Profane Rituals The Ritual
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This is the tale of how one of my favorite slave s, the masochistic slut,harlotta, surrendered her sexual innocence. At the time slave harlotta wasthe newest slave to have submitted to me. H arlotta, a devout catholic nun,and her brother, a recently ordained priest, fell into my clutches at the sametime. Slave harlotta submitted to life as a slave in only a few days. H erbrother clung to his former existence, and resisted my relentless persuasionfor weeks on end. When he was eventually broken, accomplished with the eagerhelp of his fallen sister, his surrender was all the more complete and satisfying.It pleased me beyond measure to watch his obvious anguish when he first sawwhat a depraved, an utterly submissive trollop his formerly saintly sisterhad become. It added a lovely edge to his misery, when he still retained hisown will, when he realized how much the slut loved me, and her masochisti cd elight in both suffering for, and sexually serving my every whim. H is utterdistress at seeing how devotedly she worshipped my Lord, the satanic Eminence,Beelzebub.
I am known as Majesty, and am the sole high priestess of the Church of theFallen Angels. I have a male counterpart, known as Sovereign, and all Churchdevotees, except Sovereign, are my slave s. Indeed, I, myself, am a slave ,but only to my Lord, Beelzebub. I live with two slave s w ho are, by nature,dominant women and thus at the top of the tree of slave ry. Both are priestessesof the second tier within the Church hierarchy. The society of the Church isset up to reflect power. Myself, and Sovereign are at the top, the second tierare priests and priestesse s w ho submit only to Sovereign and I, and holdabsolute power over all others, the third tier are the acolytes, and the fourth,the slave s. Acolytes may aspire to rise to the rank of priest, but slave snever rise above that station. The sole high priest and priestess hold theiroffice for life.
I treat my two priestesses, known as Mistress and Dominatrix, almost as equalsin normal daily life. But they have no doubt as to their status, and submit,unconditionally, to my will. I make it a rule never to belittle my priestessesin the sight of devotees of lower status. To do so would inevitably underminetheir power in the eyes of the acolytes and slave s, and upset the power balanceof the satanic society. All devotees know their place in the scheme of things,and these structures are starkly reinforced on every ritual occasion.
It may have been luck, but I suspect that my Lord had more than a little todo with the events that led to my conversion to the Church of the Fallen Angels.I became the all-powerful H igh Priestes s w ithin a week of that conversion.The ceremony of elevation being required at that time due to the death of mypredecessor. I was elevated from a field of ten of my peers, by the directintervention of the Lord, and became the youngest H igh Priestess in the longhistory of the Church. Being just eighteen years of age, and completely inexperiencedin the rituals and ceremonies that I was to preside over, the elders of theChurch assigned me the two priestesses that still live with me to instructme. They were not at first meant to become my permanent companions, but hadalmost immediately formed an unbreakable bond with me, helped, no doubt, bythe fact that all three of us have strong lesbian tendencies. Consequentlythey have remained in my service ever since.
Strangely, I was recruited to the Church by one of its fourth tier slave s.I had been walking down an alley in one of the more seedy areas of the city,confident in my natural power that I would remain safe from danger. I had justenjoyed a night of lesbian lust with a couple of whores I knew, and was returninghome. All of a sudden two young males accosted me, no doubt with the expresspurpose of raping me. I fought them like a tiger but, had the unequal contestbeen allowed to continue, I would have eventually been overpowered. Just whenI had finally realized that this might be inevitable, a woman, obviously proficientin martial arts, came to my rescue. She quickly dispatched my assailant s while I caught my breath, irreconcilable anger controlling my every thought.Anger at the woman because she allowed the vanquished rapists to escape, asmuch as anything. The slave , seeing my rage, and perceiving that her own actions w ere as much responsible for it as the two escaped rapists, and even atthis early stage perceiving my latent power, immediately stripped off her heavyleather belt and handed it to me. She fell to her knees before me and toreopen her vest, revealing a pair of massive, soft, drooping tits. I was startledto see that steel rings pierced the hard teats capping the enormous mounds.The distraught slave offered her tender tits to me, and gasped pleadingly:
"Lovely Mistress, I am overcome with sorrow at having caused your anger.Please! Please! Adorable Mistress, I beg you, punish me soundly for my sin.Vent your rage at me by thrashing my fat udder s w ith the belt. Please! Please!Sweet Mistress, whip my big, floppy tits hard, show me no mercy, so that Imay atone for my behavior."
I stared down with utter disbelieving shock at the pleading slave , who had,by this time, stripped her vest right off, rendering her naked from the waistup, and had clasped her hands behind her head and thrust her enormous titsout, offering their tender masses to the punishment she was pleading for. Ihad never come across anything like this. Sure, in some of my lesbian liaisons w e had played at bondage, but I had never actually punished another personbefore, actually inflicted pain. To my surprise the shock soon transformedinto extreme sensual excitement, the like of which I had never experiencedbefore in my young life. H ot blood pulsed through my veins, and my heart poundedwith a power and desire that could not be controlled, or even contained. Mynaturally sadistic temperament surfaced with a vengeance. Suddenly it was clearthat this submissive creature kneeling before me, and pleading with me to punishher soft tits deserved her suffering, there was no doubt. I raised the heavybelt high, and brought it crashing down onto the slave 's sensitive tits. Theleather cracked loudly into the soft masses causing them to bounce wildly onthe woman's slender torso. The masochist squealed in pain, but it was a squealthat, in no way, suggested a desire for her torment to cease, but rather indicatedan ecstasy that I did not yet understand, but was to come to recognize instinctivelyin the future. I thrashed the woman's flying tit s w ith a brutal cruelty thatshocked me to my core. But my thrashing became even more fierce the more thesuffering slave wailed out her anguish, and sobbed out her urging that I whipher tormented tits harder and harder.
Physical exhaustion, rather than and desire to show compassion on my part,finally heralded the cessation of the thrashing I was administering to thesobbing woman. As soon as I lowered the belt she fell forward, and embracedmy legs, crushing the pain soaked masses of her sorely abused tits into me,and sobbed out her gratitude at having suffered so richly at my hands. As soonas she was capable of it, the slave slipped back into her vest and rose toher feet. Tears still trickled down her cheeks, but her eyes shone with a blendof sheer joy, and loving tendernes s w hen she stared into my own, slightlyconfused ones. I was still trying to come to grip s w ith what I had just done.H ow could I have so barbarically punished this poor woman who had, in fact,just saved me from a vile fate. But even more strangely, I felt no compulsionto express sorrow at my actions, it was as though I had reacted exactly asI should have.
The slave bowed her head in deference to my power, and shyly invited me toaccompany her to her home. H er eyes twinkled mischievously when she suggestedthat we may play some exciting games together. Needless to say, I agreed, havingno real desire to go back to my own lonely apartment. Little did I know, atthe time, that I would never return to that drab place. I was in for a furthersurprise when the woman led me to a late model, and hugely expensive car. Myimmediate reaction was that I had come across a decadent rich bitch out fora night of hedonistic slumming. I couldn't have been more wrong. She droveus to a secluded estate a few miles out of the city. After parking the carin an enormous garage which housed numerous other vehicles of the most luxuriousand expensive type, the woman led me to a small elevator which we rode downinto the basement area of the enormous mansion.
The woman spoke briefly into a intercom, speaking in a language that I didn'trecognize, and then led me down a long hall, and into a chamber that had allthe hallmarks of a throne room dedicated to royalty. She installed me on oneof the two ornate thrones and left, informing me that she would return shortly.While I awaited her return I took the time to inspect my surroundings. Curiously,I experienced a sensation of being home and safe, that I not only belongedhere, but also was completely at home seated on the throne, in a position ofpower. The room was plushly carpeted with a large rubber square immediatelyin front of the two thrones. A large crucifix hung on the wall behind the chairs.Not your normal religious icon, however, the cros s w as upside down, and thefigure pinned to it was naked, and sported an erect cock. The wall s w ereadorned with paintings of monumental proportions depicting scenes from hades w ith demons playing cruel sexual game s w ith nude people of both sexes.The sheer depravity of the scenes filling me with an erotic sense of exhilaration.I quickly realized that my hostess must be a Satanist, but rather than beingfrightened, I again experienced a sensation of having found my way, and ofbelonging.
My head jerked up when the door to the chamber opened, and my hostess returned.But how the woman had changed. She was completely nude, except for scarletsilk hose and satin garter belt, and impossible high heeled shoes. She hadmade up her quite pretty face like that of a whore and, bizarrely, a ring,similar to those hanging from her stiff teats, dangled humiliatingly from hernose. As soon as she had closed the door the woman dropped to her knees andcrawled over to the rubber mat, her plump tits, still showing the signs oftheir recent punishment, swaying heavily from her torso with her gait. As soonas she got there the woman reared up, and lewdly thrust her crotch out to me.My heart skipped a beat when I saw that she was completely hairless in herfork. Each of the plump lips of her twat wore a steel ring piercing it at itsmid point.
The woman smiled up at me with sheer lasciviousness. H er hands slid downher body and she linked a finger through each of her pussy rings, and wrenchedthem cruelly apart. I gaped in astonishment at the moist meat she so lewdlyrevealed. The mouth of her cunt pit convulsed sensually, and her girl prickstood stiffly at the apex of her lecherously splayed sex split. The tiny womancock had been sheared of its protective foreskin, and had a tiny golden ringpiercing its base. The wanton creature stared up at me with devotion shiningin her dark eyes and cried:
"Sweet Mistress, let me introduce myself. I am slave whoregash. I revelin my existence as a depraved harlot of the Lord Beelzebub. I have alreadybeen privileged to offer you my tits, sweet Mistress, and I now offer you mywanton cunt split. It is yours to use, or abuse, as befits your whim. I ama low slave , sweet Mistress, and will refuse you nothing. My Master, the LordSovereign, high priest of Prince Beelzebub, will join us shortly. H e is goingto offer you a new life of unbridled power and glory, as befits your majesty.I am commanded to entertain you while we wait, lovely Mistress. But first Iam instructed to request that you strip your gorgeous body, and don the robethat lays on the Master's throne."
I looked over at the other chair and saw that there was a black, silk robedraped over its back that I had not noticed before. Despite the eerie atmosphereof my strange surroundings I felt no embarrassment at stripping in front ofthe slave , indeed, I did so with pride and sensual contentment, happy to revealmy stunning nudity to the groveling serf. I never wear underwear when I seekout lesbian love, and so when I drew my short skirted dress over my head Irendered myself nude except for my stockings and shoes. I heard a gasp of delightwhen I dropped the dress behind the ornate throne, and the slave was able tofeast her eyes on my ravishing body. Six feet tall, a slender waist, wide,voluptuous hips, plump firm buttocks, and huge, shapely, firmly fleshed breasts.I knew that I possessed a body to die for, and loved to flaunt its beauty beforeothers. I turned back to the kneeling slave , the robe still hanging in myhands, when I heard her sob. Tears streamed down her face, tears of joy, andshe gasped:
"Oh, adored Mistress, you are so beautiful. My hearts throb s w ith joyat being permitted to gaze upon you. My depraved cunt has flooded with juiceat the mere sight of honor your stunning beauty. I knew that you were the oneas soon as I had looked upon your glorious loveliness. I'm now certain thatI am privileged to be in the presence of undiluted power, and my entire beingpulsates in ecstasy!"
I looked down into the woman's lewdly splayed crotch and saw that it indeeddrooled with rich spicy girl juice. I marveled at the fact that the mere sightof my lush charms had had that effect on such an obvious hedonist, and a strangesense of power throbbed through my veins. Reluctantly, I slipped the robe overmy head and shivered with pleasure as its soft silken material caressed myskin sensually. The robe was jet black with a large cowl, and covered me completelyfrom head to toe. I resumed my seat on the throne and stared down at the kneelingslave . The lewd, wanton woman immediately began to perform an obscene masqueradefor my benefit. H er lush nudity writhed around on the mat while she fist fuckedher drooling cunt pit, and wildly masturbated her spasming woman cock for myentertainment.
Suddenly the door opened again, and a tall male figure entered. H e was dressedin a robe similar to the one I had donned, except that it was scarlet in color.As he walked towards the thrones, barely acknowledging the depraved cavortingof the nude slave , he exuded raw power. My heart fluttered with awe and wonderwhile he gazed down at me, his black eyes piercingly penetrating, as if readingmy very soul. Once again I was mystified to realize that I did not fear thishaunting male, but rather matched my will with his, returning his gaze defiantly.
The awesome figure standing before me acknowledged my own potency. "Yes,you are definitely the one, my dear." H e commented, asking, " Has my slut, whoregash, been entertaining you satisfactorily?" I didn'treally know how to answer this question, being more than a little puzzled athow these two seemed to know my mind before I did, but, never the less, indicatedthat the lasciviously frolicking woman had proved amusing. The man sat in thechair next to mine and immediately explained to me who he was, and why he hadbeen searching for a new female counterpart. H e explained, in detail, whatthe Church of the Fallen Angels represented, its make-up, how its membershipand hierarchy worked. While he talked the slave , whoregash, left the mat momentarily,only to return, armed with two enormous dildos. The debauched slut soon plungedone of these up each of her cunt and arse pits, and fucked herself so hardthat her fat tit s w ere soon flying around on her chest.
