Profane Rituals Satanic Slave s Surrender
- 2 years ago
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by Abe
I, and two of my ladies, set out for Arstby, where the peace
was to made. The roads were poor. We traveled in covered
chairs, carried by slaves, with a baggage train of pack horses,
laden with my clothes, fine furniture, and a chest of gold.
Twenty armed foot soldiers, half the remaining garrison of the
castle, escorted us. The going was hard, especially as the rain
had turned the road to mud.
On the second day, we came to a river, swollen with rain.
Ten of my escort waded across the stream and assured that all was
safe on the other bank. Then the slaves carried Lady Aila, my
senior attendant, through the raging waters, to prove the
crossing could be made. All eyes followed the difficult progress
of the covered chair, which more than once was wet by the
swirling, muddy waters. It was at that point that Gart, Baron
Thorn, struck.
My guard of only ten men, not arrayed for battle, was
quickly overcome, while archers prevented the others from
entering the battle. Before Lady Aila reached the opposite bank,
my guards were begging for mercy. The seven surviving guardsmen
were stripped of their armor and allowed to cross the river.
I stepped from my chair and confronted the outlaw.
"Princess Serad," he said, "I claim you as my bride, by right of
capture. Surrender to me, and you shall be Baroness Thorn. I
will accept your baggage train and slaves as dowry."
"I am promised to Arad, Prince of Erst, as part of the peace
agreement, and I do not consent to be your baroness. We do not
recognize marriage by capture, you Godless pagan. No marriage is
valid without consent, the sacramental blessing, and
"Well, then," he said, "do you consent to be my bride? I
can find a priest."
"Then you shall be my slave."
The baron picked me up and placed me astride a horse. Then
he tied my feet to the stirrups and bound my wrists. For three
days, I suffered terribly, travelling by day bound to the back of
a horse, chilled by the rain, forced to soil myself, for the
baron would not release me to attend to the inevitable calls of
nature. For sustenance, I had only bread and water. Each night,
when the men made camp in the forest, the saddle would be removed
from the horse, but I would not be removed from the saddle. My
hands were always bound together, and I was forced to sleep
sitting in my own filth, my legs spread by the saddle. In the
morning, the saddle, with me on it, would be placed on a fresh
horse, and my torment would continue. I saw Lady Else but once,
and we were not allowed to speak, but I saw that she was free to
About sundown of the third day, we came to the baron's
castle, on a rocky island in a river which flowed between the
farms of his serfs. The horses trotted noisily across a narrow,
easily defended wooden bridge which spanned the river from the
near bank to the island. When all of our party had entered the
castle, a section of the bridge was drawn up, and I realized that
escape would be impossible. But I kept hope. Surely my father's
army would soon appear to rescue me and punish the outlaw baron.
The baron's manservants removed me from the saddle and
carried me to a tower which rose up from the river. I was
carried because I would not cooperate with my captors, though, in
truth, I doubt I could have walked, so painful were my limbs from
three days in the saddle.
The room was comfortably furnished, with tables, chairs, and
a huge canopied bed. A brazier of coals took the chill off. The
windows were arrow slits, but there was a privy closet, which
extended from the wall and emptied into the river. I could smell
my own filth. The baron's chamberlain, an aging knight, stood
there, his expression distorted with disgust.
Gart, Baron Thorn strode into the room. Even in his mud-
spattered traveling armor, he was a handsome man. But cruel.
"Serad, will you marry me?"
"Never, Gart."
I imagined contempt in his manner. "Slave," he said, "you
may address me as Baron Thorn, or My Lord, or Master. If you
show disrespect, you will be punished. If you feel that I treat
you badly, unfairly, slave, you have only to tell me you consent
to marriage. I shall not ask you again. So, you see, the choice
is yours, slave, to obey me as a slave, or to obey me as a
dutiful wife."
I said nothing.
"Take off those filthy clothes."
I did nothing. I was a willful woman, born a princess, not
one to disrobe in front of men.
"I will count to ten. One...two..."
I stood still, making no move to unlace my bodice.
The baron nodded to his servants, and they forcibly removed
my clothes. I struggled, but it was useless. When I was naked,
they put me on the cold floor, face down, and the baron stood
with his boot on my back, holding me down. I was ashamed to be
so displayed, naked, the more so as I must have been ugly, with a
red rash between my legs and filth adhering to my buttocks.
Manservants brought a wooden tub, and buckets of water.
They paid no more attention to me than they would have had I been
a dog at my master's feet. A smile played across the
chamberlain's lips. The baron removed his foot and said, "Wash,
I refused to move. "One... two... ten." Two manservants
lifted me and stood me in the tub while Gart, Baron Thorn, washed
me himself. I had never been more degraded, to be displayed thus
before men and to have a man's hands wash me. Never had a man
touched me where the baron did.
The wash water was replaced several times, and I was,
eventually, clean, my hair dripping, my body shivering. The
baron dried me, gently, with soft cloths, and then, with his
hands, he rubbed my body with scented oil. Never would I
willingly have allowed a man to touch me, certainly not to rub
oil into my breasts and buttocks and pubic hair. But, of course,
I was a captive, a slave. I was too proud and willful to
protest. I had resolved to bear any pain, rather than consent to
marry an outlaw. I stood, passive, motionless, as the baron
touched me in such a disgusting way. I prayed silently for
strength to resist surrender.
