Three Blind Mice free porn video

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Quiet as mice they scuttled along the dark lane, backs bent, hugging thehigh hedge to stay out of sight, the three Clancy brothers up to no good asusual. Half a mile behind them was the car, parked in a lay-by on the mainroad, ahead the farmhouse, its lights glimpsed through gaps in the hedge.

"You sure her husband's away, Bri?" asked the youngest, Den, a scrawny eighteenyear old, scuffing along in heavy boots that his skinny legs could barely lift. "Henever goes away, hardly ever leaves the house even."

"He's away," the eldest brother assured him. "Saw him at the station thismorning, a case big enough to mean that he's away for a couple of nights atleast. Now shut the fuck up! Your wheezing's enough to give us away, let aloneyour big fat gob!"

"Yes, shut the fuck up," echoed Kev, in agreement with his elder brotheras always, bullying the younger one whenever he could.

"And you shut the fuck up too!" Bri hissed.

As the lane curved the farmhouse came into full view and Bri, in the lead,stretched out an arm to stop his two brothers, squatted on his haunches togive the place a quick once over. The ground floor was in darkness now, a singlelight burned in an upstairs window.

"Sound," he said, nodding his head. "Sound. This'll be as easy as….as…"

"Taking candy from a baby?" Kev suggested.

"Don't get fucking smart with me!" Bri said, digging an elbow into his brother,who was quicker with words. "That's what I was gonna say!"

"Here, Bri, she ain't got any dogs about the place, has she?" asked Dennervously.

"For Christ's sake don't be such a wimp!"

"But farmhouses always have dogs," Den continued.

"No! She ain't got any fucking dogs!" said Bri impatiently. "Now come on!Quiet as-"

"Mice?" Kev chipped in, and Bri rounded on him, grabbed him by the shirt.

"I'm warning you, Kev! Do that once more and I'll plant one on you!"

"Sorry, Bri! Sorry!"

"Now come on," said Bri, rising a little, moving forward at a crouch.

In line, according to seniority and the long-established hierarchy, thethree brothers reached the farmhouse and flattened themselves against the wall.Peering cautiously into one window, confirming that the ground floor was indeedin darkness, Bri gestured silently to his two brothers and then led the wayaround the side of the house to the rear. At the kitchen window he checkedagain, reassured himself that there was no one downstairs, then moved to thedoor. Taking a roll of heavy tape from his pocket he began to press strip afterstrip to the glass pane nearest the lock until it was fully covered. A sharpcrack of the elbow broke the glass with not too much noise, he pulled awaythe tape and with it the shattered fragments, then slipped his hand throughto turn the lock.

"See?" he said, turning to grin at his brothers. "As easy as…."

Kev said nothing this time.

"….easy as pie."

Claire had heard them coming minutes ago, living in such a solitary locationa person became attuned to the silence and their blundering along the lanecould not be missed. Visitors at night, on foot, could not have anything sociablein mind, and though she had not heard them early enough to dress she did havetime down the stairs barefoot in her nightgown and be waiting for them in thekitchen.

She let them close the door after them -quietly, as they thought- then clickedon the light and levelled the shotgun at the temple of the largest one.

"I would suggest that you all remain still and silent," she said evenly,calmly, as they blinked their eyes in the harsh light. "Because if you don'tthen this one might lose more brain cells than he can afford."

"Sorry Missus!" said the youngest one. "We just came to-"

"Silent," Claire repeated, and his mouth hung slack and dumb.

Claire waited, to make sure that none of them was going to make any rashmoves, regarded the three of them line abreast before her, one obviously allbrawn but little brain, another with a little more wit about his eyes, andthe third a quivering wreck of a wimp.

Al last she said, "I assume you're here because you've somehow guessed thatI'm alone, my husband away."

"It was Bri, he works at the station, saw him," spluttered the wimpish one.

"Shut the fuck up, Den!" said the largest one.

"Yes, shut the fuck up, Den," said Claire, and guessing this one to be theweakest of the three, told him to go across to the Welsh dresser, to open thecentre drawer. "You will find a few sets of handcuffs there," she told him.

"Handcuffs? You've got us breaking into a policewoman's house, Bri!"

"A policewoman? Oh no!" Claire laughed.

"Then what you doing with handcuffs, lady?"

"Why I would have thought that was obvious. It's the best way to keep myhusband home of an evening," Claire answered. "Now be a good boy and go acrossthere to get them."

The dim-witted one named Den went open to the drawer and slid it open, "Forfuck's sake, Bri! She's got a scrap yard full of the things in here!"

"Five or six will do," Claire said patiently. "Bring them."

Den did as he was told.

"Now put them on your friends, their wrists behind their backs," she toldhim, waiting while he did so, pressing the barrel of the shotgun harder againstthe big one's temple when she thought he might be about to move. "And now,another cuff through linked through his and over to the Aga, another cuff throughhis and across to the sink," she said, her eyes flicking quickly to directhim.

She held the shotgun steady while the first was fastened to the door ofthe Aga, then followed the other as he was led to the sink, secured to thestout waist pipe beneath it to force him into a squat.

Then she levelled the shotgun at the one who had done her bidding, said, "Andyou now, little boy. Put some cuffs on yourself."

Den quickly slipped a bracelet of his wrist, fumbled clumsily behind hisback to slip on the other, all the while looking anxiously at the barrels ofthe shotgun which was pointed at his chest. Claire poked him with it to hurryhim up, then again when she heard the cuffs snap shut, backing him up to thekitchen door. Reaching past him, holding the shotgun hard against his chestwith one hand, she took down the collar and leash which hung from the coathook on the door.

"See Bri!" said Den in dismay. "I told you she'd have fucking dogs! Allfarms do!"

"No, no dogs," Claire smiled, looping the collar around his neck. "This?Like the handcuffs, it's one more way of keeping my husband in check."

Working the buckle with the fingers of one hand, she took a minute to fastenit snugly, then wound the leash around the coat hook, fastened it tight sothat Den was lifted onto the tips of his toes. Finally satisfied that all threewere secure, she went over to the kitchen table and sat there, the shotgunresting across her lap, to regard them with a mixture of mockery and disdain.

"What a sad bunch," she said at last. "So tell me, what did you come hereto do? To rob me or ravish me?"


"Shut it, Den!" said the eldest.

