Welcome To Hell free porn video

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This is a work of fiction which is based in historical fact. It isintended for Adults only.

Welcome to Hell


A priest read out the sentence, his voice full of righteousness. His eyes fullof religious zeal:

"Orders are given from the Lords of the Holy Office of the Inquisition,the Moorish woman is to be tested. She has been accused of witchery, as heretic,irreverent to the host, and to the image of the Virgin Mary. She is to begiven the chance to confess to her sins …."

The tribunal had spoken…


The gag had been placed in her mouth at the questioning to keep her from callingupon the Devil to help save her. The men with their lust filled evil eyes hadseen no reason to free her mouth as they stripped her of her of all of herclothing. Hard hot hands had roughly touched and probed her. Mercilessly theyhad looked for any sign of a Devil's teat and found nothing. All the whiledemanding that she confess so that they might grant leniency. Their laughterfilled her ears at her helplessness.

The monk in the corner piously watched as the man in charge spoke.

"You could make this so easy upon yourself. Just confess that you are the Devil's whore. Receive the Lord Jesus and be saved…"

His eyes lifted from where she lay at the mercy of his men.

"Monk, you see how she refuses our kind offer to save her from the fiery pits of hell"

Lifting the quill, the monk takes pen to ink," Yes my son, her silence damnsher"

Even as the words were being said, her screams of outrage and fear could beheard through the gag, hands were holding her down as knife dry shaved allthe hair away from her head and body. Her thick mane of black hair now laystrewn around the cell floor. The curls that had covered her womanhood sincereaching puberty gone. Cruel hands crushed her tender flesh.

Hands lash her wrist together then lift her to the hook in the ceiling. Herbody now hangs unprotected. Her head sags with exhaustion from the last fewdays. Her eyes widen with terror as she can see the table where the instrumentto her 'salvation' lay beneath a rough covering just awaiting the hands ofthe Master Interrogator, the Master Tormentor, the Dungeon Master.

All the smirking smiles the men had been wearing leave their faces as the bootedfoot steps of his approach could be heard. He was coming. His voice was low,clear and strong as he stepped into the dungeon.

"Monk. Has the witch confessed and repented?"

The Monk's voice shook just the slightest bit as he looked into the soullesseyes of Dungeon Master.

"N…n…no… she has said nothing"

The Master walked a full circle around the woman examining her. He never touchedher with more than his eyes but her terror was so complete urine ran down herlegs puddling on the stone floor beneath her. His body blocked her view ashe lifted the cloth from the table and removed something from the table beforereturning to her.

With rapid movement he puts the collar around her neck, his hand forcing herhead upwards even as he placed the heretic's fork in place. Each end of ithas two prongs, the central bar connected to the collar. The sharp cold metalprongs now rest against her chest and under her chin. The forks weren't designedto kill. Her head no longer sagged as anguish filled her eyes.

The cloth gag was ripped from between dried lips but speech was impossiblewithout forcing the sharp prongs deeps into her own flesh.

"Plead for your worthless soul witch"

She whimpered in distressed fear.

His dead evil eyes slid up from the collar then met and captured her gaze.

"Only through worship of the Devil would you have the strength to remain silent. Our path is clear."

He turned and lifted the whip from the table. Walking behind her he flexedhis muscles. Without warning he let the whip fly, the end snapping on flesh.The sound bouncing off walls. Her body arches in pain and her scream was twofold. The first for the pain in the center of her back, the second for thepain in her chin and chest.

"See Father, it is through the loving kiss of the Churches Grace she will find Redemption"

Again the whip connected. Flesh raised as did her voice. Her entire body archingin pain. Her head thrown back trying to prevent the forks from being forceddeeper.

"Father the bible is quite clear on the matter 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.'"

The whip connected with the small of her back, then moved on to first one hipthen the other. On and on it went. Her back became a mass of raised bleedingwhelps.

"I think that means she should suffer. Don't you agree Father?"

He stepped forward with the wide swing. The air whistled with the sound ofthe whip cutting through the air as it wrapped around her torso. The end bitinginto her breast. Blood leaked from the corner of her mouth where she had bittenher lip trying to hold the sound in.

" Father. I think she is probably very hungry and thirsty. This is hard work."

