Vardhi’s Parichaya free porn video

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Vardhi was excited. She’d arrived at her uncle’s house the night before to spend the summer before heading off to college at a nearby school in August. Having just turned eighteen and now away from her parents she wakes up feeling energized. Uncle Parichaya wasn’t her biological uncle but had been her Dad’s best friend since their college days and had always been around at holidays and for visits while she was growing up. He was 43 now but still looked good. He kept himself in shape and was somewhat taller than her fathers 6′ 2″. His hair was still dark and thick with just a little gray at the temples. She’d always had somewhat of a schoolgirl crush on him but had always known he only saw her as his niece. Nevertheless she did what she could to flirt with him in her schoolgirlish ways and didn’t intend to change that. It was fun and she was, after all, feeling happy and free. The visit had been her idea and she’d almost squealed with delight when everyone had agreed it was a good one. Her argument had been that here at Uncle Parichaya’s she could learn her way around, visit the campus at will, and maybe meet a few locals and make some friends before school started. She’d visited before and knew that Uncle Parichaya had plenty of room. Apparently he’d been married when she was very young but after that divorce he’d remained a bachelor although she’d often heard her Dad teasing him about “his girls” and had gotten the impression that he was somewhat of a player.

Vardhi heads downstairs after dressing in a skimpy pair of cut-offs and a thin gray t-shirt over her black bra. She’d developed early and even thought she was on the small side at only 5′ 4″ and around 110 lbs she had a curvy figure with a small waist, flared hips, and large for her frame almost D cup breasts. She’d gone to the extra trouble recently to first trim and then completely shave her pubic hair and she like the feel and effect.

She’d had a few boyfriends in high school and had gone all the way with two of them but neither had been adventurous enough for her tastes and she’d been mostly unsatisfied with all of her experiences to date. She’d found internet porn at an early age so she felt like she knew what she was missing. Stories and videos with a bit of roughness, spanking, some bondage and force turned her on, as did interracial, and any scenario where a girl is under the control of one or more men.

Parichaya had left o.j. and a muffin on the counter for her. He’d had an early meeting but had promised to be home by lunch so he could take her out and show her around town. Vardhi drank her juice and then carried her muffin with her to explore the house. While she and her family had visited before she’d never been in it alone and had only seen the guest room that she usually used, the shared bathroom upstairs, and the main living area. She peeked into Parichaya’s bedroom upstairs, very masculine with dark woods and a gray print coverlet. She poked around in his drawers and closet but didn’t find anything fascinating. There were two extra bedrooms, one of which she was using and one with a queen size bed that her parents usually used when they visited. The upstairs bathroom was nice but she’d heard Parichaya complain before about not having a master bath. There was another full bath on the first floor but it was mainly used for guests and convenience during the course of the day. She was already imagining how she could leave the door unlocked during her showers and was fantasizing that Uncle Parichaya could walk in on her.

She moved to the living room and flipped through the entertainment cabinet in the corner. Lots of mainstream movies, some music cd’s, and some fiction books that looked interesting but again, nothing titillating. Off the living room was Uncle Parichaya’s office and while she’d glimpsed inside before she’d never had the need to go in. Inside was a large modern desk with a computer and a laptop and all the usual printer, fax machine, and other equipment that was standard nowadays. The room was deceptively large and also contained a daybed and flat screen t.v. on the other end of the room along with more shelves and tucked back in a corner a small wooden door. She reached for the knob and was surprised to find it locked. It was old-fashioned and looked like it fit an antique key. She was curious but turned her attention back to the room. Online she checked her email and then browsed around the computer to see if Uncle Parichaya had any deep dark secrets she could uncover. She was disappointed to find nothing of interest but then thought to move to the laptop.

Bingo! The hit history showed site after site of internet porn that had been recently visited. She began clicking at random and was soon squirming in her seat. The first five sites (the most recently viewed) were all movie clips and thumbnail pics of older men with “barely legal” girls. Further down the list were other sites with various subjects but Vardhi couldn’t help hoping that her visit had prompted the recent spate of those particular sites.

Logging off she opened the media player and gave a little silent cheer. There were lists of downloaded movies and clips all with promising titillating names. She checked the time and figured she had at least an hour before she needed to worry about being caught in the act and pulled up a file called Little Chrissy was naughty. Not much storyline led into a scene with a young girl (credits had assured that all models were on file and over 18, of course) but this 18 year old was doing her best to look younger with blond hair pulled back in ponytails and a short schoolgirl outfit hiding what would soon prove to be a lithe body with small breasts and unusually large nipples and a completely shaved pussy. In the movie, the girl’s implied “Dad” needed to punish Chrissy for her bad grades. After a tame spanking Chrissy made a snide comment that “it didn’t even hurt” and then “Dad” yanked her panties off completely and began all over again. This time Chrissy squirmed and begged and the camera and “Dad’s” attention moved to her now exposed pussy. The spanks slowed and “Dad’s” hand began slowly caressing “Chrissy’s” glowing ass cheeks as she begged him to stop, she’d do ANYTHING if he would just stop. “Dad” ends up slipping a finger into his daughter, then seats her facing him while he fucks her and roughly twists and pulls her thick nipples. Vardhi fast forwards enough to see that there are somehow three men in the next scene with “Chrissy” two of whom are fucking her pussy and asshole while another jerks off over her face. But she gets paranoid about the time before she can watch any more and puts everything back as she found it and plops down on the living room sofa to try to formulate a plan. How to seduce your Uncle without risking him not being receptive and exposing you to your parents.