The high priest described a future for me of untold wealth and privilege.A life with no rules, and limitless power over all in the Church's congregation,bar himself. A life of exquisite sensuality where I could indulge every fantasy.A life where slave s, such a s w horegash, lived only to serve my every whim,and to bear any suffering it took my fancy to inflict on them. It was all toofantastic for me to absorb. My excitement was palpable and, when he informedme that the price for such a life was the unconditional submission of my soulto the supreme Lord, Beelzebub I hardly batted an eyelid. When he finally askedme if I was prepared to submit, I made my decision without a thought, "OhYes! Oh Yes" I cried in a state of euphoric excitement. I could unreservedlyworship a deity whose law was so hedonistically complete. I had found my placein the world.
My submission took place immediately. The Sovereign, representing the LordBeelzebub, accepted that ritual surrender. H e took my hand, and led me fromthe room, down a long passage, and into a dark chapel. The altar was a massive,low slung, black marble slab over which hovered an awe inspiring effigy ofthe Lord. A huge black statue, in male form, naked, with enormous stone muscles,and astonishing twin, black, stone penises in mighty erection arching up fromits ebony crotch. The Sovereign commanded me to strip while he, himself, mountedthe altar, and crouched, facing away from me. H e flipped up the skirt of hisrobe and revealed his naked arse, its large, pale, fleshy cheek s w ere splitwidely revealing the prominently ridged ring of his anus nestling deep in thefleshy crevasse. My heart pounded with a weird, sexually stimulating excitement,but I still flushed scarlet when it dawned on me what I was obviously to berequired to do next. I should have rebelled. I normally despised males, andwould no more have dreamed of kissing the arsehole of one than fly to the moon.But this did not apply to this commanding, and powerfully exciting man. I wanted,more than anything I had ever wanted in my life, to share in that power. Mydelirious brain was still coming to grip s w ith all of these conflicting emotions w hen his voice rang out:
"Woman, I represent the Lord Beelzebub, and would accept your submissionto H i s w ill. Surrender unconditionally, woman. Subjugate your very essenceto the Lord. Become H is slave for ever!"
I knelt, naked, behind the crouching high priest. My heart was in my mouth,and my burning cheeks flushed with humiliation at the very idea of what I wasabout to do. Strangely, it was not humiliation born of disgrace, but that ofacute embarrassment, tinged with excitement of such intensity that it mademe feel quite light headed. I leaned forward, and slipped my flushed face betweenthose shockingly white, warm, fleshy cheeks. My lips pressed, tentatively atfirst, but then with increasing passion and a sense of abandon and almost unearthlyexhilaration, against the high priest's pungent anal ring in a shocking, butexciting expression of deliciously exciting submission that was so intenseand all consuming that it shocked me to my core. A few seconds after my lipshad first touched the pungent anal pout all inhibitions seemed to flood frommy consciousness, to be replaced by exquisite sensations of pure depravityand utterly wanton debauchery. Without ant conscious decision on my part Ifound my tongue spearing his sphincter, and plunging deeply into the pungentdepths of his rectum, and I French kissed the piquant arsehole with a passionI hardly knew that I possessed, and my very core was lost in utter capitulationto the Lord Beelzebub. I tongue kissed the high priest's spicy arsehole forall of five minutes before, reluctantly withdrawing my tongue, and allowingmy face to slip out of hi s w arm arse crease.
"Isn't surrender delicious, my dear." The high priest commentedwhile he stood back and watched me put my robe back on. I could only but agree.My mind still buzzed with the electric excitement of the situation, and I couldn'twait for the next act in this incredible adventure to unfold. My values hadchanged completely. When I looked at the man who had first forced through sheerwill power, and then so obscenely accepted my surrender, I found myself wonderingwhat his penis tasted like, a thought that only a few hours earlier, wouldhave been the furthermost thing from my mind. Sexual excess, in all its manyguises, was now an imperative, not to be used merely a diversion when I wasbored. And it no longer seemed to matter which sex I amused myself with, althoughI would always harbor some resentment of males, purely because they were male.I slowly realized that, while I could still make love to a woman, I would onlybe having sex with men.
Over the next week I certainly learned what the high priest's penis tastedlike, sucking him off on countless occasions, and fucking him with both mypussy and arsehole many times. I played with his slave to my heart's content,and punished her whenever the fancy took me, marveling at the slut's masochistic d elight when I cruelly whipped her cunt split. True to his promise, theSovereign's slave denied me nothing, and always expressed her deepest adorationof me, despite, or, perhaps, in spite of her suffering and humiliation at myincreasing cruel and sadistic hands. Throughout the week the high priest instructedme in the ways of the Church, explaining how it gathered it s w ealth throughits extensive enterprises in the S&M sex industry. H e explained how Iwas to be his preferred nomination for the office of H igh Priestess, justvacated following the untimely demise of the last female to hold that office.H e informed me that he had never come across a female with such latent poweras that I possessed, and knew from the second he first laid eyes on me thatI was chosen.
My next great surprise wa s w hen he announced that the mansion we had beenliving in was now my personal property. H e had transferred title the day aftermy submission. I couldn't believe it. It must be a dream. But it wasn't, andsoon I was being schooled in the management of Church affairs, and was givenaccess to untold wealth. The high priest informed me that he and his personalslave , whoregash, came from Europe , and were only over here to oversee theelevation of the new H igh Priestess. This event took place exactly one weekafter my surrender, in a gathering at the mansion. There was some initial discontentamong other devotee s w hen the H igh Priest sponsored me, for his favor wasalways going to be decisive in the final decision. Other candidates, it wasargued, were far senior to me, and far better versed in Church ritual. TheH igh Priest insisted, however, that no other aspirant possessed the raw powerand presence that I did, and after a few struggles of will thi s w as generallyconceded. The H igh Priest also argued, with total conviction, that I couldbe taught all other things, but no one else could match my raw vitality. Thedecision was made in my favor, and two female devotees of priestess status,Mistress and Dominatrix, were appointed to tutor me in the ways and ritualsof the Church.
I had acquired but one personal slave up to the time of the abduction of thetwo religious persons. Their abduction was really planned to serve two purposes.Firstly, and most importantly, our Satanic Ruler had decreed that a defrockedpriest was required to perform in some of its most profane ceremonies in celebrationof H is power. It was left to me to decide how best to accomplish this. Mydecision was that the defrocked priest should also be a slave . Thi s w ouldboth please the Lord, and also make the person so much easier to control, giventhat escape from our control is virtually impossible. Not that any of the Church'sslave s have ever even contemplated such a course of action in my experience,so completely do we in the Church cater to their masochistic needs.
It was also my idea to add to the diabolical profanity of the ceremonial occasionsby having the defrocked priest assisted by a female slave , also previouslyreligious, but more exquisitely wicked and perverse, to also be a blood relative.I would rather the ones had been father and daughter but, thanks to the ridiculouscatholic rule that its priests remain celibate for life, thi s w as obviouslynot possible so brother and sister was the next best option. The down sideof my plan was, of course, that due to my special specifications it took acouple of years before we were able to track down two suitable candidates.Oh, by the way, the second reason for me adding two more slave s to my stablewas to give my sole current slave , the delightful slutina, submissive companionship,and assistance in serving my every whim, not to mention some exciting varietywhen I was feeling sadistic, and just had to subject slave s to cruel punishment,which I can assure you, is often. While the deliciously masochistic slutinawas only to pleased to offer her voluptuous nudity to my, and my two attendingpriestesses, vicious torments, we had long since realized that the anguishedsuffering of one slave was not enough to satisfy us.
One more reason I was particularly desirous of attaining my own, permanentmale slave , was to exercise my cruel sadism by training him to predominantlyserve other males. While I don't mind indulging in the occasional bouts ofheterosexual passion these days, I still harbor an intense dislike for themale, and love nothing better than to watch them humiliate themselves by cavortingin debauched lust with other members of their own sex. In fact, I planned thatthe only heterosexual acts I would ever allow my male slave to perform wouldbe with either slutina, or more humiliatingly, with his own sister, and thesebout s w ere going to be few and far between, and mainly associated with rituals.H is service, as a whore, in our brothel s w ould be exclusively with othermales, either in exhibition of lust and depravity, or actually as a wantonharlot.
The nun was broken quite quickly, with the considerable help of my slutina,with whom she fell hopelessly in love on first sight. That, together with amasochistic temperament that was only matched in sheer intensity by that ofher brother, when he finally submitted to his inevitable fate, made the taskridiculously easy. All I had to do was strip the voluptuou s w oman nude, letslutina play with her, but not allow her any form of relief, pretend to catchthe two in the act of disobeying me, take my cruelest whip to slutina's lovelyarse cheeks, and wait for the nun to beg to take my little slut's punishmentfor her. I, of course, refused to allow her that until the nun had submitted,and renounced her odious God. It only took a half a dozen of these sessionsto achieve my evil purpose. And the slave 's pleading for her punishment, andher total renunciation of her god, proved most spectacular, and immensely pleasingto me. Instead of offering to take slutina's arse whipping, the distraughtslut begged me to flay her lovely, big, soft tit s w ithout mercy, to punishher for not surrendering sooner.
The brother took much longer to break but, as I mentioned earlier, when hefinally did, he proved to be the most naturally masochistic animal I have everseen. I derived considerable pleasure, not to mention sheer, diabolic, entertainment,from deliberately using his sister, whom I had named harlotta, as a tool toassist in breaking down his stubborn resistance. But back to the tale I wantto relate, the ravishment of harlotta. When we took the woman she was a virginin every sense of the word. Usually we use any virgin s w e break to undertakethe role of the Lord Beelzebub's slut during the celebration of Black Masses.But, as I mentioned earlier, the main purpose for taking a brother and sistercombination was to have the sister perform as the defrocked one's assistantin many of the rituals. Therefore, I consulted the Black Bible for an appropriatedeflowering rite, and found one that was just perfect, and didn't involve thepresence of a male. I wanted to ensure that harlotta, outside of her servicein my brothels, was never to be fucked by anyone other than her brother.
When I informed slutina of my choice the delicious little serf was besideherself with happiness. My little slut knows the Black Bible by heart, andshe knew that there would be an exciting role for her to play in the ceremonyI had chosen. I informed the slave that part of her task was to instruct harlottain the conduct of her coming ravishment, and ritual deflowering. She wouldhave plenty of time to achieve this task for I had immediately, on her submission,had harlotta's girl prick sheath removed, and it was going to take a few daysfor the surgery to heal. H er piercing s w ould also be given more time toheal and strengthen, for some of her ring s w ere essential for the ceremony,being used to assist in holding her in her bondage.
I supervised the preparation of the Lord's chapel for the ritual. The Lord'smighty effigy was lowered into a horizontal posture so that its enormous, stonepenises pointed straight up. A pair of suspension ring s w ere attached tothe ceiling immediately above the prone idol. Slave slutina's torture bondageobject s w ere simple and easily prepared. Two of the most vicious clamps imaginablewere screwed into the floor in front of the altar with its laying Idol. Eachclamp was jacked open against its strong spring, and a trap plate set in itscenter. The jaws of each of the inhuman clamps consisted solely of clustersof five, inch long, needles. A foot or so in front of these clamps I had asmall pedestal installed, and a golden pattern, in the shape of a spread openpussy was placed on this. Two brutal bull whip s w ere placed on the altar,next to the prone effigy, and a long, heavily thorned rattan cane laid on thefloor next to the savage clamps. I had the mechanism that drove the effigy'senormous penises adjusted so that it drove the poles a foot up and down. Threespike coated leather band s w ere then wrapped around each stone penis, aboutthree inches apart, along their brutal lengths.
The whole purpose of this deflowering ritual was to inflict extreme sufferingon the ravished subject, complimented by equally brutal punishment for her'bridesmaid' for not having persuaded the virgin to surrender quickly enough.The underlying theme of the ritual was that of punishment for slave s w hohad not acted in perfect submission. Any woman who had not surrendered to hernatural eroti c d epravity, and worshipped the Lord Beelzebub, from the beginningof her existence was automatically deemed to have mocked the Lord's power,and was consequently deserving of being forced to suffer untold agonies asa means of atoning. H arlotta displayed a natural fear, given her inexperiencewhen it came to matters of submission, when informed of her fate, but slaveslutina's eyes shone with supernatural ecstasy when she realized just whatit the perceived misdeed would mean for her.
The day of the ritual finally arrived, and excitement was at fever pitch forboth my priestesses and myself, a s w ell, of course, for the two slave s.The priestess, Mistress, supervised the preparation of the slave s. Being anamazon of a woman, she was capable of performing these tasks, some of whichrequired considerable strength, without assistance. Both slave wore the hoseand garters of a scarlet whore, and high heeled pumps that it would have beenimpossible for them to stand in, let alone walk. Their face s w ere heavilymade up, like those of ancient temple harlots. Slave harlotta' s w aist wasseverely restricted in an impossibly tight corset. Otherwise the slave 's seductivebodie s w ere nude. Both slave s' erect, bare, woman cock s w ere tightly clampedat the base, so the sensitive stalks had swelled grotesquely, and bulged obscenelyat the apexes of their already moist cunt splits. The rings in their cuntlips w ere threaded with cords that were then tied around the tops of their fullthighs to separate their juicy sex flap s w ide, thus exposing their alreadyglistening sex meat completely. In the case of slave slutina, ring clamps hadbeen tightened savagely around the bases of her teats. These caused the slut'steats, normally large and rubbery, to swell freakishly, and to become superresponsive to the merest irritation.