"Thank you Bri, he does tend to interrupt somewhat," said Claire, rememberinghow the eldest had been addressed, and he glared back at her as if he resentedher familiarity. "So, the reason you came. Well to judge by your dress you'rein quite a state of penury, so I suppose robbing me was very much on the cards.Yes? And what about ravishing me?"

The eldest gave a low grunt; the youngest blushed, and swallowed as besthe could with the collar tight around his throat; the middle one, Claire noticed,said nothing. No doubt he was already getting cramp in his legs through havingto squat so uncomfortably against the sink.

Claire took the shotgun from her lap and set it on the table, then yawned,stretched, as if all they had done was wake her, threw her arms out and wide,her long legs splayed, so that the silk of the nightgown was pulled tight againsther straining body. Then she relaxed, drew her legs up to plant her feet onthe edge of the chair, wrapped her arms around them and rested her chin onher knees, smiling at each of them in turn.

"Like what you see, boys? Imagining what you might have done to me?" sheasked. "I bet you've all got hard-ons. Wouldn't surprise me if the little onehas come already."

"You're mad, lady," said Bri with a sneer.

"Yes I am! Furious!" snapped Claire, suddenly on her feet and striding overto slap him hard across the face. "Fucking furious that you should have thenerve to break into my home!"

"You bitch!" said Bri, rocked by the blow.

"Oh yes, I can be! A real bitch at times!" Claire snarled, whirling likea dervish and sweeping over to the cutlery drawer, yanking it viciously open.

Den's eyes popped when he saw her take out the carving knife, even Bri lookedalarmed, and not wholly relaxed when it seemed that her only purpose was togo across to the linen basket and tear some bed linen to shreds.

There was an audible sigh of relief from him, though, when he saw her placethe knife onto the table, next to the shotgun.

"No more feasting on me for a while," she said, coming slowly towards him,the long strips of cotton trailing from her hand. "Instead it will be me feastingon you boys."

Coming up beside Bri, she wound a length of the fabric twice around hiseyes, knotted it so tight, with such a vicious tug, that it yanked his headback.

Sidling across to Den, suspended from the coat hook, she pressed her bodyagainst his as she reached up to blindfold him, beginning to sing softly asshe did so: "Three blind mice, three blind mice, see how they run….ifonly they could!"

She heard him whimper as the blindfold was knotted, as her sing-song wordsscorched his cheek, and she was grinning as she finally squatted before thethird one.

"And you, quiet one, you know what the farmer's wife did, don't you?" sheasked, her voice a low purr, and slipped her hand between his splayed thighs,squeezed. "She cut off a cock with a carving knife," she whispered in his ear.

He gasped at the pressure on his balls; Claire chuckled and blindfoldedhim, then stood.

She had decided to begin with the eldest, the strongest, picked up the shotgunand walked across to him. "Biggest first, I think," she said.

Three blindfolded heads searched out her voice, but only one felt the shotgunagainst it. Reaching behind Bri, Claire released the cuffs which linked himto the oven door, left the ones in place which fastened his hands behind him.

"Come with me, big man," she said, nudging him, turning him, moving himforward with the barrel of the gun. "Careful now, mind how you go. There arestairs to negotiate."

"Where are you taking him? What are you going to do with him?" asked Denin a blind panic.

"You don't want to know, little one," said Claire. "But be patient, don'tgo away. I will be back for you."

Claire was like a spectre, a wraith, she was silent as she circled Bri, movingwith the elegant grace of a predator. He was blindfolded still and the onlyclue he had of her presence was the faint hint of her perfume, the soft warmthof her body whenever it came near. A hand brushed his shoulder and he flinched,a nail scratched his back and he shuddered. The silence was intimidating, theanticipation intense.

Claire had led him stumbling, sometimes cursing, up the stairs and alongthe hall to her bedroom. Backing him towards the bed, sitting him on the edge,she had removed his shoes, unbuckled his belt, then had him kick his jeansfree. Once she had torn the shirt from his shoulders, the shreds of it hangingfrom his cuffed wrists, she had him stand again, naked before her.

Her touch quickened now, coming from the left and from the right, from thefront and from the back, sometimes softly caressing and sometimes cruelly abrasive.Unable to see, Bri became dizzy beneath her touch, as if he was being spunon a carousel of sensation. Not knowing where the next caress might come from,or if it would be kind or painful, his body trembled, leant first one way andthen the other, as if he was searching out her body or trying to escape it.

"Be still!" said Claire, striking him hard across the arse, and heard athreatening grumble escape him.

"I can take pain, lady," he hissed.

"Oh I'm sure you can, a big man like you!" Claire smiled.

"So if you're going to kick the shit out of me for breaking into your houseget it over with."

"Tsk! So crude!" she tutted, and then he knew she was before him again,he could feel her scented breath on his face, as soft as a veil drawn slowlyover it.

Her hands rested lightly on his shoulders, ran down his arms, took holdof his wrists. She stepped back, drew him with her towards the bed, then turnedand pushed him back onto it.

Bri cried out as his cuffed arms were crushed painfully beneath his weight,then felt the mattress shift again as Claire climbed onto it, felt the silkof her nightgown brush across his thighs, his belly, as she moved slowly uphis body. Astride his chest she turned, faced his feet, and he was aware ofthe heat of her body above his face.

His other senses heightened, still unable to see, Bri heard a sound whichwas of her mounting excitement, a soft and rhythmic liquid noise which wasfollowed by a low chuckle.

"I am playing with myself," Claire told him, her fingers stroking betweenher thighs, dipping into her cunt. "I am wet and you are thirsty for me. Tasteme, big man, drink me, drown in me."

"Fuck off!" he tried to say, but then there was a smothering musky silenceas her body lowered itself onto his face, pressing down heavily before he couldturn aside.

Claire ground her body on him, demanded his service, and smothered as hewas he had to lick dutifully at her cunt. It was the only way he could geta gasp of breath. He sucked in the thick musky air as she moved, gagged ashe licked, found some relief in the juices which flowed into his mouth, drinkingthem in like an elixir.

He was not aware of her leaning forward until he felt her breasts heavyagainst his belly. Then there was a warm gasp and his cock twitched excitedlyas she blew on it.

Claire laughed out loud at his response, cackled like a banshee who waswailing from room to room, and touched her lips to the swollen tip, lickedher tongue once across it before sucking it between her teeth, harshly, causinghim to cry into her cunt.

She lifted from his face as her teeth grazed it again, letting his cry ringout freely, so that it might be heard by the two below, then smothered hisscreams once more, before his two companions could guess if they were of delightor dismay.