On the leather sofa she reruns the scenes from the movie she saw. Her pussy is dripping wet, she can feel her panties barely containing the moisture. Against her better judgement she slides one hand up beneath her t-shirt and teases a hard nipple through her sheer bra. The other hand slips into her shorts and finds her rigid little clit. It doesn’t take long before she’s bucking against her hand and pinching her nipple until it hurts and she can’t help but moan outloud, her breaths getting more and more shallow until finally she blows out hard and groans into the empty room. She lays still for a moment, hand still tucked into her shorts and then bursts upright on the couch when she hears a male voice boom into the room,

“Isn’t that a pretty sight to return home to?”

She panics and then notices, finally, Uncle Parichaya standing in the doorway to the kitchen and then realizes that he must have used the side kitchen door to come in and she didn’t hear him. She’d positioned herself so that she could see out the front window where she would have seen him pass to get to the front door, but from where he stood he’d had a perfect side and slightly from behind view of her. He was leaning in the doorway with a sneering smile that she couldn’t ever remember seeing on him before and it was obvious he’d been there for quite some time.

“Uncle Parichaya,” she stammered, her face burning, “oh God, I’m sorry.”

He waved and cut her off, crossing the room and sitting opposite her on the other end of the long couch.

“Don’t worry honey, you’re a big girl now, I wasn’t TOO shocked,” and he chuckled which changed her embarrassment just a little into anger. She still felt like he was only seeing her as a little girl and condescending to her at that.

She grasped at what to say to put him in his place.

“Well”, she finally came up with, “I wouldn’t be in this predicament if I hadn’t found your stash of porn.”

His look darkened and he stiffened.

“What did you find?”

Had she gone too far? Vardhi was worried and was stammering again.

“On your laptop, just some movies,” she said meekly.

She thought she caught a brief look of relief on his face before he narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips.

“So, you snooped, found some porn, got so horny you couldn’t even make it back to your room and so I found you here? Is that about right?”

Vardhi nodded and bowed her head, she was near tears and was already imagining the humiliation of facing her father and being sent home.

“Please don’t tell Mom & Dad, Uncle Parichaya.” And without thinking she added the pleading line from the movie she had just watched.

“I’ll do anything you want, just please don’t tell Mom and Dad.”

Uncle Parichaya looked almost satisfied and leaned back in his seat, looking at her like a cat watches a mouse.

“Anything, you say?” He was doing that sneering smile again and Vardhi couldn’t believe that he actually seemed to be coming on to her.

She was feeling a tingle again suddenly and was starting to feel like she might just get her wish after all.

“Anything,” she said quietly.

“Well, you do know that if I’m not going to tell your parents then it’s going to have to be up to me to punish you.”

“Okay.” Still tingling.

“And, you may not like my idea of punishment. No grounding, no lecturing, I believe in good old-fashioned physical punishment.”

“Such as,” Vardhi asks.

“It would START” (and he did stress the word start), “with a spanking. After that you agreed to DO anything I said and I would have A LOT of things I wanted you to do now that you obviously aren’t a little girl anymore.”

And there it was. It was really going to happen.

“Okay.” Vardhi said.

“That’s it,” he asked? “Just okay? You don’t want to know what I expect of you?”

“No,” Vardhi said. “I don’t want you to tell Mom & Dad and I said I would do anything and I will. Test me if you want to.”

Jane nervously bit her lip. She was turned on but also had a pit in her stomach. Would she regret this later?


His command was spoken in a low tone with none of the chuckling humor he’d teased her with earlier.

Vardhi blinked. She hadn’t expected him to be quite so blunt but she was turned on by this game and she stood unquestioningly.

Her t-shirt hit the floor, then her shorts. She hesitated a moment but before he had to tell her she dropped her bra and then panties with them.

Uncle Parichaya bit his lip and smiled.

“Very nice,” he almost whispered.

“Pick up your panties.”

“What?” Vardhi thought she heard him wrong.

“You said to test you and I am. I want to know just how much of a slut I have on my hands before we cement this agreement. Pick up your panties and smell them.”

Vardhi was taken aback but found that she was loving the control aspect. She’d never been this turned on with her high school boyfriends.

Her panties were still wet and smelled muskily of her scent. She took a deep breath regardless and then held them out on one finger.

“Taste them. The crotch.”

Vardhi brought them to her lips and even as she couldn’t believe she was doing it she spread the crotch out and slowly licked her tongue up the triangle that had covered her pussy.

“Okay, Vardhi, you’re more commited than I thought you’d be. From now on when I want you you’ll be available to me, is that understood?”

“Yes, Uncle Parichaya.”

“If I want to fuck you while you sleep I will. If I want to share you with a friend I will. If I want you to suck me off in the bathroom at a restaurant you will.”

Vardhi hesitated again but she still wasn’t turned off.

Would he really share her with “a friend?” She was shocked to find out that she hoped so.

Uncle Parichaya scooted over to the middle of the couch.

“Lay across my lap. Have you ever been spanked before?”

