Knocking Up Mary AnnChapter 4 Mary Ann s Examination
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The Probationer: Ann Winters
What was I doing here, being led up a dark and dimly lit staircase to theroom of one of my probationers, a prostitute at that, I blushed at the thoughtsthat were going through my mind? However, Carmel could not see my face reddening,due to the poor lighting. I was fascinated by the way the cheeks of her backsidemoved against the stretch fabric of her very short skirt. Which were only inchesaway from my face as she stepped up the stairs one step in front of me?
I could see the slight outline of the thong that she was wearing throughits thin material; both the skirt and the thong were white. I had never hadsuch lurid thoughts about a woman or even a young woman who was one of my clientsbefore now. 'Yes' I had fantasised about sex with a woman, just that. My maininterest was men, men about my age late twenties, and my boyfriend at presentwas fulfilling my needs sexually. However, just lately he had been fantasisingmore about me having sex with another woman while he watched. He kept askingme, "Do you fancy touching another woman the way you keep asking me to touchyou, and make love to her". Until then I had only thoughts of men, now withhis persistence I was beginning to think about what it would be like to try.Hence, my little flirt with Carmel, an 18yr Old Spanish beauty with raven colouredhair. Oozing sex from every pour in her body, her jet black eyes that flashedthat 'Come and try me, come and get me if you dare' every time our eyes madecontact. She was a prostitute and had been since she was 10yrs.
The way she used to enter my car her legs wide apart showing me that shewore only the briefest of panties or a thong, and that her breasts were firm.They did not droop when she leaned forward to put her head inside the car window.And in a sexy voice would ask, "What can I do for you Miss Roberts", and invariablywould continue without waiting for my answer. "All you have to do is ask andI will do whatever you want Miss Roberts". She would always close her eyesat this point and gently touch her breasts and crotch tantalisingly then sigh.'Oh….Miss Roberts'
In a weak moment I had agreed on her insistence to going up to her flat tocheck her attendance records, it was an excuse to be a little closer to her,she had that effect on me I really wanted to touch her tender flesh to feelher body next to mine. I tingled at the thought of this new experience, whatit would be like, to touch her bare backside; maybe spank her for being naughty.I fantasised to myself, not in the least bit revolted at my deviant thoughts.
She turned and with a reassuring smile I glimpsed her erect nipples showingthrough her thin 'T' shirt, she said, "Nearly there now Miss Roberts". Withoutsaying a word, I nodded and returned her smile I felt like I was under herspell, bewitched. I blushed at the thought that I was being submissive, insteadof being in total control. I was very nervous at being alone with such a wildcat, also, what if I was found out. I would have no creditability at work anymore;in fact, I would have no job. What was I doing? I thought to myself in terrorI started to say, "Carmel perhaps". As if Carmel sensed my hesitation and knewwhat I was about to say. Stopped me she turned and took hold of my arm andpulled me close to her, her ample breast brushed my arm. And she said, "Youwant to see my records don't you Miss |Roberts two minutes and you can havea good look for yourself in private". And she gave me a big smile and winkedadding, "Yes I know you would like that once we're in my flat"
I should have been wearing something more practical than this two-piecesuit, which I now thought was too revealing. I looked down and could see thetops of my firm tanned breasts heaving up over my white lace bra; they seemedlarger and in doing so gave me an even better cleavage; also revealing someun-tanned flesh too. I was soaking wet at just being here, I knew that nothingwould happen I kept telling myself.
My nipples were rock hard and seemed to be forcing my suit top out in twopoints, I'm sure that she knew what effect she was having on me. Carmel smiledand blatantly fixed her eyes on my heaving bosom. I pulled my briefcase upin front of me to hide my emotions. Since she leaned into my car showing herample breasts and adequate cleavage only wearing a cut-away 'T' shirt, andsaying that she wanted to see me in private and show me her records knowingthat would help me understand her, for my own records.
At room 24 Carmel stopped and opened her bag taking out her keys, Saying, "We'rehere" it was a grubby hallway with a dirty door. The latchkey looked well used,and knowing her profession, I knew I was right. She inserted the key into thelock and half a turn to the left and the door was open. She quickly steppedinside into the unlit space; I waited for her to put on a light but she juststood there and said, "Come in Miss Roberts".
I took the few steps and I was over the threshold of her apartment, she shutthe door quickly and whilst we were still in the dark she locked it. Then sheswitched on the lights they were very bright, I thought why have 3 bright spotlightsin the hall. Before I had time to focus my eyes Carmel was standing only inchesaway from me, she reached forward and with a hand on each shoulder pushed meup against the wall in her hallway. Then she stepped back and quickly tookhold of the 'T' shirt that she was wearing in both hands and without hesitationpulled it over her head. Standing there with her breasts exposed, they lookedfantastic they were just as I had imagined them; a perfect form beautifullytopped with dark areolas crowned with dark brown small hard nipples. Her skinshone in the bright light. She caressed and fondled them pinching the nipplesvery gently they soon became harder. She then spoke as I gazed wide-eyed ather action, she knew what I was thinking, by saying.
"Well Miss Roberts are they as good as you have been imagining" she asked.Then she undid her skirt a button at the waist and it too was discarded tothe floor, she slowly turned showing me her perfectly formed rear it lookedfirm and her cleft looked very tight. Before I could speak, Carmel took mybriefcase out of my hands, and placed it on the floor. Then she took hold ofmy hands and raised them to her breasts and said, "Go on Miss Roberts havea feel; you know you want to" my fingers touched her smooth tender young skin,as soon as I did she sighed and told me that it felt good and that she hadbeen longing for my touch for suck a long time. She let go and I began caressingher breasts on my own volition, my finger tips enjoyed this new sensation. "Pinchmy nipples I love that Miss Roberts" she said.
I gently stroked her perfect globes and did as she said, the thrill was tremendousas I felt her nipples react to the pressure of my pinch. "Yes Miss Robertsnow squeeze my arse feel how firm it is". She leaned against me to make iteasier for me to reach around and feel her rear, she was right it was excellent.
Then she took hold of me by my shoulders once again and held me against thewall, then to my utter shock she kissed me full on my lips, her tongue forcingmy lips apart and then began flicking at my tongue tip. This was darting inand out; I could feel her firm breasts against mine as she did. Her right handfondled and caressed my left breast, through my jacket and bra; this was trulya remarkable and new feeling. Being so close to this gorgeous beauty for thefirst time, I could smell her cheap perfume, and taste her lipstick too. Iclosed my eyes enjoying the sensation this young woman was producing in mypussy.
My skin was alive I could feel the colour rush to my cheeks, and goose pimplestingling over my flesh ever hair on my body was showing its approval.
She broke off the kiss, leaving me gasping for breathe and my whole bodytingling, then said, "You taste fucking marvellous Miss Roberts, did you enjoythat. Tell me you did and your tits are nice and firm too", adding, "Not asbig as mine, now tell me what you think of mine"
On hearing her using the 'F' word sent a shiver through me as I began totell her. "Well I did…." I began to say in a flustered manner. She interruptedme and said, "I know you did by looking at your tit ends standing out" whileshe spoke she took hold of the lapels on my jacket top and gently pulled themtowards her and apart at the same time; she leaned forward and peeked in.
She then asked, "Mind if I have a look at your underwear" Adding, "You don'tmind do you" still in shock I did nothing to stop her nibble fingers. Withthat she quickly grabbed at my jacket buttons and began to undo them, firstthe top one then the lower one. She quickly parted it and with her right hand,she went straight for my left nipple, which was standing erect and could beclearly seen through the silk material of my bra.
She caught hold of it and squeezed it quite hard, and twisted it to her rightthe pain was intense and I did a sharp in-take of breath and my eyes rolledwith delight. To my surprise I really enjoyed this exquisite new feeling, Ifocused my eyes on Carmel's face to see it change from quizzical to pure delightwith a widening smile showing her brilliant white teeth she said, "My oh MyMiss Roberts this I didn't expect? You of all people to LIKE pain! Fuckinggreat"
She twisted my nipple and squeezed it harder with enthusiasm; I moaned inpain and pleasure at the same time. Then Carmel said, "Well if you enjoy itlets see how you like this". This rhetorical question from her needed no answer.
With that she raised her left hand and pushed my jacket off my left shoulder,and then the right side was pushed off too. I put my hands up to protest ratherweakly it was then that she twisted my left nipple even more and said, "Handsdown at your sides and up on your toes".
I let out a controlled whimper as I once again winched in pain and delight,my whole body came alive at her domineering touch, instantly put my hands downand asked her, "What" as she spoke her left hand index finger was hooking mybra strap and that too was gently pulled off my shoulder. Her finger tracedthe outline of lace until her fingers where touching the bare flesh of my rightbreast. Still with a firm grip on my left nipple, she slowly exposed my rightbreast areoles and nipple, which was rock hard to her gaze, and her grasp,which she grabbed instantly.
Now with a firm grip on this one, once again the absolute delight as shesqueezed and twisted the nipple at her mercy, she released my left nipple andtold me, "I said, on your toes Miss Roberts" adding, "You sure like this painthing, mind you most of my clients love me being the boss and hurting them".I began to comply. "You know something Miss Roberts I've decided you shouldbe fucking starkers, not a fucking stitch on, stark fucking bullock naked inthis grubby hall". On hearing her words I was first afraid and nervous at beingtalked to like that, but I became sexually aware my juices were flowing; itdidn't sink in at the time that she wanted me naked here and now. "What!!!Carmel naked, not here in the hall surely we could go into a room where wecould be more comfortable". I told her. "No Miss Roberts you will strip hereand now, and if you're good I'll lick your pussy like the pro I am" I wentweak in the knees at hearing that she would lick my pussy my boyfriend reallydidn't like doing that for me.
So I just nodded my agreement. Then she told me to slip my jacket off myarms and let it fall on the floor, the thought of me standing in her brightlylit hall just wearing my bra and skirt suspender-belt and stockings and shoes.Was a thrill and also unnerving, I knew that this was giving a thrill to Carmeltoo. Now with my jacket off and my arms back at my sides, Carmel said, "Youdon't mind if I look at your bare tits do you Miss Roberts". Before I couldprotest not that I wanted too, she released my sore nipple for a moment andpulled down my bra to my waist exposing both my breasts to her gaze, my suntannedbody made the white on my breasts crowned with hard brown nipples look liketargets for her hands.
Without another word she grabbed at my breast and with a firm grip on myright nipple, she leaned forward and sucked my left nipple into her mouth;this was a totally new sensation unlike a man doing it. Then the pain startedshe was biting my nipple; she lifted and turned her head, pulled back her lipsbearing her teeth which were clamped tightly on my nipple showing me as shegrinded her teeth.
It was great! But painful, eventually I could stand no more so I screamedout loud.
