Debbies first
- 3 years ago
- 30
- 0
Don't Mess with Eddie!
Anne Gray
(Inspired by an originalDoggers drawing!)
Debbie's boyfriend was a "Jack of allTrades" but Eddie specialized in custom metal work and was also a qualifiedelectrician. They had been an item for nearly two years and Debbie had movedin to his home several months ago. The large property doubled as a workshopfor his projects and offered privacy for their more erotic hobbies.
Among other things they were into bondage.Well that is Eddie was quite expert at putting Debbie in bondage and sheloved the feeling of helplessness that made it impossible for her to avoidhis sexual attentions during a session. Not that she wanted to; the bondagejust magnified the sensations. She was not into the pain scene and Eddiewas very careful not to push things in that direction.
They had a large collection of leatherand latex fetish clothing plus all the ropes, chains and straps needed tofollow their pastime but Debbie was still not satisfied.
"Everyone does the same things as us Eddie." Shesaid again one day as she was surfing the net for ideas. "Why can't you comeup with something different just for me? Something that no one else has done!"
Eddie said he'd think about it and thenjust let the request slowly germinate at the back of his mind.
Then three things happened that gave Eddiethe impetus to bring the matter forward and give it his undivided attention.
He landed a contract to do some specializedwrought iron work out of town and was to be away for three days.
Debbie got bored by the second day andwent bar hopping.
Eddie completed the job in two days andcame home to surprise her in time to see the guy Debbie had picked up leavingtheir home and being sent on his way with a lingering kiss. He waited outof sight for a couple of hours and then drove up as if he had just arrived.Debbie damn near pissed herself at the narrow escape and thanked her luckystars for it! This wasn't the first time she had been loose with her favoursbut it was the closest she had ever come to being caught.
She would eventually find out that herstars weren't that lucky but it took Eddie nearly a month of concealed, suppressedanger and hard work to prepare her punishment for cheating on him.
Once his preparations were complete itdidn't take much persuasion to talk Debbie into a bondage session. He soonhad her in a leather arm binder that, while it put her arms out of commissionbehind her back, was not particularly tight.
Sitting her up on a large flat workbenchhe put a cuff around each ankle and attached a chain to the left pullingit straight out to the side. Gently he forced the right leg in the otherdirection until Debbie was doing the splits and chained that one as well.The unsuspecting girl looked down to see that her crotch was very close tothe edge of the table. Oh yeah she thought, he's going to drop his pantsand take me standing up!
But he didn't. What he did do was giveher a kiss and then hold a ball gag against her teeth. With out a qualm,as she had done so many times, Debbie opened her mouth and got a very uncomfortablesurprise.
The gag was not one of their usual onesinstead it was huge and Eddie stood in front of her with both hands aroundher jaw and his thumbs on it to force it in place. He let the anger showon his face as he increased the pressure and the rubber ball finally poppedbehind her teeth. The strap wasn't necessary but he buckled it tightly atthe back of her head anyway.
She stared at him and ummffed the unintelligiblequestion she wanted answered.
"You wanted something special, just foryou and your going to get it." There was a snarl in Eddie's voice as he hookeda finger through Debbie's nipple rings and gave them a twist. "Maybe whenI'm finished you will realize that screwing around on me was not a good idea."
Fear replaced the questioning look inthe girl's eyes and she shook her head violently to try and make him changehis mind.
It didn't work!
Eddie busied himself pulling all of thelast four weeks work out of hiding and Debbie's eyes grew wider and widerat the sight of what he stacked around her.
Taking several deep breaths, and remindinghimself to not let his anger at her hurry his meticulously planned revenge,he began by pushing her flat on her back and running a strap across her chestto hold her there; then he started on her legs.
The heelless leather ballet boots werepart of their regular bondage wardrobe and as he laced them up to Debbie'sthighs she started to relax a bit forgetting the other things she had seen.The only thing she couldn't figure out was why he had first trimmed her toenails.
Swiveling her around on the flat surfaceEddie left her now leather encased legs again tied wide in the splits andwith Debbie face down he began the job of immobilizing her arms. He handledher easily as he removed the arm sheath and tied each wrist to the frontof the table.
Getting a stool he arranged his suppliesand, ignoring her grunted pleas and begging eyes, grabbed each finger onher right hand and cut the nails all the way back to the fingertip. He fitteda very tight kid leather glove over the hand and then taking the finger nextto her thumb he bent it until the pad at the tip was tight against the baseof the finger.
