Amma’s Coconuts 1 free porn video

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This happened when I was around thirteen. Then I lived with my parents in the outskirts of an unimportant district of Kerala. My father ran a small tea-shop and my mother helped him in the business. Though I was their only child, I was not much spoilt. I was not bad in my studies and frequently stood first in my class. I was very obedient to my parents. Since they were fairly educated people, they knew well the value of good education and, though it was beyond their means, they were sending me to an English medium school in a nearby town. Looking back, I think that we were a happy family, though poor, and were envied by all our neighbors. Our troubles started when my father fell ill suddenly and died. He was in the habit of drinking toddy once in a while, but of late, probably because of the sudden heavy losses in running the tea-shop due to the appearance of a restaurant across the road, he had started drinking more frequently. Early one evening, his condition got so worse that we had to rush him to a hospital. The doctors said that his condition was very critical. He died after remaining bedridden for some weeks. After his death, my mother gathered herself together very quickly and tried to run our tea-shop alone. But she soon found out that she could not do it on her own. I suggested to her that I could stop going to school and give her a hand in the tea-shop. But she would not allow that, even though our financial conditions were fast becoming from bad to worse. During my father’s long illness, we had to borrow heavily from our friends and relatives. They were now coming to our house almost everyday and demanding their money back. We were in a desperate situation.

It was during this time that a woman in our neighborhood told my mother that an old couple in our locality was looking for a servant-woman who could do all the household work and take care of them by staying with them in their house. My mother and I went to see this old couple. We found that they were in their early sixties. The old man, who was called Vasu, was a retired school-teacher. His wife’s name was Parvathiamma. They had a son and a daughter who were now married and were settled in different places. When my mother expressed the desire to work in their house Vasu and Parvathiamma asked her if she had any previous experience of working as a servant-woman. My mother told them that she had the experience of running a tea-shop for more than ten years. This seemed to satisfy them and they were ready to take my mother in as the servant-woman of their house. They warned her that she would have to do all the work alone, and without any complaints. My mother agreed.

Thus we started a new life. To clear all our debts, my mother sold the tea-shop and our house and we moved into the house of this old couple. It was not a big house. It was a rather old-fashioned one. We were given a small room beside the kitchen to live in. The old couple seemed to be good people. Parvathiamma was initially a little reserved with my mother. But when she saw that my mother was a good-natured and hard-working woman, she became quite attached to her. The old woman was the talkative type, but she was ill most of the time and so my mother had to take good care of her. Vasu, on the other hand, was a quiet man. He hardly opened his mouth in the house. Since he had been a school-teacher, I would often take his help with my lessons. He would help me usually, but sometimes, if he was not feeling like it, he would shoo we away. The old couple did not have many visitors in their house, therefore they valued our company very much. One frequent visitor to the house was a man called Raghu. He lived in a nearby village and came to the house once or twice a week to do odd jobs. He was a tall and stout fellow with a very dark complexion. He liked to talk and chew betel. The old man and woman rarely allowed him to enter the house. Whenever he came, he was given a number of tasks like chopping fire-wood, digging the ground around the coconut trees, mending the roof, so on and so forth. He was punctual most of the time, and when he was not punctual the old woman would scold him. He seemed like a friendly person to me. I liked to watch him work and he seemed to like to talk with me. He would tell me about his village, the festivals there, his wife and his many quarrels with her. My mother also liked to talk with him. She one day told him our story, about my father and our little tea-shop. He was a good listener and he listened to her as he chopped wood. He addressed my mother as “chechi”, meaning, and elder sister.

Most of what my mother earned as salary was spent on my education. Often it was not enough. Sometimes when I asked for money to buy books or other things she would go and borrow from the old couple. Vasu would show readiness to help immediately. But the old woman would initially show some reluctance, but eventually she would give in. She would tell my mother that the borrowed amount would be cut from her next month’s salary. But often my mother would get the full salary itself; the old woman would ask her to forget the money she had borrowed. The old woman was kind to my mother in many other ways also. Often, when her son or daughter visited the house and brought presents, she would give something or the other to my mother. I used to wonder why she was being so kind to us. But soon Parvathiamma was to ask something from my mother in return for all the kindness she was showering on us.

One day I was in my room studying for my exams. My mother was in the kitchen. Parvathiamma came to the kitchen and struck up a conversation with my mother. At first I was not paying any attention to what she was talking. Then when I realized that she was discussing Vasu’s sex life, I naturally began to listen attentively. The old woman was saying that in his youth her husband had been rather shy. He had not taken much interest in sexual activities. It was only during the later years of their married life that he began to show a keen desire for sex. After their children had grown up, Parvathiamma had little desire for sex, but Vasu, on the other hand, had started craving for flesh so much that her disinterest in the subject angered him. At that time he had quite openly expressed to her about his hidden lusts, often embarrassing her with his statements. She would laugh at him and this would make him more frustrated. And once, the old woman told my mother, he said to me that he wished to see me in the arms of another man. He would love to watch it, he said, another man making love to his wife. Parvathiamma laughed loudly when she said this to my mother. My mother was clearly embarrassed. She tried to pass it off with a few remarks of exclamation and embarrassment.