Carmel released her grip of my right nipple, something was different I feltthe cool air around the top of my legs, I did not realise it until she releasedmy sore left nipple from her teeth. I looked down as the blood rushed backto my flattened nipple and the pain intensified. And then I felt her handsat my waist, she was pulling me away from the wall, I lifted my head my mindfilled with lust, when she pushed me back against the wall. She stepped backto admire her handiwork, "matching underwear but old fashioned". I looked downto see that she had removed my bra and undone my skirt, which was now aroundmy ankles. I was standing there only wearing my pants, suspender-belt stockingsand shoes.
Shocked and as a reflex I bent down to retrieve my skirt, but Carmel pulledme forward and off balance so that I was now facing the opposite wall. On steppingforward I stepped out of my skirt which was crumpled on the floor at my feet. "Nonot yet I want to do something that I'm sure you will like but first you haveto get fucking naked".
"Turn and face the far door for I want to see you fully in the light" I lookedto the way she was pointing and turned. "My your tits are something else, firmand I just love the way those nipples point up to the ceiling" she commented.
Adding, "And that arse is firm round and looks good enough to eat, I'll betyou'd like me to eat it", "Or would you like it beating, spanking or perhapsyou would like something else" she asked.
I replied, anything you want to do"
"I knew you would" she said.
"Now put your hands behind your neck and do a complete turn very slowly MissRoberts".
While I was doing as she told, she praised my body all the time, Saying, "YesMiss Roberts your body is just right, just fucking right for me". "Stop" sheordered, I now had my back to that far door. Without warning she pulled downmy panties exposing my backside for a moment, I started to react but stoppedwhen she shouted. "Don't fucking move until I tell you to". Then she caressed,fondled and squeezed it for several minutes, after pulling them back up shetold me to continue.
Back facing the wall she said, put yours hands on the wall above your head,and spread your legs Miss Roberts" I did as she told me the tingle was likeelectric. "But first, answer my questions. "How old are you" she asked as shepulled and gathered the material of my panties into the cleft between my cheeksthen she fondled and caressed the cheeks of my now bare backside.
"28yrs I told her". "Do you like me touching your arse, it feels great Ihave wanted to do this for ages" she told me. Some of my clients are olderthan you, but my girls are younger than me"
I told her that I liked her touching me. She came close to my right sideand told me to turn and look at her. I did, and then she told me say it louderand to call her Mistress Carmel". "I like you touching me Mistress Carmel". "Sheparted my cheeks and to my surprise touched my anus with her finger; I flinchedand clenched my cheeks together. She removed her finger, laughed, with herleft hand squeezed, and dug her nails into my left breast.
I winched again in both pain and pleasure. "You like that don't you" sheasked. I had to admit to her that, "Yes" I did. "Yes what Miss Roberts" "Ilike the pain Mistress Carmel" I told her. She laughed again. "I'll bet thatyou would like to be tied-up beaten and have all your holes fucked".
She then asked, "Have you ever been tied up and beaten" I replied, "No MistressCarmel".
"Have you ever been fucked in the arse by a man". I blushed a crimson colourand was grateful she couldn't see, "NO most certainly NOT" I told her indignantly.
She squeezed my breast even harder and asked, "Have you ever been in bedwith a girl, or woman". "No Mistress Carmel" I told her.
"Have you ever been fucked in the arse by a woman". "The answer to that isdefinitely NO too" I told her. "Well Miss Roberts I will want to see you fuckedin your arse before the week is out, what is your answer to that". Her nailsfilled my mind with pain and delight, when I said, "You can Fuck my arse MistressCarmel". What had I just said???
With that her finger was at my anus once again, her words rang around myhead. 'Being tied-up, hurt, and abused'. and a shiver went down my spine atthe thought of her saying those words, the way she did. Her finger circledmy puckered anus as she whispered into my ear. "I want to finger your arseholehole now Miss Roberts, just for a moment can I".
Her nails were digging into my breast as she squeezed harder, whilst herfinger played at the opening of my anus. Not being able to control myself anylonger blurted out, "DO IT, and do it now" I was shocked at what I had justasked her to do.
"Do what! tell me make it clear" she instructed.
"Put a finger up my anus" I told her.
"You mean your arsehole, don't you" she whispered.
"Yes, put a finger up my arsehole Mistress Carmel" I said in a disjointedvoice.
However, I was surprised how easily her finger slipped into my anus it feltstrange and remote as her thin finger entered my forbidden entrance. Once hersecond knuckle was inside she began to rotate it slightly as she worked itin and out at the same time, this was both uncomfortable and exciting at thesame time. She then asked, "How does it feel to have my finger up your arsehole" adding "Itold you that you would be fucked here before the week was out, not expectingyou to submit to have it done now you're an eager sex slut bitch Miss Roberts"
I told her the truth "That it hurt a little but was exciting the way shedid it". She removed her finger. And said, "You can have more of that later,a good arse fuck will bring you to your real self".
Then I felt her bare breasts against my back and her right hand cupping myright breast. Then she leaned, kissed my neck, and asked, "Are you meant tosee your boyfriend tonight"?
I replied, "Yes"
"Well I don't want you to and this will make sure you don't". Then with thatshe slapped my right cheek very hard with her bare and open hand; it landedwith a loud crack. It stung and within seconds began to burn, I yelled outin pain. The shock caused me to thrust my hips forward and bang my pubic boneon the wall facing me. Though she was right I did like it, and then came anotheron the left cheek. She did not give me time to recover for she pulled me backwardsso that I was now back against the wall where I had been before. She told methat explaining to your boyfriend how you got spanked would be impossible.
"Do you shave Miss Roberts can I find out" without waiting for my answer,which would have been NO, she advanced knelt and roughly pulled down panties,exposing my dark full mound of my pubic hair. "Oh I see you don't but I willchange that and you won't mind will you".
"No Mistress Carmel"
I thought I would mind and I won't let her do that, and standing here inthe hall there was no chance of that happening anyway.
Then she ordered me to undo my suspenders and suspender-belt. She gesturedand I willingly stepped out of my panties and whilst there she removed my stockingsand shoes at the same time. "Your pussy looks nice and pretty but far too muchhair". Adding, "My you do look strange standing naked in my hallway like abitch on heat, do you want me to fuck your pussy". There she was again on aboutmy pubic hair, and she was right I did feel strange being naked and randy ashell and at her mercy.
Without much ado she thrust her fingers into my soaking wet pussy, I nearlyhad an orgasm on the spot. "My Miss Roberts you're fucking drenched down herein your nice tight little cunt". "Did you like being slapped on your arse tellme Miss Roberts". I tried to say no but I said, "Yes". "I thought so, if youwant me to carry on fingering your cunt then step forward turn to your rightand bend over for I want to give you two more now on your bare arse".
I did without question for I wanted her to indulge in my fantasy and masturbateme. I knew that she would hit me harder, and this time I was ready and waiting,she slapped me hard once again on both cheeks. The slap echoed around the hallit seemed louder than before, and it hurt even more too. "My you took themtoo well, that means I have to give you 4 more or until you cry out for meto stop" Whack!, Whack! Whack!, Whack! I lost my balance and I had to yell, "Pleasestop Mistress Carmel I can't take anymore".
"Good Miss Roberts you're leaning"
With my cheeks on fire, she ordered me to stand up and began fingering mypussy whilst sucking my left nipple. I had multiple orgasms whilst up againstthe wall; I stood there exhausted and drained. "Before I go lick my fingersclean of all your cunt juices" she said, offering the fingers of her righthand. I took hold of her hand and eagerly sucked and licked each finger; thiswas the first time that I had ever tasted my love juices. I had sucked my boyfriendoff but never let him cum in my mouth.
When she was satisfied with my efforts, Carmel put on her 'T' shirt and skirtand told me to get dressed and leave when I had for she had to go. What hadI just done!! What had I allowed Carmel to do, I felt ashamed and dirty, lookedat my bottom she really had marked it and I could feel the marks, imprintsleft by her blows. I dressed as quickly as I could and left, my legs shakingafter so many orgasms, my rear stinging like hell. She was right how couldI explain this to my boyfriend there was no way it was self inflicted.
Chapter 2
I phoned my boyfriend and told him that I was unwell and not to bother fortonight. He knew something was wrong and he pressured me into telling him whathappened. I could not lie to him so I told him the truth, he was gripped withexcitement and asked questions like, "Did she tie you up, did you touch herup as well, and did she lick your pussy" I told him the answer to these questionsis No and this was a one and only session. "Well Ann describe her to me" Ibegan by saying she is 18yrs old, long black hair, big brown eyes, very prettyin fact I would say beautiful." "What about her figure" he asked. Well as Ihave already said, her breasts are bigger than mine but firm, she is as tallas me her waist is tiny and her hips are marginally bigger than her breastsa 38-26-38.
He was so randy that he told me he had just cum in his pants, I was disgustedat his behaviour, and my own for allowing myself to be humiliated by one ofmy clients. I told him I must go now, he replied, "Next time we meet I willtie you up and fuck your arse". "Oh no you wont" I told him.
"Oh yes you will or I will tell your employer you're a Lesbian and that youhave sex with your clients" he paused, "Ann this means you get to suck my dickat least once a day". Why had I told him, he was now going to blackmail meinto his kind of sex" I went to bed and thought of Carmel.
Not having slept all night, I was too busy masturbating reliving the entireexperience. I dressed and went into work as normal I hadn't been in for anhour when I had a phone call it was Carmel. "Hello Carmel" I said, in a rathernervous voice, the colour coming to my cheeks at the thought of yesterday.
"Well Hello Miss Roberts are you sitting down" she asked, I told her "Yes". "Wellyou only had Six slaps so that is understandable. However, next time I willcane you so you won't be sitting down for some days after" she explained. Thissent a shiver up my spine and I was beginning to be turned on again.
However, I tried to bluff my way out by stating, "Well Carmel last nightwas the one and only time and we must now return to client and officer relationship". "Ohwas it Miss Roberts now you listen very carefully to what I'm about to sayand do it without question. Go home at lunchtime and check your mail then ringme" she said, more like an order. "What for" I asked, "Just do it bitch" andshe hung up.
Carmel was right my backside was a little tender and it had reminded me whenI sat down in my leather chair. Now what could she mean check your mail andphone her? There was menace in her voice so I thought so I decided to findout what she meant I was now getting worried.
Lunchtime came and I went home there was a large packet in my mailbox I openedit. It contained a Videotape a thought of dread ran through me. I put it intothe recorder and pressed play. As soon as the picture appeared I nearly faintedthe screen was full of me. My eyes glued to Carmel's naked breasts, my lustwas plain to see no wonder she was quick in having a go at me, my eyes andface were saying come-on.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the phone, more of a reflexaction I answered it. And in a quiet voice said, "Hello".
"So you did do as you were told, well, a very good start got the tape haveyou, isn't it great Miss Roberts" there was a pause. "I need a new name foryou but we can discuss that later now open the door and let me in".
"You're outside my apartment I asked" "Yes now if you can drag yourself awayfrom the tape let me in".
I put the phone down and went to the front door, still in shock leaving thetape running, when I opened it there I saw Carmel and another young clientof mine Sue she was at the time on my register for shoplifting. Carmel said, "Noneed for intro's you know each other".