The open metal band was ¼" wideand set in the jaws of a pair of special pliers. Slipping the band over thebent finger he settled it against the nail and slowly clamped it until theends met over the top of the knuckle.
Debbie's finger was now held permanentlybent until he decided to release it. He did the same to the other seven fingers.The thumbs were locked across her palms with two larger bands that crossedthe back of her hands and met over the bent thumb in the middle of her palms.Two thick leather mitts laced over the completely unusable and almost flathands and the sleeves laced to her armpits. The mitts were boned from theuncomfortably bent and locked fingers to the elbow taking away any movementfrom her wrists.
With her arms still stretched out in frontof her, and strapped down, he had little difficulty getting the heavily bonedcorset under her torso and lacing it partially closed. Taking another ofhis tools Eddie hooked the two pins in the opposing grommets about five fromthe top and levered them closed. That allowed him to tighten the laces untilthe edges met.
Following this process the corset wassoon excruciatingly locked around her and crushing her waist to a ridiculous19", down from the 24" she had been so proud of! The corset covered fromher neck to the top of her hipbones but left her breasts completely exposed.
Leaving his girlfriend face down Eddieuntied her right arm and bent it up her back in a wicked hammerlock untilthe back of her hand was flat against her shoulder blade, strapped it thereand then did the same to her left arm. The metal band he selected fittedunder and around the elbows and had raised flanges at each end.
Fitting a long threaded bolt through thetwo flanges and screwing a nut on it he very slowly used a wrench to bringthe two ends of the band together. It had to be done slowly to allow Debbie'smuscles to adjust as her forearms were pulled together down the middle ofher back. Patiently, Eddie worked until the ends of the metal restraint metand then used a hacksaw to cut off the extra length of the bolt protrudingfrom the nut.
He installed a similar but larger bandaround her body just above her breasts. The ends met in the middle of herback locking her hands and wrists flat against her spine and he stepped backto mentally review his next move.
Tears were flowing down Debbie's faceas she realized what her mistakes in the sack had cost her. She was unableto communicate with Eddie to apologize or beg and now knew that he wouldnot listen anyway.
He flipped her over on her back and selecteda 1" metal band to fit around the base of her right breast. Once it was astight as possible without breaking the skin he did the left one. These bandswere his own design and had small oblong openings around the top edge ofthe rims and were connected to each other with a short bar.
He removed Debbie's nipple rings and replacedthem with copper caps held in place by thick pins through the nipple holes.A curved, flat metal piece hooked through one of the holes in the flangeof the cap and its other end slotted in one of the openings in the top edgeof the base ring. Four more followed until Debbie's breast was tightly cagedin a web of metal bars; Eddie repeated the process on the other one.
The breast cages were so tight that Debbie'sskin bulged out through the spaces between the bars and she whimpered aroundthe ball jammed in her mouth.
The next item Eddie had made was alsometal. It was a wide belt that he settled around her waist over the corset.A flat tongue on one end slid in the slot on the other end and as he addedpressure there was a click when the pieces met and a locking pin fell inplace. Two short metal rods snapped on the bottom of each breast band andthen in openings in the top edge of the belt.
A matching wide metal collar wrapped snuglyaround the helpless girl's throat and Eddie connected it to the front andback of the band around her upper body to prevent her head from moving.
Pushing her flat on the bench again Eddiemoved his attention to her crotch. She kept it shaved and had done it thatmorning so that was one thing he didn't have to do.
He had picked up the butt plug and dildofrom the "toy" store in the city but then adapted them so they could be fixedto a curved metal crotch piece he had made that would lock to the front andback of the waist belt.
They were both made of hard rubber buthad several metal studs along their length as well of several areas wherethe rubber was much thinner and quite flexible.
About the only merciful thing he woulddo during the process of preparing Debbie he did now by squeezing a gooddollop of KY on the opening to her back entrance and some more on the knobof the butt plug before he worked it inside.
The dildo received similar attention andwas promptly rammed inside her vagina. The crotch piece slid in place securingthe two intruders deeply inside but before he locked it to the waist beltEddie pushed a small metal clamp through a hole in it and captured Debbie'sclit in the jaws.
He untied her right foot and swung heraround until her legs were together then used metal bands at the mid thigh,below the knees and around her ankles. He joined them with metal rods upthe outside of each leg taking away any possibility of them bending.
The metal cone shaped piece he pickedup next came to a sharp point and the two halves were hinged down their length.Settling Debbie's feet already encased in the ballet boots inside the conehe pulled her to the end of the bench and used the large vice to slowly bringthe two halves together until the locking pins engaged.