Parvathiamma sadly commented now, as if to herself, that the old man had surely failed to enjoy himself during his youth. And now, in his old age he was showing a wild interest in sex which, she said, was very unbecoming of him. She said again that she felt pity for the poor man because he had failed to see all the colors of life during his “best times”.

” What can I do?” she told my mother. “At my age I cannot satisfy his hunger. Moreover, he does no desire me at all. I feel sorry for him.”

Here she paused. Then she said to my mother, “But, Sunandini, you can help him.” There was another pause, during which I know that my mother must have looked at her in a puzzled manner.

Then she told my mother in very plain words that she could help the old man by having sex with him!

My heart was beating wildly when heard this. I waited with abated breath to see how my mother was going to react. She was undoubtedly shocked, just like me. There was silence for a few seconds from her part. Then she tried to laugh it of as a joke. But she realized quickly that the old woman was serious, and she grew silent.

“What do you say, Sunandini?” asked Parvathiamma in a gentle voice, when my mother remained silent for a long time.

“I… I don’t know what to say, Parvathiamma,” stammered my mother. She sounded utterly confused.

“Think about it,” said the old woman. “Think about it for a moment. What do you have to lose?”

A deep silence prevailed in the kitchen for a while. Then I heard my mother tell Parvathiamma in an apologetic manner that she could not even think of doing such a thing, that it was a sin and the gods would never forgive her.

To my amazement the old woman became quite angry. She reminded my mother of the many times that she had helped her. She called my mother a thankless woman and suddenly started to cry. She told my mother that she was ready to fall on her feet like a beggar.

“I can’t bear to see him suffer”, she said, weeping. “That’s why I’m begging you. He could never go with an outside woman, because then somehow people will know. You live in our house. You are not an outsider. So there is no danger of anybody finding out. Besides, at his age do you think that he will be very demanding? Just let him hold you once in a while. That’s all.” She kept on talking like this, obstinately, angrily, beseechingly.

“Don’t forget,” she told my mother. “One word from me and you and your son will be thrown out of this house in no moment.”

“Aiyo, Parvathiamma, don’t talk like that,” said my mother. “I and my son will be ever thankful to you and sar.”

“Then , this is how you show your gratitude?”

My mother began to cry. Maybe she was hurt when the old woman called her thankless.

“You will say yes to my request or not?” asked Parvathiamma, as if for the last time. The tone of her voice was very threatening.

A brief pause. Then with my own ears I heard my mother say a weak yes!

Parvathiamma was overjoyed. She thanked my mother again and again.

Then she said, almost in a teasing manner, “Shall I send him to your room tonight, after Hari is asleep?”

My mother did not reply.

“Shall I?”


“Yes. He cannot wait any longer.”

As a teenager, at that time, I had already started experimenting with sex. I used to talk a lot about sex with my friends and we also used to watch a lot of adult movies in the local theatres. But none of us – at least, not me – had ever seen a blue film. It was my greatest desire to see a blue film. My mother was in her late thirties at that time. She was thirty-eight, I think. She was a very beautiful woman with a wheaty complexion and a body which was the dream of every man. At my age I was very much aware of the sensuality of her body. Since we shared a single room, it was impossible for me to turn a blind eye to her voluptuous figure. I used to feel very guilty whenever I found myself eying at her large breasts, her midriff, and her deep navel. But she was not at all aware of my feelings. She thought that I was still a small kid. Sometimes she would change her sari standing right in front of me. And I already knew that Vasu had an eye on her. Although he hardly talked with her, I had so many times seen him gazing at her body longingly. He would hide behind his newspaper and ogle at her as she moved around the house with her work. Once I was in his room and he was helping me with a problem in mathematics. My mother was there, atop a stool. She was cleaning the ceiling fan. To reach the fan, she had to stand on her toes and stretch her arms up straight. Every time her arms went up, her sari would be lifted and her navel would come into view. All the time she was there the old man had kept on glancing at her unashamedly. And every time he glanced, his blood would rush up to his face. In another instance, I caught him staring at my mother through the kitchen window. She was in the backyard, washing clothes. Her sari had slid off her shoulder, revealing the tops of her heavy boobs seen through the low neckline of her blouse. And Vasu’s eyes were simply feasting

That night mother was very silent. She was very thoughtful while we were having our dinner in the kitchen. After eating, we entered our room. There were two cots in the room, put close together. The room was so small that the two cots covered a large portion of the floor. The cots made an “L” shape; I slept on the cot laid against the wall that separated the kitchen from our room and she on the one next to the window. The window opened into the backyard of the house where there was a tiny coconut grove and a well.

I lay down. She also lay down after switching off the light.

“Hari, have you studied everything for your exam tomorrow?” she asked me now.

“Yes, amma,” I replied.

Then silence fell in our room. The window was open and silvery moonlight was flooding into the room through the space above the curtain. I was not going to sleep. My young mind was almost bursting with anticipation and excitement. I waited, counting the seconds, controlling the great urge to toss and turn on my cot. Time seemed to suddenly stand still and I just got on becoming more and more impatient.