"That's it, big man, stay hard for me," she encouraged him, letting hisnow erect cock slip from her lips. "Stay hard in case I need you, in case Ishould want to fuck your cock as well as your mouth."

Claire's hands stroked the inside of his thighs, carefully avoiding hiscock and balls, which were now aching for her touch. Slowly she ran her handsup and down, sometimes barely touching, making him squirm beneath her and lapat her more greedily. Then she felt his muffled scream in her cunt as her nailsdug deep into his thighs, scratched up his belly and raked his chest, boreher whole weight down on him, stifling him, letting the screams build inside.

"Make me wetter with your tears, sob for me, please me with your pain," shetold him, and then arched her back, rose on her knees to release his face,saying, "And now scream out, howl like a dog, bay like a hound who needs hisbitch!"

"What the fuck is she doing to him up there?" wondered Den, voice quakingwith fear at what might be to come.

The sobs, the yelps, the cries had mounted in intensity, sounds never beforeassociated with their eldest brother, grown to such a pitch that each senta shiver of terror through Den's body, as if the pain which must surely betheir cause was something he shared.

"What's she doing Kev?" he asked again.

"How the fuck should I know?"

"What are we gonna do?"

"Shut the fuck up and-"

Kev's words were suddenly cut short as a soft hand clamped on his mouth,another caught him at the back of the head, and a length of electrical tapewas pressed to his lips.

Claire had returned unheard, was crouching before him, holding his headfirmly to ensure that the tape stuck fast to his mouth.

"Kev? Kev?" asked his younger brother, alarmed by the sudden silence.

"So the quiet one's name is Kev, is it?" Claire whispered in his ear. "Wellhush, Kev -as if you now had any option- and let's give the young one somethingto worry about."

"Kev? Where are you? What's happening?"

Kev struggled in her grip but Claire held him long enough to the tape tostick fast, gluing his lips together, then released him, letting her fingersrun lightly across his face as she took her hands away.

"Kev! Come back to me!" pleaded Den, and began to softly sob.

"I hope you're braver than him," said Claire in Kev's ear, her voice stilllow so that only he could hear. She licked his ear, ran her tongue around insideit, then took the lobe between her teeth and bit. "Are you, Kev? Braver thanthe wimp?" she asked, through teeth clenched fast on the fleshy nub.

A stifled gasp escaped his gagged lips and Den called out, "You still thereKev?"

Then he sobbed once more to hear no answer.

Releasing Kev's ear, Claire began to unbutton his shirt, baring his chest,then unfastened his trousers and tugged them to his knees.

""No shorts?" she remarked. "You did come prepared,didn't you?" She weighed his cock in her hand, said, "Now some people findpain a turn-on. Let's see if you're one of them, you have room to grow nowso let's see if the wimp's cries make you hard. I do so hope you get hard forme, quiet one. Now patience, I will be back."

Silently Claire rose, tip-toed to the door she had entered by, glanced acrossat the other door where the youngest still hung, softly sobbing. He was stillunaware of her presence, had heard none of her exchange with the gagged one.Taking firm hold of the door, she slammed it as hard as she could.

"Who's that?" Den cried out, and started so violently that he almost throttledhimself on the collar.

"Who do you think, bile for brains?" said Claire, walking towards him.

"What've you done to Bri, lady?" he asked. "Where's Kev? What's happening?"

"My! What an inquisitive young fellow you are," Claire remarked, stoppingbefore him, and began to unbutton his shirt, wanting this one as naked as theother two, pale and scrawny though he may be.

"Please don't hurt me, missus!" he said, flinching at her touch, twistingwhen he felt her fingers at the waist of his jeans. "Please don't!"

"Ssh!" she said, putting a finger to his lips as his trousers fell to hisankles. "Ssh!"

She sounded almost soothing, perhaps he took some hope from this, complainedfeebly, "My legs are aching."

"And what do you expect me to do about that?" she wondered. "Release you?"

"Please? Will you?"

"Don't be absurd, little boy!" she scoffed. "Now less of the chat. Let'ssee where else we can make the little wimp ache."

Slyly Claire slipped her hand down to his groin and took his cock looselybetween her fingers. The sudden gasp this brought from him made her guess thatperhaps this was the first hand other than his which had touched him there.She squeezed him a little, saw his weak chest heave.

"Nice? You like that? Lots of ladies touch you there?" she asked, beginningto stroke him, and his delight was too much to permit a reply. She tugged onhis cock, demanded, "Do they? Lots of ladies?"

"Course! Lots!" he gasped.

Claire doubted that, but continued to stroke him, said, "Then show me whatI have missed, what all those ladies have enjoyed. Get hard for me, littleman."

As she masturbated him with one hand her other walked up his belly, nailsscratching at his skin like tiny stilettos to add to his delight. Her thumbstroked one nipple, the other, feeling them prick at her touch, as his cockhardened in her grasp she lifted it and folded it up against his belly, pressedher body against his to hold it there. Both hands now free, they roamed hischest and ran down his sides, her fingertips flicked over his nipples to bringtiny sobs of joy from him.

"Oh lady-!" he gushed. "Oh!"

The bag with the clothes pegs in it was hanging by the door, and as sheput her lips to his nipple to suck she reach into it to take out one.

"Oh my! Oh my!" Den heaved, his body writhing as if his delirium was nowconstant and unending.

"Oh Den-?" said Claire, taking her lips from his nipple, her body no longercaressing him, her hands still.

"Lady?" asked Den, ceasing his ecstatic thrashing.

"Welcome to my world," she said, as she let the clothes peg clamp viciouslyon the engorged nipple.

The scream was as loud as she expected of the wimp, anguished, almost blood-curdling,and she drew back a little to enjoy the rictus of pain which twisted his mouth.

His cock fell free as she stepped back, and she caught it in her hand, resumedstroking it to keep it erect.

"Still nice?" she asked softly, as if she cared.

"Shit no!" he cried.

"What? You don't like me stroking this handsome cock that has delightedso many women?" she crooned, her hand slowing a little.

"Yes! No! Take this off, whatever it is!"

"But it's only a silly little clothes peg," Claire told him. "Why my husbandcan take crocodile clips and not make the fuss you do. And on his cock andballs too."

"Take it off!" he begged.

"Not yet, little boy," she said, without compassion. "Not yet."

He was biting his lip to fight the pain, behind the blindfold there wouldbe tears, and in her hand his cock wept too, the tip sticky between his fingers.