The metal sheathed Debbie's legs frommid-calve ending in the point below her tortured toes and now, from the neckdown, she could not move a muscle.
Eddie studied the leather and metal boundform lying in front of him and decided that, for now, he would let her keepher hair. He forced a rubber plug in Debbie's left ear and a small speaker,much like a hearing aid, in the other then pulled a heavy rubber cap overher head.
Inserting a wedge between her back teethhe forced her jaws apart another fraction and was able to work the ball outof her mouth. She was gurgling at him but the wedge made any intelligiblespeech impossible and he ignored her as he captured her tongue, pulled itout and installed the hard rubber clamp around it.
The clamp had a metal stud on the topand bottom and, as he stuffed it back between her teeth he made sure a smallwire from it hung outside her mouth.
Removing the wedge he forced her jawsas close together as they would go over the packing in her mouth and thenran several turns of wide tape around her head completing the gag.
He thought the helmet was one of the bestpieces of metal work he had ever done. Like the foot cone it was in two halves.The back one fitted from the neck collar and up behind her ears to the crownof her head while the front half molded to her face with just small openingsfor her to see through and two short tubes that fed up in her nostrils. Helocked it in place and, just for show, held up a large padlock for her tosee before he fed the hasp through metal loops under her chin and snappedit closed.
The round turntable was 3' across andvery stable as it sat about 4" off the floor in the center of the room. Twowaist high posts were set vertically just in from the edges and there wasa small hole in the middle.
Eddie was in excellent shape and had noproblem carrying Debbie's rigid body over to the turntable, positioning thepoint of the foot cone in the center hole, and holding her upright whilehe swung metal arms from the top of each post and locked them to the waistbelt.
He spent several minutes making sure thatmost of the pieces of metal that held Debbie so immobile were properly hookedup with electrical wire and plugged the final connection in an adaptor screwedto the turntable.
Wheeling over a table with a computeron it next to the victim of his revenge Eddie then collected a 3" wide metalband and, using a step stool, hung it over her head to a chandelier likeapparatus he lowered from the ceiling. Lowering it further he guided it downuntil it encircled Debbie's body with the metal nipple caps just touchingthe inside.
A wire dropped from the ceiling and heconnected that to the computer that he booted up.
Eddie pulled a beer from the fridge againstthe wall and sipped on it as he stood where Debbie could see him. Using asmall microphone wired to her earplug so she could hear him he said, "Nowyou cheating bitch, let me explain this set up for you."
"First of all you can get used to theidea that your arms will stay as they are except for maybe once a month whenI'll undo everything and clip your nails before I put you back where youbelong. Unless, that is, I come up with a better idea. The same with theboots so you better learn to walk on your toes when I let you off the turntable."
"Everything is wired together and thecontacts are those caps on your tits. As the turntable rotates very slowlythe caps will slide around the inside of the band. Some of the inside islined with different lengths of rubber but the rest is bare metal. I've setthe computer to a random program and when one of the nipple caps hits metala circuit is completed. As you continue to turn and both contacts land onmetal, that's another circuit; there are dozens of combinations and youronly relief will be when both contacts are on rubber.
"You'll get – well – letssay titillated somewhere different each time – your tits, the buttplug, the dildo, your clit and even your tongue or maybe two or three ofthem. When the program hits the plugs they can also inflate which will causethe flexible bits to expand inside you and become somewhat uncomfortable.When the turntable has completed a revolution, which takes an hour, the computerwill start a new random program.
You couldn't wait for me to get home,well now you are going to get much more than frustrated because I designedthis program to tease you to the nth degree without giving you enough impetusto take you over the top. My gift to you for cheating on me is to keep youtottering on the edge of satisfaction for as long as I like."
There was one other item programmed inthe computer that he didn't tell her about. Every once in a while, withoutwarning, the system would close the tiny traps inside her nose for 15, 30or, occasionally, 45 seconds shutting off her air. That, he felt, shouldscare the hell out of her more than anything else he had done.
Finishing his beer Eddie looked throughthe metal eyeholes into Debbie's tear filled eyes and told her, "In a dayor so I think you'll be begging me to bring you off and I'll consider it,maybe. By the way, I'm going bar hopping so enjoy yourself until I get back."
He shut off the microphone, pushed a keyon the computer pad and the turntable started in motion.