The clock in the drawing room of the house struck ten. A moment later Vasu knocked at the door and called my mother’s name softly.

My mother sat up. She looked at me. I did not move a muscle. I was lying wide awake with one arm placed on my forehead. She could not see my eyes. But I was afraid that she might hear my rapid heartbeats. When she felt sure that I was asleep, she got up. She stood in the center of the room and adjusted her sari. Vasu called her again. She looked at the door undecidedly for a while. Then taking a firm step forward, she opened the door.

From where I lay I could not see Vasu. But I could see the nervous way in which my mother looked at him and then looked down at the floor.

“Hari is asleep?” I heard him ask her, almost in a whisper. It was difficult say whether he had asked a question or made a statement.

“Um”, she said.

There was a brief silence.

Then the old man said, “I am unable to sleep. It is awfully hot in my room. I’ll sit here for a while here.” So saying, he gently brushed past her.

When Vasu saw me, he frowned, as if he had not expected me to be here. He stood beside my mother’s cot, looking at me a little nervously, and then shifted his gaze out of the window, at the moonlit coconut grove. My mother just stood at the door. I noticed that she was breathing very heavily, as if she had been running. Her face was a sudden whirlwind of emotions. Then, all at once, she stepped forward and fell upon the old man’s feet.

“I am a poor woman, sar,” she said as she burst into tears. “Please…”

Vasu was not ready for this. He was almost panic stricken for a moment. He glanced at me in alarm.

“What are you doing!” he exclaimed. He stepped back, away from her. “Get up…get up. Don’t make so much noise here…your son will wake up…”

“Please…” My mother kept on trying to hold his feet and she would not stop crying.

“I said don’t make noise,” said the old man, irritated, very much like a teacher in a noisy class. He glanced in my direction again and again.

“Sar, I beg you…please…”

Vasu now bent down and desperately caught hold of her shoulders. He tried to bring her to her feet. She stood up slowly, her cheeks wet with tears, her face contorted, as if she was in pain. She kept on crying, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. He stood holding her, looking at her, perhaps suddenly finding it hard to believe that he was so close to her, that she was in his arms. He kept on gazing at her, his mouth slightly open, as if mesmerized by the sensuality of her face. He looked at her quivering lips, her full cheeks, and her soft chin. He slowly looked down at her bosom where her sari had slid away slightly, showing the tops of her large tits. My mother very large tits. They were so large that she was literally embarrassed of them. She was in the habit of wearing her sari wrapped around her shoulders to hide their enormous size. They were so large that they would be the first things anybody – especially men – would notice about her. In between her crying, she suddenly became aware of where Vasu was looking. She quickly stepped back and adjusted her sari. The old man now looked at her arse. She was standing a little sideways to him, and when my mother stood sideways her large arse stood out very prominently. It was broad and well-rounded. It was pure heaven to watch her big arse jiggle as she moved around the house. Vasu’s mouth watered. He gulped and looked at this sex goddess whom he longed to take into his arms and… She wiped her face with her sari and looked at him through a corner of her eye. He gulped. She was a beautiful woman, fair-skinned, healthy and with a very sexy face. Sometimes just watching her lips move used to give me a hard-on.

The old man sighed and he suddenly sat down on my mother’s cot. He looked in my direction, vaguely lost in thought. Then he said, “Sunandini, I am not going to hurt you. I promise.” She just kept standing there with her eyes fixed on the floor, her cheeks still moist from her crying. “I just wanted to talk to you,” he told her, his eyes shifting between her huge tits and her big, sexy arse. He sighed again. It was a hot night. He had started to sweat. He kept quite for a while. And then, as if he had been gathering his courage all that time, he said, “If you come and sit her…close to me…for a while, I will go away. Just for while.” His voice was shaking.

She stiffened visibly when she heard this, and she began to breathe rapidly, as if she was going to burst into a fresh torrent of tears. She gazed at him and caught the imploring expression on his face.

“Sunandini,” he whispered. “Please…”

She turned her face away from him, her mind in turmoil. She was well aware that Vasu had been good to her ever since she had come to live in this house. He had helped her so many times. And in return if she… No, no…she could not bring her to even think about it. Her fingers kept tugging at a corner of her sari unconsciously.

She looked at me. I was barely breathing.

“Sar,” she said slowly, “this is not proper…”

“Who will come to know of this? Not a single soul.”


She bit her lips, her eyes shut tightly, teardrops still forming at the corners. What was she thinking? Maybe she was thinking about what Parvathiamma had said to her in the kitchen: “Just let him hold you once in a while”. And, how that old woman had threatened to throw her and her son out of the house if she did not do what she wanted her to do. Her son. He was a bright lad. It was important that he should continue with his studies.

She looked at the old man. He patted upon the cot. He said, “Come, sit here. Just for a while. And then I will go away.”

“Sar, Hari will wake up,” said my mother.

“We will not make any noise.”

She took in a deep breath. In her mind she realized that perhaps this was the only solution to the whole matter. Maybe, if she just sat down with this old man for a few moments he would go away. She once again looked at me.