They took her down from where she limply hung, binding her over a rough hewnwooden horse. The wood cutting into her back, her body arched. Her legs arespread wide, angled toward the floor. Her arms are pulled high so her bodyis stretched. There is nothing to support her head so for the first time inhours the forks aren't cutting into her flesh. She is totally vulnerable tothem.

"Devils-whore you have fed at the Devil table. Now lets see if you can find nourishment at the Lords."

With those words he pushed the loin cloth aside, taking his cock into his hand,then looking down, forces his cock past unresisting lips deep into her throat.She is totally helpless as he face fucks her. His body lunging. His balls slappingher nose and eyes. She holds her neck stiff against the force of his body.The ever present fork preventing even thoughts of trying to escape. On andon it goes, each thrust going deeper. His rhythm changing. Each time he goesdeep he slows the thrust. His balls coming to rest on her nostrils deprivingher of Life giving air. Every muscle in her body stiffening.

"Father just look at her. Look at the way her throat works around me. Look at the way her whole body stiffens and clutches. Look at the sweat on her body. She is begging for more I think. In fact I think she just might be liking this a little to much."

With that he released his load in her throat. Holding himself there so shehas no choice but to swallow his cum. Finally he pulls himself clear of herand wipes his cum coated cock on her face.

"I think she needs a little drink of water, don't you Father?"

With that he walks to the table in the corner and returned with a ring gag.He forces her mouth open and puts the gag in place. Next the puts a funnelinto the perfect circle. He next places a cloth over her nose. His mockingeyes looks into hers never leaving as he speaks.

"Damn, there doesn't seem to be any water left. I guess we'll just have to make do."

Walking to the side of her head, caressingly he handles his flaccid cock. Takingaim he lets a steaming stream of urine fill the funnel. She has no choice butto drink it all or drown. Soon each of the guards and the monk has taken turnsat the witchy urinal. Her stomach becomes just a little more distended witheach contribution until she is filled almost to bursting.

"Father, thinks you she looks to comfortable?"

His smile full of purpose as he moves between her legs. Using pulleys he movesher legs upwards. With each pull her stomach shifts so that it rests againsther lungs. Breathing becomes almost impossible becoming more painful with eachmovement..

The Master walks to the corner table. This time when he returns his cock iscovered in a leather studded sheath.

"Father I think maybe I need to mix up the contents just a little."

With that he rips into her dry sex. The devices shredding delicate tissue.Her channel becoming slick with blood. Every movement, every moment becomesa study in torture. She feels as if she will suffocate any second and beginsto welcome it.

In and out he pounds her. Punishes her for her sins until she is unconscious.

She awakes to find herself upside down, his booted feet just before her eyes.Her legs are open wide. Her entire body in constant unrelenting pain. She issure she has reached the limit of pain. Nothing can make her hurting any worsethan she is in that moment. Without breaking a sweat he proves her wrong.

"Father, look at the blood bubbling out that nasty slit of hers. I think she's trying to escape the hand of justice."

Suffering beyond anything she could imagine exploded inside her even as thesmell of her woman's flesh being cauterized by the white hot iron in his handsreached the Master's nose. Her body goes into a fit of spasms, reminding himof a hapless fish on the end of a hook.

"I think that woke her up and put a little life back into her for us. I think it is proof the Lord God approves of our methods Father"

Unholy laughter fills the room as the heretic's fork and gag ringis removed, in their place a brack was fitted around her head then lockedinto place. It covered her eyes, a balled piece forced into her mouth.

"Father, she is held tight in the Devil's clutches. I fear she will never repent. She will go into the fires of hell only to become one of his unholy minions. I fear she will be sent back to beckon righteous men to their doom. To breed an unholy army of demons. It is only through our good works that she may become worthy of Our Lord God's Devine Mercy "

Even as the words fill her mind, she feels the hands of the guards on her bruisedbattered body as she is placed upon a rack Her limbs attached at each corner.Then she can hear the crank. The slack is gone, limbs pulled tight, jointsstretched just short of destruction.

"Father, she can not be allowed to suckle demon children."

Her ears strain to hear what is going on even as male hands grip her breast.Strong fingers twist her nipples. Behind the gag she screams with pain. Thereis no where to hide. No way to get away from it. His fingers grasping her nipplespulling them hard then letting go so they snap back into place.

"Father can you hear the pleasure in her voice? This just can't be allowed."

