brother And sister Visit A Nude Beach
- 3 years ago
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Thanks to BDSM Bill for helping in the editing of this story. WithoutHis encouragement, editing and help I would be lost.
The Beach
Janet awakened startled. The phone was ringing. She turned over and stretchedout pale flesh as soft fingers grabbed the receiver.
"Hello?" she said.
"What's up?" The voice said.
"Hey baby. Good morning. How are you baby?" Janet said.
"Good morning. Busy day today. I am calling to see if you can get awayon Friday. All day and possibly all night." He said.
"Well Ben, I don't know. What is my reason?" she purred back.
"I want you to come with me to the beach." He replied.
"OH! Yes, Ben, of course. I will arrange it and go," she practicallysquealed.
"Great. I cannot wait to hold you, sweet darlin'," Ben said ina warm voice.
"I can't wait either, baby." She replied.
"Ok, I will meet you at the hotel parking lot, and we will travel togetherto the beach," Ben said.
"Ok, baby, until then," Janet said.
"Until then darlin'," He said.
"Bye, hon," Janet said softly.
"Bye bye. I will try to call you later," Ben said.
The phones were hung up. Janet turned over in bed, grabbed a pillow and huggedit closely to her. Wow, she never thought in a million years he would actuallygo through with taking her somewhere. Not just somewhere, but taking her tothe beach for an entire day, possibly a night. Janet's green eyes sparkledas thoughts drifted toward the upcoming trip. She sat straight up in bed. "Ohmy God, what will I wear?" she cried to no one.
Ben heard the excitement in Janet's voice and he smiled. He was glad he wouldbe able to get away and take her to a place where they could spend some unrushedtime together. He chose the beach as it was his favorite and he wanted to sharethe happiness he always felt there. He had already told his wife he was goingaway on business and would probably have to spend the night. So as long asJanet was able to cover her end, they would have at least one night together.
Janet spent the day looking through her wardrobe, trying to find somethingto take with her. She arranged to take off work and then decided to go shopping.She wanted something special to wear for Ben, something sexy, slinky and teasingto his eyes. Ben liked her to wear nice things for him, even if they only hada couple of hours together. She would meet him at the door wearing somethingdifferent each time. He enjoyed it very much. He would always compliment herand it would make her heart beat quicker.
Ben was busy at work but decided to call Janet, just to let her know he wasthinking about her. His day was going to shit fast but he had Friday to lookforward to and he would make love to her as many times as she could handle.He laughed to himself at that one. He looked out the window and noticed thesun bathing the sidewalk. The grass was so green today. The air was crisp andcool he had noted on the way inside. Ben picked up the phone and hit the speeddial and heard the ring.
"Hey baby," Janet said first thing.
"Hey darlin'." Ben said. "I thought I would give you a calland see how you were doing and let you know I was thinking about you."
"Awww, thank you babe. You are so sweet," Janet said. "I amout shopping. I need to find something new to wear for you Friday."
"Don't go through a lot of trouble baby. You won't be in clothes forlong. I had thought more along the lines of being naked the entire time. Isthat OK with you?" He laughed as he said this.
"Laughs. Yes of course that is wonderful. I want you so badly that nakedsounds beautiful and erotic to me," Janet said.
"Me to darlin'." Ben said.
"Well, baby, I am gonna buy something new anyway. Perhaps just a nightieand a swimsuit or something. I will find something to entice you with," Janetsaid.
"Darlin', you entice me. You don't need clothes to do that. It is thatbeautiful smile and wonderful personality that do me in all the time," Bensaid in a caressing manner.
"OK, darlin', I have to go. I have work to get done so we can spendthat day together," Ben said.
"OK, baby. I am heading into the shop now. Talk to you later, OK?" Sheasked.
"Yes, baby, later," Ben said.
The phones were hung up again. Ben began doing the paperwork again. Janetwent and began to shop, trying different lingerie on and frowning at almostevery piece that touched her pale, freckle-covered flesh. Janet was gettingweary with this expedition, and then finally found the perfect thing. It wasa red teddy that was not form fitting. It covered her plush curves well andwas very transparent. It had garter belts and red hose that she pulled on.The entire ensemble looked better than anything else she had tried on. Sheknew he would love it, or at least say he did.
Janet made her purchases and then headed home. She had to get everythingready before her house began to get busy. She packed her suitcase and beganto think of her reason for going out of town. She had already called into workfor Friday, but she had to tell her family something. She also needed her momto take her child for the weekend. Janet made the arrangements for her daughter.Finally, her husband was home. She explained to him that some of the girlswere getting together for an overnight stay at the beach, friends from herhometown. She really wanted to go and asked if he was OK with this. John toldher he was, so everything was set and ready to go.
Friday came, and Janet kissed her daughter goodbye. She told her husbandshe would call later that night. The day was cool, but clear. The air was sofresh that it felt like she was breathing it for the first time in life. Hernipples were hard as little pebbles. Her pussy ached and throbbed. The breezeblew through her hair, lifting it in the soft puffs of wind. The sun radiatedthe tresses, making her head seem like it was covered in a roaring fire. Thesmell of fall was in the air. She could not wait to get to the hotel. Janetclimbed into her vehicle and headed for the meeting spot.