"It's strange how there can be pleasure and there can be pain at the sametime," Claire commented idly, fingers keeping up a steady rhythm around hiscock. "It's as though the one enhances the other. Or as if one cannot be trulyappreciated without the other. Don't you think, little one?"

He was suffering the pain, now, rather than screaming in protest, but itwas still too much of a distraction to permit him a reply. Claire clicked hertongue, as if disappointed with his silence, brought her mouth forward oncemore to lick at his other nipple.

"Make it swell for me, little one, make it grow," she mumbled over it, tongueflicking at it as quickly as any serpent's


"Oh yes!" she said, so sure of his response, and felt it grow hard betweenher lips.

His whole body tensed when she took her mouth away, perhaps he had a littlemore with than she had credited him with and guessed what was to come, andso she waited, said nothing, held his cock still until the agony of the silenceturned his tension to a trembling.

When she let the peg clamp cruelly on his nipple her laughter rose to matchhis scream, her laughter as delighted as his cry was despairing.

"The little one cried so beautifully! Did you hear, quiet one?" asked Claire,sitting on the floor, legs stretched out, her back against the cabinet nextto the sink. "Well Kev? Did you hear?"

Of course, there was no answer.

"Oh dear! Cat got your tongue?" she wondered, her arm resting across histhigh, her hand dangling between them, fingertips lightly brushing againstthem. "But no! I forgot! it's the electrical tape that has your tongue! Howsilly of me!"

Plucking with a nail at the edge of the tape, she peeled away enough totake hold of between finger and thumb, took a firm grip and then tore it viciouslyfrom his mouth. The sharp intake of breath was as much to do with pain as itwas with the need for air, and his chest swelled as he inhaled deeply, andthen with greedy gulps.

"So," said Claire, almost amicably, shuffled closer to him, pressing herbody against his and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "You did enjoythe little one's cries?"

Kev turned his face silently towards her, and though sightless behind theblindfold Claire could imagine hatred burning in his eyes. Her hand had foundits way between his thighs again, fingers plucking at the mat of pubic hair,twisting it in curls, combing through it.

"I'd much rather you answered me, quiet one," she said, her tone such thatit would let him know she was pouting. "I took you to be the one who mighthave a modicum of wit and intelligence, thought you might have more than justyour body to offer me, to share with me."

"Go to hell!" he said.

"Oh, I've been there many times," she giggled, her roaming fingers now findingthe root of his cock. "Would you like to come with me? Share your soul withme? I could take it, you know," she added, a finger and thumb now running thefull length of his cock, from the root to the tip.

He fell silent again, his head bowed, still taking deep breaths to savourthe fresh air.

"Okay, then tell me," said Claire, patiently like an adult who has to drawconversation from a recalcitrant child, "tell me how you are. It took me solong dealing with the others that you must have felt quite neglected. How haveyou been, quiet one? How do you feel?"

"My legs ache, I have cramp," Kev admitted reluctantly.

Claire's hand slipped lower, to the back of his thighs, his calves. "Ohyes, I can feel how knotted they are. How brave of you to bear the pain sostoically." She craned her head to peer behind him, to where his cuffed wristswere linked to the waste pipe. "Perhaps if I moved the cuffs lower down youmight be able to sit more comfortable, as I am? Yes?"

He nodded, and she kissed him lightly on the cheek to reward him for hisresponse.

"In a while perhaps, when the discomfort gets too much to bear," she toldhim.

His legs trembled a little now, it was as if his mentioning the cramp hadserved to remind him of it, to make it worse, and Claire made soft cooing noisesof sympathy as she kissed his cheek, his neck.

"I'll tell you what, quiet one," she decided, her arm tightening aroundhis shoulders, her other hand returning to his groin to cup his balls lightly. "Ifyou get hard for me, really hard, then I might unfasten you, let you stretchout, ease the discomfort in those aching limbs. Do you think you can do thatfor me?"

Her fingers closed, she rolled his balls around in her hand with a pressurethat was on the exciting side of excruciating, and as she felt them slip andslide against each other she whispered gentle words of encouragement in hisear.

"Come on quiet one, I know you can do it. I know you want to do it. Justa little harder, for me."

And slowly, whether it was what Kev wanted or not, she saw his cock beginto rise, moved her hand from his balls to take hold of it and offer it moreencouragement still.

"Good boy," she congratulated him, moving her hand from his shoulders, herfingers trailing lightly down his spine to his cuffed wrists, then along thesecond pair of cuffs to where he was fasted to the waste pipe.

Releasing him, her hand in the small of his back pushed him gently forward,then turned him so that he fell on his side, her other hand all this whilemaintaining its hold on his cock.

"Stretch, ease those aches, such agonising bliss it will be," she told him,but even as he was trying to unfold his cramped legs she was kneeling astridehim, slipping his cock into her. "And such agony and bliss we will share," shepromised him, "though not in equal proportions."

He groaned out loud as he fought to stretch his legs, felt the locked kneesprotest, the knotted muscles resist. Impatiently, or perhaps simply maliciously,Claire grasped one ankle and tugged it out behind her, then the other, sendingexcruciating pain shooting through each.

His mouth fell open to let out another anguished groan and her lips fastenedon his, her mouth savaged his as she began to move up and down on his cock.

"Come on quiet one, sob for me," she said. "Your cries will be of delight,of desire, where the others' were of pain. And what you desire will be my delight."

The basement was dimly lit, weak wall lights at intervals seeming more forambience than any practical illumination, but still each of the brothers blinkedas their blindfolds were removed.

Claire was no more than a shadow to them as their eyes adjusted to the light,almost an incidental as their heads turned to take in the room, or as muchof it as they could see from the frame each was strapped inside, arms and legsstretched out to each corner. The frames were positioned at an angle to eachother, so that each brother could see the other two but also a different aspectof the room. One view that all three were afforded, though, was the far endof the room, and the large chair which was there, of studded blood red leather,so large that it might almost have passed for a throne.

It was into a brighter light which fell on this that Claire now stepped.

If the leather of the chair was as red as blood then the leather of herdress was as black as skin, it fell down to her knees in a soft jet swathe,wrapped her belly and breasts so closely that it seemed like some dark knight'sarmour.

She sat comfortably, crossed her legs to show boots with wickedly high heels,said affably, "Hello again boys."

