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by Honda

©Copyright 2000 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved.This story may be reproduced only in its full, original, unedited andunmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to its author and,2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a result of its reproduction.No permission is granted, actual or implied, to reproduce a modifiedversion of this story, in whole or in part, without the express consentof the author.

Warning: This story is intended for mature adults only. Donot continue to read unless you enjoy reading snuff stories. This storyis purely fictional and contains consensual m/f snuff and cannibalism.


Emily was a pretty brunette in her early twenties. She was sexuallyvery experienced, having started at a very early age and tried everyperversity she could imagine. Giving blowjobs or getting fucked up theass was nothing unusual or extremely exciting to her. By her terms, theseactivities were actually the 'standard foreplay' which would lead tomore exciting sexual activities such as fisting, golden showers and thevery extreme kind of BDSM activities where pain was like the air thatis required to breathe.

When Emily met Nicole at a BDSM club they quickly became good friendsand together enjoyed a sadistic torture. Nicole almost got beaten todeath and had one of her nipple mutilated. Emily enjoyed watching itand had several orgasms during that night watching Nicole scream in painand succumbing to her agony which resulted in Nicole loosing consciousnessas the pain became too extreme. Nicole, although totally exhausted, enjoyedit as well and was very hot and bothered when she regained consciousnessafterwards.

It was then when Emily learned about Nicole'splan to join a special club called GMID. Emily also learned that Nicolehad been saving up for the incredibly huge joining fee for an entireyear. "It is well worthit. You better start saving now if you want to enjoy the best sex inthe whole universe. There is nothing better than GMID."

That happened a year ago. Now Emily was standing in a queue waitingto get to the entrance of the GMID club. She was almost there and a longline had formed behind her; a long queue of stunningly beautiful girlsaround her age. It did not occur to her that there were no guys in theline until she saw a handsome young man walk pass the queue directlyto the entrance. He was let in immediately and the girls in the queuebegan to start excited conversations and some even had heated argumentsamong themselves.

Emily overheard two girls arguing about who of them was more beautifuland would have a bigger chance to attract that handsome guy who justwalked past them. These girls had no shame, each and everyone was thinkingthat she would be the one who would be able to feel that guy betweenher legs.

The membership was $10,000 per member. It was a lifetime membership,but there was still an entry fee of $500 per entry. Indeed, it was nota cheap club to join, but it was rumoured to be worth every cent of it.Guys were allowed free entry. The fee was only applicable to females.

It was nearly Emily's turn. There was only one girl in front of her,a blonde called Helen, with boobs the size of watermelons. She handeda cheque of $10,000 to the receptionist at the counter and was issueda club membership card. Then she was given the directions to the initiationroom and was told to go there straight away. Emily nervously fumbledaround staring at the cheque she was holding in her shaking hands. Shehad never had that much money in her hands before. Although it was notcash, but worth the same in value. It was her entire life's savings andshe was going to spend it for the membership fee.

Finally it was her turn. She hesitated at first,not wanting to part with her hard earned money but finally she handedit over. It was the first step into realizing a dream. "Congratulations on becoming a memberof Girl's Most Intimate Desire or G.M.I.D. in short.", she was greetedwhen she had paid and was also given directions to the initiation roomand told to go there as well. For her, it was the first room on the left.

Emily slowly walked to the room's entrance and took a deep breath. Thiswas it. She had finally joined the most exclusive and expensive girlsnuff club. She was sure that she had done the right thing. This hadto be good she told herself. Why else would there be so many gorgeousgirls queuing up and paying a fortune to be part of it. She knew shewould be snuffed at some time. It was stated in the contract that shehad signed when she applied for the membership for which she had paid$10,000. The thought about it excited her, at the same time it also scaredher a little. She could be killed by a total stranger at any time whileshe was on the premises of the club. She was just a toy and any guy coulduse her or ultimately snuff her any way he liked to.