Ben had made excuses with his wife as well and made sure his kids were takencare of for the weekend. He told his wife he had a business conference andwould be back Saturday or Sunday. He headed out the door and got into his car.He was having to rein himself in, as he wanted to be there right now. The anticipationwas killing him. He sped down the highway, anxious to get there. Finally hepulled into the parking lot, and there she was. He stopped in the entranceand just looked at her. She had not seen him yet so he was able to just watchher. Janet was radiant today. The sun seemed to illuminate her body. She glowedwith warmth and sensuality that Ben knew she had no idea she possessed.
Janet had a hard time accepting compliments. Ben, of course, knew this andhe was working on it with her. Janet felt him before she saw him. She stoppedwhat she was doing and looked toward the entrance. There he was, just staringat her. Jane felt the red hue begin to suffuse over her body. How in the worldcould he just watch her? What did he think about when he did, she wondered?She waved her hand to him. She had her bags out and ready to be loaded intothe car. Ben pulled in beside her and got out. He loaded her bags and openedthe passenger's door for Janet. She bent and molded herself against the leatherseat. The car was so comfortable. The drive would only be a couple of hours.There was lots she could do to cause mischief in that small amount of time.She laughed loudly then. Ben looked at her and saw that glint in her beautifuleyes and knew for certain he was in for lots of surprises.
He entered the car, looked around, and saw no one about, so he leaned overand captured her mouth with his. The kiss was brief, but the electricity inthe car that resulted would power a hundred houses for hours. Ben could seethat Janet was breathless from that brief kiss. He knew she was feeling nervous,excited, and emotional all at once. He loved how her body surrendered to histouch. The things she had let him do to her were just unexplainable to him.
He had spanked her hard a couple of times. He remembered the first time helay her over his knees as he sat on the bed, so the bed supported them both.His hand rubbed the ivory moons. He noted every freckle there. Then, withoutwarning, had brought his hand down with a loud SMACK! Janet had bit her lipthen, and had not screamed. He repeated the smacks, noting her flesh turnedred, then bright cherry-red, to where the heat was explosive from her cheeks.She was writhing on his lap then. He took his fingers and moved them throughthe cleft of her ass until he reached her pussy. He was surprised to find itsopping wet.
His cock was already hard, but damn, when he felt her so wet he went rigid.His fingers moved into her. Her walls were hot and slick. She was sweatingas she began to beg. He added another finger, and then decided to spank heragain. His hands would alternate. Fingers were shoved in, then SMACK as fingerswithdrew. He did this for about 15 slaps to the ass when suddenly he felt thechange. Janet exploded all over his hand and legs. She was like an ocean. Hehad never felt someone get so wet and let go so well. Her ass was on fire,though. He knew she would not sit for awhile.
Ben returned to the here-and-now and thought he would have to do the spankingthing again. Janet had been so hot that day. She had lost control, and thatis what he wanted her to do. They rode to the beach talking about everything,work, play, home, family, friends, money and of course how things were goingwith them. He apologized for all the cancelled times, and hoped this trip wouldmake up for it as he intended. Janet sat in the seat, stopped talking, andjust watched him. He noticed that she had suddenly been quiet. Then he knewwhy.
"Baby, could you pull over a moment?" Janet asked.
"Of course, darlin', you OK?" He asked.
"Yes, I am well, hon." She replied.
Ben pulled the car off the shoulder of the road, making sure to be far offthe side as he did not wish to have his car door hit off or any other typeof accident today. Janet leaned forward and whispered "You have a spoton your pants, Ben. I am just going to see if I can wash it out." Sureenough, Janet leaned over and unbuttoned his trousers and an audible zip washeard following. Ben was rock hard after having remembered the spanking. Hecaught his breath when he heard her respond to his member.
Janet leaned forward and found that Ben was hard. She pulled his cock outof his boxers, and in one great lunge consumed his hard meat into her mouth.She took him deep until the head was pushing at the back of her throat. Shewas consumed with desire then. She knew that her petals were soaked, but shewanted to do this for him. She began to run her tongue up and down the shaftas she moved his cock in and out. Her fingers worked magic on his balls.
Ben was showing signs of being very aroused, to the point of being readyto beg her to hurry. Instead, his hands wrapped in her hair, and he began pushingher onto his cock. He made her keep his pace, not the other way around. Janetfelt the change, and she cooed and whimpered. She loved it when he took controllike this. She felt him her throat open more. He was almost gagging her withhis thick girth. God, his cock was so smooth, and she could taste his pre-cum.Suddenly she heard his voice. He was going to cum. She knew it was happeningwhen she felt the head seem to double in size, blocking her airway. Suddenly,she felt the warm, wet, salty fluid hit her mouth. She began swallowing quickly,as she could still feel him shove her head up and down, up and down.