She can feel a rope being wound tightly at the base of each breast. Blood flowis stopped and her breasts begin to swell, all the while his hands are on her.He is in no hurry as he lets the ropes do their work. The men watch as herbreast turn pink, red, then blue.

"Such a shame Father."

His words are just a whisper in the silence of the dungeon..

The guards watched as the Master lifted the iron fork. Even thesehardened men winced as he shoved the fork through her breast. Lifting themangled flesh high as the red hot pincers closed over her nipple. Rippingit from her chest even as it sealed the large gapping wound. First one thenthe other is taken from her.

She can hear the stirring of coals. Then it came the ripping of flesh. Everythingbecame a ruthless fog of unrelenting pain. Insanity engulfed her. Everythingthat had made her human was lost for long moments. She was nothing more thana breathing bleeding slab of meat. Pain flowed like water leaving no part untouched.She lost control of her bowels as she realized that hell did exist and shewas living in it.

Then she knew nothing.

As her eyes opened she realized time had lost all meaning. She had no cluehow long she had been here. How long they'd had control of her world. Hours,days, weeks, years, it could have been any of these. The darkness she encounteredwas complete. The gag in her mouth makes breathing next to impossible.She's upright, her legs bent back, attached to a bar. Her spine and shouldersarched as far as they could go. Her mutilated body is beginning to loosethe fight for survival as she weakens. She has gone beyond pain into ahazy world of numbness.

"Father, No God fearing good Christian woman would loose control of her bodily functions like that. With every passing test I am more sure our duty is a sacred trust."

Lifting the choke pear from the table he walked to where she is. His handsslide over her body, over her mangled breast, over her stomach to the shavedmons. Hands snake around her hips to the small of her back. The cold instrumentused in the gentlest of caresses. Down it slides between her ass cheeks. Hisarms sliding around her in an uncompromising embrace hold the smooth pear againsther entrance. With a single ripping push he forces it past her sphincter untilall that remained outside her body is the ornate key. His nimble fingers beginturning it as if she is nothing more than a wind up toy. Inside her the pearbegins to open. The spikes begin to emerge. Her bowel is stretched and perforated.Her gut immediately begins cramping. He takes his time all the while holdingher close giving the illusion of a lover's tender embrace. His movements areslow, calculated, letting long minutes pass between every turn. Stretchingthe agony out as long as possible.

When the key could no longer be twisted and the cried deep in her throat hadstilled, his attention turned to her exposed sex. Using gentle fingers he spreadsher scorched lips. Pushing the hood back he exposes her clitoris to his gaze.

"Father, see this nub of flesh. Watch what happens to her when I do this"

His fingers caressed her. Despite everything. Despite the pain she felt. Despitethe fear. Despite the despair. Her body reacted in a purely animalistic way.Her clit filled with blood. Hardened under the soft caress of her nemesis.His torment became something else. On and on it went taking her to the brink.Again and again persistently, relentlessly, pitilessly, remorselessly, he tookher to the edge of madness. Her body stiffened as it reached for release onlyto be denied.

"This Father is the where he resides. This is the Devil's heart incarnate in woman's flesh."

The Master Torturer's voice lowers to a whisper.

"She can not help what she is"

Lifting the razor shard of glass, he sliced through the knot of nerves in asingle swipe removing her clit and throwing it into the fire.

Her body goes into complete shock. She can hear the sizzling over the muffledscream.

"Master, dawn is breaking. The tribunal awaits. What say you?"

Looking at the broken woman before him:

"She is clearly a witch. She has had all night to repent and nothing. She has given us no choice"

The men lifted her high. Removing the brack, they force a ragged gag back intoher mouth. Her eyes are covered by a cloth as they carry her naked body upthe steps and out to the court yard. Her arms are tied behind the post. A secondrope securing her neck to the post. The platform she stands upon just big enoughfor her feet.

The blindfold is removed just as the sun peeks over the horizon…justas the first torch touches the kindling….