Blushed a brighter shade of red on seeing someone that I knew with Carmel,for I also knew that she must have seen the tape too. Oh I did remember Sueshe was trouble then and I tried to sort her out by giving her the 'Dirty jobs'hoping the humiliation would make her see sense.
"Get us some beer and I will tell you what is or is not going to happen fromnow on Miss Roberts" Carmel said.
While I was in the kitchen, I could hear them both laughing and hooting asthey watched the tape. When I returned Sue stood up she had removed her coat,and it was now that I could see her petite frame, her small pert breasts crownedwith an erect pair of nipples stuck out from her tight fitting jumper she hadgrown since I last saw her, that was 4yrs ago. But she was still only 5ft tall;my imagination went wild as I gazed at her breasts. Ever since Carmel had startedflirting I have been looking at younger females in a different light. She waswearing tight fitting pants that showed of her bottom. Looking at me and shemust have seen the sparkle in my eyes.
Carmel said, "I will not show this tape to anybody if you agree to do mybiding" she stared at me waiting for my response. Sue broke the tension bysaying, "Look at the expression on her face as you tweak her nipple Carmel".
"Yes look Ann it may make you agree and save your job and life"
Just a quick look was all I needed, blushing profusely an totally embarrassedand humiliated I told her, "I agree to what you want Carmel". She gave me along stare, and I added, " Say Mistress Carmel for that is the only way thatyou will address me from now on"
"Yes Mistress Carmel I agree"
"Ok these are the rules.
1; you do whatever you're told to whoever I tell you to do it with"
"By that do you mean sex Mistress Carmel" I asked.
"Yes, of course I want to fuck you, be fucked by you, and of course see youfucked by men and other women too. The thought of you licking cunts reallyturns me on Fanny Licker what else would I want apart from your car and money"
2; I get to beat you often".
3; You never wear underwear unless I tell you to.
I blushed the deepest crimson on hearing what plans she had for me, how couldshe say such things. How could she expect me to comply? Then the thought ofthat video of me behaving the way that I had, being shown to all my friendsand work colleagues. I knew that she knew she had me just where she wantedme, and from now on I would be doing whatever she wanted when she wanted meto do it.
Chapter 3
As she spoke Sue stood up and stepping towards me began to fondle my breastswith both hands through my blouse, my first reaction was to step back. Notallowing this young girl to touch me. Then held my ground, my nipples instantlybecame erect giving my emotions away. "Mistress Carmel her tits are just likeyou said they would be firm with rock hard nipples. Sue undid the buttons andpulled it open she hooked her fingers under the under-wire and pulled my braover my breasts this was very uncomfortable. She then pinched my nipples veryhard my whole body came to life. She knew straight away, she asked, "You likethis don't you". "Yes" I replied. She then told me to hold my skirt up. I didand she dropped to her knees and quickly pulled down my panties. Turning toCarmel she said, "She is really hairy can I shave her cunt today please MistressCarmel"
"I'll think about that" Carmel said. "Well can I slap her tits really hardfor twenty minutes" asked Sue. "I'll think about that too" Carmel replied.
Sue seemed like she like she wanted more that just sex, she wanted me inpain too. But the worst thing for my mind to come to terms with was that itwas turning me on!
"Carmel definitely NO shaving or hitting…" I began to say. "What haveyou forgotten you fucking Cunt Licker" Carmel shouted, stopping me in mid-sentence. "Nowstart again cunt licker"
"Mistress Carmel Please don't shave…" Carmel shouted again. "That'sfucking better, but I decide what happens to you and when it happens, whetherit is pain or pleasures understand!"
I bowed my head knowing that she did have control and said, "Yes MistressCarmel I understand"
"I will let you know when I have decided and I will order you to shave thiscunt Lickers cunt bald and if I decide; yes you can beat her tits until theyare bruised all over" Carmel said.
"Oh thank you Mistress Carmel I promise that she will be bald and her titswill be black and blue, yippee thank you again Mistress Carmel thank you"
After watching Sue grope me in all my intimate places, Carmel told Sue totake the bag to the bedroom and get yourself and everything ready, set thingsup and we will be in shortly.
What did she mean 'get everything ready, set things up' Sue stopped immediatelyand did as she was told and walked off towards my bedroom.
"She will be a few minutes so you can strip naked then get on your kneesand start by kissing then licking my pussy dry".
I was shocked at her frankness, but complied. While I undressed Carmel slippedher right hand under her skirt and began touching herself. I began by undoingthe buttons on my blouse, then the skirt, bra, pants and finally shoes.
When I was on my knees facing her she opened her legs and for the first timeI saw her shaven pussy lips hers was different to mine she had protruding lips,whilst mine was just like a slit.
Stripped and on my knees ready to satisfy her needs and mine. She said. "Youlook better in daylight and your new name is CUNT or CUNT LICKER, yes I likethat you are my 6 th sex slave" then she asked, "whatis your new name" adding to my humiliation. With my head bent forward I toldher, "Cunt or Cunt licker, Mistress Carmel" as I spoke the words filled mewith shame. "Louder SEX SLAVE CUNT I want Sue to hear you say your new name" "CUNT,I am a CUNT LICKER Mistress Carmel" I shouted at her.
This was the first time that I had ever been with a woman though I had fancied,and last night was proof that I enjoyed being touched by another woman. Staringdown at her open legs; and her pussy oozing her love juices, her vulva lipsswollen and pink. And her clit erect like a little penis. I dived on it inan instance and began to suck feverishly at it. Indeed I was a CUNT LICKERand I was enjoying doing it, in fact I secretly enjoyed Carmel fingering myanus and wanted her to do it some more. Whilst licking her pussy I broughtmy hands into work using my fingers to stimulate her inner passage, it wasthen that Carmel told me to 'Get two or more fingers of your right hand upmy arsehole, and with your other hand squeeze my tits Cunt or I'll not makeyou cum later'.
I was eager to please and after a little hesitation began to work a fingerup her anus whilst still licking and sucking at her clit for all I was worthand at the same time fondling her firm large breasts. She cried out 'Oh YesCunt Licker eat my Cunt and fuck my arsehole' she had several orgasms and Iworked through them until at last she ordered me to stop.
Once Carmel had used me, my face covered in her love juices my body drenchedin sweat. Carmel said, "If that was your first time it was fucking good andyou will get better with lots more practice Cunt licker".
She ordered me to get dressed again and took me to my bedroom, I was shockedto see that Sue had set up cameras and had laid some clothes on the bed. Also,she was dressed as a schoolgirl wearing a school uniform gymslip, white blouseand complete with a tie and ankle socks and buckle shoes. She even had herhair in pigtails, tied with neat little bows made of pink ribbon. She reallylooked like a real schoolgirl about 10yrs with that tiny well formed bottomand pert breasts.
"Nice bed ideal for being tied to, have you ever been tied-up on it CuntLicker" Carmel asked, I had thought about being tied-up and raped in my fantasiesbut never put it into practice. I then told Carmel "Never".
Carmel explained the scenario to me which was I was to help my friend Suetry on some of your sisters clothes. The idea was to get her naked and touchher up, and frig her Arsehole. "Well you will have to think of how you haveSue tied face down with her legs tied wide apart". "I can't do that, she lookslike a minor dressed like that and on film it would make me look like a childmolester", I told Carmel.
"It's all a bit of fun to keep the other slaves happy that's the idea Cunt,you would like to see her naked I'll bet. You're already on tape so this isjust for our fun, Sue knows the score she will be willing, but you will haveto talk her into doing what I want you to do". Adding, "Remember plenty ofchat".
Sue had an exciting look on her face and was eager to start. I felt reallynervous when she spoke, she asked, "why do you want me to try on Sam's clothesAnn". "Well what you fancy you can keep Sam told me", I replied.
"I can try anything on and if I like it I can keep it" Sue asked me, "ThenI will help you" I said, looking at Carmel. She smiled and nodded.
Sue then said, "Ok Ann. do you know that my brother Joe fancies you". UnsureI looked at Carmel she nodded again and mouthed and you fancy him too.
"Oh does he Sue, for I really fancy him". "He wants to fuck the arse offyou Ann" she told me. I blushed and asked, "Does he did Joe say it like that".
Carmel stopped the tape at this point. While Sue explained.
"Oh yes and I mean your arse Ann" she said. "He likes fucking arse he startedfucking mine 10yrs ago, it all started when I was 6yrs old he would bath me,talc me then he would spend ages rubbing lotion on my body. Everyday he woulddo this it seemed natural be naked with him; however, things started to escalate,first he started just rubbing my arse then he began to put his finger up myarse then it seemed to have gone on from there and soon he was putting hisdick into my arsehole".
I was shocked at her frankness. She continued, "After some weeks I wantedit as much as he did everyday he would have me naked and fuck me in my arsehole". "Henever wanted my pussy, we were caught once by Carmel's brother Dave, and soonhe was fucking me in my arsehole too. I think it was him Dave you know him,who started making me suck him off if Joe was in my arsehole, I prefer it upmy arse though". She told me in a nonchalant way.
"Ok Cunt once you get her naked tie her hands with her tie, then gag herwith her panties, tie her legs to each leg of your bed end with tights. Makingsure her arsehole is in plain view.
Then strip yourself and then strap on that dildo and fuck her arsehole shewill scream but as she told you she really likes it". "Talk her out of herclothes then use the rough stuff OK".
I nodded, and blushed knowing what Carmel wanted me to act out. She startedthe camera I turned to Sue and said, "Here let me help you off with your jacket" Iturned her around and took hold of the lapels of her jacket and pulled it downher arms, taking care with the sleeve. I could smell the sweat scent of heryoung body, though I knew she was 16yrs old, a street-wise 16yr old. But, dressedthe way she was she looked about 10yrs sweet and innocent. When I turned herso that her back was to camera, she winked at me, and mouthed give me a hugand tell me how nice I look.
She did look nice her skin tanned and blonde hair in pigtails. I put bothmy arms around her and hugging her said, "Oh Sue you look lovely, tell me moreabout Dave" Carmel was waving and pointing at my hands and mouthed 'touch herarse' I dropped my right hand and rested it on her firm perfectly formed roundbuttock. Not daring to squeeze it though I wanted too.
Carmel stopped again, "Tell her that in return you want something that onlygirls can do for each other, and for fuck sake squeeze her arse".
So I did and it was great this young woman pretending to be a girl reallyturned me on. I knew that she wouldn't object but I felt guilty, I was justgetting into the part when Sue pulled away then as she turned her back to mefor me to unzip her gymslip. And said, with a cheeky smile on her face shewas enjoying teasing me I thought. "Ann help me out of this will you" my fingersrather shakily went for the zipper once it was completely down she turned toface me. Her eyes staring into mine as if as to say well and the rest, I reachedup for the two large buttons on the left side of her gymslip, when undone thetwo separate pieces fell front and rear. I nervously undid the other two onher right shoulder and her gymslip fell to the floor, she was standing therein her shirt, tie, bra, pants, shoes and socks.