The manservants attended the baron while he undressed and
washed. I had, on occasion, seen a man naked, as when I watched
a slave put to torture, but this was a more moving, even fearful
situation, for I stood there naked, shivering, my nipples hard in
the chill evening air, while my captor, free, confident, washed
himself. He put on a soft nightshirt and called for food.
The baron's armorer arrived, with a helper to carry his
tools. While the baron ate, the armorer fitted an iron collar
around my neck, and riveted iron bands around my wrists and
ankles, while I stood there, naked, but not ashamed. I prayed
for the pride to resist surrender.
The baron refilled his goblet with wine and put it and his
plate, with plenty of food left over, on the floor at my feet.
"Slave," he said, "you may eat."
I had nothing to drink since morning, and my thirst was
dire. I resolved I would not eat this man's leavings, but I
could not resist the wine. I bent down, drained the goblet, and
remained standing, defiantly passive. The baron whispered to his
chamberlain, and the men left the room. I was alone with a
strong man who had declared he wanted my maidenhead. For the
first time, perhaps, anger was replaced by fear.
By now, the room was getting dark, with only the glow of the
brazier and two rushlights. The baron reclined on his great bed,
while I stoodwhere the armorer had left me, unmoving except to
shiver. I could not know how much time passed, but it seemed to
pass very slowly. Then there was a knock on the heavy oaken
A slave girl came in. She was no older than I, a bit
thinner, and dressed in a simple shift, no slippers. The baron
indicated the plate on the floor, and she removed it. Soon she
was back.
"Bet," he said, "that is my new slave, Serad. She does not
speak, so you must anticipate her needs. When I dine in the
great hall, you may bring her my leavings. There must always be
water here, for her to drink. She may not leave the room without
my permission. If she is being punished, you may not relieve her
suffering, beyond giving her water to drink. Is that clear?"
"Yes, master. Will you be wanting my services tonight?" He
looked thoughtful. "You have been gone many days," she
continued. "Surely you need physical relief."
"Yes, but first, bring a blanket for the slave, Serad."
Soon the slave girl, Bet, was back with a scratchy, wool
blanket, which she placed at my feet. Cold as I was, I ignored
it, standing, defiantly. Bet pulled her shift off over her head,
shamelessly, as if it were the most natural thing to do. She put
out the lights, though there was still a faint glow from the
brazier, and climbed onto the bed with the baron. He caressed
her for a while, as I watched, both fascinated and embarrassed,
for I had never before seen a man and woman indulging in such
sin. Then they pulled the bed clothes up over themselves, and I
watched them moving, like cats in a bag, under the covers.
Finally, I heard Bet make mewling noises like a kittten, and then
everything was quiet. The coals in the brazier grew cold, and
the darkness deep. At last, I bent down, picked up the blanket,
covered myself, and slept on the floor.
I did not wake, until Bet brought food and drink for the
baron. I drank some beer, but I declined to eat. I had a
strange notion that I would starve myself to death, dying a
virgin and going to Heaven, while the baron was left with nothing
but my dowry, which he had stolen.
"Master," said Bet, "the slave does not eat. Shall I remove
the dishes?"
When she returned, she said, "Master, why does the slave not
"I suppose she has nothing to say to me. Fetch me a whip.
We will find out if she can speak." He led me by the hand to the
bed, and, with leather thongs, he tied one of my wrist bands to
each of the bed posts at the foot of the bed, high up, so my arms
were lifted and widespread. Then he tied my ankles to the bottom
of the posts, so my legs were widespread as well. The bindings
were slack enough that I could move, slightly, but not more than
a handsbreadth.
Bet came in with a whip, a thing longer than my arm, braided
leather, with knotted leather tails on the end. "Slave Serad,"
he said. "It gives me no pleasure to inflict pain upon you. But
you must be trained. I desire you to speak to me. You might,
for example, say, 'Master, please, do not beat me.'"
Of course, I gritted my teeth and refused to speak. As Bet
watched, the baron swung the whip and made it crack across my
buttocks. There was the instant burning sting, and then a
painful ache, where the whip had bruised my tender flesh. I
refused to cry out.
"One," he said to Bet. "It is not the first time she has
been beaten. My spies tell me she was a willful child, often in
need of chastisement. But, once she showed the signs of
womanhood, her father, the king, softened, and he indulged her."
"Master, the king?" said Bet.
"Oh, yes, Bet. Before she was my slave, she was a princess.
Someday, she shall be my wife, your mistress."
"Truly, master?"
"Yes." The pain was fading, but then whip swished through
the air and struck me again, on both buttocks, with the knotted
tails wrapping around by hip. Pain convulsed my body, causing me
to writhe and groan, in spite of myself.
I prayed, silently, "Mother of God, give me strength to
endure. I will not surrender."
"Two," said the baron.
Our blessed Mother did not give me strength. Each blow
seemed more painful than the last, and my body seemed beyond my
willful control. At the eighth stroke, I called out, "Ahh!
Master, please do not beat me."
The whipping stopped. As the slave, Bet, watched, the baron
anointed my bruises with oil, stroking my sore buttocks. Then,
his hand wet with oil, he reached between my legs and anointed my
most private place, my feminine cleft. I squirmed against my
bindings, but that only increased the friction of his fingers.
It was neither painful nor pleasurable, in itself, but it angered
me that he could do that, touch me so intimately, and I was
helpless to resist. I could only bear it.
"Bet," he said, "you have seen what I have just done?"