Ben felt her mouth wrap around his cock, and it was like heaven, or whathe perceived as heaven -- so hot, so slick. He was so turned on, and that shewould do this in the car on the highway was just exciting to him. She was relentless,keeping up with the pace he set. He was on fire as she moved her tongue aroundhis shaft, sucking the head every chance he offered, but mostly just movingwith him. He felt her fingers graze his balls and squeeze them. His balls werewet from her saliva and his fingers were gripping her hair so tightly. Suddenly,he felt her finger against his ass. He knew what she was about to do but wasunsure about it until he felt her push gently into the sphincter. His ass tightenedup worse than anything he had ever felt, but her mouth was moving like crazy,and as her finger moved in and out and her mouth up and down he suddenly felthis balls tighten and his body was so close.
"Oh God, I am going to explode, babe. Here it comes. Oh, yes!!" Heyelled.
Janet felt her mouth fill with his essence and slide down her throat. Sheswallowed with no problem and continued sucking just the head. She felt hishands grip her head holding her still as he enjoyed the feeling and spasmsthat erupted more juice into her mouth. Finally he released her head. He wasbreathing heavily and she saw him sitting there in the seat with eyes closed.
Janet's head came up and her eyes sparkled with lust for him. Her lips wereswollen from the pressure of the blow job, and they looked more full and pouty.She kissed his ear and whispered, "Did you enjoy it, baby?"
"Yes! Darlin' how could I not?" He said.
Things grew quiet then as he grasped her hand and returned to the highway.He wanted to hurry up and get there now. His thoughts wandered to the hotelroom he had reserved, the hot tub and the large, king-sized bed. He also couldhear the water hitting the beach as the breeze off the ocean would come throughthe room.
Janet rested her head against Ben's shoulder and closed her eyes. She wastired now, which was to be expected. They both knew her energy came and went.The car lulled her like a baby. The warmth of his body kept her company inher dreams. It was not long before she felt the car stop. Ben kissed her softly. "Wakeup, sleepy head. We are at the hotel, baby," Ben said.
"Oh, wow. I am sorry, Ben. I did not mean to sleep the entire trip," Shesaid.
"It is OK, darlin'." Ben replied.
Ben and Janet exited the car. They were both anxious to get checked in andspend the rest of the day and night together. Ben carried the bags and checkedin while Janet waited at the car. He returned with the keys, and led the wayto the room. There were pools indoors and outdoors. Janet heard the waves ofthe ocean crashing on the beach. She could smell the salt, and almost tasteit from the breeze that blew past her. They rode the elevator up to the room.Janet was having very naughty thoughts about the elevator. Unbeknownst to her,so was Ben. He looked over at her and saw her flushed cheeks and knew she wasthinking just what he was. He laughed out loud at that. Janet looked at himoddly. He just winked. Janet blushed more.
Ben opened the door to the room and placed the bags at the makeshift closet. "Closeyou eyes, Janet," He said. Janet closed her eyes like he asked and felther heart flutter. Ben led Janet toward the in-ground hot tub that sat at thesliding glass doors of the room. "Open your eyes now, honey," Hesaid.
Janet was in awe. The ocean was slamming onto the beach. There was a hottub in the room where they could open the doors and allow the ocean breezeto caress them as the tub delighted them. She smiled so bright that Ben thoughtit changed the color of her eyes. "It is lovely Ben. Thank you for this.It is so beautiful here," Janet said.
Ben leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. Janet melted and meldedher body to his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him lead theway of things to come. Ben was hard already. He knew they needed to eat butthat was what room service was for anyway. He also knew it would be dark soon,and he wanted to walk the beach with her. Ben decided he could not wait. Heneeded her now. His fingers began removing the buttons from the holes on hershirt. Janet's fingers began tracing patterns on his back. The last buttongave and her shirt fell open, revealing the red lace bra she had bought. Hiseyes lit up at the way her nipples were poking out through the lace. Janet'sfingers found the bottom of his shirt, and she pulled it over his head. Shetossed it to the ground.
Ben found the buttons to her skirt and he released that as well. Janet feltthe material as it fell down over her hips, with his hands following the slowmovement. Janet's fingers found his belt and she removed the buckle and unbuttonedthe pants. As she moved down his body her lips found his nipple, then his side,belly, hip, and then, finally, his cock. It was already dripping some as herlips found the tip. Her hands continued removing the clothing as her mouthtasted the delicious flesh.
Ben knew if he did not stop her he was going to lose it quickly. He wantedher so badly that he was ready to explode with very little contact. Ben wrappedhis hands in her hair and pulled her away from his shaft. He tugged gentlyfor her to come up to him. His mouth quickly devoured hers, as he removed herbra, and then her panties. He knew she was embarrassed, as she was always shywith him. Eventually, though, he hoped she would get over that. The breezeblew softly through the curtains that covered the sliding glass door. The beachwas silent except for the waves crashing onto the surf.
He sat down on the bed and pulled her onto his lap. His lips found hers oncemore, and then he surprised her. He pointed to the top of the bed, where shesaw something dangling. She crawled up there, and what she saw made her eyespop wide open. There dangling was a silk tie. She wondered when he did this,but did not ask as she felt his hand on her shoulder. Janet complied with thepressure, turned over, and lay upon her back. Ben was on her quickly, his kneepushing her thighs apart as his hands lifted hers to the silk. Janet couldfeel the hard length of his shaft against her thigh. Her hips automaticallymoved, trying to caress that piece of him. Ben secured her wrists and madesure that it was not so tight as to cut off circulation. Then he proceededto do as he had promised once before.