Then she started to step towards him. But Vasu said to her, “Close that door first.”

The interruption seemed to make her undecided again. But she slowly headed for the door. I watched the old man look lustily at her behind. She bolted the door and slowly came and sat down upon the cot. She sat close to the old man, close but not touching. He seemed to relax a bit. He looked at her.

His sex goddess. In flesh and blood, and so close to him. My god! He was drawing his knees together, as if already he was having an erection.

Vasu said, “Sunandini, I know that you are always worried about your son’s education.”

He moved closer to her, so that their shoulders and thighs touched. She stiffened, but she did no move away. She just sat there, her sari wrapped around her tightly, as if it was a fortress, and her eyes more interested on the pale floor of the room. A short, dull laugh unconsciously escaped the old man’s lips. He was so much filled with excitement.

He brought his mouth close to her face and breathed, “From today, whatever you need for him, just ask me. Okay?”

She did not say anything. She moved her face slightly away from him, as if he had bad breath. But he was not really interested in what he was saying or how she had to respond. All his attention was on her sexy lips, her round tits…

“Did you hear what I said?”

“Um” she nodded now, feeling very uncomfortable because she was well aware of where he was looking.

Then the old man said, “Ever since I saw you…I have been…”

He was unable to complete his sentence. Suddenly he caught hold of her hand.

She tried to pull it away at first, then she let him have it. He squeezed it gently, looking at it like a child with a new toy. He laughed again, a short triumphant laugh. A lusty laugh. “Sar…,” she whispered for no reason at all. “Why are you so afraid, Sunandini?” Vasu asked. He lifted her hand and kissed it. “Aiyo!” she said. She glanced at him and then looked away. He kissed her hand again. Then, even as I looked, Vasu gently guided her hand to his loins. Shocked, she withdrew her hand with a jerk and looked away from him. He slowly extended his left arm around her shoulders and held her tightly. “Sar!” she exclaimed.

“Please…” he whispered into her ear, “don’t get up”. And then, with his other hand he slowly parted his mundu to reveal a big, half-erect cock. It looked like a large banana. Through the corner of her eye she saw what he had done and she turned her face away even more. She tried to stand up but he held her down with his one hand. Vasu was a strong man. Even at this age, whenever Raghu was unavailable, he would chop wood, a work in which I was not very skilled. “Please…” he begged. My mother sat stiffly. He caught hold of her hand again. She tried in vain to pull it away. He very slowly brought it to his penis. She cried out lightly when her fingers touched his large organ, as if his it was red hot. She tried her best to free her hand from his grip. Now he used both his hands and, after a short tug-of-war, he made her hold his cock. “Please…” he said like a very desperate beggar. He did not leave her hand. He knew that if he did, she would immediately withdraw it. She did not say anything. She was sweating hard and the shocked expression would not leave her face. He begged again. She shook her head. Without looking at him, as if in a dream, she said, “Hari might wake up, sar.”

“He is fast asleep, Sunandini. He won’t wake up if we don’t make any noise.” She bit her lips and rolled her eyes, as if she was unable to think clearly. Then with my own eyes I saw my mother’s fingers gently tighten around Vasu’s big cock. But she did not turn her face around to look at him or his penis. She sat very stiffly, all the time her face turned towards the wall. Vasu seemed to be feeling dizzy. He left her hand very slowly, and with drunken eyes, he gazed at her hand holding his cock one its own. And the cock – big as it was – was getting more and more erect by the second. He tightened his grip around her shoulder, drawing her closer to him. He sat and for a long time he gazed her hand holding his cock. She was holding it loosely, almost as if she was afraid of crumbling it if she held it tightly. And then, even as he looked, my mother started moving her hand up and down, stroking his big cock very, very gently. He shut his eyes, relaxing completely, and breathed, “This is all I want…Sunandini…this is all I want.” Up and down, up and down, went her hand. Very gently. But she was actually holding his cock for namesake only, rubbing it with just the “O” of her thumb and index finger. My god! What am I seeing! I thought to myself. By the expression on her face you could see that she was not liking it one bit. She was taking it all in like a very awful tasting medicine which she wanted to gulp down as fast as possible. Perhaps she was thinking that the sooner she satisfied him, the earlier he would leave.

As she continued to rub him, he withdrew his arm from her shoulder and sat back, planting his palms behind him on the cot. He just watched her hand do the work. She sat stiffly all the time, not daring to turn her face and look at his organ. But after a while I realized that she was gazing at it from the corner of her eye. This rubbing went on for almost ten minutes. Then, she suddenly grew restless and stopped moving her hand. She said, “Madi, sar. Enough. Hari might wake up.” She could not take it any more. He shook his head impatiently. “No, no,” he said. “You go on…don’t stop now…” She sat undecidedly for a while. Then she whispered to him, “Shall we go into the kitchen?” I wondered with a sudden panic whether she had seen that I was awake. Or had I made some unconscious movements of my body? I was myself having an erection under my lungi which was getting more and more uncomfortable. Vasu’s whole body was tense. Maybe he was on the verge of an ejaculation. His eyes were shut tight and he was totally drenched in sweat. “Don’t stop now…” he seemed to mutter. With a feverish movement, he threw his arms around my mother. “Aiyo, sar!” she exclaimed. She left his penis and started to get up. But she could not get up, for the old man was too strong for her.