Both slave s' arm s w ere captured behind their backs in full, tightly lacedup arm binders. The limb s w ere bent at the elbows and their wrists clippedto their slave collars behind their necks. In order to ensure that each slaves' tits thrust out in the most pronounced, and defenseless fashion imaginable,cord s w ere tied around their elbows, and tightened so severely, that thejoints actually touched at the centers of their backs. Slutina's leg s w erefolded up and enveloped in sheaths. A two foot spreader bar was then attachedto them, at the knees, ensuring that her thighs remained widely spread.
In the case of harlotta, because of the nature of the ritual, we could notuse a spreader to keep her leg s w ell parted. Instead, still using the sametypes of sheaths used on slutina, we attached cords to their outsides. Theother ends of these cord s w ere then tied to rings of the side of the slave's collar. They were then pulled so tight that harlotta's leg s w ere pulledout, almost at right angles to her hips, almost, but not quite, dislocatingthose joints.
All of these preparations had been undertaken prior to my other priestess,Dominatrix, and I arriving at the chapel for the ceremony. I inspected thejob done by Mistress, and was pleased to see that neither slave could evencontemplate escape from her cruel bondage and, more importantly, the tender,responsive areas of their nude bodies, that were to be subjected to exquisiteagony as part of the rite, were rendered deliciously vulnerable, and utterlydefenseless. I noted that both slave s w ore looks of masochistic adorationand submissive rapture. The lewd submissive could obviously not wait for theirferocious ordeals to begin.
I had Dominatrix place slave slutina into her final position first, as thisslave 's role in the bizarre ceremony was clearly one of a support ing nature.The slave 's body was positioned facing the small pedestal, with its obscenelysplayed cunt like pattern, so that her beautiful, garishly painted face waspoised exactly ten inches above it. H er back was then forced to arch cruelly,so that the horrendously swollen teats of her big, sensually drooping tit sw ere poised a similar distance above the inhuman jaws of the two clamps thathad been screwed into the floor. Once her body had been maneuvered into positionDominatrix took a small, clasp type clamp and carefully applied it to the verytip of the kneeling slave 's burgeoning girl prick. The cute little masochistsquealed mutely when the tiny sharp spikes lining the little clamp's jaws bitsavagely into the super receptive meat of her sex stem. The other end of acord, to which this clamp was attached, was stretched out, and hooked ontothe side of the pedestal. At first this cord was quite loose, but as the slave's head lowered towards the pattern, it would steadily tighten, and would eventuallypull excruciatingly hard on the clamp on her already horrifically sufferinggirl prick, thus further tormenting that aching stalk. Little slutina wouldabsolutely love it, I was sure.
As soon as Dominatrix was finished with slutina I moved over to her and stood,straddling the pedestal. I reached down and nudged slutina's head out of theway, then squatted down until my crotch was poised a mere couple of inchesover the erotic cunt pattern. I then gazed into the wide eyes of the expectantslave , while drawing the folds of my long leather skirt aside to reveal theerotic glory of my smoothly shaven, stunningly beautiful pussy. I reached downand spread its full, plump lip s w ith two fingers. A slight straining of mybelly muscles heralded the arrival of a small steam of my fragrant golden champagnewhich poured down into the small, obscenely designed vessel, filling it tothe brim with tart fluid. I then allowed my sex lips to return to their normalposition. My sweet little slut had been struggling with her own submissivemind, between her desire to look into my cruel eyes, and her longing to gazeupon the beauty of my ravishing pussy. I rewarded the devoted little sex animalby allowing her to press her whorishly painted lips to the flesh of my mound,before my skirt swung back in place, blocking it from her sight. The gorgeouslyservile slut whimpered with acute los s w hen the sight of my stunning pussywas denied her. My own beautifully aroused clitoris throbbed with a longingto feel the exquisite sensations of the little slut's infinitely erotic tongueteasing it, but such pleasure would have to wait. We had a virgin to violatefirst. Besides, the slave 's soft tongue was always at its immaculately submissive,and exquisitely lascivious best when her body wa s w allowing in the aftermathof a bout of mercilessly inflicted punishment.
I moved away from slutina and stood in front of my new slave , the voluptuousharlotta. It was time for the ritual to commence, and its first requirement,the litany of slave defloration began:
Majesty: "State your crime, slut!"
H arlotta: "My cunt and arse pits remain innocent and virginal, worshippedMajesty, H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "Why is this a crime, slut?"
H arlotta: "Virginity is the vilest state imaginable for a harlot ofthe Lord to exist in, worshipped Majesty, H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler,Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "Why have you committed such a vile crime, slut?"
H arlotta: "I have been misguided by false idols, worshipped Majesty,H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "What is your most fervent desire, slut?"
H arlotta: "I yearn to surrender the odious virginity of my twat andarse pits to the Lord, worshipped Majesty, H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler,Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "Why is this your most coveted desire, slut?"
H arlotta: "I long to become the Lord's most depraved and debauched harlot,worshipped Majesty, H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "Again, why is this your most coveted desire, slut?"
H arlotta: "My virgin cunt and arse pits are an insult to my Lord. Theylong to embrace hot, stiff, pricks in H is honor and service, worshipped Majesty,H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "Do you deserve to have your desire to be violated fulfilled,Slut?"
H arlotta: "No! No! My crime is so horrendous! I deserve nothing! ButI beg and plead to be granted this boon! My cunt tube yearns to drain the sapfrom countless pricks! My arse pit longs to empty the cum from the swingingballs of endless cocks, worshipped Majesty, H igh priestess of my Lord andRuler, Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "What is your other, more heinous crime, slut?"
H arlotta: "That I did not surrender my cunt split to utter depravity,and my arse pit to absolute debauchery at birth, in my Lord's honor, worshippedMajesty, H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "Again, what is your other, more heinous crime, slut?"
H arlotta: "That I have not spent my entire existence as a depraved harlotwallowing in utter debauched perversity in the service of my Lord, worshippedmajesty, H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "Again, what is your other, more heinous crime, slut?"
H arlotta: "That I did not surrender to my wanton lust at birth, andspend all the days of my existence sucking glorious long, thick pricks to throbbingstiffness so that my trollop cunt pit could fuck them to
exploding ecstasy, only for my whore mouth to suck them back to pulsatingerection again, so that my harlot arse tube could again fuck them to juicespitting pleasure, all for the greater glory of the Lord, worshipped Majesty,H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub!"
Majesty: " H ow shall you pay for your first crime, slut?"
H arlotta: "By the total surrender of the vile, odious virgin state ofmy cunt and arse pits to the divine, immaculately depraved penises of the effigyof my Lord, worshipped Majesty, H igh Priestess of my
Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "Again, how shall you pay for your first crime, slut?"
H arlotta: "By the utter submission of my whore cunt and arse pits tothe virginity shredding power of the effigy of the Lord's mighty penises ina fit of devoted, slavish, harlot like happiness and joy, worshipped
Majesty, H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "And how shall you pay for your other, more heinous crime, slut?"
H arlotta: "By suffering terrible punishment, while my whore cunt andharlot arse pits are so divinely and savagely violated, worshipped Majesty,H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub!"
Majesty: "Again, how shall you pay for your other, more heinous crime,slut?"
H arlotta: "By howling out my gratitude for the immaculate shreddingof my odious innocence while I suffer my exquisite torment with utter joy andtotal submission, worshipped Majesty, H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler,Beelzebub!"
By the time this satanic litany had been completed the slave harlotta's kneeing,bizarrely bound nudity was literally shaking with servile lust. H er steelhard, severely clamped girl prick visibly throbbed with debauched depravity,her cunt split drooled with pungent juice, and the enormous, soft white tits,thrust out so deliciously defenselessly, seemed to have swelled even larger.I peered down at the other stringently bound slave , slutina, and saw, fromthe look on her whorishly painted face, that she too was consumed by masochisticpassion, torn between a yearning for her own torment to begin, and to be permittedto savor the flawlessly degenerate flavors of my golden champagne, and extremejealousy that it was the cunt and arse pits of harlotta that were to be sobrutally defiled, and not her own eternally yearning, lascivious harlot holes.
I moved again until I stood, almost straddling H arlotta, and gazing downinto her adoring eye s w ith mocking cruelty, announced:
"Slave harlotta, I have decided, on our Lord Beelzebub's behalf, to allowyou to surrender to your coveted fate. To have your putrid innocence defiledcompletely. To submit to your unmerciful violation. To be transformed intothe lewd, lascivious, debauched and depraved harlot you long to become. Toallow you to spend eternity in a state of unending lecherous perversity. Toserve your Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub, in immaculate submission, and with flawlessobscenity for ever. The depths of your surrender will be monitored constantlythroughout your defilement. Even the most minute hint of rebellion will resultin instant banishment from the flock of the Lord. You will signify your submissionby voicing your joy and fulfillment with pleas for more, and outpourings ofgratitude for the gift of your suffering from this point on. Your desecrationwill continue for as long as it takes my slave , slutina, to drink all of theglorious fluid that I have granted her. From this point on, apart from thesqueals and shrieks of torment signifying slave submission, the only wordsto be uttered throughout the entire ordeal will be yours, words of surrender,words of utter joy, pleas for your punishment, exclamations of gratitude. Thecommencement of your defilement shall begin when I have delivered ten strokes w ith my rattan cane to the bulging arse slabs of slutina. With each strokethe slut will be permitted to move her lips one inch closer to her reward.When, and only when, her tongue first savors the lusciously delicious flavorsof the gift I have granted her, will you permitted to surrender. And, now,let the ritual of slave defilement begin!"
I took up the evil rattan and moved to a position behind the kneeling bodyof slutina, that would allow me to deliver full swings, with all the forceI could muster, at the delightfully presented target, her shapely, naked, bulgingbottom mounds. My two priestesses moved in front of slave harlotta, each holdingan adjustable ring attached to a chain suspended from the ceiling above thegroin area of the prone effigy, and waited for the slave to announce the commencementof her own ordeal. H arlotta's body seemed to shudder with what must have beena blend of pure dread, and utterly masochistic joy for a second or two, andthen her voice rang out, laced with intense emotion and profound longing:
"Adored Priestesses of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub. I beg you, hangmy depraved nudity by my tits, so my yearning holes of consummate lust andsupreme depravity are suspended over the mighty, powerful penises of my Lordand Ruler, Beelzebub's idol. My big, fat, soft tits must be forced to sufferand suffer, before I earn the right to surrender my slut existence to my Lord.H ang me by my tits, please, please, adored Priestesses of my Lord!"
Dominatrix and Mistress moved quickly to grant the groveling submissive herwish. Each enveloped one of her tender, swollen tits in a metal ring, pushingthe thin metal band down until it was pressed firmly against the slave 's chestat the base of the big tit. They then began to manipulate levers built intothe rings, causing the diameters of the bands to slowly contract. The shrinkingmetal bands relentlessly squeezed the thick bases of harlotta's lovely softtits. As the constriction became more and more severe the tits themselves beganto swell and harden. When the two dominant's had completed their tasks, andthe diameters of the rings could be made no smaller, they locked the leversin place and stood back.
Slave harlotta whimpered deliciously, reveling in the awful ache that permeatedthe now grotesquely swollen, and drum tight udders, jutting out from her chestlike two tightly inflated balloons. The slave 's piercing shrieks of unadulteratedagony reverberated around the high ceilinged room when Mistress touched a button,and the chains to which the rings capturing her aching tits so cruelly wereretracted ten feet into the ceiling above in one jerking motion. The exquisitelysuffering harlotta squawked beautifully while her bizarrely bound body revolvedslowly over the prone idol, her entire weight support ed solely by her horrificallypain soaked tits, and she fought vainly to come to grip s w ith the acutenessof her extreme barbarity of her hurt.
The cruel dominators allowed the hanging slave to swing to and fro for a fewseconds, permitting her to enjoy her suffering before they reached out andstilled her body, ensuring the obscenely splayed core of her leaking cunt split,and her wildly clenching arse ring were poised immediately above the sprouting,spike decorated stone penises of the black marble effigy of the Lord Beelzebub.H uge sobs of anguish shook the hanging slave , and tears of woe trickled downher cheek s w hile she continued the fight to regain control of her senses.Eventually her voice cried out in eerily pleading tones:
"Worshipped Majesty, H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub,I am in slave heaven, hanging by my tit s w hich ache and burn so impeccablyfor my Lord. My obscene, drooling cunt pit, and utterly depraved, pouting arsetube yearn to surrender to the powerful penises of the effigy of my Lord, tohave their vile virginity ripped from them, to have their odious innocenceshattered forever by the might of the gorgeous penises of the Lord. Please!Please! worshipped Majesty, lash the writhing arse slabs of your slave , slutina,with your deliciously cruel cane. Make her fat bum cheeks burn with hurt. Driveher to the reward she crave s w ithout mercy, for she longs for her tormentas much as I do for my obscene violation. Please worshipped Majesty, begin,so that I may become the obscene, perverted harlot, and immaculately submissiveslave that I was born to be!"