Words from the Author:

All of the tortures describe in this piece are based in fact. Torture was anaccepted form of control over the masses. The Medieval inquisitions which beganin the 1100's lasted into the mid 1800's. The most infamous of the inquisitionsis the Spanish Inquisition but it was just one of many. The Catholic Churchembraced the practice for centuries. The Church held the belief that the spillingof blood went against Church doctrine. With a finding of just cause by thelocal inquisitor, the accused was turned over to secular authorities with theChurch begging for mercy for the accused even as they demanded the accusedbe executed if they were found guilty by the secular court. Most of those accusedwere accused in secret. Simply being accused in most cases was a guaranteedof a guilty verdict.. The Catholic Church automatically seized all belongingof those accused. For some it was a fast trial and death, for others decadespassed between the accusation and trial. As a side note: Witch craft was oneof the most serious accusations and resulted in some of the most horrific tortures.

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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 16

"Oh, hell yes," Renee said upon seeing the clothing herself. She rose from her seat and went over to the rack, where she took one of the dreaded garments in her hands and examined it. "Mmm-mmm, I love a good corset. They always make me look thick in all the right places. Good call by the AG&M boys." "Indeed," Jackson said, noticing Tyler's dismay and completely ignoring it. "The clock is ticking, ladies. Suit up and let's get out there on time. Is anyone out of business...

2 years ago
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My dads new wife had a daughter named shelly

In the summer of my Sophmore year of High School my dad got remarried for the 4th time. He was living in LA county and I didnt see him very much. During the summer I went up to spend a week with him and meet his new wife. I really could care less. I was a surf k** who loved the beach and spending one week in Riverside was a version of hell to me back then. Anyway, He and I pulled up to the house and went in. He showed me a room where I would be staying. I asked about a room closer to the...

1 year ago
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Welcome home my love

I loved that sight and she knew it too. Her hips moved into me and soon I would need to release myself. Maria's lust was so intense already excited from my oral adventure it just needed a little more to push her over again. I leaned onto her and put my hands around her cheeks. It was around eight in the evening when I came home to find my friend Maria there. She is working for a company where she has to travel sometimes and it could be days and occasionally a week or two until she comes home....

4 years ago
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Welcome Home3

Corporal Jeff McAdams threw his bag over his shoulder as he walked out of the Afghan village of Zaranj, towards the Huey waiting for him. He lowered his head as he tossed his bag into the chopper and climbed in after it. As the chopper lifted off, he looked down on the place he had called home for the last 17 months. Zaranj is the capital of the Nimruz Province of Afghanistan. It is located near the Iranian and Afghan border and serves as a main point on the trade route between Central and...

3 years ago
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Welcome Home

Introduction: Soldier returns home to his young wife *This story was inspired by watching the Veteran Day tribute to the soldiers on ESPN. It showed soldiers coming home to their families after being gone for long periods of time. So I decided to do a tribute myself. The characters in this story are based on real people. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy, jdm320 Corporal Jeff McAdams threw his bag over his shoulder as he walked out of the Afghan village of Zaranj, towards the Huey waiting...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Womanhood

Welcome to womanhood I woke shortly after dawn so that I could shower and get myself ready for work. Moving to the door of our bedroom I looked at my lover still sleeping, a contented smile on her face. As well she might be should be contented as we have made love for three hours the previous night. I picked up the strap on that she had used on me and took it with me to the shower so that I could give it a clean. Under the hot water, as I washed my large 36 D breasts and shaven...

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Shelly was at least half my age, but it did not matter to me when I saw her sweet apple ass wiggle, I felt a familiar stirring, and she carried a majestic rack up front that made me want to unbutton the men’s shirt she wore. Every time she walked by me I sucked quick my breath, I wanted to grab her butt or embrace her. Her mouth had the perfect, huge pout that I wanted to lick so bad and it made me think that she might have had thick sweet pussy lips as well. Her body was nothing but feminine,...

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Welcome to the wasteland

The irradiated waters felt cold against scales as I bathed in the radioactive lake. Though I was immune to the effects of radiation the waters always felt dirty and full of grime and impurities. Despite my best efforts to maintain good hygene, out here in the wastes you never stayed clean for long. Life was that much harder because of my traits.For I was half a man and dragon, I wouldent call myself a mutent but other than that, I dont know what I'd be called. Thier is a few bonuses to...

4 years ago
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Welcome Return

Sven waited on the farmhouse doorstep, hearing the footsteps approaching in answer to his ringing of the bell.The smile as Sam opened the door brightened the cold, damp afternoon better than any sunshine might have done.  Sven kissed her as he stepped quickly in, so she could shut the door before the dismal late winter day had time to penetrate the warmth within."Sven - it's a welcome return - so good to see you again, it's been too long."  Then, "Give me your coat and go in by the fire and...