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As my tongue explored her warm little slit I could feel the wispy fine pubic hairs and while my fingers probed her crack I felt her body shake and her warm juices being soaked up by the cotton gusset and if they didn’t before they certainly needed washing now.I pulled back and without asking I gently pulled her panties down her thighs and she happily stepped out of then and again threw them into the washer before standing up which is when she first saw how aroused I was.“OMG sir, WOW!!” she...
Tuesday morning started off like any other Tuesday for Gail and her son Terry. Terry was your average sixteen year old boy who was always attempting to cop a feel of his mother’s ample breasts or butt. She had been divorced for almost four years and frankly any man’s attentions was welcome. Gail was 38 years old; she had shoulder length dirty blond hair. Over the years she had put on a few extra pounds from her original 120lbs she started at, as her friends joked with her the extra twenty...
I saw Reddy taking my wife’s bra and panty. He kept Kavita’s bra and panty in his bag. What he did next moment had me terrified and put me a personal dilemma. Reddy took the mobile phone kept on Kavita’s berth and dialed his number from that phone. I saw his phone ringing. I then realized that he wanted Kavita’s number for the future. But what he didn’t know was that it was my mobile and Reddy had my number. Reddy then wore his clothes and went out. When neither of them returned for the next 10...
Charlie POV: Shortly after Dad left, Bob and I decided to see if we couldn’t help out some. I noticed TJ over by the main entrance talking to Jim Gregory. I was just heading over there when TJ flashed, “Charlie, you and Bob might want to make yourselves scarce for a little bit. Jim was just asking about you guys, wondering if you guys had anything to do with this. I told him I hadn’t seen you and weren’t sure where you were.” “Why would you do that, TJ? I’ve worked with Jim Gregory a few...
Marta Fernandez was a 22 year old, Colombian student who was able, with the help of her father, whose friend worked in the embassy in Bogotá, to get a student visa to study in the U.S. All her life she had dreamed of coming to the U.S. to study English and hopefully meet a nice American gentleman she could fall in love with and marry. The men in Colombia were all the same, a bunch of womanizers who did not know the meaning of commitment. At every opportunity they poked themselves into the...
Deedi woke early on Monday eager to get ready for her new job. She wanted to look her best but that was never a problem since she was adept at putting on her make-up and dressing for effect. She wore a grey two piece suit with a light, check pattern. The skirt was knee length with a slightly see-through, light blue blouse and matching blue underwear. She pulled on a pair of sheer, barely-black stockings and clipped them to her suspenders and found a pair of plain, black high heels. The...
Donnie Hamilton is the typical annoying teenaged little brother. There was just two years difference in the ages of him and his big sister, Lucy. The immature way he acted, one would think there was much more of an age gap. She tolerated Donnie’s juvenile behavior because she loved him. She learned to put up with his pranks because she understood Donnie was going through puberty and was beginning to have an interest in girls. She also knew he was too young and inexperienced to understand why...
I sleep in on Sunday, determined not to show up at the Stuffed Pussy earlier than I have to. When I get in I am dreading Eddie’s reaction to my tardiness, expecting the worst. Instead I hear Eddie yelling at someone in the back room. “How could you screw up something as fucking simple as breadsticks! How many fucking breadsticks do you think we can sell… we ain’t a pizza joint!” I hurry in and start cleaning up, relieved that Eddie is too caught up in other problems to notice my late...
Thanks to ‘Techsan’ for editing this story. It was the worst of times. It was the best of times. Boy, how many times have I heard that in my lifetime. Came from some book somewhere. Now a lot of the movies like to use that quote. For most people the statement is true. Only for me I seem to be getting more of the worst of times lately. My marriage of twenty-two years is ending in a not-so-good manner. Because of it, I might quit my job on the police force. So here I am at the old watering hole...
By Docker5000 Denise Parkin was busy in the kitchen as usual preparing everybody’s breakfast. She now had the breakfast ready and she was now calling her family and telling them. “That it was getting cold and for them all to get a move on.” James her husband was the first to walk into the kitchen, he was trying to tie his tie as he walked in to the kitchen. Denise just smiled at him. She now wiped her hands on a towel and she then walked over to him. Denise now smiled at him. He...
by Napoleon Leopold Heather Morris had finally made it home from work and was looking forward to the long weekend ahead. She went upstairs and took a warm shower and then proceeded to get ready for the evening. Red lace panties and matching bra made her feel sexy. Red stocking held up by garter straps and 4" high red pumps adorned feet. Opening her dresser drawer heather pulled out a red leather collar with a d-ring set in the front, she lifted her medium brown hair up so she could buckle...