“Dad used to spank me when I was little but Mom made him stop when I was twelve. She said I was too old. After that I got grounded.”

She was across his lap now and let out a short cry when he surprised her with the first slap.

“I think we’ll start with forty,” he said. “That’s punishment for sneaking into my office, although I can’t say I’m not glad you did now.”

Vardhi didn’t think the first ten or so were bad as he alternated from cheek to cheek but after awhile she just wanted it to be over. The pain built and even though her pussy was still tingling with arousal she was ready to move on.

Finally, forty counted out Uncle Parichaya caressed her sore cheeks and nudged her legs apart.

“My, my you are a horny slut aren’t you?” He asked out loud as his finger slid unresisting into her sopping wet slit.

Vardhi groaned and squirmed and planted one foot on the floor to brace herself and give him wide spread access to her now aching pussy.

His finger probed her pussy then slid forward to circle her clit, then slid back all the way to her tight little asshole. He followed this pattern until Vardhi was almost humping his leg.

“Please, Uncle Parichaya,” she muttered, “please…”

“That’s right Vardhi, beg me. Tell me what you want.”

“Fuck me, Uncle Parichaya, please fuck me.”

“Where Vardhi? Where do you want me to fuck you?”

“In my cunt. Please, Uncle Parichaya, fuck my cunt. I’m so horny.”

“What about this tight little hole here?” Uncle Parichaya asked fingering her asshole again.

“That looks much more inviting right now.”

“No, Uncle Parichaya, I’ve never done that, please don’t.”

And then, Uncle Parichaya was working his finger in and Vardhi realized that he wanted to do it because she didn’t.

And still she was turned on and it felt so good.

“Oh god, Uncle Parichaya. Fuck me anyway you want.”

“Good girl,” he chuckled.

“But first why don’t you sit up and let me get to those luscious tits of yours.”

Jane straddled Uncle Parichaya and both of his big hands went immediately to her firm young tits. Her D cups still spilled out of his hands and she leaned back and braced her hands on his knees as he mauled her tits, first squeezing them together, then pushing them apart, and finally his thick fingers capturing her tender nipples and rolling them between his fingers. Soon his mouth followed his fingers and he sucked in first one, then the other, and then roughly pushed both breasts together and tried hard to get both nipples between his front teeth.

Vardhi was groaning out loud again and grinding her bare pussy against his khaki clad leg.

Still teasing and sucking her rock hard nipples with one hand and his mouth Uncle Parichaya’s other hand finally snaked down to her open snatch and with no warning filled Vardhi’s waiting cunt with three thick fingers.

She came almost immediately, screaming through her orgasm and then went limp against his chest, smelling in the musky scent of her pussy mixed with Uncle Parichaya’s aftershave.

He lets her rest for a moment and then pushes her up.

“I wanted to get that one out of the way, Vardhi, but we’re just getting started. I would suggest a bathroom break, get yourself cleaned up a bit and then come to my bedroom.”

Vardhi still couldn’t believe how much her life had changed in the past week. Uncle Parichaya had “forced” her to become his sex slave and she was loving it. After he’d caught her masturbating on his sofa last week and she’d admitted to searching through his office and invading his computer files to find his stash of porn they’d come to an agreement that she would do anything he asked as long as he didn’t tell her parents and send her home. He’d spanked her, got her off with his hand and then sent her to clean up and told her to meet him in his bedroom.

When she’d arrived he’d been naked and she’d caught herself gasping. He had a great body for someone her father’s age and his cock, while not as big as some she’d seen on the internet was much larger than either of her previous boyfriends and her cheeks flushed at the thought that she knew he wanted to fuck her virgin asshole.

“Come here Vardhi,” he almost growled. “It’s time for you to get me off now.”

Vardhi crawled up over the bed and he maneuvered her between his legs, pushing her head down toward his rock hard member.

“Take your time, taste it, lick it suck it, explore… and when I come, I want you to swallow every drop.”

Vardhi took a tentative taste, licking all around the sensitive base of the mushroom shaped head. Slowly she sucked the smooth head in and allowed her built up spit to dribble down the sides. Vardhi had seen enough blowjobs onscreen to know the basics and they were one thing her boyfriends had never minded her practicing.

Uncle Parichaya was groaning and already pumping his hips gently toward her.

Vardhi had been able to take all of her last boyfriend in her mouth but found she just couldn’t get all of Uncle Parichaya inside. She built to a steady rythm regardless, taking as much of him as she could and then slowly allowing him to pull back out, every once in awhile stopping to lick the underside of his cock and work her accumulated spit up and down with a few quick strokes of her hand. It didn’t take long before Uncle Parichaya was holding her head and pumping away furiously.

“I’m coming Vardhi, don’t forget to swallow”

Vardhi concentrated on keeping her teeth covered and moments later felt hot salty cum coating the inside of her mouth. She continued sucking until Uncle Parichaya slowed his pumping and bucking and then pulled her mouth away and swallowed all the sticky cum. Then she went back to gently licking away any traces from his cock.

“That was amazing Vardhi. I expected to have to teach you a bit about what men like but I can see I was wrong.”

“Thanks Uncle Parichaya,” Vardhi said, pushing herself up on the bed and snuggling into the crook of his arm.

“That was great, but we’re not done yet are we?”

