The escort
- 4 years ago
- 34
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As she sat naked in front of her computer on her butt plug, she began typing her next story. The plug had been stretching her hole for over an hour, only three more to go. Sitting on it made her so horny, her clit was throbbing for attention. She wanted so badly to run to her bedroom, masturbate and use her vibrator to get some relief. But, she dare not disappoint him once again. She had displeased him too many times and each time made her feel worse than the previous. This time, she would follow his instructions, write her story, and wait for his call to remove the plug.
He asked her to document their last meeting and submit the story to him. It was difficult enough for her to remember everything that happened at the hotel, never mind, write about it while sitting on a butt plug, craving some form of sexual relief. Any type of relief would do. Oh, how she needed to cum!
Her asshole was twitching from the plug, which caused her pussy to pulsate and her clit to throb. Every time she recalled that second meeting in the hotel, she became more and more wet. How could she possibly write about what happened while in this condition? Besides, she could barely remember it since she was so new to submission and terrified to meet him that second time. It all happened so fast and now it was just one big blur in her head.
He told her what he planned on doing that night to her virgin ass and she was surprised to discover that she loved every minute of it. He began tormenting her immediately after their first meeting, when he humiliated her in the restaurant, stuffed her panties into her mouth and made her walk back to her car in broad daylight.
After that first encounter, she became a wild woman, emailing and flirting with anyone who sent her feedback from her latest Lite rotica story. She even shared parts of their first meeting with another author. When he found out, he wasn’t happy and told her that she “cheapened their story.” After reading his email about how disappointed he was, she felt horrible about what she had done. He was right and she couldn’t believe that her behavior was so irrational.
She didn’t do it on purpose. It’s just that she was so excited and needed desperately to talk to someone about what he did at the restaurant and how he made her feel. There was no one else to talk to. Being new to submission, she didn’t know what was happening to her. She was constantly horny and needed relief, needed to be fucked, needed to cum. She knew she was out of control, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself.
He knew it too and that’s why he called the next morning to deal with her negative actions. He wasn’t happy when he discovered her emails to the other Doms, especially the author. She barely slept as she was up all night crying and thinking about what she had done, trying to figure out why she behaved the way she did. Tears were running down her face as she thought about how she disappointed him. All of a sudden, the phone rang. It was Him.
“I am so sorry for what I’ve done. Please forgive me.” She said.
“I know that you are sorry.” He replied.
There was a long uncomfortable pause.
“I promise I will never do it again. I won’t respond to any emails. I won’t ever share our story with anyone.” She said.
“Have you showered yet? He asked.
“No.” She replied.
“What are you planning to wear to work today?” He asked.
“A skirt, top, high heels, bra and panties.” She responded.
“What kind of panties?” He asked.
“I’m not sure yet.” She replied.
“Open your draw and choose a pair.” He said.
She opened the drawer, looked at her panties and chose a pretty white thong with a cute white satin bow in the back.
“A white thong.” She said.
“Lay on the bed with your panties next to you.” He ordered.
She lay on her bed.
“Why is your pussy so wet?” He asked.
She felt her pussy. Oh my god. She thought. How did he know how wet she was when she didn’t even know?
“Spread your legs.” He commanded
She spread her legs.
“Further.” He said
She spread her legs further.
“Put your fingers on your clit and move it around in circles.” He ordered.
She began moving her fingers around
There was a long pause. He was listening to her breathing, which was getting deeper and deeper.
“I want you to know that I am not doing this for you. I am doing this because you need to cum right now.” He said.
She didn’t quite understand what he was saying but she was glad that he was still talking to her after what she had done. It never took her long to cum and she could feel an orgasm coming almost immediately after she started playing with herself.
“You know that you are not in control anymore.” He said.
“Yes.” She replied
“You know that I am going to take control of you.” He said.
“Yes.” She responded.
There was another long pause. Her breathing was heavier now. The more she thought about what he said, the more she needed to cum.
“I’m going to cum.” She said.
“You must ask for permission first.” He replied.
“Please may I cum?” She asked.
Another pause.
“Please may I cum Sir?” She asked again.
“Yes.” He said.
She started moaning and screaming and came
“Do it again.” He ordered.
Surprised at his command, she began masturbating again.
“Is this what you want Slut?” He asked.
“What do you mean?” She asked as she squirmed on the bed
Another pause
“Do you really want to be controlled?” He asked.
“I think so.” She said softly while playing with her clit.
“Do you want to be controlled or not?” He asked again.
“Yes. I do.” She replied. Panting now from masturbating and listening to his voice, which always turned her on. Soon, she felt another orgasm coming.
There was another long pause as he listened to her heavy breathing.
“Please may I cum?” She asked
“You have disappointed me.” He told her.
“I know. I am so sorry. I won’t ever do it again.” She said. “Please?”
“You need to know that you are not in control anymore.” He said.
“Yes Sir. Pleeeeease may I cum?” She asked.
“Do you understand?” He asked.
“Yes.” She said. Trying hard to hold it in.
“Pleeeeease?” She pleaded.
“You may cum.” He said.
She screamed and moaned louder than the first. She was panting and wiggling all over the bed. When she was finished, she realized that she was on the other side of the bed. How did she get there without even knowing? She thought.
“Tell me how wet your pussy is.” He said.
She reached down and put her finger inside her pussy.
“It’s soaking wet.” She responded.
“Good. Now take your panties and put them in there.” He ordered.
“What did you say?” She asked. She couldn’t believe what she heard.
“Put your panties in your cunt.” He ordered again.
Shaking, she took her panties and started inserting them in her pussy. Fortunately, she chose a thong, not larger bikini underwear. She couldn’t believe that she was doing this.
“How far are they in?” He asked.
“Half way.” She said huffing.
“Keep going until they are all they way in.” He ordered.
She was trying hard to push them as far as she could into her pussy. It was very difficult.
“I have a small, tight pussy. I’ve never had kids. I don’t think that they will fit.” She said.
“They’ll fit. Keep going.” He said patiently.
She kept pushing them in. There was one piece that just wouldn’t go in so she stuck her fingers inside her cunt and shifted the panties further into her hole.
Finally, the last piece was in.
“It’s in.” She said panting.
“Look down and tell me if you see any part of the panties showing.” He said.
She looked down.
“I don’t.” She responded.
“Good. You don’t want to get them wet when you’re in the shower.” He said.
She gasped.