"Yes, master. You have done that to me."
"There is plenty of oil. I want you to continue to rub her
there, until I tell you to stop. Do not allow your fingers to
enter her, but you may oil the inner sides of her cleft, if you
find it convenient. You may begin."
The girl slave slipped her little hand between my spread
legs and began to stroke me, adding oil from time to time, until
it was dripping on the floor. The baron reclined on the bed,
directly in front of me, propped up with pillows, and he watched,
a subtle smile on his face.
At first, to be treated such, by a slave, in front of the
baron, was merely disgusting. I closed my eyes and tried to put
my mind elsewhere, imagining I was in the chapel, at home, in my
father's castle. However, just as blow upon blow upon blow at
the same point of the body increases the pain of each subsequent
stroke, so the continuous rubbing of my cleft became more and
more distressing. I seemed to get more and more sensitive to
touch, and Bet continued to press my slippery lower lips and push
them to and fro. I could no longer keep my mind detached, could
think only of what was happening to me, the sensations which
seemed to fill my lower body. Bet switched hands and continued,
and I struggled at my restraints, tormented by her touch. I felt
flushed with warmth, and my breathing became deeper, as I
struggled to resist this new and subtle torture.
"Stop," said the baron. He got up off the bed and said to
me, "Slave Serad, you will discover that I can find torments ever
more difficult for your willfulness to withstand. I will leave
you here, for a while, to contemplate your condition. If you
want to change your status here, you have only to surrender to
He took Bet with him, and left me, spread at the foot of the
bed. To my surprise, I realized that I wanted Bet to touch me
more, or, even better, the baron. It was very puzzling.
Later, the baron returned and released me. He gave me some
bread to eat, but I refused it, silently. I had not eaten since
the day before, and I was hungry, but I was willful. By not
eating, I could defy him. He told Bet to teach me to spin. Of
course, I knew how; I am accomplished in all the household arts,
though I grew up with servants to do the work. However, to defy
the baron, I refused to spin.
In the evening, Bet left to eat with the other slaves, and
later, she brought me food, which I refused to eat. Left alone
in the room, I paced the floor, naked and barefoot, praying for
the strength to resist surrender. Thus strengthened in my
resolve, I wrapped myself in my blanket and waited.
It was almost dark when the baron returned to his room.
"Serad, Serad, you are so slow to learn." I did not reply. "Why
did you refuse to spin the wool? Any slave, any wife, should
spin. Speak to me." I did not. "Well, tired as I am, I suppose
you must be trained." He took up the whip, and looked at me.
"Speak." I did not.
Again, he bound me, legs spread, to the bed posts. "One...
two..." he counted, as he whipped me. He mostly avoided my
already bruised backside, thrashing my back, my bely, my thighs.
With each stroke, pain flashed through my body, and my mind went
blank, aware only of the way my body responded to torture. The
pain was almost unbearable, but I bore it, until the eleventh
stroke, this time. Then I said, "Master, please do not beat me."
"She speaks," he said and put away the whip.
He got out the oil and rubbed it over my bruised flesh, my
bottom, my belly, my thighs. I discovered my womanly cleft was
growing damp and sensitive, in anticipation of the continuing
torture. Then I felt his hand upon my sensitive parts, and he
tortured me, until I was writhing, straining against my bonds,
angry that he should abuse me thus. His touch -- he knew
exactly where I was most sensitive -- drove me out of control.
My heart raced. My skin flushed. My very insides seemed to
rebel. I took pleasure in my resistance to his torture. I
wanted to prove he could not break my spirit, but the feelings
grew so intense that I could stand them no longer. "Master," I
gasped, "please stop. I am losing my mind. It is agony."
"She speaks," he said, and stopped tormenting me. He
released my wrist bands from the bedposts but left me standing
with my legs spread. I could continue to stand thus, or I could
fall backward and lie upon the floor on my back with my legs
spread, or I could bend forward at the waist and rest my breast
upon the bed. I chose to stand, stoically bearing the memory of
my torture; my body seemed still to ache from the rubbing he had
given me.
The baron undressed and climbed into bed. There was a knock
on the door. "Enter," he called.
Bet came in, bearing a rushlight. "Please, master, have I
not been an obedient slave?"
"Of course you have, Bet."
"Please, master, a favor?"
The outlaw baron smiled and said, "Very well, Bet, come
here." She put the rushlight in a holder and climbed onto the
bed, taking off her shift. The baron held her, cupping one
breast, while his other hand went between her legs, and he
tortured her as he had tortured me, rubbing her cleft with his
fingers, without even the oil to lessen the friction. I watched
in horror, as Bet seemed to withstand more pain than I could. By
the light of the rushlight, I could see her cleft gaping, an
angry red, wet. Her skin flushed, her breasts quivered, as if
she were in agony. She called out, as if in pain, but the baron
did not say, "She speaks," and stop.
He continued, even thrust his finger into her, and she
writhed and struggled, called out, "Ah. Oh. Oh, master!" When he
stopped, it took her some time to recover from the punishment he
had given her. I wondered if he would be so cruel with me.
"Master," said Bet, "thank you, very much. Is there
anything I can do to serve you?"
"Not tonight, Bet." He pushed her off the bed. She put on
her shift and left the room. My master slipped under the covers
and went to sleep. At last, I bent forward, resting my breast
against the soft bed, and slept.