I couldn't get over the size and shape of her bottom it was fantastic I wasreally wet by now I wanted her so bad. "Sue in return I want something thatonly girls can do for each other".
"Would you agree to that" I said, nervously. Sue with a glint in her eyesaid, "Yes if I find something that I want".
She asked, "Is there anything I could try on" I was now pulling the tie endthrough the knot. Then I began to undo the buttons on her shirt, I could seeher erect nipples through the material of shirt and bra. She stood there chestout as I did her breathing becoming more rapid as my fingers touched her bareskin. Once unbuttoned I gripped it between my fingers and nervously prisedthe garment apart my gaze fixed on her small perfectly formed pert but firmbreasts rising over the cups of the restraining bra. I started to push it offher shoulders, when she stopped me. My heart sank what had I done wrong, shecontinued by saying, "First you will have to undo the cuff buttons" I thoughtthat she was about to complain my heart quickened. I breathed a sigh of relieffor I was really excited at the thought of getting her down to only wearingher underwear.
Her panties hugged her firm young bottom like a second skin I could see herpubic mound through them I was fascinated by her small but perfectly proportionedform. She turned around to show me her figure, and asked, "Where is the dressfor me to try on Ann" I gave her a dress that was set out on the bed, she putit on but made a fuss about it being to big and old fashioned. I quickly pickedup the garments that she had taken off and threw them in the far corner. "DoesSam have anything more modern" she asked.
Carmel prompted me by pointing to the bag on the bed, I was confused. Carmelstopped the camera and told me. In the bag is a see-through outfit that meansgetting her out of her bra and pants". Once out of them go for it, get hertied down and rape her arsehole, tell her you are going to fuck the arse offher before David fucks the arse off you Cunt"
She started the camera again and I told Sue about the outfit if she daretry it on, it would mean you taking off your bra and pants. Sue looked at thetwo flimsy garments and told me, "I wouldn't dare wear anything like that noteven in the house and I've never been naked in front of anyone before. "Tellyou what Sue if you try them on and don't like them I will take you into townand buy you anything that you want, how does that sound" I told her. This pleasedCarmel
"Oh that would be fine Ann" Sue said.
With that she undid her bra exposing those breasts that I had been longingto see, and she hooked her fingertips into the elastic of her panties and slowlyremoved them wiggling her hips has she did, now standing naked before me shelooked absolutely fabulous small but pert breasts and a firm round bottom.She had no pubic hair and her slit could be seen as a tiny entrance.
I handed her the see-through skimpy top and the see-through knee-length pants,she put them on and this made her look even more sexy.
This was my chance I pushed her onto my bed and quickly put a pillow overher mouth and nose, she quickly stopped struggling I suppose getting the idea,or perhaps she really was out cold. Frankly I didn't care at this stage allI wanted was to have her naked again and this time touch her pussy. When shedid I quickly went over to my drawers and returned with a pair of long sharpscissors. Then unable to contain myself any longer, with the scissors in myright hand, I opened the jaws then placing the bottom part of the blade againsther smooth young skin of her neck. I began snipping the thin material acrossher shoulder and all the way down her right arm.
Changing position I did the same to the garment at her left arm. Puttingthe scissors down I took a firm grip of the material in both hands and tuggedapart and down at the same time, the thin material made a fantastic rippingsound as it parted. Her breasts look lovely, so lovely that I had to touchthem. They felt firm and as I touched them her nipples came to life. I couldn'tresist leaning forward and kissing her right nipple, I tried to suck all ofher tit into my mouth. It fitted into my mouth easily.
I thought she was ideal for touching so I continued with my plan her pantsnext should be cut off. I was like a crazed person I wanted to see her nakedso bad, to touch her cute pussy, inserting the open blade into the top of thewaistband I began snipping, as soon as I had cut through the elastic they sprangapart exposing the top of her bald very sexy looking pubic mound, it did lookneat and tidy with no hair making her look very young indeed. I quickly cutaway the rest; she really was a sight to see. I longed to kiss her pussy justlike I had kissed Carmel's before, so I pulled her legs wide apart exposingher sex to my gaze and touch. I lowered my head and at the same time pulledher vulva lips apart so I could see inside and examine her clit, and she tastedlovely too. I put my tongue into her tiny slit feeling for her clit, havingfound it I eagerly sucked it between my lips.
I was really enjoying licking this nubile little pussy whilst my fingerspinched and squeezed her tiny taught nipples. She was starting to move, toreact to my attention at her pussy and breast.
So I quickly turned her over and tied her hands behind her back, and thenI dragged her to the end of the bed and secured her legs to the legs of thebed so that they were wide apart. I was really getting into this raping a younggirl story, and Carmel knew it too. She stopped the camera and told me to stripfor the next scene. When the camera was off Sue told Carmel how exciting thisversion was and that I was really acting the part. By the time Sue had pretendedto come around I was undressed and ready for her standing naked with my breastsheaving as my breathing became heavier at the point of lust for this youngwoman, I nearly said girl because her slight frame made her look girlish especiallywith her hair done the way it was.
When the camera started again Sue said, "What happened where am I" were thefirst words she said.
I told her that she was doing to lick my pussy or I would fuck her arseholewith this, showing her the dildo that Carmel had given me, it was just likea big dick.
She shouted, "I'll never lick anything so you best let me go"
"I really mean to have your pretty little arsehole Sue if you don't lickmy pussy" I told her.
She screamed and repeated what she said earlier. Adding, "that would be wrongand disgusting and I'm a virgin too I'm only 10yrs old you know that; pleasedon't make me lick your pussy, or put that thing up my arsehole Ann".
At this point Carmel stopped the camera and told me to get the Vaseline andsit on Sue's back. But before I did she untied Sue's hands, applied Vaselineto them and then told me to sit on them. She then told me to get a handfulof Vaseline on my fingers, when all was ready she started the camera. Has soonas I touched Sue's anus she began working her fingers in my pussy and anus,this was a pleasant surprise and made me more excited and eager to please thesensation was very erotic both doing and being done at the same time.
Her anus was tight and yet my finger slid in with ease I felt her musclesclench she wanted to feel and enjoy every minute, Sue started screaming "Noplease don't put your fingers up my bum". "STOP, STOP, STOP I'm only ten anda virgin" her fingers were busy in my pussy she had found my clit and was workingit, this only encouraged me on.
"I'll stop if you say you're lick my Cunt" I shouted back to her. She wasrocking under me which only heightened my pleasure. Carmel was pointing tothe dildo, I took it in my right hand and guided it to Sue's anus. Withouthesitation I pushed it in slowly. Sue let out a loud scream as I did, and screamed, "Nostop raping my bum with your fingers; oh my god you really are going to fuckmy arsehole, my virgin 10yr old arsehole you bitch" with that she rammed herfingers into my anus. The ecstasy was fantastic, her words seemed over thetop but I was really turned on, and I had an orgasm whilst sitting on her back.
Carmel stopped at this point and I got off of Sue's back, Carmel removedthe dildo from Sue's anus and fastened a large strap-on dick to me and thenretied Sue's hands. Then she told me in simple terms. "Go and fuck her arseholeCunt Licker" it felt and looked strange having this thing protruding from mygroin, I squatted slightly to position myself and the dildo at Sue's anus.I thought how beautiful Sue's bottom was her anus was slightly open after thepounding it had just had from the hand held dildo.
Sue turned to face me and said, "Get that fucking dick inside me soon CuntLicker or I'll make you sorry later". Carmel said with a smile, "She meansit too Cunt Licker she will give you fucking hell if you make her wait toolong".
Carmel started the camera. And I thrust the dildo up into Sue's anus shescreamed long and loud, "You bitch you're fucking me with a rubber dick fuckingme in my arsehole". I started working it in and out, to and thro my inner thighsrubbing her firm round bottom. Her anus looked like it was sucking the dildoin and trying to hold it there, with each thrust forward she screamed, "NO,NO, NO PLEASE STOP YOU'RE HURTING ME STOP FUCKING ME ANN ROBERTS" I was beginningto sweat heavily and was nearing yet another orgasm. Then it happened; an orgasmthat I had only experienced with Carmel yesterday. Over and over I came andcame some more I fell on Sue's back as I shock as these orgasm passed throughmy body. Sue screamed out at the same time, "I'mmmmmmm Cuuuummmmmmmmiinnnnng".Carmel stopped the camera, and ordered me off Sue.
"That was no act were you turned on by the thought that it was a young girlor that you liked fucking a 10 year old girls arse, I it looked like you meantit licking her cunt, you really are a cunt licker" she asked.
"Now Cunt Licker are you ready for Sue to lick your pussy" I tried to tellher that I was very sensitive, she wouldn't listen and ordered me to "get mypussy at her head".
Sue said, "Do I have to lick her with all that hair still on it Carmel"
"Ok that will do for now" Camel said,
"Sue pick our cunt licker a short white skirt, a white blouse or shirt" Carmelpaused turned to me and asked, "Do you have any matching red Pants, bra, suspender-belt,Cunt licker if so where are they". "Yes I have Mistress Carmel they are inthe second drawer down in the dressing table" I told her.
"Get them Sue also look for some white stockings" Carmel told Sue.
Sue went to the dressing table and soon found my best lacy red matching outfit,she held them up and said to Carmel, "Look at these cunt licker will look sexyin these, where do you keep the stockings bitch" Sue asked, "Next drawer down" Itold her.
She threw these items on the bed and headed for the wardrobes to find theskirt and top that Carmel had told her to get for me to wear. She picked thebest white ones that I had a short mini skirt and white silk blouse, the brathat they had chosen would show through like a beacon, matching my cheeks atthis very moment. I was wondering what Carmel had in mind. But, I was afraidto ask.
"Now cunt licker go and have a shower dry your hair and get yourself backhere" Carmel instructed me. I glanced at the clock I had been here for 2 hoursand I really ought to be back at my office, I thought that I mentioned thisto Carmel. Hoping that she would let me go, and not arouse any suspicions.Irritated Carmel told me to phone in and tell them that you have to go to someunscheduled appointments. I did and Steve who answered was used to me doingthis sort of thing and just said, "OK Ann noted" I wanted to say more but Carmelwas listening.
I started for the bathroom when Sue shouted, "Hey cunt licker wait for meyou can show me where it is for I'm desperate for a piss, 'Oh' tell me whereare the scissors". I was afraid knowing that she had a thing about my pubichair, but what could I do I pointed to the bedside table. She picked them upand as she passed me she slapped my left cheek with her empty hand hard andit hurt I yelled out loud. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhh".
Carmel said as we walked out, "Sue that sounded so nice give her anotherhard one on the other side and be good in there" "Yes Mistress Carmel" Suereplied then laughed and whacked me again with just as much force as the firstone. Though I was expecting this one it still made me jump when it landed andonce again I cried out. "Aaaaaaaaaaagghhh".