“From now on, you must earn the right to wear panties.” He said.
She gasped again.
“You will go to work with your panties in your cunt,” He commanded.
Oh God. She thought. How could she go to work without any underwear? Never mind, wearing them inside her pussy. And, of all the days. As an executive, she had to lead two meetings that morning and she was the only woman attending.
“You will not take them out until I tell you to.” He ordered.
“Yes Sir.” She replied.
“When you take them out, I want you to put them in a plastic bag, seal it and mail it to my address.” He said.
“Yes Sir.” She replied.
Guess any potential thoughts of taking them out and deceiving him are out of the question. She thought. He didn’t miss a trick.
“I will call you later and give you the address.” He said.
“Yes Sir.” She replied.
There was a long pause.
“Your welcome.” He said.
“Thank you.” She responded.
“Have a nice day.” He said and hung up.
She didn’t quite understand it at the time, but the panties actually made her strangely calm and she was finally able to focus on her work. Her head wasn’t spinning like it had been when she met him a few days earlier.
Was this what she really needed? She thought. Was his control improving her concentration and making her calmer? How could this be? How could a pair of panties inside her make such a difference in her demeanor?
When she turned on her computer at work that day, she saw the emails from the other Doms. However, she didn’t dare open them or respond. She didn’t want to disappoint him once again. Little did she know, she would continue to displease him over the next few months.
He left her a voice mail message while she was in her meetings.
“I wanted to see how your day was going. Hopefully you will have more calm about yourself. Call me”
When she called him back he said, “Are you enjoying your day?”
“I’m unusually calm. I don’t understand. Why is that?” She asked.
“You have given up some control. You were out of control and you needed some direction.” He responded
“Oh.” She responded.
There was a long pause.
“Your welcome.” He said.
“Thank you.” She replied.
“Is there a sex toy store in your area?” He asked.
“Yes. There’s one a few miles away.” She replied.
“I want you to go there today and buy two butt plugs for us. One small and one medium.” He said.
Oh God! She thought. She had never even seen a butt plug let alone use one. How was she going to use it? Her ass had never been used before and she was very afraid of plugs and anal sex.
“But I don’t even know what a butt plug looks like.” She said.
“Ask someone.” He responded.
“OK.” She replied.
On her way home from work, she stopped at the store and bought the butt plugs. As she was walking to the store, the wind blew her skirt up and she quickly grabbed it to hold it down. What if someone saw that she wasn’t wearing any panties? She thought. Imagine what the people in the store would think if they knew where her panties were.
She was devastated when she saw what a butt plug looked like and how big they were. For some reason, she thought they’d be much smaller. She started crying on her drive home. The stress of the last few days was getting to her. She hadn’t slept a full night since she met him, her panties were in her pussy and she had two butt plugs in her car. How did she end up in this situation? She thought. All of a sudden he called on her cell phone.
“How are you?” He asked.
Sobbing she said “OK.”
“You don’t sound OK.” He said.
“I just bought the butt plugs and I don’t know how they will possibly fit in there.” She said sobbing.
“What color are they?” He asked.
“Purple.” She replied.
“They will fit. You did good today. How much further to your house?” He asked.
“About 5 minutes.” She responded.
“I call you when you get home. No more tears. Smile.” He said.
“OK.” She said softly.
She smiled and calmed down a bit on her way home. When she got home, he called and told her to take the panties out and put them in a bag. When she took them out, she couldn’t believe how wet they were. They were soaked. Could she have been that horny all day? How did they stay so wet? She thought to herself.
Her clit was throbbing as she continued to write her story. Every time she shifted in her chair, she could feel the plug in her butt. She put her hand on her clit for one second, then immediately took it off. He wouldn’t really know if she masturbated. Would he?
She looked at the clock, only 1.5 hours to go with the butt plug. Hopefully, he would call her right away and give her permission to cum when the time was up. She was so horny! The more she thought about the plug in her ass, the wetter she became and she couldn’t stop squirming. Thinking about her walk into work that day with her panties inside her pussy, was driving her crazy. He knew exactly how to torment her and she enjoyed every bit of it.
She got up from the computer and went to the bathroom with the plug still inside her. As she wiped herself, she could see how wet her pussy was. Opening her nightstand drawer, she took out her vibrator, laid it on the bed, and placed her fingers over her pussy once again. Holding the vibrator in her hand, she thought about turning it on and pressing it against her clit. Oh! She was so horny! She needed it so badly. The plug was driving her insane!
He stopped her from masturbating over a month ago. She used to do it three times a day. Now she has to wait for his permission. Doesn’t he realize how difficult this is for her? It’s truly torturous. Why must he punish her like this? She thought.
After he trained her to use the butt plugs, her cravings became worse. Somehow the plug made her even hornier than ever. Would he really know? How bad could the punishment be if he found out? It can’t be worse than this? She thought. He told her she was out of control. But how could he expect her to change overnight? Surely there should be some sort of grace period. After carefully thinking about it, she decided to follow his orders by finishing the story, then, she would play with herself once it was completed.
He told her to bring her toys, butt plugs, and two pairs of her favorite panties with her when she met him at the hotel. She was surprised that he wanted her to bring panties since she wasn’t allowed to wear them.
That morning she shaved her pussy just the way he liked it, trimmed on the lips and lower areas, with hair on the triangle. Thinking about what might happen that afternoon, her hands began to shake and she was afraid that she might cut herself shaving.
He told her that he was going to tie her up face down and take her virgin ass, then turn her over, tie her up again, fuck her pussy and then take pictures. Oh God! Not pictures! She thought. She begged him for days not to take the pictures. He said that they would discuss it when she got to the hotel.
There were so many times that week that she had decided not to go through with it because of the pictures. But, each time he called, and she heard his voice, she changed her mind. There was something about him that she was drawn to. She was helpless when he spoke to her. He was so powerful, so domineering. He was different from all the others. He understood her better than she knew herself and could see right through her.
She had a reputation to uphold and didn’t feel that she knew him well enough for pictures. Plus, she hated looking at herself in photos. What would he do with them? Why couldn’t he wait for another time to take them? She thought. A time when she knew him better and felt more comfortable. Sure, taking pictures was in one of her stories, but she wrote that story for someone else. It wasn’t her fantasy, or was it?
Even on the drive over, she had doubts. She was so terrified to meet him again that she could barely speak when he called her in her car to give her instructions.
“Are you as excited as I am about today?” He asked.
