Queen Of JariloChapter 16: Surrender free porn video

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“So ... how do we do this?” Walker asked, the gigantic Queen watching him with her blue eyes. She reached one of her lower arms down between her massive thighs, using one of her long fingers to open her loins, of a similar size and configuration to those of the other castes that he had encountered during his tour of the hive. Despite her impressive stature, her reproductive organs were not scaled up appropriately, no doubt so that the five-foot-tall males could still mate with her. It was odd to see such a comparably small organ attached to such a large creature, and he watched as the three, finger-like appendages that encircled her opening flexed and writhed in anticipation.

she said, her four long arms outstretched in invitation. The rest of the Drones and Workers looked on, a hundred eyes fixated on Walker as he took a few tentative steps forward. Were they really just going to do it right here in the middle of the Queen’s chamber, with everyone watching? Perhaps it was his human hangups talking, but he felt oddly embarrassed.

Come on Walker, man up. You might be able to end the war and save everyone on Jarilo with just a few thrusts.

Once he was in range, she reached down with her lower arms and gently closed her hands around his torso, lifting him off the floor. He was like a doll in her grasp. She was at least twice as tall as the average human, and her body was immense, her ornate headdress alone must have weighed as much as a man. She deposited him on the fleshy egg sack upon which she sat, it was soft and squishy, with the texture of foam. It had looked slimy from a distance, but it was actually dry, and he could feel the muscles shifting beneath him as he looked up at her.

Her torso was as tall as he was. If he were to stand up, his head would scarcely have reached her chest. She supported him with her lower arms, his legs splayed across the rounded surface of her egg sack, and she looked down at him expectantly.

“Oh, right...”

He unzipped his pants, unable to remove them in this position, exposing his member. It seemed tiny in comparison to her, but he had to keep in mind that she was made for mating with the winged Drones, who were only a head shorter than he was. Talk about performance anxiety ... he was having a hard time getting it up due to the bizarre situation that he had found himself in. When he had first joined the UNN, he had known that he would be making sacrifices for the cause, but he had never expected to end up in this predicament.

The fate of the planet depended on his ability to get an erection.

The Queen released a pulse of pleasant pheromones, perhaps conscious of his difficulties, and Walker found himself swooning as the scents washed over him like a tide. Suddenly he was in a field of flowers, the scents of roses, lilies, and daffodils wafting on a summer breeze. There was fresh cut grass and the smell of baking asphalt on the air, he could almost feel the sun on his face.

He came to, staring up at her as she blinked at him. She wasn’t psychic, couldn’t have known what her pheromones were making him smell and taste, but her intent had been to calm him. As with all of the other scents in the hive, his brain could only translate the information that was fed to it by his new organ, and this information had drudged up memories of relaxation and peace. How long had it been since he had last visited a botanical garden? How long since he had felt the warm rays of Sol on his face?

He had been quite fond of horticulture in his day, a natural extension of his interest in biology. He had almost forgotten that aspect of his own personality, lost to the years of war and turmoil, as if his brain was replacing old memories like a computer overwriting old files.

Walker had spent so many years fighting in mud, in lifeless deserts, on barren ice plains where no plant could ever take root. Jarilo was the only place that resembled Earth, the only planet that he had visited during his many tours of duty where there might one day grow roses and lilies. If humans were ever to live here, if civilization was ever to take root on Jarilo, then it would have to be alongside these aliens.

“I’m ready.”

Her hands roamed across his body, even larger than those of Kaz, examining his clothing. She had seen what it was through her many eyes and she used her pointed fingertips to gently pry open his jacket to expose his chest. She ran them across his skin, cocking her enormous head, no less curious than the Workers or the Repletes had been.

“You can call me Walker,” he muttered. If he was going to sleep with someone, they might as well be on first name terms.

“It’s my name.”

“No, it identifies me as an individual.”

The Betelgeusians had no need of names it seemed, or rather each member of the hive had its own subtly different scent that distinguished it from its fellows.

Walker was no stranger to large women. Borealans were eight feet tall, and they weighed half a ton, but the Queen was even larger than that. It almost didn’t seem physically possible to mate with her. Then again it made sense. Not only were the Queens of social insect species like termites and bees far larger than their male counterparts, but females could be dramatically larger than males in many other insect species too. In fact, when you considered all of the different animal species on Earth, it was the mammals who were unusual in their sexual dimorphism. Reptiles, birds, fish, and insects all favored the female over the male in terms of size and strength.