I waited until slave harlotta had exhausted her pleas before I swung my evilcane back. I stared down at the delightfully presented cheeks of slutina'sshapely arse and glowed with sadistic satisfaction. Never in my life as a dominanthad I ever ceased to marvel at such a perfect arse, it was just made to bepunished. My gorgeously masochistic slut, despite the awkwardness of her bondage,began to imperceptible sway those eagerly waiting cheeks, in her own desperateplea to me to cane her hard. I smiled cruelly at the submissive whore's smallgesture of surrender, and brought the cane flashing down onto her profferedarse slab s w ith all the force I could muster.
A spilt second after the brutal cane slapped loudly into the flesh of herswaying arse slabs slutina squealed deliciously with intensity of the fierypain that had been inflicted on her, and her beautiful face dropped preciselyone inch, towards the shimmering surface of the liquid reward she so craved.H er throbbing teats too, dropped a corresponding inch closer to the horrifictorture that awaited those acutely sensitized peaks, and which was just aseagerly sought. I allowed a full half a minute to pass before raising my brutalcane for the next stroke. While I did so I noted, with cruel pleasure, theugly purple weal that now marred the pale, satiny skin of slutina's still twitchingarse, and listened to the tit suspended harlotta implore me to cane her sisterslave harder and faster, to hasten the moment of her own obscene and agonizingsurrender.
I swung the brutal cane with frightening power, thrilling to the sound ofmy tormented slut's shrieks of suffering each time it smashed into her writhingarse cheeks, and savoring each surge of sadistic adrenaline that surged throughmy vein s w hen I saw the suffering masochist's beautiful face drop an inchcloser to my golden champagne, knowing, as I did, that it was not only theburning pain emanating from her striped arse cheeks that afflicted the servilegirl, but also the acute, biting hurt of the jaws of the tiny, but exquisitelyvicious clamp crushing the tip of her stiff girl prick, as the cord attachingit to the pedestal tightened more and more with each of her small movements.But what filled my merciless heart with even more delight was that fact thather aching teat s w ere coming closer and closer to an agony so potent thatit was going to take all of the suffering masochist's incredible will to remainconscious, and thus to fully savor the luscious agony of her delicious submission.
The tenth merciless application of the cane, swung with more force that evenI thought I could possibly muster, thudded cruelly into the soft, agonizedmeat of my little submissive slut's gorgeously striped arse mound s w ith aloud crack. Almost before the end of the brutal cane had fell away from slutina's w ounded flesh I had moved around to her side to excitedly watch the sufferingslave 's delightful reaction to it, hoping that her counting was as preciseas my own. My pulse raced with the intensity of my own sadistic titillationwhile I stared in rapture at the points of her fabulously swollen teats pressingagainst the clamp triggers. The ferociously designed jaws of the two clampssnapped together with frightful force, driving their long needles clean throughthe rubbery meat of the sensitive teats.
There was a sort of weird silence in the room while slutina's eyes dilatedin shock as the piercing agony flashed from her tortured teats to her brain.Thi s w as immediately followed by a loud high pitched, eerie keening squealthat erupted from deep in her chest, and escaped through her wide open mouthwhen the sheer intensity of the pain she suffered finally registered in herconsciousness. My own eye s w idened in astonishment when my favorite slave's long tongue all of a sudden, despite the frenzied gulping of her squealingthroat, brought on by her exquisite anguish, slowly protruded from her gapingmouth, and dipped delicately into the golden liquid I had deposited from mypussy into the cunt pattern. The soft tongue seemed to gently stir the acridfluid for a second or so before, laden with the salty issue, she retractedit into her mouth and sucked the champagne from it, her throat gulping in clearevidence that she was swallowing.
H er tongue shot back down into the pool of tart piss and again slowly stirredthrough it, savoring its pungent flavor. I marveled at her masochistic acceptanceof her torment, glowing with contentment that I owned such a deliciously submissivemorsel of female servility. A small thought of sadisti c d elight shook mewhen I realized that if the enchanting slutina was going to drink her rewardwith such lingering relish, the other slave 's ordeal was going to be so immaculatelyprorogued that she might even swoon with submissive ecstasy, given her inexperienceat suffering. In fact it was the pleading voice of the slave , hanging so painfullyby her grotesquely bloated tits, that brought my mind back to the reality ofthe ceremony. I looked up at the shining eyes of the slave as she cried:
"Please! Please! Adulated Lord, Beelzebub! Accept your yearning harlot'sabject surrender! H onor this depraved whore by wrenching the vile virginityfrom her pits of wanton lust and servile craving with your mighty and stunninglypowerful penises! Reduce my being to that of a mindless slut, dedicated toperverted depravity! Allow me, your eternally devoted harlot to begin my newexistence, wallowing in joyful debauchery in your honor!"
The pleading slave 's head shook with uncontrolled emotion, her eyes shonewith submissive craving, and her chest heaved with passion. Thick hot, creamy,twat juice dripped from her incredibly splayed cunt spilt onto the huge shinytop of the stone penis arching up under its convulsing mouth. Mistress smiledup at the begging slut mockingly, obviously enjoying the spectacle of a slavesuffering such torment, while still managing to plead for even more pain andsuffering. She slowly reached forward and touched a button on the side of thealtar. The chains support ing the suspended slave suddenly let go, and herbizarrely bound nude body dropped like a stone.
Slave harlotta's shriek of unadulterated anguish split the heavy atmosphereof the chapel like a knife. The long, thick, rock hard penises of the effigyof the Lord plunged into her tender virginal pits of depravity with unmercifulforce, the abominable spikes that decorated each enormous stalk tearing herdelicate flesh with exquisite cruelty. The frenzied, babbling submissivenessbody jerked to a halt after it had been allowed to fall about ten inches. Theawful strain this must have put on her tit s w as completely lost to her however,as she was totally immersed in the sensations caused by the stone penises thathad so fully and completely invaded her virginal whore pits.
We watched the slave while her belly vibrated uncontrollably with pain andsuffering, and copious quantities of blood dripped from her violated pussy,to mix with the juices of her sluttish desire, at the base of the huge stalksthat so brutally impaled her. It took some minutes before harlotta's squawksfinally ebbed to mere sobs and whimpers, and her eyes that had clenched shutwith the sheer agony of her violation again opened, and shone with masochistic,and subservient elation. Tears poured down the suffering slave 's cheeks, buther garishly painted lip s w ere split by a grinning leer of utter depravity,and she literally yelled out in lecherous exhilaration:
"I am yours, Lord of my soul! I am your slut! I am your whore! I am yourslave ! My ravaged cunt pit belongs to you! My defiled arse tube is yours!My aching udders are yours! I live to serve you! I long to suffer for yourglory! I exist to wallow in unbridled lust for your pleasure! My lurid cunttube will refuse no prick ever again! My tight arse pit will accept every cockit is your pleasure to grant it with joy and elation! Please! Please! Please!Now that my whore cunt pit's dreaded innocence has been shredded, let the lewdfuck shaft be raped unmercifully! Now that my tight, lascivious arse tunnel'sputrid virginity has been exterminated let the clasping chasm be fucked topieces by the magnificent penis of the Lord! Please! Please! Worshipped Majesty,H igh Priestess of my Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub, command your Priestesses,Dominatrix and Mistress, to whip my aching tits to shred s w ith their glorious w hips, while the marvelous penises of the effigy of the Lord ravage my holesof lustful depravity, and fuck my brains out. And you too, glorious Majesty,take up your gorgeous cane and lash the writhing cheeks of my yearning arsewith all your magnificent power while my craving lust pits are fucked to pieces!"
The lust crazed, sobbing, pleading slave finished her pitiful begging withone more, heart felt plea, this time to my suffering slut, the delectably submissive,slutina:
"Sweet slutina, harlot of the Lord, and Ruler of my soul, Beelzebub,please savor the precious gift of pussy champagne granted you by our superbMajesty with sublime lingering joy, while my lewd whore holes are fucked todistraction, and my aching tits and fat arse slabs are exquisitely punishedby our stunning owners!'
I checked the pattern that slave slutina languidly allowed her soft, pinktongue to stir, and noted that the level of acrid piss had hardly been loweredat all. The hanging whore's ordeal still had a long way to go. I also noted,with sadistic satisfaction, that slutina's shoulder s w ere rolling and jerkingslightly. The delicious masochist, not satisfied with the ferocious pain herteat s w ere suffering in the barbaric embrace of the brutal clamps, was tryingto magnify the tender buds' agony through her own movements. A cruel smilesplit my lips at how exquisitely submissive the slut had become under the tutourligeof my Priestesses and myself.
Dominatrix and Mistress had each taken up one of the barbaric bull whips,and had positioned themselves on either side of the slave , hanging so defenselesslyby her aching, throbbing tits, with her cunt and arse holes so savagely invadedby the spike lined lengths of the stone penises of the effigy. I moved aroundbehind the whimpering slave , and swished my long brutal cane about a few timesto loosen my muscles. As soon as I was in place Dominatrix leaned forward andtouched a button on the side of the black marble altar.
A piercing screech of pure anguish was torn from harlotta's gaping maw whenthe huge penises that had been thus far merely been buried deeply in her cuntand arse pits began to move. While the pole in her arse was extracted, theone assaulting her twat sleeve plunged, to the hilt, once again into that clasping,juice dripping chasm, its sharp spikes tearing savagely at her tender interiormembranes. When the cycle was reversed the suffering slut's tight, humid arserube was cruelly stormed by the other penis, and it s w rithing walls equallysadistically lacerated by the spikes. The slave 's eyes shone with masochisticadoration. H er trembling belly could be seen to knot with the efforts shemade to have her suffering interior muscles squeeze at the enormous invaders,to add to her torment.
As soon as the slave 's squeals began to ebb, signaling that she had finallycame to grip s w ith her suffering the pitiless Mistress swung her brutal whipsavagely. Its lash exploded on the slave 's grotesquely swollen, taut skinnedtit s w ith a loud crack, immediately followed by a long screeching wail ofagony from the heaving chest of the brutalized slave . No sooner had Mistress'lash fallen away from the huge mounds than the lash of Dominatrix smashed intothem with savage force. I watched my priestesses deliver a few more brutalstrokes, raising ugly welts on the howling slut's shuddering tits, before Itoo joined in her torment, slashing my cane across her bulging arse slab sw ith all the force I could muster.
All three of u s w hipped the screaming harlot with consummate cruelty whilethe enormous penises plunged in and out of her tormented lust pit s w ith relentlessferocity. H er squeals soon took on an almost ethereal quality, mirroring hermasochistic happiness at her suffering. Soon I could make out that the painfilled whore's voice was mouthing a babble of disjointed words, and listeningcarefully I began to recognize sobbed and wailed out entreaties, the contentof which warmed my sadistic cockles:
"Whip slut's tits harder!"
"Whip whore's tits more!"
"Fuck lacerated harlot cunt pit deeper!"
"Depraved arse tube burn s w ith joy!"
Meanwhile my little slave , slutina, was not to be left out. H er head wasalso now jerking quite savagely, while her tongue slurped loudly at her reward.The delicious masochist was obviously tormenting her own cruelly clamped girlprick with each pronounced jerk of her head, and was also tearing savagelyat her brutally clamped teats. On and on it went, until, finally, I noted thatslutina's eager tongue was lapping at nothing. She had consumed every dropof her gift, and her tongue was vainly lapping at the bottom of the pattenin an endeavor to find some small drip she may have missed.
I must admit that I was not overly sorry to see the end of the ritual, formy arm was becoming quite tired from the constant swinging of my cane, andmy muscle s w ere beginning to cramp. And, despite the squealed pleas of thelust crazed harlotta for more, both Dominatrix and Mistress strength s w ereobviously waning, and their vicious thrashing of her welted tit s w as losingsome of its earlier force. I called a halt, and we three dominators threw downour weapons, our chests heaving a s w e drew huge breaths into our pantinglungs. Slave harlotta took a little time to realize that the stone peniseshad ceased their violent plunging, and her body was no longer subject to brutalwhipping. H er beautiful head hung with exhaustion and her crie s w ere reducedto mere whimper s w hile she wallowed in the aftermath of her ferocious suffering.
Mistress and Dominatrix went to work, after recovering their breath, and soonhad the slut freed from her bondage, and kneeling before them. H arlotta rolledher shoulder and shook her flopping tits to return normal circulation to them,and squeezed her full thighs together in an effort to sooth her ravaged cuntand arse pits. While my priestesse s w ere freeing harlotta I took care oflittle slutina, first releasing her tortured teats, and marveling at how swollenand delightfully battered they looked. After unclamping her girl prick I quicklyfreed her of her bondage, and soon she was kneeling next to harlotta, beforeus.
I gazed down at the two slave s, harlotta with her whip welted tits hangingsexily, and her striped arse slabs still trembling. Slutina with her teatsstill dripping blood, and her shapely bottom mound s w ell striped. Both slaves looked completely happy, and were still clearly highly sexually aroused bytheir respective ordeals. Even after their straining woman cocks had been unclampedthe little stalks of feminine sexuality remained stiff and hard, clear evidencethat neither slut was exhausted by the excesses she had been subjected to.Which was just a s w ell, for I had organized and exciting little celebrationfor the little sluts to enjoy. I connected leashes to their nose rings andwe led them from the chapel.