There was a pause.
“I, uh, don’t know. I’m scared.” She said as her lips quivered.
She barely knew him and couldn’t believe that she was actually going to meet him in a hotel. Why was she doing this? Why couldn’t she resist him? Why did he have this power over her? She thought.
“Scared is good.” He replied.
“How far away are you?” He asked.
“About 30 minutes.” She replied.
“When you get to the hotel, call me from the parking lot.” He said.
“OK.” She replied.
Driving down the freeway, she thought about how dangerous it was to meet him this way. Though, there was something about him that she trusted. He was extremely intelligent, smarter than she was, which is exactly what she was looking for and needed. When they talked on the phone, it was uncanny how he could read her mind. She was captivated and fascinated by him.
Her heart started to race as she drove into the hotel parking lot.
“I’m in the parking lot,” She said shuddering.
“Park over next to the blue car behind you.” He said.
Blue car, what blue car? She thought.
“Where are you?” She asked.
“Watching you. I’ll be down to meet you.” He replied
Her hands were trembling as she pulled her little green bag with her toys out of the back seat. She was wearing a very pretty, very low cut dress that hung just above her knees, with 3-inch black high heels that had an opening in the front that showed her pink painted toe nails. Her double D breasts were hanging out of the dress. She couldn’t believe that she was actually walking into the hotel.
There was a tall, older man standing by the elevator with gray hair and a beard. He licked his lips when she passed by him. Looking her up and down, he smiled like he was going to have her for dinner. She thought that the older man called out to Him as he exited the elevator and walked out to the rear door.
He looked in her direction, but didn’t make any eye contact. Did he not see her? Where was he going? Should she have waited in the car? She could feel the older man’s eyes on her and she freaked out. He had mentioned that eventually he would share her with others. Was he planning on sharing her with this guy today?
She decided to hide in the restroom and collect herself. Sitting on the toilet with her head in her hands, she started shaking and crying, trying to figure out how she was going to escape.
Oh God! She thought. How was she going to go ahead with this? How could she? Especially if there was another man involved. She could barely handle being with him never mind someone else. What was she going to do? But how could she leave when she came this far? It felt like she had been in there forever. She was so torn in her thoughts. Was he looking for her? Maybe she could slip out the back door without him even knowing.
As soon as she exited the restroom, he was right there. She must have looked like a sight to him. Her face was red from being upset. Her heart was racing and she could barely speak. She couldn’t remember what he said in the beginning. All she remembered was being handed a room key. He asked her what kind of wine she wanted and told her to wait for him in the room. Her lips were quivering when she asked him to repeat the room number.
When she went to the elevator, the older man was gone. She breathed as sigh of relief. Maybe her mind was working on overdrive and she was thinking too much. Perhaps the older man was just simply admiring her body.
She just stood there, when she entered the room. Being new to submission, she wasn’t sure if she should sit down or not. She noticed a small stool sitting in the center of the room and wondered what his plans were for her and the stool.
He entered the room and handed her a glass of wine.
“Thank you.” She said.
She took a few sips of the wine.
“You look very nice today.” He said.
“Thank you.” She said.
“If there is any time that you want to leave, just say so and I will let you go. Understand?” He said.
“Yes.” She replied.
He took the wine out of her hand and placed it on the table then sat on the bed.
“Turn around.” He ordered.
She turned around with her ass facing him. He lifted up the back of her dress, exposing her behind. He rubbed her ass and then quickly spread her cheeks and looked right at her hole, checking to see the progress the butt plug made in stretching her.
She put her hand over her eyes in embarrassment.
“Take off your dress.” He ordered.
He helped her lift her dress over her head, leaving only her bra and high heels on. He unhooked her bra and took it off.
“Close your eyes and turn around.” He ordered.
Oh God! She thought. She was so embarrassed to be naked in front of him. What if he didn’t like her body? She turned around and faced him. As he looked at her, she started to tremble.
He walked her over to the corner right by the room entrance.
“Stand in the corner.” He ordered.
She was trembling and breathing heavy as she stood there. He handed her the unfinished glass of wine.
“You are not allowed out of the corner until you finish the wine.” He said.
She could barely get the glass up to her mouth with her hands shaking so much. Listening intently, she could hear him moving around the room and then come closer.
She winced as he neared her.
“You have 30 seconds to finish that wine. If you don’t finish it, you will drink it in the corridor.” He said.
She gasped then quickly chugged the half glass of wine.
“I’m finished.” She said.
He took the glass from her and told her to close her eyes. Leading her over to the bed, he sat down on the edge and said “Kneel.”
She knelt down.
“Open your eyes.” He ordered.
She opened her eyes and to her surprised she immediately saw his beautiful erect cock. He was naked and she was extremely attracted to his body. He was tall and trim and his cock was perfect. She wanted so badly to suck it the minute she saw it. He let her do it for a short while.
Just as she was really getting into his cock, he took it away from her and said, “Take your shoes off. I’m going to watch you take a shower.”
She scrambled to take her shoes of while kneeling. It took forever to get the first one off.
“Stand up.” He said.
He led her into the shower and left her there for a few minutes. She could feel herself calming down a bit as the hot water touched her skin. Still fearful of what might happen, she couldn’t believe that she was actually in the hotel with him. When he returned, he opened the curtain and watched her shower, then handed her a towel.
He led her back to the bed.
“Show me your toys.” He said.
She bent over, opened her green bag and pulled out a vibrator, dildo, and two butt plugs; one small and one medium sized, and placed them on the bed.
He bent her over the bed, took the medium size butt plug and some gel and inserted it into her ass. She whimpered. She didn’t like the medium size plug. It hurt.
“No whining.” He said.
He walked her over to the stool and made her sit down on it. She winced in pain as the plug moved further in and shifted in her asshole.
“Close your eyes.” He said.
She closed her eyes.
The plug was hurting her as it stretched her asshole. She was shaking, not only from the pain of the butt plug, but also from nerves. She was extremely anxious about what was going to happen.
Listening intently to him moving around the room, it sounded like he was opening the closet door. What was he doing? Where was he? She thought. What was he planning on doing to her next? Whatever it was, would it hurt?
She flinched as he came closer to her. He touched her left nipple and then “Ouch!” She yelled.
He placed something on her nipple that was pinching her really badly.
Then “Ouch!” again she yelled.
He put something on her other nipple.
