Brothers slave 2 The training
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Brothers Help
A warm summer night found Harry and Helen sitting on the back porch of theircountry home. They had been discussing the aspects of the BDSM that they hadrecently been looking into. Harry had spanked Helen a few times, and occasionallyused clothes pins on her nipples, but Helen was wanting more. Although shedidn't quite know how to express her feelings to Harry, she felt that she lovedthe pain that he inflicted on her, she was the most wet when that happened.Helen jumped as she heard a voice, "Hey, you two, what are ya'll doing justsitting around on such a nice night?" It was Harry's brother, John. Harry lookedup, "Not much just day dreaming a little I guess", he replied. "Your lookingfine as usual, Helen, how are you?" asked John. "Oh ok, just sitting arounddoing some thinking, said Helen, "what are you up to and where is, Kaylie?" " Ileft her ass at home, all she can do is bitch about every little thing." Harry,looked at Helen, and said, "Don't be rude Helen, go get John a glass of icedtea". Helen rolled her eyes but got up to do as instructed. As soon as Helenwas out of earshot, Harry turned to John and said," John we have always beenclose, and I hate to see you so miserable, I hear you complaining constantlyabout Kaylie and her bitching, why don't you do something to straighten thatgirl out?" "Like what"? John asked. "Well Helen and I have been discussinga few things lately" giving his brother a wink. "C'mon, don't beat around thebush Harry, just say what's on your mind". "Ok, well its like this, John, Helenhas been surfing that damn internet, you know I have a hard time keeping heroff that darn computer. She stumbled on to some site that told about BDSM stuff,do you know what that is?" " I have heard of it, a little, but I am not surewhat it entails" says, John. " Well brother let me tell you, we have only donea few things, whipping, I have put clothes pins on Helens nipples, seems allpretty painful to me but Helen seems to get even hotter when I am reprimandingher about something, I did a little investigating myself, I have gathered sheis what people would call a pain slut" . "You have got to be joking!" Johnwas amazed and a little turned on by the whole concept. Harry looked at John, " NoI am not joking, but I have a little plan, with your help I can find out ifHelen is really serious about all this." " Count me in!" exclaimed John.
"Where can that gal be, wondered Harry, she has been in there a long timejust for a glass of tea." " Do you want me to go find her", asked John. A smiledplayed at the corners of Harry's lips, "Yes, go find her and if she is on thatcomputer, tell her to get her ass out here NOW". John, entered the house, notknowing that Harry was almost certain that Helen had indeed sat down at herdesk for a "quick" look at email, and was cooking up a little surprise forher when she came out. John went through the kitchen looking for Helen withno luck, but he did find his iced tea sitting on the counter. Taking a sip,he looked into the office to see Helen typing away, at the computer. Walkingup behind her, he put his hand on her shoulder, startled she looked up intoJohn's eyes, " Oh John, I am so sorry, I made your tea and then thought I wouldjust take a quick peek at my email, casting her eyes down, I see you foundit." "Yes Helen, I found it, thanks. Harry said if I found you here I shouldtell you to get your ass outside", John said with the slightest smirk. Furrowingher brows, she wonders if Harry has gotten the message about her desires, shakingher head she thinks not. " Ok John, lets go, I am done in here anyway", shesays as she gets up from her chair, her skirt riding up her thighs, givingJohn a nice peek at her thighs as she does. John' eyes widen, he could havesworn that Helen wasn't wearing any panties, but that couldn't be, Helen hadalways seemed like the girl next door type. John followed behind, watchingthe sway of her skirt as she headed to the back door, still wondering if hecould have possibly been right.