The other twist was that there were many girls and only a handful ofguys. Sometimes the guys just tease the girls who were desperate forsome excitement and any sort of depravity. Girls do not always get snuffed.Often the guys just play with them, torturing them, beating them withwhips or cutting them with knives. But it did not always lead to theultimate pleasure of being snuffed. No, sometimes, the guys were so mean,they would actually torture the girls by doing absolutely nothing tothem besides grinning and oggling at their breasts. This was the worsttorture since the girls did not like it nor enjoyed that kind of tortureat all.

Emily was sure that she would be able to seduce a guy into snuffingher. There were so many girls competing for the attentions of the guyswho were sometimes so sadistic in their selection process. Some extremelylucky girl was known to have been snuffed the first night she joined,but such cases were very rare. The guys loved to torture the girls abit longer by letting them wonder about when their turn would finallybe. They loved to see some of the more desperate women beg to be snuffedand purposefully denied their requests. Emily hoped she would be ableto find a sadistic guy who would inflict the most extreme torture uponher and snuff her slowly so that she could feel all the pain until theend. It would really fulfill her darkest desires. Unfortunately, shewas not the only one feeling that way. There were many other girls justlike her competing for the few guys that visit the club and any girlshould consider herself lucky enough to get picked by a guy to be hissnuff toy. It was something all the girls who had joined GMID passionatelywanted.

The door opened and Emily was let in. There was a small bob in the centerof the room. A small fire was burning beside it. Emily took a closerlook and recognised the handle of a poker sticking out from the fire.

"Welcome to the initiation center", said the youngwoman dressed in a white apron who had let her in. She was about thesame age and height as Emily, but had much smaller boobs than her.Emily was proud of her boobs. They were firm and rounded nicely. Theywere just perfectly healthy breasts and nice looking ones as well.

"Please undress. You can put your clothes in here",the woman told her and gave her a basket to deposit her clothes in.Emily hesitantly started to undress. She had expected something likethis but the reality of it overwhelmed her. She was still trying toget used to the idea that she had just spend her life's savings tojoin this exclusive club. Emily was excited to be a member of G.M.I.D.but did not exactly know what to expect since not much about the clubis kwown to outsiders.

She had finished stripping and put her clothesinto the basket given to her and was now staring at the red hot pokerheating in the fire. "C..c..canI have a look at the seal?", she stottered nervously. "I'd like to seeit before... you know"

"Well, there really isn't much to look at. It's just a simple oval with'GMID' and 'SLUT' engraved on it. Nothing fancy.", she was told coldlyby the young woman attending her. The attendants name was Karmen. "Justbend over and you can admire it afterwards in the mirror. We don't wantit to get cold before we use it, do we?", she just said.

Emily did not know what to say in response soshe just knelt down over the bob as told and trussed her ass up inthe air. Karmen pushed her down onto the bob until she was restingon it comfortably. "Just tryto relax and lean over the bob. Don't try to move or truss up your ass.It's easier that way. Believe me, I know."

Emily's whole body was trembling with fear and excitement. She imaginedthe pain that she was about to receive from the evil looking poker andwas wondering how long it would take and whether she would be able tobear the pain and stay conscious.

"Open your mouth", Karmen commanded.

Emily obediantly opened her mouth wide and wonderedwhat it was for. She soon enough found out when Karmen forced a ballgag into her open mouth and secured it. "You can bite on this. It willhelp a lot for enduring the pain. And try to remain conscious. It willreflect better on you if you do. Emily was very excited, at the sametime she was also very scared. Both emotions were equally strong withinher and Emily swayed from the one to the other not being able to makeout which of the two feelings was more appropriate in such a situation.

And then she suddenly felt it. At first it was pure lightning pain grabbingher backside. Emily led out a terrible and deafening scream through thegag which could had woken the dead. The shrilled and powerful screameven made Karmen shutter and feel something run up her spine despitethe fact that she had been used to the screams made during initialisationsince that was her job and she performed it quite often.