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Hello my name is Shannon, and I’m a thirty three year old Mum with a twelve year old son named Tommy. I kicked my husband out after I caught the bastard cheating on me with our neighbor, that was seven years ago. I am finding it difficult being both Mother and Father to my kid, especially handling his curiosity about sex. Tommy reached puberty early, he is as tall as me and I have been aware for a few months that he masturbates regularly. I hear him at it through the thin walls...

3 years ago
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Jackpot Chapter Two

Disclaimers & Warnings: This tale includes, elements of BDSM, and a healthy sprinkling of verbal humiliation. Readers who are offended or triggered by such material are advised to proceed with caution or bail out now. © SheriffBart 2020. All rights reserved.Feedback is welcome. Enjoy!~~~~~ Chapter Two: Trisha ~~~~~~­ I'd gone to the local Indian casino on a Friday night hoping to get lucky at the roulette table. The lovely South Asian dealer had taken all my money, but fortune smiled upon...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Khloe Kapri Has Her Ass Satisfied

Blonde Khloe Kapri showcases her ass apparatus in this scene from “Sex Machines #2”. “All decked out with someplace to ho”, Khloe’s wearing bright orange lingerie as she performs a long tease that ends up on the sofa. Manuel appears and plants his face between Kapri’s bubbly cheeks. Ferrara flips her over and continues with the oral that Kapri constantly approves with verbal cues. Khloe returns the favor and deep throats Ferrara’s meat missile. She...

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My Gift to Freddie

I met Freddie in the summer of 1980. San Diego was my home town, but I lived in a rural community in the Laguna Mountains, of San Diego County. I was major radio junky, and I always called into to win what ever contest was being promoted at the time. I won movie tickets, shirts, food coupons, albums, and money. But the jewel in my contest crown was Queen’s The Game Tour. The contest consisted of being the correct caller, and answering some trivia questions. The trivia questions were: 1. What is...

3 years ago
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Meri bua ka badla Part 8211 2

Thanks indian sex stories dot net friends jo aap sabne meri first story meri bua ka badla ko like kiya ab mai meri bua ka badla ke second part ke sath hu Meri bua jo ki mare maa se badla lane ke liye mera use kar rahi thi meri maa meri bua ka use karti thi apni aag thandi karne ko aur meri bua meri meri bua badla badhta ja raha tha ek raat ja mai unki chut chaat raha tha to oh boli ki meri gand ko bhi chato maine nahi bua please mujhe ghin aati hai bua boli sale maderchod chat jaldi se teri...

1 year ago
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Revengeis It Worth ItChapter 3

Hell, I had no idea that being a bounty hunter was going to be so easy or so profitable. I had more money than I knew what to do with. An Indian could easily live in complete comfort for five or more years with this much money. My conscience began to gnaw at me a little bit—here I was a rich man and couldn't spend so much money and my family back at the village needed some things that the money could easily supply. There was no question about it, I had to go home a give some of my riches to...

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Sex Education Single Parents Part 5

This is part 5 of a story of taboo sex being discovered by some and encouraged by others. Stop here if that is a problem if not enjoy. Here are links to the earlier parts followed Elly into the house and...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 9 Blossoming DangerChapter 6 Heady Perfume

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Warlock Faoril – Drakin Castle, The Haunted Forest After ten days of traveling through the Haunted Forest, eight since the werewolves and that twinborn witch attacked us, we had arrived at Drakin Castle. It lay just where rumors claimed it would be, up the Kemoh River from the coast. I studied the vine covered ruins, the walls stretching overhead, glimpses of towers and other structures peeking through gaps in the dense foliage above us. A shiver ran...

1 year ago
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If you are like PornGeek and so many others out there, the idea of watching a hand-drawn big tittied anime chick getting every hole plugged with tentacles is enough to make you cum in your pants. Well, if you cannot get enough of this fucking shit, I come bearing good news for you, fuckers! Streaming a fuck load of hentai pornography has never been easier.Hentai Prn is a site with all kinds of sexy hentai videos you can cum to. Sure, you will have to look past the annoying mounds and mounds of...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Ashs New Career Pt4

Chapter 5 Beatrice was the first to regain her composure. Not because she was over how amazing Ash looked, but because as the director of this shoot she needed to be professional. "Alright Jolene, I believe you can take it from here. You got the shooting schedule right?" Beatrice asked trying her hardest not to stare at her son too much. The change was shocking to be honest. Never in a million years had she thought Ash would come out looking this good. "Yeah, right I'll get my...