2 years ago
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Welcome to the neighbourhood

Welcome to the neighbourhoodI am sitting in front of my note book on the balcony of my new apartment, enjoying the sun and trying to make some work.Because of a new position in our company I had to move to a new town, so that I am closer to our clients and projects. Unfortunately a few days after my move our local office had been closed because of Covid-19 for indefinite duration and I had to work at home to keep our business running, still having my rooms full of unpacked moving boxes.I try to...

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As I layed down on my beach blanket watching the sun go down on the most beautiful beach I've ever been on. I thought to myself " This must be what Heaven is like". If not just being on the world most perfect beach is not enough that's not what makes this place Heaven it's everything. The hotel, the food,the service which by way is run by beautiful black goddess called Hannah. Anyway back to the story. The thing that makes this place heaven is the women!! I've never seen so many of the most...

2 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 12

Paul paid for his drinks and escorted Tyler back into foyer, toward the bank of elevators at the center. Tyler followed along behind, purse slung over his shoulder, gingham dress swishing playfully around his knees, pearl earrings dangling from his lobes, heeled pumps clicking along the polished concrete floor. He looked around furtively, hoping not to recognize anyone he saw here on the 39th floor. He didn't want anyone to think that he and Paul were out on a date or anything like that....

2 years ago
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WELCOME TO AMERICA After eighteen years, the Company that my husband and I started when we first got married had finally struck gold, the years of going without many things, may have finally ended. Our biggest setback was my car accident, which had left me with two useless legs from mid thigh down, and confined to a wheel chair for life. We had both just accepted that and got on with our lives. Our biggest customer, an American conglomerate wanted to buy up the whole business for three million...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Welcome Home

I walked up three steps outside the gloomy looking building into a hallway that was so, so typical of government owned properties, beige, tatty, threadbare cheap carpet, peeling paint and a noticeboard saying in directive terms what is not allowed. A glass screen opened beside me and a dowdy woman with blonde hair (greying roots) and ridiculous glasses with blue-tinted lenses peered myopically at me.“You, Tatton?”“No.”“Well, who are you then?”“I am Lady Emily Cawston-Tatton.”“Oh, pardon me, my...

3 years ago
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Welcome Return

© 2003 Sven waited on the farmhouse doorstep, hearing the footsteps approaching in answer to his ringing of the bell. The smile as Sam opened the door brightened the cold, damp afternoon better than any sunshine might have done. Sven kissed her as he stepped quickly in, so she could shut the door before the dismal late winter day had time to penetrate the warmth within. "Sven - it's a welcome return - so good to see you again, it's been too long." Then, "Give me your coat and go in...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Sun City

This is where Sonja wants to be this weekend. Sun City is the place to be if you are looking for fun in the sun. Sun City offers visitors an incredible combination of services and facilities including quality hotels, golf courses, a water park, wildlife and other excellent entertainment options. Sonja has been dreaming of such a weekend for some time now and with all her spare money in her bag, she is finally here. She wants to stay in one of the 4 deluxe suites but she has no intention of...

2 years ago
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Welcome Wagon

The grounds of the hospital were carefully manicured, almost as if they had undergone some mysterious treatment at the callused hands of the Chicano gardeners who tended the broad expanses of green. Inside the children's ward, Dr. Rodney Thomas, Ph.D., MD, sat at his large, walnut desk reviewing the schedule of the day, and deciding which of his patients would receive the benefit of his attention. His primary function, aside from the medical aspect of his presence, was the personal interest...

3 years ago
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SemiBroken Eggshells

A/N: More Vincent-oriented stuff. Not so kink-filled this time. All human forms. Small bits of boy love fluff here and there. —– SemiBroken Eggshells Denver, CO: It seems that these young people are still on their hunt for their friend. The head of the group, Nathan Winters, had this to say, ‘It’s apparent that Vince doesn’t want us to find him, but we are going to. If everyone else drops out, I am, at least, going to continue my hunt for him.’ Vincent Fox, 23, left his home city of Denver...