However, shortly after the initial pain, another feeling quickly overpoweredEmily. Her pussy was suddenly dripping wet. It was pure lust. She orgasmedfrom the pain received through the branding. Her once entirely smoothand soft ass cheek was decorated with a beautiful seal bearing the emblemof GMID. It had an oval shape with GMID imprinted in itallic at the bottomof the oval and the word 'slut' was in large bold across the rest ofthe seal. Still in pain, Emily bit hard onto the ball gag in her mouth.

"Congratulations, you did not faint. This will give you bonus pointsand I'll make sure the guys know about this.", Karmen told her.

The guys always judged the girls by whether they would faint duringinitialisation or not. Strong girls that do not faint are more popularsince it demonstrated that they were able to endure more pain and thereforeare more fun to torture. However, the majority of the girls faint whenthe poker is pulled away from their burned cheek. It was just too painfulfor them since the seal was quite big and burned away a lot of skin.

Emily was one of the specially strong ones and was very proud and happywhen she was introduced to the other club members. She could hear theother girls whispering amongst themselves. They were all envious of herendurance and strength which meant she was a valueable torture toy andfun to play with.

After her introduction, she went over to the bar to get a drink. Thepain was still stinging her butt and she hoped the alcohol could giveher some relief. The room was scarely lit, with just a few candles providingjust enough light for people to see the outlines of the furnitures andpeople in the room. Emily ordered a cocktail and sipped on her drink.Suddenly she caught a glimpse of a shadow moving along the wall nextto her and saw a door opening and closing. She recognised Helen, thegirl in front of her at the queue, enter the room.

Then a commotion started and all the girls rushed over to where Helenhad disappeared to and were trying to peek in into the action happeninginside the private chamber that lay behind that door.

"What's going on?", she asked another girl that was running past her. "Someonegot lucky", the girl replied and hurried to where most of the other girlshad gathered. There were small holes through which they were able topeek at the action inside the room. Emily left her drink at the bar andwent over to join the other girls to see what was happening.

Inside, a handsome guy was undressing and kissingHelen. Then he started to rub some olive oil all over her. "She's so lucky", someone said. "Yeah,I wish it was me inside with that hunk instead of her.", someone elsesaid.

Emily pushed herself to the front to take a peek as well and could seea large gouldron heating over a fire at the other side of the room. Meanwhilethe guy was fucking Helen up her ass while she moaned with pleasure.Emily rubbed her own pussy while watching that scene. Then finally theguy came and pumped his seed deep into Helen who grunted with deep satisfaction.

After a short moment, Helen hugged the guy and then stood up straight.Emily noticed that Helen was completely bald on her pussy. It was shiningfrom the oil that was applied earlier. Then the guy led her over to thegouldron with the boiling water in it. There was a ladder leaning atthe gouldron which Helen could use to get up to the top. The guy letHelen climb up first and followed her to the top. When both of them wereat the top, Helen turned around and hugged the guy one final time. Thenshe climbed up to stand at the rim of the gouldron. She took a deep breathin. Everyone watching her also held their breath. Then Helen breathedout slowly and jumped into the boiling water with a small splash. Thiswas followed by some desperate and agonised screams from Helen and somemore wild splashing. Then after a short moment, the screaming and splashingsound stopped and the sound of some bubbling could be heard procudedby the boiling water.

The guy then climbed back down and went to the bar to get a drink. Allthe girls followed the guy and tried to make themselves noticable tohim with the hope he would like them. Emily also attemped to get closeto him, but was unable to due to the many other girls blocking her way.Since she was weakened a bit by her previous branding session, she decidedto take it easy and not fight for attention. So she went back to herside of the bar and continued to sip on her drink while most of the othergirls were all trying hard to attract the attention and win the favourof the guy on the other end of the bar. Nobody was thinking about Helensimmering in the gouldron, becoming dinner for them later on that night.

