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By Jason


Well, I never thought I'd have me one accomplice,much less two. Wayne he's got his problems--has he ever!--but he's a lot moreinto it of the two of 'em, even so. David he likes to keep his distance. Squintin'out behind those funky little granny glasses of his, pretendin' he ain't soengrossed as Wayne and me. Even after all this time he likes to pretend that.But what he did with Robbie G. last month. Well, that tells the story, nowdon't it? I mean there's fuckin' and then there's fuckin' and little ole RobbieG. got hisself well and truly corn-hole, ass-wreckin' fucked! And David didit all by his little ole lonesome too. Hell, by the time Wayne and me showedup there was hardly anything left for us to even play with! And that kid hada cute butt. One of the cutest in fact. That I done come across so far, thatis. I think. Truth is my mem'ry is startin' to slip a bit about some of theboys I done had. Which is why I thought I'd keep me a sort of diary for a while.I don't know exactly how long I'll keep it up actually, but it's been fun sofar and I ain't through with all this yet. No, sirree. The clock it is stilltickin' on this here business. I know the clock is still tickin'. I mean--it'sGod's own truth!--I done lost count of all the cute little butts I done hadby now, but I know the clock is still tickin'. The only chance I really takeis with them two. Wayne and David. I know that. I mean, I ain't stupid! Waynesays the pills and liquor are startin' to make me stupid. But Wayne he's thestupid one. 'Cause his time will come! Yeah. It will come and I'll up and havehis scrawny little no-account teenage ass as well. That's how stupid he is!He don't seem to see that that's the way it will have to be. Eventually. Nothinglasts forever, AS THEY SAY! Ain't no rush yet, though. Specially when Waynecan still up and bring me guys like young Billy B. here. I mean, talk abouta cute ass! Not that I actually done gone and seen it yet. But I can tell.The way those worn old jeans of his hug those hard high rounded hips of his?The way that skin on his neck and chest and arms glows, just glows? I mean,that pretty skin of his practically fuckin' shines in the dark, man! And nota zit to be seen anywhere! Hormones racin'--you can tell that!--but not a singlefuckin' dirty disfigurin' little zit to be seen anywhere on his body that Ican see! And strappin'! Shit! Billy's one tall strappin'-for-his-age motherfucker!Only sixteen, but he's already six sweet feet of Houston's finest honed-and-tonedhigh-school football boy-meat! I mean, Billy's got it all. The face, the body. . . the dick. I ain't up and seen that either yet, but I can tell what'swhat about it too. Prime beef. Yeah, that's what we're talkin' 'bout here.Prime grade-A Houston-born-and-bred cowboy boy-beef! "Go Steers!" That's whatthey call the team. Hmm, hmm. If I was into eatin' 'em as well as killin' em,I could have me one mouth-waterin' lip-smackin' man-sized meal on Billy B.,that's for sure!


We been workin' on Billy for a couple a weeks now. The usual way. Waynebringin' 'im over just to hang out. Drink beer. Smoke some dope. Dump on hisdad, his mom. Tell us how much he hates school. The coach. That kinda shit.These kids. I mean, they pretty much come from nothin'--which gives me my shot,of course, since they got every reason to vamoose, run away, a fact I doneused to cover their just up and vanishin' more 'n once by now--but they gotit good compared. I sometimes tell 'em what I went through! That shuts 'emup fast. Most of 'em, that is. Some of the little assholes actually claim theygot it worse, but they don't know what bad is. I show 'em what bad is. Witha little extra help from Wayne and David nowadays. But it's mainly me thatdoes it. This is my show after all and Wayne he better not go and forgit it!He's the one who worries me the most. But as I done said, his time will come.

Billy was here this mornin', for example. Skippin' school. Not for the firsttime, of course. He's been kicked off the team several times Wayne says. Forthat. And other things. Wayne didn't specify. But I can see why the coach keepsbending over backward for 'im. You get Billy undoped--or, if he's been drinkin',dried out--and I know he's one hell of a football player! Yeah, like I said,he drinks like a fish too. Holds it, though. Hell, he had a six-pack of LoneStar all to hisself when he was here playin' hookey. Provided by moi, of course.The ever-generous host, that's me! I been called the Candy Man. I did makecandy once. Actually had me a business with my mom. Used it to trap me somechoice young boy-butt back then too. That's true. I still use candy to sweetenthe trap on occasion even now.

But with Billy it ain't no damned snickers barhe's over here sniffing after. Nor, speakin' of sniffin', is it the glue welike to use on occasion neither. We done tried to get Billy to do some gluemore n' once but he won't. Says he's too old for that. It's worked like a charmon more than one little idiot, though. Even Billy's age or older. Take a paperbag. Smear the inside all around with glue. Hold it to your face. Good andtight over your nose and mouth. Breathe. That's right. Yeah. Again. Again.I'm amazed how quick some of 'em go out. Like a light. Yeah, just like a fuckin'hun'erd watt bulb. On--then, just like that--off!

Turns out Billy wanted a blowjob to go with the Lone Star, not glue. Hedidn't come right out and say he wanted a blowjob, of course. He's much toomacho for that. But he's been figurin' it out. Billy ain't stupid. He's heardsome of the talk 'bout me. That's clear. Then come and done his own sizin'up these past couple a weeks. He's seen how I look at him when I think I'mnot. Caught me more 'n once at it, he has. So I wasn't totally surprised whenhe started talkin' 'bout how horny he was. How he was recently broke-up withhis last girlfriend. What good head she gave and now he couldn't get any atthe moment. That kinda crap. I give him credit. He didn't think I was stupideither. Not like Wayne. He knew what I was thinkin'. Had been thinkin' 'bouthim ever since he first showed up with Wayne. But he wanted me to make thefirst move. They all do, of course. So I did. I mean, I had a green light.There was no question of that. Of course, it was goin' to be a one-way street.I could tell that as well. Pricks like Billy B. wouldn't dream of returnin'the favor, right? Hell no! They see me as a harmless old faggot whose mouthmight as well be used as not, right? Up until the next hot-to-trot young cuntcomes along, that is. Not that I'm really old, of course. I'm only in my 30s.But to them maybe. Anyway, they sure don't seem to mind gettin' serviced bya guy up and until that fuckin' smelly pussy shows up. I seen it all too often.Selfish little bastards. All of 'em. All take and no give. That's how theylive. Well, when the time comes, I show 'em I can take as good as they can.Can I ever! I can take more 'n they ever fuckin' dreamed of, by God!

So we sat on the couch. Billy drinkin', me drinkin, time passin'. Then,you know, my hand just sorta accidentally comes down on his left leg. Oh socasual-like. At which point he spreads both of 'em, of course. His dick risingup in his pants like a surfin' wave risin' up at the seashore. A big wave too.Just as I expected. Seven thick inches or thereabouts. He helped me with thejeans anyway. Not all do. Some make me do ALL the work! Then he sat back, closedhis eyes, and let me do my thing. Or what he thinks is my thing anyway. Soon,of course, he will REALLY know what my thing is!


He came. Pretty fast and furious like they do at his age. I remember. Iwas sixteen too once upon a time and not so long ago, goddammit! Anyway, Idrank it all down like it was some goddamned juju juice. Which it ain't. It'stheir asses I like. Not their fuckin' slimy cum. He grunted and smiled, sortacasually sleepily zipped hisself back up, then acted like he was out for aminute. That really fooled me, of course. Then his eyes popped open. "Oh, Dean!Sorry. Guess I drifted off. Hell, I gotta go, man, or the coach will find outI been missing and kill my ass for sure come practice this afternoon! Thanksfor the Lone Star!"

"Anytime," I replied, givin' it a double meaning. Which he took. Hell, heactually gave me a wink to say he understood. And would be back. Which, afterall, is all that counted. At this point.


Not today, though. No-show Billy all day long. I said that to Wayne, toldhim about yesterday. Wayne did his usual shit-assed shrug. "You want me togo see if I can find 'im, bring 'im round?" I thought, then said no. "I'd rathergit 'im this weekend anyway," I said. "No one will even think of lookin' forhim over the weekend." "He may not be so easy as some of them others," Waynesays. Good old Wayne. The voice of experience. I'll never forget the troubleWayne had with his first kill and it was a skinny-necked little kid too. Denny,I think his name was. "Gawd!" Wayne said after about five minutes of tryin'to strangle the little bastard to death and him all tied up and all, "it'shawd work killin' these ole boys!"