In the morning, the baron released my ankles, and I hurried
to use the privy, having been in some discomfort from first
light. I did not like sleeping while bound like that. Bet
brought bread and cheese and beer for our breakfast, but I drank
only water. I felt weak from hunger, but I had learned to master
my needs, and I refused the food, to show that my will was
Manservants brought a strange thing into the room. It was a
stand, with a bucket about the height of my head. There were two
other buckets, one empty, one full of water. The baron put an
empty bucket on the floor and poured the water from the full
bucket into the raised bucket. The water flowed into the bottom
bucket. Then he put the empty bucket where the full one was and
poured the water from the full bucket into the raised bucket.
"Serad," he said. "Slaves must work. If you will not do
women's work, you can do this. Otherwise, never leaving this
room, you will get flabby. I know it is useless work. It's only
reason is that it is work, and you must be trained. Now, repeat
what I did. I will keep count. When you have done it one
hundred times, I will let you rest a while. If you stop, or if
you spill any, I will whip you." He sat on a chair, with the
whip on his lap, and he watched and counted.
By the time I had lifted and poured a hundred heavy buckets,
I was very tired, and my arms and shoulders and back were sore.
The baron said I might rest. "Are your arms tired?" I nodded.
"All right, run back and forth from wall to wall," he said,
gesturing with the whip. I ran until I dropped, exhausted, and
lay on the floor, panting, my body slick with sweat. He came and
stood over me, whip in hand, but he did not strike me. He left
the room.
I drank water and rested, feeling light-headed. Bet brought
food, a bowl of soup, and I ate it. I was so hungry, and the
baron wasn't there to see me eat it. Later, I wondered at my
lack of will power. "Bet," I said softly, breaking my silence as
well as my fast, "why did your master punish you last night?"
"The way he rubbed you."
"Because I asked him to, as a favor to me."
"Why did you ask him to do that?"
"Serad! I did it because I enjoy his doing that."
"You enjoy his torturing you? Why?"
"Serad, my master is a baron, a great warrior, yet he delays
his sleeping to give me pleasure. It makes me feel important,
even loved, to have such a man rub me."
"But he hurt you. You writhed in agony, cried out in pain."
"No, Serad, I enjoyed it. It feels good. Don't you enjoy
it when he oils you? He is trying to please you, to make up for
the beating."
"I...I...I don't know," I said.
That evening, the baron ate in his room, and gave his
leavings to me, and I ate them. He offered me wine, rather than
water, and I drank a lot. "Speak," he said. I did not. Again,
I was tied with my arms and legs spread. Again, he whipped my
behind and belly until, I confess, when a knotted lash struck my
sensitive cleft, I screamed and begged him to stop. I discovered
that my womanly cleft, stinging from the lash, was already damp
and sensitive, waiting for the oil. He did not disappoint me. I
felt him rubbing the oil into my bruised buttocks, a mixture of
pain and pleasure. And then he began to oil my cleft, there
between my legs. I gritted my teeth and tried not to think of it
as a punishment, but as his favor to me; I assumed he was trying
to please me, as Bet believed. That strange feeling came, that
sensitivity which was almost painful, so that my body quivered,
but I would not beg him to stop.
Suddenly, almost like a religious conversion, I realized it
did feel good. I felt, with exquisite sensitivity, each movement
of his fingers, and my viscera responded to his touch. The
thrilling sensations became almost more than I could comprehend,
but I kept quiet and was rewarded with ecstasy, a sense of
heavenly bliss such as I had never known.
Since I did not ask him to stop, and perhaps he did not
realize the effect he was having, the baron continued the
"torture," and I experienced such waves of passion that, when he
did stop, I hung limp from my bindings, exhausted and serene.
When Bet appeared, to ask her master for another favor, she
found me in her place, in bed, beside her master. She was
leaving, when the baron called, "Bet, come here."
His slave approached the bed. "You wanted something,
"Master, I see you are busy. You don't need me."
"Serad is half asleep, and I am not. Here, slip into bed
beside me."
Baron Thorn rubbed his slave until she writhed and cried
with ecstasy. Then he bade her sit on his legs, facing him, and
she took him into her with great enthusiasm, squealing with
delight as she bobbed up and down, until he, too, was transported
from ordinary reality and experienced that religious joy which
comes from physical intimacy.
All this I witnessed, not an arm's length away, and while I
refused to speak of it, it made a deep impression on me. It
seemed that all my training as a princess, and my indoctrination
in religion, and particularly teachings about men and women, were
somehow in error, incomplete. I had been told that Christian
happiness comes from chastity. However, since a princess is
expected to marry, I was told that I must forego happiness, to
the extent that my husband required me to bear his children. Any
contact between man and woman which is not dedicated to the
production of children is sinful, hence painful. Certainly, the
baron's touching of my female cleft, or Bet's, with no intention
of conceiving a child, was mortally sinful.
Sin equals pain. How was it that I, a virginal Christian,
found enjoyment in sin? How was it that the baron's kindness to
Bet, which she so appreciated, was sinful? All this confused me.
Somehow, perhaps even as I slept, I came to believe that, in
God's plan for the world, pain is offset with pleasure, and
pleasure with pain. One cannot have one without the other,
ultimately, and to seek one is to seek the other.
The next day, I was worked to exhaustion, but I relished my
aches and soreness, lifting two hundred buckets and running until
I dropped, even after my baron had left the room. Panting on the
floor, I felt a transcendent joy. When my baron fed me, I ate as
three. He sent Bet to fetch more food from the kitchens. I
drank six flagons of wine.