"What's up babe," Helen asks Harry as she makes her way back to her chair.Harry looking a little miffed, says, " Helen, where were you, John has beenout here for awhile waiting on you to return with his tea, you weren't on thatcomputer again were you?" Helen allows her gaze to fall to floor, " Yes, Iwas, but I didn't think I was on there that long, I just wanted to check email." " Youwere very rude to my brother and you know I will not allow you to insult myfamily, I think you need to be punished for your rudeness, do you agree?" Helenlooked up quickly, shocked that Harry would bring up anything like that infront of John. "Yes Harry I do, I will assume the position later in the privacyof our bedroom". " No, Helen, you just spoke with me the other day about wantingto be open with our relationship and show everyone how devoted you are to me,am I right?" Helen, with a near frightened look. " Yes, you are right, butI didn't think we had discussed it in great length yet." Harry looking moresmug than ever, shoots a glance toward his brother, "I have given it some greatthought and I have come to the conclusion, that I am ready, more than readyto explore this new lifestyle with you, now the question is, are you readyto fully submit to me?" Helen doesn't say anything for a few minutes, she hasa million thoughts running through her mind. She feels the flutter buildingup in her stomach, somewhat frightened, but very excited all the same. Sheknows this is what she has wanted her whole life, but was afraid to voice it,thinking someone would think her insane. Harry moves over to Helen, placinga finger under her chin and lifting her head up to meet his gaze, " Well, Helen,were you serious, or just playing me?" Hands trembling and heart racing, Helenlocks eyes with Harry, " I am very serious, I am ready". Bending down to giveHelen a quick kiss, he says " John, you are about to see what I mean by "straighteningthat gal out" and the start of a beautiful relationship.
Harry walks to the end of the porch and picks up a long rope, which he tossesto John. He returns to Helen and lightly kisses her cheek as lifts her blouseover her head. Kissing the top of her breasts he reaches behind her to undoher bra. As she feels the bra start to slip, Helen instinctively holds it againstherself. Shaking his head, Harry says, " No Helen, let it drop, I want Johnto see your big juicy tits". Helen looks searchingly at Harry as she does whatshe is told. As soon as the bra hits the floor, Harry has Helen's nipples betweenhis fingers, cruelly turning and pinching them, till Helen thinks she willdrop to her knees. John, standing idly by, says " Hey Harry isn't that a littlerough?" " You haven't seen anything yet John, laughs Harry, this bitch loveseverything I do to her, she knows it makes me feel good to see her pain andshe gladly stands for it". "Wow, exclaims John, can I try?" Stepping back andnodding to Helen, Harry smiles at John "Be my guest, you were the one she wasrude to". John admiring Helen's big tits lifts them in his hands, noticinghow big and luscious the nipples are he can't contain himself any longer. Hetakes the nipples between his fingers and pulls them out away from her tits.Helens breath catches, it isn't to rough but the thought of someone other thanHarry handling her excites her further. " John, chuckles Harry, you aren'tdoing anything but arousing her, really give it to her." Taking his cue, Johnbegins to pinch and pull at the same time, twisting and turning, amazed athow well Helen seems to handle his abuse. " Give them a good hard jerk, saysHarry and lets get down to business." John jerks her nipples very hard, leavingHelen gasping. Whispering in her ear, Harry says, " You asked for a Master,slave, and I have every intention of granting your wish." Smiling, Helen replies, " Mmmyes, Master."
"Take her skirt off" Harry tells John. John is more than happy to oblige,as he leans forward to gently pull her skirt off her thighs. As he slides itdown her legs, he is pleased to see she is indeed not wearing panties, andto top off a nice dream, her pussy is shaved bare. He realizes just how muchshe enjoys this attention, as he sees the first drops of dew on her pussy lips.Harry leans over to Helen and whispers, "Now, we will see how much you REALLYwant to please your Master." Helen nods, as a smile creeps across her lips.
Harry reaches out to John and asks for the rope, he takes both of Helenswrists and ties the rope securely around them. Feeling a bit excited Helenwonders what is coming next, she can't imagine that Harry would do much toher in front of his brother, but was she ever wrong. Harry leads her to thecenter of the porch and tells her to stand with her legs spread and her headdown. Helen quickly does as she is told as John moves in a little closer toget a good look at the action about to take place.