"Wayne, how many we done done together by now?" Iasked. He shrugged again. "I dunno. Ten maybe." He struggled to think, whichis always a effort for Wayne. "Maybe twelve. I dunno." "Any of them ever beena real problem?" "Mark," Wayne answered. That was true. Mark H. had actuallygot halfway loose, even managed to stab me with that big black pocket knifeof his. "Well," I said, "Mark was lucky. We didn't search him or tie him uptight enough. We won't make that mistake with Billy B." "So I'm in on this?" Itwas my turn to shrug. "If you wanna be," I said. "He's certainly 'nough fortwo. Hell, three if David wants to get in on it." "That's what I mean," Waynedrawled. I particularly hate Wayne's fuckin' drawl. I mean, we all twang anddrawl round here, but Wayne twangs and drawls thicker n' most. "What do youmean?" I asked. "What I said," he said. "And that was?" I asked in as sneerin'a voice as I could make it. "He's a lot to handle, that's all. Hell, we donekids mostly and Billy ain't no kid. Not the way them others was anyway. That'sall." "Well, I'm ready for something with a little size on it. Some muscle.You can tell his ass is even got muscles on it. I'm ready for that." "Wellthen," Wayne said. And, yes, shrugged.


He came by 'bout midnight. Billy B., that is. Hauled in by Wayne. Lit'rally.Three sheets to the wind and then some. Well, the Steers had had their asseswhipped, now hadn't they? There was plenty of reason to get drunk. To givehim credit, Billy had done his best once he got sent in. Which was not at first,him not bein' on the A-string 'cause of his age yet, I guess. I was there.Seen. A special occasion, I thought. Billy B.'s last football game. I shouldn'tmiss that, right? Of course, he had gone off with some of his best buds after.Downed some pretty strong moonshine too. Not just your normal kinda moonshineanyway. So Wayne said Billy said. Given how he had held his liquor before,I believed it, seein' him lurchin' and dippin' and swayin' like some six-foot-tallrag-doll the way he was when Wayne brung him in.

"They dropped 'im off near his 'ouse," Wayne explained. "I'd been waitin',thinkin' if he turned up I'd see. So," Wayne stopped and stood with Billy allblotto propped right up against him, "he showed and here he is, that's all.No one saw. I made sure."

Wayne might be dumb in some ways, but he is smart 'bout this kind of thingat least. Or has been so far. The first time he ain't, he's dead meat. Pureand simple. I have done promised myself that.

"Where you want him?"

"On the couch," I said.

So that's where Wayne put him. Where he had got a damned good blowjob justtwo days before, then pretended he ain't. Sprawled out and giddy as hell hewas. I guess that's the word. Giddy. Anyway, laughin' and gigglin' like somestupid ole girl. Rollin' his head. His hair is pretty long too. Like a stupidole girl's too. I'm surprised the coach lets him wear it like that, but itain't no skin off my back. 'Sides, he is all guy down below, and that's whatcounts.

"So what you got to be so cheerful about?" I asked him. "You guys got yourfuckin' asses whipped tonight. I was there. I saw."

"Fuck it!" Billy gurgled, then burped, a big loud burp. It seemed to runthe whole length of his body. Which, of course, I was takin' in even more 'nI even had before, knowin' the time had come at last to do what I wanted withit.

Billy laughed.

Wayne shrugged.

"You need help?" Wayne then asked, but not before he had moved off towardthe door.

"You not plannin' to stay?" I replied. "Don't you wanna piece of that?" Inodded toward Billy who warn't understandin' a thing we was sayin', of course. "Imean, that's prime firm Texas boy-beef, son! Lone Star fueled and fed too!"

Wayne shrugged, pulled at his crotch. It was only a itch, though. Not 'causehe had the hots for Billy. At the moment anyway. Wayne did tend to like 'emyounger 'n smaller, but, even so, Billy he has hisself one fuckin' awesomebody that just screams FUCK ME! FUCK ME! whether he knows it or not. And thereit was, sprawled out in a faded old pair of skin-tight jeans and a t-shirt,just ready for the takin'. I couldn't b'lieve Wayne wasn't gittin' into it.

"Could, I guess. I mean, I could go for 'im but I feel kinda bad."

"What do you mean you feel kinda bad?"

"I sorta know 'im." The shrug. "I dunno."

"You knew LOTS of the others!" I shot back at him. "Even better 'n this'un." It is true too. Wayne done brought in a lot of guys he supposedly wasa good friend with. Some friend, right? So I says, "Come here and help me gethis fuckin' clothes off. Then help me tie him to the board. You can do thatmuch at least."

Wayne shuffled back. It was hard to say Wayne ever really walked actually.He always did this funny redneck shuffle most of the time.

Billy had dropped his head way back, over the back of the couch, his adam'sapple--which was kinda big like the rest of him--pointing toward the ceiling.He was actually startin' to snorin' by now.

"You do his feet," I ordered. "I'll git his t-shirt off."

The t-shirt featured the big red bull, of course. That's the school mascotthey have. Which made me laugh. Yeah, you stud, I thought, let's see just howwell hung the school bull actually is though I basically already knew fromthe blowjob.

Billy woke up a bit while we were at it and even helped. Or tried to. Atleast with the t-shirt I was tuggin' on.

"Baby! Baby!" he took to moanin'. I think he thought some cunt was aroundbehind him helpin' him strip him for action. He sorta raised this arm. Thenthat. He made an effort anyway. "Baby! Baby!"

Yeah, baby baby is right, I thought.

Wayne had trouble with the shoes. He would. Aftergittin' the t-shirt off, I had to go round and do them myself. The laces wereknotted pretty bad, but even so. Asshole Wayne!

Billy clearly needs a pair a new sneakers. Notthat he's ever gonna get 'em now. These he had on they smelled, had big holes.The socks too. He might have showered after the game--I'm sure I caught mea whiff of the soap--but since then his body had up and sweated some again.Not that it mattered. I like a boy to smell like a boy. A bit a sweat smellturns me on in fact. Always has.

It was basically clear sailing then. Up until westarted in on the jeans, that is. Billy had on a different pair than he hadhad on on Wednesday, but these were pretty old too. Maybe older. Anyway, theywere a hell of a lot tighter than even those other ones. Yes, Billy B. likeshis jeans tight. Likes to show off that Grade–A bod of his. No questiona that! Little thinkin' that there might be somebody just a-watchin' and a-waitin'for the right opportunity to slip his hot man's dick up his sorry young ass!

Anyway, that's what started the trouble, our tryin'to get them skin-tight, thigh-grippin' jeans a his off of him. 'Cause he wentand woke up. Or, if he didn't exactly wake up given how boozed up he was, heat least got a bit of a focus on the situation, more or less realized who itwas who was goin' at him--NOT some girl--and even why probably.

"Fuckers!" he suddenly bellowed and heaved hisselfup. Wayne went flyin', the back of his head bangin' 'gainst the floor. Bonk!That's what it actually sounded like. Bonk! I held onto Billy's left leg asbest I could. The jeans were down on his thighs by then, but not much. He hadno trouble moving, I'll just put it that way.

I was dragged halfway 'cross the room, and I'mnot that small. 200 pounds plus a few over. I did manage to get the jeans moredown on his legs, though, enough to slow him up a bit at least, but, to behonest, not much. He was still goin' to make it. Git to the door and git thehell out, that is. For all the world to see too. Drunk and yellin' with hispants halfway down to his fuckin' knees and his big dick poking up the frontof his piss-stained jockey shorts.

Imagine my surprise then when the door suddenlyjerked open just as we was about to reach it and David was a-standin' there.It was even better 'n that. David he was a-standin' there with a baseball batin his hands. Had he heard the commotion from outside and grabbed the bat onhis way in? I ain't had a chance to ask him yet, but he musta done. Anyway,David he just stepped right through the damned door, squinted through thosefuckin' little pussy granny glasses of his, swung back, and then slammed BillyB. upside his big head.


I was on my knees, my arms wrapped around Billy'slegs, but I felt the shock go all the way down his body, which was still strugglin'to get the hell out the door. When he fell, I had enough sense to block thefall a little. Otherwise his head mighta received another bad blow when hehit the floor. Which he did, but not as hard as he mighta done if I hadn'tdone what I did. Wayne he had made it back up by then, but his eyes was stillclenched, the pain in his head blockin' out everything else that was goin'on, I guess. Even so, he was not as bad off as Billy B. HE was out! And I meanOUT COLD!

Thanks to quick-thinkin' David!


Well now ain't we been havin' us some fun!!! And we ain't even near finishedyet either! Even good ole Wayne finally up and got into it. If I ain't mistaken,he's done fucked Billy twice now. So much for friendship! I popped my pillsoff and on most of the night just so's I could keep my energy up. I didn'twant to miss a minute a this one! That's how good a time we done been havin'.

I said I was ready for some muscle. Well, we got us some muscle all right!Not that Billy B.'s some kinda stupid bodybuilder type. I never could standthat stupid he-man bodybuilder crap. No, like I said, Billy's slim and smoothjust like I like 'em. But my God, he's one strong honed-and-toned motherfucker,that's for sure!

Once he was out, of course, I didn't have no more trouble gittin' thosetight jeans off of him anymore.

"Git the board out," I ordered David as I tugged the last leg loose. Waynewas still too woozy to be any help.