"Why the costume?" asked the eldest, assuming the role of leader again,now that the three of them were together once more, while the young wimp regardedher with what amounted to stark terror and the third with what might have beenintrigue.

"It's what I'm comfortable in," she answered simply.

"Okay," the eldest accepted. "So what next?"

"We wait for my husband."

"It's him that's police, Bri!" blurted out Den, now finding his voice. "Iknew it had to be one of em!"

"It's him that's going to kick the shit out of us?" Bri supposed. "Or tryto?"

Smiling, shaking her head as she stood, Claire said, "No, neither of thosethings."

There was something mesmerising about her as she moved towards them, slowlyin the high boots, passing from light to light, wraithlike in the shadows.She stood between the three frames, coldly regarding each occupant, then walkedaround behind them, caressing the shoulders of one, scoring the back of another,then stopping behind the third.

"My husband is neither a policeman nor a pugilist," she said, bringing hermouth close to Bri's ear but speaking loudly enough for all to hear. "Nor ishe the submissive wimp you might have understood him to be," she added, herhand slipping over his bare buttocks, a finger forcing itself between them. "Heis in fact a bisexual, which is why I allow him to go away every once in awhile, to satisfy that need, that passion." And her voice took on a certainjoy as she began to work her sharp nail inside him, saying, "Oh he will beso pleased to come back and find your three tight arses to play with! It willmake him more devoted to me than ever!"

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Incredible ChangesChapter 112 Blind Again

I felt a sharp sting in my butt right before I started to doze off. How did Paula get a tranquilizer shot past my shield? Did the place in my head trust her to not hurt me so much that it did it without my permission? Had someone snuck into the room while she talked to me? It took me a lot of effort to finally wake up. When I did I was not only in a hospital bed, I was blind, again. Fuckers. My eyes weren’t clouded over like before when they had put the special contacts on my eyes. There...

4 years ago
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Bang Bang With Blind Act Incest Angle 8211 Part II

Apart from pressing my boob on Rahul’s upper arm and his pressing my thigh, we could not engage in any erotic stuff, since the bus was crowded. Rahul assured me on the second leg of the journey bus would be sparsely crowded and we could sit in the back seats and that I could ride him. I smiled to myself at the idea of sitting in his lap with his dick buried inside my pussy and let the bumpy bus ride take care of the necessary up and down movements. (I was not wearing panty and my pajama...

4 years ago
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My Blind Date

Burying my wife's been such a life-changing event! I'd known Jackie, short for Jacquelyn, for two years, before we started dating ... then four years of dating, finally getting married on Catalina Island on the Fourth of July! Married fifteen glorious years together - until she was diagnosed with lymphoma! Refusing treatment - because she didn't want to live messed up by it - it didn't take long for her to weaken into a person I didn't recognize anymore. I loved her to the very end,...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 32 Clinic Day 3 and 4 Blind Date and More Training

I was tapping out down the hall toward where I heard some kids when someone stopped me. "Good job David," the jerk doctor from my training said. "The world outside for the blind is a very brutal place. You have to be able to survive anything thrown at you once you leave here. They have me here because I am very good at my job. All of my patients are ready to leave here in less than a week. Most facilities require a month just to get a newly blinded patient able to do basic navigation in a...

3 years ago
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Blind Leading Blind

When I first met Diane I was 22 and I had just returned from 4 years in the Army. I was renting a small house and working in a warehouse driving a fork lift. It was a nothing job going nowhere. Most of my friends from high school had either, gone to college and moved away, or they were married and absorbed with their families. This made for very little social life and I was pretty lonely. My closest friend was starting his own business and didn’t have much free time. As much as I liked him,...

3 years ago
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blind folded wife tricked into gang bang

hi there im going to tell you how i tricked my wife into a gang bang she thought would never happenmy wife brenda is the kind of woman that loves to fuck and whether she believes it or not i knew once she got fucked by several men she would not only like it but ove it and want to do it again it all started one night after sex w would lay in each others arms and talk about different things nw even though im a good lover some times i wasnt enough there were and still are times she gets in a super...

2 years ago
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Fucking the Blind

Today at work, I went into Randall's office to make sure the plans were set. Barely looking me in the eye, he nodded his head, confirming that yes everything was ready. Then we stood there in silence. He had a very big smile on his face. I couldn't blame him for not being able to conceal it. I asked him how many of his friends would be joining him. He told me at least 12. Probably more. Maybe many more. But definitely 12 for sure.In a very low voice so that we could not be overheard, I reviewed...

3 years ago
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Xrated Vision for the Blind

Wispy phantasms of red, that's what he noticed first. When he was talking to someone, he'd notice a little glimmer of red, then it would fade. At first he thought it was another of those false color experiences he had been having for years, where stars or flashes or funny patterns would appear in his vision. But as the doctors explained, that was all in his own head, his brain playing tricks on him. For while Ken had gone totally blind at age 4, there were still parts of his brain devoted to...

4 years ago
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Deaf Dumb Blind

Deaf, Dumb & Blind by 1941aaa I first met Sergeant Bernard West, later called Bernie, and Corporal Tony Meredith when I joined the regiment, as a Second Lieutenant. My name is Bryan Shorthose and because of my surname, I was known in the cadet school, as well as the officers mess, as Sox. I was also called by that name whilst I was at school, that being Harrow before I went on to the university, where I studied Military History. I wasn’t the first of our family to join the Guards, for my...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Love Is Blind Ch 1

Brad had this area of the library pretty much to himself – there were only four or five other people in the reading room. It was the first week of the term, and he was trying to get back into his study routine. He was engrossed in his reading and did not notice the young woman until she placed her books on the table, and asked, ‘Would you mind some company?’ Brad turned and glanced up at her, he could see her visibly recoil when she saw his full face, but before he could respond, she...

4 years ago
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The Blind Girl in the Snow part 1

THE BLIND GIRL IN THE SNOW Part 1.Another December. A different year."Where is that wife of yours?"Janet hugged herself as she stood waiting next to the carrier on this bitterly cold Friday morning deep in the heart of Winter. Another heavy snowfall had left the landscape covered in shades of white as I turned back to the house with a knowing smile."You know what she's like," I replied as I unlocked and opened the right side door for her to get in out of the cold, "Besides, Gracey is with...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Bang Bang With Blind Act Incest Angle 8211 Part I

(I have never tried to write a story with a lady character in first person. I was uneasy that I may not be able to project female feelings, emotions in a believable manner. But my lady fans ‘insistence has resulted in creating this story. Hope you will receive this also with enthusiasm. I sincerely thank my friend Lov for suggesting the story idea and for her valuable inputs.) ………………………Rahul stopped sucking my left breast and looked at me thoughtfully. I was absent mindedly running my fingers...

