me to check in with him every 5 hours during the day. "If you don't, I'm coming to Virginia Beach right away!" He told me not to take any chances. When he returned to Richmond, he planned to check out court records and newspaper files to see what he could find out about the Lovejoy family. If and when we needed to meet, we would select a place and I was to make sure that no one followed me. He had voice mail, I didn't. I could call anytime. "If you get into trouble call me and just say, come." "Can we do that over the phone?" I asked with a sly smile. "This is serious, Louise. Don't make jokes." "Okay, Lover... No more jokes if you will kiss me." He did.... Afterwards we made more plans. I promised him time after time that I would not take any chances. Finally, if was getting somewhat dark and we thought it safe, so we went for a walk on the beach. I had originally planned to make Dan a bed on the couch but since our friendship had evolved into this new level infatuation, I wanted him in my bed. I put on my pretty new night gown and Dan and I sat at the dining room table for about an hour having drinks and talking. Around 11:00 I was feeling very relaxed. Without saying anything, I took Dan's hand and lead him into the bedroom. We kissed. I slowly began to remove his clothing. After I had him completely naked, we kissed some more. A few minutes later, I was on my knees with his manhood deep in my mouth again but I didn't let him finish this time. I could tell he was disappointed when I stood and started turning the bed covers back. He laid down and I kissed him lightly on the lips and said, "Now, don't go to sleep. I'll be right back." I went into the bathroom and found what I was looking for. I greased up my ass with the petroleum jelly, pushing an ample amount up inside. I took the jar back into the bedroom and began to rub the jelly onto Dan's dick. I had never done anything like this before but I so wanted this man inside me, in every way I could. It did not feel like a homosexual act to me at all. All of that old homophobia from my past was gone. I was a woman and Dan was a man. It all seemed very natural and right. I crawled onto the bed and assumed the position... On hands and knees, my gown pulled over my back and my ass in the air. Dan needed no prompting. I could feel the head of his well greased dick on my ass. I knew this was going to hurt from things I had read. Dan must have known that also because he was so gentle. He even said, "This may hurt. Tell me if you want me to stop." First a delicate push, then harder. I felt as though my hole was way too small for him. Then came a harder push and I felt as though my ass had split open. He was now inside me and he very slowly slid deeper and deeper. The pain eased. He began to move in and out but with great care and ease. Gradually his pace increased and my excitement level rose. Now it was in and out, faster and faster. I was being fucked! The pain either went away or was blocked by the intense passion I was now feeling. He reached under me and took my slightly enlarged penis and began playing with it. He whispered, "Oh my lady, what a big clitoris you have." I was moaning with pleasure and couldn't answer his little joke. Then it happened! I had a climax. It was unlike any climax I had ever had as a man but no less intense... Even more powerful. Nothing came out of my little hormone whipped dick so I didn't mess up the bed but it was definitely a climax. Dan kept pumping and pulling on my big "clitoris" and in a few minutes, I felt another climax approaching. Just then I heard Dan moan and at the same moment I felt his ejaculation fill my insides, my second climax reached it's peak. I knew then that I would never again regret what Dr. Freeman had done to me. The last thing I remember before I drifted off into a deep, restful sleep was Dan whispering in my ear, "I love you, Louise or Pamela or whoever you have become." Dan went back to Richmond on Sunday morning and I reported to work on Monday. Being dressed as a woman had never felt awkward to me but when I dressed Monday morning it felt even more natural than it ever had before. I could no longer imagine any other way. I had a male lover and my body was operating now with only female hormones. It wasn't only my psyche that was changing but I was beginning to see visual signs of my new sex. The new bras were already becoming tighter, my nipples were swollen and very sensitive and as I pulled on my panties, I was sure my derriere was bigger. Then again, it had a good workout this weekend. I dressed in my newly purchased lavender, double breasted, coat dress with matching shoes, Pearl earrings and a single string of pearls around my neck. Before I left the house I called Dan. When he answered I said, "I'm leaving for work now and I'll call when I can." "Be careful," he answered. "I will, and Dan...", I paused. "What is it?" He asked. "I love you." "Same here.... Give it up Louise and just come to Richmond," he begged. "Can't do that Sweetheart. I've got to go. Bye." I broke the connection because I didn't want to start crying and ruin my makeup. Mark met me at the door and walked me to my office. Other than "good morning," he had very little to say to me. I guess he was trying to feel me out and determine my state of mind after my encounter with his clinic. He brought me some accounting ledgers to look over and to get familiar with. From the look of what I would be working on, this job certainly was not worth what he was paying me. Any first year accounting student could keep these books. I spent my morning going through his books and anything else I could find in my office that might give me a clue as to what could have happened to the real Mrs. Lovejoy. I found nothing. Around 11:40, Mark knocked on my door and walked in. I looked up from what I was doing and said, "Can I help you?" I probably sounded a little rude but I didn't appreciate him walking in before I could even answer. "We need to talk. Will you have lunch with me, please?" Evidently it worked. He was being very polite. "Yes, and we certainly do need to talk. I would like some straight answers this time!" I seemed to have the upper hand at the moment and I intended to make the most of it. "Thank you. It is time to explain some of this." We walked out to his car. He opened the car door for me and I got in. He was being the perfect gentleman. There was very little conversation in the car except he did tell me how much he liked my dress and how pretty I looked in it. At the restaurant, he had reserved a table in a very private section. We ordered and I excused myself to the ladies room. Thank goodness it was empty. I pushed the speed dial for Dan. His voice mail answered and I quickly said, "Can't talk... Okay... Will call tonight." I turned the cell phone off. I