Tears began running down her face. No one had ever put anything on her ultra sensitive nipples before and she couldn’t bear the pain. She no longer felt the butt plug. All she could focus on was her nipples.
She panicked and started breathing heavy and fast. What was on her nipples? She thought. What was he doing to her?
“Breath slower.” He said.
She tried to breath slower but it was difficult.
“That hanger looks good on you.” He said.
Oh God! He put the pants hanger on my nipples. This is too much! She thought as she continued to cry. Her nipples felt like they were on fire. The pain was unbearable. Please, please take them off! She thought.
She tried really hard to breath slower, but it was impossible. She didn’t know how to deal with the pain and breathing heavy seemed to be the only solution.
She wanted to open her eyes, look at him and plead with him to remove the hangar. It drove her crazy that she couldn’t see his eyes.
“Do not open your eyes.” He said.
The pain was getting worse and the tears kept flowing. I’m so new. She thought. Why did you have to put a hangar on me? Why couldn’t you use your hands or start with nipple clamps or something easier to deal with?
Her nipples are so sensitive that she can cum just by having them played with. This hangar was more than she could bear. Fortunately for her, he didn’t keep it on very long. As he removed the hanger he said, “This will hurt after I remove it.”
“Ouch!” She yelled as they came off her nipples. They were burning again as the blood rushed through them.
She was panting, breathing heavy and still crying as he took her over to the bed.
He removed the butt plug and said. “Lay on the bed face down.”
She complied.
He took her left hand and tied her wrists to the bed with rope, then her right. She could feel him pulling it tighter and tighter. No one had ever tied her this tight to the bed before.
He took her left leg and spread it as far as it could go and tied her ankle to the bed. Then he tied the right. She was completely helpless and bound tightly to the bed
“You are no longer in control and I can do whatever I want to you, slut.” He said.
She gasped and started wiggling and breathing heavier.
He began feeling her ass and thighs and climbed on top of her.
She was so nervous, and knew he was about to mount her from the rear and take her virgin ass. He told her he would. She was quivering and clenched her fists and closed her eyes really tight, getting ready for whatever pain she might feel. Never had anyone been in her ass before. She knew she was about to lose her anal virginity.
She screamed in fear as his cock slowly inched into her hole. Her hands clutched onto the ropes but she knew she could not escape the inevitable. He was in control and fucking her asshole and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
Much to her surprise, as it moved inside her, it didn’t hurt at all. It actually felt good, really good. He started pushing it in further and she could feel him filling her up, deeper and deeper with his cock.
As he moved in an out of her butt, she began moaning and could feel her pussy pulsating from his movements. He pumped her faster and faster, and she moaned and screamed louder and louder.
“Do not scream or make any noise.” He said.
“Ooohhhh! I’m sorry. I can’t help it. It feels so good.” She replied.
“No noise.” He said as he pumped her harder and harder.
She was a screamer and it was so difficult for her to keep quiet while having sex. She couldn’t believe how much better his cock felt as opposed to the butt plugs. She could feel it surrounding the walls of her asshole and pushing against her pussy.
Her whole body was shaking as he moved in and out, faster and faster. She was helpless to stop him from fucking her ass as long as he wanted to. He was in charge.
She could feel his dick pulsating in her asshole
“Oh!” She moaned.
“Quite.” He said as he slowed down his movements.
Suddenly, he got up and she could here him shuffling around
She heard a click from a camera.
Oh God! Not pictures! She thought as she hid her face in the pillow.
“Please don’t. Please don’t take any pictures.” She pleaded.
Click. Another one.
“I want to capture your ass after it’s been fucked for the first time.” He said.
“Oh God. Pleeeeease?” She pleaded.
Click. Another one.
She was whimpering into the pillow when he went off into the bathroom to wash himself. At least he didn’t get her face. She thought.
When he came back. He untied her and turned her over. He began strapping her up again. First, her arms, and then her legs. She was spread eagle on the bed and tied tighter than ever before.
When he started playing with her breasts, she began moaning and wiggling on the bed.
“I barely touched you.” He said
“I’m very sensitive.” She replied.
He turned around facing her feet and placed his butt hole in her face. She liked his firm round ass. She starting licking his asshole, figuring that’s what he wanted.
To her surprise she really enjoyed doing this to him. She wasn’t sure exactly how she was supposed to do it. No one had ever asked her to do this before. She moved her tongue around his asshole and began licking it. She tried to curl her tongue up and stick it inside him a little. She had read about women doing this. He had a nice asshole and she thoroughly enjoyed pleasing him.
He got up and she heard the click of the camera again.
“No please don’t!” She said as she tried to hide her head in the pillow. She realized that no matter what she did, no matter how hard she tried to move her neck, he could still see her face in the camera. Her bindings wouldn’t allow her to hide.
Pictures were a breaking point for her and she told herself, if he took them, she would leave.
The camera clicked again and she started to cry.
“I want to go! I have to go! Please!” She said.
He immediately jumped on the bed, untied her left hand and said.
“Do you really want to go?”
Sobbing, she said “No. But, I have to if you take any more pictures.”
“I don’t know you well enough.” She said with tears in her eyes.
“Do you really want to go?” He asked again.
“No. I don’t but I can’t stay if you take pictures.” She replied.
“There is no film in the camera.” He said.
“There isn’t? Really?” She asked sobbing.
“No.” He said.
“Thank you. I really don’t want to leave. I really don’t.” She said sniffling.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
She shook her head and, whimpering said, “Yes. I’m sure.”
She really, truly didn’t want to leave him and he knew that. He tied her arm back to the bed and got on top of her. She wanted so badly to feel his dick inside her. Her pussy was soaking wet from the butt fucking.
“Close your eyes.” He ordered.
He mounted her and slipped his cock inside her pussy. As soon as he started pumping her cunt, she began screaming again.
“No noise.” He said
“I’m trying. But I can’t help it.” She said.
His dick moved deeper and deeper into her pussy and she began pulsating. She wanted to cum immediately after he put it in.
As he was fucking her he said “How does if feel to know that I have total control of your body.”
“Good.” She said gasping for air.
He was fucking her harder and harder and her body was shaking. She was trying as hard as she could not to scream.
“I can do whatever I want to you.” He said.
Oh God! He was driving her insane. She was going to burst. She couldn’t move her arms or her legs. She wanted so badly to be able to move her hips and fuck him back but he had her pinned down.
His dick felt so good and she was trying so hard to stop herself from cumming until he gave permission. He was driving her nuts both mentally and physically.