Uncle Parichaya chuckled.

“We certainly aren’t Vardhi, not by a long shot. Just give me a minute to breathe.”

A few minutes later while they still snuggled and watched the sun begin to set outside Parichaya rolled toward her and began circling first one nipple and then the other with his large fingers. He teased each nipple until it was hard and peaked and then lowered his mouth and gently nipped and sucked each one. When Vardhi began squirming he used the flat of his hand to mash each breast down and then dragged his hand down, pulling the nipple with it. Now, she was arching her back and spreading her legs, feeling the sensations there too but he wasn’t done yet. He sat up and straddled her stomach, freeing up both hands to grasp and caress her young firm tits, thick fingers pinching her now cherry red nipples and pulling them as far as he could from her body. It almost hurt but just when Vardhi wanted to say stop, it hurts too much, he would relent, as if he knew her limits.

Vardhi looked down and could see Uncle Parichaya’s cock growing again and reached down between her breasts to stroke it. Moments later it was rock hard and Parichaya had scooted forward laying the length of it in the valley between her mauled tits. Vardhi tried to lick the tip as he pushed her breasts up around his cock and found she could just take the tip in as he thrust forward.

“Oh God, Vardhi, your tits feel so good”

Uncle Parichaya had thrown his head back and was riding her hard, gripping her now tender and extremely sensitive breasts even harder.

Finally, he began slowing and let her breasts fall back into a more natural position.

“I’m going to fuck you now, Vardhi.” Uncle Parichaya said, moving down her body.

“Tell me how much you want me to fuck your tight little cunt.”

“I do, Uncle Parichaya, please fuck my pussy, fuck me hard.”

With one swift push Uncle Parichaya was inside her so deep she could feel his heavy balls against her ass.

“Omigod” Vardhi screamed, unable to believe that was her. She’d never imagined screaming out because something felt so good but she couldn’t imagine wanting anything more than she wanted her Uncle Parichaya inside her at this very moment.

Both of them grunted and moaned as Parichaya pumped hard into Vardhi’s tight young pussy.

With an act of supreme will he finally began slowing, driving himself to the hilt and then pausing before slowly pulling his length almost completely out before plunging balls deep again.

Vardhi was whimpering and she was so wet that a steady slurping sound accompanied the slap of their bodies together.

“Do you remember what I wanted of you earlier today, Vardhi?”

Confused, Vardhi tried to concentrate.

“To do anything you wanted?” she whimpered.

“That too but I’m not going to cum inside of your pussy. Do you know why?”

Vardhi shook her head and then frowned at the thought of what he might mean.

“I want your asshole, Vardhi. I want you to beg me to fuck your tight little virgin asshole.”

“Oh, Uncle Parichaya, it’s going to hurt isn’t it?”

“A little at first but I think you’re going to end up loving it.”

Slowly, Parichaya pulled his length from Vardhi’s glistening pussy.

“Turn over, baby and raise your ass high in the air.”

Vardhi slowly did as she was told and soon felt her Uncle Parichaya’s hands on her wide spread asscheeks.

“We’ll take it slow Vardhi, don’t worry,” he assured her.

He used his fingers to spread the moisture from her dripping wet snatch back to her tight pink rosebud and then added a huge dollop of his own spit before working his middle finger deep into her.

Vardhi moaned and burrowed her face into the pillow.

His finger felt good but she was still scared to death of the moment that his cock would replace it.

From the bedside table Parichaya pumped out a big dollop of hand lotion and spread it over his straining dick.

He pumped his finger in and out of her tight ass a few more times and then removed it and positioned his cock in it’s place.

Vardhi gasped as she felt his cock head, cold from the lotion against her backside but she gritted her teeth and managed to turn her plea to stop into a soft groan.

“Now, Vardhi, beg me to fuck your ass.”

Vardhi’s voice was soft but she managed to stammer out his request, “Please, Uncle Parichaya, please fuck my tight virgin asshole and come inside me.”

Parichaya began slowly working his cock inside her, millimeter by millimeter.

Vardhi felt like she was being stretched to the limit and thought she would pass out when he finally assured her that he was halfway there.

Her whole body was shaking as Vardhi felt the rest of his cock slide home and finally the same balls that had slapped her asshole earlier were now squarely resting on her hairless pussy.

Parichaya gave her a moment to relax and then began pulling back out.

Now, incredibly, Vardhi felt empty and moved back to try to keep him inside.

Parichaya chuckled at the movement but held her ass in place and pulled slowly out until he could just begin to see the head of his cock, then he plunged back in deep with one quick motion and Vardhi screamed aloud again as he began fucking her in earnest.

Vardhi was amazed to find herself on the verge of coming and moved one hand between her legs to help herself along and the other hand found her sore nipples, rubbing them as Uncle Parichaya took her anal cherry from behind.

Vardhi came first and was surprised when Uncle Parichaya began increasing his steady pace.

Soon he was slamming his full body weight into her and Vardhi had to brace herself against the heavy wood back board to protect her head from the massive piece of wood.

As Vardhi arched and leaned her head back, Uncle Parichaya seemed to take it as an invitation and he grabbed a huge handful of her naturally blond locks and yanked her upright and back toward him.