didn't want him calling back while I was with Mark. I touched up my lipstick and ran a comb through my hair. Back at the table, Mark asked, "Are you still upset over what happened last Monday?" I think I shocked him when I said, "I'm over that now." "Oh," he looked puzzled. "Look, what you had done to me without my permission was wrong and I was mad. I've lived with this new me for a week now. The pain is gone." The pain from Dr. Newman's work was gone but my ass was pretty sore from the three times Dan fucked me during the weekend but he couldn't know that. "Enough hormones are surging through my system right now, to probably mellow out Attila the Hun a little. Look, you be honest with me and I'll do the same. When I look in the mirror, I like what I see but I think you knew that would happen. I love my voice... I love the clothes you paid for and whenever Dr. Newman is ready to build me a vagina and get rid of this useless piece of meat between my legs, I'm all too ready." "You are taking this even better than I had hoped." I looked him right in the eye and said, "Now you give me some facts!" "Okay, here goes. Now hear me through to the end." I promised I would. "Three months ago my partner died and left his part of the business to his wife. She is unstable and threatened to give everything to charity." He said 'she is' and that gave me hope that she was still alive. "We were sure we could talk some sense into her but last month she suffered a severe nervous breakdown. She tried to commit suicide. The doctors have given up all hope that she will ever recover. This business will die in another year without leadership. I now hold only half that power and if the business is to continue, I must have all legal control. Our business associates will not continue to engage us while half our assets are in limbo." I knew from what Dan had discovered that Mark didn't even own half of the business. He wasn't telling the entire truth even now. He continued, "That's where you come in. You see, my partner's name was Lovejoy and his wife's name is Pamela. Believe it of not, you look enough like her to be her sister. I've known Pamela for a long time and five years ago when I walked in on you doing your little makeup thing, I thought you were Pamela at first. You looked like her then and you look even more like her now." "Let me guess, you want me to be Pamela and sell you her share of the company to you?" "Something like that but not exactly. I want you to marry me! You don't have to love me but I would expect you to be the devoted wife for at least a year. During that time, you would sign over Pamela's stock to me and in return you would receive a trust made out to Louise Moore and it would pay you $150,000 a year for the rest of your life. You could leave and then I would sadly report Pamela's breakdown. Or you could stay with me, live in my house as Pamela, be my wife and still receive the $150,000 a year." "That is against the law. What is to keep me from going to the police?" "Simple. You were once a man. You have gone to elaborate measures to defraud Pamela out of her inheritance. You did run up quite a bill on her credit card and you have been living in her beach house. Who do you think the police will believe?" "What if I say no and run away." Now I was getting worried. "Regrettably, we would have to call the police and inform them of what you attempted to do. I'm not sure but I think people in your condition have to serve their time in a male prison. That could be very unpleasant for you." I was trapped... How did I ever get into this. I could see no way out. If I ran to Dan, he would probably be arrested also. I tried to keep control but I couldn't hold back the tears. "Why have you done this to me?" "Nothing personal... You just happen to look like Pam." He smiled. Now he was in control. "When is the wedding?" I needed time to think. "Right after you have some more surgery. I intend to marry a complete woman." He leaned across the table and got right into my face. For the first time, I saw the evil in his eyes. He said, "I intend to fuck your brains out. I always get something for my money." "Where is Mrs. Lovejoy now." "Not information you need to know. You only need to know that you are Pamela Ann Lovejoy. I've already spread the word that you and I are an item so if you want to give me a little kiss here in public, it's okay." "You can kiss my ass, you bastard!" He just smiled and reached over and took my left hand. He reached in his pocket, pulled out a diamond engagement ring and slipped it onto my finger. It was beautiful. He said, "Oh, it is real. Anyone looking at us now will see only tears of joy. Now, I must insist on that kiss and you had better make it look good." What else could I do. I leaned forward and our lips met. He put his hands on either side of my face and prevented me from pulling away. He forced the kiss to last a long time and with his tongue he parted my lips and thrust it deeply into my mouth. Finally, he released me. I felt dirty... I hated this man. The thought of living with this scum for three days, much less a year, made me feel sick to my stomach. I didn't just fall off a turnip truck. I knew that there was no way he was going to just let me walk away after a year, knowing what I knew. "We need to get you home," he said with that pompous smirk on his face. "Your surgery will be first thing in the morning so you will need your rest." In the car, he explained further. "You never really had a job with this company. As far as the other employees knew you just came by the office to be near me. The house you are living in is actually Pam's beach house. Everyone has just assumed that you are Pam. It has all worked out beautifully." He didn't drive me to my car but directly to the beach house. I asked about my car and he said to leave it. Someone would pick me up in the morning and take me to the clinic. I should pack what I would need for several days. I could plan on being discharged around Thursday or Friday and an appointment had already been made for the following Friday for me to be fitted for my wedding gown. Then there would be parties, dinners and rehearsals. I had better be on my best and most charming behavior of else. I couldn't wait to get into the house and call Dan. He was my only hope now. But, when we got there Mark insisted on coming inside with me. "Now that you are to be my wife, people should see us together. You can fix me a drink." "I would really rather be alone tonight, Mark." "Nonsense, darling. I'll only stay for a little while. Besides, you and I need to get to know each other a little better." The minute we entered the front door, Mark grabbed me and kissed me again. I pushed him away. He reached out and put his hand in the front of my dress and pulled. The top three buttons