We keep the board under the couch. It had been under there all the time.Just waitin' to be used. While Billy was getting' his blowjob it was alreadyunder there just ready and waitin' for him.

It's a good strong thick plywood board with two parallel 2x4s nailed tothe underside to git it up off the floor a little. There's paired holes cutup on one end of it and another set down on the other end of it. I keep ropesattached and ready in most all the holes, top and bottom. Which are in differentspots 'cause of the size factor. I mean, we done had some pretty small-sizedboys tied to that board. Bigger ones too, of course. So the holes have to bein the different spots to allow for that. One size don't fit all is the idea.We learned that by doin', of course.

The board's a little stained up at this point.And I don't mean just with blood either, though we done had our share of thatthat's true. But upchuck . . . shit . . . piss. You name it, we done had itto deal with at one time or 'nother!

The last kid we had on it--one of the two Wayne got as they was on theirway to go swimmin' at the rec pool--he did it all! And I mean ALL! I couldn'tbelieve how much stuff kept comin' out of the little bastard from all the differentdirections too. I banged him up against the side of his head more 'n once sayin', "Stopit! You messin' up my board, you little shithead!" He was littletoo. Well, compared to Billy B. But he just kept at it. Upchuckin' and pissin'and shittin' and snottin' all over the place. On the bed some too, later. Wherewe finally did him--Wayne and me, each pullin' on one end of the rope--withthe other kid who was with him watchin', screamin' his head off, "You killin'Bobby! You killin' Bobby!" That was fun. Killin' the one kid in front of theother one. That warn't the first time we done it that way, of course, but ithad been awhile. My first time--when I was workin' solo only--had involvedanother two-at-one-go. They was brothers in the same complex where I was livin'back then. Left home alone a lots they was. Once too often as it turned out,which was good for me, of course. "Yawl come on over 'n play over at my place," Ihad said that mornin'. I had come home special just to see if I could get 'em,it bein' summer and they not bein' in school and all. "I got some real goodcandy fresh from my fact'ry to give you two." Their daddy--I don't know wheretheir mother had took herself off to, probably had up and skedaddled with someother man, knowing women--well, their daddy he never ever knew what went downwith those two boys of his and I sure-as-hell wasn't gonna tell, now was I?The little one was the littlest I ever done, I think. He was seven or thereabouts,if I remember correctly. When the time came he went and put up more of a fightthan his brother who was a good two three years older. Go figure.

I have to give it to Billy B. He has pissed and upchucked once so far, butthat is all. Not countin' the bed. He did piss as we was tyin' him to the bed.That's true. But I don't mind piss. Not much anyway. But the other stuff? Ican do without that.

The board almost wasn't long enough for Billy. Once we got him all strippeddown, we got his arms secured just fine, but his feet hung off over the otherend a little. Couple a inches anyway.

"Just rope the rope around his ankles anyhow," I finally said to David. "Heain't gonna go nowhere."

He sure tried to, though, once he come round. That's what I mean by strong.I mean, he made that board hop and skip and jump 'cross the floor more 'n onceonce he got conscious again. Which warn't that long.

"You ain't gonna fuck me!" he started shoutin'. "You ain't gonna fuck me!"

As I said, Billy B. warn't stupid. He knew what was what about a lot a thangs.

I finally stomped down on the side of the board right near his jaw and lookedhim right in the face and said, "Oh but we is! And more 'n once too."

All that booze he had had was startin' to wear off fast by then, of course.Adrenaline it'll do that for you. I wouldn't go so far as to say he was exactlysober all the way yet, but he sure as hell knew he was up shit creek and itwarn't no bad dream he was in the process of dreamin' either.

"Don't you fuck me! Don't you fuck me! I'll kill you if you fuck me! I swearI'll fuckin' kill you!"

That always makes me laugh. Threatenin' like that. Like they ever gonnaget the chance once I got 'em up all tied up.

I was strippin' down by now. Wayne he had left to do something. Take a pissmaybe. Or maybe see to that sore head of his. Wayne he is funny that way. Hemight like to dish out the pain just fine, but he sure don't like bein' onthe receivin' end. Not good ole Wayne.

David had sat down on the couch. Havin' shut the door and locked it, ofcourse. We always keep the blinds drawn round here, so we don't have to worry'bout that. Or the noise much either. Where I live is pretty noisy anyway.The Heights they call it. Isn't that a joke! The husbands and wives and kidsround here all scream and fight and yell at each other most of the time. Nightand day seven days a week. The Pits. That's what they should call this place.The Armpit of Houston, that's what it really is. My place is sorta off to itselfa little. Enough anyway. Which I planned for when I bought it. Of course, ifthey do git too rowdy--guys like Billy, that is--I have my gags and stuff likethat ready. I am always ready for action one way or another actually. Cuffs.Gags. Rope. Dildos. You name it. I got everything ready to go for when theoccasion demands.

"You want a piece of this," I said to David as I got the last of my clothesoff. I pointed to Billy's butt, which looked as round and ripe and good asI thought it would. There were muscles in it too, no question. And dimples!Yeah, dimples too when he struggled like he was doin' now. It ain't exactlya bubble-butt, but Billy ain't no flat-ass either. In other words, he's prettyperfect. And smooth! Wow! Billy he has one fuckin' baby-smooth ass on him,I tell you!

My dick was normal hard, but I still pumped ita little just to juice up the flow a bit more. Maybe it's the pills. Waynesays it is. The downers anyway. 'Cause it is gittin' a little harder sometimesto get as hard as I used to, I admit. I ain't worried about it, though. I ain'tnowhere near impotent, that's for sure. I even like it this way in some ways.It means I don't shoot off so fast as much as I used to. I take my time now,draw it out, build up to the final explosion more slow-like. Ain't nothingwrong with that so far as I can see!

I still hadn't decided whether to use any of thepetrol jelly or not. I thought not. I like a dry fuck on occasion and BillyB. looked like he could be a good 'un for that once I got myself all the wayin. He has a pretty deep crack. I could tell that even when he had his jeanson. There wouldn't be no problem aimin' myself in then or usin' his own body-sweatto keep me lubed up once I did. He was already sweatin' like a pig. Which,as I said, I like in moderation.

David smiled, that kinda cold, smart-assed smile of his.

"Sure. Eventually," he said. "But I'm just as happy to sit here and watchyawl for now. You go on and have yoself yo fun, Dean."

That's when I thought Billy was gonna split the board for sure. That orhis own gut. That's how fierce he got to strugglin' again. 'Cause as I said,he warn't stupid. He had heard what was in store. You wouldn't b'lieve theguys who keep askin' "What you doin'? What you doin'?" even as I'm in the processof bustin' their cute little butt-cherries wide open.

"Goddam!" David said. "You sure got yoself a live one on that there linethis time, Dean. The last one who went on like that was that there Ruben guy.'Member him?"

It was true. Ruben M.--he had a real cute face Ruben M. had, little pugnose and dimples on his cheeks instead of his ass--well, he had gone and talkedhis little ole grandma out of some money, said he needed some to go see a movieor somethin', but he didn't go to no movie. No. He come straight to me hopin'to buy some dope, that's what he did. Like he had done a coupla other timesby then. It's part of my setup, of course. Get 'em comin' over for the dopeor the candy or the booze or the glue or whatever, then when the time is right,Zap! Surprise! Surprise! Your good-for-fuckin' little ass is mine, baby! Allmine!

Well, good ole Ruben I kept him, I guess, for--what?--going on three orfour days or so. Somethin' like that. He was one of the longterm ones anyway.Some I keep around for a while, some I don't. It depends. On how good a fuckthey are. How much they cooperate. Who's comin' round lookin' for 'em. Thatkinda thing. I actually almost let Ruben go near the end actually. I sortaliked Ruben, if the truth be told. He coulda been another Wayne or David maybe.He was a real nice kid really. He said he would help me get other guys too.You know, like Wayne and David do. But as I done said before, I ain't stupidwhatever Wayne says. So I finally took Ruben out. It warn't worth the risk.I think I used the gun on him. Yeah, that's what I did. I used the gun on him. "Bang,bang, you're dead, Ruben!" I said like it was a joke, then once he thoughtI WAS jokin' I shot him in the face right through his little pug nose. Whichdidn't even kill him at first. "You done shot me for real, Dean," he said throughhis bloody mouth. So I shot him again, higher this time. There was really lotsa blood and stuff that time, but David he cleaned it up. He don't seem to mindthat kinda thing. He should do it even if he does, given how much I pay him!Him AND Wayne! They done been paid real good by now, both of 'em. I been aabsolute man of my word when it comes to payin' 'em good and they can't denyit!

Well, we got those bronco bulls down here. The real rodeo kind and thenthe other, the mechanical ride-'em kind. I ain't never been on either and Idon't plan to neither, but I'm sure I come close with that there first fuckwith Billy this night. 'Cause--whew!--he sure did his best to buck me off!He actually did a coupla times, and, like I said, I am some 200 pounds plusand Billy, well, he must be only 160 . . . 165. Something like that anyway.Not scrawny, but not big like me either. Still, he bucked me off of 'im twice.He could move so much I guess 'cause we hadn't got the ropes tied so closeto the board as we coulda. That's why he could make the board jump around too.Not that it mattered. He still warn't goin' anywhere anytime soon.