Suddenly another handsome guy entered the cluband all the girls stared frozen in their movements as he entered andwalked straight towards Emily and sat down next to her. Emily couldnot believe her luck and could not utter a world out of excitementand just stared at the guy next to her. After some time, she finallypulled herself together and smiled seductively at the guy and was ableto say: "Hi". To her surprise theguy smiled back at her and put his arm around her shoulder.

"I want to fuck you, then gut you and cut off your tits while I cuminto you.", he whispered into her ear. Emily got soaking wet immediatelywhen she heard this and threw herself around his neck and they kissedpassionately. Then he handled her tits very roughly which Emily enjoyedtremenduosly. "Oh yeah, baby, please fuck me now and then cut off myboobs."

The guy sat down and unzipped his pants. Emily immediately went downon him and started to give life to his cock by slowly massaging it withher tongue and then sucking it till it was rock hard. Then she straddledhim and let his cock slip into her asshole. The pain was at first veryunbearable, but quickly turned into pleasure. Emily quickly got intoa rythm and was rocking up and down on the guy's cock while he was caressingher tits and pulling on her nipples.

"Oh, please gut me now", Emily moaned. The guy was squeezing her tithard at that moment and then moved his hands down to her soft belly.A waitress stepped over on his signal and gave him a gutting knife whichhe took. While still fucking Emily up her ass, he pointed the sharp bladeagainst her belly and slowly sank it into her flesh. "Argh", she moanedas her belly was slowly cut open by the guy. Emily looked down and sawher guts dropping out of her parted belly and as she was being fuckedin the ass, more of her guts were shaken out. Emily was feeling an orgasmripple through her body, the biggest orgasm she had ever had. Being guttedwhile getting it up the ass was such a turn on for her. She knew therewas more and moaned happily when she felt a strong hand grab her leftbreast. Then she felt the blade's cold steel under the base of her leftbreast and knew it was time to part with her tits. She bit her lips asshe felt the cold steel cut into her breast and severing it from therest of her body. Emily felt one orgasm after another as her tits wereslowly sliced off her body. Then she felt some hot semen being shot upher anal love canal before she reached her most intensive orgasm. Shewas happy to have lived for this glorious and enjoyful moment, the highlightof her life and also the most enjoyable death a girl could wish for.It really was something special, something to die for. Her life had beenfun but her death was the best part of her life.

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THE CONCLUSION: Engineer Mike Giles and wife were unable to start a family and neither would undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria took a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive was pregnancy. Then he learned that his girlfriend on his worksite 200 miles north was pregnant – so that answered the question about his alleged infertility problem. Mike and Gloria agree to divorce, Gloria remarried and is pregnant through IVF. Mike’s girlfriend graduated and went...

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The Gathering Part 3

Candice's ass cheeks shook in her tight blue underwear, as she waddled her way down the stairs. Trish stared upon the way Candice's ass wobbled side to side, while pulling gently on Lacey's hand who followed closely behind. All three were heading beneath the mansion they were at, approaching Alladin's secret cave below.Before the doors opened, Lacey heard the noises. Voices, all female, and the sounds of splashing water. As the doors finally opened, Lacey stepped inside along with Candice and...

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Being Thorough

My parents, the social workers and my teachers all insisted that my ‘excessive introversion’ would even out once I went to college. Something to do with a more open-minded environment and myself finding ‘my own’, whatever that meant.They were all really wrong. I’ve attended this college for almost a year now and still haven’t made friends, or even just talked to anyone outside of required interactions that mainly have to do with my major (sociology) (“Please can I get an extension on that...

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So I made the move to england in July, 1971. As Sarah and I had not a lot of money set aside except for some of my back pay from the US Air Force we had no choice but to live with her parents in north London who had a fair sized terraced house. Handy to commuting with public transport I Wasn,t too happy trying to learn to drive on the left side of the road. Yes I did it in Japan, but that was on base with not much traffic. London traffic is something else and the M25 circular or ring road can...