of my coat dress came off, exposing my bra. "I want to see those tits. I paid for them!" He reached for my bra. I backed away but he grabbed my arm and spun me around. His hand went to the top of my dress and he forced it over my shoulders and pulled it down to my waist. Before I knew it, he had released the hooks on my bra and spun me back around to face him. I stood before him trembling, naked from the waist up.. "Old Dr. Newman does good work. I'm getting hard." "Please, Mark, I'm not up to this now. Please leave." "Not until I get something for my money, baby." He unbuckled his trousers and let them drop to the floor. I began to cry. He grabbed my wrist and bent it backwards forcing me on to my knees. He put his penis against my mouth. I refused to open. With one hand he pulled my hair and with the other he pinched my nose so that to breath, I had to open my mouth. His dick was forced deep into my throat. I gagged and he pulled my hair harder. "Do a good job, Honey and I'll leave. Bite me and I'll cut your little dick off myself, and believe me, Dr. Newman will do a better job tomorrow." I began to suck. I tried hard not to gag again. He was holding my head rigid by my hair and pumping faster and faster deep within my mouth. I closed my eyes and tried to think of Dan. How could two men be so different. Finally, he came. Again I almost choked... He was so deep down my throat when the hot juices gushed from his dick. I swallowed quickly to keep from gagging. Finally he pulled out and smiled. "That was good, Pam. Maybe I'll decide not to give you that divorce after a year. When Dr. Newman finishes his work, you might be a good little pussy to keep around." I was trying hard not to cry as he pulled his pants up. "Now remember, be ready in the morning by 6:00. Oh, don't try anything funny. I have a man watching this house tonight. Anything goes wrong and I'll let him have his way with you too. Good night sweetheart." He left. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up. I felt so dirty. I stood in the shower for 20 minutes and couldn't seem to stop crying. It must be the hormones because I was certainly reacting to stress more and more like a woman and not at all as a man. I don't remember ever crying as a man. I was in a fix and could see no way out. I didn't want to involve Dan in this any more but I couldn't think of other options. I had to call Dan. After my bath, I took a few minutes to composed myself. I didn't want to start crying while I was talking to Dan. It would just worry him more. I quickly put on a pair of shorts and a halter top. Dan answered on the first ring. "My surgery is tomorrow morning so you may not hear from me for awhile. I can't control things here anymore," I told him. "I'll come and get you now," he said "You can't do that. Mark has one of his goons watching me." I went on to tell him everything that had happened and the fix I was in. I didn't mention the rape partly because of my shame but mostly because I didn't want him to do something rash and get hurt. "Dan, I don't see any way out of this. If I don't marry him I can go to jail and if I do marry him I think I'll kill myself. He seems to have every option covered." "Mrs. Lovejoy is the key. We've got to find her. I think he is lying about her having a breakdown. From the information I've gathered here, she is definitely not the type." "How are we going to find her. After tomorrow morning, I am going to be in no condition to help. I've read about these operations and you can't just get up and go right away. Mark said that I may be discharged from the clinic on Thursday but there is no way I'll be whole by then." "I've got some vacation time coming. I'll be in Virginia Beach by tomorrow morning. I'll find her... I've got to find her. You think of yourself and leave it to me." "Please, Dan, don't do anything foolish. These people are not playing. You could get hurt badly." I couldn't bring myself say that they could kill him. I was so afraid. Even more so for Dan than myself. "Don't you worry, honey. I will be careful." "Dan, no matter what happens, remember one thing. I do love you." "I love you too, sweetheart. We'll get through this." My door bell rang at 6:00 am and I was ready. I had packed a small bag with my toilet items, two night gowns, slippers, clean underwear and a house coat. I decided to wear a simple red and white check shirtdress with buttons down the front... Something I could get into easily in case I needed to move quickly. Other than a "good morning, Mrs. Lovejoy," my escort didn't speak on our way to the clinic. That was fine with me. I had nothing to say to him either. Dr. Newman met us at the clinic door and lead me into an office. He offered me a seat and he sat behind his desk. "Pam, do you understand the procedure that we will be preforming on you this morning?" he asked. "Basically yes," I answered. I've read about it and a friend of mine had it done last year." "We have over the years perfected this operation and it is almost always highly successful. You will be able to preform sexually as a woman and you will most likely experience climaxes. To ease your worries, I have never had a failure and I have preformed this procedure over 75 times. But then, all those patients were extremely enthusiastic about what was being changed and I'm afraid you are not. I do worry about that because even though you think of me as a monster, I am a doctor and I want this to be successful." "I appreciate that," I said. "I can assure you that at this point, I do want this operation. I want to be complete. Even though much has been forced upon me, I do so much want to a total woman now." "I'm pleased to hear that," he answered. "I just wanted you to know... Well, that... Actually, I just wanted you to know that I harbor no ill feelings towards you. I'm sort of in the same situation as you. I have little or no control over what has been forced upon you. Certain pressures are being applied on me also which I am not at liberty to discuss but I want you to know that I will attempt do my best work on you and maybe someday in the future, you might have some small measure of compassion when you think of me. I was speechless. Evidently Dr. Newman was being blackmailed too. I did rest a little easier knowing he was not a monster and that he did care about my well being during the operation. I decided not to push my luck with a lot of questions about his situation but there was one that I felt I must ask. "Can you at least tell me where the real Mrs. Lovejoy is?" "I'm sorry but I can't at this time. It would put all of us in jeopardy, you, me and Mrs. Lovejoy." "Will there be a time when you can tell me?" "We will see," he answered. "First things first... Lets get this operation successfully behind us for now. I will be doing the operation alo