2 years ago
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Blind Leading BlindChapter 2

On Sunday evening Diane and I were on the sofa in the front room. She was lying with her head on my lap and I was reading to her. This was a more recent addition to the books she had gotten from the library, but wasn't available on tape. In fact most of the books in the series weren't on tape and I had promised to read them to her. There was a knock on the door and after receiving permission, Madge Ward came in. "Hello kids, I just came to take Diane home." I reached down and caressed...

1 year ago
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A Blind Girl Flashing

Take your pick with whichever title. I prefer the second but I guarantee the first will get more reads. *** I paced back and forth in the hospital corridor, almost like a father waiting for his wife to give birth. The surgeon and his team were in with Alison whereas I had been told to wait outside. Today we would find out whether or not the operation had been a success. Alison had been born blind, she had never known the wonder of sight. She knew my features only by touch although she said...

2 years ago
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The Blind Girl in the Snow part 3

"What?" I shouted down the phone, "You mean now?" I jumped up with a mixture of surprise, delight, fear, and anticipation. At that exact moment, Janet walked through the door with one of the pool girls. I stared at her wide-eyed and scared witless. She put a hand to her mouth when she realized what was happening. Dropping everything on the desk, she grabbed my coat from the hat stand and helped me struggle into it as I listened to the hospital on the other end of the line. Holy shit...

3 years ago
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The Blind Girl in the Snow part 3

I was sat behind my desk when the call came."What?" I shouted down the phone, "You mean now?" I jumped up with a mixture of surprise, delight, fear, and anticipation. At that exact moment, Janet walked through the door with one of the pool girls. I stared at her wide-eyed and scared witless.She put a hand to her mouth when she realized what was happening. Dropping everything on the desk, she grabbed my coat from the hat stand and helped me struggle into it as I listened to the hospital on the...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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A Blind Date Went Bust

Hello, beautiful and handsome! My pen name is ManMad (because I’m a man who is mad for sex). Funny right! This is my first story after reading lots of stories, I thought it payback time. I’m good looking, fair, with good meat to satisfy. (Interested only in females). That’s a bit about me: Now not much wasting your time lets come to the story. It’s a real one not a fantasy but the names used are fake just to hide the privacy. It’s my first-time story, so please bear with my writing...

4 years ago
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The Blind Girl in the Snow part 1

Another December. A different year. "Where is that wife of yours?" Janet hugged herself as she stood waiting next to the carrier on this bitterly cold Friday morning deep in the heart of Winter. Another heavy snowfall had left the landscape covered in shades of white as I turned back to the house with a knowing smile. "You know what she's like," I replied as I unlocked and opened the right side door for her to get in out of the cold, "Besides, Gracey is with her." The older...

3 years ago
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My Sister Set Me Up on a Blind Date

It was a Friday night at the end of my sophomore year at college. A cop had pulled me over as I was driving home. "Yes it is, Officer." "And your last name is really Chevrolet?" "That's my last name. Just like it was the last name of Louis Chevrolet, the co-founder of the Chevrolet car company." I hated it when people wouldn't believe that my last name was Chevrolet. If it was Ford, they wouldn't think twice. Now if it was "Google" or "FedEx", I could understand...

3 years ago
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The Best Blind Date

Part 1: The MeetingThey always say a blind date should be blind. My first ever attempt at it was blind. It was my older sisters suggestion. She had always badgered me into getting a date. I just was not interested to be fair. I had my studies at University and that was my ultimate focus. Girls simply did not feature. However I did as I was told and decided to surf the internet. I joined one particular website that stated it was the best around and could simply find a date in "three easy...

1 year ago
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Blind Date

I've been blind since birth, and it didn't seem to matter too much as I was growing up, but on the day of my eighteenth birthday I was still a virgin and it got me thinking. My name is Grale, by the way. I know, funny name, but my folks were into old cultures and I guess it dates back to some ancient dead time. I got some kidding at school, but as I matured into a 5 foot 7 inch, blond, woman with a well-defined waist, 38C breasts and hips to match, I could almost 'hear' the appreciative looks I...

First Time
1 year ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain Part 4

The final chapter in the Blind Girl in the Rain series. Someone once said: "It is not the moment itself that matters. What matters is you understand the reason why that moment matters in the first place.." The silver 747 hung silently in the early morning Winter sky before turning slowly in a graceful arc as it connected to its ILS and headed towards a snowbound JFK as I made my way along the Coney Island Boardwalk towards Atlantic Avenue and home. The long walk had done me good. Cleared the...

2 years ago
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MMDChapter 5 Minniersquos Moon Mice

So much to do before the Sa’arm arrive. So little time. I’m blessed that I don’t have to do everything myself, blessed that I have people who are ready, willing, and very able to do what’s required. My day began curled up with three tigers and three jaguars. I was “home” in my family apartment aboard Arc Dios and Debra and Dawn had deemed that I needed to bond with the younger cats in my family. It was just me and the six cats, two mommies and their cubs. Poor Kimba was excluded because he...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 16 Fighting Blind

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Chapter Sixteen: Fighting Blind By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks toWRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Forty-Six: Pink Cunt Princess Ava – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My feyhound body trembled. My wooden cook throbbed and pulsed in Ealaín's asshole, spurting into her bowels. I shivered, loving cumming with a dick. It was so hot occupying the wicker body of the feyhound and using it as my proxy. It sent such powerful...

3 years ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 1

A romance. "Hey, stud," said the girl to my left, "How about sharing some of that big old cock of yours with this empty pussy of mine?" I looked across to her at the end of another deep thrust between the sweet thighs of the mewling fuck beneath me as I pounded her well-stretched snatch into the mattress. Instinctively, the younger woman clasped me tighter to her as her long black stockinged legs wrapped themselves around my splayed thighs and pounding buttocks. I was on auto-pilot....

3 years ago
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Blind Date8

He sighed and reached out with a weary, sleep-leaden arm, feeling across the surface of his nightstand until his fingers traced the cool smooth surface of his phone and, using the charging cable to identify which way the phone was facing, he swept right on the screen, silencing the alarm. He let out a soft sigh and let the warmth of his mattress and quilts once more take him, as he always did for the glorious length of the snooze button, content and comfortable. Five minutes later...