Still pumping into her ass he braced himself against her by twining one hand in her hair and pulling her tight against him. His other hand found her now slightly softened nipples and began roughly caressing them and then alternating between them and moving his hand to her mouth and forcing two fingers into her mouth which she licked and sucked until he moved back to her nipples again.

Vardhi was exhausted and relieved when she finally felt him tighten against her. His cock spasmed inside of her for what seemed to go on forever and then he gently slipped from her body.

Breathing deeply, they both collapsed to the bed and Vardhi fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

That was a week ago, on her first full day of living with Uncle Parichaya. In the days that followed Parichaya had showed her around town, taken her shopping, and of course, they had fucked. A lot. Now the weekend was coming up and Uncle Parichaya had promised a very special surprise for Saturday night.

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The warm sun of the summer islands shone through the stain glass window, illuminating the three bodies, entangled in heated passion. "By the gods" Jon groaned muffled as the hot moisture of his aunt engulfed his massive erection. He has had many many lovers in the three summers his life had seen, but no mouth of a lyseni pillow servant or and braavosi courtesan could ever hope to compare tho wet paradise that was the fucking throat of Daenerys Targaryen. Seemingly without effort the silver...

2 years ago
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Charity Graduates 5 The Prom

Introduction: The end of school has arrived Charity Jones here again. Weve finally come to the end of the high school road for my formerly younger self. Ill skip the witty banter and lets finish this. The final week of high school. Here it was. A bunch of exams and lots of study time. The school became a ghost town to the students that did show up to bury their heads in books. I even went to school to study just to avoid the pleasures of the flesh that might befall me at home in the trailer...

3 years ago
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Arena Fights

Arena Fights Please note that the following fiction is intended for ADULT ONLY entertainment. Do not read further if you are easily offended by extreme themes, or your local community codes do not permit such suggestive material. This fiction is intended for your use only. Any further dissemination of it must first require the author?s permission. Thank you. Faibhar   Arena Fights  The band?s booming drums and blaring trumpets shook even the groggiest awake; unnecessary because it...

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Life and Times of a Horny Couple Chapter 3

Kristen and I, were really beginning to enjoy all of the new experiences we were having. Kristen continued to play on line and chat with many guys and couples. She chatted with one couple, Lacey and Brad, who were interested in meeting us for dinner and sexy conversation. We met them in an Applebee’s and enjoyed their company. We decided to meet them the following week at a cocktail lounge. The plan was for the girls to wear some sexy clothes. Kristen wore a white sheer blouse with a half bra...

4 years ago
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The resort Second day

Note: The resort I'm describing, of course, is fictional, but it is based on a real one, which is located at the coast close to the city of Angra dos Reis, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Please notice also that this story, in spite of being written in English, unmistakably takes place in Brazil. Jenifer's name, therefore, is not misspelled. This is the name of many girls in Brazil (you wouldn't guess how many "Daianas" we do have here :-)) The resort by Sylvia...

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Cheerleaders at the Pentagon

It was Carla's idea, I swear it. "Let's go by the Pentagon and see what's going on." "Why, for God's sake?" That was Monica, always the practical one. "Because I'm horny, that's why." I knew what she meant, even though I didn't want to admit it. We were always horny after a game. Somebody once said that exercise is foreplay, and she was right. I say "she," because it was probably a cheerleader who said that. You've read those stories about football studs screwing the...

1 year ago
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Connecting Rod Ch 0102

Chapter 1: The Cowboy Starts a New Life August 14, 1958 The old, olive-drab jeep rolled down Meadowbrook Road. Might have been doing near fifty, I thought. Not bad for this old refugee. Not bad except for the dust. I’d miss this ugly old girl. Quicker than any horse I ever rode. A fifty dollar wonder at an army surplus yard. I spent a lot of hours getting it to go again, but she ran like new. Better than new, some said. Just a few minutes to town and I’d be at the feed store. Pick up the...

3 years ago
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Sandys Obsession

My story is a continuation of (The Forever secret) Friday night was a wild night for Sasha, Sassy and I, we had a wild sexy night. It just so happens that even though we thought we were being quiet enough , we made a lot of noise and Sandy and her friend Julie heard most of what was Happening . Let me tell you about Sandy. Sasha and Sandy are half sisters from different fathers. She is half Spanish and Irish, dirty blond hair and very fair skin, with just the most beautiful clear...

4 years ago
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Just Good Friends

Alex and Maria had been best friends since college. Maria had just transferred and was totally new to her surroundings. She had arrived slightly early for class to sit away from everyone until she felt more comfortable to mingle. As the class began to enter in dribs and drabs, Alex was the first to spot her, sitting in the far back and fidgeting nervously. He had a heart of gold and not wanting her to feel alienated, had confidently walked up and sat down next to her. His cheery disposition and...

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Change of Course

Change of Course By Julie O. Chapter One The Notification It was 0630 and the office was almost empty. That suited LT. Ben Carlson just fine. He liked the quiet time before the masses arrived and he usually accomplished most of his morning administrative duties before most of the command even arrived. Ben was a Naval Officer starting his second year at the training command. His previous duty station had been on a cruiser and due to world events he had spent most of that...