Once inside the bathroom Sue closed the door caught me by my left arm andpulled me towards her and said, "Kiss me cunt licker make it good" I leanedforward tilting my head so that my lips meet hers her mouth opened instantlyand her tongue thrust into my mouth flicker at mine. Her arms wrapped aroundme, pulling me towards her, my breasts touching hers.
My nipples erect my pussy on fire just like the cheeks of my bottom, suddenlyI felt the cold steel against my back. Then very slowly it travelled aroundmy waist and was soon at my stomach, she broke from the kiss.
"Here hold these" she said handing me the scissors.
"I like the way you improvised with the pillow, and I loved the way you fuckedmy arsehole with your fingers and then the dildo, soon be my turn. But, whatI didn't like was you cutting up my special outfit, you will pay in kind orreplace it cunt licker" she exclaimed.
I thought that a dildo up my anus would surely hurt, not being used to itlike she was, I just got carried away with the thought I never really intendedto destroy that cheap outfit. But, I knew she like Carmel would have her ownway; they really had me in many compromising positions on video tape.
"Is Mistress Carmel the only one to have had a finger up your arsehole cuntlicker"
"Yes she is the only one Mistress Sue", I told her.
She reached out and took a firm grip on each of my nipples. Then she squeezed,twisted and turned them both at the same time. I couldn't control the delightthis pain gave me, she knew and a knowing smile came to her face then she asked "Doyou remember all those 'SHITY' jobs you had me doing 4yrs ago, you so bossybehind your big desk, ordering me and others about. But look at you now, starknaked fucking randy as hell just because I've got hold of your tit ends. Youlike the pain don't you cunt; get up on your toes cunt and tell me the truth".
"Yes Mistress Sue I do like pain and I'm sorry about those jobs years ago".I told her. Then to my surprise I began to have yet another orgasm, "OooooooooI'm coming" I exclaimed.
"My you are some randy bitch, I've only just touched you" Sue said with glee.
She released her grip and asked, "Are you really sorry cunt" then changingthe conversation said, "Do you like my tits", "Yes Mistress Sue I do, I reallydo" I replied.
"Mine are not big enough for slapping but yours are, can I slap them later" asshe asked she took a firm hold of my left nipple and yanked it up and downquickly as she spoke.
"Aaaaaaaggghhhhh Mistress Sue that hurts" I told her through gritted teeth.
"It's supposed to, tell me, no beg me to slap your tits later" she said asher right hand grabbed my pubic hair and she pulled it upwards.
"Aaaagggggghhhh" I said and put my hands up to stop her. She yanked harderon my hair and twisted my nipple with venom and shouted almost spitting thewords out. "Tell me cunt can I slap your big tits later"
"Aaaaaaaaaaaggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh…YES, Yes, Mistress Sue pleasehit my tits later", I told her.
"Good now get down and suck my tits cunt" she said releasing me.
I was pleased that she stopped for that really hurt and I was afraid she'dpull out some of my pubic hair. I lowered my head and gently kissed the topof her left breast, slowly working my way to her small firm nipple. I instantlyencircled it with my lips and sucked it into my mouth. Then I proceeded tonibble at it with my teeth, she liked this and began to moan. I thought I mustsee if I can suck her pert breast into my mouth, I opened my mouth as wideas I could and sucked, to my surprise and delight it came in and filled mymouth completely. Whilst sucking in her beautiful breast I closed my jaws aroundit biting gently, it seemed to make it expand even more in my mouth; with myfree hand I caressed her perfectly formed bottom. After a short while Sue motionedme to stop for she must have realised that I was on the verge of having anotherorgasm, and in this highly erotic state I would agree to anything.
Taking the scissors from me she then said, "I'm going to give you a choicenormally I don't but for you just this once. And it is" she said as she ledme towards the shower and pushed me in with my back against the cold tiles.She continued waving the scissors in front of her and then pointing to my pubichair, she came straight out and said, "I cut your hair off or I piss on yourface make a choice for I'm busting for a piss".
She wanted to cut my pubic hair off I knew it! I didn't want that in factI really didn't want her to urinate on my face either but I knew she woulddo one or the other.
"If you leave it too long before you answer I'll do both, if you agree tome cutting your bushy pubes off spread your legs and say Please Mistress Suecut my hair off. Or if you decide that I should piss on your face get downon your knees with your head back and say Please mistress Sue piss on my facethank you,. She said.
"Well cunt licker Fivvvveeee Fooouuuurrrrrr" Ann began her countdown. Iasked myself what would be worst the urine is for now and then it's over, ashower and I could forget about it.
But, the cutting off of my hair is for months how would I explain that tomy boyfriend Thhrrrreeeee. I quickly dropped to my knees.
"Please Mistress Sue piss on my face thank you". I said, not really wantingit to happen.
"So you want me to piss on your face you dirty cunt licker so say it" sheshouted.
She spread her legs and squatted slightly and told me to reach between herlegs and grab a handful of her arse in each hand, adding I thought you mightchoose that" as she thrush her pelvis towards me, then to my horror she said, "Openyour mouth, open it wide and get ready to drink my piss", She had just addedthat she wanted me to drink her urine what am I to do? "What, you said nothingabout urinating in my mouth" I began to say, she stopped me in mid-sentenceby slapping my face hard with her right hand. "You're fucking down there tobe pissed on you may as well drink some of it too CUNT LICKER it's pay backtime for all those dirty jobs I had to do" I burst into tears at the verbaland physical abuse and bent my head forward.
Carmel had heard the fuss and came in seeing the position of us she asked, "Whatwas happening" Sue told her that I had agreed to let her piss on my face, nowshe's moaning she doesn't want to drink any" Carmel came closer and said, "Cuntlicker look at me" I raised my head the tears blurring my eyes. "Yes MistressCarmel" I said.
"Cunt licker get your fucking mouth open and drink as much as Sue wants youto drink". Dejected and beaten I said. "Yes Mistress Carmel"
I raised my head and opened my mouth ready for the urine. I looked towardsCarmel who had a camera pointing at me and she said, "This is fucking betterthan I thought she's a dirty docile cow so submissive".
"I've got to go soon, so fucking say it cunt licker" Sue said through clenchedteeth.
"Again and this time the thank you, then open your mouth wide head back"
"Please Mistress Sue piss on my face and I will drink your piss and I willdrink your piss thank you"
Carmel said, "Move her around so that I can see better" we did. "PerfectSue piss on her"
Sue grabbed me by my hair and held my head back against the tiles and suddenlya torrent of hot urine hit my nose my eyes stinging instantly caused by thesalt, I thought that I was going to choke I had to swallow. I clenched my eyestight but they still stung.
The stream slowed, "Open again Cunt licker Ann Roberts of the probation office" Icomplied and more urine gushed into my mouth and on my face I swallowed againand again her urine was dripping off my chin onto my breasts, she pulled myhead forward in a jerking motion I suppose to make sure that my hair was soakedin it too.
Sue wriggled her hips and lowered herself so that her urine splashed on mybreasts. "One more swallow and I'm through Ann Roberts". I swallowed. "Nowopen your eyes and lick my cunt dry I don't want any piss on those cunt lips,did you get all that Mistress Carmel" Sue asked. "Yes that was perfect, nowlet cunt licker have her shower, You be washed and dried and back in the bedroomsoon"
"Yes Mistress Carmel" I replied.
"Before I go Cunt licker stand up face the wall spread your legs and guesswhat I'm going to do if you can guess tell me"
"I think Mistress Sue that you're going to put a finger up my anus, sorryarsehole"
"Good you're leaning fast now help me by pulling your arse cheeks apart" shesaid,
I did and without ceremony she was up my anus, even though she was roughI liked it, while I was beginning to get to a climax she stopped abruptly andleft. I felt sick from drinking her urine and I stunk as well, I was also disgustedwith myself for enjoying some of the things both said and had happened.
Whilst I showered I could hear them laughing, I felt embarrassed, disgusted,humiliated and ashamed with myself for getting this far into their schemes.They used my name and where I worked on that last video, how could I explainthat in a shower asking what looks like a minor to urinate in my mouth andme drinking it?
Naked I walked into the bedroom not knowing what to expect, there I foundCarmel alone and naked on the bed. "I have been waiting for you Ann I havesent Sue to do some jobs and arrange things for later. But, for now I'm goingto give you sex that you will never forget, come here my love". She said ina gentle reassuring way, I felt totally at ease with her now. This is the waythat I wanted it to be right from the start, looking at her body I forgot aboutthe last few hours.
I lay beside her she gently kiss my cheek then forehead and finally my eagerlips her taste was divine her tongue caressed mine this was heaven. Her breastspressed against mine though her nipples were hard like mine she was tender,yet full of passion. Her hands roamed my body searching out all the parts thatfilled my spirit with fire, she knew how to bring me to the boil and soon myjuices were flowing I wanted her to take me and she did for several hours.She licked, sucked, kissed and fingered every part of me and I yearned formore. Even when she made love to me with the dildo in all three holes it waspure delight I had never experienced the heights that she took me to, whenshe heard the door she told me to go and shower for it was time for pain nowI had had the pleasure. Then she said something that stopped me dead in mytracts, "I love you Ann don't forget that".
My mind was all confused yet I was on a high at the thought of our love makingsession, what a lover she is I thought no wonder she turns everyone on. Shereally made me feel good and longing for more of that.
When I returned to my bedroom they were waiting Carmel ordered me to puton the outfit laid out on the bed. "You can start with the pants Cunt licker".Back to the show I thought this must be for Sue's benefit. I was back in thegame, I picked up the red thong which when I bought the set thought that theywere very sexy, now I had other thoughts. I slowly stepped into them they justcovered my pussy. However, some of my pubic hair was showing either side. ThenI put on the red suspender belt and then the white stockings and fastened themto the belt.
The red half cup bra was next, then the white silk blouse and finally thewhite stretch fabric short mini skirt, normally I would not wear a suspenderbelt with this outfit for the straps showed because it was so clingy. "Verynice you look lovely and nearly ready for the next episode" Carmel told me. "But,first make-up time" Sue led me to the dressing table and I applied my own make-up,though Sue made my lipstick look very tarty. When I had finished Sue gave mea large card to hold in front of me and more video and photos were taken. Whenthey were satisfied they took the card from me so I had no idea what was writtenon it.
Carmel now sat at an angle on the bed said, "You have been very naughty cuntlicker and it's time for a good spanking so get yourself over my knees" asshe patted them. The colour came to my face once again as I willingly steppedforward knowing what she was about to do. I leaned forward steadying myselfon the bed with my arms and positioned my rear over her knees and lowered mybottom as ordered. I could feel the heat from her bare legs through the materialof my silk blouse and also on my bare legs. With her left arm around my waisttaking a firm grip she told Sue to get into position. Sue sat on the bed herpussy at my head. I was looking at her tiny slit that was dripping with herjuices longing to taste it once again. "Reach forward and take hold of Sue'sarse cheeks cunt" Carmel ordered. Thinking to myself what had I got myselfinto, being manipulated into sex by these two young women to satisfy thereneeds, and now I had experienced pain and being domineered mine too. Takinghold of Sue's beautiful arse I was ready for Carmel to start spanking me. Butnot wanting her to beat me hard.