While we wandered down the plushy carpeted hallway to our orgy room I notedthat slutina had obviously already guessed that something else was in storefor them. I suppose that with her experience of our ways she knew that a visitto the particular room to which we were obviously headed always heralded about of sexual excess, or a session of cruel punishment and degrading humiliation.The crawling slave lowered her head, and butted her beautiful face into harlotta'sheavily swaying tits, while they crawled along behind us, and had soon managedto suck one of the surprised slave 's tender teats into her hot mouth, andsuckled on the rubbery nub in passionate lust. The incorrigible harlot, I thoughtwhen noting this. The lewd whore could not get enough. Constant engagementin sexual debauchery and wanton depravity was here only desire, unless shewas being punished, of course.
We entered the playroom and the excited slave s saw it had been decked outfor pleasure. A wide, semi circular chaise lounge which we dominant s w ouldoccupy had six beautiful naked slave girls kneeling before it, waiting impatiently,no doubt, for our arrival. These slave s w ould work to slake the lusts ofmyself, Mistress and Dominatrix. A collection of beautifully made dildos andvibrators lay on the seat area of the huge sofa, to be used by the slave sto assist and enhance their efforts to pleasure us. The exhibition stage thatformed the center piece of the play room also had a number of enormous dildoslying on its rubber surface, and six slave s, all nude, kneeling in front ofit facing away from us a s w e entered.
Three of these slave s w ere female, and the others, male, and all began tolasciviously sway their bottoms as they had realized that we had arrived. Ireached down and unleashed harlotta and slutina, then instructed them to kneelbefore each trio of slave s, harlotta before the males and slutina the females.When the two slave s w ere in position, staring excitedly at the undulatingarses of their particular group of slave s. Mistress and Dominatrix went overto the lounge, and were joined by the six slave girl s w ho immediately setabout stripping them of their erotic, dominant finery. I walked down to thestage, stood next to slutina, and instructed the three other slave girls:
"Sluts, you may introduce yourselves to my little slutina, and let herknow what she is in for."
One of the slave s immediately stood up, turned, and faced slutina. She wasa quite plump girl with fat tits and volumous arse cheeks, but what set herapart was her hairless cunt. It was huge with fat, long vulva lips, and longdrooping inner flaps that literally dripped with rich spicy cunt cream. Thelewd slut waved her drooling cunt at slutina and cried:
"Lewd slutina, I am slave droolingcuntsplit. My lecherous cunt is capableof pouring with twat cream for hours on end, and I am going to make you slurpup every drop!"
The wanton slut then climbed up onto the stage, and the next slave stood toface my beaming little slave . This one was taller than her predecessor, andslimmer with a set of pert tits jutting out high on her chest. What set herapart was the size of her stiff girl prick. It was so long that it jutted fromher cunt trench like the cock of a male slut, at least six inches in length.This harlot looked down at the aroused slutina and announced:
"Lovely harlot, I am slave throbbinggirlprick. I am going to fuck yourdepraved cunt pit, and hot, tight, arse tube with my stiff woman cock untilwe come and come!"
She joined her partner on the rubber coated stage and the third slave girltook her place before slutina. This slave was truly bizarre. She was no tallerthat four feet six, and tiny, almost doll like, in every aspect except forher tits. The enormous udder s w ere almost grotesque given the size of therest of her tiny body. The huge orb s w ere beautifully shaped, jutted outat least two feet from her slender chest, and were a minimum of two feet acrossat their widest point. Each massive mound was capped with a two inch long teatthat was stiff and hard. The bizarre creature poked out a tongue that was boththick, and incredibly long, and wriggled it for a few seconds before makingher introduction:
"Obscene slut, I am slave tongueandtits. I am going to use my long, fat,wet, hot, lecherous tongue to tease your stiff teats, plumb the depths of yourflooded cunt tube, ream out your hot, tight arse tunnel, and tease your spasminggirl prick until you go crazy with wanton lust!"
As this last slave joined her companions on the stage floor I motioned tothe acutely excited slutina that she was permitted to join them, but they werenot to start their lewd rutting until the slave s w ho were to cater to theneeds of harlotta had finished with their introductions. I stared down at slaveharlotta, noting that the look on her lovely face was a mixture of lasciviousrapture, and fearful thrill. After all, she was know to be strongly lesbianin her sexual orientation, and these slave s w ere all males. Also, of course,these were going to be the first pricks of flesh and blood that she had everseen, let alone having had used on her body's sex holes. I motioned to thefirst of the male slave s to make his introduction. H e stood up and facedthe kneeling harlotta, waving his erect prick lewdly in her face. The slave's cock was not all that big, as slave cock go, but his ball s w ere trulyenormous, the size of grapefruits, and stood out, swollen and full of cockcream, at the base of his throbbing stalk:
"Lewd whore, I am slave sapfillednuts." H e announced, and reacheddown into his crotch with both hands to cup his swollen, smoothly shaven nuts: "Myfat, sap filled gonads are capable of spewing gallons of hot, pungent prickjuice. I am going to feed your whore mouth my stiff, hot prick, and let yourdrain them of every last drop of their earthy juice!"
The slave clambered up onto the smooth floor of the rubber carpeted stage,and the next slave rose to stand before the trembling harlotta, whose cuntwas now clearly betraying her arousal by already leaking with slick juices.This male displayed a long, relatively thin prick, stiff and throbbing withlust. H is prick was at least twelve inches in length, but a mere inch or sothick. H e waved the long stalk in front of harlotta's eyes, and announced:
"Lecherous trollop, I am slave longcock. I am going to use this stiff,aching prick sprouting from my lewd fork to fuck your tight, hot arse pit deepand long, and am going to fill your humid chute with load after load of steamingcock juice!"
This slave then joined his comrade on the stage and was immediately replacedby the final male slave . This nude male was of short, squat build. H e stood,spread legged, in front of harlotta and waved an achingly stiff prick of trulyenormous proportions, in front of her wide, staring eyes. The muscular slave's cock must have been ten inches long, and at least an incredible three inchesthick. The cock was so big that it dwarfed what was a reasonably big set ofsmooth skinned nuts nestling at its thick, pulsing base. The slave leered downat harlotta, who could not stop her tongue from lasciviously lolling out ofher drooling mouth, the teats capping her huge, soft, whip welted tits nowhard and throbbing as lust began to fill her depraved soul, and announced:
"Licentious slut, I am slave lewdcock. I am going to use this achinglystiff log of a cock to fuck your brains out. I am going to plough your droolingcunt pit without mercy until I fill it with boiling prick juice. I'm goingto fuck your whore gash so hard you wont be able to walk straight for a week!"
As soon as the last male had mounted the stage I allowed harlotta to jointhem. The lewd slut mounted the stage with indecent haste, such was her desireto get at the cocks I had granted her. Before I allowed the orgy to commenceI moved over to the lounge and allowed three of the slave girls to divest mybody of its dominant vestments. Only when I was nude, and two submissive mouths w ere already busily teasing my stiff nipples, did I call out two my twowhore sluts that they were permitted to gorge themselves on wanton, lustfulpleasure.
I arranged my nudity comfortably, so that I had an uninterrupted, at leastfor the time being, view of the proceedings on the stage. I noted, with a smile,that Mistress and Dominatrix had also arranged the slave girl s w orking ontheir pleasure so that they too, had a clear view of the action on the stage.I shivered with pleasure when a warm, soft, female tongue began to lasciviouslystimulated my stiff, throbbing clitoris.
Slave throbbinggirlprick had plunged one end of an enormous, prick shapeddouble dildo into her own spasming cunt sleeve. Three inches of her amazing,achingly stiff woman cock lay along the rubber length of the dildo. When shedrove the dildo deeply into slutina's drooling twat tube, the exposed lengthof her incredible woman cock, of course, was also driven into the fleshy, dripping,clasping tunnel. Slutina, grinning lewdly at me when noting that I wa s w atching,flung one thigh wide, so that her crotch area was fully available for me tosee. Slave tongueandtits had that amazing tongue of hers buried deeply in slutina'shot, arse pit, and I could see her cute little arse ring, pulsing with lasciviouspleasure, and rhythmically squeezing on the wriggling tongue. Slave droolingcuntsplitstood above the trio with her enormous, meaty, dripping cunt poised over slutina'sface. The lewd slut smiled even more lasciviously at me, and then drew thateagerly waiting twat down to her greedy mouth. I watched while my little whore'slong, soft tongue ploughed deeply into the mountainous pussy, splitting itssmooth, pulpy lips, and releasing a torrent of spicy woman juice into her thirstymouth. She mashed her face into the flowing cunt meat, covering her beautifulfeature s w ith warm, glistening cunt cream, and then went to work at drainingthe twat of all it had to offer, while the other slave ' s w orked with equalfervor at sending her wild with sexual pleasure.
My eyes flicked over to harlotta's group just in time to see her impale herrecently ravaged cunt pit on the prone slave lewdcock's enormous stiff prick.A squeal of painful pleasure erupted from the lewd harlot's gaping mouth asinch after inch of the massive sex pole oozed into her drooling sleeve until,miraculously, she had accepted it all. Slave longcock knelt behind harlotta,tore the fat mounds of her arse cheeks apart, and drove his long, slender sexstalk into her hot, humid, arse tube, to the hilt, in one long stroke. H arlotta'seye s w idened in sensual shock at this rude invasion of her intimate orificefor, then her eyes literally radiated depraved exhilaration, and she reachedout to the slave , sapfillednuts, who was standing before her. She laved hismassive smoothly shaven ball s w ith her hot tongue for a few seconds beforeopening her lip s w ide, and swallowing the entire length of his stiff, throbbingprick into her mouth, and sucking on it like the bitch on heat that she hadbecome. The lecherous harlot then began to swing her rump about, wildly, fuckingher holes of depravity on the hot, throbbing pricks buried so deeply in them.
I reached out, at this time, and speared the tight arse ring of a cute littleslave girl with a finger, and used it to draw the sexy animal's smooth hairlesssex split to my mouth. While I tasted the sweet essence of the slave 's youthfulcunt my own pussy began to quiver from the lustful attentions of other slavegirls, and my aching clitoris began to throb wildly, signaling the approachof my first orgasm for the day. The slave girl whose cunt I was so avidly suckingbegan to shriek with ecstasy, and while my body shook with the power of myclimax, her soaking twat released a fresh deluge of spicy cunt cream into myslurping maw.
After my climax had run its full, mind blowing course my bevy of slave girlsrearranged their nude bodies, and began to tease my temporarily sated nudityback to renewed sexual arousal. At the same time harlotta was experiencingher first sexual release under the relentless stimulation of insatiable prick.I watched with glee while she squealed out her ecstasy, even as her face wasbathed in an ocean of flowing man cum. Slave sapfillednuts had withdrawn hiscock from harlotta's mouth at the moment of climax, and used a hand to holdhi s w ildly spitting stalk, directing its pungent flow at the slave woman'sface, and widely gaping mouth. Ten of the most powerful spurts of cum I hadever witnessed erupted from the tip of the pulsating prick, and splashed downonto harlotta's upturned face. She, in her frenzy of sexual abandon, reachedout with both hands and squeezed the climaxing male's flexing nuts, tried tocapture as much a s w as humanly possible of the hot flow with her lewdly questingtongue, while slave lewdcock's prick exploded in her spasming cunt tube, floodingit with his steaming cock cream, and slave longcock's prick erupted deeplyin her spasming arse chasm, bathing it s w rithing walls in hot cock juice.
As soon as his ball s w ere empty slave longcock withdrew his softened pricktube from my new whore's clasping arse ring, moved around her until he wasable to dangle his limply hanging meat in her face. Such was harlotta's stateof wanton lust, she did not hesitate at all, but swallowed the slave 's softmeaty shaft into her gulping throat, savoring the reeking flavors of cock juice,seasoned, pungently, with the secretions of her own arse pit. While harlottasucked for dear life on his slowly stiffening prick slave longcock dove downand engulfed slave sapfillednuts limp cock in his own hot, wet mouth, and suckedit back to throbbing rigidity. When both cock s w ere again stiff and pulsatingin pleasure harlotta took both in her hands, squashed them together, and suckedboth prick tips into her mouth. She vigorously masturbated each stalk whileher lascivious tongue teased the tip s w ith exquisite lechery. At the sametime she began to wildly undulate her arse to fuck her hot, insatiable cuntpit on the revived hard cock of slave lewdcock.
At the other rutting group of females, slave tongueandtits had donned a strapon dildo, and was engaged in wildly fucking slutina's pleasure filled cuntpit. Slave throbbinggirlprick, true to her word, had speared slutina's pulsingarse ring with her amazing woman cock, and was allowing slutina to use thetalented muscles of her clever arse tunnel to masturbate the huge woman prick.Slave droolingcuntsplit squatted over slutina's face, and while she suckledthe hot stiff teats capping slave tongueandtits' enormous udders, allowed slutinato continue to drink from the ever flowing font of her fleshy twat. Slave tongueandtits w as adding, immeasurably to slutina's joy by tantalizingly running a pencilthin vibrator up and down the length of her stiff, throbbing, bare girl prick.
At this point another set of full, shapely thighs cut off my line of sight,and my mouth was fed another fresh young slave cunt to suck the sweet essencefrom, while my own pussy was thoroughly reamed out with a long, thick, smooth,rubber dildo, and soft, submissive, tongues both rimmed my tingling anal ring,and stimulated my pulsating clitoral bud. The room was filled with squealsof pleasure, panting, grunting, and wild exhortations to further excess, andever more exquisite ecstasies. We all wallowed in the throes of satisfied lust,only to realize that we were insatiable, and there could never be enough.