“I will take you whenever I want.” He said as he fucked her.
He began pounding her harder and harder, faster and faster. She was lost in another world, sweating, panting, wanting and waiting for his cum in her pussy.
She was trying hard not to scream, not to cum but was having great difficulties. Occasionally, while he fucked her, she grunted instead. She couldn’t stop herself from making noise.
“I own you.” He said
Oh! The more he talked the more he drove her insane! As he continued to fuck her, she wanted so badly to look at him to see the fire in his eyes. But, she wasn’t allowed. As she started to open her eyes, he said.
“Keep your eyes closed.”
“I’m sorry.” She replied huffing.
He continued to fuck her, jamming his big cock deep inside her pussy
Oh God! She thought. How much more can I take? I can’t hold it in any longer. Pounding her hard with his dick, she could feel her pussy pulsating. He knew she was about to blow.
Finally, he said, “You may cum.”
And with that, she started moaning and shaking and she could feel his cum shooting inside her, filling her pussy up with his juices.
When he was finished, she lay there panting on the bed. After he untied her they laid there for a few minutes. He gave her a hug and then said, “It’s time for a shower.”
He walked her to the bathroom and she entered the shower. A few minutes later he joined her. She thoroughly enjoyed washing his tall, handsome body and scrubbing his round ass and long legs. As she was soaping his chest, he said, “You did good today.” She responded by saying, “thank you.” Knowing that their time was almost over, she became very sad. She didn’t want the shower to come to an end.
Before she left, they sat on the edge of the bed together. He took out his camera and tried to show her the pictures. She didn’t want to look at them. At a quick glance, she did notice that there were only a few picture of her; when she was tied up, face down. None of them were face up…just as he said. Then, he took the disk out of his camera and handed it to her and said. “Here. You may keep the pictures.”
“Thank you.” She said.
“Your welcome.” He Responded.
She finished the story a half an hour before he was supposed to call. Laying on her bed, waiting for him, she picked up the vibrator, turned it on and placed it near her clit. Oh, how she needed to cum! She couldn’t wait any longer. She did everything he told her to do that day. Writing the story made her so wet, she craved some relief. Why couldn’t she masturbate? Why? She thought.
Exhausted from lack of sleep, she turned the vibrator off, sighed, and said softly “Please call. Please call and give me permission to masturbate. Please?” Tired, she fell asleep with her butt plug still inside her and the vibrator in her hand next to her on the pillow, waiting for his consent to cum. mail me at
What can you find at EuroGirlsEscort directory? Well, here's the deal: If you plan on traveling to Europe for the holidays and you want to get laid real quick, then you should totally head out and check out. This website right here shows you every possible European offer that is available right now. Furthermore, all of the services of this website are completely free, so you don't have to worry about getting money out of your wallet, or in this case, the credit card....
Escort SitesMy First Try at Escorting1 ESCORTI see Sue in her final preparations tugging that tiny G-string between her cheeks then stepping into her little black cocktail dress, it thrills me and shames me in equal measures. Yes, I know it’s my fault entirely, but I wanted to feel in control; it’s crazy really, we are a loving and wealthy couple so why did I talk her into doing this? We had paid £350 a night to stay at the Grand just so that I could let a complete stranger rent my wife for a few hours....
My name is Anita. I am a 23 year old es-panic female, 5 ft 5 inches tall, 115 pounds, 32 B breast, 22 inch waist, and 32 inch hips. This is my story of several first for me including bondage, pain, pleasure and anal. My live in boyfriend dumped me a few months back telling me that I was not open minded and adventurous enough sexually and he had found a woman that pleased him much more than I. I was left with the lease on our apartment and all the utilities which put me in a heavy...
Courtesan versus Escort Yes, it is important to know the difference to determine which best fits your desire, needs and style. Alternatively it is important to know which type of client you would be. Then and only then we can create the best possible outcome of our randez-vous for an unforgettable peak experience that you perhaps are seeking whether for a day or a lifetime.Different men are looking for different things and there is much confusion around about many terms improperly used in the...
business, except for a significant drawback. I have little time to date or put into a relationship. Predictably, as a man in my mid-thirties, I get quite lonely. i found myself searching out the better escort services in the cities I frequent. One of those cities is also the home of a very good, long time friend and his family. It also happens to be the home of my favorite escort service. Steve and I met during my first job right out of college. He was a few years older than I...
Kimmie held up the white two-piece outfit, admiring the halter top with the plunging, scoop neckline and tight bottoms that were a cross between shorts and panties. She stood a little over five feet and had a firm 34C chest, small waist, and round butt. She knew the outfit would provide a nice contrast to her long black hair, as well as show off her ample cleavage and cling to her ass like a second skin."Oh, good choice," said a woman shopping in the same aisle. "I think you'd look great in...
Confession of an Escort I thought readers of Lush Stories might like to hear about my escapades as an escort. It wasn’t something I ever intended to do, but opportunities arose to make life exciting. I thoroughly enjoyed having sex with wealthy married men at the time, and it changed my cozy, but boring life style to one of almost daily adrenaline and sexual highs. Let me tell you what a twenty-five year old married woman did with her time, if her husband was extravagantly wealthy, children...
Introduction: this is my second one A Teenage Escort. Part 1. The Training My family was fairly poor, no, really poor. As a child through high school I was teased about my clothes, shoes, everything other kids had that were nicer. By the time I got to 10th grade at 16 years old I was sick of it. My parents were wonderful just not educated and had lousy jobs. We never went hungry or anything like that but the teasing had scarred me to my soul. One thing I had going for me was I am pretty...
This was the third time I was meeting Xena. I was having an affair with her and I had kept it a secret from my wife. What do I say? I was addicted to her or rather my cock was addicted to her pussy. And she was naughty as hell so I enjoyed doing things with her of sexual nature. I don’t feel bad having an affair with a hot escort like Xena. Once, she invited me to her apartment and she had a “friend†there. I fingered both of them and licked their pussy alternatively. It was a big success for...
Extra Marital AffairThe Escort By Jennifer Richardson I got the idea for this story from a reply I received from a gentleman who I have been writing a series of fantasies. He is into all manner of kinky stuff so I wasn't really surprised when he requested a tale involving him and a transvestite. He is aware that I'm a hetero transvestite and all the previous stories I'd written for him were hetero too. I checked with him and he confirmed his requirements. What he actually said was: "I don't know...