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The day DICK ate my storys plot

He was a big DICK. A big and fat DICK that ate my story plot...Never discovered this DICK's name, but he came into my bedroom from the window adjacent to my garden's bed of roses... He would often do this to avoid making noise in the neighborhood. Mind you, I loved when he entered my room like that...It happened one evening while I had just finished up the tenth chapter of my new novel, that DICK happened to visit.. While he was waiting for me to finish in the shower, he noticed my last chapter...

3 years ago
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Essential to the Plot

Helena Meade's alarm went off in the morning at four-thirty. She wasn't nearly ready to get up, but it was the first day's shooting of her first significant featured role. She didn't think that there was much chance of waking her two flatmates, but she still walked as quietly as she could to the bathroom, where she turned on the shower. It was deliberately only warm rather than hot, but she didn't intend to be in there long and the water would hopefully wake her up. After quickly drying...

2 years ago
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Bikini Beach The Bomb Plot

Bikini Beach and the Bomb Plot by Bad Irving Disclaimer- If under 18 GO AWAY! Now, with that said, I have stolen the Bikini Beach concept and written my own tale. I hope you enjoy it. *********************** Sam and Bob huddled out in front of Bikini Beach. "You sure this is the place?" asked Bob. "Yea, this is it. Changes guys into chicks for a day or so." replied Sam "Coin toss." said Bob as he threw the coin in the air. "Tales" said Sam. "Crap, tales it is." said a...

1 year ago
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Watch It For The Plot

Reddit Watch It For The Plot, aka r/WatchItForThePlot! Like you well know by now, Reddit is one mammoth platform that gives you a quick fix if you are looking to rub one out to tasty images and GIFs. The community-driven platform has loads of porn covering pretty much all your tastes, with hundreds of NSFW subreddits filled with porn hungry fucks chasing a quick fap. The advantage with my line of work is I get to feast my eyes on some of the tastiest smut on Reddit. I spend countless hours...

Reddit NSFW List
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Sinister Love

Prologue Running through the condensed forest, I ran as fast I could. I could feel him, sense him. If he caught up to me I knew I was in trouble. The type of trouble that made my body hum and spark with need for him but I knew he wasn’t going to let me off that easy. I would have to wait and suffer this tremendously delicious torture until I beg out for him, call out his name, in pure ecstasy. I took a sneak peak backwards, wrong move. He was running with fast speed, his rippling body with...

4 years ago
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Sinister Urge A Zombie Survival Story

The World has literally gone to Hell. The War on Terror escalated. Hundreds and thousands died day by day. No one knows who unleashed the Virus, but it spread across America in a matter of days. Who would have thought that the Arabs, or Russians, or CIA or whoever had it, would have found a "zombie" virus? Later, scientists would explain that the Virus works by activating the reptile brain by breaking down Adrenaline. It shuts off the higher functions, and as such bypasses the conscious mind....

3 years ago
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Sinister Cookies Alphabet

Written by Master Lord_Mithus for HIS cookie A. Is for ankle, surrounded by leather B. is for breast, encircled with rope C. is for corset, confining you snugly D. is for dedication to serving Master E. is for eyes, hidden by silk F. is for foreplay, whenever Master chooses G. is for gag, that I desire H. is for heart, sounding the rhythm of love I. is for intensity, the bond between us J. is for joy, felt at the sight of Masters restraints K. is for key, hanging from Masters...

4 years ago
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Honor MattersChapter 10 Course Plotted

It took almost two days to recover from that epic orgy. We still had hours in hyperspace or jump space or whatever your engineers call that wormhole between two points in our galaxy. Sitting at the mess table I began my presentation. “Mission creep caught me,” I said. “Now I’m officially retired. Lightning Bolt is officially used for survey. She’s about four times the size of the survey scouts normally used, but I’m not complaining. Survey reports are an income source. We also have the honor...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 49 The Best of Plotters

May 18, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Who the fuck is Anthony Cicilioni?” Elyse asked. I didn’t have much choice but to tell her, and once I did, she’d know way more than she should. But I didn’t see a way around it. “Joyce’s brother-in-law. He’s married to Connie.” “Joyce? No! Please tell me that we’re not fucking living The Firm!” I smiled, “We aren’t. All of Joyce’s businesses and investments are completely legit.” “But your mentor, the Don, sure as heck wasn’t, was he?” “No.” “Jesus,...