I was lucky enough to be able to catch the second climax of harlotta's group.I smiled in satisfaction at the beautifully depraved, and delightfully wantonreaction of my new slave . She was not to be denied full appreciation of theball cream her lips and tongue had so insistently coaxed from the male slave' s w rithing balls this time. She firmly held the squashed together cock headsnot more than an inch from her gaping mouth while each released its seriesof violent eruptions. Scalding ball cream gushed over harlotta's obscenelywriggling tongue, to be scooped into the back of her avidly gulping throat.The depraved whore drank the musky juice with gay abandon, milking the spurtingpricks until they had no more to give. While she elatedly consumed her perversesexual cocktail harlotta's voluptuous arse slabs rotated madly, and her hot,seething cunt tube drained its enormous invader once again, with equal debauchedalacrity.
No sooner had each cock emptied itself than slave harlotta, still crazed byunbridled lust, tore her slack, sated twat from the huge log of slave lewdcock'slimp prick, reversed her sweat soaked nudity, and began to suck at it lasciviously,in order to coax the meaty pole back to rigid hardness once again. While shepassionately sucked at his prick harlotta spread her full thighs over slavelewdcock's face, and fed him the dripping swamp of her well fucked cunt, allowinghim to gorge himself on the erotic mixture of their combined orgasmic juices.While slave lewdcock avidly emptied harlotta's slack twat slave longcock gluedhis lips to her tight arse ring, and sucked for the load of cock cream he haddeposited in that humid pit. Slave sapfillednuts even surprised me with hiscontortionist talents, folding his body down until he was able to suck thehead of his own limp cock. As his tongue lewdly lapped his cock was obviouslybeing stimulated, and began to grow again, more and more of its stiffeninglength slowly disappearing into hi s w antonly sucking mouth.
When slave harlotta finally succeeded in getting slave lewdcock's mighty prickhard again she begged him to ream out her aching arse chute with it. The slave, while expressing his doubts that her arse ring could accommodate him was,never the less, happy to satisfy the slut's obscene demands. H arlotta knelt,on all fours, over the prone body of slave sapfillednuts. The slave 's tonguewas soon busily laving the stiff, throbbing spike of harlotta's bare girl prick.The fat head of slave lewdcock's thick prick nudged the pout of harlotta'stight arse ring. The beautiful slave 's face screwed up in effort while shethrust her lecherously rolling rear back against the huge meaty pole. H erbreath came in huge torturous gasps, and she shrilled with hurt as her tightring slowly expanded. With a squeal of acute pain, tinged with wanton satisfaction,her unbelievably stretched open rim finally relented, and accepted its enormousinvader. H arlotta squealed constantly while she forced her writhing arse back,and inch after inch of hot, stiff prick disappeared into her churning arsepit. Only when her sweating arse slab s w ere pressed against the slave 'sundulating hips, did she allow her mouth to drop down onto the standing stalkof slave sapfillednuts' throbbing cock.
Slave longcock, having nothing to specific to do in this scene went aroundto the rear of slave lewdcock, and speared that slave 's tight arse ring withhis prick. H e alternated between fucking that slave , and then feeding hisobscenely seasoned prick stem into the mouth of slave sapfillednuts. Meanwhile,slutina, having feasted of the meaty twat of slave droolingcuntsplit for hourafter hour, was allowing that slut the pleasure of reciprocating for a while.While she enjoyed the pleasure of a lascivious tongue on her swampy cunt meatshe was further entertained by being given a close up look at the incredibletongue of slave tongueandtits furled around the equally extraordinary girlprick of slave throbbinggirlprick, and being used to sensuously masturbateit. Slutina, being the consummate hedonist that she was, couldn't remain outof the action for long, and soon her own tongue was busy slurping up the juicesthat slave throbbinggirlprick's flowing twat released.
My attention was drawn back to harlotta's group, just in time to see the climaxof their latest bout of depraved lechery. H arlotta's throat bobbed wildlyas she swallowed slave sapfillednuts' latest flood of pungent ball cream. Atthe same time her spasming cunt pit released a deluge of woman cum into hiseagerly accepting maw. Slave lewdcock roared his pleasure while his enormousprick emptied itself in the churning tube of harlotta's arse pit, even as hisown humid arse chasm was flooded with the issue of slave longcock's deeplyburied prick.
The trouble with males is, that once their pricks have gushed four, or sotimes, most of them can no longer get them stiff again and, of course, aftera mere four times a hedonistic woman is just beginning to get excited. I watchedharlotta's anger and frustration grow while she tried to get the slave s' pricksto stiffen again. She tried and tried, but to no avail. Eventually, I decidedto take a hand in proceedings, and disengaged myself, temporarily, from thesea of female flesh that I had been wallowing in. I grabbed a long, evil quirtand strode over to the stage. H arlotta, the sweet masochist that she is, immediatelyclasped her hands behind her head and offered the soft mounds of her hangingtits to the whip thinking, no doubt, that I was going to punish her for herfailure to excite her male play things.
I mounted the stage and stood over the quartet. The male slave s, knowingthat it was them who were the cause of my wrath, lined up, kneeling with theirnude arse slabs raised high and offered to the whip, along with, of course,their limply hanging pricks, and slack empty nuts. I reached down and drewharlotta's face into my crotch, shivering with pleasure when her eager, soft,warm tongue ploughed into the dripping meat of my aroused pussy. As soon asthe sweet slut's tongue went to work on my stiff, throbbing clitoris, I beganto brutally thrash the muscular arse slabs of the male slave s. My cruel whiplashed the writhing cheek s w ithout mercy. Its brutal lash sliced into thetender meat of their flying ball s w ith consummate savagery, and soon allother sound s w ithin the room were completely drowned out by their pitifulhowls of pain and suffering.
By the time my pussy spasmed, and my sex juices flowed over harlotta's clevertongue, each slave s' prick no longer hung limply from his splayed open fork,but had swelled and arched down stiffly, in full, glorious erection. My jobdone, I clambered down from the stage, and returned to my eagerly awaitingbevy of naked slave girls, who immediately fell upon me with renewed lust assoon as I arrived. H arlotta, learning a valuable lessen in playing with males,had taken three cock rings and tightened one around the base of each of themales' erect pricks. Their cock s w ere not going to spit again until she allowedit. She was not going to risk them becoming limp again until she had completelyexhausted her own freshly discovered, wanton lusts.
The insatiable slut alternated between having the slave s gang bang her ravenousarse tube, and gang fuck her voracious cunt pit. She seemed to possess a fixationwith her arse, and had it fucked at least three times as often as her twatsleeve. The whore came and came, seeming to possess a never ending appetitefor her wanton fate. On and on the orgy went. The male slave s suffered countlessdry climaxes. Their previously slackened balls swelled with un-released sap,until the fat orb s w ere once again tightly packed, and rode high at the basesof their throbbing stalks.
Eventually the sheer relentlessness of our depraved activities began to takeits toll, and slave s and dominators alike began to drop off into the deepsleep that results from pure physical exhaustion until only slutina, harlottaand I still remained conscious. H arlotta had, as the ultimate climax to herevening, lined up the males and removed their cock rings. The lewd harlot thenpreceded to suck each slave 's prick until he flooded her thirsty mouth withhis final, cataclysmic eruption of prick cream. The greedy whore swallowedevery drop, draining their balls like a voracious vacuum cleaner. The slut'sobvious mania for both arse fucking, and sucking gave me an idea to work onfor her introduction to brothel work. I would have to work on a plan for thisevent over the next couple of days. Normally I use my personal sluts for exclusivelylesbian service when they work but, just this once, I would defer to one ofmy new harlot's obvious desires.
H aving drained the pricks so completely harlotta, who could hardly keep hereyes open, surveyed the unconscious males. She arranged their bodies so thatshe was able to feed a limp prick tube into both her cunt and arse pits. Shethen lay her head on the belly of the third slave , and engulfed his soft pricktube into her mouth. Just before she dropped off she called out to me to punishher for exhausting her depraved lust so quickly. Slutina, not to be outdone,also pleaded to be punished for the same reason, falling asleep with her ownface pressed into the still moist folds of slave droolingcuntsplit's satedand drained twat. I finally drifted off to sleep to the sensual feel of thesoft lips of sleeping slave girls still, instinctively, suckling at my nipplesand pussy lips.
Three days after the violation of slave harlotta, and the ensuing orgy, wedeferred to the chattels' desire to be punished. Also, by this time, my plansfor harlotta's introduction to brothel service were well advanced. We wereall once again in the playroom, and the slave s had been prepared for punishment.They had both been hung, by their ankles in a back to back posture, their bulgingarse slab s w edged together, and held in place by straps that tied their bodiestogether at bellies, thighs, torsos below tits, and necks. Their leg s w erespread almost impossibly wide, an a series of thin cords tied to their cuntring s w ere used to viciously splay their tender twats open. Cords throughtheir teat rings stretched their tits out from their chests, and a strap aroundthe bases of each set of big udders squashed the tits together and servingto present the soft undersides of the sensitive udders deliciously defenselessly.
That the passionate masochist s w ere eager for their suffering was not indoubt, for the meat of their stretched open cunt splits already glistened withspicy girl juice and, when Mistress approached to clamp their bare girl pricksto heighten their sensitivity, the lewd stalks of female sexuality were alreadystiff and throbbing. The clamp s w ere forced down to the bases of the womancocks, and tightened savagely until the stems had swelled grotesquely, andhad become deep crimson in color and super sensitive.
I had informed little slutina that thi s w as to be a formal punishment session,and she was to instruct harlotta in the requirements of such an event. Aftersurveying the preparations I signaled to my priestesses to prepare themselvesfor the commencement of the session. Each of them armed herself with a sixfoot long rattan cane and took up positions next to a slave , Mistres s w ithharlotta and Dominatrix with slutina. Each sadistic woman carefully measuredoff her stance so that when she swung her cane its end would explode on thedefenseless, tender meat of the undersides of a slave s mashed together tits.I armed my self with a five foot long, inch thick tawse and moved in frontof the captive slave s so that the three inch broad lash of the whipping implementwould land squarely along the open gashes of the sluts' cunts, and would crushtheir obscenely clamped girl prick s w ith each savage stroke I delivered.All was in readiness, and I commanded the slave s to begin the ritual of formalpunishment.
The two delightful masochists cried out in perfect unison, their voices betrayingexcitement and dread at the same time, tinged with a pleading longing to suffer:
"Worshipped Majesty, H igh Priestess of our Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub,we lewd and utterly depraved sluts, and groveling servile slave s, when grantedthe privilege of practicing our wanton depravity in an orgy of lust crazeddebauchery, have failed to fully appreciate the sheer perfection of that liberty,and exhausted our wanton lusts far too soon. For this heinous lack of appreciationof the gift you presented u s w ith our mutinous bodies deserve to suffer themost brutal and vicious of punishments, and we beg and plead that such punishmentbe inflicted upon u s w ithout mercy, and as savagely as is possible. Becauseit was our whorish tits, and harlot cunt splits that erred so disgracefully,it is those that must bear the agony of richly earned suffering. Oh, worshippedMajesty, we implore you, instruct the adored Priestesses to be pitiles s when they lash our captive udder bellie s w ith their glorious canes. And you,utterly worshipped Majesty, we beg and plead, be perfectly merciles s w henyou batter our unruly cunt splits, and rebellious girl prick s w ith your superbtawse!"
The wheedling whores finished their obsequious begging with waves of submissiveemotion racking their captive bodies. All was as it should be, cringing, yearningslave s pleading for their agonies, and haughty, heartless sadists only towilling to satisfy those abject cravings. We all raised our cruel instrumentsof punishment high, and I called out, "One!" Mistress and Dominatrixbrought their canes flashing down towards their defenseless targets, whilemy tawse was still poised at the apex of its full swing. Two, almost simultaneousdull smacks sounded around the room when brutal canes sliced savagely intosoft defenseless tit meat, followed, almost immediately by high pitched shrieksof anguish from the two slave s w hich reverberated around the room. Beforethe echo of their initial squeals had even faded, I brought the tawse downsavagely. Its cruel end slapped resoundingly into the splayed out flesh ofthe tormented sluts' defenseless cunt clefts, and crushing the erect spikesof their brutally clamped girl pricks unmercifully.
The shrieks and wails of the suffering slave s w ere music to our ears. Ohhow delicious it is to watch a slave 's nudity shudder with pain while it helplesslyabsorbs its punishment. We drew our pain giving implements back, in preparationfor the delivery of the next set of blows, and waited. After a few secondsthe slave s sobbed out, in perfect unison:
"Oh worshipped Majesty, H igh Priestess of our Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub.We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the gift of pain you bestowupon our lewd and depraved nudity. Our pain filled tits ache with lusciousanguish, our agonized cunt splits are on fire with exquisite pain, and ourtortured girl pricks throb in immaculate agony. Our gratitude to you, and theadored Priestesses, administering to our craved for suffering knows no bounds.But we beg you, worshipped Majesty, with all our craving hearts, have our sufferingtits caned harder, smash our lewd cunt slit s w ith more ferocity! Punish usunmercifully!"