I've been an escort since I was eighteen. My job is very interesting. I meet so many different kinds of people. Sometimes I've even traveled to meet some of my clients. I get paid very well and even get tips most of the time. Most men just want a pretty lady to accompany them. I've dated men that were younger than me, or men that are twice my age. It’s been a very interesting three years. I've also been given the most amazing gifts. Some men have bought me Jimmy Choo shoes, Christian Louboutin...
TabooHi my name is Vijay patil 19 teen years old and im from nasik here is my first real life experience or we can its a confession about an escort girl Nikita whom I met when I was traveling from Pune to Manmad by the passenger train which departs from Pune at night 12:15 am. She only told me about this site and she is a frequent reader so im posting it here she will definitely read it. I will Introduce my self im an average boy with 5.5 height, better physique, dick size 5 inches, fair. which can...
Part 1. The Training My family was fairly poor, no, really poor. As a child through high school I was teased about my clothes, shoes, everything other kids had that were nicer. By the time I got to 10th grade at 16 years old I was sick of it. My parents were wonderful just not educated and had lousy jobs. We never went hungry or anything like that but the teasing had scarred me to my soul. One thing I had going for me was I am pretty with a great body. That led to many of the...
Escort by Vickie Tern "Honey, what in the world can we do now?" Melissa looked at me, her arms hanging down helplessly, her hands turned out, empty. I felt equally helpless and couldn't face her, only stare into the middle distance. All I could do was answer her question with the same question. "I don't know -- what can we do?" I had no answer. Our bright future together had disappeared. Turned bleak. The recession had...
Hot male escort Hi, this is sameer from Bangalore, age 27y and height of 5.11 feet and weight of 65 kg, I want to share a experience of mine, that happened while I was working as a male escort in London. I worked as male escort in Bangalore and then I was moved to London with this profile, I was happy as I was going to London, their I learnt many things, including the best way to satisfy a woman, lucky after reaching London, 10 days later I got my first appointed for a lady called Elaine, so I...
EroticThis is the true story of my first experience with an escort. But not just any escort, it was to be with a mature leather and boots wearing escort.So to start from the beginning, I have always wanted to fuck a mature woman that would be dressed in leather and boots for me. I was unable to achieve this goal through my own effort or luck so went on the website adultwork. (Still the greatest website in the world for me lol)There I found speedybee. She was an experienced escort and a gorgeous...
Today, I was chatting online with a very special friend of mine. We are very close but recently, we have stayed away from fantasizing about each other. Sometimes in life, the friendship takes the greater importance and it is not a bad thing. We were talking about her career goal. She is in her 40’s and back in college after raising her children. As a business major, she was considering the Hospitality Sector: hotels, resorts, etc. I teased her about becoming an escort. ‘Great job,’ she...
Today, I was chatting online with a very special friend of mine. We are very close but recently, we have stayed away from fantasizing about each other. Sometimes in life, the friendship takes the greater importance and it is not a bad thing. We were talking about her career goal. She is in her 40's and back in college after raising her children. As a business major, she was considering the Hospitality Sector: hotels, resorts, etc. I teased her about becoming an escort. "Great job," she...
BDSMHi to all ISS readers am your sujith back with the wildest sex encounter which took place between me, my client Aditi and her cute daughter Ankita.After reading the story kindly post your comments and feedbacks on You can contact me through Gmail or hangouts.Ladies, aunties, college girls and schoolgirls in and around Chennai can contact me for sex, massage, hot chat, short term and long term fun.My dear girls just ping me to have the wildest sex.I never worried about your age, caste, creed or...
It all started with a movie; two actors play erotic games in public places or shops, like Al Pacino and Ellen Barkin in Sea of Love. Don't laugh, it's trivial, I know. Yet the idea of playing our versions inspired us. We got more daring, almost addicted, meaning fewer clothes.It was a hot summer Friday night. I wore a red knee-long cotton dress on request of a special man, my husband Paul, nothing underneath. Before we left for a fancy restaurant, I sucked the nipples by a pump and put rings on...
I've always had a fantasy to pay for sex; there's just something about it that makes me really horny. I have watched plenty of escort porn videos and signed up to some sites where you can look at escorts and read reviews. I was looking at the local escorts to me, although not too local, when one new profile caught my eye. There were no reviews and no pictures. Just a description: "Sexy Elle; twenty-two years old," so eight years younger than me, "tall, blond hair, pert boobs, tight shaven...
First Time"Relax. It'll be okay," Grace said with a smile."It's just that I've never before hired an escort. You're so beautiful. You look like you could break,” I said as I sat on the edge of the hotel bed."I usually get that once a guy fully sees me. You do want to see all of me, right?""You mean you'll let me?""Sweetie, you didn't hire me to keep my clothes on, did you?""Well, I wasn't sure what to expect. I know an escort is different than a real lady of the night.""True. But...
First Time attend one of the top PG colleges in Pune. I am 6 feet tall and dark skinned. I will not brag. I have a cock that is of the average size. This is a true story about me. I live in Pune alone in my flat as my parents work abroad. This is the story about me and my college friend. I found out that she works as an escort and exploited her fully.Her name was Pallavi. She had fair skin and was of average height. She wore her hair in a pony tail. She also wore...
Being a university professor has brought great satisfactions to my life in both personal and professional aspects. Something I have always tried to do is not just to fill my students with tons of information, but also get to see their human side and try to help them as much as I can.Recently, one of my brightest students, Natalia, came to me to ask for advice. Her family and her were about to be evicted as they hadn’t been able to pay rent for the last three months. She wanted to know if I...
Group SexAnne, Mitte 30, arbeitete als Frisöre in Hamburg. Vor ein paar Jahren hatte sie ihren eigenen Laden geöffnet. Doch seit gut einem Jahr lief es schlecht. Ihr Kredit war aufgebraucht, der Dispo ausgereizt. Die Discounter, die Haarschnitte für 10 Euro anboten hatten ihr schwer zugesetzt. Bei ihr zuhaus war bereits der Gerichtsvollzieher. Es würde nur noch wenige Tage dauern, bis sie pleite war. An diesem Abend kam noch kurz vor Ladenschluss eine adrett gekleidete Frau und ließ sich die Haare...