"Come help me, you jerk!" I said to David. Wayne he was still nursin' hisselfouta sight somewhere.

David he was laughin' to beat the band over onthe couch. I thought he was gonna actually go and fall off of the damn couchhe was laughin' so hard.

"Can it, you asshole!" I shouted. "Grab his armsor somethin'!"

I was sweatin' now myself, so I had all the sweat-slickI needed to lube my dick, but all the sweat made it harder to hold onto Billytoo, him with his sweat added to mine the way it was.

David he finally got up and came over, still sortalaughin'.

He squatted down up by Billy's head and boppedhim on the top of it.

"Cut it out!" he said. Then he bopped him again.

Billy let fly at that. I mean, I swear every cussword he done ever heard in his life he musta used on David at that point.

Well, David don't like bein' cussed, which Billydidn't know but he soon did.

David he went mad right off and laid into Billy'sface with his fists like he was gonna straight out kill the sombitch.

"Don't kill him!" I shouted from where I was stilltryin' to get into Billy's ass again. I tried to slap David's fists away. "Idon't like no dead fuck, you know that!"

I finally had to punch David hisself in the chesthard before he stopped. Blood had splashed up on his glasses too by then, that'show hard he was a-hittin' Billy.

But like I said Billy is tough. He mighta beenbleedin' as well as sweatin' like a stuck pig now, but he warn't out again,even when David hit him where he had hit him before with that baseball bat.I had felt the big lump up under his long hair on his left side when I wastryin' to get me some traction to get into his ass. It was a big bump wherehe had been hit with that bat and David he hit him right there on top of itagain before he finally did what I said and stopped.

Billy squealed like somethin' else when he gotbanged on that sore spot on his head that way, but he kinda froze too. Withthe pain, I guess. Which is what allowed me to finally get all the way in atlast, so David did that much good at least.

Jeez, Billy was tight to start with but I had donegot well and truly into his ass even so! There was no backin' out now, ha ha!

Next thing, I could feel him usin' all his musclein his butt to try to squeeze my goddam dick off. I swear that's what he wasa-tryin' to do. But the more I pushed in the more he got loose and unable todo shit about it despite hisself. Finally, I just worked myself up to a goodhumpin' pokin' poundin' kinda rhythm and there was no turnin' back after that.His butt-cherry was gone for good! Taken by moi!

David he went and sat back down on the couch whileI went at it, rubbin' his fist like it was hurt. But it wasn't. Not really.

Wayne he turned up about that time finally.

"What you gone and messed up his face for?" heasked, crouchin' down to look at Billy when he got there.

"Help me, Wayne!" Billy yelled. "Get 'im off me,Wayne! You my friend, Wayne! Make 'im stop!"

He was cryin' too some. You could hear it in hisvoice even if his face was more wet with blood than anything else. It was hisnose that was bleedin' mainly.

That's when Wayne started to get into it at last.

"You suck me off I will," he said.

I poked Billy in the butt real hard at that pointand he yelped like a hit dog.

It took him a second to get his breath back, that'show hard my poke was.

"What?" he said once he did.

"I said you suck me off and I'll make him stop.Not until that though."

Wayne had already begun to unzip and whip it out,and he's got this long thin dick, sorta like a hot dog but longer, but notno footlong. He ain't THAT hung!

"I cain't suck on that, Wayne," Billy whined oncehe saw it.

"Yes you can," Wayne said. "You bite it, though,I won't hep you at all. I'll let Dean kill you straight off in fact 'causethat's what he likes to do most of anything. Kill good ole boys like you dead.Specially if they don't do as they's told."

I had just kept pumpin' the whole time, enjoyin'the Wayne and Billy show as I was now a-thinkin' of it.

"Suck him like he says," I finally said when itwent on too long. "Then if he really wants me to let you go after that I will."

I was lyin' through my teeth, of course.

Well, Billy seemed to get mad just hearin' my voice.He let loose again with all the cuss words he had used before and then some.He started buckin' again too. But I stayed in him with no trouble this time--hewas pretty strained out physically by now was the truth--and Wayne he didn'tmind the cussin'. Unlike David. Which was lucky for Billy this time or he mightagot even more fists in his face.

"Come on, it ain't hard to do," Wayne said as hemoved in on Billy up on that end of the board. He caught him by the hair andheld his head up but I could tell he was tryin' not to pull too hard so's itwoundn't hurt Billy too much. Playin' nice guy. For now, that is. Just so'she wouldn't get his dick bit off, that was the real reason.

Billy finally quieted back down and sobbed. Sortof a sob anyway. Anyway, he then let Wayne do what he wanted while I finishedup on his butt.

"Slurp on it," Wayne kept tellin' him. "To do itright you have to do more slurpin' on it."

It warn't long before I came big like I like it,diggin' my fingers into Billy's shoulders--boy they're nice shoulders!--whenI did. I could see the finger marks when I finally took my hands off him andpulled out. There warn't a pop sound as I pulled out of his ass but there surecoulda been. He was still that tight even after all the humpin' I'd done.

He had gagged a coupla time on Wayne's dick buthe hadn't actually upchucked. He'd do that later while David was usin' thedildo on him. The big one. For now, he just did the best he could givin' theblowjob so's he could save his life. Like we meant it, of course. Settin' himfree, that is. Ha!

Wayne was hot for more than a blowjob, though,and pulled out of Billy's mouth once I got off.

"My turn," he said, jerkin' his old scruffy workshoes off, not that Wayne ever does any work in 'em that I know of.

Wayne he didn't bother with his t-shirt, though.He just stripped from the waist on down and then went round and took rightup where I left off.

Billy grunted some as Wayne went in but he tookit in without too much trouble even so, though I could tell it hurt some too.Wayne's dick's longer 'n mine but it's thinner too so it wasn't that tighta go for Billy after me but no doubt Wayne's dick went deeper in.

"You didn't have to do this," Billy said once Waynegot to goin' good. He was gaspin' but wantin' to talk to. "Why'd you all gotto go and do this to me?"

I was wipin' my dick by then. Cleanin' it. Therewas a little dab of shit smeared on the end. I thought I had bumped up againsta piece a shit at the start when I first started pokin' Billy and some mustarubbed off as I drove it back up inside his gut. I was usin' Billy's own red-bullt-shirt now to clean myself, but he didn't seem to notice, which was just aswell.

"You mean you woulda let us poke you up the assif we had just gone and asked you to pretty-please let us do it?" I said. "Idon't b'lieve that for a minute."

I finished my wipin' my dick and threw the t-shirtdown on the floor.

"It ain't right," he whined. "You ain't oughtado this to another guy. It ain't right."

"You let me blow you without much complainin' ifI remember correctly," I said back to him, "and I didn't think guys was supposedto let other guys do that to them either."

"A blowjob's different," Billy croaked, his facetwistin' all up round his eyes as Wayne slammed harder, then harder as he gotnear to releasin' his load. Wayne always gets kinda wild toward the climax.

"Yeah, ones you git but don't give," I shot back,tryin' to sound as nasty as I could. "You ole boys are all selfish little pricks,that's what I know. So I don't even bother to ask you no more. I just takewhat I want when I decide I want it. And I was wantin' your ass the first timeWayne done brung you over here. He knew I would. Well, now I done up and hadit, that's all."

Wayne cum, doing that little high-pitched squealhe always does when he does. It's so funny it always makes me laugh. I didnow.

David he laughed too from over on the couch.

Wayne then kinda slumped off and rolled over, halfon the board and half off, laughin' hisself a little, his redhot hotdog dickbobbin' in the air, a little shit on the top of it too.

"Let me go now," Billy said. "You all done hadyour fun. Let me go."

"And let you kill us?" I said. "'Cause that's whatyou said you was gonna do if we fucked you, right? Well, we done up and fuckedyou real good so I guess our lives is in danger now. So's we can't take thatchance and let you go, now can we? No way!"

"Come on, Dean," Billy whined. "I ain't gonna killyou. How'm I gonna kill you? I don't even wanna act like I know you no moreonce I get outa here. Honest. I don't wanna even know your name no more."

I liked how he was tryin' to do it. Persuade usto let him go, that is. But we couldn't take the chance like I said. Too manyboys has done gone missin' from round here by now, and Billy would talk. Ijust knew he would. He's the big-dick big-head talkin' type if there ever wasone. He might even go and git him a gun from somewheres and come back and shootus too, no matter what he said about not.

Well, the evenin' went on from there.

David he then took his turn.