"Two!" I yelled, and three pain giving implements again pitilesslyslashed and pounded submissive female sexuality. The slave s sobbed out theirgratitude in howls of masochistic ecstasy, and pleaded for more brutality,more savagery, more agony and torment to be inflicted on them. We dominants'hearts pulsed with sadistic elation while we watched our slave s suffer soimmaculately. The more the adrenaline flowed through our veins the more forcewe were able to muster in delivering our blows, and the more fiercely the anguishedslave s suffered.
The punishment was relentlessly inflicted. No thought of mercy entered ourhead s w hile we whipped the tits and cunt splits of the tormented slut s with impeccable ferocity. Twenty sets of stroke s w ere delivered with everincreasing might and viciousness to the swollen, welted tits, and bruised andbattered cunt clefts of the howling slave s before I finally called a halt.We dominants, sweat pouring from our tired muscles, rested while the punishedslave s w ailed out their eternal gratitude, and wallowed in the aftermathof their exquisite suffering. The soft tender flesh of their tit bellie s were covered with ugly red weals. The swollen lips of their pain filled cuntsglistened with sticky woman juice, and the cruelly clamped spikes of theiragony soaked woman cocks had swollen grotesquely, and throbbed with impeccabletorment.
After we had rested for a while we finally got up both the energy and thewill to free the slave s from their bondage. I allowed the cruelly punishedserfs to comfort each other as they came down from their pain high, and wedominants further recovered our strength. The two harlot s w ere soon lockedin an embrace on the floor at our feet. Their brutalized tit s w ere mashedtogether, and their open thighs interlocked so that the battered lips of theirtwat s w ere joined in a liquid kiss, and the erect stalks of their torturedgirl pricks dueled lasciviously. The smiling slave s w ere busily kissing awayeach others tear s w hile they savored the delicious aftermath of their crueltorments.
I threw down a piece of paper which was a flier that I had had distributedthroughout the waterfront area, announcing harlotta's debut as a whore in ourbrothel there. The delightful slut blushed crimson when she read the sheet'scontent. H er whole naked body shivered with barely controlled lust, and sheexcitedly showed the degrading pamphlet to slutina, with a smile of sheer depraveddelight on her beautiful face. The flier read:
its newest harlot, the depraved
In celebration of this harlot's arrival the Emporium offers the followingservices, free of charge:
All male client s w ith cocks longerthan nine inches, and thicker than two inches, will be invited to gang fuckthe whore's tight arse pit.
All male client s w ith balls largerthan turkey egg s w ill be invited to havethe harlot's mouth drain them.
The harlot's body will be presented in a fashion that will allow herbig soft tit s w ill hang down free anddefenseless, while her arse and mouth will be presented at the level of astanding male's groin.
The harlot will be so presented for her full twelve hour shift. Weexpect two long standing Emporium records to be broken, the number of cocksbrought off by one harlot's arse pit, 430, and the number of loads suckedfrom pricks by one whore's mouth in a single shift, 850. Other whore sw ill be available to stimulate your cocks prior to theirpresentation to harlotta, so that no time i s w astedin the attempt to break these long standing records.
The whore will be attended by the well know harlot, slutina, who willbe responsible for emptying the whore's arse tube with her lecherous mouthwhenever it gets too sloppy. When she is not engaged in this task she willadd to the new whore's enthusiasm for her work by suckingher cunt and girl prick for her.
We have not forgotten our many female clients either. Those of youwho possess specialized tit whip s w illbe encouraged to use them on the new whore's hanging udders. For those whodon't have such instruments the management will make some of its own stockavailable. If, as anticipated, harlotta's tit are not available then slutinawill offer hers either as a replacement, or as an alternative while you waitfor your turn at the new harlot's hanging udders.
We look forward to a full roll up!
A photograph I had taken of harlotta graced the center of the flier. The pictureshowed the slave , naked except for scarlet hose and garter belt, kneeling,facing forward. H er finger s w ere linked through her cunt rings, and hadtorn the fat lips apart to revealing the glistening meat of her trench, notto mention the stiff stalk of her aroused, bare girl prick. The stiff teatscapping her flopping tit s w ere garishly rouged, and her heavily made up facewore a leering grin of utter wanton lust.
By the time they had read the flier both slave s w ere shaking with lust,and their mashed together cunts drooled with hot sticky girl cum. I could seethat harlotta, in particular, was almost beside herself with depraved elation.She could not wait to have her yearning arse chasm invaded by countless cocks,all huge and thick, was beside herself with longing to drink hundreds of setsof sap filled balls dry, but most of all, I suspect, to have her soft tendertits subjected to relentles s w hipping. Slutina too, showed her excitementand degradation at the prospect of having to suck so much cock cream from herlover's aching arse tube. At least she would have the recompense of havingher own tit s w hipped to salve her desires.
I must admit that I too, was quite looking forward to this night. It wouldbe interesting to see if harlotta broke under the sheer relentlessness of herdebauched ordeal. At worst, I suspected, the night would satisfy her lust formale cock for a while. The experience would also serve to reinforce to herthat she possessed no will of her own any more. That her body a s w ell asher soul had been forfeited to out Lord and Ruler, Beelzebub, and through himto me.
I sat and watched as the depraved whore's slipped into a comfortable sixtynineposition. They had not been given permission to do so, so they lewd slut' sw ere already racking up demerit points towards their next bout of punishment.While I watched their soft, ever lascivious tongues go to work on their stilltightly clamped girl pricks I was hit by the realization that the little masochisticsluts knew exactly what they were doing. I smiled across at my cohorts, whoreturned my knowing grin. A glance down at the slave s showed me that theytoo wore smiles of impish awareness. It was as it was destined to be.
If you haven't read the forerunner to this tale, you probably should. although it's not entirely necessary if you just want to get on with this one. Anyhow, it's at if you want to read it first. Everything about my wife Margie's session with David had been absolutely fabulous.The talk of Satan and Devil worship had tremendously excited us both. David's revelation about the Satanic cult of twenty seven men, and his...
Her hand was slowly circling around her clitoris. Her mound was completely hairless with a thin soft pink slit in the middle. She was feeling a slightly warm pressure and a hardening of her spot. Her breath was getting shorter. Her shapely legs were spread out over the bed. She could watch herself in the massive smoked ceiling mirror. Her black silk nightie was open revealing her inner thighs and fanny. She was wearing pink high heel slippers, one of which was flat on the bed thus tensing the...
SynopsisFor those with ‘the gift of seeing’, the mirror takes them into a dark satanic world of pain and sex. Dianne finds she has that gift. For the background to this story read Satanic Mirror-Its Acquisition. This time she is caned for committing adultery and trained to become a pleasure lady.Satanic Mirror: Punishment for Adulteryby obohoboWarningsThe text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking, If you are underage or offended by...
SynopsisFor those with ‘the gift of seeing’, the mirror takes them into a dark satanic world of pain and sex. Dianne finds she has that gift. For the background to this story read Satanic Mirror-Its Acquisition. In this episode she is caught shoplifting a vibrator and subjected to the rigorous Comaran punishment regime.Satanic Mirror: Comara Thiefby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Punishment If you...
Synopsis: For those with ‘the gift of seeing’, the mirror takes them into a dark, satanic world of pain and sex. Dianne finds she has that gift.Satanic Mirror: Its Acquisitionby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any...
I originally wrote this for a friend, and in reference to his wife. You can therefore read it as such, or, if it takes your fancy, read it as pertaining to your own wife._________________________________Your wife had gone shopping in the city, and had somehow wandered into one of the little side streets where she normally didn't go. It had paid dividends though, she'd found a lovely little boutique clothing shop, as well as a little shoe shop specializing in upmarket dress shoes.She wandered...
“Ok, who’s next?” Lucifer shifted on his throne, shifting his long red tail to one side, and looked at the list of names on the fireproof piece of paper on the desk in front of him. “Colin, your Satanic Majesty,” said Mephistopheles, handing Lucifer a slim file. “Fallen Angel, Second Class.” “Ah, another one looking to earn his horns, it appears,” observed the Lord of Ultimate Evil, flicking through the papers. “Very good, show him in.” Mephistopheles opened the door, and a small devil...
CheatingHi everyone. I am back with another fantasy story of mom and son. This story revolves around some sexual rituals between a village mom and son. This is Ricky. I am 19 years old. I am a degree 2nd-year student. Coming to my mom, she is Yamini, 41 years old orthodox women. She looks like 30 years old women because of her slim body and fair, tight skin. She is educated even though she believes superstitions, and she has a lot of spirituality. She believes even fake status (hermits). She will do...
Incest“It is not just pleasure we own, we owe it all to pain. Now, you will understand what it takes to be one of us.” “I am all yours to use, Sir.” “Call me Rogarth, Daemon. From now on, you are ours; especially mine.” Rogarth released Daemon. As the hounds entered the chamber naked with cocks engorged and equally just as huge. They began staring down at him; and as Daemon crawled back from his captive towards a dark corner but to no avail escape had finally captivated himself in the excess...
Introduction: All characters are 18 and over. Boy refers to a male aged between 18-25, man refers to a male aged 25+. This was where the car arrived. A. was already feeling sick after the long drive towards the north where within a desolate location a cult was active. It was called the Sleazy Satanic Cult and had all manners of fun and activity to unlock and fulfil the desires of one who enters. A. answered a PM on a website dedicated to sleazy fun, they said hell have a great time and will...
“Ok, who’s next?” Lucifer shifted on his throne, shifting his long red tail to one side, and looked at the list of names on the fireproof piece of paper on the desk in front of him. “Colin, your Satanic Majesty,” said Mephistopheles, handing Lucifer a slim file. “Fallen Angel, Second Class.” “Ah, another one looking to earn his horns, it appears,” observed the Lord of Ultimate Evil, flicking through the papers. “Very good, show him in.” Mephistopheles opened the door, and a small devil...
Its long but gonna make you cum like hellOn the king size bed in the privacy of their bedroom Alka was thrashing her body wildly while her husband was pounding his cock deep into cunt. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her cunt and knew that any moment he may spurt. As she lifted her legs and allowed his cock to penetrate deeper, giving a final trust her husband spent his sperm into her and being exhausted lay upon her crushing her on the bed. She liked it as it was on rare occasion that...
On the king size bed in the privacy of their bedroom Alka was thrashing her body wildly while her husband was pounding his cock deep into cunt. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her cunt and knew that any moment he may spurt. As she lifted her legs and allowed his cock to penetrate deeper, giving a final trust her husband spent his sperm into her and being exhausted lay upon her crushing her on the bed. She liked it as it was on rare occasion that he fucked her, more so when he had...
She had thought it was good news, not even sure how she ended up in this position Family RitualsCopyright 2006Co-Written by Powerone and SummerElizabeth8 M+/F, incest, oral, anal, mast Chapter 1The Marriage Proposal She had thought it was good news, and wasn?t even sure how she ended up in this position.?? Her parents had always been strict, not strict in the same sense that others used it, but strict in the sense of corporal punishment.? And it wasn?t just her, but also her mother,...
“Follow us. Our chief wants to meet you!” shouted one of the bandits. The three men who napped him were in another room chilling whilst their cocks were getting sucked by three twinks who had shaved heads with piercings that adorned them all. The most peculiar though was that the biohazard symbols was tattooed around their holes. Daemon didn’t know what this meant, and he was frightened. As he was walking, hands bound and escorted by a guard suddenly grabbed Daemon’s fragile neck and knelt...
Introduction: It would be best if youre listening to Celine Dions I Surrender while reading this. If you like a story whos direct to the sex, THIS IS NOT IT. I Surrender Baby, Im home. I heard her voice coming from the front door. At the kitchen, honey! I stated and smiled as I listen to her footsteps. Nostalgia ate me as I immediately recognized her perfume and remembered the day I completely surrender to her. *** Im Chris. 16 years and a senior highschool with my bestfriend, Jessica to a...
Superior Blacks regularly urge inferior white meat to surrender to them and become their slaves. Some of these inferior white pigs “get” the trends of the times toward the Black New World Order and surrender their naked white flesh and anatomy to being enslaved mindless whores to sexually gratify the lusts, carnal releases, and sexual perversions of members of the Superior Black Race. But other whites make known their white mental inferiority by having to ask the Superior Black what whites...
By Olga Anastasia To my muse, E.O.M., who knows why. 1-Hub She tried to evade them for years, but in the end, they finally caught her, Tisya Achoka, and they brought her here. It is a fact widely agreed upon throughout the galaxy, that this place, the piratical slave traders’ planet of Aghara-Penthay is one of the best places in the universe to be male, and one of the worst to be female. Although the Slavers of Aghara-Penthay do deal in some male captives, such as for labor, for breeding...
?A kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being, nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.? -Sun TzuIt wasn't much of a trial. No one made any mention of Majestic Thirteen, if only because their existence was still hypothetically a secret. ?Majestic Thirteen? was, most of the time, any of the Dominion's supranational agencies who didn't want to take responsibility for actions that had reached the public. But it's not like they needed to come out and admit that...
?SLAVES OF THECOPPER COAST 2.? Morris Kenyon * On her eighteenth birthday, Rebecca daCastro's father buys her a very special present – a slave-girl. Her very own slave-girl who will attend to her every need. Even better, it is one of her ex-school friends who has fallen on hard times. But will the two girls get on?This story is set just after my earlier story, 'Slaves of the Copper Coast' and includes some of the same characters. However, it is a stand-alone story and you do not need to have...