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Expect The Unexpected Twists

Hello Everyone I’m Krish from Hyderabad, 22-year-old guy with 6ft height and well built body and a 6 in cock to satisfy the needs of a women. I do have a good smile well that’s what many have told me, I have been a big fan of ISS as it allows people to share their experiences with the world which may help a few in spicing up their sexual encounters. Now coming to this incident it happened a couple of months back with one of my friends’ friend, her name is Indu, she is 25 years old dusky in her...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 5 The Birth of the Roberttones

Saturday dawned slightly overcast, although it was predicted to clear up by lunchtime. But with just over a week until my piano exam, I really needed to buckle down and practice hard. After breakfast and a quick few laps in the pool, I sat down to an hour of mind-numbing scales and finger exercises. I took a short break, and sat down and played through the various pieces that I was to be tested on several times – by now I could play them without looking at the music, I knew them so well. I...

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Massaging Mrs Lindsayrsquos GILF Feet

Caroline Lindsay came home from a long day at work, tired. The short-haired, 60-year-old divorced blonde with a lean, sinewy body had just poured herself a glass of wine when the bell rang. At the door was Kevin, her best friend’s 19-year-old son from down the street.“Hi, honey, come on in, what’s up?” Caroline asked, ushering the strapping young man in the door.“Hi, Mrs. L., my mom wanted to know if you had that pot she brought over the other night when you guys had dinner,” he said.“Sure,...

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I'm in my early 30's and my mother-in-law is around 50 and for years now i have sniffing and licking her dirty panties until last summer. one Saturday afternoon i went over to my mother-in-laws as i do every weekend yo mow her lawn,after i finished the lawn i went inside she wasn't home like normal so i went to her room like i do every week and went through her laundry and found a how pair of light pink cotton panties. i sat on the floor against the bed and jerked off as i smelled the dirty...

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Just One HourChapter 25

Debbie felt the small wrist and nervous fingers at her stretched pussy hole. Stacey sobbed as she pushed inside Debbie, her pink flesh yielding to the hard greased hand." Ugggggggg fuckkkkk oh, oh you fuck bitch aggggggggg!" The hand sank in deeper to her wrist the trussed girl shuddering. "Awwwwww ohhhhhhh, no, no, nooooooo!" The men encouraged the blonde ordering her to begin pumping. Stacey refuse then shrieked as they slapped her. The blonde's wrist began to foam with gel as she...

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The Neighborhood MILF Emma

I’ve shared plenty of stories about the open relationship I have with my husband, and it’s no secret that I enjoy sex with women, and occasionally share my husband with some of my girlfriends. This isn’t all one-sided. DJ has taken advantage of the openness as well. I’ve caught him in bed with our friend Mona, and he admitted to sleeping with my best friend Laurie after our initial threesome last year. They got together several times while I was away on business and didn’t really try to hide...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 10

Well, sure enough sexy little Jaimie was carrying my baby! I had bred her good!So, as directed, she told her m_mmy who of course knew I was the father of her baby.Jaimie told her m_ommy what I had told her to tell her dad so Pam went along with the lie to John. Boy, was the preacher pissed. He even cursed! Jamie cried. She knew she could not go back to her Christian University in a few weeks so she was going to have to stay there, and they would have to tell the church. She would have to...

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Glade and IvoryChapter 18

There were very few Ocean People who welcomed Demure's presence in their village. But those few included all the elders and older marriageable men. And amongst these few, Demure was respected if not necessarily liked and recognised as someone who made a voluble, perhaps even valuable, contribution to the village's debates. Glade was sure she wasn't the only one who recognised that much of Demure's patronage by the elderly and influential in the village was directly related to her...

4 years ago
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srinlaw funtrue

My wife has always been jealous of her younger s****r’s 44 DD chest, and I guess you could say I am jealous as well. Comparing a B cup to a D cup is like apples and oranges, though I do love to titty-fuck my wife’s. But I’ve always hoped to catch a glimpse of my s****r-in-law’s body nude. My perfect chance came a few months back while she was visiting with us for the weekend, and it ended up going a little farther than I anticipated. Here goes… Michelle came to visit us for the weekend. She,...