BDSMWhen denied the access to your eyesight, your other senses take over for you. Recognizing this mentally is easy, but, when experienced. the effect is considerably more profound than you can express with a few brief sentences. So when I was led blindfolded, barefoot, hands secured with a silk scarf behind my back, I was unprepared for the assault to my scenes. The distinct smells: cigar smoke, leather, male cologne, and the obvious smell of scotch. The sounds: Ice clinked in a glass. Leather...
SeductionHi, friends am Shilpa (name changed) who is a sexy college student from Bangalore. I am currently doing my Bachelor degree in Bangalore. I am 20 years old girl with a good physique and sexy curves. I have a lot of sexual desires and fantasies but never got a chance to fulfill my fantasies. I belong to a very conservative family. It was my semester exam time. So, I thought to do combine studies with my friend Shwetha (name changed) in college hostel to score good marks. So, I went to college...
Hello all… This is Rajesh again hope you all have read my previous story “Falling on ground to fall on bed” & thanks for all your valuable feedback am happy by your feed backs. Now coming to the story as I said in the previous story how I fucked my aunt who is a friend of mom. My mom has a lot of friends in our locality and they spend their evenings together by sitting outside of our house and chit chatting with each other. After my day with my aunt I was feeling uneasy to face her directly so...
Hi to all my readers of ISS, this is ABHI once again with one of my best experiences where I had to play the role of male escort. One of the aunties with whom I had been, she had challenged me to satisfy a friend (Roja) of heir’s who was very hot for any man. Being a man I had to accept the challenge and also I placed one of my conditions that she needs to pay me for it. She also readily agreed and arranged our talk over the phone. We both spoke to each other and decided to meet one fine day...
I was looking at the local escorts to me, although not too local when one new profile caught my eye. There were no reviews and no pictures. Just a little blurb on what she was like: Sexy Elle 22 years old (so 8 years younger than me) tall, blond hair, pert boobs, tight shaven pussy, bubbly and will put you at ease. OWO, CIM, protected sex, no anal, £120 per hour. There was just something about the profile that really made me want to finally fulfill this fantasy. So I sent off a message,...
This is my real sex story. For the next three days as my babai was in the home, we didn’t have any chance to fuck. After three days, he again went to Maharashtra. I went to drop my babai at the railway station. When I came back, I was surprised to see a busty woman of my aunt’s age is sitting next to her on the sofa. Her name is Shweta. She is good looking, very busty, same height as of my aunt, but her sizes are 38d 32 40. She asked me about my studies and then asked “how was your session with...
THE ESCORT A multi Chapter Story Signing with an exclusive escort service, almost immediately afterwards offered an extended three month tour arranged for cruise ships specializing in wealthy clients in the Middle East, Amy eagerly accepts? With visions of wealth in her head. Transportation arranged as part of the initial agreement binding her to the contract, immediately upon arrival her unexpectedly short, harried training regiment takes on a darker, sinister cast as she’s forced...
It reached the end of March and after coaching cricket at the school as well as Krystal's brother on a Saturday and occasional Sunday, I had managed to save away some decent money for a student. With the pocket money my parents still gave me I had just over R7500 in my bank account. The first semester of 2nd year was going well although still being single I wasn't getting as much sex as last year, although I had slept with both Caitlyn and Cassi a few times as well as once with Krystal and...
Jeri had been an escort since he was fifteen. He learned early from his mom's friends that the women especially the older ones like his attention. His mom's friend took him one day into her bedroom and stripped naked and pushed her tits into his face and let him chew and suck her huge globes. She then undressed him and pushed him on his back and began to suck his cock till he filled her mouth with cum. She taught him to eat her pussy and how to fuck her cunt and fill her with cum. He visited...
Hello readers …!! My name is samrat and main kolkata ka rehne wala hoon aur meri age 22 hai and main ek college student hoon lekin abhi main ek part time male escort hu. Maine apni pehli kahani “soni ki kahani meri jubani” post kari thi.. Pyar and response ke liye thank you very much, special thanks to my special bhabhi for your love… Ye kahani bilkul sachhi hai, agar achi lage toh please mail kare… Baat kuch month pehle ki hai ki kaise main ek male gigolo bana actually hua ye ki jb mera...
My name is Jenny and this is my story on how I had sex with my father. This was truly accidental. I was only doing my job. I've been an escort since I was eighteen. I love my job. I meet lots of interesting people and have done lots of traveling. The money is really good and it's like just going on dates. Most men just want a pretty lady to accompany them. I've gone on a lot of interesting dates. I've dated men that were younger than me or men that are twice my age. It's been a very...
I normally write about my adventures from many years ago but this one is from last year.And to be honest I don’t know how to start it as I always change the names of escorts I see but as she is a quite famous porn star now. Who doesn’t mention her escorting past and has blocked her reviews on an adult escorting site.She advertised on an adult site that most people use these days, she says she is a 24yo lass from Scotland with pierced nipples and completely shaven down there.I phoned her and...
~mfan2112 ___________________ I had to hustle to get home and change before my evening date. Why my professor wanted the research paper by Friday afternoon is beyond me, but I had camped out in the library until I completed the project and emailed in, with 15 minutes to spare, thank you very much. I set my computer bag down and opened my closet to look at what my options were for the evening. Oh, what did this guy like? I pulled up my email to review. ___________________ Subject: Outcall...
Are you tired of spending all kinds of time alone without anyone to hold you? Are you growing tired of having your mother hold your hand and let you suck on her titties for a little milky-milk? Then you need to fucking get laid!But if you are still breastfeeding from your mother, you have no kind of fucking game, or you want to skip those games and dive headfirst into pussy, then you need a fucking shortcut. That is where Gold Birmingham Escorts fit into the picture. You will find a whole host...
Escort Sitesthis is another old story, so probly somewhere around 20 years i looked online and found a club/forum on yahoo for escorts working in Middlesbrough/Stockton area, it has closed long time ago now.there was lots of photos of escorts and a few vids.i saw there was a link to a lovely looking 18 year old blonde who had modelled for some professional glamour photographer. looked at his site her photos looked real good, nothing too extreme mainly just topless.sent a message to person on site...
Are you looking to get your dick wet and find an escort in your part of the world? But I am not talking about just any kind of escort, either. I am referring to fucking transsexual escorts that want to suck you off while you fuck their asshole.If I am talking your fucking language, then I urge you to reach out to fucking Trans Escorts. There, you are going to find a wide array of escorts that are certain to make you cum harder than any living being has ever managed to make you cum in your life....
Escort Sites6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...