Carmel hit me very hard on my right cheek covered by the material of my thinfabric mini skirt, it stung instantly I yelled out, "Aaaaaaagggghhh" the soundwas still quite loud even though the thin material covered my cheeks but thatwas all, I was not expecting the sharp pain to be instant either.
Seconds later a second arrived on my left cheek, the more I screamed themore excited Sue became. Soon my mouth was being covered by Sue's pussy, herclit rubbing on my nose. My screams muffled by her dragging my head by my hairinto her waiting wet pussy. After about 20 whacks, I had another long orgasmphysically shaking and gasping for air. Carmel stopped ignoring my orgasm andsaid, "Lets have a look at it shall we lift your arse up cunt". I did veryslowly for it was burning and felt very hot, then she rolled up my mini skirtto my waist and said, "Ok back down where you belong cunt" I gently loweredmyself onto her lap. Carmel said, "They're nearly as red as your thong thatis now tightly in your crack, spread your legs put your left one on the bed.For I want to have a look at your arsehole", I did the best I could I felther fingers gently touch the front of my thong, which were soaking wet. Shepulling the thong to one side and told Sue how wet and sticky I was.
Then she slid a finger into my pussy worked it around for several minutesthen slowly traced it up to my anus. Without stopping she pushed her fingerinto my puckered anus, I was a thrill to have her do that to me. She reamedmy anus and worked her finger in and out for sometime, I was quite enjoyinghaving it done, I had stopped licking Sue bathing in my own pleasure when.
Sue was shouting, "Get your tongue out and fucking lick me I want to cumtoo bitch" while she thrust and rubbed her pussy in my face, mouth and nose.
I remember Carmel removing her finger and remarking that "Your arse looksred, but not red enough" and then she began spanking it some more with somethingthat really did hurt. The sound of her hitting my bottom with a very loud slapadded more to my humiliation. I carried on licking like crazy on Sue's pussyand clit. Sue exploded her juices into my mouth in one long orgasm, which detractedme from the pain of my sore, stinging bottom. Maybe 20 or so whacks later andmy bottom was on fire she said, "Get up cunt licker" just moving stretchedthe skin and added to my discomfort. Has I did Sue told Carmel how hard mynipples were. However, once up I made an attempt to pull down my mini skirt.But, Carmel told me to leave it where it was.
I tried to wipe some of Sue's sticky love juices from my face with the backof my right hand while trying to take some of the stinging out of my rear withthe other by gently stroking it.
"Turn around and show us all what your spankedarse looks like cunt licker" Carmel ordered. ' ALL 'as I did I saw that we were not alone there where three other naked femalesin my bedroom they had been standing behind me I didn't know for how long?They had witnessed my humiliation and spanking too. Two of them had been filmingit once again they had me being abused on tape, even begging for sex. My silkblouse was now see-through because of the sweat is clinging to me, my red brawas clearly visible and my nipples stood out like organ stops. Blushing anever redder shade of red, Sue half sat half leaning on her elbows said, "WowMistress Carmel that arse of hers looks like it could light up the whole street,it's the same colour as her tit holder", adding, "And she gives good tonguetoo".
"Well slaves what do you think of slave No 4 'Cunt licker' tell them yourage, name and where you work cunt licker". "They all know the name you willbe called in my presence cunt licker"
With my head bowed I began, "I'm 28yrs, Ann Roberts, I work for the probationservice section 2". Sue was off the bed and pulling down my thong to my kneesexposing my pubic hair to them all at the same time showing them how arousedI had been by the spanking this was plain to see in the soaking wet patch whichmade my thong look a deeper shade of red.
I was so humiliated. Then she quickly came round to the front and undidthe first 3 buttons of my blouse once undone she returned to her spot behindme and tugged my blouse off my shoulders, quickly followed by the straps ofmy bra, then with her arms around me she inserted her fingers into the topsof my bra and pulled down my bra exposing my breasts to the 3 new to me females,my nipples became harder at this point of humiliation. Standing there withmy arms held at my sides by the straps and my breasts and pubic region exposedfor them to gaze upon.
"Good now look at these slaves if you meet them you must obey whatever theysay when they say it, its part of their reward take a good look at each asthey tell you who they are"
A tall slim very pretty white girl stepped forward and stated, "I'm slaveNo1, I'm 18yrs, Jane Brown, secretary at the Police station, I'm called Fannylicker. She had just a thin line of close cropped hair above her pussy, itwas similar colour to mine; her breasts were smallish with lovely nipples,very small waist, long flowing blonde hair down to her shoulders. She smiledat me when we made eye contact, and as she turned her bottom was very similarto Sue's. Except she had about a dozen welt marks across hers. She steppedback into line.
The next girl stepped forward; she was a small young woman short black hair,large breasts, chubby waist and large bottom. No pubic hair at all her pussyhad large vulva lips. She stated, "I'm slave No2, I'm 24yrs, Ann Jacks, Policeofficer at the police station, I'm called Pussy licker". She stepped back intoline.
The last was a tall black young woman with long shoulder length hair againnone on her pubic region. She was like Sue and Jane just a perfect body thatshined in the light she told me,
"I'm slave No3, 27yrs, Mandy Ball, probation officer section 3, I'm calledSlit licker"
She works in the same place as me now we both know each others weaknessesI thought.
"Now that you've all introduced yourselves and all you old slaves have seenyour new playmate we can have some fun", adding, "Oh cunt licker because youenjoy the beating so much, as punishment should you misbehave I have decidedthat you will have to suck off 10 men's cock's of my choosing for each infringementto my rules now pull up your thong and roll down your skirt cover up that bushfor the time being". "Yes Mistress Carmel. What more could I say, she was rightand I didn't like sucking on a man's dick that was awful rolling the mini downwas painful even though its thin fabric stretched over my throbbing rear.
"Now slaves you know that I want photos of you with our new slave, so No1.You get her on the bed first and make it fucking good" said Carmel. Jane hada broad smile on her face and replied, "Yes Mistress Carmel" with that sheled me to the bed; the moment my rear touched the bed the burning in my rearincreased ten fold. She told me to lay me down face up she propped my pillowsunder my shoulders and kneeled down at my right side she brushed my sweat andjuice covered hair from my face and leaned forward and kissed me passionatelyfor several minutes turning my head as she did; the camera flashed numeroustimes. When she broke from the kiss she quickly began to undo the buttons ofmy blouse, then she parted it and roughly tugged my bra upwards exposing mybreasts once again to them all. Then with her mouth open she dived for my rightnipple and once covered she bit and began sucking upon it. Once again the cameraflashed, again and again.
I was extremely excited by this and what had gone before, and I think itshowed to them all. Whilst sucking on my nipple she moved her right hand upunder my skirt and soon had her fingers in my wet pussy.
"I want suggestions for fun slaves", "Shave her" Sue shouted. "Yes" fromthem all. "Tit slap and clamp her nipples" Ann called out" "Yes" from themall. "Make her lick all our Fannies" Shouted Mandy "Yes" from them all. "Fuckher in every hole at once with dildo's and do all the rest too" said, Jane. "Yes,Yes, Yes" from them all.
They had just voted on female rape, abuse and torture. And they were cheeringthemselves.
"Good now get on the bed face up to start with, I think don't you Sue" Carmelordered. "Oh yes Mistress definitely face up" when I was positioned in themiddle of the bed Carmel ordered me to spread my arms and legs wide apart.I knew what was coming next they were going to tie me to the bed, then what?
They had everything prepared while I was in the shower; soon I was spread-eagledon the bed. Well as wide as I could, as wide as my skirt would allow that is.They both took hold of each wrist and attached black leather manacle type strapseach had a slip catch and a ring securely attached to the outside. Then theyboth grinned and threaded a piece of rope through the slip catch and both beganto pull the end tightly so that my arms were pulled to each corner of the bedhead, I thought they were going to pull my arms off. My muscles were beingstretched to the limit, Sue asked, "What about her legs Mistress, should wehave them apart for she is wearing a tight skirt"
The Class
Carmel handed me some tablets and a can of drink and told me to take them.She said, they would calm me down during my class of under twenties delinquents.I was flustered for I had never taken a class wearing a suite and high heels;normally I would wear jeans and plenty of baggy jumpers.
I felt self-conscious as I entered the room that I had been in many timesbefore, the faces were the same. Their reaction was different though due toCarmel's choice of what I should wear. I did the roll call as usual; all eightwere there six male teenagers and two female teenagers. I could feel the boyseyes fixed on my breasts and waist. After about 15 minutes I began to feeldizzy and very hot and my loins were beginning to come to life too, I steadiedmyself against the desk. I remember one of the boys saying, "Are you Ok MissRoberts" then the rest seemed like a dream; no more like a nightmare.
Somebody asked, "Are you drunk or on drugs" adding, "Have you taken any".I couldn't stop myself, I replied, "Yes but I don't know what I feel reallystrange and rather faint"
"I know a cure for that Miss Roberts you have to release all tight clothes" someonesaid, and they all laughed. "Oh I have heard that too" I replied and triedto undo the top neck buttons of my blouse, but my hands wouldn't do what Iwanted to do. The room went silent for a moment then Dave shouted, "Hey Samget up there and help Miss Roberts with those buttons"
Ann finally realized she had been laying there till almost noon. The whole ordeal was over within a few hours. But her body still screamed for release. She had held her orgasm back so long, to keep her little body receptive to all the fucking, that now she yearned for a true climax. But how could she achieve it now with all the beasts gone? She thought about her manufactured cock and knot veggies back at home, but that would take too long of a walk. Then she thought about the empty wine...
Savannah and her husband had been married for twenty years. They always had a great sex life, but for the past few years her husband suffered with erectile dysfunction. This put a damper in their sex life and left Savannah aching to be pleased sexually.He pleased her orally, but she just wished to have marathon sex sessions. She begged her husband to get Viagra. Sometimes he’d get it, but not all the time. When he did take the pills, their sex life was amazing. However, he didn't get them that...
Monster SexGot a thing for (hairy) amateur naked women nudes? AbbyWinters here we come! Mainstream hardcore pornography is something akin to the professional wrestling of sex. Or, to possibly put it a little more accurately, hardcore porn is to sex what professional wrestling is to violence. In other words, fake. Okay, sure, porn does not reach quite the same level of fakeness, but it is fake, nonetheless. I mean, the actors in a porno are, after all, actually fucking at least, whereas in pro wrestling,...
Premium Amateur Porn SitesSavannah and her husband had been married for twenty years. They always had a great sex life, but for the past few years her husband suffered with erectile dysfunction. This put a damper in their sex life and left Savannah aching to be pleased sexually. He pleased her orally, but she just wished to have marathon sex sessions. She begged her husband to get Viagra. Sometimes he’d get it, but not all the time. When he did take the pills, their sex life was amazing. However, he didn’t get them...