There came that time in the evening when the baron commanded
me to speak.
"Master," I said, "what would you have me say?"
He seemed surprised. "Say what is on your mind. Say what
you desire."
"Master," I said, "please beat me."
From that night until now, I have known happiness. There is
joy in obeying my master, in dedicating myself to him, perhaps
something akin to the joy of a monk, in giving himself to serving
God. He has trained me, trained my body, so that, at the first
flick of the lash, I respond with exquisite sensitivity. My
womanly parts quiver as the pain radiates through my body, it is
like dying and going to heaven. Can you understand that? No,
you can't.
My father, my king, please, make peace with Baron Thorn.
Gart, Baron Thorn, is my husband, my master, and I am Serad,
Baroness Thorn. If you war against him, you war against me.
You do not believe. You look in vain for the golden ring on
my finger. Can you not see my wedding band? It is here, around
my throat, and it is iron.
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The memories of my night with Ben burned longer than the aches he’d left in my body. He’d fucked me like no man ever had, pushing my limits until I completely succumbed to his will. Days later, the afterglow still warmed me to my core.I took time to think through all that had happened. I dwelt on things he’d done, and others at which he'd only hinted. Images and sensations of a raw and feral act tickled my mind until my lurid desire flickered into a growing need. Long after my body recovered, I...
AnalThe room was dark and the lingering scent of a recently extinguished candle hung in the air. Soft music could be heard playing under the hum of the ceiling fan. The window had been left cracked open to let in the cool evening breeze. In the center of the room was an enormous bed and Alexis lay sleeping upon it – a mask covering her eyes. Covered only partially with a dark gray sheet, her blue cami and matching panties could be seen along her left side. This tranquil scene was interrupted by...
BDSMSurrender to BBCYou catch my attention from across the empty locker room. I am sitting on the bench, tying my shoes you emerge from the shower room. My eyes drift over your dark brown muscular body, glistening under the lights. I feel a stirring inside my belly as I realize that I am staring at you. I try to break my gaze but my eyes are now fixed on your fabulous black cock and balls.Like the rest of you, your cock is quite an eyeful. It is clear, even from a short distance, that you aren’t...
He walked slowly out of the bathroom, leaving the belt sitting where She had left it. His mind was spinning as he contemplated the options before him; a life under the control of this admittedly stunning Woman or walking away free but knowing he'd never see Her again. "How bad could it be?" he wondered, looking at the belt, just visible through the bathroom door. His mind was full of flashbacks to the night before, undoubtedly the most fulfilling sexual experience he'd ever had. He recalled the...
Alex's Blissful SurrenderAlex turned to the North in the shower as she began to shave her pussy. It was Master's instruction that she should always face his direction when she removed the fine blonde hairs from her sex. Facing North was a very good thing. It meant she was away on her quarterly business trip, and Master was only forty-five miles away. She showered, and then dried off in the steamy bathroom. A thrill went through her as she stepped into the white lace thong, which she was only...
Angelina’s Seduction and Brad’s Naked Surrender (Prologue) The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one electric candle burning in the kitchen window. (Part One) Seductive Arrest Angelina Garrison was a woman on a mission...
It had been a while since I saw Peter and more importantly since we’d fucked each other. So when he invited me over my mind started racing. By the time I got to his door my heart was racing and I had a massive hard one I could barely contain. He let me and sat me down with me at his coffee table. ‘So how are ya’ – I was not sure what he meant was he going to pretend we hadn’t fucked each other? ‘Ok’ I muttered. ‘So ladt time was pretty cool’ he said ‘yep’ was the reply. He suddenly put a...
Dressed in that yellow attire she looked as the goddess of love or better if she is called an Apsara. “Apsara”, yes that word suits her most as she was wearing the same dress and was also having the same role today. A light yellow netted brassiere wrapping her 42 sized breasts. The back strap of her brassiere was strained, finding hard to hold those big fleshy melons and of course they were also desperate to be free today. Its tube shaped shoulder-straps were digging in the soft flesh of her...
Surrender by Griezz (M/f, cons) The anticipation was building within her as she moved through the brush,the coarse branches of dead trees scrapping at her bare skin. She still didnot know why he wanted her to walk naked through the woods. All she knew wasthat she had been in the middle of studying when he showed up at her apartmentand motioned for her to come with him. They had driven down the highway to the State Park; it was still early enoughin the season that they passed few people on the...
On Your Knees - Surrender“On your knees.”The command in your voice is unmistakable, as is the firm downward pressure of your hand on my shoulder. A shudder runs through my body as I slowly sink to my knees before you.I’m just need sex. I’m tired of screwing inside. someone please pound my tight wet pussy in my backyard?? I just need some dirty, hot, steamy fucking. I like To Share More Video/Picture With You : These topics are interesting for me Keep in Touch to me... http://sweetsex.clubIf you...
This man of body and flesh consumes all of me. He burns in my mind a lasting impression of who he is, of what he is and what he seeks out of me. As I sense him around me. My mind feels excited yet calm. The sent of candles and insenes illuminate the room. Filling me with the enessance and eroticism of the moment. My eyes blinded and my hands bound I am at his mercy. I feel him move about me. Not knowing what his will, will do to me. I feel his presence in front of me. I hear my breathing pick...