4 years ago
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Blind Date For Eric

The small apartment was quiet as Eric settled down to an evening of television. He was looking forward to a night to himself after a long week of teaching at the Wood County Police Academy. His specialty was self-defense, but he taught all aspects of police work. It had been an especially tough week where things went wrong when they shouldn’t have and things didn’t get done when they should have. All in all, he was tired and sore and didn’t want to be bothered for a few days. Flipping through...

4 years ago
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True story my wife lretens blind virgine to 3 old

after last time when me and my wife was not succesfull with old man we v got conversation. She said i have to find a way how she could have anal sex but not been f***ed to have pussy sex. Finally i have found way very strange but possible soluyion. I have got place in man s WC with some dirty drowing and wrote a note that ‘young virgine but blind, searching bulls to be anally sutisfied by Matures,ask her b*****r to entry fee and audiences (it suppose to be me),meeting weekend at 7 PM, adress…’...

3 years ago
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True story my wife lretens blind virgine to 3 old

after last time when me and my wife was not succesfull with old man we v got conversation. She said i have to find a way how she could have anal sex but not been forced to have pussy sex. Finally i have found way very strange but possible soluyion. I have got place in man s WC with some dirty drowing and wrote a note that "young virgine but blind, searching bulls to be anally sutisfied by Matures,ask her brother to entry fee and audiences (it suppose to be me),meeting weekend at 7 PM,...

4 years ago
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Blind Obedience Chapter 1

It was a warm Saturday morning the day I met Eve... I remember because the night before I had attended a BDSM munch that I had received an invitation to.It was a fairly small gathering that night–my area is not known as the Mecca for BDSM activities, but we do have a few that dabble in the Dark Side here. And I socialized with a few that I knew there and enjoyed myself–it was a good way to spend two or three hours talking about our favorite subject and catching up with old friends.Anyway, I was...

1 year ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain Part 3

Another day. Another Monday. I stared out into the far distance as the world began to paint herself with cloud strokes of deep copper and burnt umber. But it wasn't another day. Or another Monday. A blind girl called Heather McCallister had made everything different. Part 3. The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day. Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my...

4 years ago
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Blind Date with a Mistress

BLIND DATE WITH A MISTRESS by Submiss18 After having scoured several different adult personal services, it seemed I'd finally found a dominant woman who responded to me. Upon sending her an initial email to let her humbly know of my intentions and past experience as a submissive slave, Mistress Diana sent me several other emails questioning my level of commitment and I've learned she is very adept at prodding me to want to please her as soon as possible. She has given me...

4 years ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 3

Someone once said: "It is not the moment itself that matters. What matters is you understand the reason why that moment matters in the first place.." The silver 747 hung silently in the early morning Winter sky before turning slowly in a graceful arc as it connected to its ILS and headed towards a snowbound JFK as I made my way along the Coney Island Boardwalk towards Atlantic Avenue and home. The long walk had done me good. Cleared the head. Concentrated the mind. Put a few things...

2 years ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 2

The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day. Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my mind as random thoughts flared, flickered and faded keeping me awake until the early hours. Night visions dancing in the darkness always bringing me back to the way she looked at me and the dawning realization that nothing would be the same again. I got up and sat on...

4 years ago
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Blind Date1

God Jeanie is persistent. Jennifer can't believe she let her convince her to even do this. Jennifer pulled up to The Abacus, a Dallas classic, The Abacus delivers exceptional food and service and is a very expensive restaurant. The Abacus is known for a fabulous meal, Abacus is the flagship for epitomizing relaxed, fine dining. The restaurant's reputation is for signature menus, extensive wine list and custom-crafted cocktails, plus a James Beard nomination for service. At Abacus, they...

3 years ago
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The Blind Date Chapter 1

Michael had decided to have a small get together one summer weekend. He had just got the hot tub cleaned and refilled and wanted to try it out. So he invited his friends Richard and Amy over for dinner.Michael picked up some steaks and fired up the grill. The three soaked a bit in the tub prior to eating dinner, and then Michael put the steaks on. After they ate, they decided to get back in the tub and let their dinner settle.Richard had just gone into the house to freshen up everyone's drinks...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Blind School

From my school days i always wanted to help the lessfortunated and the lessabled. I got my appointment as a science teacher for a blind school which was 5km far from town. Now iam 22. 5"6 tall with short blonde hair upto my shoulders. 36EE breasts and relatively a very thin waist. My tits were so huge for my frame. I use to wear oversized shirts & blouses to cover my melons. But most of the times my excess glory has triggered so many men harrass my tits and rub my tits which they meant as...

3 years ago
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Grandpa Goes Blind Temporarily

I turned sixty years old this year and I started having some problems with my blood pressure, my cholesterol, and just plain growing old. Then I lost my vision. My granddaughter Eleanor was visiting me at the time. She had just turned sixteen and I had taught her to drive. In fact she was here celebrating the fact that she had just passed her driving test. Now Eleanor is a cute little shit. I had enjoyed teaching her to drive because my car is standard and she has to shift and push in...

2 years ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 4

Someone once said:"It is not the moment itself that matters. What matters is you understand the reason why that moment matters in the first place.."The silver 747 hung silently in the early morning Winter sky before turning slowly in a graceful arc as it connected to its ILS and headed towards a snowbound JFK as I made my way along the Coney Island Boardwalk towards Atlantic Avenue and home.The long walk had done me good. Cleared the head. Concentrated the mind. Put a few things into...

First Time
4 years ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 3

Part 3.The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day.Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my mind as random thoughts flared, flickered and faded keeping me awake until the early hours. Night visions dancing in the darkness always bringing me back to the way she looked at me and the dawning realization that nothing would be the same again.I got up and sat on the...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Blind Flower Man Part2

By Dina PetroContinuation of part 1 of the storyI did not object or resist as I wanted fucked by then so bad, all I wanted was to feel his cock sink deep in me and satisfy my hungry pussy, I was screaming and moaning as loud as I could, he was ready to cum when he pulled out of me lay down on his back while I took his cock in my mouth and started milking it taking each and every drop of his thick white cock cream.While trying to suck his dick clean I lifted my head up towards the door to be...

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The Blind Flower Man Part1

By Dina PetroMaya and I graduated from high school, we both have registered for the same university for our college studies, which was in another town about 100 miles away from our town, being very close friends and neighbors, we rented a small Studio apartment and shared it together for a better freedom than the college dorms.Being both at the same age of 18 years old, very close friends, we got a long real fine, our apartment was very close to campus, only walking distance, besides the town...