He was a little nervous, the Queen could have torn his arms and legs off like a child pulling the legs off a spider if she had been so inclined, but her touch was surprisingly gentle. Everything about her was hard and tough, from her armored carapace to her sharp fingers, and yet her demeanor was soft and considerate.

He shivered as he felt her long fingers run down his spine, pressing into his skin to trace his vertebrae as she roamed down towards the small of his back. Her hand was so large that her thumb and heel could rest on his chest as her fingers explored his back.

“My spine,” he clarified, surprised by her apparent electroception. Bees could sense electromagnetic fields, and so it was not unheard of in insects. Still, she must be sensitive indeed if she could feel the faint electrical discharges produced by his nervous system.

“It’s kind of like a carapace, but on the inside. It protects my more delicate organs and nerves, and it serves to anchor my muscles, amongst other things.”

She seemed to be enjoying the texture of his skin, following the lines of his musculature with her fingers, her hard exoskeleton rich with sensitive nerve endings. She combed them through his hair, tickling his scalp as she examined him, her slow massage helping him to relax.

Walker was just as curious about her body, but he couldn’t reach much of it. She towered above him, almost two storeys tall if she had been standing, more like some kind of monument than a living thing. Her parted thighs were the size of park benches, her waist so thick around that his arms would not have met on the other side if he were to wrap them around her.

He reached out and ran his hand across her belly, at least what he could reach, the top of his head barely skirted her chest plate. She had the interlocking armor that was common to the other castes, giving her a bumpy texture despite her carapace’s smoothness.

The Queen began to release more of her pheromones, powerful and insidious, creeping into his brain like probing fingers. There was no need to resist her now, the deal had already been made. Besides, it might ease things along. He allowed the scents to wash over him, pink and radiant, a deeply sexual musk lingering in his nose. He could taste her in the back of his throat, sweet and comely, akin to the honey that the Repletes produced.

The pheromones had been powerful when he had been actively resisting them, but now they were overwhelming, tugging at his senses and playing with his memories as if someone had opened up his skull and was crossing wires as they pleased. It was euphoric, almost like being drunk but with none of the associated dulling of the senses.

He felt himself becoming hard almost immediately as the sordid scenes from his past ran through his head like an obscene slideshow. Fragments of barely remembered encounters seemed to flash before his eyes, felt as much as they were remembered. Humans were rarely aware of the fact, as weak as their natural sense of smell was, but scent was powerfully linked to memories and the emotions that were associated with them. The olfactory bulb, the part of the brain that processes smell, ran through the amygdala and the hippocampus. The two areas of the human brain that were associated with emotions and memories. While the senses of sight, sound and touch were far more developed and prominent, the areas of the brain that dealt with processing those experiences did not pass through this region. The phenomenon was very prominent in sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder especially, where certain scents could trigger vivid flashbacks that bordered on waking nightmares.

In Walker’s case, he was treated to rich and detailed recollections, as if he was reliving the moments from his past. The effect had been strong with the other castes, but the Queen’s pheromones were a cut above the rest, powerful and commanding by their very nature. It was like he was being given a double dosage, his body squirming in her grasp as the sensations washed over him.

He felt the silken skin of an old lover beneath his fingers, truly felt it, as if she was really there with him. He could feel the smoothness of her body, his hand tracing the subtle curve of her hip, made slick by her sweat. They were in a dingy room, it stank of cigarettes and fucking, but there was also the prominent smell of her lavender perfume. He remembered how she would spray it about her shoulders, Walker burying his face in the nape of her neck as he bit and kissed, her body writhing beneath his as she pushed up to meet his thrusts. He had been a young man back then, energetic and aggressive, naive. While their love had not lasted, the memories of it still lingered. He could almost taste the salt of her sudor on his tongue.

He was jolted back to the present as he felt the Queen’s hand on his lower back, pulling him closer to her as her alien loins spread in invitation, the three prehensile fingers parting to grant him access. He felt as if he was in two places at once, two times, his visions so vivid as to challenge reality itself.