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Take It

          Sam knelt down on his Mistresses command, legs spread.            "On your knee's" she commanded, slapping a whip against her open hand. It hit with a small sound, enticing Sams gaze to flick to the whip. His Mistress stopped hitting her hand and Sam looked up obediently, his wants apparent. She smiled at him. Though, not a nice smile. Sam opened his mouth to speak and received a hard slap against his cheek. He took it; hardly wincing. The red mark slowly faded,...

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455 going in Pt4

455 going in Pt4 A bout of what he now knows as vanilla sex, now ensued, it was hard and fast stuff from a lad who was fast learning the ropes. She climaxed, and immediately after he filled her in quantity. They lay together sated, then she said in a quiet voice, “I thought you might have wanted me up the backway having seen the film!” He grinned but said, “one thing at a time madam, I needed to empty my balls, as you taught me, then with a cool head I wanted to ask if you enjoyed it, and if I...

1 year ago
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The StormChapter 6

Caroline walked out of the master bath to find her husband turning down the quilt. She had removed her skirt while performing her toilet and had neglected to put it on again. Now she stood in her long sweater, stockings, and heels watching as her husband began to unbutton his shirt. “Anything particular you’d like me to wear tonight, darling?” she asked. Before her husband could reply, there was a quiet knock on the door. Malcolm walked to the door and opened it slightly. On seeing who it...

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SS NerdChapter 10

These women were a riot in the morning. All of them woke up full of mischief. I was actually able to line them up, leaning over the bed propped up on their hands, and give all of them a decent come as they laughed and joked, while harassing me to fuck them harder. When I asked who wanted the load, all five knelt at my feet looking up at me. Suki stuck her tongue out, Janet had her mouth wide open like the porno movies, and Janet gave the head a couple of sucks. When she felt the good stuff...

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Pool Party In Victorville

Pool Party in VictorvilleBy Victor Lima(MMF, wife sharing, slut wife)After my assignment in Ankara, Turkey came to a conclusion, the company asked me if I’d like to take a VP position in one of the regional centers in Victorville, California. Having never been to California, we jumped at the promotion opportunity and the chance to get back into sunny weather. While England is home for Linda, she still likes the weather in the southern US a lot better. Packing up things in England was hectic,...

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Aunt Susan the beginning

Many readers of my previous story asked for the "prequel". This is it. I hope it is what you expected or hoped for. After leaving home, four years at University, a first job which had lasted a surprising 15 years, and a series of enjoyable but ultimately short lived relationships, I had moved back to within 20 miles of where I had been brought up. I had a new job which I enjoyed, and was starting to join the local community, enrolling in various local activities. It was at a family event, my...

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The Magnificent MysteriansChapter 7

JOHN I hurried the short way from the nurse's office to the main bulletin board outside the office. I was concerned about what might happen to Emily while she waited there for me. I didn't think she was in any real danger per se, but standing still anywhere in the halls for more than a few seconds could start something very uncomfortable. It would make her seem visible and available for RRs. I needn't have worried. As I approached the board, I saw her coming down the hall. Apparently,...

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Impression In The Sand

She blinked lazily awake on this heavenly stretch of sand, a cloud crossing the path of the summer sun. But as her focus sharpened, this cloud took a human shape. Above her now stood a man in silhouette, tall and lean, and as she looked first left, then right, there was no one else as far as she could see. This was a dream, surely. The beach had been crowded with people not so long ago, when the stresses of her life pulled out to sea with each retreating wave and her eyelids grew blissfully...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 60

Sherrie was determined to stay in with Jennifer, and Jerry didn't feel like an evening out with us, so Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Colleen, Rebecca, and I were chauffeured from The Plaza to the Russian Tea Room for Thanksgiving dinner. The hotel set it all up: the limo, the private dining room, and the orchestra seating to Les Miserables. Dinner was superb. We dined on succulent turkey with all the trimmings, and everything else you could think of if you were having a traditional Thanksgiving feast....