The Surrender1?You can forget about safe, sane, and yes, consensual too,? I said.How did I get here? It is not a long story. Soon after our marriage, Richard and I began to experiment with bondage and S&M. I always got a thrill from being bound, defenseless, but S&M, or rather the masochism part was another story. By the fourth stroke of the cane on my butt I would be screaming my safeword ?Bananas? The fucking I would get afterwards was always hot, but all the time I would be cursing at myself...
Sara’s Ultimate Surrender Sara fidgeted nervously in her seat as she had been doing for the last few hours. Her mind was whirling with the events of the last month, as well as the possibilities which lie ahead. She eyed the restroom for the thousandth time since boarding the plane. Making her way down the aisle on shaky legs, she longed for the sanctuary of the restroom, certain that every eye on board was on her, knowing her destination, her purpose for this trip—her secret. With a heavy...
“So ... how do we do this?” Walker asked, the gigantic Queen watching him with her blue eyes. She reached one of her lower arms down between her massive thighs, using one of her long fingers to open her loins, of a similar size and configuration to those of the other castes that he had encountered during his tour of the hive. Despite her impressive stature, her reproductive organs were not scaled up appropriately, no doubt so that the five-foot-tall males could still mate with her. It was odd...
That conversation had revealed several things to him that surprised, no, shocked him. It came as no surprise that Autumn wanted to spend more time alone with him, but it sounded like she had more than just friendship in mind. He could deal with that; despite the fact that she was a pretty girl, he had the willpower to resist her charms, especially now that he was forewarned. He also had a confirmation that the two girls were more than just friends as well. He wasn't sure how that affected...
As agreed, I show up to his place somewhere in Manhattan's Upper East Side. It was a nice clean apartment with simple yet lavish furnishing. Before meeting him, I go to the bathroom to remove any articles of clothing, as agreed. We've already spoken about our many fetishes online and after a few weeks, I finally got the nerve to meet him and play it out. Neither of us planned on definitely having sex on our first date, but like he said, "if it happens it happens, just so long as we're both...
FetishI cannot remember what drove me to it. Cruising bars for sex had become a habit. Success can do that to you, but even steady success make you yearn for something different. I looked at her from across the bar and acknowledged her stare. She definitely looked hot and hungry, with eyes that seemed to size me up as a meal. I was about to approach her, when, surprisingly, she got up and approached me. We chatted for a while and downed a few drinks. The last one went to my head, so I turned down her...
She MalesI don't understand why your husband would have wanted this for you. Well, maybe I do, because I'm the one who first mentioned it to him. But I don't understand why he gave you to me in the first place. Not really. When I saw your pictures on-line, I knew that you were special. Yes, you're beautiful...but you're also intelligent, you're sophisticated, you're elegant. Why you and your husband posted pictures, is another thing I don't understand, but I'm glad you did. And I'm glad he (or...
"If Abby dies while in police custody, if he gets to her, I will personally blame you!" I said and jabbed Chief Richards with the barrel of the gun. "You think her stepfather can make you suffer. You don't have any idea of what it means to suffer. If she is so much as touched while I'm occupied with the cops, I won't kill you. Not immediately anyway. I will kill every member of your family starting with your grandparents, then your parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and finally I'll work...
It's been whispered that everyone is afraid of something. Brave heroes, brandishing shields of courage still tremble under their polished armour if the threat fits their one secret fear. If you had asked me what could possibly frighten the foxy and ferocious Jozette Juhnka I would have confidently answered that she was the one creature I knew to be immune from this unspoken rule. But I would have been wrong, wouldn't I?Not a whimper. Not a sigh. But a sort of muffled exclamation mark leapt...
We are in my bedroom. You are undressing, watching me as I prepare some old ties to use as restraints. You are both turned on and a little scared. You want to be restrained; you've fantasized about it. Still, the thought of surrendering yourself to someone, of letting someone have full and complete access to your body makes you uneasy. Your concern, however, has been defeated by the knowledge that this will be an experience you will not soon forget; that you are going to experience orgasms...
HardcoreI fucked Nikki every chance that I could. She was ready and willing to take cock at any given moment. I took full advantage of her married pussy.I was using another man's spouse as my own, committing adultery. I was having a full-blown and open affair with a married woman. I took her in, with full knowledge of her corrupted past. Nikki was a cock craving whore, and I wanted to see what I could get from her for myself. I wanted to see how far Nikki would take her perversions. I wondered...
CheatingHumiliation is something that different people experience for different reasons. But in my opinion, the ultimate humiliation is when someone is forced to the realization that something which they find distasteful, and even repulsive, is actually something that brings them more pleasure than you could possibly imagine… and there is nothing you can do about it.Kim and I met by chance, but the connection was immediate. Our first date was great. Dinner and wine, then some live jazz and more...
Alice's POVI learn online that a 'hood ornament' is the bow seat person in a canoe. The term is sometimes pejorative, especially when the that's a woman and the stern seat person is a man, because some women don't "pull their weight" when they've got a big strong man behind them. I vow to not be a slacker. I learn that the person in back does the majority of the steering because the taper of the stern makes it easier to steer from the back. I watch some short videos and it doesn't look very...
Straight SexClaire had been hoping that the turmoil in her mind would settle down now that it was over with, but instead she felt conflicted as ever. She tried to put it out of her head anyway, but she knew that sooner or later he would be hungry again and she would have to do something about it. Plus, she still didn't have any facts on his normal "feeding" behavior beyond the poorly detailed testimony of a traumatized college girl. What she needed was direct observation. She didn't want to demean...