Janet began to struggle. She was strung as taut as a banjo string right now.She knew the moment his mouth left her lips and moved down toward her breastswhat he was going to do now. Her mind was in a frenzy. She did not cum thatway. She had once, maybe twice, but no more than twice. She got too uptight,too nervous to relax and allow it to just happen. She had shared this withBen, and he had said he was going to do that to her one day to show her thatshe could relax, and she would cum. Janet's eyes closed as she tried to relax.His mouth was biting her nipples over and over again. Janet was squirming beneathhim as her hips still undulated, reaching for his thigh. He pressed his thighdown and felt her grind against it hard. Ben was glad he was able to turn heron like this. He continued to move his thigh rhythmically against her mound,his mouth wreaking havoc on the hard buds. Janet's pussy was randy againsthis leg. He moved rapidly down her abdomen. His tongue drew traces and circlesdown her belly, until he reached her mound of shaved petals. His fingers partedthe silky petals, and he dipped his tongue into that fountain like a pen toink.
Janet arched off the bed the moment his tongue touched her there. She moanedand panted with each stroke of his tongue. Her heart raced, and she moved asmuch as she could on the bed. Her hands pulled at the silk ties. She yankedagainst it and cried out in total frustration. The pressure was building. Itwas getting autoerotic and so wet. She was beginning to sweat and panic. Benwas relentless. He would not let up. He kept the stroking up as his fingersentered her deep. He moved them in and out. She was soaked and drowning inher own essence. He could feel her walls shuddering and know she was close. "Iknow you are close, honey. Just relax. You can do this. I know you can, andyou will," Ben said.
"Oh, oh, oh, this is torture," she cried out.
Ben continued his assault on her clit. She was so very, very close, whensuddenly she felt his teeth. About the time his teeth bit down into that tenderbud, he slid a third finger deep inside her. Janet came off the bed with bothhips. She screamed loudly as the orgasm ripped through her body. Her body buckedbeneath his mouth and her juices flooded his hand. She sounded like she wascrying as she came. Ben knew though that this is how she sounded when she reallycame. He continued to bite that pearl a little more as he wanted her to trulyget the most out of this. Janet knew if he kept biting her she would lose consciousness,or so she thought. His fingers did not stop. Ben kept the movement in and outof the spasming barrier, and his teeth kept scraping that swollen bud. It wassolid and swollen. It was in perfect shape to pierce. He continued playingwith her for another five minutes or so, and then stopped.
Ben moved up her body, and in one swift motion was buried to the hilt insideher tight, honey-coated opening. She cried out again as his girth stretchedher so wide. God, she was smooth and fine. The one thing that always amazedhim was how constricted she was, and how snug he felt inside her. His lipsfound hers, and she could taste her sweetness on him. Their tongues playedlike dolphins in the surf. His cock moved in and out slowly. He pushed forwardand pulled out gently. He continued to yield and resist inside her. Her legslifted and allowed him even deeper access. His teeth found her neck and shefelt him bite her there. She loved it when he bit her. Ben could feel her fingerson his back. She dragged her nails down his back lightly. She knew she couldnot leave any marks. He trusted her, as she did him. They had a perfect situationthat was enjoyable for them both. Ben wanted to bury himself in her abysmalwell. He wanted her ass so badly. Janet stopped him. She whispered somethingin his ear, and he stopped dead inside her.
"What did you say?" he asked.
"Untie me, lover. I want to give you a gift," she replied.
Ben withdrew carefully, not wanting to lose his erection or to cum by accident.He untied her from the headboard. His eyes never left hers as she looked deeplyinto his. Then, with a smile, she turned over. She placed her head down uponthe pillow and allowed her ass to press high up toward the ceiling. His heartabout stopped. He knew what she was offering now. He was in total shock. Hedid not think she would ever let him do this. She was always telling him hewas too thick for her. She pulled something out from under the pillow and hesaw that it was the bottle of anal ease. He almost came just at the thoughtof going inside that ass. He was speechless. He leaned forward and kissed hershoulder. His lips moved down her back, and he even kissed the pale half moonsof her ass.
Janet knew he would be surprised, and she was so joyful for the look thathis eyes gave her. She knew this was special to him, and would be for them.She felt his fingers slide into her tunnel and pull forth her essence. Shecould feel his fingers sliding past her puckered hole, coating it with herown cum. She then felt the coldness of the anal ease. She jumped when it wasapplied to her hole. Janet halfway screeched as it chilled her. Ben chuckleda little at this. He then began to work the anal ease into her ass. He lubedher well, and made sure to stretch her a little before he even attempted toplace his member there. The time neared, as he was able to put three fingersin and past her muscle. He held his fingers in her ass and opened her. He thrustforward, placing the head at her entrance, and felt her tense immediately.