In one moment he was in the hive on Jarilo, his member pulsing as it neared the Queen’s dripping opening. In the next he was back in a hotel room on some barely remembered space station half a Galaxy away, taking advantage of a day or two of shore leave to enjoy a local woman, some waitress who he had met that same afternoon. She was young and nubile, gyrating atop him as he sank his fingers into the soft flesh of her ass, her auburn hair cascading over his face as she leaned down to kiss him. He could smell the soap that she used, her flowery shampoo, he could taste the copper flavor of her passionate embrace as her tongue slid into his mouth.

It was like a dream, almost alarming in its intensity. Walker was not accustomed to being unanchored like this, not in control of his faculties. In a way, it was oddly liberating.

He forced himself into the present, reaching out to run his hands across the Queen’s armored thighs, the tactile sensation grounding him amidst the flood of memories. He was at full mast now, harder than he could ever remember being. He was beside himself, his chest heaving and his heart pounding against his ribs, red-faced and wanting. The Queen had no velvet skin to caress, her body was hard and hostile rather than soft and yielding, yet the memories that she conjured had him longing for her touch.

He found himself pressing his cheek against her abdomen, his fingers resting on the hard shell as they traced the softer, pink meat between the plates. She felt alive, her body responding to his touch, warmer and more receptive than he had imagined her to be. He pressed his lips against her belly, not really knowing what he was doing, but caught up in the storm of desire and emotion that was roiling in his head.

Did Bugs have any concept of affection? The Repletes seemed to show affection when they nursed, perhaps the Queen too could feel affection for her offspring, an extended family that he was soon to become a part of.

Was this really what he wanted? What was he giving up by agreeing to the bizarre terms of her surrender? He was not qualified to make this decision, that was up to generals and admirals who would surely second guess any promises that he made, and yet they were not here. Only Walker was here, only he could make this decision, a decision that could affect the lives of every human on the planet and all those who might call Jarilo home in the centuries to come.

No matter what he was giving up, no matter how his life changed after today, it was worth the price. The lives of his comrades back at the base, the life of Kaz and the Marine that he had fought beside on the wall, the lives of all the personnel who were deployed on Jarilo ... it was within his power to save them.

He felt the Queen’s prehensile loins grip the tip of his member, a jolt of pleasure coursing up his spine to make him shiver. Her hands were all over him, gripping him in a gentle prison of rigid fingers, her fleshy egg sack shifting beneath him as she edged him closer.

Her appendages slid down his shaft, hard carapace protecting the outside, but flesh like luxuriant silk lining the inside. It was soft and wet with her juices, its texture reminding him of a tongue or the inside of a cheek. She pulled back his foreskin with surprising dexterity and care, as if she had paid careful attention to his anatomy, exposing his tender glans to the warmth that she radiated. The resolution on those cameras must have been quite impressive...

The head of his erection pressed against the moist opening of her tunnel, shockingly narrow considering her immensity. It was no larger than those of the Workers or the Pilot who had ravished him the night before. He sensed a fresh flood of pheromones from his royal partner, communicating arousal, pleasure. She smelled so much like a woman, as if the very essence of all that was feminine and alluring had been condensed into a perfume and bottled. It tugged at his most base instincts, his member surging with blood and throbbing against her womanhood, Walker practically salivating as he slid his hand across her torso.

It was frustrating in a way. His senses insisted that he should feel wet skin, taut muscle twisting and flexing beneath a layer of delicate fat. His impulse was to push his face into his lover’s hair, taste her, sink his fingers into the doughy meat of her breasts.

Instead, there was only the Queen’s immovable bulk, encased in armor that was as hard as plastic. There was a little give to it, and it was pleasantly smooth to the touch, but it was no substitute for the tender body of an eager woman.

She hooked her thumbs beneath his jacket, opening it up and sliding it off him to expose his torso, her eyes staring intently as she ran her hands across his body. She was so tactile, her four hands were roaming everywhere, Walker twisting and gasping as they glided across his skin. If she could sense the electrical currents in his nervous system, what else could she sense? She could smell his every emotion as his pheromones leaked from his pores, she could watch his nerves light up with pleasure like she was flipping switches, perhaps she could see his body heat or sense his blood as it rushed through his veins as well. He was completely naked, not in the sense that she was removing his clothing, but in the fact that he couldn’t hide anything from her. Every twitch, every rush of excitement and arousal that coursed through him, she could read him like an open book.