2 years ago
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PLEASURE ISLAND THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 10AA Theme TripsToursPirates Planning and Plotting

PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 10AA Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates Planning and Plotting "Let's claim my first treasure ship." There is no hesitation for Wendy. "Yes, Captain. We will set a course for the primary shipping routes at once. The treasure ships are heavily armed and sometimes escorted by other vessels. It may get dangerous. It will be tomorrow morning before we are in position. Is there anything that you require tonight?" "Send in a bottle of rum for now. My...

4 years ago
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A guy and his 23 Plot

Jake's face held a horrified look; gently he kept her from trying to rise. "No Sheeka for now I want you to rest, I have gone over most of what you did. With the exception of a very few towards the end I could see that you did not want to destroy or kill. I wish for you to tell me the truth, was all this for your sister? Were you truly trying to only save her?" Sheeka could only stare at Jake, he knew? In a low almost whispering voice Sheeka replied, "Yes Master Jake all was for my...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 5 Dracos Plot

Chapter 4 – part 3 As the party in Gryffindor common room raged on, Draco Malfoy sat in the empty Transfiguration classroom with his girlfriend Pansy Parkinson. Draco was shaking with anger and fear as his eyes began to water. Malfoy looked a state. His usual shining white blonde hair that he combed back was hanging all over his face in a tangle. His fair, complexion had gone a mottled grey colour and dark circles clung to his piercing grey eyes. ‘There there Draco,’ sighed Pansy as she...

3 years ago
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The Cemetery Plot

Well, it has been a year since my divorce. I was married for twenty-three years and my divorce wasn't that devastating because we had just been living as roommates the last ten years or so. The sex stopped when our kids were in elementary school if I am remembering correctly. I can't even remember the last time my wife and I had great sex. I quickly turned to porn to masturbate, but it doesn't replace the feel of a woman beside you - a woman's scent, her curves, or her soft skin. There is no...

3 years ago
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Ellens Sex Shop 1 Maras Plot

Amber was simultaneously incredibly turned on, and extremely irritated. Oh, she loved working at Ellen’s Delights, she really did. For an adventurous young woman, there were very few things that could top working at a high-end, well respected, sex shop like Ellen’s. It was safe, fun, and paid exceptionally well, for the rare few whom made it through Ellen’s selection process. Add in an amazing boss, cool coworkers, a few free or reduced cost gene mods, discounts, and pretty much guaranteed...

2 years ago
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Francines Plot

He was home early, 24 hours early. The trip ended successfully with a signed contract for over 8 million dollars and he was feeling on top of the world. He didn’t tell Francine he was coming home, he caught the last flight out of LA to Tampa, it was the red eye that would get him home while the sun still warmed the opposite side of the world. The cab let him off about 5 in the morning so he took his shoes off before he opened the door. Silent, on stocking padded feet he eased through the house...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 16 A Mischievous Plot

By the next day he had completely forgotten his goal. He had three months, after all, so there was no point starting on it right away. He could afford to put it off a couple of weeks at least. Kari would just have to wait. Brit's birthday came and went just like it had last year; with a bunch of giggling, bratty little girls. Although, now that she was twelve, some of those girls weren't so little any more. A number of them were quite easy on the eyes, especially to a fourteen-year-old...

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Pamelas Plots

Pamela’s girlfriends wondered how she got a new Corvette when she turned sixteen and a luxury apartment for her eighteenth birthday. It helped that her father was quite wealthy but it took more than that. She simply explained that her technique was “stroking his ego”. She did not explain that she defined “ego” as a tubular organ attached to his groin and the stroking was in her vagina. She’d matured into a bronzed blonde busty beauty at an early age and, after spreading her “wings”,...

3 years ago
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Naked AmazonsChapter 12 Francesca Plots

"The helicopter is fine, Commander. All it needs is a bit more fuel in the tank and we're away to the mainland." Angela nodded and thanked her deputy. "I hope you didn't forget to wet the ropes, Francesca." Francesca assured her leader that Annie was trussed as tightly as she had ever been and her arms and legs should be half way out of their sockets in a day or so. Angela looked serious. "I just hope it teaches her not disobey orders. Of course, I guessed she would speak to...

4 years ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 24 Jennifer Plots

The three of them had been though a lot. Was it only Thursday? Jennifer wondered to herself. She looked at Betty and realized that Betty had become family. She knew that both she and Betty had changed drastically. They had met themselves and, to her shock, she liked who she met. She looked at Paul and knew he was now the center of their world and always would be. She began to feel the heat again between her legs. She had NEVER in her life been so frequently aroused. It was embarrassing only...

3 years ago
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TyballaChapter 12 Spells and Plots

Hannah whimpered as I peeled the tape from her. When enough was off that it no longer supported her, she leaned forward and wobbled on unsteady legs. I held her lest she fall. "Tyballa, where did you go? It's been so bad without you." "I know, sweetie. I was with Mr. Woodhouse, and I couldn't get away. But a lot happened, and I'll tell you everything later. First, let's get you to your room." She shook her legs as her blood began to flow again. She could walk, but they'd beaten...