"Relax, honey. If you don't relax it will hurt, and I do not want tohurt you. If you don't want to do this, I will stop. I do not have to havethis," Ben said.
"No Ben, I want to give this to you. I want to share this with you.I trust you, and I know you will stop if I cannot handle it at this time," Shereplied.
Ben kissed her back again. He waited patiently until he felt her relax. Hemoved the head between his fingers until his head was at the tightest stricture.Removing his fingers helped her adjust to his girth. He waited. The fingersof his other hand moved around to her clit and began to rub it gently. He couldhear her moaning and her breathing pick up as her pleasure and need built swiftly.He felt her relax and he pressed forward and stopped again. He continued toplay with her and move forward when she would relax. It took about five minutes,but finally he was all the way in, and she had not cried out in pain at all.He played with her some more, and then felt her pull away and then move backonto him. She started the rhythm, so he knew she was ready. His hands restedon the rise of her hips. He then slapped her ass hard. He began to alternateslaps with thrusts. Her cheeks reddened fast. He was lost in her gift and thefeeling of this tight grip on his manhood. "God, this was incredible," hethought, as he continued to move inside her.
Janet was about to cum again. She wanted to cum with him. She held back andwaited for him. She felt him begin to swell in her ass, and his hands had duginto her backside. He was groaning, moaning, and panting. She felt the sweatfrom his forehead hit her flesh. She heard him before she felt him. His handgripped her clit hard, and he pulled. When he did that, lightening shot throughher body. She felt herself release, screaming loudly as she came. Her ass bumpedback against him forcefully. His cum shot forth and bathed her insides. Shecould feel it way up inside of her, the force was so great. He pumped her hardthree times, then two slow, then three more quick. Ben then stopped and restedagainst her back. Janet's spasms kissed her body as Ben spent himself insideher. She moaned as her heart raced. She felt so alive and so sexy.
Ben pulled out of her ass slowly. He was numb at the tip of his cock fromthe anal ease but God, he felt good. He felt awesome. Ben pulled her closeto him, and they snuggled for a while and allowed their bodies to cool down.She got him to turn over after a little while, and began to massage his shoulders.Ben thought she was so good at this. Her hands were like magic. She knew justhow hard to squeeze, push, and stretch. Janet loved feeling his skin beneathher fingers. It felt so nice to be here alone with him, with no phones, nospouses, no kids, nothing to interrupt them for an entire day. They would rememberthis day for a very long time to come, since days like this would be very few.Janet continued to manipulate his flesh until Ben fell asleep.
Janet got up after Ben fell asleep and unpacked her bag. She started thewater of the bath and settled down into the tub. Janet relaxed there, almostfalling asleep herself. She knew Ben would rest for a while, so she took hertime. She climbed out of the bath and dried off. She rubbed her special lotioninto her skin and allowed the soft scent to permeate the air. She got out thenew outfit and began to dress. She pulled a dress on over the ensemble andthen went to wake Ben. They were going to dinner. At least she thought theywere. Ben seemed to have other plans. He wanted to see her outfit before theywent out. Janet pulled her dress off and allowed him to gaze at what she hadbought. What he saw took his breath away. She had bought a new lingerie outfitfor him, and it was the entire works. Garters and all were there. He stoodthere and just looked at her up and down. She was gorgeous. Beautiful. "Honey,you are beautiful. So beautiful. Thank you for this, and for being you!" Bensaid.
She blushed very red and replied softly. "Thank you baby for bringingme here and treating me so well. This is the best I have felt in ages."
They got dressed, went out to eat, and enjoyed the rest of their time together.
Readers will just have to imagine what he did to her after dinner. Perhapsa sequel?
Written by niyah2. Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and all names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No characters are under the age of 18. As always comments, kudos and criticisms welcome. Beach Taking a break from the nasty porn, the twisted chat rooms, and the obsessive masturbating, I decided to do something...
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Kristen and I arrived in St. Martin, we traveled from the airport to our resort on the French side of the island. We checked into the resort and made our way to our room, where a chilled bottle of champagne was waiting for us. We popped the bubbly to celebrate the beginning of a wonderful week in paradise. Kristen always gets into her vacation mode. That means she wears very sexy and revealing clothing that she wouldn’t normally be wearing around town, at home. She also becomes much more...
Brenda Oliver sat down with her husband Steve at the table they were led to on the veranda outside the dining room. “Your waitress will be with you in a moment,” the hostess told them. “Breakfast is served buffet-style.” “Thank you,” replied Steve. His eyes lingered on the trim form of the hostess as she walked away; she and the waitresses wore short wrap dresses in an island print, and low sandals. He turned back to see his wife watching him with amusement, and blushed. “I’m pretty sure I...
When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past the family, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying thanks as I moved down past where they were to set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...
"Why don't we go away this weekend?" I asked Trish as I muted the advertisement on the television. "You could take Friday off, maybe Monday, we could drive up the coast or something!" My wife looked up from her laptop and grimaced. "It's a bit short notice. It's going to be hot this weekend isn't it? You know I don't like the heat.""Well yeah, that's the idea of going to the beach." I encouraged. "Come on, we haven't gone anywhere in ages. You could do with a break."Again she looked not overly...