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Queen Yavara Epilogue

PRINCESS PRESTIRA TIADOA Being a Highland princess was a lonely ordeal. Though my mother was a “free spirit” and encouraged me to make friends outside of the castle, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. A princess had her place, and it was not with the commoners on the street. That was why my only friend was my cousin, Adrianna Straltaira. Adri’s mom was a really busy woman, being the ambassador to Alkandra, so Adri spent most of her time living with her grandma, Great-Aunt Lydia, just a few...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 47

Interlude Yavara sat upon a black throne. She closed her eyes and savored the discordant symphony of wails and moans, the drone punctuated by the clanking of chains and the cracking of whips. Exhaling contentedly, she opened her eyes. Below her laid a spectacle of depravity, churning masses of flesh oscillating to some unheard cadence, their glistening forms bathed in the crimson torchlight. The prisoners’ eyes were wide with horror, as what was being done to them was horrible, but comingled...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 22

LEVERIA The previous night had been a sleepless one. I’d sat in my office, drinking wine and contemplating the mirror before me. Its twin was hanging over Elena Straltaira. She was awake, staring up at herself, a thin rectangle of moonlight shining on her face. Though her jaw was swollen, her eyes were bloodshot, and her face was filmed with dried sweat and smeared blood, she shown like an angel to me in her lunar aura. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” She asked herself. I’d been asking...

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Towards a Surrender

Towards a Surrender By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the first of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. It is thematically similar others that I have submitted but has a larger narrative arc. I hope you enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Towards a...

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FTL II First ContactChapter 6 Surrender

"They say they surrender, unconditionally," Leah said. Jim looked around, utterly confused by this. No one he looked at had anything to add. If anything, they were even more confused than he was. "Maybe they just want to make sure we understand it was not them that fired on us," Jason wondered. Jim said, "There is that, however they did not use any weapon but their torpedoes. I think we may have scared them when we used the disrupter." Annette was still slightly dazed because of the...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 44

PRIVATE HESIA OF THE HIGHLAND ARMY “…I’m telling you, you’re safe if you don’t put the helmet on.” Alex said to me. We were stationed in the Crescent, a part of the Rift that bowed inward. It was the safest part of Sector Two, as the inward bow would funnel enemies into a crossfire. After being part of Droughtius’s fifth division and getting absolutely smashed at the Battle of the Tundra, it was nice to just man a wall. There’d only been one assault of the Crescent during the entire...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 27

TITUS The sinking sun cast the sky in crimson, illuminating the thick fog of the marshlands in ethereal red, the helms of the Highland army barely glinting through the haze. I watched it through the silk fabric of my mask, the rest of my body submerged in a murky pool. Topographically, this part of the Highlands was not part of the ‘high lands,’ for it was flat marsh without so much as a tree stump to raise the elevation. The border was drawn after the collapse of Alkandra to ensure that no...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 23

Chapter Twenty-Three LEVERIA “…do you see that?” A nasally voice cut through the darkness. The darkness had been pure bliss, a blanket of nothing to drape over my mind, gently dulling the cruel light of life. The voice was an interloper, a screeching rooster at dawn’s window, rousing me unbiddenly from the deepest of slumbers. “What is that?” Another voice asked. Oh, it was a sweet sound, a songbird’s melody to announce the gentle rise of the sun, its warm rays filtering through my...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 24

IVANKA Tiffany and I watched from the mouth of the Broken Pass as the sun sank into the horizon, casting violet rays into the sky that faded to purple, then blue, then black. I waited until the last light faded, then I stripped my robes, and felt the cool wind caress my naked flesh. I took a deep breath of the night air, and my blood surged with a primal thrill. I pulled Tiffany into a heated kiss, tasting the avarice on her tongue, the suffusion of sexual desire and blood hunger, the need to...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen ELENA “Spin around, Opal, show Sherok your new tat.” I said to my favorite slave as the tattooist finished his work. “Master’s Little Anal Slut, that’s classy Elena.” Sherok laughed as Opal shimmied her hips, the fresh ink contrasting her pale backside. “Well, Opal’s such a classy little girl, aren’t you?” I grinned, filling my hand with her supple ass. Opal’s tail curled upward in arousal, exposing her holes. “Not now, Opal.” I said, running a finger down her taint,...