He can be rough with the dildos but he's actuallya soft kinda fucker as fuckers go. I mean, he's more gentle compared to meand Wayne anyway. Just don't call him no names, though. Billy musta learnedhis lesson on that score 'cause he didn't make a peep this time. He just letDavid go to it with hardly a sound outa him 'cept for the occasional gruntor two.

Then Wayne he went a second time after that. Hecan get it back up like nobody I ever done come across. No matter how manytimes he's done cum before. Wish I could can it and sell it whatever it ishe's got. I'd be a rich man that's for sure!

Billy kept sayin' to Wayne, "It hurts, Wayne. Stop.It hurts, Wayne." But Wayne he didn't stop, of course.

Then I had my second go after I had popped thepills that help me get it back up the way I like. It's a kinda speed, I guess.That's what the guy I bought it from said anyway. Anyway, it gets the heartpumpin' again and that's what matters.

Then David he used the big dildo we got that'ssupposedly a exact replica of some hung-like-a-horse porn star and that's whenBilly threw up but David he cleaned it up 'cause he don't mind, like I said.

"I cain't take that! I cain't take that!" Billyyelled while David shoved that motherfucker up his ass. He almost couldn'teither. Which is why he threw up. At least he didn't bleed, though. From theass, that is.

And then it got real late. Or real early, if youtalkin' 'bout the clock, I guess. It musta been goin' on five AM by then. Wefigured Billy had had enough on the board so we took him to the back room allthree of us with one bathroom stop on the way. Billy he shat all the shit outof him on the toilet in there and then David he cleaned him up so's he wouldn'tstink too much once we got his tied down in the bed. Not only his ass but Davidcleaned the rest of him too while me and Wayne kept aholt of him. Then we hauledhim in to where the bedroom is, the one we use for this kinda thing. The fighthad all up and left him by then. Or mostly left him. Wayne did have to helpme get his right arm tied down to the headboard, but after that Billy justlet us do what we wanted. It was three against one, right? He couldn't fightthat. Like I said, he ain't stupid.

So that's where he is right now. Tied up spread-eagledwith that juicy boy-man ass of his up in the air on that there bed in the backfor when we next feel like havin' a poke at his expense. It may be a whilefor me. I'm tired and then some. Even so I took me a coupla pills to help mesleep and then sat down to write this while it kicked in. I decided last weekthat my mem'ry is slippin' a bit 'bout some of these boys and it would be niceto have a record maybe. I don't know exactly how long I'll keep at it actually,but it's been sorta fun to write it all down so far.

Now I'll stop and go git into my trundlebed, asmy mom use to call it. I never quite known what a trundlebed is actually butthat's what she used to call it, and I still do sometimes.


I went the whole dang day without poking Billy once actually. But WayneI know he came over and did. I heard him and Billy talkin' while he did ittoo but they didn't know I was listenin' which made it all the more fun.

"You gotta let me go, Wayne. I won't tell nobody 'bout any of this. Promise."

Wayne he mumbled something. I couldn't hear what, maybe 'cause he had hisface more or less buried in Billy's neck whereas Billy he kept turnin' hishead around to talk even though he was gittin' fucked.

"He got you into this, right, Wayne? I know he did. He's one sick motherfucker,Wayne. You better'n this. Hell, you like girls, I know you do. But that thereDean he's queer all the way through, man. He's queer all the way through andhe's done gone and made you catch it, man. But you ain't really queer, I knowyou ain't."

Wayne mumbled something else.

"You should kill him, Wayne. Let me go and I'll help you to do it, I promise.He couldn't do nothin' 'gainst the two of us, Wayne. Aiii! That hurts, Wayne!Don't go so hard at it! Why you got to go and do this to me, Wayne? I was abud, man. I was a bud."

Wayne lifted his head up and I actually heard what he said this time.

"He pays good. Reeeaaal gooood," he said in that fuckin' redneck drawl ofhis. "Where'm I gonna git the money from if'n we kills him, even thinkin' wecould? No. I'm sorry Billy but he already done said he's gonna pay me a thousandbucks for you, friend or no friend. It's just your bad luck is all. 'Sides,you wanted to come over here. Said you knew what Dean did to kids and you washot for a blowjob. You didn't say that but I knew what you was thinkin'. Butnow you know the whole. It's a lot more 'n blowjobs, ain't it? Which is whyDean cain't let you go now and I wants this car I done seen and like I saidanyway that thousand bucks, well it'll sure hep."

I laughed to myself so's they couldn't hear and then come back to bed, leavin'Wayne a pokin' Billy up the ass. I need to get caught up on my sleep, but whenI do I will have me more fun with Billy myself. He's clearly gonna last a while,strong like he is and all. 'Sides, ain't nobody been come round lookin' forhim far as I know, so he's at least good for a few more days. Maybe even longer.


Well, I was back to my old self today. Didn't even need any of them pillsto git me up and goin' either. I called in sick even since I felt so good andwanted to play with Billy some more while he's still fit enough for it.

He was lookin' a little bit parched to start with--his lips bein' sortasplit and cracked and all--so I went and got him a beer, then two, and he drunk'em both down like he ain't never had nothing to drink for days and I guesshe hadn't since Saturday night. I sat on his back and held his neck up whilehe drank, feelin' that big adam's apple of his hop and bob around as he chuggedit all down. I think he's cleaned out in the shit department but I had to changethe towel David had under his dick 'cause he had peed again at some point.Not bad, but it was still a little damp and all.

That skin of his still looks real pretty, though. Maybe not quite so glowin'-in-the-darkpretty like it did, but he has one great complexion even so. Girl-pretty again,even though he's all boy otherwise as I proved by pullin' his dick out downbetween his legs and strokin' it till it got hard.

I will say his butt's now a little worse for wear. It's good David's beenkeepin' away the way he has or it might be totally shot. David he shouldn'ta used that big dildo on Billy's ass right off the bat like that. Even so,Billy's asshole felt real good and then some once I started pokin' for real.He actually kinda humped along with me or that's what it seemed like when Ifinally finished with the beer and got my dick in and goin'.

I lifted his hair up and bit at the back of his neck as I humped him 'causeI like the salty taste of it. His hair's a little flat from all the sweatin'he's done, but it's still nice and long like it was.

I was still at it when he said, "Dean, I'm gittin' where I kinda like it,Dean. I mean, it don't feel so bad no more anyway."

I dropped his head and rubbed at his tied-up arms as he talked.

"That right?" I said.

"Yeah," he said. "So what do you think? I could promise to come by anytimeyou wanted . . . you know . . . to play . . . and you could . . . you know. . . do this or whatever . . . you know."

"Likely story," I said, gettin' a little breathless as the fuck startedto build up the way it does. "I know what you'd do. You'd go tell somebody.Maybe that hard-ass dad of yours or somebody and I'd be in deep shit. No thankyou! That or you'd come back huntin' for me yourself like you said. No thankyou again."

"But you cain't just KILL me, Dean! I mean, why would you just KILL me?You'll get caught for sure you do that. Caught and sent up for the 'lectricchair. You cain't just kill people and git away with it."

"Billy, honey"--I sometimes call 'em honey—"I been killin' me kidslike you for years now and I ain't been caught yet. Know what more? I ain'tgonna ever BE caught either. Know why? 'Cause I'm smart, that's why. I gotme a routine down pat by now. Wayne and David they help. When they stop helpin',well, then they go bye-bye too. That's all. You can even tell Wayne I saidthat next time you two do any more lovey-dovey pillowtalk the way you was a-doin'yesterday. It won't make no difference, though. I wave me some Uncle Sam dollarsin Wayne's face and he does just what I want. That's how it's worked. That'show it's gonna keep workin' until I get too old for this shit. Which, I haveto tell you, ain't gonna be any time soon. Not soon enough for you to saveyour ass anyway. Speakin' of which . . . ."

And I humped hard till I done cum.


I went to work today--had to--but I had me some smooth, hot Billy-ass rightbefore I left and soon as I got home too. I don't think anybody'd been overat the house at all. It was still locked up the way I left it. Wayne he hasa key but David don't anyway. Even so, I didn't see no sign of Wayne or nobody.

I had gagged Billy just to be on the safe sidesince he was gonna be left alone like that for the first time. He was parchedagain soon as I got home and I took the gag out so we went back to the beerroutine so as to juice him back up so's he would feel like a little playtime.He already looks thinner than he was, what with the dehydration, I guess. Andhis skin seems a whiter pale some, like he's already losin' his tan thoughhe ain't been outa the sun that many days. He can still get it up, though.Just to see if he could I dug his dick back down out from between his legsagain and jerked on it till he got hard and cum. It's a real nice big bone.One the bigger one's I ever done had like this. I can see why the girls havebeen a-wantin' to go down on it. There was a little blood in the cum, whichthere was still a surprisin' amount of--given how he ain't been eatin' or drinkin'much since Wayne brought him in. The blood probably comes from where his prostratesdone gone and got bruised or something. I've seen it happen before after aguy's had his butt hard-fucked the way Billy has. Some bleed from the ass too,but Billy he ain't done that once. That's how well built for fuckin' he is.No, he never knew til now but that's what he was really built for.