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A Much Needed Night Out of the House

Jan greeted us at the door wearing a tight blue dress with a plunging neckline that showed off some fantastic cleavage. Wow, Jan had been hiding some impressive boobs underneath the more conservative attire she typically wore to work. My husband, John, definitely took note of Jan's chest at well. Jan was one of my friends at work and was having a bit of a get together at her house. I was excited that we were able to find someone to watch our one-year-old so that John and I could get out of the...

Group Sex
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The Captains Choice

Captain Edward Faulkner had mixed feelings as he stood once more on the deck of HMS Jupiter watching the wretches that would make up his cargo for this voyage to Port Jackson (Sydney). On one hand he was pleased to be once more in charge of this ship while on the other hand he was missing his recently deceased wife Juliette. It was while on his previous voyage that she succumbed to consumption and died shortly before his return. Her sister had taken charge of his two children, Jeremy 5 and...

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Behind The Potted Plant

Philip Johnson Chapter One Jim leaned over the table and in a near whisper said, ‘Hey Bro, Alexis Reinhart just came into the restaurant,’ and that’s all it took for him to put on his bright business smile, and his wife Brook looked toward the front of the restaurant. ‘Neal,’ Jim said, ‘We have to make a point to stop and say hello before we leave.’ Then Alexis looked past the maitre de and smiled at us. ‘I don’t think we need to worry about that at all,’ and she moved toward us. No, she...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 253 Days of Indian Summer

(At the Kamiya dojo, everyone is in the yard while Kaoru and Kenshin are doing laundry. They all look up at Aoshi in surprise.) Aoshi: We're going back to Kyoto. It's a good time. Kenshin: A good time? Misao: What? What? What? But we haven't even gone to Akakusa or the Ginza! Yahiko: You didn't come here to sightsee. Go home! Aoshi: We'll leave tomorrow with Takani Megumi. That way you'll only have to say goodbye once. Kaoru (thinking): Always the man of few words... I never...

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Shred of Humility

"Shred of Humility" Author: DominantHacker All rights reserved Copyright ? 2008 by DominantHacker Story codes: M/f, MF/f, humiliation, bdsm, consensual, serious, slavery Description: This is totally a fantasy.? I don't expect a man or a woman to act like this IRL.? Just something I thought to get down on paper since this type of fantasy is such a common one for me (though not usually so much S&M). A shy, repressed, young woman drawn to a controlling man who enjoys humiliating her.? She finds...

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Goodbye Miss GrangerChapter 9 No Means I Dont Know

Adventurous? I had no idea! I could tell he was frisky (we both were!) from his teasing hands in the taxi on the way home. When we got inside I goosed him on the backside and ran giggling for the bedroom, shedding clothes along the way and slamming the door behind me when I got inside. "Jeannie?" he called after me. "Are you being naughty?" This was a familiar game by now; making him chase me and overpower me. "No?" I said haltingly, half question and half answer, like maybe he knew...

3 years ago
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Unwanted Suitor

Megan Barnes knew that she wasn't going to like this Chad boy, not one damn bit. First off, her daughter Jean had refused to bring him home and introduce him to the family. Secondly the way she had been talking about him it was obvious that he was starting to become a bad influence on her and Megan knew that this boy was going to be trouble. And thirdly he was 17 and Jean had just turned 15 and Megan well knew what 17 year old boys wanted — pussy! It came to a head on a Friday afternoon when...

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Two Best Friends Ryan and Shawn

One key thing though. I may have been straight, but whenever I looked at porn, whenever I had a fantasy, it always involved guys. I don't know why, it was just what got me off. And the main fantasy involved Ryan. His house. Whenever I pictured the scene, I only had to Jack off for about 5 minutes before I blew my load. Now Ryan and I joked a lot about being gay, we would do things as jokes, but whenever it came to actual gay stuff, it seemed to repulse him. Friday, normal day, normal...

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