Dear Friends / Readers Here I am back with new, fresh and another special sex game played at the open beach but away from stranger’s eyes. But before anything else, I would like to thanks Rishma for her support and co-operation in posting of MY SEXUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY. I am really thankful to my group “indiansexstories” for making me so popular among the readers. Secondly, I am also thankful to all of my readers and fans for their thousands of mail of appreciation. I tried my best to reply...
"Do we go to the hotel and check in or straight to the beach?" Stephen asked the beautiful passenger sitting beside him. "The beach," Sarah replied. "We have plenty of time to check in and this beautiful sunshine shouldn't be wasted." "The beach it is," he said as he put on the indicator and turned down the road to the beach. Stephen smiled as he thought about what was happening. He had been chatting with Sarah online for the past couple of months now and finding out that they had heaps in...
ExhibitionismGod, it had been ages since I'd been to the beach. I'd driven along the coast a couple times a year over the last decade but had always been too busy to spend a day at the beach. Now I had all the time in the world and I intended to spend much more time out here. In my early twenties this was my usual weekend haunt. That's a story in itself and one worth telling. I guess I should tell that one first so I'll come back to the beach after I tell you how I got to the beach. Never mind, just keep...
My Favorite MILFs Day At The Beach I live in Orange County, California near one of the very large shopping malls located in this area. In fact, my apartment is only two blocks from this particular mall, which houses several of the large, high end, department stores. The type stores that have departments selling expensive women's shoes and apparel. It will soon become clear, why I mention these stores.This past Friday, my favorite MILF, girlfriend Sarah, and her on / off friend...
This is the sequel to my earlier story, 'Carried Away'. It is a bit more fanciful. But I hope that you enjoy it.At the BeachCheryl called Sharon about mid-week and told her that they were planning on coming back for the upcoming weekend and asked if we wanted to get together with them again. Sharon immediately said yes. Cheryl suggested that they pick us up and we all drive out to the end of the peninsula to visit a special beach there. Upon hearing this, my wife agreed without hesitation...
tThe weather and life-style in South Florida is envied by many people, especially those living in the colder climates. I was fortunate to be born and raised in the greater Miami area, and then even more blessed when I was able to find gainful employment back here after going away to college. My wife Laura is from the Orlando area, and we met in college in our senior year. Now we live in a suburb of Miami that is close to the beaches where I spent time as a teenager.My name is Jimmy, and we are...
BisexualFinally, junior year was over and summer had arrived. I was officially a senior now! I had so many plans for the summer. My friends and I already had tickets to a bunch of summer concerts. We planned on spending our days at the local amusement parks and beaches, and our nights partying at one house or another. It was going to be epic! Of course, none of this could start until after my family vacation. This year, two weeks in North Carolina on the Outer Banks. Basically, one long island...
Chapter One: On the beachThe weather had finally cleared, a week at the beach and it had taken until Thursday for the sun to come out.Bill dropped his towel onto the hot sand, kicking of his shoes and shorts he slid his T-shirt off before lying face down on his towel."Better put some sun cream on Billy or you'll burn"He turned his head to look at his mom who was spreading a towel beside him."I guess""Here I'll do it"With that Mary Price knelt beside her teenage son, squirting sun cream onto his...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
The white-foamed spray leapt up in a shower as the blunt bows of the dingy thumped into the swell. Robbie knew he had to put a couple of kilometres between himself and the point. Otherwise the in-rushing tide will trap him inside the reef. He'd come to Blackner's beach now for three summers. The beach was a wee bit of an open secret in the area. Secluded, remote and only accessable by sea or farm track, it had all the qualities Robbie desired. Old man Blackner would have closed the track...
Nude beach experienceWe took a visit to California and my husband wanted me to go to Black's Beach, a nude beach near San Diego. Although we had been to the French Caribbean and I had been topless and nude on a more secluded beach I had never been to one in the United States. I told him okay but I had a condition, he would have to be nude and do something for me while we were there. He eagerly agreed to my request whatever it was. My plan was to embarass and show him off at the beach. We left...
Introduction Oh what a difference two months can make! A little over six weeks ago, I was a shy, normal forty two year old housewife and mother of two living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain. I had never had intercourse with anyone other than my husband, Oscar. We had a good, albeit somewhat boring, marriage. I was not sexually satisfied, but I never thought about it much. Sex just wasn't a huge priority in my life. I felt sex was a duty I fulfilled for my husband. I seldom climaxed. When...
Cuckold"This is a sex vacation," Tommy said."You know what that means."I was quiet and did not reply feeling both excitement and trepidation atthe prospect of another beach vacation."I know you know what that means," injected Tommy into the silence."Yes," I said."So be prepared."Tommy had purposely given me 10 days notice of his intentions. 10 days towonder. 10 days to speculate. 10 days to be anxious. 10 days to thinkabout our past two beach vacations. One thing I knew for sure: I would be naked...