2 years ago
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Lost With Nothing to Lose09 Scheming and Plotting

“So are you ready to get underway?” Captain Yitzl asked. “You’d better believe it,” Al said, approaching his post. “While normally preparing to ship out takes a while, according to my engineers, the amount of last minute repairs required was phenomenal.” “Not actually. We weren’t heavily damaged. It was mostly normal wear and tear. However, with so little manufacturing of parts taking place, we constantly have to cannibalize one ship to keep the others operating.” “That’s what I was led to...

1 year ago
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Meri Chudai Ki Kahani 8211 Part 2

Ye meri chudai ki kahani ka doosra part hai jaise ki maine apni pehli story me bataya ki maine kaise apni hi bahen apne jaal me fasa ke uske sath chudai ki aur uske andar apna mth chod diya aur iske bare me jaane ke lie meri pali story ko padai meri chdai ki kahani part Ab agae mai apni story par aata hun ki uske baad hm log wapas jake so gaye aur agale din sab kuch alag tha ab ye bhai bahen ka rishta poora change ho chuka thalkin meri behen ne poora din mujhse baat nahi ki aur maine bhi nahi...

3 years ago
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One for the team

Bored, she began to flick through the radio stations. Where was he, the game had finished ages ago but there had been no sign of anyone. Most of the crowd had already gone home, just a few stragglers and the cars of the players remained. He knew she got horny watching him play, it wasn't fair to leave her frustrated like this. Eventually she could stand it no more, getting out of the car she began to walk over to the dressing sheds. As she got half way to the sheds she paused as she saw two...

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My Bhavi And My Sister

In last Dasahara Pooja Vacation I have visited to Rourkela where my elder brother Asoka, his wife Rekha are staying. My brother is working in SAIL. Our younger sister Nina is also staying with them and reading in Ispat college Rourkela .She is in her nineteen and last year of B.A. After dinner, I slept in the guest room at the 1st floor, which was adjacent to my brother Asoka Bhaiya’s bedroom and Mona my younger sister Nina slept in a room just opposite to my room. There was an open space used...

2 years ago
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My First Orgasm

I was 20 at the time and although I certainly wasn't a virgin I was still a bit naive when it came to sex. I had never had a climax with a boy, only with my fingers. I didn't have a steady boyfriend at the time so I compensated for it a lot by masturbation. It was summer and I didn't have anything much to do. My neighbours asked me to watch their dog, Bruce, a five year old Alsation Cross while they went on holiday for a week rather than put him in kennels, they thought he might fret away from...

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An Englishman in New YorkChapter 4

Ex headed out that Saturday morning on his usual morning run. He hadn’t ‘bumped’ into Alyssa on his run since seeing her at his barbecue and was beginning to wonder if she had been feeding him a line when she said she ran most days and ran early. He was somewhat conflicted in he found himself seriously attracted to two women, both Brianna and Alyssa had something that stirred his loins. However he hadn’t seen Alyssa in a few days and was keen to see if she was back running, though he thought...

1 year ago
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My perverted start in life and my lust for stacey

please ignore my bad spelling and grammer as it’s hard to consentrate with a hard cock.Hello every body.I want to tell you how bad I am, you might feel pretty sick at time’s but I am something else.At f******n I was jerking off to my little sister, by fifteen I had cum over her sleeping body, like I said, I am sick.My dad left us when I was young and we ain’t seen him since, My mother never met anybody else and soon she turned her attention toward’s me. I remember her coming into my room when...

2 years ago
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A Handymans Adventure by loyalsock

You're working at home one morning, the house all quiet. Your work phone rings. It is a woman, asking if you can come and check out a sticky door, and just a little plumbing problem with a dripping faucet. You know you have nothing better to do, so you tell her you'll meet her in an hour...... you're wondering, is this for real? Her voice was sounded very nice, warm, like you might know her --- could it be? Nah - no way....You already have your truck packed, so you go to the address she has...

4 years ago
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Old Friend next door

My wife and I married and I dated a girl when I was in my late 20's and she was in her early 20's she was a definite BBW with a fat ass little waist and her best assets were her two 48 FFF tits they were so big if she sat naked on the bed or floor all you'd see is tits maybe a little hips nothing more, the skin between them were stretched to the limit! I loved these tits, she loved sex but one on one, we hooked up went and got an apartment on the third story, you should have seen her wide ass...

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The Package DealChapter 2 The Doing the Deed

So that's it ... isn't it? He always wanted me as his wife/lover/mistress. Last night it might have felt official to me, but to Jake, I have been growing into that since the beginning. He was not in a rush before and he's not in a rush now. But I am ... I want to feel him inside of me. Mom will not be home for two more days. I will get his cock inside me tonight. I get a text from mom. She asks how everything is. I text back things are OK. I think she is waiting for me to join her. She...

4 years ago
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o, I'm 19 years old and I'm heading over to see an uncle that lived in Reading. My cousin, his c***d from a recently divorced marriage, has come over to stay from Australia for about a month or so.Justine, was exactly one year younger than me, but I hadn't seen her since I was three years old and clearly I couldn't remember that. I had seen occasional pictures through the years but without the days of the internet and the ease of email, it wasn't like we were in any form of contact.There was...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Marina Visconti Fuck Her Tits

Brunette client Marina Visconti with huge tits gets undressed and onto the massage table. The masseur covers her backside with a towel and rubs oil onto her skin. He caresses her back, then moves down to her legs, paying special attention to her tight hamstrings. When she turns over onto her back, she covers her breasts modestly with her hands. The masseur encourages her to relax. He then applies oil to her upper torso and massages her tits. Once her legs are covered in oil, he removes the...