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Late For DinnerChapter 82 Sweet Hands

The trunk opened -- pop! Kathy blinked and blinked as her eyes adjusted to the dusky light. She didn't recognize the street, but from the general decomposition knew they must be in poor town. A giant neon sign towered above Officer Ray's squad car. In flickering red it proclaimed "MO EL" across the top and "Rooms by the Hour" in white below. "Oh Christi," she exclaimed, "it's just the way I imagined it! Have you ever seen anything so, so romantic?" "No!" They both squealed in...

2 years ago
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Theatrical…… 29Gerald was doing his lengths and I saw the troop of the princess and her maidens walk along the side of the pool and organise some beds, the princess looked around, possibly to see if anyone was watching her, I was tucked away at the end of the balcony and the handrail obscured me from being seen while my view was perfect, the princess walked to the edge of the pool and sat down, dangling her feet in the water, one of her maids came beside her and handed her a jar, she began to...

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NubileFilms Mona Blue Tiffany Tatum Ready Or Not

Mona Blue and Tiffany Tatum make the hottest lesbian couple around as they climb into the shower together. Between the warm spray of the water and their own tender touches, the girls indulge in a sensual bathing experience. As they wind down their wet fun, they look over to the bed where Matt Denae is watching the show and waiting for his chance to join in on the fun. The girls dry off and then join Matt in bed. They work in tandem, stroking Matt’s hard dick and dropping kisses on his...

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Thai Massage

I was down in the south of England for a few days seeing some friends and on the last day I had decided to go and get myself a massage as I had been playing a lot of tennis and needed some relaxation. I searched the internet for somewhere near by and eventually found someone giving a relaxing Thai massage within walking distance of where I was staying. I phoned and booked a massage for later on that day and couldn't wait to lay there and have my whole body rubbed by some expert hands.The time...

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Boffing Mom

It was late afternoon. Mom was on the back porch with a romance novel in front of her face. It wasn't clear whether she was actually reading it or just day-dreaming behind it. In either case, I was feeling extremely horny and my gorgeous mother was looking decidedly fuckable. I didn't see any reason to hang back from acting on impulse. So I came up to her chair and cupped her underneath her big, firm breasts. As I massaged those fine, full titties in both hands, I asked her where Daddy...

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V vs P

This is a humorous dedication to my favorite author on this site Paul G. Jutras, it is also a letter to Paul to drop me a letter please so we can chat. [email protected] V vs P By Monica Meiyers The traveler looked to the molding of the seemingly ancient shops with there tenements above them, even the sidewalk squares looked like they were here well before his time. It was a very old city but it had many retro fits to it mingling high tension steel with the elderly...

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Mr International

Here I was 18 years old in Germany, getting my dick sucked by a . I had only been in Germany for a week and a half, had been assigned to my unit scared as hell for it was the first time I had been in a foreign country. After meeting my Platoon Sergant hearing him tell me You're not to leave the front gate until you have attended Head Start (class that teach you basic german). Yes sergant was my response. After getting to my room and meeting my new roommates SPC STEWART AND SPC KING. Hey Bro put...

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A Summer With Amber Chapter 7

Introduction: Nathan spends some time with his daughter and her shy friend Jessica. But will Jessica become more than his daughters friend. I told Jessica it was okay and she could play with me all she wanted. She came into the room followed closely by Amber. Together they climbed onto my bed, both naked like I was. My cock was slow to come around so Amber quickly started playing with my balls. She motioned to Jessica and she grabbed my cock. Her soft hands were cold and soft and the...

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Ambers Life

He father was cooking dinner when he called out to her, "Amber do you see that dress sitting on your bed? I was thinking we could have a special night just you and I put it on please." Amber did as her father asked not thinking anything of it, the dress was short black and strapless. It was pretty loose on her to kind of wavy. She never wore panties cause she always thought they were uncomfortable so in her dress she leaves her room to meet up with Gary in the kitchen. "What do you have in...

4 years ago
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Use It or Lose ItChapter 4

Lida is Russian Orthodox. That's significant in a number of ways, but cropped up for the first time as we approached Christmas. You see, the Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on the seventh of January, after the Western Church is thinking of Epiphany on the sixth – that is, 'Twelfth Night', the festival of the visit of the wise men to the infant Jesus – when most of us are taking down our decorations. She explained that to me, diffidently, as I was asking what she'd like to do for the...

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Mexican Misty chapter 1

"I'm Mexican Misty, I'm called that cuz I only fuck. Mexicans!" "Oh, ok! " I replied. As the days stretched on she'd always tell me some sexcapade she'd had. I was so excited yet bored with her stories. Not enough detail! She tells me one day. "I think the guy I fucked last night was queer! " "He kept trying fuck my ass!!' I got so excited I almost popped!! "So what'd ya do?" I asked hoping she'd answer. She didn't disappoint me & said "I told him exit only! Just...

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John and JoChapter 5

Shortly after she had sent her letter, Jo received a reply from her mother, which she read eagerly, before handing it to John: Dear Jo, We was so glad to get your letter. I am glad that you are safe and happy. You probably won't be surprised to hear that our Billie has got himself locked up in Strangeways. He's not a bad lad, but he's easily led, and was trying to be the big man in front of his mates. Your dad is well and is still working, and our Julie is now married to a lad from...