I guess the beers had to work on him before hecould get his tongue back for talkin' 'cause it was a while before he saidanything.

Then he said, "Dean? . . . Dean?"

It was said soft-like, like he was weak and I guesshe was.

He turned his head around, though, so he warn'tthat weak.

His face where David hit him is not so bad really.There's the one black eye and the bruise across his cheekbones and the splitlip but it's healin'. The nose looks better too. It don't seem to have beenbroken none anyway.

"You spoke?" I asked.

I had been bitin' at his neck again, which waseven saltier than before and a little rank too but it didn't bother me. Hiswhole body's gone and got a bit of B.O. now, if the truth be told, but it'sstill in the tolerable zone. I may sponge him down again, I may not. I didthat once yesterday and he seemed to like it but I only worked at his pitsand his ass. Those are the main places that need it anyway. And his crotch,I guess.

"I don't wanna go to hell, Dean," he finally said.He had that little teary sound in his voice again, like I care if he feelsbad. "And I know that's where I'll go if you . . . . Please don't make me goto hell, Dean. I ain't been good. I ain't been good at all."

"There ain't no heaven and there ain't no hell," Isaid back, though to be honest I'm not sure but don't give a damn one way orthe other even if there is.

"I think there is. I think there is. I didn't butnow I do."

"The only place you gonna go is into a hole inthe ground out there by the reservoir. But if'n it makes you feel any betteryou won't be alone out there anyway. We been plantin' kids out there for along time now. Must be over a dozen or so."

"I don't wanna go to hell," he repeated.

He said it a coupla more time.

It was startin' to sound like a stuck record.

Well, it finally got to me.

"You want hell?" I said. "This is hell!"

And I poked him as hard and as mean as I could.He didn't yelp this time, but it shut him up like I wanted and so I was ableto finish my fuckin' in peace.


Same as yesterday pretty much. Billy B. is still hangin' in there. Did mymornin' fuck before I set off to work. Then come home to find Wayne prowlin'round, wantin' his money mainly. I told him he would have to wait till Fridaywhen I git paid. He got all huffy but I told him what he could do with thatattitude and he shut up. He peeked in on Billy then, asked how he was doin'while lookin' through the door. I said, "Just fine, thank you very much. Youwant to fuck him some like you did before? He's still givin' good tail." Waynehe just did his usual shrug and shook that shaggy dirty head of his. "Maybenext time." "There may not be a next time," I said. "He's startin' to wearon me if you wanna know. Been talkin' 'bout hell and heaven and stuff likethat yesterday." "You want me to help when you git ready to do him?" I sometimesthink Wayne has come to like this part the best. The actual killin' time part,that is. "Sure," I said. "When?" he said, still eyeing Billy through the backroom door. "Tomorrow after work," I said. "Why don't you come by and help meget him out to the reservoir at least?" Wayne grinned that mean little grinof his. "Hell, I'll help you do more than that, Dean. You know that." 'DeedI do, I thought, you little asshole. But truth is I will be glad to have Waynepitch in. Billy's gonna be one of the strappingest we ever done done. It'llbe a two-man job for sure.


Well, Wayne was good as his word. He was waitin' again when I got home havin'had his rocks off, he said, one last time. He was comin' outa the back roomzippin' back up even as I walked in. Stuck-record Billy was goin' on and onbehind him 'bout how Wayne should let him go, please Wayne let me go, I won'ttell nobody, all that kinda crap. He seemed to know the gig was up. Or maybeWayne had done told him it was. It would be like Wayne to do that.

David showed up too about then.

"Hello, stranger," I said, but he just smiled andwent back to see Billy.

"Last chance," I told him leanin' on the door while he went round the bedto get a good look. "Billy's 'bout spent out as you can see, so me and Waynethought we would just go ahead and put him outa his misery directly. Waynesays he'll help me out to the reservoir but the more's the merrier if you wantto join in before that."

"Where's that dildo?" David asked. "I wouldn't mind doin' that one moretime while I jack off."

I went and got it.

When I got back Wayne was sittin' over in the corner where he could seegood. His dick was already out and he was already a-shaggin' on it.

David he was up on the bed between Billy's legs unzippin' hisself but hewarn't actually out or hard yet.

"Here 'tis," I said as I handed the dildo over. It must be a good ten inchesand some two in the width. A real ass-bustin' motherfucker in any case. AsBilly B. already had reason to know.

He knew what was comin', of course, and started cryin' and beggin' againand all that shit. Like any of it was gonna do him any good. Maybe he warn'tso smart as I had thought he was at the start actually. Anyway, David wentto work the way only he can and Billy was soon yellin' bloody murder. I gotup and closed the back room door just to be on the safe side.

Billy's ass was all raw and sore by now anyway,but David he really put it to him on this occasion. Bust a gut, they say. Well,that sure was what David seemed to be tryin' to do with that big dildo.

We all cum about the same time when we cum. ExceptBilly, of course. He was still in the land of the livin' I am glad to say buthe had done lost his voice he had yelled so much. That, along with the effectof the dehydration, I guess.

David he seemed happy the way he always does afterhe has done had his fun, so he got off and said, "You and Wayne can take itfrom here, I guess. I'm gonna go get me a beer but I'll hang around to helpyou load him up anyway."

He meant after we done killed Billy, of course.There's this here box we put 'em in to transport 'em out the where we burys'em so David was sayin' he'd help with that at least.

"The usual?" I says to Wayne who had gone and gothis zipper stuck tryin' to zip it back up. The asshole.

"Sure," he said. "It's always fun."

I went and got the rope and then went to one sideof the bed and Wayne finally got his zipper up and he went to the other sideand then we both got up onto the bed and shuffled up as far as we could nearto Billy's head by his arms, and he kept twistin' his face this way and thenthat way to keep a-lookin' at one of us and then the other of us and then hesaid in what he had left of his voice, which was not much, "Don't kill me.Don't kill me. Please don't kill me. I swear I'll do whatever yawl want." ButWayne and me both just laughed and I said, "Here, Wayne, you take your end," andhe did, and then I took my end and then I looped the rope around Billy's neck.It got tangled in his hair some as I tightened it up but so what. Billy wasstill at it. "Don't kill me. Don't kill me. Please don't kill me." Why do somany of 'em turn into stuck records like that? Anyway, I said to Wayne, "Getready. Get set. Go." And we did. Wayne pullin' back and me pullin back, andBilly him jerkin' and gaggin' and gaspin' and kicking as much as he could,which wasn't much once we really set to it. The rope dug in deep. You couldsee that. Billy eyes popped. His tongue too. It looked like he had a thirdlip anyway. Then these hot dyin' body-spasms set in. I always love it whenthe hot dyin body-spasms set in! Up and down Billy's whole body they went,which still looked pretty goddamned good to me. So good I almost wondered ifwe shouldn't call a halt and keep him around a bit longer after all. But thenI thought, oh what the hell there's more where he came from, and just pulledon my end of the rope even harder.

Me and Wayne then talked about who we might infact git next. Wayne said he had a coupla good 'uns in mind that he knew Iwould like that he was workin' on. So I said to see what he could do. Thenwe laughed about how Billy had been. Smart in his way but then finally notso smart. "But a real looker, you gotta admit that," I said. "That's stillone damn fine butt right there even now." I nodded in the direction where itwas all clenched up from the spasms, which was slowin' down at this point butwas not over yet. Wayne shrugged like he didn't think that way about guys.Yeah, right. I don't know what we talked about after that but we loosened therope a bit just 'cause our arms was gittin' tired but we kept it tight enoughto keep doin' the job that needed doin'. Wayne had learned the hard way howlong it could take before the job is actually done, so he warn't no longerimpatient the way he once was.

David finally strolled back in, a beer in his hand.

"Let me see," he said. So he come around to gita look at Billy's face. I reached out and got Billy by his hair and pulledhis head back. Sweaty hair was all stragglin' down over his face, though, soDavid he had to brush it off before he could see better.

"Shit. He's dead," David said. "I done seen mea lot of dead faces by now and that's a dead one for sure. Yawl don't haveto go on gittin' a hernia. He's a goner for good."

And he was. And, like the others I had done toldhim about, we planted him out at the reservoir where I said we would. And that'swhere he is now.

Unless hell got him like he feared it would.

Which I sincerely doubt, since we accidentallydug in on another one we had planted out there before while we was searchin'for a good spot to put good ole Billy B. in and he was still there. It wasRuben for sure. Lookin' a little like something that got loose on Halloweenstraight out of a horror movie, that's true. But he was still there just thesame. Just where we had done put him when his time came. Just as Billy B. willbe too. Till kingdom come and I think even beyond that, if you ask me.