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Queen prerna

She is surely one of the most beautiful and sexy women on the earth even in her early 40's being an ex fashion model she still has a body to makes most hearts skip a beat and after getting married to a very wealthy business man she has settled down as a house wife or rather a trophy wife living a extravagant life full of all the comforts and luxuries one could ask for and most only can dream of a big luxurious mansion , luxury cars, number of servants and maids to do all the work, chores and...

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QueenChapter 15

The vampire queen hugged the naked body closely as her victim, a pretty Asian teenager, experienced a final massive orgasm, cried out and lay still in her arms. At last, satisfied she had drained every drop, the vampire released her grip and the body slumped to the floor like a discarded rag. The movie theatre restroom was dark, quiet and otherwise empty or so the queen thought. As she closed her robe, the queen felt another presence. She smiled, not even bothering to turn around. "Hello,...

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QueenChapter 13

The opulent mansion was located several miles from the city on a rather remote wooded estate. Above ground it looked little different from that of any wealthy abode, an abundance of living, dining and recreation areas on the main floor with bedrooms galore on the second. It was the underground area however which set it apart. Ostensibly a wine cellar, there was the expected rack after rack of the finest from vineyards around the world. However a secret panel revealed a cavernous expanse more...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 58

CERTIOK The city was in chaos. People ran to and froe, shouting and screaming. No longer did the wide boulevards of Alkandra feel like a beast utopia, but like the walls of a cage. Windows were frantically boarded, men and women sprinted toward the castle in various stages of undress, watchmen handed out spears and swords without a care for who grabbed them. Everyone was a soldier now, and no one was. “Go to you posts!” I yelled, and began thrusting my finger toward the docks, “Remember...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 53

LEVERIA “Wake up, sleepy-head,” a musical voice giggled. I opened my crusted-over eyes to see the blurry image of a bronze figure standing over me. This hybrid was fully-female, and her flesh was tattooed with calligraphy and chains that wrapped her like inked bondage. The parts of her that were clothed, were clothed in leather straps that squeezed her large breasts, crossed her tummy, encircled her thighs, and ended in garters that became fishnet stockings. She wore a feathered butterfly...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 50

Chapter Fifty ZANDER “Make way for the queen!” the crier yelled. One goblin rang a bell, another blared a farting trumpet, a third struck a snare with a military cadence, and the crowd roared with laughter. “Make way for the queen!” The crier yelled again. The trifecta of successive noises sounded, and the laughter and jeers answered once more. “Make way, make way, make way!” the crier yelled atop the float, zealous and gleeful with his role. He was dressed in the traditional garb of a...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 38

BROCK “Loose!” I roared, and a hundred siege engines released at once, sending great boulders into the air. Those that were launched from the trebuchets tumbled as they arced, those that were launched from the catapults flew unspinning upon a line-drive path. The trebuchet boulders rained into Mid Fort, and the catapult boulders smashed into its walls, caving in the final few lengths of its eastern-facing side, revealing the inner sanctum, the citadel, and the high tower. Debris blasted in...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 34

ADRIANNA I immediately locked down my thoughts, shutting Yavara out from even the most banal of my musings. She pouted her lips. “I was only trying to see what you were dreaming about.” Though I was groggy with alcohol, I could smell the wine fresh on her breath. She’d already been drinking, and it wasn’t even eight in the morning. “How did you get in here?!” I snapped, my breath tight in my chest. “Last I checked, this is my castle.” Yavara tittered. “And if you must know, I used the...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 39

BROCK “…I don’t know what is custom for Highlanders, or royalty, but in the tribes—in the Terdini anyway—well, the Protaki as well, and those of the Northern Pines… goddamn it.” I growled to myself, took a deep breath, and tried again. “My queen, Yavara. I know that I am unworthy… no, confidence, Brock. Yavara—too informal? Confidence. Yavara…” I assessed the area around me, then brushed some of the dirt away from the floor of my tent, and got to one knee. “Yavara, I don’t know what is...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 55

Chapter Fifty-Five LEVERIA I awoke to an explosion. Metal screeched, then banged, and I was suddenly hurled from my bed, and smashed into a wall. My head smacked against the stones, my teeth clicked, and whatever sleepiness remained left in my brain was shot out with a concussive thud. My blurred vision made out a pair of orange eyes, each of them bulging and trembling with wrath. “Good morning, Yavara.” I groaned. “What did you do?!” She snarled. I blinked, trying to focus my vision....