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My BF isnt Gay or Anything Gay

His eyes were wide with terror and now a new feeling was coming over him... a feeling of excitement. The man was now pulling the full length out of him. Moments ago, he had been stuffed and stretched and filled with so much cock he thought his insides would burst. But they didn't, and as the man held his massive cock in place, Jamie could feel his ass stretch to accommodate the intruder. Pain slowly turned to an odd pleasure.He yelped uncontrollably when the man made the first painful thrust....

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Wrong Place Wrong Time

Wrong Time, Wrong Place 4:08 Could this day drag on any longer? Lauren sat back in her chair and let out an exasperated sigh. 0.63 cents an hour raise doesn’t make for weeks like this. She brushed her dark wavy hair off of her olive skin tone face. She knew this week was the exception to the rule. It just all seemed to hit at once and all she wanted was for the weekend to get here and to go out with her friends and blow off some steam and start a new week on Monday. A little dancing...

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iCarly iFeet

One day Carly and Sam were in the iCarly studio doing a rehearsal for an upcoming episode of their popular web-show when their technical producer, Freddie Benson, came bouncing in with a long, big box.“What’s that for?” asked Carly.“It’s a new device I found on Sky-Mall which allows the person strapped in to bounce around the room safely and securely. Almost like you’re bungee jumping, but in all different directions,” Freddie answered as he placed the box down onto the floor.“So you didn’t buy...

2 years ago
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Open Leg Policy

Open Leg Policy My wife and our two daughters have an open leg policy around me. If strangers are around they are perfect ladies but alone they sure can spread them wide. With or without panties I always get a fantastic view between their legs. It all started right after I married my wife. She obviously knew that I married her wonderful pussy and that her body just came along, as it’s life support system. She made sure that whenever she sat down that her legs faced me and that I...

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Princess Part3

Princess. Part 3 by Princess Pantyboy (All I added a few paragraphs from Part-2 so my story would be easier to read since it has been awhile. I hope and pray you enjoy my newest story. Hugs Princess) "Mommy how old was my little sister when she wore these clothes?" I try not to think about my little sister because she was the main reason I moved out as soon as I could. Miley would pick on me and tease me anytime she could. She has been teasing me my whole life even before...

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The Hippy Chick

FredMy name is Fred and I’m a thirty-five-year-old bookkeeper. I go to work in a small office where I’m responsible for all the financial ledgers. I’m very precise and had never made a mistake until that all changed in a flash one day in early summer.That Monday, I got up, made my bed, and folded my pajamas. I took a shower, shaved carefully, and got dressed. I got my suit from the closet and chose a blue tie to go with my ordinary shirt. I first put on my white briefs and my black socks then...

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Paid to Turn Men Gay GayMaker

I had been on the internet for more than three hours, talking to a beautiful woman named Mary. She was hesitant at first, but eventually we shared photos and talked about our fantasies. She loved the name I was given at birth, "Vincent". It reminded her of simple times.She was very open-minded and had many kinky ideas, most of which made us giggle. I had previously been chatting with her for about two months, on and off. She really enjoyed having me around and after telling her everything I'd...

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Graduation Day and Beyond Part 4

Graduation Day (and Beyond) - Part IV By Janis Elizabeth Mother's Day Janet was looking forward to celebrating her first Mother's Day with her Mom. In the past, as Josh, she never really felt such closeness to Mom on this day as she did now. Of course, as Josh, she had expressed her appreciation and given her a big hug, a card and a nice gift, usually something for her bath. This year, though, would be different. Since this would be the first Mother's Day that Janet celebrated...

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Taking over the Hudson Family 1 by 1 part four

Carrie and I woke up tangled together. We laid their and cuddled for the longest time before crawling out of bed. I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the room. I was in need of another shower after the night that I had. I could feel the dry feeling between my legs and it was not how I wanted to spend my day. As I walked toward the bathroom, I heard Milo say goodbye to someone. I looked down over the stairs and watches as his parents exited the house. “We will be back tomorrow morning.” I heard...

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Making Myself a MONSTER

My first real time real life blog story. I survive on your comments XXX!This is today's first entry feb 18 2018 about what I'm doing to myself. I want to transform myself.If you guys keep interested, I can blog as I change and grow. XXX ;-)Hi guys!So if you’ve checked out my galleries you can see that my cock is not small or even average in length or girth. I’ve never thought of enlarging and although I’ve used cock rings for stamina I’ve never ever done anything to enlarge.About 6 months ago,...

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Amy My Friend

My good friend Tim came over to visit for the weekend after we haven't see each other for a couple years. He was traveling back from a business trip and wanted to come see us. He was my best man at my wedding and I was excited to see him, as well as Amy, my wife. We all have been friends for quite some time. Tim has been divorced for a couple of years and hasn't been able to get involved with anybody during that period. So, me and Amy invited him over for dinner and to stay overnight. Amy...

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Assisting Miss Taylor

When I was in high school, I tried to a join group called The Betas. They were not really affiliated with the school in anyway. They were just some 12th graders who got together on a weekly basis and did all kinds of weird things to upset teacher's and see how much they could get by with. They usually had their meetings off campus, and you could even be suspended if it was discovered that you were a member. To belong to the group, you had to pass a sort of entrance exam. That is you had to do...