2 years ago
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Never thought of sex with office colleague

Dear Readers,This is the 1st time i am thinking to write my experience to Iss. I have been regular visitor to this site from last4-5 years. Great thanks to creators of such a wonderful portal.Well here i start my story, i am working in a good reputed organization in Gurgaon. This happened to me in January this year. I had experienced girls, had good relations, had sex relations with few too but never thought that i could make it with a lady of 34 years. Her name was Jyoti(changed) and she was...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Day With Unforgettable Lady

Hi Friends, I am one of the reader like you for this ISS and in fact, a great fan to ISS. Thank you ISS for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. Myself Night Rider (Night Rider for Unsatisfied Ladies) and I belong to Hyderabad, any unsatisfied ladies from Hyderabad can contact me at and I am available full time for you babes. I am a simple guy who generally devote his normal and routine life to Office on Weekdays and Room/Sleeping/Movies/Shopping on Weekends. I never...

3 years ago
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The Opportunity

THE OPPORTUNITY PART ONE     I suppose looking back, that my childhood was to blame, that is if there was any real blame to be attached. It could have just been my inherited genes so I can happily blame my mother and father for being the smallest in the class, but I somehow also got left out when the popularity genes were issued, I became a loner and spent far too much time in my own company for any real good to come of it. I loved the movies, the actresses were goddesses with their...

2 years ago
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A Friend Comes to Visit

Matt felt a gentle buzzing against his thigh. He hurriedly slipped his hand into his pocket and yanked out his phone. “Are you almost here?” He blurted into the microphone louder than he intended.“I’m about 15 minutes out. Someone sounds excited to see me” Sarah answered, her voice forced to a high volume to overcome the road noise.“I can’t help it. We haven't hung out since the wedding. That’s too long to go without seeing one of my best friends.”“I know. I can’t believe it’s already been a...

1 year ago
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Your cum tastes so sweet

Introduction: The quietest ones are the dirtiest ones... The following is my attempt to share some of my sexual adventures with members of this forum. I have enjoyed many a story on x hamster site, and hope most of you get the opportunity to live out your fantasies like I have. That said, happy reading!Living in a college town, I've learned there's always plenty of eye candy, but also a general lack of experience to go with those young hard bodies. However, there's nothing I enjoy more than...

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Too Late To Turn BackChapter 3

Jen and Mike had torrid sex after Jen got home following her encounter with Steve. They were both incredibly turned on. It was the best sex they had ever had, and it lasted until the morning. The next day, they talked about it. It was exciting for them both. As always, Mike was in the crowd, watching. He saw everything. Although they knew the dangers, playing the Game with someone they knew increased the thrill for them both. Playing with someone who Jen was already attracted to made it even...

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Harry potter 2 years later

Chapter 1: life after Voldemort It was two years after the death of voldemort and nearly everything had gotten back to normal Hogwarts was almost fully repaired, all of the shops in diagonally were fixed and back in business, gringots roof main foyer and roof had been repair, Kingsley Shakelbolt who had been named temporary minister for magic was now in his first full year as minister, Harry was now and aura having pasted his aura’s course with flying colours, Ginny had just finished her 7th...

Erotic Fiction
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growing up

i had a super crush on my friends mom growing up, i stole her panties and bras and hot clothes , whatever i could get my hands on you know, they lived right behind me in a small village almost rural, doors never locked. when they were home i just walked right in. i was over all the time. even tried some peeping tom type stuff but not super into it. shit started to get real though around 14-15 yrs old about 2005. the mom(stephanie) caught the husband cheating on her with this super young chick...

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The PromotionChapter 7

The next two weeks for Cathy were a blend of hectic preparation for the return of her husband from his Army service in Europe and furious level of activity in her office. Compounding that was a very strongly stated desire by Steve's parents to try to have a parade in his honor. "He's not a hero, Mom. He hasn't been to war. He hasn't been anywhere near a battle zone. Just because a guy serves in the army and then gets discharged doesn't mean the town has a parade. That would detract...

2 years ago
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My Femdom Fantasy 8211 Part 1

Hi Guys, I am sharing my femdom fantasy. I am 22 old young men from India. I am from Bangalore. I am working in a corporate company. As like many Indians, I have a secret wish of femdom. But in India it is really impossible. Now a days, as social media become stronger there are some secret groups and pages. So some sort of real femdom interested persons are available there. My experience also starts with the same social media. I have a profile in facebook which clearly mentions I am a Femdom...

1 year ago
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The gym teacher part one

"Samantha, would you please step into my office, I have something I would like to discuss with you!?!" "Uh, yes, Miss Denton," Stephanie replied, "I'll be right in!!!" "Please be seated," Alicia Denton said while motioning Samantha to the chair, "I'll come right to the point, I don't get too many senior girls in gym class, and I was wondering why you waited until your last semester to complete this requirement!?!" Samantha squirmed uncomfortably in her chair before replying, "Well, us, I hate...

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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMChapter 23

Claire was quite literally the “Girl Next Door.” She sat next to me on the ride home, facing her mom, my mom, and Kyle. The three of them were jogging to keep up. Charity and Karen’s tits were bouncing and jiggling, and all three of their asses were wiggling as they had to expend so much effort not to be dragged behind the cart. Mike didn’t have the cart at maximum speed, but he wasn’t showing much mercy towards the submissives trying to keep up either. Claire was wearing clothes, and I...