1 year ago
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Welcome to Hell

Slick Jones, as his friends called him, was out for a score that cold and damp March night. He was always careful to never go into the same neighborhood twice. Well, never a second time after cleaning out a house. He had a specialty he'd picked up on the Internet: rare oddities. You know, things that looked innocuous but were very valuable. Perhaps more valuable than the owner would suspect. "Ever heard of a Ming Vase?" he'd asked his friends. "Sure!" they'd say. "How about a Blue...

3 years ago
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The Unatainable Shelly

I've had the hots for Shelly since we were twelve years old and playing 'doctor' in her dad's garage. We dated, off and on, all through junior high and high school, but for some reason or other I was never able to get into her pants. Others did - lots of others, but not me. I almost got there once. We were in her basement and my finger was in her pussy and she was stroking my dick. In another couple of minutes I would have been in her, but the front door slammed and her father, who had come...

4 years ago
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Welcome Home4

She trudged to baggage pickup, every joint in her body ached; her back screamed complaint at her as she lifted her heavy bag off the conveyor belt. The line for customs was shorter than expected, and she made it to the doors earlier than she had said. The cold air slammed her like a physical assault. And yet, she almost welcomed the brittle cold; the airport was stuffy and hot, and she'd been wearing her coat over a sweater for the last half hour. She looked around, and saw her car, the...

3 years ago
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Welcome to College

Introduction: Pre-frosh girl welcomed to college by being blackmailed for her virgin ass. Becky Freeman couldnt believe her luck. Here she was, an eighteen-year-old girl visiting a sorority house at the college she planned on attending in the fall, stuck sitting bored on a couch instead of exploring campus or checking out any of the weekend parties. As part of the schools orientation program she was paired up with one of the current students as a chaperone of sorts. In this case it was a girl...

3 years ago
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Junkyard Hellhound

I had never heard him called anything besides " that ole hellhound" by anyone at the junkyard. His doghouse was way down in the back corner of the yard,up against the corrugated fence. As luck would have it I needed a part off a car ,that was close to the reach of his chain,one hot afternoon. I had brought my toolbox and knowing it could be a long day I had tossed a bacon sandwich and bottled water in the box. This turned out to be a smart move. As I got close to the car the hellhound...

1 year ago
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"Aren't the movers going to do that?" I asked. "Yes. So get your tree and the two boxes that you have left for your room." I looked at the neighborhood as the autumn breeze caressed through my hair and along my cheek. Such a nice place. It smelled like autumn. Every house was different. There were kids playing across the street in front of a gingerbread house. The mother was out front tending to her flower garden outside their front window. A couple two houses over from them were staring...

4 years ago
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Bound together Chapter 5 Supernatural Hellfic

She was in the black room again. There was no chaise lounge this time and she was naked. She couldn’t help thinking what he’d do to her this time. Every day was getting worse and now she even wished he’d put her back on the rack. At least when she was there, she could close her eyes and pretend she was somewhere else or she could think of Mikey. But the things he was doing to her now were unbearable. She knew she wouldn’t be able to take it much longer...and he wasn’t offering her to get off...

3 years ago
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Bound Together chapter 2 Supernatural Hellfic

As usual, he was sitting in the dark, hiding from her sight, enjoying the smell of fear emanating from her. He loved the anticipation. He always took great pleasure from that instant previous to the actual torture when he could see the terror in his victim's eyes. He found it deliciously intoxicating and knew this time it'd be even better. He approached her slowly and saw her squirming against her restraints in response. This time he'd decided to use leather straps instead of chains and...

3 years ago
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Bound Together chapter 1 Supernatural Hellfic

At first, he felt sick whenever he faced his victim –it wasn’t in him to inflict endless pain and suffering on the souls on the rack- but that was until he realized that by inflicting such pain on them, he could get rid of his own. And hence, little by little, he began enjoying the carving, slashing and burning of the souls before him. He became more and more creative in the craft and, as time went by, he developed a real taste for it. This didn’t pass unnoticed to Alistair, who felt nothing...

4 years ago
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Boy Meets ManMitchell2

Jack let out a small sound that was him clearing his throat, as he sat back down next to his son. His hand reaching out to lay his hand against the boy's knee, gripping it tight a moment. A grip that made Mitchell's eyes spring open wide, and his head very slowly turn to see his father smiling and the smell of hormones pouring off of him. "Mm.. Can't wait to get home huh son? A shower and some television will be good for us huh?" Mitch cautiously nodded and smiled back as his...

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