It was a beautiful drive, the trees full in bloom, looming over the winding roadway, like hovering blankets on a cold winter’s day. The beaming sunlight danced through the leaves, flickering onto the black asphalt in front of them. Cynthia was in a trance, soft melodic music caressing her ears, as her eyes took in the majesty of all that nature had to offer. Mike had barely said a word since they left the city, navigating the roadways and admiring the sights as well. Although his glances...
When Emma wakes Friday morning, though she hates to acknowledge it, she still has a small bit of underlying anger about Donald secretly taping her in such intimate moments. But then part of her had been rather aroused watching them, and in time she knows she will like to watch them with Donald, but that will be down the road.She smiles to herself, thinking what she is planning for Donald today. It is going to take him to the very edge of submission to her. She does now know Donald rather well...
Love StoriesSleep came naturally to her that night. She’d curled up in bed reading a book and wearing her favourite Disney night shirt with a matching pair of white bra and panties. Yet as she turned the pages, her yawning was becoming more and more persistent. She kept looking at the glass of water next to her and wondered if it had been laced. Shaking that thought from her head she tried to concentrate on the page, but the words started to look jumbled up and blurry. Feeling disappointed she put the book...
I am lead back to the bedroom in which I had slept the night. Carmen sits down on the bed next to me. “Rachel, you have been wonderful so far. You have endured all the punishment and the humiliation to which we have subjected you. Today is the last day WE will be punishing you.” “What do you mean, WE!” “Well after this shoplifting escapade of yours who knows if your husband will not decide you need further punishment?” “How will he know about all this?” Rachel smirks, “Jerry, my husband, went...
Group Sex“On your knees.”The command in your voice is unmistakable, as is the firm downward pressure of your hand on my shoulder. A shudder runs through my body as I slowly sink to my knees before you.I look up to see you towering over me, gazing down at me. I recognize the smile on your face. It is the smile of one who knows that his word alone is enough to put me on my knees. My eyes fix on yours. I hear the sounds of buckles, cloth, and zippers in motion. When the sounds finally cease my eyes drift...
I was seething with fury and if I looked a bit closer arousal. He was glorious, dangerous, and the energy between us magnetic. I wanted to slap him and kiss him at the same time and it was measure of some self control that I did neither the first time we met a few days ago. I had never met another human being who could arouse me on so many levels. Fuck it pissed me off and scared me more than a little bit. Worse because he currently had all the power and authority over me, and frankly I...
Hi there. I’m Charan from Chennai. Recently something erotic happened that I still can’t believe happened. I’m still shocked and my ass still hurts. I’ll get to that in a second!. Enjoy the story. I am an average looking boy of medium height and athletic body. This incident happened when I was going to college. I and my friend were waiting for the bus. We waited for a long time but still, there was no sign of the bus. “Shall we take an auto?” my friend suggested. I agreed so we went to the auto...
Gay MaleShe knew she shouldn't be here. There was someone waiting on her athome that loved her and she loved in return. She wondered why his lovewasn't enough. Why she couldn't be happy with the tender way he loved her.Why she yearned for a Master's touch. They were happy, or at least hethought. How could he understand the cravings she felt to be d****d over aman's knee, to feel the warm fire of heat that a spanking gave her. Or howbeing suspended and flogged made her feel more desire than she...
Matt opened his eyes and squinted against the early morning sun peeking through the blinds, his full bladder making him slightly uncomfortable, but the presence of Sam's hand on his hip making it impossible for him to rise without arousing the man spooning him. He knew that as soon as Sam stirred that his womanly duties for the day would begin; those duties starting with making sure Sam's morning wood was not a hindrance to him throughout the day. Instead, Matt repositioned his head to...
She never thought that her day would end up like it did, but do any of us know what will happen to us? She drove to the bank to make her deposit, waiting in line behind the two men in front of her as she double-checked her deposit slip, her mind trying to decide what she would do after this. Other than the bank employees, her and the two men were the only ones there and she daydreamed as she waited her turn, there seemed to be some problem with the man's check and she cursed the bank for only...
Cathy Dupree had been single for some time, and the sexual rush she got that day, was more than welcome. The night before, she’d lain atop her bed, facing the mirror and watched herself masturbate with the large vibrator which had so long been her best friend, her orgasm magnificent as her imagination took her through a fantasy which saw her with the upper hand over masculinity, leading to a willingly subservient male servicing her orally. Duly sated, then sleeping soundly, she awoke to find...
Princess Ava – Echur, The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch “Daddy!” I whimpered as my father buried his face into my snatch. His tongue licked through my folds. His pale-blue eyes stared up at me, the normal glacier melting into passion. “Oh, Daddy, yes!” His hands rubbed up and down my bare thighs, my nightgown shoved up past my waist. His whiskered cheeks rubbed on my clit. I let him feast, let him indulge in his incestuous desires for me as his tongue dove through my...
Claire had been hoping that the turmoil in her mind would settle down now that it was over with, but instead she felt conflicted as ever. She tried to put it out of her head anyway, but she knew that sooner or later he would be hungry again and she would have to do something about it. Plus, she still didn't have any facts on his normal "feeding" behavior beyond the poorly detailed testimony of a traumatized college girl. What she needed was direct observation. She didn't want to demean...