This is a true story of my first time being fucked by a strap-on. It has been a long standing fantasy of mine to being fucked by a woman wearing one, but not just any woman, I wanted it to be a mature, leather clad woman wearing a pair of fuck-me-boots. So I was looking through adultwork recently as I had a free afternoon coming up and wanted some leather/PVC wearing fun with a mature escort. As i was searching I checked to see if Speedybee aka Mature Trisha was still working. I had seen her...
Before my current girlfriend I was in a relationship for about 3 years. Towards the end the sex got boring and not as frequent as I’d like. I started browsing for escorts in the area, something I never did before. After looking and looking I was reluctant to spend that money on something if given a little effort I could get for free. When curiosity struck I started looking at the shenale escorts. Prior I had watched some shenale porn in the past and remember getting very turned on by it. So for...
Part 2 a weekend at Dave.Waking up Saturday morning after a great enjoyable Friday night, I had a relaxing hot shower. While showering my crazy friend Dave walked in saying morning. He look over to me as I said morning back and then said well that not a bad sized cock you got there bud. Thanks I said and he then asked do you want to see mine. Before I could answer he dropped his pants showing me his cock which was more a less the same size as mine while soft. He then laughed and walked out...
I have read a lot of stories on the site, and I wanted to share an experience of mine.A few years ago I went to Zurich for a meeting, and spent a few days in a hotel. I had a lot of time free and some money to burn, so I looked up a few escort sites. I am not sure what led me to the one I spent a long time looking at, but the girls there were just a whole lot more fresh.They gave a variety of styles and the rates were quite reasonable, and for hotel visits too. I saw a few of the girls didn’t...
There’s something about T-Escorts that makes them special, isn’t there? Maybe it’s the way they put off such feminine energy while shaking their ding-dongs, or maybe it’s the way they can get a boner while servicing your own. Some would say the magic of a tranny hooker has something to do with her hot breath in your ear as she whispers sweet nothings, and others would say it’s all about the boobies, the fishnets and the red lipstick leaving kisses on your wiener. Honestly, though, there’s one...
Escort SitesI was browsing the Park Lane Escorts menu all morning, ostensibly just so I could review their site for ThePornDude, but I’m not sure I can just sit on this information without doing anything. It’s kind of like finding out a local shop has a killer deal on that ice cream you like, but you actually get to bust a nut for a few bones instead of licking up some melted dairy product. I was supposed to take my grandma out to dinner tonight, but I think she’d totally understand. Sometimes things come...
Escort SitesInterview with a She-Male Escort By mrraizer I've always wondered what talking to a real she-male would be like. I took it upon myself to find one and interview her. How did I pull off a feat? Because I'm mrraizer, and I can do things like that. After searching the net, reading various local newspapers such as: The Village Voice, Screw, etc, I found one willing to talk with me openly and frankly. From her ad in one of those papers she looked black or latino(a). It was hard...
DiorEscorts sounds like it’s got to be full of some really high-class sluts, but what’s really in a name? I mean, sure, they can borrow a name from a prominent, expensive, luxury fashion designer, but I’m not sure just anyone can turn it instantly into their own brand of magic. Gianna Dior certainly made it work for her, but how many unknowns have languished in obscurity despite tacking on a famous name. (By the way, if you haven’t seen me banging Gianna over at PornDudeCasting, you’re missing...
Escort SitesIt had been a year since Isabella had ripped my anal virginity from me (see my rough treatment story) and life had gone on as usual. I was still in a relationship with the same girl and had continued my usual routine of of work and weekend benders with my noisy mates. I may have outwardly appeared butch and masculine to my peers but my session with isabella had changed me and i found myself masturbating regularly over the memory of my domination at the hands of my transexual tormentor. I wasn't...
Firstly, I just want to say thanks to John (aka Wrigglepup1) for letting me use his page on xHamster.I'm NOT a 'member! I just think this site, and others like it, have made me decide to retire from the profession I love!I became an escort 15 years ago, at the age of 23, following a failed marriage. I had no income, no qualifications (except being darned good sexually!) and most importantly, very few inhibitions!I loved what I did! Earned a decent amount of money, and enjoyed 'earning' it! It...
I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my male escort profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who don’t know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi, age 33, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. So, let me share the true story of my gigolo experience by only changing the name of the person, for the simple reason for her secrecy. By now most of the ladies in Rourkela knows me for my big cock which is 9.5’ inch long. I get...
I booking escort with escort agency .Growing up in Perth, Western Australia, sure was a great life style and certainly was an eye opening experience for me. When we first moved back from Canada my parents bought a house in City Beach and for me was my education in Gay Sex.For some reason and I don’t know why but nearly all nudist beaches are located near military facilities in Australia or in a very secluded spot. As with all beaches there is a gay section and non gay section.After I...
Hi everyone This is Sanjeev again back with another story of how I had a great time in Delhi on my last visit. Any lady wants to enjoy can contact me at my email id I am a 49-year man staying in Chandigarh. I have my own business and sometimes have to travel to Delhi for work. The story is about last month when I had to go to Delhi for some urgent work and had to stay the night there as my work could not be completed. As most of the corporate offices close by 6:00 pm, I was free and had time...
Hi, all! This is Shankar again. Here I’m with the latest experience. I thank all the people who sent their comments and feedback to me for my previous experiences. I really glad to see such feedback. ISS is a great platform to deliver my experiences. I got a huge response after sharing my experiences here. Myself is Shankar from NCR; age 25, hairy chest with an average body, I live in sector 16, Noida. I’m available to give the utmost pleasure to sexually urged or unsatisfied ladies. Please...
Hello, everyone. I’m Krishna from Hyderabad. I am currently staying in Bangalore and pursuing engineering. My email – ***** ***** Coming to the point, As you all know, you enjoy the most during your b.Tech days. And to enjoy to the core, you need some more money. As I didn’t want to lose my virginity by becoming a male escort, so I was thinking of a unique and discreet job. Then the idea of oral sex stuck into my mind. I’ve searched the internet and also referred some sex stories in ISS. The...
Hello, guys. This is Raunak Singh aged 19 from Mumbai. I have also published other sex stories before also and I have received good response from people. For those who don’t know me properly, I am an escort and a student too. I provide services to unsatisfied ladies of any age and I do it just for fun and not for too much money. I provide massage and sex services in every part of Mumbai. If any of the ladies of any age wish to avail my services can mail me at Life was same as usual. I was...