Father Mike and Sister Ann , had been exchanging glances, for many months now. As they passed in the hall, as they went for Vespers, all the time the room was charged with energy. Sister Ann would sometimes blush, after talking with Father Mike. She was sure that her sisters in the faith could tell. They were both aching for each other. It was wrong, so very wrong. Could they even be forgiven?? Sister Ann, had waited until everyone was a asleep, and snuck to the bathroom where she would rub her...
Bianca unlocked the bathroom door and peeked her head out into the hallway. There, as she expected, was Doctor Winters, a tall, curvy blonde with hair pulled back into a neat bun, glasses sitting in front of brilliant blue eyes. And with a smirk on her face that she couldn’t conceal. “So, Bianca, I see you’ve been having some fun with my secretary...” She peered past Bianca and watched as Kate, her secretary, began to put her clothes back on. Her face and hair was covered in sticky, fresh cum...
Brent worked as a Financial Manager for United Investments for several years. He was married to De Ann, a knock out. Brent was 34; De Ann was 33 and only 5 foot tall with long brown hair and hazel eyes. Brent loved De Ann's breasts, a perfect 36C, but he thought her best quality was her firm ass.Although Brent thought De Ann had a great, near-perfect body, her lack of confidence in her appearance resulted in a very conservative dress. This lack of confidence in her appearance also frustrated...
The morning after Jim and Vicky's wedding Ann woke lying across her bed. She was still dressed in the same clothes she had worn to their surprise reception. It had killed her to sit outside in her cold car all alone and listen to the party within the VFW hall. That she had brought all this loneliness and ostracism on herself was almost too heavy a burden for her to bear. Many times over the past months she had considered just packing up and moving away in disgrace like Brice had done. She...
Ann Alder put her viola in its case with a sigh.. “Oh am I bushed,” she thought. “Won’t it feel great when I get to my massueuse in 20 minutes’ drive? This rehearsal has been super and we’re certainly ready for the big concert tomorrown night, but the concentration has tightened me up phenomen-ally; only Dr. Davies’ trained fingers will be able to bring me back to my normal relaxed happy state!” Norman Dalley, Arnold Steinam and Michael Arbor,...
My wife Ann and I are in are early fifties, and are a bit on the adventurous side when it comes to sex. We had done things that would surprise many and about five years ago I shared my wife Ann with an old college buddy of mine. Greg had some time off and decided to come to town for a visit. I hadn’t seen him since his divorce a few years back, and the three of us had a great time together. We had been living it up one night while playing several games of pool downstairs in our finished...
MILFJohn was broad shouldered but slim, not much fat evident. His hair was an indeterminate color between red and blonde and brown, cut short enough to keep out of his eyes, which were a different color depending on the season (currently it was springtime, so they were a grey-green). Today, he arrived at his new home, his truck loaded with boxes. Across the road, an SUV pulled into the last house on that side's driveway, and a pair of women a little bit older than him got out, one with short...
My wife Ann had just turned fifty-one, and we recently celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. We are your typical middle class family with kids off to college, and dreams of retirement someday. Over the last few years I had become fascinated with the idea of sharing Ann with another man. I went to great lengths to talk her into it, and after several years of trying she finally relented to the idea of offering herself to another man after an innocent incident in the park one afternoon....
MILFIt had been earlier this year when my wife Ann went back to college after nearly thirty years. She had just changed jobs inside the company that she had been with for more than twenty two years, and needed a special certification for her new job promotion. It was a huge a huge opportunity for her, and she had been trying for this promotion for the past few years. She had to attend a night class once a week at a local university not too far from where we live. Ann was a bit uncertain about going...
MILFIt was now spring 1970 and Clare had just moved to a new home in the small rural town of Dunghill where she was the assistant manager in an agricultural machinery firm selling tractors and other items to farmers and servicing them. One day she went out to a farm nearby to drop of a brochure for combine harvesters. At the farm she pulled up in her blue Mini and watched a farmhand carry a freshly slaughtered Southdown ewe to an outbuilding to be butchered. Clare was met by Ann who was standing by...
One spring day in 1922 Ann closed up the shop where she worked. She was keen to run her own shop but it would be a several years before a legacy from an aged aunt would allow her to do this. For the time being, aged just 20, she continued to learn the ropes from Mr and Mrs Hunter.The next day she was closing up again but this time Mr and Mr Hunter were present. They called Ann to the storeroom at the back of the shop.Ann entered and closed the door.“Now, Ann, last night you forgot to lock the...
She had taken the vibrator and egg along with some of the sexy panties and bras. On Wednesday she had a afternoon break which she always spent in the library and this is where she was going to try the egg. She had put it in after lunch and had walked around with it deep inside her pussy with the wire running up across her clit and the control tucked into the waist band of the skirt. She wore a very suggestive smile on her face as she walked down the hall to the library. As soon as she was...
It's early AM Friday. Dutch moved stealthy under the covers until he reached Rosa's cunt. As he began to lick her she angrily shoved his head away. "Maybe later, Dutch, not now. My clit is so sore, so tender and sensitive that I'll go right through the roof if you try to eat me right now. I promise you can suck your come out of me later. Now go back to sleep. Dream about Ann for a while." "Well I can't help it, baby, I'm too fucking horny to sleep and I've got this hardon that...
Recovering from my accident took a long time. It was frustrating because I’ve always made a point of keeping fit and here I was barely able to move. I spent many hours with the physiotherapist. She seemed to take an almost sadistic pleasure in making me find the re-use of my body. But eventually my sessions with her were over. She only had some parting advice to give me, namely that I should enroll in a dance or stretching class to continue to improve my flexibility. She gave me the...
Ann was a beautiful brunette with large hazel eyes, perfect smile and a body to die for. She had large firm breasts with a cleavage so inciting you wanted to kiss her and bring her great sexual pleasure just by looking into her eyes.Ann had a look that would follow you into your dreams. The only problem was that Ann knew it! Ann would tease and bring you right up to the point of thinking, just maybe she will let me into her world with great kisses and the promise of better things to come.One...
Introduction: I finally remember where I know Jack from, HELL. The Story of Ann Chapter 5 They Call me Jack I followed Jack outside not knowing why he wanted to talk to me. I hoped it was not to ask me out as if he did I was going to refuse. I had learned my lesson after going through three husbands since I was seventeen. There was something about him and it troubled me in a way. I felt I knew him from somewhere I just could not remember. Jack took me over to his truck where Frank was...
Her father had missed her birthday again being out of the country on something to do with his work and she knew he wouldn't be home for another month, if then. He did call to wish her a happy birthday but as soon as he had told her that asked for Debbie so Ann barely knew he had called. She hated his job because he was always gone for months at a time. She knew as a diplomat it was what he did but not having him around meant Debbie was in charge and she treated her like she was her little...
It has been nearly thirty years to the day that I first met my wife Ann. We met through a good friend of mine who had been dating her sister at the time. Ann had just gotten out of college and had little in the way of dating experience. I was eighteen months older than her and hadn’t done much in the way of dating myself over the past few years. Ann had been the first girl I had ever fallen for, and we seemed to hit off almost immediately. We dated for nearly three years before finally getting...
Wife Lovershe Meeting"Ummmm, Mark.....?""Yes, Becca?""Before you meet my mother there is something that you need to know...""....and that is?...""She is not your average person.""Well, neither am I!"We both laughed at my big cock joke."No...I mean it. My mother a...well, she...""Cat got your tongue, almost wife?""Not cat but you are close. Pussy is more like it.""There is only one pussy that I am concerned about this evening, Becca." and I gave her upper thigh a squeeze then watched my fiancee...
"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse."Doug has been holding back, teasing my pussy! Then he thrusts deeper into me, the feeling of his stiff shaft penetrating my very wet vagina is overwhelming and I cum and so does he. I feel his hot ejaculations into my pussy.Doug pushes my legs back towards my ears to fully expose my cunt to his attentions. I want max penetration this time. he thrusts deep, deep into me! I feel the tip of his cock brushing against my cervix, and it again is too much....
As Ann continued to relax at the ranch, her thoughts kept coming back to the past days events. Her sexual appetite had soared from the gang type rape endured by the dog pack. Her pussy and asshole seemed alive with a new realization of her body’s needs. She loved fucking! But not just by anyone, but the raw savage animal instinct she had out in the woods. It was pure fucking at its best. No wining and dining. No drama or the nasty rumors she had heard of so much in school of the girls who...
This is fiction but, it was inspired by real events. Jack was between jobs and spent the summer of 1992 with his Dad in his house on a lake in upstate New York. His n**ce Ann was living with her Gr****d for a year to get away from her batshit crazy mother. Ann was fif***n with beautiful eyes, brown hair, sweet lips, and strong shapely legs. Jack hadn’t lived there in fifteen years and all his friends had left town so he and Ann spent the most days hanging out on the shore in hammocks,...
John Dawes stood on the Park's front porch in the waning light of day, trying to summon the courage to knock. For weeks he had avoided them. After Mary-Ann and Rhonda had told him to go and find a girlfriend, so he could be in a relationship instead of fucking around with his neighbors, melancholy, and then outright depession had come over him like a fog. He knew he had caught feelings after having sex with them and attempting to help them conceive, so he had tried to ignore his neighbors...
Introduction: Three men enter my live. How will each of them hurt me? The Story of Ann Chapter 4: How to Hate Men without Really Trying Rick came over for dinner that Sunday night and he made a good impression on both grandma and on Frank. He was polite and kind even helping grandma with the dishes. Rick also found out that I had a child. He seemed not to be concerned about it. He even picked Michelle up and held her. Michelle just stared at him then looked to me as she held out her arms and...
I followed Jack outside not knowing why he wanted to talk to me. I hoped it was not to ask me out as if he did I was going to refuse. I had learned my lesson after going through three husbands since I was seventeen. There was something about him and it troubled me in a way. I felt I knew him from somewhere I just could not remember. Jack took me over to his truck where Frank was standing and Jack said, “Ann, I want you to have this truck.” “I couldn’t Jack,” I replied. “I only want...
The Orientation of Kelly Ann Black At the end of his day, it was a tired Jason that made his way home. As he walked up his walk, he noticed a cute, young, petite, dark haired girl sitting on his porch. “I'll bet you are the lovely Ms. Kelly Ann Black.” “Yes Sir. Please call me Ann. Dean Malcomb sent me here for orientation. I don't understand why. I've already been through the university's orientation class.” “That's fine Ann, but my orientation is a bit different. You...
Rick came over for dinner that Sunday night and he made a good impression on both grandma and on Frank. He was polite and kind even helping grandma with the dishes. Rick also found out that I had a child. He seemed not to be concerned about it. He even picked Michelle up and held her. Michelle just stared at him then looked to me as she held out her arms and said, “MAMA.” After dinner was over and the dishes done grandma, suggested Rick and I go for a walk around the ranch. She told me she...