" Secure her hands to that pulley in the ceiling", Harry tells John. Johnlooks up and indeed there is a pulley there, he grabs a chair, climbs up andbegins running the rope through the pulley. Helen glances up to see what isin store for her. A hard slap on her ass reminds her quickly that she has donewrong. " I told you head down! You will pay for that mistake too my littleslave" exclaims Harry. John finishes threading the rope through the pulleyand climbs down, "Here you go Harry", handing the end to his brother. As Harrygathers the end of the rope he glances down and sees that his brother is gettingturned on as well, which only adds to his excitement and makes him want toshow his brother as much as he possibly can.
Harry starts to tug on the rope raising Helen off the porch, he tugs herup until her toes are barely touching . Arms stretched up so taut, her firmbig tits jutting out, she looks like she is ready to take anything Harry candish out. Harry grabs her between her legs and feels how excited she is aswell. " You really are a little slut slave aren't you bitch"? " Yes Master," repliesHelen, loving the feel on her bare pussy. " Helen you are so wet, lets seehow wet you get when you start paying for your rudeness." With that Harry turnsto go into the house leaving John to gape and Helen to wonder why he wouldleave her like this with his brother watching. Her arms were already startingto get tired from being strung up and dangling by them. "John, do you thinkyou could lower me just a little" asks Helen sweetly. " I don't know Helen,Harry put you there and I think he means for you to stay put." Softly moaningshe says, "Ok John, but could you just rub my arms for me?" John doesn't thinkthere would be any harm in doing that for her, after all she did look veryuncomfortable hanging there like that not to mention sexy as hell. John softlystarts rubbing up and down on her arms, noticing as he did that she seemedto jut her tits out to his face even more. He lowers his lips to her nipplesgently nipping at them. Helen throws her head back enjoying the sensationsthat John is causing.
Helen was lowered from her bonds and told to sit in a chair which she didimmediately. Both of the men were very pleased with how she had responded andwas sure that this was only the beginning.
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Brad Shuman couldn't keep his mind, or his hands, off Shari any more than she could stop thinking about him. The same night he took her back to his apartment and ended up fucking her on the floor just inside the door, with most of her clothes still on her. Then he took her to his bedroom, ordered dinner sent in, and fucked her five more times during the night. Shari was in heaven. Each time Brad fucked her, she came two or three times, all because he was so expert at arousing her, letting...
“Too bad you’re not going on to LA” she smiled at him. “Yes, it’s my loss, I’m sure, but I need to get home.” He replied, “I’ll think about you later you can bank on that!” “Thank you for flying with us” she replied as he walked past her. Lisa Ann it said on her name tag. He liked that and would not forget it. As he walked down the corridor and into the terminal he smiled and then turned his thoughts back to the fact that he was home. Dan had not been home since last Christmas and that...
It was the custom not to make unnecessary conversation, but Silas chose to break the tradition. He set himself down beside Ian, who had re-situated his clothing as quickly as possible. Hardly ten minutes had passed since Silas had finished, and Ian hadn’t broken out of his quiet shell. “How do you feel?” Silas dared to ask. He tried to place a hand on Ian’s forehead, but Ian dodged it. “No, you don’t get to do that.” “Do what? Care about you?” “No, you don’t.” Ian said nothing else, but...
Alright sounds good, Rich said I laid there pounding my cock unknowing of what went on in the next room. it was early morning and i woke up hard as a rock. I always sleep nude so when there was precum on the sheets i knew i needed to blow a load. I moved my sheet below my balls and started jerking off. Slowly it felt so good that soon i was so into it i fell into a world of pleasure. I didn't realize when the door opened. Rich said, " Oh Shit sorry man" " Dude what the fuck" "i'm...