I always considered myself to be a typical teenager, but looking back, I may have qualified as a bit of a “nerd”, for lack of a better term. I never really had a problem with academics, and as a result, never had to study all that hard, or that much. At the ripe old age of seventeen, and in my last year of high school, I should have had the world by the balls. For the most part, I did, too, except for one small, insignificant detail. I had a sister that was a year younger than I was. Now,...
This was an unexpected turn of events for a Friday night. I had planned on spending the evening on a wonderful date with my girlfriend. She already knew what the plans were, she never liked surprises. Me being the romantic type, this took a lot of fun out of the relationship for me. We were to begin the evening at a fantastic, and very expensive, restaurant. She had wanted to go ever since her best friend’s boyfriend took her there. I wanted to take her this evening and tell her about the...
(This chapter is from the viewpoint of Lisa Cohan, a schoolmate of Becky’s who joined in her SATs tutoring her High School Math teacher was giving her.) OMG! I wish I could get out of here! No sooner did Mr. Font drop me off than my hag of a Vietnamese mother began yelling at me in her inside voice: Broken English Banshee Wail. “WERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BE!” “Studying for my SATs,” I tried to calmly respond, but she didn’t care if I was dead and rotting in a dumpster, she just...
Jolene was at work when the phone call came. Her thirteen year old son, Donny, and three of his friends were due to be driven back home from summer camp by bus. The bus had, apparently, broken down and the camp director was calling her to ask that she drive up and take the boys home herself. It was one thirty and the boys were due to be home by four. The drive to the camp was a four hour round trip. If she left immediately she wouldn’t be there until three thirty and, at best, would have the...
POV: London"It is good to have you and your son over, Sandra," I mentioned, stirring the pot."We're practically best friends now, and don't forget my hubby, who is currently locked in your bedroom with your husband," she whined, strolling towards me with her arms crossed. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were having sex.""Sandra," I said a tone while grinning. "Keep your voice down; Joe and Pete are in just in the living room.""So what, London?" she complained, walking...
MILFMrs. Kathleen Mary Thomson (Kathy to all who knew her), a trim 39 years young, mother of two girls and a manager at a financial services firm, leaned against the door jamb of the office tea room holding her thermos mug in her right hand whilst using the other to tuck her long, lustrous, flaming red hair back behind her left ear. She could not help but smile at the furtive conversation between the three office juniors, all of them young women, as they casually discussed the merits of the firm’s...
I watched his plane lift off and disappear into the eastern sky. As I slowly walked across the airport terminal to the parking lot, I tried to compose myself as I wiped the last few tears from my cheeks. I could still feel his lips on my lips and the lingering scent of his shaving soap was still with me, but both sensations were rapidly vanishing. As I climbed into the car, I leaned back one last time saying good-bye to the man I loved. The feeling of the strength of his arms around me in our...
The cool breeze of summer washes over you as you walk down the sun-beaten sidewalk of the city. You've always loved living in the urban environment, because everything is so close and you can walk from destination to destination. In fact, that's what you're doing right now. About an hour ago your ex, Anna, called you up for the first time in months; she said it was important and she needed you to come over. Anna had always been a bit cryptic, keeping things to herself, but this time it was...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: THIS IS A SEQUEL TO "TURNING TEACHER'S PET INTO TEACHER'S SLUT," BUT THIS STORY CAN ACT AS A STAND ALONE IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ IT. ANYONE CAN ADD TO THE STORY, AND I WOULD MORE THAN APPRECIATE ANY COMMENTS OR HELPFUL TIPS. THANK YOU FOR READING, AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE STORY. Sarah was happy to finally be in college. It was something she had been looking forward to for a while, and now she was finally here. She had a full ride, thanks to the fact she was valedictorian and her...
LesbianTo Dan, Disha's beauty seemed amplified by her mocha skin and jet black hair. He watched intently as Disha tucked her near transparent white blouse into her black pleated miniskirt. Even now, in her early-twenties, her school uniform fitted like she was a young sixteen. For obvious reasons, Dan always loved his wife wearing this particular outfit. He sat in silence on his chair, feeling himself harden as she sat cross legged on the bed, showing a hint of her white cotton panties. Disha laughed...
Two simple straight pink lines said it all. Just in few seconds my worst fear had been confirmed .I knew shit just got real! Its not like , i didn't want a c***d or it was too early to brace motherhood. I was a newly wed and under normal circumstances this would have been expected . But then again my life , since the day i turned into a woman has hardly been normal or called normal. You the pregnancy itself didn't scare me . If you haven't guessed ,so far not knowing who the father is , whose...