2 years ago
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But Why Not

By: AWC New Comb City was a very small town but it had one of the country’s largest Kitchen Towel Roll making factory there and most of the younger population was almost 100 percent employed by them if they were not running their own small business or a shop whatever. Gloria was one of the residents there. Almost 45, she had a very pretty and beautiful young face with sharp blue eyes and sandy blond hair. Gloria lived next to Tyrone, 19 years old lived with his mother, because his father had...

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A New PastChapter 19 Future Challenges

Jeryl fell atop of me as the last spurt of cum shot into her throbbing pussy. Her hot, sweaty breasts pressed against me as she kissed my chin and lips. “God you make me feel so good,” she finally whispered. We were at the Hilton in Chicago again. Celebrating Valentine’s Day this time. Of course, we were a couple days early since the actual day fell on a Monday and we both had school, but she had wanted to escape alone, so I had made arrangements to fly up Saturday morning and then drive...

2 years ago
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My Hot Daughter

perception and view of the kids. When Peter and Alexis were infants, they were charming and perfect. Tiny hands and perfect little faces had my wife and I crazy with love and adulation for our son and daughter. Our relationship remained great with out kids, but as they grew the whole "perfect" perception began to change. Once Peter started to walk and talk, he became a bit of a worry and a little pain in the ass. He was always taking off on you if you were not watching him at...

1 year ago
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Pados Ki 45 Saal Ki Aunty

Baat undino ki hai jab mai Mumbai me naya naya aaya tha. Mai yahan ek MNC company me kaam karta tha. Us time meri age kuch 26-27 hogi. Maine rent pe 1 BHK liya hua tha, jisme mai akele hi rehata tha. Hamari society thoda low budget wali thi, 4 maale ki choti si building who bhi thoda interior me, jahan pe zyaada kar ke bachelors aur lower middle class types family hi rehati thi. Kisi cheez ki koi restriction nahi thi. Maine 4th (top floor) pe ghar liya hua tha, us floor pe 4 flat the, 2 ek...

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Since My Wifes sister Moved to Town pt 2

My wife's sister Pam and her husband, Paul, were coming over for a cookout and planning of our first get together. They were bringing their house guest, Jim, Paul's roommate from college days. Jen was taking care of the rest of the meal and I was to bring home the steaks after going in to work to check on an order from my best client.It is a beautiful Saturday, and I pull in to the garage a little after 1:00 pm. I go through the back door of the garage with the steaks and extra charcoal. There...

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Daughters DelightsChapter 26 Remorse

When Nicola woke the following morning she was startled to realise that the Emir had tied her hands to the bed post. “Don’t be afraid. I promised I wouldn’t hurt you, didn’t I?” Nicola nodded uneasily. At the same time, however, there was something reassuring in his voice and besides, he had kept his word about not hurting her the previous night. She felt a tingling of excitement run through her body. It made her wonder what the Emir was up to. It wasn’t long before she found out as the...

4 years ago
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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 7 Tom Petty

Besides physically laying eyes on Dixie Wexler, which I’d already done, I had two goals — get close enough to observe him in action. And creep his apartment. It was after ten on my second night in Billings and I was studying myself critically in the Northern Hotel bathroom mirror. I adjusted what I consider to be my Ft. Worth wig — it’s black and changes my appearance radically. My cowgirl boots add inches to my height. A loose vest helps disguise my boobs. A black blouse with long sleeves,...

1 year ago
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SWMS 8 High School TroublesChapter 3

The next morning, Alicia woke me up with a kiss and we shared another shower. This time the shower was more about learning how we liked to be cleaned. After we finished up, we headed to our rooms separately and got dressed. I saw Alicia off, getting a kiss from her before she left the house. I spent the day cleaning up the house, doing dishes and laundry to get them caught up. While I waited for the final load of laundry to finish, I watched some tv, but there isn’t much to watch on normal...

1 year ago
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Rock Climber

Matt smiled easily at his group as he started his introduction to six couples, 8 guys and a single girl: 21 people, a good class size. He held up a climbing harness and explained its parts before demonstrating how to put it on. After handing them out, he moved among his students, ensuring they had it on properly, making the occasional adjustment. Although only a freshman, he had been climbing for years. His credentials had so impressed the staff that they allowed him to lead the Activity...

2 years ago
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Homosexual Tendencies

Homosexual Tendencies [Takes place directly after "Wi-Fi In The Sky".]I barely give myself five minutes after stepping off the plane to relax and recuperate - I'm seriously so tired, my thoughts are coming to me in blobs. The desire to nap is almost overtaking me, fatigue thick in my arms and legs, but guilt is stirring in my chest and I can't relax knowing I have to apologize.Dropping my luggage with a loud, heavy thunk in front of my bedroom door, I stare with longing at my bed. The purple...