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Queen Yavara Chapter 45

Chapter Forty-Five ADRIANNA It had taken Furia and I a lot less time to get back to Alkandra. We didn’t bother going through the mines since Arbor had already caught us, so it took just two days in our swift vampire forms before we saw the candle-lit skyline of Alkandra between the trees. We transformed back to our elven forms, donned our stately robes, and rubbed the wrinkles out of them. I peered out from the tree line, and looked both ways. The agrarian fields were empty, the last...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 37

BROCK “Please!” The elf scout screamed. “I don’t understand why you’re complaining,” I said as I loaded him into the trebuchet, “I’m returning you to your army.” “Hold on to this tightly, Imperial, and don’t release it too soon.” Trenok grunted, tying the parachute straps to the terrified man’s wrists. “It won’t work!” He cried. I knelt to his level, and put a compassionate hand on his shoulder. “Progress is made by silencing doubters, little imperial. All great scientists of our...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 35

Adrianna’s Story synopsis Adrianna employs her skills as a commander to rule over the wild population of tribespeople and Ardeni immigrants. She earns their respect through a brutal show of force, and in turn, proves to the other hybrids that she is capable of being governess, even if she reluctant to do so. There are seven other hybrids that Yavara changed. The women turned hermaphrodites are: Eva Alecia, Furia Agustinia, Alexa Jenania, and Kiera Lestria; the men turned women are: Faltia...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 40

Chapter Forty BROCK “…put your arms forward like this,” I instructed the little imperial scout, “then, when you’re at the precipice, you want to open them like this,” I motioned my arms outward, “and you’ll just glide over the top. Did you get that?” “W-w-w-what?!” I rolled my eyes. “Practice it with me, little imperial. Ball.” I crouched and hugged my knees, “Arrow.” I shot up with my hands together overhead, “Eagle.” I finished, spreading makeshift wings. “Ball, arrow, eagle. Ball,...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 21

ELENA The drip of water, the howl of wind. The cold on my naked body. One breath, then another. That was what Adarian taught me so long ago. The room was lit by a barred window. It cast a dim ray onto my body, centering my exposed belly with a square of light. I was strapped to a wooden board in my cell, my limbs stretched in a spread-eagle, open and helpless. The binds were unescapable, I knew, for I’d placed many beasts in them myself. Only for them, the worst interrogation practice had...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 62

YAVARA I struggled to sit upright in my throne as the priest before me droned on and on about the Holy Mother bestowing me with my right to rule. The seats before me were filled with hundreds of minor nobles and rich merchants, for there were no representatives of the Noble Court to witness me anymore. Perhaps it had become much less dangerous to be queen of the Highlands, but it also had become much less prestigious. To make up for the lack of nobility, I decided to conduct the ceremony in...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 46

YAVARA It was two in the morning when Zander shook me awake. “What?” I groaned. “King Dreus is calling you.” “You think he’ll break this time?” I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and sat up. “I think he’s ready.” I sighed. “Make me look pretty, Zander.” He cast a spell, and my disheveled appearance righted itself, makeup was applied to my face, and my eyes were cleared of redness. I threw on yesterday’s clothes, walked over to the mirror, and palmed the glass. “Yes, You Highness?”...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 11

LEVERIA I walked to the dungeons, my footsteps echoing into the still night. The guard nodded to me and opened the iron door. He guided me by torchlight through the catacombs, the wails and shrieks of captured beasts echoing through the halls. I followed with one hand on his shoulder, carefully watching my footsteps as I navigated the uneven stairs. A familiar voice reached my ears. Mother’s sobs rang through the dark halls, each new lamentation punctuated by a whimper. Her cell was lit with...

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Queen of Spades tattoo

Sometimes a simple gag can backfire. What seemed funny at the time turned out to be very serious.Annie and I had been interstate at a wedding. After the reception and feeling full of play, six couples went off into town in search of some more drinks and whatever else came along. More drink we certainly had and we found ourselves wandering the club scene marveling at the nightlife.We stumbled into a tattoo parlor because one of our friends wanted to get his wife Bec a tattoo of a dolphin on her...

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