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Blackmailed Kleio Valentien Embezzler Kleios Blackmailed Buttfuck

Busty, tattooed blonde Kleio Valentien is in desperate need of a loan to cover up for her foolish behavior. The wealthy wife has been embezzling money from clients — her own and her husband’s — and it seems the victims are beginning to notice. At wit’s end trying to figure out how to evade discovery, shame and incarceration, the distressed beauty calls upon colleague Bill Bailey for assistance. Dumbfounded by Kleio’s seemingly ludicrous request, Bill realizes something’s...

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One Wild Night

One Wild NightGawaine C. Ross People call me Buck. I’m an artist in oil colors, and a sculptor. I run in marathons, so I’m in good shape. Most women smile when I walk by; I think it’s because I’m 6’6” and wear tight clothing. I have hazel eyes and brown hair. My parents were immigrants from Poland, and our whole family is very close. I have my own apartment and my own studio. I’d known about The Primeval Woman, an annual arts festival that takes place every year out in the Nevada desert. It...

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Laura Returns to Brazil Rio de Janeiro Team Slothrops I Can See For Miles

Laura and Harold are back. A character started by Jacki Pett and carried on by Bluto now comes to Angel's aid. Fly down to Rio with them and watch the action. Never make a victim, it can come back to bite you! I Can See For Miles - Laura Returns to Brazil - Rio de Janeiro Team By Bluto ***** Series Originator Note: I first met Bluto through his comments on one of my stories, and we found we shared a similar set of themes around the unsung and unwritten tales of the TG...

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I Meet Diane

Time passed in a procession of daydreams and fantasies. I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get that call, when late in the afternoon my phone rang! "Hello, is that my train companion?" a voice asked. My mouth went dry but I managed to stay cool and replied, "Yes it is, if that's my coat wearing lover?" She just gave a short throaty laugh and confirmed it was her. "What are you doing at the moment?" she asked. Even if I was busy there was no way I was going to turn down another...

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Ginger Fantasy

While on holiday during my final year of boy’s boarding school, I met Gerhard. My mother had developed a great friendship with his parents who I had never met during one of my quarterly visits. Sadly, Gerhard arrived at our home that evening to inform my mother that his dad, Gerhard Snr, had passed away. Naturally, having never met his Gerhard Snr, I merely sat by, watching their tearful interaction. Gerhard Jnr, several years older than me, was one of the most beautiful men I had ever seen. He...

Gay Male
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Special Family Love

The holidays were always interesting when the family gathered.  There was always talk in the town that the Dawson’s were an incestuous family.  There was, of course, no proof, but lots of speculation.The children were now all grown and lived out of state.  They’d all come home for the holidays for an extended amount of time.  That’s when all the talk would happen.  They all kept to themselves and they were all adults, so if something weird was going on, they weren’t breaking any laws.There were...

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Mentoring My Son A Mothers Story

"Mentoring My Son… A Mother’s Story"This work is a fictional biography, and is intended for the enjoyment of adults only. It broke my heart to see how some of the neighborhood k**s and his classmates treated him. They called him geek, nerd, weird, strange, wimp, and even pussy. It wasn’t his fault that he was painfully shy, incredibly intelligent, un-athletic and awkward… and that he had no interest or talent in sports of any kind. It broke my heart to see how they treated him because he...

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Unsatisfied Wife by Jayp

One day Vivek and Disha invited me over for a dinner and I accepted without hesitation. Whilst having dinner Vivek broke the news that he has been promoted at work and he has to go abroad for a year on assignment. I congratulated him as a good friend would and told him that I am really glad its all working out. Vivek also clarified because its a temporary assignment he is not allowed take his wife with him. I was shocked to hear that as they only been married for a year. He asked if I can help...

1 year ago
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Cajoled That Gym Babe

Hello to all the Indian sex stories readers. I am back once again with yet another story after a long time. This story is a bit long but please bear with me as I assure you that you will definitely enjoy this story and won’t be able to resist yourself from relieving yourself after reading this story. Now for those who are new to my stories, I will first tell you about myself in short. I am Rohan from Pune. I am 20 years old guy with 6ft height. I have muscular body as I always keep myself fit...

4 years ago
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Mysteries Of The Great Lake

Hengki rushed out of the classroom. He had enough for today. Especially when the lesson was so gloomy. "How The World Came To An End" had been the name the oracle had given today's part of their education. Outside Hengki had to shield his eyes from the sun. But even that helped only to a degree as the sunshine was reflected on the water around him. Nonetheless, he found his boat soon enough. It was one of about thirty that anchored at the school. It swayed as Hengki jumped down and for...

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after noon visit

My neighbor was an older mature woman, named sherry. I paid her a visit one day to see if she if she needed company turns out. She was watching an adult movie I decided to watch it with her I sat down on her couch worn old couch. And asked if she had something to drink I could have, so she gave me a beverage. The movie was get very interesting. My cock was getting erect and I knew I should go home. sherry looked down at my pants, and seen the movie was getting my interests up. She took it upon...

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XVideos PornForWomen

While the porn industry has always been dominated by male viewers, some sites have noticed that there has been an influx of female users in the last couple of years. That’s why websites like have started to implement porn for women. This kind of porn is more oriented towards chicks and if just appeals to them a lot more. If you’re a woman, then you probably know what kind of porn I’m talking about. We’re looking at sensual and erotic stuff, and sometimes taboo fantasies too, such as...

Porn for Women Sites

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