3 years ago
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Sues Journey Into the Depths of Pleasure

Every fall about the end of September, one of their neighbors hosted a block party barbeque, which was designed to welcome newcomers and also to rekindle friendships. The function was always well attended, as it was the one time a year that everyone could socialize with neighbors. The Clarks who lived only a couple doors down the block from Susan were the hosts. The family was well known for their gracious parties and Sue looked forward to meeting all of her neighbors, some of them for the...

4 years ago
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my friends grand mom

Im an old man today and think back on my youth. Good friend and I were like brothers one summer. I was young teen and he the same age. He visited his grandmom, so did it. She fixed us meals and entertained us. I enjoyed the dance lessons most of all. Her large tits right there under my nose. She rubbed me close and could feel her rub my leg with her crotch. I covered the teen hard on many times. Friend gone with his grand dad and I watched a movie. Had no idea but the teen hard on hit me. She...

1 year ago
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He left me with Sharks

A couple went to a nude beach in Mexico to move away from the hassle of life and reconnect. But is it really happening when the husband leaves a sexy nude wife alone with sharks... It took Mark about 2 weeks to arrange for this holiday we were supposed to take half a year ago. Me and Mark have been married for about 2 years now. I am 28 and he is 32. Other than the honeymoon that we experienced 2 years ago in the Austrian Alps all our vacations and holidays have been spent on accommodating both...

Sex With Stranger
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Mike Naked in CollegeChapter 6

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 I didn't have an early morning class, so I slept in and ate a leisurely breakfast. My first class of the day was a biology lecture. The lesson was on sexual reproduction, which I found somewhat ironic. As I walked out of class, I noticed that the sky had grown cloudy. I ran into Tom Stanford on my way upstairs. He was stark naked. "You doing The Program? I asked him." "No, it's supposed to rain," he replied, "I figure skin dries off faster than...

1 year ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 56

From the get-go, a few of the boys ran away from the others, and even a few girls joined them. For a moment, Sandra wondered if she had picked the wrong couple, but she decided to stick with her decision and follow the two she thought to be the long distance runners. When even Charles and Melinda went past her, she really started to worry. Even though Melinda was now also one of her friends, she didn't want to lose from her. Although, the fact that Frederik stayed running with her made her...

2 years ago
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The Missing Cargo PlaneChapter 9

For the first time, I had trouble getting to sleep at night. AI had told me that my fighter plane would be ready in the morning for its first flight after all of the upgrades had been finished. I pushed the women to hurry through breakfast or I was going to leave them to make my first flight without them. I could tell that they were a little annoyed with me for acting like a child on Christmas morning, but, dammit, that was pretty much the way I felt. At last they were ready, and it seemed...

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PartTime Gigolo 8211 Part 1

I am Raj, 28 years old from Hyderabad. I am working in one of the MNC in Hi-Tech city. I am very much fond of Married women and my eyes glare whenever I see a women tie saree. I work in the night shifts and was fed up with my life. I visit malls in the day time as I have no time in the nights for shopping or to have an eye feast. Here is the story of (how I turned to a part-time gigolo by one of my sexy lady Meena). Meena is a dusky women aged 36. Her most attractive part in her body is her...

3 years ago
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A Photographers Fantasy Interregnum 3Chapter 2

The Monday after my weekend with Lou found me in my studio bright and early. I felt amazingly refreshed and energized. It's amazing what some good loving will do for the mind, body and, most importantly, the soul. As I said, I was at the studio fairly early, certainly before Naomi would be there. When you own your own business, there's always something that needs to be done. Naomi could handle scheduling any sessions for the week, and she could handle the retouching, packaging and the...

4 years ago
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Getting Even With Yehia

I was sitting at home alone, as usual. The kids are in bed, the husband is away at a 'friends' house, watching the football game, yeah right, what football games are on at 11 o'clock on a Friday night. Anyways, I don't mind being by myself, see I have a little addiction. I love to surf the web late at night, reading erotic stories, entering discussion and blog forums, anonymously of course, but the excitement is very palpable for me. Let me tell you a little about myself before I continue,...

1 year ago
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Padosan Aunty Ke Choot Ka Bhoot

Dosto. Wo lund hi kya jisme nukila sopada na ho. Wo choot hi kiya jisme clit aur side cover (jhilli) naho. Wo chudai hi kya jisme(squirting) pani ki dhaar na nikle. Aur wo chot(dhakke) hi kiya ke har dhakampel par choot ke andar se pur aur chur ki awaz na nikle. Meri yeh kahani isi kahawat par adharit hai mere pados mein ek widhwa aunty rahti thi. Uska beta saudiya mein aur bahu zayadatar maike mein rahti thi. Padosi hone ke naate aunty ko jab bhi koi kaam padta mujhe bula leti. Aunty bahut kam...

3 years ago
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General SidChapter 24

Sid and Mandy rode up to the top of a hill overlooking the area below the fortification. Connor was seated on his horse waiting for Sid while watching the activity below. He knew that if the enemy had built another fortification on this hill, that the entire area would have been much more difficult to successfully attack. Looking at the thousands of men surrounding the fort, Mandy nearly fell out of her saddle. In a shocked voice, she asked, "Are they all your men?" "Yes," Sid...

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