The beach was deserted and lonely, the sand cold and damp. Even the waves looked frigid as they broke across the dark, hard packed sand. The skies were slate grey with low clouds scudding across the horizon and my footprints were the only ones in the sand; solitary dents trailing behind me as I trudged along. The winter wind was brisk, tearing at my clothing, seeking for any gaps between my coat and my body so it could whisk away what little warmth was trapped inside. I leaned forward a bit,...
"You're sure that that's what will happen Mr. Barnet?" "Please, call me Frank. And yes, if I know Vikki, and I think I do, that's exactly what I think she'll do." "And you're sure I can't talk you into telling me what song she'll be doing Frank?" "Sorry Justin, that's one part of her surprise it would be more than my life's worth to divulge. And unfortunately we don't have a copy of the song you mentioned, we are however big on Cliff Richard so we will have the song of his...
Down in the Virgin Islands there is a beach, it is a small, somewhat remote beach and is accessible by four-wheel drive, and then only when the path isn’t washed out from a recent rain. It is near the famous Megans Beach, and is shown on maps only as Neltjeberg Bay. I know it as Eleanor’s Beach. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, or at least of the beaches I have seen; and yet few people know of it. Or, perhaps, they are simply afraid to speak of it. I had been working...
First TimeMotherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures Sites******************************************************* This one came like all the others - in that strange world between dream and fantasy. What would happen if two macho guys went to a private beach where the price of admission was a change? I've got at least four story ideas in this same setting to follow - someday. In the meantime, if anyone else finds this stirs a story idea, I'll post the rules to the list. ******************************************************* Bikini...
September is a lovely time of the year in Sydney. The winter chills have given way to a blissful warm sun, but the full blaze of the summer heat has not yet arrived. It is about this time each year that my body clock decides it needs some rays to shake off the winter blues. Luckily, I have a wonderful little beach within decent walking distance of my home. It was a lovely September Saturday that I set out for Cobblers Beach, a little nudist beach nestled away from the crowds in Sydney Harbour....
Every day for the past six months, I walk my dog on a quiet bay beach. While the ocean beaches here in the Hamptons are among the most beautiful beaches in the world, the bay beaches ain't chopped liver. Plus the facts that I can walk him anytime I want as long as I pick up after him (the town has plastic doggie-bag dispensers in the parking area), that it's close to where I live and that during the week, it is usually empty, makes this beach ideal. Except for the holiday weekends when families...
Every day for the past six months, I walk my dog on a quiet bay beach. While the ocean beaches here in the Hamptons are among the most beautiful beaches in the world, the bay beaches ain't chopped liver. Plus the facts that I can walk him anytime I want as long as I pick up after him (the town has plastic doggie-bag dispensers in the parking area), that it's close to where I live and that during the week, it is usually empty, makes this beach ideal. Except for the holiday weekends when families...
BisexualMy name is Genevieve, but you can call me Ginny. I'm a sixty years old, divorced, and live in a small town in western Ohio. However, today I'm sitting a warm sandy beach in Hawaii, soaking up the rays of the sun, and watching the white sails that dot the blue waters. I came here to renew my spirit and maybe find a man to make me feel like a woman again. My story starts in early February, when I glanced out the window I noticed there was more snow on the ground. I shivered, "Burr, I'm...
"There is no football game this Saturday. How about we go out to Lake Travis?" Tommy suggested to Blake."Can't, my folks are going to be here - all day.""Well then, I guess it'll just be Charlene and me. Not that that's all bad..." Tommy looked at Charlene, "...but it'd sure be fun if you could come too." Tommy continued looking in Charlene's direction, inviting her agreement."Of course it'd be great if Blake could go - but he can't," Charlene lamented, "so maybe we could...
ExhibitionismCaryl’s Day at the BeachI’ve been going topless at the beach for years and years, but always at the far end as far as possible away from other beach goers. One thing I found out early in my trips was that the closer to the main gate and the private property had the least amount of people around. As this is a provincial park nudity was highly frowned upon. When I was younger and found this spot, the only people that seemed to come anywhere near where we parked our blankets and towels were...
TURNABOUT AT THE BEACHChapter 1Dotty and Carol had been best friends for years. They both worked in the accounting department of a small insurance firm and their families had gotten together often for picnics and such over the years, until Carol’s husband, Roger, had died five years earlier. Although the two remained close, the family get-togethers had ceased. Dotty and her husband, Mike had a son in high school, Greg, who was the same age as Carol’s only child, Beth. Spring had arrived and...
I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesWhen Babs and I got married, she was pretty straight laced. She made me wait until our wedding night to have sex with her. She was so beautiful and her athletic build made me want her all the time, but I honored her request to wait. Our friends had rented us a hotel room for the first night before we flew off on our honeymoon. All I’ll say about that first night is that it was very much worth waiting for. Both of our parents had got together and sent us on a two week honeymoon to Australia and...
The temperature was perfect! My hand leisurely slid over my not-so-flat stomach as I began to coat my body with sunscreen. The breeze lightly blew warm tendrils all over my body, increasing the electric pulse that I could feel building deep within me. For the third time that morning I stole a glance at him. He lay on a lounge chair, face up, with a straw hat covering his face. His body was gorgeous! I could only hope that his face was equally so. I couldn't help that my eyes kept wandering to...