Same as Dean Corll's Diary Videos

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Dean and his best mate

Dean was my first serious boyfriend. We met when I was at Uni in London. We'd only been together a few months when he was sent to prison for possession. He wasn't a bad lad. Just an idiot that thought he was 'harder' than he was. Anyway, he ended up only serving 4 months for good behaviour. I laughed at the idea of Dean behaving himself but as I say he was just a bit naughtyso prison must have come as a huge shock to him, being with proper criminals. He was 25 when he got out and I was still in...

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I was driving home from the supermarket one Saturday morning and decided to take a detour and visit one of my old cruising spots. I wasn't particular certain as it was a weekend and this cruising spot never busy at the weekends but I thought I'd give it ago I had nothing to lose and I was feeling horny anyway. I parked in the car park that was situated at the back of the cottage, it was good spot to see the comings and goings, I sat and had a cigarette before I made a move, as I entered there...

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Dean Morgan

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Dean had always loved Brandon's bear parties. He'd been to four of them, and each one had been different, but ALWAYS fun. Tonight, he was being cruised by every bear in the joint and feeling rather pretty after his third Double Mary. "Dean, have you met Tom?" Dean looked up to see Brandon with that 'Here's-a-live-one' grin on his face. "No, I don't believe I have," Dean replied, taking the big man's hand. "I'm Dean Livingston." "Tom Bennet," the man said, keeping eye contact. "Brandon tells me...

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His Mothers Diary

-1-“Ahh yeah, yes!” Curt was furiously jacking off in the shower, thoughts of Miranda’s big, juicy butt slamming down on a big, black cock.“Yes!” He thought back to that night he peeped into her bedroom, the sounds of sex waking him. He saw Miranda, her back to the door, riding a hugely muscular black man in her bed.Shock turned to anger, anger turned to interest, then interest turned to arousal. “Wow,” he whispered as he watched her, hypnotized by her ass. Unable to look away, he was getting...

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His Mothers Diary

-1- “Ahh yeah, yes!” Curt was furiously jacking off in the shower, thoughts of Miranda’s big, juicy butt slamming down on a big, black cock. “Yes!” He thought back to that night he peeped into her bedroom, the sounds of sex waking him. He saw Miranda, her back to the door, riding a hugely muscular black man in her bed. Shock turned to anger, anger turned to interest, then interest turned to arousal. “Wow,” he whispered as he watched her, hypnotized by her ass. Unable to look...

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Dear Diary

Synopsis: This could be fiction,  There are sections that dwell on sexual domination; By my definition a joyous state of mind, should you disagree with my perspective, by all means go elsewhere and DON'T READ ON !! Dear Diary - ForwardMy name is Danial Martin, Dan.        How we got here is and isn't really all that complicated, think of it as a some what normal evolution of events, more than a social experiment, but it's more something I just stumbled into perhaps, or was I cleverly led,...

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Dear Diary

Thursday, January 4th, 2018 Dear diary, Fuck you. And fuck you too, Dr. Swalley. Friday, January 12th, 2018 This is the stupidest shit I've ever done, I swear to god. Fine. Fine. For Kiera. "You don't talk much, Tony," she says. I mean, no shit. What's there to talk about? I just get mad, okay? Who doesn't? It's all bullshit. Trying to keep ahead, listening to your coworker's crap, all those fuckin' people on the road that don't know how to drive. Kiera...

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Jonquils Diary

June 1st Dear Diary: Please excuse the messy writing; it is so hard to have good penmanship on a train. Yes, Diary, I am on a train traveling from London to York and thence to Brasethwaite Castle. I am going there for a month of Bed Training. Poppa says that all the smart people are taking it and so must I before I go away to Girton College in the fall. Momma was worried about the idea until Poppa reassured her that virginity has no value in a bride any longer. After all, my dear little nephew...

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Burn This Diary

This diary belongs to Cody Swanson. If you find this then please return it to : 3521 Beach Road, Deerhead Harbor, Maine/Hare Island 12/8/2019 Dear Diary, Tommy was raving on and on about lights in the old Beckstein-Manor. No one believed him. I mean that building wasted away for the last century. Ever since that family of German migrants gruesomely died. At least, that is the legend. No one in their right mind would try to live there. Not to mention that it would take a...

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Dear Diary

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Her Diary

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Chapter 4 My diary

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This Is Me Pt 4 Diary

On Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 11:55:15 PM GMT, Kirsten Clarke wrote: Wednesday 28th February. My period started tonight, just before going to bed, so I'm lying here wearing one of the black, lace trimmed underskirts I sleep in, wearing a bra as a treat for an hour or so - lemon, Chloe by Boux Avenue. It's a touch tight, but I'm hoping to lose a little weight one day. Besides, when I've been fitted in the past the women have always said to wear my...

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Our New Neighbors Supplement 01 Claras Diary

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Our New Neighbors Supplement 01 Claras Diary

November 22, 2006 Dear Diary, This thing about Daddy, it’s gotten so weird. I mean, these feelings are just not right. I know I’ve always had them, since before I started keeping this diary. But now they are getting more and more vivid. I tried to sneak a look at Daddy naked today. I failed, because he shut his bedroom door just at the last moment. I even thought about hiding a camera in his room. I mean, it would be so hot to secretly have pictures of him, or maybe a video of him and Mom...

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Paige From Her Diary

Michael unlocked the door with a sigh, knowing that he had to go through with this, no matter how little he wanted to.The place still felt – even smelled – like home.  He’d grown up here, after all, and upgrading to new apartments every time a promotion made it possible meant that he had never really gotten attached to anywhere else.He had to let it go, though.  After much soul searching, he and his sister Paige had decided that it was ridiculous to keep paying property taxes on a house that...

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Dear DiarybySion Sierra©I was asked to write this story by a friend. I do hope that you like it. I would appreciate any feedback you would care to give.Chapter 1I shouldn't have done it, but I had to. My daughter was acting even weirder after her Eighteenth birthday. It was only a month ago, I just figured she just thought she was a full blown adult. So here after I heard her scream she was leaving for school, I ran downstairs to give her money for her lunch. She was already gone. I entered the...

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Paige From Her Diary

Michael unlocked the door with a sigh, knowing that he had to go through with this, no matter how little he wanted to. The place still felt — even smelled — like home. He'd grown up here, after all, and upgrading to new apartments every time a promotion made it possible meant that he had never really gotten attached to anywhere else. He had to let it go, though. After much soul searching, he and his sister Paige had decided that it was ridiculous to keep paying property taxes on a house that...

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Dean of Discipline

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Dear Diary

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Episode 29 Ellies Diary

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Poor Amy Diary

Amy Jameson was mortified. She had ripped apart her whole room, and she could not find her diary anywhere. If someone got their hands on it... Amy knew that she should never have put all her secret desires into a place that might one day be compromised, but she had to get it out somewhere. She could not just live with them bottled up. But now it was gone. Unless she had misplaced it somewhere - her fervent yet unlikely hope - someone else had access to her innermost thoughts, and her...

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Little Stephanies Diary

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Neils Diary

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Dean Once Again

[A further adventure at a small town glory hole! Might be worth a drive! You never know, if you never go!]As I stood there in Dean's garage, with my cock sticking through the hole in that same blue plastic tarp he'd used the last time, the warm, moist feel of his mouth as he pumped it back and forth along the entire length of my erection, made my legs shaky; and I told him how good of a cock sucker he was!I heard him give a groan of what was obviously appreciation, and continued to suck my...

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The Diary

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Dear Diary

                                                                            DEAR DIARY      I awoke on the filthy mattress and looked around the darkened room. The dim glow of the street light peaking thru the dirty slats on the windows blinds. The   quick moving hoards of cock roaches skittering across the thread bare carpet. Sitting up I realized what had happened last night. There were bruises and ugly raised welts all over my aching body.  My tits were in terrible pain with dried blood...

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Watching JulieChapter 8 The Diary

They say our lives are an open book, and there it was: Julie's diary, open on the kitchen table. Its siren call hit me in the gut, and I didn't need any Greek to understand, "Read me, Read me." I reached for it and was about to pick it up when it hit me. This was a line that maybe I didn't want to cross. It's not that Julie was terribly secretive, at least my spouse and I didn't think she was. Sure, there was stuff we didn't know about--she was a teenager, after all--but we were...

1 year ago
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Rachels Diary

I so need to confess what I have been doing for a long time! But I will tell you, can you keep a secret? GOOD! Well for the past few months, I've been a naughty girl! I cant help it, I guess I've become addicted to it. Oh, sorry you must wonder what im talking about. Well let me tell you from the beginning. I've always been curious about my best friends, Rachel, life. We used to talk alot, but lately things have changed. Ever since she met Justin, she has been sorta well distant. Justin is her...

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FateChapter 6 Peggys Diary

From time to time Peggy will put a current entry to her diary in to help you understand her feelings about what has happened lately in her family and friends. And from time to time she will write a section of a Chapter. It will indicate [BY PEGGY] when that is the case. Otherwise it will be by me, John. I don't think anyone else will write any but it will indicate if that is the case. Who knows. [BY PEGGY] Dear Diary Once again I return to my diary to share my most intimate thoughts. I...