. Negro Reparations MOVEMENT according to Ms ANNOct 14 15 16 in Washington DC was the site of the MILLION MORE Rally, where 1 million Black men rallied in DC to petition the Government for Reparations due to 400 years of Slavery. Characters MR John Hanover, 62 His Grand Dad own a SOUTHERN insurance company that insured Black slave MRS ANN DOW Hanover Blonde Hair 49 yr, 5ft 8 170 lbs 42FF 38 40. Her Family made a future from selling slaves in the Deep South. Leroy. 20 yr, Young Black college...
Introduction: The sibling teens go out on a date William and Ann Chapter 6 Saturday morning arrived and the kids were eager to get started on their official first date. Larry gave Ann $200 in cash and William $30. He told them to spend it wisely and enjoy their outing. Hed be waiting at home anxious to see what she got. Ann gave him a hug and kiss on his mouth. Larry, not wanting to waste the moment, returned the hug and gave her a little more than a fatherly kiss in return as his lips opened...
Chapter 6 Saturday morning arrived and the kids were eager to get started on their official first date. Larry gave Ann $200 in cash and William $30. He told them to spend it wisely and enjoy their outing. He’d be waiting at home anxious to see what she got. Ann gave him a hug and kiss on his mouth. Larry, not wanting to waste the moment, returned the hug and gave her a little more than a “fatherly” kiss in return as his lips opened up and attempted to taste his daughter’s bottom lip in...
Ann and the looking glass. ©Hitchhiker 2002.Ann had found the mirror at the second hand shop. She had moved house, and needed a long mirror to put in her new bedroom.The mirror had been hidden at the back of the second hand store behind three old wardrobes; it was covered in dust and cobwebs. Why she had looked that far back in the store, she couldn’t understand, but there it stood nearly 6 feet tall and 2 feet wide supported in a frame of near black Mahogany. The...
Chapter 1. Discovery I spend a lot of time on the Internet watching porn and viewing naked photos of wives posted by their husbands. Some, however, are posted by the women themselves, which I always find a bit more arousing, to know there are women out there who enjoy showing the world their naked bodies and who post their own photos for all of us dirty old men to see. So I spend a lot of time looking at porn on the Net and jerking off to it. I also post my wife’s photos in a few...
Incest“Mum! MUM!”Ann looked round. Jess was waving at her from the far side of the barrier. There weren’t many people at the airport and Ann smiled as she saw her and headed towards the girl, her suitcase wheels sending out a gentle hum on the smooth airport floor. “Jess!” she said and they embraced.“Jeff’s just gone to get the car and he’ll meet us outside,” the girl said as the two women headed towards the doors of the terminal. “How was the flight?”“Uncomfortable,” Ann said with a smile. “I...
Siv breathed heavily after her orgasm, while Ann fingered her pussy.- I want your cock, but you must eat my pussy first, said Ann and spread her deliciously wet pussy.Ann came to me and I watched her sexy hairless pussy, which was dripping wet. She spread her labia. I saw clear slippery cunt juices drip from her pussy. I eagerly pushed my head against her lovely pussy. Oh want an awesome smell and taste. I licked her and grabbed her ass.- Oh you’ll get my cock so fucking hard in your holes...
Introduction: My life begins at the young age of seveteen. The Story of Ann Chapter 3: How I Ruined my Life Before it even Started In my last chapter, I told you about receiving a 1963 Chevy pick-up truck when I got my drivers license. I also told you about meeting a ranch hand named Sonny who helped Frank put the truck together for me. Sonny had asked me to the races next weekend and my grandma told me I could go with him. Sonny asked me to pick him up, as he wanted to show off my truck...
By the time that Ruth-Ann got to the last period of the day, she was so excited it was hard to sit still. Going to all of her classes, knowing that the panties she left the house with this morning were now in her Principal’s possession had just kept her wet all day. It was a very strange and cool sensation to go to biology class today and have to sit on the little metal stools. Because she was bare underneath, her moist pussy had been resting directly on the cold metal, which was very...
I met Ann on a married adult dating site several months ago. Ann is 44 years old and her pride and joy are her 40D tits. Her nipples are incredibly sensitive and it takes very little effort to get her pussy dripping and crying to be eaten and fucked. In the short time that we’ve been seeing each other, there’s not much we haven’t done. Although she prefers having her pussy fucked and sucking the cum out of my cock, she also enjoys a little ass fucking once in a while. She’s a sex addict's...
Group SexI had stopped off and picked up Gail for some shopping when we were walking down the street and suddenly saw Ann coming out of an adult bookstore with her arms around another man and kissing him as they walked out. We watched for a second as they continued towards a car and watched as they got it and Ann immediately bent out of sight and we knew she was down giving the guy a blowjob right there in the car. I looked at Gail, "Now that's very interesting" I said and then "I'm gonna head over to...
In my last chapter, I told you about receiving a 1963 Chevy pick-up truck when I got my drivers license. I also told you about meeting a ranch hand named Sonny who helped Frank put the truck together for me. Sonny had asked me to the races next weekend and my grandma told me I could go with him. Sonny asked me to pick him up, as he wanted to show off my truck while we were at the races. I picked him up at his house, which was an apartment building almost in town. We went to a dirt track...
Jim was sitting on his patio enjoying his morning coffee at home for a change. He thought how much he loved watching the newly risen sun streaming through the trees and making the dew glisten. He knew he needed to start working but this was his favorite time of the morning. He could listen to the stream that bordered his yard chuckle it's way past the yard on its way to the swimming hole. He smiled when he remembered how much fun he had as a child swimming in the hole with his friends. His...
As I watched Aunty Ann get undressed and turn the shower on I could feel my cock go real hard taking it out of my trousers I rubbed it slowly as I watched her soap her real sexy body through the spy hole I had made about a year earlier when spying on my sister Heather, and my mum Helen I could tell Ann knew she was being watched as she soaped her body she smiled and gave a sly look towards the pin hole camera, that was nearly un detectable to the naked eye, her hands soaped her large tits and...
"I can't believe that almost three months have already passed," Ann, said quietly as she perched on the arm of the large comfortable chair David was sitting in. "Our time here will be over before we hardly know it," she complained sadly, a trace of bitterness in her soft voice. "I know, darling," David said, sympathizing with her. "I'll probably never be lucky enough to ever meet anyone as wonderful as you, Ann. " "Well, you know, Ann reflected, "Like they say Time really is the...
Ann and Will were an older couple that enjoyed sex and exploring their fantasies. Since meeting on Lush several years ago, they had gone from cyber-lovers to physical lovers. As they became physically connected, they had found many ways to enjoy each other. They never failed to try something new in their relationship if one or the other wanted to try it. This had broadened their sexual appetites in many ways and found them always stretching the boundaries of what each other would do. Today was...
Spanking"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse.""How's this!" as I thurst all the way into Wendy tight pussy. I was holding out to tease her."OOOOOOh, yessssss, nnnnnninnnng" As Wendy's hips jerk off the sheets with the force of her orgasm. Her pussy is pulsing all over my cock and I can hold back no longer as my cum streams into Wendy's cunt.I roll her legs back so I can get maxiumu penetration into Wendy's hot vagina. My erection is starting to build again as Wendy toys with my ass hole. I'm...
Ann’s husband had wanted to see Ann with another man for the last few years. He yearned for the day he could see his beautiful wife of more than 30 years being fucked by another man. Ann’s husband knew Ann wasn’t getting any younger and the time left for his ultimate fantasy to come true was slowly coming to an end. He was desperate at this point and would do whatever it took to see Ann with another man. There was just one big problem Ann’s husband had, and that was that Ann wanted nothing to...
Over the next few weeks Ann and I continued to play our little sexual games in the office and I must say she was as creative when it came to sexual fun as any woman I had ever met. For example; one day I came back from lunch early sat down behind my desk and to my surprise there was Ann, kneeling topless, her slacks open, legs spread wide and hairy pussy exposed just waiting to suck me off and masturbate at the same time. And then there was the time I followed her into the unisex executive...
Ann’s husband had wanted to see Ann with another man for the last few years. He yearned for the day he could see his beautiful wife of more than 30 years being fucked by another man. Ann’s husband knew Ann wasn’t getting any younger and the time left for his ultimate fantasy to come true was slowly coming to an end. He was desperate at this point and would do whatever it took to see Ann with another man. There was just one big problem Ann’s husband had, and that was that Ann wanted nothing to...
MILFIntroduction: The end is near for this incestuous story William and Ann Chapter 15 It had been five weeks since William had entered Anns room and inseminated her with the sole intent to create a love child with his sister. Ann only had Larry fuck her nine times since that day, and seven of those times he spilled his seed into Natalie while Ann observed the injections into her friend from inches away. Her dad had turned his focus on Natalie for the most part, but he still left two loads of his...
-Oh fuck. I shouldn't never had agreed to this. I thougt, when I tried to pass all those old ladys on my way to cruise ship. I still can’t believe why I promised to accompany those two 19 yr old students Ann and Siv. They just want to have fun and I’m old enough to be their father. I did fuck Ann just few weeks ago and almost got caught for it. I then decided to be really careful for not to that again. But when Anns mother asked me to accompany her daughter and her daughters best friend on a...
Chapter 15 It had been five weeks since William had entered Ann’s room and inseminated her with the sole intent to create a love child with his sister. Ann only had Larry fuck her nine times since that day, and seven of those times he spilled his seed into Natalie while Ann observed the injections into her friend from inches away. Her dad had turned his focus on Natalie for the most part, but he still left two loads of his greasy sperm in his daughter in those five weeks when Natalie was...
Nineteen year old Ann Hetherington was fat and blond. She tried every diet she could find but nothing worked. Maybe that's why boys weren't interested in dating her. Ann found her own way to satisfy herself. She went to her bedroom and played with her pussy. Then she looked around the room for something to stick in it. She was tired of using her fingers. She found a hair brush with a long rubber handle. Ann smeared some cold cream on it and shoved in her cunt. It was wonderful! It was the size...
First TimeAnn arrived about ten thirty, she had taken her car to work. (Parking was not bad on Saturday mornings ) When I heard her blow her horn I opened the door to an empty slot in the garage downstairs. She drove in and I closed the door behind her as soon as I was sure she was inside. She came on up the stairs and walked in to my garage apartment. Ann has to dress nice at her work place. She was drop dead gorgeous in a woman's suit. She wore stockings and medium heels. Her skirt hem was just...
Ann went to the kitchen for some paper towels. I was still catching my breath, enjoying the aftermath of my own orgasm, and leaking cum out of my limp cock. I watched as she walked, her tits swaying, and all that cum on her arms and chest. She was attractive, sexy and erotic. When she returned she cleaned herself, then me, then the floor and couch. “Can you cum again?” she asked. The answer, of course, is yes. But then I had to admit that we might have to wait a few minutes before I would...
HardcoreIt is the final part of the events happened. For a better read, the readers are advised to go through the previous stories. And for a short prelude, here is the brief history of all events happened. Please send your feedback to I have written a few stories in Indian sex stories and a mallu couple based at Chennai messaged me for their service. The couple -Ann and Steve – wanted my service. Steve was a businessman, 27 or 28 years old and Ann was 26. Steve has a small dick and that is why the...