Love StoriesAs always, this story may only be posted at sites, which charge no fees to read the stories, and must notify me prior to posting. This story is copyrighted to the author known as Caleb Jones and all rights are reserved, save for the concepts owned by Elrod and Bill Hart, and the owners of the Gidget licenses. I make no claims on them; I just borrowed them for this story. (Elrod asked me to remind all that this tale is set before Anya grows up and goes to work at Bikini Beach. My...
I keep getting these questions asked: When was it that I was aware of my penchant for exhibitionism and how old was I the first time that I let a stranger see me naked? I realized that I liked it when men looked at me when I was still pretty young, probably 13 or so, maybe a little younger. However, I was 16 years old the first time I actually let a group of strange men see me naked. It happened at Black's Beach in San Diego. My best friend Rachel and were both 16 and were both cheerleaders...
What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesSummer at the Beach It all started very simply, with me (Sandra, Sandy for short, how appropriate,laughing) and my friend Ruth drinking is a beach-side bar outside of Savannah,Georgia. Now I grew up at the beach, so such haunts were old stomping groundsfor me. Ruth on the other hand had grown up in Indiana. We were both studentsat the time, down to the beach for a good time. I looked over at Ruth. She was indeed striking, moderately tall, thin, withalmost white blonde hair falling well below...
I felt a new sense of dread as the plane door closed and I buckled my belt. I actually thought I was going to be sick for an instant, but it was all in my imagination. There was no longer any escape, I was really on my way to spend New Year’s with my family. It’s not that I hate them, I actually have a lot of good memories growing up with them, along with some very bad ones. It’s just that they don’t understand me, they never had, and by now I don’t expect them to but that doesn’t remove the...
For several years Jill and I have spent our spare time at the beach. We have a neat, gray wooden house overlooking the sea, set a little back from the top of the dunes so that our front porch is sheltered from the sea breeze by the beach grass and the rise of the dune. We bought the place because of the deck. We can lie naked in the sun all day, observing through the mesh that surrounds the railing those who, clothed, sun and play and swim below us. The deck is on the upper floor...
Alena couldn’t believe she’d drawn guard duty on Harvest Day. She’d turned seventeen a few weeks ago, so she was finally old enough to find a partner to celebrate with. Well, she got off shift at sundown. Maybe she’d be able to find a nice guy during the night bonfire. Alena smiled. Emily, a blooded warrior of twenty-one summers, had promised to introduce her to several good-looking men that night. Alena could hear the roar of the crowd in the town square as she looked out over the...
On the 30th of December 2014, James and I went to an unofficial nude beach. As those that have read our other stories would know, whenever we go on our "adventures" I usually wear as little as possible. This was no different. My outfit consisted of a tiny pink skirt that did not cover my ass fully, no panties (obviously), a brand new buttoned crop top and no bra (even more obvious). The new crop top was a great find. The top had five buttons and with each one I undid, I showed off more and more...
ExhibitionismMy favorite beach is less than an hour from where I live on the Mid-Atlantic coast. It is actually more on the bay than the ocean with the upper portion of it being an unofficial nude beach. Due to its limited access and lengthy walk, the upper beach has become a haven for gay and bisexual activity. At its peak season, it is still sparsely occupied with fewer than two or three people per hundred yards. The beach is only twenty or so feet wide, at high tide, with heavy vegetation behind it...
CrossdressingThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyAbout ten years ago my wife and I were on holidays on the beautiful island of Menorca in the Med. It was our first time there but not our last. It had been recomended to us by friends who said it was nice and quite. Not to many discos and lager louts, just a relaxing place. We had also been told to book a car with our holiday, because if we wanted to find the best beaches we would need to drive to them. We had been to all the other so called hot spots with the night life and all that goes with...
Friends had told us about a nudist beach they'd discovered the previous summer. It sounded like fun but we were a little hesitant. Neither Tim nor I had ever gone naked in public. Our friends reassured us that the beach was clothing optional. We could leave our swimsuits on if we liked. Lots of people did.Like most students we were short of money. We reserved bunks in a youth hostel and took the overnight train to the coast. We didn't get much sleep and arrived bleary-eyed and aching in every...
This one particular time when I was lucky enough to go with them to spend time at the beach, I ran into a young lady while there. The afternoon when this all happened, we were all lounging under some umbrellas down by the ocean having a good time with some great conversation and going swimming whenever we got to hot. There were a few other families set up, enjoying their time at the beach, but suddenly a mother and two of her children drove up and set up just down the beach a little bit. I...
The two have gone to the nude beach a few times in the past. At first Alexa only took off her top, but by the second time she felt comfortable enough to go fully nude. Alexa is 5'6" weighs about 120 has brunette hair and perfect 32 DD breasts. In Chris' opinion she is always the sexiest girl on the beach. Alexa likes to go the nude beach because she likes to check out other nude people and it makes her so horny. Every time she and Chris go to the beach they are entertained by the other...