3 years ago
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the blind daddy

I was walking to my car , back from a friend place around 11pm I came accross a corner and they were approaching me asking where the bus station was , both looking a bit drunk, older black sympathic dudes , one with sunglasses who i realised was blindi told em i didnt know wasnt from the area but was going south of downtownand we all went in my car , chatting of tonight game and i endup offering them to drop them home both kinda on my way to homei drop one off and drove away the blind daddy...

4 years ago
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Bang Bang With Blind Act Incest Angle 8211 Part III

Rahul’s sister’s touch made me weak in the knees. I knew I goofed up. My overconfidence that I was ready to face any situation was misplaced. I closed my eyes. I recovered immediately, bent and clutched my left calf muscle. “Rahul, where are you? I pulled my calf muscle, it is paining. Please help me to a chair” I spoke through clenched teeth as if I was in great pain.Rahul took my hand and guided to me a chair. I collapsed in the chair. Radha, Rahul’s sister, took my foot in her lap and...

2 years ago
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Blind Mans Luck

Hi all, this is Rookie again back after a long break. Well am still hoping you guys remember your five star writer? Coming straight to the point, the story I am going to narrate today is about a guy called Rohit. Rohit was a average looking guy with an average body. He always wanted to become a teacher in school right since childhood. He was very fascinated with the way everybody would stand up and wish as the teacher entered the class room, the way teacher controlled the class. He had decided...

3 years ago
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The Blind Date

The Blind Date        When Devon’s best friend’s wife approached him about going out on a blind date with a girl from her office, he wasn’t enthused.  Devon enjoyed being single and what his life was like and had no real interest in finding a girlfriend or wife.        He had some bad experiences with relationships and almost went to jail because of his last girlfriend.  She called him a sick bastard, who only saw women as sex objects to be used.  Actually, his ex wasn’t far off the mark.    ...

4 years ago
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Blind Girls Bluff

Blind Girl's Bluff... It's Dave's favorite time of day, 3:30 p.m. Nothing like cruising by the high school's to check out the young, nubile girls. There were lots of them, all fresh and naive. They tend to travel in packs ever since that French girl was abducted a few years back, some smile at his handsome face as he cruises by, if only they knew what he was thinking. If only they knew the dark fantasies going through his mind. Dave decided to stop for a coffee before heading back home. He...

2 years ago
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Blind Date

The Blind Date        When Devon’s best friend’s wife approached him about going out on a blind date with a girl from her office, he wasn’t enthused.  Devon enjoyed being single and what his life was like and had no real interest in finding a girlfriend or wife.        Devon had some bad experiences with relationships and almost went to jail because of his last girlfriend.  Devon’s ex-girlfriend had called him a sick bastard, who only saw women as sex objects to be used.  Actually, his ex...

1 year ago
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Daddys Blind Daughter

Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! There were two very different things about Kelly when compared to other girls her age, she was totally blind and over-protected by her parents, John and Lisa Tucker. Kelly coped well around the house and even the large back garden but beyond those bounds she relied totally on others for help. When she wanted to go shopping it was her mother that drove her to the mall and guided her from shop to shop, describing in...

2 years ago
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My Blind Mother

Introduction: Shes went blind and I fucked her Im not the greatest writer so bear with me here. It happened on one rainy night while I was little about 3 or 4. My parents John and Linda where driving home from a friends house. They were having a small party and parents showed up to help them out. Well it was about 11 Oclock when we started to leave and man was it a storming out, but Dad was determined to get home sleep in his on bed that night. Dad wanted to drive and so he did like a...

4 years ago
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blind date

I have a Ad on line for a blind Date. I but on my Ad everything I want to do. Its real kinky stuff. I get a email from you replying to my Ad . We talk and Your 23 and Im 45 and you agree to Do whatever I want to do to you. I give you a Address and tell you a time to be there. I tell you to bring more close with you to change into afterwards. You get your things together and your all nerves and excited about our Date. You bet to the address an its night . All you can see is a candle...

4 years ago
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Blind Fools

Despite her using a white cane out of the office, I suspected she was not totally blind. Her being a subtle paradox intrigued both of us. One day last week, I saw Megan grope her way along a wall out of the Ladies’. With rear and side of her knee-length skirt trapped in her tiny and shear bikini panties, several of us stopped short and stared. I know I sighed at the sight of her tiny, muscular leg and cheek and licked my lips at the thought of what I’d do with that leg. Her butt crack and more...

2 years ago
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Love Is Blind Ch 2

‘That’s all I can eat,’ said Brad and glanced around the restaurant. Brad had finally convinced Allison that they should get something to eat before returning to the apartment – that eating pizza in bed wasn’t a good idea. Mario’s Pizza Parlor was almost deserted. It was between movie times, and there were only two other couples in the restaurant. Brad and Allison were sitting beside each other in a booth with Galahad lying on the floor under the table. ‘Are you sure,’ Allison felt for the...

4 years ago
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The Blind Date

Saturday Night. Jennifer had a pit in her stomach. This was the first date that she had been on since her husband was killed in a car accident. She didn’t know what to expect. Her friend Rita had set her up with a guy that she knew from her office. Rita told her he was the type of guy that all women lusted after, but, was very sweet, and was looking to please a woman. Something Rita thought Jennifer needed. It had been over a year since her husband died. Jennifer never imagined herself ever...

2 years ago
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Blind Leading Blind Ch 03

I lay there next to Justine with Diane on her other side and reflected on how my life had made such incredible changes in such a short time. I had been shaken out of my comfortable life as a nobody by an ugly little blind girl. Now in the space of a few months I had taken two cherries and fallen in love. I did love Justine, I knew it after just one date and one time in bed. ‘I don’t know about you two, but I’m hungry,’ said Diane. ‘What kind of groceries did you buy today, Aaron?’ ‘The kind...

3 years ago
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Blind Date

Cassie stood and once again went into the kitchen to check the clock. It showed the time to be a quarter after nine, only ten minutes from when she last checked. She sighed and went back out to join her family in the conclusion of the movie. She smiled at her husband trying unsuccessfully to assuage his anger at her for interrupting the movie once again. Cassie couldn’t help herself. She was dying to get to bed, to bed and with Paul. It had first started about 3 months ago. Cassie and her...

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