City lights provided weak illumination to a living room lit by the dancing flick of yellow-red gas flames in the fireplace - all other lights turned off. Furniture was shadowed, the bookcases dark. It was ten past midnight. On the stereo the latest Above & Beyond album, Acoustic, played softly, beautiful music washing over me bringing melancholic emotions. Songs of lost love made my heart ache. It was almost sad yet beautiful, emotional, impactful. I swirled single malt Scotch in a...
We were silent as we took the elevator up. A few times I felt his eyes scanning my body, but mine were focused on the doors. I was resolute; my fate was sealed. That’s what I kept telling myself, anyway. Finally we reached his floor and he let me exit first. I could feel his eyes on my body even more acutely now, and though it made me slightly nervous, each zing of the electric energy between us became hotter. He unlocked the door to his apartment and we walked in. “Sorry,” he murmured,...
"Billy, would you like a tall glass of ice-cold lemonade?" Jean gasped, leaning against the front door of our home. The bicycle ride back up the hill from "the flat lands" in mid day was markedly harder and hotter than the downhill ride that cool, early morning. Each, unwilling to be second best in our sibling rivalry, had pushed and pushed on the way home. We'd arrived totally winded and drenched. "Jean, babes (that was a secret term of endearment we had for each other), that sounds...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place as the Rohirrim ride to Gondor. Éowyn has defied King Théoden’s orders twice: first by disguising herself as a man named Dernhelm in order to join the ride, and second by inviting Meriadoc to come with her. Only Marshal Elfhelm is aware of both Dernhelm’s true identity and the order to leave Merry behind. Holbytla is the Rohirric word for Hobbit.] 12 March 3019 (Third Age), Anórien Éowyn pressed her forehead against the frigid rock...
Linda waved Tallulah Sorensen and Charlie Olmos good-bye, as she got into her Jeep and started the engine. Tallulah and Charlie had been seeing each other for two months now and the same old story was happening again: boy meets girl, who happens to be Linda's friend; boy has the hots for Linda, and girl doesn't have a clue about it. Charlie came on to her during lunch break. When his girlfriend wasn't looking, with the most matter-of-fact tone of voice he could muster up, Charlie...
"Look at you!" Stepmother said, dragging her over to a full-length mirror. Cindy gasped. Her skirt and blouse were back in place, though the blouse was too tight up top. The new bra cupped her breasts firmly, drawing them upward and together, displaying them to the whole world. She ran her fingers through her hair, which had been brushed, and her usual mousy brown curls shown with a luster she had never seen before. "It's time to go now, dear. Your new father and Pablo are waiting...
Both Donald and Emma know there is so much they need to discuss, but there are still a few more steps to Donald’s submission which need to be completed before they can go to such a place. Unsaid, it is understood between them.Saturday morning, waking, Emma leads him to the shower, and they wash each other. Her cleaning him as her pet to be ready for her, him catering to his mistress to make her spotless. As Emma washes Donald, her hands rub his stomach, and she leans to his ear and tells...
Love StoriesMy name is Dr. Erica Beaumar and I would like to share a life changing experience from two years ago. First, a little background. Currently, I am a thirty-seven-year-old family physician living and practicing in Claremont, CA. I am now divorced and a mother of three. I have what one would call a light-hearted, open personality, though I take my responsibilities very seriously and work very hard. From the time I was a young girl I have been considered to be very pretty, aided in adulthood by...
Alice’s POV I learn online that a ‘hood ornament’ is the bow seat person in a canoe. The term is sometimes pejorative, especially when the that’s a woman and the stern seat person is a man, because some women don’t ‘pull their weight’ when they’ve got a big strong man behind them. I vow to not be a slacker. I learn that the person in back does the majority of the steering because the taper of the stern makes it easier to steer from the back. I watch some short videos and it doesn’t look very...
This is not fiction. The names of the people involved, including mine, have been changed for obvious reasons. But believe me, it is all true, though it happened a long time ago, when I was just a kid. Although I am a rich businessman now, I come from a very poor family. I was the only child of my parents. My father owned a tea-shop in a suburban area of tamilnadu. We lived in a small house behind the tea-shop. My parents worked hard to make both ends meet. Since they were fairly educated people...
IncestAfter sometime my husband returned. Therese and Hannah had gone to bed. The twins had put a choker around Anne’s neck and were manacling her legs in chains before taking her down from the wall. They handed the leash connected to the choker to my husband. He pulled hard on it forcing Anne to grab the choker around her neck to stop herself from being choked.He stood over her. “Now listen slut. This can go two ways. You can accept that your daughters are going to be used for our sexual pleasure....
Hi Friends It is nice to receive lot of mail from the people who liked my story. After a good encouragement, I am writing my another sex experience with my Husbands Uncle. I am living a very happy marriage life with my hubby, as my desire for sex is lot and would like to have fun with my seduction as said in my last story in the bus. At home, I am very simple lady do not talk too much with my in laws & others. As the family background of my Hubby is very conservative My hubby gives me great...
IncestIt was Saturday night in the resort town where I lived and worked. I had just started my shift and already couldn’t wait for it to end. Lisa would be at my bungle when I got home in the morning, I hadn’t seen her since Monday morning when she returned to her home 40 miles away. Lisa and I were in that exploratory stage of our relationship — that stage where everything is brand new and exciting. I couldn’t wait to see what was in store for me when I arrived home. Lisa liked to play dress-up. She...