SLAVES OF THE COPPER COAST.? Morris KenyonWhen wealthy young broker James Baxter is sent to the tropical country of Kupro Marbordo, the Copper Coast, he is amazed to find that slavery is a well established custom there. Initially shocked, he soon finds himself owning a beautiful slave-girl – with all that implies regarding her discipline and training.WARNING! This book contains scenes of a sexual nature, graphic violence against women and strong language, It is not intended for the easily...
This story is intended as entertainment for adults onlyHaving become fabulously wealthy from my vast real estate, and other assorted ventures, I decided to fulfill my deepest sexual fantasies, and to enjoy the fruits of my years of labor. My assets totaled about thirty five billion, and I constructed a very large and special estate in Mexico, with surroundings quite conducive to peace and solitude, and to the pursuit of my vocation as a male dominant to willing women, and researcher...
Characters introduced At the local school: Mr. Theodore “Teddy” Smith, 45 Principal, 6'2 12” x 3 1/2” cock Black Male Leroy, 35 Janitor, 6'3 13”x 4” cock LuAnne, 22 Nurse, 5'11 Brown hair Hazel eyes 36D swan like neck Alexandra “Alex”, 32 Teacher, 5'2 white blond hair blue eyes 34C Alana, 30 Teacher, 5'4 white Brown hair green eyes 32C Roxanne, 24 Teacher, 5'4 white Blond hair blue eyes 36D swan like neck Rosanna, 25 Teacher, 5'8 white Red hair green eyes 36C swan like...
Characters Introduced: Janie, 20 5'2 Blond hair blue eyes 34C Alex, 15 5'4 Blond hair blue eyes 36C Carly, 13 5'0 Blond hair blue eyes 32C Carol, 31 5'8 Brown hair hazel eyes 38D Ken, 36 6'5, Carol's husband Black Male 14” 4” wide Elfie, 13 5'0 Black hair and eyes 32B, classmate of Carly's and daughter of manager of Italian Restaurant that Ben and Becky frequent Antonio, 43 6'0 8” long cock average width Elfie's father. The training continues: From chapter...
Introduction: The continuing adventures of Ben Barnes and his loving slaves My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 17 Holidays in the New Mansion, Family Reunions and a Korean Surprise Characters Introduced: Chasity, 20, Jessica Taylors Sister, 56, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C Breasts Carrie, 15, Jessica Taylors Sister, 50, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carmen, 15, Jessica Taylors Sister, 50, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carson, 15, Jessica Taylors Sister, 50, White, Blond...
Chow Ming lived in Hangchow, the capital of the Southern Sung dynasty The sex slaves of the Mogolian EmpirePart one, in the camp of the Mogolian Empire Chow Ming lived in Hangchow, the capital of the Southern Sung dynasty. He had a happy life with his dad who was an owner of a great Inn. Chow was a playboy but also a patriot. When the Mongols invaded , he joined the army .But sadly, he was captured in one battle. Mongols enslaved those captives, but the General, Tamjuli, who...
Characters Introduced Renee, Tiffani's Sister – 26 5'4 Red hair Green eyes 36C Breast Her daughters: Rachel and Reanna twins – 14 5'2 Brown hair Blue eyes 36D Breasts Sarah and Sam twins – 12 4'10 Red hair Green eyes 32 C Breast Roy, husband and father, 45 a drunk without a job, 5'10 with a 5” cockold. Alice, wife 36 6'2 Black hair brown eyes 36DD with swan-like neck Jennifer, daughter 16 5'10 Black hair brown eyes 36 C with swan-like neck like her mother. Officer Sally...
SLAVES OF THE COPPER COAST 3.* Every so often, the ruling junta of Kupro Marbordo, the Copper Coast, sends the cavalry to sweep the distant, lawless Pine Mountains free of brigands. A great opportunity for Ensign Fernando Bartro to make a name for himself – and maybe capture a slave-girl. But there are dangers ahead for the young officer. Will he make it through? This story is set just after my earlier stories, 'Slaves of the Copper Coast 1 & 2'. However, it is a stand-alone story and you do...
Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues, Nadias wish for her friend Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 54 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigails sister, white, 52 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7 cock Jolene, 16, 54 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns...
Characters Introduced: Chasity, 20, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'6, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C Breasts Carrie, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carmen, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carson, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Megan, 13, Jessica Taylor's Cousin, 5'3, White, Red Hair with Blue Eyes, 34C Breasts Miranda, 13, Jessica Taylor's Cousin,...
Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ( Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 18, Husband and Wife Slaves) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....
Chapter 1 The Slave stands over the stove cooking his Mistresses dinner. Making sure nothing burns and setting the plate up for the dish to be served on. Garnished just right in his opinion. He reaches over and drinks some water as he has been ordered to keep drinking as he cooks. The meat gets done and he puts it on the plate and calls his mistress on the in house phone system. As she answers he tells her that dinner is ready. She tells him in turn to wait one hour and...
SLAVES OF THE COPPER COAST.© Morris Kenyon April 2012.When wealthy young broker James Baxter is sent to the tropical country of Kupro Marbordo, the Copper Coast, he is amazed to find that slavery is a well established custom there. Initially shocked, he soon finds himself owning a beautiful slave-girl – with all that implies regarding her discipline and training.WARNING! This book contains scenes of a sexual nature, graphic v******e against women and strong language, It is not intended for the...
Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 5'4 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigail's sister, white, 5'2 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7” cock Jolene, 16, 5'4 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns 28, friend of Nadia, white, 5'8 Black hair Green Eyes 36D breast. Swan like neck Julia Johns, 13, daughter of Emily, white, 5'0 Black hair Green Eyes 32C breast. Swan like...
[b]My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 20 Phillips Downfall and Demise [/b] Characters Introduced: Phillip, 45, FBI agent, 7 cock Valerie, 13, FBI agent Phillips niece, 52, White, Red Hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts swan-like neck Violet, 13, FBI agent Phillips niece, 52, White, Red Hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts swan-like neck Vanessa, 13, FBI agent Phillips niece, 52, White, Red Hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts swan-like neck Suzanne, 32, FBI agent Phillips sister, 59, White, Red Hair...
DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18. DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, sex slavery, and cruelty. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story...
As Sarah moved through the house her thoughts dreamily shifted, she hoped that the club would be hopping with guys later on tonight, after she met with Jess of course. Maybe she would be lucky enough to even find one who might go back to a hotel room with her for the night for some blow, a good time, and an easy fuck,…and then she frowned. She remembered her last attempt at bringing a guy to a hotel room for the night, the little fuck had said she was disgusting, and nasty looking,...
Good morning students, my name is SloppyCunt., and I am very happy to here. With the new laws recently passed, you need to know the proper way to treat slaves. The Federal government, along with McDodold’s and the Slave-r-us Corporation has arranged to have me shipped over here. I’ve had a special Brain chip inserted so that I can tell you all of things that you need to know?but don’t worry, when I’m done, it will be removed and I’ll be back to my normal animal like slave condition.So let’s...
Introduction: This is a work of fiction. It contains sex acts with children and adults. If this is not your cup of tea dont continue to read. This is an ongoing story. Being Chapter 19 means that there are 18 other chapters prior to this one. Please read the entire series to get the whole story My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 19 Miras Assimilation into the Family and Family Reunions Characters Introduced: Mira, 25, FBI agent Phillips young wife, 53, White, Dirty Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C...
Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 5'8, white Ben's tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, “You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!”. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master and then Martha. “That was fun, Master, I think our asses are getting use to having BIG FELLA in them” Cam says and...
Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 5'8, white Ben's tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, “You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!”. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master and then Martha. “That was fun, Master, I think our asses are getting use to having BIG FELLA in them” Cam says and...
Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed Chapter 10 Martys family training, and a surprise Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 58, white Bens tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!. In comes Cam and Calla...
Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Chapter 10 Martys family training, and a surprise Characters Introduced: Sheila, 26 58, white Bens tattoo artist, 36C breasts The story picks up the next day after Ben has fucked his two willing virgin slaves in the ass. Martha comes over to her Master, You really fucked Cam and Calla good last night. They seemed to enjoy it from what I could hear!. In comes Cam and Calla rubbing their asses and kiss Master...
Surrender by Abe I, and two of my ladies, set out for Arstby, where the peacewas to made. The roads were poor. We traveled in coveredchairs, carried by slaves, with a baggage train of pack horses,laden with my clothes, fine furniture, and a chest of gold. Twenty armed foot soldiers, half the remaining garrison of thecastle, escorted us. The going was hard, especially as the rainhad turned the road to mud. On the second day, we...
Characters Introduced: Mira, 25, FBI agent Phillip's young wife, 5'3, White, Dirty Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C Breasts Marsha, 17, Phillip's daughter, 5'9, White, Brown hair and eyes, 36D Breasts Layla, 15, Phillip's daughter, 5'6, White, Red hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts Haley, 15, Phillip's daughter, 5'6, White, Red hair with Green Eyes, 34C Breasts Joanie, 12, Phillip's daughter, 5'2, White, Brown hair with Green Eyes, 32C Breasts Angelika, 21, Mira's sister, 5'1,...
Chapter 1The life style act of 2012 allows consenting adults to live any open lifestyle the want. Same sex couples my get married. Open marriages swinging and open sexual slavery is now the law. It is now legal for nudism to be practiced in public.Five wealthy wives decide they want to be slaves. They try to talk their husband into this. The husband find they do not have what it takes to be masters to their wives. The husbands decide they will allow their wives to become slaves of a...
+++++++++++++++ Slaves of Acteon +++++++++++++++ By Alyssa S. This is a rewrite and completion of a story I wrote in May 1999 and posted to Fictionmania. Any changes supersede that story. It can be posted wherever the hell you like, so long as you notify me at, and you don't make a cent off of it without my consent. The original version left off rather inelegantly in the middle of the story; I hope I have amended this adequately. My apologies to anyone who was...
Introduction: The Continuing story of Ben and his extrodinary family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 15 Doctor Steven Taylor & Wife, Kyles surprise and Many Many Births. Characters Introduced: Dr. Steven Taylor, 48, OBGYN, white, married to Jessica, 8 cock Jessica Taylor, 28, wife of the doctor, 54, white, Brown hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Bob, 45, drunken neighbor of Crystals, white, 7 cock Gracie, 32, wife of Bob,54, white, Blond Hair Blue Eyes, 36DD Breasts Kelsi, 18, Gracies daughter,...
Chapter Sixty Four.Alice had simply never known an evening like it in her life. To her it was the most defining few hours of her impending adulthood. In common with many a young person Alice had entered into marriage with Daniel with only the vaguest idea of some nebulous future. They’d had hazy ideas of buying a house someday, of Daniel getting a better job, of c***dren someday, of moving out of Teescastle. They’d had dreams but the reality had always been the wage...
Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip, Lauries homecoming and Ben Jr.s Birth Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 58, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast OH God Ben, I missed you lover Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him,...
Introduction: This is a purely fictional story. A continuation of the story of Ben Barnes and his family. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 21 Cayman Island Girls Family Reunions and a Couple of Weddings Characters Introduced: Penelope, 40, Briannas Mother, 55, White, Blond hair with Blue Eyes, 38D Breasts and a swan-like neck Iris, 18, Briannas Sister, 54 White, Blond hair with Blue Eyes, 38C Breasts and a swan-like neck Julian, 16, Briannas Sister, 52,White, Blond Hair with Green Eyes, 36C...
I have always had dreams of owning my own slave every since I was a young man, but every girlfriend I seemed to have was repulsed by the idea and my relationships with them never lasted long. I kept pondering to myself how I would solve this problem. I would go on line, no success there, I would put out a personal ad, nothing. So what else was there for a young 25 year old guy to do? One night I decided to go out to a party at my friend’s house, there should be a lot of...
Introduction: Fictional Story. Romance about an unusual family My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben, a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Characters Introduced: Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 59 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 52, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 57, Asian with 5 cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 62 ,white, 8 cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 58, white,...
Characters Introduced: Dr. Steven Taylor, 48, OBGYN, white, married to Jessica, 8” cock Jessica Taylor, 28, wife of the doctor, 5'4, white, Brown hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Bob, 45, drunken neighbor of Crystal's, white, 7” cock Gracie, 32, wife of Bob,5'4, white, Blond Hair Blue Eyes, 36DD Breasts Kelsi, 18, Gracie's daughter, 5'7, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D Breasts Brook, 16, Gracie's daughter, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 34C Breasts Evelyn, 14, Gracie's...
Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 5'8, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast “OH God Ben, I missed you lover” Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him, licks the head and looks up at Ben “Master we are not going to leave this room till we go back to Alabama, You are mine now” she sucks BIG FELLA deep getting him hard. Laurie straddles BIG FELLA and...
Characters Introduced: Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts From Chapter 13 They go to...
It was a beautiful day, the day I was taken. I had gone to the market with my friends as we often did in the morning. I knew nothing about what would occur, everything was decided without me knowing anything. It was nothing unusual in that. This kind of matters were never discussed with girls like me. Even if it would affect you profoundly. I was together with my friends sitting by the fountain relaxing a little after having finished the shopping. As always we had lots of things to...
Chapter 1: Introduced to the Art Lenarta had been idly fingering herself on the bed, as Galifssae and Reesha walked the boy into the chambers. She smiled. She'd been trying to imagine how he'd look, and she was pleased to say that he was even prettier than she'd hoped. The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be. The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called. As he was walked further in,...