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A Peek At Lisas Diary

*This is the first entry reformatted. I hope you enjoy!* Diary, I had the most fantastic evening with Michael last night...I can hardly contain myself! I just have to share it with you right away; he's actually still sleeping beside me and i'm still in my fav pink teddy. You remember when i told you last week how we started fooling around last month? Well I need to bring you up to speed! Mom let Michael sleep over last weekend, so after school on Friday we stopped at his house to...

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Dear Diary

Dear Diary, I have thought long and hard about whether I wanted to have a record of my exploits, my conquests, my down right dirty fucking sex life, and I concluded that, when I am old, I want to be able to look back on this moment in my life and be jealous of my younger self. I mean, I may only be 23 now, pretty in an effortless way, but one day I won’t be, you know, and I might like to reminisce. Oh Diary, where or where do I even begin to tell you about life? Do I start from today moving...

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My Sexy Diary

My name is Dorothy and I’m nineteen and live with my mother and my stepfather. They’ve been married for the last two years. I’m home on summer break from college. Mark, who is my stepfather, is really cool and we spend a lot of time together. My mother is a nurse at the hospital. She works from three o’clock in the afternoon, until eleven o’clock in the evening. I find Mark very attractive and really sexy looking. He is 6’3” and weighs around two hundred and twenty pounds. My stepfather loves...

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The Diary

The longer I live, the more I believe the old adage that things are never what they seem. I am a generally easy going kind of guy, and until recently seemed to have had a fairly normal life. It appeared like I had it all. I was at the pinnacle of success, with a great job, a gorgeous wife, plenty of wealth, and a large home in the suburbs. This is my account of how my perfect life came tumbling down. But before I bring you up to present I will go back six weeks ago. It was February 2, 2014, and...

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Dear Diary

Dear Diary, I am typing this now as I’m watching my sweet hubby fucking my daughters. I took a break just now from giving a prolonged blowjob to my husband for almost 20 minutes and the bottom part of my tongue is aching from it. I wanted to relax for a bit before joining in the action, drink some water, and I also needed to give some time to my daughters to enjoy as I’m not selfish enough to have the fun all by myself. My younger daughter has already started to complain about me, blaming that...

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Tims Diary

Tim's Diary By R. Gold Chapter One Hey Rob, You won't believe my weekend, buddy! I had to write to someone and who best to talk to than an old college roommate? Well, I found the woman of my dreams partying in a bar in little old Seattle. What a night! What a weekend! It all started when our office went out to happy hour at the tavern around the corner from the office. Brenda, our secretary, dragged me along insisting that I take a break from the paperwork and help...

3 years ago
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St Trinians Janes Diary

September 1 Dear Diary, First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Jane Stevens and I can't believe I started at the infamous St Trinians school school today! I learned that there are over 600 students in the school - but only about 100 in the senior year - still I doubt I'll ever get to know all of them, I just hope to recognize a few of them!!! They said that the senior year is the easiest one of all, I don't believe it!!! My roommate seems nice enough, but we don't have any...

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Lynns Diary

Lynn’s Diary: my travels down a road of sexual exploration… My mind is reeling; it’s hard for me to comprehend everything that happened last night. I’m lying here in bed, stark naked, and I’m not alone. (That, in itself, is front page news for me, ever since my divorce four years ago). Not only am I not alone, but the companions are in bed with me. (Yes, there are two of them…) I hardly know where to begin, as I think about how to write today’s diary entry. I look back over the last four...

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My Little Sisters Sex Diary

A few years ago, I moved back in with my parents. I became depressed after the man I loved (supposedly) died while touring in Afghanistan, and I needed the support. When I moved back in, I discovered just how big of a whore my little sister had become while I was away. (And how big of a slut she had been without my noticing.)One Friday night she left to attend a college frat party while mom and dad went on date night. With nothing to do so early in the evening, I decided to do some chores. I...

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Dance Diary

Dec 27, 2006 Dear Diary, Mummy has been as good as her word! She enrolled me today in a ballet school, my Christmas present from her: six months of weekly dance lessons to see if I have what it takes for that kind of life. Do I have the discipline required. The instructor is a rather handsome man in his mid-thirties or early-forties, I'd guess ... but with an athletic build and cute bum ... a dancer in his youth most likely. Not sure if he's gay. Most male dancers are, you know. He was...

2 years ago
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TwinsChapter 5 Diary

Beep, Beep, Beep, Fuck, I forgot to turn that dam alarm clock off again, it’s Saturday morning. But before I could get out of my bed, Darcy came into my room wearing her white robe, and she shut it off. “Dam-it Marcy, it’s Saturday,” she said as she came over to me and sat down on my bed. She then leaned down and kissed me on my lips. I open my mouth and her tongue went into my mouth. I could tell she hadn’t brushed her teeth yet, her breath smelled terrible, but I’m sure mine was just as...

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The Diary

All-in-all this has been a crappy year, so when a heavy package arrived from the law firm of Holland, Scharz and Jacobs I was expecting the worst. Inside the padded manilla shipping envelope were two items. The first was an antique leather-bound journal with a worn strap holding its covers shut, the second was a heavy envelope with my name, Melissa Gordon, written on it in neat (if old-fashioned) cursive hand. The letter inside was typed on expensive heavy-weight paper that had the company...

4 years ago
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Dean of an All Girls School

Update: Thanks to everyone who has liked this story and the chapters in it. It is greatly appreciated. Unfortunately I don't have time to continue this story the way I'd like to. If anyone would like to submit chapters or assist in the continuation of this story, please send me a private message. Thanks! You are John Martin you are the Dean of St. Rose School for Girls and have served in that role for six years. You're a tall man at 6'4" with a big but not huge stature, weighing in at 230 lbs....

3 years ago
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Dean and Kate A brother and sisterrsquos Secret

The story that unfolds here is an account, to the best of our recollection (my sister and I), of the events of our i****tuous affair over a period of eight years. Names, towns, and schools have been changed to protect the innocent (actually more to protect the not so innocent among us).Our story is one of discovery and exploration, of love and lust, and at times of teenage angst. But, most of all it is a story of joy. To provide some context, our story takes place when there was no internet, no...

4 years ago
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Deans girl

Jenny Esparza is going though a divorce with her ex Edgar he's a guy who had it all, a good woman a son and daughter he's a guy who just wants to stay in Puerto Rico playin around with as many women as possible. one day on her way to work downtown she meets Bradley this tall black dude with curly hair who works at harbor house and they start talking. he says she deserves to be treated better than that they meet up for coffee at the Starbucks on Wisconsin avenue several times three days later...

4 years ago
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E105 New Years Day The End Of The Diary

Dorothy and Maude spend the week with Donald and Emma. Twice more, the four women do play together. Once in the afternoon when Donald and Emma are both out, and one night when the two older women slip out in the night, as arranged, to spend the night with Karen and Julie. The morning after that night together, all are a bit groggy at breakfast.Donald and Emma want Dorothy and Maude to stay through New Year’s, but the women say no, they want to enjoy being on the train heading home on New Year’s...

Love Stories
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Lindseys diary

Dear diary Sept 12 Saturday, OMG diary this is the first time I have made an entry that really feels like it means something. Today, well tonight actually mom drank almost half a bottle of wine and got really drunk. She started crying and apologizing to me but I couldn't get her to tell me why she was sorry at first. Finally she said it was because she was such a geek, and that she knows that she raised me to be such a geek too. I think that its because she's really lonely, all...

3 years ago
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Great Grand Mothers Brothel Diary

This is a different story format, is historically correct, uses real Western lanquage. and grammer. Hope you enjoy reading it. I always heard stories about how her f****y was one of the first families to settle Durango Colorado. Well my Grandma Putnam finally passed and my mother wanted me to go through all the old f****y papers and heirlooms. I started rummaging through a trunk and found an old leather binder entitled “Madam Patricia Putnam, Business Diary 1875 – 1895”. It must have been...

3 years ago
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My srs Diary

I’m Tom. I am a hard working senior in college with a minimum wage job and a loving f****y. I have a younger s****r that means the world to me, a mother and a father that have helped me get through all kind of tough times and help me out every step of the way. I also have four of the best friends in the world, or so I thought until I rooted through my s****r’s diary. I wasn’t just snooping around, I was worried. It went like this: I noticed that my s****r was dressing in skimpier and skimpier...

3 years ago
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My srs Diary

I’m Tom. I am a hard working senior in college with a minimum wage job and a loving f****y. I have a younger s****r that means the world to me, a mother and a father that have helped me get through all kind of tough times and help me out every step of the way. I also have four of the best friends in the world, or so I thought until I rooted through my s****r’s diary. I wasn’t just snooping around, I was worried. It went like this: I noticed that my s****r was dressing in skimpier and skimpier...

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