Try to, as best you can, imagine the utter humiliation of having to dress yourself in your little sister's bedclothes each night. Imagine pulling a pair of purple fluffy shorts from the drawer or of feeling them slide up around your legs until they reach your waist, where they sit snugly over your, terribly hidden, male underwear. Imagine too, pulling the little strappy pyjama top over your torso, and of feeling the row of lace on the neck and on the straps against your arm. Then, imagine...
Introduction: Santa has found himself on the naughty list this year. Santas Little Helper ****************************************************************** Proofed and edited by Brootforce ****************************************************************** It was that time of year again, time to get the suit out of mothballs and dry cleaned, Nick thought to his self. He headed up the rickety stairs toward the attic, pushing the cobwebs out of his way. He reached the door and rattled the...
I took a deep breath, screwed up my courage and knocked on thedoor. It was like seven-thirty in the morning, but if this was the rightaddress, then.... "Who is it?" came the female voice, faint through the closed door. "Roger!" I called back. "Roger! Come on in!" I turned the doorknob and walked in. I'd never been to this housebefore, but this was going to be the first of a long series of suchmornings if this worked out. But the living room was deserted. "Hello!" "In the...
NOTE: This is a re-telling of a typical fantasy my wife would indulge me in. Although in the fantasy I pretend to be a young boy, and she my lusty Mother it is ONLY a fantasy and we are both adults.On a typical day alone my "Mommy" walks nude from her shower to the top drawer of her dresser and selects an old thread bare nightgown that dangles slightly below her waist. She comes to the bed where I lay sleeping, strokes my hair, and says: " Wake up little Man... Mommy is going to make us some...
One nonevent full day in the hot as hell heartland of Kansas we put in the original copy of Taboo with Kay Parker and watched it from start to finish. He looked at me.. "I'm as hard as a rock...its not gay if you do it with your brother is it?" And with that bro and I were naked in bed exploring each others body's! I'm the older one of the two of the time i was 15 and he was 13. he was hitting puberty and I was taking every chance to rub a load out i could! We...
Uncle Jim was pretty special. He knew we did not want to be separated after our parents were killed and he welcomed us into his home even though he was not married and, I am sure, had no great desire to have three brats under foot. The first day we were there we all sat around the table in his kitchen. Jim began the discussion, “There is not much I can do to take away the pain of what you have lost, I lost a lot too. The only thing I can do is help by providing you a safe place to live and...
There he was.It had been almost two months since I had seen my brother. He had startedcollege a few months ago and being 18, 6 foot even, and with the build of aswimmer, he hadn't had much reason to come home. I had seen picture afterpicture on facebook of him with different girls every night of the week,them sitting on his lap or kissing his cheek.He would never know this but I was jealous of every one of them.My name was Ryland and no one in my family knew, but I was gay. I had a...
It was hard to decide just what I thought of "working" at the playgroup, and to say I was "working" at all would have been a stretch of the boldest proportions. A worker, to me, was a factory worker, or a teacher, or a doctor, or a binman. I seemed to spend nearly all my time "playing," not at all voluntarily of course, with Sophia and her little band of girlfriends. More explanation is needed. Since it had been decided I'd work with Rachael in the outside playground, while Carly...
The phone rang. Aerosmith’s “Cryin” faded to the background. It was my brother Butch. I hit the button on my dash that connected the call. “They just left,” he told me, “The bitches hardly said a word...” “Just stick to the plan brother, we got this,” I replied. “Why would she do this man?” he asked me, “I mean, I thought we had a good thing going.” “Who knows? All I know is that I am going to focus on Blake and you are going to focus on Sara and the rest of them can go to hell,” I...
My girlfriend was supposed to have gotten a friend of hers as Don's date that evening, but something had gone wrong, and the girl had backed out of the date at the last moment. Ginny, my girlfriend, was upset and apologetic, but insisted that she didn't know anyone else she'd be comfortable doubling with, not on such short notice. Ginny and I had been dating, on and off, for the past eighteen months. It wasn't a romance that was destined to go anywhere, and we both were aware of that. We...