4 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 72

Breakfast the next morning was billed as a country breakfast, and that it was. We ate at 7:30 along with the Baldwin family. There were other guests, but none had opted for the full breakfast and were expecting a more buffet-style but less impressive meal later in the morning. The table was piled full of pancakes, sausages, fried eggs, toast, orange juice, coffee and fresh milk. We ate our fill, and didn't linger, wanting to be at the golf course by eight, hoping to find a driving range to...

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A Bare Ate My Thing

A Bare Ate My Thing By ShannonQ Synopsis-- A young man on his way to work accidentally comes between a bear and her cub. His life changes forever. Author's note: This story is not to demean anyone or anything. It is just a spoof of a man becoming a transgendered female by a quirk of fate. One My name iz Billie. I'm a sixteen year ole guy hoo livd in A Spit and A Holler in Appleachia. Wen I finisht the atghth grade my Pa tole me "That's enuff edjication time four you to werk...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 134

Since their last two shocking, brutal, and perverted encounters, Laura and Karen had avoided one another, fearing their own potential for painful sex and exciting but dangerous tortures. But now, after the fresh, renewed pain of parting from Jonelle yet again, Laura felt the need of it. Something fatal drew her to Karen, and something equally mysterious drew Karen to her at the same time. They had vowed next time to meet on some neutral ground, without the usual sex and torture toys they...

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Show Time

Show Time (The names of the participants have been changed to protect their reputation and anonymity.)James Randal was sitting in the living room of his Hollywood mansion watching the end of a live sex show that his friend had recorded for him, when his phone rang. “James, have you watched the DVD yet?” Stephen chirped through the phone. James had known Stephen since they were in grade school. He was a very successful businessman who owned an array of strip clubs around North America. In his...

Group Sex
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My evolution of cock

My wife and I have been married for about 15 years and as such, I have found myself getting more and more aroused by my own dick and cum. She is okay with it, and even thinks it is sexy and hot, so over the past few years we have been more experimental. At first she thought it was cute that I enjoyed watching when she gave me a footjob. It was mostly because I liked watching her feet but then it was because I liked watching her feet and my cock and then I liked watching my cum on her feet. So,...

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Banzai Summer Camp

Originally writing under the name Bonnie Belkin The summer of 1961, before I started college, I was a camp counselor. There were a dozen of us, six gals and six guys, about the same age. We were up there all summer. The kids came up on Monday and went home on Friday. We had the weekends pretty much off. One weekend, the camp director and his wife went into town. There was a campsite by the lake, about a mile away if we walked by the side of the county road, or about two miles through the...

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Young Man

Santa's Little SlutSo, since I love big, hot, hairy men, and I love getting presents,obviously Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays! I justwish I had really been able to enjoy sitting on Santa's lap when I wasyounger. By the time I was twelve or so, I felt like I was too mature todo it in public, but that didn't stop me from fantasizing about being heldin Santa's lap and making out, feeling his big dick pressing up against me.With that in mind, I'd like to tell you what...

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Sissy Bitch goes to Dinner

Anthony sat at his desk, glaring at his secretary. Although the poor woman had done nothing to invite his ire, he continued to berate her. She stood there in tears, hoping to keep her job, even though she knew that it was a hopeless cause. As she waited for the ax to fall, Nomi silently thanked the Lord for her back up job at Chez Louis, an upscale restaurant in the city. It didn’t pay as well as this job, but it was all she had left now. “This is the second time this year that you have been...

2 years ago
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I already have a raging hard on, and it is only 9pm. I have my clothes for the evening laid out on the bed before me, and my cock, balls and ass are newly shaved. I have decided to wear all black tonight: black lacy panties, bra and suspender belt, sheer black stockings, and a tight black dress that hugs my thighs and ass nicely. On my feet I will wear a pair of black, thin strapped three inch heels.I shake with excitement as I pull on the panties. The tight fitting underwear protrudes like an...

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Twisted BoltChapter 4 Oanus

Helen had happened to the armory. Adult magazines were scattered all over the cabin and most of his posters were wedged between the mattress and bulkhead. He hadn’t checked the room after he left Helen alone to check the engines and ship status. She’d left the locker open or hadn’t secured it and everything he’d stuffed in there had been thrown around during the short fight. Shaking his head, he spotted Helen sitting on the deck, reading a magazine and breathing hard. “I forgot to mention to...

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Mother and daughter become my bitches part 2

Beck came back the next day but she didn’t know I had a surprise in store for my new fuck bitch. It was about 4 in the afternoon and Beck came pretty stoned and after a couple more she was open for any new experience I had planned for her. The doorbell rang and Beck answered it and with shock said Hi Mom. This was her surprise that Beck thought I was only joking about. Judy came in and sat on the couch next to Beck and both were smiling. I asked Judy if she wanted some of the smoke, which...

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Nikis New LifeChapter 8 Cyndirsquos home visit

Cyndi watched, eyes wide, as Niki easily, almost naturally, stripped naked just inside the door of her house. She ‘knew’, sort of, what Niki had told her about her and Max, but seeing her act so, well, slutty, was still a bit of a shock. She could tell that Niki wanted to explain, but it was also obvious Max had other plans, as he swiftly took her under his control, even snapping a leash onto her collar. Cyndi stared at the choker/collar with new understanding. She had thought it was merely...

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A Teachers Past Chapter 2

A TEACHER'S PAST - CHAPTER TWOBy Dawn1958Email [email protected] send your comments and suggestions, as the feedback is always appreciated. This story is revised and reposted so hopefully it gives readers a better experience. The story was written at the request of a reader and I hope I do his fantasy justice.CHAPTER TWO - MISTAKEN IDENTITYKerri was 28 years of age and nothing like this had ever happened to her. She lived a sheltered life and devoted much of her time to her...

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I Thought I Just Sucked My Uncles Cock

'Let's make a run for it'. I screwed up my nose and took a tentative step outside the bus shelter, the first raindrops hit my t-shirt, the cotton absorbing them and sticking to my body as it got soaked.The Summer downpour was sudden, and heavy, but refreshing, after the high humidity, there was a cool breeze, and something else I had not noticed, but my boyfriend did, my nipples were alive, my femininity was emblazoned on the front of my bland t-shirt, no distracting logo or colourful emblem,...

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Show and TellChapter 4 The Moon

Tanya and Mitch had a lot of reading to do that day, above and beyond the dress rehearsal. The rehearsal went well, and then came lunch. Kim and Anita were waiting for them in the staff canteen, another Art-Deco holdover from a gentler time. Quickly, Mitch and Tanya picked up lunch – sandwich plate for him, Cobb salad for her – and joined their family at a table Sam had carefully reserved for them in the corner, away from everyone else. It didn't help all that much, though. As soon as...

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Card PartyChapter 19 Party at Fratellis

The Fratelli twins and the LeBeaus met at lunch on Friday. “You on for this picnic tonight?” Andy asked. Both the LeBeaus nodded. “Well, look,” Patti said, “why don’t you just come on over after school? We can hang out, help out, and take a swim. Your folks can come over when they’re ready. We can talk and get to know each other so we don’t have to waste time on Saturday.” Donna gave her a long look with her clear blue eyes. “What do you mean by ‘wasting time’ on Saturday?” “Oh, shit, I...

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A female urologist finally crosses the line

I originally went to med school to focus on podiatry, because I was intrigued by the complexity of feet. When I switched to urology, I definitely stood out in class. In a cohort of about 25 people that specialized in urology, there were only two females. I’m no model, but I was definitely more attractive than the other woman in the class, and I had no shortage of gentleman callers during school. I am short, at only 5’2” but my body is very fit. I have worked out 5x a week every day for the...

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My Annie

As a special surprise, after chatting on line, I took Annie out for a ‘night to remember’, just to see how far she would go and to test her claim of being a ‘slut’ who could take anything.She arrived at the nice hotel I’d booked, having done her part of the deal; wearing dark red nail varnish, black high heeled shoes and having (so she told me) totally shaved her pussy.Before the adventure began she undressed and entered the deep hot and fragrant bath that awaited he. After a relaxing bathe,...

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NubileFilms Abella Danger Avi Love Her First Threesome

Abella Danger has found someone to bring home to her boyfriend Alex Legend. Avi Love can’t wait to take part in a threesome between herself, Abella, and Alex, but first she needs a glass of wine to unwind. The alcohol has barely passed Avi’s lips before she drops her inhibitions enough to give in to the temptation of making out with Abella. Alex waits patiently in the living room for a while, but eventually he gets up to see what’s taking the girls so long in the kitchen. The sight that greets...

2 years ago
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Late night after office

That Friday had been such a tiring day at the office. At late evening I was leaving work about two hours behind everyone else. I had always hated walking through the darkness in that lonely parking lot. Even though nothing had ever happened there, I still did not feel safe. The dim lighting and confusing echoes made me nervous. Walking quickly with my head up, I clutched the car’s keys tightly in my hand. Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, pulling me off my feet. I dropped my purse and...

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Caught Wet Handed Chapter 5

Chapter Five by Simon Fear I was awakened at 6:30am by my cell phone ringing on my night stand next to my bed. I fumbled with it for a second and then I answered, “Hello.” This sexy voice answered, “Morning baby, did you sleep well?” I smiled, “Morning sexy, mmmm yes I did.” Jill giggled, “You sound like pleased, have fun last night.” As I quickly told Jill what I had done in my bedroom, I slowly rubbed my nipples with my free hand making them hard. I was still lying in bed,...

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The PowerChapter 10 The Billings Family

On Thursday, we had some more fun, but of a little different style. We got down to the beach early and laid our beach towels down to catch a few rays. Mom and Sue had already oiled up and were stretched out when I noticed a family of three heading our way. It was obvious why they were going to settle down next to us. Leading the way, and determining their path, was a young teenage boy, and his eyes were all over Mom and Sue. He was going to sit as close to us as he could! I didn’t mind. By...

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